#john x santino d'antonio
johnwickcaretaker · 5 months
💙🖤John x Santino Masterlist🖤💙
⋆.˚ ●.⭒˚ OOC Post ⋆.˚ ● .⭒˚
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Miscellaneous drabble, headcanons, prompt lists, etc. related to John Wick x Santino D'Antonio (A.K.A. WickedSaint), with a focus on whump, angst, and hurt/comfort. Special thanks to @bluelolblue for many of these asks!
AO3 Series for Ficlets: Even in Your Worst Moods
A Slap From a Saint - Ficlet
Bury a Friend - Drawing
Cooking and Favorite Foods
Hurt/Comfort Headcanons
"Hold My Hand" - Ficlet
Hurt/Comfort Prompts
John is Kidnapped
John is Severely Hurt
Salt in the Wound - Ficlet
Santino Eating Ice Cream - Drawing
Santino has a Flashback - Ficlet
Santino has a Nightmare - Ficlet
Santino has a Panic Attack
Santino has a Panic Attack Alone - Ficlet
Santino has a Rage Meltdown
Santino hides an Injury - Ficlet
Santino is Exhausted
Santino is Overworked and Smoking
Santino is Pregnant
Santino is Severely Hurt
Santino is Sick
Santino Passes Out - Ficlet
Santino Wears a Green Suit - Drabble
Sharing a Dessert - Ficlet
The Boy in the Picture Frame - Ficlet
Too Much Coffee - Ficlet
Torn Stitches - Ficlet
Vampire AU
Visiting a Museum
Walking Home - Ficlet
Wedding Playlist
Werewolf AU
Wildflowers - Ficlet
You'll Thank Me Tomorrow - Ficlet
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thedivinevera · 3 months
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Your basic yandere x reader story but he is transported in the body of his variant who happens to cheat on you.
Imagine working so hard to make your darling fall in-love to you and you suddenly find out that another version of you in an alternate reality is cheating and wasting the love you blessed to his variant. - yandere!
(This is the more "headcanon" like post than the other one where it looks like a script/ convo of my Au uni)
Part 1 and 2
Yandere!multiple characters x gn reader
Tags: yandere x reader, male characters, established relationship, alternative Universe (Au), no gender reader, yandere au, cheating au, multiple characters
Tw! : Yandere, toxic relationship (2 types), CHEATING, unhealthy obsession, MENTIONED OF SELF HARM, mention of death, mention of murder, using profanity (curse). OOC CHARACTERS
A/N hellooo this is my first time doing a multiple character post (and my first post after a long hiatus,). Honestly there are a lot of fandoms I really want to contribute so I decided to just do this!!! So as a reminder; since this is multiple characters post, expect a lot of OOC
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Yandere x reader but he's transported into another alternative Universe, where his variant cheated on you.
Yandere x reader but rather than seeing a traumatized reader (mainly caused by him) he sees an either a begging reader who desperately asks him how he could do this to them or a reader who's cold and seems to just don't give a fuck about him but either way it's far more better than seeing you traumatized and lifeless
Yandere x reader but he's comforting and promising to you that he will never do it again and if that means he would need to be put in a leash, camera in his house, or kill himself if he did it again, then so be it.
Yandere x reader but he killed the person he cheated with and hurt themselves intentionally in the process because his variant (the body) and that person is the reason why his beloved is hurting.
Yandere x reader but he manipulated you to accept him again by letting you see the scars he put in himself because "he" deserves it and put on a show that he's guilty that he couldn't live knowing he hurt you.
Yandere x reader but he's now treating you far better than his variant, of course excluding the fact that he's too possessive and obsessed with you, but hey! Atleast he's not fucking some person behind your back.
Yandere x reader but he never wants to go back to his alternative Universe because as long as you love and care for him he would never want to leave you again.
Yandere x reader but he's so fucking angry because in his world he had done everything to have what his variant have; you and he just waste it for a fucking whore.
Yandere x reader but he almost put himself in self destruction because this body is the same body that hurts you.
Yandere x reader but now everything that he had plan for the future is finally can be put in place.
Yandere x reader but he loves you so much to even think about cheating with you because he thinks that your love is an extension of his life and no matter what happen, no matter how beautiful the person is he would never think of cheating with you ever again .
Yandere x reader but he's ready to be put in lobotomy just to show he would never cheat on you :))
Some meme :)))
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mrssimply · 17 days
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The Burning of Rome
Read the fic on AO3
[please make me happy and open it on its own tab or big enough to see the details - Thank you]
This drawing has an older sibling here
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thewhumpcaretaker · 2 months
John getting drunk Santino home (Santino tripped over his own feet)
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Hiiiii :3 This really veered off of the prompt aaaaaa it's not exactly the same thing, but it is filled with DRAMA!
(Also, this picture is pure gold. I think it’s saved on my Pinterest in like three places and it makes me feel something every time I see it.)
🖤💙 Walking Home 💙🖤
TW: alcohol, arguing
It was a brilliantly clear night in the streets of Rome. The cobblestones were scattered with flecks of golden lamplight and the moon perched its yellow hemisphere low on the horizon, echoing the distant domes of cathedrals. But John Wick had rarely felt his heart sit so heavily in his chest.
The evening had started off well enough. It was the third day of a getaway to Rome, which John had requested in an effort to keep Santino from working himself to death, and which Santino had agreed to because he never missed an excuse to pamper his “little guard dog”. After sleeping in and spending the day exploring museums and old shops, they’d finally ended up in a gorgeous restaurant and bar that John would never have noticed if Santino hadn’t been familiar with the area. It was there that the waiter mistook them for a married couple. John turned the same color as the tomato passata and said he thought that was very sweet. That he could picture it.
Santino disagreed. “What, you want to settle down and get married? Be serious, John.”
“And you don’t?”
He scoffed. “Me? Married? I can’t imagine a worse life, honestly. Well, I might have to marry for an alliance one day, but - ”
“You’re telling me you don’t see a future for us?”
And from there, things…escalated.
John had stormed out and found himself walking, weaving through crooked streets without really seeing them, replaying the memories of their argument over and over in his head. He winced again, thinking of the look on Santino’s face at the idea of marriage. It stabbed him right in the heart every time, to think that growing old together disgusted Santino so much. But why should he be surprised? He was just a killer, and Santino was a prince.
He found his footsteps heading for the Continental, since he had no intention of returning to the D’Antonio estate that night. Clearly this was the end of things between them. Why did he let himself get so attached in the first place? He was on a narrow, residential street that slanted downwards sharply enough to give him sight of rooftops stretching away, and to see that he was completely alone. He stopped, fought with himself for half a moment…but if he was going to break down anywhere, it might as well be here. He slumped forward into his hands and just let himself cry.
It was then that he heard someone calling his name.
“John, che - che cazzo ci fai qui? Stronzo. Devi seguirmi. [John – what the – what the fuck are you doing here? You asshole. You must be following me.]”
He opened his eyes to see the small, lithe figure that had emerged from some side street, dark curls glowing in the lamplight. He bristled and tried to wipe at his face before Santino could see anything. “I did NOT – “ but he stopped short. Something didn’t seem right about the way Santino was moving. “Are you okay?”
“Of course I am! Me and the pinot grigio made our own fun without you. We even invited the whiskey. What do…wait…are you okay?” Santino had reached him by this point and absently patted a hand against his cheek, feeling tears.
“Hey, stop it…” But John could smell the alcohol on his breath. Both anger and hurt had instantly drowned in concern.  “You’re drunk.”
“You’re crying. Don’t cry…” Santino was clingy in this state, his arms wrapping around John’s neck and his forehead butting into his chest. John didn’t know what to do with himself. The impulse was to hug him back but after the way they’d fought, he wasn’t sure he was allowed.
“Why do you care? I thought…” I thought we were broken up… “You know what, never mind. What are you doing out here? Where’s Ares?”
He pushed off of John’s chest again and stumbled a few steps. “I told her to leave me alone! Just…wanna go home…I think it was that way…” Home was not, in fact, that way.
John shuddered at the thought of the perils inherent in an important, highly recognizable man like Santino wandering unguarded through the streets, too drunk to defend himself. Guilt settled deep in his stomach. “I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have left like that.” He fell into step with Santino, his eyes glued to him with concern and an arm hovering behind his back in case he lost balance. “The Continental is near here. We’ll go there, get a car, find Ares. Okay?”
Santino waved a hand dismissively but he couldn’t carry the gesture at all right now. “Don’t…don’t hover! I can walk.” His shoe hit an odd cobblestone and at that steep angle, it sent him reeling forward. John caught him around the waist before he could go down. He waited to be pushed away but Santino just leaned against him, and this time John couldn’t stop himself from wrapping his arms around him. He felt so damn confused, but at least he’d rather be uncertain they were broken up than certain of it.
As if in answer to his thoughts, Santino let his weight fall against him even harder, pushing him back against a lamppost, and slurred, “Non posso essere quello che vuoi, John. Non sono... semplice. Pensi che potrei essere un marito? Guardami. Un litigio e... [I can’t be wha- you want, John. I’m not…simple. You think I could be a husband? Look at me. One fight and…]” He waved an arm across his dishevelment.
John opened his mouth to insist that he'd be a beautiful husband, even like this, but he still wasn’t done. “Vuoi che sia gentile e normale e non lo sono, ok? Sono un mostro, John. Non voglio sposarmi e vivere in qualche piccolo sobborgo a cuocere biscotti. Voglio metterti in mostra davanti alla Tavola Alta e poi sputargli in faccia. Sputare... sputare proiettili in faccia. Voglio scoparti finché... finché non sarò morto e ti amerò oltre la tomba. [You want me to be gentle and normal and I’m not, okay? I am a freak, John. I don’t want to get married and live in some little suburb baking cookies. I want to show you off in front of the High Table and then spit in their faces. Spit…spit bullets in their faces. I want to fuck you until…until I’m dead and love you beyond the grave.]”
John exhaled helplessly, beyond the powers of speech. He tipped his head back for a moment, eyes fixed on the vast chasm between the stars in a way that made him feel like he was falling upward for infinity. His hands were curled around Santino’s arm almost painfully, twisting the fabric. As soon as he found his tongue again, “È quello che voglio. Non mi interessa un pezzo di carta. E non mi interessa dove viviamo o se facciamo parte della Tavola. Non mi interessa nemmeno se avremo mai pace. Voglio TE. [That’s what I want. I don’t care about a piece of paper. And I don’t care where we live or whether we’re a part of the Table. I don’t even care if we ever have peace. I want YOU.]”
“Allora... di che cazzo stiamo discutendo? [Then…what the fuck are we arguing about?]”
John wasn’t sure which one of them started laughing first, but it wound up with lips and teeth pressed together, and Santino tugging hard on his lapels. And it ended with their gazes locked together, two stupidly sweet smiles matching the big “D” of the half moon.
He pulled Santino’s arm over his shoulder and started walking. “Come on. I’m taking you home.”
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bluelolblue · 2 months
The Ecstasy of Temptation
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Summary: During the celebration that the D'Antonio siblings organized, with a bit of too many glasses of wine, the young omega, Santino, unexpectedly went in heat. The only one who could help him handle that was his alpha bodyguard, John, even if that meant breaking the rules of the contract. And he took great care of Santino in his heat.
Rating: Explicit
Relationship: Santino D'Antonio/John Wick
Note: August 12th, (12.8.) 2023 was the day I got registered on ao3, became LittleRealSimp. The day I officially joined. The lore behind this silly username is literally me and my irl bestie sitting in a park and talking about how we're gonna name ourselves there. And we both came up with silly usernames ehehe :P. I can't believe it's already been a year, like what, A WHOLE YEAR! I was lurking on ao3 for a VERY long time, and during summer 2023, I got enough courage to start posting.
This fic is a gift for @mrssimply because really her fics were the ones that helped me get through that summer and inspired me to start working on my own fics. I remember reading those fics on the terrace, at evening, so those are really some of my favorite memories from my vacation. BUT ALSO thank you for being my beta reader, a friend, a support, helping me out so much, and all our conversations, that really means a lot to me! Thank you for reading this, too! I'm so happy you like it! <3
Ahh this all made me emotional. I'm just so happy and can't believe it was already a year, and so much had happened. What a journey, and it's still going!
1 year anniversary of me officially joining on ao3, celebrating with a new fic!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*:・゚✧*:・゚✧
The D'Antonio siblings threw a celebration over gaining more territory. Gianna was in charge there, greeting guests and having everything under control. Santino, on the other hand, regretted even being there.
He usually liked those celebrations only because he actually felt included and he could drink more wine. The guests were annoying to him probably because most of them were alphas and only a few people knew Santino was an omega. Gianna, his family and John who was assigned as his bodyguard. Who was also an alpha.
John knew he wasn't supposed to have anything with Santino. The contract made that very clear and Gianna's order to him not to react at his heat or his actions during it. He listened of course, but he had to admit, Santino was tempting. The omega didn't want to play by the rules, always teasing John when he had a chance to.
Tonight, John had to keep Santino in his sight all the time. With other alphas around, powerful people, anything was possible. Santino was wearing blockers, he always did when he was around people. He hated the way some alphas would look at him as if they knew.
John kept his distance, watching how Santino was on his second glass of wine and accompanied by a younger alpha. Santino didn't seem interested in the guy, he was just pretending to listen to whatever he was saying.
Luckily, Gianna came to check out the situation. She excused Santino for a moment, going to a private room.
“Don't drink too much, you know how wine affects you,” Gianna reminded him, not looking very pleased.
“I know, don't worry,” Santino reassured her, “Thanks for getting me out of that situation. That guy was not shutting up.”
“Yes, I could tell.” His sister agreed, “Just go easy on the drinks, it could trigger your heat. After all, alphas are all around.”
“I'm wearing blockers, they can't scent me.” Santino fixed his tie, checking himself out in a small mirror on the wall.
Gianna sighed, walking over to him to fix his hair, but the omega moved away.
“Your heat is supposed to come… tomorrow? Or in two days?” Gianna tried to remember his last heat, she has lost track of his cycles ever since he kinda snapped at her for doing that.
Read the rest on ao3
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tobytheeggo · 1 month
Furry Santino x John for my little soul pls? :3 <3
I hope this will suffice :]
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corleonecaretaker · 1 month
Santino humping Michael's thigh hard, like he's such a bitch for it, he cries when he comes in his pants
(I just like to imagine Santino being a slut all the time... and him humping a thigh has been on my mind for so long, I'm going insane)
Uhh yeah just thought I'd share this thought with you :]
Hehehe, this is so Santino. I love that these two work as any combination of dom and sub. Thank you for the ask!!
Also, for new people: I'm writing these two as if the Corleone family was forced to join the High Table and serve Santino D'Antonio, who is in charge of the Camorra's US operations.
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Urgent Business
Michael Corleone x Santino D'Antonio, AKA SaintAngel (John Wick Fandom Crossover), 926 words
TW: smut, biting, crying, what could be interpreted as stalking
It hadn’t been so long since they’d seen each other. But to Santino, it had been an eternity. Two months. Two months of hell in New York, trying to balance Michael’s demands with his family’s expectations, without revealing that he favored the Corleones. Why did he always feel like he was the one working for the Don instead of the other way around? He was wrapped around Michael’s finger, and he had to admit he liked it.
But he couldn’t take the loneliness anymore. A few long distance calls, panting desperately into the receiver to the sounds of Michael’s dirty talk, simply wasn’t enough. In February, he showed up unannounced in Nevada.
Michael entered his study that evening and froze, a hand still on the doorknob. “How did you get past the guards?”
“I had ‘urgent business’ with you. They know better than to refuse a representative from the Table.” Santino was sitting at his desk, wearing a smug grin.
Michael clicked the door shut and frowned. Any trace being caught off guard had already vanished. “Hmmm. And what business would that be, exactly?”
He toyed with Michael’s pen, spinning it between his fingers. “Don’t I deserve a reward, for everything I’ve being doing for you?”
The answer wasn’t immediate. Michael took his time, leaning against the wall to light a cigarette. Santino watched the movement of his lips gripping the paper lazily, the smooth, unhurried motions of the lighter. At last Michael returned his gaze, eyeing him, calculating. “You don’t deserve a reward for breaking into my study.” When Santino opened his mouth to protest, he raised a finger. “Yes, yes, not breaking in. You were allowed right in the door. But it’s the behavior of a sex-starved stalker, wouldn’t you agree?”
Santino flushed and stood up. “Whose fault is that, Mikey? You haven’t visited me,” he whined. Michael made no reply, didn’t even look at him. He just looked out the window at the setting sun.
Fine. Time to get his attention, then. This was the way their little games always went. Santino circled around the desk to drape himself over Michael’s chest, inhaling his smoke and nuzzling against his neck in an effort to distract him. But it was Santino who was getting hot and bothered. “You can’t tell me I’ve come all this way for nothing,” he panted, inches from Michael’s lips.
A small sigh. “This is what happens when you come into my home without permission, Santi. You don’t get to cum in me.”
An indignant whimper escaped his throat. The Don’s body was intoxicatingly close to him now, right within reach yet so far away. Desperate for relief, Santino wove their legs through each other, straddling his thigh. Pleading and promises fell from his lips unbidden. “Please, ah fuck…Michael, I need it. Please, you can’t do this to me. I’ll make it the best you’ve ever had. You can do anything to me. Choke me, bite me, ride me until I bleed, I don’t care. I’ve been sitting here all day, thinking about you…”
Michael chuckled. “You’re really that horny? Well, help yourself then. I’m not going to help you.” He took another drag, feigning disinterest and looking out the window again. But his hand was on the small of Santino’s back, supporting him.
That touch alone was enough to drive him crazy. It was completely undignified, but he didn’t care. He just started grinding against the Don’s thigh, grateful even for that little friction. “Bastard,” he swore breathlessly. “Look what you’ve done to me.” He squeezed his thighs against Michael’s, gripping solid muscle. Maybe it was his imagination, but it seemed like Michael shifted his knee upward, angling into it.
“Mmm…please, kiss me Mikey. Please.” He strained towards Michael’s lips but two fingers pressed against his own, pushing him back. He growled in frustration and retaliated by taking them into his mouth, sucking on them vigorously. Maybe he could get close like this…but in another moment they were pulled away again, producing another whine.
Santino was getting to be a real mess. Sweat beaded against his collar and tears were forming in his eyes. “Fuck! No…I need to cum so bad…”
“Fine then. Show me how much.”
Santino moaned and humped faster, heedless of the way the fabric burned and strained against his oversensitive cock. The humiliation of the whole thing started to overwhelm him. The agony of those lips so close to his, those blank eyes fixed on Santino’s burning cheeks. And the rhythm that felt so good but so filthy. He realized he really was going to cum in his pants like a dog humping his master’s leg, but he couldn’t seem to stop. His own legs started shaking and he nearly slid sideways but Michael held him in place, letting him rut as hard as he wanted.
Michael must have felt the change in his motions, because he clamped a hand over Santino’s mouth before he could moan too loudly. Santino bit down on the flesh without thinking, but it didn’t stop him from sobbing through his orgasm.
When his senses started to return, he realized he tasted iron.
“Fuck…I bit you…” he said brokenly, still gasping.
But their little game was over, and that gentle, strong hand just caressed his cheeks, wiping away tears. “It’s okay.” Michael guided him to the chair and pulled him into his lap, holding him.
Only then did Santino feel his tiredness. Perhaps Michael had needed him just as badly. “I missed you,” Don Corleone said softly, into his curls. “Thank you for coming.”
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of-tatooine · 2 months
through me among the people lost for aye.
(John Wick x Reader, Santino d'Antonio x Reader)
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The city of angels.
It was a night of profound clarity through the dim lights. Sparkling moonlight adorned pavement older than time, millions of brave and lost souls’ footsteps embedded in every crevice of the cobblestones.
Sampietrini, they were called. The traditional cobblestone on every major road of the ancient city, still surviving to the modern days. Battered, bruised, hit, yet still standing intact. Both a blessing and a curse to walk on.
Little Saint Peters. It was fitting that the patron saint of Rome protected over the sacred center of the ancient world, watching over it’s citizens as the guardian angel, shielding from harm's way almost. In every crevice, corner and side of the cramped up cacophony of buildings, alleyways that tied into their intricate maze for those who knew how to navigate it. Those who longed to get lost in it, each step taking into another unknown, yet another thrill. Each step taken further away from the safety of the large squares, wide open spaces bustling with people. Would the next step lead to a new danger to overcome, almost taken as a willing challenge, or would it open to the vast corridor of sunlight waiting at the other end?
The unknown.
Why did you long for the unknown? Why did each melodic thud of your heels against the pavement take you one step closer to danger, it seemed?
Who was your patron saint for the night, watching over your shoulder with every move you made?
It had been a couple of short hours from the time your private jet landed the place you called home, the sleek black car disappearing into the night like a shark, after escorting you to city center. The slightly cold nighttime breeze grazed your hair as it flowed freely, cobblestone smoothly transitioning into marble steps, then into the soft red carpet leading up to the giant double doors.
It was impossible to miss Il Continentale, at least for the ones who knew how and where to look. Specks of decorative light adorned the exterior, guards in full uniform at the entrance, with their hands holding the massive gates open for you to pass. The grandeur would only seem to continually increase with each taken step, an accustomed luxury of decadent chandeliers reflecting rays of light on green and coral marble columns, red velvet couches a mere step against sheer height of Renaissance ceilings within the expansive lobby. The countless of times you found yourself in the safe haven, your eyes almost always would divert to the worn yet lively murals adorning the ceilings - little angels, demons and saints alike, a cacophony of depictions let it be an eternal sins or act of good.
What caught your wandering eyes were the small halos etched on the figures of saints, denoting all that was holy they stood for, evoking the eternal respect of mere bystanders.
Devoid of sin.
Unlike you, and the people who walked this ground before, after or with you.
To your dismay, the golden shimmers of halos painted over the saints seemed to dim with each passing visit.
“Buona sera, signora,” came the friendly voice of the reception peering behind the grand marble counter with a casual backdrop of Botticelli spanning the entirety of the wall. Thoughts quickly shooed out of your mind with trained ease and a kind nod thrown his way, you watched your escorts quietly slip to the shadows of the back rooms as they carried your belongings through the establishment’s inner maze of corners, corridors and doors without being seen - secrecy being a top priority at a luxury assassin’s lair.
After all, there was no telling what horrors or pleasure went through the very four walls of each room of the hotel. What deals were done, dirty or nice, secrets spilled or treasures lost. Just like many others before you, your heart joined the slowly dissipating anxiety within your body of what was to come your way.
Many times you had walked in here, just like this. The sheer moonlight illuminating the ornate architecture, the classical crevices and elegant panels in lazy hazes. Heels digging against the marble, men and women in classical attire roaming about, often clutching a drink from the bar you tended to frequent more than you would have liked to admit. Many a nights you put your head on the plush pillows, sleep a welcome luxury at moments, embracing the warmth of it.
However, some tight knot deep, deep within your stomach kept reminding you of just how different this night would render the future.
It sent an even more unwelcome shiver down your spine.
Your eyes then found the man behind the counter once again. He did not have to ask you for your business here, nor for how many nights you would require service. He certainly did not need to remind you of the rules of the Continentale. No, he knew better than that as the receptionist’s fingers aptly swung over the keyboard in front of him, reaching for the phone next as he placed it over his ear. In the waiting moments that followed, your eyes wandered around the mostly empty lobby, more curious than hopeful to see if you would spot any familiar faces in the approaching dawn of the morning.
Besides the one you came here for.
“Ti sta aspettando,” came the long-awaited announcement from the receptionist, the respectful smile lingering at the corner of his lips as he carefully stepped aside to guide you towards the double elevators with an outstretched hand.
He was waiting for you.
“Grazie,” you would offer the man, a small yet audible chime signaled the bronze-colored elevator doors opening, taking casual steps inside. Watching the floor signs beam one by one as the chime signaling the penthouse finally went off, you let go of a breath that you did not realize you were holding.
Bronze doors did not leave any room for preparation as they opened to lead into a dark marble corridor, grand glass doors opening into the vast balcony with the eternally beautiful city lights twinkling in the distance as your steps took you closer to the center of the attention.
And, lo and behold, there stood your saint, pinstripe-covered arms stretched leisurely over the marble railings as he gazed over his kingdom. Candle light reflected off of the navy tweed on his broad back, sending a light sparkle on the crystal glass of the finest Chianti wrapped in his fingers.
Even with his back turned to you, a voice in you swore his green eyes twinkled  as he gazed at each monument, dimly lit window or reflection under the street lights.
A whole city rendered his playground, for his empire of sin to run foster. Each and every corner riddled with his influence, his men, his rules to be followed. An undeniable force running on unspoken rules, whispered by each passerby and accomplice included.
A cause for which you had been a loyal soldier, sworn for forever and always.
He had to break you first to own you, after all.
“It’s done.”
Your voice soft, betraying your previous anxiety during the journey back home. Mind transitioning into a state of eerie calmness, of habitual ease, the moment Santino turned around to meet your eyes. The eclairs of night danced in his dark curls, illuminating his taut skin. Piercing green found yours, a gentle grin on his lips right before the glass was raised up for another sip, perhaps in the light of the good news that were to follow. Manicured nails reached into your pocket for the long-awaited marker, placing it on the sleek black marble table extending through the length of the balcony.
The gleaming light off of the bronze marker, the object of his attention, hit Santino’s face, sending a look of partial relief upon the sight.
A content hum escaped his lips. “Bene,” his low voice uttered in a mere whisper, a soft beckoning of his fingers to call you closer to his position near the marble railing.
Your legs took you to your place right next to him, your hands finding the cool stone as you perched over gently. Standing next to him came so naturally. It was all you knew, for all these years. It was where you belonged.
Right next to him, on his right side. His queen, overlooking the kingdom she helped rule.
As your weary eyes took sight of the beauty in front of you that you could never get tired of, his hand found yours. Both creatures of habit, yet it never ceased to sent a shiver down your spine.
No one wanted to mess with Santino d’Antonio, and no one wanted to be indebted to him. That you knew. From the back of your mind, as you held onto Santino’s calloused hand, you could not help but wonder if a certain dark-haired assassin would repay his debt.
From then on, you could only hope he would not pay the favor back with his life.
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alejandrafrausto · 2 months
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FINAL HAVEN: One last safe place
un fanfiction de Alejandra Frausto
Santino D'Antonio esperaba muchas cosas en su vida, incluidos el poder y la grandeza. No contaba con que su padre le arrebataría esa vida, que merecía por derecho propio, y se la daría a su hermana mayor, Gianna.
Descontento con la decisión del anterior líder de la familia Camorra, Santino cobra su marcador de sangre más valioso con la única persona en quien confía para no fallar en matar a su hermana: John Wick.
Para desgracia de Santino, el implacable asesino escapó de los secuaces que había enviado para matarlo, con la esperanza de no dejar "cabos sueltos" al momento de ascender como el nuevo líder de los Camorra y miembro de la Alta Mesa.
En consecuencia, y con el fin de que Wick no cobrara venganza sobre él, Santino abrió un contrato entre los criminales más despiadados del mundo, ofreciendo 7 millones de dólares por la cabeza de John.
Parecía sencillo, pero no por nada el nombre de Boogeyman precedía a John.
Asesino que intentaba detenerlo en su cacería, asesino que no vivía para contarlo; y en ese momento, el hombre del saco estaba cazando a Santino D'Antonio.
Hasta que lo encontró.
Santino huyó y se escondió. Era un juego de niños para Wick. Solo era cuestión de tiempo, cuestión de minutos para que lo alcanzara y matara.
Entonces apareció ella.
Un ángel a los ojos de Santino; un daño colateral a los ojos de John.
Hola, la verdad le quiero hacer justicia al personaje de Santino D'Antonio de la saga de películas de John Wick.
Ciertamente es un gran personaje con una historia fuerte, que bien desarrollada tiene mucho potencial, y ni hablar del pedazo de actor que le da vida (Riccardo Scamarcio) es un hombre muy atractivo, no me lo van a negar.
Por lo que espero que le den mucho amor y cariño a la historia, tengo las ideas en mi cabeza pero a diferencia de mi otro fic quiero hacer este acapella, por lo que si ven errores o me desvío de la trama díganmelo con confianza, por favor, para poder corregirlo a tiempo.
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fics-not-tragedies · 9 months
January 2024 Music Prompts - Spotify Wrapped edition
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♪ Hello again! Yes, I'm finally back, at last. Let's start new year with something great: music prompts ♪🎵🎶
♪ Since getting your Spotify Wrapped is such a huge event every year (at least for me, who listens to the same 5 artists and even tho I still get surprised, lol), I decided to surprise you with a little prompt event.
♪ I've chosen 15 songs from my 2023 Wrapped playlist and a lyric (or few) for each one of them that just has THE vibe (y'know):
1. Own My Mind ♫ Måneskin I'm prayin' at your altar if you know what I mean.
2. Dinner & Diatribes ♫ Hozier I’d suffer hell if you'd tell me/What you'd do to me tonight.
3. Kiwi ♫ Harry Styles She worked her way through a cheap pack of cigarettes/Hard liquor mixed with a bit of intellect.
4. Electricity ♫ Arctic Monkeys Tell me something I don’t already know/Like how'd you get your kisses to fill me with electricity?
5. Francesca ♫ Hozier Though I know my heart would break/I'd tell them, "Put me back in it".
6. Honey (Are You Coming?) ♫ Måneskin I'm gonna show you how this Italian amor/It's gonna love you harder than ever before/You will like it.
7. Don't Blame Me ♫ Taylor Swift I would fall from grace/Just to touch your face.
8. For Your Love ♫ Måneskin I wanna be the first man you look at tonight/I wanna be stuck in your head and make you go wild.
9. Stuck ♫ Thirty Seconds to Mars I've been lost in your eyes all afternoon/The more I drift, the closer I get to you.
10. Mammamia ♫ Måneskin They ask me why I'm so hot, 'cause I'm italiano.
11. Nobody ♫ Hozier I'd be appalled if I saw you ever try to be a saint/I wouldn't fall for someone I thought couldn't misbehave/But I want you to know that I've had no love like your love.
12. I Can See You ♫ Taylor Swift But what would you do if I went to touch you now?/What would you do if they never found us out?/What would you do if we never made a sound?
13. Baby Said ♫ Måneskin Baby said, "Let me taste your silhouette/You can talk between my legs"/Uh-uh, uh, uh, know you really want to.
14. Cuff It ♫ Beyonce I wanna go higher, can I sit on top of you?
15. I Wanna Be Your Dog ♫ John McCrea So messed up, I want you here/In my room, I want you here/Now we're gonna be face-to-face/And I'll lay right down in my favorite place.
♪ You can now start making request for the following list of characters:
1. Keanu Reeves along with his following characters/movies:
John Wick & the John Wick movies franchise,
Constantine & the movie,
Johnny Utah & Point Break,
Jonathan Harker & Bram Stoker’s Dracula,
Neo & The Matrix,
dr Julian Mercer,
Jack Traven & Speed;
2. Riccardo Scamarcio along with:
Santino D’Antonio;
3. Andrew Hozier Byrne;
4. Tom Hiddleston along with his following characters/movies:
Sir Thomas Sharpe & Crimson Peak,
Loki & Avengers/Thor,
Adam & Only Lovers Left Alive,
dr Robert Laing & High Rise,
Jonathan Pine & The Night Manager;
5. Henry Cavill along with his following characters/movies:
Geralt of Rivia & The Witcher,
Walter Marshall & Nomis,
Capt. Syverson & Sand Castle,
Napoleon Solo & The Man from U.N.C.L.E.,
August Walker & MI: Fallout,
6. Alexander Skarsgård along with his following characters/movies:
Eric Northman & True Blood,
Leo Beiler & Mute,
Gadi Becker & The Little Drummer Girl,
sergeant Brad “Iceman” Colbert & Generation Kill,
7. Peaky Blinders franchise along with the following characters:
Thomas ‘Tommy’ Shelby,
Alfie Solomons,
8. Supernatural franchise along with the following characters:
Dean Winchester,
Sam Winchester,
9. The X Files franchise along with the following characters:
Dana Scully,
Fox Mulder,
10. Kiefer Sutherland along with his following characters/movies:
Jack Bauer & 24,
president Tom Kirkman & Designated Survivor,
David & The Lost Boys.
Please send in a number with the song/lyric you fancy + a character from those listed above, first come - first serve, as always.
If there are any questions don’t be afraid to ask them, I’m always all ears for y’all!
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johnwickcaretaker · 21 days
💙🖤 John Wick x Santino D'Antonio Ship Overview/Analysis 🖤💙
I did this for Santino and Michael in my crossover stuff and now I want to do this for Santino and John as well!!
So, why are they so compelling?
Canon divergence AUs for this ship are full of possibilities because we have so many moments in the timeline to choose from. They knew each other in the early days of John's work, but that is left completely open-ended so it's very fun to explore that time period. What if they never split up? And if they did split up, then they had some period of Santino presumably pining for John after the Impossible Task (angst!!) and then they were reunited. It's easy to imagine a world in which that reunion went differently and one of them showed the other a lot more compassion - what if Santino hadn't betrayed John? What if Santino had thrown away his marker as a sacrifice to show John how much he loves him? What if John had ACTUALLY refused to kill Gianna, even after his house was blown up? What if John had forgiven Santino instead of shooting him? I haven't written all of these possibilities yet because there are just so many.
Although a lot of people assume that they're toxic with one another (continuously fighting, stalking, taking revenge on each other, etc.), they can also be written as an exploration of anger management and conflict resolution in a way that's very sweet. John's careful emotional control and devotion allows him to be patient with Santino and make him feel safe enough to express his pain through means other than violence. Santino's stubbornness can be put towards a determination not to hurt or control John. They demonstrate a seemingly miraculous victory of love over possessive rage - but a victory which is actually won through a lot of hard work and emotional growth.
Their sexual dynamic is SO HOT. Messy brat constantly teases stoic dom. Need I say more? No, but I will. It's not just that Santino is teasing John, it's that he feels safe enough to tease John. He wants to know 1 - that John is strong enough to put him in his place, and to just feel and enjoy John' power. And 2 - that John actually going to be gentle and forgiving with him no matter what he does. He watches John shove him around, manhandle him, do kinky stuff with him...but never actually traumatize him the way that he was traumatized growing up, no matter how much Santino annoys him. It's this constant proof that he is loved.
And then the hurt/comfort dynamic!!! Santino keeps poking at John there too. He ignores his health, he pushes himself to the limit, he gets into reckless situations. It's like he's constantly asking John, "Do I even matter? Do I even deserve to be saved?" And John is constantly stepping in, saying, "Yes, you do." I adore this even more when John gives him long-term solutions - things he can do instead of self-harming, routines that help him fix his sleep schedule, help getting off of his addictions.
And how about John's role in all this? He sees himself express tenderness. He sees that he is capable of that. He learns that he is capable of patience, that he is not just a killer. Every time Santino pushes him and he doesn't push back, every time that they playfight and it doesn't turn to real fighting, John begins to trust himself slightly more. And when Santino expresses concern for him, and turns his own caretaking back on John, John has to learn to value his own life as well.
So Santino and John both slow heal. A beautiful recovery arc is at the core of the John x Santino ship and I love that for them.
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simp4aegon · 1 year
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John Wick had never felt so powerless before. He had been an assassin for over 30 years, notorious for his efficient kills and unparalleled skills. But here he was, a 50-year-old man, caged by a 20-year-old boss who had saved him from certain death.
"I can't keep doing this," John muttered to himself as he adjusted his tie in front of the mirror. "I'm not her toy."
He knew that he had no choice. Life under Anastazia's rule was better than being hunted by the High Table's assassins. He still remembered the day he had come to her with his plead, to lift his punishment after killing her fiancé, Santino D'Antonio. He had hoped that he could convince her to understand his intentions, and Anastazia had surprised him by offering to save his life.
Now, John found himself indulging Anastazia's every whim, fulfilling her lustful desires and gifting her with anything she wanted. He had accepted his fate and hoped that one day, he could find a way out.
But as Anastazia went into labor, John realized the extent of his powerlessness. He didn't even have the freedom to leave her side as she writhed in agony, screaming his name.
"Please, please make it stop," Anastazia begged as John held her hand.
"Shh, it's going to be okay," John whispered, trying to calm her down.
As the hours dragged on, John couldn't help but feel trapped. He was no longer the Boogeyman, the feared assassin who could take down entire armies. He was just a man, at the mercy of a woman who saw him as nothing more than a tool.
Finally, Anastazia gave birth to a healthy baby boy, and John felt a wave of relief wash over him. But even as he held his child in his arms, he knew that he was still under Anastazia's power.
"I'm tired, John," Anastazia whispered, her purple eyes filled with exhaustion. "Take our son to the nursery. I need some rest."
John nodded, carefully cradling the baby as he walked out of the room. As he watched his son sleep, he felt a newfound determination. He knew that he would do anything to protect his family, even if it meant going against Anastazia's wishes.
For the first time in a long time, John felt hope. He had a reason to fight, a reason to escape his cage. And as he looked down at his son, he vowed to do whatever it takes to give him a better life.
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mrssimply · 23 days
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The Burning of Rome : Ashes
Hello folks,
So, after... Two years and a half, I finally finished the Wild Animals Rebelion series.
I'm still trying to find the words to express what I feel about my own stories so... For now I'll just tank people: @koda-shoulda-woulda-but-didnt, first and foremost, for his audience testing, for pushing me when I needed to be pushed, for listening to me whine, for supporting me when I hated that story with all my heart and when I thought I would never finish it.
Thank you @bluelolblue for your enthusiasm and energy, it helped a lot to push through the writer block!
To all the readers who ever took an interest in that series, with additional kudos to those who took the time to comment: thank you so much for that, all of your reviews were little gifts I treasure with all my heart.
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As for the Burning of Rome, the final part start at Chapter 13, in the afternath of the assault on the Archives, where it's time to deal with the consequences of everything that happened before : Read Ashes on AO3
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thewhumpcaretaker · 3 months
Hellooooooo 🗣💙🖤
While I'm still thinking and going back to that gif of Riccardo in a bathtub... what do you think about Santino being taken care of like that? What would even get him into that situation that he has no strength or will (or can't do it on his own) to take care of himself like that? How would John help him? I'm pretty sure he is willing to do anything for him. :<
His husband is not doing well, he has to take care of him 😞
Pathetic little wet cat moment with Santino... but also just hurt/comfort again ❤️‍🩹
HELLO this got so out of hand, it's 1,400 words. I ended up really loving this prompt! Lots of comfort for the pathetic wet cat, he really needs it. By the way, this is in the early days of their relationship – they haven’t even made it official yet.
Here's the gif that inspired it.
🖤💙You'll Thank Me Tomorrow 💙🖤
TW: alcohol, vomiting, a person being refused sex because he's too drunk to consent, nonsexual bathing
John was watching the Camorra prince carefully from across the bar. Pink and green lights crashed together on his cheeks, enhancing their lively flush. And he looked beautiful, animated, but…something was wrong. He was talking too loudly, laughing too much, and there was a hint of anger in it. John couldn’t make out what he was saying over the general babble and the music, but whoever he was talking to had been irritating him for a while now, and he’d been dealing with it by throwing back shot after shot of whiskey. It wasn’t like him. He had a glass of wine sometimes in the evenings – it helped him relax. But he never got drunk. John had never seen him like this before.
He caught Addy’s eye over the tap and she let concern flicker through her expression for half a second – yes, she saw it too.
He eyed the man on the stool next to Santino. He was well dressed, a Camorra higher-up of some kind. And he was saying something that Santino absolutely hated. Maybe he was a rival? It was hard to tell. But he was getting more intense as time went on, in response to Santino’s intensity. Before he knew what was happening, their voices were raised. Damn it…he couldn’t bring himself to stay out of it anymore.
He appeared at Santino’s side so suddenly and quietly that he almost startled him. “Hey. Is he bothering you?”
“Wha - ? Oh, John.” He recovered himself in a moment, and instead got a wicked, petulant sort of grin on his face. “No, he’s not bothering me. He can’t bother me. Look, I can even do this.” Santino shoved him.
The man was understandably irate. “Lay off it!”
“Why should I?” He opened his arms, thrusting out his chest, cocky. “You can’t do shit to me! Continental rules.” He grinned, a smug, feline thing, so distinctive to his particular manner of bravado.
“Santino – “ But it was too late. John saw what was going to happen before he did. The man grabbed the glass next to him and dumped it over his head, leaving him shocked and spluttering, with his hair clinging to his face. The conversations nearest to them died away, and a ripple of awkward silence spread to the edges of the room.
He swayed dangerously, moving towards the man instead of the opposite direction where he should be going. “Tu… figlio di puttana…[You….son of a bitch…]”
“Boys!” Addy broke in, a note of solemn warning under her normally bubbly demeanor. “You know the rules. We’re going to be sensible about this, right?”
Santino was still babbling on, almost incoherent. “You don’t…you don’t get to…” But John grabbed his arms, as much to keep him from falling as to keep him from lunging forward.
“Yes, we are. Thank you, Addy, I’ll take care of him.” She nodded in thanks. Santino’s weight lurched around, struggling against him, but he just marched him away towards the elevator.
“Wait…where are we…”
“Your room.” He was leaned fully against John now, seeming suddenly so small, and it made it hard to think. His heart was racing against Santino’s alcohol-drenched vest. “…What floor?”
“Never mind. My room. Is that okay?”
“Okay.” He slumped against John’s shoulder, absently grabbing for his hand. John blushed and let their fingers entwine. But Santino was whining even as he nuzzled against him. “Why’d you pull me away? Tsk, you’re so…I could have taken him.“
“You’re not supposed to ‘take him.’ You’ll thank me tomorrow.” He paused. “What did he say to you?”
“He said…he just kept saying things…that he’s glad I’m not the heir, that I don’t deserve command over any of my territory. Kept saying it too subtly and in a friendly way, so I couldn’t say anything back, and I just got angrier and angrier…I hate myself when I’m like this.”
“Don’t hate yourself.” It was a simple thing to say, but it had to be said. The fight was draining out of Santino, and in its place was something tired and needy and very pitiful. The elevator doors opened and John pulled him down the hall towards his room.
“John…I’m too drunk.”
“I know.”
“I don’t feel good.”
“I know.” He stroked his hair and started fishing out his room key, still supporting Santino all the while.
“He’ll attack my territory tomorrow. Because I shoved him. He’ll use it as an excuse. He did it on purpose.” Santino sounded so defeated. His mood was worsening by the moment.
“…Yeah.” John led him inside towards the bed, narrowly preventing him from stumbling into the nightstand and he clutched at his tie in response, trying to steady himself and nearly dragging John down in the process. “Just lay down.”
But Santino just continued swaying and holding onto him. It took him a second to realize he was going to be sick, and by that time he couldn’t get him to the bathroom. He just held his hand and waited for it to be over.
It was like all the energy drained out of him after that. He sunk down against the wall with dead eyes. The room seemed horribly quiet. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’ll call room service. Um…let’s get you cleaned up.”
Santino nodded. He didn’t seem capable of speaking anymore. There were tears on his cheeks and it made John’s heart ache. He didn’t let go of his hand for even a second while phoning for a maid, and then lifted him in his arms and carried him into the bathroom, locking the door behind them. The room filled with warm steam that made the world feel almost equally blurry to both of them, a sad but intimate space of deep love and care for one another.
None of it seemed to reach Santino. He was limp and pliable and completely unresisting as John peeled off his shirt. He hesitated at his belt, and didn’t touch his underwear at all.
John got him into the water and stood there with him, steadying his shoulders, making sure he wouldn’t fall or be sick again. “We’ll just get you cleaned off enough and then you can lay down, okay?”
“Mmmm…can I have a bath actually?” John almost laughed, relieved that there was still some hint of the demanding little prince he knew.
“Yeah. Anything you want.”
But of course he pushed further. “Can I have your cock in me then?”
This time he really did laugh. “Well no…not that. You’re too drunk, mio caro.”
“Mio caro…” he repeatedly, dazed. “Is that how you feel about me?”
John swallowed. “Yes. It is.”
“That’s how I feel about you too.” A flood of unbridled happiness. But…it couldn’t be true. Santino would probably forget he said that in the morning. Don’t hope. Don’t let yourself hope.
“…Come on, step out for a minute so I can run the bath.”
He looked even more pitiful, leaned against the wall all soaked and shivering in the minute or two it took for John to get the bath water ready. He had a towel around his shoulders at least, but John hurried as much as he could, and rewarded him with a forehead kiss when he was done. Then he lowered him gently into the water. Santino’s eyes closed as he leaned his head back, and he sighed miserably. But after a few moments, he finally seemed to get some peace.
John attended to him in every way he could. He lathered shampoo into his curls and rinsed him with handful after handful of warm water, massaging over his scalp and then the base of his neck. And Santino relaxed further and further at the feeling of those strong, capable hands moving over him, making sure everything was exactly as it should be. He made little inadvertent sounds of joy at being so comforted, and then finally became so sleepy that he made no sounds at all.
John would have to get him out of the water once it got cold, but for now, he might as well let him rest. John sat down on the edge of the tub with a hand over his chest and just held him, looking at the deep frown lines and the signs of care already forming at the corners of his eyes. The world had been too harsh on Santino. He deserved so much gentleness. And John decided then and there that he would give it to him.
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bluelolblue · 2 months
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Summary: Santino found an abandoned puppy and decided to take her home. He named her Biscotti, and she quickly became a new family member, getting along with Dog and Santino's husband and bodyguard, John.
Rating: Teen, lots of fluff
Relationship: Santino D'Antonio/John Wick
Note: This fic is a gift for my dog Lara, for her birthday! I decided to write this because I needed something wholesome, and because I also think Lara wouldn't want any dog to be abandoned. They all deserve a nice home. This fic also means a lot to me, I put some of Lara's characteristics into Biscotti, and I think it really fits her and how Santino and John handle everything. They love dogs so why not give them a little fluffy puppy ^ ^
☆ SPECIAL THANKS TO @mrssimply ☆ for beta reading and helping out with it! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and got to read it first ehehe!
Enjoy Santino and John being dog parents :3
。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚૮ ᴖﻌᴖა 。゚•┈୨♡୧┈• 。゚
“When are you coming back?”
“Tomorrow afternoon, probably. I settled things down here,” John said through the phone. He was sent to Italy to do one of Santino's jobs. Why should the Crime Lord himself get his hands dirty when he had a loyal bodyguard... who was also his husband who would die for him?
“Good, I can't wait. There's something I want to show you.”
John could tell Santino was smiling even through the phone. He didn’t often hear that soft tone over the phone so he was actually really curious to know what made him this happy.
“Did you do something?” John asked, smiling to himself. Usually when Santino was being honest he sounded like this, meaning John could indeed expect something. Probably something good.
“No… kinda. You'll see.”
“Alright. I'm looking forward to whatever it is,” John said, “And I can't wait to see you.”
He could hear a faint chuckle and what he assumed was Dog whining playfully in the background. Although, it sounded a bit more high pitched.
“Can't wait to see you, too. Be careful on your last day there. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
What could've Santino done in one day? John knew him pretty well, he was married to him, he knew his habits, his mood, everything. And he knew how sometimes Santino could be unpredictable, but that never changed the way John felt about him.
He was thinking about Santino the whole day, he couldn't wait to return back home and see whatever Santino had been preparing. He missed Dog, too.
Thankfully, he could rest today at the Continental in Rome. He’d done what he had to do, there shouldn't be any problems, he could allow himself to rest.
He took a nap so that time flew faster, and that nap turned into a full deep sleep which was good. However at some point at 2 am he was awakened by a notification on his phone, and it was from Santino.
He sent a picture of Dog curled up on the bed on John's side, followed by a text, “He misses you and wishes you good night.”
Read the rest on ao3
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tobytheeggo · 2 months
More blue (with MarkerMischief dolls) :3
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