#john winchester was a shitty dad
julyhatesflowers · 2 years
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| de tanto admirarlo, quería ser como el |
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allhallowstiel · 2 years
"john winchester is babygirl" "john and carlos should kiss" "john is bi" i simply think some thoughts should stay in your brain. forever. we don't have to hear about all of them :)
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arsonistsam · 2 years
Coming out as an spn enjoyer of everyone. Unfortunately every character is so funny (derogatory) and does have things that I’m interested in delving more into even John. Wait okay here’s my profile of him in the tags
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Guys you don’t understand. Supernatural’s subtext is so rich in lore and character building that we never actually see and it drives me absolutely insane. Like im fucking feral for the shit thats implied and brushed off on this show.
Like that seven deadly sins ep with Dean not being vulnerable to Lust.
Dean getting his GED even though he didn’t have to. Why did he do that? Gives us so much about his character
Saying “too much heart was always Castiels problem” implying a possible past rebellious streak
Sam’s implied torture with Lucifer
Everything implied about John Winchester. Like. Everything. Like i hate the episodes where they say “he did the best he could.” “He was a good dad”. Have we been watching the same show?
Dean’s alcohol dependency.
Like there is so so much under the surface of this shitty show and i wish people understood how insane i am about it.
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shinelikethunder · 6 months
the family drama and backstory gets a lot of play as being the best part of 1x08 Bugs, but what I don't see people talking about as much is that the punchline of the whole thing is when they're in the car near the end and Dean "Filial Piety" Winchester hears Sam telling that kid very earnestly over the phone "you have to tell your shitty dad the truth about the danger you're all in! just try to get through to him!" and immediately goes "are you crazy? gimme the fucking phone. okay, kiddo, it's time to tell your dad what's known as an 'expedient lie.' how good are you at faking appendicitis?"
like give me all the backstory on Dean learning to "manage" John while Sam was standing up to him, i know that shit went crazy and got toxic as hell
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dianawinchester03 · 2 months
Juvenile Delinquent
Series Masterlist
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Summary: After standing up for herself and Sammy in a catfight with her fellow cheer captain, Y/N finds herself in a bit of a pickle.
(Y/N and Sam are 17 years old and Dean is 21 years old)
The Old Testament Series.
Genesis Primis: A Supernatural Rewrite (Dean Winchester x Reader) by @dianawinchester03
Third Person POV
Sioux Falls High, South Dakota
•September 2000
Senior year was probably the most dreadful year in high-school history. John and F/N decided to let Sam and Y/N finish their senior year in Sioux Falls High, leaving Dean in charge for most of the year. They would pop in and out after hunts but would hit the road after getting a trail on another.
It was the start of the school year, Sam was eating lunch in the cafeteria with Y/N while the members of the cheer squad Y/N with in were giggling and pointing at their table.
"You can go sit with your friends you know, y/n" Sam sighed, stabbing his unappetizing meatloaf with his fork. His head bowed.
"I am, now shut up and eat your fake meat" Y/N rolled her eyes, tightening her ponytail.
Sam's eyes glanced down at her orange and black uniform, a playful smirk on his face. "I still can't believe you joined the cheer squad" He snorted.
"Hey, don't judge me dipshit, it's fun. It's why I've been telling your giant ass to join the football team" Y/N huffed in mock offense, tossing a croton at her best-friend.
"Oh hell no crackhead, you couldn't pay me enough to play football" Sam laughed, dodging the flying food. 
"Why? You have the shoulders for it" Y/N teased, raising her brow. "And I have the brains for Stanford, not for football" Sam shot back, sticking out his tongue.
Y/N threw her head back laughing at this, "Alright college boy" She snickered, "So, Stanford. You made up your mind on it?" She asked with a small smile, her eyes flickered over to her cheerleader "friends" who were staring at them intently.
Y/N noticed Stella Luther, captain of the squad, eyes were trained directly at her with a smirk.
Sam noticed Y/N tense and look past him, a slight frown on his face. He looked over his shoulder, seeing the bitchy look on Stella's face. Stella was the worst. He let out an annoyed sigh, turning back to Y/N. "Yeah, my application is all sent in, just waiting to hear back from 'em".
"I'm sure you'll get in, Sammy. And I'm also sure you gave them the best essay your big brain could muster up" She said encouragingly. "Ha, ha" Sam retorted sarcastically. "Seriously, you think I stand a chance?"
He honestly didn't know how much of a chance he had at getting into Stanford. He just wanted to get away from hunting. Away from the life his dad so desperately wanted for him.
John and F/N were on his ass constantly for ditching hunts. For not wanting to be in this life.
He was tired.
Y/N on the other hand didn't mind it, having gotten used to the life but that doesn't mean she didn't have a hard time with her old man.
"Hey babe" A voice behind Y/N quipped up, making her jump. "Xander" She breathed out relieved when her boyfriend, Alexander, laid a kiss on her cheek, sitting next to her before giving Sam a bro-fist bump.
"Sup man" Sam returned the fistbump with a nod.
He was fine with Xander, having been around him the most. He was a nice guy, smart and sweet, not a douche like the other football players.
Sam watched as Xander slung his arm over Y/N's shoulders. A small smile spreading in his face, happy to see his bestfriend had gotten someone who seemed to truly care for her.
Part of Sam wished Y/N would stay with Alexander and decide to settle down in the apple pie life but he knew she didn't want that ... .with Alex at least.
"So, what're you two ladies gossiping about over here," Xander asked, wrapping his arm tighter around a smiling Y/N. Sam chuckled, rolling his eyes. "We're just talking about the fact that Y/N is in the cheer squad"
Y/N tossed another crouton at Sam's head, "Stop shitting on my fun"
"Cheer's a lot of fun," Alexander said, "And my girl looks hot in the uniform"
Sam almost threw up in his mouth. He'd rather not think about Y/N in the tight, short skirt.
"You look smokin' in that thing" Xander winked. "Oh shut it" Y/N blushed, pushing at Xander's shoulder. Sam suddenly became very interested in his cold meatloaf. "So, how was practice?" Y/N asked her boyfriend, sipping her chocolate milk.
"Oh," Xander let out an exhausted huff. "The coach laid down the law, apparently some guys have been slacking off during scrimmage's and he's not pleased about it. We're apparently going to be doing drills and conditioning all week. The coach won't let me up until I'm puking my guts out"
"Oh, poor baby. It must be so hard to jog around in the hot sun" Y/N said with mock pity in her voice, patting her poor boyfriend's cheek.
"Hey, it's not just jogging, babe. It's tackling and throwing balls at each other in this hot ass weather" Xander complained.
"I know sweetie, I'm just pulling your leg. Why don't you come over today after practice? My dad and Sam's dad won't be back from hu-...work until tomorrow" Y/N suggested, almost saying the word 'hunt'. Internally cursing at herself for the slip up.
Xander's face lit up at the invitation. "Really?" He asked hopefully, pulling Y/N closer to him. Sam had to keep from rolling his eyes, not having to listen to a full night of their nauseating lovey dovey crap.
"Sam, you think Dean's gonna yap to our dads?" Y/N turned to her best friend. "You have nothing to worry about" Sam assured her, waving his hand in a dismissive motion, "Dean isn't that much of a tattle tale".
"I don't know...he didn't sit on the porch with a baseball bat on our first date" Alexander said warily, grimacing at the memory. "That's cause he's an overly protective pain in my ass" Y/N muttered, shoving another crouton into her mouth angrily.
Sam chuckled at her annoyance with his brother. He had a fair mind that Dean and Y/N had crushes on each other but would never in a million years act on it.
"I won't be at my Uncle Bobby's though. I'll be here..." Y/N told Xander, writing down the address to their house in Lake Preston, not too far from Sioux Falls.
A presence behind Y/N becomes known when the sound of a throat clearing is welcomed into their ears as she handed Xander the paper.
They turned around to see none other than Stella.
The captain of the cheer squad stood behind them all, one hand on her hip cocked to the side, the other occupied by a carton of chocolate milk.
Stella Luther was definitely a looker, her long, golden hair always seemed perfectly curled and her emerald eyes sparkled with arrogance. She seemed to have something against Y/N, always glaring at the younger girl.
"Hi, Alex" Stella said to Y/N's boyfriend in an overly-exaggerated high pitched tone. But the footballer looked uninterested.
"Yeah, hey" Xander returned her greeting with a dismissive tone.
It was no secret that Stella had been trying to woo him away from Y/N with subtle flirting and a show of a bit of skin. He just chose to ignore her advances.
Sam had to chuckle at the annoyed look on Y/N's face as she narrowed her eyes at Stella's overly done up form.
Stella didn't look happy that he didn't swoon at her greeting. Her eyes left the teen and settled on Y/N.
"I don't understand why you two are sitting at the losers table" Stella scoffed, nodding her head towards Sam with a nasty glare.
Stella turned her gaze from Y/n to Sam, a sly smirk plastered on her face. Sam mentally groaned knowing what was coming when he say Y/N's jaw clench and her nostrils flare.
She turned around in the circular table, tossing her legs over to face the bitch. Ready to maul her for insulting Sam. "Excuse me?" Y/N bit out, her face heated.
Oh, boy. Sam pinched the bridge of his nose. This was getting interesting and all eyes were now locked in them, waiting to see what was going to happen.
"What, just because you captain our team you think you can walk over everyone? Jesus, sister. You've been watching too much chick flicks" Y/N defended, standing up to get in Stella's face.
Stella put her arms on her hips and gave Y/N a condescending look, towering over her with her 5"7 stature.
"I'm the captain because I'm the best. And I'm not being cocky when I say that, if you were any good, you'd be the captain" Stella smirked.
Stella and Y/N were nose to nose, both girls were fuming with anger. Xander and Sam were tensed up. Xander was ready to hold his girlfriend back if she tried to get a swing in.
"Oh sweetie, if being captain meant I had to be like your perky ass. I would gladly join the chess club!" Y/N practically shouted as Stella gripped her chocolate milk in her hand.
Her eyes flickered over to Y/N's black leather jacket she had sat next to her on the bench.
"You may have made the squad. and god himself alone knows how" Stella chuckled darkly. "But at least I'm not some goth reject with daddy issues who's trying to play cheerleader" Stella snapped back, tossing her head as she sneered at Y/N.
Yup, Y/N was definitely gonna go for a swing. Xander was quick to wrap his arm around Y/N's middle. Blocking her path to Stella.
Stella cackled manically at this, an idea flashing in her head, she looked at the milk in her hand and back to Y/N's leather jacket. A smirk rising on her face.
"Don't. You. Dare" Y/N gritted out, trying to tug out of Xander's grip. Not liking the look on Stella's face at all. But the warning came too late, Stella had already poured the liquid on the leather. A cruel smirk on her face. "Oops" Stella said faux innocently, sticking out her bottom lip in a mock pout.
"You DEAD BITCH!!" Y/N immediately broke out of Xander's grip, leaving him surprised because he was much bigger and stronger. The adrenaline pumping through her veins at the sight of her jacket getting drenched with the chocolate milk.
She pounced on Stella in seconds, putting all of her mere strength into the way her fist connected with her jaw, repeatedly. Her knuckles bruised with each punch before gripping Stella by her hair and slamming it into the floor.
Xander's eyes widened in shock when Y/N slipped out of his grip. He was frozen like the other students watching the beat down about to happen.
Sam's eyes were just as shocked as Xander's, he watched as Y/N attacked the older girl. He should be stopping this but Stella totally deserved it.
"Y/N, stop!" Xander shouted, watching his once sweet girlfriend turn into a raging monster. He attempted to tear her from Stella's grip but her fingers her tangled in the bleach blonde locks of her head.
Stella's once perfectly done up face was now covered in blood and swelling. It was a wonder she was conscious after all the blows that had been dealt to it. The captain's nose was definitely broken, blood gushing from both nostrils, her caked makeup smeared from all the blood and tears running down her face.
Xander and Sam were desperately trying to get Y/N off of the barely conscious Stella. Xander was trying his hardest to pull at Y/N while Sam attempted to pry her hands from the girl's blood soaked hair. It was like she was in a trance, fueled by anger and adrenaline.
Not only did she destroy her perfectly good and expensive jacket, but she was insulting Sammy. Causing the rage in her to snap. "Goddamn it!" Sam gasped out as he tugged at her wrists in vain, "Y/N, stop! You're gonna get expelled, maybe even arrested for this!"
Xander finally decided to get physical this time with all his strength he could muster up. Throwing his arms around her waist with the help of Sam, they pulled her away from the bloody mess that was once the captain.
She was still struggling against their holds, practically foaming at the mouth at this point. They finally gripped the angered teen girl, both boys holding her tightly with all their might as Y/N kicked and screamed.
"LET ME GO! I'M NOT FINISHED WITH HER ASS!" Y/N shrieked, kicking and screaming against the two boys' hold on her.
The cafeteria was in a state of shock, watching as Y/N nearly went feral on one of the most popular girls in school.
"Y/N!" Sam all but yelled at her, "Snap out of it, you're not gonna get yourself arrested for this! She's not worth it!" He hated seeing her like this. Usually, she is so controlled and gentle. But right now all he is seeing is a beast, ready to kill.
Y/N felt like she was losing her mind. The adrenaline was fueling her rampage while Xander and Sam, who she would normally listen to were the devil's advocates.
"She ruined my. FUCKING. JACKET! And she deserves worse for all the shit she's said to you!" Y/N snapped at her best friend, thrashing in their hold on her.
"It's just a jacket!" Sam yelled back at her, just trying to get through to her but she wasn't listening, "She's not worth getting expelled over!"
"I'm not going to have you go to jail because you decided to assault another student, Y/N!" Sam said firmly, pushing down the anger in his chest.
He loved his best friend with all his heart but there was no way in hell was he going to let her end up in some jail cell because of a stupid high school girl.
Xander had never seen Y/N like this before, she scared him. Her eyes were blazing, teeth gnashed. She was like an animal.
"Baby, please. I'm begging. Relax!!" Xander begged, gripping onto his feral girlfriend. Hearing her boyfriend's pleading tone seemed to slow her down a bit. His worried tone caused a pang of guilt to shoot through her.
She was breathing heavily through her nose like she had just run a hundred miles. Her body was still shaking in anger.
Looking around at the aftermath she had done, all the stares and the blood on her hands. Y/N finally seemed to come back down to reality, realization dawning on her.
"What's going on here?!" The principal's voice boomed in the cafeteria, weeding his way through the dozens of students who were surrounding them, taking pictures and recording with the cameras and camcorders.
The principal marched through the crowd, a horrified look on his face at the sight before him. The captain of the cheer squad laid on the ground, bloodied and bruised while the school's sweetheart seemed to be held back by two football players.
"Well I never-" the Principal sputtered out, staring at the scene before him.
"Principal Adams. S-she started it. She jumped me because I accidentally knocked chocolate milk on her jacket" Stella lied through her bloodied teeth, pointing an accusing finger at Y/N.
Causing the teenage hunter to rile up once again.
Y/N saw red once again, straining against Sam and Xander's restraint.
"Are you serious!?" Y/N shouted at her, "That's an outright lie!" Y/N roared, struggling against the boys' grip, "She's been picking on Sam all year and she ruined my jacket!"
"I should have done more to you, you lying ska-!"
Xander quickly slapped his hand over his girlfriends mouth, stopping her from saying the words she was about to spit at the older girl.
The Principal stared at Y/N with shock written on his face. The student who was nothing but kind and respectful to both teachers and other students. He never would have expected her to do something like this.
He turned his attention to Stella, the girl also had a good record. Never getting in trouble with any one before.
"Is this true?" Principal Adams asked her, glancing between the two girls.
"Yes, principal" Stella lied through her teeth, making herself look as pitiful as she can.
Y/N's muffled screams roared through Xander's hand covering her mouth, attempted to rip away from their grips but Sam knew better and tugged the girl back.
"All due respect sir, she's lying!" Sam practically shouted at the principal. The principal held up a hand signaling for him to be quiet.
His eyes flicked between the four students standing before him, a frustrated look on his face. The whole scene was like some messed up high school drama.
Xander and Sam were still restraining Y/N, keeping her arms held with a vice like grip. Sam's grip tightening on her arms to keep her from struggling.
The Principal pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "I don't know which one of you is actually telling the truth..." Stella looked smug, thinking she was about to get off scot-free once again while Y/N looked incensed and Sam and Xander held a look of disbelief on their faces.
"My office, all of you. NOW!" Principal Adam's barked at them. "You two" Adam's pointed to the two boys from Xander's team who were helping Stella up. "Take her to the nurses, but after she's patched up and taken care of. Bring her to me" He ordered the footballers before marching to his office.
"Yes, sir!" The two football players said in unison, both of them grabbing the captain, throwing Stella's arms over their shoulders and practically carrying the wounded girl towards the nurses office. One of them threw Y/N a dirty look as they started escorting the blonde to the nurses' office.
"Eat shit, Carter!!" Y/N growled at the boy shooting her a dirty look. Carter, the tall and muscular boy whipped his head around and gave Y/N a scowl. He would love to give the feisty girl a taste of her own medicine.
"I hope they throw your ass behind bars where you belong" he retorted back at her. Carter sneered at her. "I've never got what Alex sees in you anyways. The chick's crazy" he snapped at her before continuing his escort of the wounded girl.
Xander shot him a warning glare, "Why don't you do what she said, dickhead!" Xander roared as him and Sam escorted Y/N to the principal's office.
Y/N attempted to lunge at Carter as they walked past her, spitting profanities and threats to the boys as Xander and Sam dragged her and held her by the arms to the office, if they let her go. She would've gotten her ass handed to her by the team.
"God, please shut up!" Xander pleaded. This was definitely going to be a long day.
They finally made it into the principal's office. After he had shut his door. The principal gestured for the four teens to sit down as he took his place at his desk, looking very tired. Sam and Xander sat at the ends while Stella sat next to y/n, holding an ice pack over her nose, dramatically sobbing.
Though, her sobbing might be real with the damage y/n had done to her face.
The principal looked between the four students before he leaned back in his chair, "I'm going to listen to each one of your accounts. One at a time." he said, staring directly at Y/N. "You," He said, gesturing at Y/N "First."
"I was eating lunch with Sam and Xander when out of nowhere this ska-" Y/N bit back her words, realizing she was not only slut shaming another girl. Another annoying girl.
But she was also contradicting herself. She took a deep breath. "Stella" She gritted her teeth. "Came up to our table and started throwing insults at us unprovoked. Then when I stood up for us" She gestured between Sam and herself.
"She dumped chocolate milk on my very expensive and sentimental leather jacket" Y/N finished her explanation of her side of the story.
The principal nodded thoughtfully as he listened to Y/N's story. He took note that it had been Stella who had provoked them both.
He looked at Stella, "Now I want you to tell me your side of the story, Ms. Luther." he said to the girl, staring intently at her.
Stella slowly reached up to remove the ice pack from her face. Her nose was red and swollen. Her eyes were watering as she looked at the principal, "Y/N has had it out for me for a long time." Stella began, her eyes flickering to the girl next to her.
Y/N brows furrowed at this in disbelief because it was quite the opposite and the other way around, she crossed her arms over her chest as she listed to the made up story.
Stella continued, her crocodile tears falling from her face, "She's always been jealous of me because of my popularity. And for some reason she hates that Xander is my boyfriend." She said gesturing at the football player who sat stiffly in his chair.
"No, he's my boyfriend you desperate homewrecking b-!" Y/N roared once again but Xander, again, slapped the palm of his hand over her mouth.
The Principal held up a hand at Y/N once again and she stopped speaking when he gave her a warning glare as he turned his attention back to Stella.
"Let her finish Ms. L/N" He scolded her before his eyes returned to Stella, "You may continue, Ms. Luther." He said, gesturing for her to finish. Stella gave the seething Y/N a smug look before she continued her story. "Like I said" she said, returning her attention to the Principal.
"Y/N has been jealous of me since the beginning of the year. She's just been looking for a way to snap on me, and today she just so happened to get her wish." A look of confusion flashed across the principal's face, before he looked warily Y/N while she seethed. The look in her eyes made him uneasy.
Like she was a caged animal ready to jump.
The principal turned his attention to Xander, "Mr. Thompson, I'd like to hear your side of the story." He said, turning his gaze towards the football player. Xander shifted in his seat, the look of disbelief still on his face. He was in total awe that Stella thought the principal would believe her bullshit story.
"It's exactly like Y/N said, sir. She was picking on us at the table, just trying to be some bully." The principal looked at Xander for a few moments, before he turned to look at Sam.
"Mr. Winchester, I want to hear your side of the story" He said, staring at the boy. Sam's eyes darted up from his desk, swallowing nervously. He was a straight A student so being called up to the principal's office was definitely out of the norm.
Sam shifted in his seat and shot Stella a glare before he began his account of the story. "Well," He started, the words catching in his throat. "They're telling the truth. She was picking on us."
"Stella has been picking on me for most of the school year because I keep turning her friends down when they ask me out." He said, looking at her. "She didn't like that I was rejecting so she's been trying to humiliate me."
He put up a finger before adding, "And, she's always had it out for y/n. Constantly to get into Alex's pants and steal him away from her"
A look of shock flashed across the principal's face once again. He never would have expected that, especially from a girl like Stella. "I've called all your parents" Principal Adam's informed them.
This made Sam and Y/N's eyes bulge out of their sockets. "WHAT?!" They both exclaimed in unison, terrified at the wrath they gonna face with their fathers already.
They're supposed to keep a low profile but Y/N's tussle with the cheerleading captain is gonna make steam come barreling out of their ears.
Both Sam and Y/N tried to calm their rapid breathing, imagining the ass whooping they would receive when they got home.
The principal let out a sigh and leaned back into his chair. He pinched the bridge of his nose while he rubbed his temples, he was getting a headache. "Winchester, Thompson. You two may leave" Adam's pointed to the door.
Xander and Sam shared a look, both confused why they were being dismissed. They turned to look at the principal then to Y/N.
"Um... what?" Xander asked. Both boys were looking at the principal dumbfounded. The principal pinched the bridge of his nose, "Just leave the room. This discussion is between Ms. L/N and Ms. Thompson" he told them, gesturing towards the door.
"Oh, okay." Xander said, pushing himself from his chair alongside Sam. Sam's eyes met Y/N's, a look of concern on the boys face. She gave him a nod of reassurance but Y/N looked frightened, sitting alone with the principal and Stella.
Xander and Sam nodded to the principal before they left the office, shutting the door behind them. Leaving Y/N alone with the principal and Stella.
Stella looked at Y/N from her chair, a smug look on her face. Y/N felt like spitting in her face.
The door opened again a couple of seconds later and in walked Stella's mother who let out a dramatic gasp upon seeing her daughters bruised face. Her father walking in with a stern yet uninterested expression.
"Oh my God!" Stella's mother exclaimed dramatically rushing over to her daughter, crouching down beside her chair and examining the damage done to her face. Y/N rolled her eyes at how much Stella's mom sounded like her.
Stella's father just stood there and observed the scene quietly. A look of irritation on his face, and his eyes kept flickering over to Y/N.
The principal sighed before looking at the two adults, "Please, take a seat" he gestured to the other chairs in front of his desk.
Both parents sit down next to their daughter, Stella's mother still fussing over her daughters face while her father watched Y/N intently.
Both cheerleaders leaned back into their seats, Stella resting the ice pack on her nose again while Y/N sat with her arms crossed. Not nearly as bruised as Stella who got one or two hits in, but it was nothing compared to what Y/N got on her.
Principal Adam's cleared his throat to get everyone's attention. He opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by Mrs. Luther's screeching voice.
"This student assaulted our daughter because she's jealous!" Mrs. Luther exclaimed, pointing an accusing finger at Y/N. "Your daughter is an attention seeking whore! Maybe you should tell her to don't fuck with other peoples things or family!" Y/N shot up from her seat.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther's jaws dropped upon hearing the language used. They couldn't believe the vile words coming from the mouth of a 17 year old girl.
Meanwhile Stella looked like she was going to explode with anger. "All due respect, Mr. Adams. You wanna expel me sir? You ahead! Because I am done dealing with the bullshit Stella puts me through on a daily! She acts like she's in some kind of chick flick! It's beyond ridiculous!"
"How dare you!" Stella exclaimed, shooting to her feet but was shoved back down in the chair by her father's huge hand.
The principal leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. He did not understand how a simple squabble between two students became this messed up. He rubbed his temples and sighed, "Please, let me speak" he said, looking up at Y/N.
"I should have you arrested!" Stella's mom piped up. "Oh my God" The principal mumbled to himself, trying to fight back the headache that was starting to build up in the back of his head.
"Mrs. Luther please," The principal said with a stern voice "If you don't let me speak, you can leave." he said, shooting her a warning look.
Stella's mother looked affronted that she was reprimanded by the school's principal, but fell quiet.
"No one is getting arrested, ma'am" he said, his eyes flickering up to Stella's mother, "And Ms. L/N, please sit down" Principal Adam's said, gesturing to her seat.
Y/N huffed angrily and sat back down in her seat.
"This is the third time this month I've had this pair in my office!" He told the two parents, "This is turning into a big headache and I'm tired of it"
Mrs. Luther was busy coddling her daughter and Stella's father was busy staring a hole into Y/N's skull.The principal was growing frustrated with the situation. The parents and the two girls didn't make it any easier.
The tension filling the office was thick, and there was an uncomfortable atmosphere and silence until Principal Adam's started to speak again. "I just don't understand why you two don't get along. You're both very popular, and both have a lot of friends."
Stella's face twisted into a smirk. As if the answer was obvious. But before she could even speak up with an explanation, Y/N's own voice cut through.
"Well," Y/N chuckled darkly, "Maybe it's because she's a raging brat." Stella opened her mouth once again to respond but her father shot her a glare which made her close her mouth.
Principal Adam's shook his head, "Well, whatever the reason is for your constant fighting, I'd like it to end... for good." he said sternly.
He looked at both girls, "I've already taken the liberty of informing your parents about this little... 'incident'."
"I got onto your father but he said he won't be home from his business trip until tomorrow so he's sent your guardian Dean Winchester to pick you up" Adams informed Y/N.
"He's not my guardian" Y/N grumbled, more worried about the fact that she's gonna have to face her father tomorrow.
The principal shot Y/N a disapproving look upon hearing her grumble. He did not like the defiant tone in the girl's voice.
“Nevertheless, he is on his way.” The older man said. “And I have a feeling he is not exactly happy.”
Y/N chuckled darkly again, "Oh, you'd be surprised" She quipped, knowing that once she explained the situation to Dean, he'd probably be twice as pissed and proud of whooping the girl's ass.
The principal raised his eyebrows at her comment but chose to ignore it.
Suddenly, the office door slammed open, revealing Dean Winchester standing in the doorway.
He was wearing his usual attire, jeans, work boots, plaid shirt and his brown leather jacket paired a grumpy look on his face. His face darkened when he saw the two girls.
Stella's parents scoffed upon seeing the elder Winchester. Stella's father muttered something under his breath. Something along the lines of "That's her guardian?" In a judgmental tone, making Y/N shoot daggers at him, her jaw clenching because Dean was just her friend.
The principal stood from his chair and smiled politely at Dean as he said, "Mr. Winchester. Thank you for coming so quickly." Dean grunted in response. He didn't return the school's principal's polite smile. The look on his face was anything but friendly.
He looked at the two girls in the chairs. His heart sunk when he saw that Y/N had a bruise forming on her cheek, and her lip was bleeding slightly. Seeing that she had gotten into a fight set off some internal rage inside the elder Winchester.
Dean grunted in response. He didn't return the school's principal's polite smile. The look on his face was anything but friendly.
He looked at the two girls in the chairs. His heart sunk when he saw that Y/N had a bruise forming on her cheek, and her lip was bleeding slightly. Seeing that she had gotten into a fight set off some internal rage inside the elder Winchester.
But when his gaze adverted to Stella, his eyes widened with the damage she had done. Not surprised by the damage but more at the fact that Y/N had gotten that angry to do that to Stella.
That girl must've pushed the wrong buttons this time. Dean thought to himself because Y/N would always rant to him about her crappy encounters with the cheer captain.
The principal cleared his throat, gesturing for Dean to have a seat, "Please take a seat, Mr. Winchester," he said.
Dean ripped his gaze away from the two girls and sat down in the chair next to Y/N, slouching down in his seat and crossing his legs and arms as he waited for the principal to speak.
The principal sat back down into his chair and sighed. It was always a hassle dealing with teenagers.
He looked at Dean, "I'll start with you, Mr. Winchester. I have good news and bad news." he said, his eyes flickering to Y/N for a few seconds.
Dean raised an eyebrow, "Good news?" He said, his tone of voice sarcastic. The principal didn't miss the sarcastic tone, but he chose to ignore it. Dealing with teenagers was never easy. Especially ones who knew no manners.
"Yes, good news. Ms. Luther here was the instigator" The principal said, gesturing towards Stella who looked offended that he was pinning the blame on her.
"Excuse me!" Stella's mother exclaimed, standing from her chair. "Stella was just the victim! That girl assaulted her for no reason."
"Yeah because I'd so wanna attack Baywatch and get expelled for NO REASON!" Y/N quipped sarcastically. Stella's parents scowled at Y/N for her response, meanwhile Dean was biting his tongue to keep from chuckling.
That's my girl. He thought to himself.
Mr. Adams shot Y/N a disapproving look, not at all amused with her smart mouth, and then looked at Stella's parents.
"If you'd please sit down" he said gesturing to them. They both sat down, their faces now red with anger at Y/N.
The older man cleared his throat. "As I was saying. Ms. Luther was the instigator..."
"...And Ms. L/N was the one who responded with violence." He finished his sentence.
Dean didn't move a muscle or say anything while he listened to the principal's words.
Stella huffed angrily and sat back in her chair, but her mother was not at all happy with the way the principal pinned the blame on her daughter.
"And her parents would like to press charges" Adams added. A look of annoyance flashed across Dean's face upon hearing that.
He sat up straighter in his chair, his voice gruff as he spoke, "Press charges for what? The girl's got a busted lip and a bruised cheek. That she damn well deserved?" Dean scoffed.
Stella's parents were outraged hearing this, hearing Dean speak like that in front of a school official. "Exactly" Mrs. Luther exclaimed. "Our daughter was attacked! She deserves compensation!"
"Sure, why don't you send me a bill for her nose job repair! Wouldn't want to botch a perfectly good rhinoplasty" Y/N growled, the anger making her tongue grow more loose.
Dean clenched his jaw, his grip on the arms of the chair turned tighter, trying his best to prevent himself from laughing out loud.
It was getting harder and harder for Dean to hold back his smirk at the girl's snarky responses. The sarcasm flowing from her mouth was the icing on the cake.
Meanwhile Stella's parents looked like they were about to explode, their faces turning red with anger. The principal took a deep breath to calm himself down. Dealing with teenagers was truly a hassle. Especially ones with mouthy attitudes.
"Please, lets keep this civil" Principal Adams said as he looked at Y/N, trying to get her to stop with the smartass comments. Principal Adams raised his hand to stop Y/N before she said anything else that could make the parents of the bruised girl react in an even more hostile manner.
"There will be no need for compensation" he assured them. "The school will take responsibility for this situation." Mr. and Mrs. Luther looked relieved hearing that, their anger subsided from the words of the schools principal.
Dean looked surprised, he wasn't expecting that at all. He expected the principal to take Stella's parents' side, since this school was known to do anything to protect their reputation.
"Now for the bad news." Principal Adams continued. The two parents gave him a quizzical look. "Since this is the third time this month that Ms. L/N and Ms. Luther have gotten into a fight, both of them will be suspended for a week."
Stella's parents looked satisfied upon hearing the part about Y/N being suspended. But they were clearly against the idea of their daughter being suspended.
"A WEEK?!" They exclaimed simultaneously. "Can't you at least reduce the time?" Mrs. Luther asked with pleading eyes. "Unfortunately, no." Principal Adams said. "The school has a zero-tolerance policy regarding school fights. If either one of them gets into another fight, I will be forced to expel both of them."
The principal's tone was firm, leaving no room for argument.
Stella's parents' faces fell upon hearing the principal. They looked like they were going to say something else, but Dean's voice cut through the room instead.
"Alright, good," Dean said in a somewhat sarcastic tone. The way he said it told the principal that he was eager to get his friend and get the hell out of that place.
Principal Adams nodded at the elder Winchester, not liking the sarcastic tone he had used. "Is that all?" Dean asked. "Actually, Mr. Winchester, there's one more thing" The older man said while reaching for something on his desk.
Dean raised his eyebrows but remained quiet and waited for him to continue. The principal picked up a slip of paper from his desk and placed it on the desk, pushing it over to Dean.
"I'm sure you're familiar with the mandatory sign out sheet in case of suspension" Principal Adams said."Oh lord" Y/N groaned, sinking into her seat.
"Calm down, princess" Dean muttered to her before turning the principal, taking the sheet from his hands. The corner of Dean's mouth tugged up into a smirk as he reached out to grab the form.
"Yeah, I'm very familiar" he joked. Dean grabbed a pen from the principal's desk and scrawled his signature on the line at the bottom of the paper. The signature looked sloppy but the principal didn't say anything about it.
Dean handed the pen back to the principal and handed him the signed paper, "All set" he said as he shifted back into his chair, getting ready to leave. "Let's go, sweetheart" He grabbed Y/N gently by her wrist before escorting her out of the office.
Stella's parents looked relieved to see the two leave the office, while Stella still seemed upset and frustrated.
Principal Adams watched as the pair left the room. He had been principal at this school for over 20 years but the antics of the elder Winchester and Y/N L/N were the one thing that made his head hurt.
Sam was slouched on a chair outside the principals office, twiddling his thumbs nervously as he waited on Dean and Y/N to leave the office.
After what seemed like an eternity, the door to the office opened and out walked Dean, his hand gently wrapped around Y/N's wrist.
Sam immediately shot up from his seat and rushed towards them. "Are you suspended?" Sam asked worriedly.
"Yeah" Y/N responded with an irritated tone. Sam looked worried and looked over at Dean, who was still holding Y/N's wrist. "For how long?" He asked.
"A damn week" Y/N grumbled.
Dean glanced down at her, his eyes flickering from her face to the bruise on her cheek. "Lucky it wasn't longer" he said, his tone serious.
"Don't you give me that tone, Winchester" She snapped, "You know fellas know damn well the bitch was begging for it" Sam's eyes widen with shock while Dean simply chuckled. Y/N's ability to mouth off never failed to amuse him.
"Can we just go home? I think I just lost my boyfriend and daddy is gonna kill me" She slumped her shoulders, tears welling up in her eyes as the situation settled in.
Xander had seen her in a bad state and her father is gonna have her in an even worse state when he comes back from his hunt.
Sam and Dean shared a worried look as they watched Y/N's shoulders slump and her eyes start to tear up.
"Yeah, sure." Dean assured her before guiding her out to the parking lot, his hand still on her wrist. Dean made his way towards his Impala, carrying Y/N's backpack after taking it from Sam as Y/N strolled over to her Harley.
"Absolutely not," Dean called as he watched Y/N make her way towards her motorbike. "I'm not letting you get on that thing after you got into a fight" he said firmly.
"What the fuck? Who are you? My father?" She exclaimed. "And why not?! I'm not gonna run myself off the road. I care about Quinn more than I care about me. I'm not putting her through that" She rambled defensively, snatching her helmet up.
Dean raised an eyebrow at her reaction, his eyes flickering between her and the motorbike.
"I don't care, princess" he said firmly, placing a hand on her arm, trying to hold her in place. "I'm not letting you get on that thing. You're coming with me, in Baby." he pointed his thumb to his precious Impala.
"I'm not leaving Quinn here!" She snapped, standing her ground and Dean knew better than to argue. "So tuck your balls in between your legs and get in Baby" She growled before throwing one leg over her bike.
Making sure to cover between her legs that her sorta exposed due to her cheer skirt, snapping her helmet on.
Sam stood there dumbfounded, his eyes darting between Y/N's and Dean's, silently watching the scene unfold before him.
Dean, on the other hand, was not happy about her reaction. He clenched his jaw, his face hardening as he stared at Y/N, who had her leg thrown over her Harley.
Despite the stern look on his face, he knew that she was a stubborn girl and there was no way he was going to win this argument.
Dean rolled his eyes in defeat before grabbing her little brother, who was towering over him at this point, nudging him towards Baby and Y/N sped off. Heading back home, the Impala following shortly behind.
Sam followed his brother and Y/N, his eyes wide as he watched her speed away.
He knew better than to question the interaction between his brother and Y/N. The two had a unique dynamic and he knew that they cared deeply for one another, even if they didn't want to admit it.
Lake Preston, South Dakota
•The Next Day
The sound of arguing could be heard from the kitchen, Y/N's voice raised in anger as the volume of the argument increased. The Winchester boys could hear every word that was said from where they sat in the living room.
"I can't believe you embarrassed me like that!" Mr. Y/L/N yelled angrily, his voice echoing through the house.
Y/N stood in front of him, her hands on her hips and her chin held high. "Embarrassed you? I was defending myself!"
"We're supposed to keep a low profile Y/N! You could get our asses tossed in jail!"
"The bitch was looking for it! She's been on my ass AND Sammy's since we started going there!" Y/N screamed at her father, defending her actions.
"I even joined the fucking squad to attempt to be friends with her but it's like she took that as a 'Hi, My name is Y/N and I want you to fuck with me until I snap' SIGN ON MY BACK!"
Mr. L/N's face looked angry now. "I don't care! You should have just ignored her! We are under a lot of heat right now and you decide to get in a fight!"
"Don't you think I know that?! I've been taking it and taking it for well over a damn year and then she dumps chocolate milk on the leather jacket you bought me! Can you blame?!"
F/N's expression softened slightly upon hearing Y/N's words. He knew that his daughter cared a lot about the leather jacket he got her, it was her favorite.
"I get that you're pissed about the jacket but that didn't give you the right to punch her in the face, Y/N" he said sternly.
"She was picking on Sammy too!"
F/N's eyebrows furrowed upon hearing her words. He was aware that Sam was bullied a lot by Stella's friends.
"That still doesn't give you the right to throw the first punch, Y/N" he said firmly. "Oh, but it gives her the right to be a fucking bitch?! I had enough, daddy. I'm sorry I snapped but she got in my last nerve yesterday"
F/N's jaw tightened as he listened to his daughter's words. He understood her frustration but also knew that her actions had consequences.
"I get it, baby. But fighting isn't the answer. You should've just walked away and let me handle it." he said, his tone firm but gentle.
Y/N went to answer but a knocking at the door caused them all to shoot up. John and F/N instantly cocked their guns at the door as Sam and Dean scrambled over to Y/N. All five hunters alert.
The sound of the knocking at the door caused the tension in the room to rise. John and F/N instantly pulled out their guns, ready to defend themselves and the others in the house. Sam and Dean moved closer to Y/N in a protective manner, their eyes fixed on the front door.
F/N's grip on his gun was tight, his knuckles turning white. "Stay behind me" he said as he started slowly moving towards the door.
He pushed the curtains aside to see cops at the door, his eyes widening. "Jesus Christ" he muttered under his breath before turning to the others. "It's the damn cops." he whispered.
Sam and Dean both tensed even more upon hearing F/N's words, their eyes darting between the cops and F/N. Y/N's eyes widened in disbelief.
"The hell are they doing here?" she hissed.
"What do you want?" F/N hissed as he looked through the peephole. "Police. Open up, Mr. L/N. We have an arrest warrant for your daughter, Ms. Y/N L/N" One cop said.
F/N's eyes widened in shock upon hearing the cop's words. His grip on his gun tightened, his knuckles turning white.
Sam and Dean stood close behind him, their faces etched with worry. Y/N, on the other hand, stood there in disbelief, her eyes widened in shock and confusion.
"What the hell?!" F/N exclaimed, "On what damn charges do you have an arrest warrant for?"
The cop outside the door responded, "Assault and battery."
F/N's eyes narrowed, anger and disbelief flashing in his eyes. "So you're telling me that you're here to arrest my own daughter because she hit someone?" he asked, his voice laced with anger.
"That's correct, sir," the cop responded, his voice unapologetic.
F/N's jaw tightened as he listened to the cop's response. He looked over at Y/N, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger, frustration, and worry.
"Just open the door" Y/N sighed, "And put your guns away" She whispered. F/N didn't want to open the door and let the cops in but he knew his daughter was right. He nodded in agreement before putting his gun away, tucking it into his belt along with John.
Dean and Sam both gave Y/N a worried look, but followed her father's lead and put away their own weapons.
F/N took a deep breath before unlocking the door and slowly opening it, revealing the cops on the other side.
The cops stepped into the house, their eyes quickly darting around the room, taking note of the others in the room.
The main cop, a stocky man with a stern look on his face, spoke up, "Ms. Y/N L/N, you are under arrest for assault and battery of Stella Luther."
"Tell me something I don't know" She spat as they grappled her wrist roughly, turning her around and pressing the teenage girl against the wall as if she's a hardback criminal.
The sight of the cops grabbing Y/N roughly and slamming her against the wall sent a jolt of anger through F/N, John, Dean, and Sam. F/N's fists clenched at his sides, his jaw tightening in anger.
"Hey!" Dean exclaimed, "There's no need to be so rough with her. She's just a damn teenage girl." Dean yelled protectively as they read Y/N her rights.
"Shut it, boy" The main cop barked back at Dean before continuing on with reading Y/N her rights.
F/N's eyes narrowed, his body tensing in anger as the cop spoke to Dean that way. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down at the sight of his baby being handled like a criminal. His heart aching in his chest.
"Is roughing her up necessary?" John asked icily. "She's a kid for crying out loud!"
The main cop looked over at John and F/N, his expression cold. "She was rough with another kid, so we're being rough with her" he said, his tone dismissive.
The other cops, who had Y/N pinned against the wall, tightened their grip on her arms. Y/N winced in pain, her face pressed hard against the wall.
"I'll have you know, I like it rough" Y/N sassed back. "So all you're doing is further turning me on, officer!" She grunted through gritted teeth. Yes she was aware of the fact that her father was behind her, but she couldn't care less at this point.
Dean and Sam both stifled a laugh, trying to hold back their grins. John shook his head in disbelief, surprisingly trying to hide a small smile at Y/N's sass. It kinda reminded him of her mother when she first introduced him to Mary.
F/N, on the other hand, shot Y/N a glare before turning back to the cops. "Can you at least try not to slam her against the wall like a damn criminal?" he asked, his voice laced with anger as they shoved her out of the house and pulled her roughly towards the squad car.
Dean gritted his teeth once more at the way they're manhandling her. Having to force himself not to attack a cop but that'll mean serious jail time for him.
The main cop just gave F/N a dismissive look before pushing Y/N into the squad car. "She's a criminal, sir. She assaulted another girl" he said as if that completely excused his rough treatment of Y/N.
Y/N sat in the back of the car, her wrists cuffed together, seething with anger and frustration. "A girl who was bullying her! Did you get your badges in a fucking cereal box?!?" Dean exclaimed furiously.
The main cop turned to Dean, his eyes narrowing. "Watch it, boy" he said gruffly. "Assault is assault, no matter who you assault"
John stepped forward, trying to diffuse the situation. "We understand that, officer, but Y/N isn't a danger. She's just a teenage girl who snapped at a bully."
The main cop just rolled his eyes. "Oh, so that gives her the right to go around attacking people?" he snapped back.
F/N stepped up, his eyes fixed on the main cop. "She was defending herself and her brother" he said firmly, trying to keep his cool as he nudged Sam to stand infront of him.
The main cop looked at F/N with a look of annoyance. "That doesn't change the fact that she assaulted another kid" he said, his tone dismissive.
John's jaw clenched as he stepped up beside F/N, his eyes narrowing on the main cop. "And that doesn't change the fact that she acted in self-defense."
"Hey Mulder, Scully. Why don't you hurry it up and ship me off to my cell? I wanna learn how to not drop my soap!" Y/N poked her head out of the squad car window.
The main cop, annoyed by Y/N's cheeky remark, slammed the door shut. "Shut up back there." he grumbled before getting into the front seat of the squad car.
The other officer, a younger, more soft-spoken cop, just shook his head at Y/N's remark. "You really can't catch a break, kid." he muttered before getting into the passenger seat.
"You stand up to a bitch and you get canned. Welcome to America, officer" Y/N snorted, shaking her head as she but back tears. As much as she would bust a joke about the situation, she was fucking scared for what awaits her inside.
The younger cop, the one who didn't have a stick shoved so far up his ass, looked at Y/N in the mirror. He could see the tears starting to well up in her eyes, his heart softening for the girl.
Sam and Dean had their hands pressed against the window, instructing Y/N on what to do once she's held
"Demand a lawyer!" Sam instructed
"We'll get you out of there in no time Princess!" Dean promised, pressing a kiss to his hand before pressing his hand to the window.
Y/N allowed her tears to flow as Dean did this, pressing her forehead to his palm against the window as a way of accepting the kiss, a little chuckle escaping her throat.
Dean gave her a reassuring smile through the window, his heart breaking at the sight of her tears. He knew how scared she must be feeling, but he needed her to hold strong.
F/N and John stood behind him, their expressions filled with worry and anger at the situation.
The younger cop, watching the interaction, couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy for the teenage girl. He could see the worry and fear in her eyes, despite her attempts to disguise it with snarky remarks, Y/N's eyes flooded with tears, realizing that beneath the tough exterior, she was scared.
The main cop, on the other hand, just let out a scoff at the display of affection from the boys. "You damn kids, thinking you can mouth off to the cops," he muttered gruffly. "You brought this on yourself" he said gruffly as he started the car and drove off kid.
Y/N turned to glare at the main cop, her eyes still filled with tears. "I didn't bring anything on myself. I defended my brother and myself from a bully. But I guess you're too damn blind to see that" she muttered.
The younger cop looked over at the main cop, his expression disapproving. He knew Y/N had a point, but he kept his mouth shut to avoid the main cop's wrath.
Authors Note: I'm not sure if you guys remember me mentioning that Y/N not arrested for assault, but here it is!
Hope everyone enjoyed and I'm thinking of making a Part 2 to this. Let me know if you'll be down for that.
Update: Made it! Go enjoy, Juvenile Detention Center
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28 @hobby27 @mrsjjkwinchester
@juwu-theliciosa @magiccliopleurodon @nesnejwritings @karrah89 @whattheduckisupkyle
Thanks for reading,
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thatawkwardmoth · 2 months
Emma and Scott both having shitty parents (not Katherine Summers, I'm never talking shit about her) is just another reason they make a good couple.
Let me explain:
Scott is raised military before he's even a soldier for Xavier. It's little things that show it but, as someone who's dad was raised by a military man, sometimes it's hard for parents to leave the army for Base only. Scott, in the meager amount of scenes we get of his childhood, has almost the same mindest of Dean Winchester in a way. His father gives an order, he might protest but eventually, he always complies. Number one example being the plane crash and the one parachute thing. But also that he spends so much time worrying over Alex. Even after being forced to forget about him, he still remembers parts of him. And yes, it is because that's his little brother and he loves him so much. But it could also be because the phrases: 'look out for your brother', 'Keep your brother safe', 'Watch out for Alex', have been said to him since the day he met Alex in the hospital, newborn and fragile enough that Scott, even at two years old, knew not to be rough.
And it doesn't change, even on the Krakoa arc, he is angry over Alex being placed on Sinister's team. (And sinister referring to the brothers as 'his boys' gives me the ick. They Not Like Us vibes from his character in general when it comes to the Summers brothers…) He can't take care of Alex, make sure he's safe and sound, if he's on the same team as the guy who experimented on a preteen Scott for funsies and genetic testing.
Now, Katherine Summers, we don't have a lot of comics with her. But she's shown as the perfect mother figure, raising two rowdy boys mostly on her own with how busy Christopher is. And Scott and Alex remember her fondly. So no fault to her. But Christopher fucking Summers, every fault to him.
I'm not demonizing him, I need that known. I'm not saying that he's the next John Winchester (because at least he came back to check on his kids, unlike Corsair), I'm just saying that he raised Scott to be the perfect solider for Xavier and the perfect experiment for Sinister. Because he followed orders and he didn't argue back to adults (eventually he did, but you get the point).
Scott has so much unpacked trauma from his childhood and that small series where deplaced Scott is with Corsair doesn't really cover any of it. Neither do modern comics.
Emma, on the other hand, was raised in high society. Has always known the rich life and the challenges and difficulties that come with it. Mainly, her father's goals for her and her mother's long broken soul.
She grew up trying to be the perfect daughter despite being the black sheep. She couldn't meet his goals and faced his wrath for having dreams about being a teacher. His rage followed her into training the Hellions and it led to their deaths.
Now, it's not just her father's temper that is the reason she's got shitty parents. He's a cheater, a manipulator and discards his children like broken toys when they don't follow his strict guidelines of life, ex. Chrisitan being a drug addict, the older sister doing modeling, his younger being more goth and alternative for 'attention' as Emma puts it. Leaving him to pick Emma to continue his company because she's like him, a fact he learns after she blackmails and exposes his affair to his wife. He's willing to let Emma be given a pass on things purely because of his money and only stops her from hooking up with her teacher because it's not who he wants her with. No mind to the fact that he's an adult and she was a child. I hate the teacher thing. Can we tell?
He's a shit father but Hazel Frost is not exempt from my shit talking. She is not Katherine Summers. She's absent most of the time. Being the perfect socialite wife. She doesn't have a life outside of her husband's money and the parties she throws (more garden parties, not Tony Stark rager parties). She cares about her children, yes. But the tiniest amount. She can't bring herself to be there for them when they're going through difficult times. She's been broken by the expectations on her, to be the traditional wife, that she can't be bothered when the affair is revealed to her. It's heartbreaking and it makes me sad but it doesn't excuse the way she ignored her son's drug habit or her daughter's crisis with new powers and bullies at school.
Now Jean Grey has shitty parents but only after she is revealed to be a mutant to them. They sent her to Xavier's school to help her through the grief of her friend's accident and the issues she'd been having recently, not because anyone told them about her mutation. Now them rejecting her did hurt and they played a giant part in her turning into Dark Phoniex. But that happened when she was an adult. For her formative years as a child, they were present and lovely. Even as a teenager, it's shown that she calls them and writes letters and visits them on holidays. So, as much as I am a Jott and Scemma shipper alike, she can't relate to Scott's trauma and parent issues until she herself is burned and abandoned by her own. Emma, on the hand, can. She's had a shitty dad and Scott's had two and one creep that is obessed with him. She's had to mature faster because of her father not paying her ransom and making her rescue herself and decide to run away. Scott can relate to her running away, seeing as it is his favorite thing to do. Ex, the orphanage, Xavier's, Alaska, so on and so on.
Emma has even lost loves before! She was geuinely in love with the guy waiter from the comic series about her life. Was distraught when he died. She's been scorned by lovers before as well. Her teacher that she had a crush on and sabatoged a few friendships in college for (stupid plotline. stupid. stupid.) eventually reveals that he hates mutants and sees them as freaks, making Emma leave him and never look back (finally, my girl was free).
Jean hasn't. She's never lost Scott except when he cheated. She's never had to grieve him or bury him as many times as he has had to for her. Even Madelyne, who scorned Scott for reasons purely blamed on the absolute worst comic book misunderstanding and miscommunication ever, has never related to Scott on those levels. Emma has buried him and been scorned by him and still loves him, is the one he trusts with his resurrections in the Arbor Magna. It really speaks volumes.
And I'm not pitting the two ships against each other. I'm not. I'm pointing out the differences in the way they can relate to each others' pasts.
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jasmines-library · 9 months
‘Tis the Season
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Summary: It’s Christmas time, and after a long time apart, you and your brothers are finally together to celebrate, even if it is inside a motel room.
Warnings: tooth rotting fluff.
Note: Merry Christmas!
The Winchesters have never been big with celebrations. Especially since Mary passed away and hunting became the only thing on John’s agenda.This meant that you had never really experienced a proper Christmas before and neither had either of your brothers. Sure they remember snippets of Christmas from when they were younger and your mum was still around but it was never the same after that. John was never there and the three of you were often left to mill around in a shitty motel. The three of you would celebrate in your own little way. You would exchange gifts which, in Dean’s case, were often stolen or given to you by Bobby, and despite their efforts to make Christmas as normal as possible for you it was never quite how you had pictured it. Never how Sam and Dean remembered it. It didn’t help that John had told you when you were heartbreakingly young that there was no Santa Claus.
But this year, something was different. The Winchesters were celebrating.
You strolled down the road, your arm hooked around Sam’s as you admired the lights that had been strung up like bunting between the rows of buildings and hung from lampposts in the street. You wore your thickest jacket: an old blue hand-me-down from Dean, that you were pretty sure Sam might have even owned at one point before he grew taller than your older brother, and hand bundled yourself up with a scarf to shelter yourself from the frosty air.
The streets were quiet besides a few odd couples that greeted you and Sammy with a warm smile or a gentle nod. Most people were at home, celebrating the Christmas holiday.
The frost that blanketed the ground crunched under your feet and made your feet feel like small ice cubes despite the fact that you were wearing two pairs of socks. You and your brother walked quickly back to the motel where Dean was hovering over the stove tucked away in the corner of the motel. The moment you opened the door and were greeted with the warmth of the room and the smell of the food, you couldn’t help but smile up at Sam, as well as chuckle at the sight of your eldest brother. He had donned a red Santa hat and was singing along to the song he had turned up too loud on the radio between taking swigs from beer. He wrapped you up between his arms when the two of you returned with the last of the ingredients he needed before you made your way into the room.
On the nightstand between the two beds, replacing the lamp that had been shoved aside, sat a tree. It was measly and far from extravagant, sure, but you thought it was a nice touch. Dean had spotted it on the way back from a hunt and had insisted on buying it for the motel room. You spent the rest of the day hanging old car air fresheners from the branches as if they were baubles. It was makeshift; but somehow that made it seem even more special and you beamed brightly. You placed the brown paper bag you had been clutching beneath it, making sure to roll over the top to make sure that the contents were hidden.
“Alrighty.” Dean announced “Grubs up.”
The three of you squeezed around the table and began to tuck into the food that Dean placed in front of you on the table. Dean was far from the best chef that much was true but at a time like this you were grateful that he had made such an effort to cook. As the three of you ate between bouts of conversation and fits of laughter, it made you realise how much you missed spending time with your brothers. This was the first time you had truly sat down together in…well forever. Times had been kind of hectic with Sam returning from Stanford and everything with Dad and Dean, you were glad that for a few sweet moments, the three of you could just be a family. For once there was no worrying about monsters. No worrying about who was going to vanish next. It was just the three of you enjoying the little things in life.
Dinner, by far the best one you have had in a while, was followed up with gift giving and the three of you bundled on to the beds, sipping glasses of cold eggnog.
“Okay Sammy,” Dean said as he produced his first gift from his duffel. It seemed the three of you all had the same idea because it too was wrapped in a brown paper bag. “This one is for you.”
Sam unwrapped it eagerly, producing a dark glass bottle of his favourite beer.
“Thank you.” He laughed, producing a bag of his own. “It seems great minds think alike.”
Dean chuckled and he tore open the paper to reveal his favourite drink secured inside a porno magazine by an elastic band.
“Ok. This is for De.” You pulled out a small bag and handed it to him. Inside lay a small keychain in the shape of a pie that you had spotted on a rotating rack inside the gas station which you couldn’t resist buying, alongside a couple of packets of beef jerky that Dean always seemed to keep stashed away in his glovebox.
“Thanks kiddo” He laughed as he hooked the keychain onto his keys.
“And this is for you, Sammy.” You produced another bag and handed it to him, watching keenly as he unwrapped it, pulling out the clear plastic and producing a pair of wired headphones.
“It’s to stop you complaining about Dean’s music in the car.” You prompted.
“Hey!” Dean said with mock hurt. “I think you’ll find I have great taste in music.”
You raised your hands nonchalantly “tell that to him not me.”
“I’m just saying Dean, there are things out there besides mullet rock. You should try updating your cassettes some time. Seriously, dude.”
“You know the rules, Sammy.” Dean shook his head. “Driver picks the music-“
“Shotgun shuts his cakehole. Yeah. I know.” Sam rolled his eyes. “Anyway, enough. This is for you, Y/N.”
Sam rummaged around in his bag for a small white box before handing it to you. You took it gently. It was light in your hand.
“It's from both of us.” Dean added.
You peeled open the box slowly to reveal the insides which almost made you tear up. Inside the box sat a dainty necklace in the shape of a heart. It seemed familiar somehow, but you couldn’t place where you had seen it before. When you picked it up and turned it over in your palm to admire the delicacy of it, you noticed the small hinges on the side so decided to open it.
Inside was a small cut out of an image. The three of you were much younger here. Sammy was still smaller than Dean and you barely reached his hip. The three of you were grinning from ear to ear as you gripped onto each of your brothers hands as they swung you through the air at the moment the image was captured.
“It’s beautiful.” You sighed, looking up at your two brothers. “Where did you-“
“It was moms.” Dean said. It then hit you that you had seen her wearing it in pictures.
“Bobby found it while sorting through some of Dads old stuff that was left around his. We thought you should have it.”
“It’s perfect. Thank you.” You smiled. “Help me put it on?”
“Of course.”
Dean moved closer to you, moving your hair aside so he could clasp the end of the good chain together.
“It looks like it’s always belonged there.” Sam told you when Dean let go of it so it could hang around your neck, settling on the centre of your chest.
“It’s perfect.” Dean told you.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N.”
“Merry, Christmas, Boys.”
Although being hauled up in a motel may not have seemed like the ideal way to celebrate Christmas for the average person, just being able to spend time with your brothers was enough for you. You cared not for an extravagant meal and bucket loads of expensive gifts. You were happy to settle with what you had and the fact that the three of you had celebrated like this meant so much to you as it did to them. The three of you may not have much, but you have each other, and that’s worth far more than anything else.
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angelsberrymilk · 4 months
AU where Sam and Dean find out they have an 11 month old half brother a year after John Winchester's death. And worst of all, his mum is just about 20.
I need the angst, the anger and the fucked up situation of it all.
When they first meet the girl, she's a waitress at a shitty dinner in a random town, serving Dean his greasy burger and Sam his salad. She looks so terribly young and exhausted despite the polite customer service smile and laughs she lets out.
She's pretty and Dean throws one of his charming grins her way and flirts with her, watching her trying to keep it professional and scribble aggressively their orders in her little notepad. Sam kicks him under the table, feeling bad for the girl. And then she leaves, but without Dean's eyes following her until she disappears to the back.
Then her manager gets brutally mauled in the diner by the monster of the week after closing hours and Dean and Sam investigate the scene. They spend a night after the other following each of her co-workers back to their homes, watching over them and for the beast to strike. Nothing happened, not a single peep from the monster. And so the next night was her turn to be stalked by the brothers in the dead of night, parked not far away from the filthy and run-down apparently she calls home.
They wait, and wait, taking turns walking around the building in case anything pops up. Until a screams makes them run up the stairs with weapons in hand, breaking the door without a second thought. Bullets fly and sobs gets louder and louder from the poor waitress, curled on the floor against the wall. When the thing's dead and it's all over, Dean tries to get her to stop crying, until he realises it wasn't her sobbing but a little baby boy clutched to her chest and he gets hit with hauntingly familiar eyes and dark hair.
Sam helps the girl up when Dean is all but frozen, still dripping with sweat and hair stuck in every direction and smelling of the impala and shitty coffee.
The girl shushes her babyboy, trying to stop her body from trembling and trying to rip her eyes away from the disgusting sight in the middle of her flat, blood soaking most of the wooden floorboard at their feet.
It takes them a while to all calm down, sitting in the other side of the flat, on her bed with her babyboy still in her arms. Her eyes look foogy, they have that far away look in them, her hair sticking in all directions and her thin t-shirt falling of one shoulder, blood drops drying on her barefeet from the chaos.
"Who are you? You're not FBI.." She whispers, looking up at Sam and Dean with a sad and scared face, a face that only begs to be hugged and protected from all dangers of the world.
"We're hunters, we help get rid of-- monsters." Sam explains, trying and failing to give her a reassuring smile, unable to look at her in the eyes for too long.
"How old are you?" Dean suddenly asks and she feels scared, his tone empty of any comfort.
Sam doesn't say anything but looks at Dean, frustration, anger and fear swimming behind his tired eyes.
"Why?" She asks, eyes flitting between the two in fear.
"Answer the question." Dean repeats.
"Dean," Sam says, unsure what he's even trying to do. He wants to know too, this couldn't be a coincidence at all, the little boy looks a lot like their father and them for that matter.
"I'm," She clears her throat, "I'm 20."
"Fuck," Dean says and all but collapses on her bed, sitting with his elbows on his knees, Gun still in hand while his hands covered his face.
"What?" She says, eyes wide. "What does that have to do with anything?" She quickly asks, defensive and scared at the same time, looking at Sam, eyes begging for answers.
"Who's his dad?.." Sam asks and gulps, watching her while Dean has a breakdown next to her on the bed.
"Uhm... It was a one night stand and I didn't bother looking for his dad-- But I don't understand-"
"Just answer the question." Sam cuts her off, making her flinch. He grimaces at her reaction and adds a, "Please..." Just for good measure.
She looks down at her babyboy sleeping against her chest, and back up at Sam, "He said his name was John."
And Sam throws up right then and there.
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m4yasnotthatcool · 18 days
one, two, three
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part 1. (a/n) imma make this a series just hold on
"one dean grabs the silver knife, two sam shouts for y/n, three y/n torches the sonofabitch"
y/n is 15, sam is 12 and dean is 16 btw (its dean x reader guys, obviously)
they're not together yet, so I used this first chapter teaser thingy to kinda set the relationships the characters have with eachother, the boundaries(or lack there of) they have and stuff
-they're left alone at a motel (dean, y/n and 12 year old sammy) while John and y/ns dad are on a hunt;
Sitting in silence at the table of the shitty motel room was one thing, but having dean winchester sitting at the other end of it was another. he was polishing off a gun, one left by his father in case they needed to protect themselves against any otherworldly creature that might be lurking the night. she tried keeping her attention elsewhere so as to not full on just stare at the boy in front of her, so she settled on mindlessly watching sammy do whatever it was that he was doing.
sam, deans younger brother was sat on one of the beds with his whole body turned towards the tube TV the room provided while eating a bowl of cereal. the heater in the damned place had been wrecked so all 3 of them were wearing whatever clothes they had been able to find around that'd keep them warm.
she was looking at sam trying to roll up the sleeves of his father's jacket as they slightly got in his way, making it difficult to eat, so she got up and silently took each of his hands and rolled up the sleeves in such a way that they would no longer come down.
"thank you" the younger boy said before getting back to his cereal and cartoons.
the girl smiled and nodded before grabbing a book out of one of the duffle bags that contained hers and her fathers clothes and laid out on one of the two beds.
After a while the soft background noise of dean polishing the gun had stopped and a faint sound of wood scratching against wood could be heard. when she looked at him, bringing her attention out of the novel she had been reading a few seconds ago she saw the older boy leaning back into the chair, stretching out his limbs and making the chair lean back along with him, now only being supported on its two back legs.
she couldn't ignore the way his groans echoed through the room or the way his shirt had ridden up slightly though she tried to brush it off. staring at him so profusely, she hadn't realised he started staring at her right back.
"so uhm..." he started. grabbing her attention and making her jump, slightly startled. "what are the sleeping arrangements for tonight? the usual ones or?..."
"oh I'm not sleeping with either of you two tonight." sam chimed in. "y/n kicks in her sleep and big doofus over there snores." he said, accentuating the last part by signalling over to dean.
just as dean was about to snap back at sam, she stopped him by saying something he wasn't expecting "well, I can sleep with you dean." she paused momentarily before adding in a muttered tone "of course, only if that's okay with you too.."
"it's okay!" he said a little too enthusiastically before stopping himself and regaining his composure. "it wouldn't bother me if you're sure that's okay with you too" he stated.
she just smiled before getting up and heading to the bathroom, grabbing some clothes along the way "okay, so it's settled then. I'm gonna go get ready for bed, be right back" she said before leaving the room.
- after getting out of the too-cold shower she wrapped a towel around her frame before putting on a pyjama that consisted of some flannel pants and a long sleeve shirt that she had taken from her dad.
after she got out, sam went in after her at deans request who said it'd be a good thing if the younger winchester went to bed earlier that night seeing as y/n was obviously getting ready to do so.
slipping underneath the covers adoring the twin-size bed she closed her eyes trying to let consciousness slip from her grasp to no avail.
so, instead, she listened to the commotion around. a siren could be heard outside on the street. perhaps someone died. or, could it be related to the job her and the winchesters fathers were working?
the shower stopped, the sound of the water turning off being a distinct one that could only be replicated by another rusted-over shower handle as the person getting ready to get out tried to stop the too-cold liquid from slipping out of the holes in the shitty shower head that seemed to have came out of another time entirely.
a gust of wind must have seeped through the cracks between the windows and the walls of the room as she could feel herself shivering even under the covers.
so she layed there until her eyes threatened to close, but just as they did she felt the bed dip beside her as a bigger, warmer form adjusted it's position next to her.
the light turned off before dean got under the cover, his side against her back in consequence of the small size of the bed.
she must have been shivering seeing as the older boy beside her kept himself up on his elbow as he leaned over her, checking to see if she was properly covered by the duvet. her breath hitched slightly as his hand tucked a part of the blanket around her body, signalling to him that she was indeed still awake.
he leaned back down, his head hitting the pillow with a small thud before she felt herself fall into blissful unconsciousness.
the light that entered the small motel room stirred awake y/ns sleeping form. as she adjusted to her surroundings once again she felt deans soft breathing underneath her. she had her head on his chest as their legs tangled underneath the duvet and his hand rested on her lower back, tracing soft shapes. she could practically see the smug smirk that he would have when she opened her eyes, but she decided to enjoy his warmth a little longer.
once she was semi-satisfied with the amount of time she got to feel the boys calloused hand trace lazy circles on her back, while still pretending to be asleep, she turned around, her back now facing him. what she didn't expect was feeling his arms around her waist just seconds after she turned her back to him.
well, it's not like they had anything planned that day. they were just waiting for their dad's to get back, so she allowed herself some more much-needed sleep.
it had been the sound of the TV that woke her up this time, and she couldn't feel deans warmth beside her anymore.
she rolled over on his side of the bed and looked over at sam who sat at the table her and dean had sat at the night before. he was bickering with the remote of the TV trying to change the channel. he smacked it with his hand a few times and tried changing the program again before sighing in resignation and getting up to press the buttons on the television.
after getting to a channel he was satisfied with, he glanced over at her to see her wide awake, flashing him a wide grin. "good morning sammy"
"hi" he said while sitting back in one of the two chairs. "it's not morning anymore, it's like..." he glanced over at the clock on the wall next to a subjectively ugly painting that had cracks and chips in the thick layers of paint. "11 30 ish.. "
she paused before replying amused "you still don't know how to read the clock?" she said containing a giggle.
"I do know how to read it! it's just that the hands on this one are especially thin, I can't see them properly"
she looked over at the clock herself and saw what he had been talking about: a small-ish clock with a thin black frame that held a white background and two thin clock hands that looked to be a light gray from the way the sun was hitting the glass that was protecting the intricate mechanism.
"fair enough..." she said before getting his attention back at him "wheres your brother?"
"he went to get something to eat. I don't know why though, we have cereal and crackers and some other stuff." he replied while watching the TV with increasing interest.
with that she allowed herself a couple more moments of comfort in the bed before slipping out from under the cover and setting her feet on the cold, ugly carpet that adorned the floor. there was a part of the room in which she presumed they had ran out of the ugly thing so the wooden floors were exposed.
she went over to her duffle bag, looking for some clean clothes but all she had were t-shirts.
"sammy, do you think dean would mind if I took one of his shirts? or a hoodie or something? it's freezing in here and all I have left are short sleeves"
"what?" he said snapping his attention from the screen in front of him "oh, yea, no, he wouldn't mind. and if he says anything you can take one of mine or something, they're about the same size anyway, he's just fatter than me that's all"
the door of the motel room opened with a thud revealing a dishevelled head of dirty blonde hair with dark roots. looking at the way his hair sat you could think he just rolled out of bed, which was probably not far from the truth.
"who's fat?" he said before turning his attention to y/n "good morning sweetheart" he flashed her a smile before getting between sam and the TV, action that erupted a displeased reaction out of the 12 year old.
"hey! I was watching that!"
"oh shut up" dean said dropping two brown grocery bags on the table his brother was sitting at.
"dean, is it okay if I take one of your shirts? I haven't done laundry in a while and I only have short sleeved shirts left."
"yes, sure." he said before lifting his and sams bag onto the bed you gad shared with him the night before. he started looking trough piles of clothes on the left side of the duffle bag, and for a moment she wondered if the boys had a system of keeping their attire separate while still in the same carry on.
her train of tought was quickly interrupted by deans quiet victorious "aha!" before grabbing a shirt and turning around to give it to her.
"here, this should keep you warm."
"thank you" she smiled while grabbing the article of clothing and going to the bathroom to change.
-when they were little they used to share clothes all the time. it was funny, really, none of the clothes had been ever actually anyone's, they were just everyone's. except for one shirt that she had deemed her special going out shirt. it was a simple, short sleeved t-shirt that had once been white but had been put in the wash with something red and had turned a light pink color. the rips and crackles in the printed on hello kitty that had been slightly discolorated because of the amount of times it had been worn and washed. for a moment she wondered what happened to it, one day it was just gone.
she got out of the bathroom wearing a pair of baggy jeans and deans shirt. the sleeves were coming down over her hands and her fingers, reason to why she had to roll them up every once in a while as to not get in her way.
she was met with a pair of forest green eyes watching her carefully as she entered the room and sat down at the table next to a very focused sam. apparently he had begun to research facts about a place he found out about on the news while watching TV that he suspected could be a potential lead for a hunt.
"sam, that's not really our business" she told him as she sat down at the table in front of him.
"but what if it is? we could go check it out.. I mean, we could like ask our dad's if we can go there maybe" he said still concentrated on writing everything he had just heard about the case on the news.
"well dads supposed to call today.. maybe we can ask him about it if he does" said dean while his focus shifted between the two people sitting at the table as he sat on the bed he had shared with y/n the night before.
"uh.. you know what? sure." she said with a now much softer expression.
she could recall always having a more sibling like relationship with sam, but with dean... there was something different, that she couldn't quite put her finger on. (but i bet you'd like to lmao)
he would make her melt with the stupidest shit, like this one for example. the "if he does" he added to the end of his sentence made her weary of the position they all found themselves in, feeling stranded from the fate their guardians might have suffered while out on the job. it seemed as a sort of awakening to her made up reality where her dad had a normal job in an office and she's just waiting for him to get back. no danger. no possibility of death.
the semi sad expression his face held while talking softened her to the point where she was sure her knees would have buckled under her weight if she had been standing up. she knew about how dean tried to protect sam from any and all harm. she knew how he tried to hide any negative thoughts that might come, and he had been successful for the most part. the younger winchester wasn't stupid, quite the opposite actually, and his brother knew that, you knew that, everybody knew that. yet dean tried to seemingly protect this presumed innocence that the kid he had mostly raised by himself was still blessed with. she had listened to dean lie to sam countless times, but never to her. no, he couldn't bring himself to lie to her when he saw the worried expression her face displayed, brows slightly furrowed, trying to read his thoughts as to maybe bring him comfort.
he was still a hard one to crack, she knew that, but the relief that washed over both of them when he let himself cry in her arms was something neither of them could deny. she was always there since they were just kids, always there to patch him up after going on a hunt with his dad, always there to lift his spirits after long nights spent watching the ceiling like it was the most interesting show, focused almost as much as sam when he read his books, if not even more focused.
but right now, that wasn't the case. dean was sitting on the twin sized bed, a grin plastered on his face as he looked at his brother and the girl he sat next to. she couldn't help but smile at his appearance, spiky, messy hair that went in all directions, a wide smile spread across his face and the jeans he had been wearing for the past week still on. as her eyes travelled down his form she noticed the untied laces on his boots, the dired mud on the tips of them very obvious on the black leather. "cute" she thinks before they all hear a phone ring.
dean hurriedly gets his out of the front pocket of his jeans but it isn't the one that's ringing, so he focuses on y/n as she gets her phone out and responds to the call.
"hi dad!" she says, her words having a slight edge to them, waiting to hear if he's okay.
dean and sam hear the person at the other end of the line say something before they see the tension in her demeanour vanish, being replaced by temporary relief.
"yea, we're okay too. hey, could you put Mr winchester on for a second? he was supposed to call dean today and if he's around now it'd be a good time for them to talk."
she listened to her dad say something before she hummed in agreement.
she covered the bottom part of her phone so the microphone wouldn't pick up what she was saying "he's getting your dad right now, you can ask him about the case sam- oh!" she said, uncovering her phone "yes, hi! no, nothing happened. yes... yes, I can put him on right now... mhm..." she held the phone out to dean "take it" is all she said.
he took the phone out of her hands and held it up to his ear "hey dad. yea, were all good. what? ... no, no that's not what... no, we just wanted to ask you about... yes.... no. dad, would you just listen to me for a second?" he said and paused for a second before continuing "okay, thank you. so me and sam wanted to tell you about a lead we found in uh... sam where was that lead again?" "michigan" "michigan. Well i- I don't know all the details, but I can put him on if you want.... yea... " he held the phone away from his face "sammy, he wants to talk to you" he handed the phone over to sam who then started explaining the details of the case he thinks he may have a lead on. an apartment building in which a young girl had disappeared without taking any of her belongings. the neighbours had heard screaming but there were no signs of breaking and entering, so the police had no leads. apparently that's not the first time it had happened, and in the past 10 years 6 girls had gone missing, all around the same age.
the other end of the phone was silent as the youngest winchester explained everything he had gathered from the limited resources he had available at the motel, and after he was done there was a moment on silence in which y/n presumed John was considering if he should pick up the case himself or leave it be.
then he said something that left sam a little taken aback, which obviously sparked both y/ns and deans interest, dean leaning forward with his arms on his knees and hands interlocked in front of him and y/n reaching over the table ever so slightly towards sam.
"he.. he said he'll talk to your dad y/n... but... we can go"
wooooo cliff hanger
spooky scary indeed
anyway, english is not my first language so if I made any spelling mistakes feel free to point em out
I'm gonna try to put part two up as soon as possible babes
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Dean Winchester (Supernatural) x GN!Hunter!Reader
Disclaimers: The only character I own is the reader insert.
Author’s Notes: I’m writing this the day after I swore I’d never do angst. Ironic, huh. I’m working on getting more power across in my words- hopefully that shows.
Anyhow, this is set after <S2 SPOILER> John dies saving Dean. Obviously, given the nature of his passing, Dean can’t talk to Sam about it- but in this story he has someone he can talk to.
Icons by @gosling-girlx !! ❤️❤️
As always, all notes are very much appreciated!
Content/Content Warnings: This is angst at its finest. A 16+ audience would be preferred on this piece.
“What if, for just once in your life, you manned up and actually talked to me?” My voice is loud. It’s booming, and it’s borderline angry. My hands are balled into fists at my sides, and my jaws clenched.
I’m just so done. I try so hard with Dean, and I’m always patient. When he doesn’t want to talk, I don’t pry. I’m there for him whenever he needs me, however he needs me, wherever, at any hour, without so much as a second thought. I’ve never faulted him for not being able to say “I love you,” or for not being gentle when I need him to be. And I will always do these things.
But I am not okay with being told to “Stop fucking doing that,” ‘that’ being me trying to ask him if he’s okay. I let him get away with a lot of things, maybe more than I should, but outright cussing and waving me off? That’s too much.
So fine. We’ve been yelling at each other at least ten minutes now. Far too loud for a shitty motel with paper thin walls, surely, but right now I need him not only to hear me, but to listen to me.
He’s stood down after that last question. His shoulders slumped from their tense posture, his jaw no longer clenched. He’s trying so hard to retain his scowl, but I see the tick in the corner of his mouth. I see the way that his beautiful green eyes start to water.
No matter what cruel things he said to me, I refused to retaliate. He can swear at me all he wants, but he won’t get the same treatment in return. Because nothing can take down the thick walls of the elder Winchester like human decency. Something he’s never properly gotten from anyone- his own father included in that omniscient “anyone.”
“So?” I ask, my hands still fists. I won’t back down until he does, I can’t give him the chance to roll his eyes and turn away like he would with anyone else.
“I-,” his voice gets caught in his throat. “Cause I’m no man, sweetheart. Certainly not man enough for you.”
“Cut the shit, Dean,” the swear slipped out of my lips before I could stop him. I see him flinch, and my heart pangs, fists unclench. Suddenly, I’m not so fired up. “Sorry, sorry. Listen, this isn’t about what you are for me. Because if it was, we wouldn’t be fighting. You’re perfect for me, Dean.”
“Just-,” I stop myself, moving back to sit on one of the dingy hotel beds with its ugly orange gingham duvet. I sit cross-legged, back against the flat puke-green pillows propped against the headboard, looking up at Dean who is still standing in the same spot like a statue. “C’mere,” I pat the bed gently.
He obeys wordlessly, a listless quality to the way he drags his feet to where I’m sat. He doesn’t sit, though, a clear tentativity in his watery eyes. “Dean, it’s okay.”
Okay to cry, I want to add.
Okay to feel.
Okay to be human.
He sighs. “I’m just not good at talking, Y/n. I never had anyone to talk to- my dad was my boss more than anything, I had to- have to- be strong for my brother, and anyone else who’s come into my life seems to fit into one of those two categories.” A singular, perfect tear runs down his face. His expression is stony, but his voice… while as deep as always, it has a broken quality to it, something he’s trying to hide.
“Dean. I’m not anyone. You can talk to me, you can be broken with me,” I urge, mentally willing him to come sit by me so I can touch him, hug him, anything.
Finally, he sits. I don’t reach out to touch him, not yet. He looks shaky.
“Listen. I know Sam’s been up your ass trying to get you to talk about him. I know aren’t big on touchy feely stuff, and I ain’t gonna push you. But I need you to stop lashing out at me when I ask you if you’re okay.”
His cheeks are flushed, eyes wide. His lower lip quivers, finally breaking his scowl. A sad, splintered chuckle leaves his lips. “Y’know, he’d do the same to me. I’d ask, sometimes, after a real bad hunt, and he’d lash out… I’m too much like him, y/n. That’s why I don’t want to talk about him.” His voice is just a little too steady, almost artificial.
“You’re not too much like him, not at all,” I say, reaching out to him, but stopping before my hand can touch his. I’m letting him be the one to pull the trigger, to decide if he wants physical touch right now. “You’re better than he could’ve ever hoped to be, Dean. He knew that. Sam knows that. I know that.”
And that’s what breaks the dam, tears freely falling down his stubbled cheeks. He takes my hand in his, holding tight before I tug at him, inviting him to lay in my lap. He obliges, head resting in my lap. I take initiative to run my fingers through his hair, something that I’ve found soothes him.
“I just-,” his voice is broken, there’s no hiding it now. “I’m sorry.”
“I know,” I murmur. “I just want to help you be okay, that’s all.”
We sit like that for a while, his head in my lap as he cries. He doesn’t sob, but occasionally choked up noises escape him, and it breaks my heart seeing him like this. Eventually, I find it in myself to speak again.
“I know he never really said it, Dean. But he loved you, he did. He trusted you. He was thankful for you,” I tell him, wiping some of the tears off of his face.
John Winchester might’ve been a sorry excuse for a man after Mary died, fine.
But it was clear that he loved his boys, especially Dean, even if it was in his own fucked up way.
I hated the Winchester father. Quite frankly, I still do. For the way that he had put revenge in front of the care of his kids, for the way he treated his kids, even into their adulthood. I mean, making an eight year old take care of a four year old? How bad of a father can you be?
He’s a son of a bitch. But in the end, even though the bastard never once validated his elder son (nor his younger)- and he should’ve- he died for Dean. And I know Dean’ll blame himself for it. But the fact that his dad loved him… that might be enough to make the self-resentment more lenient. That and the fact that he has me.
I won’t let him hate himself or feel unloved. I think John knew that- that Dean would have far better support if he was gone. I’m know he knew how much Dean respected and idolized him, but I also know damn well that he knew damn well that he was not good enough for his son. Not nearly good enough.
So hopefully, between me and Sam, we can mend the hole in his heart. Help him feel whole again.
But for now he needs this. To cry, to feel. Something he never felt he could, not in the presence of anyone else.
Gradually the tears slow to a stop. He sniffles, wiping his face, but not moving his head from my lap. “Thank you,” he whispers.
“Always,” I lean down and kiss him on the forehead. “I mean that.”
“I love you.”
There’s no stutter or pause in his words. He’s said them, plain and simple, as if this isn’t the first time he’s been able to get the words out. I guess it’s my turn to cry, because I feel a tear trickle down my face, landing on his. He grins a crooked grin at that. “Is it that bad a fate?” he jokes.
“No, no,” I choke on my laugh. “I love you too.”
And sure, there’s going to be more nights like these. Nights where we fight, and maybe sometimes they won’t end so well, so neatly.
There’s going to be more fights. Stupid fights, nasty fights.
But there will also be more I love yous. More holding. More feeling.
And no matter what happens, I’ll be there for Dean Winchester. Always. And I mean that.
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kickingitwithkirk · 3 months
Winchester's Folly
Summary: When Dean gets into trouble John decides to hide the truth for his family
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader x Alpha!Sam
WC: 1097
Dark! Fic-don't continue if you are disturbed by the subject matter.
Warnings: A/B/O, dystopian au, canon elements, non/con, dub/con, incest, subjugation, pandemic, mentions of nudity, physical/mental abuse, mention of collaring/leashed, sexual/slavery, rut/heat, physical altercation, death/murder conviction, show level violence, parental dominance, trafficking, branding, panic attacks, bondage, forced mating
*Additional warnings will be added
Square filled: @spnmixedbingo -stalker
A/N: Still working on reigning myself in, keeping each part reader-friendly length, and have no clue how many parts this will end up being.
A/N II: a few notes about designations in A/O sub-genders for this story.
Alphas-Dominant (head of the pack/family) Subordinate (obey Dominant) Breeders (rare & highly coveted by the government. Can challenge Dominant for pack/family leadership)
Omegas -Domestic (mostly wiped out by plague, few natural born left) Feral (government-supplied breeders sold commonly called O's) House O’s (3rd generation+ Feral/Dominant breed. Used as servants/sex workers) Pack (rare & highly coveted by the government)
*Divider by @firefly-graphics
*No Beta-all mistakes are mine
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John leans against his truck's door, wearily rubbing his face, unaware that the judge is watching from their darkened chamber, yellow eyes alight with amusement. They held a glass of bourbon in salute and said, “Here’s to you, Johnny boy.”
Sam kept glancing in the rearview mirror every five minutes.
To the casual observer, it looked like he was checking on his brother, who passed out in the backseat, curled around his newly claimed Omega. But Sam’s instincts, which sometimes scared him, knew they were, by whom or what, he wasn’t sure, watched. 
Sam pulls out his Nokia and finds his dad’s number. “What’s wrong?” John’s gruff voice is grating on his frayed nerves. “I think we’re being followed.”
“Think or know? Which is it, Sam?”
“Know.” He tells of a vehicle that has been staying a quarter mile behind him since they left Devils Lake, ND. “We’re going to gas up in Fargo. I’ll let you know where to go next.” Thirty minutes later, Sam parked the Impala on the other side of a dual fuel pump and got out, stuck the nozzle into the rear port while John, checking his truck's rear tire pressure, quietly asked which vehicle it was that pulled into the station behind Sam. 
“Late eighties Mercury with the shitty two-tone job.” John moved to hang up his gas nozzle, “Take US75 to Wahpeton, then cut over to I-29. If they're still following, I’ll circle back behind them. If something happens, you haul ass to Bobby’s, don’t stop for anything. Understand.” 
Sam hung up his nozzle with a subtle nod and went to pay. Standing in line, he continued playing ignorant of the two people standing by the coolers watching him.
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Several hours later 
Sam eyes the gas gauge while guiding the car through the cloverleaf exchange onto I-90 West, peers in the mirror, and sees that the car is still following but lets up some on the pedal anyways, so they’ll make it to Bobby’s because, at the rate the Impala burns fuel, they’ll be lucky to coast in on fumes. The vinyl creaked, and Dean’s head appeared over the seat-back, asking in a slurred, gruff voice, “Why are you driving my car?”
“Dad was ready to leave, and you were in no condition to drive.” Dean scrambles into the front seat, bumping into his brother, sniffs him, and Sam, already tired, isn't going to take any more guff, snaps, you stink like sex! Dean snatched Sam's snacks, guzzled his Mr. Pibb, then stuffed his mouthful of Funyuns mumbled, “This area looks familiar. Where are we headed?” 
“Would you believe Bobby’s?” Dean raised his eyebrows in disbelief. “That was my reaction when Dad told me.” Peering out the windshield, he jabbed, “You must be driving like grandma on Sunday ‘cause I don’t see dad’s truck.” Sam simply said, “He’s about half a mile behind.“ That set off Dean's radar and started to turn, “Don’t look!” Sam hollers.
 “Why? What’s wrong?” Dean yelled in his alpha voice, and Sam let loose a wrawl Dean had never heard an alpha do and slam back against the door. “Shit! I’m sorry Dean!“ Sam's eyes were huge and appeared as panicky as Dean's wolf felt. “S’kay, Sammy,” Dean's voice shook, “Just pay attention before you drive us into the barrier.” Sam’s eyes snap back to the road, and he quickly corrects. “Now, tell me what's going on.”
Sam fills him in on their being followed since North Dakota. Dean glanced in the side mirror, “Fuck! How long have my eyes been like this?” Sam shrugged, “No clue. They were like that when I talk you out of the courthouse.” Dean appeared remorseful. “Dad didn’t tell me anything about what happened.” Dean scoffed, “You know what happened!” 
 “Dean, I was referring to whatever happened in court today. And you’re not really to blame for…” A rustling in the back seat interrupts them, and Dean peeks over before averting his gaze forward. “I’m not to blame? I killed an innocent! Now I’ve sentenced her to this crap show that’s our lives. And you know the odds of her surviving if, no, when, I die? Zero! So Sammy, use your great intellect and convince me this isn’t all my fault.” Sam does try, but whatever he’s saying falls on deaf ears when his phone rings. Dean simultaneously alerts him, “Sam, that car is speeding up.” 
Cursing, he presses on the accelerator as Dean answers the phone. “Dad, what's happening?” He intently listens, “Dad’s going to try slowing them down. Says you need holy shit! Sam!!” Dean braced himself as his brother took the off-ramp too fast and fishtails onto a county road, gunning it. “Damn it, going have to realign the suspension after this,” he quickly dials another number. “Bobby, we’re coming in hot!” Dean says, “One car with two possible fugglies. Uh-huh, got it,” and hangs up. “He’s heading for the gate, don’t slow down.”  
“Dean, we’re cutting it close on the gas, man.” Dean leans over, “Don’t worry, Baby’s not gonna let us down,” silently praying Baby, don’t let us down while dialing again. “Dad, we’re running on fumes, need to back off; otherwise, you’re gonna be driving over us.” Sam can hear him giving orders. “Okay, when we get to the turn, Dad’s going to ram them so,” he pointedly gazed at Sam, who, spotting the gavel driveway entrance, nodded in acknowledgment and gripped the wheel tighter; he heard John's GMC roaring towards them. Dean calls over his shoulder, “Hold on, sweetheart...Sam now!!”
Sam smashed the brake pedal and cut the wheel, causing the 3,500-pound car to slide; screeching tires pierced the night as they left curved skid marks, then metal crunching when the truck's steel grill crashed into the other vehicle's rear end. Sam hit the gas, and the Impala roared under the Singer Salvage Yard signage, forcing Bobby to dive out of the way when gravel flew.
Partway down the drive, the car sputters and dies, rolling to a stop a few yards from the house. Bobby got up, mumbled idijits straightened his trucker cap, and heard the Impala’s squeaky doors simultaneously open; then Dean's voice was carrying on the night air, “If you’ve screwed up my car, I’m going to kick your ass!” 
Bobby marches towards the car and spits, “Stop giving your brother a hard time.” His rebuff dissipates when the elder brother's scarlet irises lock on him. Dean moves in front of a female sitting in the backseat like a predator protecting its kill and menacingly growls at him. 
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Part IX
SPN TAGS: @donnaintx  @lyarr24  @flamencodiva   @lassie-bird  @nancymcl   @spnbaby-67 @leigh70
Dean/Jensen: @thoughts-and-funnies @stoneyggirl2  @beabutterfly987 @smoothdogsgirl
WF: @slamminmine @ladysparkles78 @deans-spinster-witch  @ilovetaquitosmmmm   @strawblueberrys  @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @kazsrm67
Sam/Jared: @idreamofplaid
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deansmom · 4 months
The fact that the spn fandom is entirely incapable of a nuanced discussion involving Dean and the relationship with his mother shouldn’t surprise me as much as it did when I came back to fandom, and as much as it still does when I’m forced to see it with my own two eyeballs
Mary Winchester was a person before she was a mother, and I’m going to be so honest with you, I think by the time she died, John didn’t like who that person was. So I think when she died, he did what a lot of people do, which is put the person they lost on a pedestal. And that’s who Dean grew up hearing about, that’s what all of his memories of his mom were contextualized with, this person who didn’t exist. And so then his mom comes back and I think it’s very, very clear to Dean almost immediately that this isn’t the same person John told him about.
In the real world, we have no context to draw from and nothing to compare it to, the experience of getting a dead parent back and to be part of your life again. We can’t know how he felt beyond what we were shown in canon - So of course Dean is thrilled, but he’s also a Winchester and deeply traumatized, and tries so hard to make it seem normal and not internalize his complicated feelings about her and her being alive. He’s dealing with:
Grappling with losing the mother he was told she was and resenting mary for it because she’s standing in front of him
Realizing that John robbed so much from him by denying him the version of his mother who feels like looking in a mirror
The guilt of how and why mary is there
Trying to reconcile his feelings of resentment and anger that he knows should be directed at John, but John’s not there, so they end up getting directed at mary, and feeling bad about that
A deeply traumatized inner child who has his safe person back, and just wants his mom to hold him and tell him it’s going to be okay, but he knows that isn’t fair to ask of her
And meanwhile mary was dealing with
✨trauma✨ from being brought back to life
Having to confront her own failures as a parent (which is silly it’s not her fault she died but y’know, feelings tend to be silly)
Having to reconcile her toddler with the man in front of her who’s older than her being her son
Seeing so much of John’s worst qualities in both of them and recognizing the trauma of a shitty dad
The fact that they had this idea of who she was, and it’s nothing like her at all, and trying to understand why John would lie to them while also probably coming to terms with what looks like confirmation of her own worst fears about who she was as a parent
I cannot stress this enough: the last time her feet touched the ground, she had been married, with a new baby, and a 4 year old, she wasn’t a hunter, John barely knew about hunting, and it was the 80’s. She woke up in what, 2017 and her husband’s dead, her babies are grown men (again: older than her!!!) and the most prolific hunters in the world. Oh, also, angels? God? The afterlife?? Funny story! Like I’m sorry, you wanted her to have well-adjusted coping skills for that????
The Mary hate just gets me because she’s Dean in a different font, and so many of y’all hate her for such superficial bullshit that you could let go of if you took 5 seconds to think about the situation critically for both of them. The only bad guy here is, was and will always be John Winchester. John was there, but Mary tried her best. Mary tried to do what was best for them when she left, because she didn’t want to damage their idea of who she was anymore than she had. Mary literally died trying to save Sam from the destiny that heaven had written for him - John couldn’t be bothered to think about his kids.
And if you think that Dean ever genuinely hated Mary, your critical thinking skills need some work. The thing that prompts his speech in 12.22 is Mary saying to his younger self, “I only want good things for you, Dean. I'll never let anything bad happen to you.” So he says
I hate you. And I love you. 'Cause I can't – I can't help it. You're my Mom. And I understand...'cause I have made deals to save the ones I love more than once.
I forgive you. I forgive you. For all of it. Everything. On the other side of this, we can start over, okay? You, me, Sam. We can get it right this time. But I need you to fight. Right now, I need you to fight. I need you – I need you to look at me, Mom. I need you to really look at me and see me. Mom, I need you to see me. Please.
Translation: “you’re right. I resent you for not being the person I was sold, I resent you for your death being the thing that ruined dad, I resent you for being the touchstone for so many of heaven’s plans for us. I resent you because you’re here, and John isn’t, and it’s easier to hate someone tangible than someone dead. And if I hate you, it’s only because I can see so much of myself in you, and I’m so incredibly angry that John treated us the way he did. My whole world, my whole identity revolves around you being someone that you never were, and wrapping my head around that is scary, but when I pull my head out of my ass and look around, you were just a kid. And you did your best, you’ve always tried to do what’s best for me and Sam, and I don’t hate you. I don’t know if I like you right now because you’re a stranger, which is scary - but I love you. So please, mom, I’m sorry that I’ve been taking my bullshit out on you. Just… try. For me. Please.”
Anyways!!! You guys don’t deserve Mary.
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worstmombracket · 1 year
The Worst Dad Bracket Masterpost
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ROUND 4: Ends Thursday, May 25th at 2:00 PM CST
Feel free to send in any propaganda for the shitty dad YOU think should win the coveted World's Worst Dad cup!
1A Matchups:
Enji "Endeavor" Todoroki (My Hero Academia) vs Dr. Martin Brenner (Stranger Things) - Battle of the Training From Hell Dads Winner: Endeavor
Donald Davenport (Lab Rats) vs Preston Northwest (Gravity Falls) - Battle of the Rich Dads Winner: Preston Northwest
Bro Strider (Homestuck) vs Every Dad from Fire Emblem Fates (Fire Emblem Fates) - Battle of the Dads of Timey Wimey Nonsense Kids Winner: Bro Strider
Mr. Turner (Fairly Oddparents) vs Martin Blyndeff (Epiteth Erased) - Battle of the Dads of Kids who Should Not Have That Responsibility Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture (Mistborn) vs Viren (The Dragon Prince) - Battle of Dads I Know Nothing About Winner: Straff Venture
Iemitsu Sawada (Katekyo Hitman Reborn!) vs Jacques Schnee (RWBY) - Battle of Mafia vs Robber Baron Dads Winner: Jacques Schnee
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs Trigon (Teen Titans) - Battle of the Demon Hunter and Demon Dads Winner: John Winchester
John "Jod" Gaius (The Locked Tomb) vs Nyarlathotep (Persona 2) - Battle of the Dads Whose Submission Reasonings Made Me Go WTF the Most Winner: John "Jod" Gaius
1B Matchups:
Clay Puppington (Moral Orel) vs Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) - Battle of the Religious Trauma Dads Winner: Claude Frollo
William Afton (Five Nights At Freddy's) vs Roy (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared) - Battle of the Purple and Yellow Dads Winner: William Afton
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Homer Simpson (The Simpsons) - Battle of the Bald Dads Winner: Walter White
Buck Cluck (Chicken Little) vs Ghetsis (Pokémon Black and White) - Battle of the Animal Abuse Dads Winner: Ghetsis
Masayoshi Shido (Persona 5) vs Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney) - Battle of Your Rival's Shitty Dads Winner: Manfred von Karma
Harry Wormwood (Matilda) vs Gabe "Smelly Gabe" Ugliano (Percy Jackson and the Olympians) - Battle of the Ordinary Shitty Dads with Extraordinary Powerful Kids Winner: Harry Wormwood
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Gozaburo Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - Battle of the Corporate Shithead Dads Winner: Gabriel Agreste
Gendo Ikari (Neon Genesis Evangelion) vs Firelord Ozai (Avatar: The Last Airbender) - Battle of the Dads of Kids in Desperate Need of Therapy Winner: Firelord Ozai 2A Matchups:
Enji "Endeavor" Todoroki (BNHA) vs Preston Northwest (Gravity Falls) - Battle of the Classless High Class Dads
Winner: Endeavor
Bro Strider (Homestuck) vs Martin Blyndeff (Epithet Erased) - Battle of the Neglectful Toy Enthusiast Dads
Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture (Mistborn) vs Jacques Schnee (RWBY) - Battle of the Arshitocracy Dads
Winner: Straff Venture
John Winchester (Supernatural) vs John "Jod" Gaius (The Locked Tomb) - Battle of the John Dads
Winner: John Gaius
2B Matchups:
Claude Frollo (The Hunchback of Notre Dame) vs William Afton (FNAF) - Battle of the Burning Dads
Winner: Claude Frollo
Walter White (Breaking Bad) vs Ghetsis (Pokemon Black & White) - Battle of the Kingpin Dads
Winner: Ghetsis
Manfred von Karma (Ace Attorney) vs Harry Wormwood (Mathilda) - Battle of the there's not a coherent theme here ngl dads
Winner: Von Karma
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Firelord Ozai (ATLA) - Battle of the Big Bad Dads
Winner: Fire Lord Ozai
Round 3 Matchups:
Endeavor vs Martin Blyndeff - Battle of the Selfish Dads
Winner: Martin Blyndeff
Straff Venture vs John Gaius - Battle of the Literary Dads
Winner: Straff Venture
Claude Frollo vs Ghetsis - Battle of the Ominous Latin Chorus Dads
Winner: Claude Frollo
Manfred von Karma vs Fire Lord Ozai - Battle of the Rival’s Shitty Dad… 2!
Winner: Fire Lord Ozai
Round 4 Semifinals Matchups:
Martin Blyndeff vs Straff Venture - Battle of the Dark Horse Dads
Claude Frollo vs Fire Lord Ozai - Battle of the Awful Authorities Dads
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oliveoil422 · 2 months
I wanna see you before I die
‘I wanna see you before I die,’ I thought as I felt more of my life being drained from me but I can't see you because you are dead. I wish I could have just told you I loved you too before the empty took you. I want to yell and scream at you for making that deal. How could you be so dumb Cass. You have always been there for me. I need you now god damn it! Where are you, you winged dick? All i can think about is how i never got to say i love you back i do i really do Cass i wish you could have told me sooner, why didn't you? You never were scared of anything, hell we even fought Lucifer together! Why couldn't you have said something? Why couldn't you have given me the chance?
Remember when things were much more simple when you were an angel of the lord and I was the man you, “Gripped tight and raised from perdition.” I've known lost all my life, I've lost pretty much everyone I ever cared about but you? Thats different you were suppose to be the one i didn't lose, the one i couldn’t lose. And now here we are, you sitting in the empty, probably cold and alone while I'm here on earth fighting for my life which is coming to an end. Sam doesn't know it yet but i can feel it im not going anywhere. This nail is holding me together at this point. I know it's probably impossible but if i make it to heaven i hope it's with you, i hope the memories that i relive is with you i wish we could have made more.
My whole life has been pretty shitty. I mean watching my mom die then my dad spiraled because of it. The one thing I got right was Sammy, I raised that kid while I was still one myself and he turned out pretty good. Jack, if you can hear my thoughts my prayers please keep him safe, keep the one thing i didn't mess up safe, keep my pain in the ass little brother safe.keep him safe because i won't be able to anymore like i have been his whole life. His whole life I took care of him cause without me he had nobody even though John clearly loved him over me he didn't show it often. Who is going to take care of him while i'm gone? I shouldn't have let this happen. I should have watched out for that nail. Why didn't I look out for it? Dad taught me better than that! I shouldn't be in this situation. It's my own damn fault that I am! Now I'm going to leave Sammy all alone because of my carelessness.
Cass, I know our time was short but it meant alot to me, and it clearly meant alot to you as well. If I ever see you again I wont need an explanation about why you left the way you did or why you said the things you did because I get it. I truly get it. I love you too that's what i would tell you if i ever got the chance to see you again i hope one day i will see some version of you, even a fragment of you would be something, Castiel, former angel of the lord, you mean alot to me thank you forever giving me the thought of day. You pieced me together when you left that hand print you made me whole you made me, me. To answer your question from many years ago, no I don't think I deserve to be saved. I think that you deserve everything good in life, i think you deserve to be saved. But Dean Winchester? Hell no. and everyone knew it too no one thought i should be saved most people wished i was still in the pit some days i agree i mess most things up in my life, i even messed whatever we had because i didn't speak on my feelings or even notice i could feel that way until you made it known to me that i could feel that way that you felt that way.
author note:if anyone likes this I will write more!
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serialadoptersbracket · 6 months
Bonus Round: Robert Rumble
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Submitted kids:
Nash: May Grant, Harry Grant, Evan "Buck" Buckley, and the rest of the 118
Singer: Sam & Dean Winchester
Propaganda under the cut!
1. “He's an amazing, fun, and responsible stepfather to May and Harry, and it has been said many times in canon that Buck is like a son to Bobby.
"My captain is not my dad, but he might as well be" -Buck
"Mom brought two kids into this marriage, you brought one." -May, talking to Bobby about Buck.”
2. “May says she has two dads and he's one of them. Buck says that Bobby might as well be his dad. He also makes the whole team have family dinners together whilst on call”
3. “Harry and May are his actual step-children who he loves and cares for so well.
Buck says in cannon Bobby might as well be his dad, and when Buck is in a coma Bobby's wife (Athena) tells Buck that Bobby cannot lose another child.
Bobby loses his family pre season 1 and it is because Buck and Hen help him the fully opens up and they become a family.
He cooks for them all every shift.
He has regular bbqs that everyone attends.
He has a constant look of tired dad with too many kids whenever he's with them.
He taught Buck how to cook.”
“Bobby canonically considers them his sons, and he was there only good father figure. John Winchester was abusive and just a shitty dad, so Bobby stepped up when he could. He loves them as his own”
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