#john winchester is not a good father to me
ivoirloup · 5 months
Writing a crossover SPN/TeenWolf were Stiles is Dean son is also seen Dean becoming what John never was.
I'm having fun.
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sammygender · 4 months
i’ve said this soooo many times but i cannot believe the widespread fandom take on nightmares is ‘episode that proves john didn’t hit the kids or at least that sam didn’t know about :)’ NO??? that entire episode is to directly parallel sam to max??? i really hate to break it to you guys but sam being like Damn at least we weren’t and aren’t still being regularly beat to shit by the two male parental figures in our lives 🙏 lucky to have dad fr is not the same as him saying Wow i’m so grateful dad never hit us at all. essentially he is literally like ‘if dad had got drunk more often and hadn’t channeled his energy into hunting maybe we would’ve ended up like max. guess i should be grateful he didn’t”. hello. how does that endorse an entirely violence-free parenting style. like have your own interpretation. but the text of the episode isn’t saying John didn’t hit them. the text of the episode is intentionally bringing up the concept of john hitting them, withholding direct judgement/confirmation on whether it happened and keeping it ambiguous, sure, but still bringing it to our attention.
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manwiththemagic · 8 days
"no chick flick moments" then proceeds to have the most emotional heartbreaking conversations ever.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
Very strange to me that the longer supernatural went on, the kinder it was to John Winchester and the uglier it made Chuck.
There’s something very. I don’t know. “Don’t blame your father, your father never did anything wrong. Blame God. Blame this thing that’s been secretly making your life worse this whole time, pulling the strings, controlling you and everyone around you.”
And the further we get into the show, the more Chuck becomes a Writer, rather than it being about God as a Father. (Never completely losing that aspect, obviously, just like Chuck was always a writer, but one of these parallels clearly superceded the other in terms of importance to the story.)
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casmilton · 9 months
something something early seasons sam&dean when they were looking for john and wondering if he was even alive and then his death and every horrible thing that comes after it with the caption as “But there's no other explanation. He's gone for good.” “You're lying.”“Am I? Do you remember the twentieth century? Think the twenty-first is going any better? Do you think God would have let any of that happen, if he were alive?” something something
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f0linasahl0 · 4 months
john winchester is a bastard
he can choke
i hate him. i hate that the cw/writers had the brothers forgive their father.
i don't care if it's not canon that he was abusive, but there's like tells of distinct trauma in both of them. i don't know there's something so wrong with them hugging their father and forgiving them for how he treated them in their life
dean winchester is so angry because john winchester beat it into him (emotionally or physically, doesn't matter) and that's a hill i'm willing to die on
john winchester was abusive and that is a hill i willing to die on. prove to me that he was a good father. one single example
he was neglectful to both his sons. forced the eldest to father AND mother his youngest. always loved sam more than dean. was a drill Sargent for his kids instead of a father. destroyed them so thoroughly that it stuck with them until their death.
i don't care what excuses that man had for how he treated those two, i don't care. he was awful.
he can choke. he can choke and die. he can eat shit and die. i hate him so much i've never hated a fictional character as much as i hate john winchester. he deserves nothing good in his life. "he was just a bad dad, he didn't abuse them" argue with the wall
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Ok so was anyone hearing Dean’s Theme in the scenes when John opens up to Mary about Henry and the scenes with Henry?
Like nobody is talking about that.
Maybe it’s been in other episodes so nbd? And I somehow just missed it?
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sexybabystevie · 2 years
something something some of the earliest scenes of john we have are of him being paralleled to the demon that killed his wife and destroyed his family, and are of him passed out while drunk in a chair watching something on the tv about war/the military. something something the john portrayed in the winchesters is angry, always seeking out violence so much so that he does rash things like illegally joining the war underage and thinking he can win against a ghost/creature in a fistfight.
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ninii-winchester · 2 months
What’s a girl gotta do
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Pairing: S1! Sam Winchester X Reader
Word count : 1.7k
Warnings : heavily based on s1 ep3 (Dead in the water), mentions of drowning, fluff, no Jess au.
Y/n was driving to Lake Manitoc, Wisconsin. An eighteen year old girl went swimming into the lake but never came back, no body found. She figured it might be her thing. She was driving to her destination but she saw a very familiar car parked outside a diner. It was the infamous black Chevy Impala. She should've know he'd be here. She parked her car right beside it and got out of the. She watched Dean walk out of the diner with the car keys in his hands.
"As soon as I saw this beauty I knew an ugly Winchester would be around as well." She commented leaning against baby.
"Y/n/n." Dean exclaimed opening his arms for her to jump in. Y/n hugged her best friend. "What are you doing here?" He asked pulling apart.
"Same as you. You're going to Lake Monitoc too?" She replied. "Sophie Carlton I'm guessing?" he nodded.
The diner door opened again and Sam walked out. The tall boy watched Dean talking a woman, her face was hidden by Dean's broad shoulders. Sam rolled his eyes as he approached his brother but froze when he saw who he actually was talking to.
"Sammy?" Y/n questioned as he appeared behind Dean. She pulled him in for a hug and he blushed slightly. "I thought you were at Stanford?" She exclaimed.
"Yeah i was but we're looking for dad, now." He replied with a tight smile. "And it's Sam." He added remembering she called him, 'Sammy.'
"Is it now, Sammy?" She teased making Dean laugh out loud and he blushed furiously.
Y/n had been Dean's best friend since they were thirteen. They met each other when Dean was hunting with John and Y/n was with her father but she got separated from him. The Winchesters found her, helped her reunite with her father. Dean and Y/n clicked immediately, finding friends your age as a hunter was a difficult task, so the two of them jumped at the opportunity to become friends.
They visited each other frequently, Y/n played with nine year old Sam and was always friendly with him. As they grew up, Sam quickly developed a crush on the older girl. He was blush immensely when she would ruffle his hair or tell him he looked cute. It wasn't often a pretty nineteen year old girl noticed fifteen year old boy, even if she didn't mean it romantically, Sam basked in her attention.
Every time he watched his older brother drag her away for a hunt or even to show her something cool, he felt disappointed, he thought that someday his older brother will sweep her off her feet and she'd be much more interested in him rather than a little boy like Sam.
For years Sam thought he never stood a chance with his older brother in the picture, he thought his brother might feel something for her and he didn't want to break his brother's heart. But his doubts were cleared when Dean once kissed Y/n to get rid of his latest hook up, but he pulled away yelling,
"Never let me do that again. Ew you're like my sister."
Sam thought Y/n might feel something for Dean, thinking he's older and probably a better choice. But after watching her beat his brother into a pulp for the stunt he pulled, Sam felt relieved that it was all platonic. Even then he didn't think he'd ever get the chance to be with her. He thought he'd always be four years behind.
Then, Sam left for Stanford, cutting off ties with his father and brother. He never thought he'd get to see her again. Seeing her again made him feel giddy, the butterflies in his stomach were doing summersaults.
"Alright folks, you can catch up later we have a case to work." Dean said walking towards the drivers side.
"Let me drive." Y/n said to her best friend before he could deny she shot her best puppy dog eyes.
"Good try but no." Dean said getting in the car.
"Fine. SHOTGUN!!!" She stuck her tongue out at Sam before opening the passenger's side door and getting. Sam shook his head with a smile gracing his lips. He wouldn't have fought with her to sit in the front seat, hell he would've fought Dean to let her drive if she'd asked him to. She's got him wrapped around her finger and doesn't even know it.
Sam got into the confined backseat, struggling a bit to fit his long legs in the small space. Y/n placed her get over the dashboard as Dean drove to their destination.
"Hey feet off the dash." Dean remarked tapped her calf, shooting her a glare, one she was immune to. "Y/n/n I will cut your hair in your sleep." He threatened knowing how much loved and cared for her hair. Sam thought she had really pretty hair. And it smelled so good all the time.
Y/n rolled her eyes before pulling her feet off the dashboard, letting out a huge sigh.
"Oh man, what's a girl gotta do to be loved around here." She spoke dramatically. She grinned at Sam in view mirror, "what do you think, Sammy?" She asked him and his face turned red.
She enjoyed watching him get all flustered and squirmy when she teased him. She thought Sam was cute, not in a chubby little boy kind way, but cute in a charming way. She like his smile, and that messy mop of hair on his head. She wondered how it would feel to run her hands through them.
"How about shutting up, sweetheart?" Dean quipped watching the interaction between his best friend and his little brother.
Dean knows his brother is whipped for Y/n and she has talked his ear off, gushing over his brother. He's all for them being together, in fact he's rooting for them. But if he has to sit through their miserable attempts at flirting or giving each other sickeningly irritating heart eyes when the other isn't looking. He will throw up.
The trio soon arrived at the victim's house. They talked to the vics brother finding out that his sister was a varsity swimmer and it was impossible for her to drown. They asked Will a few more questions before heading to the police station.
After talking to the Sherrif they found out that they didn't find anything in the water, which could've done that, dam is falling apart so the lake won't be here any longer, since they're not getting any money to fix it.
After Will Carlton was found dead, the trio did alot more digging around for a while and found out, that Sherrif and Bill Carlton had a friend named Peter Sweeney who disappeared years back. It become clear that Jake and Bill had a hand in his disappearance. They found Peter's bike buried in Jake's backyard.
It took a while before Jake confessed, that he and Bill accidentally pushed Peter in the lake and they let him drown, so there's no body to salt and burn to put the vengeful spirit to rest.
It all happened too fast when Lucas was being pulled into to the lake, it was Peter. He wanted  Jake to suffer, watch all his loved ones die, just like he did to Bill. Just like, how Peter's mother felt when he disappeared.
They heard Andrea call out for her son, it only took Y/n and Dean a second to jump in the water to save him. The two kept looking for Lucas but he was nowhere to be found. Sam held Andrea back from jumping into the water.
Jake walked into the lake willingly, hoping Peter would take him instead of his grandson and in hopes that after getting his revenge he'd leave his family alone. Y/n felt something pulling her under the water and she felt herself drowning. She could make out a shadow, which looked like a pale little boy. But then suddenly, it let her go.
Dean came above surface with Lucas in his arms. Sam helped the two up and Andrea hugged her son close to her chest. The brothers looked at lake, Y/n should've come up by now. Peter took Jake, it should've been over. But Y/n fell unconscious under the water, intaking too much water in her body and unable to swim back up. Sam immediately jumped in the water to search for her.
"SAM." Dean yelled as he watched his brother jump into the water.
A few minutes later Sam surfaced ashore with Y/n in his arms. He laid her on the wooden dock and knelt beside her, his heart pounding. She was unconscious and not breathing. He quickly tilted her head back, pinched her nose, and covered her mouth with his, giving two rescue breaths. Then, he placed his hands on the center of her chest and began chest compressions. A few seconds later Y/n shot up with a loud gasp, coughing out water as she sat up.
"Oh god." She wheezed holding her head. "Is Lucas okay?" She asked looking at the little boy. His mother nodded in acknowledgement.
"You okay, Y/n/n?" Dean asked kneeling beside her.
Before she could reply Sam grabbed her by her neck and pulled her in for a harsh kiss. He kissed her like his life depended on it. His lips moved against her with fervour, his heart was hammering against his ribcage. She kissed him with equal force, her hands grasping at his damp hair. He rested his forehead on hers as he pulled away.
"Don't you dare scare me like that, ever again." He breathed heavily, his chest puffing with each breath.
"Drown!!" She chirped with a grin on her face. Sam looked at her, confusing lacing his handsome face. "A girl's gotta drown to be loved around here." She added with a giggle. Dean barked out a laugh at her stupid comment.
"I hate you so much." Sam rolled his eyes but had a huge smile on his face. Sam gently brushed a strand of hair from Y/n's face, and she smiled up at him, eyes sparkling with happiness. They leaned in for another soft, lingering kiss, sealing their new beginning.
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winchesterwild78 · 3 months
Safely in Your Arms
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Characters: Dean Winchester x Reader (wife)
Warnings: None, just a sweet story of our rough hunter who needs to be cuddled and loved.  Fluffy, brief mention of a past hunt.
A/N: Writing and having Supernatural playing in the background lends to some inspiration. Our Dean deserves love, comfort and cuddles. Lots of cuddles. I wrote this fast and edited it just as fast. Please enjoy.
You stood on your tiptoes as you tried to reach the flour that Dean had put on the top shelf. You huffed in frustration and cursed under your breath. “Damn it, Dean. Why do you have to be so friggin tall?” You huffed. You grabbed a chair and was about to climb it when you heard that deep chuckle coming from behind you. You turned and saw your husband leaning against the doorframe watching you and laughing. 
You smirked, walked over to him and pointed in his chest “What’s so funny, Mr. Winchester?” He grabbed you around your waist, pulling you into him and replied “You are, Mrs. Winchester.” Then he kissed your forehead. “Need some help sweetheart?” “Yes, if you want me to make this pie. I need the flour you put on the top shelf.” You pointed. He walked over and grabbed it without any problem and chuckled. 
You rolled your eyes and thanked him. Dean sat at the table and watched you work. He loved watching you in the kitchen, well let’s be honest he loved watching you do anything. Especially when you were baking. His favorite part of watching you was when you were reading and you would bite your lip as you concentrated, or how you would wrinkle your nose up when your hands touched raw dough. 
When the two of you got married it took awhile for Dean to believe he deserved this kind of life. He was always terrified of being close to anyone. For fear they would be taken away. You pushed your way through his walls and when he finally let you in he hasn’t looked back. You quickly realized early on in your relationship that Dean’s love language was physical touch and he learned that yours was acts of service. He had a hard time at first letting you do things for him, but he’s gotten better. 
Since Dean grew up in the hunter life it was hard on him in more ways than one. His father, John, was not a very affectionate man. Especially with his children. So Dean had to take on the role of mother and father for Sammy. He made sure Sam grew up having as much stability as possible. You had no doubt that he would make an incredible father one day. Since Dean didn’t have a mother for much of his life, Jody had become his unofficial mom, he was hard to love at first. Each touch, kiss and show of affection was met with gruffness and walls. Eventually you were able to get him to trust you.
You were making the dough for one of your famous pies. You loved baking for Dean, and he loved eating whatever you made for him. While you were rolling out the dough, Dean came up behind you and snaked his arms around your waist and looked over your shoulder. You giggled as he kissed your neck. “Looking good sweetheart.” He kissed your neck. “Need any help?” He kissed your cheek.
You smiled “Dean, if you keep distracting me I won’t get this pie done.” He huffed and turned you to face him. “Fine, finish baking so I can hold you.” He kissed your lips then started to let you go. You grabbed his hand and pulled him back to you. “I didn’t say I was done with you, Winchester.” You pulled him flush to your flour covered shirt and kissed him deeply. He moaned into your mouth. You could feel his arousal growing. You pulled away and he groaned. “Okay, now I’m done with you.” You giggled. 
Dean smirked, “Be glad you’re making pie, sweetheart, but I will get you back later.” He playfully slapped your ass. You finished prepping the pie and put it in the oven. When you turned around you saw your gorgeous husband sitting at the table waiting. “Okay baby, we have about an hour before the pie is ready, what do you want to do?” 
Dean stood up and stretched. As he did his shirt lifted and you saw the top of his hips peaking out from his jeans. You licked your lips. He grabbed your hand and led you to the “Dean cave”. “I figured we could start a movie or something if you wanted to.” He smiled softly. You sat on the couch beside Dean and grabbed a blanket. He turned on the tv and you sat staring at him. Tracing his face and watching how each freckle lit up with the changing light from the television. You were deeply and madly in love with Dean from the moment he saved you from the vampire nest you were dragged to. Dean has loved you since the minute he laid eyes on you, well, almost. It was supposed to be a quick vamp kill. In and out. However, when Dean and Sam got to the nest they found you. Laying, tied up and fighting for your life. Dean saw you and immediately ran to you. You punched him in the nose thinking he was a vamp. Thank goodness you didn’t hurt him. He untied you and wrapped you in his strong arms and kept saying “You’re safe in my arms, sweetheart. I’ve got you.” 
From that moment on you have always felt safe in his arms. You laid your head on his shoulder trying to pay attention to the tv, but you couldn’t concentrate. Dean was mindlessly running his fingers up and down your arm. It started to tickle and you squirmed. “Dean, that tickles” you giggled. “What? What does, this?” He tickled up your arm and you squirmed. Dean laughed loudly. You loved seeing and hearing him laugh. 
“Dean, stop tickling me.” You squealed. “Okay, okay” he said, raising his hands in defeat. “Thank you.” You laughed as you laid your head on his shoulder again. Dean smirked “you know what, naw. I love hearing you laugh too much. Sorry sweetheart.” He grabbed you and pulled you close, tickling you all over. You squealed and squirmed under him as laughter filled the room. Dean had you on the floor now. He was on top of you running his hands over your body hitting every spot he knew would elicit a laugh or giggle. 
You heard the timer go off for the pie. “Dean….stop….the….pie….” you were able to say between giggles and breaths. He stood up and helped you up. “Okay, sweetheart. Go get the pie out.” He kissed you as you stood up and you started to walk away. Before you could get too far he pulled you back to him and both of you tumbled to the couch. You were on top of him and he smiled. “God you’re beautiful, sweetheart.” He leaned up and kissed your lips. “You’re not bad yourself, Winchester. Now let me get your pie out before I burn it.” You smiled and got up. 
You got the pie out in time and set it on the counter to cool. You felt your husband's strong arms wrap around you again. You leaned into his chest and he held you tight. 
“Have I told you lately how much I love you, Y/N?” Dean whispered in your ear. “No, but I have a good idea.” You whispered back. Dean kissed your neck and you melted in his arms. “I have an idea sweetheart.” Dean said, turning you to face him. You looked in his beautiful green eyes and saw so much love and happiness. It made you indescribably happy to see Dean like this. Living a life filled with love, happiness and everything he deserves. “What’s your idea, baby?” “Since we have to wait for the pie to cool, why don’t we go work on our next project?” He said enthusiastically. You knew what he was talking about but you wanted to play coy. “Oh, and what project is that? Remodeling the shower, cleaning out the basement, working on the car?” You smirked. “Nope.” He answered by popping the p. “Hmm I can’t think of any other project we’ve been working on.” You grinned. 
Dean smirked and pulled you closer to him. “You sure about that sweetheart?” “Hmmm, yep.” You grinned and wiggled out of his arms. “You might have to jog my memory, Dean.” You said as you walked to the door. Dean growled playfully and you squealed, running towards your shared room. You reached the door and pushed it open. Dean stuck his foot in the door, preventing you from closing it. You both were laughing as he grabbed you and took you in his arms. You both collapsed on the bed laughing. 
“I love you Dean. So much.” “I love you too, sweetheart,” He wrapped you in his arms and held you tight. You sighed contently because you always felt safe when he held you. “Yes, Dean. Let’s work on the project now. I want to have your baby.” “Really sweetheart? You’re ready to have a baby? His eyes sparkled. “Yes, Dean. I am. Let’s have a baby.” Dean kissed you deeply and held you tight. “Thank you sweetheart, thank you.” 
You knew no matter what life brought your way, as long as you (and anyone else that came along) had Dean, you would always be safe. 
Tags: @nescaveckdaily  @kr804573 @k-slla @jackles010378 @jawritter
@xx-spooky-little-vampire-xx @roseblue373 @cheynovak @jassackles  @chriszgirl92
@suckitands33 @arcannaa @n-o-p-e-never @ladysparkles78 @smoothdogsgirl
@hobby27 @manicjk @stoneyggirl2 @stoneyggirl2
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ivoirloup · 2 years
It's done and redone and again but.... The fact that Dean knew about Azazel possessing John because he said "I'm proud of you" and not being furious... Motherfucker that so much to unpack. Wtf
"How your son knew you're being possessed ? - Oh because the demon said i was proud of him"
That's the sound of a fucking joke. But fuck, that's Dean life. He didn't have his dad proud of him. Never. He was just a soldier. He was just here to obey. Nothing more.
It's a parallel with the conversation about the departure of Sam, some episodes before. John was proud of Sam for being left and going to collège. For Dean ? meh.
Dean can not hear those words without thinking "wait a minute.. that's not my father talking, that's not possible."
That's make me so sad. So angry.
And another reason why i hate John Winchester.
Edit - Oh and the fucking look of Dean, when Azazel said that Sam is John's favorite, like he already knew. He always knew. But he chase him anyway.
And fucking John for blaming Sam not kill him. For chosing Dean about revenge. Fuck him
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sammygender · 7 months
thinking about how one of the last things john ever tells dean is an admittance that the way he treated him was fucked. & of course this destroys dean and makes it so much harder for him to come to terms w his death right after and with his childhood in general bc he’s spent his entire life chasing after johns approval. he’s spent his entire life telling himself that the way he was treated was okay and justified and that their childhood was good because he could handle it and he was strong enough and that was how it had to be. he’s worshipped john as a hero and seen nothing wrong with any of it. because he’s had to. his entire life is built around this idea there’s nothing else. he’s his dads perfect soldier and punching bag and wife-replacement and suddenly his dads gone & he said he’s sorry and that he shouldn’t have treated dean that way. what the hell is he supposed to do now.
#augh. i don’t know i haven’t seen enough of this show yet but.#thinking about that episode with the abused kid who has psychic powers like sams and sam sees himslef in the kid a lot#but is horrified by the extent of the abuse and keeps saying like. Dean i never thought i’d say this but you’re right dad was pretty good i#guess we were really lucky to have him. it could’ve turned out a very different way.#and deans just like. idk there’s something about his face. like he wants to agree cause this is what he’s always saying but he Cant.#because. well. sams thinking about this kid with circumstances so similar to him who ended up entirely victimised by his father and#thinking Wow i had something that kid didn’t. i had MY dad who was so much better after all (despite kicking me out of the house and#always refusing to support me but wtv)#but really the thing sam had was DEAN.#dean as sam’s protector and john’s golden child and the adult of the family. dean as the person#john winchester comes home to after a hunt the person who tells him it’s okay#dean playing the part of his dead mom and still shielding sammy from the worst of their father and as a result internalising that this was#fine.#what the hell is he going to do now that his fathers dead? after his fathers dead and wrong and theoretically morally weak and admitted hed#raised dean badly?#IDK!!! i’m sure excited to see him continue to break down though#(have just finished s2e2 for future me ref)#supernatural#<- Sorry guys i’m batshit obsessed.#father by the front bottoms dean song of all time#spn#oliver talks
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ellieslittleburrow · 2 months
Summary : John Winchester, your father, is protective of you
Warnings : swearing and cute John
A/N : should we write more John Winchester?
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John Winchester, a man of many flaws. Sammy can attest to that, he suffered the most from John's decisions. Dean would stand against that, he's been John's boy since the day he was born. Dad this, dad that; That doesn't mean it isn't complicated, though.
You on the other hand.....umm....not suuuure where you stand really, where do you stand?
Everything felt different for you with John. Everything. His love for you was established since the beginning. He got a spark in his eyes whenever you were around that neither of his two boys ever got the chance to see, even Dean.
You were his baby girl.
There were the times where he stood up for you. The bullies??? Never stood a chance. There was that one time in particular when you got h-
"Hey! What did i tell you about slamming doors?" A scolding growl sounded, one that would usually....send shivers down your spine. This time it left you unbothered, or maybe fueled your anger even more.
In an attempt to not cry in front of the Great Winchester, you hurried to the bed assigned to you and threw yourself into a sleeping position, your back facing him.
"HEY" his growl grew angrier and you just hugged yourself. You didn't need him exploding your eardrums on top of everything else that had happened that day. His steps closed in on you and soon enough, your waist was gently being pulled back- you were facing him.
As his eyes navigated around your face, his features simultaniously softened. The creases shaped by the frown on your eyebrows, the sucked in lower lip, the damp eyelashes, all signs of-
"You were crying?" A stupid question that John needed no answer to. He somehow knew why, too. But he asked anyway. "Was it the kids at school?"
With that-you force yourself back on your side. "I told you not to force me into a new school."
Your mumble is muffled but John already knew what you were going to say-you've had this conversation many a times before.
"Come on" Your father tapped your butt before heading towards the door. And your curiosity itched your brain and you turned around, sitting up.
"Where are you going?" You asked and he glanced at you over his own shoulder, a mischivious smile embellishing his face.
"Just get your ass up."
Over in the car, John turned to you. "Do you know where this kid lives?"
You took your damn time to respond, both of you will get into trouble buuuuuuut.... A smirk ghosted your lips. "Yeaaaah?"
"Good, that saves us a lot of time."
You nervously chuckled. "A lot of time for what, dad?" The Impala roared as silence followed your question. You sort of understood. And as you directed him towards the bully's house, your stomach tightened in a mixture of excitement and anxiety.
"Right there, the Cayenne, his father's." You pointed at the car and your dad shamelessly parked his own only a few couples of meters away.
Another nervous chuckle left your lips as your head popped forward. Your eyes followed your dad as he jumped out of the car and headed for the trunk. The hood popped up for a minute and then your dad reappeared with what seemed to be a....BAT?
You jumped out of the car and distress shot through your veins. "Dad" You called for him but he'd already made up his mind and as you stressfullly walked behind him, he casually headed for the car, the bat vibrating in his hands. "Dad, you're gonna get us into trouble." You whispered as if whispering would make the crime your father is about to commit any less obvious.
But John totally ignored you and he swung the bat before sending it into the Cayenne's back window-the glass instantly chattered. You flinched and before you were even able to process the first hit, a second one echoed through the quiet neighborhood.
You flinched again. "Dad, st-"
"I'm only doing this for you, honey." John rounded the car and stopped at the front of the car. "If it were up to me, i'd slice the boy AND his father." The third swing hit harder, more violent. And the alarm continues blaring. "All he had to do was teach his son some manners. But since he can't do that, i'll teach 'em both a good lesson."
There's that story, and there's another one. Where you're being you, and for you, emotions have a like, a giant gravitational pull on your life-just like this time.
You and dad have been on the road for almost two days-stupid shapeshifters and it's that week of the month that's the most chaoti-- and this stupid fucking booth is weird and squishy and-
Your cheeks grew hot and wetness suddenly streamed down your face. When John noticed, he blew out a long sigh. He shut his eyes slowly, bringing his index and thumb to the opposite sides of his face, rubbing roughly.
Not fucking cool, dad. This shit's tiring enough. 'You know what-" You stop midsentence, rushing off to the bathroom but a sudden strain pulled you back.
"No-no, i'm sorry, honey, i'm sor-"
"I'm already tired enough." Your voice came out full and rough, heavy with the build up of saliva in your throat. "don't need you making fun of m-" You were about to yank your wrist away when he held it tighter.
"Come on that's not what's happening here." John swiftly got up and faced you. "I just-i'm tired too, kid. I-" He sighed again, and you wiped away your tears.
"Coooome here." Too slow but too sweet-and not a question either, your dad reached for the back of your head and brought it to his chest. He planted a kiss over your hair and gently swayed both of your bodies left and right. "Dad's here." His tone might've been gentle, but it still bore a hint of annoyance.
He doesn't mean-he "You don't mean that-you're just saying it because i'm-"
"Noo i do mean it, baby, i do-" he sighed once more. "I'm just tired. That's why i sound like this." He planted a second kiss on your forehead before boaring into your eyes. You dropped your gaze down in the process, too-
"I'm sorry." His thick eyebrows softened back to their normal position. And his bunny teeth appeared. Amused, he hesitated to speak for a few seconds. "You know you're too old for this right?"
You pinched his waist, causing him to jerk back, choking on a chuckle.
You sniffed, throwing embarassed glances his way. "Shut up."
"I'm sorry, honey."
What the hell is wrong with me? Is the first thought that comes to mind. There sure are many more stories to tell about the great John Winchester. But to sum it all up, you are indeed on his fucking side.
WOO WOO, i hope yall made it to the end. See ya next time 🖤🖤🖤🥀🥀🥀
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years
the Gabriel/Loki episode of the winchesters was good though. That one can stay.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 8 months
One Big Family
Team Free Will 2.0 & Winchester little sister!reader, John Winchester & daughter!reader
Requested by Anonymous
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It was impossible, crazy, ridiculous.
But it was also happening. After over twelve years, the Winchesters finally got to see their father again.
It wasn’t what Dean had meant to wish for, but he couldn’t bring himself to regret it, especially not now, with what was happening in front of him.
You, his twelve year old little sister, were basically meeting your father for the first time. You were mere months old when he died, so you knew him from pictures only.
After everything had been explained to John, his first request had been to re-meet you. Sam had gone to your room to explain what was going on, and when he returned Dean and John watched as you shuffled along behind Sam, his jacket gripped in your small fists as you hid behind him.
“That’s her?” John breathed, and Dean turned in surprise to see tears welling up in John’s eyes. “She…she’s so big.”
“It’s ok,” Sam whispered to you, trying to coax you out from behind him. You peeked around him to see John getting down on one knee to be less intimidating.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he greeted with a wide smile, and between his soft eyes and the way he said “sweetheart”—just the way Dean said it—you felt your shyness ebbing slightly as you stepped out from behind Sam’s legs.
“Hi,” you mumbled shyly, shuffling your feet as you approached John.
John reached his arms up slowly, hesitantly, as if waiting for your approval. You, never one to turn down a hug, gave it readily and melted into your father’s arms.
Dean had never seen his father smile like he did as he held you in his arms.
“It’s good to see you,” John said quietly as he pulled away. You didn’t seem to know what to say, so Sam spoke up.
“Honey, how about you show him your room?”
You lit up with excitement, snatching up John’s giant hand in your small one and practically dragging him towards your room.
“Ok, ok,” John laughed. “I’m coming!”
“I guess she’s warming up to him,” Sam chuckled to Dean after you disappeared with John in tow.
“We should probably join them,” Dean said. “We’ve got a lot of catching up to do.”
“Wow.” John laughed. “You’ve gotta lot of toys in here.”
“Yeah,” you grinned. “Daddy bought me most of them, he’s really—“ you trailed off when you saw the look of shock on John’s face.
Sam and Dean entered your room before John could ask what you meant, and as soon as they came in you ran to Sam, suddenly shy again in John’s presence. You didn’t know how he would feel when he found out about the angel that was like a third dad to you.
“Hey, something wrong?” Sam glanced between you and John.
“Um, no,” John spoke up, recovering from his shock. “We were just catching up. Dean, can I talk to you?”
Dean nodded, and he and John stepped out of your room.
“Kid, did something happen?” Sam asked gently.
“I—um, I mentioned daddy,” you mumbled, staring at your shoes.
“Hey,” Sam coaxed, kneeling down to meet your gaze. “He’s not gonna be mad, ok? He’ll understand, you didn’t do anything.”
“You think so?”
“Yeah,” Sam said with more assurance than he felt.
“What happened?” Dean questioned.
“It’s nothing, just…” John cleared his throat, and Dean had never seen him so hesitant. “I just wanted to know…does she call you two her dads?”
The question threw Dean a little.
“Look, I get it,” John cut in. “She hasn’t seen me since she was a baby, it makes sense. She just, she mentioned ‘daddy’ and I…I was curious.”
Dean nearly cringed, but he kept his face in check. ‘Daddy’ was your moniker for Cas, and Dean wasn’t too sure how his father would react to the knowledge of angels.
“That’s a really long story,” Dean sighed. “I think maybe we should all talk about it.”
“So…angels,” John said quietly about an hour later. “And…the apocalypse?”
“Yeah, more than one,” Dean scoffed.
“And an angel, and the son of Lucifer are living with you,” John added.
“Jack,” you corrected with a smile. “He’s my big brother,” you added proudly. With the less-than-welcome greeting Jack had gotten when he entered the world, you had taken it upon yourself to make him family, and even though you were technically eleven years older than him, he always felt like a big brother to you.
“I see,” John said, smiling softly at you. “You three have been busy.”
“That’s one way to put it,” Sam said.
The four of you spent all day together, and John did all he could to get to know you.
You hit it off well with him, rambling non-stop about everything he’d missed, and he listened with wrapt attention.
You got to experience a lot of firsts with John—he gave you a piggyback ride, you had a pillow fight, and to cap it all off, the whole family sat down for one last meal. But all too soon, it was time to say goodbye.
The moment the boys found out that John had to go, they decided that you shouldn’t be around when it happened. So, at the end of the night that had ended way too soon, John pulled you into his arms for a final goodbye.
“I’m so proud of you, kid,” he said with finality. “These three dads you got here are raising you right, so you listen to them, ok?”
“Ok,” you promised through your tears.
“Hey,” John pulled back, framing your face with his large hands and using the pads of his thumbs to brush away your tears. “It’s ok, sweetheart. We got this day to remember, yeah? That’ll have to be enough for us.”
You nodded, leaning forward for one last hug. John reciprocated, squeezing you tightly.
“I love you so much, sweetheart,” John breathed. Just as he was about to pull away, you stopped him with a tug on his arm and a gentle whisper in his ear. At your words, he smiled and picked you up, and Sam and Dean trailed behind as John carried you into your room…
Where John Winchester got to tuck his little girl into bed for the first time, kissing her head and wishing her goodnight. He closed the door with great hesitation, giving you one final, longing glance before shutting off the light and closing your door.
“You’ve got a good kid in there,” John said to his sons, no longer able to hold back the tears.
“Thanks, dad,” Dean smiled.
“You tell that angel friend of yours thanks for me, ok?”
You awoke the next morning to a quiet bunker.
“Daddy?” You began. “Are you back yet?”
With a flutter of wings, Castiel stood in front of you.
“Hello little one,” he greeted with a smile. “Yes, I got back last night after you fell asleep.” Cas grinned when you launched yourself into his arms. “I’ve heard you had quite the eventful day.”
You recounted every moment of the previous day with your father, and Castiel watched with a patient smile, glad that you got to meet John, even if just for a day.
“Well, after such an exciting day I’d say you need a lot more sleep,” Castiel said with a frown when he noticed the early hour.
“Can you tuck me in?” You asked shyly.
He smiled, “Of course little one.”
“You’re awake.”
The two of you turned at the sound of Jack’s voice in the doorway.
“I’m putting her back to sleep,” Castiel informed him.
“I wanna say hi to Jack first!” You insisted, jumping out of bed and running to hug Jack. He laughed and hugged you back tightly, before lifting you in his arms and carrying you to bed.
“Castiel is right, it’s far too early for you to be up, little sister. Get some rest.” He set you down gently and pressed a kiss to your forehead, an action mirrored by Cas.
“Sleep tight, little one.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl
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reigningqueenofwords · 3 months
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Pairing: Dean x Reader Word count: 2,530 Request: @jessicalynnann Okay when you have time how about Dean is a cop and he and the reader are established well she thinks Dean is pulling away cause he is working a lot and there is a new partner who is pretty. Well she and Mary are shopping and she breaks down and tells Mary that she thinks she is losing Dean. Well what about there is a robbery where the reader works and she gets hurt and Dean risks his life to save her. I had this dream last night. Can you make the ending something like this I love you so much but I guess I’m doing this here. And he gets down on one knee… no rush.
Read on AO3
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You’d been with Dean nearly 7 years. You were by his side all through the academy, and when he got his badge. Things had been really good, and while there’d been no proposal or talk of a family, you felt you were on the way. One day you knew you’d call Dean your husband, and the father of your children.
And then Dean’s hours went up. Fine. He was busy. That happened. However, after the first couple weeks of the new hours you felt like Dean wasn’t your Dean. When he would crawl into bed he was out. No pulling you close, no holding you. Instead of eating breakfast with you (on the mornings he was there at the same time), he’d grab something on the way to work. You couldn’t remember the last time he had taken you on a date, either. Or surprised you with flowers ‘just because’.
After a month of this, you found out that he had a new partner. He hadn’t even told you. You’d met her at the cookout he and a few of his coworkers had now and then. It was them, and their significant others. She had walked up to you, a big smile on her (too beautiful) face. “You must be Y/N! I’m Kelly.” She held out her hand, clearly excited to meet you.
You shook it, not wanting to be rude. “Nice to meet you. Are you dating one of the guys?” You knew a couple of them were single, so maybe they had met someone?
She chuckled and shook her head. “No, I’m Winchester’s new partner.” She chuckled. New partner ? What happened to his old partner? “For about a month now.” She moved to stand next to you. 
“I honestly didn’t know he had a new partner.” You admitted, feeling embarrassed. “He hasn’t talked much about work recently.” 
“It does get really busy.” She nodded, a tension settling between the pair of you. “The guys have been so welcoming, too.” 
Her bubblynes was so odd to you. Not in general, but at this moment. How could she not feel the awkwardness? That you clearly had no idea that she even existed before today? “They’re all great.” You agreed. “I always look forward to catching up with all of them at the cookouts. I haven’t been able to have any of them over for dinner lately.”
“Oh, if I would have known I would have invited you when I had everyone over last Wednesday.” She shook her head. 
“Everyone? Was Dean there?” Your heart clenched. Dean said he had work, so just make yourself something. Was that ‘work’ spending time with the guys at Kelly’s?
She nodded. “Yeah, him, Cas, Sam…most of the guys.” She shrugged. “We hung out for a couple hours, had some beers.” You couldn’t be angry at Kelly. She didn’t know that she was pouring salt in your wounds. 
Dean came over, grinning. He had a beer in one hand, and a plate in the other. “Hey, babe. I see you met Winters.” He said happily. “I told you you’d get along.” 
You gave him a funny look. “You never told me about her.” You said awkwardly. “I didn’t know you had a new partner. She is nice, though.” That was something you couldn't deny. It still didn’t alleviate you feeling off about the entire situation. “Oh, I see Donna. I’m gonna go say hi. I haven’t seen her in what feels like forever.” You excused yourself, rushing to talk to her. 
Chuckling, Dean watched you go, sipping his beer. 
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A couple weeks later, you were lounging when Mary texted you. Up for some shopping with your mother in law? You sighed at her wording. Mary and John were like your second parents, and you adored them. Would you lose them, too?
Always! Let me shower and get ready. Want me to meet you at the mall? You got up, making your way to your room. 
I’ll pick you up in half an hour :) She replied. 
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You felt you’d done well hiding how you were feeling, but when you were in the second store, Mary brought it up. “You seem to have something on your mind, do you want to talk about it?” She asked, concern lacing her voice. “I can get it if it’s Dean being a cop. I mean, John just retired. Every day I worried about him coming home.” 
“I think I’m losing him.” You admitted, tearing up. Quickly wiping your cheek, you focused on the dresses you were looking at. “I can get long hours, but it’s him feeling gone even when he’s home. He doesn’t pull me close anymore, doesn’t take me on dates, doesn’t surprise me with flowers, or anything. And have you met his new partner?” 
Mary shook her head. “No, I’ve heard he’s good, though.” 
“ She’s gorgeous.” You huffed. “I can barely get him to eat dinner with me, but one night he told me he had to work and just to make dinner for myself. He was at her house with some of the guys hanging out for a couple hours. And having dinner. I hate feeling so insecure and like he’d rather be with her.” 
She pulled you into a hug. “Dean loves you so much.” She tried. “I don’t know what’s going on with him.” 
You hugged her back, welcoming the comfort. “I might go stay with my parents for a few days. I don’t think he’d even notice.” Which hurt even worse. 
“Our house is closer to your job. You can come stay with us.” She pulled back to look at you, hands on your arms. “John will love having you around, too.” 
After a moment, you nodded. “Okay, sure. Let’s finish up this shopping, and then I’ll go pack a bag. I’ll make dinner tonight. It’s been a bit since I’ve cooked for anyone but myself.” That alone gave you something to look forward to. 
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Dean got home just after 11 that night, and wasn’t surprised to see all the lights off. There was no sign in the first floor of the house that anything was different. He toed off his shoes, hung his belt on the coat rack, and made his way to the kitchen. Sometimes he got lucky and there were leftovers from dinner that night. When he didn’t see anything, he assumed that there hadn’t been anything left over. 
After he had a quick sandwich and a glass of milk, he made his way upstairs. He froze when he noticed the bed was still made. You weren’t in it. His nightstand lamp was on, and there was a paper folded against it. Walking over to it, he sat on the bed and lifted the paper. Did you leave him? It took him a moment for him to open it. 
I’m staying with your parents for a few days while I do some thinking. We’ve been together almost 7 years. 7 years in two weeks, actually. Did you have any idea that our anniversary was coming up? 
I barely see you, and when I do? You aren’t even *here*. It’s like you’re somewhere else. When you started working more, I understood. Your job is important, which meant the times you were home would mean more. Instead, those times hurt worse. 
When was the last time you held me at night? When was the last time you held my hand? Took me on a date? Cuddled with me while watching a movie (even if you fell asleep, I would be over the moon for that time with you)?  
Do you know how badly it hurt to want you home for dinner now and then, just to find out you went to your new partner’s for dinner? A new partner I didn’t know about, might I add. You’d rather go spend time with your gorgeous new partner than make it home for one dinner with the woman who has been by your side for everything, and that says a lot. 
I’m not saying I’m leaving you, but I do need to figure some things out. 
I love you, Dean. 
He clenched his jaw as tears rolled down his cheeks. Looking back, he knew this wasn’t out of left field. He knew what you were talking about. He’d seen the hurt on your face lately, too. He’d pushed it away, though. He’d told himself it was something else. It wasn’t about him. Dean sniffed, opening up his night stand drawer to pull out the tiny black box he’d put in there two months prior. Lifting the lid, he looked down at the ring he’d bought you, and wondered if he missed his chance. All he saw when he pictures his life was you by his side, and probably a kid or two. You’d be a great mom. 
“Fuck.” He breathed. He had an early shift the next day, so he’d go straight to you after work.
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It stung when you woke up to no texts or missed calls from Dean. You knew that by now he would have gotten your note. Unless he didn’t go home last night . The thought caught you off guard. He’d never not come home. Even if he came home late. Pushing those thoughts from your head, you got ready for work. You worked at a high end jewelry store, and had been promoted to manager 6 months prior. It paid well, and you liked all the people you worked with. 
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Dean hadn’t slept well the night before, and knew he’d be powering through his shift with a lot of (bad) coffee. He also wanted to talk to his chief about cutting back his hours, even just an hour here and there. Anything to be with you more. If he even had you more. 
It was nearly 4 when he was alerted to a robbery. At your job. “Shit!” He flipped on the sirens and lights before speeding off. He was only a few minutes away, but it felt like ages before he pulled up in front of it. He could see through the glass, where you were being held at gunpoint. The only other worker wasn’t someone he recognized, so he assumed they were new. What a way to start a job! 
“Isn’t that your girlfriend?” Kelly asked as they parked. 
“Yes, it is.” His voice was betraying him. He was trying to sound calm, but he felt like he’d lose it at any moment. “I’m going around back.” He told her. 
She whipped her head to look at him. “What? Why not wait for backup? Can you even get in?” 
“I can’t wait and risk her getting shot.” He pulled off his jacket. “And I can. I know the code. She’s the manager, so she told me.” Did you have a gut feeling he’d need it at some point? 
“And do what in there? I can see the door to the back of the store. Which means he can.” She opened her door to get in place. 
“I can distract him. Or maybe I can talk him down from inside. The storefront has bullet proof glass. She was really excited when it was installed. It’s supposed to be basically unbreakable.” He explained. 
“This isn't procedure!” She tried. However, she watched him rush around the back, gun drawn. “Damn in, Winchester!” She hissed, hearing other cops arriving.
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You were shaking, tears in your eyes, while the man in front of you aimed his gun at you. You’d heard the cops pull up, but that didn’t seem to phase him one bit. Someone must have called, because you didn’t even have a chance to trigger the silent alarm. He had to know that there was no getting out of this without being arrested, right? 
The door next to you busted in, making you and Alice scream. The robber whipped his gun towards the door. The door blocked whoever it was from view, but only a few people had the code. You quickly looked out the front of the store and saw Kelly. But no Dean. 
Just as it registered that your boyfriend was the one that came in, you heard two gunshots. The robber went down, and you rushed to the door. “Dean!” You sobbed, pulling off your blazer to press it against his chest. “Oh God.” Moving, you rested his head on your lap as you could hear people rushing into the store.
Dean hissed in pain as you kept pressure on his chest. “Fuck, I didn’t want to do it like this, but I gotta ask. I love you more than anything. Will you marry me? Your ring is in my nightstand.” He wanted you to know, just in case he didn’t make it. 
You nodded. “Of course I’ll marry you.” The feelings of the past month or so were pushed from your mind. The only thing you could focus on was the fact that Dean had been shot. “I love you so much.” You sniffed. 
“Ma’am, we need to get him into an ambulance.” Came a voice. 
“Yeah, yeah.” You gently moved his head off your lap so you could get out of their way. You watched as they got him onto a stretcher. 
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You’d stopped at home on the way to the hospital. You wanted to put on your ring, so when Dean woke up, he saw you wearing it. You also knew that you wouldn’t be seeing him right away. Mary had already been called, and told you that they would meet you at the hospital. 
Once there, you didn’t keep track of how much time you had been sitting there. All you could do is stare at the double doors that a doctor would come out of to talk to the family of Dean Winchester. John held Mary’s hand, both worried for their eldest. Sam was currently at work- at the police station, oddly enough. There was no telling when Dean’s coworkers would come flooding into the waiting room. 
“Dean Winchester’s family?” A doctor called out. You, John, and Mary stood. “Hi, I’m Dr. Micheals. Surgery went well, and he’s awake now. Groggy, but awake. For now I’ll ask that you go see him one at a time.” He gave you a comforting smile. 
“Go.” Mary nudged you. “We’ll see him after.” 
Nodding, you followed the doctor to Dean’s room. “Thank you.” You said softly before stepping in. 
“Hey, babe.” He smiled. 
While a few tears had slipped out while you waited, hearing his voice broke the dam. Sobbing, you went over and gently kissed him. “I’m so glad you’re okay.” You cupped his cheek. 
“You’re stuck with me. For life.” He gave you that smirk that he knew just melted you. “I’m sorry about this past month. I had planned to talk to the chief after my shift about cutting back my hours some.” He rested his hand on your leg as you sat on the side of his bed. “And I know I’ll be on leave while I heal. So, I’m all yours. I’m not leaving your side.”
You smiled at that. “Alls forgiven.” You promised him. 
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