#jpeg uses any pronouns by the way
threebooksoneplot · 1 year
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calling all terrible (and good) artists and designers: 3B1P is hosting a New Moon alternate book cover contest!
Design an alternate cover for our fake New Moon retellings Dark Noon (Edward's POV) and/or Euphoria and [Something] (Beau's POV) and win the chance to name a character in Dark Noon!
Submit your alternate covers by posting them to tumblr and tagging @threebooksoneplot OR attach the file in an email to [email protected] (any dimensions, jpeg or png, please)
Include your name/pronouns and a way to contact you if your entry is chosen!
Multiple entries ARE allowed (this is a free-for-all, go nuts)
Your entry can be as silly or as "realistic" as you like—we may end up dividing into silly/serious categories depending on the number of entries
deadline to submit covers is midnight EST on October 9th, 2023. Happy designing!
Three Books One Plot is a Twilight podcast with a twist: we simultaneously read Life and Death and Midnight Sun! This season: watch us boldly go where Stephenie Meyer feared to tread as we continue Life and Death and Midnight Sun into the New Moon era. More info here.
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gatsby-system-folks · 2 years
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I just realized that his nose, which is supposed to look like the groke's nose, kind of looks like a little cat nose and a smug mouth below it.
With the cat nose the sprite looks a little more deltarune-y.
Either way they're adorable lol
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liminality-check · 2 years
Welcome To The Liminality Check Station! Your spot in the liminal space tag to confirm whether or not that AI generated image of your grandmothers kitchenware is liminal or not! Here, I act as your lone inspector to check each post sent my way to decide whether its truly worthy of the liminal space tag or if its just another dreamcore edit.
These days its easy to get confused with liminal space due to the everchanging culture surrounding it. What with several similar aesthetics such as after hours & dark paradise sharing some similarities with liminal photos, and the everchanging Backrooms lore that sorta became its own thing. Here we’ll clear out those misconceptions and hopefully help others understand what exactly liminal spaces are. please fully read this pinned post before submitting anything!
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HOW TO SUBMIT  there are two ways you can submit a post/image to be checked of liminality 1) tag me in any image post tagged with liminal space and I’ll reblog with an explanation on why i think the photo is an example of liminal space or not! 2) submit either a screenshot of said post or an image thats either;
a) tagged as liminal space on a post b) a photograph you took yourself c) a random ass photo you found online that you think is a liminal space
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RULES OF THE LIMINALITY CHECK STATION - this is not an excuse to witchhunt anyone that mislabeled a liminal space post!!! the definition has sorta been misunderstood, also its a fucking jpeg calm tf down. - liminality can be different for everyone. may this blog be used as discussion to explore each others views of liminal spaces. if i say a photo is liminal but you disagree thats totes cool!! just be chill brah, im down to discuss my brotha - dont tag me/send in anything not related to liminal spaces - don’t be gross or innapropriate my brotha - despite it not having anything to do with liminal spaces, this blog IS NOT SAFE FOR PROSHITTERS, TERFS, ACE/AROPHOBES, RACISTS, PRO-LIFERS, ETC. ETC. - feel free to ask for trigger/content warning tags! no matter how small it may seem
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  THE INSPECTOR Heya!!! I usually go by Egg or Beetle, my pronouns are HE/HIM, BUM/BUMBLE, HON/HONEY, & PUP/PUPS!! my mainblog is @huevobuevo​ & im totes down to socialize :]
I started doing this cause idk i have unchecked adhd
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cinemacereal · 3 years
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yo yo yo its CinemaCereal in the flesh here to make all ya'll weep with the freshest shitty clipart known to the internet forged in the deep recesses of photoshop i present to you the b l o g aight lets get some of that sweet sweet basic info outta the way:
call me Cereal, or CinemaCereal if u really wanna throw down some respect on my blessed name
i use he/they pronouns
here’s the link to my carrd if you’re interested in more stuff i’m involved with! https://soren-m-tempest.carrd.co
sometimes i review good movies, sometimes i review really shitty movies. the point is ur not supposed to tell.
This is also my blog, so on occasion i will take control of the narrative like a stagecoach leader harnessing the reigns of a particularly free-willed horse and post whatever my brain has decided is tangentially relevant to my life. in summary, it may get all kinds of deep and personal in here. we are entrenched within the deep philosophical recesses of my brain and i am willy wonka steering the magical fuckin boat through the tunnel of terror that is my psyche
pls feel free to fill my inbox with bullshit, or any terrible jpeg requests u have. i would love an excuse to make more terrible gifs
lets get this glorious neon painted shitshow started
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femboty2k · 4 years
Long post about something I think about a lot and that doesn’t matter to anyone else but me probably
I’m sure there’s a million posts out there on why good representation is important and good but I just wanted to talk shortly about something that happened to me in a recent span of a few months involving a character in a dumb game about collecting jpegs of anime women and hunky dudes with giant swords.
There’s a game called Granblue Fantasy, its an extremely popular gacha game/JRPG with a very large roster of characters and a lot of stuff to do as far as reading through character lore, fighting JRPG battles, raids, and basically playing VNs for character dialogue. It’s a pretty good game, and one of the coolest things about it, is it has (to my knowledge, I dont play/keep up with it very often) 2 canon trans characters. One is named Cagliostro, an alchemist who was born as a man but through extensive experimentation and some self discovery has since transitioned into a woman, hell bent on making herself as cute as possible. Fun right? She’s presented extremely well and is one of the game’s more fun characters. The second character is one that has become a personal favourite for me for many reasons, her name is Ladiva.
Ladiva is a part of a race of people called the Draph. The Draph are a humanoid, and pretty much human looking, race of people with their defining features being their large stature and bovine like horns and ears. This is important because male draph are usually much larger and more muscular than female draph (but its a horny anime game so who can say they’re surprised lol). Ladiva, as my discussion here makes obvious, is a trans woman belonging to these folk. Because of this, she’s both quite large, muscular(and more masculine presenting on the surface), and has rugged looking facial hair. The surprising thing about her presentation in comparison to how she looks, is that she’s presented incredibly well. despite her appearance being not as feminine as it could be (with Cagliostro even offering to make her a new totally feminine body only to have Ladiva refuse, stating that she should love her own body along with the rest of herself) she’s treated as what she is, a woman.
So why am I talking about this? Why am I putting my poorly put together thoughts on this tumblr post no one will read? Well, I am trans. I have felt a certain way about myself all my life that I’m sure most trans people can echoe so I won’t wast time waxing poetic about how I’ve always felt more feminine than I was “supposed” to be. My core purpose of this post comes from the fact that I am 6′2, nearly 300lbs of muscle/fat/body hair, and have had a full beard since I was 14. I am EXCEEDINGLY masculine, which has made my own internal struggle with my transness sort of difficult to accept. A sort of constant push and pull of wanting to just repress it all because I already pass as a man and wanting to work towards being who I know I actually am. Another factor is that I never felt truly comfortable with purely feminine pronouns. In highschool I went by a different name, and I used she/her pronouns and for a while it felt okay. But it was always just, okay. It never felt right on top of several people giving me some rather hurtful backlash for it and how it contrasted so much with my physical appearance. So I stowed it all away until about a year ago. I now have something that I didn’t have before, a truly wonderful and supportive group of adult friends who treat me like an adult as well and take me seriously. So through careful examination of how I felt i began trying new things to explore my identity. It began with me deciding I wanted to use they/them pronouns, this stuck and still feels like its the right thing for me along with the label of Nonbinary. However, slotting myself into this new label and finally feeling comfortable in an identity brought about new thoughts as well as new things to mull over in my head. Things like the fact that most nonbinary representation in media falls under the same category of a waifish AFAB person who presemts femininely if not androgynous, and how people like me are a vocal minority within the community itself even being excluded by a small portion of it. It was a new set of things to tackle and think about. But that aside, with them came the most important thing I asked myself, “am I comfortable with how I am now? Or do those thoughts I had all those years ago mean something?”
This question isnt easy. Gender is a strange subject and is different to everyone who experiences something with their identity, so I wont pretend like I have any definitive answers for anything because, there arent really any of those. The question for myself, boiled down to “Am I more comfortable identifying as transfeminine, or am I comfortable with just being nonbinary.” This question vexed me for a little while. It hurt to think about. A lifetime of bullying and being made to be ashamed of my body type and stature had made my confidence in myself rather lackluster. This made the decision more difficult. It would be easy to try and own a sense of pride in being a masculine presenting nonbinary person. There aren’t many of those in representation as I mentioned before, and at the time it made me feel nice to think that it was what I wanted. But those thoughts I had all those years ago did mean something, and thats not who I am. The answer I ultimately came to, was that I am trans, and want to present more feminine than masculine, because that’s who I know I am, and not just what I think would be easiest. So, to bring it all together, how the everloving fuck does this relate to a character from a gacha game? Well, when i first saw Ladiva I nearly wrote her off as a character that probably was used as a disrespectful  joke on trans women and how they’re viewed. She’s not though. She has an entire montra of loving herself and others for who they are and owning every aspect of herself, including her body. She’s not a small lady, she’s a large/muscular wrestler who, in no mistake of words, still looks very masculine, right down to her facial hair. But none of that matters, not her appearance, not her beard, not her height, she’s still a woman and she’s seen as one by the others around her because, well, that’s what she is. She makes it known and others accept, or at the very least, respect it. It was something entirely new to see something like this in a form of popular media, and in turn it gave me an odd sense of self confidence in my own current appearance, even though I do intend on changing it through HRT and other means (exercise and other health related means). It meant a lot to me to see someone who was, in at least some way, like me who was loved by the community of the game she was in. And it still does. In conclusion, Ladiva is a very cool character, and her existing gave me a boost of confidence that helped lead me towards accepting things about myself that I had found it hard to previously. Go look into Granblue if you like games like that, there’s even a fighting game that came out not too long ago. Thanks for reading, if you did, this whole post is long and kind of dumb because I’m kind of dumb. But I wanted to put it somewhere. Have a nice day <3
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bluereferences · 5 years
YOUTUBE VIDEOS - 007 ; rp starters.
quotes + sentences taken from a random assortment of youtube videos. feel free to change the pronouns as you see fit. some sentences may contain nsfw text.
“Don’t you fucking lie to me!”
“One bitch, fresh off the presses.”
“I’m too high for this shit. I can’t.”
“Two tickets to ride on the ‘fuck you’ train.”
“This is just like Dragonball Z!”
“And then I said, hey, give me back my lettuce!”
“I’m gonna kill all of you!”
“I’m busting out now! I’m actually busting out of prison!”
“That’s a cool JPEG.”
“Hey... Do you know where the nearest hot topic is?”
“Hey! You put that down, that’s an expensive diamond!”
“Diamonds aren’t green, dick nips.”
“That’s really rude. I’m gonna have to call the polices on you.”
“I’ll make you eat those words!”
“We met last week, what are you talking about?”
“That’s fine... I didn’t really want it anyway?”
“That’s what you get for being a dumb piece of shit.”
“I can’t believe your tits are one polygon!”
“I’m not in any way qualified to do this!”
“What the actual shit?! Where did she go?!”
“That’s it! I’m calling the police! 911!”
“I miss my wife, _____. That’s a lie. I’ll be back.”
“No it’s too late, you’ve made up your mind. I’m out of here.”
“Ohh, I’m in jail again.”
“Did we ever establish our names?”
“I got you, you stupid blue fool!”
“Just kidding. I’m better than you. I’m better than everyone.”
“You have 13 seconds before the island fucking explodes, you hot topic wannabe and you blue gumball son of a bitch! You have done nothing but destroy my life!”
“I hate you, and your stupid nose!”
“Don’t touch me, harlet!”
“Can you stop having relationship issues whilst I’m on the phone to my dentist?”
“Hey. I told you not to bring that up anymore.”
“I found this, like, used copy of Sims 4...”
“How the fuck did we get to Egypt?!”
“That’s like, a big triangle or something.”
“You are just very aggressive and you lash out when you get upset and you’re confused. I promise everything will be explained.”
“What’s a JPEG? Stop speaking witch.”
“I’ve had enough, you took my wife, you fucked my crops- I’m taking your life!”
“Can you please explain to me how you fuck crops?”
“But now I’m wondering. Why the fuck would you do that?”
“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeew, shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiny!”
“At least we found some use for this piss rock.”
“I don’t know how the fuck I got here, to be honest with you.”
“You’re not listening to me! I’m sorry for the way that I’ve acted... and...”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m super high right now.”
“Get the fuck out or I’m gonna shoot it in the fucking face! I swear to God, I’ll do it! You bitch! GET OUT!”
“Talk about a low-budget flight.”
“Shoot me, you fucking coward! You won’t!”
“I’m Hot Topic.”
“I put hot sauce on everything. From twinkies, to milk. It’s what I do!”
“The password is ‘eat my asshole’ and my social security is ‘69′.”
“I can’t believe it... She betrayed me.”
“Please? What if I say pretty please with a cherry on top covered in a banana sundae?”
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