#jordan has mail
toytle · 1 year
i think i’m art blocked bc this doesn’t look like hal to me
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uncanny halley.
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1americanconservative · 3 months
Things not in the news anymore….
(Version 5)
-Maui wildfires.
-East Palestine, Ohio
-Joe Biden classified documents as a Senator.
-Fauci working with China to create a bioweapon.
-Pete Buttigieg’s best friend in prison for child porn.
-Cocaine in the White House. (TWICE NOW)
-The BLM and Antifa riots during 2020 causing BILLIONS of dollars of damage. And yes I brought this up on Juneteenth.
-The data collected from the Chinese spy balloons.
-Ukraine intelligence documents released that showed they were suffering massive losses and the American taxpayer was being lied to.
-Nancy Pelosi’s “documentary” film crew on J6.
-Veterans being kicked out of shelters to make room for illegals.
-Pizzagate “debunker” jailed for possession of child pornography.
-Gay porn film in Senate hearing room.
-Veterans Affairs prioritizing healthcare of illegals over Veterans.
-Afghanistan drawdown and 13 service members killed in an attack on Kabul International Airport, that they hid the severity of it.
-Obama droning an American citizen in the Middle East.
-George Bush’s false WMDs.
-3 service members killed in Jordan.
-Hunter Biden making over $1M for “paintings”.
-J6 political prisoners that are still in jail.
-85,000 missing children at the southern border.
-Epstein’s clients.
-Obama coordinating with John Brennan and 4 other countries (5 eyes) to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign.
-Mail-in ballots were the cause of the stolen 2020 election.
-Jeffrey Epstein mentioning that Bill Clinton liked his girls “really young”.
-The (NOW TWO) airline whistleblowers that mysteriously died.
-Benghazi (I won’t mention anything more about this because I care about my life.)
-Nancy Pelosi’s daughter stating that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection.
-The January 6th committee destroying encrypted evidence before the GOP took over the House.
-House Speaker Mike Johnson claiming there wouldn’t be foreign aid without border security in the bill, which was a lie.
-The recent riots from illegal criminal aliens at the southern border and the border in general.
-Hunter Biden not complying with a Congressional subpoena and deemed untouchable. Democrat privilege.
-Vaccine side effects.
-“Lab leak” out of China.
-The Secret Service having to basically guide Joe Biden everywhere he goes.
-Who leaked (Sotomayor) the SCOTUS Alito decision.
-Federal instigators inside the Capitol including pipe bomb evidence against them.
-Obama’s chef “passing away”.
-HRC’s chef “passing away”.
-The Sheriff that happened to be in Las Vegas (during the mass shooting) AND the wildfires in Hawaii.
-P Diddy sex-trafficking allegations.
-Gonzalo Lira (an American journalist) that was killed in Ukraine
-Congress approving warrantless spying violating American’s 4th amendment rights while they are exempt.
-Americans that were left in foreign countries (Haiti, Palestine, Afghanistan).
-The billions of dollars of weaponry left in Afghanistan and the Taliban receiving $40M a week in “humanitarian assistance”.
-Biolabs found in California.
-Joe Biden’s impeachment.
-The scum in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waving the Ukrainian flag.
-The over 300k ballot images that could not be found in Fulton County, Georgia; the same county Donald Trump on trial for “election interference”.
The distractions are out of control. This is such a small list of everything that has happened and I’m starting to run out of room!
Share to show that legacy media is dead and that WE are the media now.
If you have liked this post, consider giving me a follow!
@stevelovesammo 👈🏻
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tiredofthehumanlife · 5 months
barbie dolls: Anthony Lockwood x you
word: 3k ish
summary: Anthony has a secret admirer who can't seem to figure out his middle name
warnings: you rude bike, also eat twizzlers bc I associate twizzlers with bikes and before you say anything no it doesn't have anything to do with Juno leave me alone, Lockwood's parents death mentioned, mentions of blowing heads off, you'll probably cringe at the one note I did write but I'm just four squirrels stacked on top of each other what more do you want from me, George and Lucy are certified haters but it's in a loving way
The first note confused him. Lockwood went out to get the mail but he paused when he reached the gate. There, tied to the pole, was a flower and a small piece of paper. He gently untied the ribbon.
Lockwood initially thought it was for George. His initials scrawled across the top of the paper made him reconsider. He read the note and realized he had just gained a secret admirer.
With that, the notes kept coming. Some had poetry describing his looks, some had a gift waiting in the mailbox, and some were just a good old-fashioned letter. All of them were signed the same.
‘Lukewarm regards,’ and then his full name was written out. His middle name was always different. It was Jacqueline, Jordan, Jack, Jason, and James, but his admirer’s favorite? Janthony. The first time he read it Lockwood had laughed. The second he chuckled. By the third time, George was calling him Janthony every time he got the chance.
George easily found out, seeing the notes and growing population of flowers in the kitchen. He saw Lockwood’s smile when he came back from getting the mail. He thought it was cute.
Lockwood wanted to respond and wanted to see you. But it was entirely impossible. He felt like he was trying to catch smoke, with the lights off and his eyes closed. Every time he would stare out the window and watch the gate, the second he left to use the bathroom when he came back there was a note waiting for him. It was entirely impossible how fast you moved. Lockwood thought it was silly that it was harder to catch his admirer than it was to catch a ghost. He started tying notes to the gate himself, in response to yours. They would disappear with a new one. You became pen pals with extra steps.
Once George asked him what he thought his admirer looked like, it was a flabby attempt at trying to see if Lockwood could be swayed by physical appearance. Lockwood had sighed and stared out the window, all dreamy. ‘it doesn't matter, they're already the most beautiful person to me.’ George gagged.
Eventually, Lucy moved in and Lockwood was still chasing his smoke. Lucy and George started conspiring who they thought it was. George said the old woman down the street. Lucy said the post-boy. With a lot of frustration boiling inside of Lockwood, he decided he would stay up all night, staring out the window. He felt like a child trying to catch the tooth fairy.
Lucy accompanied him, George saying there was no point before tucking himself into bed. So Lucy and Lockwood stayed up the whole night, staring out the window. Lockwood was more determined. Lucy would get up every once and a while to make sure they were fed. Eventually, as the hours went on, fog settled over the street, and they started losing hope. Lockwood was struggling to keep his eyes open. Lucy was still hyped up on her handful of pixie sticks she had no plans of going to sleep. She knew Lockwood wouldn't make it through the whole night. He fell asleep with his legs thrown over her lap. Lucy kept her eyes trained outside, ignoring Lockwood's snores.
Just as the sun was peaking over the horizon she saw movement out in the fog. There you came, rolling around the corner of the street on your bike. You had a sweet aura about you. Maybe it was your small smile tugging at your lips, maybe it was the twizzle sticking out the corner of your mouth, maybe it was your sweater. Whatever it was Lucy wanted to be friends with you, know your every thought, know your favorite color and drink. She wanted to look across the room to make sure you heard something and thought what she did. At first, she just assumed you were some innocent bystander, riding your bike out for fun. Then you stopped by the gate. Flicking out your kickstand with your ankle as you dismounted. Lucy's grin grew as she realized she was witnessing Lockwood's admirer while he was passed out.
You pulled out a box out of your backpack. You dropped it into the mailbox and tied a small note to the gate’s pole. As you got back on your bike, Lucy slammed her palm on the window pane. Your head shot up, making eye contact with her. Lucy gave you a bright smile, waving rapidly at you. You pressed your finger to your lips before turning back and riding your bike off into the fog.
When Lockwood finally woke up he looked out the window and slumped when he saw a note. He heard Lucy in the kitchen. Lockwood flung himself into the nearest chair.
“We missed them, again.” He muttered, defeated.
“Correction. You missed them, again. I saw them just fine.” Lockwood gaped at Lucy. George joined them looking between their faces.
“The hell happened to you two?” George asked, pouring himself orange juice.
“I saw Lockwood's admirer and he didn't because he was snoring away,” Lucy said with a proud grin. Lockwood shook his head.
“Are they hot?” George asked. Lockwood snapped his head at George.
“George.” He said in a scolding tone.
“Yes,” Lucy said with a smile.
“Lucy.” Lockwood glared at them both.
“Oh, you're just pissed you didn't get to see them yourself,” George muttered. Lockwood shrugged.
“Next question,” Lockwood muttered. Lucy clicked her tongue.
“Are you going to go get the mail?” Lucy asked. Lockwood shook his head.
“It'll just rub my failure in my face.” Lucy sighed at him, leaving to get the mail herself. She brought back the box and note among the junk mail. She gently set the box and note in front of Lockwood’s pouting face. He stared at it for a moment before sitting up. Lockwood first read the note, a disgustingly beautiful letter that made him flush. He was worried about opening the gift. It could easily be a tarantula though he doubted you'd do that. Lockwood steeled himself pulling the lid off the box.
He found a leather-bound journal, with his initials in gold paint on the front. Lockwood opened it to find your handwriting.
‘For your wild mind, Dear Anthony Janthony Lockwood.’ sealed off with a little heart next to the words. He traced over the lines with his fingertips. Lockwood flicked through the pages, maybe you left another note. He reached the back cover and slumped at nothing but the stamp from the craftsman. George stared over Lockwood's shoulder, picking up the journal himself.
“Your wild mind?” George muttered in a teasing tone. Lockwood sighed.
“I told them about how I used to journal as a kid and I just couldn't bring myself to do it anymore after my parents passed. So it's actually quite thoughtful.” Lockwood let out a loud sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Oh look at that,” George muttered. Lockwood sat up, trying to look at what he was pointing at. George moved the book away from him, showing Lucy.
“Oh, hey, look at that.” She nodded approvingly before taking a sip out of her mug.
“What? What is it?” Lockwood asked, looking between them. Maybe he missed a note. George turned the book around, showing him the stamp. Lockwood shook his head, slumping again.
“It's the manufacturer, it's handmade in town.” Lockwood sighed again, ignoring George. He already knew that. “Meaning they'd have to get it done personally, a handmade custom journal done in town.” Lockwood stared out the window.
“Meaning, you could go ask the person who made this who your admirer is,” Lucy stated, trying to make it more plain for Lockwood. Lockwood paused, looking over at them. He looked back out the window.
“We have a new errand on the itinerary today.” He muttered.
They found the bookbinder easily, the logo stamped in the back of his journal. When they got inside it was small and dark but it felt warm. There were books along most of the walls and a desk in the back. Lockwood, George, and Lucy made it to the desk and waited silently. There was a small silver bell on the side, next to the register. George reached out and rang it before Lucy could stop him. While the group quietly argued over the politeness or ringing a bell, an old man's head popped out from around the corner. He was balding and looked mean. Lockwood explained to him the situation, asking who asked for the journal to be made.
“You must be Janthony. I told them I wasn't doing nothing for free. I have a card for you.” The old man pulled an envelope out from under the register and held it out to Lockwood. Lockwood thanked him and quickly ripped into it.
Candle wax
Reading by themselves
Books in a pile
Your next clue is held by a vampire
Lockwood pressed his lips together. It appears his one more errand has turned into two. Lockwood dragged them across town to the Library. He paused when he realized he didn't know any vampires nearby. George called him an idiot and stalked off to a bookshelf. Lockwood glanced at Lucy. She shrugged. They waited patiently as George walked over to them again, a book in his hands. He flashed the cover. Dracula. George flipped the book upside down and flipped through the pages. Another letter floated to the ground. George looked up at Lockwood with an ‘I told you so' before heading back towards the shelf.
Lockwood yanked the letter off the ground, before tearing into it. He scanned over the words quickly. The letter was taken out of his hands by Lucy.
“This one’s lamer than the last,” Lucy whispered. Lockwood glared at her, taking the letter back.
“Don’t be rude.” Lockwood folded the letter. Lucy sighed, placing her hands on her hips.
“Well glad we’re off to Satchell’s. We needed to go anyways.” Lucy muttered, just as George joined them.
“This might be a strange question, but was there something left here by someone?” The cashier stared at him blankly. They raised an eyebrow.
“Another place, I kinda wished I went and got the mail every morning,” George said, following after them.
When they did make it to Satcchell’s, they split up instantly. George and Lucy split up the list of things they needed. Lockwood busied himself by reading the back of the closest item to him. Eventually, Lucy and George returned to Lockwood with their arms full of supplies. He led them to the register, greeting the cashier as they left the products on the counter. Lockwood paid the cashier before speaking up about something that wasn’t about the weather.
“Possibly for an Anthony?” Lockwood asked. the cashier shook his head.
“No, don’t think so.” The cashier said as they bagged the items.
“Try Janthony,” George muttered, he meant it mainly as a joke but no one laughed.
“For a Janthony?” Lockwood asked, avoiding eye contact with the cashier. The cashier looked up at him.
“Yeah actually.” They reached under the countertop. They stuck out a letter to Lockwood. Lockwood recognized the handwriting on the back. Lockwood thanked the cashier, handing the bags to George and Lucy. They all headed towards the door, standing by the wall as Lockwood stared down at the letter. He smiled at the name on the back. He laughed at Janthony at first, then he hated it mostly because of George, and now he was finding it a symbol of your care. You probably thought it was a joke too, but every time he read it in your handwriting he wanted to hear it from your mouth more. The letter was passed around the three of them, George groaning. Lucy shrugged, handing the letter back to Lockwood.
“Another errand across town, why couldn’t they just tell you their name?” George complained. Lockwood pressed his lips together. He lightly smacked George in the chest with the letter.
“Well off we go, George. On an adventure, to find my caring and loving penpal who has done nothing to you.” Lockwood said, walking off in the direction of where the letter described. Lockwood heard George groan again.
“I personally found it cute Lockwood likes them so much he’s willing to travel all across the city just to maybe see them.” Lucy declared, clasping her hands behind her back with a pep in her step. George scoffed. Lockwood shook his head.
“But you see, I’ve already seen them. I know what your little lover looks like and you don't.” Lucy said the Lockwood with a mocking tone. ; Lockwood felt his face warming.
“Firstly, not my lover. We’re peculiar pen pals. Secondly, I have no opinion on their looks. I’ll love them until my last breath exits my lungs. I’ll smile at their voice until my hearing vanishes from old age. My heart will sing at their words until it pumps its last beat.” Lockwood explained, keeping his fast pace. Lucy and George stopped abruptly. Lockwood heard the lack of their steps, turning around. They stared at him.
“How can you speak that way about them and then say you aren’t lovers?” Lucy muttered. Lockwood shook his head. George huffed.
“You’re so whipped. I'm not sure if you two actually talk I can handle it. You’ll be drooling the whole time. I’ll have to pick up your jaw to sweep under it.” he whispered, angrily. Lucy nodded.
“Truly, they’re already insufferable. Not sure if I could resist the urge to blow my head off if they kiss.” Lucy said, tossing in an eye-roll. Lockwood felt someone could cook an egg on his cheeks. Lockwood opened his mouth before closing it. he spun around, his coat adding a flare. He stalked off, hearing George and Lucy following after him. They stepped through the door of Arif’s, the bell ringing above them.
Lockwood felt anxiety pull at his stomach. He clutched the letter tighter. George pulled the letter out of his hands and stared at the side of his face.
“Why is your face doing that?” George muttered.
“I’m not sure what to do. The letter just tells me to come here, not where to find the next clue.” Lockwood said, glancing around the shop. No one was behind the counter. There was only one other person in the room, a man sitting in the back hunched over paperwork.
“Maybe we are at the last clue. Maybe they’re here, Lockwood.” Lucy muttered. “I think that's them over there.” She pointed over at the balding man in the corner. Lockwood faked a laugh.
“Please take this seriously.” He whispered. Lucy sighed, placing her hands on her hips. Geoge tutted.
“You should ring the bell, Lockwood,” George muttered. Lockwood steeled himself, marching to the counter and ringing the silver bell. A head popped out from behind the curtain that led to the back. Lucy let out a small gasp. She leaned into Lockwood’s ear.
“That’s them.” Lockwood felt his stomach drop and his heart palpate. He was looking at the kindest person he's ever talked to. He suddenly felt very real. A real human with the chance of being judged. A real person who was extremely vulnerable with someone all because he’d only ever seen their handwriting. and now he was looking into your eyes, knowing you knew more about him than both his friends standing next to him combined. He was right, though. You were the most beautiful person he’d ever seen. He felt a sense of dread wash over him, you could easily insult him right now. You could easily crawl over the countertop and strangle him. Or worse, judge him. Lockwood felt his cheeks heat as you smiled brightly at him.
“I see you’ve found me.” Lockwood felt the tension in his body release, his shoulder drop. That's what you decided to do when you first met him, smile. Lockwood felt his own smile peak at his lips.
“I did.” He muttered, glancing down at the letter in his hands. You stood across from the other side of the counter.
“Are you disappointed?” You asked. Lockwood’s head shot up, staring at you shocked.
“I could never be dissapointed by you.” You scoffed at him.
“My my you're even cheesier in person.” Lockwood laughed at you, giving you a one-shouldered shrug.
“Are you? Disappointed that is?” Lockwood asked, staring into your eyes. Lockwood noticed his friends had left, sitting at a table. They were staring at him blatantly.
“No. You’re-“ you paused. “You’re, well, Anthony Janthony Lockwood. What isn’t there to like?” Lockwood snorted at his fake middle name. He was right again, Janthony sounded much nicer falling from your lips than George’s. Lockwood jumped at the sound of the owner yelling at you. He mentioned something about not paying you to stand around. You handed Lockwood a donut. He quickly paid you.
“You know, now that we’ve met face-to-face. Would you accompany me on a date?” Lockwood avoided eye contact with you, staring at the doughnut.
“I’d love to.” Lockwood released a breath. He relaxed his shoulders.
“Oh thank god.” You laughed at Lockwood, handing him his change. He smiled at you. Lockwood felt his body heat when your fingers touched. You waved Lockwood off and walked to the table with George and Lucy pretending to gag.
“Glad you met your lover, can we go home now? I'm tired.” George asked. Lockwood nodded.
“Yes, we’re going home now.” Lucy shot up out of her chair, dashing out the door. Lockwood and George were quick to follow. When Lockwood passed the windows to Arif’s he triumphantly pumped his fist. The next morning he found the details of your date tied to his front gate in your handwriting.
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southernsolarpunk · 6 months
Hey check this out
I was making a zine (solarpunk ofc) and decided to use a bunch of old National Geographic magazines to cut up and use in a scrappy diy scrapbook fashion and of course I started reading them. This one in particular:
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It caught my eye because it’s from September 1980 & talks about the Middle East. My brain wonders if they mention Palestine and they do! I copied the text for accessibility, but I put pictures at the end of the original pages.
“Jerusalem: reunited or occupied? The question has divided the city's 400,000 Jews and 100,000 Arabs since Israel annexed East Jerusalem in 1967.
BEIRUT, JANUARY 1975. Armed soldiers lead me through labyrinthine back streets, up a dark stairway to a midnight rendez-vous. Only a bare bulb lights the temporary command post; Yasir Arafat, chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization, seldom dares spend two days in the same place. “Our argument is not with the Jews” He tells me. "We are both Semites. They have lived with us for centuries. Our enemies are the Zionist colonizers and their backers who insist Palestine belongs to them exclusively.
We Arabs claim deep roots there too."
Two decades ago Palestinians were to be found in United Nations Relief Agency camps at places like Gaza and Jericho, in a forlorn and pitiable state. While Palestinian spokesmen pressed their case in world cap-itals, the loudest voice the world heard was that of terrorists, with whom the word Palestinian came to be associated. Jordan fought a war to curb them. The disintegration of Lebanon was due in part to the thousands of refugees within its borders.
Prospects for peace brightened, however, when President Anwar Sadat of Egypt, most powerful of the Arab countries, made his historic trip to Israel in November 1977. A year later Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin signed the Camp David accords, a framework for the return of the occupied Sinai Peninsula to Egypt.
The former enemies established diplomatic relations and opened mail, telephone, and airline communications.
The Camp David accords also addressed the all-important Palestinian question but left it vague. Sadat insists that any lasting peace depends on an eventual Palestinian homeland in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza. Israel agrees to limited autonomy for those regions, but, fearful of a new and hostile Palestinian state suddenly planted on its borders, insists that Israeli troops must maintain security there.
Crowded Rashidiyah refugee camp, set among orange groves south of the ancient Phoenician port of Tyre in Lebanon, lies on the front lines. Frequent pounding by Israeli military jets and warships seeking PLO targets has war-hardened its population, some 13,700 Palestinians.
At the schoolyard I watched a solemn flag raising. Uniformed ashbal, or lion cubs, stood rigid as color guards briskly ran up the green-white-and-black Palestinian flag.
Ranging in age from 8 to 12, they might have been Cub Scouts— except for the loaded rifles they held at present arms. Behind them stood two rows of girls, zaharat, or little flowers. Same age, same weapons.
Over lunch of flat bread, hummus, yo-gurt, and chicken I commented to my hosts, a group of combat-ready fedayeen, that 30 years of bitter war had settled nothing nor gained the Palestinians one inch of their homeland. Was there no peaceful way to press their cause?
"Yes, and we are doing it. Finally, after 30 years, most countries in the United Nations recognize that we too have rights in Palestine. But we feel that until your country stops its unconditional aid to Israel, we have two choices: to fight, or to face an unmarked grave in exile."
AFTER CROSSING the Allenby Bridge from Amman, I drove across the fertile Jordan Valley through Arab Jericho and past some of the controversial new Jewish settlements: Mitzpe Jericho, Tomer, Maale Adumim, Shilat. Then as I climbed through the steep stony hills to Jerusalem, I saw that it too had changed. A ring of high-rise apartments and offices was growing inexorably around the occupied Arab side of the walled town. Within the wall, too, scores of Arab houses had been leveled during extensive reconstruction.
"Already 64 settlements have been built on the West Bank," said a Christian Palestinian agriculturist working for an American church group in Jerusalem. "And another 10 are planned," he said. Unfolding a copy of the master plan prepared in 1978 by the World Zionist Organization, he read: "Real-izing our right to Eretz-Israel... with or without peace, we will have to learn to live with the minorities...
The Israeli Government has reaffirmed the policy. In Prime Minister Menachem Begin's words: "Settlement is an inherent and inalienable right. It is an integral part of our national security."
"Security" is a word deeply etched into the Israeli psyche. The country has lived for 30 years as an armed camp, always on guard against PLO raids and terrorist bombings.
Whenever such incidents occur, the response is quick: even greater retaliation.
In Jerusalem I met with David Eppel, an English-language broadcaster for the Voice of Israel. "We must continue to build this country. Israel is our lawful home, our des-tiny. We have the determination, and an immense pool of talent, to see it through." His cosmopolitan friends a city plan-ner, a psychology professor, an author gathered for coffee and conversation at David's modern apartment on Jerusalem's Leib Yaffe Road.
Amia Lieblich's book, Tin Soldiers on Jerusalem Beach, studies the debilitating effects almost constant war has had on life in the Jewish state, a nation still surrounded by enemies. As she and her husband kindly drove me to my hotel in Arab Jerusalem afterward, some of that national apprehension surfaced in the writer herself.
"We don't often come over to this part of town," she said. "Especially at night."
I DROVE OUT of the Old City in the dark of morning and arrived a few hours later at the nearly finished Israeli frontier post, whence a shuttle bus bounced me through no-man's-land to the Egyptian ter-minal. As a result of the Egyptian-Israeli treaty, it was possible for the first time since 1948 to travel overland from Jerusalem to Cairo. An Egyptian customs man opened my bags on a card table set up in the sand. I took a battered taxi into nearby El Arish, to a sleepy bank that took 45 minutes to convert dollars into Egyptian pounds, Then 1 hired a Mercedes for the
200-mile run across the northern Sinai des-ert, the Suez Canal, and the Nile Delta. By sundown Cairo was mine.
Despite official government optimism, I found many in Cairo worried that President Sadat's bold diplomatic gestures might fail.
The city was noticeably tense as Israel officially opened its new embassy on Mohi el-Din Abu el-Ez Street in Cairo's Dukki quarter. Black-uniformed Egyptian troops guarded the chancery and nearby intersections as the Star of David flew for the first time in an Arab capital. Across town, police with fixed bayonets were posted every ten feet around the American Embassy. Others were posted at the TV station and the larger hotels. Protests were scattered, mostly peaceful. None disturbed the cadence of the city.
Welcoming ever larger delegations of tourists and businessmen from Europe and the U.S., Cairo was busier than ever-and more crowded. Despite a building boom, many Egyptians migrating from the countryside, perhaps 10,000 a month, still find housing only by squatting among tombs at the City of the Dead, the huge old cemetery on the southeast side of the capital.
Even with the new elevated highway and wider bridge across the Nile, half-hour traffic standstills are common. Commuters arrive at Ramses Station riding even the roofs of trains, then cram buses until axles break.
Cairo smog, a corrosive blend of diesel fumes and hot dust from surrounding des-erts, rivals tear gas.
Despite the rampant blessings of prog-ress, Cairo can still charm. In the medieval Khan el-Khalili bazaar near Cairo's thousand-year-old Al-Azhar University, I sought out Ahmad Saadullah's sidewalk café. I found that 30 piasters (45 cents) still brings hot tea, a tall water pipe primed with tobacco and glowing charcoal, and the latest gossip. The turbaned gentleman on the carpeted bench opposite was unusually talk-ative; we dispensed with weather and the high cost of living and got right to politics:
"Of course I am behind President Sadat, but he is taking a great risk. The Israelis have not fully responded. If Sadat fails, no other Arab leader will dare try for peace again for a generation."
Across town at the weekly Akhbar El-Yom newspaper, one of the largest and most widely read in the Middle East, chief editor Abdel-Hamid Abdel-Ghani drove home that same point.
"What worries me most is that President Sadat's agreement with Israel has isolated Egypt from our brother nations," he told me. "When Saudi Arabia broke with us, it was a heavy loss. The Saudis are our close neighbors. Now they have canceled pledges for hundreds of millions in development aid to Egypt. Some 200,000 Egyptians-teach-ers, doctors, engineers live and work in the kingdom.
"And Saudi Arabia, guardian of the holy cities of Mecca and Medina, remains for Muslim Egypt a spiritual homeland."
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This magazine was published before my mom was born, and yet the sentiments have basically unchanged. An interesting look at the past, and more proof this didn’t start October 7th. (But imagine my followers already knew that)
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Meghan, thy name is PATHETIC!
These two numpties truly think they have outsmarted the world. Normal people don't repeatedly attempt to fool the world into thinking they are "whip smart" or accomplished by regurgitating childhood and adolescent fantasies. Meghan and Harry are clearly mentally deficient individuals with massive amounts of resources to serve as global court jesters.
During a festival that had absolutely NOTHING to do with the Temu Royal Snowcation 🌨 ❄ Tour, these idiots dashed on the stage to CYA after MegaLiar's poor performance as the "FLUENT duchess" who couldn't be bothered to memorize the pronunciation of their host's proper title: /bee-seh-preh-see-dehn-teh/ but the whip smart MegaLiar referred to her new amiga as /v-ICE / 😬🤦‍♀️
Sparry who has a hot & heavy bromance with Argentinean polo player named Nacho pretended that he was too dumb to say a simple thank you and good night to the crowd. He enlisted the help of his soap actress wife (who snatched the mic) for the Spanish "translation" as if the croud was too dumb to translate the simple English phrase for themselves.
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Who is going to tell these idiots that even if she is the bilingual Duchess (which she's not) it would NOT make her special. You'd think the woman could speak Mandarin. 🥴
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How pathetic 🤑
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MegaLiar's need to overwhelm the internet with a lie about her being bilingual is just another reminder that this woman is a 1 trick pony with 1 ADULT accomplishment: sex with a drug addled brained prince. Sex with a dumb prince. Truly Pathetic.
What is Meghan Markle so desperate to Cover Up for the past 20 years? She literally flunked out of the state department before she could even get her foot in the door, yet she is constantly pushing & promoting "Argentina." She was humiliated into "relocating" to Madrid until her graduation ceremonies. Makes me wonder whether or not those sugarbaby rumors are true?
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If she worked in Argentina "early in her career," then why is Meg pictured on the set of General Hospital so she could gain the necessary credentials to work Hollyweird?
She's also pictured with another liar, her BFF Lindsay Roth Jordan, on the day they both graduated from Northwestern as "candidates for degrees in Communications."
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The Daily Mail:
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Newlywed and newly employed on Season 1 of Suits, and during promo for Season 2 she drops the lie about Argentina. Makes you wonder what else was happening in Argentina.
2011 and Just Married to Trevor Engleson. Finally she booked her 1st TV series, and she's visibly embarrassed by 1 innocent question. She opted to lie. She reached all the way back to ten (10)+ years ago instead of simply saying, "...5 years ago I was looking for work." What are you hiding Megsy?🤔
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She couldn't believe the question, "...what was I doing five (5) years ago?" She was embarrassed by 34 episodes as Season 2 Deal or No Deal model # 24 (2006-2007) would have been 8ish years ago so tell the truth Meg.
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July 12th 2013 Promotion for one of her blog affiliates "Birchbox" just prior to dumping Trevor. "If I wasn't acting I would most likely be working in politics have a career in politics. I had been working at the US Embassy in Argentina and was certain I'd get into a career in foreign service much like my character Rachel it was really tough for me to pass the foreign service exam, Rachel had trouble passing the LSATs, end up coming back to LA for a break and a friend of mine from college had given a manager a student film that I did, he called me the next day and was like you know what, I think you should be acting. So if you're constantly just on your A game and you're ready for when that moment arises that's when things can take off in a much bigger way. Success is reachable."
She wrote this for Birchbox: "USA's SUITS is one of our top summer TV shows—not least for its awesome female characters. While the guys of Pearson may rule the roost, it's the ladies who steal the show. Case in point: the whip-smart Rachel Zane, played by Meghan Markle. We sat down with Markle to find out about her foodie favorites, her background in Foreign Service, and the one beauty product..."
More lies on the red carpet
Mid Season 2 Promo at The Paley Center for Media Jan 14th 2013
"And I read that you were never originally going to go into acting!?"
Lies: "no I was gonna do politics...I grew up in LA so I grew up in this industry and obviously loved entertainment, my father's a lighting director I just always wanted to do something different and working in politics was exciting for me but I'm saying as we were driving up 2 blocks down the street is paper source. I used to teach gift wrapping classes there. I used to teach calligraphy classes there and so to be here tonight and to see that contrast happen in my life from an auditioning actress just trying to make it work to pilot after pilot to have one that's going into 3rd season with fans who are so supportive I mean I couldn't be more grateful. It's really amazing."
Almost 8 years later and she's on Craig Ferguson's show to promote Suits and still lying about her education and Argentina. Why?
I've always thought it was interesting that Meghan and Sparry were in Argentina around the same time, and of course Diana was there in 1995.
"On 23 November 1995, Diana, Princess of Wales arrived in Argentina to begin a historic, four-day visit to the South American country. While not an official state visit, the trip was undertaken by Diana in her newly-defined role as goodwill ambassador for Britain. The visit, which was the Princess of Wales' first international engagement since her controversial Panorama interview, was seen as an important step in the warming of relations between the UK and Argentina, the countries having fought one another in the Falklands War of 1982 and resumed diplomatic relations in 1990. The footage featured in this edit covers the full four days of Princess Diana's visit, including her famous meeting with Argentine president Carlos Menem, her visits to a number of charities and hospitals in Buenos Aires, whale-watching in Argentine Patagonia, and attending a charity gala banquet."
Prince Harry cuts short visit to Argentina.
Thursday, November 25th 2004 
Twenty year old Prince Harry flew back to London from Buenos Aires Thursday afternoon after the Argentine press revealed he had become a “head ache” for those responsible for his security.
Apparently the Prince was scheduled to return next week but Buckingham Palace decided to anticipate the date given the adverse press coverage he was receiving during his alleged "night incursions" to local pubs and discos.
Although British Airways desk said any information relating to Prince Harry was "confidential", from early hours the reinforcement of security measures in Ezeiza's airport was evident.
Local reports indicate Prince Harry boarded the plane in good humour.
The second son of the Prince of Wales arrived in Argentina November 12 and was staying in estancia "El Remanso" close to the town of Lobos in the province of Buenos Aires belonging to some British friends, where supposedly he was to take polo classes and rest before returning to England for Christmas and Sandhurst military academy next January.
However his sport activities in Argentina were known to be limited since the prince had an injured knee from a recent rugby match.
Mayor of Lobos, Gustavo Sobrero minimized the press versions about Prince Harry's behaviour, particularly last Wednesday early morning when shots were heard in a nearby farm which forced a quick security response in the area.
"This visit hasn't altered normal life in the area. Besides it is quiet common during the hunting season to hear shots", said Mr. Sobrero.
As to Prince Harry's alleged night escapades to town pubs Mr. Sobrero indicated that "as far as we are concerned we haven't been informed".
According to Buenos Aires daily "Página 12" on his return from town partying Prince Harry was in quite "bad condition" given his "uncontrolled consumption of alcohol".
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smashorpass50plus · 8 months
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Detailed 《here》
[Askbox is open. Submissions via submit must have 2 50+ pics]
Anon is optional, not required
One person per submission
Any gender
Must be over 50 years old
Both fictional and real people accepted
Objects are accepted if the item is over 50.
Both Live action and animated
Harkness rule for inhuman entities (of sexual maturity, of human or greater intelligence, can communicate with language)
Non-visual characters (audio only) can only be submitted with an audio clip submission (aka- vocal only CAN ONLY BE SUBMITTED with an audio edit)
Everyone submitted is moved to this spreadsheet
Not allowed under cut
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Notifications are toggled off for this blog, please make sure to use the @ feature for propaganda.
Submit via ask, one person per ask, or submit via the submissions with your own pictures. Photos must be of the person over 50 (45 if the person is 50-53) [Note: if you send multiple people per ask, this will slow down how fast your ask gets out.]
If the blog goes quiet, shoot in some asks, I may've just forgotten to restock the queue. Submissions processing linked here
If someone submitted to this blog has committed sexual assault or is a bigot, I need links to news articles with proof of any accusation. The National Enquirer, The Daily Mirror, US Weekly, Daily Mail are not credible. TMZ is considered credible due to their record of investigative journalism, even if their ethics are rank.
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It/Itself | 26 | V | My posts will be tagged as 'not poll'
Taken anon signatures: 🐺, 👔, 🌿
Inspired by @apolladay and @smashingorpassing combined but not affiliated
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Not allowed, reasons on spreadsheet -> all Harry Potter & related, all politicians, the last of us, Alexander Armstrong, Alice Cooper, Axl Rose, Amber Heard, Ben Miller, Bill Murray, Carlos Santana, Dave Chapelle, Elon Musk, Hazbin Hotel, Hetalia, James Euringer, JK Rowling & Supporters, Johnny Depp, Jordan Peterson, Kevin Sorbo, Marilyn Manson, Morrissey, Neil Gaiman, Noel Fielding, Oh Yeong-su, Ralph Fiennes, Rammstein & Members, Rob Lowe, Ru Paul, Saul Goodman/Jimmy Mcgill, TLOF, Tim Burton
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jujusjunk · 2 months
I'm just curios but you mentioned in a post recently that jordan has ben on your ass about you being in lebanon, and I'm simply confused as what that means? have they been like, mailing you letters? texting you? calling you? it just seems strange to me as someone who is not anywhere near there.
Ok firstly, goodmorning. I just woke up. So sorry I haven’t answered anyone in like 12 hours.
Secondly, I’m a Jordanian. I have the Jordanian passport and I’m a Jordanian citizen. I grew up in Jordan my whole life. And I left like less than a month ago to come to Lebanon for college cuz everyone was saying the exact same thing “it’s not gonna escalate” “they wouldn’t actually bomb Beirut”. Yknow the whole works.
Because I’m a Jordanian citizen Jordan is obviously calling for my withdrawal from Lebanon. They sent 3 planes over but I didn’t go so they been sending me BARRAGES of texts basically begging me to come back to Jordan. I’ve also gotten a text that if I don’t leave and things get too bad I’ll have to pay for a much more expensive flight because it would be “personal”.
I talked to my dad and since I’m still waiting on the college and submitting and asking for papers he’s ok with me staying and if things escalate he’s ok with paying for said flight but I do pray that it doesn’t come to that cuz that means I’d have to miss at least a semester in college.
Almost my whole direct family from my mother’s side is in Lebanon except like a group who are the ones currently in Gaza.
Hope that clears it up, have great day🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼.
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zombeesknees · 3 months
currently in the life of the angie bee:
my sense of time is strangely broken, because it's almost 6pm but my brain is all, "gosh, it's not even noon yet!" and i have no fuckin idea why.
i've been deodorizing and washing and cleaning the house all day because i feel like there's a particularly sour smell throughout it, but now i'm wondering if it's me, and i don't know why i'm suddenly smelling so sour??? like, it's not a sweat smell, it's a sour, musty smell, and i'm still using the same shampoo and body washes i always do, and it's not as if my diet's changed significantly, so wth is going on??? IS IT A SIGN THAT I'M DYING OF SOME WEIRD DISEASE??? i know folks with diabetes sometimes smell strangely sweet, but i've never heard of something that makes you smell sour. OR IS IT ALL IN MY HEAD AND PSYCHOSOMATIC??? i'm not just gonna go up to someone and be like, "do you think i smell weird?"
quint remains one of the Characters of All-Time (and a Happy Jaws Day to all who celebrate it).
(yeah, i don't celebrate the 4th, what a bullshit holiday, we have nothing to be proud of as a country, especially these days.)
dropped $288 this morning on two and a half weeks-worth of groceries for one person. and that was buying basic, off-brand shit. how the fuck did we get to this.
slight silver lining: i have today, tomorrow, and the full weekend off, and i get to spend time with joel tomorrow AND see shara and nichole on sunday.
i set my reading goal for the year at 50 books (something i didn't come close to achieving last year, thanks to a reading block that set in in march and didn't let up for the rest of the year). and in the last two weeks i hit 54 books (almost all of them new-to-me, which is ALSO amazing). my unmedicated ADHD bullshit may still be preventing me from watching new shows and movies, but at least it's eased off on the reading front.
a new dude joined our book club this week and he's CUTE and likes fantasy and is a high school social studies/history teacher, and we discussed character archetypes for like ten minutes. maybe next club meeting i'll actually give him my number and ask him out.
wimsey has spent a full week in the flower donut collar thanks to scratching his chin raw and bloody. vet recced treating him with revolution in case it's because of mites, washing the wound with a special antibiotic flush, and keeping him in the collar until everything's fully healed/his fur grows back in. makes for a hella grompy flower:
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god, leverage really is just the best show. doesn't matter how many times i watch it; i'm forever delighted and impressed with just how well written/constructed/everything it is. that's my emotional support family of thieves, your honor.
i'm getting SO CLOSE to filling out the final gaps in the current sections of my hazeldine WIP, and i really do think i'm gonna have to split it into two volumes instead of making it all vol. 6 as i had originally planned. but IF i do that, that means vol. 6 is gonna HAVE to end on a significant cliffhanger, which i typically try to avoid. (yes, technically all of the previous vols have ended on cliffhangers, since this is a continuing story spread over several volumes. but they haven't been LITERAL cliffhangers, with someone on the verge of death or something.) i don't like when books in a series i'm reading do that, so i try not to inflict that on my own readers. but perhaps i can mitigate it slightly by making sure both vols 6 AND 7 are fully polished/ready for printing, and release them like a month apart or something, so there isn't a huge wait in between...
FINALLY finished the replacement cross-stitch sampler of lighthouses for a gal from work (the first one got lost in the mail beginning of last month). now i can continue working on the Yee Dudes series for my bud jordan <3
but also i'm gonna try to design a pattern for myself re: a dracula joke that keeps popping into my head: descending the castle, lizard-fashion. i'm probably the only person who is THIS delighted/amused by that joke, but i'll enjoy stitching something for myself for a change, lol.
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year
CM Fanfiction on AO3
I'm a bit of a stats nerd, and I've been wanting to put this together for ages. The following are some statistics regarding Criminal Minds fanfiction of AO3. Do with this what you will, but if ever someone tries to tell me this fandom isn't misogynistic -- I will just point to this post.
I spent an abhorrent amount of time putting this together, hope it's interesting to other people. Please don't send me hate mail for my opinions.
Base Statistics
Total Fics Tagged Criminal Minds: 34,561
These stats were compiled by me on 20/06/23 via AO3's filtering system.
Note: These were taken at face value, meaning these numbers may not be exact. In order to get exact statistics, I'd have to stringently filter out things like mislabelled fics, spam, fics with multiple categories (to find pure slash, femslash fics), etc.
Tumblr will destroy the resolution of the graphs, just click to see full res :)
Fanfic statistics gathered from AO3, episode totals gathered from IMDB.
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CM Fanfiction by Category
Most Popular Category: F/M (26.2%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 34,561
These totals weren't all that surprising, in a fandom that is largely obsessed with two men and no one else, I sort of expected this.
The only reason F/M has the largest amount of fics (vs M/M) is because 37% of all F/M fics are "Spencer/Reader". (More about pairings below)
If 'x reader' fics were excluded from the data, then the distribution would skew to: 34% M/M vs 24% F/M
Sorry, I just saw the 'other' category is the same colour as F/M on the graph. Other accounts for 2.3% of all fic categories
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CM Fanfiction by Rating
Most Popular Rating: Teen and Up (30.3%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 34,561
I think it's interesting that the most popular ratings are Teen and General -- even though a huge portion of readers only read Mature/Explicit. There are absolutely incredible works that are rated Teen and General, and it's just a shame people don't read them as much as smut. That's probably the same in most fandoms though.
Top Relationships for Each Rating: General Audience: Spencer/Reader Teen and Up: Morgan/Reid Mature: Hotch/Reid Explicit: Hotch/Reid Not Rated: Spencer/Reader
It's no secret that this fandom worships Hotch and Reid above all other characters, but I think there's something to be said that a M/M ship dominates the Mature and Explicit ratings. Slash fic (M/M) has always been more popular than femslash (F/F) in pretty much any fandom, and the history of fetishization of mlm relationships in fanfiction (the fetishisation usually being written by cishet women, not talking about queer people writing queer fic) is always worth discussing.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 Characters
Most Popular Character: Spencer Reid (19.9%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic:*indeterminate due to crossover (multiple characters per each fic)
No surprises here with the top three being the men who make up some of the most popular ships.
Notice how Jack Hotchner, a CHILD who was in 22 eps out of 300+ -- is featured in MORE fics than main characters (who were in multiple season) like: Luke, Matt, Tara.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 (BAU) Characters
Most Popular Character: Spencer Reid (20.5%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: *indeterminate due to crossover (multiple characters per each fic)
This one is filtered by BAU members only. Sorry, 'reader', this is about main characters only.
Notice how Gideon (45 total episodes, 2015 fics) and Elle (27 total episodes, 1371 fics) made the top 10 list even though characters who were on the show for YEARS missed out.
Main Characters not in the Top 10: (* denotes section chiefs. Bold denotes characters who appeared in more episodes than Gideon) *Erin Strauss (24 total episodes, 1361 fics) Alex Blake (48 episodes, 1190 fics) Tara Lewis (97 episodes, 1108 fics) Matt Simmons (49 episodes, 642 fics) Ashley Seaver (13 episodes, 279 fics) Kate Callihan (23 episodes, 247 fics) Jordan Todd (8 episodes, 130 fics) *Mateo Cruz (6 epsiodes, 88 fics) Stephan Walker (15 episodes, 66 fics)
All three men who didn't make the Top 10 are men of colour. Which is worth pointing out because the main reason Derek and Luke both made Top 10 is because they are popularly shipped with Reid. Outside of Morgan/Reid and Reid/Alvez -- I doubt they would have been tagged as much as they are.
Also worth nothing that Tara Lewis who appeared in 97 episodes, which makes her the EIGHTH highest billed character (above Luke, Gideon and Elle) -- doesn't even make the Top 10 most written about characters. She also happens to be the ONLY Woman of Colour on this list. Coincidence? Doubtful. She's also the ONLY canonically QUEER character -- and yet....even in the F/F tag she doesn't make top 5 (more about ships below)
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 Relationships
Most Popular Pairing: Reid/Reader (24.5%)
Most Popular Character Ship: Hotch/Reid (18%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 20,873 out of 34,561 (*includes fics with multiple pairings tagged)
This was WILD to me. I knew that 'Spencer x Reader' fics (I grouped ones tagged 'reader' and ones tagged 'you' together for this graph) were popular but I wasn't prepared for how skewed this data was. I don't have much to say about it anything involving Reid tbrh
Only three out of ten top relationships DO NOT involve Spencer Reid.
For people who don't know: using a slash ( / ) to denote a pairing means the pairing is romantic, using the ampersand (&) to denote a pairing generally indicates a non-romantic relationship.
Notice the ONLY F/F pairing that made Top 10 was JJ/Emily (with only 10%)
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CM Fanfiction - Top 5 M/F Relationships
Most Popular Relationship: Spencer/Reader (52%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 9741 (72% of the total F/M fics on AO3)
Look, I don't know what to say about this. It speaks for itself. This show had an incredible ensemble cast who were all integral to the show's success -- yet, the only character anyone cares about in the fandom is the generic white dudes. Misogyny at it's best.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 5 M/M Relationships
Most Popular Relationship: Hotch/Reid (45%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 7870 (75% of the total M/M fics on AO3)
Again, no comment about the most popular ships
I was, however, surprised that Hotch/Rossi made Top 5
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CM Fanfiction - Top 5 F/F Relationships
Most Popular Relationship: JJ/Emily (71%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: 2927 (65% of the total F/F fics on AO3)
For people who don't know: using a slash ( / ) to denote a pairing means the pairing is romantic, using the ampersand (&) to denote a pairing generally indicates a non-romantic relationship.
It's not surprising that JJ/Emily dominate the femslash category. They have always been the main femslash pair in this fandom. However, they only make up 49% of all F/F pairings!
I was surprised to see that 'x reader' fics took 2 out of 5 slots on this one. And I was especially surprised that Emily/Penelope made top 5. (I mean it's only 148 fics, but there they are)
Again, note how Tara Lewis (a canonically sapphic character) isn't a part of ANY of the top 5 pairings, even though she was in 98 episodes. That's a travesty imo. Tara/Emily trails at about the 7th most popular F/F ship with a mere 115 fics
In Conclusion...
Most of this was to be expected. This fandom has always praised the male characters while pushing the women aside, so the amount of works focusing on Reid and Hotch wasn't that surprising.
I think it's interesting how people tend to throw Jemily shippers under the bus (broad statement made via my 18 years in this fandom), because Femslash is by far the smallest portion of the shippers in the entire fandom. People just hate women
Do with this information what you will. This was mostly compiled because I've always been curious, and also I think it serves as an important archival tool for the fandom.
Please don't send me hate mail for my opinions.
Word Count & Additional Tags Information Below Cut
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CM Fanfiction by Word Count
About 52% of all CM fics (34,561) are under 5,000 words
This was a really fun one to do, and was mostly included because I was curious. I think it'd be worth getting even more specific by trying to work out the average word count for all fics under 5,000 words.
Hey, if you're a marathon author with long works -- look at YOU!! You're a very small percentage in this fandom, and as someone who prefers long-form fic -- I am personally thanking you for your dedication.
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CM Fanfiction - Top 10 Addition Tags
Most Popular Tag: Fluff (21.7%)
Fics Counted in This Statistic: *indeterminate due to crossover (multiple tags per each fic)
I honestly expected angst/whump/hurt/comfort to be first on this. I guess if you add up all the variations of those type of fics, they'd be top tag.
Obviously this one isn't ever going to be perfect, because tons of people either don't tag their fics, or they don't use the prescribed tags above. Still, I thought this was worth adding to the post.
For more stats please see my, [Tara Lewis Fic Stats Post]
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fandom-imagination-ss · 3 months
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Imagine: Clark over hears you gossiping over Superman at work 😳 ***warning Mature conversation********
it was painfully boring at work today. you did your Daily upbeat post for the mail. and the online accounts. you Specialized in Happy posts. it helped that you were suppose to Only write Happy posts. and uplifting things. on the website you posted three happy posts about a cat that is a Co manager at a home depot who works Very hard to make sure the place is rodent free and how the cat is no stranger to bribes. Another Post that you needed to get Special permission by Lois Lane who was the "Superman expert" to post.. which was just Superman was caught helping a kid get it's ball back when the kid kicked it up in a tree. and then how the Kid and Superman did a foot race to see who was faster. and Little Thomas Hilga was the fastes boy alive.
Lois has always been so Protective over whatever was said about Superman. in the beginning you didn't understand her need to protect the man of steel. But after discovering the truth of Who was Superman. it was clear why!
you use to babysit the twins when they lived in the city. and they went out for date night. Or they went on mini trips. So when they asked you come over to their farm for a week to watch the boys. since Jonathan was in trouble and they didn't feel comfortable to leave him alone. you happily agreed. and well- Clark flew back home to scream at Jordan for something he did. and you saw Clark.. Clark didn't even have a good excuse to why he was Flying.. But after sitting you down explaining who he was. the Only thing you could come up with was that you couldn't understand why he bothers with he's truck. he could just simply Fly everywhere.
that was months ago. and Now today, you messaged Clark asking for permission and he's Now ex Wife Lois. the week getaway was apparently their "fix your marriage "holiday which ended with Lois confessing she's hating Smallville, and she wanted to go back doing dangerous assignments.. and She has been doing more dangerous assignments, but she still was still incharge of Superman. Mainly for another year before she will decline writing for him. they didn't want to break it off. with superman and Lois right after the divioice so people didn't notice.
But Since work was doen for the day, or well you could probably search for more positivity posts to post other today or tomorrow but why overwork yourself? it was a Hot Friday afternoon, an Hour before you could leave. and it was so boring and quiet in the work room that no one was really working.
"My God looks at that ass!" you turned seeing your deskmate who worked beside you on her desk. was staring at a close up photo of Superman's Ass. on her screen. you laughed softly, "Why you looking at his ass?"
Cassandra didn't turn her face from the screen as she spoke, "I just want to bite it.. Lois is so lucky to have his rumpus ass to herself. Im sure he's happy that her and Clark broke up- if they ever stopped their. fun.. that is."
Rolling your e/c, you felt like they almost rolled out of your eyes socket with how badly you rolled them. ''Oh Please! Superman is a true gent... he wouldn't be hooking up with Lois on the side. while she was married." it helped that he wouldn't be a sidepiece. but she didn't need to know that as Cassandra scrolled the screen from his butt to up his frame to his face.
"you know- he probably has a super tongue." she grinned at that, Cassandra is the Core reason why the last several Hr meetings about work place conduct About he appropriate work chat.. and talking about if Superman had a "Super tongue" was Not work safe conversation.
you knew it.. you also Knew who Superman was. but you looked at Clark faces and were Stunned with How stupid the entire world is that we didn't recognized that the hotty in the office was Superman... who wasn't IN the office. right now.
"Clearly has Super attractiveness." Cassandra rolled her eyes, 'that isn't a superpower! but Super tongue is!"
you turned to her as you spoke, "Super Tongue isn't a Super power! what? does Superman Do with a Super tongue? Confuse the crooks with a tongue twister?"
"or give them the best orgasm with he's tongue"
you gasped covering your mouth as Cassandra leaned back on her chair probably imagining it. you couldn't lie.. the imagine popped in your mind of Superman doing that to you. No doubt in your mind.. Clark Was amazing in the bedroom. but of course you couldn't comment. you were litterally friends with Clark. and thinking of him in that way was. 1) incredibly inappropriate 2) made you feel uneasy Now talking about how amazing his technique is in the bedroom.3) friends dont' talk about how amazing you imagine Clark is in bed.
"you know-.. Im not in the mood for another sexual harassment meeting.. " you shifted away trying to retreat back to your computer. but Cassandra spoke, "God could you imagine oif he was Seflish and lazy in the sack? how disappointing.. probably does the Leo DiCaprio thing and just lays there."
"No way, I've seen walking a old lady across the street.. Superman is probably the sort who makes sure he's partner si completely satisficed before worrying about his own needs." you didn't mean to comment you Should of just nodded in agreement with Cassandra and changed the conversation to a dog you were going to post tomorrow. but you didn't think- it just came out. and Just as Clark walked in completely Stunned at your statement as you truned to Cassandra as you spoke, "So Im posting a dog video tomorrow. of a saint gently pulling his owner off the sofa and stealing the sofa for himself.. you want to see the video?"
"Nah- i hate your fluff pieces.. Hey.. after work- lets go othat new bar. and find you someone to completely satisfice you eever need." Cassandra was married, She doesn't touch but she does Love getting some guy to get her free drinks and trying to set you up. with some random guy for the night.
"as fun as a random hook up is- Call me old fashion but I rather sleep with someone i have a emotional attachment with."
Cassandra looked around the room seeing Clark was back at his desk as She spoke, 'well- Clark is free.. or Tony but trust me.. ive rode that horse before.. Not much to write about.."
"you do know- if the men talked like this.. so openly it woudl be us calling them fifthly Pigs.. and HR woudl be Up thier butts in a heartbeat."
"the advantage of sleepign with HR. . he knows if he gets me in troulbe at work. he gets None at home." you shook your head chuckling, "your horrible." she chuckled as she spoke, 'and yet I didn't hear you deny Clark."
you looked up at her as you spoke, 'he's my friend. I babysit his kids!!"
"you could make him a third.." you gasped saying whay as she laughed patting your back, "God your so easy!"
she let the conversation die after that. switcing to look at a photo of the new deputy mayor who was attractive. as you spent the next hour. Hoping Clark was too busy to listen into the conversation.. that he probably heard his name. and heard you both talking about him..
After work you packed to leave seeing Clkar was taking his time he rarely comes into the office. he picked up freelance gigs onc eLois left to help pay for the farm. you got up heading to the elevator saying Night to Clark as he walked over following you to the elevator "hey."
"hey" you said uneasy.. as he spoke, "why were you and Cassandra talking about superman sexual abilities?" your cheeks burned a deep red as Clark chuckled as you explaiend how it all happened as he spoke, "Super tongue isn't a real thing." you laughed saying thats what you said. as Clark leaned lower as he spoke, "those Lois did make comments that she thought it was.." your cheeks couldn't go any redder as Clark smiled seeing you.
he couldn't deny that since he broke up with Lois the Only women who caugh his attention was you. but he always figured you were off limits since you were you.. but listening to you and Cassandra chatting about Superman sexual abilities he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like with you. Clark has only ever been with Lois you snapped Clark out of his day dream of you and him as you spoke, 'can I still come over? or did that conversation completely gross you out?"
Clark smiled weakly, "No of course not, those surprised to hear you talking like that at work." you laughed covering your mouth, "Cassandra started it! I tried to shut it down!" you both lauhged as you spoke, "you mad at me for that?"
he shook his head, 'nah, it's okay honestly those. the boys will be out. you okay with just us?"
"yea of course.. I'll bring the beer?" Clark smile dsaying okay as the elevator door opened as you walked out. Clark realized at that moment that he needed you.. and he was falling for you. he's best friend.
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pixeldistractions · 3 months
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Only bring what you can carry, he said. So Maria packed as little as she could imagine and she still couldn’t carry all of that. Never mind that Johanna was too small to pull her own suitcase.
They’d be back in December to decide what to do with the rest of the house. They had until the end of her lease in February to decide. That was for the best maybe. Maria was under no illusions about Jordan’s track record of indecisiveness, and if she intended to bind herself to that runaway train, she would do it mindfully. It was wild and unhinged and completely instinctual, but also, Maria had never felt so adult, making this decision for herself and her little girl. They all might have their opinions, but nobody could tell her what to do. And she didn’t feel wrong for it, no matter what a runaway train he might be. For a man who had so little in the way of monetary possessions, she never felt more protected than in his arms. If he said they would be okay, then she would believe him.
Knock, knock. Lou was at the door.
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Lou made a face at the disarray of semi-packed suitcases on the floor. “So you’re really doing it?”
Maria didn’t answer that question.
“How am I gonna stop by to see you after work?”
“Guess you’ll have to get on a train,” Maria said with as snotty a tone as she could muster.
She went back to the floor to continue her packing, but she didn’t end up moving a single thing.
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“I know how you feel,” Maria said. “I really do. A lot has happened since, but when he first told me, I was heartbroken. It’s like, this whole person is part of your life for so long, and then they decide to just go? I guess that’s what I’m doing too, isn’t it? It’s pretty shitty, I know it is. But people can’t stand still around you forever. People change and grow and move, and you can move with them or let them go. But we’ll be back. And you’re single and child-free and not broke. You can visit us, too. You should travel more, there’s a whole world to see. And you’re welcome with us any time. We’re still family.”
“God, you’re so sappy,” Lou said, wiping her eyes. “Why is my face leaking?”
“Aw, I love you too.”
Lou came to sit on the floor next to piles of folded laundry and unmarked boxes. Her nose tickled with dust.
“Please don’t tell Mom and Dad yet,” Maria begged. “Give me a week or two?”
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“Don’t you think they’ll notice when you don’t need them to watch JoJo while you work?”
“I was going to bring JoJo out to see Jordan next month,” Maria said. “I’ll just say we went early.” 
“They’re going to miss her. They’ll be sad.”
“I don’t know about sad,” Maria said. “Mom thinks I’m a burden.”
“She never said that.”
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“She doesn’t have to say it. She would never. Joseph died a war hero, so she so can’t say it because she doesn’t want to look bad. But I know she wished I never got married and knocked up and widowed at twenty-one in the first place, then she wouldn’t be honor bound to help me. She thinks I’m a wreck. She already raised her children, and she never wanted to help raise a grandchild, too. Well, now she doesn’t have to worry about us anymore.”
“Well, damn, sis. I don’t know about all that, but she’s still gonna worry, for sure! Just like, don’t get knocked up again.” 
“Ha ha,” Maria snarked.
“I’m serious,” Lou said. “There was a birth control recall! You need to refill it.”
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“Okay.” Lou took a breath and sat up tall. Lawyer mode activated. “So you need to bring JoJo’s birth certificate, and Joseph’s death certificate, too. Did you put a hold on your mail? Do you want to give me a key to check up on things? Put travel alerts on your credit cards. Auto pay your rent while your gone. Pay your own way, and keep your money separate from his. Holy shit, you crazy fool. What the fuck are you gonna do in Nevada?”
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Maria grinned. “I don’t know yet. I have no idea!”
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“Thank you,” Maria said, ambushing her with a hug. Having her sister’s blessing meant the world to her, even if she never listened to a damn thing her sister ever said.
— from “boxes and squares #4.5: home is wherever you are, part 3” (9/11)
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story notes: I always felt Maria had a little tension with her parents. She’s not as close to them as Lou is, or as close as she is to Lou. So now we know why?
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1americanconservative · 3 months
Things not in the news anymore…. (Version 5) -Maui wildfires. -East Palestine, Ohio -Joe Biden classified documents as a Senator. -Fauci working with China to create a bioweapon. -Pete Buttigieg’s best friend in prison for child porn. -Cocaine in the White House. (TWICE NOW) -The BLM and Antifa riots during 2020 causing BILLIONS of dollars of damage. And yes I brought this up on Juneteenth. -The data collected from the Chinese spy balloons. -Ukraine intelligence documents released that showed they were suffering massive losses and the American taxpayer was being lied to. -Nancy Pelosi’s “documentary” film crew on J6. -Veterans being kicked out of shelters to make room for illegals. -Pizzagate “debunker” jailed for possession of child pornography. -Gay porn film in Senate hearing room. -Veterans Affairs prioritizing healthcare of illegals over Veterans. -Afghanistan drawdown and 13 service members killed in an attack on Kabul International Airport, that they hid the severity of it. -Obama droning an American citizen in the Middle East. -George Bush’s false WMDs. -3 service members killed in Jordan. -Hunter Biden making over $1M for “paintings”. -J6 political prisoners that are still in jail. -85,000 missing children at the southern border. -Epstein’s clients. -Obama coordinating with John Brennan and 4 other countries (5 eyes) to spy on the 2016 Trump campaign. -Mail-in ballots were the cause of the stolen 2020 election. -Jeffrey Epstein mentioning that Bill Clinton liked his girls “really young”. -The (NOW TWO) airline whistleblowers that mysteriously died. -Benghazi (I won’t mention anything more about this because I care about my life.) -Nancy Pelosi’s daughter stating that January 6th wasn’t an insurrection. -The January 6th committee destroying encrypted evidence before the GOP took over the House. -House Speaker Mike Johnson claiming there wouldn’t be foreign aid without border security in the bill, which was a lie. -The recent riots from illegal criminal aliens at the southern border and the border in general. -Hunter Biden not complying with a Congressional subpoena and deemed untouchable. Democrat privilege. -Vaccine side effects. -“Lab leak” out of China. -The Secret Service having to basically guide Joe Biden everywhere he goes. -Who leaked (Sotomayor) the SCOTUS Alito decision. -Federal instigators inside the Capitol including pipe bomb evidence against them. -Obama’s chef “passing away”. -HRC’s chef “passing away”. -The Sheriff that happened to be in Las Vegas (during the mass shooting) AND the wildfires in Hawaii. -P Diddy sex-trafficking allegations. -Gonzalo Lira (an American journalist) that was killed in Ukraine -Congress approving warrantless spying violating American’s 4th amendment rights while they are exempt. -Americans that were left in foreign countries (Haiti, Palestine, Afghanistan). -The billions of dollars of weaponry left in Afghanistan and the Taliban receiving $40M a week in “humanitarian assistance”. -Biolabs found in California. -Joe Biden’s impeachment. -The scum in the UNITED STATES HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES waving the Ukrainian flag. -The over 300k ballot images that could not be found in Fulton County, Georgia; the same county Donald Trump on trial for “election interference”. The distractions are out of control. This is such a small list of everything that has happened and I’m starting to run out of room! Share to show that legacy media is dead and that WE are the media now. If you have liked this post, consider giving me a follow!
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mosaicfangs · 2 months
I keep seeing everyone voice claim Glory as Lapis Lazuli and like I gotta know, where are my Katniss Glory truthers?
In my head her voice has a more damaged and raspy quality to it especially when she raises it, a byproduct of Kestrel's multiple attempts to drown her and slash her throat, but she can still be delicate and gentle, just not in a smooth way. Also idk her voice sits in a lower and less nasal register than Lapis' to me. To extend it to a singing voice I think she would sound like Lindsey Jordan (of Snail Mail).
Maybe I should post all my voiceclaims, idk I'm weirdly passionate about my choices and I think they're all reasonably unique AFAIK
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crowandtalbot · 11 months
Put this on tiktok but it's likely going to get removed:
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AIPAC is behind most of the pro-Irsael to the point of cutting $14 billion from our IRS budget to help fund their military type craziness. Most US politicians are in their pocket and they are also the ones pushing legislation to make criticizing the Israel government illegal in the US and deporting all Palestinians in the US and just a shit ton of other anti-Arabic foreign policy.
Also a reminder that Netanyahu (Israeli Prime Minister, currently under investigation by the International Criminal Court for war crimes from before and after the continued siege of Gaza started) and his extremist administration are pushing for "Greater Israel" which would involve conquering Jordan, Lebanon, parts of Iraq, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. The proposed map looks like this:
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There are many ways American imperialism and Evangelical Zionism would benefit from this map. It gives an American ally control of natural gas reserves off the coast of Gaza, it gives access to build the Ben Gurion Canal and the ability to construct an oil pipeline from Saudi Arabia into Europe and dominate the energy sector. It also allows America to funnel its Jewish population out of America without expressly deporting them. There is literally so much wrong with this.
But Americans can protest AIPAC directly and attempt to sever the connection between this lobbying group and our politicians. First by checking if our reps have already accepted AIPAC money (I recommend using opensecrets.org but googling usually works just as well), contacting them, and telling them that if they continue to accept AIPAC and AIPAC affiliate donations you will volunteer for thier opposition in the coming election. Then try to find a candidate running who doesn't accept AIPAC money and volunteer or donate for their campaign. Also, you don't have to be a politician's constituent to contact them. This means you can spam-fax their office or mail them physical form letters demanding action against Israel's genocide. These physical documents must be handled by actual staff and preserved so this is very disruptive for them.
AIPAC also has a website with a contact form and phone number you can call.
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I would recommend filling the name and address fields with junk information (nothing too obvious for them to filter out) and then type whatever you would like to say in the actual message part.
And it wasn't hard for me to find a mailing address for them either.
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However it is unlikely this is the only office they have, or that office even has many workers in it. Also if I can successfully convince people to pester them like we did to all those republican rallies in 2020, they can ask Google to remove that info and then remove their contact info from their website.
If we can disrupt AIPAC we can do a lot more good, not just for Palestine, but for Israel and other American backed genocides like in Congo and Sudan.
Please re-blog this, don't just like and move on.
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I received a book for Christmas: Kate Middleton Princess in Waiting.
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The author, Claudia Joseph, seems to be a REAL journalist. While the others are losing their collective minds, Jordan has chosen to share a bit of history about Catherine's ancestors.
In Catherine's biography, Joseph writes that after the big Wills & Kate split, Catherine received loads of letters which were very comforting to her during that hard season. It made me think of all the mail she's receiving during this hard season. I pray her heart is comforted and at peace.
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I think Claudia Joseph used a 2005 photo of Miss Kate Middleton
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coochiequeens · 2 years
A trans comedian is receiving praise from mainstream media, but backlash from women, after a musical performance on UK comedy show Friday Night Live. 
During the live program, trans-identified male comedian Jordan Gray ripped off his clothing to expose his entire naked body, and began to play his keyboard with his penis. This was during Gray’s rendition of his song “Better Than You,” which featured misogynistic lyrics intended to mock females.
“I’m a perfect woman, my tits will never shrink. I’m guaranteed to squirt, and I do anal by default … I am the lizard king, and I can do anything that any other woman can’t … I used to be a man, now I’m better than you,” Gray sang to an audience of delighted onlookers.
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The explicit performance took place during a specialFriday Night Live revival event marking Channel 4’s 40th anniversary. The revival featured former Friday Night Live cast members Ben Elton, Enfield, Brand and Julian Clary as well as a number of new comedians, including Gray.
Mainstream media coverage of Gray’s performance has been overwhelmingly positive. PinkNews, a UK-based outlet, referred to Gray’s song as “rousing” and called the performance “iconic,” and characterized any opposition to the performer’s exposure of his genitals on television as “anti-trans.” The sentiment was shared by some LGBT activists on Twitter.
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Irish Mirror chose to emphasize glowing comments which praised Gray as “amazing” and stated that “seeing a trans woman get naked on TV is exactly what we needed.”
Reporting on Gray’s exhibitionist stunt, The Daily Mail in particular prompted criticism for the use of the term “her penis” to refer to the incident.
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Even some beloved British figures took to social media to heap praise upon Gray. Harry Potter actor Jason Isaacs complimented Gray’s “magnificent boobs and equally magnificent member” and called for Gray to run for Prime Minister.
But while no mainstream British outlet has called into question any safeguarding concerns related to the program, many on social media have stated their shock and outrage at what they consider to be indecent exposure, a sexual offense, being normalized, celebrated, and highly publicized. 
Speaking with Reduxx, UK-based journalist and women’s rights campaigner Jo Bartosch criticized the media outlets who chose to reference Gray’s genitals using feminine pronouns, and highlighted the significance of factually-based language. “Whether it’s calling a man ‘Miss’ or using the oxymoronic phrase ‘her penis,’ these linguistic capitulations to men’s paraphilias are dangerous. It is a public sign of the power men like Gray enjoy. And it is terrifying, yet darkly comic, that respected journalists and broadcasters will now lie in this way, because to do otherwise is to risk breaching media guidelines which have been informed by trans lobby groups,” Bartosch said. 
“The phrase ‘her penis’ is an insult to the profession, to audiences and to the truth,” she added.
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Bartosch explained that she views pornography as an influential force in the concept of a “female penis,” noting that while it may seem bizarre to “the uninitiated,” there exists within the “male domain of pornography a logic to the idea of a ‘female penis.'” 
She then cited as examples genres such as forced feminization, and sissification, which portray men as being transformed into women through processes that involve makeup, lingerie, sexual submissiveness, and humiliation.
“Whether it’s the rebranding of sexual entertainment as ‘children’s education’ or the use of language to reflect men’s fantasies; aggressively male behaviour which festers in online pornography has seeped over into the real world,” Bartosch stated.
“The excitement men feel is because they know that the social bounds that keep their base impulses in check are straining and being broken, and that it is happening in plain sight. Pornographic values have become so mainstream when men brazenly flash their fetishes they are celebrated for their bravery. One wonders which taboos will be the next to be broken?”
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In the days following Channel 4’s broadcast, internet sleuths have brought to light how Gray boasted about being a representative for a charity that promotes gender identity ideology in schools. The charity, Educate and Celebrate, describes its 
programs as offering “the knowledge, skills and confidence to embed gender, gender identity and sexual orientation into the fabric of your organization”. 
Since news of his involvement with the charity has been spread on social media, Educate and Celebrate quietly pulled a page from their site that listed Gray as a patron. “I go into schools to talk about gender as part of a campaign called Educate and Celebrate,” Gray told GuysLikeU. 
“Toddlers kind of get it straightaway. I went into one school recently where there was a 7 year-old transgender girl. And her four year-old classmate, who was a boy, said: ‘Jessie’s a girl and she wants to be a girl. And I am a boy who wants to be a boy.'” “Young minds are very accepting,” Gray added. “It’s teenagers who are harder to get through to. It’s good to educate these kids when they are young.”
A patron of Educate and Celebrate listed alongside Gray, Peter Tatchell, has previously made statements in support of pedophilia and questioning age of consent laws. Tatchell, a former leader of the Gay Liberation Front, authored an obituary in The Independent for Ian Dunn, founder of the former pedophile activist organization the Pedophile Information Exchange (PIE).
Tatchell also published an essay in an anthology released by former vice-chairman of PIE, Warren Middleton, wherein he argued that argued that “children have sexual desires at an early age” and should be “educated” so that they can decide when they want to have sex.
“While it may be impossible to condone pedophilia, it is time society acknowledged the truth that not all sex involving children is unwanted, abusive, and harmful,” Tatchell wrote in a letter to The Guardian in 1997.
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The revelation that Jordan Gray worked alongside Peter Tatchell for a charity promoting the notion of a gender identity to young children mirrors a recent, widely-publicized scandal involving a pro-pedophilia campaigner’s ties to a children’s charity that promotes the medical “transition” of minors.
Earlier this month, Jacob Breslow, an Associate Professor at the London School of Economics, stepped down from his position as a trustee for UK-based trans activist organization Mermaids following revelations that he had ties to pro-pedophilia lobbyists.
Breslow had, on several occasions, made statements and published academic work that favorably portrayed pedophilia, and had once authored a blog that linked directly to child sexual abuse materials.
ByYuliah Amla
A man thinking he’s better than women and then thinking people want to see his penis
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