earlofbats · 2 years
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My Idea for a Disco Elysium “mechanic”. Post game, during a new case, If the player completed the “heraldic parrot” quest and chose either the Bang Bang, Funeral or Major Majestic parrot, They will meet one of the three Parrots. (I dont have anything for the Fuckupatoo) You can convince Jean Vicquemare and Ptolemy Pryce to Allow you to keep the parrot and have it join you during your field work If you claim it as your “emotional support Heraldic soulmate“, much to the displeasure and bafflement of Kim. (Despite his objections he does find your love for the parrot very sweet and isn’t actually that upset about it and, with some convincing, willing to even introduce and refer to the parrot as “detective {parrots name}”) Each parrot has it’s own personality and assist abilities that help with checks, unlock unique dialogue options and provide information and insight. Each parrot also allows you to read back any previous conversation you’ve had. Bang Bang Cockatoo (Gang-Gang Cockatoo) at the far back Is named Raphael Ambrosius Costeau. He speaks with a pleasant, posh British accent and has a polite, inquisitive "Watson"-esque personality. He casually refers to the player as "Sir," but uses "Mr. Du Bois" when being stern and "Harrier" when concerned. His main encouragement to the player is to engage in detective work, solve the case, and act responsibly. He offers interesting perspectives on clues and directs the player towards possible new leads. Funeral Cockatoo (Zanda funerea or Yellow Tailed-black Cockatoo) Second to back is named Tequila Sunset. He has a dour and melancholy demeanor and speaks with a soft, monotone "emo or goth" style that sounds generally bored and disinterested. He casually refers to the player as "Mister," but uses "Bro" when being stern or upset, and "Dude" when concerned. His main encouragements are centered around accepting oblivion, informing or speculating on the inevitability of death, and sharing secrets about the pale. He warns the player against taking unnecessary risks and offers insight into the potential outcome of certain actions, informing them if something might lead to harm. Major Majestic Cockatoo (Major Mitchell Cockatoo) In front is named Joopson. He has a flashy and schmoozy personality and speaks like a classic, sleazy "movie star manager." He casually refers to the player as "Harry Baby," but uses "Du Bois Baby" when being stern or manipulative, and "Harry darling" when concerned or upset. His main encouragement is to network, make social connections, boost the player's ego, act flashy, and really take on their role as a superstar. He offers interesting insights into characters' thoughts and actions and gives fashion tips, directing the player to take time and do silly things for the sake of "boosting the ratings."
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coraorvat · 7 months
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SAVOIR FAIRE: I'd worry in Necktie's place, lieutenant can get quite creative with a piece of fabric~ I have seen several cases where people were mixing Electrochemistry and Horrific Necktie and tbf they're pretty easy to mix, but there is a slight difference: EC is your pleasure center which wants you to feel good no matter the source, while Necktie is your imaginary drinking buddy who want's you to party hard like young people do (by getting drunk/hight, sleeping with younger women and doing stupid shit for lulz).
So I'm pretty sure our *bratan* won't be Kim's biggest fan (and vice versa), EC on the other hand…
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regularmongoose · 6 months
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A boopson for Joopson!
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ackcrabbit · 2 months
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Nah man look at my detectives we are not solving any cases
Got into a thing of making Harry and Kim's signature/most beloved objects into people, so here's Detective duo Joopson and Coupris.
It's basically a Roger/Jessica Rabbit type dynamic tbh
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384302 · 2 years
Disco Elysium quotes that I cannot get out of my head
'One day a sad man walked into a clothing store. He looked really down. Like he hadn't had fun in years. He needed someone to show him how to rock and roll again. Joopson AS catalogue no. J327 shone on the tie rack, trying to get his attention. The sad man picked it up and put it on. He looked at himself in the mirror. Didn't smile.
"Nothing will ever heal me, but at least I'll have a funny tie."'
'The furnace has long been cold, despite itself. You're too sad to jerk off. This is not the first time it has happened either.'
'The tiny apes are doing all they can to be better. It's not their fault. It takes time for the apes to change. And work. Perhaps, what happened here was part of that time — and that work.'
'Subdue the regret. Dust yourself off, proceed. You'll get it in the next life, where you don't make mistakes. Do what you can with this one, while you're alive.'
'Mercy is rarely a *complete* mistake.'
'This world is enough. It *must* be. This is the greatest and kindest arrangement the atoms had in them.'
'No. This is somewhere to be. This is all you have, but it's still something. Streets and sodium lights. The sky, the world. You're still alive.'
'Men without ideals are only animals.'
'You are a violent and irrepressible miracle. The vacuum of cosmos and the stars burning in it are afraid of you. Given enough time you would wipe us all out and replace us with nothing — just by accident.'
'It's our way of saying we refuse to accept that the world has to remain... like this...'
'Don't expect any further rewards or handclaps. This is how normal people are all the time.'
'Mankind, be vigilant; we loved you.'
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mood2you · 2 years
Wiki says Horrendous Necktie’s real name is Joopson
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mariautistic · 2 years
Joopson AS Men's Fashion, model "Colorful Tie" Catalogue no. j327 you're more than a brother to me
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