#john reese reader insert
cozycrimesolving · 4 months
just to note, I still have a Jimmy Palmer x Reader oneshot in the works but I need to break the ice and peel off some rust first sooooo.....
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a-fandom-reimagined · 3 years
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You and Reese go way back, having known one another since your days in the special forces
There'd always been this palpable chemistry between the two of you. But out of respect and loyalty to Jessica, Resee never allowed himself to act on it
But in having you join Team Machine it was like life had given you both a second chance.
The Machine, of course, waits for no one so going on a real date was kind of out of the question.
But every now and then, the Machine would throw you a bone.
Tailing numbers to museums and uneventful fancy dinners
On stakeouts, Reese would make sure to pre-stock the car with your favorite snacks, drinks, and takeout.
Your favorite music playing quietly in the background.
Reese loved watching you work.
You were a masterful interrogator, a skilled hacker, and the things you could do with a knife made his blood sing.
Every once in a while someone would catch him beaming at you with pride and call him out on it, making him blush
Your relationship wasn't a secret per se but neither of you was shouting it from the rooftops either.
Both of you came from backgrounds that painted love as more of a weakness to be exploited than a strength to be relied upon.
it wasn't that you were scared, it was just your way of protecting one another.
The only exception to this was Carter.
You were good friends with her so if Reese ever needed advice, he went to her.
Reese gently nudging you to move in with him.
You'd probably find an extra key on your key ring.
Holding it up to the light, you'd ask. "What is this?"
"A key to my place," he answered, not meeting your eyes. "Just in case."
You nodded, your face hot with pleasure. "Oh. Thank you."
He'd nod, still not looking at you, and take your hand.
One morning you'd wake up looking for your clothes.
"Reese? I can't find any of my clothes. Even my shoes are gone."
"Check inside the dresser for the clothes, your shoes are in the closet," he called from across the room.
You did as he said, finding everything just as he described.
You moved to the doorway of the bedroom, your expression unreadable. "Why? What made you do this?"
Reese shrugged, hesitantly meeting your gaze. "Just seemed…right. You're here all the time anyway. You have a key. It seemed only fair that you have a place to put your things."
The rest of the team being shocked when they come over and see all of your things in Reese's place and teasing you about it.
Tending to each other's wounds.
Both of you going feral when the other is wounded or in trouble.
Cooking together.
Reese counting down the minutes until you both can go home and climb into bed with Bear at your feet or snuggled between you both
Reese is a cuddler.
He's also pretty old-fashioned.
Helping you with your coat, opening your doors.
Finch wholeheartedly approves.
He'd watch your interactions from afar, smiling and thrilled that his friend had finally found someone.
Forcing Reese to sit through all of your favorite rom-coms and reality shows
Reese eventually getting hooked on all of them against his will.
Training together
Fusco and Shaw teasing you both relentlessly.
You and Reese eventually opening up to each other about all of the things that you both had endured in the service.
Reese making you sit through all of his favorite kung fu movies.
Late-night rides through the city on his motorcycle
Walks through the park with Bear.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Second Chances
Plot: Before Finch found John, many numbers came and went, many lives were lost that Finch were unable to save. But when your number comes up for a second time, a year after your apparent death, Finch realizes they have a second chance to save you. But in an odd twist of events, when John remembers your own shared past, he is determined to get his second chance too.
Pairing: John Reese x GN!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of violence/fighting, brief mentions of family death (in the past), reader death in fire (faked/briefly mentioned). Mild mentions of blood, nothing graphic.
Words: ~5.1k. Of course it's always the niche fandoms that no one reads for, that I write the longest fics for lmao.
A/N: This takes place anywhere around season 1 to the beginning of 2.
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Another day, another number, another life to save, or crime to stop. Finch began his research, who was this new number? An innocent victim of a crime, or someone with a hateful heart ready to hurt someone? He thought it would be a strangers name who came up, an unfamiliar face. But when he saw yours, his heart stammered in his chest.
'That's not right.' He thought to himself, as he began to rapidly type away. 'It was too late for you. He was too late. You were gone. Weren't you?'
His eyes read through the news article he had seen a year prior. There must be a mistake, you must have survived. Grabbing his phone, he quickly dialed, "Mr. Reese, are you almost here?"
"Good morning to you too Finch." His cool voice responded.
"We have a new number. Well, not new, not really."
John walked into the room, his eyes landing on Finch as he began printing something. "Finch." He greeted.
"Mr. Reese." Finch said, his voice almost unsteady.
"What is this about a repeat number?"
Finch turned and met John's eyes. "Y/n L/n, their number came up a just over a year ago, before I found you. At the time, I was able to find out a great deal of what was going on. Y/n's parent's died in mysterious circumstances, it was very hush hush. But Y/n refused to believe what the news and the police said, and started to look into it themselves. They seemed to uncover quite the scandal. Apparently, Y/n's father discovered that his business partner Thomas Richfield, was black mailing clients, and stealing money."
"And then he and his wife suddenly died in an unusual accident." John said, unconvinced.
"Precisely. So, Y/n began digging, and apparently discovered exactly what their father did. Because no more than a week later-" John watched as Finch began to pin a picture up on the board. "-Y/n died in a fire of unknown causes."
John felt his heart clench in his chest as his eyes landed on the photo. He walked briskly up to the board as he stared at it. Finch watched him curiously. "Mr. Reese...did you know them?"
John thought back as he nodded his head lightly. "Yeah. I did."
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
John stood at the street corner, his jacket wrapped tightly around him. No one paid him any mind as they passed, he was just another homeless man everyone avoided locking eyes with. But he liked to stay here, to watch people live their lives, it made him feel connected to a world he was hiding from.
His eyes gazed out over the people that walked past, before his eyes stopped on you. You were walking out of the flower shop, a bundle of flowers in your arms. You walked by this way nearly every day, and once a week you went into the flower shop.
He later heard from one of the other men at the camp, that they had seen you go into a nearby cemetery fairly often. And that you left the flowers you bought on someones grave every week without fail.
When you walked past John, you always smiled at him, never afraid to look him in the eye. You would talk to him, and the others. And you would often bring water and food for everyone when you had time. You were nice. You were good.
As he heard a rough and sudden voice from nearby, John's eyes passed from you to a nearby man, who approached another woman walking down the street. John watched as the man began to harass her, stopping her from continuing down the road. The women backed away, clearly afraid.
John stepped forward, ready to intervene, but he stopped when you yelled out at the young man. He looked at you as you approached. The woman made her escape as you said something quietly to the man. John watched with curiosity as the man seemed to get very uncomfortable before mumbling something and walking away quickly.
As you continued down the street, you locked eyes with John, you could tell he had been watching. He continued to watch you until you were right in front of him. "Hello John." You greeted with a smile.
He smiled in return. "Hello Y/n." He looked down the road where the man had run off too. "You certainly knew how to scare him off." John said softly.
You smiled at him and shrugged. "I know his grandmother. I threatened to tell her what he was up to out here."
John smiled, "She must be a terrifying woman."
"Actually, she's a five foot church lady with the voice as soft as a cat. It's the possible disappointment she'd feel that terrifies him. To her, he's a perfect gentleman."
John smiled again, brighter than he had in a while. You smiled in return, and John felt a tug at his heart. He pushed it away.
Hearing your phone beep, you glanced down, and he saw your face fall as you read whatever message you received. "Everything alright?"
You looked up and forced a smile back on your face. "It will be. One way or another. I gotta go John. It was nice to see you." Reaching towards your flowers, you pulled out a single red daisy, and handed it to him. He took it slowly as you smiled one more time at him before stepping back, and turning away with a small wave.
John looked at the flower, and then back at you, watching as you faded into the crowd. He had come back to that spot again and again, always expecting to see you. He wanted to talk to you again, found himself wanting to see your smile. Days turned into weeks, but you never came down that road again.
It wasn't until he came across an old newspaper, that he was about to burn, that he learned why he hadn't seen you. Your face was plastered on the page, and John's heart dropped as he read the news line. 'Tragic fire leaves one dead.'
He went into the cemetery he heard you would go to. He walked the rows of graves before he found yours. The grave beside yours was a double, a man and a woman. Who he assumed had been your parents. He saw remnants of old dead flowers left behind. The ones you had last brought them.
John pulled out a napkin from his jacket, wrapped inside was the wilted red flower you had given him the last day he ever saw you. He wasn't sure why he kept it really. But now, he placed it at the base of your headstone, as he said one last goodbye.
John brought more flowers to your grave a few times when he could get them. He felt that you deserved them after how kind you had been. He felt guilt for forgetting after Finch found him. He felt even guiltier that he had forgotten your last name, not recognizing you until he saw your face.
But now, as he stared at your photo on the board. And saw why you had died. And that maybe you weren't really dead. He felt his chest tighten, as a confusing mix of emotions ran through him.
Finch stared at the floor after John finished telling him the story, about how the two of you had crossed paths, even became friends in a way.
Finch looked at your photo and sighed. "It's odd to think you two crossed paths so many times. After I had found out how talented Y/n was in the realm of computers, hacking and research, and well, after I found out how much they fought for justice, I considered recruiting them to join me. To help me track the numbers. After I...failed, to find Y/n in time, I found you not too long later."
John couldn't help but think of how different it could have been. If both of you ended up working with Finch, saving people, together.
"The fire must have been a cover up, maybe a way for Y/n to fake their death. Or, maybe it was real, and they escaped. Either way, if Y/n's number came up again, it must mean we're not the only ones who know they aren't actually dead. We need to find them Finch."
It didn't take long before Finch had discovered that over the last few months, someone had been hacking into Richfield's files and corrupting them, as well as exposing secret information to public eye, and even sending information to the police. Richfield had managed to cover it up so far, as pranks, or enemy companies spreading lies. But too many eyes were on him now. He must have figured out a way to track you down, and now they were coming after you.
At the same time, John found out that Thomas Richfield had hired a contract killer to find the hacker, to find you. Now, John stood at the top of the fire escape as he watched the street below. The man was standing around the corner shop, surely knowing you would be coming by any moment.
John's eyes moved from figure to figure, waiting for you to appear. And when you finally did, John's heart leapt in his chest. Your hair was different, and you wore different clothes, but he would recognize you anywhere. The man began to follow after you, so John left his perch. He needed to get you away from the man before he could hurt you.
- - - - -
Your eyes scanned the crowd as you walked swiftly through the people. You glanced at the windows beside you, checking the reflections. Your chest clenched as you saw the reflection of the man. The same man you had seen earlier in the day. He was watching you, following you. Richfield must have hired someone to find you. But did he know it was you? Or just someone after him?
Turning swiftly into a clothing store, you maneuvered through the racks of clothes, peaking through them as the man following you in. You slipped trough the employees only door and tried to get through the back exit.
Just as you thought you had managed to escape, you felt a hand grasp your shoulder tightly. Spinning around, you saw the man behind you. Seeing him pulling out a knife, you quickly kicked out, slamming your foot into his knee causing him to hiss and stagger back. Grabbing the fire extinguisher off the wall beside you, you smacked the knife out of his hand before smacking him in the head. Pushing out of the exit door, you aimed to run away, but stumbled to a stop as a man stood in your way.
He was handsome, tall, and wearing a suit. His hair was short, and dark with light graying at the sides. His dark blue eyes locked with yours and you felt an overwhelming familiarity. 'No, it can't be.' Before you could question him or run, the door behind you slammed open. As you spun around, the man lunged at you.
Suddenly, the man in the alley stepped in front of you, blocking you from harm. You watched in shock as the man who had been chasing you began to attack him. But the suited man retaliated with skilled fighting you weren't expecting. You watched as they struggling with each other for a few moments, before your apparent savior landed a blow on the back of the mans head, before shoving him into the nearby wall, knocking him unconscious.
As the man straightened up and turned to look a you, you were staring at him with shock and uncertainty. The man smiled softly at you before he spoke in a smooth voice. "Hello Y/n."
His eyes, maybe you could mistake, but that voice? Never. A small shocked laugh came from you as you shook your head. "John."
John felt relief and and odd sense of delight as you recognized him. He walked towards you and grabbed your hand softly, pulling you along and out of the alleyway. "Come with me."
"What? Where?"
"Somewhere safe."
After you climbed into John's car you looked at him, watching him. "What happened to you John?"
"I got a job." He said matter-of-factually as he looked over at you. "And you happen to be my next client."
"What does that mean?"
His voice became a bit softer as he spoke. "It means that this time, I can be the one to help you. And, you wont have to fake your own death."
Your eyes widened a bit as you watched him. "I didn't know you knew what happened. I didn't think you would care."
"Of course I cared." He said as he glanced at you, a soft sad smile gracing his lips. "But, it wasn't until this morning that I found out you were even alive."
You looked away from him and out the window. "A lot's happened."
"I know. Thomas Richfield had your parents killed, you found out why, tried to take him down yourself, and then you died. Or at least everyone thought you did."
You stared at John with shock. "How do you know all of that?"
"It's a long story. But what I don't know is if you faked your own death, or if they actually tried to kill you."
You grew quiet as you fiddled with your jacket. After a moment you spoke again. "It was a real fire. Set by someone Richfield hired, maybe even the same guy who came after me today. I barely escaped. I ran, stayed hidden for a while, kept watch over what Richfield was doing. About two months ago, I found out about another employee of his who suddenly died of unusual circumstances after meeting with a lawyer to expose Richfield. I thought maybe I could try to stop him again, this time it might be easier if he didn't know who I was. But he found me." You let out a sigh. "I'm close John, I can do it."
John looked over at you and saw the determination in your eyes. "I know you can. And we can help."
He nodded as he pulled into the parking lot of a motel. He didn't speak to you again until you were safe inside a room. You watched him tap his ear before he began speaking to someone as you used his phone. "Finch. I have Y/n, I'm sending you my location." He paused as if listening before speaking again. "Alright. See you then." Tapping his ear again he looked over at you. "My friend is coming here, he'll help you finish what you started with Richfield."
"And you?"
"I'm going to go find the man that came after you and stop him."
"Stop him by-" You trailed off.
He shrugged. "Not sure yet, it depends on how he reacts to seeing me."
- - - - -
The man John called 'Finch' showed up at the motel room not long later. He was shorter than John, slimmer, with short hair, glasses and a limp. He smiled politely at you as he introduced himself.
"I was aware of your situation a year ago, I tried to seek you out to help you, but, unfortunately, I was too late. And I am terribly sorry about that."
You smiled at him, sensing the regret he had. "I'm just happy to know that there was anyone at all who wanted to help me. Then and now. I've felt rather alone for a while now."
Finch sat beside you as he opened up his computer. "Well, I am certainly going to try my best to help you finish what you started Y/n. I think we'll make a great team in this matter."
John smiled at the two of you from across the room as he grabbed the duffel bag he had bought with him. "While you two do that, I'm gonna go pay a man a visit."
"John." You said standing up, stopping him as he began to leave the room. You walked up to him, as he stared down at you expectantly. "Please be careful, I don't want you getting hurt because of me."
He simply smiled at you and placed his hand on your shoulder lightly. "I'll be careful, I promise." Sparring a glance at Finch, he nodded lightly before he left.
You stared at the door for a moment and took a deep breath. From behind you, Finch spoke, "Don't worry Mx. L/n, John has gotten through worse."
You turned and looked at him, studying him for a moment. "So you do this kind of thing often? Saving people from hired assassins?"
Finch shrugged slightly. "It's something we've done more than once, that's for sure."
You nodded as you returned to your seat beside Finch, ready to finish what you started. But your mind often wandered to John, as you worried and hoped that he would be okay.
And as luck and skill would have it. John dealt with the hired killer fairly quickly, escaping with only a busted lip, bruised knuckles, a few bruised ribs, and a dirty suit. Carter would be dealing with what was left with the assassin, as John headed back to the motel.
Tapping his ear piece, he spoke softly, not wanting to gain the attention of those around him. "I'm done with the hired killer Finch, everything going well on your end?"
As John was walking down the road, his eyes stopped on the colorful entrance to a flower shop.
"It seems to be going well so far. We're almost done here. Within the next fifteen minutes, every law Richfield has broken, and every penny he has stolen will be revealed, and there will be no excuse he can give to stop him from going to jail for a very long time."
John entered the flower shop and looked around. "Good. And how's Y/n doing?"
"I'm doing alright John. Glad you're okay. And excited that this might finally be over."
John was surprised to hear your voice come over the com link, Finch had never given a client one before. Maybe Finch was reconsidering adding you to the team again.
"I told you we'd be able to figure this out Y/n." John said softly as he pulled a single red daisy out of a bouquet.
"Yes you did. Thank you John."
"You are very welcome." John spoke with a smile. "I'll be back at the motel shortly." Tapping his com, he turned it off as he approached the counter. "How much for this?"
The woman at the counter stared at the single flower for a moment, clearly confused. "Oh, uh..are you sure you don't want a bouquet of them? I could put one together for you."
John smiled politely. "No thank you, this is all I need."
She smiled at him, though still clearly uncertain. "Well in that case, its on the house."
"Thank you." He gave her one last smile as he left the flower shop. He twirled the flower in his finger for a moment before he began to head back to his car.
You felt adrenaline course through you as you and Finch worked side by side on your own computers. He worked to expose all of Richfields bank account holding stolen money, while you open encrypted secret emails and evidence of black mail. As you went, you sent them to an email Finch provided, apparently for a NYPD Detective that helped them from time to time.
Outside the motel door, you heard footsteps approach. You paused for a moment as you looked up, expecting John to walk in. But as the figure remained outside the door, you felt an unusual feeling in your gut. Reaching over, you gently tapped Finch, bringing him out of his determined thoughts.
He looked at you, before following your line of sight to the door. He noticed the shadow underneath the door. Someone was lingering outside. He squinted, concern filling his gut, as he tapped his com. "John-" he began, speaking softly. "Are you here yet?"
"No, but I'm close, why?"
"There is someone lingering outside the door. Its...unusual."
John was silent for a moment. "Is there a way for you to see who it is?"
Finch looked over at you, as you had been listening over your ear piece as well. Standing quietly, you crept over to the window and ducked down, peaking out at the very bottom. You could see the bottom half of a man standing right outside your door. He was checking his phone, and for a moment you began to think maybe he was just waiting for someone. But, as you watched for another moment, you saw him hesitate for a moment, before reaching into his jacket and pulling out a gun.
Your eyes widened as you looked back at Finch. The alarm was evident in your eyes, and Finch spoke softly but quickly. "Get back here Mr. Reese. We're in trouble. Richfield seems to have not been satisfied with just one hired killer."
John's heart began to race as he sped back to the motel as quick as he could. Why was there two hired killers? A team? Or was one simply security, while the other was the actual killer?
John could hear rustling through his ear piece. "What's going on Finch?"
Finch's voice came over the line in a whisper. "We are hiding in the bathroom."
John nodded silently, good, taking cover for is he breaks in. "Do you have any weapons around? Something you can use?"
"I have pepper spray, but I can't find anything else." Y/n's voice spoke, clearly anxious.
"Alright, do you know how to fight?"
"Some." You said quickly.
"Whatever happens, try to get the gun out of his hand, understand?"
A loud crash could be heard over the ear piece. Followed by silence. "Y/n? Finch?"
You didn't speak after you heard the front door get kicked in, neither you or Finch responded to John for fear of making too much noise. You held your pepper spray tightly in your hand as you and Finch stood beside the door. You prepared yourself to fight as hard as you could.
The door handle giggled, and your heart seemed to stop. Neither of you were breathing. Just waiting.
Three gunshots. That's all John heard. "Y/n, Finch!" He yelled but knew you wouldn't respond, you'd be too busy fighting for your lives. John turned down the street, he was right there, he was so close.
You flinched harshly as the gunshots pierced through the door, close to were you were standing. Three to make sure he got you, but he didn't expect you to be waiting up against the wall.
The door swung open, and as you saw the gun come into view, you struck. You grabbed the gun and yanked forward, pulling the man into the bathroom. As soon as his face was in view, you sprayed your pepper spray into his eyes. As he yelled in pain, you brought his wrist hard down on your knee as you kicked up, breaking the gun free from his grip. Pushing him into the shower curtain, you and Finch made a run for it, out of the bathroom and past the bed, quickly grabbing your laptop as you ran by, Finch doing the same, was close behind as you made it out of the motel door.
You ran down the hall and towards the stairs. A shot hit the wall just above your head, but you kept running. Down one flight of stairs, almost to the parking lot. As you looked forward, you saw John running towards you.
John saw you and Finch running down the stairs, behind you, the gunman, gun raised, pointed at the two of you.
"Get down!" He yelled. You and Finch quickly ducked down, and two shots went off, as John shot at the gunman.
You and Finch continued running, quickly ducking behind a nearby car. You watched John as he quickly went past. Peaking out, you saw that John had hit the man in the shoulder, but he was still up.
They began to fight, throwing each other around before they disappeared behind a wall. You heard punches being thrown, and the sound of breaking glass. Then there was silence. You waited with baited breath, your heart pounding. Hearing footsteps, you stared in anticipation, holding your breath.
As John came out, a bit scruffier than he had been, you let out a deep relieved breath. You could hear the sound of sirens getting closer, and knew you had to move fast. But you couldn't help yourself. You stepped out from behind the car and pulled John into a hug as he got to you. Relieved that he was alright, and grateful that he got to you in time.
You felt his arm wrap around your waist for a moment, and squeeze, before he spoke. "We need to go."
You nodded as you pulled away, his hand wrapped around your hand as you both ran towards his car. Finch right behind the two of you.
- - - - -
You looked around at the rows of old books, as you walked down the corridor. "Are we in a library?"
You heard John snicker from behind you as Finch looked back at you. "My own personal one, yes."
"This is where you live?"
"It's where we work." He responded as he set down his computer, in front of various screens.
You looked around and saw a board with pictures and articles on it. All pertaining to you and what had happened a year prior. You looked at your photo on the board. It was from over a year ago, you looked different, you were different.
You felt John walk up behind you. "Are you okay?"
You nodded your head. "I will be."
"One way or another?" He added on, and you smiled to yourself, you remembered that being one of the last things you said to him before you "died".
You turned and looked back at him, nodding. He smiled softly down at you. You turned your attention back to Finch as he cleared his throat.
He gave you a soft smile. "Ready to finish this?"
Nodding once, you brought over your laptop and set it down. You watched as Finch connected it to his computers. Every encrypted file was released, every bit of evidence was made public, and sent to the police. When there was nothing left to send, Finch looked over at you.
"It's done. By this time tomorrow, Richfield will be behind bars, his company in the ground, and no one else will be able to hurt you."
"Or hurt anyone else." You added on, and he nodded.
"So what now?" You asked after a moment, as a sudden weight was lifted off your shoulders, but what was left felt empty. "I've been waiting for this moment for almost two years now, now that it's done, I realize, I never thought about what comes next."
"What comes next, is you get some well earned rest. And in the mean time...maybe think about what we talked about?" You met his eyes and he gave you a knowing look. You smiled and nodded. "I'm going to make sure Agent Carter has received everything." He said simply before he grabbed his phone and walked off.
"What exactly is it that the two of you talked about?" John asked, curiosity lacing his voice.
You turned and looked at him, and smile, almost shyly. "He offered me a job...I think. He was rather cryptic." You let out a soft laugh.
John smiled, "You'll get used to that. That is, if you stay."
You looked around the room, at the screens, the boards that held a variety of numbers, faces, mysteries. "So, you help people? Save them?"
"We try out best, yes. And, usually succeed."
You turned and met his eyes. "Is it worth it? Working in secret, dead to the world?"
He shrugged his head to the side, thinking, before he met your eyes again and smile softly. "Sometimes it's hard to think so. But most of the time. Yes, it is."
You smiled at him and nodded. "Good pay?"
He shrugged. "More or less."
You smiled and looked around one more time. "Alright. I'll stay. It's not like I have anywhere else to go anyway."
"One more thing." John said, causing you to look at him again. He took a few steps loser as he reached into his jacket pocket. "Erhm, it wasn't supposed to end up like this, but-" you watched a he pulled out a red daisy from his pocket. It was limp, the stem bent and broken, a few petals missing as he held it out. "-I forgot I had it, and then I had to fight the guy at the motel, so." He frowned a little as he held it out to you.
A grin broke out on your face as you took the broken flower from his hand. "You remembered the exact type of flower?" You were surprised, and touched at this as you remembered the red daisy you had given him the last time you saw him. It had been your way of saying goodbye, since you had a feeling you would never see him again. You were so glad you were wrong.
John shrugged a little. "Back then, that was one of the hardest times for me, and you always made it a lot brighter."
You smiled up at him, and he couldn't help but smile back, more than glad he could see that sight again. He felt that same tug at his heart, that he felt before, but this time he didn't push it away or hide it. This was his second chance. Your second chance. A chance that maybe you could take together.
Your eyes were glowing with various feelings as you stared at each other. The last twenty-four hours of your life had thrown you through terrifying loop after loop. And now a painful chapter of your life was come to a close. And as you stood in an unfamiliar place, with a familiar and kind face staring back at you, you weren't afraid of the new chapter that just started. You were ready to take your second chance, and ready to take it with the person standing in front of you.
xx End x
I had to end it, since it was getting so long lmao.
If you happened to read this, and read the whole thing, I hope you enjoyed.
Please consider reblogging this as I doubt I have many POI lovers following me, so a reblog would definitely help get this to those that re out there. Thank you!
If you would like to be added to my POI taglist for anything I might release in the future, let me know~
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @caswinchester2000, @imaginesfire - If you have not see this show, I highly recommend it! Person of Interest Taglist: @schroedingershund, @briars-glenn, @trash-rats-unite
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jaksfanficsaver · 5 years
Just Another Number? Chapter 4: Insomniac
"I've got eyes on Collier," John murmured "He's heading for her apartment now"
"Find out what he's searching for, John, there's got to be more to this than her just thinking everything is being watched.... I'll keep digging in her files" Harold informed the ex-spy.
"Fusco, How are you two doing?"
"Miss artist is asleep now, I don't know how well she's been sleeping though." the Detective whispered.
"How so, Detective?" Finch cocked his head, and paused his typing.
"She almost looks scared."
Collier rifled through Y/N's apartment, tossing papers, flipping furniture and tearing out drawers.
"Don't you know it's rude to be in a lady's apartment without her permission?" John teased, gun pointed at Peter.
"I'm looking for the truth, what's your excuse?"
"I'm protecting the innocent." he set his jaw as they locked eyes.
"Innocent? Hah!" Collier rolled his eyes "We know she has files that prove she isn't innocent."
"You find anything like that, Finch?" the taller inquired.
"I just found a series of encrypted files buried under art files, I'm decrypting them now. I'll let you know what I find" Harold responded.
Collier lunged for John easily getting deflected by the older man and stumbling under his own momentum, he recovered a moment later and clocked the taller in the jaw. The hit sent John back a few steps giving Collier room to draw his gun and hastily shoot, catching Reese in the shoulder and stumbling him.
"Mr. Reese! Are you alright?" the gunshot startled the tech savvy man.
"Fine, Finch." John was able to shoot Collier in the thigh before he took off again causing the ex-operative to curse and slump back against the floor.
Y/n woke up a few short hours later with a kink in her neck and alone in the small room. For a moment panic rose in her throat like bile and she shot out of the chair, taking a breath when she found John in the kitchen. The man looked up when he heard her startled breath.
"We wouldn't leave you alone," He soothed as he began to remove the bandage on his wound.
She hadn't initially registered that he was shirtless.
E/c eyes landed on the angry looking puncture and she willed away the blush to look him in the eyes once more.
"I can give you a hand... if ya want I mean." she brushed a hand through her sleep mussed hair as a minor distraction for herself while John mulled over her words. Steely eyes roved over the various supplies on the counter and his mind wondered to trying to contort and clean the exit wound beneath his shoulder blade before finally nodding.
"... I'd appreciate it, Y/n." He offered a genuinely sheepish half smile as she nodded and stepped closer to peel the gauze off of his shoulder with a small hiss at how it looked. "Squeamish?" John raised a brow.
"Not horribly, but this looks painful," She responded, reaching for a rag and the alcohol "I'm sorry in advance, John." Y/n tried her damnedest to be gentle while she cleaned away the dried blood, apologizing once again when he let out a puff of air through his nose.
"I've had worse," he half joked trying not to focus on the warmth of her touch (despite her fingers being cold). Y/n let her eyes wander a bit as she grabbed the new roll of medical tape and sure enough the man before her had various scars littered across his skin, some a harsh pink against his usual complexion and others faded and softened with age. It pulled at her a bit to see the proof of the 'worse' on this caring person before her and she shook her head slightly to bat away the thought. A small yawn pulled from her lips as she secured that patch of gauze while he chuckled
"Oh, excuse me," she laughed lightly "if you want to turn around I can get that side, please." John wordlessly did as she requested trying to keep any wincing to a minimum as she used the alcohol once more. Y/n tried to focus on the task at hand, but it was hard to ignore the feeling of John's eyes on her.
As he had suspected the bruise on her cheek had bloomed an angry deep purplish red color that covered a large area and no doubt hurt. He tilted his head slightly as he quickly glanced to see if she had any other injuries, he was limited due to the sweat pants and tank she wore, but from what he saw she looked otherwise alright and moved his gaze back to her face. E/c caught his blue for a moment and she paused.
"That looks pretty sore, we should get some ice on it next." John murmured, looking down to the tile when she went back to what she was doing.
"I've had worse." The smile could be heard in her playful tone as she finished up and gently pat his shoulder before going to wash her hands. He rolled his eyes and shrugged his shirt back over his shoulders before going over to the freezer to look through it.
"Here," He pulled a bag of peas out and wrapped it in a hand towel before passing it to Y/n who huffed and shook her head with a smile "It'll help take the swelling down." She cocked a brow at him and crossed her arms "I won't tell anyone, you can still be tough" he teased making her crack and let out a laugh.
"Fine, but how am I supposed to read with a pile of frozen vegetables on my face? Bear was hoping we could continue where we left off." John began to button up his shirt and glanced to said canine who was happily asleep under the table then to the clock, it was rather late by this point.
"I think he might be right," He nodded to Bear Bond as he snored lightly "You need some rest." Y/n paled a bit at his suggestion and shifted slightly. "That's alright," He murmured startling her and thinking for a moment "I suppose I can take a turn reading." he offered, shocking her. "Can't leave Bear hanging, can we?"
"I-I... I mean, uh, sure if you want to" Y/n looked like she had been caught in the headlights and looked everywhere but at John. "Lead the way then." She nodded wordlessly, patting her thigh to wake Bear up.
They had settled onto the love seat, Y/n in one corner of it and John in the other intending to leave a respectable amount of space but Bear decided that that was his spot and sandwiched between them. John opened the red book to begin on the next tale at a relaxed pace and soon found he had eased into it. The tension Y/n seemed to have been holding onto since the moment they had met started to melt a bit and she too began to relax and just listen to his voice. John glanced up when he noticed she had laid her head back. "Keep goin' I'm just resting my eyes," she mumbled, sleep obviously beginning to pull at her but he continued on.
A little while later Y/n was fully asleep, curled up with Bear as far on top of her as he could get and snoozing quietly. John stretched lightly not wanting to get up and risk the exhausted artist and opted for lounging back himself .
Needless to say when Fusco came in for his turn to keep an eye on things he got a nice picture of the three of them.
Lucky for him he got his phone into his pocket before John opened his eyes.
@sarcasticbitch8 @wynneinrome @kris-lair
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h0rrorwh0r3 · 2 years
(Anything can be reader insert with no pairing)
*What I won’t write*
*Minor character x minor reader (Minor reader insert ok sans pairing)
*Incestuous relationships
*Turning canonically straight characters gay/LGBTQPIA+ characters straight (Doesn’t apply to Billy x Stu and other confirmed characters that aren’t out canonically)
*Isms and phobias
*All the usual no-no’s for writers
*What I will write*
*Fluff/angst/the usual non smuts
*x reader
*POV/situational x reader
*Reader insert/no pairing
*Character x character
*Fandoms I write for* (Not exhaustive)
*Scream 1996
Stu Macher
Billy Loomis
Randy Meeks
Dewey Riley
Tatum Riley
Sidney Prescot
*Friday the 13th (various)
Jason Voorhees (specify movie)
Tommy Jarvis
*F13: The Game (specify setting)
Tommy Jarvis
Jason Voorhees (specify movie)
All counselors
*Texas Chainsaw (various)
Leatherface (specify movie)
Sheriff Hoyt/Charlie Hewitt
*The Terminator (1-3 only)
John Connor
Kyle Reese
*Halloween (various)
Michael Myers
Paul Sheldon
*The Shining
Jack Torrance
*Stranger Things
Eddie Munson
Jason Carver
Peter Ballard/Henry Creel/Vecna
Steve Harrington
Mr Shivers/R.L. Stein
Basically anyone but Negan x reader unless it’s post war Negan when he stopped being a rapist pos. The Governor is also a sussy rapist and I won’t do him x reader at all.
Dana Barrett
*Boy Meets World
Eric (must be 18+ to be x reader)
Cory (see above)
Shawn (etc)
Johnathan Turner
Stuart Minkus
*This list is not exhaustive, as mentioned above. Send a request my way and as long as it fits the parameters listed in the rules, I’ll try my best :)*
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one-boring-person · 4 years
Whose Side Are You On? (Part Four)
Terminator (1984) reader insert.
Warnings: reference to war, reference to death reference to injury.
Context: Kyle gives Sarah some clarity on the situation whilst partaking in a car chase.
A/N: I had to look up a script to get everything accurate, so I hope it's not too bad!😂
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Shrieking horns pursue them as they hurtle down the roads, swerving between cars and other vehicles, tyres struggling to retain their grip on the smooth roads as Kyle takes the corners at record speed, Sarah only staring out of the window in numb terror, forming a plan in her head.
"Are you injured?! Are you shot?!" The soldier demands, shooting hasty looks over at her in between glancing behind them.
His voice seems to snap her from her trance, her hands instantly moving to try and open the door, only for her body to be pressed back into the seat by Kyle's arm, which pins her to the chair with intimidating force, a squeak of terror leaving her.
"Do exactly what I say! Exactly! Don't move unless I say, don't speak unless I say! Do you understand?" He growls at her, before raising his voice when she doesn't respond, "Do you understand?!"
"Yes! Please don't hurt me..."
"I'm here to help you." Kyle reassures her, "I'm Reese. Sergeant Tech-Con. DN38416. Assigned to protect you; you've been targeted for termination."
"This is a mistake...I haven't done anything!" The frightened girl exclaims, staring, wide-eyed, at her rescuer.
"No, but you will. It's very important that you live."
"This isn't true." She shakes her head in disbelief, "How could that man just get up after you..."
"It's not a man, it's a machine. A terminator. Cyberdyne Systems model 101." Kyle explains, hitting another hairpin corner.
"A machine? Like a robot?" Sarah asks, bewildered by what the hell is spewing from this man's mouth.
"Not a robot. A cyborg - cybernetic organism."
"No, he was bleeding-"
"Just a second..." He checks the rear view mirror briefly, "Get your head down!"
As police siren wails just beside the car, Kyle jerking the wheel to the side so that the two vehicles collide with one another, the cop crashing into another parked car as the soldier speeds on, now pursued by another policeman. Yanking the wheel to the side, Kyle steers the car roughly down a dingy alley, leading the police on a tight chase, until he's managed to shake them off for the minute.
"Listen: the terminator's an infiltration unit, part man, part machine. Underneath, it's a hyper-alloy combat chassis. Microprocessor controlled, fully armoured - very tough. Outside, it's living human tissue; flesh, skin, hair, blood, all grown for the cyborgs." He explains further, voice strained as he navigates the unfamiliar streets.
"Look, Reese, I don't know..." Sarah starts, rubbing her forehead a little.
"Pay attention!" He snaps, casting a quick glance back to where his sister is unconscious, "I've gotta ditch this car."
Veering off into an indoor parking lot, Kyle instantly makes a beeline for the furthest part of the spacious area, parking the car amongst others with precision. Cutting the engine, he signals to Sarah to follow him, grabbing (Y/n) from the back seat and leaving the car, awkwardly shuffling with her cradled against him over to another car, which he quietly breaks into and starts hotwiring, just as the first police cars storm into the area, lights flashing, sirens blaring. Ducking down, Kyle continues his recount.
"The 600 series had rubber skin, we spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human. Sweat, bad breath, everything. Very hard to spot. I had to wait for it to make a move on you before I could zero him."
Sarah scoffs, closing her eyes as a light passes over them.
"Look, Reese, I'm not stupid! They cannot make things like that yet!" She argues, body tense in her seat.
"No, not yet. Not for forty years..."
"So you're saying it's from the future?" Her tone easily betrays her disbelief, but Kyle almost misses it.
"One possible future...from your point of view, I don't know tech stuff..."
"Then you're from the future?" She questions, breathing heavily, her hand once more reaching for the door handle.
"Right." Rolling her eyes, she makes a break for it, trying to wrench the door open, only to once again find herself pinned to the seat by a muscular arm, though she is swift to retaliate, sinking her teeth into the soft flesh of his skin until she tastes blood. Unfortunately for her, he doesn't let go, only gritting his teeth as he stares her down, waiting patiently for her to let go of him.
"Cyborgs don't feel pain, I do. Don't do that again." He growls at her as she releases him, slowly withdrawing his hand.
Sarah whimpers, appearing hopeless and lost.
"Please, just let me go!" She pleads, shrinking back into her seat in resignation.
"Listen and understand: that Terminator is out there, it can't be bargained with, it can't be reasoned with, it doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear, and it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead." Kyle tells her, looking almost sorry for her as he reveals the nature of the killer to her, knowing all too well the devastating effects a cyborg hitman can have on a community.
"Can you stop it?" She asks quietly, eyes wide as she looks at him in the dark.
"I don't know." He says regretfully, shaking his head, "With these weapons, I don't know."
They are silent for a minute, listening to the police cars driving around the lot in search if them, Kyle's eyes fixed in the windscreen as he tries to spot an opening.
"Reese, why me? Why does it want me?" Sarah finally says, looking over her shoulder at the body of the unconscious soldier in the back, "And who is that? Why is she here?"
"That's my sister." He lists off her titles, but they go over Sarah's head as she listens, looking over the badly-dressed girl in the back, taking in the oversized police coat and sturdy boots, just catching the glimmer of her handgun in the pocket of the coat.
"As for your first question, well, there was a nuclear war, a few years from now. Everything is gone: all of this, everything you know, gone. There were survivors here and there, but nobody knew who started it. It was the machines, Sarah." He continues to explain, looking over at her.
"I don't understand..."
"Defence network computers, new and very powerful, hooked into everything, trusted to run it all. They say it got smart, a new order of intelligence." Kyle gazes down at his lap, "And then it saw all people as a threat - Not just the ones on the other side. It decided our fate in a microsecond. Extermination."
"Did you see this war?" Sarah questions after a minute, his words instilling a deep sense of fear into her.
"No, I grew up after, in the ruins. Starving, hiding from the HKs." A wistful look enters his eyes, as if not quite in the present anymore.
"Hunter-killers -patrol machines built in automated factories. Most of us were rounded up for work. Orderly disposal. They burned this into our skin by laser, both of us have one," He pulls up his sleeve to reveal an angry red scar in the form of a barcode adorning his skin, "Some of us were kept alive to work loading bodies, the disposal units ran day and night. We were that close to our end, until one man changed that. He showed us how to resist, how to storm the wire of the camps, to smash those metal motherfuckers into junk. He turned it around for us, he brought us back from the brink."
He looks over at Sarah.
"His name was Connor. John Connor. Your unborn son, Sarah."
As he finishes, a sudden gunshot smashes in the back window, glass shards flying inwards as a police car stops behind them, a horribly familiar face behind the wheel.
Upon seeing this, Kyle curses and crushes the accelerator down, the tyres squealing as the vehicle lurches forwards, avoiding a close shot from the driver behind, Sarah crying out as she is thrown into the door of the car, jarring her shoulder. Deftly, the soldier manages to pull the car into a straight line again, shouting briefly at Sarah to duck as more and more shotgun rounds embed themselves in the car, his eyes focused on the short stretch of road ahead of them, jerking the wheel round again to avoid a wall.
Decisively, he steers the car from the parking lot and back onto the road, where he immediately starts swerving between cars to throw their pursuer off, ducking down as more and more gunshots ricochet off of the car's body. Glancing back, he makes a split second decision.
"Drive!" He commands Sarah, who hesitantly does as he says, taking the wheel in hand as the soldier leans out of the window, shotgun raised and spewing rounds into the oncoming police car. She takes the car round most bends, until one particular problem suddenly pops up.
"Reese!" She screams warningly, sharply pulling on the handbrake as they approach the concrete wall ahead of them, praying that the car will slow in time.
Thankfully, it does, though the Terminator's vehicle is not so lucky, the car smashing into the solid surface at great speed, the bonnet crumpling and shattering on impact, the cyborg's body flying forwards. Pulling the car to the side, Sarah manages to stop the car, leaning back in her seat as they are suddenly surrounded by police, the officers shouting at them to leave the car and raise their hands. Instinctually, Kyle goes to fight back, reaching for his gun until Sarah stops him.
"They'll kill you!"
Just as she says this, a tired voice comes from behind them, movement finally coming from the prone soldier.
"What-what happened?"
Part Five
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twistnet · 5 years
fandom + character list
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this is the current list of characters i write for.  all of the characters, to include the poly-pairings are strictly for reader inserts — note ; if a character is not listed below, i do not write for them anymore
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characters ; vi, jinx, viktor, jayce talis, caitlyn kiramman, ekko, vander, silco, sevika
poly-pairings ; vi x sevika, vi x caitlyn, vander x silco, silco x sevika, jayce x viktor
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characters ; tim speedle, eric delko, calleigh duquesne
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characters ; john price, simon ‘ghost’ riley, johnny ‘soap’ mactavish, kyle ‘gaz’ garrick, könig, valeria garza
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characters ; randall ‘pink’ floyd, jodi kramer, kevin pickford, benny o’donnell
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daredevil // punisher
characters ; frank castle, billy russo, matt murdock
characters ; yelena belova, bucky barnes, sam wilson, scott lang, stephen strange, robbie reyes
characters ; miguel o’hara, hobie brown
characters ; peter parker, druig, sersi, kingo
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characters ; coco cruz, bishop losa, creeper vargas, nestor oceteva, luisa ‘adelita’ espina
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characters ; javier peña, steve murphy, horacio carrillo
poly-pairings ; javier peña x steve murphy, javier peña x horacio carrillo
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chicago fire
characters ; matt casey, kelly severide, leslie shay, sylvie brett, stella kidd, brian ‘otis’ zvonecek, joe cruz christoper herrmann, violet mikami, evan hawkins, greg grainger
poly-pairings ; kelly severide x stella kidd, matt casey x kelly severide, matt casey x sylvie brett, stella kidd x sylvie brett, brian zvonecek x joe cruz
chicago pd
characters ; adam ruzek, kim burgess, kevin atwater, antonio dawson, hailey upton, erin lindsay
poly-pairings ; adam ruzek x kim burgess, kim burgess x hailey upton
chicago med
characters ; will halstead, connor rhodes sarah reese, ava bekker, ethan choi
poly-pairings ; ava bekker x connor rhodes, sarah reese x connor rhodes
poly-pairings ; matt casey x antonio dawson, antonio dawson x sylvie brett, ava bekker x erin lindsay
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characters ; malcolm bright, gil arroyo, dani powell
poly-pairings ; malcolm bright x dani powell
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characters ; jill valentine, clarie redfield, leon kennedy, carlos oliveira
poly-pairings ; leon kennedy x claire redfield, jill valentine x claire redfield, jill valentine x carlos oliveira
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characters ; chibs telford, tig trager, jax teller, happy lowman
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jedi : fallen order
characters ; cal kestis, trilla sunduri, merrin
poly-pairings ; trilla sundari x cal kestis
bad batch // clone wars
characters ; anakin skywalker, obi wan kenobi, padme amidala, crosshair, wrecker, tech, echo, captain rex
andor // rogue one
characters ; cassian andor, jyn erso, bodhi rook, bix caleen
the mandalorian // book of boba fett
characters ; din djarin, boba fett, fennec shand, cobb vanth, luke skywalker, ahsoka tano
poly-pairings ; fennec shand x boba fett, din djarin x boba fett , cobb vanth x din djarin, luke skywalker x din djarin
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characters ; robin buckley, steve harrington, nancy wheeler, jonathan byers, alexei smirnoff, joyce byers, jim hopper, karen wheeler, eddie munson, dmitri ‘enzo’ antonov, chrissy cunningham, peter ballard, argyle
poly-pairings ; steve harrington x nancy wheeler, nancy wheeler x jonathan byers, nancy wheeler x robin buckley, steve harrington x eddie munson, eddie munson x chrissy cunningham, dmitri ‘enzo’ antonov x jim hopper
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✰ — SWAT
characters ; dominique luca, chris alonso, hondo harrelson, deacon kay, victor tan, jim street, donovan rocker, erika rogers, nora fowler, jessica cortez, robert hicks
poly-pairings ; chris alonso x jim street, hondo harrelson x jessica cortez, jim street x victor tan
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characters ; natasha ‘phoenix’ trace, robert ‘bob’ floyd, reuben ‘payback’ fitch, mickey ‘fanboy’ garcia, jake ‘hangman’ seresin, bradley ‘rooster’ bradshaw, javy ‘coyote’ machado, beau ‘cyclone’ simpson, pete ‘maverick’ mitchell, tom ‘iceman’ kazansky, ron ‘slider’ kerner, nick ‘goose’ bradshaw, rick ‘hollywood’ neven, leonard ‘wolfman’ wolfe, charles ‘chipper’ piper
poly-pairings ; natasha trace x jake seresin, natasha trace x robert floyd, jake seresin x bradley bradshaw, pete mitchell x tom kazansky, tom kazansky x ron kerner, rick neven x leonard wolfe
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characters ; ellie williams, joel miller, tess servopoulos, tommy miller, abby anderson, dina
poly-pairings ; ellie williams x dina
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characters ; nathan drake, sam drake, chloe frazer, nadine ross, elena fisher, rafe adler
poly-pairings ; sam drake x chloe frazer, nathan drake x elena fisher, sam drake x rafe adler, chloe fraze x nadine ross
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✰ — 911
characters ; evan ‘buck’ buckley, eddie diaz, bobby nash, howard ‘chimney’ han, henrietta ‘hen’ wilson, ravi panikkar, lou ransone
poly-pairings ; evan buckley x eddie diaz
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jaksfanficsaver · 5 years
Just Another Number?
It was another average day, Y/N followed her usual routine and trudged in her rut. First the library, then the coffee shop, maybe after she'd change it up and go draw in the park for a while.
"Hey Laverne," Y/N murmured walking into the library, the scent of old pages and worn leather hitting her as she took a deep content breath.
"Y/n! What's the pick of the week now?" A stout woman inquired from behind her desk. Y/N chuckled and shook her head with a roll of her eyes.
"You're going to laugh," She teased as she wondered down an aisle.
"Try me."
"It's the Bazaar of Bad Dreams... Again." she added the last bit a tad sheepishly
"With all that King you read it's hard to believe that you don't constantly have nightmares." the short woman laughed and rolled her eyes before going back to her filing.
"What, this one is my favorite of his!" she stuck her tongue out in a childish manor as she went about filling out the card, which most spaces on consisted of her name.
"Mhmm, sure." she clacked away at her keyboard "Go flirt with that barista now."
"Oh please." her nose crinkled at the idea "Anthony is definitely not my type, you know that."
"I forgot, you like older mysterious men, Don't you?"
"Laverne!" Her cheeks flared a bright crimson "I'm leaving now, I can't believe you," Y/N laughed as she walked towards the door.
John wondered the library, just close enough to keep an eye on you but not enough to draw attention. His fingers drew across the canvas spines of old books as he listened to the conversation.
"Stephen King, seems like she's a horror fan," Harold's voice came through the ear wick "Bazaar of Bad Dreams, one of his most recent compilation books, it's a nice collection of short stories... Seems like she prefers them to novels, other books she checks out religiously are the Grimm Brother's Collection and a complete collection of Edgar Allen Poe."
"have we got anything else on her?"
"She likes sushi, she's an Art Major a semester away from graduating, she's had maybe three boyfriends in her life and she volunteers at an animal shelter in her free time." the bespectacled man sat back for a moment. "Who on Earth  would want to hurt her?"
"That's what I'm going to find out, Finch." John's eyes trained on the woman through the bookshelves.
"Mhmm, sure." she clacked away at her keyboard "Go flirt with that barista now."
"Oh please." her nose crinkled at the idea "Anthony is definitely not my type, you know that."
"I forgot, you like older mysterious men, Don't you?"
A small smirk quirked at the edge of John's lips at the exchange and how the older woman poked fun at Y/N.
"Hear that, Mr. Reese?" there was a smile in Harold's voice "You could use that to get close to her, if you befriend her it could make our job exponentially less difficult." the pepper-haired man let out a soft laugh at the suggestion and shook his head. "She goes to a little coffee shop called 'The Hideaway'. Make sure you don't lose her." John nodded and hung up, deciding to snatch up the leather bound Grimm book just in case.
"Um, a medium Irish Creme and a blueberry muffin please?" She ordered politely at the counter, offering a small smile when the man bearing the name tag reading 'Tony' beamed at her.
"Anything else? maybe my phone number? a date?"
She laughed a little nervously and glanced around, catching the tall man who had just walked in she let out a breath she hadn't known she was holding.
"No thanks, Anthony, just the coffee and snack." The light lilt that was usually in her voice had fallen out into a more flat tone at his insistence.
"Oh come one, one of these days you'll say yes like the smart girl you are."
Y/N shivered and couldn't hide the crinkle of her nose at the suggestion
"Just let me pay, please."
"I got it for you, Muffin," He grinned as if proud of himself.
"I'd really prefer if you didn't." She sighed, she was used to his crap, some days he tried harder than others, and honestly it was the stink of desperation that really made her not want to spend outside time with him. The Hideaway was her favorite coffee shop and she wouldn't let a new, somewhat creepy, barista ruin it.
"It'll be like a first date, c'mon, no harm." The blond man insisted all while she shook her head.
"Tony. The only person who calls me Anthony is my mother when I'm in trouble." He laughed, his brown eyes still stuck to her face. By this point John had taken up the spot behind her in line to keep an eye on the situation.
"Anthony, I don't want you to pay for me, and I don't want a date with you, please." Y/N's nostrils flared at the young man.
"Well maybe I can buy your coffee for you?" John cut in having had seen enough of the man's failing attempts at convincing her to let him get her items. She jumped startled by his sudden appearance and he offered an apologetic (and charming) smile (that also caught her off guard) causing her to flush brightly. Tony openly glared at the older man that seemed to catch her attention.
"Oh, uh, sure, Thank you... "
"Well then, thank you, John I'd like that." The h/c girl smiled softly up at him to which he nodded and ordered his own before paying, it was then she noticed the book he had tucked under his arm "Is that the Grimm collection?" she inquired with a smile.
"Ah, yes actually it is," he admitted with what was perceived as a sheepish smile as he lifted the object. "I used to read them as a child, I thought I'd check it out once more." He responded with a light shrug.
"Um, would you like to sit with me?" She offered a little awkwardly while she gestured to a booth he assumed was her usual spot.
"Oh, you don-"
"I insist, really." She smiled more confidently this time
"Well, if you're sure."
"Well done, John." Finch spoke in his ear "Stay with her, I think I can get into the laptop in her bag."
"So, is that a common occurrence?" the ex-operative questioned gently as he sat across from her. Y/N was very aware of the set of brown eyes on the two of them as she cut her muffin in half and offered part to her 'savior'.
"Yeah, that's Anthony," Y/N began with a sigh "He started working here a few months ago and has this thing  with me.
"I see why, you're a beautiful young girl," he charmed, not that it wasn't what he actually thought "Are you okay though?"
"I-" she puffed her cheeks out as she registered what he said and she once again rivaled a tomato "... Thank you." Y/N mumbled softly before taking a sip of her coffee. "Tony is harmless, just persistent," she deflated a bit "My biggest problem with him, aside from not knowing the word 'no', is that I can't quite pin down why I don't trust him." John cocked a brow at this. "I know it sounds crazy, but I pride myself on my initial instincts on people, but I can usually tell why I don't like someone." she shook her head "something is off with him and I'm not sure what."
"I think I might know," Harold began "Anthony has a history of being... overbearing.. with women he likes. He's not violent, but his type is definitely the kind that might set off some flags. I don't think he is the one we need to watch out for."
"So you have good judge of character," he nodded "I'd like to think I do as well." he paused "What made you trust me then?" John was genuinely curious with this one, not just trying to buy time for Harold.
"You have honest eyes." She didn't miss a beat "What I mean to say is that I truly believe you wanted to help me out of that awkward situation." she let out a small laugh and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked down into her cup. "So, um, is it everything you remembered?" she abruptly asked, pointing to the red leather that sat beside her new companion.
"Oh, yes," he chuckled softly
"Nice save." commented the voice in his ear.
"Tales that don't just end happily, but have a lesson were always a preference of mine," he explained "While the Grimm's didn't write happy stories they wrote ones I believe need to exist."
"Yes!" her eyes sparkled as she listened to his opinion "I always loved Grimm Tales and Aesop's Fables" Her smile was nearly ear to ear "I had a language class where we had to pick a children's book to translate, I was the only one who picked a fable."
"Almost in, she has a pin protected system... good girl." Harold murmured.
"You speak another language?" John inquired with a small tilt of his head as he sipped on his coffee. She beamed and started gesturing around with her hands proudly. It took John a moment but he recognized it as American Sign Language. He took a moment to think about what he was doing before carefully attempting to sign something back
'H-I M-Y N-A-M-E I-S J-O-H-N'
Y/N giggled softly and nodded.
"Close, some of your letters are a little off- may I?" she gently reached for his hands, smiling more when he placed his own in hers "Okay, so you want to make sure you're really clear on your letters if you're going to finger spell," she had such a light touch as she guided his fingers through the motions "And then there's shortcut signs for 'Name' and 'hello', and there are no little connectors" he watched her as she focused on sharing her knowledge "Aaannnd there you go!" she grinned, satisfied that she taught him a good introductory sentence. She pulled back a little too quickly when she had realized she had still been holding John's hands causing the man to chuckle genuinely.
"Oh, he can laugh?" Harold couldn't resist teasing his good friend "I think you two might be flirting, Reese you dog." If the taller man could roll his eyes he would.
"What do I owe you for the lesson then miss.." John tilted his head, pretending that he didn't know her name.
"Oh my god, I never introduced myself, I'm sorry! It's Y/N." an embarrassed flush coated her cheeks "I'd say saving me from my admirer would be payment enough, but I wouldn't argue if you wanted to do it again tomorrow, same time?"
"Then I'll meet you here, Y/N."
John kept Y/n in his sights, snapping a few pictures after the two of you left the coffee shop.
"So you have a date tomorrow morning then."This time John did roll his eyes.
"It's not a date, Finch." he grumbled
"You sound a tad disappointed, Mr. Reese." John glared directly into the traffic cam he knew could see him.
"I'm old enough I could be her father."
"Not quite actually, but that's not the point." John could hear Finch typing "So i was able to find that she's part of some conspiracy forums, that and that she covers her webcams when not in use. Our girl may be a bit on the paranoid side."
"The paranoid survive."
"That's true, but i suspect one of her government conspiracies hits too close to home if any of the trojans I found mean anything."
"If shes paranoid I doubt she'd just download things that could infect her system like that."
"Precisely Mr. Reese... She's got a couple of threads on surveillance, they might be scared she'll find the machine, and if that's true we can't leave her alone for a second."
"Harold, I lost her."
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jaksfanficsaver · 5 years
Just Another Number? Chapter 3: I Can't Follow Directions.
A small smile quirked the edge of John's lips at the small kiss.
"I always am." He murmured with a nod.
"You need to stay here, Ms. Y/N," Harold began "Bear can be quite good company, he's very good listener." He chuckled, and with that the left her to her thoughts.
Y/N wondered around for a bit, Bear staying close the whole time.
"Well, what now?" She inquired to her new canine companion, the dog made a soft noise and trotted away. "There goes that." She huffed and plopped into a chair, looking up when he came back with a book. Y/N smiled at the easily recognizable red leather and gently took it while patting the space beside her. "I guess I'll read to you then." she murmured and opened the book a business card of Harold's fell out, she flipped it over quizzically and stared at the phone number scrawled on the back. She looked to the dog then back at the number and pulled out the burner that was given to her.
John's phone buzzed in his pocket, he pulled it out tapping a quick response before sliding it back into place.
[Would you be disappointed if I said no?]
She bit her lip with a smile, peering over the device to her company "Did you know about the card your dad left?" she laughed lightly when he wagged his tail. Y/N sat curled with Bear in their seat reading aloud for about an hour, the canine was dozing softly as she spoke. She closed the book and stretched with a soft squeak and cleared her throat. "I need to take a break, baby." she murmured patting his head as she got up.
"Have you been able to pick out who has been stalking our art student?" Harold's voice rang through the detective's phone.
"Aside from the barista that likes her a little too much? Nothin' so far." Joss grumbled "Isn't this your job anyway?"
"While technically yes, it's a broad list of people who have threatened Ms. Y/N," he supplied.
"God, what did she do?" the woman inquired.
"She's rather into conspiracy forums," He chuckled lightly.
"Like aliens, moon landing, that kind of stuff? You're telling me someone wants to kill a tin hat crazy?"
"She's not as crazy as it sounds, Joss." John butted in.
"I hit a nerve there, John?" she teased gently. The ex-CIA agent frowned at her teasing and rolled his eyes.
"I just.. had a chance to talk to her."
"She is far from crazy, Detective Carter," Harold began "She's quite intelligent, and dangerously spot on in some of her ramblings. That is why they want her dead. Being an eccentric art type can only protect your knowing the truth for so long."
"Wait, so one of those is true?" The detective inquired incredulously.
"I am not at liberty to say, but she needs our protection."
"Sorry to break up this nice conversation, but our wacky art gal just left with the guard dog." Fusco interjected.
"You up for an adventure?" Y/n asked Bear, smiling when he hopped up. "I need to get a few things from my apartment, you'll keep me in one piece, right?" he barked in response.
They left the house without rush, not noticing the detective watching the house. She walked at a comfortable pace, confident in the dog that John had tasked with watching her and easily made it to her building. Y/N climbed the stairs and let herself in "It won't take too long Bear," she smiled and flitted about the apartment grabbing a notebook, some pencils and pens before she heard movement. "Bear?" the next thing she heard was the dog going wild and some shouts, she poked her head around the corner to see he had taken down one of the intruders, but the other had noticed her. "Oh shIT!" she ducked back into her room when he came running after her, Y/N launched herself over the bed and grabbed the compound off the wall and quickly knocked an arrow.
"Get back here you little bitch!" the other man came running, Bear barking after him, as soon as he rounded the corner she loosed the arrow nailing him in the shoulder. Not a moment later John and Carter came bursting through the front door with guns drawn, Joss cuffed the first man while John rounded to check the bedroom and found Y/N with another arrow ready and pointed at the door.
"It's me, Y/N," John murmured raising his hands while he pressed his foot on the downed man's shoulder beside the wound. She gently eased the string back and un-knocked the arrow, sliding it back into the quiver.
"Is she okay?" Detective Carter called out joining the two.
"Yes, and proficient with a compound bow." He chuckled lightly.
"Okay... Aim was a little off?" Joss inquired.
"No, I didn't want to kill him." She shrugged, smiling when Bear came trotting back beside her "He did a good job," She smiled up to John as she pat the dog's head.
"Where'd you learn that?" The detective was impressed
"What kind of 4-H teaches you to use a bow?" Fusco questioned over his container of fried rice to the h/c woman sitting cross legged across from him.
"The kind from a town where everyone grows up knowing how to protect yourself," she murmured through her noodles "I'm even better with a rifle, I just couldn't get to it in time" she shrugged offhandedly as she dug around for a water chestnut and grinning triumphantly as she found one, Lionel made a noise and scraped his into her container.
"Remind me to never make you mad," he laughed and shook his head,
"Noted," nodding in thanks for the vegetables.
"So what kind of things do you like to draw?" He asked trying to keep the conversation going.
"The lizard people who run the government." She stated without missing a beat, grinning when he froze "I'm kidding, Detective-"
"Lionel," She sat down her pencil and closed her book before sliding it across the table to him "You can look if you want." she shrugged. He sat down his fork and wiped off his hands before carefully pulling it closer. Fusco flipped through a few pages of stylized characters and photo-realistic birds.
"wow.." he mumbled as he continued to a portrait of a friend of yours and a few more birds "these are impressive," he glanced up for a moment before flipping another page and pausing to look at her, she kept her eyes into her takeout box, "I think this is the best I've ever seen Wonder Boy look." a small flush hit her cheeks at the comment as he flipped to the next page and found sketches of Carter, Harold and himself.
"How long do you think I'll have to hide?" she changed the subject glancing up at him.
"Dunno, it depends on who's really after you." he shrugged "Might be this group, Vigilance."
"Vigilance? I've heard about them in my forums, they're some radical group right? why would they want me?" she paused, crinkling her nose.
"Don't know that either, sweetheart." He sighed out and passed the book back across the table. She shrugged and continued with her drawing of Bear.
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jaksfanficsaver · 5 years
Just Another Number? pt 2
"I just left the shop," She spoke on the phone.
"Did you have to dash Tony's dreams again?" another voice questioned over the line.
"Actually, not this time, James." she bit her lip with a small smile, and John snapped another picture.
"I know that tone," James teased in a sing-song voice "So spill, you met a guy didn't you?"
"He saved me," She grinned "Tony was particularly persistent this morning and he just swooped right in."
"Did he white knight his ass?" James sounded eager to get the details. Y/N flushed as she shook her head.
"He bought my coffee and we just talked for a while, but he gave me such a good feeling, you know?" She sighed softly "It was nice to talk to a guy and not  have to be concerned on what his intentions really  were."
John gave a light smirk "Well they aren't bad."
"What was that?"
"Nothing Finch."
"Whaddya Mean?" James pried a little more
"He wasn't some skeevy kid looking for a quick lay, it was refreshing... We're going to meet again tomorrow morning."
"Keep me updated, girly. Tom just got home, I gotta go, love ya!" he made a kissing noise before hanging up, making Y/N laugh lightly. She shoved the phone back in her pocket before continuing onward, only to feel a pair of hands snatch her.
"What do you mean you lost her, Mr. Reese?" Harold's jaw tightened  when he heard those words "How do you lose a twenty-six year old girl?"
"I'm going to get her back." John took off in the direction he last saw her in, only to catch her scarf around the corner. He quietly approached, gun in hand, and rounded to find Y/N kicking in her attacker's grip. He quickly shot a second man that came out of the truck in the knee, effectively downing him, Y/N took the moment to reach into her bag and stab a pair of   pliers into the man holding her. she hit the ground with a thud, knocking the air out of her for a few moments.
"What's happening? Is everything alright?" Finch couldn't find them on his monitors due to the angle of the alley.
"Two men just tried to abduct Y/N," he began before sprinting forward hitting the man she had stabbed in the gut and scooping her up as she got her bearings.
"wh- John?" she wheezed as she squirmed in his arms "What's going on, who the hell are they?" she winced as she twisted again.
Another shot rang out, Y/N yelped and Reese ran faster.
"I've got her, Finch, but there's more coming for her," he glanced at her when he heard her hiccup "Hold on." He ducked into a utility closet and gently sat Y/N down. Tracks of her mascara ran softly down her cheeks and it tugged at the man's heart. "Hey.." he murmured uncharacteristically gently to her.
"What are you do-" He flicked off his ear piece so he could focus on the woman in front of him.
Y/N held her breath, hazarding a glance up at John.
"Are you alright, did they hurt you?" she shook her head her eyes locked with his own as a few more tears rolled down her cheeks. They both took the quiet moment to slyly examine each other, John noted the new mark on her face surely to bloom into a dark bruise. He moved slowly as to not startle her and gently brushed the tears from her left cheek.
"I'll live," she tried to joke but her voice wavered "... so are you some sort of hit man?" she laughed humorlessly "God, I can't ever meet normal guys."
"You said you trusted me earlier, do you still?" His eyes never strayed from hers. The h/c woman bit her lip for a moment before searching his face once more.
"...Yes." she paused "Yes I do." she nodded surely "You already saved me... Twice."
He gave a small chuckle at that.
"Then let's keep the streak going, shall we?" he then turned his com back on. John poked his head out the door to look around before reaching his hand back for Y/N, which she quickly took. "Where are we heading, Finch?" she looked up when she heard his voice.
"Take her to a safe house while we figure out what they want from her." with that the smaller man hung up.
"Come on." He gently tugged her along before hopping in a vehicle.
"What all do you have in there" John glanced over at Y/N as they drove.
"The Pliers." He elaborated. Y/N laughed and turned in her seat slightly to look at the older man.
"I was reaching for my palette knife, actually... But I'm an art student, John." she grinned "Pliers are the most normal thing I have in there, aside from my laptop." she thought for a moment "Those were my nice pliers." she pouted, and John just shook his head.
"Sorry for your loss," He teased lightly before focusing back on the road "Finch is going to meet us at the safe house and we're going to figure out why exactly these people want you." she sighed lightly and tucked closer to herself, opting to look out the window as they drove.
"Do you have any idea why someone might want to hurt you?" He broke the silence that had settled over the car.
"I've gotten a few threats on some of my blogs, but I didn't believe them, trolls on the internet, you know?" she shrugged but didn't look away from the now dark passing city "Between being the 'local nut' and a especially being woman in online games I tend to get a lot of them."
"It's true Mr. Reese, from what I'm seeing our dear Y/N has gotten plenty of idle threats, making a real one almost impossible to discern." Harold sighed softly and shook his head.
"Did you ever go to the police?" Reese inquired
"Of course I did," She looked at him "and I was told the there was no actual threat, so nothing could be done. To be fair the first ones were tame, but as they got worse there was still nothing to do." she shook her head.
"What have you gotten into?"
"Conspiracies mostly, most jokes, you know. Lizard people, moon landing, surveillance," she shrugged "It was after I shared my thoughts on different ways that the government may be spying on us is when it really got bad."
"Tread lightly, John." Finch warned.
"What do you think?" He asked quietly glancing at her to gauge her thoughts.
"They have access to our cameras, phones, internet history, all of it. I firmly believe it... Part of me believes that's why you were in the right place at the right time." She turned to look at him again, with a little huff at the stinging in her side.
"Do you think I'm with the government?"
"No, I don't, but I think that's who want's me dead." she went quiet again and looked out the windshield.
"Well that's it, she's right, and they don't like it, but other people believe it too, so why her?"
John watched her for a moment while Harold spoke, and he reached out and pat a gentle hand on her shoulder before returning his hand to the wheel.
he hummed to let her know she had his attention. She paused for a few moments, unsure what she was really going to say.
"... What's going to happen?" she inquired softly, e/c eyes watching his face.
"We stop these people and you continue on with your life." he replied. Y/N swallowed somewhat thickly.
"And what about you?"
"I continue to do my job," He explained "Why?"
"So I'll never see you again, huh?" she deflated a little and suddenly became interested in the peeling polish of her fingernail.
"Sounds like you left a bit of an impression on Ms. Y/N..." Harold commented quietly
"... That's usually how it goes," He stated with a small shrug, catching how she curled up tighter.
John gave her a brief tour of the place she'd call home for the next few days, Y/N glanced between him and Finch for a moment.
"are one of you going to stay with me?" there was no hiding the anxiety that bled into her voice. John let out a loud whistle and a large dog came barreling to his side.
"Y/N, Bear. Bear, Y/N" You watched as John had his full attention before muttering something in another language. Bear shifted to sit beside you, his tail going softly "If anyone tries to get to you, he'll eat them." the small yip from Bear helped convince you a little bit more. The two men before her turned to leave and she called out one last time.
"John," he turned to face her slightly as she trot up to him "be careful." and she placed a soft kiss to his cheek.
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Status: CLOSED
Alright, requests for all of my fandoms are open. Send some in while you can, they will not be open long!
Writing Prompt List #1 *210 prompts (fluff/romance; angst/emotional; Misc/Humor; & Scenario Prompts)
Writing Prompt List #2 *200 prompts (fluff/romance; angst/emotional; Misc/Humor; and Scenario Prompts)
Sensory Prompts #1 *125 prompts (nature ambiance; fluff/relationship; angst/sad; scary/horror; comfort; and Misc.)
Sensory Prompts #2 *around 130 prompts (nature/outside ambiance; relationship/fluff; angst; scary/horror; comfort; and Misc.)
Rules Page *Basic Rules: - I only write 'x reader' inserts; no ships or oc inserts - GN!Reader only - I do not write specific body types, or for other specific physical characteristics, since I try to keep my inserts as neutral as possible - No nsfw; no pregnancy/children, no readers/character fics below 18
You can request for fics/oneshots or headcanons.
You can send in your own plot, and/or 1-3 prompts. Feel free to mix and match from the prompt lists!
Full Fandoms List Below Cut:
9-1-1 (FOX show)
Evan “Buck” Buckley Eddie Diaz Det. Lou Ransone Howard “Chimney” Han
The Boys:
Serge “Frenchie” Hughie Campbell Billy Butcher
Anthony Bridgerton Benedict Bridgerton Simon Basset Colin Bridgerton *maybe others? 
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Spike Angel
Criminal Minds  (I have only watched seasons 1-11)
Spencer Reid Aaron Hotchner Derek Morgan
Doctor Who
Ten Eleven Twelve
Sherlock Holmes *I have not watched the whole series so I wont write much for in-show plot points
Malcolm Reynolds Simon Tam
Lark Rise to Candleford
Daniel Parish Fisher Bloom Sir Timothy Midwinter Alf Arless Mr Rushton
Eliot Spencer Quinn Alec Hardison
Magnificent Seven Tv Series (1998-2000)
Chris Larabee Ezra Standish Vin Tanner Buck Wilmington
The Mandalorian + TBoBF
Din Djarin Cobb Vanth Boba Fett (prefer platonic)
M*A*S*H (Tv Series)
Hawkeye Pierce BJ Hunnicutt Trapper John
Merlin (BBC)
Merlin Arthur Gwaine Percival Lancelot
Moon Knight
Steven Grant Marc Spector Arthur Harrow
Person of Interest
John Reese Others; platonically is preferred
Prodigal Son 
Malcolm Bright Gil Arroyo 
Shadow and Bone:
Kaz Brekker Matthias Mal Alexander/Kirigan ?
*I have read the Grishaverse books, so I am willing to write around that plot. But the characters will be in character for the show, and the characters will be written as 20+ as their ages are not stated in the show but it feels as though they are aged up in the depiction. 
Sherlock (BBC)
Sherlock Holmes Greg Lestrade Jim Moriarty
Star Trek: Discovery
Christopher Pike Gabriel Lorca (willing to write for an alternate ‘Prime’ version of Lorca) Sarek Spock **I’m in the process of watching Disco and am currently on Season 3. I will be watching Strange New Worlds when I can. **please make sure to specify which Spock you are requesting for (Disco or AOS.)
Star Trek: Enterprise 
Captain Archer Trip Tucker Malcolm Reed 
Star Trek: Voyager 
Chakotay Tom Paris
Stargate Sg-1
Jack O’Niell Daniel Jackson Jonas Quinn Cameron Mitchell 
Stargate Atlantis
John Sheppard Carson Becket Ronon Dex
Supernatural  *Have only watched seasons 1-9
Sam Winchester Dean Winchester Castiel Gabriel Gadreel Balthazar Crowley Lucifer Caine
Teen Wolf 
Derek Hale Peter Hale
Vampire Diaries & The Originals
Elijah Mikaelson Klaus Mikaelson Damon Salvatore Kol Mikaelson Lorenzo “Enzo” St John Finn Mikaelson
**Never watched The Originals’, so I only know the Mikaelsons from TVD.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - Franchises/Movies - - - - - 
Original Avengers:
Tony Stark  Steve Rogers Thor Bruce Banner Clint Barton Natasha Romanoff
Bucky Barnes Sam Wilson Helmut Zemo Loki Heimdall Vision Scott Lang Peter Parker (Garfield and/or Hollands; aged up) Dr. Stephen Strange T’Challa Agent Ross Shang-Chi Peter Quill
*** Feel free to ask about other MCU characters; I will write for most (depending on if I like the request as well) ***
Original Timeline Movies:  Logan/Wolverine Scott Summers Kurt Wagner “Nightcrawler” Viktor Creed “Sabertooth”
First Class Timeline: Charles Xavier Eric Lehnsherr Hank McCoy Alex Summers Azazel Peter Maximoff “Quicksilver” Warren Worthington III “Angel”
**Many of the younger characters ages are not obvious in the First Class movies, so everyone will be written/suggested as 20+
The Eternals
Druig Ikaris Kingo
Venom (1 & 2)
Eddie Brock
Deadpool (1 & 2)
Wade/Deadpool  Ajax/Francis Cable Domino
- - -
Star Wars Universe
Episodes I-III
Anakin Skywalker Obi Wan Kenobi
Episodes IV-VI
Luke Skywalker Han Solo
Solo: A Star Wars Story
Han Solo Lando Calrissian Dryden Vos
Episodes VII-IX
Finn Poe Dameron Ben Solo/Kylo
- - -
The Hobbit/Lotr
Thranduil Thorin Kili Fili Bard Legolas Aragorn Eomer Faramir Elrond
- - -
Fantastic Beasts:  ((JK Rowling is a bigot and anything I write regarding the wizarding world is of my own imagination and a continuation of a world I want untainted by her bigotry)) 
Newt Scamander, Percival Graves *So far I have only seen the first movie
**I will possibly write for characters from Harry Potter or Marauders, such as the Weasley twins, Malfoy, Cedric, Remus, Sirius, etc. But if I do, it will be after they leave Hogwarts and are 18+.
- - -
Star Trek AOS
Cpt. Jim Kirk Dr. Leonard McCoy Spock Montgomery “Scotty” Scott Pavel Chekov Hikaru Sulu Khan *please make sure to specify which Spock you are requesting for (Disco or AOS.)
- - -
The Outsiders
Darrel “Darry” Curtis Maybe: Sodapop Curtis Dallas Winston ^^Aged Up
- - -
Pirates of the Caribbean (1-4)
Captain Jack Sparrow Will Turner James Norrington Elizabeth Swann/Turner
- - - 
Magnificent Seven (2016) 
Joshua Faraday Billy Rocks Goodnight Robicheaux Vasquez Red Harvest
- - -
Maleficent I & II
Conall, Borra, Diaval, Maleficent
- - -
The Man from U.N.C.L.E 
Napoleon Solo Illya Kuryakin
- - -
Kingsman: The Secret Service and The Golden Circle
Eggsy Unwin Hamish Mycroft “Merlin” Jack Daniels “Whiskey”
- - -
Jane Austen/Period Movies: 
Pride and Prejudice (1995 & 2005) Characters: Mr. Darcy and Mr Bingley (other characters if requested)
Mansfield Park (1999 & 2007) Character: Edmund Bertram
Sense and Sensibility (1995/2008) Character: Edward Ferrars 
Emma (2009 & 2020) Character: Mr. Knightley
Persuasion (2007) Character: Captain Wentworth
- - - - -
Outside Characters: 
Actors who have multiple characters outside of the listed fandoms that I am willing to write for!
Charlie Hunnam:
Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) Raymond Smith (The Gentlemen) William “Ironhead” Miller (Triple Frontier) **Will also write for Ben Miller
Oscar Isaac: 
Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Triple Frontier)
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Oh so i know you said youd potentially take reqs for John Reese but would you ever consider other characters like Finch or Carter?
Its been since like 2015 that I even watched POI but now im on a roll lol, getting through almost a whole season a weekend!
Thanks again❤️❤️
I have added Person of Interest to my fandoms list, so I am taking requests for it. My bio says requests are closed, but I will take POI requests whenever I can get them since the fandom is so small.
I prefer John Reese x Reader inserts, but I am maybe willing to write Finch, Carter, etc reader inserts, but I would probably prefer Platonic relationships with them rather than romantic relationship inserts like I would do for John. It also depends on the request in general lol.
It's been a long time since I've seen the show as well, but I am about to start Season Two in my re-watch!
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