#john deacon rings
samcopper-11 · 19 days
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So the person is very smart and can achive great heights in their carrier (colorful background) but, the person is suffering from mental health issues (threads coming out from the hands). Due to which he/she isn't able to do it (faded color on hand) because of which, the person has be stuck in the perpetual state of gloominess (color of the coat).
Ring and nails have no meanings, but if you have any interpretation regarding them please, comment them down that would be really helpful.
Thanks for reading this till here.
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draconicocelot · 2 years
hello! :D im the storyline asker from, a while ago haha. the uh. short character study turned into 2k of just world exploration and then also two short drabbles, mostly regarding sarah and deacon gshshs.
oh but idk who else to tell this to? im finally onto the race to the finish questline and i realized that now deacon Only has his mongrels ring, after two years of it being the only one gone. it will not let me go. why does it feel so significant. i feel like i could write a poem on it but i dont even know what itd end up being about. pain.
YES, HELLO HELLO!!! I absolutely remember!!! I’m so glad to hear you got so much progress done on it, it sounds absolutely wonderful already 👀👀 Also oh my gosh you are absolutely right This is ESPECIALLY significant considering he gave the ring to Sarah with a promise, “I want this back”, a silent promise to find each other again. Earlier on in the game he mentions something about “joining the MC is one of the only decisions i don’t regret” (not word for word but something along those lines), which just further hits that realization of how important the MC is to him; the tattoos he bears, the patches and symbols decorating his jacket, the mongrels ring, all showing his pride.  Its also really impactful in the scene you’re talking about, because at this point he has already found Sarah once and got his ring back (since they weren’t allowed to have jewelry at the camp and he got it back right before this mission), but it just brings the whole story full circle. Especially since earlier he finally picked up his wedding ring after finding out Sarah didn’t die at that first campsite they went to, so now it went from him retrieving his mongrel ring, the one he gave to Sarah, to his wedding rings, which he gets back right at the very end. AGH this is such a good point thank you for bringing it up, its absolutely gorgeous symbolism 😭
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Introduction post. Updated regularly.
Welcome to my blog!
You can call me Belle.
This blog is basically my mind. Whatever fandom I am currently experiencing, my followers will also have to endure.
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bitchysoulwasteland · 10 months
Hangman X Mercury!Daughter Reader
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(A/n: Yet another one of my *insert a franchise* x queen band reader fics. I'm not even sorry for this. XD. It takes place modern day, so just imagine Live Aid now, basically. Also, for the sake of the fic, Jim Hutton will be an Admiral at Top Gun. Just go with it. Do not repost. Enjoy.)
The crowd roared as you, (your father) Freddie Mercury and your uncles, Brian May and John deacon, along with your godfather, Roger Taylor bowed. As you stood back up from the bow, the sound of a plane engine came overhead. You looked up and saw Jake's F-18 barrel rolling over Wembley Stadium. You laughed and shook your head and did a slight salute to him.
Five hours later, you walk into the Hard Deck and see the entire of the Dagger Squad crowded around a TV which was re-running Live Aid. You smirk when you see that everyone's eyes are glued to Queen's set, more specifically, your solo during Hammer To Fall.
"Damn, I look good onstage." you mutter to Penny as she hands you a beer and you give her the money. "Thanks." You see your other father, five-star admiral, Jim Hutton, call sign 'Bud'. You smile at him as you give a small salute.
"I say your performance, Y/n. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to see it." His soft, Irish accent came as a welcome, yet familiar, change as he pulled you in for a hug.
"It's fine, we c'n still see it. Apparently the BBC are still showing it." You say, gesturing to a TV, which had it on. Jake watched as you interacted with the Admiral. 'How the hell did you know him?' he thought before going back to watch you on the screen. He smirked as the concert set was finished and the sound of a plane thundered overhead. On the screen, you looked up and smiled, shaking your head before doing a mini salute. "I think that was quite a nice touch, personally." You say to your father who is sitting beside you and watching the screen. "Papa should be coming with the guys. I left just after they started talking to Mick Jagger."
"I think your pilot wants to talk with you, love." He said, gesturing to Jake, who had walked over. "I'll leave you two be." He walked to the outside tables and sat down.
"That was some move, Hangman." You smirked as he stood beside you.
"Glad you enjoyed it, sweetheart.” Jake responded as the Dagger Squad’s jaws dropped.
“Hi, um, I’m Y/n Mercury.”
“Thought you were going by Hutton-Mercury.” Phoenix piped up. She had been friends with you ever since you had ran into her the night you met Jake.
“Nah, Mercury on Stage, Hutton-Mercury for government shit a-“
“And Seresin everywhere else.” Jake whispered in your ear but you knew full well that everyone herd him.
“You ain’t put a ring on it, so I ain’t changing it yet.”
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diceriadelluntore · 1 year
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Storia Di Musica #291 - Deacon Blue, Raintown, 1987
Lo spunto per le storie settembrine me lo ha dato un aneddoto simpatico sugli Steely Dan, protagonisti dell'ultima storia di Agosto. Una delle loro canzoni più famose, Deacon Blues, da Aja (il loro capolavoro del 1977) fece un viaggio emozionale fino in Scozia, dove un giovane ragazzo si appassionava alla musica, soprattutto a quel pop così sofisticato, pieno di stratificazioni sonore, piccoli gioielli musicali incastonati nelle melodie, e immensa classe esecutiva. Ricky Ross si chiama quel giovane ragazzo, che dopo che a Dundee viene licenziato da professore precario delle scuole secondarie, si trasferisce a Glasgow, dove decidere di mettere su un gruppo. Prima trova il batterista, Dougie Vipond, poi un bravissimo pianista, James Prime, un chitarrista, Graeme Kelling, e una corista, Carol Moore. Le prime esibizioni sono incoraggianti, ma la Moore decide di mettersi da parte. Ross si ricorda che aveva sentito ad un provino, improvvisato in Bath Street, una ragazza che lascia il suo indirizzo, ma non il suo numero di telefono. E la storia vuole che fu lo stesso Ross ad arrivare sulla Great Western Road di Glasgow per chiedere a Lorraine McIntosh di unirsi al gruppo. E c'è la ciliegina sulla torna: durante uno delle prime serata acclamati dal pubblico, Dougie Vipond leggermente brillo incontrò Ewen Vernal, bassista, nel bagno di un locale e gli chiese di unirsi al gruppo. Il nome per la band è quello che Ross ha in testa da anni: Deacon Blue, e siamo nel 1985. Glasgow in quegli anni è una città in piena trasformazione sociale, anche con profonde fratture socio economiche (per farsi un'idea, suggerisco i romanzi di Douglas Stuart) ma dal punto di vista musicale sarà la capitale scozzese della musica. Tanto che un giornalista del Glasgow Herald, John Williamson, decise di produrre una cassetta in allegato alle pagine culturali del giornale con tutte le promesse della musica cittadina di quel periodo: ci sono futuri gruppi e artisti molto famosi come i Wet Wet Wet, Kevin McDermott, Hue and Cry e i Deacon Blue, che contribuiscono con Take The Saints Away.
Dopo questa esperienza, sono pronti ad andare in studio, insieme a Jon Kelly, capo ingegnere del suono agli Air Studios di Londra. Ross ha in mente una sorta di concept album su Glasgow, che ne racconti le sfumature più varie. Raintown, pubblicato nel 1987, si presenta con una meravigliosa foto in bianco e nero di Oscar Marziaroli, italo scozzese futuro acclamato fotografo, che ferma una città avvolta nella perenne pioggerellina con sullo sfondo uno dei simboli della città, la Finnieston Crane, una gigantesca gru portuale, ormai non operativa, simbolo dell'industriosità degli abitanti, proprio all'imbocco del porto cittadino. Dal punto di vista musicale, seppur si parte dall'idea di pop sofisticato del mitico duo da cui prendono il nome, i Deacon Blue mischiano il lirismo vocale e le atmosfere uniche di Van Morrison, un canto-racconto degno del primo Springsteen e un'eleganza che ha una sua totale particolarità. Il disco ha un andamento ondeggiante tra brani calmi e riflessivi e quelli più incalzanti: l'inizio è davvero suggestivo, con Born In The Storm che come una nebbia si dirada e sfuma in Raintown, canzone che è profondamente legata all'esperienza di Ross, con versi che dicono "Waiting for the phone to ring to make me all I am.\You're in the suburbs waiting for somewhere to go\I'm down here working on some dumb show\In a raintown" che raccontano l'inizio di tutta la storia. Ross scrive del rapporto con il business musicale nella bella Ragman e nell'altrettanto suggestiva Loaded, scritta di getto come un flusso di coscienza su una base improvvisata dagli altri componenti della band su una cassetta super 8, ed è capace di dipingere affreschi musicali persino drammatici in abiti delicati e affascinanti. He Looks Like Spencer Tracy Now è ispirata ad un pensiero, a che vita avesse fatto l'uomo che sganciò la bomba atomica su Hiroshima: tra incontri particolari ("he may have been with Oppenheimer, shaken Einstein's hand\Did we have to drop the bomb? You bet, to save this land\He was only taking pictures around the critical mass\While the troops on Tinian island sang 'Follow the bouncing ball') e cosa potrebbe essere oggi (He may have been a nationalist, a physicist or a pacifist (...) Well, I have seen that movie of Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Hyde\And I know he looks like Spencer Tracy Now). When Will You (Make My Telephone Ring) ha ai cori il famoso gruppo R&B londinese dei Londonbeat. Alto livello è anche Chocolate Girl, che racconta di un tipo anaffettivo, un certo Alan, ricco e spendaccione, "He calls her the chocolate girl\Cause he thinks she melts when he touches her\She knows she's the chocolate girl\Cause she's broken up and swallowed\And wrapped in bits of silver". Ma il capoavoro è Dignity: ritratto di quello spirito scozzese della dignità del lavoro, racconta la storia di un impiegato comunale, probabilmente uno che lavora sulle strade, e che non perde il sorriso nemmeno quando è preso in giro dal ragazzini e che ha un sogno, comprare un gommone, un dinghy, che vuole chiamare Dignity, con cui "I'll sail her up the west coast\Through villages and towns\I'll be on my holidays\They'll be doing their rounds\They'll ask me how I got her I'll say, "I saved my money"\They'll say, "Isn't she pretty? That ship called Dignity". In Love's Great Fears, liricissima e tutta giocata sul duetto Ross - McIntosh, che diventeranno marito e moglie poco tempo dopo, c'è Chris Rea alla chitarra.
Il disco, per le qualità musicali, per la scelta azzeccata dei singoli e per la sua atmosfera sofisticata, che quasi inventerà un genere, ha un successo clamoroso: arriva fino al numero 14 nella classifica dei dischi più venduti, rimane in classifica un anno e mezzo e vende oltre un milione di copie. La band continuerà a scrivere belle cose, e il successivo When The World Knows Your Name del 1989 arriva persino al numero 1 in UK e contiene la loro canzone più famosa, Real Gone Kid, facendo divenire sogno il successo che un ragazzo scozzese aveva immaginato sentendo una canzone, Deacon Blues, che parla di nerds and losers, secondo le famose parole di commento di Donald Fagen. Dedicherò il mese di settembre a gruppi scozzese degli anni '80, che è un periodo storico e una zona geografica che ha regalato cosine niente affatto male alla storia della musica.
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trender-official · 18 days
Rules + Fandoms
I will write for:
-Dragon Age (obviously): Any romancable character for any game and Varric
-Cyberpunk 2077: Romancable companions + Johnny and Takemura
-Fallout New Vegas, Four, and the show: Boone, Arcade, Raul, Cassidy, Veronica, Joshua, Danes, Deacon, Hancock, Piper, Preston, Codsworth(platonically… ya hoes), Cooper(2070s and later), Maximus, Norm, Lucy
-Pillars of Eternity One (haven’t finished the second): Edér, Aloth, Kana Rua, Sagani, Durance? if u want??, Islemyr, Hiravias, Pallegina, Maneha(only women romantically), Devil of Caroc
-Baldur’s Gate Three (still playing old ones): All romancables + Jaheira
-Horror: Michael Myers, Billy Loomis, Stu Macher, Brahms, Thomas Hewitt
-Supernatural: Dean, Sam, Crowley, Castiel, Gabriel, Michael, Rowena, Charlie
-Mass Effect: Romancable characters + Wrex
-Ocs: Ninsun, Helgi, Vígdís(will be posting them later)
-Far Cry Three, Four, Five: Joseph, John, Jacob, Faith, Vaas, Pagan Min
-Lord of the Rings: Frodo, Boromir, Faramir, Aragorn, Legolas, Sam, Gimli, Pippin, Merry
-Overwatch: P much the whole cast
-Dbd: Most killers and surviors(keep in mind i haven’t played in a long time)
-I will write dark fics but nothing genuinely disgusting
-If you don’t see a character for a fandom, just send the ask! Ill probably still respond and probably just forgot.
-I have the right to deny any request! If I say no please don’t keep sending it.
-Yandere is fine with me!
-May take up to a week to respond, depends on how busy I am
-I will not change canonically queer identities, but I will write queer pairings for straight characters!
-This will be updated as I consume more media! I’ll update yall when I change it :)
-I will write x reader and cxc! Just send the ship and I’ll let you know :)
-I sometimes may use my inquisitor/tav/hawke/ u get the idea for a fic. If you request reader I won’t!
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johnica-weeks · 2 years
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Welcome to the 4th Johnica Week! I can't believe it's already the fourth edition and I'm so happy to have still lots of talented artists and writers joining the event and keeping the fandom alive by contributing (also) to the growth of this wonderful couple 🥰💕💕💕
When is the event? 📆
This year's Johnica Week will be a bit shorter, only four days, in order to keep entries more collected, avoid burnout for those faithful creators who want to challenge themselves and join everyday, and for everyone who loves to read fics but has less time on their hands. The event will start on Sunday 15th January and end on Wednesday 18th January, aka John and Veronica's 48th wedding anniversary!
Where? 🔎
Here on Tumblr, on AO3 and also on Instagram for visual artists!
💚 Use the tag #JohnicaWeek2023 in your entries here and on Instagram!
📚 > Here will be the AO3 COLLECTION where to post your fics! <
💚 Tag @eileen-crys​ and/or @johnica-weeks​ in your works so I can read, see and share them!
📚 At the end of the event I’ll make a Tumblr masterlist with all the works!
2020 Masterlist | 2021 Masterlist | 2022 Masterlist
The Theme 📚 
You’ve read it right, this year Johnica Week has a theme, linked to the 46th wedding anniversary, that is BOOKS. Like all the prompts, it’s up to you to follow the theme or not, consider it just as a general theme that you could build your entries around. I chose some prompts that might fit this theme, that are about books as physical objects or as idea for an alternative worldbuilding.
How? 🖼
You're encouraged to join with your preferred creative media or challenge yourself with something new! Fanfictions, drawings, comics, poetry, collages and photo edits, moodboards, anything you like! More in the RULES below.
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Like all Ship Weeks, this is a fandom event to share love and creativity related to a particular couple, so be sure to engage with the entries and support all the artists and writers that chose to join! Reblog, leave likes/kudos and comment on the artworks to keep the fandom alive! 💜💖💕💜💖💕
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These prompts are simply suggestions for the event, you can choose one, mix them together, follow them or not, be creative with the prompts or do something completely different! That’s up to you 😊 For each day I chose a situation that revolves around books, an undergoing theme, a literary genre and a type of Alternative Universe you can choose among.
💚 Day 1 - Sunday 15th
SITUATION: Transported from real life to a book’s world and living an adventure there/meeting the main characters. (Suggestions: Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc.) Note: not as an AU, but more on the idea of "real John and Veronica live an adventure in a book" as themselves.
THEME: Having fun together
GENRE: Action
AU: Superheroes/Superpowers (“Superheroes with Superproblems” comic book, Fantasy or Sci-Fi, Dystopian, Fantasy, Cyberpunk, etc.)
💚 Day 2 - Monday 16th
SITUATION: Misplaced/stolen book.
THEME: Math VS Poetry
GENRE: Horror/mystery
AU: Noir/Detective story (Victorian, Modern Crime Scene, Serial Killer, Futuristic, etc.)
💚 Day 3 - Tuesday 17th
SITUATION: Finding/reading a book for the other one or for the kids.
THEME: Long distance
GENRE: Fairytale
AU: Historical Fiction (Royalty, 1920s, Arranged Marriage, World War, Ancient Greece, etc)
💖 Day 4 - Wednesday 18th (Wedding anniversary!)
SITUATION: Bonding thanks to a special book.
THEME: Pregnancy
GENRE: Comedy
AU: Romantic cliché (Soulmates, bookshop, coffee/florist shop, alternative first meeting, etc.)
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What can you do? ✒
You can join with fanfics, edits and moodboards, drawings of all kinds and if you want to sing or play an instrument please feel free to!
The requirements are:
John and Veronica Deacon as the main pairing;
Your love and creativity! 🥰
You can write/draw:
Fics with and without accurate settings and timelines;
Alternative Universes (AU) of any kind and genre, mixed or not with the promts (ex. Fem!John AU + coffee shop, A/B/O AU + Superpowers);
“What if"s;
Genderswap/genderbending of any kind;
Other Queen members, friends, pairings, family, poly ships (that have to involve both John and Veronica!), OCs, etc…
Fluff, angst, crack, hurt/comfort, action, mystery, sexy times… anything you fancy!
🔥 NSFW is allowed with PROPER TAGS! IMPORTANT note: please interact with NSFW only if you’re +18! 🔞
… and more! If you’re unsure feel free to ask!
We’re here to celebrate John and Veronica Deacon, not to create drama or fights nor to disrespect their privacy. So please be considered about your entries and comments and always try to be respectful to John, to Veronica, to their family and friends, to the people who ship them or ship other couples and to your audience.
Fics and fanarts about post ‘97 John ARE allowed.
Photos and videos from after his retirement in moodboards and edits ARE NOT allowed!
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HOW to post? 🤔
You can post your entries here on Tumblr, on AO3 and on Instagram, using the hashtag #JohnicaWeek2022 and tagging me.
If you prefer, you can post anonymously on AO3, HERE is an easy guide on how to do it!
If you’re on Tumblr and want to post a fic anonymously please send me a DM and I’ll post it on @johnica-weeks on your behalf, crediting it as Anonymous author!
🔥 TAG your work APPROPRIATELY! This includes all potential triggers and smut. On Tumblr you can include the appropriate warnings at the top of the fic followed by a "keep reading” cut (you can add it in desktop version AND on mobile by writing :readmore: in a new line!) Also be sure to tag the rating of your fic, the genre and the themes of your story, enough to help the readers!
✨ If you’re still unsure, HERE’s a useful guide on how to tag your works!
As a reader... 📖
If you’re a fan of John, of Johnica or simply like to read fanfictions, positive interactions are always much welcomed! Support the authors by leaving likes, a comment (even a little one!) and sharing their work. On AO3 you don’t need an account to leave Kudos and Comments! (Unless the author has willingly prevented guests to comment). To leave a comment on AO3 you simply have to choose a temporary mail and set your email to get a notification for an eventual reply.
If a work is not tagged appropriately, you can reach out to me via DM and I’ll warn the author. If anything makes you uncomfortable, simply close the work! Do not engage by leaving nasty comments or messaging the author!
During the event, if any of you/your entries gets hateful comments or messages towards you, your entries, the Johnica ship, the event or other creators, please DELETE the hateful comment/message right away with no interactions and let me know! This is no place for haters, just for creativity and love.
If you see a hateful comment on other works do not engage, instead leave a positive comment to the same work and support the author! 💜
Realistic or not, remember that fanfictions are, by definition, FICTIONAL and not meant to be a documentary! There are lots of things we don’t know about John and Veronica’s private lives and don’t want to go in too deeply, gossip or speculate about them, so feel free to fly with your fantasy and let your creativity flow! 😊💖 Most of all… have fun, respect each other and support each other’s works!
If you have any question feel free to send me an ask or a DM!
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Header and graphics by @eileen-crys​ and @/firefly-graphics
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notesonartistry · 6 months
13 fave love songs (Not Taylors)
In no particular order (other than the order they occurred to me ... which is probably an order in itself ... anyway!). Sorry for the delay in posting anon, thanks for asking me!
Heaven, Bryan Adams
As You Are, Daughtry
I Wanna Grow Old With You, Westlife
I Will Always Love You, Whitney Houston
When Will You (Make My Telephone Ring), Deacon Blue
Grow As We Go, Ben Platt
Show Me Heaven, Maria McKee
Your Song, Elton John
One More Try, George Michael
Love Runs Out, One Republic
All of Me, John Legend
Endless Love, Lionel Ritchie & Diana Ross
If You Ever Come Back, The Script
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Can I request a fluffy John Deacon x fem. reader long fic where it’s Christmas Eve and John surprises reader with a present and when reader opens it, it’s a velvet box and when reader looks inside it turns out to be a ring and John takes it from her and gets down on one knee and goes into this speech about how much he loves her and that when he met her it was love at first sight and he asks reader to marry him?
Yess! so cute!
pairings: John Deacon x Fem!reader summary: ^^^^ warnings: too cute
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"hey, I got you something" Your boyfriend of 5 years, John said walking down the stairs with a wrapped box in his hand
"well put it under the tree then" you smiled at him as he sat down next to you on the couch.
it was a cold night and the fireplace was on, warming you up as you drank hot chocolate.
"just open it" he held it out for you to take
"but it's not christmas yet, that's tomorrow, can't it wait only a few more hours?" you leaned into him resting your head on his chest, hearing his heart race, so fast you would've thought he ran a marathon. it made you wonder why
"no it can't" he stated
you put your hot chocolate on the coffee table and leaned back into him, taking the box from him, you looked at him and raised an eyebrow
"what is it?" you asked him
"I'm not gonna tell you, that would ruin the surprise" he rolled his eyes
as you ripped the wrapping paper of the box, John leaned forward and took a sip of your drink, trying to hide his nervous face as you opened his gift.
you opened the box to see another, smaller box inside. You pulled the box out and looked at it. the pretty red velvet box you held in your hand made your smile.
it hadn't been the first time he's given you a box like that, only a few months prior he gave you a similar box with a necklace inside, and a year before was a pair of earrings.
"you give me too much of these, i practically have a whole draw of similar boxes" you joked with a giggle, he didn't look as amused as you though, his face held something different.
your smile faltered as you noticed his uncomfortable state
you looked at the box and became confused, it made you wonder...
you opened the box slowly and looked at it intently, a beautiful ring, decorated with the prettiest of diamonds was staring right backup at you
you looked up at John and a lump formed in your throat, he slowly took the box off you and got off the couch, making his way down on one of his knees.
it's that type of ring.
you body begun to feel hot and your vision went blurry
"John-" you start to say
"can you let me talk sweetheart?" he managed to smile shyly
"sorry" you apologised, sitting up and grabbed onto the blanket covering your legs
"you are- the best the that has ever happened to me, and I love you with all my heart, you make me want to be a better person and I am forever grateful for you. I have never wanted anything more than I want you, and it's been that way since we met- at the bar"
"I'm going to talk to her" roger said to the bored John.
Roger had dragged John to a bar, telling him he needed to put himself out there.
"you go do that" John sighed.
Roger had been staring at a girl sitting at a table on the other side of the room. she sat there talking to her friend who seemed uncomfortable to be there
"but I can't just go and take her away from her friend"
"look Roger, I think I might just leave-"
"you have to come with me" Roger pulled John up from his seat and made his way to their table with John trailing behind
"hey ladies!" Roger greeted joyfully
"hey" the girl said, looking up at the Roger and John hiding behind him
"need a drink?"
after a while, Roger and the girl were practically on top of each other on the other side of the booth, leaving John sitting awkwardly next to a girl he doesn't know the name of.
"what do you say we get out of here?" Roger suggested to crystal.
"yeah sure!"
they leave their seats and begin gathering their things
"wait no- you're my ride" the girl beside John said to crystal
"I'm sure John will give you a ride" Roger replied to her.
the girl next to him sunk in her chair, feeling dumped
"bye" Roger waved, winking to John before leaving with his new one night stand, leaving John with a girl he didn't know. he looked over to her, seeing that she was already looking at him.
"I'm John" he smiled nervously
"I know, your from that band" she said sheepishly, looking down at her lap, fiddling with her fingers
John was caught off guard, he didn't know what to do or say in this situation
"what's your name?" John asked
"thats a pretty name"
John noticed the girls face turn a light shade of pink as he said that and it made him nervous, realising what he said
"thanks" she smiled at him sweetly
the two begun talking for two more hours before realising the time
"I should probably get going, it was nice meeting you John" the girl said, picking up her purse and putting her jacket on.
"we should- uh- do this. we do this" John stuffed up his words
"i'd like that" she giggled before she wrote down her contact on a napkin and gave it to him
"bye John" she smiled, kissing him on the cheek, getting John all flustered at the affection
she walked out of the bar, smiling at him as she looked back at him
John sat there for a minute before he got up and walked out with the napkin in his pocket.
he saw that is was heavily raining and he worried for you, you didn't have an umbrella on you and you didn't even have a ride.
you didn't have a ride
John looked around and noticed you, waiting for a bus while soaking wet
he couldn't leave you out in the rain like that, he wouldn't. especially because you were the most beautiful woman he's ever seen, and one of the sweetest.
"I can give you a ride" he stated as he got closer to you, getting drenched
she turned around and smiled at him
"it makes me wonder what would happen if i left you out there in the rain, but I'm glad i didn't. I love you more than anything in the world and I would appreciate it if you would let me spend the rest of my life with you. so, sweetheart, will you marry me?" John finished his ramble
you couldn't come up with any words to reply with and john was left there for a second of silence.
you decided your throat was failing you and just kissed him. running your hands through his long hair and pulling him closer. he pulled away for a second to look at you
"I need an answer" he said, looking down at the ring
"yes! why would I ever say no?" you told him before placing another kiss on his lips
he placed the ring on your finger and let a deep breath he didn't know he was holding.
okokokok i hope that was alright
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lena-after-dark · 2 years
Who I write for is listed below:
Individual masterlists will be linked as they are created. Don't see a character you like? Send me an ask! I may be willing to add them.
American Horror Story
The Countess Dandy Mott Misty Day
Bates Motel/Psycho
Norma Bates Norman Bates
Deacon Frost Eric Brooks/Blade Mercury
Byakuya Kuchiki Findorr Calius Gin Ichimaru Jin Kariya Kenpachi Zaraki Kensei Muguruma Mayuri Kurotsuchi Retsu Unohana Ryo Utagawa Sosuke Aizen Szayelaporro Granz Yoshi
Cabinet of Curiosities
Jenkins Brown (possessing Walter) Richard Pickman Walter Gilman
Cobra Kai/The Karate Kid
Da-Eun Kim Daniel LaRusso John Kreese Terry Silver
Courage the Cowardly Dog
Black Puddle Queen Freaky Fred
The Crow
Eric Draven Myca Top Dollar
Bruce Wayne/Batman (Bale) Edward Nashton/The Riddler (Dano) Edward Nygma/The Riddler (Carrey + Smith) Fish Mooney Harley Quinn (Robbie) Jervis Tetch/ Hatter Jonathan Crane/Scarecrow (Murphy) Joker (Ledger + Phoenix) Orm Marius Oswald Cobblepot (Taylor) Victor Zsasz (Carrigan)
Dead to Me
Jen Harding Judy Hale
Disney (* denotes live action only)
Claude Frollo Cruella DeVil* (2021) Diaval* Maleficent* King Stefan*
Evil Dead Rise
The Faculty
Edward Furlong Elizabeth Burke Joe Willis
Firefly Trilogy
Baby Firefly Otis B Driftwood Foxy Coltraine
Final Fantasy
Cid Bunansa/Dr. Cid Kadaj Loz Lulu Rufus Shinra Sephiroth Seymour Guado Vayne Solidor Vincent Valentine Yazoo
Funny Games
Paul Peter
Game of Thrones
Brienne of Tarth Cersei Lannister Jaqen H'Ghar Margaery Tyrell Melisandre Petyr Baelish Ramsay Bolton
House of the Dragon
Aemond Targaryen Daemon Targaryen Larys Strong
Hunter x Hunter
Chrollo Lucifer Hisoka Morou Illumi Zoldyck Uvogin
Josh Lambert + Parker Crane possessing Josh Steven "Specs" Fisher
Jujutsu Kaisen
Choso Kamo Geto Suguru (+ Kenjaku) Mahito Mei Mei Nanami Kento Ryomen Sukuna Toji Fushiguro
The Legend of Zelda
Ganondorf (Twilight Princess) Ghirahim Midna Sidon Zant
The Letter for the King
Jaro Viridian
Lord of the Rings/The Hobbit
Beorn Grima Wormtongue Thranduil
Agatha Harkness Heimdall Hela M'Baku Melina Vostokoff Namor/K’uk’ulkan Natasha Romanoff Norman Osborn/Green Goblin Okoye Olivia Octavius/Doc Ock Otto Octavius/Doc Ock Peter Parker (Maguire) Ultron Wanda Maximoff
My Hero Academa
Enji Todoroki/Endeavor Shota Aizawa/Eraserhead
Deidara Hidan Kakazu Kisame Orochimaru
One Piece (Live Action ONLY)
Buggy Garp Kuro Sanji
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Amber Sweet Luigi Largo Nathan Wallace Pavi Largo
Adam Faulkner-Stanheight Amanda Young John Kramer
Silent Hill
Pyramid Head Vincent Smith
Stranger Things
001/Henry Creel Dmitri "Enzo" Antonov Joyce Byers
Thirteen Ghosts:
Dana Newman/The Angry Princess Dennis Rafkin Horace Mahoney/The Juggernaut Royce Clayton/The Torn Prince Ryan Kuhn/The Jackal
Abraham Tex
Larissa Weems Marilyn Thornhill
Would You Rather
Julian Lambrick Shepard Lambrick
Cecil L'ively Dana Scully Fox Mulder Luther Lee Boggs
Misc. Characters
Adrian Tepes/Alucard (Castlevania) Albert Shaw/The Grabber (The Black Phone) Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) Bo Sinclair (House of Wax) Cesaire (Red Riding Hood) Commodus (Gladiator) Creepy Thin Man (Charlie's Angels) Daniel Robitaille/Candyman (1992) Doug Davis (Cooties) Dracula (Lugosi + Bang) Ellie (Evil Dead Rise) Habit (EverymanHYBRID) John Ryder (The Hitcher) John Wick Kruger (Elysium) Kusuriuri/Medicine Seller (Mononoke) L Lawliet (Death Note) The Man (Hush) Moira (The Princess) Quentin Shermer/The Blissfield Butcher (Freaky) Rachel Summers (The Uninvited) Ransom Drysdale (Knives Out) Ross Humboldt (In the Tall Grass)
Celebrities* (see request rules)
Angela Bassett Idris Elba Jeffrey Dean Morgan Kathryn Hahn Patrick Wilson Sigourney Weaver Vera Farmiga
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debdarkpetal · 2 years
Tumblr media
Germany gets a good name check today, but now it's our second home, good old Munich. A hell of a lot of misbehaving went on at Musicland Studios, the Sugar Shack, the Munich Hilton and just about everywhere else we set foot.
After a heavy days recording a few hours of relaxation was needed in the Shack, with a few bottles of Stolli [Stolichnaya vodka]. After there we went back to either Freddie and Phoebe’s suite, the PPP (Presidential poof parlour) or Roger's and my suite, the HH (Hetero Hangout).
It was winter and about 4am and we're all back in the HH goofing around, when we found one of those little jam's that you get with hotel breakfasts. It's usually this time of the morning after a few slurps that we would get inventive, and JD [John Deacon] and me went into Roger’s bedroom and put a dollop of jam on the earpiece of his phone, and another dollop on the bulb of his bedside lamp. I then used another phone and booked him a wake-up call for 6am, and we all cleared off.
The next morning we all had a good laugh when he was telling us how when his phone rang, he switched on the lamp, and the jam got hot and burnt, and the room stank, and when he answered his wake-up call, his hair stuck to his ear. He did take it in good humour, but was not that impressed when he found his awful green shoes in the toilet that we tried to flush away.
The following day we thought it was so good it had to be repeated. So after another night in the Shack, when we get back to the hotel Roger says he's going straight to bed, and off he goes. We get another pot of jam, different flavour though, and make our way to Roger’s bedroom door. Ratty and Jobby lean against the wall so he can't see them through the peephole, and I knock.
"Who is it" he bellows. I reply "It's me, you left your coat in the car, I've bought it up for you." Lame excuse but it worked, the door opens and we're in. A few dollops in the correct places and out the door.
As we're heading to my door for a nightcap we notice a rather large roll of carpet. The inventors are at it again and we drag the roll of carpet down the corridor and lean it against Paul Prenter’s door, then head back for that well earned drink.
An hour or so later I dial 9, or was it O, and get an outside line and ring the Hilton. When the operator answered I told her who it was and could she phone Prenter urgently and tell him that Roger Taylor had been arrested for drink driving and to get to the cop shop and bail him out.
Over breakfast the next morning when the previous day’s stories were told, Paul said he thought it might of been a hoax call, so before rushing out he phoned Roger to check if he was in his room. Thanks Paul, smelly room and jammy ear. Phase two also worked 'cause when he opened his door in the morning the carpet roll fell on his head.
That's it, catch you all soon.
Crystal Taylor.
📷 from l to r: Freddie, Gerry Stickells, John, Roger and Crystal in Munich, August 1984.
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lates-kin-reblogs · 11 months
Tag List
nothing too serious just really needed a place to help keep my Shit Organized
Anime Greed - get bitches fuck money Bido - lizard on my leg Ed - shrimp is a deadly sin Kunikida - paper flowers Dazai - wilting daisy Aki - pineapple coconut Vash - stampede!!! Wolfwood - the worst priest Noe - sweet tooth Vanitas - ange de lune bleu Ozpin - wizard in a tower Roman - foxy firework Qrow - pretty bird Laios - to be a dog Chilchuck - no chill for the chuck
Live Action Castiel - clarence "hot wings" thursday Dean - narrative's favorite The Doctor - clever boy The Master - here come the drums Jack Harkness - 21st century man Ianto - those beautiful welsh vowels Geralt - wake the white wolf House - you wish you were autistic Wilson - multiple divorcee Hannibal - i only eat the rude Will - honey grahams Myers - sunglasses at night Lestat - lelio rising Mark S. - mr. scout was my father Herbert - re-animator re-animated Daniel - dan the man
Cartoons Cadence - there are 7 kinds of love Lego Joker - john jacob jingleheimer schmidt Dib - agent mothman reporting Zim - alien alone Dakota - whataya gonna do Cavendish - no more fucks to give Tobey - robits > people Wordgirl - genderneutral word nerd Adrien - cheesy chat Warden - several cats in a tophat Glam - german glamrock dad Larry - barbara manatee Angel - celibate succubus Alastor - strawberry deercake Lou - regretful prideful asshole Ox - ear runner
Games: Ingo - reeses puffs eat em up Arven - arfen N - natural order Blixer - ballroom blix Blue Square - little scarf hero Loboto - son be a dentist Sasha - #1 kitschy lamp hater Milla - flower power Harry - discotech Kim - car men are horse girls Connor - sentient toaster Hank - burger boomer Wheatley - try saying apple Stanley - 427 blaze it Narrator - unreliable heartthrob Balan - i beg your absolute pardon Zhongli - amnesiac archon Xiao - almond dreams Yakumo - snake in the grass Eiden - reluctant harem master Edmond - white chocolate knight Olivine - midlife rebellious phase Newton - get in the can "Blue" - behind blue eyes Hollow - post traumatic bug disorder Heisenberg - manta horse wolf Twogami - nice to be ya Big Daddy - somewhere beyond the sea Silverhand - rockerboy roommate V - johnny take the wheel Kerry - kiss me kerosene Jackie - a splash of love Sam - don't mess with the postman Higgs - your obedient servant Astarion - legally blonde: waterdeep Gale - boots for brunch
Fallout specifically (help) Codsworth - hello metal husband Preston - another settlement needs your help Nick - be my valentine Hancock - for the people MacCready - toy soldier Deacon - like to slap his bald head Danse - just danse 2015
Other Elias - mr. behind the slaughter Jon - behelden ring "Michael" Distortion - technicolor dreamboat Rod - gay republican puppet Nicky - nicholas picholas Wally - hello autism Benrey - loveletterforyou Gordon - gordo feetman Bright - dr brightside Techno - my kingdom for a love Philza - minecraft anime husband Cronus - purple fish sticks Galekh - citation pines Peter - the man in glass Juno - junebug Blitz - bossuva hell Stolas - flamingo croquet headass
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ganymede-princess · 1 year
WIP List
Updated: 27/12/2023
Just want to preface this by saying that I can't guarantee when/if these will come out, but I want to have a public record of what I have worked on so my followers can get a feel for what to expect from my fics. I am very scatterbrained about writing and I tend to move around these WIPs adding to them randomly until I get a strong enough fixation on one. For instance, I wrote the very start of Entanglement Theory, left it alone for a full year, and then finished the rest of it in only around a week.
Please comment/DM me if you would like to be tagged when/if one of these is completed and published. Also if you read a WIP summary that you would really like me to finish, please comment!
Titled in red are WIPs with very little progress towards them/only exist in concept.
Titled in yellow are WIPs with a relatively substantial amount of work put into them.
Titled in green are archival WIPs that were completed when I was younger and are ready to be edited and adapted for reupload.
Aragorn (The Lord of the Rings) Based loosely on the song Brandy (You're a Fine Girl) by Looking Glass, Aragorn is contracted to kill a warg that is terrorizing a village that his lover lives in.
Eric Moore (King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard) Coffee shop scenario, followed by a date to a football game or a gig.
Captain David Collins (Banished) Collins teaches a young convict woman how to read and falls in love with her.
Robert Capa (Sunshine) Collection of scenarios that didn't fit into Entanglement Theory (part 2 of Vignettes), Doc helping Capa celebrate his birthday post Payload delivery, and Capa and Doc getting to know eachother during their training.
Bret (Flight of the Conchords) After his breakup with Coco, Bret reluctantly sets out to find love again.
Joe Elliott (Def Leppard) Joe hangs out with his neighbor/girlfriend while his parents are away and they reminisce on how they first met.
Per "Dead" Ohlin (Mayhem) Black cat/golden retriever dynamic, Per becomes obsessed with a sunshine girl and feels himself becoming a better person because of her.
Brian Connolly (The Sweet) Reader is Andy's sister and has mutual feelings with Brian so they go on a date.
Dhani Harrison (son of George Harrison) Reader's mum works with George at his recording studio, leading to her having dinner around at the Harrison residence.
Jim Morrison (The Doors) After a final breakup with Pamela, Jim seeks comfort in a close friend.
Steve Marriott (Small Faces/Humble Pie) Reader skips school to hang out with her boyfriend Steve.
Syd Barrett (Pink Floyd) Based on the song Here I Go, Syd comes around to visit a girl he's been seeing only to find that she's gone and her sister now lives there.
Zoot (The Tribe) Zoot catches a young woman looting in his territory, and taking a liking to her, decides not to punish her as severely as he ordinarily would.
John Deacon (Queen) Reader attends university with John and harbors a crush on him, until she decides to take matters into her own hands and ask him for help with an upcoming assignment.
Athelstan (Vikings) When Ragnar brings Athelstan home to Kattegat as a hostage, his daughter takes the monk under her wing and comforts him.
Enjolras (Les Miserables) Enjolras discovers that one of the Amis is not what he seems.
Neil Young (Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young) After Neil buys his ranch in California, he strikes up a friendship with the Foreman's daughter.
Malcolm Young (ACDC) After avoiding each other for some weeks, Malcolm and his friend confess their feelings for each other.
George Young (The Easybeats) Reader takes care of Malcolm and Angus when girls overrun the Young household.
Jimmy McCulloch (Thunderclap Newman, Stone the Crows, Wings) During a recording session with Pete Townshend, Jimmy realizes he has a crush on Townshend's niece.
Todd Anderson (Dead Poets Society) After graduating from Welton, Todd travels across the country to attend a progressive new university in Washington State.
Theo Faron (Children of Men) Theo is on the brink of suicide, but can't bring himself to be the second person in five minutes to buy Quietus from the same pharmacist cashier.
Bill Weasley (Harry Potter) Still conceptualizing this one, but I have the idea that the reader is around Percy's age and is the daughter of Rufus Scrimgeour.
William Murray (FUR) Will wakes up in a stranger's bathtub after a night of drinking.
Rhaegar Targaryen (ASOIAF) Follow up to The Crimson King, about Frida being called back to King's Landing to act as Rhaegar's cupbearer.
Chandler Bing (Friends) After you spend the night with Chandler, he calls in sick for work in the North Tower. Then you and the gang converge in Monica's apartment to watch 9/11 as it unfolds. Yes, I have an autistic hyperfixation on 9/11. Yes, I would be writing this to cope with Matthew's death. Yes, I would take this crack completely seriously.
Felix Catton (Saltburn) You are on a scholarship at Oxford and Felix invites you to spend summer at Saltburn. You find out that he picks a new "underprivileged" person to offer this experience to every year, often casting people aside when he is bored. You make it your mission to make Felix see the error of his ways.
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belladonnic-haze · 1 year
Haze Fic Masterlist
Welcome! Here's a handy-dandy masterlist of all my fics and their various statuses.
ACROSS THE MILKY SEAS Queen | Brian May/Roger Taylor Teen and Up | Narnia AU | Chaptered Fic | Ongoing
Fic post!
ENGLISH COUNTRY GARDENS Queen | Brian May/Roger Taylor/John Deacon Mature | Hanahaki Disease | Chaptered Fic | Ongoing
Fic Post!
BROKEN MY FAIRY CIRCLE RING Queen | Brian May/Roger Taylor Mature | Fantasty AU | Oneshot | Coming Soon
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sukkigorri · 18 days
Fans are curious about Dave Bautista‘s weight loss. They are also curious about how he lost weight. This comes after photos of the wrestler-turned-actor’s new leaner, less bulky appearance made their way online. Bautista first found success in the entertainment industry via the WWE, which he first smashed into in 2002 under the ring name Deacon Batista, later renamed to just Batista. As a wrestler, Bautista competed against other legends like John Cena and Triple H. However, in recent years he has since transitioned into acting, which is now his full-time job following his wrestling retirement in 2019. So, did Dave Bautista lose weight? How did Bautista lose weight now? Here is his weight loss explained. Did Dave Bautista lose weight? Yes, Dave Bautista lost weight. In a recent interview with Chris Van Vliet, promoting his new film The Killer’s Game, Bautista addressed his recent weight loss and current appearance. “I’m getting super trimmed. This is probably the lightest I’ve been since I was 19 years old,” he said. The wrestler-turned-actor then mentioned he’s currently about 240 lbs. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfhaK6TWphc[/embed] Bautista then went on to talk about his different weights over the years. He said that the heaviest he had been was 370 lbs. The Guardians of the Galaxy star then mentioned he was 325 lbs when he first started wrestling as Deacon Batista and 290 lbs for the better part of his wrestling career. He added that he had to bulk up to 315 lbs for his role in M. Night Shyamalan’s Knock at the Cabin, and that was when the “nightmare” to cut down his weight started. How did Dave Bautista lose weight? Dave Bautista has credited Brazilian jiu-jitsu for helping with his weight loss. Speaking with Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa in a July 16 episode of Live with Kelly and Mark, the Dune star mentioned struggling to shed the weight he put on while filming Knock at the Cabin. To solve the problem, Bautista brought in friend and trainer Jason Manly to Budapest, where he was filming Dune, and the duo trained together to start shedding the weight. “We did nothing but grapple, like for hours,” he mentioned. (via Business Insider) Here, Bautista also mentioned he had gotten back to practicing jiu-jitsu after taking some time off from it. He also spoke of sacrificing muscle in this training regimen but had no issues with doing so as he felt “more comfortable.” Bautista confirmed via a 2023 Instagram post that he had been training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu since 2010. He earned his purple belt in 2014 and eventually got a brown belt in 2023. #Happened #Dave #Bautista #Weight #Loss #Explained
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gillymorio · 18 days
Fans are curious about Dave Bautista‘s weight loss. They are also curious about how he lost weight. This comes after photos of the wrestler-turned-actor’s new leaner, less bulky appearance made their way online. Bautista first found success in the entertainment industry via the WWE, which he first smashed into in 2002 under the ring name Deacon Batista, later renamed to just Batista. As a wrestler, Bautista competed against other legends like John Cena and Triple H. However, in recent years he has since transitioned into acting, which is now his full-time job following his wrestling retirement in 2019. So, did Dave Bautista lose weight? How did Bautista lose weight now? Here is his weight loss explained. Did Dave Bautista lose weight? Yes, Dave Bautista lost weight. In a recent interview with Chris Van Vliet, promoting his new film The Killer’s Game, Bautista addressed his recent weight loss and current appearance. “I’m getting super trimmed. This is probably the lightest I’ve been since I was 19 years old,” he said. The wrestler-turned-actor then mentioned he’s currently about 240 lbs. [embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfhaK6TWphc[/embed] Bautista then went on to talk about his different weights over the years. He said that the heaviest he had been was 370 lbs. The Guardians of the Galaxy star then mentioned he was 325 lbs when he first started wrestling as Deacon Batista and 290 lbs for the better part of his wrestling career. He added that he had to bulk up to 315 lbs for his role in M. Night Shyamalan’s Knock at the Cabin, and that was when the “nightmare” to cut down his weight started. How did Dave Bautista lose weight? Dave Bautista has credited Brazilian jiu-jitsu for helping with his weight loss. Speaking with Mark Consuelos and Kelly Ripa in a July 16 episode of Live with Kelly and Mark, the Dune star mentioned struggling to shed the weight he put on while filming Knock at the Cabin. To solve the problem, Bautista brought in friend and trainer Jason Manly to Budapest, where he was filming Dune, and the duo trained together to start shedding the weight. “We did nothing but grapple, like for hours,” he mentioned. (via Business Insider) Here, Bautista also mentioned he had gotten back to practicing jiu-jitsu after taking some time off from it. He also spoke of sacrificing muscle in this training regimen but had no issues with doing so as he felt “more comfortable.” Bautista confirmed via a 2023 Instagram post that he had been training in Brazilian jiu-jitsu since 2010. He earned his purple belt in 2014 and eventually got a brown belt in 2023. #Happened #Dave #Bautista #Weight #Loss #Explained
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