#jonah sharpe
budgieflitter · 1 year
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maxis put us in different uni hoods because they knew they couldnt handle us as canon throuple
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julescant · 2 years
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my silly academie le tour babies
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widespot · 1 month
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"Matthew, did you come all the way out here just to apologize? That is so warm and big hearted and humble of you - I knew you weren't really one of those stereotypical soldiers that always have to be right even when they're wrong!" "Well - um -"
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"I'm so pleased we're friends again! Oh, and tell Jessica I'm so happy she got the girl she wanted."
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"I got to head home - baby's birthday's coming up. G'night, Roxie! Mwah!" Oh, yeah, this guy's about ripe for the picking.
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"So it'll take up about half of winter break and then Seth'll have a day to recover before he goes back to school." "I'll get things set up with work. I don't think it'll be a problem."
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lasudio · 8 months
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VeronaHills, Round Five: Sharpe
Roxie's rendezvous with Mercutio had them entwined on the trailer park's communal couch, skin bare to the midnight summer breeze.
Breathlessly, she allowed three little words to tumble out of her mouth: "I love you."
Mercutio, the master of never missing a beat, murmured the same words in return as he leaned in to press his mouth to hers. Then, the moment their lips parted, he surprised Roxie with an elaboration on his declaration: "I'd love to marry you, if you'd have me."
All her life, Roxie had recoiled from commitment. She'd dodged the rope of a relationship thrown out by Jonah at university, citing non-monogamous preferences; now another rope was being tossed her way. However, this was less of a lasso and more of a lifeline. Mercutio came from a world of king beds and cashmere: the outdoor communal couch at the trailer park was a novelty rather than reality. He hadn't said it himself, but he didn't have to. Roxie could read between his smooth lines.
"Yeah," she replied. She giggled, girlishly. "Yeah, let's get married!"
Their rendezvous resumed and, had Edwin been home, he would have complained of the couch's creaky chorus (and Mercutio's… melodies). Instead, he was far from his sister's celebration, sightseeing at Suncreek Cemetery.
"Shit, Ed, this is kinda spooky," Jonah said as he traipsed behind.
Edwin hushed his ghosthunting partner and scanned the stones. Research of the town's tragedies had returned several names from the Monty and Capp families, and any one of them could be haunting this resting place. Spotting a spectral form would be life-changing, in the sense of proving life after death. On the other hand, it wouldn't be a total waste of a trip if they didn't see a ghost - Edwin and Jonah, now fitness buddies, loved getting their steps in. So into the darkness they walked, mindful of their physicality and their mortality.
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simpuke · 5 months
I have a concept I want to draw but I need to ask for help for my fellow ts2 friends, in my game Ripp, Jonah, Roxie and Gunnar from the uni DLC used to have a band but I never actually gave them a name... Any suggestions for a band name? :')
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incorrectpremadequotes · 10 months
Jonah Powers: I was a political prisoner. Edwin Sharpe: How were you a political prisoner? Jonah Powers: I kicked a giant llama in the butt. Do I have to draw you a diagram?
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I had a lot of fun doodling the other day. I was debating on posting these at all, but they're fun, so here.
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yami-yomiel · 2 years
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“Im going to be on my weirdo business again; SO looking around on z sharp’s twitter i found a high def image of the think thumbnail How much do you want to bet that i can make a g/t rendition of this” - Me on discord at 12:54
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brutal-nemesis · 1 year
What if I were to vivisect Castys? Not just the abdominal cavity, but really taking my time slicing things open and getting a really good look at all the different structures in the human body. I'll bring my own scalpel! -- hearse-song
Oh delightful!! He'd yell all sorts of remarks at you while you worked. He's not too bothered by being cut open, but being studied like this is so dehumanizing and it ends up affecting him more than he lets on
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cobycobsy2k · 2 years
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A normal day at Academie Le Tour circa 2005
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blackmensuited · 1 year
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tamtam-go92 · 2 years
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Jonah couldn’t help himself. He just felt so lost and discontent. Of course Roxie was worried about his future - their future! But was it really better to suffer through university than having a normal job an be happy?
To find out if Jonah really drops out of University or if something (or someone?) else can lift his mood, stay tuned for the next season!
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Deliliah O’feefe, now Deliliah Sharpe, can’t stand Jonah Powers, but not a lot of people really like him anyways so that’s really nothing new.
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widespot · 1 month
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"Definitely see if you can get in with a Three Lakes tour. As for the name - you're the only dude, use it. River and the Naids." "JoAnn'll never go for it. She's the lead singer, not me."
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"I can see it - we get a big house in the Enclave, the Sisters and me and Helen - with plenty of room for kids - and we have one big happy family thing -" "It makes me tired just hearing about it. And the Family sounds like a cult, not a band."
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"Don't you miss those painted album covers? Those were the best!"
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"I think JoAnn and Daisy are theoretically in an open marriage, which is very rock and roll of them. Not for me, though."
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lasudio · 1 year
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VeronaHills, Round Two: Sharpe (Uni)
Jonah failed a major exam. It's hit him harder than he expected.
Caring about grades was more of an "Edwin thing" than a "Roxie and Jonah" thing in their student flat. Edwin is an unabashed nerd who's doggedly determined to make the dean's list, and Roxie just kind of breezes through classes in between synthesiser jams. That would normally leave Jonah breezing along with Roxie - until the exam that changed everything. He failed, and he felt like a failure, and he sobbed on Roxie's shoulder until she gingerly slid away from him, saying she wanted to get to class early. It was completely out of character, for both of them. "Roxie and Jonah" didn't really feel like a thing anymore.
Jonah scrolled through some job opportunities to see what he could do without a degree, and one particular job listing caught his eye. A lone farmer named Leod McGreggor needed a hand on his farm and orchard in Riverblossom Hills. It was during the warmer months, and meals and lodging were included.
So, Jonah had three pieces of news to break to Roxie: one, he was dropping out of uni; two, he was moving to Riverblossom Hills for spring and summer and possibly beyond; three, he was only interested in their relationship continuing if it was mutually monogamous. He blurted these out in no particular order, but all were received the same way by Roxie.
"Yeah... I think we should see other people. I was gonna do that anyway, but... you know what I mean."
The farm was going to be a total fresh start, then. "Roxie and Jonah" no more.
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liliavalley · 4 months
has ANYONE drawn JMJ in a blunt rotation with Sergey Ushanka yet.
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