thetristoneera · 8 months
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Story #08: Oritsyn
Peep the dragon above the infinity sign above Planet Earth. Think about it real good cause this story is going to be timeless & radical like that. Dragons in outer space go have you doing spit takes all over the place.
Listen real close to the added video. Planet Jorea is the birthplace of the Majoreans. Humanoid intelligent species that come from a disastrously, high fantasy in beyond potent magic kind of planet. Will literally fuck around & find out about immortality quickly. And that’s what they did! They are all the same dark metallic blue, with birthmark-esque black; genetically designed markings. On one side of the head & their limbs. A quick back story… These are space pirates that go around the universe, liberating innocents. Eliminating, eradicating & executing tyranny… Later. I’m out to tackle one of those hundreds of characters face collages. 😮‍💨
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teaguoe · 6 years
Smii7y: The fuck is J-Pop? Jorean Pop?
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popbee · 4 years
全款式打包:被韓國小資女生藏起來,優雅低調的小眾 MUTEMUSE!
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在挖掘小眾品牌時,怎麼能少了韓國呢?光是女生永遠都少一只的手袋,POPBEE 就介紹過不少讓人動心的選擇,好比 YURT 的無花果小包、復古高質的Marge Sherwood、注重線條美的 Eudon Choi… 不過要介紹小眾品牌,似乎沒有盡頭,這一回的主角 Mutemuse 也低調地在當地小資女生之間擁有大人氣。
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Mutemuse 大約在 2017 年左右時創立,品牌的風格就和命名一樣優雅,瞄準在手袋、小皮件等單品耕耘,靈感則來自日常生活,幾款手袋都是我們經典熟悉的輪廓,不過 Mutemuse 總是會在細節處做出自己的模樣,方正的 Amuse Bag 從一開始的四個顏色,藉著人氣延伸出 12 個配色;Chamber Bag 從圓筒形多切了一個平面,在視覺上更具趣味;Studio Bag 則是現在流行的腋下包,在袋口做了弧線襯托出氣質。
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不只是設計上讓人忍不住看多一眼,精緻的做工及優異皮革所帶來的質感也是 Mutemuse 讓女生著迷的地方,加上大約落在 US$300 的價位,一只可以用上數年的手袋,這性價比不只會讓小資女生心動,在藝人明星身上,甚至是外國博主都能找到,有興趣的朋友不妨可以點此逛逛。
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延伸閱讀: >喜歡 Loewe 的設計?這 7 款較小眾的手袋,或許能成為你今年首個入手單品! >Jil Sander、Lemaire 代替品:這個韓國品牌的手袋,散發 100% 低調極簡質感! >潛力 It Bag:像極無花果的韓國小眾手袋,默默銷售一空…… >集優雅率性於一袋:比起 It Bag,這只才是讓你每天都想背出門的耐看款!
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aysha2nice · 7 years
People say money isn't important, but it is.
Fight my way / third rate my way
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taco-ship · 7 years
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Μe @ Kelloggs for not putting Kyung's face on the cereal
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444names · 2 years
Adend Afghana Afghara Afrium Albahard Alivend Alleombia Alvatuca Andalibra Angasudad Antli Aquatici Aquulanor Araces Aratenix Ardav Ardis Aricolf Artinezue Audor Aursey Aurunes Aurus Bagolia Bahadena Bartaicra Bekines Bekista Belaakin Beleon Beles Belgeo Belger Belia Belleor Belperlan Beriuch Bermaelum Bertaudan Bodelux Bodestor Bodinadav Bodor Bodormary Bolanda Botsway Botswe Bottan Bottel Boötedkis Boötei Boötersam Bratille Braziles Brican Bridanix Burdpolay Burger Burkmerux Buruguela Burus Burux Caeles Camad Camal Camel Camenia Canda Candad Candin Cands Candus Canik Canix Canya Cardi Casudanda Casus Cauru Celoma Cenithuan Cepands Cephiongo Cephius Cerlassia Cesvadena Chaineia Cheinax Chinus Chter Chtes Cinand Colacepus Colip Colodine Colove Colovel Colum Comada Comband Conia Coparba Copheodol Coratina Corgo Corne Craindin Cralba Croma Crongo Croona Crooraica Crosovens Crugalan Crugulum Culeom Cutuneia Cygnua Cygnuay Cyprica Cypsia Cypto Cyrea Czeala Cäsamel Cäsaus Damin Delesta Denstan Denta Denya Destarda Dinepupus Domait Domand Dones Dordia Dragius Draguil Draiwana Drand Dratvigua Driumbia Echtescol Echus Edenya Edkia Edkistrid Egyprus Eminatu Eming Eminria Enlanus Ensexis Equargon Equil Erugar Esila Etesca Ethel Ethus Falan Feria Ferpium Filher Finel Forna Forneia Frikton Garacens Genmasus Georacore Geria Gerium Germa Gerne Gerus Ghamace Ghand Greale Grealia Grechamal Greche Greculum Grecuturd Greenya Gretus Gruda Grustrit Guades Guambia Guara Guinus Haind Hamands Harda Heleon Helia Helle Herbancer Herpei Herus Hongkos Huatu Hungule Hydrace Hydracens Hydraq Hydrola Icand Iconea Icornus Icrom Inorpium Ircinus Irgit Ithanuati Itrinia Ittan Ittand Ivanon Ivelumbia Ivena Izama Jambia Jamue Jorea Jorwaina Kalkland Karingon Kasce Kensta Keycht Konia Kononeti Koragitia Kosniklan Kursagia Kursagius Lance Lanticen Leodord Leones Lepav Lescan Lesia Lesta Lesto Lestor Libritto Lismarus Listein Litria Lizamin Lomalizea Lovakisia Lovana Lupussia Lyngaman Lyngolf Lyreech Lyria Lyrica Lyrin Madolf Malba Malbaguel Malbaham Maldirk Malip Maltavo Malvak Marda Mascopius Melge Melle Melum Mensey Mensia Merla Minix Minor Mongo Monguelia Monia Monigerik Monisco Mordpor Morna Mustento Nepheia Nephor Nesinia Nezuer Nigua Niktord Nismir Nistaus Nocetna Nordia Norne Nornepus Norvule Olaos Omaltan Omands Opalle Oparainax Ophin Opium Oricrago Painia Pakis Palia Palkla Palleus Panuay Panus Pardpor Pavia Pavolan Pavolf Pegas Pegascol Penes Penia Perci Perudand Petteinus Phileusti Phium Phoen Picheonea Pieteia Pingo Pistan Pistau Piuss Polip Polisma Polomacan Porea Poros Pupus Reecuara Relibra Renia Rietuch Roatvik Roman Rosca Roscule Ruguil Rwandor Sagium Sagius Samaria Samen Scark Scepan Scopium Scule Sculum Sexicht Seych Seyche Sigas Siguad Sineleus Siongdor Slogia Slonguand Slopan Slopia Slovak Slovo Sparabwe Sweda Swedus Swilherd Syralia Syrinia Tainus Talgia Tanam Tarma Tavia Telleus Teria Thamala Thein Thellesti Thelm Theria Theus Thium Tobadad Tobard Tordi Torea Toromas Torra Torvus Trenla Tritem Trium Tucambia Tucan Tumbia Turdi Turus Ugala Ugartanti Uguad Ukragius Ukrands Unicantia Unigeor Urdia Uricron Ursaus Utrea Utunesvel Vakia Valand Vatictor Vensia Ventary Vidan Vietton Viktorns Wilanta Witicon Yemedeny Yngapus Yngdolan Ynglan Yngolf Yngoludor Yprikla Ypsigmada Zechaina Zimona Zimorda
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mathiaskillmaster · 5 years
Rebirth of the Dragon (After GOT / Daenerys Targaryen) Part 12
Essos, Dothraki Sea
As was the custom, Kinvara's body was cremated at a funeral pyre, at a ceremony where Queen Daenerys and each of her allies paid silent but sincere homage to the late priestess, who, knowing what would arrive, had accepted her fate in order to save the life of one of the dragons. Daenerys could never forget this sacrifice to save one of her sons, and would do everything in her power so that the death of Kinvara was not in vain. The necklace of Kinvara had been removed from her, and according to the custom of the cult of R'hllor, the object was taken back to Volantis by the guards of the Fiery Hand, in order to be given to the successor of Lady Kinvara who would then see baptized new high priest or high priestess of Volantis. The ashes of Kinvara were not locked up to remain a prisoner of an urn but allowed the east wind to disperse them, so that her body and her soul could forever live free forever.
From this sacrifice Joreas could have come back, alive and well, and rid of all traces of the venom of Manticore that was eating him. It was as if the poison had evaporated from his body, and maybe that was the case? The powers of the Master of Light were very mysterious, and yet so real to judge by what she had seen in recent months. Not far from the dothraki camp, by an early afternoon in the pleasant warmth of the sun and in the middle of the tall and wild grass dancing in the wind of the East, Daenerys sat on a large rock, leaving the heat cover her and the wind caress her face and her hair. Joreas was with her, sleepy, his head resting on his mother's lap and also let the star of the day warm up his brown scales. Delicately and without pulling him out of his torpor, Daenerys, pensive, caressed the neck of her young dragon, spending a lot of time with him for the past few days, making sure that he regains his strength, that he eat well and manages to to sleep. Drogon and Mirrandes had also been very concerned about the health of their younger brother, and Drogon, as protector and big brother he was, remained permanently close to the other two, almost playing the role of father.
Mirrandes fluttered in the azure sky a few dozen meters above the plain and seemed to bring something between her mighty claws. She dropped not far from the rock what looked like the bloody carcass of a wild ram. Alerted by the sound of the carcass falling on the ground and the smell of blood, Joreas raised his head in a hungry roar, and Daenerys watched him move toward the dead animal, while Mirrandes joined him for the feast. Although a little disgusted by the strong smell of blood and fresh flesh nearby, Daenerys can only be reassured to see her two new children dragons eat with appetite, grabbing large shreds of bloody flesh between their jaws. Although very young, they were already as formidable as adult beasts. This prey being too small for him, Drogon remained behind, lying peacefully in the tall grass and while letting the sun's rays warm his giant body, watched his younger brother and younger sister feasting on their prey. Still sitting on the rock, Daenerys began to close her eyes and looked up at the sky, letting the afternoon heat again overwhelm her.
Recently, she had received news. Shortly after her departure for Westeros, the slavers had managed in the utmost secrecy to reform their coalition and one by one, had taken over the cities liberated by the young queen, enslaving the poor again and reforming their vast and horrific slavery empire of Slaver's Bay. This news, though not surprising, had plunged the queen into deep anger. Other rumors coming from Volantis's neighboring countries were that the Golden Company, or at least what was left of it, had fallen into disgrace after the fiasco of King's Landing, and that the warriors who still composed it found without contracts. No news of any kind came from Westeros, and for Daenerys it was not worse. Never again did she want to hear about this damn West land.
Apart from news from different countries, Daenerys continued to make dreams for the least singular. One in particular marked her. She was always alone, in a huge dark space, cold and desolate, in the middle of which stands a gigantic barral asleep, and each time, the screams of the crow resound, coming to surround her from all sides while three terrifying blue eyes are born of the gnarly bark of the barral, disemboweling it in a flood of blood and darkness and harpooning the young woman with their monstrous irises. While she thinks herself at the mercy of this nascent monstrosity eager to devour her, the fiery and protective flames interpose, and from them emanates a great dragon with incandescent eyes, roaring against the abomination of darkness and hindering him.
_ "I would not like to be at the place of this dead animal." suddenly commented on a familiar voice approaching the rock. It was Yara. Daenerys smiled slightly at her coming and let her come to contemplate the feast of the two dragons, having turned the ram into a real bloody puzzle. Yara leaned against the rock, before talking to the queen again.
_ "With all due respect, my queen, you should not be left alone outside the camp, especially with a faceless man in the area."
_ "I'm not alone," Daenerys corrected, pointing to her dragons, who could be just as formidable as a legion of over-armed guards. She scored a point. Yara also noticed that Daenerys seemed to be staring at her while mentioning that she would never be alone.
_ "Speaking of faceless man..." Daenerys said turning to Yara and taking a tone almost suspicious "... Who tells me that you are not the murderer who took the face of Yara to approach without arousing suspicion?"
Yara showed a smile, almost amused, and looked at the queen straight in the eye.
_ "In that case, what are you waiting for to order your dragons to tear me to pieces, or to burn me to ashes?" Yara asked, almost defiantly. Daenerys said nothing, but recognized that Yara's nerve was not displeasing to her. She liked to see women with a strong character, like her.
_ "Maybe I should ..... but no ...... I'm tired of losing the people who matter to me."
_ "That's the weight for all the leaders, without exception ..." Yara told her as she approached and came to sit next to her. Daenerys let her go, still listening to her. "... I could not even be there to help my brother Theon during the Battle of Winterfell. I let him go, hoping he would come back .... and he sacrificed his life for a family that only used him."
Daenerys knew what family she was referring to, which gave her a bitter taste in her mouth, as well as a deep feeling of sadness across her throat. Daenerys' hand gently took Yara's hand, forcing Yara to look at the dragon queen in her eyes.
_ "I didn't know your brother very well, but he had appeared to me to be a noble and honorable man, just like you. The alliance of our two houses is one of the best things I could ever do. The dragon and the kraken, united against their common enemies."
With these words, she had tightened her grip on Yara's hand, symbolizing that strength and union that survived through them. Yara remained silent, but she understood Queen Targaryen's words very well and nodded forcefully. Reassured, Daenerys rose from the rock, falling to her feet on the soft ground, and began to move away, before giving a final order to the queen-born.
_ "Meet me behind my tent, in a few minutes, with your armor and your weapons."
********* As requested, Yara made her way to the khaleesi tent, with her armor with the kraken's coat of arms on her breastplate, and her belt, ax and sword. A little puzzled by the Daenerys order, she did not say anything to Shen or Grey Worm. Going around the tent to get behind, Yara found herself in front of Daenerys, who was waiting for him.
Queen Targaryen stood there, wearing a dothraki leather outfit, like that of the warriors, and holding in her hand her sword with the gleaming blade that was given to her in the flames and judging by her look, was determined to make use of it. Yara raised an eyebrow.
_ "Majesty?"
_ "Why did I lose everyone I loved, Yara? Tell me why?" asked Daenerys, which Yara did not know what to say. "Because I was not strong enough ..." Daenerys completed "... but today you're going to help me become one, you're an ironborn, the first queen of the iron islands, a true warrior .... Train me to sword fighting."
Yara had heard it well. By the determined tone of her voice and look, she knew she was more than serious.
_ "Is this an order, my queen?" Yara asked one last time, as if to tell her if she was sure of what she wanted. Daenerys's look was enough to make her understand the answer. Yara pulled off her gray cloak, dropping it to the ground and taking her iron sword in hand, making a few nimble reels with and coming in front of Daenerys.
_ "First, show me how you position yourself."
Daenerys executed herself, and holding her sword in her right hand, placed her right leg back and her left leg forward. Yara examined carefully.
_ "Watch your feet." she said pointing to the bottom. Daenerys lowered her eyes to see, and suddenly felt the cold tip of Yara's blade come to touch her chin. Daenerys then looked up at her and Yara made him understand by the look she had made a mistake.
_ "First lesson ...." said the iron queen "... never lose sight of your opponent ... One look elsewhere, one second of inattention, and you are dead."
Daenerys nodded and Yara pulled her blade away, stepping back several steps and firmly grasping the handle of her weapon, staring at Queen Targaryen.
_ "Now, attack me." Yara asked simply with conviction. Daenerys took a deep breath, gripping her sword with both hands, and darted for a smoky first hit, which Yara countered very easily. The two blades clashed in a thud, giving rise to a few sparks. The sword was neither too big nor too small and seemed perfectly suited to the handling of the dragon queen, as if it had been fashioned for her and her alone.
Daenerys then attempted further attacks on the flanks, but Yara avoided them or all of them with her blade, even tripping the dragon queen to the ground, disarming her and blocking her on the ground. But as Yara reached out to Daenerys to help her get up, she was thrown to the ground of the young Targaryen woman who took advantage of the opportunity, picking up her sword and in turn, blocked Yara on the floor leaning over her.
_ "I see you are learning fast, majesty." Yara said, unable to stop herself from sketching a smile.
Daenerys smiles too, proud of her little trick. The two women remained silent for a few seconds, looking into each other's eyes, and Yara could only see that Daenerys was now leaning over her. Finally, too, and seeing the semblance of embarrassment over the sudden flush of Yara's face, Daenerys withdrew, a little embarrassed too, and her cheeks tinged with a slight purple.
_ "I .... uh ..... let's continue, please." said Daenerys, to change the subject and put an end to this somewhat heavy silence. Seeing the queen brandishing her sword again in front of her, Yara straightened up, picking up her weapon and gladly joining the next lesson.
********** In the evening, as the sky of the Dothraki Sea was painted red twilight, Daenerys had returned to his tent, after long hours of training with Yara. The body invaded with aches, the young queen wanted to relax and had a bath in the small bathtub that was available to her. Leaving her dusty clothes, laying the sword and its sheath on the bed, and detaching her long silvery hair falling like a waterfall on her shoulders and the top of her back, Daenerys entered the hot and steaming water, without fear of the slightest burn, and sits peacefully, letting her muscles and mind relax after such a day. A young girl, Mira, formerly captured by the dothrakis and originally from the fishing village who was attacked, was proposed as a new servant of the khaleesi, which the latter accepted, promising the girl that she would never treat her as a slave.
Bringing a chalice filled with hot water, the young maid poured it into the bathtub, adding a little more steam, and then came to wash the hair of Daenerys, the long, silky silver hair dripping with drops.
_ "Mira ....." Daenerys asked, keeping her eyes closed while her new maid was washing her hair ".... I've never asked you before, but why did you wanted to become my maid? Don't believe that your company displeases me, on the contrary, but nothing compelled you to do it."
The young Mira smiled shyly while spinning a strand of silver hair and letting the water flow into the container underneath.
_ "My parents often told me the story of this young and mysterious silver-haired queen, shining like a sun, who arrived one day, from nowhere, at the head of a large and powerful army of former slaves and with her three majestic dragons born from stone and fire .... One by one, she released the cities from the hold of slave masters, bringing a semblance of hope to those who had all their lives treated worse than animals ..... it was as the priests and priestesses of R'hllor once said: the one born from fire and ashes, the one who was promised by the master of light, would one day bring down her judgment on the culprits and build a better world."
Daenerys opened her eyes, listening to every word that was spoken by Mira, who said it like a girl who likes to tell her favorite story. Daenerys was touched, internally. If she had been able to give hope to young children, like Mira, she had to pursue this path, as the master of light had shown her.
_ "And ... where are your parents now?" asked Daenerys again. The question gently made Mira grimace, and the queen guessed that she had just opened a more sensitive subject.
_ "My mother died two years ago by a high fever, and my father lost his life when the dothrakis attacked our village. Their khal, the one your majesty reduced to ashes with her dragon, which decapitated my father and forced me to look."
Onro. It's about him she was talking about. It also reinforced Daenerys' conviction of putting a definitive end to this monster's actions.
Now that she has finally rallied her khalasar, strengthening her new army with the help of unsullied, ironborns and R'hllor faithful, Daenerys may soon be focusing on her new and primary goal: the reconquest of Slaver's Bay and the final eradication of the slave empire. She thought for a moment about the mercenaries in disgrace of the remains of the Golde Company, and their war elephants, who had remained in Essos. Extra troops would not be too much, she told herself while being washed.
Westeros, King's Landing
A fine rain of flakes had begun to fall on the silent capital of the six kingdoms .... A gray sky invaded by black clouds had chased the sunlight as well as the heat of the summer for a macabre and biting coldness. Accompanying the snow, a polar wind had risen, coming from nowhere.
In the streets of King's Landing, no noise was heard, not even the breath of a person ..... Blood and death permeated every part of the city. Slowly advancing and gathering in hordes more and more important, civilians and soldiers, men, women and children, all formerly human but now reduced to blue-eyed cadaveric puppets, crossed the devastated and dead streets of the capital, all heading towards the great gates. At the head of this gigantic new army of the living dead, Bran advanced, his ice skin streaked with veinlets having completely covered his face like the rest of his body, his blue eyes shining in the darkness rising around him, and thin ice horns having begun to grow on his forehead. Among the first deaths that followed him were Bronn and Ser Davos, who were also transformed.
Followed by his new army, Bran, or the new Night King, looked in front of him and made his slow but determined step towards north, apparently determined to reach the place of the defeat that saw his death: Winterfell.
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mbfgomes · 7 years
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dltjsdk2658 · 3 years
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Rolling Stone Jorea 트위터+방용국
단단한 홀로서기, 방용국(BANG YONGGUK)과 함께한 인터뷰를 아래 링크를 통해 확인하세요!
웹진 ▶️ bit.ly/314K751
유튜브 ▶️ youtu.be/sSuuH5n2DMA
#RollingStone #RollingStoneKorea #RSK #방용국 #BANGYONGGUK #RACE #CONSENT #모조리
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nekojitachan · 7 years
Final chapter!
Neil smiled when he felt a ‘rush’ of energy from one of Andrew’s spirits brush closer to the soaking pool, which caused Jorea to hiss in displeasure. “Yes?” he asked, uncertain if it was checking up on him or if it had been sent with a purpose; for some reason, his lover was keeping a close eye on him lately. His lover and the shadow wolves and the pixies and basically the whole damn knowe….
Maybe it hadn’t been the wisest of actions, going off to face his father and the Moriyamas by himself, but it had turned out all right, hadn’t it? Mostly all right? He was alive and so was Jean, and it wasn’t as if all of the Fae knowes were in open rebellion….
He was very tired of the lectures and being called an impetuous idiot.
buy me a coffee
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kinodiario · 6 years
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Mujer en la playa / Woman on the beach / Haebyonui yeoin - Hong Sang-soo [2006] South Korea
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hotseok · 7 years
hey dami!! i have a few questions, do u know how i can attend concerts/fanmeets in jorea? and will they have stages afer their repackage release? or any of explaining this is fine!!! thank u veey much!
concerts/fanmeets of their seoul concerts or? tickets for that has already been released and are sold out. if you mean like fansigns in general, then i think its better that you ask a fy acc since it’s long and complicated and i suck at explaining. | & i’m actually not sure if they’re gonna promote shine forever the only details we know is that it’s a repackaged.
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taco-ship · 7 years
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Our visual god
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treez-nuts · 9 years
When people say asians don't experience racism ??????
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nekojitachan · 7 years
“You have to talk to him,” Kevin told Neil as he leaned against the oak tree, his arms crossed over his chest and a disgruntled expression on his face. “He listens to you. Tell him that the Fae need us, that we were chosen for a reason!”
“Does he ever become quiet?” Jorea asked while Neil worked on yet another hex; it was getting to the point where he dreamed about making the things, which was better than his usual nightmares but still.
“It doesn’t seem that way,” Neil told her before he sighed at the scowl directed at him by one very annoyed Tuatha de Danann. “Andrew only ‘listens’ to me about things he finds amusing or wants to do in the first place, so I fail to see why you think he’s going to change his mind just because I ask. Also, the Fae have gotten along all these years without us, I don’t think they’re going to accept us just because we’re wearing some inherited pieces of jewelry.”
“They’ll accept you because you have the shadow wolves,” Kevin argued, just like he did every time so far they dealt with this topic. “Because Andrew’s powerful and can make them tell him the unaltered truth, and because I know what they want.” He held up his left hand which bore Titania’s ring for a moment. “They’ll accept us because we’re the heirs.”
“I don’t want to be the heir,” Neil muttered as he handed Jorea the just-completed hex. “If I could figure out a way to pass on this thing while still living,” he held up his right arm with the silver gauntlet wrapped around it, “I would.” His father had insinuated that there were other potential heirs out there, after all. Unfortunately, he’d also insinuated that there was only one way to pass on the damned things, and Neil wasn’t ready to end his own life just yet.
buy me a coffee
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