#joe mazzello x reader drabble
zodiyack · 2 years
Love At First Package
Pairing: Gardner Langway x Fem!Reader
Warnings: fluffffff
Words: 843
Request: Could I request a fluffy Gardner Langway x fem. reader long oneshot where reader wakes up and hears giggling and finds Gardner in the living room playing with their 2 little girls and reader just gushes over how good of a father Gardner is to their girls and while she’s watching her little family, reader thinks back to how she met Gardner from him being her mailman and it was love at first sight?
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Taglist: @matth1w , @redspaceace-writes , @fandom-puff , @darling-i-read-it , @simonsbluee , @sebastianstanslefteyebrow , @livlaughquinn, @bubsonnobx, @bunnyweasley23​
Masterlist | Joe Mazzello Masterlist
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Waking to the sound of laughter, she bolts upright and her hands fall onto the bed next to her sides for support. Noticing the lack of another body weight in the bed, she turns to see that Gardner is nowhere to be found. The giggles continue, a high pitch voice as well as some chuckles from a deeper voice. Gardner's voice.
It clicks as she rubs her eyes, a small smile on her lips as she thinks of her baby girls and husband. It had been a few years since she'd given birth to the most recent bundle of joy, Sammy. Two year old Sammy and five year old Alyssia were quite the handful, but with Gardner, she somehow survived.
Getting out of the bed and waking to the living room, her smile grows at the sight she's greeted with. Gardner, in his mailman uniform, is on his knees, Lyssie on his back and Sammy being chased by the duo. Y/N crosses her arms and leans against the wall, deciding she'd rather watch her happy trio a bit longer.
Gardner wasn't the most outgoing person, but his girls got the most energy and attention any of his coworkers had ever seen him put into another human being.
As she thought about his change with becoming a father, her mind drifted further back down memory lane.
The shy, antisocial mailman sighed as he looked at the letters in his hands. He loved his job, he loved stamps, and he loved the routine of his route. Walking to the next house on said route, he noticed a woman sitting by the front door, a box in her lap and a worried look strewn across her features.
"Excuse me?" She spoke when he came into her vision. Her voice was sweet like honey, sending a chill down his spine.
"Someone left this on my porch, but I'm afraid it's not the right address. I'd hate to have this package not reach it's rightful owner. Do you think you could deliver it?"
A small smirk met his face. What a decent citizen. He nodded and walked over to her to collect the box. However, he froze just as he approached, his face mere inches from her own. He gulped. What was this feeling?
She appeared to feel it too, the way her face flushed as she averted her gaze. They stood there for a few moments before she handed the mailman the box. "Thank you..."
"Gardner. And I'm assuming your name is..." he checked the envelope in his hand, the address reading the same as the one he was at currently, "Y/N?"
Her face flushed again before she nodded. "Yep, that's me."
That's when Gardner did something he never did. He handed Y/N her mail in person. The second their fingers touched, he felt a strange chill run over him, a shiver throughout his body. It wasn't an unpleasant shiver. Rather, it was one he wished to feel again.
"Thank you, Gardner."
With a nod, he turned to walk away. Before he made it past her fence line, he stopped and looked back, "Same time tomorrow?"
The seventeenth time, he'd been counting, that he dropped off her mail, she wasn't home. He'd started hand-delivering hers, just to feel that spark again. A part of him felt down. He couldn't experience it with her being gone, no, but that wasn't the only reason. He'd felt sad that his favorite stop on his route was nowhere to be found for the day. Dare he say, he missed her.
Hesitantly, Gardner stuffed the envelopes in her mailbox. He tried to stall for time, fiddling with his bag, resorting the letters he'd put in the box. Eventually, he realized she just wasn't there, and continued on his route. He cursed himself when he noticed how much time he'd wasted while on the job- he was never late, never missed a box, never forgot a letter. Was breaking his good streak for her really worth it...?
He thought back to that question when he kissed her for the first time. The answer? Yes. It was worth it all, and he'd gladly do it again.
"Hey you." Smiled Gardner. The moment he addressed her, their kiddies whipped around and ran towards their mother.
"Momma!!" They squealed with joy, and a little too much energy for such a lazy morning.
Regardless of her current state of conscious, she returned their smiles and lifted both of the girls up, one on each hip and a loving peck on each of their heads. Then came Gardner's "loving peck", to which the girls audibly complained about, eliciting chuckles from the couple.
Looking back, she's glad she collaborated with the neighbor to make a package that would give her the courage to talk to the cute mailman. After all, she got two beautiful girls and a loving husband out of it. Of course, Gardner lost it, laughing so hard he held his sides when he found out, and he hasn't stopped teasing her since.
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rossmccallsqueen · 5 years
A fluffy Drabble of Joe finding you asleep on the couch after he comes home after the Oscars (which you couldn’t attend because you were sick)
Hope you enjoy 💕
You almost jumped awake, having not remembered when you even fell asleep. It was dark outside and the only light on around you was the lamp you’d left on when you’d laid down on the couch.
Of course on the biggest night of the year, and you were sick. The Oscars were so important to Joe and you couldn’t be there for him. He had been understanding but it didn’t make you feel any better.
As you looked around you remembered the mountain of tissues that was slowing forming next to you, and groaned. Being sick and alone was one of the worst combinations.
The clock on the wall told you it wasn’t even midnight, but you heard the door open.
“Guys shhh, she might be asleep. I need to check on her.”
“I’m in here Joe... why are you home so early?” You wiped the sleepiness from your eyes as he kneeled next to you.
“Did we wake you? It wasn’t the same without you. So we brought the after party to you.” He held up your favorite movie, things to make soup, and motioned to the group of people behind him. Gwil, Ben, Rami, and Lucy were still in their full Oscars attire but they didn’t seem to care.
“Lucy is gonna make you some of her famous chicken noodle soup, and I’ll get the movie set up.” You smiles and he kissed your forehead. All of them had skipped out on famous after parties, just for you.
“Are you sure you guys don’t want to go have fun? I feel bad.”
“Nothing to feel bad about. Who needs the Oscars when I have you Y/N?” Joe had not stopped looking at you and you melted. You may have missed the Oscars, but you were already feeling so much better.
Permanent taglist: @jiswoogannon @aussienerdgirl @im-justatrashcan @one-thousandlies @deja-entendus @fatbottomedcurls @tichtaylor @goodoldfashionrogerboy @sohoneyspreadyourwings @rogerina-deacon @punkgeekchic @super-hereos-are-my-life @benfckinghardy @lv7867 @the-baby-bookworm @rogertqueen @danny-fucking-mercury @bensrhapsody @brownhardyho @wittywallflowersworld @joemhazzello @deacytits @rogertaylors-lipgloss @thelastgalacticcat @xtrashmammalstefx @happy-at-home @queenbbarnes @ezmina98 @joemazzelloswigs @littlemisscaptainfandom @scarecrowmax @rogershamsandwich @theborhapboysawakenedmywhatever @littledarlingwellaway @thatsjustginarose @instantezra @toomuchtellyneck @leatherjacketmazzello @luvborhap @spacedust1124719 @darlingmalek @pleasedontlookatmeaight
❤️ if you wanna be added to my taglist, let me know! ❤️
Masterlist masterpost here!
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anne-white-star · 3 years
John deacon x reader : Having a little bit of fun
Notes: john takes some dry and roasted peanuts in to the studio, while reader and john share them they get the brilant idea to pester brian and throw them in his hair while he records a guitar solo (based on a fact that John actuly enjoyed doing that)
Words : 623
Warnings : non
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(Not my gif)
"Morning guys"
"Morning" came the reply
"So Hows it going figured out the tempo yet?" Y/n sat her bag down on a chair
"Not really, Brian i going on about an other guitar solo, and roger is bitching about that its to slow" said john while reading a magazine
Freddie walked in "where are bri and rog?"
"Fighting again"
"Seriously I thought we talked about this"
"We as you know they both can be pretty hot headed"
"True, but deaky Hows your bass rif?"
"i found a pretty good rif i think it would be perfect for this song"
"Nice, oh before i forget I need to go down to the shop do i need to brig anything for you guys?"
"Coffee and something to eat would be great"
"Alright Fred, what about you John?"
"Could you bring some dry and roasted peanuts perhaps i would love some"
"Sure i will get those for you, anything els?"
"No thats it thanks y/n"
About half an hour y/n came back with what they had requested "have the girls stoped fighting"
"Yeah they finaly did"
"Oh good, Brian roger i got coffee for you two"
"Thanks y/n I really need this after arguing with mr poodle over here"
"Hey its not my fault that its not working out as you want"
"Damn it you two stop arguing or i swear"
"Sorry y/n"
"Thats better now drink your coffee before its cold, oh and John here are your peanuts"
"Thank you" he grabed the bag out of her hand and sat down on the coutch
About half an hour later the boys were arguing again while John and y/n looked at them, Brian stood with his back to them struming his guitar "hey y/n want to try something?" He wispered
"Yeah sure tell me"
"Lets throw peanuts in Brian his hair"
Y/n grinned at him "alright lets do it, can i have a few?"
"Sure" he handed y/n some "Alright watch" john threw one and it landed perfectly in brian his hair
"Alright my turn" she also threw one and it landed in his hair as wel "yes"
"Wel done, lets do a chalenge to see who can throw the most"
"Alright Lets do that"
After an other 15 minuts of throwing peanuts at Brian y/n had won by 10 while John had only 7. It was time for an other break and freddie walked back in
"Hey Brian what do you have in your hair?" He walked up to him
"What do you mean Fred?"
"Wel there is something in your hair" he picked it out of his curly hair "its a peanut, and you have even more in there"
"Y/n, John!?" An oh shit came from the open door "when i get my hands on your two its the end"
"Hide!" Screamed y/n as they both ran for cover, Brian ran after y/n and tackeld her to the ground and then he starts to tickle her sides
"Surender and i won't kill you by death of tickles"
"Alright im sorry i surender please stop" she cried while laughing
"Alright good now help me get these things out of my hair"
"Alright hold stil" Brian sat infront of her and y/n softly picked the peanuts out of his hair
"Is the coast clear"
"Yes but it was your idea" she grinned
"Yeah sorry Brian, you guys kept fighting and arguing it was starting to get anoying"
"Its alright just don't do it again"
"I can't promice anything" she smiled
"Fine next time you are going to die by tickes"
"No please no"
"Then don't do it again"
"I promice"
The end
I hope you guys like it Sorry if its bad
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benismyqueen · 3 years
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A/N: Podeis dejarme algún comentario con vuestra opinión, o pedirme algún one shot, lo escribiré encantada.
Advertencias: ninguna.
"No suena del todo bien. Roger, cuando te haga la señal, empieza de nuevo." Freddie vuelve a subir al escenario y empieza de nuevo la percusión más fuerte de la canción, mientras mueve su cuerpo marcando el ritmo.
Aún faltan unas horas para el próximo concierto, están en el salón de actos de una universidad, practicando para esta noche, pero la nueva canción que quieren tocar no suena lo suficientemente bien. Hay algo que aún no han trabajado demasiado. Es buena, pero no lo suficiente.
"Fred, tengo los brazos dormidos, no puedo seguir tocando" se queja Roger mientras golpea con una baqueta en los platillos. "¿Puede tocar Brian? Quizá el problema esté en la guitarra"
"Ni lo sueñes" murmura Brian afinando su guitarra, medio tumbado en el minúsculo sofá.
"El problema está en la batería. Tiene que sonar con más fuerza." Grita Freddie. "Con más rock and roll"
"¿Más fuerza?" Roger está empezando a enfadarse de verdad. Lleva dos horas de ensayo general, y casi una hora tocando la misma canción una y otra vez, variando el ritmo, algunos acordes, incluso aflojando más los platillos y el bombo para ver si consigue variar un poco el sonido. Sabe que a la canción le falta el toque de Queen, tal y como se hacen llamar desde hace unas horas, pero no sabe qué más hacer. Y tiene que estar lista en unas horas, y honestamente está agotado, tiene los brazos entumecidos, y la cabeza le va a estallar. Y Freddie no hace más que presionarlo, empujarlo contra las cuerdas más y más, para conseguir sacar su mejor sonido.
Está a punto de mandarlos a todos a la mierda cuando Mary y Alina entran por las puertas del gimnasio.
"¿Qué tal os va?" Mary se acerca a Freddie y cuando Roger está a punto de soltar alguna frase sarcástica, o varios insultos hacia sus compañeros, ve Alina algo alejada, aún con verguenza.
Hace tiempo que acompaña a Mary a muchos de los ensayos, incluso se queda después de los conciertos, y a pesar de que Brian y Freddie intentan que se sienta cómoda, aún desprende ese aura de verguenza y sentir que no debería estar ahí.
"Oye Miss Birmingham, ¿todo bien?" Rueda los ojos se dirige al sofá con Brian. Roger sigue el ritmo de sus pies con el tambor de la batería, como la banda sonora de una comedia.
Alina se deja caer en el sofá con un suspiro cuando Roger toca el platillo.
Brian deja escapar una risa.
"Lleva toda la tarde sin poder tocar correctamente, deberías mencionarle que trabaje. Así dejará de molestarte."
"Oh no. No importa." Alina se encoge más en su sitio y se hace un poco más pequeña.
Intentando ser disimulada mira a Roger para descubrir que ya la está mirando con una sonrisa engreída en el rostro.
Bufa y mira a Brian, quién sigue mimando a su guitarra.
"¿Algo nuevo?" Alina pregunta por empezar una conversación. Mary sigue con Freddie, y John está revisando algunas letras.
"Algo. Estamos practicando una nueva canción, pero no sabemos si llegaremos a tocarla esta noche. Roger está siendo un grano en el culo."
"Si, parece ser su estado recurrente." Brian se ríe demasiado fuerte para lo que ella dijo.
"¿Sabes? me caes bien, deberías hablar más seguido" Alina siente como el color sube por sus mejillas
"¡Roger!" grita Freddie desde la otra parte del gimnasio. "¿Por qué no escucho tu agradable sonido de batería intentando sonar presentable?"
Se escuchan golpes de batería bastante rudos y a Roger maldiciendo y probablemente insultando a Freddie .
Alina consigue su bolso y saca un cuaderno con su lápiz, y piensa en próximos escritos y sobre qué debería escribir.
"¿Qué haces?" pregunta Brian dejando de lado su guitarra.
"Oh, escribo algunos artículos que envio al periódico. Me han publicado algunos."
"Oh no. Escritora, pero no publican tanto a mujeres si te dedicas solo a la literatura. Bueno, incluso así han publicado más artículos de hombres siendo una mierda y a mi me han descartado algunos muy buenos."
"Eso es una mierda"
"¿Ser mujer?" Quiso aclarar que bromeaba, pero Brian no está bromeando cuando responde
"La sociedad."
Pero la pequeña conversación se ve interrumpida por Roger, quién ahora está gritando a John que lo que falla en la canción es el bajo, y ante la respuesta de su compañero que fue una risa acompañada de un "Roger, solo tienes que ser más agresivo tocando" una de las baquetas salió volando dirección a John, quién rió más fuerte aún.
"Iré a poner orden. Roger está realmente insoportable. Haré de poli bueno con él." Se levanta agotado del sofá mientras grita "¡Oye amigo, revisemos con mi solo de guitarra!"
Alina rueda los ojos. Es como un niño pequeño, piensa. Nunca lo había visto así de enfadado, y como persona tranquila y que odia las peleas, le parece algo que se podía ahorrar. La solución es tan fácil como seguir practicando o esperar a cantar la canción cuando esté lista.
Pero aún así no puede quitar los ojos de él. Es algo hipnotizante. La forma en la que se muerde el labio con fuerza. Lo mucho que aprieta las baquetas en sus manos. La vena de su cuello a punto de estallar debido al enfado y el estrés, incluso la manera en la que toma aire por la nariz y lo expulsa por la boca con un resoplido.
Vuelve a poner su atención en su cuaderno y empieza a escribir con tranquilidad. Siente como a los pocos minutos Mary se une a ella y se sienta en una silla junto al sofá. Escucha de fondo las voces de los chicos y el sonido de la batería acompañado con la guitarra. En algún punto se une la voz de Freddie, y pese a no gusterle nada el rock, reconoce que esta canción es pegadiza y bastante buena.
Se encuentra varias veces mirando en dirección a la batería, buscando unos ojos azules capaces de congelarla en el sitio, pero todo lo que alcanza a ver es una cabellera rubia, y dos brazos moviendose a toda velocidad.
Con un suspiro vuelve la vista a su cuaderno mientras tararea una melodía.
"Me suena esa canción" Brian se une a las chicas de vuelta en el sofá. "¿Son los Beatles cierto?"
"Me encantan" Alina sonríe mientras termina de escribir la frase.
"Nunca tarareas ninguna de nuestras canciones."
"No son demasiado buenas"
Brian se ríe. Alina sigue intentando acabar con su artículo mientras nota como John se acerca y termina en una conversación bastante profunda con Mary. Por debajo del ritmo de batería puede escuchar una melodía muy leve con una guitarra. Demasiado suave y melódica.
Brian está con la vista en su guitarra, concentrado en no equivocarse y repitiendo una y otra vez el mismo compás. Deja completamente olvidado el cuaderno y fija su mirada en Brian, sin mover ni un músculo, no queriendo perturbar su trabajo.
"¿Es una canción nueva?" las palabras se escapan de sus labios.
"Algún día lo será" Deja la guitarra de lado. "Aún no tiene letra. Estabas tan concentrada en tu cuaderno y en Roger que parecía que esa melodía escapaba de tu cabeza"
Dejó caer de forma tan natural y sutil que miraba a Roger y que él se dio cuenta, que hizo el efecto contrario al no darle importancia.
"No miraba a Roger" masculla en voz baja, no queriendo que nadie se de cuenta.
"Oh, no me refería a eso. Es bastante difícil no mirarlo cuando llama tanto la atención. Hoy está siendo un capullo"
Se sintió tan avergonzada al darse cuenta que malinterpretó todo.
"Y simplemente pensé en esta melodía. Hay veces que veo a las personas y soy capaz de escuchar la música en su cabeza. Es muy raro, lo sé."
"No, no, a mi también me pasa." Recordó aquel día cuando conoció a los chicos, y todos los días siguientes, cada vez que se pierde en sus pensamientos mirando a Roger, siempre oye la misma melodía.
du du du du
Gracias a dios el concierto llega a su fin. Después de toda la tarde escuchando música y aguantar un largo concierto lleno de gente y gritos, tiene un dolor de cabeza bastante grande, y no puede esperar a que los chicos recojan sus bártulos y la lleven a casa.
Aún así pide una cerveza, sabe que mínimo aun le quedan dos horas en el club, es normal que los chicos quieran disfrutar un poco de la fiesta.
"Oye" siente una voz a sus espaldas "¿Eres de por aquí?" Cuando se gira ve un chico bastante guapo, alto, moreno y con un cuerpo bastante fornido. Una forma de definirlo sería todo lo contrario a Roger.
Pero le parece guapo y bastante simpático.
"Vengo por unos amigos"
El chico sonríe mientras se acerca. "Si, no me sonaba ver tu cara por aquí." Cuando el camarero deja la cerveza sobre la barra el chico saca un billete. "Déjame invitar a una chica guapa a la bebida."
Estuvo tentada de decirle que como miembro del grupo podía tomar bebidas gratis, pero nunca antes un chico se había acercado a ella, y mucho menos invitado a una bebida.
"Soy Alina"
"Brad" Ambos sonríen y se acomodan sobre la barra.
Olvidado queda que avisó que iría a por una bebida y no tardaría mucho, pero solo pudo escuchar Brian, y tampoco cree que le importe mucho.
"Entonces... ¿estudias?"
"Empezaré la universidad este año." El chico casi escupe su bebida.
"¿No eres universitaria?" Brad se sorprende
"Vine con la banda" Señala el escenario ahora vacío "No me he colado"
"No, no, pensé que eras más mayor, tengo 25"
"Bueno, tú tampoco luces universitario."
Brad se ríe y Alina se siente cómoda. Nunca había coqueteado con nadie, y mucho menos un chico tan mayor. No quería terminar esa noche en la cama de ese tipo, ni siquiera quizá mantener el contacto, pero se lo estaba pasando bien bromeando con él. Hasta que escuchó una voz a sus espaldas.
"Oye Miss ocultista." Cierra fuertemente los ojos al escuchar su voz. "Tu chico de metro noventa está preguntando por ti"
Gira la cabeza tan rápido que siente como se marea.
"Honestamente parece bastante cabreado, dijiste que solo ibas a por una bebida."
"Roger, ¿Que dices?" tartamudea mientras mira de reojo al chico Brad.
"Nos vamos enseguida, te estamos buscando. Ey" saluda con un movimiento de cabeza a Brad. "Tu chico venía detrás de mi, será mejor que nos vayamos"
"No sabía que tenías novio" Brad palidece mientras recoge su bebida.
"No, no.."
"Sabe boxeo, es familiar lejano de Mohamed Ali"
El chico poco más y sale corriendo tirando la bebida de camino.
"¿De qué vas?" Alina se baja del taburete, luciendo más pequeña y ante la escena tan violenta que le gustaría hacer, a Roger le parece demasiado cómico. "¿metro noventa?, ¿Mohamed Ali?"
"Freddie es bastante bueno en el boxeo, debería mostrarte."
"¡Cállate! Eres imbécil"
"Oh venga, te hice un favor, si era un capullo." Empuja su hombro para dirigirla a la salida.
"¡Si ni siquiera lo conoces!"
"Vi como te miraba todo el concierto desde el escenario de manera bastante espeluznante si me preguntas, además aparenta ser tu padre, de nada por salvarte"
Siente como toda la sangre se le congela. ¿Realmente ha estado en mitad del concierto observando como un chico la estaba mirando? Después de unos segundos en los que siente mariposas en el estómago de la emoción, y como los dedos de Roger hacen cosquillas en su hombro mientras la abraza un poco para que no se pierda entre la gente, cae en la cuenta de que es Roger.
Simplemente quiso molestarla, igual que hace desde que la conoció. Así que quita el brazo de sus hombros y corre hacia la salida.
"Oye Miss..." pero no termina de escuchar ya que se pierde entre la gente.
"Llegas antes que Roger" Alina entra en el estudio y a la primera persona que ve es a Brian. "Incluso Freddie ha llegado antes."
"Se está peinando en la furgoneta."
"¡Te he oido!" Roger entra corriendo en el estudio, aún con las gafas de sol puestas.
"Venga, Elvis Presley, te toca grabar." Empuja a Roger dentro de la cabina donde tiene que hacer algunos falsettos, o esas cosas que hace. "Parece bastante feliz"
"Pasó por la tienda de mi padre para buscarme, por eso llegamos tarde." Brian frunce el ceño "¿No lo sabíais?"
"No, nos dijo que tenía que hacer una cosa, no especificó."
Alina rueda los ojos.
"Típico de Meddows"
"Miss Parlophone" Por los altavoces de la cabina puede escuchar el nuevo apodo de Roger, quién está en su cabina frente al micrófono. "¿Puedes traerme una botella de agua?" Alina hubiese respondido lo mismo que responde cada vez que le pide un favor con aires de súper estrella "No soy tu maldita asistente." Pero para qué perder el tiempo, directamente le enseña el dedo del medio por el cristal.
Roger debía esperar esa respuesta ya que suelta una carcajada y se ajusta los auriculares.
Brian pulsa el botón de grabar cuando Freddie da la señal, y Roger se concentra en la pista que suena en sus oídos. Pero ve a Alina tan tranquila hablando con Brian que le es inevitable no molestarla un poco más. Se quita los auriculares y empieza a cantar.
"Little darling, the smiles returning to the faces"
"¡Roger! A penas tenemos cinta" Grita John desde la otra parte del estudio.
"Maldito bastardo" Alina presiona el botón del micrófono para que Roger pueda escucharla. Este se pone los auriculares con una sonrisa esperando su reacción. "Meddows, antes de cantar algo de los beatles será mejor que te laves esa sucia boca tuya, bastardo"
Pueden escuchar la risa de Rogers casi desde el pasillo. Alina está bastante alterada, es un imbécil, sin embargo Freddie lo encuentra bastante divertido.
"Sigo sin entender que tiene esa canción" Brian se sienta en el sofá a esperar su turno.
Alina no se siente cómoda explicando el motivo. Sigue obsesionada con sus padres bailando, con el amor, simplemente es su canción de confort. Le da seguridad, y le llena el alma.
"Soy gran fan de los Beatles"
"Los Beatles te pondrían una orden de alejamiento de saber lo obsesionada que te tiene esa canción." Alina rueda los ojos con una sonrisa.
"Deberían agradecerme la publicidad que les hago"
"Hablando de publicidad" Brian toma la guitarra. "¿Te acuerdas de aquella canción?, bueno melodía. ¿La que te enseñé hace unos años?"
"Aquella que no tenía letra, si"
"Tenía." Alina pega un saltito de alegría mientras Brian sonríe algo avergonzado.
"Vamos, canta"
"Don't you hear my call, through you're many years away..."
Empieza a tocar la guitarra con esa melodía tan bonita mientras hace un pequeño coro inicial.
Cuando termina de cantar lo que tiene escrito hasta ahora, siente como será su nueva obsesión. No suena para nada a rock, pero si a Queen.
"Aún no está terminada"
"Es increible"
Brian se sonroja.
"Es sobre física cuantica, ya sabes, via lactea, viajes espaciales..."
"Eres un friki total, me encanta" Alina realmente está maravillada
"¿Sabes que si explicas tu inspiración para esa canción pierde toda la fuerza?" Roger sale de la cabina de grabar.
"De acuerdo with my hand on your grease gun. Iré a grabar" Brian rueda los ojos mientras entra en la cabina con la guitarra.
"Dime que no has escrito eso para una canción"
"Para la mejor canción del disco, amor"
Alina rueda los ojos mientras Roger se sienta a su lado en el sofá.
"Y dime, Miss Beatle... ¿Tienes planes para esta noche?" Intenta sonar casual mientras mira algunas partituras, intentando sonar no muy interesado.
"¿Cuando dejarás morir la broma?, ¿sabes lo estúpido que suenas?"
"Nunca" Responde con una sonrisa. "No sabes la cantidad de ingenio que uso para llamarte siempre de un nombre diferente."
Alina rueda los ojos.
"Esta noche veré a Blaine"
"¿Aún sales con ese tio?" Roger atropella las palabras antes de pensarlas.
"Muy a tu pesar"
Roger durante los últimos cuatro años se encargó de espantar a todos los chicos que pudieron acercarse lo más mínimo a la chica. La mayoría de las veces en cuanto la chica se iba al baño, o incluso ya terminada la cita, Roger se encargaba de perseguir al chico y decirle cualquier estupidez para que no volviese a establecer contacto con ella. O bien que aún toma medicación psiquiátrica, que tiene novio, que se dedica al narcotráfico...
Al principio pudo parecer divertido, que tampoco. Pero después de cuatro años y cientos de chicos espantados, Alina empezaba a cansarse. Y más después de estar todo ese tiempo suspirando solo por él. Era incapaz de dar un paso correcto hacia ella, pero tampoco podía ver a otro chico hacerlo.
Y durante un tiempo funcionó, pero estaba cansada de esperar que tomase solo una elección correcta, así que cuando conoció a Blaine, luchó para que esta vez fuese el indicado, y ni siquiera Roger pudiese echarlo de su vida.
"No me gusta."
"Es un gran chico. A todos les gusta"
"No a mi. Es demasiado estirado, vamos, tú no eres así." Alina empieza a perder interés por la conversación. "No es tu tipo"
"¿Y quién es mi tipo, Roger?"
Abre la boca para contestar, pero la cierra rápidamente.
"Cariño, Blaine dice que te vendrá a recoger en una hora." Freddie se asoma por la puerta del estudio. "Acaba de llamar"
Roger resopla mientras se cruza de brazos.
"Lo único que te molesta es que es el único que no ha salido corriendo. Le gusto, y eso te jode porque con él no tienes el poder de fastidiarme."
"Si, justo es eso"
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Halloween Haunts
Pairing: Ben Hardy x Reader, Joe Mazzello (platonic)
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1,921
Summery: Ben and (Y/N) are visiting Joe in New York during spooky season, and insists the group celebrates Halloween properly, by going to a haunted house. 
Requested by @killer-queen-87​. Like this? Request your own! No ideas? Here’s a prompt list to help you get started! 
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“No, Joe, come on, I don’t want to go. It just sounds like a waist of money.” Ben complained crossing his arms stubbornly over his chest as he sat on Joe’s couch in his tiny New York apartment. He had opted to visit the actor as the blonde and his girlfriend made their way to LA for some prep work for Ben’s next project. (Y/N), being his official personal dresser on all his films naturally accompanied him as this would be a costume fitting visit. She stood in the kitchen of Joe’s flat helping him prepare a stir fry for their dinner that evening. Joe had practically begged for her help stating the apartment was likely to go up into flames if she didn’t apply her ‘magic touch’ as he so called it. Truth be told, he was just using it as an excuse to make Ben jealous, and with the female in on the joke, it was working quite well.
The American actor turned to the Brit with a side eyed glare. “Did you really think that you were going to come for a visit over spooky season and get out of going to a haunted house? No, you’re in America, you’re both doing Halloween the right way.” Joe chuckled to himself. He knew that when it came to Halloween no country went as hard at it as America, and he wanted to show the couple just what they had been missing out on. “Come on Ben, don’t be such a stick in the mud, (Y/N) wants to go, right (Y/N/N)?” Joe looked over at the (h/c) female with hopeful eyes slinging an arm over her shoulder. He knew that Ben would’ve been a little resistant given that he could be a bit stubborn, just like his Bohemian Rhapsody counterpart, when he wanted to be, but he also knew that (Y/N) was capable of convincing the blonde to do just about anything she wanted. “Help me out here.” He mouthed silently to the female.
(Y/N) giggled silently at Joe’s desperateness before taking her eyes from her chopping of veggies to look at her boyfriend. “It sounds like fun to me!” She smiled at the blonde.
“You? The girl who absolutely hates all things horror films and jump scares, want to go to a haunted house?”
“You’re not just trying to get out of this because you’re not fond of them either, are you?”
“No! Of course not!” The blonde scoffed, waving her off much too quickly to be sincere before turning his gaze away from the pair as they began to snicker very slightly. The very idea that he, of all people, would be scared of going to an attraction set up to spook children was impish on their part. “I just don’t see why we’re wasting our time doing something that was made for kids.”
“It’s certainly not a waste of time! Dude trust me when I say that Blood Manor isn’t for the faint of heart. My friend Sebastian and I went there last year with a couple of dates, and we were screaming just as much if not more than they were.” Joe chuckled softly at the fond memory.
“Sounds like a good time to me!” (Y/N) smiled brightly, as much as she detested being scared, there was something about having it done on purpose during the Halloween season that intrigued her so. Joe had gone on and on about this place in their WhatsApp conversation, she wanted to see what the big fuss was all about. “Come on Ben. Please?” She pleaded with her best puppy dog eyes knowing the blonde could never resist them.
“No, don’t you dare give me those eyes.” He groaned annoyed at his one weakness as he turned away from the pair. “I’m not going.”
Joe looked over at (Y/N) with a sigh of defeat, shrugging as he went back to cooking his portion of the meal. She raised a hand, silently reassuring the older actor that she had a plan to get the stubborn blonde to agree to go. “Alright if you insist, guess I’ll just have to cower in fear in Joe’s arms, and you know how much he’ll like that.” She smirked mischievously at the blonde as he stiffened ever so slightly. She had struck the proper nerve. He knew very well that his friend thought that his girlfriend was attractive. She had even admitted to having a wet dream that involved him one night…well actually it had been a threesome with all of them, but the details were unimportant in Ben’s mind. He turned to see his American friend with his arm around his girlfriend again, this time around the female’s waist, both with innocent smiles plastered to their lips.
And this is how Ben now found himself stood in a rather long queue in the heart of New York’s Tribeca District, arm protectively latched around his girlfriend’s waist as she and Joe chatted about how unbelievably excited, they were for the spooky haunts that were surely to come their way. “I can’t believe you talked me into this.” Ben groaned loudly, interrupting (Y/N) and Joe’s excited chatter.
“Sorry to mildly inconvenience you.” Joe chuckled.
“Yeah, come on Ben, lighten up! This is supposed to be fun.” She smiled, gently pecking the blonde’s cheek.
“I just don’t see the point.”
“Dude, you’ve got to listen to your girlfriend more.” Joe rolled his eyes. “Like she literally just said, it’s to have FUN! F-U-N! Don’t make me sing the SpongeBob song.”
“I’m begging you please don’t.” Ben rolled his eyes.
“Look we’re up next!” (Y/N) cheered excitedly as they stepped up next to the door into the haunt.
Their hearts quickened with excitement as the whole event became a bit more real. They were finally next! “You may enter, but you may never see the light of day again.” The employee running the door laughed evilly.
“Woo! Let’s get our Spook on!” Joe cheered walking in first, (Y/N) behind, with Ben bringing up the rear. It was dark much too dark for any of them to see. They hadn’t even been inside for ten seconds before Ben felt someone grab his arm and yell in his ear. Ben let out a yell of surprise, only to groan as the laughter of Joe met his ear. “Ha, I knew you could get scared.”
“Oh, piss off, would you?” Ben spat bitterly into the darkness.
They made their way through the attraction, and as time went on Ben was not ashamed to admit that he was, in fact, spooked. (Y/N) found herself laughing more often than not at Ben and Joe’s reactions than screaming herself a lot of the time. Joe was known amongst the BoRaph community for his screaming, his videos often devolving to him screaming like an absolute maniac a lot of the time. The haunted house was no exception, but the best moment by far for the female was when Joe jumped into Ben’s arm as one of the actor’s rushed him and the pair of them stood their screaming like Shaggy and Scooby-Doo frightened at a monster.
At one point they reached a pretty mellow part of the haunted house about halfway through where the actors were standing menacingly around the room. (Y/N) had somehow managed to bring up the rear of the group and was still visibly shaken by their last haunt. Having a bit of cluster phobia, she also wasn’t fond of how close the actors in this particular room were getting to the group, particularly her. So, when one stepped in front of her not allowing her to pass as Joe and Ben proceeded through a door, she felt a lump form in her throat. “Ben!” She called as they backed her into a wall. The boys looked back to see a sick grin on one of the actors faces as they waved through the door before, they closed it. “Ben!” She called through the door, screaming after one of the actors screamed at her.
Ben paced back and forth worriedly, waiting for the door to reopen. “Bro relax, they picked her as the scared one in our group, they’re just playing up separation anxiety.” Joe tried to calm his visibly worrying friend.
“I know, I know.” Ben tried to wave him off. “I just don’t like be separated from her in a place like this.”
Joe smirked evilly. “Is somebody scared?”
“Scared for her.” Ben glared. Joe gave him a knowing look. “Alright fine, I’m scared, this has been scary. But this for me right now is the scariest of all. The fact that I can hear her screaming my name from behind a door knowing there is absolutely nothing that I can do to help her.”
“God Ben, why can’t you be like that with me?” Joe chuckled.
“When you have tits like hers then I’ll consider it.” The blonde rolled his eyes.
“Plastic surgery does wonders.” Joe winked as the door opened again and (Y/N) came rushing through.
She ran immediately into the blonde actor’s arms, whimpering very slightly. “You’re okay, you’re okay.” Ben gently cooed to her, holding her tightly. “What did they do?”
“Nothing just cluster phobia and…well you not being there to protect me…” She looked up at him with sad eyes.
“I’m always going to protect you no matter what.” Ben told her proudly. “Nothing scares me.”
At the end of the haunted house, a man with a chainsaw appeared out of nowhere and rushed the group. Joe had fallen oven on top of (Y/N) preventing them from getting up as the rubber chainsaw thrust in his face. Ben however was still standing, and fight or flight instincts kicking in with the exit being right there, bolted from the attraction. “You alright?” Joe asked getting off of (Y/N) helping the hysterically laughing female off the ground.
“Yeah, let’s go find him before he runs all the way to LA instead of taking our flight tomorrow.”
“Well he does like to make everything harder for himself.” Joe laughed as they exited the haunted house together finding the blonde hunched over trying to catch his breath a few meters away from the door. “So now we know, we ever need to get Ben to run fast, we just get a guy with a chainsaw.”
“Fuck off.” Ben spat at his friend, a laugh escaping his lips.
(Y/N) walked over and draped herself over his back, holding him softly as she laughed wholeheartedly. “So, nothing scares you, huh?”
“Just guys with chainsaws.” Ben chuckled.
“My hero.” She retorted with an eyeroll, gently pecking his cheek.
“Actually, I think that would be me, after all, I did shield you with my body.” Joe pointed out. “So, where’s my kiss?”
“Think again Mazzello.” Ben grunted, standing up right before pulling (Y/N) into his embrace again. “Scared or not, she’s mine to protect and mine alone.” He smirked proudly before kissing the top of her head. The rev of a chainsaw erupted from behind them, sending the group into a screaming fit again. They hadn’t realized chainsaw guy was still lurking behind them. “God fucking damn it.” Ben laughed, his heart racing yet again.
“See? Told you it’d be scary.” Joe laughed as they started to walk back to the subway. “And you thought it’d be a waste of money.
“You were right.” (Y/N) giggled softly, leaning her head on Ben’s shoulder. “American’s go hard at Halloween.”
“And don’t you forget it.”
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fallingprincess · 5 years
Seven Minutes in Heaven (Joe Mazzello x reader Oneshot)
Summary: Seven Minutes in Heaven with Joe. That’s it.
Words: 1.3k
A/N: I know this is about a party, but stay the fuck inside please!
A/N.2: I wrote this as a Happy Birthday present for @im-an-adult-ish because she can’t be with her family today. Hope you like this!! <3
“Oh come on! Let’s play a game!” Lucy giggled into Rami’s shoulder, the wine in her glass dangerously swishing towards the rim in the process.
Gwil was the first to groan as he crossed his arms in front of his chest. “You always make us play stupid games. We are not in high school anymore, love.”
“Yea.” Joe agreed with a little too much enthusiasm mid topping up your wine glass you held extended towards him. “I am old enough to have kids in high school, Lu.”
Lucy sighed much like her over dramatic self and then downed a prolonged sip of alcohol. “You guys are boring.”
“I will play.” Rami smiled which only resorted in a collective groan from everyone else.
Ben giggled – the alcohol always got to his head first – from your left on the couch. “Of course you do, Rami.”
Judging Lucy’s sad look on her face you finally exhaled audibly and placed down your wine glass. “Fine, I will play, too. But you owe me.”
And so your little get-together had turned into a group of full-grown adults sitting around the living room table in way too fancy clothes, an empty wine bottle spinning in the middle as each of you took turns answering the most ridiculous and embarrassing question. As much as you had been intrigued about Ben’s sexual fantasies. now that you knew you actually wished you didn’t.
“Someone needs to choose dare.” you stated with a stifled yawn and stretched your arms over your head with a little dinosaur noise. “This is getting boring.”
“Fine.” Ben’s eyes glistered mischievously and you were unsure on whether his eyes had flickered towards Joe or not. He was not the only one getting impacted by the alcohol percentage. “(Y/N). I dare you to Seven Minutes In Heaven. With…” The dramatic pause made you roll your eyes. How old were you? Fifteen? “Joe.”
You eyes scanned said man nervously and you tried not to let your sped up heartbeat show as you confidently stood up and extended your hand towards Joe still seated on the carpet with dumbstruck look on his face. “Alright then, lover boy. Come on up.”
Leaving your hands interlaced you guided Joe to the nearest bathroom and then motioned him inside before you turned towards Ben, trying to show annoyance. “Will this do?”
The blonde seemed to think it over before he nodded. “Yes. But keep the lights off. I will knock when the time is over.”
You fake grinned at him, not without rolling your eyes once more, and then closed the door behind you with an unnecessarily loud bang.
It took a few seconds to adjust your eyes to the darkness and when you finally blinked through it you could see Joe sitting on the edge of the bathtub and watching you closely.
“We are just going to sit here and wait. This is ridiculous.” He shook his head with a little laugh and it made you relax to the point where you could sit down next to him instead of awkwardly standing around. Wow, you were way too nervous and tipsy for this.
It wasn’t that you didn’t mind just hanging out with Joe for a few minutes. Just…you maybe had a teeny tiny little baby crush on him…back…at some point…possibly right now? And it really didn’t help getting over it that you were currently sitting in a dark small bathroom with him, his thigh firmly pressed against the side of yours, the alcohol running through your veins to amplify all your feelings.
But that was all.
No big deal.
You glanced over at Joe who had started mindlessly scrolling on his phone, his face beautifully illuminated by his screen. God, this situation was so bizarre, wasn’t it?
“Do you think Ben is sitting behind the door trying to listen?” you whispered towards him which got his attention and he locked his phone casting the two of you in darkness anew.
Without another word he had inhaled deeply and then sighed in a way that almost made the hair on your naked arms stand up. “Oh…yea…more….”
“Joe, what the fuck are you doing?” you giggled anxiously but he just continued his moaning while giving you a look that represented an invitation.
Shaking your head you tried to suppress a laugh and then hit the edge of the bathtub with your hand. “Fuck…yes, Joe….oh my god.”
You had expected him to continue, but when you glanced back over at him he was simply staring at you, his mouth slightly agape.
“What?” you whispered quietly into his direction but then lowered your gaze when you saw him shift weirdly, his arm now in a different angle to cover his crotch area. Was he…nooo…or was he?
“Joe!” you moaned loudly again to test his reaction and he shifted once more, his teeth digging into his bottom lip.
You scooted even closer to him, the alcohol giving you the courage you needed and placed a hand on top of his arm. “Could it be, Joe, that this is doing things for you?”
He simply shook his head and swallowed nervously.
Oh your liked this game way too much all of the sudden.
Your focus attracted by his moving Adam’s apple you broke into a smirk and then sighed loudly and dramatically. “God, Joe. You are so good at this. Fuck.”
That finally seemed to be his last straw and he basically growled before his head tipped back to stare at the black ceiling. “Please stop. You win. It sounds fucking hot. There you go, happy?”
“Could be happier.” you replied dryly before you had the chance to stop yourself and then just stared at Joe whilst his head slowly moved backwards to fixate straight onto you.
“Are you saying what I think you are saying?”
You nodded, too nervous now to say another word and your stomach turned and twisted when one of his hands settled onto your upper thigh.
“Maybe this isn’t as ridiculous as I thought it was.” he whispered deeply and just in time with his lips being placed messily on top of yours in the dark, his other hand finding its place on the back of your neck to pull you even closer.
You opened your mouth willingly to explore the way his tongue felt against yours and when the stubble on his chin rubbed against your skin you couldn’t help but smile happily into the next deepened and eager kiss.
With your hand about to dive under his shirt around his waist a sudden knock on the door made the two of you jump about four feet apart. Right.
“Time is over!” Ben yelled from behind the door and you had to admit that you had kind of forgotten he existed at all.
You got up and quickly checked your hair in the bathroom mirror before making your way to the door, your heart still beating faster than ever in your chest.
You were about to open it into the light, when a hand being pressed against the wood stopped you from doing so.
“This.” Joe growled into your ear and bit harshly into the side of your neck to then seal it with a kiss. “Is not over. I will text you.”
Unable t function on any level you quickly nodded and then opened the door whilst trying to not look suspicious. “There. Instagram was super exciting.” you rolled your eyes at Ben and then strolled back towards the living room, Joe’s touch still lingering on your lips as his gaze followed you through the room.
It hadn’t been seven minutes but you were pretty sure next time Heaven was going to last a lot longer for you.
And you couldn’t fucking wait. 
If you want to read more here is my Masterlist, go nuts ;)
@lelifesaver   @ alwaysbenhardysgirl @rogerrhqpsody  @kill4hqueen @sonic-volcano  @bensmazzello @celine-wanderwall @im-an-adult-ish @queenlover05
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nonstoplover · 4 years
sand in my shoes ~ Joe Mazzello (song drabble)
my masterlist │ my song drabbles
song used as inspiration: dido ~ sand in my shoes
words: 4.2K
approximate reading time: about 20-25 mins
a/n: number five!! it has a couple of time jumps, small scenes instead of one huge, eventful one. this song is so amazing, i love dido (thanks mum), and i love Joe and i love writing about him. i hope you'll enjoy this as much as i did writing it!! feel free to request anything!
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The strap of her bag slid down her shoulder just as the door behind her closed with a loud click. (y/n) glanced around, a weird feeling filling up her body. Her eyes moved around the furniture, trying to find out what it was that felt strange, but everything seemed to be just like when she left two weeks earlier.
Suddenly it clicked in her head. That was the weird thing. That it was the exact same.
After everything that happened, in the back of her mind she thought it would change her normal life as well, but it was as if her trip to Kauai never happened. As if it was only a dream.
She left her bag right at the door where it landed next to her suitcase and went straight to the sofa, sitting down and closing her eyes. She could still feel the salty scent of the ocean, the touch of the light breeze that moved across the beach, the perfume he used and his fingers moving on the skin of her arms.
As she layed her head back, she thought back to the events of the past fourteen days, letting her mind imagine that she was still there, not in her plain, stupid flat in Chicago. If she concentrated with all her might, (y/n) could even exclude the constant sound of cars under her window, something that she was usually a hundred percent used to and even found calming after a long day of work, but after such a holiday, it was nothing but annoying.
Tomorrow work starts again, she thought irritably, knowing that all she wanted was just get in her car and drive until she was in New York to find the guy she met on Kauai. She swiftly shook the thought away before it could totally ruin her mood and instead let these new memories fill her mind up again.
- - - - - - fourteen days earlier - - - - - -
(y/n) took a deep breath as her feet kicked away on the sand, already feeling calmer than she had felt in the past three years. It was the first time she got away from Chicago for a real holiday. Whenever she left the city, it was whether work stuff or visiting her family. She felt like it was well-deserved to finally spend two weeks on her own somewhere so far away from home.
The sound of waves crashing in the shore, the feeling of the grains of sand rolling around her naked feet, the wonderful view whichever way she looked at, the fact that she was alone on the beach as she mindlessly strolled around with her shoes in her hand, it was absolutely incredible, more than she ever thought it'd be.
(y/n) felt a smile make its way onto her face, something that rarely happened back in Chicago. At a particularly beautiful spot she stopped and sat down, enjoying the warmth that reached her skin even in the middle spring afternoon. She let out a contented sigh, leaning back on her hands behind her back, closing her eyes to enjoy the peacefulness.
Joe left his hotel room to find some peace and be alone for a while so when the first thing his eyes fell upon was another human being, he felt irritation fill up his chest. He wanted one thing and yet he couldn't have it. But he continued his way, determined to find a place he could fulfill his desire.
As he got closer, his eyes subconsciously travelled back at the person every other second and he started to notice the beauty radiating from her. He instantly felt drawn to her, as if he was attached to the woman with a thread someone was pulling to make him walk closer.
His mind was racing, trying to find a rational sentence to say other than 'I love you, marry me', but the situation got solved without the need of any as he tripped in his own feet at the last moment, only a few metres away from her.
Her eyes snapped open and her body jolted in surprise and he mentally cursed himself for being so clumsy. And I wanted to blow her mind away and ask her out, Joe thought, wanting nothing but to disappear from there.
"Sorry, I didn't wanna startle you," he offered her a small smile, hoping she wouldn't be mad at him.
"It's alright, I just thought no one else was on the beach," the woman smiled back at him.
"Yeah, me too, that's why I got out here in the first place," he chuckled before holding his hand out to her. "I'm Joe by the way."
As they shook hands, all he could ponder about was whether he only imagined the sparkle jolting through his palm and fingers or maybe, somehow, there was a chance that she felt it too?
She looked even more beautiful from this close, her (y/e/c) eyes shining in the orange-ish lights of the just starting sunset.
(y/n) felt a bit weird, this man had just came up to her without technically anything to say and now he just stared at her without another word. Should she be worried? But she stayed still, unable to move any muscle in her body as she silently examined him.
He was attractive and charming in a way she had never seen in a man before and suddenly all she wanted was spending more time with him, hearing more of his voice and that precious chuckle she had heard only a little snippet of a few minutes earlier.
"It's getting a bit creepy," she let out a giggle after a couple more seconds had passed, glancing down at their hands still holding each other, or more precisely, his hand holding hers.
Joe immediately let go of her and an embarrassed laugh escaped his lips as he turned his gaze away, hoping to somehow hide the blush that had obviously appeared on his face. Though if he didn't move his eyes, he would've seen the glint in (y/n)'s orbs, who found the way his cheeks turned pink adorable.
"It seems like we're about the only ones here," (y/n) spoke up to try and start a conversation.
"Oh yeah, even in my hotel it seemed like no other guests were there."
"Funny, I always thought this place is crowded all the time."
"Mind if I sit down?" Joe questioned as standing next to her sitting form, just looking down seemed more and more odd as the seconds passed. The girl just patted the sand next to her, smiling up at him, her eyes squinting a bit from the bright sky that framed his face.
They following couple hours flew by as if they were only moments, the conversation flowing unstoppably. They had so much in common that (y/n) couldn't help but wonder in the beginning if the man only pretended to be so similar to her. But his eyes shined with honesty, clear and bright, letting her know that it's just a strange but pleasant accident.
As if fate pushed the two of them close. But if it truly was fate, why did it wait for so long?
(y/n) waited for the right guy all her life, eventually giving up on ever finding him, but now as she was sitting in the sand with Joe, she felt that maybe it was him she was waiting for. Even if they only knew each other for a few hours, they connected as if they were two puzzle pieces.
"Do you maybe wanna get dinner together?" Joe asked out of nowhere and (y/n) felt like fainting, she spent the previous thirty minutes trying to find a reason to ask him the same thing and now she didn't even had to speak these words afraid of being rejected or worse, finding out that he had someone to get dinner with.
The man started to feel more and more worried, misunderstanding her silence and he was just about to take it all back when she finally opened her lips and said yes. The absolute happiness Joe felt was something he had never felt since being a kid.
He stood up and being the gentleman he always had been offered his hand for her to help her up, not letting go even when they started making their way back to civilisation. After a quick glance at the woman, seeing the pink hue of her cheeks, the way her eyes shined and the smile playing on her lips, he knew she was alright with it and from then on he didn't even try to hide how much he enjoyed it.
They found a small and lovely restaurant and ordered some food, their chat still never stopping. They talked about their jobs, their childhood, their dreams and desires.
"What?" (y/n) giggled after raising her glance back up at the man from her just arrived food and saw him stare at her with a weird expression.
He shook his head, his lips curving into an imbecile grin. "Oh don't mind me, just enjoying the view."
(y/n) felt the blood rush to her cheeks from the bold compliment. "Not much to enjoy," she mumbled to the plate in front of her.
"Oh, please," Joe frowned at her with stern eyes. "I have to disagree."
The girl just shook her head, not wanting to get in a debate about such a subject. And of course, it felt amazing to know that the man thought about her this way. Oh, if she was brave enough to tell him how the exact same thing entered her mind whenever she looked at him...
Long story short, their conversation continued, though with more silent spaces when they got back to enjoying their food. (y/n) hadn't felt this great in a pretty long time, it was such a pleasant dinner that she wished she could experience more frequently. She had wonderful company, a funny, smart and caring man, which in her experience was a rare combination.
At the end of the dinner Joe insisted on paying for her meal as well, no matter how hard she tried to reason him out of it.
"I don't really feel like going back to my hotel room this early," Joe spoke up, an unambiguous yet still unspoken suggestion hiding in his words.
"Me neither."
"Would you like to go back to the beach for a little walk?"
(y/n) smiled so brightly at the man that he needed no spoken answer to know what she's thinking. They set off with a slow and fine pace, walking close to each other but still not touching. Comfortable silence filled the air as they let the sound the peaceful waves of the ocean made fill their hearts and souls.
It didn't take long for Joe to position himself closer to the young woman, closer and closer with every step they took until his fingers ever so lightly brushed hers. He waited for a few moments, giving her enough time to turn down his approach. But her fingers didn't move further, and Joe could almost swear that a moment later he felt them press into his for a second.
He decided to take it as a sign and finally moved his hand so their fingers could freely intertwine. The soft skin of her fingertips felt incredible against his much more dehydrated and rough hand. It was almost equal to a luscious caress in his mind whilst from (y/n)'s point of view it was the raggedness tickling her fingers that sent shivers down her spine.
Under the moonlight everything seemed like they were in a real life fairytale or some romantic, cliché movie. The silver lunar light reflected in the deep blue water and gave the wet sand a magical glimmering. It was a heartwarming sight itself but with such company it seemed even more enchanting.
All of a sudden Joe came to a halt, and the light jolt in (y/n)'s hand made her stop as well, looking up at the man questioningly. He was already staring at her, but only the shining of his brown orbs could cross the darkness. The girl opened her mouth to ask him what it was that made him stop but he broke the silence before any word could have left her throat.
"Can I kiss you?"
The abrupt boldness completely took her aback. It was what she was hoping for since the beginning of their acquaintance and now it finally seemed to come true.
"Yes," she replied, her voice unintentionally raspy with anticipation.
Joe's heart fluttered in his chest and he started slowly leaning in. The girl could feel the impatience in her whole body and she hastened the situation with moving her head up towards his face.
Their lips met in the middle, nestling against each other delicately and softly.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Three days later (y/n) raised her arms to rub her eyes sleepily right after waking up. The sharp light made it hard for her to fully open them, she needed some time to get accustomed to it.
When she could finally do so, the first thing her glance met was the man grinning at her from the other side of the bed.
"Good morning," she greeted him, a wide smile making its way to her face.
"Hey," Joe replied before leaning in and pressing a lazy and lingering kiss on her lips.
A few seconds later the girl leant back, the happiness not leaving her cheeks and eyes for a single moment as she sat up, swinging her legs down the edge of the bed to stand up.
"You said my name in your sleep," the man's hoarse morning voice followed her as she slipped her feet inside the hotel slippers. She froze mid-movement, cheeks already burning up in slight embarrassment.
Would he think she was weird or creepy? Was he less serious about this than she was?
"It was adorable," Joe continued and (y/n) let out the breath she didn't even notice holding in.
He crawled closer on the bed and his hand touched her shoulder a moment later, caressing it all the way down to her wrist before grabbing it and bringing it back to his lips to press a loving kiss inside her palm.
(y/n) grinned down at the man before finally standing up to walk into the bathroom to do her morning routine.
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
"You're so cute when you pout like that," Joe chuckled, his hand holding the ice cream up in the air where (y/n) couldn't reach it.
"You won't find me so cute if you don't give it to me in the next few seconds," the girl retorted within a second.
Joe laughed even more at the threat, but eventually lowered his arm so she could get to the oh so waited treat. (y/n) happily eyed it before leaning it and licking a stripe along the frozen dessert. He couldn't resist the urge and slightly pushed his hand up, successfully smearing the ice cream on her face.
"Hey!" She exclaimed. "Don't waste it!"
"I'm not," he replied before moving closer and kissing the already melting yet somehow still cold cream off her skin, eventually arriving to her lips. They shared a playful and passionate kiss before continuing their stroll.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The two of them moved around the hotel furniture clumsily, refusing to pull away, instead accepting bumping into every second thing in their way as they tried to reach the bed.
(y/n) felt her feet tripping in what probably was one of the legs of the chair they just passed by, and she almost broke the contact falling back before his strong arms tightened on her waist, probably sensing the upcoming fall, and he held her impossibly close until she could feel the ground securely under her feet again.
During the past week both of them kinda memorised the route in Joe's hotel room from the door to the bed, it was an unspoken decision that they used this room instead of hers, it became a kind of habit in the first few days.
No words were spoken since they shared their first heated kiss of the night and it stayed like that until they were already laying on the bed, Joe pressing small, sloppy kisses on her neck and collarbone before opening his mouth to an almost too quiet to be heard whisper, luckily with his lips right next to the girl's ears so she could actually manage to understand his words. "I'm in love with your body."
(y/n)'s eyes kindled in a new light, a different warmth spreading across her chest as she moved her head to be able to stare the man in the eyes, those beautiful shiny, chocolate brown coloured orbs.
I never want this to end, she thought but said nothing, afraid that Joe didn't feel that way and that it might ruin it all. Whatever this is, it's the best thing in my life.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"I don't want to leave."
(y/n) knew how pathetic she sounded as her teary eyes stared at the ground next to their feet and her shaking voice broke the awkward silence.
Neither of them could find the right words to speak, words that could help causing less damage, words that could make this departure easier. They stood inside the airport, the girl's suitcase between them as they tried to figure out what to do or what to say before she eventually had to step through the gate and leave this island to go back to her average, boring life.
"I know," Joe replied quietly. "I don't want you to go just as much."
The distant sound of a woman's voice coming from a speaker somewhere above them reached their ears, announcing that it was time for her to actually move her legs away from the man.
"So this is the end," she announced and he nodded hesitantly, his eyes fluttering to the side and back to her face.
"Are you sure we can't keep in touch?" He asked. "Maybe we could meet someday."
"I can't make any promises," (y/n) shook her head, flashbacks of her strict and insensitive boss and her constant working coming to her head.
She couldn't afford such an emotional instability this something between them would be. They had different lives, different jobs, living in two cities so far from each other.
He had movies to shoot, Hollywood waiting for him. He travelled between LA, New York, or the other cities he had his movies made, and (y/n) knew that Chicago wasn't high up on that list. Was there any point in chatting, FaceTiming or writing letters, whatever, if they could never meet?
He'd eventually meet another woman, it's inevitable, and it'd be only worse, breaking her heart even more than if they didn't keep in touch in the first place. She told him this already a couple times, and even though he seemed like understanding it and agreeing, he always brought this question back up, making her feel like a heartless monster for not giving them a chance.
Joe sighed, knowing she was right but still not wanting to accept it. He liked her too much to just let her go like this, but she gave no chance for him. He tightened his grip on her hand one last time, wanting to let her know of everything he was feeling.
"If you keep squeezing that hard, you'll break my hand," (y/n) tried to lighten the mood, a weak chuckle escaping her lips. She managed to get his lips curve into a small smile, not the wide, happiness-radiating one that could make her heartbeat fasten any time, but still closer to it than the serious expression that was on his face since they woke up.
Another announcement came, and (y/n) started to pull away, her free hand grabbing the handle of her suitcase.
"Can I kiss you?" Joe couldn't keep it in and let the words leave his lips, the same words he had spoken only fourteen days earlier.
(y/n) let out a small gasp before nodding, letting the man step closer again, closer and closer until the front of their bodies finally touched and he dived in for a sweet, lingering kiss.
"I hope you'll never forget me and our little holiday," he whispered against her lips.
He pulled away and after a small wave of his hand he turned around and walked out of the airport building.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(y/n) opened her eyes to dim street lights entering her living room. For a moment she just let her eyes roam around her surroundings, taking in the modern but somehow boring greyness of her apartment.
The cold temperature hit her skin, sending a shiver down her spine and she just now realised that she was still wearing the thin shirt she put on that morning back on Kauai, something that proved not to be enough against the cool Chicago weather.
With a sigh leaving her lips she stood up and walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower and brush her teeth before she eventually entered her bedroom and fell on her bed to sleep through the night.
Waking up felt miserable. The sleep she got was anything but relaxing. Her dreams were filled with Joe and the events of the past two weeks, making her heartbeat fasten as she was tossing and turning in her bed.
Sleepily she strolled to the kitchen, making herself a cup of coffee and drinking it standing at the exact same spot, staring at the wall mindlessly. When the mug was empty, she placed it in the dishwasher and went back to her room, pulling out the first shirt and elegant pair of pants her fingers touched.
She got dressed and left her apartment still not paying attention to anything around her. Silence filled her mind, no serious thoughts appearing inside as the hours passed by. She survived the day and got back home, eyes falling on the suitcase and backpack standing at the exact same spot she left them the day before when she arrived.
"You gotta do it sometime," (y/n) muttered to herself. "Let's just get it over with now."
With a few groans escaping her she pushed and kicked the bags waiting to be unpacked into her room, and after unzipping the suitcase, she turned it to the side so the clothes inside could fall out to the floor.
She knelt down next to them, and started piling them in two heaps, colourful and white, so she could do the washing easier and faster when she'd find the energy to do so. As she was moodily throwing the pieces of clothing, a piece of paper fell out and slowly floated to the ground a few metres away from her.
Her eyes narrowed and a frown creased her forehead as she stared at it deep in thought. What the hell was that? She clearly remembered not putting any paper in between her clothes. After another moment of pondering she got on her knees and crawled towards the note, picking it up and smoothing it out before sitting back down and letting her eyes move over the words scribbled on it.
"I know that you don't want to keep in touch and/or meet again, but these past two weeks were one of the bests in my entire life and I would really love to see you again. So if there's any chance you'll change your mind sometime, here's my number and address. Yours, Joe"
(y/n) felt a breath hitch in her throat, tears filling her eyes as her finger caressed his name on the paper. Suddenly the things she told him seemed ridiculous, why didn't she give them a chance? Maybe they could make it work out.
Right now, sitting on the floor of her plain, dull room, saying goodbye for good seemed like a terrible idea. And she did it still. Oh, how could she be so stupid?
She swiftly got up, eyes frantically moving around to find her phone as soon as possible. When she caught sight of it, she almost threw herself at it with the newly found determination, flying across the room.
With shaking fingers she unlocked the device and opened her messaging app, carefully but still nervously typing the numbers Joe wrote on the note before texting him the first thing that came to her mind.
Hey, I was thinking a lot and you were right. We should try to keep this going. I had the time of my life with you. Xx  
She stood there in nerve-wracking silence for what felt like eternity, though in less than ten minutes her phone beeped, signaling a new message and she let out the breath she was holding in, eyes skimming over his words.
And for the first time in the past 48 hours she felt an honest, real smile form on her face, splitting it in two in happiness.
.::the end::.
my masterlist
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deanscroissant · 4 years
Joe Mazzello Drabble #1
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A/N: I went over 11 words but whatever. Enjoy! 
Requested by: @joemazzelloisboredandsoami​ 😘💕
Warnings: none
You didn’t intend for it to happen, but you definitely didn’t regret it. 
When you and Joe first made eye contact at the college orientation, it was in that moment you two fell in love. But it was nerve wracking having a class together.
Throughout the semester you became close. One day you two were packing up your stuff from studying in the library. You don’t remember what he was talking about, but you did remember getting up and grabbing his face to kiss him. 
When you walked away he was shocked. He had to turn around to look at you but you practically ran out of the library scared shitless.
Send in a Joe Mazzello (including his characters) or a Dean Winchester gif and I’ll write a drabble for it.
Tags: @amethyst09​ @hobby27​
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mightyfineblog · 5 years
‘November Cabin’ Smut Version
Joe Mazzello x Reader
Joe moves behind your back, resting his hands on your waist.
“It’ll be just us. The woods. My parents’ cabin. A cracking fire and a shitload of pillows to roll on.” He smirks, while hi hands make their way to your chest.
You roll your eyes placing your hands over his.
“Right, pumpkin?” He whispers, while gently massaging your breasts with each hand.
“My needy boyfriend.” You let your head fall on his shoulder.
“You’re all I’m going to be needing.” He spins you around and your lips press.
After the two of you are done packing you head to the woods. The weather is rainy and cold. All trees and fallen leaves are soaked. Joe and you are wearing warm jumpers and puffer coats. The radio is playing steamy songs, while the heat is up.  Smiling at you his hand falls on your thigh.
“Joe.” You jokingly warn.
“Mhm, doll?” he gives your inner thigh a squeeze.
“You look so hot in a beanie.” You suddenly feel hotter than the usual.
“That could be the only thing left on my body baby. Just say the word.” He lifts his hand off the steering wheel and waves it in the air.
“Watch the road for now.” You chuckle, pushing his chin to face the road.
“But I do anticipate when we get there, and it’s just the two of us.” You whisper close to his ear, while clenching his hand between your thigs.
“Baby.” he silently growls, stepping on the pedal.
“Finally arrived” Joe rubs his hands together, after placing the bags to the side.
“So what do you think?” He turns to welcome you in.
“Incredible.” You hold your breath.
“Pretty nice, huh?” Joe proudly affirms.
After a few more hours the night has fallen. The food is almost ready, filling the whole cabin with savoury smell of baked food and homemade bread. The fireplace is lit with cracking fire, old vinyls with piano music and rotating on the record player. You are both wearing your tracksuit bottoms with cute jumpers on top. You casually lay on the sofa, snuggling in Joe’s arms.
“Mmm baby.” You involuntary moan, feeling his hand gliding underneath your jumper.
“And no bra!” he points out.
“No need for one.” You mutter with your head buried in his arm.
“You like this baby?” his voice mimics the long scratchy strokes on your back.
“Lovin it” you confess.
“Aiming to please dear. Nothing makes me happier than seeing my kitten purr in pleasure.” Joe calmly states, continuing the massage on your back.
“In fact.” He brings you up and situates you in his lap, straddling him.
“I love hearing you.” He smiles and kisses you.
You kiss him back, leaning above him. His starting to grow beard gently scratching your lips and chin, making you hotter with every kiss, sending shiver through your whole body with every touch.
“Baby.” You moan, moving your head to kiss the area underneath his jaw. Slowly pepping kiss along his neck. Without any rushing you get to his collarbone, where you experimentally give him a small bite. He squeaks from the unexpected action which makes you go back to kissing the area.
“How was that? Did you like it, not?” you prompt him to speak.
“Baby.” He takes a deep breath “It made me want you even more.” His hands squeezed your bum in his palms. You chuckled lightly and went back to his lips. Burying your hands in his hair, you pulled on him ever so slightly, only to hear him groan from deep within his throat.
“Gotta have you baby.” He growls, when you start to grind harder against his erection, feeling it through his trousers.
You moan back, but continue to grind, harder with each movement.
“Fuck, baby.” Joe’s strangled plead, only made you go faster on him.
“I’m going to come in my pants like a teenager, if you don’t stop.” He shakes his head.
“Me too.” You darkly smile.
“Joe. Joe.” You whine, feeling your panties soaked against his leg.
“You want to come on my leg? While humping me?” he encourages and you only manage to nod in response.
Joe muffles your whimpering with a kiss, while guiding your dripping self over the wet spot on his leg harder with both hands on your bum.
“Come for daddy.” He looks your straight in your eyes, making you almost black out when your orgasm rushes in. You explode in his arms, whimpering, making a complete mess, your eyes roll at the back of your head, while the only sound you manage to make is a strangled scream, almost silent.
“That’s right. God, I love you.” Joe growls feeling himself coming too.
“Love you too.” You cry out making a last few movements.
Breathing heavily, you relax on top of Joe, while is trying to catch his breath too. “Shit.” You mumble.
“What is it?” Joe’s hand is at your back once again.
“The mess we made.” You chuckle.
“Oh. This?” Joe slides a hand in your sweats, feeling your cum all over your underwear.
You whimper, still feeling sensitive from your orgasm.
“I can get that clean-up sorted.” Joe smirks.
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sherlollydramoine · 5 years
You and Joe are out to dinner with friends, he keeps teasing you by sliding his hand up your skirt until you finally can’t take it and drag him off to the nearest place you can find
"Mazzello I hate you. Let's go now, or I'm walking and you're getting none for a month!"
He just quirks a brow, throws more than enough cash down onto the table, and allows himself to be pulled out to the car.
When you got home, you teased him mercilessly by undressing as slowly as possible.
He wastes no time fucking into you, nice and hard the way he knows you like it
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forever-rogue · 5 years
dorky request for none other than Joe mazzello, at an aquarium and he notices you through the glass of the tanks and he comes over and starts making sea/ocean themed pick up lines
To be quite honest, when your nephew had asked you to take him to the aquarium, you weren't exactly jumping for joy. But the way his little face had lit up as he talked about all the new exhibits, and sharks he wanted to see, you couldn't tell him no. There was something so sweet and pure about his genuine excitement that had suckered you right in; plus you almost never said no to him.
You did really love aquariums too, having a deep love and fascination with the ocean and its inhabitants as well. There was something almost magical about all the gentle and mysterious creatures that luckered under the sea that kept you mesmerized as well. Sometimes you were convinced that you were a fish in a former life.
"Auntie Y/N," your nephew tugged on the sleeve of your sweater, snapping you back into attention. You had been watching a school of clown fish floating around, and were so caught up in your own little world. You turned to him with a smile, "can I go and see the sharks? They're up ahead! Some of the other kids are going too!"
"Of course, love bug," you ruffled his hair as his grin stretched from ear to ear, "I'll be there in a few minutes. Remember not to tap the glass, it'll scare them."
"I promise," he gave you a fervent nod as he took off running along to the other children that appeared around his age.
You watched him go with an amused smirk as you continued your own path, talking time to look at everything. You stopped in your tracks as some brightly colored fish caught your eye. You watched them for a few moments, reading the information placards, amized by their behavior. They were playing with each, seemingly engaging in a game of hide and seek. It was something so simple but it caught your attention and put a smile on your own face.
What you hadn't realized was that the sight of you had brought a smile to someone's else face. Joe had been walking through the museum and the sight of all the bright colors had caught his eye as well. He was watching them excitedly when he peered through the tank and saw you standing on the other side.
His breath hitched in his throat as he observed you, so oblivious to his presence. Normally, if someone caught his eye he'd keep his distance, feeling its be silly if he made a move. But not today - there was something about you that was almost magnetic and he felt himself drawn to you.
He slowly made his way around the tank and over to you. He felt a best of awkwardness as you didn't acknowledge him, probably just because you didn't realize he had come over.
"P-pretty colors," he managed to stammer out, finally catching your attention. You nodded eagerly before turning to face him, and this time it was your turn to get all choked up. How had this handsome man made his way next to you without you noticing?
"I like them," you agreed, feeling a pink hue already color your cheeks, "they're so silly. They seem like they're playing, just like they were children."
"They're just children of the sea," he joked and immediately wanted to kick himself. Who said something like that? He was ready to run away and pretend this interaction never happened, hut the smile that appeared on your face convinced him to say, "on a scale of 1-10 how lame was that?"
"I hate to say it, but that's about a 10 I think," you giggled as he made a pouty face, "but that's okay, I happen to like lame jokes."
"You want to hear a really bad one?" he asked, clearly eager to impress you. You just couldn't hold back the smile on your own face, already knowing you liked him. There was something about this stranger that already left you wanting more.
"Tell me," you encouraged him.
"What do you call a fish in a tie?" he asked, bouncing on the balls of his feet with excitement.
"I dunno," you responded, trying to search for the answer.
"So-fish-ticated!" he was so proud of himself as you just mock groaned at the terrible joke, easily a dad one at that.
"Truly terrible," you laughed, "but I appreciate it nonetheless. Got anything else?"
"What fish can perform operations?" you already knew this was going to be bad, but his sheer excitement was enough to keep you interested.
"Tell me..."
"A sturgeon!" you both burst into fits of giggles at how truly bad it was. Alright, this was a stranger you wanted to make more of. Seemingly kind, funny, and attractive? An all around winner.
"Listen that's really bad but-"
The little voices met your ears as your nephew and what you assumed to be his niece met your ears. You turned to your nephew and pulled him in for a hug.
"What's up, love bug?" you asked him.
"The sharks! They're so cool, you have to see!" he almost shouted as he took your hand and started to drag you off.
"Come on Uncle Joe, I wanna see too! They're so cool," the young girl insisted, trying her best to get him to follow. You exchanged a look with him and shrugged, as if to say why not. He grinned as he nodded, the two of your following the kids.
"Joe, is it?" you asked, and he confirmed, a light flush creeping into his own cheeks, "I'm Y/N."
"The pleasure is all mine," he beamed, and you were already wet for that smile, it was a beautiful one after all.
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Quick drabble
Chapter Three of Agape is still on the way. But here’s a fluffy little drabble because I had a tough night.
Warning: allusions to anxiety/panic attacks/depressive feelings/intrusive thoughts/generally poor mental health
You drove home, head pounding. You turned the music down just a bit to ease the aching between your eyes. Your mind was swimming with intrusive thoughts. 
Everyone is tired of you. Once they got to know you they realized you’re too much for them to handle. They only tolerate you. If you stopped being around, they wouldn’t bat an eye.
A stray tear rolled down your face. You were determined to keep it together. All you needed was to get home. Once you were home you could crawl into bed and sleep away these feelings.
Someone cut you off and you sighed, not even having the energy to be angry with them. The music changed and song came on that you usually sang along to. You skipped it, another tear sneaking out.
Finally you pulled into your driveway, parked, and made your way into the house, slamming the door behind you in the process.
“Babe?” a voice called, startling you.
“Joe?” you asked, walking further into the house. You found your boyfriend standing in the kitchen, dressed in a full suit minus his tie and shoes, holding a beer. “What are you doing home?” you asked, dropping your keys and bag on the counter.
His presence relaxed you a bit, especially since you weren’t expecting him home until tomorrow.
“Caught an earlier flight, I wanted to get home as soon as I could...” he trailed off as he took in your appearance. He immediately recognized your red eyes and sullen expression. He moved to take you into his arms and you gladly accepted the embrace and held him close to you.
“One of those nights, babe?” he asked, gently caressing your back. You simply nodded and he understood. He pulled away slightly to look at you, his hands moving to cradle your face.
“Let’s go to bed,” he said with a soft smile. You nodded again and let go of him to start making your way to the bedroom.
You shed your clothes silently and eventually Joe appeared in the bedroom holding a glass of water and some ibuprofen. You swallowed the pills and took a sip of the water. You gave Joe a quick peck on the cheek as a thank you and climbed into bed. Joe shed his own clothes before turning on your oil diffuser and white noise machine. He climbed into bed next to you, pulling you close to him and giving you a soft kiss on the shoulder. He proceeded to trace gentle circles on your back and you finally felt yourself start to relax.
He knew you so well. You loved how he sensed how you were feeling and instead of trying to fix it or force you talk about it, he just simply took care of you. This is why you loved him dearly.
While you felt comfortable in your position, you needed to see his face. You turned to face him, intertwining your legs together.
“I love you. A lot,” you said, reaching up to cradle his face. He smiled, taking a hold of the hand on his face and bringing it to his lips. He kissed your knuckles softly.
“And I love you a whole hell of a lot, too,” he replied.
“Promise?” you asked, still fighting the thoughts in your head.
“I promise, baby.”
You drifted off to sleep moments later, feeling relaxed and loved.
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mirkwoodshewolf · 5 years
Looney toon love; Joe Mazzello x reader drabble
*Author’s note*
This is probably the shortest drabble of our baby Joey that I will ever write. Now in case the title doesn’t give you a clue, this was after watching some OLD OG Looney toons cartoons and everytime I watch a Pepe Le Pew cartoon I can’t help but imagine Joe literally acting like Le Pew before his gf/wifey just to be a goofball (or more of a goofball than he already is) but I hope you all enjoy this little drabble eitherway :)
No warnings just nothing but TEETH-ROTTING FLUFF of both lover boy Joey and domestic daddy!Joey.
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It was like any other Saturday morning in the Mazzello household.  (Y/n) had stepped outside to do some errands leaving the Mazzello men to their own devices.  And like most boys (well we can consider Joe a man-child at this point) were watching old Looney toon cartoons.
Right now the cartoon that was playing was a Wild E. Coyote and Roadrunner cartoon. Wile E. Coyote once again tried to catch the roadrunner by setting up a trap with birdseed as a distraction on one end of the see-saw before sending down a heavy anvil on the other side sending the roadrunner up to him on the cliff.
But as we always know his plans backfire for as soon as the anvil went down, all it did was jump right back up and land right on Wile E’s head.  Both Mazzello boys laughed and little five year old Joey Mazzello IV said.
“That silly coyote doesn’t know when to give up, does he daddy?”
“No he does not.” Said Joe.  After a few more failed attempts the cartoon ended and soon a Pepe Le Pew cartoon came on, which got Joe all excited.  “Oh yes! Now we’re getting to a good one.”
“But daddy these one’s always got kissing in it!” exclaimed little Joey.
“One day when you’re older, you’ll see that kissing isn’t so bad. As long as you ask for consent.”
“No way! Kissing is nasty, girls always got cooties!”
“Your mommy kisses you all the time, do you get cooties from her?” asked Joe as he looked down at his son judgingly.
“No she has mommy cooties, those are different.”
“Since when?”
“Since forever keep up with the times daddy!”
“Kids today. Always coming up with new words and things that make life so much more difficult.” Joe muttered as he playfully rolled his eyes.
Once the cartoon was done, Joe turned off the TV which made little Joey complain.
“No, no you mommy would kill me if she saw you just sitting around watching cartoons. Besides we promised we’d help clean up the house while she was gone this morning.”
“But work’s never fun!” whine Joey.
“I know little man, but hey first one to win gets to have a jumbo size ice cream Sunday for breakfast.” At hearing that, little Joey ran off to grab the cleaning supplies making Joe laugh and mutter, “Ahh works every time.”
As the two of them were going about dusting the main floor, little Joey soon got a mischievous idea.  He slowly crept up towards his dad, very silent and sneaky before standing just behind him as his dad was dusting off the entertainment center.  It was then the five year old cried out the famous roadrunner “BEEP-BEEP!” which scared the shit out of Joe.
Little Joey fell against the couch laughing his little butt off and that’s when Joe said.
“Ohh I see? Play your game that way huh? Well you know what the roadrunner gets?”
“To always escape from you. Beep-beep!” He then raced around the house with his dad chasing after him.  But of course with real life, the way things in cartoons don’t play out here so when Joe managed to cut off little Joey’s escape route, he picked his son up, tossed him in the air before power-bombing him to the couch.
“Nope. They get a punishment from the tickle monster!” Joe then began to tickle his son which cause little Joey to squirm begging for his daddy to stop.  It was at that time (y/n) came in carrying some groceries to hear her son laughing.
She set the groceries down and looked into the living room to see the love of her life playfully tickling their son on the couch.
“I thought you said you’d be cleaning the house by the time I got back?” she lectured. Hearing the sound of his wife’s voice, Joe’s head perked up and he quickly trudged towards her and dipped her making her exclaim out.
“Darling you have found me.” Joe spoke in probably the worst French accent she had ever heard. Joe gave her wet and frantic kisses all over her cheek before continuing, “Now that we are reunited, we shall never depart again. You are the peanut, I am the brittle and together, we make a concoction of love.” He kissed all over her face once more as she squirmed in his arms.
“Joey please!” she laughed as she tried to break free. “We’re you both watching Looney Toons again?” she managed to speak through her giggles as Joe kept giving her wet kisses all over her face before finally managing to push his face aside.
“So what if we were?” he spoke in his normal accent.
“You know how I feel about that show.”
“Oh c’mon it’s a classic! My brother and I watched all the time growing up and look how we turned out. It’s not gonna affect our little Joey bug.”
“Oh I’m not worried about little Joey watching it, I was referring to you. Especially when you watch Pepe Le Pew.”
“Now, now my darling you are just saying that. When deep down you know I am the world’s greatest lover!”
“Joe not in front of the boy.” She hissed lowly. Finally she managed to escape his grasp before finally going up to her son. “C’mon sweetie, why don’t you help mommy with the groceries? And get away from your silly father.”
“Yeah daddy’s always silly.”
“Moi? I can’t help it if I—as they say have fallen for you, no?” he spoke the last part in his French accent again which caused (y/n) to just laugh.
“You are so ridiculous Joseph Francis Mazzello III.”
“Ahh but you fell in love with me, didn’t you?”
“I suppose.” Joe hopped right onto his feet and kissed his wife on her lips. “C’mon. I’ll need both my boys to help me with the groceries.” As she carried her son into the kitchen, Joe merrily hopped behind her much like Pepe does after Penelope.
As the Mazzello’s were putting away the groceries, Joe noticed the patches of carrots and couldn’t help himself.  He took one carrot out of the packet and went up to his wife as she was putting away the pop-tarts and cereal for their son.
“Ehhh, what’s up doc?” she turned around and playfully giggled seeing her husband munch on a carrot and do his best Bug Bunny impersonation.
“Not much, just watching my goofball of a husband getting distracted once more.”
“As I said before, I can’t help it. You’re beautiful…..” he pecked her lips before continuing out “Darlin.”
“What am I ever gonna do with you Joe?”
“Well you already married me, not much else you can do.” He said as he wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close.  He then Eskimo kissed her before resuming helping her with the groceries.
After all the groceries were put aside, she decided that cleaning could be hold off at least for today since it was Saturday and Saturdays were meant for cartoons so she turned the TV back on and all three members of the household gathered around the couch for a long morning of Saturday cartoons.
As little Joey sat between his mom and dad Joe just couldn’t believe how lucky he was to not only get the girl of his dreams, but have the chance to become a father himself.  Their son was like a gift from heaven, a gift from his late father and he wished that little Joey got the chance to meet his grandfather.
“You okay babe?” asked (y/n).
“Yeah just….thinking.”
“How much I love you and our son.” She smiled and said.
“Well there is something you got that Le Pew never got.”
“Oh yeah, and what’s that?”
“His one true love.” She kissed Joey’s cheek and he grinned as he pulled his wife close and kissed the top of her head as the two turned their attention back to the TV.
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ficstogo · 5 years
A Nice Bath (Request)
Request: can i get uhhhhhh- hc/fic for joe mazzello x reader where theyre tired after the baftas and kinda just take a bath together? fluff, btw. just cuddles <3- Anon
Pairing: Joe Mazzello x Reader
Word Count: 392
Warnings: None
A/N: Ooo, yyeesss. I’m gonna try my hand at a drabble this time. See if I can restrain myself from writing less than 1000 words.
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Inside the both of you entered as you finally feel the full weight of exhaustion hitting you both like a bus. You just arrived back from the BAFTA’s and although it was great fun, you think it took all the fun you and Joe had for the evening.
You kicked off your heels by your bed while Joe went ahead and loosen his bow tie. “I need a hot bath…” You huffed out while taking your jewelry off.
“You know what, I’ll join ya. If I wait for you to get done, I’ll be out like a rock.” You could only smile at his statement. You turned around and grasped his face between your hands, giving him a sweet kiss to his lips. “I’ll draw the bath.”
Warm water fills the bath as you sit next to it, waving your hand around the water to mix the herbal scented soap in it. You wanted it to be extra sudsy as you were dying to be engulfed in it. You looked up to see Joe enter the bathroom with only his slacks on with his hands on his hips. You only giggled looking at his figure. He truly looked like a tired dad. “Ooo! Extra bubbly tonight, I see.”
“Just the way you like it.”
“You know me too well,” He says as he pulls his slacks and underwear down. You stand up to undress as well, your dress pooling around your feet.
“Come on in, water feels great!” You see Joe with his arms on top of the bath as if he were in a hot tub. You could only laugh at how goofy he is.You dip a leg into the bath cautious as to not slip and fall right on top of him. You sit in between his legs as your back rested against his chest, a sigh escaping your lips.
“This is what I needed.” You say to no one in particular. You feel Joes hands rub your shoulders, him humming from his chest. You lay your head back with eyes closed already feeling as if you would slip away to sleep.
Joe continues to massage your shoulders until he too feels his eyes drooping downward and that’s when you find that warm water, an herbal scent, and lying ontop of your comfy boyfriend were the ingredients to wonderful sleep.
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Duo (Pt. 1)
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(Gif credit: borhapmovie) 
Author’s Note: I’ve been sitting on this guy for a while trying to figure out where I want to take the story and I think I have it figured out! Part 1 of ??? 5 maybe???? 
Summary: Y/N’s a single mother of twins who lives in a two bedroom apartment across the hall from a Uni student who seems more than willing to help. 
I awoke to my shoulder being gently shaken by my son Leo. He stood at the side of the bed, stuffed dinosaur clutched in one hand, the other rested on his belly.
          “Yes, sweet boy?” I asked, rolling over to face him. It wasn’t unusual for him to come in in the middle of the night, though he usually tiptoed up as not to wake me before snuggling himself under the covers beside me.
          “I frew up.” He murmured, shuffling his feet with his eyes trained on the floor.
          “You threw up?” I yawned, sitting up slowly and rubbing my eyes. They landed on the clock, telling me it was well past 2am. The rhythm of rain on the roof was doing little to coax me out of sleep.
          “Uh huh.”
          “Does your tummy hurt?” I asked, forcing myself to sit up so I wouldn’t fall back to sleep while Leo was still trying to talk to me. I threw my legs over the side of the bed, my socked feet hitting the floor with a soft thud.
          “Uh huh.” He let out a slight hiccup before wiping his mouth with the sleeve of his pjs.
I reached out for him, pulling him to stand between my legs and wrapping my arms around him. I pressed a kiss to the top of his head,
          “Okay, buddy, where’s the mess?” I asked against his hair.
He took my hand and led me into his bedroom, pointing to the puke. It was all over his pillowcase, but luckily the rest of the bed and the floor seemed to be clean. Amelia was asleep in her own bed on the other side of the room with Princess Marshmallow curled up at her feet, purring soundly.
          “How about you go climb in my bed while I clean this up, yeah?” I whispered, sweeping his hair from his face. He was overdue for a haircut but he insisted that he liked it long since it made him look even more like his sister.
          “Okay.” He replied, leaving me to clean up the mess. Going by only the light from Leo’s star nightlight, I cautiously peeled the pillowcase from the pillow. I opted to toss it into the trash rather than try to clean it off in the middle of the night, especially with no washing machine in the apartment.
That’s when I heard a belch from across the hall followed by coughing. I let out a sigh as I wandered into the to see the bathroom light on. Luckily, Leo had managed to make it to the toilet this time. He was hunched over it, his chest heaving,
          “Oh, baby.” I pouted, kneeling down beside him.
Now that he was in the light, I could see how pale his face was. I moved to once again sweep his hair from his face, grabbing one of Amelia’s clips off the bathroom counter to pin it back so he wouldn’t make a mess of it.
          “Leo?” Amelia called from the bedroom, “Where’d you go?”
The pitter patter of feet on the hardwood was followed by her peeking her head into the bathroom. She squinted against the light, her hair knotted and standing on end from rolling around in bed.
          “Uh oh.” She said, plugging her nose as she watched Leo gag over the toilet, “Leo has the upset tummy buggies, doesn’t he?”
          “Yeah, sweetheart, go back to bed, I’ve got him,” I told her, shooing her away. The last thing I needed was for the both of them to be sick. Although, if he had it, she had probably already been exposed to whatever bug was causing it.
She stood in the doorway, hands on her hips and chin up,
          “I wanna help!” She declared, brows tightly knit together.
There was no point in telling her no. It was only going to end in a tantrum which is not what Leo needed while he was feeling so poorly. I let out a sigh, rubbing gentle circles on Leo’s back as he eased back from the toilet to sit on his knees.
          “Alright, how about you get him a glass of water, yeah?”
Amelia spun around and padded into the kitchen. She returned a few moments later with a sippy cup full of water.  
          “Here, bub.” She said, handing it to her brother. He offered her a weak appreciative smile before bringing it to his lips. He took a sip from it before immediately throwing up again. The rumbling of his stomach started to drown out the bathroom exhaust fan.
          “How’d he get sick, Mumma?” Amelia asked, sitting on the floor beside me. I brought a hand up to her hair to help work out some of the tangles.
          “I don’t know, baby. Maybe somebody at school was sick too.”
          “You know, sometimes Princess Marshmallow throws up, do you think that’s how he got sick?” She asked, tilting her head at me.
          “Princess Marshmallow throws up because he eats his own hair, not because of a stomach bug,” I explained, trying not to laugh at her question.
She pondered the thought for a moment. She was about to open her mouth to speak again when I interrupted.
          “Amelia, can you get me a wet washcloth?” I asked.
She nodded, her brown hair tumbling in front of her face as she scurried over to the linen closet and grabbed a cloth before stepping up on her little pink step stool to reach the sink. She got the washcloth wet, wringing out the excess water before passing it over to me. I used it to wipe the sweat from Leo’s face before swiping it across his mouth.  
          “Melia.” Leo began, “You’re gonna be sleepy if you don’t go to bed.”
          “Your brother is right. Go to bed, Snap Pea.”
Before they were born, I always called them my peas. Two peas in a pod. When they were born though, it was clear that one was my sweet pea, Leo. Cautious and affectionate. But Amelia was my snap pea. Firey and sassy. Her exhaustion seemed to override her attitude though. She burst out in a yawn before shuffling back to bed.
          “You need anything else, buddy?” I asked Leo, running my finger down his cheek.
          “No. Can you just sit with me?” He whimpered, his tired, watery eyes meeting mine.
          “Of course, baby,” I replied, settling into a more comfortable position on the floor. Leo followed suit, settling himself on my lap, head rested against my chest.
          “Mumma!” Amelia prodded at my arm, making me wake with a start.
I had fallen asleep sitting on the bathroom floor, my head rested on my arms which were sat on the edge of the tub. Leo was asleep with his head in my lap. At some point during the night, he had peeled off his shirt and it now sat atop a pile of soiled washcloths.
          “What time is it, baby?” I asked, rubbing my eyes.
She padded into the other room, letting out a long ‘ummm’ as she stared at the clock.
          “The big hand is on five and the little hand is on seven.” She said.
7:25. The girl couldn’t have slept in for once in her life?
          “I’m hungry,” Amelia said, rubbing her belly and poking out her bottom lip.
          “Okay.” I yawned, reaching down for Leo’s face. The moment my hand touched his skin, it sent a jolt through me. Heat was radiating off of him and he was still covered in a thin sheen of sweat. I let out a sigh, realizing I would have to get to the pharmacy for some medicine. He woke from the sensation of my cold hand against his face. He sat up abruptly, once again throwing up into the toilet. He gave me a heartbroken look as he curled up on the floor again, head rested on his stuffed dinosaur.
          “I’ll get you some medicine today, okay?” I reassured, rubbing his side gently, “Do you need anything right now?”
He shook his head,  eyes fluttering shut once more as I got up off the floor and took Amelia’s hand.
I made her some toast and scrambled eggs, getting her situated at the table before I stepped out into the hall to check the mailbox for the child support check that was supposed to have arrived two days earlier. When it wasn’t anywhere to be found, I let out a groan.
          “You alright?” A male voice asked.
I turned to see the neighbor from across the hall checking his mail as well. John was an acquaintance, I had him feed Princess Marshmallow and check the mail for me over the summer.
          “Yeah. I just… expecting a check… isn’t here yet.” I replied, flitting through the few pieces of junk mail that were there instead.
          “I uh... heard a lot of coughing and… barfing… last night.” He commented, pulling his own mail from the box and looking through it.
          “You eavesdropping?” It was meant to be a playful quip, but due to exhaustion, it came out as a snap. I shook my head, a silent acknowledgment of my harsh tone, “That was Leo.”
          “Is he feeling any better?”
          “I think he’s fallen back to sleep now, finally.” I sighed, leaning against the wall.
          “You look exhausted.” He commented, looking me up and down.
          “I was up with him all night,” I said, running my hand over my hair that I had piled on top of my head in an attempt to keep it out of my face.
          “I uh… If you ever need any help with an-”
          “I’m perfectly capable of taking care of my own children.” I barked, crossing my arms over my chest. As a single mom of twins, everybody seemed to have a different opinion on how I should be taking care of my children. Over the years, my patience for patronizing had fizzled out, putting me on the defense. Especially towards people who didn’t have children themselves.
          “I didn’t say you weren’t!” He threw his hands up in surrender as he took a few steps back.
          “I-” I sighed, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to yell.” I stammered, looking to my feet. They were clad in mismatched socks with holes in the toes, which somehow seemed like the perfect metaphor for how I felt.
          “It’s alright,” John replied.
I don’t know why, but the sudden urge to vent to him overcame me. Perhaps it was his charming, inviting smile. How soft he looked in his plaid PJs. Or maybe it was that my verbal filter didn’t work on fewer than 5 hours of sleep.
          “Sorry… I just...I have to go get Leo some medicine but I can’t take him with me, he’s still waking up to puke every fifteen minutes.”
          “I could stay and watch him for you while you go.” He offered. When the words flew from his mouth, he immediately seemed to know it was an inappropriate thing to offer. Sure, we’d been neighbors for a couple of years, but that certainly didn’t make him trustworthy enough to watch my kids for me while I was away. I let out a scoff and shook my head.
          “What? I took care of Princess Marshmallow.”
          “Well, a cat is quite different than children.”
          “Can’t be that different.”
I knew he was joking, and in any other situation I would’ve laughed but I was far too tired and worried about Leo. Instead, I shot him a glare.
          “Alright, how about I go pick up the medicine for you then?” He offered, “Just tell me what to get.”
I stared at him for a moment. He still wore a soft smile on his lips, his hair a little knotty from sleep. He seemed innocent enough, and he hadn’t stolen anything or catnapped Princess Marshmallow when he watched the apartment. Besides, what was he gonna do? Steal the few pounds I gave him and never come back to his own apartment? I nodded at him, making his smile grow. His gaze fell behind me just as I felt a hand tugging on the back of my sweater.
          “Mumma?” A small voice called from behind me.
Leo crept up behind me, hiding behind my leg as he stared up at John with eyes as wide as saucers. He was the shyer of the twins, evident by the way he tucked himself behind me at the sight of John standing in the hallway. He was still topless, his hair still in clumps, tacked to his forehead with sweat.
          “Hey, baby, what’re you doing up?”
          “I frew up again.” He whispered, “Who is that?”
          “This is Mr. Deacon, he’s gonna help me by going to get some medicine for you,” I said, resting my hand on the back of his head as he hugged my leg, head resting on the back of my thigh.
          “Mr. Deacon?” He whispered, eyeing John up and down a few times before gripping onto the back of my sweatpants.
          “Yeah. Remember when we went to spend the weekend with grandma over the summer?”
He nodded,
          “Mr. Deacon took care of Princess Marshmallow while we were gone.”
Leo nodded once more, remaining behind my leg as he studied the man in front of him.
          “He’s gonna get medicine?”
          “Uh huh,” I replied.
          “Is he a doctor?”
          “No, baby. He’s a…” I trailed off, realizing I didn’t know what he did for work. All I knew was that he played bass. I could faintly hear him strumming sometimes, found it quite soothing, actually.
          “Electrical engineer,” John answered for me.
          “What’s that?” Leo asked, his grip on my pants loosening.
          “Uh, well. It’s all kinds of stuff.” John said, squatting down so he was level with Leo.
His gaze flitted up to meet mine as if he wanted my approval to talk with Leo. I gave him a nod to continue.
          “What kind of stuff?” Leo questioned, tilting his head slightly.
          “Uh.” He paused a moment, likely pondering the best way to describe what he did in a way a five-year-old could understand, “Fixing broken things, making new things that have to do with electricity.”
          “Electricity?” Leo stepped out from behind me and instead stood beside me, but he kept one arm wrapped around my leg, anchoring himself to me. The heat from his body was seeping through my sweatpants, making me grow even more concerned.
          “Yeah. Uh. Stuff like lights,” He pointed up to the ceiling. Leo’s gaze followed his gesture before landing back on him again,  “And your TV and the radio.”
          “Oh. You fix that stuff?”
          “Mumma! Maybe he can fix our TV!”
          “Yeah, I could probably fix your TV,” John replied.
          “Oh, no. No. I wouldn’t want to be any more trouble.”
          “No trouble at all. I promise.” He smiled at me.
I found myself staring at him for a moment too long. He had a tenderness about him, not necessarily conventionally attractive, but the way his eyes crinkled when he smiled made him radiant. He raised an eyebrow at me, snapping me back to reality. I shook my head in an attempt to regain my composure.  
          “Let me go inside, I’ll give you some cash for the medicine,” I said as I turned into the doorway.
          “There’s no need, I’ll get it.” He offered.
          “No, John, I insist.”
He opened his mouth to protest but quickly closed it when I shot him a stern glare.
          “Well, if you insist.”
I ushered Leo back into the apartment and got him settled on the couch before I grabbed my purse, pulling out a few bills. I jotted the name of the medicine down on a scrap of paper before meeting John in the doorway again.
          “Sorry about that uh… interrogation.” I smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear as I handed him the bills, “Four-year-olds are too curious for their own good.”
          “Don’t worry about it. He’s a sweet kid. I’ll be back in a few.”
I waited until he disappeared around the corner before entering the apartment again. Amelia had finished her breakfast and was sitting on the couch beside Leo who seemed to have come down from his sudden energy boost and was back to wallowing on the couch. Amelia had her hand on his forehead like she had seen me do many times before when they were sick. She threw me a worried glance over her shoulder as I wandered up behind her. I gave her a half-hearted smile.
          “John will be back with some medicine soon, bub.”
Amelia settled herself on the floor in front of the couch with some crayons. She and Leo were chatting when Leo suddenly sprang off the couch and sprinted towards the bathroom.
A knock on the door pulled me away from my position on the floor of the bathroom beside Leo. I peered through the peephole to see John standing on the other side, a paper bag in hand.
          “You decided not to rob me, then?” I teased as I opened the door.
He grinned and shook his head, reaching into the bag.
          “Medicine, your change, and a candy bar for mum.” He smiled, handing them all over.
It wasn’t until he handed me the candy bar that I realized how hungry I was. I mouthed a thank you to him as I counted the cash,
          “Change? This is all the cash I gave you.”
          “Told you I’d get it.” He replied.
          “Really, just take it.” I insisted, shoving it in his face.
He shook his head, taking a step back.
          “Quit being so damn stubborn and take the money.” I ordered, folding it in half and tucking into the front pocket of his shirt, “Thank you, I really appreciate it.”
          “Any time.”
He offered me another crinkly-eyed smile as I closed the door. I felt an odd bubble in my stomach. At first, I thought I was starting to catch Leo’s stomach bug, but I quickly realized it was just butterflies. I hadn’t felt those since I was a teenager. Heat spread across my face as I went into the kitchen to get Leo a cup of water to take his medicine with.
          “Mumma!” Amelia squealed as I stepped away from the sink,  “The door gave us money!”
She ran up to me with the bills in her hand.
“Dammit, John,” I muttered under my breath, taking the cash and tucking it back into my purse.
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acdeaky · 5 years
my melancholy blues
warning: angst
note: i was in a mood for angst? and now i’m sad? because i’ve written angst?
word count: 1.4k
2A - ‘you aren’t who i thought you were’
4A - ‘why can’t you look at me?’
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“love, what was that back there?” john asked as he closed the front door of your shared apartment as you walked straight away from him towards the kitchen. one of freddie’s magnificent parties had, once again, ended abruptly on your part. something was said about you and john, initiating your early departure. you didn’t reply to him, only filling up and turning on the kettle, standing with your back against the kitchen worktop.
john followed you, turned into the kitchen and pulled out your matching cups, placing them next to the empty teapot. he mirrored your body, resting back against the kitchen worktops. you stayed still, looking ahead of you to not meet the deep hue of john’s eyes who’s spell you would easily fall under.
“why can’t you look at me?” he asked, looking down towards his feet, pushing his hands into the pockets of his light blue jeans. “love, you haven’t looked at me for weeks.”
“i have.” you choked out, instantly defending yourself at his words.
“not in the way you used, too. you used to look at me like i was the only person in the world, like there was no one else but me. why don’t you look at me like that?”
“things change, john.”
“like what?” he knew something was wrong instantly; you never called him john.
“you aren’t who i thought you were.” you whispered, scared at how john would take it. before john could reply, though, the kettle finished boiling. you instantly turned around, grabbing your cup and placing it back in its place, leaving john’s cup all alone. his back was still against the counter, still digesting the words you had just spoken to him.
you moved away from him, dragging your feet behind you as you stumbled across to the sofa, dropping yourself onto it. leaning all the way back, you closed your eyes and basked in the silence.
“who did you think i was?” he sniffed, shuffling around in his space, back still pressed against the countertop. your eyes opened and looked forward as the inevitable came towards you.
“not the john i know. i thought you were someone completely different, and i cant believe it’s taken me ten years to figure you out.”
“figure me out?” john’s voice was low as he asked this, almost as if he was afraid of the answer.
“freddie described you as everything i wanted in a partner. and you were. still are in some respects. but i just can’t help but feel like there’s something missing. i won’t give you the ‘it’s not you, it’s me’ crap because i think it is you. i think there’s something about you, john, that i will never know, and that you will never understand. i put it off for years because i love you,” as soon as you said that, your head turned to john. he was still looking down, his hands still in his pockets. “but, like i said, you aren’t who i thought you were. and i don’t want to continue this if it feels wrong.”
“it’s been ten years,” john looked up, seeing you staring at him with glossed over eyes. “ten years i’ve loved you through everything, and you’re telling me now that i’m not who you thought i was?”
“things change, john. and i think you’re one of those things.”
“i’m guessing i’ve changed for the worse? because this is the first time you’ve looked me in the eyes for weeks. and this is the first time in weeks that we’ve had a proper conversation.”
“i’m sorry, john. it’s just-”
“what?” he interrupted, taking his hands out of his pocket and walking over to the armchair that resided across from the sofa you were laying on. “you don’t love me anymore?”
“no, john, it’s not that it’s-”
“what else could it be, love? you’ve said i’m not who you thought i was, i’ve gathered that you think i’ve changed for the worse and now the only thing i’m playing over and over in my head is that you don’t love me.”
now it was your turn to be quiet. you couldn’t look at him anymore and let your head drop. your eyes closed again, tears threatening to spill at any second. the pair of you sat in silence for a few moments, causing fear to rise in john’s chest and guilt to rise in yours.
“i do love you, john. i have done for ten years. i don’t think i could stop loving you.”
“there’s a but there.” he stated matter-of-factly, knowing that there was more to your statement.
“i think i painted a picture in my head,” you sighed, pulling your head up and looking at john again. feeling a tear cascade down your cheek, you left it there, sniffling instead. “i think when i heard about you, i painted a picture of having the perfect relationship with you: getting married, living together, having kids, being together for the rest of our lives. so, when i met you and got to know you, i think i stopped myself from knowing anything that didn’t fit my picture which, consequently, made you shut off a part of you to me, which i had never noticed until now. i was so wrapped up in my daydream and your love that i didn’t realise until as of late. i’m sorry, john. i never wanted to do this to you, or me, but i think it’s better if we go our separ-”
“don’t say it. please,” he begged, this time, his head dropped low. “please can we just talk about this more and understand what it is. i can’t lose you.” john practically choked out his words, surprising himself that he didn’t mess up and break down.
“i don’t think i can do that, john. i’m sorry.” the back of you hand wiped away any tears that had fallen during that short space of time. you pushed yourself off of the sofa, grabbed your bag and made your way to the front door.
“wait,” john called, jumping up from his seat and rushing over to you. he lightly grabbed your wrist, giving it a little squeeze. “before you go, just know that i love you. and if you want to come back, i’ll be here. i don’t want to lose you and i definitely don’t want to see you walk out of that door right now, but if you have to, you have to. and i don’t want to stop that.”
“i love you, john. but i just think we need time to ourselves. truly, i don’t want to walk out of this door either, but it’s the best thing to do.” all john did was nod. his hand was still around your wrist, keeping you in place near the door.
you raised your hand to lightly cup john’s cheek, smoothing over his skin with your thumb. he leaned into your touch, basking in the softness which he may never experience again. his hand moved from your wrist and slipped into your hand, your fingers intertwining perfectly like they had done for ten years.
as a tear fell from his eye, your thumb caught it, not allowing it to stain his slightly stubbly cheek. the gaze between the two of you was so strong, it made you question why you were even leaving at all. those gorgeous green eyes that you had fallen in love with were calling, begging you to stay.
but you couldn’t. you knew you couldn’t. it was too much for you.
“deaky, i have to go.” you whispered, desperately not wanting to.
“i know.” he simply replied in a hushed voice, releasing your hand from his grasp. you moved backwards, allowing your back to hit the door. skilfully, you grabbed the door handle, pushed it down and opened the door, all while still looking in john’s eyes.
the door was pulled fully open as you stood in the threshold, leaning against the frame, gaze still locked on john. finally, you gave him a small smile, looking down at the floor and pulling the door shut.
that night, john’s heart broke a little more.
special dedication to @deakysbabybooty bc it’s her birthday 🥳 *insert lil happy dance*
TAGLIST: @never-kept-the-same-address @j0hn-deaky @sohoneyspreadyourwings @brian-maybe-not @deakysbabybooty @1001-yellow-daffodils @retromusicsalad @mrsmazzellotaylor @hardcoredisneynerd @painkiller80 @leatherjacketmazzello @scarecrowmax @mebeatlized
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