#joe mazzello one-shot
myficreccs · 1 year
Bo Rhap Boys (and some of their other characters) fic rec masterlist
Updated 9 October 2023
Bo Rhap Boys
BohRap Boys as Elementary Teachers! by @likesomekindofcheese
Ben Hardy 
And they were roommates by @fallingprincess
Save You by @fallingprincess
One shots
bookends by @almightygwil
Falling by @demo-wise
Glitter Blood by @fallingprincess
guessing games by @angrylizardjacket
Just Say You Won’t Let Go by @backstage-journal 
Movie Night by @pxroxide-prinxcesss
Nicotine Buzz by @redspecialty
Pain and other magical kinks by @fallingprincess
the proposal by @seven-seas-of-taylor
temporary fix by @seven-seas-of-taylor
Timing by @fallingprincess
[Unnamed request] by @illfoandillfie
Gwilym Lee
One shots
A Nice Surprise with Gwilym by @deacyblues
carolina by @almightyellie
classy girls by @almightyellie
from the shadows by @deacyblues
i lived by @almightyellie
like the movies by @brianmays-hair
meet on the ledge by @archaicmusings
patience by @almightyellie
p.s. i love you by @almightyellie
Joe Mazzello
Agape by @joemazzmatazz
One shots
born losers by @archaicmusings
Date Night by @just-my-sickly-pride
Drowning by @joe-mazzello
Home. by @halfofwhatisayismeaningless
i’ll be in the front row by @angrylizardjacket
just give me a call by @mazzell-ro
Like a River Runs by @joemazzmatazz
linger a little longer by @rhapsodyrecs
love calls you by your name by @archaicmusings
Meant to go this way by @fallingprincess
Niece To Meet You by @moodysunflowergirl
Party For One by @joemazzmatazz
Request 1 by @assembledherethevolunteers
stars, cake, and kisses by @mazzell-ro
Stood Up, Make Love by @illfoandillfie
You Make Me Feel Like Dancin’ by @deacyblues
[700 follower celebration blurb] by @joemazzmatazz
Pat Murray
One shots
Collisions and Confessions by @assembledherethevolunteers
Love With Its Back Turned by @gardnerlangway
Napkin Numbers by @quinoaisrethinkinglife
Tim Murphy
One shots
Absolutely Smitten by @officially-multi-fandom
neighbor by @patmvrray
John Deacon
One shots
a dying art by @ineloqueent
A Permanent Deal by @adrenaline-roulette
crayons & caresses by @brianmays-hair
don’t go by @patmvrray
my wife by @ineloqueent
The Fire and the Flames by @deacyblues
Being a bassist and dating John Deacon by @stardust-killer-queen
Roger Taylor
You’re a Legend, Freddie by @rogertayloriskindacool
One shots
Dining at The Ritz we’ll meet at 9 by @adrenaline-roulette 
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Can I request a fluffy Joe Mazzello x fem. reader long oneshot where it’s Christmas and Joe and reader are still asleep in their bed and their toddler daughter comes in their room and jumps on the bed to wake them up to tell them Santa has brought her presents and when their daughter comes over to Joe, he’s pretending he’s still asleep and when she gets close enough to him, he jumps up and starts tickling her and reader just gushes over how adorable he is with their daughter and they go to the living room and enjoy their Christmas as a family? Also, their daughter looks just like Joe?
I don't accept requests for long shots, but I can write a blurb!
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You weren't dreaming of sugarplums dancing in your head. No, you were dreaming about flying to Austria and landing on one of the snowy mountains there when you felt a little tug.
You blinked awake, still processing you were on the ground in your house and you saw the little face of your daughter looking up at you.
"Mommy, mommy!" she whispered excitedly.
You leaned over and saw that it was 7 in the morning.
"Wha...what is it?" you asked groggily.
"It's Christmas! It's Christmas! And there's presents! Santa came! Santa came here!" she cheered.
"Oh...yes...he did!" you agree with a sleepy smile.
She went over to the other side to Joe. He was laying on his stomach, his red hair a mess on top of the pillow.
"Daddy...Daddy wake up! It's Christmas! Santa got me presents!" she cheered.
There was a cartoonishly loud snore. You knew Joe did not snore like that when genuinely asleep but your daughter didn't. She giggled in response.
Looking closer, you realized how much she did look like Joe. She had his face shape, his eyes, his nose, and his mouth. Though her skin and hair looked like yours, her father's influence was just as present if you looked very carefully.
"Daddyyyyyyyyyyy, wake up! Wake up!" she said.
She leaned closer, took one grubby finger, and began to poke him.
In a second, Joe turned over with an "HRUAGGH!"
He grabbed the little girl who let out a delighted squeal and began to tickle her profusely in his embrace. She began laughing and laughing so hard, that even Joe was laughing. Even you.
"Dad-dyyyy, stop!" she asked, taking in exhales between laughing.
"What's that? Spot?! Like tickle spot?! I'll get it!" he cried, tickling her more.
She was kicking her legs in delight. Then finally, he stopped and all of you finished laughing, catching your breaths. She was so cute- so spunky in spite of her smallness. Her face is alight with the joy of both Christmas morning and her family. You never saw a child cuter than her and it made your heart melt.
"C'mon, nugget," you say to your girl, leaning her in for a hug and a kiss on her head.
"Can we open the presents?!?" she asked.
"Of course! Let's see what Santa got you!" Joe said.
With a cheer, she ran into the living room. As you both got out of bed and put robes over your pajamas from the chill, you kissed his cheek.
"Merry Christmas, Joe."
"Merry Christmas, Y/N."
You walked over there and made coffee, taking sips as the sun was rising. There were presents under the tree with still that fresh, papery scent of wrapping paper on them and the stockings were so full, they had to be taken off the mantle. Joe's, as a tribute, a little dinosaur on it. The tree was alight and the fireplace was started with a crackling fire. Your daughter was wiggling with excitement, ready to open gifts and see the things she wanted so much.
Everything could not be more perfect.
Taglist: @borhapgirlforlife19 @queenlover05
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Oscars After Party
Author’s Note: The idea for this just popped in my head the other day and I knew I had to do it cause I haven’t seen anyone else do it. I’d also like to thank @waymorecake4me for helping me edit. She’s been a real lifesaver. Anyway, I should have the third part of Living a Little out at the end of this week and I will be starting a new series and should post the first part tomorrow or the next day. I’m also taking requests for one-shots. So, please send in requests.
Joe Mazzello x Reader
Summary: Going to her first Oscars, Y/n expected many things but none of them were running into a certain actor that had her heart fluttering. But a trip to the nearest 7-Eleven after the show would be her win for the night.
Word Count: 2.7k
Warnings: Language
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Women in extravagant gowns and men in sharp black tuxedos passed in a blur as Y/n tried to navigate the red carpet. She had never attended the Oscars before, the thought had never crossed her mind until a movie that she had starred in was nominated for an award. It took her by surprise when she found out. She had only ever done small movies, ones that people had generally never heard of, and those never were nominated for anything. But her most recent movie wasn’t one that people passed up when looking for something to watch. It had caught the public’s attention and thrown the young women into the spotlight.
And that was terrifying.
Due to that movie, she had gotten more offers for parts then she ever had in her life. It had become harder for her to go out without people noticing her and her social media accounts had gained more followers to the point where she was feeling the pressure of her fame. Don’t get me wrong, she loved it. Well… parts of it. It was something that she had dreamed of since going into acting, but she didn’t realize how overwhelming it all could be. And she was all alone as none of her friends or family members knew that kind of feeling.
That feeling is what left her standing in the corner of a big open area where other actors and celebrities were mingling as they waited for the show to start. Y/n looked around desperately for her co-stars, but they couldn’t be found. There were just too many people in the way for her to spot them. Everyone seemed to blend in as it was anyway.
“You’re Y/n Y/l/n, right?”
She jumped when the question hit her ears. She was so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn’t noticed someone come to stand next to her. Turning to where the question came from, her eyes landed on a man in a black tux with swept over brown hair and a warm smile.
“I’m sorry if I scared you,” he apologized.
Y/n waved it off. “Oh, no. It’s not your fault. I was just caught up in my thoughts,” she gave him a nervous smile. Of all the people that could have approached her, why did it have to be some that she found attractive? Why? “What was your question?”
He laughed, making her heart flutter. She had a feeling that she was going to screw up her first time at the Oscars if she talked to him much longer. There was just something about him that sprouted butterflies in the pit of her stomach. “I was wondering if you were Y/n Y/l/n and if you’re not then you’ll have no trouble stealing her identity.”
She let out a laugh, fiddling with her clutch. She thought her nerves were going to be at bay until the show started, but she was wrong. “Well, everyone knows me as Y/n Y/l/n, but that doesn’t mean I’m really her.”
“Well, it’s nice to meet you Y/n, if that’s even your real name,” he joked, extending his hand for her to take. She grasped his hand, feeling his soft, cool skin against hers that were burning up and all clammy. “I’m Joe Mazzello, but most people just call me Joe.”
“It’s nice to meet you, too.” Out of the corner of her eye, Y/n was still looking for her co-stars. Being alone at the Oscars was one thing. She could deal with that. She could manage. But being alone with an attractive member of the opposite sex was completely different. Y/n wasn’t the most confident or most outgoing. She wasn’t that person that could just walk up to strangers and start conversations by herself. Maybe if she had a friend with her, someone she was comfortable with, then she would have no problem getting out of her comfort zone. But she didn’t have that.
And when it came to men, she was a wreck. She always got flustered and nervous when she was alone with anyone that she found attractive. She knew it had to do with the fact that all the attention was then trained on her and she hated it. She was an actress, the attention was supposed to be trained on her. She was supposed to be used to it, but she wasn’t.
Joe let out a sigh, glancing down at his wristwatch. “I’m waiting for my friends, they should already be here, but-” He gestured to the open area in front of him. “- clearly they aren’t.”
She nodded, knowing the feeling. “Yeah, mine too. At this point, I think they’re avoiding me.”
He shook his head in disagreement. “Now, why would they want to avoid someone as beautiful as you?”
Her skin burned at his question as a light smile danced on her lips. She had to keep her cool. She had to. It was nothing but meaningless flirting. The two would probably never see each other again. “Because they’re assholes,” she told him as she caught sight of one of them who gave her a smile and thumbs up from across the room. They were probably avoiding her for the sheer reason that she was talking with Joe.
He laughed at her answer, “My friends are too and I’m still forced to sit next to them.”
“Same here.”
Before their conversation could go much further, two men walked towards them. One was tall and lean with light brown hair, wearing a black suit much like Joe’s and the other was around Joe’s height with a head of blonde hair, wearing a white suit that seemed to be out of place amongst the sea of black ones. Joe turned to them with a big smile when he noticed them approach. “Where have you guys been?”
The tall one shook his head, “We were waiting for you at our table with Rami and Lucy.”
Joe’s eyes lite up at the realization. “You guys have been here the whole time?”
“Afraid so, mate,” the blonde man confirmed.
Y/n bite her lip as everyone just stood there, unsure what to do. And it didn’t help matters that she could feel their eyes on her every now and then. They were quick glances, ones that would generally go unnoticed, but she noticed them.
Fiddling with the clasp on her clutch, Y/n smiled up at the men. “Well, I should get going. I’d hate to keep everyone waiting.” She pointed to a group of her co-stars that had gathered on the other side of the room to watch their conversations. If they were waiting for them to exchange numbers, they could continue waiting. It wasn’t going to happen. She turned to Joe. “It was really nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, it was nice to meet you too,” he called to her as she started walking towards her friends. He would be lying if he didn’t say he was taken by her. He was generally a man of many words, always talking up a storm, but not around her. He wasn’t even sure what to say while they were talking. He wasn’t given much time to start up a real conversation, anyway. But there was just something that drew him to her. He couldn’t quite pin down what it was, but he hoped that wasn’t the last time they crossed paths that night.
The Uber came to a stop in front of the nearest 7-Eleven. Y/n opened her door, thanking the driver before shutting it and walking up to the store. She was probably overdressed for the corner store, but she didn’t care. She’d seen people wear much worse, so it would probably be a nice change for the cashier.
The award show had been fun. She spent time with her co-stars who had pretty much become her family. It had come to the point where some of their parents were alright with all of them calling them ‘mom’ or ‘dad’. Sitting with them and their dates was nice. It brought her comfort and dropped her stress a few levels. Of course, it was brought back up when they mentioned the man that they had seen her talking to. He had apparently been in a big movie, so big that it was nominated for quite a lot of awards. The first thing that any of them asked her was if he gave her his number and the answer to that question was no. Why would he? If he was such a big actor, he could have anyone. So, why settle for an actress that had only ever attended the Oscars once?
He could do so much better than her.
And she probably was the last thing on his mind. He, just like almost everyone else that attended the show, was probably already at the after party, having the time of his life. Parties, award shows, things like that just weren’t Y/n’s thing. Her co-stars had tried to get her to stay and attend but she was done for the night. The awards themselves were already too much for her. She still needed a little time to adjust to her new found fame.
Y/n opened the door to the convenience store, the knot, where she tied her long dress up to keep it from dragging, hit against her leg as she walked around. She wasn’t sure what she was looking for, pretty much just anything that she would crave while watching something on Netflix back at the hotel. She walked down the aisle that housed the chips and candies, stopping where all the Lays chips were stored. Holding her clutch, she tapped the fabric with her other hand as she bite her lip in thought.
All the flavors looked good.
She wasn’t given any time to decide when two men opened the front doors, laughing their heads off. She tried to pay no attention to them, picking a flavor was more important than random strangers. But she was pulled from her train of thought when they came waltzing down her aisle.
“Why are we even here?” one of the men asked with a British accent. The voice sounded oddly familiar, but she tried not to look at them as she picked up a bag of salt and vinegar chips.
“Because after parties are lame, Ben. We’ve been over this,” the other man answered.
Y/n was just about to walk to where the drinks were being kept when the voice met her ears. She knew now why the first one had sounded familiar. She turned back to see Joe and the blonde man from earlier looking at the different packs of Oreos that the store had. “Shit.”
She wasn’t quite sure why them being there was a bad thing, but her brain told her it was. It was probably because her friends had made her self-conscious about the fact that he was a big-time star and she wasn’t. She wouldn’t even consider herself a star. But that wasn’t really their fault, they had meant well. They just wanted to see her happy and they knew how lonely she was sometimes. If anything, she ruined the idea of Joe for herself.
If her heels, that were starting to rub her feet the wrong way, had been quieter, Joe and his friend wouldn’t have turned around. They would have kept their eyes fixed on the cookies in front of them and not noticed as she grabbed a tea and walked to the register. But that wasn’t the case.
The noise of her heels rang through the store, causing their heads to turn in her direction.
“Y/n?” Joe questioned, she didn’t even have to turn around to know that he was walking towards her, his shoes were just as bad as her own.
She slowly turned around, nodding. “Yeah.”
“Why aren’t you at the after party?” he asked, a concerned look taking over his features.
She shrugged. She was clearly not there for the same reason he wasn’t. “Not sure what fun that would be. Besides, I can’t eat these-” She held up the bag of chips in her hand. “-if I’m at one of those parties.”
Joe laughed, running his fingers through his already ruined hair. “I guess not.” Someone behind them cleared their throat, causing Joe to turn around, a big smile appearing on his face when he realized it was his friend. “Were you feeling left out?” he joked, earning a stern look from the man. “Oh, Y/n-” He turned back to her. “-this is my friend, Ben.”
“Hi,” she gave him a small wave, trying not to drop her chips. Ben gave her a smile in return.
“Ben, this is Y/n.”
From the look that Ben was giving Joe, she could tell that it wasn’t the first time that her name had been brought up. Maybe she was wrong after all. Maybe a star like him would want to be with a tiny one like her.
“So, why aren’t either of you at the after party?” she questioned, walking over to the fridge that held all the teas.
“That’s a good question,” Ben glared at Joe who was following behind her. He looked like a lovesick puppy. The poor man.
Joe waved the comment off. “After parties are lame.” He opened on of the fridges to grab a coke. “And anyway, we will probably have much more fun on our own. Right, Ben?”
His friend just grumbled, clearly not completely up to the idea of skipping the after party. Who could blame him?
Y/n nodded, trying to balance her clutch and tea in one hand. That’s one reason that she decided not to go. She knew wouldn’t have much fun being around loads of people that she didn’t know and didn’t care to know. She would have more fun on her own, watching so random movie on Netflix.  “That’s one reason I’m here instead of there, too. And the fact that I’m not a very social person…”
She turned to the register, trying to keep her nerves together as Joe followed close behind. That man had brought about feelings that she hadn’t felt since middle school and she wasn’t happy that she had to suffer through them on her own. She wasn’t sure she could. Placing the items down on the counter, she gave the cashier a nervous smile as she fumbled with her clutch. Her nails weren’t even that long, yet she was struggling to unclasp the buttons.
“Let me help you with that,” Joe’s fingers brushed against hers as he took the clutch from her, opening it with ease. He handed it back, getting a small thank you in return. “And I think you’re pretty social,” he stated.
Y/n scoffed at his words. “Joe-” She turned to face him. “-we have barely even had, what I would call, a conversation. It has been more small talk than anything. So, I don’t think you know how social I am.”
She wasn’t trying to be harsh, but she felt that’s how her words escaped her lips as she watched Joe’s smile fade a little. It was true, though. They barely knew each other. Sure, she wanted to get to know him better but she wasn’t the type to ask or give numbers. That was never something she was confident enough to do. But not even a second had past when his big smile returned. “Well, maybe I want to find out how social you can be.”
Y/n grabbed her bagged items, taking the receipt from the cashier and raised her brow. She had a feeling she knew where it was leading. “It that so?”
He hummed in conformation. “Yep, I would love to find out how social you are and maybe help you be more so.” He clasped his hands behind his back as he walked with her to the door.
“Well, maybe I’ll take you up on that offer,” she laughed, resting her elbows on the door rail. She wasn’t sure what was getting into her, maybe he was already making her more social.
“Really?” He looked about as happy as a child on Christmas morning.
She nodded with a smile, her confidence growing. “I’ll hit you up sometime. How does that sound?” she asked, pushing the door open.
“Th-that would be great! I’ll be waiting,” he smiled as she turned from the door.
“Bye Joe,” she waved, clutch in hand, as her Uber approached.
He waved, watching her open the car door. “Bye.”
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littlebratao3 · 3 years
blinding lights - j.m.
cw: dom/sub dynamics, daddy kink, bondage, makeshift gags, rough sex, spanking, use of safeword, petnames, mentions of aftercare
word count: 2.8k
details: got three random prompts (in a car, gags, and dry humping/clothed sex) from a prompt list that i can no longer find bc i started this fic like, years ago so. yeah. this is what resulted :)
please let me know what you think, comments are always appreciated <3
The look on Joe’s face is priceless as your giggle sounds, “You like?” He shakes his head in disbelief as he comes up to take your hand and twirl you around, giving you more than a few once-overs.
“Understatement. You look stunning, love, absolutely stunning.” His smile is genuine, the look in his eyes is soft, and his touch on your waist is so tender that you almost forget to breathe. 
Red carpets and award shows weren’t your favorite thing, but this-dressing up and receiving nothing but praise from Joe about how good you looked made it all more than bearable. 
In front of the cameras, his arm is an anchor snug against your waist, smile confident and sure. 
And it was always even more fun after-coming home, stripping each other of suits and dresses and ties and fucking til the early hours of the morning. 
“Trust me, Joey. This,” you gesture towards your floor length dress, “is nothing compared to what I’m wearing underneath it.” 
Time slows down just a little as his eyes widen and darken simultaneously, his grip on your hips less tender and quickly turning desirous. 
Your hands grab at his wrists as you feel him begin to bunch your dress up. “Nope, sorry babe. You don’t get to see it until our own after party after the after party.” 
A growl sounds deep in his chest and his kiss is all teeth and tongue as he all but yanks your body closer into his. It takes every ounce of strength in you to pull away, the both of you breathless. 
He watches you like prey while you fix your dress, and smooth out his dress shirt, straightening his tie before smiling shakily-ignoring the extremely loud telltale signs of your arousal. 
“Let’s go, yeah? We don’t want to be late.”
The night drags on slowly and quickly at the same time, and with every semi quiet moment when Joe’s eyes meet yours-your pussy clenches needily and Joe’s cock twitches in his pants. 
Your panties dampen significantly each time you catch the look in his eye, and it only gets stronger as the night goes on and the inevitable draws closer and closer. His smile may be easy going to onlookers, but his eyes give way to every sinful thing he’s imagining. 
You smile, laugh, engage in conversation, and a little bit of drinking but the anticipation of how the night will end is slowly eating at you. Your mind flashes back to the initial look on Joe’s face when he first saw you, then the largely detectable shift in his eyes at your mentioning of what lies underneath. 
Imagining the dark and insatiable looks he’ll give you once it’s revealed is enough for you to push up and away from the table-a little more forcefully than you intended, drawing more than a few eyes over to you. 
“Sorry,” your smile is tight, unconvincing, “I’m just going to run to the ladies room. Nature calls!” 
You rush to the bathroom which is across the expansive room that’s currently filled with a-listers and celebrities laughing and drinking and celebrating. 
Slinking through them is easy, and as soon as your hand can reach the door to the bathroom, you’re pushing it open and letting it close behind you. Your back rests against the wall as you release a long and heavy sigh. 
The dulled noise of the party is more than comforting and the tension in your shoulders loosens slowly. 
You never realize how much being around crowds like that suffocates you until you get a moment to yourself. Shutting yourself into a stall, you carefully pull up your skirt, the thigh high sheer stockings covering your legs that connect to a garter belt, surrounding a brand new pair of cheeky black lace panties-the small seat of it currently damp with your arousal. 
While holding up the lengthy part of your dress in one hand, your other reaches for some tissue, snatching more than a few sheets off the roll. One stiletto heel balances on the marble floor, the other perched up on the toilet seat. 
A few quick wipes to your upper inner thighs and they’re no longer slipping as they rub against one another. You can do this, you think, taking a few deep breaths, it's only just what-maybe an hour more and then you get to go home. 
It’s honestly very doubtful that either of you would be able to make it that far. After flushing the toilet and fixing your dress, you exit the stall and clean your hands while you take a little more than a quick glance at yourself in the mirror.
Taking your phone out, you snap a few shameless selfies-deciding that the lighting was too good to go to waste-and then a few turn into several until you’re satisfied. You keep only two-out of ten-and save a silly one to send to Joe. 
As your thumb hovers over the send arrow, a wicked idea pops into your brain. Clicking the ’x’ on the photo you were planning to send to Joe, you reopen the camera app and head back into the stall. 
With your foot propped up on the toilet seat and dress hiked up and resting in your arm again, you angle your phone just right and snap a photo. 
The laugh that leaves you is almost sinister as you admire the picture. It perfectly showcases your open legs adorned with your garter belt and stockings-you don’t need to think twice as you send it to him. 
Once again, you fix yourself before exiting the restroom with renewed energy.
 The amount of time you take to make your way back over to the group is generous, loving the feeling of adrenaline pumping through your blood-strengthened by the loud music playing. 
Before they’re even in your line of sight, you feel a strong hand grip your wrist and you’re yanked back into a familiar body. 
His voice in your ear is deep and his words drip with irritation and lust as he whispers, “What do you think you’re doing?”
His grip has drifted from your wrist to your waist and it stays as you turn around, smiling sweetly, “Just having a little fun, Joey.” 
His stare is enough to make you squirm, palms sweating as that look entered his eyes-the one that told you he wanted to eat you alive. 
“You’re playing a very dangerous game, baby.” You were almost convinced that he could feel your heart pounding in your chest with how close he had you pressed up against him. 
Neither of you are aware of anything happening around you, too busy being wrapped up in each other, eyes blaring and gaze unwavering as you breathe heavily, “What if I want to play?” 
And you’re not entirely sure yourself-too caught up in the moment and in his eyes, his touch, and his lips that bite yours more than they kiss. 
Your desire pools in the pit of your stomach and Joe chases your lips as you pull away. You couldn’t wait anymore and you could tell Joe felt the same with impatience rolling off of him in waves-feeling it in the way he held you and kissed you. He needed to have you now. 
“So… what’re you waiting for? Take me home, Daddy.” 
If you hadn’t been surrounded by hundreds of people and more cameras than you could count, you’re positive he would have attempted to throw you over his shoulder and haul you out of the room. 
Instead he settled for his hand gripping yours strongly as he guides the both of you through the room, dodging groups of people here and there until you reach a hidden exit. 
The cool air of the night bites your skin and things are a little less hazy and a little less suffocated with your arousal-until Joe is suddenly moving you into the backseat of his car and leaning into you after slamming the door shut. 
The haze returns as his lips come back to yours as he groans into your mouth, his tongue rolling against yours with such a fucking tease. 
“Please Joey, I need you.” 
He chuckles darkly, lips meeting yours for another bruising kiss. All he’s done is kiss you and yet you find it hard to breathe as you sit up when he leans back off of you, yanking his tie off his neck with a feral look in his eyes. 
“Oh, you’ll have me, don’t worry about that. You’ve done enough teasing tonight, kitten.” He shoves a hand between your legs, cupping your heat in his hand. 
It’s Daddy’s turn. 
“Fucking drenched,” he mutters and your legs spread open wider as a silent plea for more, but he chuckles as he removes his hand and slaps your clothed pussy, his smile breathtakingly sinister as you yelp. 
“Flip over and put your hands behind your back. Now.”
His tone leaves no room for argument so you turn around, your dress twisting with you and your cheek squishing against the seat as you put your hands behind your back. 
A whine leaves you as you feel him slip his tie around your wrists, double wrapping and tying them together. His fingers trace your stocking covered calf as he rucks your dress up, letting it pool over your hips.
Daddy’s baby is looking so fucking beautiful. 
Snapping the strap of your garter belt against your skin, a gasp tears sharply from you as he rips your panties open, leaving the material halfway hanging off of you. “Joe!” you whined. 
“Quiet, I’ll buy you another fucking pair.” 
You simmered silently in your anger while he admired your rear end. Prettiest little ass, he had muttered before decorating the skin, his hand landing across your cheeks three times in quick succession. 
An unpermitted squeal had left you at the unexpected pain that came and went, and it didn’t go unnoticed. 
“Didn’t I say to be quiet, kitten?” He growled lowly, his voice coming closer to your ear, making you whimper. 
“I’m sorry Joey, I’ll be quiet. I promise.” 
“Oh, I know you will.”
His next words have you tensing slightly, “Open your mouth.” You know better than to question him so, opening your mouth-albeit hesitantly-a whiny gasp is muffled when he stuffs part of your dress into your mouth. 
His smile is dark as he looks at you approvingly. “There we go, that should help you out with that problem.” 
His hands are anything but gentle as they grab at your ass, squeezing the flesh while he asks, “What do you say?” 
You blink wetly at him from the corner of your eye as you try to speak around the material in your mouth-knowing exactly what he was expecting-, “Thank you, Daddy.” 
You can tell he’s pleased with your response even though he continues doling more spanks out on your ass. Your skin jumps with every resounding crack of his open palm against you, and the simmering pain adds to your arousal.
“Look so good, kitten. Good enough to eat.” You whimper at his words and push back desperately, trying to meet his tongue that was nowhere near your cunt, and cry out when he tuts disapprovingly, “Nope, none of that. You’ve done all the teasing tonight. Have you forgotten it's Daddy’s turn now?” 
You cry out into your dress when you feel the thick head of his cock sliding up and down your cunt, being coated generously in your arousal. You moan and tears leak from your eyes as your dress soaks up the please that falls from your lips. You can feel his cock throbbing against your clit, hot and hard as he moans prettily. 
“What, you want something? You want my cock? Then fucking beg for it.” His cock rubs against you more harshly as muffled cries of please and Daddy and fuck me leave your mouth in earnest. 
It’s all basically incoherent and Joe doesn’t tell you if your groveling was good enough or not as he’s suddenly plunging deep inside of you. 
You sob from the immediate combined feelings of delicious pain, stimulation of your g-spot and the feeling of his cock pulsating in you as he sets a blinding pace, all but pounding you into the car seat. The material of your dress is damp in your mouth as you scream, his hips snapping furiously against your ass as he fucks you. 
“This what you’d been wanting, yeah? Wanted to get me all riled up so I’d drag you out to the car just so you could have my cock?”
Trying to squirm away from the onslaught of his dick in your cunt is futile because you don’t get very far and Joe is immediately pulling you back on to him by the tie around your wrists. 
“No, you wanted my cock kitten, so take it.” 
And you do. Your pussy clenches around him at his words, whines and sobs muffled by the thick material in your mouth as Joe fucks you so good you see stars behind your eyes. 
Every thrust of his hips drives his cock deep into your pussy, the spot inside of you that makes you shake and tremble deliciously grinded into. 
Your orgasm hits you, it’s sudden and so fucking good that you’re reduced to nothing but a whiny litany of DaddyDaddyDaddy and pleasepleaseplease. 
Your ass stings as Joe pounds your pussy even as you convulse and tremble around him, sobbing incoherently as the fire in your abdomen blazes and your pussy throbs as your body comes alive when he reaches around your hip and under your dress, finding your clit and rubbing it. 
“Go ahead and come again. Show me how much you love it when I put your little bratty ass in its place.”
Your body listens to him before you do, trembling from head to toe as you squirt on his cock, no longer holding on to any control over yourself; that was long gone.
Joe’s hips stutter against yours, his breathing heavy as his grip on the necktie around your wrists tightens as he pulls you back on him once more. His cock throbs and swells before he comes deep inside you, thick and hot ropes of cum painting the walls of your pussy.
You whine as he slowly pulls out of you, and slowly pulls you up by your hair, silently guiding you to turn around. He yanks the saliva-sodden material from your mouth, thumbs rubbing your lips as he leans in and kisses you, tongue immediately searching yours out.
Your eyes are glossy, and he thinks to himself, good girl, until he looks down at himself, all disheveled and messy. And you can feel his cum slowly dribbling out of your well-fucked cunt beneath the skirt of your dress.
“Would you look at that? Look at the mess you made kitten, you ruined my best pants.” 
Deep down, you know he’s not genuinely upset but you’re too deep in your head to be anything but remorseful as he’s still regarding you with that stern tone, so you pout and your eyes water a bit as he looks at you disapprovingly. “I-I’m sorry, Daddy.” 
“Sorry isn’t going to cut it, baby. Clean it up.”
Your wrists are still tied behind your back as you sniffle and lean forward, your tongue coming out to lap up the cum-his and yours combined-from his crotch. His dick twitches in front of your face, slowly hardening again as he watches you, eyes dark and brows knitted together.
When you’re done he’s yanking you up by your hair so he can pull your lips to his, biting and sucking on them as he tastes the both of you on your tongue. 
It makes your thighs quiver underneath you and your arms are near cramping when he pulls away, giving you a chance to breathe. 
You’re still huffing as you squeak out red, and gone is harsh dominant Joe, quickly replaced with soft eyes and soft touches as he starts to ask what’s wrong. 
You beat him to the punch before the words begin to leave his mouth as you speak up, “I’m sorry, my arms are cramping. Please untie me?” 
He’s already loosening and freeing your wrists from behind your back before you even finish asking, and his voice rolls through you as he meets your eyes. 
“There’s no need to apologize, at all. I’m the one who’s sorry, ducky.” He rubs your wrists with his thumbs before taking hold of your face, leaving kisses along both of your cheeks, your nose, forehead, chin and then your lips. He doesn’t even need to say it because you can feel it. You feel it in every moment when he kisses you-his love, his affection, his care, for you. “Such a good girl, my good girl.” 
Your head is still feeling floaty and his words make you feel all warm inside as the praise sits deep within you. 
“Let’s go home, yeah?”
“Yeah, of course I’ll run you a bath, kitten.”
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cherry-holland · 2 years
Joe Mazzello Masterlist
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One shots
morning light 🥺🔥
me necesita 🔥
first date 🥺
7 notes · View notes
Nine Months | 1 | Ben Hardy
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader
Warnings: None! Pure tooth rotting fluff!
Word Count: 3,199
Summary: Ben has everything in life he could ever ask for. An adorable beagle, a thriving acting career, and most importantly - (Y/N), his beautiful wife. Nothing could make life better, until (Y/N) finds out she’s due to give Ben the greatest gift she can give in nine months time.
A/N: I guess the Prologue never made it into the tags or something but you need to read it for this first chapter here to make sense so give that a read first find the link above. Also please reblog as it helps more people to see my work! Thanks!
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Permanent Tag List: @sparkleslightlyy​​​
Nine Months Tag List: @mamaskillerqueen​​​ @eggs-whiskey-snipes​​​ @killerqueenfan​
Add yourself to my Tag Lists by filling out this survey here!
Ben had been gone for about a month now, off in America filming a project that just so happened to involve one of his friends, Joe Mazzello. He seemed happy enough in their nightly FaceTime chats - well nightly for Ben, morningly for (Y/N) - but just speaking to each other on the phone wasn’t enough. This time in particular had been harder on them than all the other times in the past he had to leave in order to earn a living, and they could only chalk it up to being newlyweds. Ben missed his best girl, and would send her texts throughout the London evening, LA morning saying how much he missed her and how he couldn’t wait to be home again. And of course the instagram content that came with Joe and Ben’s reuniting was enough to keep the female laughing throughout the day when her lover was asleep.
(Y/N) and Frankie had been getting by well as they always did when Ben was gone. Long walks together in the morning after calls with Ben and another in the evening when (Y/N) returned home from work. While Frankie wasn’t the blond actor the (H/C) woman had fallen in love with, her cuddles were enough to get her through the night. The little dog seemed to know exactly when she needed comfort and would lay completely still pressed up against her body allowing her to pet her to her heart’s desire. And although when Ben was home they had the beagle sleep in her own bed, (Y/N) missed the feeling of having someone next to her. So naturally Frankie had begun to take up residence on Ben's side of the bed, ever close for when (Y/N) needed her.
The warm golden beams of sunlight streamed into the bedroom through the curtains, gently pulling the (h/c) female from her peaceful slumber a few minutes before her alarm was to go off. She stretched with a squeak before rolling over to face Ben’s empty side of the bed seeing Frankie was still passed out. (Y/N) smiled softly at her steady breathing before opting to cuddle with Ben’s pillow instead so as not to wake her. She pulled the soft cushion into her chest breathing in its scent. Even after a month of him being gone it still smelled of his shampoo and cologne with a hint of cigarette smoke. It set her heart alight with emotions of contentment and love for the actor while breaking it all the same. She missed him terribly and longed for him to be home in her arms once again. Even as the weather was starting to get a bit warmer as winter was trudging to its slow bitter end, it did little to lift her spirits. Some days were better than others, those were typically the sunny days like today, where she could wake up to the melodic sounds of birds singing in the tree right outside their window. Others she barely wanted to get out of bed, but she would know deep in her heart it’s what he would want her to do. Her alarm sounded after a few minutes waking the beagle from her slumber, but like (Y/N), this morning even Frankie was feeling rather lethargic. She stood shaking herself out before joining the female in resting her head on Ben’s pillows. (Y/N) giggled softly as she reached over to gently stroke her tricoloured fur. “I know Franks, I miss him too…” She breathed out with a smile as Frankie licked at her fingers before burying her nose into his other pillow. (Y/N) sighed peacefully as she breathed in the scent from the eygptian cotton closing her eyes again, just wanting the comfort of Ben’s embrace. She wasn’t sure how long she had drifted off for but on cue and on time as always, her phone began to buzz on the side table behind her with her morning phone call from Ben. She lazily reached over to unlock her phone, smiling tirely, the clouds of sleep still hanging heavily over her as she greeted her husband. “Hi.” She breathed.
Ben chuckled softly, seeing how drunk on sleep she still was. “I didn’t wake you did I? You’re usually in the kitchen by now.”
“Nah, we girls just decided to have a bit of a lay in this morning rather than the longer W-A-L-K.” She laughed having to spell it out so the beagle didn’t suddenly become a bolt of energy as she moved the camera so he could see both his girls at the same time.
He laughed softly, his celadon irises lighting up at the sight of the two of them. “Are you both cuddling with my pillows?”
“Well I was at least before she woke up. I miss you.” (Y/N) mumbled softly resting the phone against a section of the comforter she had piled up. Although she said it every day, each day it made his heart ache a little bit more, he was often busy on set, during the day so hearing her say that made his nights feel all the more lonely. “Franks must miss you too, she crawled over and did the exact same thing the moment she woke up.”
“Awe, well if it’s any consolation I miss my best girls more than anything.” He sighed, a slight furrow of sadness to his brow. “Not long now, though, only a few more weeks until we’ll be together again for a long while. The next few projects I’ve got stacked up don’t require leaving the UK for more than a week or two.”
“I know...but I still wish I just...had a piece of you here with me still.” She sighed with the slightest of grimaces. They chatted as they normally did for another ten minutes or so before he was yawning, worn out from his day on set. “I best be letting you get off to bed. You look quite knackered.”
“I think ‘exhausted’ is more like it.” He yawned again. He went quiet as he simply stared at the screen for a few moments. “God...how did a guy like me get so lucky to have someone as beautiful as you for a wife.” He mumbled making her blush like he always did near the end of their calls.
“Could say the same for you with those rippling pectorals of yours.” She winked cheekily making Ben chuckle softly. “I love you Ben...so much.”
“I love you more.” He smiled. “See you soon.”
“Bye….” She whispered, and with the press of a button he was gone again, just like always. (Y/N) sighed, closing her eyes for a moment as she clutched his pillow to her chest once again, a wave of longing for him and sadness washing over her for a few moments before she rolled over to gently pet the beagle a bit. “What do you say we have our breakfast and go for a walk, Franks?” She giggled as Frankie’s ears perked up at the mention of food and one of her favourite activities, her tail thumping heavily against the comforter. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
It was a beautiful day, a comfortable but still chilly seven celsius at half seven in the morning as the woman and her four legged friend made their way around Regent’s Park. The sun shone down basking the park in its golden glow, warming the air a bit more by the hour. The thing (Y/N) rather loved about the London Parks was how they made you feel as though you weren’t in the centre of a bustling metropolis. They existed as their own little world for the pair to get lost in and forget about their missing companion for however brief a time as he was never far from the forefront of her mind. As they made their way back toward Primrose Hill, (Y/N) found a sudden wave of uncontrollable nausea plaguing her. She did her best to combat the rising discomfort of the sudden sickness but as it only got steadily worse, she tugged gently on Frankie’s lead. “Come on Franks…” She breathed before pulling her in the direction of a bin before spilling her breakfast into it. (Y/N) groaned as she looked down at Frankie who was looking expectantly up at her with perked ears as if silently asking if she was okay. Her (E/C) irises shone brightly in the London morning as she stooped down to gently pat the beagle’s head. “I’m alright, come on, let’s go home.”
However the strange sickness didn’t stop with one and done. (Y/N) was quite ill all the time she was at work, experiencing another chunder soon after lunch, then in the late afternoon, and a few times in the evening as well. She turned in early for the night figuring it to be a stomach bug of sorts, but when this bug persisted for the next few days, it was plain to see that something wasn’t right. “I just don’t know what’s wrong with me.” She mumbled as she ran a hand over her face as she sat on the couch with a cup of peppermint tea to settle the gurgling pit that was her raging stomach with Ben on Facetime. “Think I should go to the GP?”
“I’d feel a lot better if you did.” He reasoned as he bit the inside of his lip. “It always makes me feel so gutted when I can’t be there to take care of you when you’re ill. You deserve to have someone there for you.”
“I know love, but this isn’t the first time one of us has been ill when we’ve been apart, and I highly doubt it’ll be the last.” She smiled reassuringly at her blond. “I’m sure it’s nothing but just for some peace of mind for both of us I’ll get looked at. Sound?”
Ben nodded with a sigh. “Please text me as soon as you know something, even if I’m asleep, I’ll at least have it for when I wake up. Okay?”
She giggled softly at his conscientious attitude toward her. “I swear you’re going to make such a brilliant father one day with that overprotectiveness of yours.”
This spawned the largest grin she had seen on his features in the longest time. They of course had discussed the idea of having kids at some point after they were married. They agreed that they would let nature take its course and when it happened it would happen, all the same they were going to be careful. “Maybe one day, but for now I’ve got you to fuss over.” Regardless of when a child blessed their lives, he would never stop fussing over (Y/N). Nothing but the best was good enough for his beloved in his eyes. “I should be getting off to bed now, early call tomorrow.”
“Alright, I’ll let you know what happens when I know. I love you Benny.” She smiled using the name she knew he hated but would allow her to use while he was gone filming or when she was sick.
He rolled his eyes at the nickname as a smirk spread across his features. “I love you more (Y/N/N).” He winked before they hung up.
True to her word, (Y/N) called in sick to work that day and found herself in the waiting room at her GP. When it was her turn the doctor ran through the usual questions: what’s wrong? How long have you been experiencing symptoms? When was the date of your last period? Is there a chance that you’re pregnant? While (Y/N) didn’t believe that she was pregnant, they still opted to run a blood test anyway before looking her over further. After about ten minutes the results came back as the doctor strolled into the room. (Y/N) looked at her with a calculating stare, as if silently asking what the results were. The doctor smiled before speaking two words (Y/N) thought she and Ben wouldn’t have been hearing for quite some time yet. “You’re pregnant.” The doctor waited to gage the woman’s reaction before letting out a silent sigh of relief at the sight of a smile of someone who was on cloud nine spread across (Y/N)’s features. “Congratulations Mrs Jones.”
(Y/N) practically floated out of the GP’s office later after the appointment, unable to wipe the grin off her face. Absolutely nothing could hamper the intense feeling of dopamine coursing through her veins at this moment. She and Ben were expecting their first child. While they hadn’t been planning to have a child just yet, she knew that given his expression this morning when she told him that he was going to be a great father, he would soon be right there on cloud nine with her at the news. Now it just became a matter of how to tell her husband. She had always imagined how she would tell him that she was pregnant for the first time, of course in all of her fantasies Ben hadn’t been halfway around the world. This was going to take some creative planning on her part.
Later that evening as she was reaching for her phone to FaceTime Ben, her screen lit up with his contact photo. She smiled brightly, this was it. She quickly calmed herself before looking down at the Beagle sitting on the couch next to her, happily panting away. She unlocked the phone to see not Ben’s face but Joe’s. “Ugh, what do you want?” She playfully scoffed at her husband’s friend.
“Really (Y/N), after all this time, that’s how you greet me? I thought that we had a connection, you and I.” Joe sighed before running a hand over his face. “No matter I’ll just steal your man then.”
“You wouldn’t.” She glared playfully at the American.
“Oh wouldn’t I?” He said turning the camera so she could see Ben sitting in the car next to him who was rolling his eyes. Joe had stolen the phone from his hand the moment he pulled up her contact on FaceTime. “He’s going to be trapped in a car with me for the next hour, but I’m sure he’ll be mine in less than twenty minutes if I play my cards right.”
“Ben, is this your way of telling me you’re leaving me for Joe?” She laughed.
“No he had his chance.” He rolled his eyes, turning to look at his friend. “But you chose the fucking cardboard cutout instead.”  
“How dare you disrespect Cardie B like that.” Joe laughed before handing back the Brit his phone. “I’ll let you two talk now.”
“Thank you.” Ben chuckled looking at his phone. “You alright?” He asked.
“Alright. You?” She smiled at him, her eyes glinting with that ‘I have a secret look’.
“Alright.” He smirked.
“Really feeling the love between you two.” Joe laughed prompting a two finger salute from Ben.
“You go to the GP then?” He asked (Y/N) to which she nodded. “What’d they say then?”
“Don’t you want to say hi to Frankie first? She’s been waiting here patiently. She needs a bit of love from her daddy.” She giggled putting the phone in front of Frankie prompting her to sniff at the screen. “Say hi to Ben, Franks.”
Ben rolled his eyes playfully, he just wanted to know if everything with his wife was sound, but he missed his little girl too. “Hi Franks!” He spoke making the Beagle’s ears perk up at the sound of his voice. “Daddy misses you.” He chuckled making a kissy sound. “What’s that you’ve got around her neck? Has she got on a bandana or something?”
“Oh do you like it? She picked it out when we went to the store after the GP to pick up some more food.” She giggled. “Here read what’s written on it.” She said moving the camera so Ben could see what was written on the bandana, holding her breath as he did so.
“‘Guess what? Mum’s….’” He read aloud, voice trailing off before he could speak the last word on the bandana, his celadon eyes going wide as he dropped the phone.  
“Jesus Ben.” She heard Joe’s voice as he picked up Ben’s phone from the floor of the car. “Let’s see this bandana then.” Joe’s eyes scanned over the writing. “Oh my god! Congratulations you two!! I’m so happy for you!” Joe smiled, patting Ben on the back snapping him out of his trance. “Congrats man! This is fantastic!”
The blond snatched the phone back from his friend, staring intently at the screen trying to make sure (Y/N) wasn’t punking him. “Are you serious?!” A look of pure joy was covering his features. “You’re really pregnant?!”
(Y/N) smiled brightly, nodding furiously as her voice caught in her throat. She moved the phone above her so Ben could see her tummy as she placed a hand on her lower abdomen. “Looks like you left a part of you here after all.” Her smile warmed his heart more than the morning sun that shone through the car window. His wife, his best friend, his (Y/N)...was pregnant with his child. He couldn’t believe it, it was like some incredible dream and if it was, he absolutely never wanted to wake up. His only regret was that he wasn’t there to hold her right then in this moment.
“I can’t believe it...we’re going to be parents.” He was floating up out of his body, riding out the shot of ecstasy that she had given him. “My god...why can’t I be there with you right now.”
“Soon love.” She winked at him. “The three of us…” She trailed off a moment, getting Frankie in the shot. “We’re not going anywhere. We’ll be right here for you when you get back.”
“I can’t wait to be back.” Ben mumbled with a smile. They talked, along with Joe, for a bit before (Y/N) had to hang up to make supper for herself and Frankie. “Thank you (Y/N)....” He smiled referring to the child she was baring. “I love you...I love you both so, so much.”
(Y/N) thought the smile that had been permanently etched into her features all day couldn’t grow any wider, until he went and said something like that. “We love you too Ben...safe travels.” Ben’s heart fluttered against his chest at those words. He was going to be a father.
Later that night as (Y/N) was about to head to bed, she received a text from Joe on WhatsApp. You’ve certainly got yourself a committed man, made the driver pull over so he could pick up this to read during our down time. With the text came a picture he took of Ben sitting in his chair offset reading a book titled ‘The Expectant Dad's Survival Guide: Everything You Need to Know’. The sight made (Y/N)’s heart sing, loud enough that she was sure that he heard it around the world in The States. Aweeeeee bless him 🥰🥰 she responded before locking her phone. She placed a hand on her belly as she laid on her back staring at the ceiling. “You’re going to have the world’s best dad, love.”
274 notes · View notes
stateofloveandnegan · 3 years
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RICHARD MADDEN - one shots 
A Funeral
RICHARD MADDEN - short series
Broken Ankle
Part 1
Part 2
Eighteen Years
Part 1
Part 2
JAMES MCAVOY - one shots
The Physiotherapist
Is This Love?
Happy Birthday
JAMES MCAVOY - short series
Part 1
Part 2
BEN BARNES - one shots
Fifteen Years
TARON EGERTON - one shots
First Kiss
I’ve Got You
JOE MAZZELLO - one shots
GWILYM LEE - one shots
You’ve Changed
A Blind Date
JACK LOWDEN - one shots
MATTHEW PERRY - one shots
The Beach
BEN LAMB - one shots
MATT BOMER - requests
Worst Day
BEN HARDY - requests
36 notes · View notes
goldenmazzello · 4 years
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💟 Fluff
One shots:
Naugthy wife 🍒
Never should have let you go🌩
You drive me crazy 💟
Never gonna love again 🌩
Lay all your love on me 💟🌩 (Last update: June 4, 2021)
Part one
Part two
Part three
Part four
Part five (soon)
108 notes · View notes
borhap-au · 4 years
Joe Mazzello: the fluffy chronicles.
“You’d be better off with someone else”
Despite thinking long and hard, you weren’t able to answer the question “what you like the most about yourself,” because the truth was, there wasn’t such a thing. You hated your looks and your personality and your insecurity and… well, everything. The only good thing you found in your life was your relationship with Joe. He was a great boyfriend, very patient and understanding, but also loving and gentle. You loved spending your time with him – that is of course until the insecurity kicks in and ruin all the fun for you. You looked at him – a handsome, attractive man with a great sense of humor and amazing personality – and you couldn’t believe you dated him. But what you couldn’t believe even more, is why he dated you. In your opinion, he could’ve had any girl. He was charming, interesting and famous. There wasn’t a bad quality about him that you knew about. And yet he chose you, a “walking disaster,” as you liked to call yourself. And from that insecurity (and only from it, because Joe gave you no reason to think that) stem the idea that he will soon realize how bad you are, and how much better he can do, and he will leave you. So to save yourself some of the pain, you slowly started to distance yourself from him to make it easier later. It didn’t escape his attention.
You were sitting on a couch, watching a movie, but it wasn’t the usual scenario. Before, you would be snuggling to him and he would be petting your back. Right now, you were sitting at a distance, focusing on the movie instead of your boyfriend. He noticed.
“Y/N?” He looked at you concerned. “Did something happen?” He knew he had to be careful around you when you were feeling down. You were very fragile and he didn’t want to do anything to accidentally make it worse.
“No, why?” You looked at him for a short while and then came back to watching the movie. He moved closer to you and put his arm around you. You didn’t object, but your body was visibly tense.
“Are you sure? You seem a little different tonight,” he, on the other hand, paid no attention to the movie. He was completely focused on you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you lied. It wasn’t a comfortable situation for you either. You missed his touch, but when you finally got it, you felt like you didn’t deserve it, like he should be with someone else right now, someone better than you. So you felt guilty for wasting his time.
“What’s with the distance then? And the sudden urge to watch the movie? We’ve seen it twice already, you never paid much attention to it,” he explained, but in truth, it wasn’t just about tonight. He felt your change of behavior much earlier than that, but for a while he thought it was just a phase that would soon pass.
“Third time’s a charm. I thought since we watched it so many times already, it would be nice to see the full movie at least once, to know what it is about,” he nodded at your answer. It sounded reasonable and you felt even worse about lying now that he believed in it.
He let it go for some time. Later that evening, you were making dinner and he came up to you, hug you from behind and started kissing your neck, as he usually did, to make your cooking a more pleasant experience. Usually you stopped, at least for some time, to enjoy his touch, but tonight you just continued making the meal ignoring his affection. You even moved away, trying to reach some ingredients, without minding his embrace. He stepped back.
“What is it this time?” he asked knowing very well it was never about the movie. He looked at you hurt and disappointed, but more in himself than in you. He hated the fact he couldn’t help you feel better.
“It’s nothing, really. I’m just really hungry, want to make the food quickly,” lies again. He didn’t fall for it twice, but he nodded his head, knowing you won’t tell him. You sighed seeing that. You didn’t want your last days together to be like that. You wanted him to have nice memories of you. “Don’t worry, Joey,” you muttered quietly while coming back to cooking. “The next girl will treat you better.”
“What?” he raised his brow, not believing what he just heard. “My next what?”
“Next girlfriend,” you repeated, not looking at him.
“Where did that come from? Why would I want another girlfriend?” he asked, visibly confused. He definitely didn’t expect to hear that.
“You know, someone who’s worthy of you. Someone… Who isn’t me,” it wasn’t easy to say, but it resonated in your mind for some time now. You believed wholeheartedly that you weren’t good enough for him.  
“If my future girlfriend isn’t you, then I don’t want her,” you smiled under your breath hearing that. It was very sweet of him to say that.
“Joey, we both know you deserve so much better than me. Prettier, skinnier, smarter and funnier,” you said, trying to smile, but it wasn’t easy. “You deserve someone who will make you happy, instead of constantly getting you down. You deserve someone around who you won’t have to mind your words. A relationship in which you can be yourself, unapologetically, without always doing something for the other person.”
“I am unapologetically myself around you. It doesn’t bother me that you feel down sometimes. I mean of course, it’s a problem in a sense I would immediately want to make you feel better and I don’t like when you’re sad, but it’s not a thing that would make me break up with you, ever,” he held your hand to show you he means it.
“Baby, you can have a girl that’s so much prettier than me. And sexier. What about your friend? Or my cousin, you know which one,” you said and he laughed softly.
“Really, girly? You’re going to advertise me other women?” he smiled and pet your cheek. “I don’t want any other type of figure or any other type of beauty. I want your beauty. Why do you think I’m not capable of making my own decisions? I’m pretty grown up actually. I know you and I love what I know. I fell in love with you and not anyone else. And I’m very content with my choice. So let me have what I want, okay?”
“You will soon realize how awful I am and change your mind. Just wait, I know you will. And I don’t want to be around to have my heart broken when that happens,” he sighed hearing that and took his hand away.
“Really? You think I’m so moody that I would break up the happiest relationship I’ve ever had because of a whim? We don’t fight, we have mutual goals and we love each other. Why would anything change if it’s all so good? I like it now, I want to see no changes apart from you being happier and more confident in this relationship, because we… Well, we love each other still, right? I mean, do you love me?”
“Of course I do. I would be a fool not to love you,” you answered.
“That’s exactly how I feel about you. I love you, and I want to be with you and you only. You’re perfect for me, no one else is,” he reassured you. You sighed.
“I’m not perfect,” you muttered, and he came to you and hugged you tightly.
“You’re perfect for me. There are girls who have other qualities, maybe they have something that you want, but for me, you’re all I need. You have all the qualities I want in a girlfriend. You say there are skinnier girls? Girls that feel happier more often? Maybe. But at the same time I’m sure they would be annoying, or bossy, or whatever else. They have other qualities, sure. Qualities I don’t need. I chose you with my sane mind. I knew who you are and I chose you. Now I got to know you even better and I would still choose you, every time,” you hugged him tightly and started crying quietly.
“Even if I’m so boring…?” you muttered quietly.
“You’re not boring,” he reassured you, petting your back. “Actually, you’re fascinating to me. I love listening to you, especially when you’re passionate about something. It’s just so entertaining to watch. And I love looking at you, because you’re just my type. You have such a unique type of beauty, it’s so hard to find someone like you. And I found everything I ever needed in you.”
“What if you find someone better?” you didn’t look up saying that.
“Better from perfect? I don’t think so. I don’t know how I can explain that to you in other words, but life is not about being skinny, having perfect hair and clothes. For me relationships aren’t about that. That actress that you like so much? If I were with her you would probably think “that’s what he deserves,” meanwhile I would be suffocating in that relationship. Because she wouldn’t want to spend time with me like we do together, she would have other priorities, she wouldn’t get my sense of humor or whatever else. Your personality is perfect for me. So is your body, but I assume you won’t believe in that yet. But it’s true. So please, don’t push me away. Having this distance between us is a torture, really. Please, let us both be happy. Just be with me, and I’ll try to do anything I can to appreciate you like you should be appreciated. Can you do that for me?” You slowly nodded your head and only then looked him in the eyes. He smiled at you and kissed your lips softly.
“You’re sure you don’t want anyone else?” you asked after the kiss.
“I’m sure. Can you please stop asking me this question? I want you and you only. Did I ever do anything to make you feel otherwise?”
“No…,” you muttered quietly.
“So, please, don’t overthink it. If I had anything new to say to you, I would just say it, I wouldn’t expect you to learn that from some signs I’d give you. Really, I love you, and I will continue to love you, even if you break up with me. But please, don’t. I’m crazy about you,” he smiled, petting your cheek. You stood on your toes and kissed him softly. He kissed you back.
“Thank you,” you smiled after the kiss.
“Don’t thank me for that. And come on, you were hungry. We got to finish the meal,” said and this time he actually helped you out, not just by kisses. Although he planted some on your head and shoulder, because without them, it just wouldn’t be the same.
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s-k-y-w-a-l-k-e-r · 5 years
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913 notes · View notes
imaginesbymk · 4 years
“There is no Goodbye.”
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The Pacific One Shot
Summary: Nothing is more ironic than Eugene breaking up with you just for the sake of sparing you the heartbreak if he were to die at war. But when he’s lucky to return home to Mobile, his first mission is to find you. Will Eugene be able to win you back before someone else does?
Pairing: Eugene Sledge x Fem!Reader
Non Requested
Tags: angst/breakup, swearing, smoking, drinking, mentions of an ethnic slur + mentions of war violence
Word Count: 3,016
Author’s Note: song inspiration for this oneshot is wait by m83!!! i totally recommend this song cos its so beautiful!! pls give this a like/reblog and maybe some feedback!! <333
YOU were sick of crying in your pillow every night. You were aware of how puffy your eyes must have been by now, you acknowledged your friends who called and visited, checking on you, but not even that helped soothe the heartache in you. His name just kept echoing in your mind and replayed, finding their way into your sleep. You wished you hated Eugene Sledge, but deep down in your heart- you just couldn’t.
Three knocks came on your bedroom door. “Y/n, your food’s getting cold,” you heard your mother from the other side.
“I’m not hungry.” You couldn’t remember the amount of times you’ve used that as an excuse to stay where you were, depressed and heartbroken. 
Eugene broke up with you on a Sunday night. You two were dressed for the occasion; a dinner party was held at a grand convention center that was known and popular by several Alabamians. You wore the necklace Eugene got you as a gift, and you loved showing it off. In fact, you wore it every day to remind yourself, your family and your friends that Eugene Sledge was the love of your life. 
Later you noticed how strange he was acting the whole dinner, how quiet and tense he got so suddenly. His hand would slip away whenever you held it while walking, or when they were held under the table. It was like he was trying to hold something back, like a cat catching his tongue. Then, you found him outside, leaning against the stairway. 
“What is it, Eugene?” 
He paused every time he looked at you, how it pained him to say what he needed to say. Whether it was now or never, he leaves for the train in a couple of days.
“Wait a minute, Eugene,” You remembered your body turning cold as ice, but not from the night breeze. “Are you breaking up with me?”
Oh how you wished he was kidding, but the look on his face read that he wasn’t in the slightest. He was joining the marines corps, despite his heart murmur and his father and brother encouraging him to go to college instead. He flunked out of his classes on purpose just to enlist, and since only God knows what fate lies ahead, he felt it was best to put a stop to the relationship.
It wasn’t your right to be angry about his choices sometimes. He was in his twenties now, old enough to make up his mind. He was fighting for everyone’s freedom, after all, which is probably the bravest thing Eugene is doing. However, you didn’t understand why. Eugene was a believer, he believed in God and miracles. He asked God to send him a miracle through prayer in his own time, and they were answered in the form of you. So why couldn’t he believe in the stable relationship you both can still have even when he’s off to fight?
As expected, you didn’t take it too well. Right there, you broke down in front of him. Eugene walked over and reached his hand out to touch your shoulder, but you shoved him away. 
“I’m sorry,” he said softly. You angrily ripped the necklace off of you and threw it at him before running off in tears. He never chased after you.
You dared not to go back inside the dining hall where your family and friends were, as well as his, so you walked home by yourself without waiting for anyone to catch up with you. He was going mad, you bet. Enlisting in the marines was one thing, but calling it quits on your relationship?
That was the last time you saw Eugene. He didn’t wait to see if you would turn up at the train station, begging him to have a change of heart. He never saw you there, and he boarded the train to California.
What were you more upset about: the love of your life dumping you, or the chances of the love of your life dying?
THE year was now 1945, and Eugene sat in the passenger seat in Sid’s mobile when he picked him up from the station. 
The Japanese surrendered, and the boys back at the islands held a celebration with drinking, bonfires and loud music. Eugene, Snafu and Burgin sat on the rocks, watching the night sky, contemplating their return to home.
Victory Day was now nighttime, Eugene blew out smoke from his pipe, counting the stars. His tiny bible that was pocketed in his dungarees was pulled out, using the distant lit fires as a light to read through the tallied marks from the book of Genesis to Thessalonians, then out came a piece of paper that fell onto his lap. 
He picked it up and unfolded it, taking another puff from his pipe. Eugene reads the first two words. 
Dear y/n
The letter was never delivered to you because it was a letter Eugene had never sent, in fact it was never finished. He never got his first sentence down as they were ordered to get their gear ready to move down Okinawa. He never wrote a letter to you at all for the rest of his time serving, because he knew he wouldn’t be receiving one back.
Snafu slapped him awake one night and told him to shut up because he kept saying your name in his sleep. Eugene sounded desperate and panicked when he said it, too, and if the volume increased, it would have given away their spot. The marine was lucky it was a slap in the face rather than a bullet to the skull. 
The next day, Snafu asked Eugene for two things: a light, and who “y/n” was.
“She was my girl,” Eugene handed a lighter to Snafu to light his cigarette.
“I couldn’t stand the thought of leaving her at home just for a man in uniform to come to her door to tell her I’ve been KIA.”
“Shit, so you dumped her?” Snafu grins. “Should of given her to me, Sledgehammer.”
Eugene didn’t laugh. It was an inappropriate joke, no surprise coming from Snafu himself. He sat in the filth in silence, his bloodied and dirty hands holding your gold necklace that you threw at him. He brought it with him to war, and kept it as a bookmark in his Bible.
Eugene’s home was the same as he had left it, he knew that when Sid pulled up at the long pathway at the gates. Georgia cottage was indeed a sight, and Eugene loved it so much as a child. It was spacious with nature and trees to walk his dog, a forest down the road to go hunting and fishing with his father, a meadow where he would take you on a warm day.
Sid sat in the parked car for a few moments, Eugene hadn't started walking to the front door just yet. “I visited her,” Sid broke the silence. “Just like I promised.”
Eugene had to ask, “How is she?”
“I was starting to think she had forgotten about you... that was until I showed up at her door,” he replies. “It was tense, but she’s doing all right.”
Eugene nods, smiling a bit. He trusted his best friend to check up on you for him. At least you were doing fine, according to Sid’s words. "No crying?”
“She don’t cry no more. I introduced her to Mary Houston and invited her to my wedding- if that’s alright with you.”
He chuckled, making a face. “Why would I not be? It’s your wedding, you greaser.”
“Well one, and you should probably take my word for it, Y/N still hates your guts,” he said. “And two, whether or not she speaks to you at all on my wedding day, at least I’ll have you there as my best man.” Sid noticed the look on his best friend’s face. “There’s the O.O.M ball coming up. Y/n’s gonna be there.”
He smiles at him. “See you later?”
“Welcome home, Eugene.” And he drives off, prompting Eugene to reunite with his parents.
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SHOWING up to the O.O.M ball immediately made you feel bummed. You showed up without a date. You shouldn’t have the right to feel bummed, anyway. You turned down any guy that had asked you. You could have said yes, but something in your heart was telling you no, and you couldn’t figure out what it was. 
Sighing, you suddenly didn’t feel like going to the bar for a second drink, and you just didn’t like waiting until your friends weren’t with their dates to go up to talk to them, so you found yourself heading outside to the front. It’s not like you could escape the guests, as tables and chairs were set outside occupied with more people, and even more people standing around and chatting with their friends.
You leaned over a tree where you felt like no one could see you for approach, being able to hear the loud music from the inside. But for what? You could just leave and say you felt sick. What were you waiting for? 
Several years had gone by since he left, and nothing about you has changed. Your hair grew a bit after a slight trim, and so has your wardrobe. Your dress was pretty expensive, and no one complimented it. You just needed someone to come up to you and say- 
“You look beautiful.” 
You spun around, knowing that Southern accent all too well. Not a lot of alcohol was consumed, so asking yourself if you drank too much that you started to see and hear things was out of the question. How did he know where to find you? How was he able to sneak up on you like how he used to as a surprise? He’d always do that, then pick you up and spin you around with joy. But this time, he stood in front of you, gazing at you like a painting.
Your vision started blurring.
“Y/n?” he thought you were having a stroke in front of him, and he reached out his hand. “Y/n?”
“Gimme a minute.” You breathed heavily, gripping the tree for support. Maybe you were about to faint in shock. After picking up your senses, you were able to respond. “Eugene,” you said softly. “You’re here.”
He nodded. “In the flesh.” You really couldn’t believe it. Maybe you were seeing and hearing things. But he was here. Eugene Sledge was really here, standing before you, and not a scratch on his face. His hair was fixed, too, and you could tell he was now in greater shape.
“How was...” you felt like you shouldn’t ask for so many reasons. “I mean, you made it. You’re home.”
“At last,” he answered, placing his wooden pipe in his mouth. “What are you doing all the way over here? Your date’s probably searching all of Mobile for you.”
“I don’t have a date,” you shook your head. “I mean, I came alone. I didn’t bring anyone.”
“You too?” he blew out smoke.
“Yeah. Um-” all it took was for you to breath in and crunch your nose from the awful stench of nicotine that everyone was so used to. “Since when did you start smoking?” 
He shrugged. “Since I killed my first Jap. Helps me calm down.”
"Well... I’m talking to you and you’re blowing smoke right in my face.”
Eugene nodded, taking the pipe out. “Sorry. How have you been?”
Eugene furrowed his brows. “That’s it? Just good?”
“I mean, what else would you expect me to say?”
“You’ve completed your education, you’re engaged, you and your partner are buying a house?”
“Jesus, Eugene. It’s way too early for that. I can’t even drive.”
“I’m kidding. I can only assume you’re in complete shock. I can’t say I’m not surprised,” Eugene says. “I can also assume you hated me as soon as you threw the necklace I gave you right at me.”
“And I still hate you.”
He looks at you, scoffing. “Is that right?”
“Yes,” you folded your arms. “You dump me and leave to join the marine corps, I wrote you a letter on your birthday and you never wrote back, every time I see your parents at the market they look at me like I’m the face of death. You shouldn’t have come here, I was doing just fine.”
“Really?” Eugene raised his eyebrows. The nonsense coming out that mouth. If only Eugene could kiss them shut. "All right. Heard you spoke with Sid.”
“Yeah, and? He invited me to his wedding."
“And he asked me to be his best man. So you might as well hold in your punch until the wedding is over.”
Your blood started to boil. Maybe you haven’t changed, but the war did indeed change the hell out of him. This attitude he carried wasn’t impressing you one bit. “What the hell’s your problem?”
“My problem? I’m trying to have a conversation with you, y/n.”
“And you’re acting as if I’m the reason you dumped me.”
“I had my reasons,” he spoke back,
“Damn you, Eugene Sledge!” you slapped him repeatedly on his chest and shoulder. “Damn you for hurting me like that! Damn you for not writing to me! Damn you for leaving me!”
You cried out, as he simply stared and did his best to restrain your arms away from hitting him once more. 
He never spoke a word until you calmed down. Then, you realized... “Oh God, Eugene. I’m so sorry,” you gasp. “I would never lay a hand on you.”
“A Jap tried to kill me with a bayonet,” Eugene said. “I kinda had that slap coming.”
You let a tear fall down your cheek, and you looked down so Eugene wouldn’t be able to notice, but he was smart enough to know. “Baby... it’s okay. I’m here now.” He pulled you close and held you. You haven’t felt his touch since that night. You were overcome with the nostalgia during the happy times, and even the sad times. He would hold you like you were gonna slip right out of his hands.
“I’ve missed you so much, y/n. There hasn’t been a night where I haven’t dreamt about you, where I would die, or where I would watch you marry a man who doesn’t know you the way I do.”
“Eugene... you broke my heart and just stomped on it like mud.”
“And you had every right to be hurt, but that was never my intention, I just did what I thought was the right thing.” He played with the curls in your hair and kissed you softly on your temple.
It wasn’t like it was a last minute decision. Regardless his heart murmur was there or not, he wasn’t going to stay home and attend classes. Breaking up with you wasn’t last minute, either. 
“I guess I should have been more understanding,” you admit, leaning back against the tree. 
“I spent nights trying to come up with what I was going to say, and when I was planning on saying it. I used to worry about the murmur, if I’d remember to feed Deacon, or telling my Mother about my plans for the future.”
“You weren’t sure about any of those things, Gene.”
“Seeing your face that night made me realize I’m never going to love anyone else the way I love you,” Eugene shook his head slowly. “I was definitely sure about that.”
“Loved,” you correct him.
“No, y/n. Love. I still love you, more than the stars reach the apex of this goddamn universe. I don’t think I’m ever gonna stop loving you. You’re really the answer God has given me after endless nights of praying for something good.”
“Then why didn’t you write me?”
“I had to find a way to move on. If it distracted me from fighting, I would have been as good as dead. Something in me died from the war, but the feelings I have for you are still here.”
You couldn’t help but smile a bit. “I love you more, Eugene.”
“So I hope it’s not too late to ask this,” Eugene said. “Miss Y/N Y/L/N, are you seeing anyone?”
You shook your head.
He raised his brows. “So for nearly four years, you haven’t been seeing anyone? Not one fella?”
“I tried to. I mean, I kept thinking you slept with a nurse.”
“Women weren’t even in my corner of the pacific, and nurses were there to do their jobs. Besides,” Eugene smiled. “I’d rather come home to the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known in Mobile.”
“Mary Houston?”
Eugene laughs. “I was talking about you. At least you’re humble.” He laughed harder when you started playfully slapping him on the chest repeatedly again. “Hey! But there’s no one I’d rather be with. I’m willing to start over, maybe pick up where we left off.”
“I would love that.” 
Eugene reached in his tux pocket, pulling out the golden necklace you loved wearing. “I believe this belongs to you.” He walked behind you, and began wrapping the necklace around your neck, clipping the lock together in place. “Y’know, after throwing it right at my face?”
“Sorry,” you blushed. “Don’t ever do that again; saying goodbye.”
“There is no goodbye.” He turned your head to face him using his finger under your chin. “There never was, just the old hello.”
You smiled again. 
“I’m gonna kiss you now.” He pulls you close to him. “Is that all right?”
“You can kiss me whenever you feel like it, Gene.” And you wouldn’t mind it one bit.
“Yes, ma’am.” And he leans in, kissing you almost a dozen times now, the overcoming nostalgia of the good time hitting once more. “And once I’m done kissing the daylights outta you, I’m bringing you inside. It’s been a while since I’ve danced with the love of my life.”
the end
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may I request something where joe mazzello is married to a lead singer of a band and has been for a while and she's brought up in an interview and he talks about how they met💞
Sure thing!
A/N: sorry these have been coming out slow. It's just lately I have been losing motivation to write for Queen and BohRap Cast members and I got distracted by other fanfic writing projects. Anyways, here ya go!
No warnings minus an accident where a dog is almost harmed but ends up safe (inspired by The Gilded Age)- just fluff!
Reader here is female, per the person's request.
Buy Me A Ko-Fi!
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"Good Morning, Y/N! Tell us- isn't today your anniversary with Joe Mazzello?"
You nodded in the chair of the morning show. Your eyes adjusted t the glare of the bright lights. From behind one camera, leaning against the wall was your beloved husband. His hands were in his pockets and he was grinning, beaming as he watched you.
You looked at the lady with heavy pink lipstick and pearls for eight in the morning and nodded your head.
"Yes, I am! It's our third anniversary!" you answered.
She tilted her head, but you could tell that her pink, made-up smile was genuine. Although she was more accustomed to being glamorous and dressed nicely in the morning than you were, there was a real curiosity in her- like talking to a new friend, not a news show host.
"Congratulations!" she cried.
"Thank you!" you said.
"Is it hard with Little and Fierce touring so much?"
"Yes, I will admit, it does get hard. Sometimes I get so hoarse the next day I can't call him- all the singing you know. But he understands that even just texting is fine. Joe loves me and he supports me- this was always a dream of mine to be a singer in a band and he wants that for me..."
"Awww, how sweet!" she cooed.
You noticed Joe himself turned a little pink and folded his arms. You threw a look at him and he gave you a wink.
"How did you two meet?" she asked.
You let out a little laugh. Your eyes went up to dig the memory from your mind and then you began.
"You see...you know my dog Bean?"
"Oh yes- the corgi, right?"
"Right! He's still my baby! Well, I had just gotten him. He was just a little puppy and the apple of my eye- still is! And I was out in the city, walking him. Suddenly, I tripped over something on the sidewalk- something on the pavement, I, uh, think. And uhm...it surprised me so much I let go of the leash and Bean ran away- right into the street!"
"What! No!" she gasped.
"I had a heart attack- there were cars coming and they couldn't see the little guy! Then I saw a flash of red hair and...uh, Joe ran in."
"Into traffic?"
"Yup! He managed to dodge around the cars, scoop Bean into his arms, and get him to safety! Then he met me and Joe gave this...this smile. And...I, uh, I don't believe in love at first sight but...when he looked at me..."
Joe's own hazel eyes shot up. His face softened.
"I just knew he would change my life the moment I met him and he handed Bean to me. We then went out together. And the rest is history..." you finished.
And what a happy, blissful history you two had and had yet to create!
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iloveakindofmagic · 4 years
One shot
Relationship: Deacury (John Deacon x Freddie Mercury)
Words:  2.7k
If the death of Freddie Mercury had not happened and it was only a dream that a bassist had...
... would life give Freddie a second chance to be loved?
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November 27, 1991
It was a day more cloudy than normal, large gray clouds covered the London sky with threats that it was going to rain.
The world of rock and music were in mourning ...
...Freddie Mercury died ...
~ • ~
Days before the vocalist, pianist and showman of the famous band Queen had left this world due to complicated pneumonia by AIDS, which he had acquired in 1987. Freddie, however, he kept it quiet, to avoid scandals and harassment by the press, although the latter was impossible, since the paparazzi had surrounded his house since the rumors began that he had this terrible disease.
But despite everything, he denied such rumors. Until the condition worsened and the end of Freddie approached. He decided that it was time to reveal to the world his true state of health. All the media reported the new declaration of the QUEEN’s vocalist
The day after the news, Freddie Mercury passed away ...
Thousands of QUEEN fans gathered outside the singer's house to say goodbye, singing songs, leaving messages of farewell to the singer who had become a Rock legend...
~ • ~
Now, Freddie's funeral was going to take place this day. Family, friends and the members of QUEEN were present to say goodbye to him.
For the band, Freddie's death was the most painful, they had lost an essential member of the band, an excellent singer and above all a good friend with whom they shared thousands of anecdotes.
The remaining members of QUEEN were completely devastated, especially the bassist John Deacon, who for him, the vocalist was his best friend, protector and motivation. He was deeply affected by this terrible loss, to such a degree that he was crying throughout the funeral.
After the funeral, Brian went to take a vacation with Anita so he could take in everything that was going on, Roger went home with Debbie and their children. John for his part went home to be with Veronica and spend time with his children to get through this.
The bassist came home, he was still devastated. He climbed the stairs and came to his room and then locked the door, he did not want to talk to anyone, he just wanted to be alone and let his tears flow freely. His wife understood that the death of his best friend affected him. She preferred to leave him alone for that day and the next morning she would talk to him.
John was sitting on the bed, he had a bottle of whiskey in his hand, he was drinking and letting the tears and sadness wash over him.
He couldn't believe what was happening, his heart was in pieces. He had lost one of the most important people in his life. He had a strange mix of sadness, hatred, anger, and guilt.
He felt guilty and hated himself for two strong reasons: on the one hand it was for not having been able to protect Freddie from fucking Paul Prenter, that bastard led Freddie to the world of debauchery and total perdition, which was the cause of that he got AIDS.
But he also hated himself for not expressing his feelings ...
John loved Freddie. At first he believed that it was a kind of affection and admiration for the Persian for protecting him and motivating him to write songs, however, one day he realized that he was more than a friend.
However, it was slow for John to realize that he was bisexual. He always hid these feelings because he had a wife and children. It did not mean that he did not feel love towards Veronica, he loved her, but not intensely as he did with Freddie.
But now John was broken inside. The love of his life was forever gone from this world and Freddie would never return.
He wished this was all just a bad dream and that Freddie was alive.
He lay back on the bed and he kept crying. The memories of Freddie are on the bassist's mind, he remembered the beautiful brown eyes that he had, his lips, that energy that made him unattainable.
How could he be so stupid? Why did he never confess his love to her? He wondered over and over as he took another sip from the whiskey bottle.
John was a mixture of sadness and drunkenness. His eyelids began to feel heavy, he let himself be carried away by Morpheus's arms, falling deeply asleep.
~ ☆ ~
~ ☆ ~
~ ☆ ~
John woke up with a severe headache, he had a huge hangover. It was already night, he had slept most of the day, his family must be worried about him.
Before getting up he realized something: He was not sleeping in his room, he was not even at home, but he was sleeping on a sofa that was in the main living room of Freddie's old house.
The bass player was puzzled. How the hell had he gotten there? Was he too drunk and traveled to Freddie's house? Everything was very confusing.
He got up and went to a bathroom that was close to him. He wiped his face with water and turned his gaze to a mirror. It was observed carefully, her hair was completely brown, there was no whiteness in her hair; his face was free of wrinkles, his appearance was as if he had turned when he was 28 years old, the age he was in 1979. He was confused.
"What the hell is happening here?" Thought John.
Suddenly, John heard a melody provided by a piano, then John out of his thoughts, it meant that he was not alone in that house. It was a melody so harmonious and powerful at the same time began to be heard. John could recognize him from thousands of miles away.
Quickly, he got out of the bathroom and walked around the house in search of the origin of that beautiful melody. The house was practically dark. Meanwhile, he finds a lighted room in the shadows, slowly he approached and leaned out to then find a surprise that left him in shock.
He was there, he was alive ...
... Freddie was alive ...
And there was Freddie, playing the piano. He looked so handsome, jovial, full of energy. He had short hair, however, he did not have the characteristic mustache of the 80s. Meanwhile, the brunette turned his back to the bassist as he focused on playing the piano while singing "You and I".
"Laughter ringing in the darkness
People drinking for days gone by
Time don't mean a thing
When you're by my side
Please stay awhile ..."
John had written that song to Freddie so that he could indirectly realize his feelings and an invitation to have something more than a simple friendship. John wanted to cry, he couldn't believe his eyes, he was seeing Freddie again, he was hearing his melodious and beautiful voice again.
Was he dreaming? Did he go back to 1979? o Was Freddie's death just a bad dream? Whatever it is, he wanted to keep the brown-eyed there forever.
"You know I never could
foresee the future years
You know I never could see
Where life was leading me
But will we be together forever?
What will be my love?
Can't you see that I just don't know"
The bassist listened carefully the song performed by the vocalist.
"I can hear the music in the darkness
Floating softly to
where we lie
No more questions now
Let's enjoy tonight
Just you and I
Can't you see that we've gotta be together
Be together just you and I just you and I
No more questions just you and I "
When Freddie finished the song, he turned to look towards the door, finding John standing on the threshold of it, he gave him a smile
“Finally, You had woken up, Deaky” Freddie said, approaching where John was standing “You had drunk too much and fell asleep. Brian and Roger left, so …” He was interrupted by a sudden hug provided by John, taking the persian by surprise. Freddie responded quickly to this act.
“Don't go …” John said and began to cry in the arms of the vocalist “I don't want to lose you again” John whispered in the Persian's ear deepening the hug, he blushed.
"W-What are you talking about, John?" He said, he was puzzled “I am here... I'm not going anywhere” He separated a little to see the child's eyes and meet his beautiful green eyes full of tears, which worried Freddie. "What's wrong, John?" He asked as he caressed the minor's pale face causing him to shudder.
If this was just a game of his mind and he was only dreaming, he didn't want to wake up anymore. This felt more than a dream, it felt so real, Freddie's touch was so warm and comfortable.
The Persian took him to the kitchen and invited him to sit down.
"Do you want some tea?" He offered with a small smile, John just nodded.
He made and poured the tea into two cups. They were both silent for a long time as they took small sips of the drink.
“I had a dream, Fred" The youngest began to speak “In that dream you contracted a terrible disease and …” He stopped to take a breath “... You died young” John burst into tears again. “You left me alone, Freddie …” The Persian was shocked by such words, he worried about forJohn, he didn't like to see the bassist cry.
If there was one thing Freddie hated, it was someone or something hurting John, because these hurt him too. They were hurting the most important person in his life and the person he loved. That I did not forgive anyone.
Freddie had loved John since he had joined the band, he was different from the other men he had known. His way of being with him, his sweetness and innocence; Those green eyes which tore when he laughed, he was perfect for Freddie. He had always silenced his feelings because he knew that he loved Veronica, his wife with whom he had procreated beautiful children.
That is why he only limited himself to protecting and supporting him as a kind of minor brother.
“Oh, darling…” Freddie hugged John and he responded by hugging him tighter, letting his tears flow “I will never leave this world soon ... Brian, Roger and especially you will have Freddie for many  years, I promise " He whispered sweetly. They continued hugging, enjoying the warmth.
John separated a bit from the older one
“Freddie, you must stay away from Paul Prenter” He changed his tone of voice to a serious voice, surprising the vocalist.
“John I …”
“He's not a good guy …” John interrupted Freddie letting go of the hug “He will make you fall into bad steps and that bad dream can come true” his hands held the vocalist's face and staring at him “ Please, let me protect you like you have always done”
“O-Okay John” Freddie blushed at John's words “Tomorrow morning I’m going to fire Paul”
A satisfied smile appeared on John's face, he felt that he had saved from a dark fate to Freddie.
They stared in silence, a slight blush appeared on their faces. Suddenly they both began to draw their faces closer, their hearts were beating fast, they could both feel their breaths.
They finally closed the distance when their lips met in a loving kiss. They both enjoyed that kiss, they transmitted thousands of emotions and feelings that they had saved for a long time.
Before they could deepen the kiss, Freddie reacted and separated of John quickly
“J-John, I'm sorry …” The vocalist got up from his chair, he felt that he had ruined a great friendship “I shouldn't have done it …”
“ Freddie, wait …” the brunette grabbed his wrist before he left “Haven't you realized?” He got up from the chair and grabbed the brunette's hands “I love you, Freddie. I've always loved you”
Freddie blushed when he heard those words, he was surprised.
“B-But Veronica …”
“The love I feel for her doesn't compare with the great love I feel for you” John got closer to Freddie, being inches away from him. They could see the difference in stature between them, John was taller than Freddie and the older man liked that difference.
The bassist hugged the older man's waist and brought him closer to him, blushing Freddie more
“I love you from the first day I saw you and I will always love you, Fred”
Freddie started to cry, he was very happy to hear those words
“Deaky, darling ... “ his hands held John's neck “I love you too much and I will love you forever”  
John blushed, he couldn't believe what he was hearing, he was very happy. Freddie stood on tiptoe and approached John’s face.
"You don't know how much I wanted this feeling to be mutual, John."
They both joined their lips in a sweet kiss, they felt that nothing else mattered but just the two of them. Now they could finally be happy together.
They deepened the kiss, now their tongues danced between them, exploring her oral cavities. The bassist’s lips traveled to Freddie's neck and he kissed his neck, drawing moans from the vocalist.
Freddie took John to his room and there they continued with the passionate kissing session ...
Finally, they made love with passion. Freddie was very happy, he had felt John inside of him and it was so special. It was the best sex Freddie had ever had in his life, it was so romantic and so passionate at the same time. Besides he was very happy to have made love to the person he most loved.
John was happy to finally be with the love of his life. For John it was not just sex , it was the beginning of a relationship and a new path in Freddie's life.
Both of them finally fell asleep hugging each other.
~ • ~
John woke up the next morning, he was naked and he was covered only with a sheet. Slowly he opened his eyes and found that the vocalist was not at his side.
A fear seized him when he saw that Freddie was not in bed.
Was it all a dream? Was Freddie really dead? He thought.
I was about to cry, when suddenly, Freddie came in holding a tray with a plate full of toast with cheese and orange juice. John immediately changed his face.
“Good morning, Deaky” He left the tray on the nightstand and approached the bassist to kiss his lips.
“Good morning, Fred” He said without stopping to see his new boyfriend.
The singer wore a kimono that he had gotten on one of the many tours to Japan. John was stunned to see him in that garment.
"Do you like what you see?" The old man modeled. John was able to see her naked and well turned thighs, she looked so fucking sexy with that.
“Y-Yes" He blushed "You look beautiful, Freddie" He confessed with a slight smile. Freddie's face  turned red when he heard those words.
"Thanks, Deaky" She sat on the bed and leaned over to kiss him sweetly. "I love you"
“I love you more, Fred ... And I will love you always” John whispered and then gave him a deep kiss full of love and passion ...
~ • ~
Freddie fired Paul without saying any reason that same day . His ex assistant threatened to divulge everything he knew about him, however, the vocalist gave it little importance, since he had already found that person to love and he didn’t care about anything else.
While John asked for a divorce from Veronica, she understood John’s feelings towards Freddie and she didn’t oppose his decision, the woman promised that she would be discreet with the relationship he had with Freddie. He said to her that his children wouldn’t lack anything and every weekend he would spend time with the children.
A new story full of love and mutual affection began. John didn’t know if life had given them a second chance to be happy together and Freddie could live without having contracted that damn disease or it was just a very real nightmare. The only thing he was sure of was that he was going to do everything possible to make him happy and be that somebody to love that Freddie had always sought. He was going to protect and love him forever so that the dream he had was just it ...
... Just a dream ...
Hi! This is my first story that I post in Tumblr. I hope you liked it. I love write fanfics about Deacury relationship!
Please visit my ao3, Instagram and Wattpadñ. You can find me under the same name: ILoveAKindOfMagic
Greetings! 💞
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doing-all-write · 4 years
you’re out
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your favorite past time is roasting Joe about how much the Yankees suck. So, when you go to a Yankees game with him and make a bet about whether they’ll win or not, you can’t help but hope that maybe, just maybe, they’ll win so Joe can do whatever he wants to you. 
Word Count: 5K
Warnings: SMUT (don’t interact if you’re under 18 please!), swearing, mentions of alcohol, continuous talk of how much the Yankees suck (they do, I’m sorry, I don’t make the rules!!!!). 
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A/N: Hello, hi, hey, anyone else bummed there isn’t any baseball to watch?? No?? Just me?? Alright, well, have soft, baseball loving Joe to fill the void in your heart. (and once again, thank you to @diasimar​, @fairestkillerqueenofall​ and @mrhoemazzello​ for their contributions and for being in horny/yearning hell with me all day every day)
💖As always, likes, reblogs and comments are always appreciated! 💖
"HA! See, that's why the Sox are the best team in the league right now and the Yankees, well, the Yankees, they suck." She took a long pull of beer as Joe’s string of curses were muffled by the material of his Yankees cap.   
Slapping him on the back, she raised her hand to get the bartenders attention. Her friend, Dylan, nodded back and slid two tequila shots down the bar toward them, not even bothering to hide their laughter at Joe, who had fully slumped over the bar and was letting his forehead bounce lightly against the wood. 
Pushing one liquid gold shot toward Joe, she pulled her own closer, watching a droplet of water fall over the edge of the lime's rind into the glass.
"C'mon Mazzello. Buck up. It's just the Yankees fifth loss of the season. Which means they’ve secured their status as the most suck-tastic team in the MLB." Smirking, she threw her shot back, quickly bringing the lime to her mouth and biting down on soft flesh, the sting of acidity biting back as she licked her lips, making sure she got every bit of salt from them. 
Watching (Y/N) lick her lips was the only thing that was enough to make Joe stop feeling sorry for himself and start feeling a different emotion. 
"Can't you have some sympathy for a mourning man? I'm dying over here. I'm slowly being killed by the thing I love most." He wasn't quite sure if he was referring to the Yankees or the more than friends feelings that he'd had for (Y/N) since the moment he’d met her. 
And her boyfriend. 
But the boyfriend was out of the picture (She'd swanned into his apartment one day, already monologuing, "So, I dumped Mitch. He told me once we got 'serious', my career would need to take a back seat so I left him, and our relationship, in the back seat of the Uber we were in.") and Joe felt like he needed to take his chance before someone else came into the picture. 
Laughing, she reached her hand up to the Sox cap she wore, twisting it around so the brim was facing towards the back.  
Joe almost choked at the action.  
"Joe, if you don't take that shot right now I'm calling the cops because I'm pretty sure that's alcohol abuse to leave a perfectly good free shot sitting in front of you." Dylan raised an eyebrow as they finished wiping down the last glass they had pulled from the crate they'd brought from the kitchen.
Ripping his gaze from (Y/N)'s form, he hurriedly threw it back, scrunching his face up in an exaggerated fashion as the burn of the alcohol streaked down his throat and warmed his stomach. Popping the whole lime slice in his mouth he heard her laugh,
"Joe! God, how many times do I have to tell you that you don't have to put the whole lime in your mouth?" 
"When you stop laughing every time I do it." He admitted as he delicately placed the mangled husk of said lime on his napkin. Dylan shuddered as they touched the very edge of Joe's napkin to let it fall into the trash can behind the bar.  
Shaking her head, she swiveled in her chair to face Joe, "So. I have a proposition." 
Please let it be that she things we should be together forever and get married. Or that she proposition me for sex. Either one. 
"You know how I scored those tickets to the Yankee's/Sox's game for next week?" 
Shaking himself from the imagery of shoving a piece of wedding cake in (Y/N)'s face, Joe nodded, taking another gulp of beer. 
"Well....since you're my best friend who I love dearly," she placed a hand on his thigh, smiling, and Joe knew he would do whatever she wanted. 
"I was thinking we could make it extra interesting." Her heart was racing at just the small action she had accomplished. Feeling Joe's thigh muscle tighten as she laid her hand on it made something deep in the pit of her stomach tighten as well.
Since she'd broken up with Mitch it freed her up to do things she'd always wanted to do. To focus on her career, her friendships, herself and on the fact that she wanted her best friend, Joe Mazzello, to absolutely wreck her in the bedroom. 
The first time she'd envisioned it, she'd almost drained the new pair of batteries she'd put in her vibrator and since then she'd been falling without a parachute. The only thing that kept her from ripping the cord was the fact he was her best friend. They spent all their time together, what if it went wrong? It was a silly fear, she knew if anything were to happen they’d work through it like they always did, but it still bugged her that something so trivial was stopping her from potentially jumping into the best relationship she'd ever had. 
Besides, she'd do anything for Joe and she knew he’d do anything for her. They'd picked each other up from the airport, taken care of each other when they were sick or hungover and once Joe had plant sitted for her. 
(The key word there being once. She'd come back to all of them dead. "Joe...they're succulents. How do you kill those?")
She was nervous the fantasies she'd cooked up in her head would never live up to the reality that was in front of her, but recently she'd noticed little things that were starting to embolden her. 
Lingering gazes, holding on for a second too long during hugs. Once, it had been late, and they'd pulled apart from a hug only for their eyes to lock. Her breath caught as the thought oh god it's actually happening flitted through her mind, but Joe just gave her a gentle nudge toward the door urging her to get into bed as soon as possible. 
But, she was nervous that she was reading too much into these signs. 
If (Y/N) had been able to read minds she would have been very confused to see Gwil in his "I Want To Break Free" get up but it was Joe's surefire way to get rid of an erection and with (Y/N)'s hand so close on his thigh, he knew he needed to do something desperate to settle himself down.
Bringing herself back to the feel of Joe's thigh under her hand, she peered up at him through her eyelashes and shot him a smile, "I think we should place a bet." 
"A bet?"
"Yes, Joseph. A wager. On this ball game."
"Alright, what are the terms?" Joe leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. Her eyes were immediately drawn to the way the sleeves of his t-shirt stretched against his biceps. She swore he bought his shirts a size too small just to fuck with her. 
"Well, if the Yankees lose, which they will because they suck," Joe made an indignant noise in the back of his throat, "then you have to do anything I want."
Joe's eyebrows almost shot into his hairline, "And if the Sox’s lose? Which they will," he declared pointing a finger in (Y/N)'s face, causing her to lean back in her chair, batting his finger out of her face, "then you have to do anything I want." Crossing his arms behind his head he settled back into his chair, smug smile firmly planted. 
"It's so on, Mazzello." She declared as she stuck her hand out for him to shake. As his hand slid into hers, she could have sworn they both held on for a beat longer than was absolutely necessary. 
In (Y/N)'s opinion it wasn't really summer till she went to a baseball game. The artificial green of the grass, the sun shining down, the crack of a baseball hitting a bat. There wasn't a scent more intoxicating than that of popcorn, hot dogs and cheap beer. 
Which was probably why Joe had sent some serious side eye her way as she filled her lungs and drank in the scene before her, settling into their seats, hands clasped around flimsy plastic cups filled with overpriced alcohol.  
"What? You don't love the smell of a ball game?" she shot him an incredulous look.
"No, I do. But I don't try to inhale the whole stadium through my nostrils." 
Reaching a hand around she knocked his Yankees hat off his head, laughing as he scrambled to pick it up and jam it back on his head. Turning, she saw he had his best scowl prepped as he glared at her, 
"How dare you try to knock the best good luck charm the Yankees have off my head?" 
"Because I need my bathroom cleaned and I want you to do it." she shrugged as she took a sip of what was mostly foam. Gotta love baseball beer.
"I can't even be that mad at you because you did bring me to a baseball game that my team is going to whoop your teams ass in so, thanks, (Y/N)." He wrapped an arm around her shoulders, bringing her into his side as she leaned a head against him, smiling and wanting to  stay in that position for as long as possible. 
"Oh, you two are just the cutest couple! Reminds me of myself and Harold at our first baseball game." 
Both their heads turned in perfect unison to look at the form of a woman cautiously making her way down the stairs, cane in one hand, her grandson holding her other arm and mouthing I'm sorry at them over her head.  
Laughing self-consciously, (Y/N) started to disentangle herself from Joe's embrace, "Oh. Ah. That's really not-"
"Thank you ma'am, that's really sweet of you. Were you and Harold married a long time?" Joe interjected, keeping his arm firmly wrapped around (Y/N)'s shoulders.
Stopping in the middle of the aisle, the woman’s eyes grew soft, "Oh yes. We were friends for the longest time until finally one day he kissed me on the cheek. I remember I turned to him as he turned bright red and looked ready to melt into the floor. But I just told him 'It's about damn time!' And planted one on him myself." She laughed at the memory as her grandson rolled his eyes,
"C'mon Grandma. Let's get to our seats. The first pitch is gonna be thrown soon." 
Waving goodbye, they watched the woman toddle down the stairs. Lifting one thigh and then the other, (Y/N) felt her skin unstick and prayed to god she wouldn't have butt sweat once this thing was over. 
"That's cute. But also it sounds like she was a huge hussy back in her day." 
Snorting, she slapped Joe in the chest, "Really, Joey? You're going to call a sweet old lady a hussy for sharing a cute story about her and her husband?" 
"I'm just calling 'em like I see 'em!"
"And that old woman is a hussy?"
"She's the one throwing herself at men!" Joe protested as he tried to hold back his laughter. Soon, they both were laughing so hard no noise was coming out, just their whole bodies shaking with mirth.  
"Okay, okay...oh my god. I will give her credit, that's a very sweet story." (Y/N) admitted as she leaned back in her seat, adjusting her own lucky Sox hat.
"It is. I've always liked being friends with someone first before dating them." Joe admitted as he slid his eyes over to meet (Y/N)'s. Staring back at him, she felt her heart stop as his gaze burned into hers. Nodding, she mumbled, "Yeah, me too."
His lips twitched upward as he broke the gaze and leaned back in his seat, throwing one arm over the back of her chair and propping his foot up on the seat in front of him, "I think it's gonna be a great ball game."
She could only nod mutely as she tried to pick up the scattered fragments of her thoughts. 
"C'mon. Go. GO. GOGOGO. DROP IT...AHH FUCK." Her head dropped into her hands. She was so sure that the hit the last batter had was going to be the one that got the Sox the win but the Yankees outfielder had just managed to snag it.     
Beside her, Joe was on his feet, pumping his fists in the air and cheering along with every other Yankees fan in the stadium causing the floor to rumble underneath her Converse. 
"C'mon (Y/N), you're missing the best part!" Joe laughed as he tugged on the back of her shirt. Lifting her head up she was met with confetti raining from the sky and Frank Sinatra crooning "New York, New York" over the stadium speakers as the crowd started to flood out of the ball park. 
"You're an insufferable bastard."
"Yeah but I'm your insufferable bastard." Joe cooed as he patted her head, snickering as she rolled her eyes and dodged out from underneath his patronizing hand. 
"Whatever, Mazzello. Let's head out." Pulling her phone from her pocket to call a ride, her brain was already going a million miles an hour, thinking about what Joe would possibly make her do. Just the kind of thoughts she was having were causing her to shift in place, trying to find some relief for the ache that was building between her thighs. 
Joe was consumed by his own thoughts at the opportunity before him. He didn't want to make (Y/N) do anything she didn't want to do but at the same time...he wanted to kiss her. He'd almost been disappointed that the kiss cam hadn't landed on them. 
Both of them were lost in their own world and as such didn't realize that the herd moving to exit the stadium had stopped which caused Joe to run into someone which made (Y/N) bump into Joe with an "Oof" 
Reaching an arm back, he wrapped his hand around her arm, steadying her as she tottered on the balls of her feet. 
"Without even looking back, that's impressive." 
"What can I say? I'm an impressive sort of guy." (Y/N)'s breath caught in her throat considering what else about Joe was impressive but immediately snapped out of it when he turned to face her over his shoulder and waggled his eyebrows up and down. 
Rolling her eyes, she shoved him forward, "Let's just get home so I can sooth my wounds with booze and maybe some leftover Chinese." 
"Wait, but we had Chinese at my place, none of it is at yours." Joe wrinkled his brow. 
"I know, that's why we're going over to your place. You have all the good food and booze." She shrugged as they pushed through the gates and walked to the bus that would take them home.   
"You always say that and then I run out of food and have to buy more. Why can't you ever have the good food and booze?" he grumbled.
"Because I can't afford to have you eating and drinking all my stuff." 
Shoving his door open, they fell into Joe's apartment, letting the artificial coolness of air conditioning wrap itself around them. Both of them letting out involuntary sighs at how good it felt after being crammed onto a hot bus with more warm bodies than seats.
"Time to munch..." (Y/N) clapped her hands together before she opened the door of Joe's fridge and pulled out a Chinese takeout container, popping it open, mouth watering instantly at the sight of the golden dumplings waiting for her, like little doughy presents.
Before she could even grab a fork, Joe's hand wrapped around the container, whipping it up and over her head, causing her to turn in place so she was witness to Joe shoving a dumpling in his mouth, "Oh, I'm sorry. Did I not tell you? Dumplings are for winners." He said through a mouthful of her dumplings. 
"You're the meanest person in the whole world." She declared as she turned her back on him to rummage around in his fridge, only to emerge with two beers in her fist. 
Joe couldn't help but admire how she looked in his kitchen. He couldn't help but think what it would be like to cook with her. Or cook for her. Having her sitting on the counter as he made her a home cooked meal, stealing kisses in between stirring and chopping, making small talk, kidding around with each other, he wanted that so badly he felt his heart seize with longing. 
"Well, I guess we can't put it off any longer." She sighed as she slowly placed the beers on the counter. The look on her face was so melancholy, Joe put down the takeout box and felt his heart leap up into his throat, "What do you mean?"
"I mean the bet. I lost. Which, I would like to point out, how brave I am for admitting that without retching," Joe rolled his eyes, "But I get to do anything you want me to do so, hit me Joe. What do you want me to do?" 
Peering up at him through her eyelashes she searched his face, hoping against all hope that he would say "get on your knees" or "get into my bedroom". She knew that was wishful thinking on her part but she couldn't help it. Watching his Adam's apple bob up and down as he took a huge swallow, she almost didn't hear what he muttered next, 
"Want you to kiss me." 
Her eyes shot up to his.  
"I mean, only if you want to. I don't want you to do anything you're uncomfortable with but, fuck, (Y/N), I've wanted to kiss you since I first met you and I don't know, it feels like there's been something more between us lately and I didn't want to hate myself forever for not just, going for it, so, if you want, I'd really like it if you kissed me." He ended this speech with a shrug, fiddling with his fingers. 
"Joey," she breathed out and Joe's form stiffened as he waited for her rejection, 
"I've waited for you to ask me that for so long." she admitted, almost laughing at how wide Joe's eyes became. 
Blinking he stepped forward, "Then get over here and kiss me."  
Eyes widening, she stepped up to Joe, their arms hanging at their sides as they contemplated each other. Unsure, she tilted her head up. Joe leaned his head down, lips ghosting over hers as he whispered, "Are you sure?"
She just nodded and felt her heart clench as a smirk grew over Joe's face. 
Reaching a hand up, he cupped her cheek, letting his thumb stroke over the soft skin. Closing the gap between them, he placed his lips against hers, gently. Not enough to really count as a true kiss, his last ditch attempt to give her an out if she wanted. 
The electricity zipping through her body let her know that this was meant to happen. 
Letting out a small moan, she reached her arms up to wrap around Joe's neck, dragging him down more fully against her lips. Twining his arms around her waist, he pulled her flush against him. Feeling her soft curves fit up against him in the most delicious way possible.
Deepening the kiss, he nudged her back toward the counter. She made a small noise in the back of her throat as her back hit the edge. 
"Jump," Joe breathed and she did what she was told, leaping up onto the counter, spreading her legs as Joe stepped between them, running his hands up and down her thighs, giving them a squeeze when he reached where she wanted him most. 
"Such a good girl taking my directions." he breathed into her mouth. Her head dropped back as she let out a groan. Joe smiled at the effect. 
"You're gonna ruin me, Joe." she laughed weakly as one of her hands intertwined with one of Joe's. 
"That's the plan, darling" he said devilishly, bringing his other hand to the back of her head, pulling her down to reconnect their lips. She cupped Joe's face with both of her hands, giving her all to the kiss. Letting all of her pent up want and need spill through her lips and tumble into Joe's heart.  
Letting his tongue slip through her lips, he explored her mouth. She gripped his shoulders as she wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him flush against the counter. Chuckling, he twined his fingers through her hair, giving it a gentle tug as he felt her body become pliable at the sensation. 
"So, you like having your hair pulled, huh?" He murmured as she mewled, scooting her hips closer to the edge of the counter, wanting nothing more than to grind her core against something, anything to relieve the ache that was building in her. 
"Mmm and you're a needy little thing too." he cooed as his hands ghosted down her body, outlining her curves. Nodding ferociously, she drapped her arms around his neck, pressing her lips to his again as he gave her hips a squeeze. 
"Joe!" the yelp that came from her mouth was louder than she intended but she hadn't been prepared for Joe's arms to lift her from the counter and carry her into the bedroom. Feeling his chest rumble against hers she smiled, "I got you. Don't worry."
"I know. You've always had me." she breathed into his ear and Joe had to bury his head into her hair to keep from letting the enjoyment he felt hearing that shine too strongly through his face. 
Lifting his head from her soft waves, he gently laid her on the bed groaning when she stretched her whole body and smiled up at him, "Aren't you going to ravish me now?" she fluttered her eyelashes at him and felt her pulse quicken as Joe started unbuckling his jeans. 
"Sweetheart, I'm going to make sure every inch of you is screaming with pleasure." Eyes widening, she started to fumble with the buckle of her belt as Joe chuckled, "I, uh, kind of wanted to be the one who did that." Lifting her eyes she saw the blush in his cheeks and smiled, "Then come here and get into these pants, Mazzello." 
He pounced on top of her so quickly she wasn't even sure how it happened. His fingers making quick work of her belt and shimmying her shorts down her legs.  
"God, you're gorgeous." Joe's eyes shone as he drank her form in. When he got to her head his lips quirked up, "You're gonna have to lose the hat, babe. Besides, if anything you should be wearing the hat of winners." he joked as she rolled her eyes. Then, a wicked idea overcame her.     
Rising up on her knees, she placed her hands on Joe's shoulders to breath into his ear, "You mean like this hat?" Grabbing the hat Joe was still wearing, she flung her Sox hat to the floor and replaced it with his well-work Yankees hat. 
Seeing (Y/N) wearing that hat caused Joe's cock to twitch in his boxers and he let out a soft whine as she placed a hand on his thigh, "Do you want to fuck me in your Yankees hat, Joey?" 
"God, yes. I don't care how stereotypically male that makes me but, fuck, (Y/N), yes." his hands came up to her face, pulling her into a deep kiss that was interrupted by his moan as her hand started palming him through his boxers. 
"Fuuuck (Y/N)" he breathed out as his head fell against her shoulder. Smiling she kissed his neck as she tugged at the band of his briefs, "I want these off" 
Again, it seemed like Joe moved so fast she wasn't sure how it happened. In the blink of an eye he was laying on her bed, briefs off, shirt off and beckoning her closer with one finger, his eyes never leaving hers. 
Smirking, she crawled over to Joe. Straddling him, she reached for the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, being careful not to mess up the hat that was positioned on her head. Joe smirked at the action but his jaw quickly dropped when he saw her. Her pink bra and floral panties somehow making the hat on her head even filthier. 
She felt his cock twitch underneath her heat and groaned at the contact. Leaning forward she pressed a kiss to Joe's lips then slowly started kissing his neck, down his chest and finally to his thighs where she most wanted to be.    
Biting his hips, Joe finally hissed "(Y/N), please, wanted this for so long..." Taking pity on him, she wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock and started working him over. The way Joe threw his head back and groaned was all the praise she needed.
Even though, as she bobbed her head up and down, Joe was heavy on the praise, "Such a good girl, making me feel so good, babe. God, don't stop..." when she took his entire length in her mouth, she felt Joe tug on her arm, bringing her back up to his lips, he kissed her deeply. 
"My turn," he murmured as he pressed her down into the bed. Smiling, she snuggled down into the pillows behind her and sighed as Joe pressed kisses all over her tits, reaching his hands behind her and making quick work of her bra.
She ripped it from her body and threw it to the floor as Joe danced his hands down to her cunt. 
Stroking the inside of her thigh softly, dragging his fingers closer and closer to her entrance she whined, "Joe..." lifting his head from her chest, he smiled,
"What? Not moving fast enough for you?" She nodded frantically and Joe's eyes never left hers as he moved a finger to run up and down her folds.
With a gasp she threw her head back and Joe growled, "Shit baby, you're soaked. Who did this to you?" 
"You...you did Joey. You always make me this wet."
"Always, huh? I think I'd remember if we hooked up before this." he smirked. 
"Every time I touch myself I imagine you doing it..." she murmured as she bucked her hips up to get his fingers closer to her entrance which meant she missed how comically wide Joe's eyes got and was caught off guard when he planted another kiss on her lips. 
"Those are the hottest words I could ever hear come from your mouth." she breathed out a laugh and then she felt her eyes rolling into the back of her head as Joe slowly inserted two fingers into her cunt. 
"F-fuck Joe, that feels so good..." Her voice trailed off as Joe started pumping his fingers into her slowly, relishing in the feel of the walls of her pussy tightening as he sought out the one spot that would make her lose her mind. After a particularly deep thrust that had her eyes rolling into the back of her head Joe leaned down to kiss her neck. 
Speeding up his fingers she felt her cunt clench, between his fingers and the way he was kissing on her neck, she knew was going to cum soon. 
"Joe...I-I'm gonna cum" 
"Good, want you to. Want you to cum around my fingers and then around my cock. Think you can do that for me, sweetheart? Want to feel how good I make you.” 
Making a whining noise in her throat she reached a hand up to the back of Joe's neck to reconnect her lips with his.
Pumping his fingers in and out of her he started to swirl his thumb over her clit and she moaned into his mouth, "Fuuuuck, Joe, don't stop"
"Wasn't planning on it" he chuckled into her mouth as he felt how close she was. Pressing more firmly on her clit, (Y/N) saw stars and she didn't even have time to warn Joe before the waves of her orgasm crashed over her. 
As she came down, she was aware of tightly she was gripping onto Joe's hair and let go with an apology. 
"Never apologize for pulling my hair when I make you cum like that. Truly, it's a small price to pay to see someone as beautiful as you cum because of me." Blushing, she reached her hands down to shimmy her panties down her legs and throw them into her room. 
Grabbing her hand, he gave it a kiss and they stared deep into each others eyes, she reached a hand down, brought his fingers up to her mouth and licked them clean of her juices, keeping direct eye contact the whole time. 
Joe's eyes darkened, "I need to fuck you. Now." 
"What are you waiting for then? Please fuck me, Joe." she cooed as she brought his fingers out of her mouth with a pop. Reaching her hand down, she pumped his cock a few times as Joe growled. 
Batting her hand away, he guided his cock to the entrance of her cunt, swiping it up and down her folds, "God, there's nothing hotter than getting my cock wet with your own juices, baby girl." 
"Fuuuuuck, Joe" she whined as she brought her hands up to rest on his biceps, squeezing them and laughing when she felt him flex, "Did you just purposefully flex?" 
Winking at her he pushed himself fully inside. Giving them both a minute to adjust, he brought his forehead down to rest on hers. Both of them closing their eyes and breathing each other in, it was the most vulnerable moment they'd  shared with each other. 
This one moment, where they were closer than they had ever been, it felt so right they couldn't quite believe that in a city of thousands, they fit perfectly together. 
"Yeah, sweetheart?" 
"If you don't move soon I'm gonna be pissed." 
Laughing, he kissed her nose and started to thrust. Throwing her head back, she let out a string of curses as her hands clutched the sheets, feeling the walls of her cunt clench around Joe's length. 
"Fucking hell, feel better than I ever imagined."
"You feel a hell of a lot better than my vibrator" she choked out as Joe let out a single bark of laughter, thrusting harder. He lifted her legs so they were over his shoulders, enjoying how the new angle let him get deeper inside her, and by the way (Y/N) had started babbling about how close she was, he had a pretty good idea it felt amazing for her as well. 
"Fuck, Joe. Rub my clit. I'm so close. Again..." a moan swallowing the rest of her sentence as Joe started rubbing her clit. 
Seeing her writhe underneath him, knowing he was the cause of her pleasure and the fact that this was all happening while she was wearing his Yankees cap was almost too much for Joe.
"Sweetheart, I'm close.." he choked out as (Y/N) nodded, "Me too, want to cum with you..." she murmured and Joe nodded, thrusting harder as she brought a hand up to tweak her nipples. 
Pressing more firmly into her clit, (Y/N) felt her pleasure overtaking her body and succumbed to the orgasm that swept over her. Feeling her walls clench around his cock was the final push Joe needed. With a final groan, he filled her with his love, taking a minute to catch his breath. 
When they finally both opened their eyes they burst into giggles, 
"Hi" Joe breathed out as he tweaked her nose
Scrunching her nose, she reached her head up to press a gentle kiss to Joe's lips. Pulling himself from her, they both moaned at the loss of contact and after cleaning them up, he crawled into bed next to her, pulling her into his arms. 
"God, that was...amazing"
"And long overdue in my personal opinion." 
"Yeah, ya think?" he pressed a kiss to the top of her head then pulled back with a disgusted noise.
"What? Does my hair smell bad? Do I have lice or something?" pulling back she looked up into Joe's eyes. 
"No, this hat smells nasty. I can't believe you wore it when we had sex, who would do that?" 
"Don't lie, it was the one final push you needed to cum, yeah?" 
"I don't have to admit anything to you" he sniffed as she curled up into his arms.
Nuzzling into his chest, she placed a soft kiss right on top of his heart. Humming, he drew her in closer, closing his eyes and locking into his memory how it felt to hold her in his arms. 
His eyes snapped open, “Wait, hold on,” he jumped up, ignoring her protests as he rummaged around on the floor. 
“Joe, c’mon, come back and snuggle.” Pouting she turned only to be met with the lens of Joe’s camera focused on her. 
“JOE! I’m NAKED! What is your PROBLEM?” Scrambling, she threw the sheet over her form, peeking over the edge so only the hat and her eyes could be seen. They narrowed as Joe laughed, taking picture after picture of her. 
“Holy shit, there’s a really great one here. I think I managed to capture the exact moment your soul left your body when you realized I was taking pictures...” his voice trailed off as he swiped through the photos he’d taken, smile growing bigger with each one. 
“Glad you’re enjoying those horrible pictures. You better burn those Joe, I’m serious.” Pulling the sheet down to her neck, she fixed him with her best glare. It didn’t last long. 
How could it when he looked up at her with adoration radiating from his eyes? 
“You’re so beautiful.” 
Her indignation drained and she sat up, patting the bed, “Come back to me. Please?” 
Joe climbed into the bed, kneeling in front of (Y/N) to kiss her softly, “I’ll always come back to you.” 
Hiding her head in his shoulder, she pressed a kiss to the soft skin there, fighting back the tears she felt welling up suddenly. Pulling back she heard the click of the camera one more time. 
Joe lowered the phone, “So beautiful.” 
Taking the phone from him she turned around, her back against his chest as she held it aloft, “C’mon, first picture as a couple.” 
Smiling, they took one good one and the rest were a mess. One or both of them pulling ridiculous faces. A series of pictures where Joe was obviously playing with her boobs. Their favorite one was where (Y/N) was mid-laugh and Joe was looking at her, the love between them written so clearly in their eyes that they felt like they were infringing on a private moment. 
Looking at it, (Y/N) turned to Joe, “You think we’ll look at each other like that, even when we’re old?” 
Chuckling, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head, “Absolutely. You and I are gonna be like that old lady at the baseball game and her husband.” 
“Are you calling me a hussy?” 
“Again, I’m just calling them like I see them.” 
“I feel like you shouldn’t call your own girlfriend a hussy.”
“Oh so you’re my girlfriend now?” Joe rolled on top of her, peppering her face with kisses as she laughed. 
“Well I won’t be if you keep calling me a hussy!”
“What if I only called you a hussy when we’re getting sexy?” 
Pausing, she reflected on Joe’s proposition, “Hmm, I guess that could be okay. But can you not call it Getting Sexy? That makes it decidedly not sexy.” 
“Alright, we’ll come up with something good. Though you should definitely always wear The Sex Hat whenever we fuck.” 
Sighing, she flicked the brim of the hat she was still wearing, “I set a dangerous precedent by wearing this, huh?” 
“Darling, you have no idea how dangerous you in that hat is.” Joe growled as he nipped her neck.
“Mmm, I think I have a pretty good idea.” She smirked as she tilted her head to the side, “It’s just enough to distract you so I can do this.” 
“Wha-” Joe hit the bed with an grunt as she slide out from underneath him and raced out of the room. 
Pushing himself up, Joe raced after her into the kitchen, knowing he’d be too late to stop her but he wanted to be around to imprint the image of (Y/N) naked in his kitchen into his brain for forever. 
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mistymazzello · 4 years
Cruel Summer | part viii
high school!joe mazzello x reader
summary-they used to be best friends, but now that y/n has a boyfriend (that everyone hates), joe and y/n can’t seem to come to terms with their feelings, but it’s no secret to anyone how they truly feel.
warnings-cussing and maybe a teeny bit of angst
word count-2.4k
taglist- @seven-seas-of-ham-on-rhye @briarrose26 @mrsmazzello @im-an-adult-ish @iamthebeth @cobaincreates @almightygwil @timmvrphy @free-pool-trash @inlovewithaxlrose @findingillyria
a/n-this is the second to last chapter! there will be nine chapters in total and then an epilogue after that. so sad this is coming to an end and i’m so pleased at the feedback this is getting. i love all of you!!
based off of cruel summer by taylor swift
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“Joe, how many times do I have to say I’m sorry?” Ben pleaded. 
Joe ignored him as he walked into the dugout of the baseball field. 
“Can we at least talk about it?” He asked.
Joe sighed as he sat down on the bench. “Talk about what? The fact that you’re literally in love with my girlfriend?”
“It’s not even like that!” Ben defended.
“What’s it like then?” Joe shouted.
They were lucky that they were the first ones there, the baseball field almost deserted except for a few members of the opposite team in their own dugout. “I just liked her, okay? I wasn’t going to do anything about it and I wasn’t even going to tell her, she just kind of figured it out herself and made me tell her.”
Joe shook his head. He had been completely blindsided by all of this. With not very much time to process it all, he had freaked out. Everyone was hoping all of this could be forgotten, but that’s kind of hard when this is the least forgettable thing to ever happen in the friend group.
That’s why Joe was hoping for some normalcy while playing baseball. Summer baseball had always been one of Joe’s favorite things about June. It wasn’t serious, there was no pressure, he could just relax and play the game that he loves.
Relax. Ha. That’s funny.
Nothing was relaxing about the tension in the air that was thicker than the heat of Summer. Ben and Joe sat squished together, thigh to thigh. Joe’s leg bounced, his arms crossed over his chest as they announced the line up. 
Ben felt bad, he really did. He didn’t want Joe to be mad at him for the way he felt, but at this point, there was nothing he could do. He had already told you about his feelings, and it was mortifying to have to sit next to your boyfriend while you watched in the stands.
Joe and Ben could both see you, sitting between Gwil and Lucy. Joe’s heart skipped at the sight, while Ben’s sunk. They both thought you looked beautiful, your elbow on your knee with your chin in your hand. 
“It’s not your fault, Y/N.” Gwilym stated.   
“But it kind of is, I should have told Joe.”
“Yeah but Joe needs to understand why you didn’t.” Lucy piped up.
You sighed, crossing your legs. 
“I promise it’ll work out. You’re just in an awkward position.” Gwilym said, rubbing his hand over your back. You nodded and took a deep breath. 
A beat passed and Lucy giggled, causing the two of you to look at her. “How awkward do you think it is in the dug out right now?”
“Oh my god. It’s probably horrible.” You said, looking over at Ben and Joe, who were sitting next to each other. You all watched as the boys stood up and started clearing the dugout to go onto the field.
“Carter, look, your bitch is here.” Aaron Thompson said, leaning against the wall of the dugout and gesturing towards you.
“Yeah I saw her staring at me when I got here. God, she’s so fucking obsessed. Follows me everywhere.” Carter said.
Joe heard from across the bench and looked over at him. “Carter she has you blocked on everything.” he said very matter-of-factly. 
Carter's head whipped in Joe’s direction. “The fuck do you know?” He sneered. Joe shook his head, holding back the whole ‘she left you for me’ insult.
“You know they’re dating, right?” Ben spoke up, tying his shoe on the bench and not even bothering to look up at Carter.
“Yeah. I heard.” Carter said. “She can’t be single for longer than a day, can she. She’s got abandonment issues.”
Joe could feel his face getting red with anger. “No, I don’t think that’s the case here.” He said. He knew very well that you had terrible abandonment issues, but the entire baseball team didn’t need to know that.
“So what’s the case then?” Carter asked. 
“Carter, are you stupid? She left you for Joe.” Ben said, still sitting on the bench. Joe looked over at Ben with appreciation, his lips slightly upturned. 
Carter turned to Ben and laughed out of embarrassment. “I bet she’s giving you the same treatment she gave me.” Carter said to Joe. At this point the entire baseball team was listening and the dugout was so silent, you could practically hear Joe’s pounding heartbeat, quickening by the second.
Joe laughed. “Right.” He said. He didn’t want to be in this situation anymore, and he knew that he was above Carter. He wasn’t bothered. 
Carter smiled. “Does she still have that thing with hair-pulling? That was weird but you know, it was kinda hot.” A few boys laughed and some slapped their hands over their mouths. He was just trying to get a dig at Joe, and he knew it worked when he looked at him, completely speechless.
Joe’s vision went blurry with pure, unadulterated anger. Ben had seen that look in Joe’s eyes before. He recognized it from the night at the party before Joe hit Carter. He knew they were close to recreating exactly what happened that night. He stood up and grabbed Joe’s arm. “Don’t even bother. It’s not worth it.” He muttered to him.
Joe glanced at Ben. Ben shook his head and Joe sighed, giving into Ben and turning around. He stormed out, Ben following close behind.
The game started and it was pretty slow at first. Your team started in the outfield, Joe playing second base and Ben playing centerfield. You could tell within the first 5 minutes that Joe was having a bad day.
Joseph Mazzello had never had a bad day in baseball. Even the days that he would consider “bad” were good. He was the star player on the team and everyone knew it. 
When the second inning came around, Joe was 2nd up to bat. He struck out within the first 3 pitches. He threw his bat on the ground and stormed into the dugout.
“Yikes.” Gwilym said.
“He’s never like that.” Lucy noted.
Watching him intently as he sat down on the bench, you sighed. You knew he was pissed off, you could tell by how he was over-swinging. As he scanned the crowd you locked eyes with him and gave him a sympathetic smile. He looked away.
You watched in agony as the game went on, Joe doing worse and worse. Joe knew he had never fucked up this bad before and he was humiliated to say the least. Every time he saw you in the crowd, or remembered you were there, he let it get under his skin. He was letting his personal life and personal problems seep into his baseball skills.
In the 5th inning, the bases were loaded. The sun was high in the sky and the field was quiet as the next player stepped up to bat. Joe was in the outfield, punching his hand into his glove, trying not to lose his mind.
A loud crack let everyone know that the ball had been hit. It flew across the field, straight in Joe’s direction. It bounced once on the ground and he caught it. He turned towards home and wound up, throwing the ball as hard as he could. The second he let go, he knew he had made a mistake. He felt something rip in his shoulder, pain overtaking his whole left half. Soon he was on the ground, holding his arm. 
“Oh, fucking christ.” You breathed, standing up to run to the fence.
At first, not many players noticed. A few walked over to him, bending over to ask if he was okay.
Ben saw the commotion from all the way across the field as the umpire called a time-out. Ben ran across the diamond and weaved through players of both teams to kneel at Joe’s side.
“Holy shit, Joe, what happened.” He asked. 
“My fucking shoulder.” Joe groaned through gritted teeth. The coach was crouched on the other side of him, all of them equally confused as to what to do. 
You clung onto the fence, trying to figure out what was happening. “I think it’s his arm or something.” You said.
“Looks like his shoulder.” Gwilym added, standing next to you.
The coach lightly took Joe’s hand away from his arm. “Yeah, it’s dislocated.” Joe groaned again and sat up. 
“We’ve got to get him out of here.” The coach said to Ben, the only other person really trying to help.
“Joe, can you stand up?” Ben asked. Joe nodded and, with a wince, stood up. You all sighed in relief as he slowly walked off of the field, Ben right by his side.
You, Gwil, and Lucy all ran to the dugout that Joe had sat down in. Gwilym was the only one to hesitate to go in, not knowing if you were allowed. You practically ran in to see Joe sitting on the bench, the coach crouched down in front of him.
Joe looked up and met your eyes, and the second he did, he started crying. “Oh my god, Joey, are you okay?” You asked, walking over to him.
He shook his head and continued to cry. “I fucked up my shoulder.” You moved to where the coach was previosuly, crouching down in front of him on the bench. You looked up at him and put your hand on his cheek to wipe his tears that were mixing with his black under-eye facepaint.
“We’re gonna call an ambulance.” The coach said.
“We don’t have to do that.” Joe spoke up. 
“Do you want to drive 20 minutes to the hospital with a dislocated shoulder?” The coach asked. Joe shook his head sheepishly. 
You pulled your phone out and went to his mom's contact. “You wanna talk to her or do you want me to?” You asked as it rang.
“You can tell her.” He sniffed. 
“Hello?” His mom said.
Standing up, you scratched the back of your head. “Hey, Mrs. Mazzello. I’m at Joe’s baseball game right now, and don’t worry, he’s okay, but I think he dislocated his shoulder.” You said.
You paced in the dugout while you were talking to his mom and Ben sat down next to Joe. He put a hand on his back and rubbed it a few times. Despite the current situation, you were still a little bit shocked by the way they were getting along.
Sirens sounded in the distance as you hung up the phone. “She’s meeting us at the hospital.” You stated.
As Joe was being put into the ambulance, you all watched. None of you were allowed to go in the ambulance with him since you weren’t family and he wasn’t in critical condition.
“Okay, let’s follow the ambulance.” Gwil said, setting a hand on your shoulder.
“Yeah we should probably go now, then.” Ben said.
You turned to him. “You don’t want to stay and finish the game?” You asked.
“Are you crazy? I’m going to be with Joe.” He said. “Now, let’s go.”
The rest of the day felt like a blur. You remember having to leave the room when they were going to snap Joe’s shoulder back into place, not being able to stomach it. At the end of the day, right before he was going to leave, you and Joe were left alone in his hospital room. You sat in the small cushioned chair next to his bed and sighed.
“I guess this is what I get for playing like shit.” He laughed.
You shook your head, giggling. He reached out his hand, opening it for you to grab. You took his hand in yours and he smiled smally. 
“I don’t know if this is the right time to do this, but I’m sorry for the way I reacted the other day.” He said.
Tightening your grip on his hand, you locked eyes with him. “It’s okay. I don’t blame you, I should’ve told you sooner.”
He sighed. “I know it’s not his fault or anything.”
You nodded. “I just feel so bad.”
It was silent for a moment, the cool hospital air almost making you shiver. “Just promise me you’re mine, okay?” He asked softly.
“I promise, Joe.” You said. He lifted your hand to his lips and kissed it.
Coincidentally, Ben entered the room. “Hey.” He said, standing in the doorway. “You good?” 
Joe nodded. “As good as I can be after tearing 5 ligaments in my shoulder.”
He laughed. “Okay, well I’m gonna get going.”
You both said okay and he started to turn around, only paying a little attention to the fact you were holding hands. 
“Thank you, Ben.” Joe said. Ben turned back to look at him. “I know you didn’t have to help me today or come here or anything, and I would understand why if you didn’t, but you did. So thanks for that.”
“Of course.” It was quiet again. “You’re my best friend.” He said, immediately holding his breath after saying it, scared of Joe’s response.
Joe nodded. “Yeah.”
Ben smiled and turned around, finally leaving the room. After kissing Joe goodbye multiple times, you left the hospital. When you got home, you flopped onto your bed and pulled out your phone, texting Joe (per his request) that you had made it home safe. 
You opened Instagram and saw that Ben had posted. It was a picture of Joe in his hospital bed, Ben sitting in the chair beside him as they both gave the camera a thumbs up.
The caption read, “When life gives you lemons, you throw the lemons so hard that you dislocate your shoulder.”
You let out a small laugh at the caption and liked the post, then scrolled to the comments. 
Joe commented, “I have the best friends ever. (I am typing this with one hand.)”
You couldn’t help but smile. Things were normal.
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cherry-holland · 5 years
Morning Light - j.m.
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Pairing: Joe Mazzello x reader
Warning: fluffy smut... so if you’re under 18, steer clear of this one 😅
A/n: Hey friends!!!! It’s been a pretty minute since I’ve posted any sort of writing, but honestly have been in such a creative rut for the past several months, and life has been kicking my ass. But, I am here with some fluffy/smutty goodness from this man (who has attacked me with that damn video from earlier 😫😫), based off of this post and bc my imagination went wild 😅😅 enjoy friends!!
There’s a lot of skepticism about how “the perfect morning” would look like for people. Some say it’s getting up at five in the morning to go out on a run and watching the sun rise. Some say it’s waking up at nine and getting ready to go out and sit at your favorite coffee shop, sugary drink and chocolate croissant in hand, people watching. For you and Joe, it’s days like this.
It always happens when one of you wakes up, and this morning it was you. You stirred awake from a blissful slumber, eyes opening to the brightness of the morning light surrounding the room. Hearing Joe softly snore beneath you, you smiled, carefully lifting your head to admire the beautiful man sleeping peacefully.
His normally-dark auburn hair was glowing with tinges of ginger in the morning light, and his stubble casting that same glow. His soft lips were slightly parted, and it amazed you at how his lips managed to look that soft, even after a whole night of kissing, exploring each other’s bodies, and his inevitable snoring. Your eyes trailed up to his nose, which was one of your favorite parts of his body that you loved. You studied the faint freckles that were carefully placed around and on the bridge of his nose, and how the soft curve was highlighted in the glow of the morning.
You couldn’t help but glide your index finger over his face, starting at his nose, and trailing down to his lips. You swapped your index finger for your thumb, cupping your hand on the side of his face, feeling his stubble tickle the palm of your hand. You ghosted your thumb over his lips before carefully pressing down, feeling the softness of them flood your senses with desire.
Instantly, images of last night began to take over your thoughts, specifically when Joe had placed his middle finger, which was covered in your juices after he finger-fucked you before actually fucking you, in your mouth, and you had sucked it dry, which caused Joe to moan lowly. The way his face looked when you were cleaning his finger with your mouth was an image you could never get out of your head, and you felt a rush of desire flow through your body down to your core, wanting, needing him.
You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you didn’t even realize Joe had woken up to your touch, a goofy smile growing on his face under the touch of your thumb. “Good morning, beautiful.”
You snapped out of your thoughts as you looked up at Joe. God, did he look so soft in the morning light. His hunter green eyes were lovingly gazing into yours, and you saw the flecks of green and gold dancing in the light that hit his face in just the right place, and you couldn’t help but return that same goofy, loving smile back at your handsome boyfriend.
“Morning, babe,” you whispered, eyes flittering to his lips. You leaned down and kissed him, starting off soft and sweet. But, of course, when you felt Joe’s hand travel down your bare back to pull you closer, grabbing your ass, the kiss grew deeper. More needy, with tongues colliding and mixed with whimpers in between.
“God, y/n, the things you do to me,” Joe broke the searing kiss, whispering as his other hand tucked a stray hair of yours behind your ear. You saw that his eyes went from shining green and gold to a darkened green, filled with desire.
You smiled wickedly as you turned to be on top of him, kissing him again, this time trailing down your kisses to right below his ear, sucking the spot harshly, knowing it was his spot. Joe let out a breathy moan, rolling his hips into yours.
“Please. You do things to me that drive me wild, babe,” you whimpered as you felt his hardened length brush against your clothed core. “You’re just so… handsome. And I can’t help but want you.”
You brought your head up from his neck to meet your foreheads together, eyes burning into each other, your neediness for each other intensifying. In a swift motion, Joe flipped you over so you would be on bottom and him on top, and pressed his lips to yours, making his way down your body, leaving a trail of his love with his lips. You let out a moan at the feeling of those lips you so loved marking your body, his stubble tickling your bare skin.
He stopped his kisses to pull off your soaked panties, throwing them across the room. “Y/n, you’re so wet. Is this all for me, baby?”
Joe’s husky voice brought another surge of wetness to your core, causing yet another whimper to leave your mouth. “Fuck yes, babe. This is all for you, my handsome man.”
Joe grinned devilishly at your words, his dick growing harder and harder at your words. However, he knew that before he could get his release, he so desperately wanted to taste you, the love of his life. He could never get enough of your taste, it was like a drug to him. He loved just eating you out for hours, hearing you writhe and moan from above him, feeling you clench around his tongue when he was hitting you just in the right spot. And he knew just what to do to drive you wild, loving worshipping your body.
He lowered his face to line up with your core, and he licked up your pussy slowly, eliciting a loud moan from you. Your hands immediately threaded through his hair, hips bucking at the touch. Joe grinned at your reaction as he took your clit into his mouth, sucking on it harshly. He started going back and forth between sucking on your clit and dancing his tongue around the sensitive nub, causing you to be a moaning mess.
“Fuck, baby, your mouth,” you moaned, tugging firmly on his hair, pushing him closer to your core. “God I love your mouth baby.”
You felt Joe smirk at your words, and one of his hands started to draw tiny circles in your thighs as his other hand began their attack on your pussy, him inserting two fingers. At this point, you were unraveling quickly at the feeling of his fingers fucking you and his tongue still circling your clit, the knot in your stomach slowly unraveling.
“You gonna come, baby? Go ahead, come for me. Wanna see you,” Joe growled, his voice hitting several octaves lower. His voice alone made that knot snap, and you were coming all over his fingers, clenching around them as you rode your high.
Out of all the orgasms Joe had given you, this one hit hard. You were seeing stars, and you felt like the wind was knocked out of you. Once your orgasm came to an end, you were panting, mouth agape.
“Good girl, baby. You did so well, baby. Taking my mouth and fingers. So proud of you,” Joe whispered, peppering kisses all over your face to calm you down from your high.
After a minute, you finally came down to reality as you looked up to your boyfriend. You pulled him down for a kiss, tasting yourself on his lips. “God, Joe, you really did a number on me, Jesus.”
“Good to know that I can fuck you that good, babe,” Joe said, raising his eyebrows and mimicking tossing hair over his shoulder.
“Whatever, Joseph,” you giggled, rolling your eyes at his ridiculousness. “You know, you never got your release…”
“Hmm, I didn’t, did I?” Joe hummed, and that devilish smirk returned. “What are you gonna do about it?”
“We’re gonna fix that problem, Joey,” you purred, flipping over to be on top, making your way down to his painfully hard dick, which was slick with pre cum, his moans filling the air as you helped to chase his release.
Some people say “the perfect morning” can consist of different things, but you and Joe’s “perfect morning” is one where you’re loving one other endlessly.
Tagging some mutuals bc who doesn’t love some good fluffy morning smut?? 🤗🤗 @osterfield-holland-andcompany @beautifullydisconnected @the-southernbelle @drowsyrrog @joeneslee @deakysgurl @deacyblues @mrhoemazzello @leatherjacketmazzello
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