#jonah and chase || 003
abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Thread Finder || Sleepover at Chase’s
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Twisted Tuesday || Thread Finder
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Twisted Tuesday || Thread Finder
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Thread Finder C || Chase
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abdicatedarchive · 4 years
Winter Trip || Chase and Jonah
SETTING: The boys room.
Chase: "You ready for this party?" said Chase unpacking the alcohol from the bottom of his bag. "I have a few things" he added, "Hopefully your dad doesn't come check on you or me..." said the boy tossing Jonah the bottle of liquor. They deserved to have some fun, and hangout just the two of them. He was so busy with Gabrielle most of the time, so they really only got to hangout online or in school. Never really just having fun as the boys. 
Jonah: "Yep. We deserve a little fun." Jonah answered with a single nod as he grabbed the bottle from Chase. "Dude, I shouldn't have been shocked that he was chaperoning, but I was. He's been lowkey hovering and it gets me all nervous for no reason. I'm a good individual, I'm not doing anything wrong." he shrugged his shoulders. Jonah felt like the two did need some kind of break, both for different reasons. "You doing good? Sorry we haven't really gotten to hang out much this week."
Chase: "You'd think he'd want to take a break from being principal and just stay at home and let the chaperones just be chaperones. But no, not everyone is as cool as Wren's Nana. Which fucking sucks" said Chase as he pulled out a chaser from his bag. Things had been tough with Gabrielle in general, almost the whole time they had been dating. He loved her, but he was just so worried about her all the time. It was all consuming worry. His grades had been slipping a little even. "I mean ... I miss him a lot. But she's been ... she's been doing pretty okay despite everything" said Chase, "how about you?" he asked, "I know my situation is a little different. But he was one of our boys" said Chase as he got the bottle back and took a swig before taking a sip of the chaser.
Jonah: "He's cool, but not Nana level cool. Which reminds me, I wonder if she hates me... I'm too scared to even say hello." Jonah sighed, thinking about the possibility of queen Nana hating him for what he did to Rory. He listened to Chase, giving his friend a sad look. Of course he would never truly understand how he felt, but he could somewhat relate to losing someone very close to him. "If there's anything I could do to help, you could always let me know." he said with a sad smile. Chase had a lot to deal with, so if there was any way Jonah could help, he would. "I'm fine." he lied, he wasn't exactly fine. Dealing with Griffin brought back a lot of thoughts of his parents and then also dealing with what happened with Devyn was a lot. But he didn't need anyone worrying about him. "Just trying to come to terms with everything, know?
Chase: "Nah, I feel like Nana is probably still cool with you" said Chase, he didn't really know. But even if she did hold grudges, Jonah seemed to be an adorable confused exception. "Yeah man, thank you" he replied earnestly, "You've been through a lot so I didn't want to put the pressure on. I also just needed to pull closer to my family at home and my family here, so that's on me for being distant" Chase affirmed for the other boy. "Have you talked about Devyn with anyone, like honestly?" Chase asked, he knew Jonah was fine. He understood that, and he didn't think his friend would lie. But he knew Jonah was really private, and if he hadn't really talked it out, what was the good in that? But Chase was also a talker, he didn't get when people didn't talk things out. He had been on the phone with his parents a lot in the last few months, just going through every little thing. That's why he'd been able to have such a cool head about it all, except that time he yelled at Sadie. He still felt a little bad about that, but he was protecting his family.
Jonah: "I can't avoid her forever, I'm surprised I have for this long considering all the times we go to Wren's house to game." Jonah smiled at Chase and shook his head, "No it's fine. I like my alone time anyways." He knew Chase was dealing with a lot too and hoped that giving him space was the right approach to all of this. Sometimes it could be, but he didn't want Chase to think he didn't care either. "I kinda close everyone off when I get in these moods, so sorry that I never came to check up on you. I don't know, I just hoped you wanted your space as well. I didn't want it to come off as me not caring. You know I care about you, dude." he said with a friendly smile. That was his bro. Jonah's expression softened once Chase mentioned Devyn, "Uh no not really. I guess there's not much to say, right? B-But I'm fine, I'm sure she is too. She wouldn't wanna be tied down to me." he shook his head, letting his negative thoughts take over yet again. "Has she brought me up? Like to you guys at practice or something?"
Chase: Chase smiled and pat his friend on the shoulder, "I know man, I understand" he said to comfort his friend. This had been tough all around, but he didn't want to bring up old feelings for Jonah about his parents. The Griffin incident weighed on everybody in ways that couldn't have been predicted. "I care about you too, brothers for life" said Chase. He meant it. Jonah was his first friend here outside of cheerleading, someone he really connected with. Once they were on the topic of Devyn, Chase realized that he hadn't heard much of it from Devyn, only the stuff about Antonio. He really didn't want to mention it, "She hasn't mentioned you too much" Chase half lied, he was not about to rat her out for sleeping with Antonio. But he also felt like he needed to. But he didn't want to hurt Jonah any more than he already was. It was a hard line to follow. "Do you ... want to be with her? Like if you just looked at her as a person?" he asked.
Jonah: Jonah smiled and nodded his head at Chase, "Brothers for life." he repeated. It wasn't until he got moved to White Lake that he actually started to get some friends. Friends that actually cared about him. His mind got in the way a lot and every now and then he'd convince himself that he was a bother and that all the friends actually hated him. But thankfully, he wasn't in one of the moments right now. He was really grateful to have met Chase. They were similar in many ways but complete opposites in others, though they always balanced each other out nicely. He sighed at the question given to him. He wished everything wasn't so complicated. "I wanted to, I really liked her. But I..." he paused, trying to find the words to explain what he was thinking without looking like some attention seeker. "I don't think so highly of myself, not really, and all of that with her and my brother just made me feel like shit. Like even more shit than I already do." he forced a weak laugh. "I don't wanna feel like this anymore, it's hard enough trying to love myself as it is." he regretted how much he said. No one wants to hear this. "Plus, the idea of having sex with someone Jesse had sex with makes me kinda uncomfortable, not gonna lie." he added in to somewhat lighten the mood. It wasn't a lie, it was something that was weird for him.
Chase: "I get it, you don't want to be a pick me choose me kind of guy. But it sucks to constantly be put on the back burner like that. I know I've felt that way before" said Chase, "but even if you ... don't think ya know. Highly of you. I do. No homo. You deserve to be someone's first pick" he added. He hated seeing Jonah so down on himself, he knew he had problems and everything, but everyone deserves love. Chase had done some awful things to people, but even he deserved love. "You deserve everything this world has to offer you, the world owes you a lot" Chase said passing him the alcohol back. He laughed quietly when Jonah added that it would be weird to have sex with someone who had slept with his brother, "Yeah, that is kinda gross" he said with a smile, "If Gabrielle had a sister ... I would never. That makes me uncomfortable".
Jonah: Jonah sort of regretted everything he said to Chase. He didn't want his friend to think he was just some loser than was begging for compliments. The no homo comment did make him chuckle though. "Right. I feel the same way about you, man. No homo, obviously." he shook his head and laughed. "Oh uh, thank you. That's... that's nice of you to say." he said awkwardly as he grabbed the bottle and took a sip. He didn't want to sound like he didn't care what Chase was saying, he just wasn't actually sure how to respond to something so nice. It was a little pathetic. "Yeah, I stayed thinking about it. Like I wanted to cause duh, but also nooooo." he said with wide eyes. "Thanks, man. For everything." he said with a small smile. "You've always been super nice to me, since the moment we met each other." he told Chase, hoping he wasn't being too sappy. "You know I'm always here for you, if you need anything. Like if you ever need to talk. About anything." he patted his friend's shoulder. He knew Chase had a lot to deal with, so Jonah wanted to make sure Chase knew there was someone there for him.
Chase: Chase smiled as his friend repeated no homo to him. Obviously neither of them really cared, it was more of an old school meme reference to the two of them. He knew how uncomfortable Jonah could get with compliments, but he was going to try his hardest to build his buddy up. "I mean cause duh, she's hot ... but getting over something like that is weird. Even like if someone was to date one step sibling and then the other ... like I don't know. Especially if they've been family long enough, even that is still weird. I feel like you need to be in it for like ... soulmate shit if you're gonna be doing that" Chase rambled on. When Jonah thanked him, he felt good about it. It wasn't like being there for Jonah was anything that deserved a thank you. It was just something he wanted to do. "We were just always supposed to be brothers man, our interests are too matching not to" Chase replied. They were really on the same wavelength all the time, even though their personalities were so different. It was a comfortable balance between Chase's energy and Jonah's lack there of. Chase knew how to rile Jonah up, and Jonah knew how to relax Chase. Chase swallowed, Gabrielle had given him permission earlier, but he knew he wanted to do this now. "There's um, something I have to tell you man" said Chase, "so like I know me moving here doesn't make a ton of sense. Like at all. People just choose to ignore it or I brush it off with something. But dude, you have to promise me you'll never tell anyone. Not even Jesse. Are you cool with that information? If not, tell me" Chase divulged. He probably had already said too much if Jonah was not in the headspace for the news.
Jonah: Jonah nodded his head in agreement with Chase, he completely understood where he was coming from. Yes, he liked Devyn but Jesse was not only his brother, but his twin brother. It was too weird. "Yeah exactly. I bet Jesse's pretty relieved about it all too. I'm sure it was always weird for him and if we ended up dating, I couldn't even imagine how bizarre it would've been if I invited her over for dinner or for the holidays." he shook his head. He hated the situation he was in, but maybe things turning out like this was for the better. Jonah smiled at Chase once he said they were supposed to be brothers. He had lost a lot of family at a young age, but he was grateful for, not only the family members he still had, but also for the people that came into his life and became family, like Chase. It was a nice little bonus to have someone that was into the same stuff as him too. "Not sure what I'd do without you at this point, man. Just reciting the whole battle scene from Revenge of the Sith by myself, I guess." he joked. Jonah furrowed his brows at Chase, his tone was a lot more serious. That wasn't really like him. Chase was right, his moving situation didn't make a whole lot of sense to him, but he decided not think too hard on it. But now Jonah was getting nervous. Was Chase on the run? Is he some kind of criminal on the world's most wanted list? Is his name even Chase Stephens? "Um, of course I won't tell anyone. Not Jesse, not Juliette. No one. Is everything okay?"
Chase: "I mean, it can be done" said Chase laughing a little, but he much preferred reciting the scene with Jonah. It was one of their favorite things to reenact the final fight scene. Once to tone had changed to more serious and Jonah had agreed not to tell anyone, Chase finally was able to tell someone. "I ... well. Gabrielle got pregnant when we were 15. Her um, her little sister is actually her daughter. Well my daughter" disclosed Chase.  He had wanted to tell someone for so long, and now it wasn't coming out the way he wanted it to. "Her parents made me and my family sign a ton of paper work and made me move out here" Chase added, "so yeah ... I have a kid? I know it's weird. But I wanted to tell you" said Chase taking a small pull of the liquor bottle before passing it over. He had no idea how Jonah was going to react. It was such a strange thing to learn about a friend. 
Jonah: Jonah listened to what Chase was saying with furrowed brows. He stayed quiet before breaking out into laughter and pushing his friend lightly, "Dude what the fuck, you scared me. I thought you were serious for a second." he shook his head, still laughing. Jonah thought it was an obvious joke. "You brought up how weird your living situation was, and I thought you were gonna tell me you were some crazy criminal on the run. Don't scare me like that." Once his laughs died down, he looked at Chase with a smile before that slowly disappeared. He just looked at Chase's expression for a second before his eyes practically bugged out of his face. "Oh my god... wait, are you serious?" he asked, shocked from the information he was given. Jonah instantly felt bad for laughing a second ago. "L-l-like a father? A real one? Oh my god, I-I-I'm so sorry. I was laughing cause I thought... I thought you messing around."
Chase: Jonah was ... laughing at him? Oh my god, he thinks it's an elaborate prank. Fuck, thought Chase. He had no way to tell Jonah he was being serious except to keep the same look on his face. Then he saw it hit Jonah that he was telling the truth. "I mean, it would be a sick joke. I wish it was, sometimes. Not to be like a bummer, I mean I love my kid. But like, me? A father? It's still weird. I'm a kid" Chase rambled. It was confusing to tell Jonah, because it just was so ... well it wasn't Chase. Chase didn't seem like that kind of guy, not that there's a kind of guy who is a father at 17, but the concept of it definitely didn't fit. "It's weird, I know. It takes a while to sink in. I have to remind myself"
Jonah: Jonah was in complete shock, it still wasn't completely getting to his head that Chase had a kid. A whole human being. "I just, uh, wasn't expecting that. At all." he said slowly. "I mean you seem like the type of person that would be great with kids." he said with a small smile. Knowing that Chase had to keep his child a secret hurt Jonah. To pretend that she was Gabrielle's sister instead. "Well I'm not gonna tell anyone, I swear." he shook his head quickly. It was nice to know that Chase trusted him this much though. "That's not for me to tell. Are you okay though? Like with moving here and signing all those papers?"
Chase: "Yeah, that's kind of the point" said Chase with a laugh. The Hale's had made sure of that. "Thank god" he responded when Jonah said he was going to tell anyone, "I trust you a lot to tell you" he added. It was a huge step for him, he hadn't told anyone. Ever. Gabrielle had blabbed to Juliette when she was drunk, he should probably mention that. "Juliette knows" said the boy, "so if you need to freak out with someone who isn't me. She's the person". Chase thought about what he asked for a second, "I mean, it's rough. But I'm making it through fine. They're paying for everything, and my college" Chase replied.
Jonah: Jonah was actually pretty relieved to know that Juliette of all people already knew. "Is she the only other person that knows?" he asked curiously. He raised his brows as Chase said that they were paying for everything, including his college. "Wow, well at least there's some kind of silver lining?" he said as more of a question. He took one more sip from the bottle before passing it back to his friend. "I'm not really sure what kind of help I could offer, but if you need anything... with all of this, you could let me know. Even if it's just you ranting about parenting." he raised his shoulders, it still felt so weird saying that out loud.
Chase: "Yup, just you two ... and of course my family and her family" said Chase with a shrug. It was all so weird. Especially being the guy, like he knew everything was so different for Gabrielle. "Silver lining and her family owning my ass" said Chase taking a swig from the bottle after it was passed back. "Thanks, I need it sometimes" he replied. It had been a good talk. Jonah was really the greatest friend he could ask for.
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