#journal is no longer there to overshadow post-it note
gameboy-berry · 1 year
The PPT2 Merge being the second coming for all of the 4 Post-It Note fans out there.
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sa7abnews · 2 months
Freed American prisoners Gershkovich and Whelan may face ‘disruptive’ trauma, say mental health experts
New Post has been published on https://sa7ab.info/2024/08/09/freed-american-prisoners-gershkovich-and-whelan-may-face-disruptive-trauma-say-mental-health-experts/
Freed American prisoners Gershkovich and Whelan may face ‘disruptive’ trauma, say mental health experts
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While Thursday’s release of American prisoners from Russia was marked by celebration and relief, the former captives could face future health challenges, experts say.Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich and American veteran Paul Whelan were among those released from Russia on Thursday in a large prisoner swap.A third U.S. citizen, Russian-American journalist Alsu Kurmasheva, was also released.US-RUSSIAN PRISONER EXCHANGES OVER THE YEARS: SEE THE LISTA plane carrying the freed Americans landed at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland late Thursday night, where they were greeted by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.The newly released prisoners were then flown to San Antonio, Texas, for evaluation and rehabilitation at Brooke Army Medical Center, a premier military medical facility, according to reports.Although the prisoners are safely back on U.S. soil and have been reunited with their families, they may experience mental health challenges stemming from the trauma of detainment, said experts.”Besides the obvious threats to one’s safety and the horrifying prospect of confinement, a situation like this is fraught with uncertainty,” Dr. Norman Blumenthal, director of the Ohel Zachter Family National Trauma Center in New York, told Fox News Digital. WSJ REPORTER EVAN GERSHKOVICH RELEASED BY RUSSIA IN PRISONER SWAP; PAUL WHELAN ALSO BEING FREED”Ambiguity in and of itself induces stress — and that, coupled with their very predicament, can create a marked escalation of trauma.” (None of the experts cited here have treated the released Americans.)Dr. Karen DeCocker, a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner director at Stella Centers in Chicago, noted that being held captive can lead to several types of trauma. “This varies from person to person based on prior history and the experiences encountered during captivity,” she told Fox News Digital.TRUMP’S ATTEMPTED ASSASSIN WAS A ‘LONER,’ FBI SAYS, AS EXPERTS SHARE TELLTALE SIGNS IN OTHERS ACROSS AMERICAWhile each person reacts differently to trauma, Blumenthal predicted that the freed prisoners would likely experience an “initial thrill and exhilaration” from their liberation. “The celebrations and enthusiastic reunions with loved ones can temporarily overshadow the trauma,” he noted. “As life returns to normal and routines set in, that is often when the frightening flashbacks and intrusive recollections can become disruptive and destabilizing.”Dr. Marc Siegel, senior medical analyst for Fox News and clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, said it is likely the prisoners experienced physical and mental abuse, sleep deprivation, dehydration, malnutrition and possibly infections.Jonathan Alpert, a psychotherapist and author based in New York City, said that Gershkovich, Whelan and Kurmasheva, along with the other released prisoners, may suffer from both acute stress disorder (ASD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). WHAT IS PTSD? SYMPTOMS THAT CAN EMERGE AFTER EXPERIENCING A TRAUMATIC EVENTASD is a short-term mental health condition that typically occurs within a month after a traumatic experience, according to Cleveland Clinic’s website.”Acute stress disorder may include flashbacks, nightmares, intense fear and high anxiety,” Alpert told Fox News Digital.  It can also include feelings of numbness or detachment.PTSD occurs when such symptoms persist for a month or longer, and the anxiety becomes chronic, according to Alpert.FDA PANEL REJECTS MDMA-ASSISTED THERAPIES FOR PTSD DESPITE HIGH HOPES FROM VETERANSPTSD may include many of the same symptoms as ASD, and can impair the person’s ability to function in daily activities.The freed prisoners may also experience depression, anger and difficulty trusting others, said Alpert.   “I’ve also seen people have trouble focusing and making decisions in light of a trauma,” he added.It could also be challenging for the former prisoners to reintegrate into their normal environments and social groups, Alpert said.Symptoms of trauma are “not universal,” Siegel told Fox News Digital.”There are differences, and not everyone experiences PTSD,” he said. “Common symptoms include flashbacks, nightmares, depersonalization and derealization, anxiety and depression.”DeCocker noted that symptoms can be both mental and physical — including the following five points.”Individuals may experience dissociation, where they feel disconnected from their thoughts, feelings or sense of identity,” DeCocker told Fox News Digital. TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT COULD HAVE WIDESPREAD MENTAL HEALTH IMPACT, EXPERTS SAY: ‘VICARIOUS TRAUMA’”This can manifest as feeling detached from oneself (depersonalization) or from the world around them (derealization).”Some trauma survivors may feel a sense of guilt for having survived a traumatic experience when others did not, or for putting themselves or others in situations that led to captivity, DeCocker said. They may also feel guilty about the stress and anxiety that family members and loved ones experienced during their imprisonment. “Issues with trust, intimacy and personal relationships often occur with survivors and their families,” DeCocker told Fox News Digital. “The impact of their captivity often comes from their inability to relate the experience to others.”Trauma survivors may experience feelings of shame, worthlessness or confusion about their identity, according to DeCocker. “In this case, where there was an exchange of prisoners, there may be added complexity,” she said.It’s not uncommon for trauma survivors to have negative beliefs about themselves or the world, according to DeCocker. “Generalizations about the world being unsafe or out of their control can occur,” she said. “Threats are often seen in everyday experiences.”Potential physical symptoms could include chronic pain, such as headaches or muscle pain, in addition to persistent fatigue and lack of energy, according to Nikki Bishop, a licensed clinical psychologist and clinical director at SunCloud Health in Chicago.”A person may also experience gastrointestinal issues such as stomach pain, nausea and changes in appetite,” she told Fox News Digital. TRUMP’S ATTEMPTED ASSASSIN WAS A ‘LONER,’ FBI SAYS, AS EXPERTS SHARE TELLTALE SIGNS IN OTHERS ACROSS AMERICA”Additionally, cardiovascular risks could occur, such as increased blood pressure, heart palpitations and increased risk of heart disease.”To cope with painful feelings, people can sometimes turn to substance use, process addictions, eating disorders and even food addiction as a means of trying to numb the pain, Bishop added.Given the high-profile release, Gershkovich and Whelan will likely receive a large amount of media attention, Alpert noted — “but it’s important that they have the space and privacy they need to process this on their own timeline.”DeCocker agreed, stressing the importance of taking extensive time to heal and recover. “There is no rush to reintegrate,” she told Fox News Digital. “Time is best devoted toward rest and restoring a sense of balance and normalcy.”Embracing daily routines and structure can help with that, DeCocker said.The freed prisoners may also want to avoid spending too much time on social media and the news in the early days to avoid retriggering discussions and events, she advised.One “tried-and-true method” of coping is to retell the events to supportive people who act as listeners, not solvers, according to Blumenthal. “Putting the experience into words can help with healing and adjusting to the more mundane aspects of life and routine,” he said.If symptoms are interfering with day-to-day functioning, Alpert recommends seeking professional help.”In the case of a severe trauma, such as being held prisoner and wrongly convicted, symptoms may not surface right away,” he pointed out. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP FOR OUR HEALTH NEWSLETTER”It can be helpful to get ahead of it and speak to a specialist.” All forms of professional help are useful, DeCocker noted. Those include talk therapy, psychiatric support, interventional treatment modalities specific to treating trauma, and physical treatments and therapies to heal the body.Other treatments may include cognitive behavioral therapy, relaxation techniques, and medications such as beta blockers, antidepressants and potentially psychedelics, according to Siegel.Support from loving family members and friends is also key, the doctor added.For more Health articles, visit www.foxnews/healthMost people do have an “inherent resilience and capacity to hope,” Blumental said.”These and other freed hostages may, on their own, mobilize and harness strength and heroic reformulations of their recent incarceration to go on and resume normal functioning.”Scott McDonald of Fox News Digital contributed reporting.
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secret-time-is-here · 3 years
We're nearly halfway through AEJ! So I figured I'd share the fun facts I have collected about the chapters.
[Everything is below the cut, I have a lot of notes down...]
[Any spoilers have been marked as REDACTED]
[Each mention of a chapter is linked so you can easily reference it-made this post take longer to upload but makes it much easier to go through.]
[When the series is over, I will rerelease this without the REDACTEDs so you can get the full facts]
TW: AEJ does talk about abuse and that is reflected in the notes of some of the later chapters. Abuse unfortunately is a major part of one of the main character's backstory(Nightmare) and while AEJ is off of canon and deviates from canon often, I wanted to keep this element to stick to Nightmare's true character.
Chapter 10
If you didn’t figure it out, the flash of a memory of a younger Dream holding another skeleton is pre-apple incident, and the other skeleton was Nightmare.
Chapter 15
I’ve always had the headcanon that Ink has a magical Tome enchanted with REDACTED. I love Ink’s infinity tome, it also has a search option so Ink can look up a keyword or exact journal date if he needs.
Chapter 20
The memory Error kept having was of cuddling with REDACTED
Core never meant to tell Error about his future partners, I didn’t either. But in the end it added more mystery and some joy/hesitation on Error’s part.
Error only refused to believe Ink was another one of the 4 for plot purposes lol
Chapter 25
I never intended to have Error’s middle name/study of religion to impact the story at all, while writing the chapter it came to me as the perfect motivation for the story and to set some canon things into place.
Error was never intended to befriend Ink or Dream as Lapse D. Mode.
I added Cobalt last minute into the equation to set up later events, and REDACTED
I never intended for Error to mess around with Dream as much as he did that chapter, but it allowed me to bring Dream more into the plot since-despite being a main character-he wasn’t supposed to be a main plot point until after chapter 50ish
“You pique my curiosity” is Dream for “I’m kinda crushing on you but I’m gonna pretend I'm just curious about your motives and want to learn more about you as my enemy.”
Error didn’t put together the Dream and Nightmare came from the same world because while Error and Ink have a shared balance and similar powers-they don’t come from the same world. Also Nightmare hid that part of his past because he’s tired of being in Dream’s shadow, and hid everything that even hinted that he was connected to Dream. Even though his accomplishments-however dark they may be-overshadow everything Dream does, he’s still fearful. Nightmare has also never said the name of the AU he came from.
That old professor at the college that wrote the book on Dream was Error’s religion professor. Error had to write a paper on the book and knows it cover to cover. It was his professor’s greatest accomplishment. (I did outright explain this part in chapter 33)
The hint of yellow on Dream’s cheekbones reminded Error of REDACTED
Error didn’t have an answer because he doesn’t know how to explain it quite yet. He felt like he had to keep destroying, so he did. (This is REDACTED)
Chapter 30
Core’s office, Room 1510 is the numbers for the letters AEJ
“Cafes?”“Tick tok, Error” Core knew Error would eventually open his cafe, “The Outsider” and very subtly cemented the idea in his mind for when Ccino would bring it up in Chapter 45.
Error purposefully called Dream pretty boy again to try and get the same reaction-which he did. Dream didn’t pay it much mind because he has a lot of admirers, and while he didn’t expect it-he brushed it off like any other compliment he got.
In the meeting room REDACTED
Sapphire avenue was named by Lust, who knew the library cafes and Universities were going to be built there-and wanted to name it after Sci, and the first thing Lust remembers about Sci is his glimmering Sapphire eyes. If they had lasted longer, Lust would’ve taken him there. (I did later out right say this in chapter 42)
Ink’s office being 1504 is an easter egg to his birthday being on April 15.
The pebbles and rocks on the bracelet chain on Broomy Jr. are from REDACTED
Chapter 33
The one who made Dream’s scarf and the scones is Nightmare.
Dream only ever refers to Nightmare by name or they because Nightmare has made it clear he wants nothing to do with their shared past, and refuses to acknowledge any of it-even their shared birthday.
Nightmare is also fully transitioned and Dream is still having a little trouble with it.
Chapter 34
Cross’ blunt statement for the year had been calling Killer out for being an absolute hypocrite in monopoly(Killer had been complaining that someone had to have been stealing his money when he wasn’t looking-but he had been doing that to others when they left the room. Nightmare had been returning the stolen money when Killer wasn’t looking. Error had watched their game from the couch and just kept quiet when Killer asked if he knew who’d been stealing from him.)
Chapter 35
The nickname for Lapse, Eldeem, I thought up on the spot, but it’s terrible and such an Ink kinda nickname so into the canon it goes.
Dream and Nightmare are 506. Although based on technicality they are mentally closer to 520.
Ink is roughly 800, although he rounds it closer to 700 because REDACTED
Error is ridiculously close to 1000, somewhere just under it.
Core outranks everyone in the multiverse being REDACTED
Chapter 37
The person Dream’s soul belongs to (“My soul will always belong to another… I would never even dare try with someone else until I talked to them first about it.”) Is Nightmare. Dream feels practically soul bound to him, since they never officially broke up. For the past centuries he thought Nightmare felt the same about the situation-hence why he was so upset over learning Error and Nightmare weren’t just together now, but also had been together in the past.
Chapter 38
I wanted to fill in the holes of Hearts’ story, and also bring up Cobalt again so REDACTED
Chapter 39
Core is 1000% up for validating Nightmare. It’s a very small chance of happening, but REDACTED
Core has directly influenced Nightmare’s life twice, and directly talked to him(to influence his life) twice, the second time was telling Nightmare of Cross.
Core has also directed Cross’ life a good deal, which makes sense considering REDACTED
While a heartbreaking chapter and was difficult to write, I think Nightmare’s past and what he went through shows his character greatly. Yes he tends to hide things-even highly important things, but it's always for good reason.
I’ve headcannoned for some time that Nightmare is missing a good portion of his skull, thanks to Error’s help he later fully accepts what happened to him and stops hiding his shattered skull. (I hinted at this in my 300 follower lil' special project)
Sci went to Dreamtale because of Core, who told him he was needed and to simply trust Core on this. Nightmare is unaware that Sci was told to help him. Sci is the closest thing Nightmare has ever had to a Dad, and while Sci was certainly surprised the first time Nightmare referred to him as Dad, Sci was more than happy to accept the role. Nightmare is hesitant in actually calling Sci his Dad to other’s in fear for Sci’s life, and also because he knows Error would push him to tell Sci they’re together and he’s not quite ready to deal with that mess yet. (Sci would be very supportive to learn of their relationship, the mess I’m referring to is Sci going full Dad mode and asking why Nightmare didn’t say anything sooner-asking when they would get married/soul bound/if kids are an option. All the fun stuff parents typically ask when learning about their kid’s relationship.)
By Dream and Nightmare’s first battle, Nightmare had been full transitioned-thanks to help from Sci-and Ink had long gotten used to Nightmare being well, Nightmare.
Nightmare is currently working in the background of the chapter to find a way to get his old aura back. Most of the books in the library he has are from Reapertale Alphys’ library, he spends a good portion of his time researching for any cure to his corruption-despite how much it helps him.
Nightmare has a familiar but I didn't get the chance to mention them :P
Nightmare doesn’t remember it, but the spell he cast on Dream happened right before he blacked out again. It was barrier magic, and being unpracticed at the time-he accidentally made a barrier of stone around Dream.
Chapter 41
REDACTED and sometimes people in the multiverse get deja vu because of faint memories of the previous timeline spilling over. REDACTED
Chapter 42
When Error pulled back from the Antivoid, REDACTED
I’ve always headcannoned Dream to be vegan, and I love the idea that Blue runs a farm in his spare time and it’s completely free range and the animals all pass away as happy as they can be.
“Perhaps one day, if my partner’s could offer something similar, then I would leave.” The similar Dream is referring to isn’t the actual structure or the small cabin feel, but rather the memory’s and comforts he has in the cabin. He has no reason to leave it in his mind because nothing else gives him such comfort. To him, it doesn’t matter that he has to take his baths in the creek nearby or constantly buy ice for his icebox, or even that he has to painstakingly repair the house after each winter.
“And it seemed that their friendship blossomed into something bigger. Something of mutual understanding.” Error can understand not wanting to leave a place of stay, having clung onto what he considered the comforting absence of any stimulus that is the Antivoid. He understands what Dream’s feeling in that moment, even if Dream doesn’t know it. They can silently connect over that feeling and grow closer together, the simple sentence being a much bigger confession of weakness. Dream a war hardened God with next to no earthly possessions and no more close friendships then the fingers on one hand has this one weakness-his home in Dreamtale.
Chapter 43
Error’s realm was originally meant to be the Antivoid-as hinted at in Chapter 10, but I liked the idea of his own realm much more.
With the new context of realms being connected to the soul and mind-I’m surprised no one realized(or if they did, didn’t mention) that Grimm’s character is suddenly made much deeper than he once was. Since Chapter 10 of the series, I’ve told everyone that Death’s realm is a barren dark place. Everything is dead. He had to bring things(his crows and vultures) outside of the realm in order to fill in that empty void of a landscape. Now, Death subtly shows that since being with Dream and Ink, his realm has begun to show signs of life again. The grass is greener, plants are starting to grow, small animals have returned(think about what that could symbolize in terms of emotional and mental stability). Losing Geno/Error did affect him greatly. During his time with Geno it was a flourishing forest. Now it’s a dead wasteland with the only trees being dead twigs that would snap with the weight of a feather.
Chapter 44
“A simple few missing lines of code. Nothing unusual and something he had seen in worlds for years.” It used to be unusual, and that was before REDACTED
Ink’s clinginess was an early hint to their recent breakup. Death has his job and Ink wants to be strong for Grimm and doesn’t want to appear clingy, he feels comfortable with Lapse and isn’t too worried about losing them, so they happily cling to them to help cope with being near Dream after the breakup.
The flash of memory was of REDACTED
Ink wearing the nightgown and switching to more feminine clothing is an early hint at REDACTED
I like the idea of Skeleton’s generally being Genderfluid/Gender neutral and wanted to bring it up as canon for the series :} (it also adds extra flesh and color, so to say, to the motives of Dream, Nightmare, and the village-along with how Dream treats Ink and why Killer wants to protect Cross from Dream. Nightmare is fully aware of skeleton history and despite technically not being one-he’s largely treated and seen as one so he wants to correct the delusional idiots out there. Nightmare is the one who taught Error and the gang the proper skeleton history. There’s very little mention of wingdings and nothing that teaches the language-so that’s why Nightmare doesn’t know it despite researching skeletons.)
Chapter 38 hinted at Killer liking Cross, and Cross somewhat returning-along with Horror and Dust’s background relationship, but I figured I would out right say it to make it clear, and also build stronger connections to Error and the gang.
Killer didn’t want to talk with Nightmare about it because it involved Dream.
I did not plan for Cross to also be trans in this too, but thinking about it Cross gives me serious nonbinary vibes, plus it adds more fuel to the plot and motivation between Killer and Cross. (Also I love the idea of Killer joking to Cross about Cross using xey/xem and then Cross actually wants to try it and enjoys using the pronouns. Also Cross does frequently internally and sometimes externally curse XGaster for being this close to detail when it comes to him-it actually wasn’t XGaster that programmed that in at all, and the multiverse has a slight chance of changing his programming to trans after he becomes an outcode.)
Error’s shit eating grin at Killer’s confession is because he knows if he pesters Killer enough, Killer will either accidentally reveal his lie or out right say the blunt truth of whatever answer he’s been dancing around.
Chapter 45
Error was making milk in hopes of going back to bed, but after seeing Dream awake he said fuck it guess I’m playing Main Character early today and made coffee instead.
Dream doesn’t think he deserves help, he wants to change, yes, and he wants to learn how-but he doesn’t think he deserves it. Every relationship he’s considered important he believes he’s/literally has ruined. First Nightmare, then Ink and Death which affected his relationship to Blue and he also assumes Lapse. (Error just accidentally muted Lapse’s phone again and has forgotten to check it, oops.)
With the new context of it having been 489-nearly 490 years since the incident, I alluded to the death of the village and Nightmare/Dream’s God birth(when they became Gods) being when they(Nightmare & Dream) were 17/nearly 17. Keep in mind Nightmare and Dream when they were created already had the mind equal to that of about a 16 year old and body of one as well, but actually counting from creation to incident is roughly 17 years. So that's how when Nightmare's abuser's are younger than him at the start but seemingly grow to be older than him(becoming adults when Night was technically 17)-since Nightmare's story is based off this technicality.
The village didn’t have a schooling system, and by the time they did Dream was much too old for it. Dream has seriously considered trying for schooling, but being a God and dealing with the multiverse heavily impedes that.
Error and Nightmare both have a lot of Degrees, Nightmare learned on his own over the years and after Error was brought back to sanity Nightmare helped him learn.
Error and Nightmare were never meant to teach Dream and build that connection with him.
Nightmare is about a head shorter than Error, but Nightmare doesn’t let it stop him at all.
I LOVE the headcanon of Error coming to own a cafe for general outsiders and unwanted. A place that anyone-even the annoying God of Creation and feared God of Death can enjoy, along with any Underlust monsters and “darker” AUs.
“There are plenty of moments of your immortality that you’ve forgotten,” Error has spent a good 800 years of his life immortal, and I specifically had to say moments because the memories that Error will relive from his immortality are just that. Moments. Completely unlike any of his other memories-only pieces of them are actually important and those pieces are spaced out across a good 500 year period.
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09. Love Is Not Over
A story based on the fictional HYYH world about six boys with unimaginable problems and their friend that can’t do anything to help.
Member: Jin
Genre: Angst
Warning: warnings are posted in my masterlist
Word Count: 2.3K
Parts can be found on my Masterlist under “The Most Beautiful Moment In Life”
A/N: Stay tuned for Jin’s full poem and a note from me 💜 The epilogue written by @dimpled-gukkie will be going up next Tuesday at 6pm
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Present Day.
Jin slams his palms down on the hood of the truck and rests his forehead against the cold metal. “Just, please, God,” he utters. “Please let them all get here.”
He hasn’t heard from any of them since he left and only found out about Jimin and Hoseok from his parents. They didn’t tell him until he returned because of course they assumed he’d been in touch with his friends the whole time. Were they still his friends? After everything that happened, was there still anything between them? Were they even all still alive?
Yoongi’s outburst back in March had felt like a punch to the gut. Jin had never held anything over their heads. He never thought he was better than any of them. The fact that Yoongi would say such a thing had cut him to the core. He hasn’t talked to Yoongi since that night. In fact, besides updates from his dad about Tae’s trial, he didn’t hear about any of them while he was in Japan. Living unaware all summer, staying preoccupied with program activities while his friends were suffering at home. It makes him feel even sicker.
The ocean matches the churning in his stomach and he gulps hard, tears pricking his eyes as he glances down at his watch. Their usual meeting time has come and gone. He turns his head either way, looking down the stretch of empty beach in both directions. No one is coming.
Jin lowers his head again to rest it against the hood of his truck. That’s it. It’s over. Everything has slipped through the cracks and it’s all his fault. He should have done more. He should have helped Taehyung the first time Namjoon came to him. He should have been there more for the others. For Jimin and Hoseok, Jungkook and Yoongi. For Namjoon. He knew the boy was sleeping in the gas station and he just let him.
What’s wrong with me?
They were all dealing with so much crap yet somehow they still had so much fun together. They loved him, they cared about him, they laughed with him. He didn’t deserve friends like them. He doesn’t deserve any of what he’s been given in this life. If he could, Jin would give it all away. He’d trade anything to see his friends again. To hear their voices, to hold them close. But it’s too late. He knows that now.
The wind whips the hair at the back of his head, blowing down the collar of his shirt, and leaving a trail of goosebumps down his back. He doesn’t move even though he’s freezing. He doesn’t deserve to feel warmth. Not when it’s his own fault that the world has grown so cold. He lifts his head, gaze falling on his red notebook, the pages fluttering. With a hard sniff, he picks it up, slamming it shut and trudges toward the shoreline. He stops at the edge, just out of reach of the tide and looks out at the water. In the distance, waves crash violently. He watches them fold into each other in a salty spray, crumbling under the weight of gravity. He feels like crumbling, himself. Maybe he could just walk in, keep going until the current sweeps him off his feet and pulls him under. He could let the sea wash him away.
Far away.
He looks down at the journal clutched tightly in his hands. A gift from his parents. They always believed in him. Always knew he’d make something of himself some day. None of it matters to him anymore, though. He doesn’t want to become a famous writer. He doesn’t want to marry some perfect girl and have a perfect family and live a perfect life. He just wants his friends back. Nothing else matters. Not his career. Not his future. Not this stupid journal and everything it represents.
With a frustrated sigh, Jin grips the journal in one hand and draws his arm back behind his head. He’s about to fling it as far out into the water as he possibly can when movement to his right catches his attention. With a jerk of his head, he locks eyes with Yoongi.
The boy freezes where he stands about ten feet from Jin’s truck. He looks different. His hair is black instead of the mint green making him look even more pale than he already was. He seems smaller too, though maybe that’s because he’s standing next to the vast ocean.
Jin can’t think of anything to say at first. Instead, he just stares, afraid that if he makes any sudden movements, the boy will disappear. But then at last, he finds his voice. “You came,” he utters.
Yoongi’s shoulders relax and he brings a hand up to rub at the back of his neck. “It’s Beach Day,” he replies with a shrug.
Jin nods before turning and running to him, throwing his arms around the boy. Yoongi’s own arms wrap around him, squeezing him tighter than Jin thought his strength could allow. A strangled cry falls from Yoongi’s mouth, muffled by Jin’s sweater.
“I’m sorry, hyung,” Yoongi cracks. “I’m so sorry for everything I said. I didn’t mean any of it. I was drunk and pissed off and tired—”
“It was all true,” Jin interrupts. “I’m the worst friend. I could have done more to help. I should have done more. You can blame me. I deserve it.”
Yoongi finally steps back, wiping his nose with the sleeve of his coat. “No,” he says. “We all screwed up.”
The two don’t say anything for a while, Yoongi looking down at his feet in shame and Jin just watching him because he can’t believe his friend is here. His chest still feels warm where the other held onto him. It still feels like a dream that he’s just waiting to wake up from.
“Have you talked to the others at all?” Jin finally asks. He’s been dreading asking the question but he has to know. “How’s Jimin? How’s Hoseok? Are they...”
Yoongi looks up at last to meet his eyes. “Well, uh…Hoseok—”
“Are you two talking about me?”
Jin spins around, the momentum swinging his arms too far and causing him to stumble as he turns to face the source of the voice. Hoseok stands there, alive and golden-skinned, Namjoon trailing a bit behind him kicking at the sand, hands in his pockets.
Hoseok’s lips curl into a warm smile, his eyes glittering and he makes his way closer, opening his arms invitingly. Jin steps into them, not completely believing that this is real. But the boy is warm, warm as a ray of sunshine and Jin closes his eyes, feeling the calm wash over him. The last he heard, Hoseok had swallowed a bottle of pills, but here he was, in the flesh, alive. Alive and warm and solid. Jin pulls his bottom lip into his mouth and bites down against the tight feeling in his throat.
“Are you okay, Hobi?” he asks weakly then pulls back to look the boy in the eye.
Hoseok’s own bright eyes are brimming with tears but he smiles through them and nods. “I’ve been in rehab since June but yeah, I’m doing better.” Then he puts his hand on Jin’s arm and squeezes gently. “I’m glad you’re back.”
Jin nods. “Me too.”
“Hey man,” Namjoon says coming up behind Hoseok. He stayed back to give the two some time but he couldn’t wait any longer.
He missed Jin too and it’s apparent by the way he pulls him against him. When they part, Jin looks him up and down. He seems so much more put together than the last time he saw him. His skin looks healthier, the bags under his eyes are gone and his clothes look nice. He looks less ragged, so much more put together.
“You look good,” he says to the younger boy.
Namjoon nods, his dimples becoming prominent as he smiles. “I feel good.”
Jin nods back then his eyes shift over the boy’s shoulder, looking past him back down the beach again. He’s afraid to ask where the other three are. He wants to know what happened to Jungkook, to Jimin. His dad had told him that they’d won Taehyung’s trial, the jury finding him not guilty by way of temporary insanity and self defense and the boy and his sister had gone to live in the country with relatives. At least he can find some comfort in knowing one of his friends is safe. But not knowing of the others’ fate overshadows that greatly. Slowly, he turns back to Yoongi.
“Have you heard anything from—”
Jin spins around, his eyes scanning the beach frantically for the source of the voice. At last they fall on a shape running at him. He can’t quite tell who it is by the blur of tears suddenly covering his eyes but a smile spreads across his face anyway as he watches them make their way down the slope of the hill parallel to the water. And then he feels his throat close up, a sob trying to push its way out when two more figures appear at the crest and quickly start their descent. He breaks into his own run, the wind pulling the tears from the corners of his eyes, his heart hammering in his ears as he nears them. Jin barely has time to register Jungkook’s beaming face before he crashes into him, gripping the boy tight as the force of the collision sends them sprawling to the ground in a tangle of limbs. He manages to choke out only the first of many apologies when the breath is knocked out of him by two more crushing bodies.
“We missed you, Jin-hyung,” Taehyung yells in his ear
“You were gone for so long,” Jimin adds.
It’s all too much for Jin to handle and he crawls out from under them, sitting back on the sand and burying his face in his hands as he sobs. Immediately, the others’ hands are on him, their cheeks pressed against his head, his shoulder, his back.
“I’m s-so sorry,” he chokes out and sniffs hard. “I’m so sorry I left you all. I’m so s-sorry I wasn’t there when you guys needed me. I’m s-so—” he lifts his head at last, his eyes meeting Jimin’s. The boy looks different. Good different. His hair is dark, his skin golden, his brown eyes shining brightly. Jin cups the younger boy’s face in his hands. His cheeks feel fuller than they have in a year. “You’re alive. You’re alright?”
“I’m alright, hyung,” Jimin assures him with a warm smile. “I’m still in recovery but I’m alright.”
Jin turns to look at Jungkook. “You’re walking,” he says.
“Finally,” the youngest replies with a relieved laugh. “I’ve been in physical therapy all summer. Yoongi-hyung came back from Seoul to take care of me.”
Jin looks back where Yoongi stands with the other two, his mouth set in an amused smile as he leans back against the truck watching them. “What about the producing job?” Jin asks him.
Yoongi shrugs. “There will be other openings. This was more important.”
“Mina and I are living on my aunt’s strawberry farm, hyung!” Taehyung chimes in and Jin can’t help but burst into laughter at the boy’s boxy grin that seems to take up his whole face.
The other three join him on their backs in the sand, dissolving into laughter that’s perhaps a bit more hysterical than necessary. It’s hard not to be overwhelmed with everything. It’s all too much and yet Jin never wants it to end.
At last the laughter dies down and a heavy silence falls over the group. Jin sits up again, his eyes locking with Yoongi’s. The boy’s mouth tugs up into a sad smile. He still must feel guilty. It’s alright, Jin thinks. That’s all in the past and we can start fresh now. I’ll never leave any of you again.
They spend Beach Day the way they have every year in the past. Together. 
The air is chilly, the wind sharp, but Jin doesn’t even feel it. Instead, warmth blooms in his chest as he watches his friends enjoy themselves and that keeps the cold away. The temperature drops as the sun sets and, as always, they build a fire on the beach by the truck. The orange flames lick at the night air, casting a warm glow on the boys’ faces. They all look happy and it’s the most beautiful thing Jin has ever witnessed. Sure, Beach Day must always come to an end. Sure, they’ll have to get up tomorrow and face what lies ahead but they’re together again. And they’ll carry each other through whatever obstacles they’ll face. And there will be many. Such is life.
Jin gets up from his spot between Yoongi and Jimin and brushes the sand off his jeans as he makes his way back to the truck. He opens the door and reaches in to grab his red notebook off the seat where he’d set it earlier. It’s so much colder out of reach of the fire and he sucks in a sharp breath through his teeth, bracing his shoulders against the chill as he carries his notebook to the front of the truck and lays it open on the hood. The moon shines bright, casting a cold glow over everything but what the fire’s warmth reaches. And by this cold light, Jin flips his notebook open to the page he’d been writing on earlier and uncaps his pen.
Let’s not be like the vase shattered on the floor. Let’s be stronger than the glue that takes these fractured pieces of our lives and puts them back together. Let’s be the bond that never breaks.
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The epilogue will be posted on Tuesday and was written by the amazing and talented @dimpled-gukkie! She had a huge part in helping me outline and create this whole story and was also my beta reader! I’m so glad she agreed to write the epilogue and I’m really excited for you to read it 💜
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hellyeahheroes · 7 years
Possible Spider-person: Anya Corazon
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Author’s note: Okay, this took longer than expected because of Anya’s overall story, my intolerance of bad comic book writing, and my OCD tendencies to literally focus on anything else. As an experienced reader, I can tell if this is someone’s first time writing a comic book. It not what I think of  Anya as a character. She is a cool character. It’s just Avery seems..clueless of the bad habits she committed when she introduced Anya to the world. Habits like not telling you character’s names immediately when they appear on panel or in issue, convoluted origin which is killer for new characters, and no grasp for setting. I promise to be more expedient in the next two Spider-people.
In Spider-verse, it has been said that there will be multiple Spider-people in the film along with Miles Morales and Peter Parker. And that is cool. Already talked about Spider-Gwen aka Ghost-Spider, which I do kind of feel bad about because I also wrote subsequent post about why I don’t like her that quickly overshadowed the post objectively appreciating her. Luckily, I have no such reservations about the next Spider-person I am talking about today: Anya Corazon. She is the hero formerly known as Arana and now known as Spider-girl.
Like Miles, Anya is Brooklyn born. She is Boricua and Mexican American. Her father is an investigative journalist and her mother is missing and left nothing but a locket which Anya covets.Anya attends Milton Summers Highschool with her best friend Lynn.
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From the get-go, Anya is remarkably different from most Spider-people. For one, she is a jock. She is on the school’s gymnastics team and also on the Field Hockey team. Lets not question why this school has a gymnastic’s and field hockey team because that is not important. The important thing here is to realize that Anya is not meek at all. She is the opposite.
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If you start shit with her, her family, or her friends, she will fight you. If she can’t lay hands on you right then, she will challenge you later to settle the matter because it won’t be settled until someone, preferably the other person, gets knocked the fuck out. She is “Cash me outside” embodied. She is the personification of this image.
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The reason why she is so rowdy is because her mother skipped out on her for reasons that are not immediately explained. So she is raised by her father, Gil Corazon, who tries to instill in her to not be so (ง'̀-'́)ง, but Gil is a single parent whose job is investigative journalism so he is always busy and overwhelmed. Her mother’s last words to Anya were to always be brave, and she interpreted as “Never back down.”
Her pugnacious, or, if you aren’t familiar with that term, “talk shit get hit” personality is precisely why she gets her powers. sees a random stranger in trouble and instead of minding her business like most people, Anya decides to help the person out.
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And she gets stabbed in her chest for her trouble. Luckily for her, the guy she tried to save turns out to be a sorcerer or some shit(more on him later), so he is very grateful that she stuck up for him.
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So this is Miguel. He was a key character for Anya Corazon. Check the past tense there. After the event, Anya wakes up in her room with spider-webbing all over the place. She goes to school not knowing exactly what happened meanwhile Miguel is shadowing her without her knowing. She wakes up feeling weird with a sweet, but strange blue Spider-tattoo. She has no idea how she got it, but it starts doing strange things.
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Eventually Miguel gets Anya involved in his organization, Webcorp. On the surface, Webcorp is a shady private criminal investigations group that assist in fighting other criminal organizations like Syndicates and the like. In reality, they are a magical cult whose totem is the Spider. Their natural enemy is the Society of the Wasp who are for the most part evil magical jackasses who want to eliminate humanity. So the Spiders fight and defend humanity while the Wasps want to destroy it for reasons that are not immediately disclosed to you.
Anya was chosen because there always is a hunter and a mage. Miguel is a mage and Anya is a hunter. What exactly does being a hunter entail? 
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Something strange, apparently.
After debriefing Anya on the doings of the company and organization she is now working for, Miguel decides it is time for Anya to fully awaken her ability as a hunter. Instead of teaching her and taking time to show her the ropes, Miguel has a rather unorthodox idea of job orientation.
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Apparently, Miguel prescribes to the Shounen method of training. 
Anya gets stranded in the desert in Mexico. Just like any 15 year old girl, she takes being stranded in the middle of a desert just as well as you’d expect. 
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Thirst and hallucinations abound, Anya decides to make like Forest Gump and run. Apparently no one told her that making noise and a rather hostile habitat tends to draw unwanted visitors.
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Oh fantastic. One day you are ready to square up your school bully and the next, you are in a desert surrounded by ravenous wolves.
So that is the end of Anya Corazon. 
I am not joking. She gets ate up by wolves. It’s a whole fucking mess, and it is  essentially a cautionary tale that you probably shouldn’t get on a helicopter to Mexico with strange people.
Okay fine.
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That is actually quite unique and pretty cool for Spider-people. 
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So after pissing off PETA tremendously, the Webcorp crew decide to pick up Anya to avoid lawsuits and see if she awakened her power. They find her surrounded by enough wolf corpses to make enough pelts to cover a stadium. They approach her to congratulate her and her response?
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So Anya is not officially apart of the hunters and she kicks Wasp Society ass for awhile.
I am going to cap it here because I rather not go into the specifics of how Arana became Spider-girl. Long story short, something happened to Webcorp that made her lose her ability as a Hunter. Miguel died and most of the people involved with Webcorp are gone. Her father was killed. She became Spider-girl with no real super powers until Spider-Island happened in which she gained Peter’s Spider-powers plus the ability to make webs organically(nasty).  
Personally, I liked her as Arana more because it was more unique. When she became Spider-girl, I guess the writer forgot everything that made Anya special and pretty much abandoned her narrative. She went on to join obscure superteams like Young Allies, but yeah, that went as well as you’d expect a team of young people would go. Anya is a bit of an OG lasting 12 years, but getting none of the publicity. Shit even Ben Reilly appeared in the Animated Series Spider-man cartoon and he came from one of the worst comic book stories of all-time.
Recently, however, Anya became a main fixture to Marvel’s Spider-man, which I hear is pretty fucking bad, but I don’t know. I don’t watch it. So there is some hope that she may appear in Spider-verse the movie especially if you pay attention to the trailer, you will catch a glimpse of this.
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A heart. Corazon is Spanish for heart. She may be in this and honestly, I wouldn’t mind if Anya appeared.
Next is Mayday Parker.
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The Video Game Movie Equivalent Of “Manos: The Hands of Fate” Is A Wonder Boy Adaptation You Had No Idea Existed
Forget the live action Super Mario Bros, forget both live action Street Fighters, and forget every single vehicles that Uwe Boll has helmed: 2010’s Wonder Boy is unquestionably the worst video game movie ever produced. Period. That’s saying a lot, I know.
I was made aware of its existence by Minus World’s Ollie Jameson, who passed along this impressive and entertaining piece of investigative journalism by coolgreat.website, which primarily concentrates on Robin Morningstar, one of two individuals that’s responsible. Who at one point tried to produce a version starring live actors with, of all people, Uwe Boll? And before that, he seemingly produced a flick based upon Chakan the Forever Man, an even more obscure Sega property than Wonder Boy!
But yeah, I’m assuming Ollie gave me the heads up cuz knows of my fondness for video game cinema, along with my affinity for incredibly strange/just plain trash movies. I know it’s cool to be into films that are “so bad it’s good”, but trust me, I’m way deep down in the rabbit hole of bonkers, outsider cinema, which means I also regularly consume (and honestly enjoy) movies that most would consider “so bad it’s really bad”. So my tolerance is exceptionally high for such nonsense, yet even I had a difficult time sitting through the entire thing.
Yes, I’ve watched the entirely of the above. My goal was to produce a detailed review, but honestly… it’s simply not possible. For starters, nothing and I mean nothing makes sense. Which is quite the feat, given that it’s jam packed with plot and characters for a solid hour and a half. Perhaps it’s due to my lack of familiarity with the subject matter, but try as I might, I could not find any real connection between the film and the game it is based upon, from everything I’ve read online, which I believe is Wonder Boy in Monster World? There are a few similarities, but they’re all overshadowed by the vast differences.
Okay, so a film being nothing like the game it’s based upon is hardly groundbreaking. But what if that film based on a game is made on top of an entirely different game?!? Which in this case is Second Life. And that’s the thing: this Wonder Boy adaptation is beyond fascinating, with so many legit oddball aspects that it’s impossible to flat out dismiss. But despite it all, it’s still damn near unwatchable. I think my main take away is how it’s much easier to digest piss poor acting, a confusing story, a plodding pace, and nonsensical editing when it involves real people and not Second Life avatars.
So there’s one other person responsible, who isn’t even cited in the aforementioned write-up: producer/director/animator Lucinda McNary. The best comparison I can make is that she’s essentially the Neil Breen of machinma, for those of you familiar with his work. Alas, I was originally going to title this post "The Video Game Movie Equivalent Of ‘Fateful Findings’ Is A Wonder Boy Adaptation You Had No Idea Existed” but I know that movie’s not quite as well known and I gots to get dem clicks baby. Also, I think anyone can tell that I’m kinda struggling to figure a way to directly discuss the subject… Robin Morningstar/Lucinda McNary’s take on Wonder Boy is just so… something.
Perhaps I should put more effort, cuz I know 99% of you will not watch more than 30 seconds, if that. Though I implore everyone to at least fast-forward to the 59:55 mark and see if you can at least make it till the 1:02:55 mark. Anyhow, moving on…
As noted last time, I’ve got yet another assortment of video game videos to help thin out the backlog. Though this just in, another slice of life from the man behind the greatest video game program in the history of human civilization, aka BitHead1000. I love nothing more than to hear him rant about the idiots he encounters while looking for games at garage sales in Long Island. Though the following also includes anecdotes from his younger days, which has less to do about games and more to do with crabs…
Time again for another longer vid, and time again for yet another TNT infomercial! This one actually predates the one that was recently discovered two months ago, by a year, which means it might be the very first one produced? Yet that also means its even more rough around the edges, as in Todd isn’t nearly the showman that we would later become, but we all have to start somewhere…
Not to bring up politics, but like many folks out there, I have rather complicated feelings as it pertains to my homeland, that being the United States of America. Though I have found a video that perfectly illustrates said relationship. Imagine Captain America here as the government as it is today, and myself as Guile (via sndfrosteyneko)…
Sticking with fighting games, here we have yet another lengthy vid, but one you’ll surely absorb every second of… provided you’re a fan of SNK, gravure idols, and LaserDiscs. Neo Geo Gal's Graffiti centers on the woman of assorted SNK fighters, all being interviewed by none other than Reiko Chiba, who also dresses up as her subjects (who, in turn, tells our host plus the player how to perform special moves and combos). I should have maybe also included Super Sentai to the list; Reiko is best known as being the original Pink Power Ranger (via vgjunk)…
And finally, I too saw Spider-Man Homecoming and I too loved it a whole lot. The reasons are numerous, though it’s largely due to Batman, I mean the Vulture. Well, Michael Keaton to be exact, and I’ve been waiting ages for the right time to share the following. Alas, it’s now out of date, but that just means it’s time for ULTIMATE MICHEAL KOMBAT….
Don’t forget: Attract Mode is now on Medium! There you can subscribe to keep up to date, as well as enjoy some “best of” content you might have missed the first time around, plus be spared of the technical issues that’s starting to overtake Tumblr.
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humansremain-blog · 7 years
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If the practitioner has not dedicated himself fully to his transformation, his Ritual and Craft can often become a substitution for experience rather than an expression and catharsis of it. I once read that one of the earliest forms of artwork ever discovered had been created by a migrating band of hunter-gatherers. The art itself was in the form of a desert rock painting, depicting a herd of animals and their hunters. No animals similar to the ones depicted have ever existed in that terrain during the artist’s time or otherwise. The idea was then put forth that the quite literally starving artist wasn’t expressing something which he’d witnessed or been a part of in this new land, he was instead using this crude depiction as a substitute for the experience of hunting, perhaps even as a plea to whatever possible force he may have believed controlled such things. Regardless of the accuracy of that article, I find the metaphor of this Paleolithic painter to be an accurate one.
Lately I have felt as if the public journaling of my transformation has taken over too much of the process, eating up time that I could be devoting to something that is of a more immediate importance. In fact, I’m certain that my Arrangement has been trying to tell me just that. This revelation along with a nagging intuition tells me that I am soon due to begin a new phase of transformation. This realization has lead me to the decision to put this aspect to the side for the time being so that I can allow it to come to full fruition. I feel that enough material has been put forth, and I do not want to force more as it will only lead to redundancy.

Today I read a book that was less than one hundred pages long and touches on several aspects of Ultra Atavism, even some of which I have yet to publish. After finishing the book, I went for a session of Reverie into the forest to meditate on this author’s description of the undertaking. I found a lot of encouragement in that 70 year old book. The goal of Ultra Atavism is transformation, but it is a transformation that is borne out of a renewed connection with our primal selves. A carnality that lies dormant inside of us now but only because civilization has been designed to beat it out of us at birth. Once we’ve reconnected with that primordial spirit we begin to uncover the tactics modernity uses to keep us from it and we immediately understand why. Once we’ve connected with it, we begin drinking from a primordial stream of consciousness that can be followed back to an ocean of ultimate truth. That truth is the same for all of us. To the authors that have directly inspired me are drinking from that stream, as are the authors who will inspire me that I’m yet to discover. The Dissemination of my transformation and the path I take to get there is a kind of spiritual duty. It’s a flag in the ground to say “here I am, this is what I can do, these are the blueprints to becoming free in my time”. It’s a howl in the woods meant to attract the attention of more of my kind. Whether they join my pack or start their own is of little difference to me. The more rebels in the forest, the better. Humans Remain is a collective founded within the ideology of Ultra Atavism, but is not a division of it. The group is one that I am piecing together with acquaintances that I feel embody one or more aspects of Ultra Atavism, but there is no demand placed on them to adhere to it as if it were their personal ideology. Some Members choose not to even participate or be known even within the enclosed group. The collective itself is meant for Dissemination and Erudition purposes. It is not a Clan within itself. Members are welcomed and encouraged to take whatever aspects of this fit their transformations and do with them what they will to create and strengthen their own Clans but if you are looking for a sense of “brotherhood”, you won’t find it here.
I have little tolerance for those who put on airs and graces. Personal transformation that leads to further self-reliance is the pursuit of the Ultra Atavist. I have seen those acquainted with Humans Remain as well as those who have chosen to stay outside of it do fucking great things already. I love to hear someone tell me that they’ve been inspired to pick up a paintbrush, take a class, make an album, join a gym, or even go for a hike because they were inspired by something that I’ve written. I don’t want or deserve any credit for it, I’m only doing what my transformation and Arrangement insists that I do. Even if I were to seek credit, what would I seek credit for? The primordial stream flows within all of us, I’m only describing my own attempts to get there.
 There is an element that I see creeping in from the outside that is not like those who are truly participating in the undertaking. They take from the whole for self-serving purposes, as I’ve intended it to be used, but rather than strengthening and reinforcing it by applying it within their own Clans, they instead weaken it with substance-less showmanship. There is no true desire for transformation. They take the broadest parts of the ideology, the aspects that seem as if they can be easily demonstrated, and do so with the sole purpose of garnering attention for themselves with a false facade of individuality. All that truly lies underneath is the burning desire for acceptance overshadowed only by their paralyzing fear of being exposed. I continually see these leeches repeat the same patterns again and again. They take from another’s method, sap it of spirit, and then regurgitate it to an awaiting hive of human blanks at the ready to coo over the resulting pablum. One of the tried and true ways to kill a parasite is to detach it from the host. By the time I return from hiatus, they will have moved on, likely citing the lack of online activity is indicative of a lack of ambition or they will invent some imaginary disagreement that is meant to be interpreted as their transcendence. One thing that is always certain with these types is that they never go quietly. Meanwhile, those who are truly engaging in the vital existence should hardly notice my absence as they’ve never made particular note of my presence to begin with. Throdle Vieda! Sean David Stoltenburg _____________________ As this is my last Dissemination for some time, I figured I’d end it with some things that I am looking forward to between now and my return to Disseminations, probably sometime around Halloween.
As far as the pages are concerned, there should be no lack of projects and events to keep them from going dormant for too long. I am still asking for Disseminations from Members and supporters if they feel that they have something to add to the Canon. They are also welcome to curate their own Sonic Ritual Chambers, which are something that I will also be ending for the time being. I’m also encouraging Members that if they want a project to be advertised by Humans Remain and Handwerk to contact the page about it. In exchange for your contribution to content, a graphic will be created for it and it will be used as a paid promotion free of charge. You can also create your own graphic as long as it meets the aesthetic criteria.
I’m awaiting the proof of Ultra Atavism: An Anthology of Articles for Humans Remain, Volume II which will be out on October 1st. It includes all of the Disseminations to this point (excluding this one) as well as a few unreleased drafts and writings, five new Articles including two which were previously unreleased Cleromancy and Acumen, and two Rites including The Rite of Erichtho that previously only came with the Nekromantia Talisman and The Rite of the Pythia which is unpublished.
I’m already planning the next two journals, Of The Body: An Anthology of Articles for Humans Remain, Volume III and a fourth volume, both ideally set for release next year. I plan on continuing with the essay format for Volume III, which I hope will be made up of a large majority of writings from other Members and acquaintances rather than just myself. Volume IV,  which is going to be simply titled Ndinzengalg will be the biggest undertaking, involving more than just myself, of which aspects will be revealed in due time. _____________________ 
 In personal, non-Humans Remain related news, my “noise poem” The Hawk and the Groundhog will be released as planned on July 4th on Handwerk and will be available on Amazon. There is also a free sampler on the Bandcamp page right now that includes tracks from all of my releases so far. When I do find time to write, I plan on beginning Brimstone Road Part 2. When I re-released Brimstone Road, I released it with a lot of different material than was in the first edition. I took out several essays that I felt were unnecessary and replaced them with other essays, one of which was a very long autobiographical essay about one of my “lost years” living with a notorious character. I plan on Part 2 having much more of this autobiographical tone. With my perspective now, I’d like to re-explore a specific time of my life in that context. My adolescence was a very interesting mish mash of five specific backdrops, my violent home, my violent school, my conservative ultra rural surroundings, my conservative suburban church, and my involvement in the local punk and hardcore scene. I think that I will then foray a bit into other lost years and maybe a lengthy reflection of my eras in music from Eastwood, Murder4Hire, Mysterious Black Helicopters, Jaw Horse, and Coffin Spell. Starting at the end of August, I will be re-opening and making daily posts in the Halloween group that I started last year which was called Coffin Spell’s 66 Days of Halloween, but since we are no longer playing, I’m just going to go with The Mystic Light of Halloween. I have no shame in allowing myself to be enveloped within social media for those days. Halloween is my favorite everything and it’s the time when my Clan makes our most cherished memories. It’s an indulgence. All are welcome to join. 

I also have some other minor projects that I am considering. _____________________ Here are some events already upcoming that you will be hearing much more about. July 9th I will be participating in an art show in Sunbury, PA just as myself, with a small table selling books, I believe the show has a total of 7 members of Humans Remain participating with tables, the show is being hosted by Hideous Vision and Rad Pizza Dad. EVENT LINK September 23rd there is an event in Williamsport, PA that I cannot say anything more about until I’ve been given the okay that it is ready to be officially announced. October 20th my wife is curating her third craft and art exhibition in Selinsgrove, PA. The first under her moniker Nouveau Witch, which is also titled The Mystic Light of Halloween. This is an evening event that will feature several members of Humans Remain and will also include music and libations. This is an adult Halloween event. EVENT LINK 


Last but not least, the artwork that accompanies this final Dissemination before hiatus is a manipulated photograph of a large one-of-a-kind lithograph piece created for Humans Remain by Matthew Kunkel, which was a part of the A Night on the Brocken display at the In Bloom exhibition on Walpurgisnacht. I don’t have the time right now to explain how the mountain is maybe the most apt representation of mankind’s existential and physical struggles as well as the transformative rewards found in each, so you’ll have to just trust me that it is. 

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