#jojo hiroshige
Jojo Hiroshige With Masonna - The Last Destruction Noise [Full DVDr · 20...
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postpunkindustrial · 3 years
C.C.C.C. and Hijokaidan live on Italian TV (1997)
So, In 1997 Hiroshi Hasegawa and Mayuko Hino of C.C.C.C. and Junko and Jojo Hiroshige of Hijokaidan appeared on Italy’s TMC2 network.
Using context clues I think I know what is going on but seeing I speak none of the languages involved I don’t know what is actually going on.
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anamon-book · 5 years
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とうめい階段 toumei kaidan とうめいロボ+JOJO広重+スハラケイゾウ 2008.4.6(sun) at Alchemy Music Store Alchemy Records(AMSDVDR-013)
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ssississpssk · 5 years
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Hijokaidan/Sissy Spacek “Entropic” LP/CD (Helicopter)
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noiseotaku · 6 years
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Come Again. Released by Vanilla Records in 1991. Limited to 63 copies. Three 7″ acetate records. This is the shit.
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radiophd · 7 years
various artists -- come again (compilation, 1991)
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vagabondedlife · 5 years
knowing that jojo hiroshige works fulltime as a psychic in shimokitazawa still cracks me up whenever I think about noise music
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The Hijokaidan History
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The Hijokaidan Story by Toshiji Mikawa and Jojo Hiroshige.
full text-
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noisefliers · 6 years
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The first of two Not So Quiet fliers. It’s hard to find fault with this lineup in any way. Interesting to see T. Mikawa and Jojo Hiroshige as a duo rather than with the full Hijokaidan gang. That would have been a little different.
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jazzzzaj · 5 years
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060320 JazzaJ / Anla Courtis (AR) field recordings műhely és koncert
Kivételes alkalom! Anla Courtis, a kultikus Reynols együttes alapító tagja, a zajzenei improvizáció egyik nagyágyúja Argentínából érkezik hozzánk. Az általa vezetett field recordings workshop metodológiáját így határozta meg: "Ahogyan a fotográfia milliók mindennapi életének része a világ minden táján, a hangfelvétel is növeli a szerpét a modern társadalmakban. Ebben az összefüggésben a műhely fő célja a terepfelvételek (field recordings) bemutatása és megvitatása különböző perspektívákból. A témák a következők: változatos fonografikus tendenciák, a hangzás lehetőségei, kreatív hallgatás és a hangfelvétel kifejező felhasználása. A kreatív session-ök azonban a gyakorlásra is összpontosítanak: a műhely a résztvevők aktív és állandó bevonását igényli, akiknek saját képességeik és érdeklődésük figyelmünk egyik fő célpontját jelentik. Az aktív részvételt igénylő gyakorlati feladatok elvégzéséhez a résztvevőknek legalább egy, bármilyen típusú hangrögzítő eszközt magukkal kell hozniuk: digitális felvevőt, tabletet, számítógépet, mini-discet, kazettát, mikrokazettát, DAT-ot, iPhone-t stb. A műhely zenészek, nem zenészek, művészek, szakemberek, hallgatók és minden érdeklődő számára nyitva áll. Munkánk konkrét céljai: • Bemutatjuk a résztvevőknek a terepfelvételezést • A hallgatás kreatív módjainak fejlesztése • A hangfelvétel lehetőségeinek feltárása • A terület fő tendenciáinak és zeneszerzőinek a megismertetése • Különféle technikák és gyakorlatok kipróbálása • Reflektálás ezen témák művészi vonatkozásaival kapcsolatban • A kreatív folyamat ösztönzése A létszám limitált, ezért kérjük jelentkezzetek minél előbb ezen az email címen: [email protected] Jelentkezési határidő: 2020. március 2., hétfő A workshop részvételi díja: 5000.- (Diákok, figyelem! Kedvezményes részvételi díj, "ösztöndíjas" lehetőség kérelmezhető a fenti email címen pár soros motivációs levéllel.) A workshop nyelve angol. Órarend: workshop: 13-17h, prezentáció; Anla Courtis és a workshop résztvevőinek field recordings koncertje: 18-19h. *** Anla (Alan) Courtis 1972-ben született Buenos Airesben, gyermekkorát az elnyomó katonai diktatúra és a falklandi háború élményei is erősen meghatározták. Először gitározni tanult (apja hatására, aki ún. gaucho gitáros, azaz Argentin cowboy-folk előadó volt), majd pedig zongorázni. Zeneszerzést, zeneelméletet a Manual de Falla Városi Konzervatóriumban tanult. Ezzel párhuzamosan került kapcsolatba a korabeli Argentin acid- és pszichedelikus rockzenével. 1993-ban Christian Dergarabediannal és Roberto Conlazóval együtt Courtis megalakította a teljesen formabontó The Burt Reynolds Ensemble-t; amikor Miguel Tomasín is csatlakozott az együtteshez, Reynolsra változtatták a nevüket, amelyet a kultikus zenekar 2004-es feloszlásáig meg is tartottak. (Tomasín, aki hamar a Reynols "arca" lett, az experimentális zenei színtér egyik leghíresebb és legkreatívabb fogyatékossággal élő művésze is egyben.) A zene mellett Courtis kommunikációelméletből is diplomát szerzett a Buenos Aires-i Egyetemen, ahol mind a mai napig experimentális zenei műhelyt vezet (ép, de főleg fogyatékossággal élő fiatal zenészek számára). Éppen ezért Courtis zenei világának egyik legizgalmasabb, egyúttal meghatározó eleme a fogyatékossággal élőkkel (főleg Down-szindrómásokkal) és az épekkel közösen kialakított univerzális experimentális zenei nyelv.   Az elmúlt évtizedekben a Reynolsszal és számtalan más projekttel a világ szinte minden táján megfordult, megjelent lemezeinek száma több mint kétszáz. Egyebek mellett olyan művészekkel dolgozott együtt mint Pauline Oliveros, Phill Niblock, a Nihilist Spasm Band, a The New Blockaders, Jim O'Rourke, Keiji Haino, Otomo Yoshihide, Makoto Kawabata (Acid Mothers Temple), KK Null, Jojo Hiroshige (Hijokaidan), Merzbow, Lee Ranaldo (Sonic Youth), Mats Gustafsson, Lasse Marhaug, RLW, C.Spencer Yeh, Okyung Lee, Eddie Prévost... Az akusztikus és az elektromos gitár mellett gyakran alkalmaz ready-made-eket, épít és használ különös hangszer-mutánsokat (pl. húr nélküli gitár), szintetizátorokat, élő elektronikát, komputer-elektronikát, környezeti felvételeket és a mindennapi élet tárgyait. A kritikusok így írnak róla: "Courtis has produced brillant work with the relative primitive tools at his disposal” (The Wire, Nagy-Britannia), "a true mastermind of noisescapes and sonic abstractions” (IEM magazin, Oroszország). Anla Courtis a The Wire-nek adott egyik korábbi interjújában beszélt a folklór és az experimentális zene hatásáról: “It’s about working with the imaginary dimension of folklore. Countries and cultures are collective inventions and, in some ways, we are inventing them all the time. Nowadays, everything is mixed up. Traditions are being constantly redefined. Anything could potentially become the next folklore... When listening to all this music, I realised just how ‘experimental’ music can be. I mean, I’m supposed to be an experimental musician, but in the end it’s quite shocking to notice that ‘experimental’ is not just a genre, label or adjective – it’s a basic quality of music. I think that all powerful music is basically experimental in the sense that it somehow sets its own parameters at some point. And it’s surprising how valid or consistent this idea is for music from all times and places.” Újabb interjú vele a The Wire-ben: https://www.thewire.co.uk/in-writing/interviews/reynols-interview Új Reynols box set (kiadatlan anyagok) + Film DVD-n: https://picadisk.bandcamp.com/album/minecxio-emanations-1993-2018
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fluidsf · 6 years
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Eastern Delivery 1
Hijokaidan: [Viva Angel +1 NOISE] REMASTERED EDITION (1984 / 2014) (Japanese Import)
Reviewed format: CD Album reissue on réveil / Alchemy RECORDS
Additional release identifiers: ALCHEMY RECORDS SPECIAL EDITION SERIES (20) / Hijokaidan 03
Welcome to the first review in my new series Eastern Delivery. In this new review series I will give you a personal view on underground and extreme music from Asia and the Middle East through reviews of historical / archival reissues and recent releases. This review series also features specially imported releases I order from the original countries in Asia and the Middle East that these were released in, so you will also be able to get an idea of both local editions of Eastern underground music as well as releases that were on released in Asia or the Middle East. Plenty of cool stuff coming up definitely and I will provide links to the store you can buy every release from, for convenience.
This first review is on the third part in ALCHEMY RECORDS SPECIAL EDITION Hijokaidan series, through which the label (owned by JOJO of Hijokaidan) reissued the old albums from the legendary Noise group. This third part of the album series is the album Viva Angel, which I have here reissued as [Viva Angel +1 NOISE] REMASTERED EDITION, with the +1 pointing to the bonus track added to every REMASTERED release of the original albums in this series. This is a 2014 remaster by JOJO released through the reissue imprint of Alchemy, réveil. The CD comes in a white jewelcase featuring an obi strip covering the spine as well as the short side on the front and the long side on the back of the jewelcase featuring release identifiers, price, release date and assorted (promotional) information on the release. It's mostly just info for retailers, but that strip definitely looks classy to keep. The Japanese definitely got a great style of packaging music. The spine of this obi strip obviously features just the artist name, album title and catalogue number + label logos. The stream of info contained on the packaging continues on the back of the jewelcase which features the tracklist of Viva Angel, also pointing out the BONUS TRACK. There is the original release date of Viva Angel as well as the same label logos again as well as very detailed info on the CD specifications and copyright info. Included with the CD is a simple two page booklet with again, the tracklist, but also original release credits, credits of the REMASTERED EDITION and more info in Japanese. On the front you have the album cover (with additional text pointing out the reissue) and on the back a sweet abstract black and white photo featuring Hijokaidan in fancy designed Japanese characters and label logos and the like. The booklet is well printed on nice matte paper and the CD feels quality as well. A pretty thick heavy CD pressing this is and besides featuring the usual artist, album name, logos and copyright message, the CD also got a nice silvery translucent design to it which looks pretty classy.
Now onto the Noise music on this album itself. Hijokaidan's band members have joined or left over the many years this band's been active, but back in 1984 on this album the band consisted of only three members. Jojo Hiroshige, T.Mikawa and Naoto Hayashi. Viva Angel begins with Seeds Rock'n'Roll, a short track of Noise Rock, featured repetive screamed Japanese vocals and screechy AM radio manipulations like Noise as well as repetitive but pretty clean drums. It's a nice track that introduces the album's rather varied Noise / Noise Rock hybrid style. Seeds Rock'n'Roll is pretty sparse in nature but definitely a fun, wild and energetic opening track and the screechy Noise is definitely powerful and effective. Then we have track 02 Hellthy Girl which features a lot of wild squelchy and feedback laden Guitar Noise, as well as what sounds like heavily distorted screamed vocals. Again, very sparse in instrumentation but the many variations and fluctuations in the Noise combined with the nice roomy ambience to the recording give this quite a unique sound. The Noise is both powerful and energetic but the wild manipulations also create plenty of enjoyable details and directions the Noise moves into. As I've noticed from the beginning of Viva Angel already, Hijokaidan's Noise is rather progressive on this album and more than just straight on blasts or walls of fuzzy crunch, Hijokaidan has a great way of performing their screeching clouds of sound. It definitely feels more "live" like this and the excellent remaster by JOJO helps too, with all tracks on this CD sounding very clear without clipping as well as still having plenty of headroom (for you to turn up to your preferred level). And the bassier pieces on this album have got a very nice clean bass sound to them, very powerful but undistorted, great sound quality as I expected from a Japanese CD. Track 03 is Secret Desire, which features a heavily free improv styled electric guitar performance that also sometimes moves into more melodic territory in the background of a noisescape filled with screeches, Glitch like high frequency synth effects and Noise as well as what sounds like the amplified sounds of mice, wildly moving and squeaking. While descibed like this this might seem like chaos in sound, the piece in fact has a very clear sound, a great mix in which all layers are audible and not overshadowing eachother in any way. Like an alien organism Secret Desire keeps evolving, changing, communicating in strange ways and it's definitely an enjoyable if also a bit frightening track. Then we have track 04 Twilight Guitar which is a guitar driven Noise Drone piece that features a lot of wah wah effect squelching and alien like sucking effects as well as another layer of free improv guitar. It feels a bit like some muddy sonic images of a flowing river, though the two note guitar drone does also add some melodic element to it, which is rather nice. Then we have the title track Viva Angel, which features a rather odd but definitely fun combination of a calm Rock & Roll instrumental with simple drums and goofy high pitched vocals with quick Guitar noise. It sounds a bit like a guitar depicting two casts rolling on the floor fighting while a sweet Rock band plays a fun tune. It's the kind of strange musical juxtaposition that actually works, in a strange way. Then we move to track 06 Broken Young Bud which is where the Noise moves into Harsh territory. A screechy manipulated feedback like tone buzzes over multiple layers of mad delayed and distorted vocal screams and various other vocal sounds. It sounds both tense and ghostly in a way, a very expressive piece that's also nicely piercing but never sounding random or exagerrated. Sounds great. Then we have the last track from the original Viva Angel album, Bad Character, But Great Sounds, a lengthy Harsh Noise piece that progresses subtly but surely overtime. The 24:18 long piece features a lot of screechy heavily distorted Noise sometimes bright, sometimes darker mixed with much cleaner electric guitar improvisations. The great thing about this track is that even with all the harshness of the Noise, the other elements of the piece are still pretty clearly audible in the mix. Check out for example, the stuttery distorted effects created in the piece or the feedback tones of which the sonic texture is still clearly discernible as sounding cleaner than the Noise itself. There are plenty of elements and details to discover in this piece, so I recommend you to listen to this album multiple times to focus on them all overtime (though maybe over a few days, as indeed the harshness can give your ears a weird feeling). Afterwards where onto the BONUS TRACK, Δ8000 (A side of the joint cassette release with Incapacitants, 1985). This track is even longer than Bad Character, But Great Sounds at 26:56 but features a relatively cleaner though more feedback driven sound. As the track title indicates, this track is taken from a split tape release together with (Hijokaidan related) Harsh Noise band Incapacitants released a year after Viva Angel. The track has a more boxy sound to it, less high end in the recording but also sounds more raw as well, which adds a great additional harsh finale to the album. The piece is full with earpiercing feedback laden Noise and distorted screams. It's high energy all the way through with a much more metallic pure Noise sound to it than the original album tracks but the amount of variation and different Noise textures created makes the piece very enjoyable. And while being Harsh Noise, the track has some nice sensible headroom in the remastering by JOJO, great Noise, great remastering. This brings us to the end of the remastered edition of Viva Angel.
[Viva Angel +1 NOISE] REMASTERED EDITION by Hijokaidan is one of the first albums by the Japanese Noise band and already showcases their varied sound rather well over these 7 (+1) tracks with Noise tracks that sometimes move into a harsher direction, sometimes are more Rock driven. The energy and excellent performances by Hijokaidan, combined with the well edited combination of short with longer pieces in the tracklist and finished with JOJO careful high quality remastering work make this an essential release and a great introduction to the history of Japanese (Harsh) Noise music.
I've imported this Japanese edition through the cdjapan store, please refer to the site for pricing and payment options for your country. You can find the release here: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/TECH-25393
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anamon-book · 5 years
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gaiamamoo · 8 years
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Gaiamamoo Live at - Festival GIGANOISE 2 - 2016.12.25 Xmas 8hours real Japanoise marathon at Akihabara GOODMAN, Tokyo ======================================================== Festival GIGANOISE is a series of fest, also one of the most modern underground Japanoise festival which is organized by Yoshimitsu Ichigaku a.k.a. Doravideo & JOJO Hiroshige from Hijokaidan.
Festival GIGANOISE 2 - All performers : from A stage : Acid Mothers・Doravideo・Jin・Kaidan* / Hair Stylistics / ASTRO / JOJO Hiroshige + Haruo Ueda / 恐怖の轆轤 / Toshimaru Nakamura + TheDefectiveProducts / COCOMI AND NOISE PAPA / BiSSkaidan / TakaneEabi / Gaiamamoo / Jun Numata + Space Grinder / not fade out / Hijokinkaidan
from B stage : Hisashi Saito / Shayne Bowden / Ken Ikeda / Kaseo / Anarchy Yoshida / isei ben / Junya Koketsu / Michiru Hanasaki / spaceship airguitars / Maita Daisuke
*Acid Mothers・Doravideo・Jin・Kaidan is a special band which are Makoto Kawabata(from Acid Mothers Temple) + Yoshimitsu Ichiraku(Doravideo) + Jin Harada(from ROVO) & T.Mikawa & JOJO Hiroshige(from Hijokaidan).
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noiseotaku · 6 years
So very sad I had to miss this. Hijokaidan in Los Angeles. First time since 1993.
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specific · 9 years
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Hey there! Here is some news from our Japanese vinyl section!
BiS Kaidan are back with a vengeance, and a very loud one to top it off! The Japanese all-star band is still playing its very own brand of music, perverting the quirkiness of metal influenced idol tunes with a love for shrieking and uncompromising sonic assaults. On this second offering, they deliver seven brand new renditions of their now typical idol-noise music with a fierce and destructive energy. But then, what else can you expect from Hijo Kaidan and BiS members ?
As their first LP sold out in only 3 weeks, we thought you might like to preorder their second and final record, and get it before its official release, which is due for the 1st of September. Can't wait for an entire month or maybe a little more? Just click on the "Preorder now » button here!
And maybe you will get a free Specific totebag with it, who knows? ;-)
J / F 
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jsoliday · 10 years
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