#jshk chp9
teruwasright · 2 years
Ok so I might get attacked for this because I guess people aren't aloud to say mean things about Kou but it has to be said. So I'll do it.
Kou backstabbed Teru. Here's why and how.
To understand why I think Kou backstabbed Teru in chp87/85 we have to talk about some other things first. An analysis if you will.
1. What is there relationship like? And how it lead to chp87.
Kou and Teru are close tho they were closer when they were little but Teru has always built a wall between them from a VERY young age. Kou respects Teru to much to push the boundaries Teru has set since they were little. (I don't think Kou is scared of Teru like a lot of people think. If Kou was scared of authority he wouldn't go against Teru the way he does) they don't strike me as the share everything with each other siblings so they are close on a ground level. But past that not so much. Even tho I think Kou gets PLENTY of love at home ( Teru has shown to be very affectionate with his siblings and since Teru is busy a lot of the time probably. Kou and Tiara probably spend a lot of time together) being shown affection is different from feeling like you can talk to someone ( even tho I think Teru would love nothing more then for Kou to be honest and open with him Kou feels the wall Teru built is to thick because Kou doesn't feel like it's fair if he can feel like he can talk about his feelings but Teru doesn't) so when Nene and Hanako come into the picture Kou suddenly has these people that are willing to talk to him and willing to listen to him talk to.
2. Chp10/9
When it comes to this chp I don't count this in my argument. In these chps Kou is being confronted with the thought that maybe not all supernaturals are evil like Teru said. He's confused and it shows. Kou basically broke down to Teru saying how he doesn't feel like it's right and that he needs some time to figure it out.
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And Teru gave Kou that time. Even tho Teru didn't agree he didn't shut him up. He listened and seemed like he was surprised and hurt even. not by Kou. but by the fact he had no idea he made Kou feel this way.
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Teru doesn't even seem mad at ALL even tho Kou basically slammed him into the ground. He looks more worried then anything. These chps had really good character development for both of them later on.
3. The Red House. A trust that wasn't mutual.
Ok ok- I've talked about this SO much but I won't stop because this was HUGE for Teru's character development- in chp79 Teru and Akane are at the shrine well Kou and Nene are in The Red House. Teru finds out that Kou is in The Red House after the phone call. After their done in the shrine Akane asks Teru if there going to go get Kou ( saying how it's dangerous and that him and Nene could die in there) but instead of agreeing with Akane he tells him otherwise.
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If Teru trusted Kou to be ok in a place like that well having Akane tell him otherwise is a HUGE step in his character.
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Teru trusted him in a dangerous place even tho Akane thought they should go get them. He trusts Kou to keep Nene and himself safe in The Red House. But I guess that wasn't enough for Kou. Even tho Kou got a chance to prove himself in The Red House. Kou BOSSED it in there because Teru trusted him. If Teru really did think Kou was weak and didn't trust him he would have agreed with Akane but he didn't. It's just sad how the Trust Teru had in Kou was repaid with betrayal.
4. How chps 87 and 10 are different.
There is a HUGE difference between these chps. The situation is WAY different to. In chps 9 through 10 Kou is confused about how he wants to handle supernaturals as a hole. He needed time to figure it out and got that time but with a warning from Teru if he got in the way again he wouldn't let it go under the rug. In chps 85 and 87 the situation is WAY different. By now Kou has decided that not all supernaturals are evil (false btw) and said he would be on Nene's side no matter what ( I hated that sentence smh) and clearly decided to do what he did in chp87. He chose to side with Nene in turn siding and helping Hanako in the process. This is a VERY different situation from chps 9 and 10.
5. How he backstabbed Teru.
Welp we finally getting to the point of this post ^^ so with all of this said and even giving y'all insight on how I came to this conclusion you see where I'm coming from right? Kou 100% backstabbed Teru. and Teru was clearly hurt. Kou decided to side with Nene and Hanako and hurt Teru in the process. And Teru DIDN'T deserve it. Teru has pushed Kou away because he wanted to keep Kou away from the exorcist life. And Kou seems aware of this.
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But despite this Teru has NEVER done this shit to Kou-
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Kou feeling useless and like no one trusts him is not Teru's fault. Teru would NEVER want to make Kou feel that way and the fact that y'all really think he would is just proof that all y'all care about is the main three. All Teru did was try and keep Kou away from him so he doesn't have to go through the shit he did the fact that Kou felt miserable and useless Teru would NEVER do on purpose. Why do you think Teru seems always surprised to hear Kou saying that's how he feels? Because Teru never meant to make him feel like that.
I'm gonna make a part 2 because I still have reference panels for this and I'm running out of images I can put in the post also it's getting really long so I'll make a fallow up post later this weekend ^^ I hope I don't get attacked to badly for this but I'm sick of this being swept under the rug. All I see is poor Kou this poor Kou that- I'm sick of it. So if no one will call Kou out on his bullshit fine! I will.
Lol tho seriously I hope y'all like this analysis so far. I haven't made one this long in awhile so I hope y'all enjoy it even if you don't agree ^^ see y'all in part two! - sincerely a Teru stan who's still crying over them- TwT
To be continued.
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