#jonathan smells it and has ptsd flashbacks
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Mina is about to open Pandora's Box and be buried beneath a ton of emails from our friend Jonathan. Hey! She'll finally get that recipe!
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dont-doubt-dopple · 7 years
How You Fell In Love With Me - Chapter 3
A/N: Hey, look, I’m not dead! And neither is this story. Just, the original idea got changed. Drastically. It’s just, I’m a lot less comfortable writing Brohm and I know people are a lot less comfortable reading it as well. Just know that if you came for Brohm, I’m not so sure how much Brohm is going to be in this story anymore. So I’ve changed the plan in my head and I am more excited to write this. Oh, I’m going to break some hearts this time around. The angst is rubbing of on me, IM SORRY. The discord with the angst Nights is rubbing off on me. Enjoy. I’m also introducing BOLD text into the equation. So, as not to get confused:
Normal text=Real World
Italic Text=Bryce’s Story world
Bold Text=Flashback sequence
WARNING: This chapter contains very homophobic sequences, including the use of the slur f****t. Tread with caution.
Chapter 3 - Faces to Names
“They always like this?” I asked, watching the scene of chaos and bloody murder in front of me. Otherwise know as Mario Kart.
"Yeah." Delirious assured me. "You get used to them." I looked around the living room at all the men screaming their heads off over a game. For people that were in a gang, they seemed like one huge family. They had inside jokes and traditions and the ability to be themselves. I was just some outsider looking in.
“Fuck off you sweaty nerd.” One if the guys exclaimed, his words laced with an Irish accent.
“Sorry.” Another one giggled in response. His words also had the slightest touch of an Irish accent, but not as much as the other guy.
“Moo hasn’t said anything in a while.” Mini commented, the only of the mess of bodies I actually knew. The guy who I assumed was Moo spoke off next.
“I’m winning.” He explained, before becoming silent once more. That being soon interrupted by a Control slamming to the ground.
“9. Fucking. Boomerangs.” The man who slammed the controlled down said calmly, although extremely enraged. “In 2nd to last.” At moment, a red shell came up from behind him and hit his already still character. This caused his calm anger to turn into pure rage. “WHO DID THAT!!! WHICH ONE OF YOU WAS IS YOU FUCKING FAGGOTS!!”
I tensed up as always. Though it only got him madder. I knew the routine by now, so it wasn’t a surprise. I could picture the red on his face, smell the alcohol on his breath, hear the malice laced in his words.
“I won’t let some queer stand our level.” He growls. I close my eyes, not wanting to watch the enjoyment of all of this spread across his face like the madman he was.
“Bryce.” Del calls out to me, putting his hand on my shoulder. I step away on impulse. She should know better than to do that. She knows I don’t want a repeat of last time. “You okay?”
“I’m fine.” I echoed back. I could feel the tears beginning to well up in my eyes. I rushed out the last part a little as I bolted. “I just need some fresh air.”
“Yeah. Run!” He screamed as I dashed away, tears streaming down my face and fresh bruises down my back. “I don’t want to see this poor excuse of a son in my house again.”
“Bryce.” I stopped, hand on the handle. My mom was standing there on the stairs. I could tell even if I didn’t turn around. “Come back when he’s sober. Your dad will change his mind.”
“He’s my father.” I spat, still enraged at him. It wasn’t fair to be unleashing it at my mother but all the pent up anger I’ve been restraining was coming out now and my brain had little time to filter. “To call him my dad would be to say he loved me. Clearly he doesn’t.” I glanced back at the man who helped bring me into this world. He was sunken back into the couch, yelling at some sports game on the TV.
“Just ...” Her voice faltered, as if the words in her tongue just couldn’t come out. “He’s the only dad you’ll ever have. Give him another chance.”
“I’ve given him too many to count. And if this is how he uses all of them, then I’d rather have no dad at all.” I didn’t stay to hear her response. I simply pulled the door open and left, standing on the stoop as it slammed behind me. I breathed.
And then I broke.
I collapsed, letting all the waterworks built up inside me flow down my face. I was attempting to cover my face with my hands, failing miserably. “He’s not here. He’s not here.” I kept muttering to myself, in a voice barely in a whisper. I curled into a ball then, letting my head fall into my knees.
“Hey.” I looked up to see an Asian guy staring at me with a kind smile. Slick black hair tossed to the side and an equally slick red jacket. He had kneeled down so he was at least closer to my level. “Anxiety?”
“More like PTSD.” I admitted. “Someone just ... said a slur accidentally and I got triggered.”
“Can’t say I relate.” He replied, sitting down next to me. “I’m Evan, by the way. Most of the guys will call me Vanoss, though.”
“So wait, your the ...” The Cat had finally got my tongue, but he seemed to know exactly what I was trying to say.
“Yeah. And that must make you the Bryce McQuaid Ohm has been telling me about. Incessantly.” Both of us laughed at this. I did wonder why Ohm would be preaching about me though. I haven’t really had a chance to talk to him that much. I didn’t voice this though. Maybe I’d get a one on one with Ohm later. “But the real question is, what was it that triggered you?”
“It was ...” I felt begin to choke, but I was at least able to push the first syllables out. “Fa ... Fa ...” Evan stopped me first though, holding his hand up to my face.
“I know what your trying to say. And that sounds like Tyler.” Jon said, sliding the rough draft back over to Mike. “Just email us a copy of the final thing later.”
“Sure thing.” Mike agreed, sliding the rough chapter into his bag. “Just promise me that you do not, under any circumstance, tell Bryce about this.”
“I’d have to agree with Mike on this.” Mark added. The group was in a local Starbucks, waiting for Bryce to exit the bathroom and Drac to get here. Mark had one of the single seats by Jon, while Mike sat on the loveseat. “Guy nearly had a full blown panic attack just giving me and Swag the first two chapters. Where is Drac, by the way?”
“He texted he was here like two minutes ago, but I don’t see him.” Mike pushed himself up using his arms, trying to see where his boyfriend was. He didn’t notice Jon rolling his eyes at Swag’s mention. “What’s taking Bryce so long in the bathroom, anyways?”
“No idea.” Jonathan said. “He’s been acting off since the day before yesterday. He was talking to Adam before, so I think it’s something he told him.”
“Oh god, that’s not good.” Mark commented, just as another guy hopped into the seat next to Mike.
“Sorry I’m late.” He apologized. “I had to work out some details with Ellie and John for a project. Who’s Adam?”
“The question I’m wondering is who are you?” Jonathan shot back. The guy, while subtlety slinging his arm across Mike, looked at Mark expectantly. The latter sighed.
“Jonathan, meet Swag Dracula. We usually call him Swag or Drac for short. Swag, Jon or H2O Delirious.” He introduced. Jonathan sat there, dumbfounded.
“Pleasure to meet you, Mr. H2O. Now back to my earlier question; who is this Adam guy?” Swag continued on. Jonathan was still in shock, the only movement indicating he was alive was the blinking of this eyes and the subtle rise and fall of his chest.
“You’re real.” He gasped softly, leaning back into his chair.
“Yeah he’s real.” Mike answered, planting a quick kiss on Swag’s cheek. “And Adam is basically the Cheryl Blossom of the campus. If you want a secret to stay a secret, you better pray to whatever deity you believe in that Adam doesn’t find out. If there’s trouble, there’s a 85% chance that Adam was the catalyst. He’s the one person that no matter what, you do not trust him.”
“Got it.” Swag said. “Now, are we getting drinks yet or ...”
“I’ll see what’s taking Bryce so long in the bathroom.” Mike volunteered, rising from his seat. He rolled his eyes as he passed Jonathan, who he saw mouth to Mark ‘He’s actually real?’ He headed to the back by the restrooms only to run into Bryce.
“Hey, You okay?” Mike asked upon seeing his friend. His blond hair was disheveled, and his eyes were red and puffy. He was quiet and when Mike cupped his cheek he could feel it was wet. “That’s a stupid question. Of course you’re not okay. What’s troubling you?”
“Nothing.” Bryce choked out, avoiding making eye contact with Mike.
“Bryce ...” Bryce grabbed Mike, pulling him into the restroom. “What ..?”
“Adam said ...” The blond paused, as if making sure nobody heard their conversation. “Adam said Ryan has a crush on Luke. He’s only ever see me as a friend.”
“Hey, this is Adam we’re talking about. He could be just stirring up trouble.”
“He may be a troublemaker, but he’s a reputable troublemaker. When is the last time Montoya was wrong?” This seemed to do the trick in shutting Mike up. “Exactly. Just ... don’t tell anyone. Okay?” Mike nodded, and was about to nod when Bryce grabbed his hand again. “And try not to intervene. Please?”
“I’ll do my best.” He replied, which seemed to satisfy Bryce enough. The two left the bathroom with uneasy thoughts and began to rejoin their friends. They were talking in hushed tones, like they didn’t want to risk anyone else hearing their secrets. Though a simple question lingered in Mike’s mind. Even with the coffee and knowledge of a nearly School wide bet (“We didn’t think Dracula was real. We were just wondering which one of you guys would crack first.”), it still lingered.
Was this accidental intervention really a good thing?
“Mike, sweetie, you okay?” Swag asked softly as Bryce, Jon, and Mark were laughing about something. Mike nodded, squeezing Drac’s arm in reassurance.
“I’ll tell you later.” He said.
“About Bryce?” Mike nodded. “Okay.” He leaned his head so it rested on Drac’s shoulder. Mike didn’t let go of Swag’s arm nor did either release their hands that were intertwined with each other.
“I love you.”
“I wouldn’t expect any less.”
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Oh, great. I’m sure these people will be super helpful.What’s the crazy shower for? Trying to get all that ooze it spat all over Hopper off?Will they please sedate him or something? Boy has earned some drugs.Thank you.Steve like “yeah alright lizards don’t do that. I guess.”Steve stole Jonathan’s bat? Of course he did.Steve why you being so mean to Dusty. He dealt with this shit too.Probably burrowed out or something.Oh shit it grew again.The big one could open portals. Did it leave like that?Nope, just burrowed. At least it hasn’t started hopping dimensions yet.When will they learn to stop cooperating with these lab people?“What are you treating him for?” Interdimensional possession. Don’t tell her that though.This is a very bad time to be taking down the man.Shared trauma is the real shit, that’s what relationships are built on.Murry should quit being a reporter, his cold-reading skills are top notch, would be a great fortune teller.They totally should get together.Go for it people!God they’re so awkward. It’s adorable.No!Go back!YesssLucas’s sister has too much attitude to fit in such a little bodyThe wrist rocket again? Because it worked so well the first time?Hey, Hop got a space suit.Is that the portal? Does it just extend down forever?Bob totally willing to take on all of this to stay with Joyce. He’s greatWill can’t move away : (What the hell, how much has Will forgotten? Why? This is bad.Murry is smug as hell.Oh shit, this doesn’t end well at all.Lucas you can’t be hereDon’t be there pleaseOk thanks.Stalker is an amazing nickname btwHe knows Mike <3Gee I wonder if he’ll feel thatA virus, huh.The hair definitely helps“acting like you don’t care” Steve you’re terrible at that. This is awful advice and you’re bad at it.Dustin is totally going to steal Lucas’s girl.He’s like three years younger than you SteveFara Faucet spray. Explains the hair. I mean, She’s like the queen of big hair.Finally Hop, took you long enough to apologize. Too long, actually.Oh no it’s sad.The fact that Fake Doctor Sam is the least evil person in this room is really disturbingWhere do they even find this many douchbags? What are their hiring criteria?He’s having flashbacks because his brain is like 80% PTSD right nowWonder how often they hang at this junkyardThey seem to know something big must be up since everyone is goneAt least the chances of billy tracking Max down to somewhere as random as this are slim.Thank you hop. Tell make the man shut up.Everyone’s gearing up for war. Fun.Nice music for it too.Steve I think covering the meat in gasoline might detract from the smell somewhat.“Let’s see if this kid is a wizard or a schizo” We already know he’s a wizard XDWe haven’t seen Eleven in too long, what’s she doing?I doubt California has much to make this seem lameSomehow I guessed Max came from a broken family. no idea where I got that impressionBilly is totally on steroids.Max worrying about herself like this is way too relatableLucas has moves.Damn Steve, you got balls.HOW ARE THERE SO MANY“are they rabid” omg max get with the programWell shit, where are they going?Oh. He knows the soldiers are coming, this is a two-way spy. The cavalry has been called in.Does the Shadow Monster make the fog?Not even a spy, it’s controlling him now.This is very bad.I don’t think the lab is equipped to repel a full invasion.The lab couldn’t even contain one of these things before.I'm excited about so many things this episode. Nancy/Jonathan is finally off the ground, Lucas has become a really good character, Dustin and Steve are a fantastic duo, and an entire ARMY of Demogorgons, that's amazing and terrifying.Will has gone full "The Exorcist" and that's awful and creepy. Boy needs an exorcism, not a doctor. Those red areas in his head? Pretty sure those are demonsI can't remember if Eleven was in the very first episode or not, but if she was, I think this is the first episode where she doesn't appear at all, makes me suspicious. She and her mom are in deep psychic shit I bet. It would be so cool if she did manage to wake her up and we got to see full fledged adult psychic in action.Are there Psychonauts/Stranger Things crossover fanfics yet? That's a thing I feel like I need all of a sudden. via /r/StrangerThings
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