patneshek · 2 years
jrob is my best fantasy draft we SALUTE happy thanksgiving king we’re eating tonight
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nosamyrag · 10 months
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starscelly · 1 day
aren’t you tired of being nice?? don’t you wanna go crazy???
or, jason robertson set to “all-american bitch”
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39oa · 11 months
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Jason Robertson on After Hours (11.04.23)
(How is it you get so comfortable to be able to bury pucks from an area that's really difficult to get to?) Well, yeah. It's nice to be 6'3, 205 pounds!
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jrob64 · 6 months
Long Overdue Conversations - Part 4 (Emma & Killian) A OUAT missing scene
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Here is another conversation I feel should have taken place in Once Upon a Time. This one occurs immediately after the 'You traded your ship for me' scene at the end of season 3.
Previous installments can be found on Tumblr: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
All parts can also be found on Ao3 & FFN
Special thanks to @hookedmom who always makes my stories better with her beta skills and suggestions for making this scene better (and hotter!)
“You traded your ship for me?” Emma asked, amazement evident in her voice.
Killian gave a slight nod. “Aye.”
Then she was kissing him. Not a bruising and frantic kiss like the one in Neverland, but a tender, passionate one that took his breath away all the same. At one point, he had to draw back to look at her, just to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. When she smiled at him and rested her forehead against his, he caressed her cheek, running her silky hair through his fingers, before capturing her willing lips once again.
Their moment was interrupted when Leroy and one of his brothers came bursting through the door of Granny’s, drunkenly singing. It was all Killian could do to keep himself from throttling the dwarfs, but Emma simply squeezed his hand and gave him a soft smile.
“If you don’t have your ship anymore, where are you staying?” she asked.
“The widow Lucas granted me a room at her bed and breakfast.”
“Hmm…” Emma hummed in thought.
Killian tilted his head, waiting for her to continue. After a moment of silence, he asked, “What’s on your mind, Swan?”
Leaning in, she brushed her lips across his cheek. “Give me a minute to say goodbye to my family. I’ll be right back.”
He watched her rise from her seat and ascend the steps into the diner. Before disappearing inside, she turned and smiled at him reassuringly.
While he waited, he touched his fingers to his lips, just as he had after their first kiss. He loved the feeling of Emma Swan’s lips on his and wanted it to linger. Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to wait nearly as long to feel them again.
Sooner than he expected, Emma was back out the door. When she reached him, she took him by the hand, encouraging him to get to his feet. “Come on, pirate.”
“Where are we going, Love?”
She gave him a secretive smile. “To your room.”
In a near state of shock, he followed behind her as she led the way, still gripping his hand tightly. When they entered the lobby, Emma asked, “What’s your room number?”
“Um…four,” he stammered.
“Seriously? That’s the room I had when I first came to town.”
“Aye, the widow Lucas did mention that fact when she gave me the key.”
He trailed closely behind her up the stairs, his hand on the small of her back. He was hesitant to break physical contact with her, for fear she would suddenly disappear. It was Storybrooke, after all.
When they reached his door, he fumbled for the key. Finally withdrawing it from the inside pocket of his leather duster, it slipped from his fingers, clattering to the floor.
Emma bent down and picked it up, smirking as she held it between her fingers. “Nervous, Captain?” she asked, before inserting it into the lock and turning it. The door swung open and they quickly crossed the threshold.
“I’m still trying to determine if this is indeed real, or simply my imagination,” he said. He closed the door and leaned back against it, gripping his belt buckle as he looked up at her through his dark lashes.
“Have you imagined this?” she asked, batting her own lashes at him.
He poked his tongue into his cheek, then ran it over his bottom teeth before answering. “Perhaps.”
Stepping closer, she leaned up to whisper in his ear. “Move away from the door.”
Quirking a curious brow at her, he did as instructed. She held her hands up with her palms flat and facing the door. Closing her eyes, she concentrated until a soft glow emanated from them. Then she moved them slowly to trace around the entire frame of the door.
When she finished, she dropped her hands and turned to face him. Seeing the slight confusion on his face, she explained, “Silencing spell. Granny has supernatural hearing, remember?”
“You’re bloody brilliant, Swan.” He closed the distance between them, reaching up to sift her blonde locks through his fingers, his deep blue eyes boring into hers. “Now that we’re alone…”
Emma shrugged out of her leather jacket and let it drop to the floor, then ran her hands up the front of his vest and under the shoulders of his heavy, leather coat. Understanding her intention, he pulled his arms free when she pushed it off of him.
“Just how much does that thing weigh?” she asked. “And how the hell do you wear it around all the time?”
He grinned at her. “Is that really what you want to think about right now, Love?”
“You have a point. Besides,” she said mischievously, “I’m sure you’ve carried rum barrels heavier than that, right?”
His brows furrowed. “Come again?”
“Just something your former self said when he was carrying me onto his…your…ship.”
“Bloody wanker,” he grumbled. “I should have hit him harder.”
She began undoing the fasteners on his vest. “Is that really what you want to think about right now?” she asked, echoing his words.
“Too right, Love.”
Once the vest joined his coat on the floor, he removed his hook and placed it on the dresser. Then Emma slid his suspenders off his shoulders and started working on the tiny buttons of his billowy, black shirt. “How do you manage these things with one hand? I can’t unbutton them with two.”
“I don’t mess with the buttons. I simply slide it on over my head.”
“That explains why it’s always open practically to your waist.”
“You’ve noticed that, have you?” he asked with a knowing smirk.
“Kinda hard to miss it, with your whole chest on display.” Lifting her eyes to meet his, she abandoned the buttons and slowly ran her fingers through the hair on his chest that had been teasing her ever since she met him in the Enchanted Forest. Hearing him gasp at the contact, she added, “I’ve been wanting to do this for a very long time.”
As her fingertips continued to explore, he dipped his head to capture her lips, his own calloused fingers finding their way under the hem of her turtleneck. He caressed the soft skin he found there, and she moaned into the kiss, “Killian…”
The breathy sound of his name from her sweet lips had him growing hard in an instant. “Swan,” he mumbled, “are you…are you quite sure about this, Love?”
She pulled back to look at him, her pupils dilated with desire. “I told my parents I wouldn’t be home tonight, brought you up to your room, and used magic to make sure no one would hear us. Does that sound like someone who isn’t sure?”
“You told your parents you were going to be with me tonight?”
“Yes. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d rather not talk about them anymore.”
“Agreed,” he chuckled. “Where were we?”
“Right about here,” she said, crossing her arms to grab the bottom of her sweater, then pulling it over her head.
Killian could feel his heartbeat increase as his eyes roamed over her newly bared skin. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t longed for this scenario, but never could he have imagined the absolute perfection of Emma Swan.
“Your turn,” she said, grasping the hem of his shirt to tug it over his head. He tried to stand still as her hands explored the expanse of his chest, moved over his shoulders and down his arms.
He was so busy enjoying her touch and taking in her beautiful form, he had forgotten about his battered, leather brace. When her fingers found it, he involuntarily took a step backwards, pulling his arm away from her.
“Hey, it’s okay,” she said soothingly. “It doesn’t bother me.”
His hand rubbed absentmindedly over the brace. “It…it’s ugly, Swan. It’s been a very long time since I’ve allowed anyone to see it.”
“You don’t have to hide it from me, Killian. It’s part of you and I…well, nothing about you could make me…care for you any less.”
Slowly, he stepped back into her space, his eyes never leaving hers. With practiced fingers, he deftly undid the buckles. After hesitating a few moments, he grasped the brace and twisted it off of his arm. Emma took it from him and laid it on the dresser beside his hook, as he removed the protective cloth covering his stump.
She locked eyes with him again, before dropping her gaze to his arm. Placing one hand under his elbow, she lifted it up while the fingers of her other hand gently traced the raised, jagged scars. “It must have been so painful,” she said quietly.
He swallowed hard, his jaw clenching at the memory. “I…I don’t remember feeling pain when he…when he cut it off. I’d just witnessed him murder Milah and that pain overshadowed everything else. It wasn’t until later, when a crew member cauterized it, that I finally realized how much it hurt. By that time, my grief and anger had taken over and all I wanted to focus on was plotting my revenge.”
Emma bent to press a kiss to the end of his wrist. “I’m so sorry you had to go through that, Killian.”
“It’s long in the past, Love. I would much rather look toward the future.” Using his finger to lift her chin, he gave her a smile. Then he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her closer. “A future that includes you, I hope.”
In answer, she fused her lips to his, her hands beginning to roam freely over his body. When she slid her hands down inside the back of his trousers and squeezed his ass, he sucked in a ragged breath. “Bloody hell, Swan,” he growled.
“What’s the matter, Captain? Can’t you handle it?”
Before she could utter another word, he skillfully flicked open the button on her jeans and unzipped them. “Let’s see who can’t handle it, shall we?” Then his hand was inside her panties, cupping her mound.
  Her surprised gasp turned to a moan of pleasure as his long fingers slid through her slick folds. “I’ve barely touched you and you’re already this wet?” he asked, his voice low and husky in her ear.
“I…I’ve wanted this ever since…” She stopped talking and bit her lip.
“Since when, Swan?” he queried.
“Since…Neverland,” she admitted.
Hearing her finally confess her feelings made his own surge through him in a hot rush. He withdrew his hand and lifted her off the floor. Carrying her across the room, he deposited her on the bed. “Take off your boots,” he commanded, beginning to toe off his own.
She happily complied, then began pushing her jeans down her legs. When they reached her knees, she looked up and felt like all of the oxygen had been sucked out of the room.
Killian was standing in front of her, arms crossed over his chest, dressed in nothing but his leather pants. They were straining against the huge bulge that was right at her eye level. Without conscious thought, her hands reached for him, rubbing his rigid member through the leather.
He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, exhaling the words, “I’ve wanted this for a very long time, too, Emma.”
“Then let’s not wait any longer.”
Her fingers set to work unfastening his pants to free his cock, which she promptly began to stroke. At the same time, he reached behind her and worked at the hooks of her bra. When they were undone, his hand and wrist tugged on the straps and her hands left his shaft long enough to wiggle out of it.
While she resumed her exploration of his sizable cock, he fondled her breasts - squeezing, pinching, rubbing and caressing them, murmuring words of praise for their perfection.
Killian suddenly realized how quickly they were working each other up, and put his hand over Emma’s to stop her stroking. “Can we…can we slow down just a bit, Love? I don’t want this to be over too soon.”
“Yeah, okay,” she said breathlessly. “Why don’t we finish getting undressed?”
“Aye,” he agreed.
Both of them removed their remaining clothes and as Emma laid down in the middle of the bed, she pulled Killian down beside her. He pushed himself up to lean on his left elbow, his fingers dancing along the skin of her belly. “Gods, Love. I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman than you. You’re absolutely stunning.”
Her hand moved up his forearm and bicep, tracing the hard muscles. “So are you, Killian.”
They explored each other’s body with their hands and mouths, whispered words spoken against skin, between kisses, licks and nips. When Killian’s fingers found their way once again to Emma’s most intimate place, she bucked into his hand, clearly craving more.
He nudged her legs further apart with his knee, then slowly slid one finger into her warm, wet channel. “Tell me how that feels, Love,” he implored.
“Feels…amazing,” she complied, her eyes closing of their own accord and her breath coming out in short gasps.
After gliding in and out of her a few times, he pulled his eyes away from the sight to look up at her. “Are you ready for more?”
She nodded her head, biting her lip in anticipation.
On the next pass, he added a second digit. “So bloody perfect, taking me like that, Swan.”
“Killian, I’m going to…you’re going to make me…” she muttered, trying to speak a coherent sentence.
“Don’t hold back. Just let it happen and enjoy it, Love.”
She took his advice and soon she was clenching tightly around his fingers, the evidence of her orgasm further slickening his fingers. As she throbbed around them, he sought friction by rubbing his hard erection against her thigh, then sucked one of her nipples into his mouth.
“Killiannn…” she moaned throatily.
He withdrew his fingers and chuckled lowly against her breast over her huff of annoyance. “Patience, Love. I have something much more…fulfilling…for that greedy quim.”
Instantly, she shifted onto her side and reached down to grasp his cock. “I’m ready when you are,” she breathed hotly into his ear.
With a growl, he flipped her onto her back, causing her to let out a little yelp of surprise. Then he swung himself over her body, hovering over her. Nuzzling into her neck, he murmured, “I don’t know if you noticed, but I was quite taken with that dress we pilfered during our adventure.”
“You mean the one…that made me look like…a bar wench?” she gasped, enjoying what his mouth was doing to her collarbone.
“Mmm, aye,” he hummed. “It certainly made you quite…distracting. And very enticing. I wanted to bury my face right here.” He licked up between her breasts, chuckling again when she uttered a curse.
Emma’s hands slid between them and wrapped around his girth. Widening her legs, she dragged the tip through her soaked folds. At his groan, she whispered, “You did promise to fulfill me, so fill me, Captain.”
He lifted his head to look into her face, giving her a grin. “As you wish.”
Her hand guided him to where she was aching for him and he slowly pushed into her, inch by glorious inch. Her legs wrapped around his hips, hands moving to scratch along his back, which added to the pleasure he was already experiencing from being buried inside the woman for whom he’d been yearning for months. He dropped his head to her chest, giving her a moment to adjust to him, while getting himself under control so he wouldn’t be on the verge too soon.
When he finally began to move, it was at a slow, steady pace. Experimenting with different angles, he took note of what brought the most response from her.
After several blissful minutes, she murmured, “Killian…”
“Yes, Love?”
“Make me see stars,” she requested breathlessly, reaching behind him to squeeze his buttocks almost painfully.
He kissed her and grinned slyly, determined to meet her challenge. Dropping to his elbows on either side of her, he began thrusting faster and deeper, until he was plunging into her with abandon, eliciting a loud exclamation from her each time he filled her.
He was getting close to his peak, but didn’t want to reach it before she did, so he caught her nipple in his mouth again, alternating flicking it with his tongue and sucking hard. His actions had the desired effect and soon she was screaming through her release, her head thrashing on the pillow, while her throbbing cunt rippled along his engorged cock.
“Bloody…fucking…hell,” he grunted, thrusting eratically, until he exploded, filling her with streams of his hot release. Not wanting to crush her, he rolled them over, sprawling her sweat-slicked body over his own.
Neither knew how long they laid there, trying to get their breathing and heart rates under control. He heard her mumble something into his chest, but couldn’t make out the words. Raising his leaden arm, he brushed her hair away from her face. “What did you say, Love?”
She lifted her face to peer into his. “You did it.”
“Did what?” he asked, thoroughly puzzled.
  “Made me see stars…and several planets.”
He laughed, then pressed a kiss to the crown of her head. “I’m glad to hear it, because you definitely did the same for me.”
“Good thing I soundproofed the room, huh?”
“Aye, Love. I don’t think I would be able to meet Granny’s eyes tomorrow morning if you hadn’t.”
It was her turn to laugh. As they lay in silence, she skimmed her fingers through the hair on his chest, enjoying the sighs of pleasure from him.
After several peaceful minutes, Emma said, “Killian?”
“I would have chosen you.”
He opened his eyes to see her looking at him earnestly. “Chosen me for what?”
“Remember back in Neverland when you told me I would have to choose between you and Neal?”
“Even if Neal hadn’t…died, I still would have chosen you.”
He lifted his head from the pillow to peer at her more closely. “Truly?”
“Yeah. Well, to be honest, it wasn’t ever a contest between the two of you.” She watched him studying her closely, before adding, “Is that difficult for you to believe?”
“I saw how much his death impacted you and thought perhaps, given the chance, the two of you might have rekindled your relationship.”
“We actually had a really nice conversation just before I realized he was sharing a body with his father, and I felt like we were in a good place with each other at the end. Neal will always be my first love and Henry’s father, so he has a special spot in my heart; but…after what he did to me, I would have never been able to completely trust him. You, on the other hand, have never given me any reason not to trust you. You’ve proven time and time again that you’re in my corner, that you believe in me…”
“Of course I do, Emma. You’re the most determined and assiduous woman I’ve ever met. I trust you with my life…and my heart.”
She tilted her head and smiled softly. “I trust you with mine, too. I think you know me well enough to know I didn’t come to that decision lightly.”
He reached up to twist a lock of her hair around his finger. “Aye, that I do. I feel incredibly honored to hold your trust, Love, especially when not so very long ago, you chained me at the top of a beanstalk because you didn’t trust me.”
“That’s not why I chained you there.”
“No?” he questioned.
She shook her head. “If you recall, I told you I couldn’t take the chance of being wrong about you. Even then, I sensed I could trust you, and that scared the shit out of me.”
“That’s because you thought I was nothing but a pirate, as did the rest of your family. Your father used those exact words in Neverland.”
“Yeah, well, you proved us all wrong.” She cupped his face in the palm of her hand. “You’re a good man, Killian Jones.”
He smiled. “During our adventure back in the Enchanted Forest, when Dave didn’t know who I was, he told me your parents would be crazy not to approve of me as your suitor. I told him I hoped he would remember that.”
“He’s coming around. Give him time and you’ll probably end up being his best friend.”
He wrapped his arms around her more tightly, taking advantage of having her naked form pressed against him. She laid her head on his chest, humming happily.
Later, when they were cleaned up and she was asleep in his arms, wearing nothing but one of his thin black shirts, their conversation ran through his mind again. When Neal died, he saw how grief-stricken Emma was, and assumed she would have chosen the other man, had he lived. He was Henry’s father, after all, and Killian thought that connection between Emma and Neal would be enough for her to try to make their relationship work.
Hearing her say she would have chosen Killian made him happier than he had been for centuries. He fell asleep with his nose buried in her hair and a smile on his face. Tomorrow, they would probably face some sort of crisis, but tonight, Emma Swan was his and hopefully would remain his for the long haul.
I hope you agree that this is a scene we all needed!
@qualitycoffeethings @grimmswan @cs-rylie @wyntereyez @kmomof4 @hookedmom @ultraluckycatnd @paradiselady19 @xarandomdreamx @motherkatereloyshipper @lfh1226-linda @pawshapedheart @vampcoffeegyrl23 @tiganasummertree @bluewildcatfanatic @eleveneitherway @elfiola @kday426 @julieenchanted-swans @gingerchangeling @andiirivera @djlbg @jonesfandomfanatic @snowbellewells @anmylica @booksteaandtoomuchtv @cocohook38 @ilovemesomekillianjones @zaharadessert @lyssapup27 @undercaffinatednightmare @winterbaby89 @jennjenn615 @xsajx @jackieorioncat @teamhook @soniccat @jarienn972 @softkilly @kymbersmith-90 @apiratewhopines
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sergeifyodorov · 7 months
genuinely listened to crosby selke discourse so it really meaningless
exactlyyyyy.... like. im sorry... just because your guy backchecks doesn't mean he's elite or even good defensively. sidcros is one of the best players in the sport!!! hes the next one!!!! hes a big cow eyed angelboy with three cups and a fat ass ETC. he is not a selke candidate. let's move
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baetriots · 2 years
JROB ON THE BREAKAWAY!!! And he’s on h*tty watch now👀👀
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gabriel-landeskog · 2 years
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dorianepin · 1 year
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i sleep but this is the one photo from the Ben Bishop Come Home article that makes me feel truly insane........
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pierrelucdubois · 2 years
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adelphenium · 1 year
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starscelly · 8 months
up and away by can't stop won't stop! because robo deserves a boast track but he's also a goof
real!!! thank u for the rec 🫡
also not entirely related but smthn abt the vibe of the song. do we. do we all think robo listened to a lot of epic rap battles of history as a kid because….
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39oa · 1 year
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ficdom winners and losers: playoffs edition
this is very much “nothing to see here” rough and rudimentary ao3 analysis but i wanted to examine whether certain players develop more fandom attention as their teams make deeper runs into the playoffs, and also how/whether deeper runs contribute to a team’s Narratives and rpf potential in general. there are infinitely better ways to examine this but as a super quick overview i looked at top players by character count in the hrpf tag, separated for fics updated during the reg season vs. the playoffs, then calculated the percentage of fics they represented in each period. that is, mtkachuk went from being tagged as a character in 7.56% of 1,667 fics during the reg season to 10.64% of 705 fics in the playoffs, and was the highest “gainer” behind 1386. considering florida’s cinderella run + njd finally cracking the playoffs as a team with an already established hrpf ship, that all tracks numerically. 
tknp, 8771, and swaymark suffering the biggest losses also made sense, and finally i ran numbers for eichel, hintz, and barkov because even though they aren’t “top characters” ficwise i wanted to look at leading playoff scorers who had at least like 10 fics to their name. roope saw a decent jump in production, but barkov was the real Narrative Winner as he surpassed his regular season fic total of 11 with 17 fics in only 2 months of postseason hockey—most of which are actual mtkachuk ship fic, so not just background character convenience tagging!
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teekays · 9 months
i think they should actually be trying to make the most awkward quiet all star games possible. i want to see henry thrun jamie drysdale cmd jrob etc all just standing there like 🙂🧍‍♂️ making awkward small talk for two days straight
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rodimusofficial · 1 year
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drabblemesilly · 9 months
I haven't written anything on here regularly for years and the last time I updated my master list was before THE AVS. WON. THE. CUP!
So many retirees/free agents now!
Really trying to get back into writing so requests ARE OPEN!
Request some JRob! Maybe a little Quinnifer! Or even some Connor Bedard!
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