#jonah x dina
kinkcommissions · 1 year
"A Man's Man"- Superstore Sickfic
Written by: Pine
This fic is based on the short arc where Jonah drinks the ranch dressing to impress the warehouse guys. ‘nough said ;)
There is a very slight reference to my previous Superstore fic “Spillage”. It’s unimportant to the plot of the fic, but if you enjoy this kinda thing, check out “Spillage” first because this one technically follows that one (though the reference is only small)
Hope you enjoy :)
Jonah swaggered toward the breakroom. He practically bounced with excitement. Not only did he get the warehouse guys to join the union without having to partake in endless questionable activities with Marcus, but he did it by connecting to them as men. Jonah had always been insecure about how manly he was. He knew he wasn’t the kind of guy to lift weights and pull girls; he was more the kind of guy to make a cup of coco and tune in to a new podcast, arguing out loud with the speakers with no one else to hear. He had never been “a man’s man”, until today. To chug a gallon of ranch dressing perhaps wasn’t the most intellectual solution to the problem, but it had worked. He was only grateful that he had skipped lunch today, though with nothing else in him, that ranch was sitting heavy…
Even acid reflux couldn’t get him down. A gallon of dressing was definitely not brilliant for his rather sensitive stomach, given that it was mostly used to all organic, locally sourced foods. Though that didn’t matter, he could just swig some pepto when his shift was over and he got home. And though he was stuck on shift for another hour or two with an increasing pain in his middle, he was still high off his success with the guys.
“You look more peppy than usual” came Garret’s voice. Jonah turned to see him also heading to the breakroom. “Let me guess, you served Greta Thunberg at the checkout?”
“No, cool stuff like that never seems to happen to me” Jonah replied. Garret smirked, further amused that Jonah had missed that he was making fun of him.
“No, I chugged a gallon of ranch to impress the warehouse guys into joining the union!” Jonah didn’t wait to see Garret’s reaction before continuing, meaning he missed a flash of concern across his friend’s face.
“Maybe I should chug things more often” Jonah said, half talking to himself, walking through the employee door towards the breakroom. He raised his voice again bringing Garret back into the conversation.
“That’s what us guys do isn’t it? Chug drinks?” Jonah paused for a moment, trying to think of a more macho term for drinks.
“Booze? Hooch? Liquid Courage?” at the last, Jonah nodded, satisfied and Garret stifled a laugh, imagining Jonah calling ‘beer’ ‘liquid courage’ in front of the warehouse guys.
“Can you even chug a gallon of ranch?” Garret asked as they walked together down the hallway.
“Apparently so” Jonah replied, placing a hand for a moment on his stomach, reminded of the heavy feeling settling there.
“I mean, without hurling it all back up again later”
“I don’t think that’ll be an issue” Jonah said “I like to drink probiotics so my digestion…” he patted his stomach twice “It’s got to be fairly well boosted by now”
“Ok buddy, don’t come crying to me when you’re chucking up a gallon of ranch in the employee toilet”.
“Won’t need to man, guys chug all sorts all the time right? And ranch is meant to be eaten anyway!”
They made it to the breakroom and took a well-deserved rest, Garret grateful to take a break from serving customers; Jonah grateful to be off his feet and give his stomach a chance to start working on that ranch. A sore stomach for one evening seemed like a small price to pay for respect and admiration from the guys.
“Oh god”
It was too late for pepto. Jonah gripped his stomach firmly as he hastily made his way from aisle six, where he was stocking the shelves, and towards the employee toilet. Turns out Garret had been right, and its not like he could ask him for help now after what he had said, but more because he had already helped him a while ago when Jonah had eaten that bad yoghurt and subsequently thrown it back up when confronted with a particularly bad spillage. Garret had been so kind to him then and Jonah didn’t want Garret to think of him as this shrinking violet that vomited every time something disgusting happened. Plus, he wanted Garret to believe him about his probiotics and the benefit they had on his digestion. He’d come so far trying to teach Garret about organic, probiotic food and this would make him lose all his earned credibility on that topic. A quick trip to the men’s room was all he needed this time, and he was more than happy to do it by himself.
“Dina!” Jonah was flustered, he quickly removed his hand from his stomach and tried to wipe away the sheen of sweat across his brow.
“You’re already finished in aisle 6? That was quick. Ok, I need you to run a message to Amy, she’s in her office. A shipment came in today, apparently we’re short one item. Those bastards think they can short us one item per shipment like I’m not going to notice? Do you even know how many gallons of ranch they would owe us by the end of the year?”
“Oh god” said Jonah, though they weren’t really words, more spoken through an involuntary and powerful retch that keeled him at the waist. He put a hand instinctively to his mouth.
“Woah, you okay Jonah? You’ve gone a little green there. It’s very noticeable on account of your pale complexion. Was it something I said? Don’t like me talking about ranch shipments?”
Bleruuugh. The retch was short and strong, his body so full of ranch, it didn’t need to come far to escape. The hurling was vicious, a wet noise followed his gagging which was muted by a mouthful of partially digested, warm and stomach-tinged ranch dressing. The vomit was almost pure ranch. It looked white. It smelt tangy. Jonah tasted nothing but ranch and this only served to quicken the process.
Dina took a couple of quick steps back, managing to avoid most of the fluid, getting herself hastily out of the firing line.
“Damn Jonah, youstole the ranch from the shipment?”
Jonah took his opportunity to speak while he had the chance, though his voice was thick.
“No! Well yes, I guess technically? But only to chug it so that the warehouse guys would join the union! I-“ he cut himself off as speaking for so long was bringing on another wave of nausea.
“Ah, a classic dick-swinging contest huh?” Dina nodded understanding “I’ve been where you’ve been, I’ve chugged enough ranch to open a sandwich shop of my own”
Jonah paused for a moment, distracted from his sickness
“What would you sell, ranch sandwiches?” though at the thought of his own comment, Jonah promptly spewed liquid onto the floor again.
“Okay buddy” Dina said, placing a hand on his back to lead him away. She pulled out her walkie talkie.
“Glenn, can you send Sandra over to aisle six, tell her to bring a mop”
“Can do Dina!” came Glenn’s nasally voice from the other side of the walkie talkie.
“How does that man not get laughed out of every room he walks in?” Dina questioned out loud as she strode purposefully, leading Jonah to the employee toilet. She managed to get him there without further mess made out on the floor. Dina threw the door open, and seeing one of the stall doors closed, she started hammering on it with her fist.
“Clear the room now!” she called, her voice booming through the toilet.
Marcus replied from inside “Dina I’ve just started and if I stop now I’ll have to start all over again in another bathroom”
“Save it Marcus. Out. Now.”
Marcus fled from the stall, naked, and bundling his clothes in his arms,
“Jesus Marcus why are you naked?”
“Oh so you guys would rather try and get pee stains out of your clothes?”
“Just don’t pee on yourself?!”
“Yeah” Marcus scoffed “If it were that easy! Good one Dina” and then he left.
“He is a strange guy” Jonah said but started retching again.
“In!” Dina demanded pointing  into the stall and kicking it open.
“Was that really- oh-“ Jonah cut himself off again and made his way to the toilet kneeling down and centring himself just in time for yet another torrent, hailed down into the toilet bowl. The discontented cries of Jonah’s struggle to evacuate the ranch were echoed back into the room. Amidst the sounds of vomit pooling in the toilet came the desperate groans and agonised moans that could only be coming from someone ridding themselves of a gallon of ranch.
Dina reached out but hesitated before touching him. Hearing his struggle, her decision was made. She laid her hand across his back and made comforting circular motions. He instinctively leaned slightly back into her hand, almost forgetting she was there; he only focused on the feeling of comfort. Some distant part of him was embarrassed at her presence, but a very real and immediate threat of another exodus brought any straggling thoughts back to his here and now as he fully emptied himself into the toilet; his hands grasped desperately at the seat. Jonah’s posture was small, his knees together, head bowed and back slightly arched as he retched. Dina stood behind him in contact with his back. She had begun making staccato hushing sounds and realised it was the same noise she used to quiet her birds, but it seemed to helping Jonah so she didn’t stop.
After his vomiting had stopped, Jonah let out a more than exasperated breath and sat back onto his knees. He wiped his brow once more and Dina was already offering toilet paper, which he took gratefully, and used to clear his nose and clean his mouth. He stood.
“You missed a bit” she said softly and with the toilet paper she still held, she dabbed the corner of his mouth. Jonah was very flustered.
“Thank you. And, erm- thank you for- you know”
“Hey” she stopped him “I’ve been there. It’s okay.”
She turned to leave and stopped, turning back to face him.
“I’m gonna have to take the cost of the ranch out of your pay. It’s nothing personal but you did consume stock while on shift.”
Jonah smiled, glad to return to their usual dynamic and quickly leave the vulnerability behind.
“I won’t write you up though, I think you’ve probably suffered enough”.
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ffsg0jo · 5 months
fwb nanami except you have a garrett/dina sort of situation going on and keep track of how many orgasms you've had each. you currently owe nanami two.
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x3nbingestoomuch · 1 year
amy and jonah cutest moments
S1:E1 - when Jonah covers the ceiling with glow in the dark stars so that "this day was different than yesterday" for Amy
S1:E6 - when they're both lying in a pile of teddy bears sharing things about themsleves nobody else in the store knows about
S2:E5 - when they both dare each other to do weird stuff around the store
S2:E7 - when they're both talking in a 1950s Brooklyn accent after making the election guide
S2:E14 - when they destroy valentine’s day decor together
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imaginesbymk · 2 years
Characters: Amy Sosa, Jonah Simms, Dina Fox, Cheyenne Lee, Marcus White & Glenn Sturgis
Tags: mentions of drugs & reckless driving
A/N: the relationship between these characters + y/n for this pref is platonic, for glenn it would be familial too - big shoutout to @eddiecabotsmile cos i requested for them to write a reservoir dogs pref about them teaching the reader to drive, and this inspired me to do one for superstore cos them teaching y/n to drive would be undoubtedly funny <3 likes/reblogs/feedback are greatly appreciated!!! <333
support me on ko-fi & feel free to commission me!
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Amy's like a mother figure to you, so she helps you in any way she can.
you and Amy decide to use her car because it's more spacious and comfortable.
Amy's teaching abilities when it comes to driving are pretty normal. It's nothing too stressful, but at the same time, it kind of is.
"I feel like you're gonna write me up if I miss a road sign."
Would roleplay as the driving instructor, which makes things so awkward and pressuring for you now
You hit the brakes too hard and she goes flying forward
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Somehow Jonah makes it about him, telling you he's good at driving, he's helped his friends get their licenses, set up cones to help them practice blah blah blah.
Jonah makes Garrett tag along after he refuses numerous times. "Y/N's gonna drive? I don't even trust y/n on the intercom."
Jonah bribes him, promising him you'll stop for pizza on the way.
He lets you use his car, but once you knock over a trash bin, and nearly rear-ending Glenn's new car, he regrets it. Garrett glares at him with a "what'd I tell you?" face.
Things turn out okay. You listen to Jonah when he tells you what to do. Jonah is calm because you start to get the hang of it, so then Garrett is chill. Everyone is chill.
Then you realized you missed the exit to the nearest pizza place like you promised.
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At first, she judges you for not knowing how to drive and asks why you didn't get your license sooner.
She agrees to help you, but takes it way too seriously.
"I will make sure all my birds attack you like Melanie Daniels if you ever so make a dent on my van."
Quizzes you on everything, even though you proved to her so many times that you have your permit.
Dina is timing you, yelling at you for going ten miles on a forty mile speed limit, and stresses you out over every small thing.
"GO!! GO!!!!!!! UGH. You could have went, y/n!"
Dina would literally scream at pedestrians or even drivers for going too slow or almost cutting you off.
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She would not care if you accidentally hit another car trying to parallel park. As long as she's the passenger princess, she would definitely pass you.
She wasn't lying when she said she has bees in her car. You even glanced at the cup holder and found a baggy of ecstasy.
"Cheyenne, are you sure I'm doing a good job?"
"Hm? Oh, you're a natural! If you were my Uber driver, I'd give you a 5-star rating, or maybe a 4.4 because Harmonica drives her Barbie convertible better than you."
Cheyenne would not even be paying attention, she would just be on her phone the whole time, taking selfies or texting Bo or Mateo.
Hell, she would FaceTime Mateo so he could judge your driving on camera.
She would look up from her phone last minute and be like, "Oh, wait. The exit's here."
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If he never offered and insisted, Marcus would be over the moon when you ask him to teach you. He has a playlist ready and everything.
You immediately regret it, though, for valid reasons. He's making you use his car when the poor guy doesn't even have doors to his car, plus he's kind of gross.
He's a decent driver but would often ignore road signs, and wouldn't even care if you, the driver, wore a seat belt or not.
Marcus would eventually dare you to floor it down the highway.
Would make you stop at a Wendy's or something.
You only needed help reverse parking.......
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Glenn is THRILLED.
Glenn allows you to use his car, despite getting a new one every time they get damaged by every circumstance at work.
He sings children nursery rhymes to calm himself down if you go at least five miles over the speed limit, and would grip the handle. Typical boomer things.
"You almost hit Brett!"
"Brett is all the way at the cart corral!"
He would congratulate you for getting one small thing right, as little as checking your mirror or putting both hands on the wheel.
He demonstrates the different types of parking, but takes his sweet time.
You don't end up doing well on the first try, but he insists that you're doing your best — even after almost hitting a mother pushing her stroller at a red light.
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herarcadewasteland · 1 year
Superstore Masterlist
This is the beginning of my Superstore Masterlist where I will be linking my works for each episode of Superstore where the reader is Dina’s little sister and falls in love with one or two Cloud 9 men throughout the episodes. This has been done by at least one person before (@ironmanfridgemagnet) but this is my own take on the general idea of following episode plot line. Yes this is also my first masterlist :) (I’ll add other seasons and episodes as I go. this is just the start)
Episode One: Pilot
Episode Two: Magazine Profile
Episode Three: Shots and Salsa 
Episode Four: Mannequin 
Episode Five: Shoplifter
Episode Six: Secret Shopper
Episode Seven: Colour Wars
Episode Eight: Wedding Day Sale
Episode Nine: All-Nighter
Episode Ten: Demotion
Episode Eleven: Labour 
 And Season Two:
Episode One: Olympics 
Episode Two: Strike
Episode Three: Back to Work
Episode Four: Guns, Pills and Birds
Episode Five: Spokesman Scandal 
Episode Six: Dog Adoption Day
Episode Seven: Halloween Theft
Episode Eight: Election Day
Episode Nine: Seasonal Help
Episode Ten: Black Friday
Episode Eleven: Lost and Found
Episode Twelve: Rebranding
Episode 13: Ladies Lunch
Episode 14: Valentine’s Day
Episode 15: Super Hot Store
Episode 16: Wellness Fair
Episode 17: Integrity Award
Episode 18: Mateo’s Last Day
Episode 19: Glenn’s Kids
Episode 20: Spring Cleaning
Episode 21: Cheyenne’s Wedding 
Episode 22: Tornado 
Season Three;
Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:
Episode 5:
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twinkdrama · 2 years
do you watch superstore. have you watched superstore. will you watch superstore. you will watch superstore when
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flamingfalcon3 · 2 years
Sorta funny that we’ve had two wedding episodes for Superstore and neither of them were for the main couples of the show
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superstorequotes · 1 year
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ricklol123 · 1 year
i love superstore. i love love love love love it.
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wonysugar · 3 months
working in retail 101 | ahn yujin
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synopsis : what happens when a floor manager flirts with a floor clerk during an accidental, overnight lock-in inside the store? well, not anything professional, that’s for sure.
pairing : clerk!gpyujin x floormanager!femreader
genre : smut, kinda fluff towards the end too? coworkers trope, kinnndaaa boss x employee?? idk but THEY’RE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE DATING!
tags : so! lot to unpack here lol, superstore au, yes that sitcom netflix show SUE ME, references to the show, you don’t have to watch the show to read this but it’d be better if you knew what i was talking aboutgiejdks, naturally all characters work at cloud 9!girlpenis!yujin, handjobs, teasing, oral sex (yuj receiving), missionary sex, marking up, sub!yujin, she’s hung halp, dom!reader, implied puppy play, jonah!coded yujin, so yes she’s a loser, amy!coded reader, dina!coded gaeul, cheyenne!coded wonyoung, glenn!coded jiwon, although she isn’t really mentioned ueueueue, garrett!coded rei!
warnings : mentions of alcohol!
word count : 5,1k (excluding texting ofc!)
a/n : THIS IS MY LONGEST FIC YET?? kinda not proofread so sorry for that but HAIII omg okay so this took me such a long while to write i’m SORRYY</333 i started it while i was in the PRIME of my superstore hyperfixation and ??? IT’S SUCH A FUNNY SHOW I DEFINITELY RECOMMEND IT OMG did i mention this was a superstore au— [GUNSHOTS] as for my other drafts, they’re being worked on as we speak!! i really hope you enjoy reading this and thank you for your time! :]
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that was all that preoccupied your thoughts, just her stupid face plaguing your mind like it was some sort of virus on a computer.
you needed yujin, there was no way around it. it was impossible to focus on your job when all you could think about was her, you needed her right here and right now.
and that’s exactly what you were gonna get.
after making sure that none of your coworkers were watching you flee the department you were in charge of, you quickly rushed towards the photo lab, or as everybody in the workplace liked to call it, ‘the bang room’. you walked in, slowly closed the door on your way and immediately pulled out your phone, leaning on the table and grinning to yourself as you typed up a text to send her.
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visualizing her just running across the store made you uncontrollably giggle at your screen in amusement.
cute, you thought to yourself. nobody else you knew would go out of their way to run across a department store as an employee to get head, and you’d normally take that text as a hyperbole, but knowing yujin? well, she was known to be very literal in everything she said. if she’d one day tell you that she had bigger fish to fry, that’s probably because she was indeed at home, frying bigger fish on a pan. (and she’d probably even send you pictures of the bigger fish in question, because why wouldn’t she?)
barely 30 seconds had passed after her last message when you turned off your phone, slid it into one of your back pockets and waited patiently. looking around at the familiar environment, you thought of various ways you two could use it this time. on your last encounter with yujin, she laid you down on the same counter that the printer sits on and proceeded to dick you down there! another time, you thought that grabbing the professional camera that’s usually used for passport or id pictures on the metal shelf next to the table and recording yujin as you rode her cock was an amazing idea! and, it was.
so much so that you still have the videos saved onto your phone!
you didn’t know that reminiscing about all of these past occurrences again would worsen your original predicament, but it did; you needed yujin to show up as soon as possible. now more than ever. 
then, suddenly, as if your prayers were magically answered, you heard rapid and loud footsteps outside the lab, followed by a familiar voice exclaiming the words “oh shit—“ before being cut off by the sound of numerous heavy boxes falling on the ground, the thud of that person’s body immediately following. worried, you got up from your seat, the door swinging open before you even had the chance to take a step towards it.
a panting yujin is what greeted you, her chest heaving up and down.
she looked at you, and you looked back at her, eyebrows raised in surprise. her eyes were nervous, darting around occasionally, looking like this was the first time you would’ve ever sucked her dick in the photo lab. 
oh she definitely fell on her way here.
“…hi?” you said, amused by the thought.
“hello!” she responded, still short of breath, smiling stupidly. 
still preoccupied by the alarming amount of boxes toppled over behind her, you tried looking over her shoulder, wanting to confirm your theory. she reacted by immediately leaning onto that side of the door frame, attempting to hide her accident from your curious sight by acting casual. that gesture alone made you especially notice how messy her short hair looked, how the ‘ahn yujin’ name tag she had pinned to her blue cloud 9 vest seemed to be abnormally tilted to the left, as well as… how weirdly scratched her glasses looked..?
it, unfortunately for her, didn’t take long at all for you to connect the dots.
yup. she fell. 
“yujin— did you slip on your way here?”
she immediately started laughing nervously in response, her eyes darting around as she pushed up her glasses and cleared her throat, hand running through her soft short hair, “…what?! noo… who do you think i am? that’d just be clumsy of me..” she kept laughing, that is, until she mumbled under her breath, 
“i did jog a little bit and didn’t seem to notice the wet sign that was on the floor but it’s just a tiny little scratch probably, nothing too bad aha i’ll clean it up later before the other managers sees it— a-anywho!” 
so you were correct in believing her, she did run across the store just to get in here quickly. and, as expected of her clumsy person, she apparently also slipped and fell in the process.
you giggled at her. god, what an idiot, you thought.
your favorite idiot.
“you know you could’ve just walked here, right?” you told her, slowly walking towards her as you cheekily smiled. “we’re not in a rush.”
while you did so, yujin took the opportunity to finally lock the door properly behind her, not even looking back at it. she stared at you, then at your lips, then right back up at your eyes. “well— i did tell gaeul that i was gonna stock up the fridge after cleaning the spilled yogurt..” 
her hand scratched the back of her head nervously, “and.. i-i kind of was in a rush, i mean, you texted me...”
you chuckled, simply thinking that she was being sappy. that is, until she nervously bit her lip and motioned with her eyes for you to look down at her. “i couldn’t have anyone see me like this… so—“
your gaze was met with the incredibly visible hard-on she had. no seriously, it poked right through her denim jeans, anybody with average, functioning eyes could effortlessly see it, especially under the new, very bright lights that were recently installed by the electricians. you scoffed, incredibly amused by the sight, she got a boner from those innocent texts alone? that was a first, no wonder why she looked so keen to get here.
in her defense, it had been a long while since the two of you were last in this room alone. hell, it’d been a long while since the two of you even said actual words to each other, period. you guys aren’t friends or anything, you only ever text her whenever it’s work or sex related and there’s still barely any conversation then, let alone when you spoke to her in person.
therefore, the boner wasn’t completely unexpected, but it was still enough to heavily flatter you. then, you felt your ego get even more stroked when you remembered that… she didn’t know much about you at all, yet she got this worked up over texts like that from you? a simple coworker she knew and fucked from time to time?
i mean, you probably wouldn’t even remember what her last name is without looking at her nametag; in other words, you know absolutely nothing about her either! okay yeah, you know that she would always stumble on her own words when talking to customers, and that she has a tendency to always pick at her nametag that’s on the left side of her vest using her right hand. you also know that she always pushes her glasses up whenever she’s nervous and that she is overall incredibly handsome and that you catch yourself staring at her from any department you’re tasked in managing very often, but apart from that? you truly don’t know much.
she’s nothing more than just an inferior at work, to you. an acquaintance, at most, but that’s about it.
this whole approximately-twice-per-month ‘meet me in the photo lab’ ritual you two have going on wouldn’t have even existed if it wasn’t for that one time that the corporate team accidentally locked all of you in the store for the night. seriously, what else was there to do? every employee there (including yourself) took the opportunity to get drunk out of their minds to pass the time and.. honestly? yujin just looked that good that night. you couldn’t help but feel the desire to drag her to the photo lab and figure out what she tastes like, despite it being strictly forbidden to be having any sort of sexual or romantic relationship with your inferior.
the both of you were anything-but-sober, very hot individuals, and she’d caught your attention for the longest time prior to that moment, too, something stupid was bound to happen in the heat of the moment!
“photo lab, in five.” was what you quietly slurred into her ear that night, holding the biggest, most cliché, red, beer-filled solo cup ever. since the others were too busy drinking and playing ‘never have i ever’ in a certain corner of the store, nobody particularly noticed you two. she, in response, could only turn her head to face you properly with her eyebrows slightly raised, clearly taken aback by your sudden and unexpected boldness, whilst also subconsciously taking in all of your intricate facial features all at once. it’s not like she didn’t know what ‘photo lab’ entailed, everyone that worked at cloud 9 for more than a week did. maybe you were joking, she thought, perhaps you said that just to get a reaction out of her. saying that she was confused in the moment would be a big understatement, especially when she watched you get up from your seat and make your way to the spot in question.
yujin’s not stupid at all, she knew you were drunk as shit, the manner that you stumbled on your words, the way your hand sat on her thigh, the slight tint of blush on your cheeks and nose quickly gave it away. she also figured that it was most probably a very bad idea to actually follow you into that room, considering that you’re her manager, and all..
did she still do it, though? of course, of course she did. because despite everything, despite all of the ‘this is so wrong’ and ‘we shouldn’t be doing this’ she managed to get out of her,
she was equally as intoxicated that night, and it’s not like she even had it in her to pass up your invitation whether she was sober or not; as much as yujin tried to remain professional around you and not pursue anything outside of work, she always deemed you as intriguing, and she had thought about you in such a way occasionally. that being said, she was willing to accept the consequences that came with potentially having sex with you that night.
those feelings only got stronger when you eventually showed her what she’d been missing out on for all those months in one singular night. anything she’d have hoped for, you exceeded in.
as it turns out, drunken people don't always make the worst decisions after all! since, yknow.. you haven’t gotten caught by anybody yet, and hopefully never will. the only consequence she really had to deal with afterwards was you contacting her throughout random times of her shifts whenever you felt like sucking dick.
and that’s a perfectly fine outcome for both you and her.
but, that hasn’t happened in a long time, not until now, at least. hence the situation you were both put in now.
“should’ve texted you earlier, by the looks of it, hm?” teasing, you approached her, both of you now face to face. your eyes trained on her crotch, you pressed your palm onto it before looking up at her again. yujin pushed her thick glasses up the bridge of her nose, then looked away from you in response to the intimacy, embarrassed.
you got to properly look at her features again. her eyes were still just as soft and fragile as when you saw them for the first time, staring back into yours with careful anticipation.
“m-maybe..” was what she mumbled under her breath, trying her hardest not to let out an accidental whimper from the slight friction she felt down there (which she failed to do), her thighs slightly clenched together. 
“did anybody see you walk in?” you asked.
“n-no! the only one near was wonyoung, i believe. and she was on her phone, as per usual..” reassured, you giggled at her usual nervousness, then, after keeping your eyes on her nervous lips for a few moments and licking your own in anticipation, you closed the minimal amount of distance between you two and made them meet after what felt like an eternity.
and once you did, she immediately got used to the familiar feeling and melted into the sensation of your embrace.
after such a long time of not being able to touch her like this, you felt like your hands glided on her entire body by themselves, feeling up the curve of her back and waist as you kissed her. she did the same, only this time more eager than your gentle movements, as one of her hands ‘accidentally’ grazed your ass.
one thing about yujin: she will always love your ass.
the only audible thing in the photo lab was her lips intertwining with yours, the kiss was undeniably messy, and while it might’ve been able to be heard from outside, you just couldn’t seem to care; at that moment, you just wanted to feel her body against yours, to pull her in closer than physically even possible. that’s what happens when you don’t get to have each other for a long time, after all.
“i missed you—“ she pulled away for a quick moment and whispered, pouting in a puppyish manner. her arms set around your waist and holding you, her fingers tugged onto your vest in desperation as you kept rubbing your hand on her clothed hard-on. 
“i know you did.” you whispered back, taking the opportunity to delicately unzip her jeans with the same hand you teased her with before going back into the kiss, this time, more longingly than ever. you did want to tell her how much you missed her too, but you refrained from doing so.
you had way better things to waste your time on.
your lips still on hers, she whimpered against the kiss. knowing her, she was wordlessly begging for you to do something about the raging boner you gave her. and knowing yourself, you wouldn’t give into her desires so easily, not until she used her words like a big girl. in other words, you wanted to see how desperate she would get.
smiling to yourself, you slowly slid your hand up from her crotch to her abs, you only kept tracing your finger on them, teasing her further.
“god, please—” her breath hitched, breaking the tense silence, the one that was occasionally filled with the sound of your lips uniting with hers. she whined even more, feeling her hard cock rubbing against the fabric of her already zipped down denim pants.
“please what, baby? you know i can’t do anything if you don’t tell me what it is you want.” you looked up innocently, now staring into her hooded eyes. she, in response, exhaled in anticipation, looking right back at you with her eyebrows slightly upturned. you knew exactly what she wanted, that much is obvious to her.
of course, she knew it wouldn’t be so easy, she knew she needed to work for it.
“i want you to t-touch me..” she desperately bucked her hips into your palm as a pitiful attempt at satisfying her crave for friction. “please..” was what she added afterwards, wearing her trademark puppy eyes whilst she pleaded.
“good girl.” you hummed, already getting familiar with the sound of her begging again. you planted a small kiss onto her lips and another onto her neck before getting down on your knees in front of her.
you looked up at her as you unbuttoned her jeans, your eyes locking with hers whilst you slowly pulled down her pants. once those as well as her boxers were completely off, leaving with nothing but her pretty dick springing up at you, you left lazy kisses all over her lower stomach and sides. 
you kept kissing her all over, giving attention to her inner thighs and hips, purposefully giving attention everywhere except where she specifically asked to be touched, watching out for any kind of reaction from her end.
and when you eventually got what you wanted, oh you were way more than satisfied.
“you’re so m-mean y/n.. please..” yujin whined quietly, too embarrassed to even look you in the eye anymore, hers all glossy with hot, desperate tears threatening to spill if this carried on any further. her dick said all of the words that couldn’t come out of her mouth through its slight movement, twitching and practically throbbing before you, aching to be taken care of.
she needed to feel your warm mouth around her, hell, just feeling the light graze of your touch against her aching cock would be enough; at least, that’s what it felt like, she was sure she’d go insane if you didn’t give her just that. if she could, she’d grab the back of your head and fuck your throat like she likes it, unapologetic and more than ready to make you swallow all of her thick load.
she knew she couldn’t, of course, she was very much aware that she needed permission to remotely even touch you, which, unfortunately for her, just contributed to arousing her even more.
taking pity on her, “i’m sorry for teasing, baby, you’re just so cute when you beg..” you admitted, smiling to yourself and running your hand up and down her thigh, before adding on, “you’ve been so needy, so good for me.. and just for that, i’ll take good care of you now, okay?”
just like that, her eyes were back on yours, this time wider and more excited, it’s like you could see her invisible puppy ears standing up in anticipation. she nodded at your words, her gaze still wet and pathetic with tears. 
it didn’t take long for you to finally wrap your hand around her hard shaft, stroking it up and down ever so slowly, to which the girl whose penis you were jerking off let out a heavy sigh of relief. your thumb brushed the slit of her tip, rubbing all of the precum that came out of it all over the surface of her cock, making her shudder. then, after what felt like an eternity of you teasing her, you eventually took all of her length all at once, holding your hair up. 
“ahh— y/n.. fuck..“ desperate moans escaped yujin’s mouth as you sucked her off, using all of her willpower attempting to not hold up your hair for you and ram herself into your mouth. 
she really wanted to, though, and you know her like you know the back of your hand, so that wasn’t hard to figure out. it’s obvious, especially with how her nails seemed to dig into her own skin due to how desperate she was to touch you. 
you saw that, and took pity on her; gently grabbing one of her hands and putting it on your hair, you nonverbally gave her the desired permission to finally touch you, and to guide your head however she wanted to.
mumbling quiet and desperate ‘thank you’s, she nestled her fingers in between your strands of hair for maximum comfort. unconscious about it, she dug her nails into your scalp slightly. it didn’t take long until she proceeded to finally move your head in a repetitive, back and forth motion.
“y/n..” she groaned after a while of having you suck her off, looking down at you and using all of her willpower to be as quiet as possible, but alas, “i can’t hold it in.. i’m sorry i— i need to cum.. so badly—”
no matter how hard she tried to keep it contained, she simply couldn’t: she moaned, finally shooting her long anticipated load into your throat, the warm and thick substance coating the entirety of the inside of your mouth. 
you weren’t done with her, of course, especially not after that.
now, you weren’t usually one to be into anything considered similar to ‘vanilla sex’, you always liked experimenting and trying different things, especially if it was yujin. however, you felt like keeping it simple today, your only objective being to orgasm from the girl’s, still very hard, cock.
therefore, what better way to do that than some good old missionary on the photo lab table? 
after making out with you and leaving marks all over your neck and visible parts of your collarbone, she ended up on top of your laying body, both your clothing and hers mostly still on. 
being positioned like this was the only time where she felt like she had power over you, and not vice-versa. it was the only time where she felt like she could do anything she wanted to you without any consequences, and she looked forward to it every single time. of course, she still thoroughly enjoys having you order her around, whether it’s for work or not, however, she also liked having a role switch every once in a while.
keeping her balance with one of the hands she has on the table, positioned right next to your head, she proceeded to take off the glasses from her face and set them somewhere near. you quickly stopped her by gently grabbing onto her wrist, which caught her attention. wide-eyed, she asked, “yeah?”
“don’t take them off.”
“...excuse me–”
“keep your stupid glasses on this time,” she was already committed to the action of putting them back on after you indicated that you wanted her to, but you decided to justify further, just for good measure, “i’ve always wondered what’d it look like for you to wear them while you fuck me.” 
and when she thought she couldn’t possibly be any more turned on and eager to fuck you, you proved her wrong with just that small, simple sentence.
she quickly pushed her glasses back up the bridge of her nose before leaning back into you, kissing you again, this time more eagerly. soon enough, she pulled away and started fucking you with slow, gentle thrusts, listening out for any sounds that came out of your pretty lips, gaze going back and forth between admiring how pleasure quickly contorted your beautiful face and watching how her dick disappeared into you.
the longer that went on, the harder it got to contain the noises that threatened to leave your already agape mouth, especially with how fast yujin’s pace got progressively faster.
“f-fuck yujin..” you whined, watching the girl on top of you lose herself as she thrusted the entirety of her length into your core. she looked at you through the lenses of her glasses as you whimpered sweet praises, leaving hungry, desperate kisses all over your lips, neck and even collarbone, marking you up even more.
soon enough, all of this turned into a constant cycle; all of a sudden, you realized that you wouldn’t actually mind staying that way for hours and hours on end. who knew that yujin could make hooking up on a shift for around the hundredth time still be so fun?
she eventually planted one last kiss on your lips before making you cum, your walls clenching all around her cock, which, of course, turned her on so much that she had to pull out to jerk off and help herself reach her own climax, in one last long moan.
lightheaded from the consecutive orgasms she’s put herself through, she laid there after you thoroughly licked her coated-in-cum dominant hand, as to remove any evidence of you two being ever here. her body rested on yours and her head comfortably nestled in the crook of your neck as she cuddled up to you, enjoying your body warmth. you panted, matching the rhythm of her own breathing, otherwise a comfortable silence settled between the two of you. 
that is, until her phone obnoxiously rang in one of her jean pockets, breaking said silence and catching the both of you by surprise. 
sitting up in a hurry, she quickly digs into said pocket and pulls out her cellular device, wasting no time to look at the caller and straight up just answers it, in case of an emergency. she puts it up to her ear before speaking up, clearly nervous, “..hello?”
silence. you stare at her with anticipation and curiosity, studying her facial expressions and looking out for any hint of bad news. thankfully, that never happened, as her eyes instead lit up in surprise.
“oh! yes, hello..”
“uh huh,” she added, nodding along to the words only she heard from the tiny phone speaker placed against her ear, “4 pm? yes! of course, i-i’ll be there. thank you so much.” 
she quickled fixed her posture and ended the call soon after saying that, turning back at you with a pleased and surprised expression.
“who was that?” you asked, curiosity eating at you.
“target.” she watched as your expression switched to a puzzled one, therefore explained further, “they called me to see if i was free for an interview later.”
“interview?” you repeated, making sure you heard her correctly, she nodded. “you applied to places recently?” is what you added.
she gave you another nod, this time reluctant, fixing her glasses and messy short hair, “i mean, nothing against cloud 9 or anything! i like working here and i love you guys, a lot! i simply just wanted a change of pace, i guess.. p-plus they might not even hire me, it’s not like i was expecting them to even call me back in the first place, so—” 
“hey,” you placed before she could stumble on another one of her words, wearing a sympathetic smile, “don’t worry about ‘not repping’ cloud 9 or whatever, it’s not like you sold your soul to jiwon when coming here. you’ll kill it there!” you joked, before continuing, “plus, you can always come back if things ever don’t work out; whatever happens, i’m rooting for you, we all are.” 
“even if you’re working for the rival company.” were your last words before leaving a kiss on her cheek and standing back up on your two feet, fixing yourself up. the sudden skin contact combined with the banter earned a shy giggle from yujin.
it was somewhat a ridiculous situation, feeling guilty for leaving your coworkers and going for another job, yujin didn’t know why she felt like this over trivial things such as this one. yet, you comforted her, despite how stupid it might seem. it’s only natural since you, out of all people, are the first person to know how much of a nervous wreck she is and how sensitive she always is to this kind of stuff, that was her charm, after all.
she appreciated you way more than she’d like to outwardly admit.
so, while you’re making your way to the door, getting ready to go to the break room to grab your things from your locker and clock out for the day, she calls out to you, “hey, y/n?”
“are you maybe free, afterwards? y-yknow since our shifts both end at 2:30pm i was thinking we could maybe go grab a coffee together before my job interview and stuff but it’s like, totally fine if you already have plans or whatever—“
you smiled, flattered by the invitation. after all, today would mark the last day that you’re considered her ‘superior’, so you found it cute that she’d ask so soon. quite frankly, you were very tempted, this time having no obstacles in your way. who wouldn’t wanna go out on a date with the cute, charming girl who usually works at the dairy section? well, used to.
“sure, i would love tha—“
“ahem ahem.” you were cut off by the staticky sound of the words coming from the intercom, immediately recognizing the familiar and soft-spoken voice of your coworker, rei, “attention, dear shoppers of cloud 9, just a heads up to please proceed to not feel concerned about the following message, as it is destined to our staff, and our staff only, please and thank you. happy shopping!”
you and the puppy-like girl looked at each other in confusion, only to be thrown off guard by the same voice again, this time sounding more impatient. 
“now.. y/n, yujin, i know you can hear me; come out of that damn photo lab before i personally drag you out of there myself oh my god y’all aren’t slick, we all know what you do in there, you’re not fooling anybody. also, what happened to keeping it classy? what happened to doing this at home? not only that but it’s been like— an hour and a customer has been trying to get some passport photos done but you hoes— two, you two have been at it for forever. next time, if you’re gonna do this, make sure to at least keep it short and not have it last a whole decade.” 
then, you heard the intercom turn off.
yujin’s face went completely red as she listened to that, now not at all wanting to walk out of said photo lab. you cleared your throat, your whole body invaded with nothing but embarrassment as uncomfortable silence filled the space between you and the other girl. 
then, once you heard the intercom turn on again, it felt like your worst nightmare coming back to life for round two.
except this time, it didn’t come for you.
“oh and yujin, gaeul wanted me to tell—“ rei’s voice blasted through the speaker again before being obnoxiously interrupted by what sounded like gaeul’s voice, who was audibly angry and annoyed.
“yujin if you don’t get your ass back in the dairy section right now and clean that god damned spilled yogurt i’ll personally make sure that jiwon gets your next paycheck cut off by fifty percent, don’t test me. it reeks, yujin, reeks. oh and as for you, wonyoung, get off that damn phone before i—”
then, the intercom turned off again, which was probably rei’s doing, to both yujin, and probably wonyoung’s relief. 
you simply giggled, watching as she took off her name tag in an embarrassed manner, yknow, as to not be recognized by the customers she’d meet on her way to the row she had to clean. then, you cleared your throat, earning her attention before leaving. 
“meet me outside when you’re done?” you smiled.
she returned that same smile, immediately having forgotten the misery that was waiting for her outside that door, visibly excited.
“yeah, i’ll be there.”
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creepypastabookclub · 5 months
Donate to Palestine Children’s Relief Fund: https://www.pcrf.net/
The Door Is Open—come on in! This club meeting Jonah and Wednesday discuss the Dionaea House. The Window Is Open—yours! Now type in https://jawscast.neocities.org/ to visit our website.
If you have a small horror or web fiction project you want in the spotlight, email us! Send your name, pronouns and project to [email protected].
Music Credits: https://patriciataxxon.bandcamp.com/
The Story: https://web.archive.org/web/20041030020221/http://www.dionaea-house.com/default.htm
Our Tumblr: https://creepypastabookclub.tumblr.com/
Our Twitter: https://twitter.com/CreepypastaBC
Featuring Hosts:
Jonah (he/they) (https://withswords.tumblr.com/)
Wednesday (they/them) (https://www.instagram.com/xx_wormsday_xx/)
Works Cited:
The Amityville Cute Farting Cat: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt24200384/ Mama Lynn Saga: https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/htulpj/my_son_came_out_need_advice/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share , https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/hussai/hay_yall_mama_lynn_update/ Smiling and Sitting #5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=tmrXakd_r6I A Burglar’s Guide to the City: -https://withswords.tumblr.com/post/746442663844249600/if-the-doors-locked-try-the-wall, https://burglarsguide.com/
Further Reading:
Caffarello, Vincent; Jennings, Evan; Koyal, Jeffrey; “EverymanHybrid”, https://www.youtube.com/user/everymanhybrid Chiang, Ted; Heisserer, Eric; Villeneuve, Denis, “Arrival”, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2543164/ Danielewski, Mark Z, “House of Leaves” https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/24800 Ferrante, Anthony C; Frasco, Jay; Lando, Jeffery Scott; “House of Bones”, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1334536/ Heisserer, Eric; Sandberg, David F; Wan, James; et al, “Lights Out”, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4786282/ Horrorshow, Kitty; “Anatomy”, https://kittyhorrorshow.itch.io/anatomy Kelberman, Dina; Rackleff, Robby; Resnick, Alan; “This House has People In It”, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-pj8OtyO2I Miles, Terry; Silver, Nic; “Tanis” http://tanispodcast.com/
Newall, Alexander J.; Sims, Jonathan; “The Magnus Archives” https://rustyquill.com/show/the-magnus-archives/
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ironmanfridgemagnet · 2 years
Sitting On The Shelf - Marcus White x Reader
Part 38 - Sal's Dead
STOS Masterlist
The entire staff was gathered at the far end of the store near the customer restrooms, all looking up at the wall in horror at the hollowed face that peeked out of the drywall. Bad timing seemed to always be an issue in cloud 9, the store only an hour from opening with this whole new issue unveiled.
"We found him this morning. Looks like he used to work here." The construction worker announced from before the crowd, his co-worker still up on the ladder next to the head shaped hole in the wall. "We were opening up the drywall, and Gary saw the arm. I was like, "What? No way, Gary. That's not a dead body." Then Gary showed it to me. Turns out, it was a dead body." The man turned to Amy, eyeing up her sparkly, purple bodysuit with a confused look. "Who are you? Beyoncé?"
Amy winced, cringing as her gaze flickered between the worker and the body. "Selena."
"Selena." Amy sighed heavily, rolling her eyes as she had to explain her costume for the millionth time - before the store had even opened. "She was Beyoncé before Beyoncé."
Kelly leaned towards where you and Amy stood, speaking to you in a whisper. "I thought you were J. Lo."
"Mmm, no."
After the construction workers had debriefed you on what to do regarding the body hanging in the wall, you all retreated to the break room, hoping to find some peace and quiet before the store opened and filled with customers.
Halloween was a strangely busy time of year for cloud 9; there was always a million Halloween themed things going on in the store which seemed to capture the attention of the people of St Louis. Like every year, there was candy being given out to trick or treaters on the door, but this year there were whole Halloween themed display areas - and Cheyenne was even doing face painting.
Glenn stood before the break room, a crestfallen Dina by his side, both holding tightly onto their clipboard and coffee respectively. "So, unfortunately, the body we found was one of our employees. Salvatore Kazlauskas."
Silence fell over the break room as no one could put a face to the name Glenn had just said - until Mateo slapped his hands against the table he was sat at with a gasp. "Wait, you mean Creepy Sal?"
Glenn gasped, a frown forming on his face at the accusatory title. "The man is dead! But yeah."
General thankfulness spread throughout the break room, words as praise and relief spread across each and every table. Creepy Sal had been... creepy to say the least, and while it felt rude to say you were thankful for his earthly departure, you wouldn't have been lying about it.
Dina sighed, appreciating sals departure as much as the next person, but maintaining her profession demeanour. "Police said he's been dead for at least a year."
Muffled sobs nearly reached your ears as Kelly tried to hide her crying behind her hands wiping away at the tears that threatened to continue to fall. Suddenly, the break rooms eyes were on her. "Are you crying?" Amy asked, confused as to why she had such a big reaction to the news.
Kelly sniffled gently, wiping at her tears once more before answering Amy's question. "Yeah, I just...poor guy."
Amy scoffed, leaning out of her seat in Kelly's direction. "But you didn't know him."
Kelly scoffed at Amy's cold heartedness, turning to her with a scowl. "But he was a human being."
"Was he?" You interjected turning to look at Kelly who sat across from you, Jonah being the only thing separating you. "Was he really?"
Jonah nodded, backing up your rhetorical question as he tried at explain to Kelly why people were so happy to see Sal go. "Ehh. Sal was a bit of a...how do I put it?"
Leaning closer to the blonde once more, you reached out for her in a grabbing motion, and pulling your scariest face. The fact you were dressed as 'Finn the Human' for the holiday didn't help in your attempt to be scary at all. "When he looked at you, it felt like he was grabbing you."
'Finn the Human' hadn't been at the top of your list of costumes, but it had been a last minute decision based on the fact that between your and Jonah's closets you had all the pieces. Cheyenne had even helped to make you Finn's bear hat to really pull the costume together and had caked your cheeks in two, big, red circles of blush, claiming it 'made you seem like more of a character.'
Glenn's costume made it much harder to focus, on his memo concerning the discovery of the body this morning. "Apparently he was doing some work behind the drywall outside the women's washroom and then his foot got caught in a beam, and he starved to death."
Jonah's frown deepened with every word that came out of Glenn's mouth, brow creasing in a mixture of confusion and disgust. "I'm sorry, what "work" was he doing exactly?"
"We're not sure." Glenn paused, trying to figure out what Sam could've been doing with the little information he had received from the construction workers. "He drilled a hole into the women's washroom so maybe he was hanging a picture?"
Groans resounded around the break room, you making eye contact with Amy and pretending to gag. Sal's creepiness, even in death, had not left him.
Garrett was the only one to not groan, instead addressing Glenn with an extremely deadpan expression. "Dude. He was peeping on women going to the potty."
"What? Why?"
"Well, that explains the rotting smell in the women's bathroom." Dina mused, eyes flickering over to Amy. "I know we all assumed that was Amy."
"Who's we?" You scoffed, immediately coming to Amy's defence against Dina - what could've possibly have led her to think the stench in the women's bathroom the past year had been from Amy?
Amy screeched in disbelief at the accusation. "Why, why me?"
"'Cause, you know, divorce tummy." Dina pulled a face, rubbing circles over her stomach as she mimicked the churn Amy was supposedly feeling to cause suck a horrific smell. "I'm sure there's a lot of churn going on in there."
Amy screeched yet again, shaken by the accusations being thrown her way - and so early as to be 6 in the morning. "I have no churn."
Glancing around the break room over the brim of your coffee cup, you scanned the room for Marcus. You knew he was working a shift today - he'd told you as much over the phone last night - but he'd neglected to tell you when he was clocking in or who he was dressing as.
It was weird to see how much things had changed since last week when he'd taken you to trivia night for the first time in a long time. It was like you were back to square one in some ways, and like you'd picked up where you'd left off in others. You called and texted constantly again, but there was still and air of tension around the two of you; neither party knowing where to begin in terms of talking about the last.
Jonah gasped, breaking you from your thoughts as he straightened in his seat, realisation crossing his face. "Oh, it just occurred to me. That must've been Sal's foot we found."
Dina immediately shut down the hums of agreement, shaking her head hastily. "No, no. Actually he still had both of his feet."
Glenn gasped, his hung open jaw turning to face Dina slowly, mortified by the motion that the mystery wasn't yet solved. "Then who's foot was that?"
Jonah tilted his head to face you, though his eyes stayed locked on the screen, you sat behind him on the countertop. "What about Maxine?"
"Too blonde." You stated, taking a sip from your to-go coffee cup and swallowing the warm liquid gratefully. "Her caption says it's natural, but no one is that blonde naturally."
He turned the phone to face Garrett, allowing him to get a look at the dating profile and way in his opinion. "Nah, I don't trust anybody who opens their eyes that wide."
Jonah looked at the image once again, scanning through the profile before swiping with a hard left. "Yeah. Pass."
Amy attention was taken from the form she was filling in at the commotion, leaving her clipboard behind to come and see what was going on. "I can't believe this is what dating is now."
Garrett turned to Amy in confusion, a teasing grin on his face. "Oh, you're not ready to jump back in?"
"No. And even if I were, I wouldn't be using an app." Amy scoffed, folding her arms across her chest as she tried to act like she wasn't eyeing up Jonah's phone. "I'm still afraid of PayPal."
Jonah smiled at Amy, tilting his face to his phone as though that would hide everyone from seeing it. "It actually gets to be kind of fun, you know. You just swipe right for yes, left for no, see?" He demonstrated how the act worked for her, a new profile coming up on screen. "Oh, hello, Jessicah, with an H at the end, wow."
"Can I see?" Amy didn't wait for a response, taking the phone from Jonah's hold and scrolling through the new profile.
"Okay, you just took it."
"Come on, so this is just like a typical day for Jessicah where she's baking cupcakes in a Rams jersey. Come on, I'm onto you, Jessicah with an H." Amy turned the phone out to face you, allowing everyone to get a glimpse at Jessicah before Jonah made up his mind on the profile, and inevitably, swiped left.
"Oh, this one is way too hipster, even for Jonah." You squeezed the brunettes arm, swiping left on his behalf, before leaning back to comfortably sit on the counter top. Garrett hummed in agreement, giving once last look at the dating profile.
"Oh. A bowling action shot? Well, clearly she's just trying to show off her cleavage."
That had captured everyone's attention. You, Jonah and Garrett leaned in to get a better look at the phone, eyes scanning across the picture Amy had up. "Oh, gross."
You nodded in agreement, eyes not leaving the action shot as you spoke. "Yeah, get out of here with that."
Glenn suddenly appeared at an end cap a few feet away from the four of you, hands on his hips and a lilt of frustration in his tone. "Jonah! Y/n! I need your help."
With a loud groan, you peeled yourself away from the countertop, already missing it and Garrett. Jonah was even more reluctant to follow, which was very unusual, but his hand reached out for Amy's in an attempt to get his phone back before he left. "Okay, uh, can, can I just get my phone?"
Amy turned away from him as he reached for the device, continuing to swipe left on the phone. "Oh, no I'm still playing."
"But it's not a game so..."
"Jonah, you can live without your pager for five minutes. Now!" Grabbing Jonah by the hand, you pulled him with you to help Glenn, promising him that his phone was in good hands and that Amy wouldn't do anything bad while she had it.
"Mind if I sit here, Mr. Bumblebee?" Kelly's eyes filtered over to you, realising you were also sat at the table. Her smile didn't fade however, she offered you a curt nod, recognising your presence.
The pair of you had decided to take an early lunch after the trauma that had been covering up Sal's dead body and watching it fall closer to the ground. Unfortunately, that meant it was nearly over by the time it would usually begin.
Jonah hastily swallowed down his food, hiding his chewing behind his hand as he tried to respond to Kelly. Taking a hold while he finished his mouthful of food, you put your sandwich down. "Actually it's the "Disappearing Bee Crisis," and "Finn the human.""
"You know, because nobody seems to, it doesn't matter." Jonah quickly dismissed, seeing no point in trying to explain his costume. "Yeah, sure, sit."
Kelly smiled graciously, gently pulling out the chair on the other side of Jonah and sitting in it. "Oh, thanks. So, uh hey, I just want to say..."
"Hey!" Amy had suddenly appeared at the table, way too lively for someone only halfway through their shift.
Jonah forcefully swallowed the food he'd been eating, each mouthful so far being interrupted by someone else. "I thought you took your lunch break already?"
Amy scoffed, folding her arms across her chest in faux annoyance. Looking to Kelly for reassurance, she winced. "What do we got here, the lunch police? Wee-oo, wee-oo! Take me downtown, Officer Bumblebee."
"Oh, actually I'm the "Disappearing Bees," so the..."
Amy ignored Jonah's explanation - similar to how everyone else had so far today, except you - turning to Kelly with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Oh, hey. Kelly, could you jump on register four?"
Kelly swallowed her noodles, placing her fork back inside the cup noodle as she spoke. She politely covered her mouth as she rushed her chewing, attempting to get the words out faster. "Oh, I just started my lunch break."
Amy scrunched her face with a downturned smile, clasping her hands together in a praying hood. "Oh, I know, and I'm ending it." She paused for a brief second, Kelly's eyes widening. "Just kidding."
The three of you at the table started laughing, though you couldn't tell if they found Amy's joke funny, or like you, were entirely weirded out by her behaviour.
Amy winced, turning to Kelly once more, this time with a sterner look. "I'm not, though. Yeah."
Kelly looked like she was about to argue against it, but she quickly swallowed her words, pausing for a moment just to breathe, before she stood from her seat cup noodle in hand. It was almost as though you'd watched the anger seep out of her. "Sure, no, yeah. I, umm, I guess I can eat this on the way."
Amy smiled at the blonde, thought this time the action seemed more genuine. "Yup, that's why they're made to go."
As Kelly left the room, Jonah turned to Amy, his palm out flat in front of her. "Oh, do you still have my phone?"
Amy froze, quickly turning back to her police gimmick to hide her unease. "Uh-oh, phone police. Wee-oo, wee-oo! You'll never take me alive."
"What is this new cop thing?"
Leaning closer to the brunette you whispered, unsure if Amy was entirely out of earshot. "I don't know J, but it's beginning to freak me out."
"Well." Jonah packed up what remained of his lunch, sliding you his half drunk La Croix and the rest of his edamame beans, then standing from his seat. "I better try and get that back."
With a wave goodbye he ran out of the break room after Amy, intent of trying to get his phone back, though you highly doubted he'd succeed. Finishing your sandwich, you made work of Jonah's leftovers, debating packing things up and joining him in his efforts to get his phone rather then sit in the break room by yourself.
"This seat free?"
Marcus was in his usual, blue coveralls, the outfit now accompanied with a long white beard and a golden crown with three red jewels. Of course the two of you had matching costumes.
"For you? Anytime." Marcus quickly sat down next to you, opening his lunchbox and emptying its contents onto the table. Ignoring the sandwich he'd packed for himself, he went straight for the bag of goldfish, pouring out a handful and offering it out to you. Taking a couple, you popped them into your mouth. "So, Ice King, huh?"
Pulling on your bear hat from where your left it on the table, you tightened it, pointing two thumbs at yourself with a wide smile. "Finn the human."
Marcus stiffed a laugh at your cheesy grin, tipping the handful of goldfish into his mouth to hide it better. "You look good, cute."
"Oh." Marcus had called you cute, and you could feel the heat rising to your cheeks at the word. It felt like he was flirting with you. "Oh. Thank you."
Too flustered to continue the conversation, you quickly stood from your seat, making up some excuse as to your lunch break being over as a reason to leave. Picking up Jonah's nearly finished la Croix to take with you, you pushed your animal crackers in Marcus's direction. "Thanks for the goldfish. And the company."
Having scurried away from Marcus after the realisation that he probably was flirting with you, you found your way back to Jonah, hoping to give your self the opportunity calm your reddening face. You'd barely been by the brunettes side for a minute before Kelly cautiously approached the two of you.
"Hey." She began, fiddling with the rings in her hands and avoiding Jonah's curious gaze, only really looking at you. "Can I talk to you for a minute y/n... alone?"
Sharing a brief look of confusion with Jonah, you turned back to the blonde girl, nodding your head and walking away from the patio display that the two of you were meant to be decorating for Halloween.
The second you were out of ear shot of Jonah, Kelly pulled you close to her, whispering as quietly as she could in your ear while holding both your hands between her. "I don't know how to say this, please don't hate me."
"Kelly? What are you on about? Why would I hate you?"
Kelly had been working at cloud 9 for a total of 2 weeks, and in no way, shape or form had she done anything remotely bad to you - and definitely not to the degree you would hate her. Squeezing her hands, you encouraged her to go on.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know you were together!" You and Marcus hadn't put and label on things, trying to take things slow in your efforts to fix things between you; but the thought of him dating Kelly made you feel sick.
"Wait.... What?" Your entire face fell at the statement, Kelly's falling too as your reaction only made things seem more real to her. "What are you- what are you saying?"
"I thought he was cute ever since I started working here, and I assumed you two were together, but then we matched on this dating app and I thought 'damn, I actually have a chance' and then he messaged me after I left the break room and things got weird and fast too. He was like 'we can't be together Kelly,' 'I'm sick Kelly,' 'I'm actually already seeing someone,' and I knew I couldn't stay silent." Kelly took a deep breath, leaning even closer to you as she murmured her final words. "Jonah's been cheating on you with girls on dating apps and using his sickness as an excuse to get away with it."
Before you could question what the actual fuck had just left her mouth, and how it involved you or what she was generally on about, Kelly was running from your side, right in the direction of Jonah who was just about to lift something.
"Oh, my gosh, be careful. Let me help you." Kelly grabbed the side of the pumpkin decoration closest to her, trying to take it out of Jonah's hold entirely.
"Oh, no, no, I'm fine. I'm stronger than people think." Jonah brushed off with a bashful smile, completely unaware of what Kelly had just dumped on you and why she felt the need to help him.
Jonah had had lacklustre attempts at dating people - even in the few years you'd known him that had been made evident - but he'd never stoop so low as to fake an illness to 'get some'. And why would he even bring you into it?
Kelly forcefully took the pumpkin from his hands, staring him directly in the eyes. "Yes. You are so strong. And I also think you are so brave."
Finally breaking from your stunned stupor, you walked over to Kelly and Jonah, taking the pumpkin from Kelly's hold and putting it back in its original place. Pointing between the two of you, you emphasised. "We are not together. And he is not sick."
"Oh my god, did you not tell them yet?" Rage filled Kelly once again at the thought Jonah would keep such a thing from you. At this point, she was more upset Jonah would cheat on you then anything else. "Did you make it up? That is sick."
Jonah paused, looking between the two of you with one hand on his hip. "You lost me."
"Kelly thinks you tried to cheat on me with her, and that you're dying... or something." You explained, unsure yourself as to where such an accusation had come from.
"That's what he told me!" Kelly insisted, pointing an accusing finger at Jonah while she did her best to maintain her calm and mild demeanour. "You've been messaging me all day, saying this stuff!"
"Messaging you?" Jonah asked, face scrunching in confusion. "But I don't have my-"
Your eyes met, realisation seeping through the three of you. A certain someone had held Jonah's phone hostage all day, and that same someone had been acting very, very strange.
The three of you had discussed the days events and pieced together what must have happened for things to end up in this situation. Amy had Jonah's phone and stayed on the app like you had been this morning, she'd accidentally swiped right on Kelly, and was trying to cover her tracks before either of them caught wind. However, you still couldn't place how your name had been brought into things.
When you'd asked Kelly, she'd said the messages never actually said who Jonah was with, just that he was 'seeing someone' and after seeing the two of you attached at the hip in her whole time at cloud 9, she assumed it was you. More then anything, despite the mess this has caused, you were more then relieved to find she wasn't on about Marcus.
Maybe you were ready for more with him then you thought.
Across the store, Amy and Garrett were devising a plan to keep the three of you apart forevermore - or at least Kelly from ever interacting with the two of you. That was until Kelly's shrill scream resounded across the store, grabbing their, and almost every other employees attention.
Garrett froze as the sound of the three of you loudly arguing, turning to Amy with a downturned smile. "There's a 1% chance they're talking about something else."
Kelly had streaks of mascara running down her face, tears brimming at her waterline as she faced you and Jonah, confused and extremely hurt. "Is this some kind of prank? Like, like, what? "Humiliate the new girl?""
Jonah huffed, hands on his hips as he shook his head at Kelly. "How could I humiliate you? I barely talk to you."
"Kelly this is insane; you sound insane!" You added, stood slightly behind Jonah in the aisle as you acted out your confrontation.
Amy suddenly appeared at the scene, Garrett at her side and several other employees - including Marcus - in tow. "Hey, guys. Why don't we take a breath? You know what, Kelly, I feel like I cut your break short. Maybe you should go have another bowl of ramen, my treat."
Kelly's head sharply turned to face Amy. "No, no, no, no." Just as quickly she turned back to face you and Jonah, tears really rolling down her face now. "This guy's playing mind games with me all day."
"I would never do that. I'm an ally." Jonah was shouting now, something you'd never seen him do with such frustration before, trying to defend his name against the words being used against him.
"Kelly, I've been with him all day. It's not true! Your making this up! I have a boyfriend - and it's not Jonah." You met Marcus's eyes across the crowd that had gathered around you. Though you  hadn't intended to refer to him as your boyfriend, the words had slipped out, and if you were honest with yourself, you didn't feel bad about it.
"Then explain all those texts!" If Garrett had been riding on that 1% chance, then his dreams has just been crushed.
Jonah's hands pulled at his hair, completely overwhelmed with the accusations. "I never texted you."
"Stop lying!" Kelly seethed, pulling a knife out of one of the display blocks behind her and pointing it at you and Jonah, white hot anger blinding her from seeing the severity of her actions.
Marcus completely froze at the sight, he was too close to the back of the crowd to intervene and pull you away from the scene. And he could only hope nothing would happen to you in the next few moments. You'd just called him your boyfriend - that sounded like taking him back (at least in some capacity) - things were finally going back to how they used to be between the two of you. He wasn't ready to lose you right now.
Jonah put his arm out in front of you, helping to keep the distance between you and the seemingly crazed Kelly who was now wielding a knife. "Okay, Kelly, just..."
Amy suddenly stepped forward, keeping her distance from the knife as she grabbed Kelly's attention. "Okay, Kelly. It was me. I did it. I took Jonah's phone, and I was messing around. And I accidentally swiped right, and I just couldn't stop myself. And Garrett had something to do with it too."
"I,Imean mostly it was me."
Jonah held his other hand up in Kelly's direction trying to show he meant no harm. "Just put the knife down, okay?"
"You're not going to hurt anyone." You promised, stepping closer to Kelly as you did. "We'll talk, clear things up."
"Stop telling me what to do!" Kelly shouted, stomping forward with the knife in hand, stabbing Jonah right in the stomach.
"Jonah!" You reached out for your best friend, barely having time to react to him sinking to the ground before Kelly turned to you, pulling the knife back and lodging it in the left side of your chest.
Cries echoed around the gathered crowd, the knife Kelly had been holding clattering to the floor as she took a step back, realising what she'd just done. As you sank to the floor, you were thankful the fake blood you sold in the store looks so realistic - as did the retractable knives.
Marcus pushed through the crowd as you joined Jonah on the ground, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to hold you up against his chest while the other pressed on your fake - though he didn't know it yet - wound.
You let your breaths shallow out and eyes close as Jonah took his final, though extremely dramatic breaths, meeting Amy's eyes as he spoke his final words. "Why did you have to use my phone? Aaah. Ha, ha, ha, ha."
Amy's expression became stoic, folding her arms across her chest as she rolled her eyes. "Oh. I get it. You, that was...fake. So funny. Got me."
You and Jonah suddenly sprung back to life, Marcus's eyes being the first thing you saw. If it hadn't had been for the crowd, and the fact he wasn't entirely sure if it's what you wanted, he would've kissed you. Kissed you and kissed you and kissed you while he thanked anything out there that this was all fake and you were still alive.
Kelly stared laughing, bowing as customers began to clap, thinking the whole thing was some strange staff-made Halloween performance and finding it very realistic and impressive.
Garrett had a far off look in his eyes, looking past you but not directly at you as the events he'd just seen sank in. "Happy Halloween."
Amy had a frown etched onto her face, unsure whether the consequences of her actions were well justified or way too extreme. "Well, yep, you guys you got me. But to be fair there are a lot of stabbings in this store."
Jonah was smiling brightly at Kelly, a glint in his eyes that you hadn't noticed when he'd been scrolling through the dating app earlier. Interesting. "Yeah, you know honestly, you really committed. I'm impressed. I was almost scared."
Kelly blushed at the compliment, hiding her face bashfully from Jonah. "Really? Aw. Thanks. I watch a lot of Lifetime movies."
A smile began to grow on your face as you took in the interaction. Young love, ah. Pulling on Jonah's blood covered sleeve, you nodded towards the back room, the fake blood becoming stickier and stickier as the day went on. "Well, we're  gonna go wash all this blood off is a weird way to leave a conversation."
Waving goodbye to Amy and Kelly, the pair of you headed towards the employee bathrooms, planning on cleaning up and getting out of the sticky, bloody costumes.
"So, you and Kelly, huh." You teased, knocking your shoulder into Jonah's as the pair of you walked side by side through the back of the store. A blush rose to the brunettes face at the simple suggestion of your words.
"No, no. She's sweet, but she's no Jessicah with a H."
Though you didn't quite believe him, his response an obvious deflection, you let it lie, shaking you head at Jonah's denial. Pushing him in the direction of one of the employee bathrooms, you retreating to the other one for some privacy, you bid him goodbye. "Whatever you say, loverboy, whatever. you. say."
Slipping into the bathroom, you got right to work, carefully taking off your bear hat and green backpack and placing them against the wall, trying to spare them from any splash back. You reached down to peel off your blood-soaked shirt when the door creaked open, your head snapping to see who was coming in.
"Marcus?" The brunette had on hand over his eyes, void of the costume parts he'd been wearing earlier, and was feeling his way into the room with his other hand against the wall to guide him. "What are you doing?"
"Can I look?"
Laughing, you let go of the hem of your shirt, running the water in the sink and grabbing a handful of paper towels. Shuffling onto the countertop, you splashed some water onto the fabric of your shirt. "Yeah, of course."
Marcus was slow to move his hand away from his eyes, careful to not intrude or see anything he wasn't meant to see, before he fully let his hand fall to his side. Upon getting a clear vision of you, he was shocked to see how real the blood looked under the dim bathroom lights - it through he back to that night in the break room when he cleaned up the cut on your arm. "Need some help?"
"Sure, if you fancy getting this stain out." Pointing to the area where the knife had burst the blood bag, you smiled gently at him, the days work beginning to catch up to you with a yawn. "It's in there pretty good."
"I brought a tide pen." He sheepishly held up the stain remover pen, the pair of you bursting into laughter at the thought that such a small device would have any impact on the giant stain on your shirt. "Doesn't hurt to try."
Marcus moved closer to the countertop, keeping himself at arms distance as he opened up the Tide pen. You pulled your shirt away from your chest, pulling the fabric taught as he could use the pen to its best effect. The pair of you sat in silence as he scrubbed at the stain, the sticky substance beginning to lighten with each stroke of it. Marcus slowly moved closer to you as he patiently worked away the stain, ending up in between your legs, you perched on the edge of the counter in a subconscious effort to get closer to him.
"You called me your boyfriend out there, y'know." Marcus had been the first to break the comfortable silence, his eyes fixed on the stain inside of your own. "I thought i was going to lose you."
"Marcus..." His hands came to a shaky stop, the pen stilling.
"You really scared me, y'know." Marcus finally met your eyes, hurt glazing over them. "It's looked real, so real."
Your hand reached up to cup his face, the other reaching for the one holding the tide pen and pulling it from his grasp, squeezing his hand tightly. "I'm okay, it wasn't real." Your thumb ran across the apple of his cheek, Marcus leaning into your warm touch gratefully. His own hand covered yours, pressing your warm, alive touch as much into the skin of his face as it could go.
"I thought I lost you and... all I could think about was everything I hadn't had the chance to say. It was like I was back in the warehouse all over again and- and I didn't know what to do with myself." He let out a heavy sigh, looking down to the floor as he avoided your saddened gaze. He wasn't telling you this to make you sad, that wasn't his goal in the slightest.
His eyes met yours again, this time not filled with hurt, or worry, but something entirely different. You hadn't realised just how close his face had gotten to your own, you hand guiding him closer and closer to you with every word, every breath, shared.
"Marcus." Your voice trembled as you spoke, frantically looking for whatever it was that was clouding his gaze.
Marcus let go of both your hands, both of his moving to rest on your hips, pulling you flush against him to the edge of the countertop and in one fluid motion his lips were on yours. The hand holding his face guided his lips even closer to your own, moving quickly to the back of his neck when you deemed him close enough. His hands toyed with the hem of your shirt, circles being rubbed into the flesh of your hips; warm and soft.  Marcus hummed against you, tightening this grip on you just enough to have you squeaking in surprise. Taking hold of the opportunity, he slipped his tongue past your lips, the kiss quickly escalating to a fight of teeth and tongue, each of you holding onto the other as if they'd disappear without your touch. Your hands tugged at the hair at the nape of his neck, eliciting a low groan from Marcus, who pulled back at the gesture, your bottom lip coming with him as he gently bit into the soft and flushed flesh. Immediately, he soothed over the gentle bite with another kiss, and another, and another, pulling back to finally look at you with the most lovesick smile you'd ever seen.
Your hair was tousled, cheeks flush and lips swollen - he could only imagine what he looked like. Marcus picked up the tide pen once more, one hand still rubbing circles into your hip. "So, about that stain."
You let out a low laugh as he picked up where he'd left off, scrubbing at the stain that was soaking into your shirt, though this time, he began telling you about his day with a soft smile, meeting your eyes between every word and kissing your lips between every sentence. For the first time in a while, things felt truly, deeply right.
☆: .。. Tag List .。.:☆ @write-from-the-heart @despicablylara @whatafreakingloser @flowercrowns-goodvibes @millieb-3199 @lolawassad @catarina-trouxa @falsegodofmischief @thepurplebutterflythings @littleboysmile @sibsteria @quinn-7007 @aashy723 @maeisonline @lizziel1410 @tamberjo @texaschainslvt @mariizai
Want to be added to the taglist? send an ask to let me know <3
I can't wait for you guys to see what I have planned going forward 😏😏😏
As always, have a lovely week!! <333
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x3nbingestoomuch · 1 year
i love Dina’s cutesy little racist nickname “Rodriguez” that she has for Amy 😍
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coloradosnumber1dad · 2 years
My Fandoms | Who I Write For
I will write anything your little hearts desire just ask and I’ll watch it or read it ❤️ Chernobyl | no fics obviously but I’m always up for a discussion and nerding out on the subject :)
Stranger Things
The Black Phone | Not the Grabber he’s a literal pedophile
Terrifier 1&2/ All hallows Eve | Art mostly
Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark
Stand By Me | Yes I ship LaChambers
The Office | Ask me to write abt Angela and I will shatter you like glass
Lab Rats
Mighty Med
National Lampoon
Texas chainsaw massacre 1&2 | chop top <33
Malcolm In The Middle | I will write Hal x Lois too
The Middle
Are you afraid of the dark?
Miss Peregrines Home For Peculiar Children | Not the Hollows- they fr be eating children
Harry Potter
Donnie Darko
Firefly Trilogy
Jeepers Creepers | 1 & 2
The Shining
IT 2017, 2019 & 1990
A Christmas Story
Young Sheldon
Hocus Pocus
House of Wax | Lester, Bo, Vincent
Bridge To Terrabithia
Superstore | Garrett, Jonah, Dina, Amy, Cheyenne, Marcus
The walking dead | Rick, Daryl, Simon, Negan, Eugene, Abraham,
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twoheartsoneclara · 2 years
maybe dina x amy x jonah was the pairing we didn’t know we needed but the one we truly deserved
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flamingfalcon3 · 2 years
It will never not be funny that all of the employees are attracted to Dina
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