#jsc + marco
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felineverdure · 8 months
anywaysss manga jean >>> anime jean
dont get me wrong he is still one of my best bois. finally caught up to the anime and was lowkey upset that a lot of good jean dialogues/reactions/little things were shafted, cut out or moved to other characters. (mostly s1-s3 stuff.) some rambling of mine on parts that they change that i dislike.
one small thing that they changed it up for anime was his motivations for joining the mp. sure we all know that his purpose was to live what little time he has left comfortably in the interior. but he also emphasize on being sick living in the frontline towns that is prone to titan attacks which is pretty normal and valid reason to want to escape to the inner walls imo. animes only sees jean as a spoiled brat bc eren says he is but manga jean is not?? also his face calling out marco in manga is just * chef kiss *
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2. this one bugged me A LOT. i think they move this whole dialogue to a another character. ( i cant rmbr) basically jean aint dumb. he went on to school eren on the 'reclaim wall maria operation' aka the culling when eren chastised him for his 'selfish' reasons for wanting to join the MP. here we we have the classic pessimist, defeatist jean kirstein. (also lowkey baby anarchist)
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3. his jealousy towards eren isnt really purely from his crush on mikasa but more of eren dragging mikasa and armin into 'an early grave'
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5. jean eventually stopped slacking off but likely to get back on eren (love his level of pettiness)
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6. after training everyone wants to be in marco's team with marco as a leader which prompts marco to tell jean he makes a much better leader than him. (i find it weird that they insert the dialogue in the trost arc itself. it gives little time for jean to digest the idea of him being a leader whereas it makes more sense here in the manga, pacing wise)
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7. his motivations to join the scouts. its not just eren or marco words that inspired him into joining. NO. trost arc made him realized he does care about his comrades. his decision to joining the scouts includes him wanting to not have to worry about his other comrades dying. (i feel that this doesnt translate well in the anime ugh) if u noticed, connie and sasha's fear was 'to be eaten by titans' for jean its 'watching his comrades be eaten by titans' its not about him saving humanity or be a leader. he just doesnt want his friends to die.
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8. strategist jean!!!! (i know this is included in the anime but i like the manga ver more. it feels like he has more confidence and authority here) and reiner's thoughts on jean's change.
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9. after the entire military rescued eren from reiner & bert, suffering huge losses, jean gave eren a reality check. (i think this part was shorten greatly and moved to another scene in the anime) + the scene of the scouts noting how jean has changed was removed completely.
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10. when jean managed to bring marlowe and hitch to help them. levi says GOOD JOB JEAN.
& the whole scene was changed from the MP compound to the MP checkpoint where jsc busted through with a cart. manga was pretty badass in that we were shown how levi squad arent children anymore, having the need to wound the mps to reach their goals. (plus jean and sasha busy being baddies on the roof sniping and shooting arrows at the mps ??? )
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11. I CANT FORGIVE YOU REINER line. it make no sense in the anime for them to remove this because annie's 'what about me' makes no sense without that line!!! also makes their conversation on the flying boat and titanic scene more impactful later on.
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12. jeans & floch relationship!!!! please please trust me when i say floch makes one of the best jean relationship & interaction because how they are each others foil and weakness. the anime straight up made jean a floch hater and floch that one weirdo who cant take a hint. their relationship is so subtle and nuanced in the mange. PLUS jean straight up tries to stop floch from bleeding to death, something the anime cut out bc they dont want to show someone cared about floch!!! also trying to stop someone from dying even tho its 100% happening?? not a very jean like reaction me thinks (ooooh). and the manga panel focusing on flochs dying words with jeans stressed expression is so so good
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13. THIS
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ok anyways these are just some of the things i can think of reagarding to jean at least. there are also other parts of the story that i was upset that they didnt include. i know anime runs on strict time limitations but *grumble* *grumble*
other things that im upset about: eren kruger adaptation in anime was meh. warriors training era was cut out. RBA spying days was cut out too which is a big L IMO. also facial expressions in the manga were so much more impactful than the anime version like how??????? and manga is jean is top tier hot. i hate what mappa did with him.
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zip-drawings · 3 years
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madewithspice · 2 years
Scouts Masterlist
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jean kirstein :
⇢ stargazing with jean kirstein
⇢ jean kirstein headcanons
⇢ mr and mrs kirstein
⇢ jealous headcanons with e.y, m.b, j.k
⇢ jsc babysitting
eren yeager :
⇢ eren yeager headcanons
⇢ eren yeager headcanons pt.2
⇢ getting away from yandere eren
⇢ jealous headcanons with e.y, m.b, j.k
⇢ breaking up with e.y, z.y, m.z
connie springer :
⇢ connie springer headcanons
⇢ jsc babysitting
armin artlet :
⇢ armin artlet headcanons
⇢ armin artlet headcanons pt.2
⇢ breakups with the blonds
reiner braun :
⇢ yandere reiner headcanons
⇢ breakups with the blonds
marco bodt :
⇢ jealous headcanons with e.y, m.b, j.k
mikasa ackerman :
⇢ mikasa ackerman headcanons
sasha braus :
⇢ jsc babysitting
⇢ sasha braus headcanons
⇢ cuddling with sasha
⇢ made with love
historia reiss :
⇢ historia reiss headcanons
104th scouts :
⇢ songs for each character
⇢ them as tinder bios
⇢ reacting to a loud sound at night
⇢ them as quotes said by kiki
⇢ them as quotes said by markie
⇢ first dates with aot boys
⇢ getting bullied by a kid
⇢ when you’re sad
⇢ when you get dumped
⇢ vaccinated or not
⇢ aot cottage life
⇢ them as embarrassing moments
⇢ them as evil moments
⇢ them as cringe things
⇢ them as autumn things
⇢ them as halloween outfits
⇢ them as dumb things
⇢ them as ship dynamics
⇢ them as ship dynamics pt.2
⇢ them as bts members
⇢ them in royal au
⇢ them in royal au pt.2
⇢ their playlists
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ackermansupremacy · 3 years
Hey we texted and now Imma officially request this PLS PLS PLS BABY.
Pls do a hc format post on modern au marley kids being friends with the 104th squad, and a warriors one too pls.
And if u do, pls add Ymir and Marco in the 104th part.
Oh my goudddd i got u bestie SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO GET OUT
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Of course, Gabi and Reiner get along great 
They’re cousins after all 
So the two of them were basically built in buddies from the start 
They’re the youngest members of their family so at all reunions (do white people have those?/srs) they were always forced to sit at the designated childrens table 
And were always expected to get along despite them having a fairly large age gap 
But due to all the time they spent together they became pretty close 
Even though their energies are polar opposites 
But you know who balances that shit out?
Porco is a perfect mix of both of them he loves playing pranks on Reiner but also scolds Gabi when she needs it 
Reiner is literally exhausted by the feral energy and basically holds the two of them on leashes 
He cannot take them anywhere in public without being humiliated and violently humbled all at the same time 
But when shes not with Porco and Reiner you can usually find her with JSC
Jean, Sasha and Connie became friends with her completely by accident when they met up with Reiner one day and she happened to be there
Ever since then they’ve kind of been inseparable
She matches all of their feral energy and its HILARIOUS 
They always play video games together and she becomes such a beast at mariokart and mortal kombat that Jean will NOT play with her anymore 
Her and Sasha always go on the food runs together because shes so happy that shes not the only girl in that little group anymore
People genuinely believe shes Sasha’s little sister 
And they kind of just go with it, neither of them really mind it  
Hot take, another person she really got along with was Eren 
Before he became the emo boy we all know and love 
Since then, he doesn’t really hang with her as much and just considers her a nuisance
But she still harasses him cuz she thinks its funny which GREATLY annoys him
All of them being together at once is literally hell for Reiner and you can rarely catch him there without hearing him say “I need a cigarette” at least three times 
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Falco and Historia are definitely buddies 
She def used to babysit him when he was a little kid 
He had his first little crush on her when he was like seven and he gets relentlessly teased for it 
She absolutely adores him and thinks hes the cutest thing ever and constantly tells embarrassing stories from when she used to babysit him 
Much to his dismay though
Even tho she hasn’t babysat him in a few years shes still there for him a lot 
She picks him up from school sometimes and when his parents are out of town overnight she’ll drop by with pizza or she’ll make a homecooked meal for him and Colt just to check up on them 
 And she of course takes Ymir with her since they’re a packaged deal, whos constantly giving Colt serious side eye whenever he looks at Historia for longer than five seconds 
Ymir and Falco also get along really well, hes also been around Ymir a lot, all the way back when Historia insisted they were just friends 
So Falco is used to her being in the car while he gets rides home from school
Another person he also really gets along with is Marco! 
Marco is one of his biggest role models because hes basically in the same role in the friend group as Falco 
And Falco really admires the way he’s able to deescalate situations and diffuse arguments all while being very kind about it 
When Marco finds out he is GASSED 
Him? A childs role model? 
Its the greatest honor hes ever received and he feels so special cuz he loves kids! 
Hes always there to give him advice that hes too embarrassed to ask Colt for 
And gives him rides in Historia and Ymir’s stead
Falco very much prefers being around the 104th as opposed to the warriors since they’re closer to his own age and the warrior intimidate him a bit honestly 
But i can see him hanging around Zeke quite a bit 
Someone mistook Zeke for his father once and Zeke just went with it
And Pieck made it the BIGGEST running joke for YEARS
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Due to being friends with her Mother, Pieck and Zofia are super close!! 
Pieck absolutely adores her and spoils the hell out of her  Every birthday, every christmas since she was practically a baby Pieck would buy her cute little dresses fit for a porcelain doll 
Pieck was the first person who ever did Zofia’s makeup, curled her hair and painted her nails 
She was the first person she ever had a sleepover with too when she was little! :)
Since Gabi isn’t the most girly, Pieck holds tightly onto the femininity that Zofia likes to show 
Whenever theres a school dance or any formal event, Pieck is always the first person Zofia goes to because she knows exactly where to get dresses and pretty nail polish
She definitely gives her a ton of cute nicknames like Zofie and Zoe <3
I also headcanon that Zofia and Annie are distantly related
The kind of related where they would only see each other once in a blue moon at someones wedding or a funeral for an old family member neither of them remembered
Despite this, whenever Zofia gets dragged by Falco and Gabi to one of the get togethers the 104th has 
Annie always makes sure Zofia stays close to her and doesn’t get wrapped up in whatever crazy shit Connie, Sasha and Jean are doing 
Her and Annie aren’t exceptionally close but they’re close enough that Annie looks out for her 
The only other person Annie trusts with looking out for Zofia is Bertholdt 
He feels super special with being trusted with this job because he thinks it might be able to score him some points with Annie
Zofia sees through his crush SO quickly 
And she of course teases him about it 
And exploits the hell out of it and uses it as blackmail when necessary 
She basically has him wrapped around her finger 
He doesn’t even mind it that much cuz he thinks shes adorable and like a mini version of Annie and truly believes she can do no wrong despite Reiner’s warning 
“I’m telling you Bert all those little shits are evil...” “Come on Reiner they’re just little kids!!”
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I know shes not a warrior, but y’all already know he gets along the best with the love of my life Hanji Zoe
Shes definitely one of his moms closest friends 
And his science teacher! 
They’re the reason why he loves science so much! They’ve taught him most of the stuff he knows about all of his special interests 
She gives him rides home from school sometimes when he doesn’t walk back with his friends 
They always stop by mcdonalds for ice cream and fries on the way home despite her knowing sugar makes him really hyper 
But thats a problem for his mom not them LMFAO 
Hes a mature kiddo so hes always gotten along really well with the adults, so he gets along well with his other teachers Levi and Erwin as well 
But out of all of the 104th, Udo and Armin are for sure the closest 
They share a lot of common interests and always have a lot to talk about 
For one Armin loves hearing all the facts about animals, birds and bugs 
And the two of them like to go bird watching together while everyone is inside fighting over the Xbox controllers 
I see the two of them getting overstimulated by sound and lots of people being around so they like to go for quiet walks together and chat amongst themselves in general silence 
They talk about the books they’re currently reading and share story ideas and prompts with each other 
As well as new music artists they’ve discovered that they think each other would like 
Udo is kind of like the chaotic to Armin’s calm
Its a good balance for him, compared to the others Udo is a lot quieter and calmer and they have a lot more in common than he does with some of his friends 
So hes like a little brother :) 
However upon learning that Udo looks up to him and sees him as a role model that made him really nervous and suddenly makes him feel like hes not worthy of being a kids role model and like he would let him down somehow 
But its okay, because its hard to let them kiddos down <3
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spicykitteh · 3 years
Crack Spoiler Free AOT Headcanon, SFW
These were borne out of dumb late night conversations with my son, enjoy 😆
Jean's mom is a single mom. She got pregnant after a one night stand with a soldier who only told her his first name and that he was in the Scouts and she never saw him again. She refused to tell Jean his father's name: Erwin.
Because of that fling, she heavily preached against joining the Scouting Legion and was the main reason Jean was so focused on the Military Police. He believed only psychopaths bent on self destruction became Scouts.
Eld Gin is Jean's older half brother through Erwin from a similar affair.
Erwin, Eld, and Jean are unaware of their relationships with each other until Erwin has too much wine at dinner and recalls the brunette beauty from Trost that stole his heart. With some quick math Jean puts the pieces together and tries to get assigned to Erwin's squad as much as possible. The day Erwin calls him "son" casually Jean has to fake illness and go back to his quarters because he can't stop crying.
Eld never learns of his father's identity 🥺 I'm sorry Eld baby, ILYSM but them's the breaks
Sasha actually hates the taste of plain steamed potatoes but they're filling so she has learned to ignore the flavor.
Armin is the kind of person who talks to you when your headphones are on. He sees them, he's aware you were listening to something. It doesn't stop him.
Marco has a scary good memory and he remembers tiny details people mentioned about themselves but he pretends he doesn't so they don't think he's a stalker.
Connie can't tell the difference between someone flirting or just being nice. However, that helped him realize he's pansexual.
Reiner used to exclusively call women "females" until Annie shut that shit down.
Berthold actually does stalk people's social media for details to bring up in conversation but not because he's a creep it's because when can't remember of you told him the info or he read it. He's Marco's polar opposite.
Floch smells like feet.
Floch also proudly calls himself superstraight and is 1000% gay for Eren.
Annie carries a red Sharpie to correct bad grammar on public signs
Pieck falls for MLM/pyramid schemes EVERY TIME
Porco eats shredded cheese out of the bag at 3 AM like a gremlin. Naked.
Jean, Connie, Sasha, and Marco have all considered a poly relationship with each other but they've all been too scared to talk about it.
Zeke has the scaliest elbows. Thinks letting the shampoo suds rinse over him is good enough.
Oluo is 100% Jean in 10 years if Jean had no character development
Hanji never closes the door to the bathroom
Marlo has a deep fascination of lampposts. He'll tell you all about the fluted columns, the globe shape and what year they were manufactured. He knows everything there is to know about lampposts.
Moblit is the good friend that tells you discreetly when your zipper is down or you have food in your teeth.
Historia is too quick to trust people and has gotten roped into Pieck's MLMs many times.
Ymir would absolutely be a cottagecore lesbian if Historia asked her.
JSC gave each other nicknames: Sasha "Your Mom" Braus, Jeanathan Alexander "Sheeeeesh" Kirschtein, and Cornelius Maximilian Isaiah Demetrius James Octavian "Deez Nuts" Springer. Marco adamantly refused a nickname.
Levi has discussed with his boyfriend Erwin the prospect of adopting Jean but they're afraid Sasha and Connie would be part of the package.
Mikasa hates wearing pants
Eren also hates wearing pants
Gabi asks every person she meets if they can draw and if they say yes she asks for sus "pitchers" of Among Us. She also pronounces library as "liberry."
Falco rants about how much he hates tiktok
Grisha has never let anyone finish a sentence before he jumps in with his thoughts.
Hitch says awkward stuff like "You too!" when waiters tell her to enjoy her meal.
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perfectackeracy · 7 years
Do you think that Eren and co. will escape the fight without casualties? Jean, Connie, Sasha, etc. I have a sinking feeling that Yams is going to off one of the warriors in the coming chapters and it is hard to believe that the sc is well off enough to escape death unless the plan is to paint an image of an unbeatable and powerful sc
They already suffered casualties when Pieck’s panzer unit fired against them to save Porco. None of them were big shots, but that’s something at least.
Meanwhile, they’re facing three warriors, and Levi’s last sentence was “Don’t die, survive”, thus painting red flags on even the most prominent SC members. To be frank, it’s time for some of them to go. Levi in particular has a huge red flag waving upon him, considering his decision in Shiganshina and the lack of activeness following (in this chapter, it was Jean who took the leading role). I’m also expecting Sasha and Connie to go, due to their, uh... lack of character. 
I like to base my estimations considering on the loss each party faced at the end of the battle. Under EMA’s perspective, so far we got...
Trost’s invasion: Eren’s squad died (except Armin and Eren), Ian and Mitabi’s squads died to let Eren plug Wall Rose, several members of the 104th died as well. On the enemy’s side, all titans, previously restorationist members were purged. Outside of the assault, Marco died.
The 57th expedition outside the walls: Ness and Siss died, the SL has been wiped out from the right flank by Annie, Levi’s squad got crushed and the expedition abruptly stopped. Annie practically wiped out SL members by herself. In the aftermath however, civilians from Stohess district died, and Annie froze herself, thus cutting herself from the outside world. It doesn’t count as a death, but the implications her powers were later absorbed by someone else seem to push it in this direction. Marley thus lost the Female.
Wall Rose’s titan invasion: Mike’s squad was wiped out by Zeke’s titans. The Garrison culled most of the titans afterwards but since these titans were inhabitants of the surrounding villages (including Connie’s family), it counts as civilian damage, thus making a victory for Zeke.
The plan to retrieve Eren: The majority of the emergency troops gathered by Erwin died in the assault, including Hannes. Some titans were killed on the battlefield, including Dina. Ymir joined Reiner and Bertolt, leading to her death and the Jaws being restored to Marley.
Paradis’ coup d’état: Nick died from Sannes’ torture, Levi’s squad (Nifa, Keiji and Abel/Googles) died, Dimo died. Meanwhile, those who opposed those favorable to the coup either died (Kenny’s squad was wiped out, Rod turned into a titan and was killed), served jail time (ie. Sannes) or were put into shit machines (that Stohess mayor).
Battle of Shiganshina: Nearly everybody was wiped out by both Bertolt (Hange’s squad, Moblit included) and Zeke (Erwin included). Only 9 members survived. On the enemy’s side, Zeke’s titans were culled and Bertolt was eaten by Armin, thus passing the Colossus to Paradis.
The pattern goes like this: lots of soldiers dying, alongside civilian damage in urban areas. The Squad Of The Arc dies but at the expense of a big enemy being taken down aftermath.
During Liberio’s battle: the SC so far took down Marley’s forces residing in Liberio, including the gatekeepers familiar with Gabi. Eren took down Willy, several politicians and families. In this arc, Udo and Zofia, potentially Falco (counting as Gabi’s squad), from the Marley arc’s backcover, both died. The Marley generals were also culled on purpose. If one warrior has to be added to the body pile, then an important SC member has to bite the dust. I’m not sure if Isayama is going to rush it and add even more important deaths to the pile (ie. Porco and Pieck, alongside Jean, Sasha, Connie and Levi). 
After all, if you take the so-popular trio structure of anybody who was perceived as a main character, EMA’s trio lost none of its members, neither did JSC. On the other hand, the vets lost Erwin and only Reiner survived among the warriors’ trio. Kind of an unfair balance if you ask me.
I’d love to add that each aftermath lead to another major event or perhaps accomplishment from EMA’s side (discovery of the outside world, discovery of titan powers...). Therefore I’m curious if the SC manage to escape to Paradis, but with some damage in their ranks. 
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Art by gurehoshi
Posted with permission.
Do not repost, edit or use without the artist's permission.
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phgq · 5 years
Tribu Paghidaet rules Dinagyang 360 tribe competition
#PHinfo: Tribu Paghidaet rules Dinagyang 360 tribe competition
ILOILO CITY, Jan. 29 (PIA6) - - Tribu Paghidaet of La Paz National High School was declared Champion and took home six minor awards in the first Dinagyang 360° Tribe Competition that include Best in Performance, Best in Choreography, Best in Music, Best in Production Design, People’s Choice Award and Best in Discipline.
Other top winners were: Tribu Panayanon of Iloilo City National High School, first runner-up; Tribu Ilonganon of Jalandoni Memorial National High School, second runner-up; Tribu Salognon of Jaro National High School, third runner-up; and Tribu Dagatnon of Ramon Avanceña National High School, fourth runner-up. Tribu Ilonganon also bagged the two minor awards namely, Best in Costume Design and Headdress and Best in Sadsad.    The winners were announced and awarded in late afternoon or a few hours after the spectacular performances of the eight school-based competing tribes in four judging areas during the highlight on Sunday here of Iloilo Dinagyang Festival 2020.
 Mayor Jerry Treñas led the awarding ceremony held at the Iloilo Freedom Grandstand. Joining him in handing in the cash prizes and trophies were Iloilo City Lone District Congresswoman Julienne Baronda, other city officials and officers of the Iloilo Festivals Foundation Inc. 
Dinagyang 360° Tribe Competition is one of the innovations introduced by the IFFI which spearheaded this year’s Dinagyang Festival. It allowed spectators to watch the participating tribes dressed in extravagant and colorful costumes perform their storylines to the beats of the drums and musical instruments from all angles.
Treñas said the theme of this year’s Dinagyang Festival “Perfect Vision: Celebrating the Ilonggo Spirit in Honor of Señor Sto. Niño” is a manifestation of what Dinagyang 2020 is all about, that is to give back to Ilonggos a brighter, more festive celebration and bring it to a whole new level.
In his message during the opening of the competition, he reaffirmed his commitment to bring this city’s biggest religious and cultural festival to the next level.
“I would like to reaffirm my commitment to always level up Dinagyang Festival celebration every year, as long as I have the rare opportunity to lead this City of Love”, said Trenas.
He said he would maximize all potentials to come up with a grander and more meaningful celebration every year.
However, he also reminded Ilonggos not to forget the real essence in the celebration of Dinagyang Festival, that "aside for our rich cultural heritage, this is also a celebration of our unwavering faith and commitment and respect to our religious tradition."
This year, Ms. Honeylet Avanceña, partner of President Rodrigo Duterte, was the guest of honor, who thanked mayor Treñas for inviting her to the celebration of thanksgiving.
Members of the diplomatic corps from countries like Czech Republic, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Brazil and Indonesia, and government officials including Senators Franklin Drilon, Rizza Hontiveros and Imee Marcos, Cabinet Secretary Karlo Nograles, and PNP Chief Archie Gamboa also witnessed the event.  (JSC/laf/PIA 6-Iloilo)
* Philippine Information Agency. "Tribu Paghidaet rules Dinagyang 360 tribe competition." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1033586 (accessed January 29, 2020 at 04:59PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Tribu Paghidaet rules Dinagyang 360 tribe competition." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1033586 (archived).
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pedroooliveira · 5 years
A usina nuclear flutuante da Rosatom Akademik Lomonosov foi conectada à rede elétrica, gerando eletricidade pela primeira vez na rede isolada Chaun-Bilibino, em Pevek ,  Extremo Oriente da Rússia. Isso aconteceu depois que o regulador russo Rostekhnadzor emitiu uma licença de operação e a permissão para conectar-se à rede elétrica norte mantida pelo Chukotenergo JSC.  Os moradores de Pevek marcaram esse dia simbólico acendendo as luzes na árvore de Natal da cidade. O CEO da Rosatom, Alexey Likhachev, disse que  “Após a conexão com a rede, a Akademik Lomonosov se torna a primeira usina nuclear do mundo, com base na tecnologia da classe SMR, a gerar eletricidade. Este é um marco notável para a indústria de energia nuclear russa e mundial. Este também é um passo importante para estabelecer Pevek como a nova capital energética da região. O projeto foi recebido por cientistas, especialistas em energia nuclear e ambientalistas em todo o mundo.”
A conexão dos geradores de FPU à rede foi realizada após a sincronização dos parâmetros com a rede costeira. Isso aconteceu após a construção concluída das instalações terrestres, garantindo a transferência de eletricidade das FPUs para as redes de alta tensão de Chukotka. Uma grande  trabalho também foi realizado na construção das redes de suprimento de calor. A conexão do FNPP às redes de calor de Pevek será concluída em 2020. Quando o FNPP iniciar as operações comerciais, será a 11ª usina nuclear russa. Também marcará a primeira vez na história da energia nuclear russa em que duas usinas nucleares, a  Akademik Lomonosov FNPP e a Bilibino (NPP) operam na mesma região.
Kirsty Gogan, Chefe de Energia para a Humanidade, uma ONG  de Londres, disse que: “Para regiões de difícil acesso, com um clima que é ao mesmo tempo severo demais para apoiar o uso de energias renováveis e frágil demais para continuar sua forte dependência de combustíveis fósseis, pequenas centrais nucleares, incluindo usinas flutuantes, é a única resposta. Akademik Lomonosov é o primeiro passo para demonstrar seu potencial de descarbonização do Ártico e além.”
O Akademik Lomonosov é um projeto piloto e um protótipo  para uma futura frota de usinas nucleares flutuantes e instalações em terra baseadas em SMRs fabricadas na Rússia. As pequenas unidades de energia estarão disponíveis para implantação em áreas de difícil acesso do norte e extremo leste da Rússia , bem como para exportação.
Para lembrar, a usina nuclear    Akademik Lomonosov está equipada com dois sistemas de reatores KLT-40C (cada um com capacidade de 35 MW) semelhantes aos usados em quebra-gelo. Ela foi projetada pela Rosatom para funcionar como parte da Usina Termelétrica Nuclear Flutuante (FNPP). O navio tem 144 metros de comprimento e 30 metros de largura e tem um deslocamento de 21.000 toneladas.
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mikemortgage · 6 years
Senate upholds Treasury decision to ease Russian sanctions
WASHINGTON — The Senate has narrowly upheld a Treasury Department decision to lift sanctions from three companies connected to Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska.
A vote to move forward on a Democratic resolution that would have reversed Treasury’s decision failed Wednesday on a 57-42 vote, just short of the 60 votes needed. The vote came up short even though several Republicans had criticized the sanctions move and 11 of them voted with Democrats.
At issue is a December announcement from the Treasury Department that the U.S. would lift sanctions on the companies linked to Deripaska –Russian aluminum manufacturing giant Rusal, EN+ Group and the Russian power company JSC EuroSibEnergo. EN+ Group is a holding company that owns nearly 50 per cent of Rusal.
Congress has 30 days from the announcement to vote to block it, a deadline that expires Friday. The House is expected to vote Thursday on a similar resolution to block Treasury’s move — a symbolic action after the Senate vote failed.
The Treasury Department says the Russian companies have committed to separating from Deripaska, who will remain blacklisted as part of an array of measures announced in early April that targeted tycoons close to the Kremlin. Treasury maintains that the companies have committed to diminish Deripaska’s ownership and sever his control. In a statement last week, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Deripaska remains under sanctions, “his property and interests remain blocked, and any companies he controls are also sanctioned.”
Treasury has warned that the sanctions could upset global aluminum markets or even prompt the Russian government to nationalize the company, thus shutting it out from any outside control.
Mnuchin attended a closed-door GOP lunch Tuesday and urged senators to vote against the Democratic resolution. Speaking after the meeting, he said the sanctions “shouldn’t be a political issue.” Echoing President Donald Trump, Mnuchin said the administration “has been tougher on Russia with more sanctions than any other administration.”
But Democrats — and almost a dozen Republicans — weren’t convinced. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer said the agreement didn’t relinquish enough of Deripaska’s control and questioned whether Trump’s administration was doing Russia’s bidding.
“For a very long time the Republican Party predicated its foreign policy on taking a tougher line against Russia and Putin,” Schumer said on the Senate floor before the vote. “In so many campaigns for president, we Democrats were accused of not being tough enough on the Russians. … It seems that acquiescence to the president, a fear of breaking with the president, has held back too many of my Republican colleagues from supporting this resolution.”
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell encouraged Republicans on Tuesday to vote against it, reiterating that Deripaska’s influence over the companies would be limited and calling the vote a “Democratic stunt.”
McConnell said Republicans are “hardly strangers” to the need for strong policies on Russia. He added that they have “long seen Vladimir Putin for the KGB thug that he is,” referencing the Russian president and the former Russian secret police and intelligence agency.
Though McConnell won the vote, he wasn’t able to hold his caucus together on the issue.
“I’ll vote to disapprove Treasury’s easing of sanctions on Russian businesses involving oligarch & Putin ally Oleg Deripaska,” Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine tweeted. “He still would maintain significant control given his ties to Putin. Easing the sanctions sends the wrong message to Russia & to Deripaska.”
New Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., also voted with Democrats.
“I think he’s a bad guy and he’s still in working control,” Hawley said after the vote, referring to Deripaska.
In addition to Collins and Hawley, the Republican senators voting with Democrats were John Boozman of Arkansas, Tom Cotton of Arkansas, Steve Daines of Montana, Cory Gardner of Colorado, John Kennedy of Louisiana, Martha McSally of Arizona, Marco Rubio of Florida, Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Jerry Moran of Kansas.
House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., introduced the House resolution that will be voted on Thursday.
“Mr. Deripaska has been key to much of the malign activities Russia directs against the United States, and the Congress must protect the American people against foreign interference and corruption,” Hoyer said.
Last week, House Democratic chairmen from seven committees called Mnuchin in for a classified briefing on the easing of the sanctions, one of the first moves of the new Democratic House to scrutinize Trump’s actions related to Russia.
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Bredford Dolphin.
JSC Special edition (1/250th instead of 1/400th). Built by Marco van Hattum, on view at Shell Headquarters Brunei.
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1980′s History Timeline
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1st (Diana, Princess of Wales and Prince Charles ride in a carriage after their wedding at St. Paul's Cathedral July 29, 1981 in London, England. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/WireImage / Getty Images)
2nd (Michael Jackson accepts an award from CBS and The Guinness Book Of World Records celebrating 'Thriller' as the largest-selling album of all time (25 million) February 7, 1984 at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Natural History in New York City. (Photo by Yvonne Hemsey/Getty Images)
3rd (Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, visiting Austria. Hotel Imperial in Vienna. (1983). (Photo by Nora Schuster/Imagno/Getty Images)
4th (Hurtling out of the conflagration at 78 seconds are the Challenger's left wing, main engines (still burning residual propellant) and the forward fuselage (crew cabin). (Jan. 28, 1986). Picture courtesy of the NASA Johnson Space Center (NASA-JSC).
5th (West Berliner at the foot of the wall talks to East Berliner, November 1962. (Photo: NATO Handout / Getty Images)
Failed U.S. Rescue Attempt to Save Hostages in Tehran
John Lennon Assassinated
Mount St. Helens Erupts
Pac-Man Video Game Released
Rubik's Cube Becomes Popular
Ted Turner Establishes CN
Assassination Attempt on the Pope
Assassination Attempt on U.S. President Reagan
First Woman Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court
Millions Watch Royal Wedding on T.V.
New Plague Identified as AIDS
Personal Computers (PC) Introduced by IBM
E.T. Movie Released
Falkland Islands Invaded by Argentina
King Henry VIII's Ship the Mary Rose Raised After 437 Years
Michael Jackson Releases Thriller
Reverend Sun Myung Moon Marries 2,075 Couples at Madison Square Garden
Vietnam War Memorial Opened in Washington, DC
Cabbage Patch Kids Are Popular
Reagan Announces Defense Plan Called Star Wars
Sally Ride Becomes the First American Woman in Space
Soviets Shoot Down a Korean Airliner
U.S. Embassy in Beirut Bombed
Huge Poison Gas Leak in Bhopal, India
Indira Gandhi, India's Prime Minister, Killed by Two Bodyguards
PG-13 Movie Rating Created
Back to the Future Opens
Famine in Ethiopia
First Internet Domain Name Is Registered
Gorilla Specialist Dian Fossey Is Murdered
Hole in the Ozone Layer Discovered
Mikhail Gorbachev Calls for Glasnost and Perestroika
New Coke Hits the Market
Rock Hudson Dies of AIDS
Serial Killer Known as "The Night Stalker" Starts Killing Spree
Sinking of Greenpeace Ship Rainbow Warrior
Terrorists Hijack TWA Flight 847
U.S. Singers Record Charity Single "We Are the World"
Wreck of the Titanic Found
Space Shuttle Challenger Explodes
Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster
Ferdinand Marcos Flees the Philippines
First PC Virus, Brain, Goes Vira
lHalley's Comet Passes By
Iran-Contra Scandal Unfolds
The Oprah Winfrey Show Gets National Syndication
U.S. Bombs Libya
U.S.S.R. Launches Mir Space Station
DNA First Used to Convict Criminals
Klaus Barbie, the Nazi Butcher of Lyons, Sentenced to Life in Prison
New York Stock Exchange Suffers Huge Drop on "Black Monday"
West German Pilot Lands Unchallenged in Russia's Red Square
Pan Am Flight 103 Is Bombed Over Lockerbie
U.S. Shoots Down Iranian Airliner
Berlin Wall Falls
Exxon Valdez Spills Millions of Gallons of Oil on Coastline
Romanian Leader Nicolae Ceausescu and His Wife Are Executed
Students Massacred in China's Tiananmen Square
World Wide Web Invented
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liputanskor · 8 years
Sriwijaya Dapatkan Pemain Berbakat Papua
LiputanSkor.top, Palembang- Dinilai lambat dalam berburu pemain,
FC merespon dengan mendatangkan mantan kapten tim PON Papua yakni Marco Meraudje. Pemain yang berposisi sebagai kanan itu kemungkinan besar akan menggantikan posisi Wildansyah yang hijrah ke Persib Bandung.
Sejak kemarin Marco sudah tiba di Palembang dan bertemu dengan pelatih Widodo Cahyono Putro. Dia menempati Wisma Atlet, Jakabaring Sport City (JSC). Sang pelatih membenarkan jika kedatangan mantan penggawa tim PON Papua itu akan mengikuti latihan bersama Laskar Wong Kito.
“Sementara ini dia akan berlatih bersama kita, posisinya wing back kanan bisa juga gelandang serang. Sebelumnya dia main di tim PON Papua yang berlangsung di Jawa Barat beberapa bulan lalu,” ujar Widodo ketika dibincangi, Selasa (17/1/2017).
Pelatih asal Cilacap, Jawa Tengah ini juga menilai Marco Meraudje memiliki kualitas dan bisa berkembang lebih baik lagi bersama SFC. “Dia punya kecepatan yang dapat diandalkan saat menyerang dan menutup pertahanan saat diserang. Selain itu usianya masih muda dan masih berkembang lebih baik lagi,” jelas Widodo.
Kendati demikian, Widodo belum bisa berbicara banyak soal keinginan manajemen Sriwijaya untuk mengontrak pemain berusia 22 tahun itu. “Kalau soal kontrak tanyakan saja sama manajemen, saya hanya merekomendasikan saja. Namun mereka yang datang kesini memang sudah serius bergabung dengan tim ini,” pungkasnya.
(Indra Pratesta)
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just read on your meta on jean reiner marco. im sorry but u made it sound like jean has no personality or own morals if it wasnt for marco. marcos death wasnt the only thing that spur him into being good tho. he literally said he doesnt want to lose comrades after trost that includes marco and all the other comrades they lost because he didnt expect himself to care that much about them. i will argue that losing sasha has more of an impact to jean because simply, they know and work with each other longer. jean also acted on his own to lead the charge at trost without marco asking him to because jean already has leadership qualities on his own. marco didnt even respond favorably initially but funnily reiner did. marco was just one part of jeans character development. jean has so many other important moments that led him to become who he is later on. he also sees himself as a killer equivalent to the warriors because one death to jean is too many. plus dont forget he is complicit in bertolt being eaten by titan armin as well. i dont think he doesnt have the capability to not forgive reiner because if he doesn't, that will make him a big hypocrite.
Did you, though? Or were you just looking to confirm what a *certain* someone that has made downplaying Marco and what he meant to Jean an integral part of their *ship* had to say about it?
Even if that's not the case, I never said Marco is the reason Jean became good, what I actually said is that he was the first person that made Jean aware of the skills and qualities he already had at a critical moment in Jean's character arc. And bc of that, we could see the long lasting effects it had over his development. I never said that was the only important moment in his development, I was simply focusing on his relationship with Marco bc, yknow, they're my favorite characters? I even linked another Jean meta that analizes how he always has it in him to make the right, selfless decissions despite his major flaws.
You're not wrong in saying that one death to Jean is too many (that's why I said he'd be ooc if the deaths of his former comrades didn't burden him) but you're only focusing on the character's in-story intent while I was focusing on the author's intent. I'm not going to explain again why comparing Jean (& Connie) to the warriors is a false equivalence and Isayama's own writing doesn't support it; the author's intent is to force this idea to make a "war is bad" (not wrong) "both sides are equally bad" (extremely wrong) argument. This post explains why this is an erroneous idea. Not to mention that this is a fascist talking point that only helps the aggressors by sugarcoating broken, lazy morals with pacifism.
Also, I know that most fans like to pretend that the series started with the Marley arc, but that's not the case. There is a major context that separates Reiner's actions from Jean's actions. What Jean did during the clash with the yeagerists was necessitated by the alliance's haste to save whatever was left of the world. What Reiner did during the pre timeskip siege of the walls was motivated by hatred and genocide. Plain and simple. The difference is that Jean didn't have to commit unspeakable attrocities to realize his morals were broken. No, his morals were influenced by loss. Marco became an integral part of his moral compass bc once he lost him --to a fricking titan and without knowing what were his last moments, mind you, Levi too was traumatized after he's lost someone dear to him to a titan for the first time-- he better understood loss and just how much he wants to protect the lives of others. He chose to join the Scouts bc he understood what was the true meaning of all of that "dedicate your heart" fancy talking: preventing another senseless death, more excruciating pain, and giving hope where there is only despair.
There's also a big context when it comes to what happened before Bert's death, isn't there? You're oversimplifying two completely different situations to make a false equivalence. Personally, I hate oversimplifying things. Jean wouldn't be a hypocrite for being unable to forgive Reiner, he'd be more than justified. And who said Reiner should get over what happened to Bert? Ah right, I forgot that in the lore of a *certain* ship Reibert also gets downplayed.
I'm also having a very hard time understanding how does highlighting Jean's relationship with Marco translates as me saying that Jean didn't have any other meaningful relationships with other characters?
JSC is literally my favorite trio, and I hate the fact that the story didn't give us more insight on how much Sasha's death affected Jean and Connie. We see how much it ravaged the two of them after it happened (Connie's "soulmate" line still gets me) and after they saw her in the smoke, but we don't see any moment similar to Jean's monologue after Pieck got him out of Shiganshina (which was an obvious reference to the pyre scene), or when he saw Marco after Hange tried to convince him to join the alliance (and don't ignore the symbolism of only seeing Marco out of all the comrades he's lost along the way, which also includes Sasha). Her death must've been a major reason as to why Jean and Connie joined the alliance, but the story doesn't even imply it bc Isayama focused more on how much her death affected Eren and other characters instead (when he could and should've done both).
Don't get me wrong tho, I'm not trying to invalidate your opinion, I just don't really see the point in turning whose death had more of an impact on Jean into a competition. And I disagree with saying that more time spent with someone makes them more important (same with the idea that more screen time = a better character). Both Marco and Sasha were Jean's cherished friends, and I'd argue that losing them both affected him in different ways. The story, however, emphasizes more on how losing Marco affected him. Which is why I said Marco is Jean's most significant person and loss, bc Isayama wants us to remember that just as much as he wants us to remember his complicated friendship with Eren, as an example of another of his important relationships.
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I'm looking at them and them only
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