#judai yuki imagine
shitpostingkats · 1 year
Just because Yuri has said maybe five lines this whole series is not stopping me from imagining what a conversation between him and Jaden Yuki would look like.
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aberooski · 11 days
See, Syrus and Hassleberry bring up that they should go make sure Bastion is okay and then they all get distracted by catching a fish so they don't. Jaden literally says "Bastion can wait" and the next time they see him, they're losing him to the Society. Fuuuuuuck 😭
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stardustneeko · 2 years
you guys seemed to like that Starshipping x ItaFushi crossover a lot so allow me to elaborate on why i originally found it fitting:
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(Kenjaku Yubel might be controversial, but that monk outfit sure looks cool on him)
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theyellownoby · 11 months
The abridged versions of Jaden, Syrus, and Crowler are watching the FNAF movie. Abridged!Syrus: “Oh my god—” Abridged!Jaden: “Nobody wants to watch this stupid movie!” Abridged!Syrus: “Be quiet.” Abridged!Crowler: “Look, if you don't like it, you can leave.” Abridged!Crowler: “WE ARE NOT DOING THIS AGAIN.” The movied randomly changes to Freddy Fazbear twerking on-screen. Abridged!Jaden: “Ok but—” *looks at the screen* “Yo-oh GYAAATT!!!!” Abridged!Crowler: “NO!” Abridged!Jaden: “There's the Freddy Fazgyatt right there—” Abridged!Crowler: “GET OUT! YOU ARE BEING INAPPROPRIATE!!” Abridged!Jaden: “But no, I-I changed my mind! I gyatt to see the ending to this movie—” Abridged!Crowler: “SHUT UP!!!”
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seekerbr · 1 year
So, a while back i wrote some notes for a fanfic idea that I had, about Kaiba adopting Jaden when he was very little; there is a lot of fanart about it and a few fanfics too, but a lot of them focused on ships i don't care a lot about so i wanted to write my own take on it... the only problem being that i haven't watched a lot of GX yet, so I didn't feel that confident on writing it, also don't really have a lot of free time.
So i'm posting my notes on it here! Maybe i finish it someday, i don't know, but here it is:
Plot: Jaden Yuki is actually Seto Kaiba’s adopted son, probably named Jaden Kaiba. His biological parents died when he was very young, and Kaiba at the time wanted to adopt a child (he would not admit it out loud, but he was feeling a bit lonely after Mokuba grew up and started to study a lot more and go out with friends, and so decided to adopt someone).
His personality is still pretty similar to the original, very cheery, lazy and childish, but a little smarter since he studied a lot more when he was younger (not a lot though…).
His relationship with his father is a little… complicated. His father clearly loves him, and wants to protect Jaden of any problem that could happen. Jaden also loves his father, and thinks that he is super cool and talented. But Kaiba can be quite clueless about people’s emotions and needs sometimes, and Jaden is pretty reckless and energetic in a way that frustrates his father quite often.
He also wants him to inherit KaibaCorp one day, something that Jaden really does not want to do (he finds this kind of job very boring) and instead wants to become a professional duelist, and become the next king of games. I imagine that the stuff with Yubel happening with him during his childhood too, and I can’t imagine that Seto would want him to spend a lot of his time dueling after all that.
He met Yugi and friends quite a few times, usually on his birthdays. Kaiba did not invite them, of course, but Mokuba wanted the closest thing he had to friends to meet his son. Jaden loves Joey and Yugi, and imitates them a lot, something that annoys his father quite a bit.
(BTW, Yugi has retired from dueling, and now works making games and in his grandfather’s gameshop. He works for KaibaCorp, and can give advice to Kaiba and Mokuba on how to deal with some of Jaden’s emotions sometimes.)
Besides Yugi’s friends, he also probably met Pegasus before (though I doubt that his father ever told him about the bad things he did in the past), as well as Zigfried and Chazz’s brothers. In fact he probably met Chazz when he was younger, but he would not recognize Jaden now.
That’s because Jaden would not be recognizable as Kaiba’s son for the average person; for one, Kaiba decided to not put the spotlight on his son a lot, especially after his childhood, mostly by the insistence of Mokuba to give him a better life as a teen and also stop him from getting kidnapped a lot. He also usually changes Jaden’s hair with gel when they are together, so people won't really know him by his natural “Kuriboh hair” look.
He ends up going to Duel Academy after fighting with his father about his future, with him initially not wanting his son to go; he creates a fake last name (Yuki, inspired by Yugi) and never tells his friends, other students or teachers about the fact that Seto Kaiba is his father (maybe Shepard knows about it, Crowler definitely does not); his father also does not know initially, but Jaden tells him pretty early on and he begrudgingly accepts it. He calls his father on the phone sometimes, probably lies about being in Obelisk Blue. (maybe his father learns the truth later on, won't tell Jaden though.) 
That means that when he helps people with their family problems (Syrus, Chumley, Chazz, Alexis… a lot of people actually) it feels very strange for him; he does not know how to solve the problems with his own father, and just wants to run away from his problems with him.
Eventually i guess Kaiba would finally visit his own school and finally discuss things with Jaden face to face, probably the two would fight about his choices for his future and the fact he's in Slifer. Jaden's friends would probaby be shocked to say the least
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britishmindslave · 4 months
am i literally about to shove headcanons in about fandom stuff after years? yeah
So as a twin who got very attached to Judai Yuki in middle school at some point I fell in love with the idea of Judai and Haou being twins (case in point - the eventual Rise of the Demon King content in dev hell lmao)
Well, in perfect AU form, I've been mentally toying with the idea of Haou going to school with Judai as well.
People are familiar with this gif I made some time ago:
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I was imagining Haou doesn't have memories of the past life just as Judai doesn't, so he doesn't wear the jacket like this to purposefully reference a king's cape, but rather as a rejection of joining the school in Osiris Red.
His paperwork got mixed up with Judai's, he doesn't have the same stupid luck. Because their parents aren't really in their life, he's stuck with Chronos-sensei's prejudice against Judai. In fact, I think he skips classes in the beginning because he's mad about it, or ends up in classes opposite to Judai for a while. He actually takes his academics quite seriously by comparison once the wound to his ego heals.
Unlike Judai, he remembers Yubel's whole "putting people into comas for hurting them" thing. He probably doesn't remember who Yubel is quite yet, but he definitely remembers why he doesn't have fun dueling. In fact, he avoids duels for that reason. It's traumatizing to him, but he doesn't know what he wants to do with his life other than dueling. He follows Judai around, but keeps his distance.
This is just the beginning of my musing. I wanted to write down my ideas before I forgot, because I do tend to forget lol I'll be thinking about this for a while, anyway, because I'm still debating how this would change the dynamic of his WHOLE friend group - because it would. Very canon divergent, but not enough to destroy canon completely.
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moonlit-orchid · 2 years
Is it just me who thinks Astral and Judai/Jaden Yuki would not get along? At least, Astral would not be able to stand Judai?
I don't know WHY but I just keep imagining Judai just really getting on Astral's nerves. By just being Judai (I have only seen season 1 plus the version of him in duel links and cross duel).
And I can also see both Yuma and Yuya WORSHIPPING Judai and following hin everywhere and copying his every single act much to the horror of everyone around them. One Judai is enough, thanks.
On the OTHER hand, I can totally see Astral and Yugi really getting along.
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lumen-tellus · 2 years
the context:
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the resulting quick two-minute list bc i cant remember ALL of my meow meows off the top of my head:
judai yuki
yuya sakaki + his unfortunate alternates (yuto, yugo, yuuri)
yusaku fujiki
ouma kokichi
saihara shuuichi
akechi goro
childe tartaglia ajax last name
g’raha tia
ainchase ishmael
btw, this list has a very specific definition of meow meow - in that for now, it will be men or men-adjacent, and there is some doable sense in actually imagining my meow meows as poor little kitties literally speaking
so i can’t include some of my other faves like Fray (they have a backbone) or Zhongli (hes grandpa not meow meow) or Kaeya (man’s a mess and borderline meow meow but i also don’t like nor want to imagine him as a poor cat like please give him some agency), etc.
anyway the analysis!!
Judai - literally loses it mentally, spawns an alter ego that commits genocide, is a depressed semi-cringe mess after the fact, generally bad with friendship at times
Yuya and co. - the entire fucking anime is a traumatic conga line except for Yuuri who’s enjoying the literal carnage
Yusaku - has PTSD and probably depression, lowkey goes through some shit over the course of the anime but ultimately goes from intense broody loner who doesnt want to bring others in for fear of hurting them to shounen protag who accepts the power of friendship. also i am This close to adding Ai into this as well but that little guy is a whole other can of worms and honestly Ai himself is kinda a meow meow but until s4 he’s literally the designated butt monkey until the producers “oh shit make him Hot and make him the antagonist” and sdiugcgsdyusuyd i could go on forever on this
Ouma - a trickster, patholoigcal liar, has massive trust issues but still wants to help everyone except he just cannot get himself to cooperate without pulling teeth (understandably so), at heart a nice guy it’s just hidden behind his lvl9999 friendship level and the fact he’s seeing the worst of humanity right now so honestly give him some slack
Saihara - initially a nervous traumatized wreck with probably depression and anxiety until Character Development and he becomes more confident and kinda cool actually. also his depression never really goes away even at the end of the game so it’s nice to see that while he’s still struggling with it, he grows in a way that he has the means to grapple with it all the same. also he has the coolest debate animations with a sword like naegi and hinata take some NOTES!!!!!
Akechi - he’s had a terrible childhood, probably traumatized by the idea of being loved bc his dad sure doesn’t give a shit and his mom is a 50-50 depending on how you want to view it. either way, social systems further ruin his life and then, when the idea of plausible revenge comes to him, he takes it bc he understandably can’t just let all of his suffering go, but is twisted by the ambition into doing anything for it including murder. and then he dies. and then he not-dies and you’re forced to decide his fate when he just wants to be free of it all at that point and my god third semester Hurts
Childe - loyal general to a god rebelling against the divine (likely; technically unknown but we can plausibly assume at this point). just wanted to be a cool hero, got chased around and fell into literal void hell and came back with a taste for ever-difficult thrill and bloodlust but still retaining his loving family self so its a funny dichotomy of ruthless soldier and best big brother in the whole world. does he have mental issues? sorta no, actually, he’s just got a very Different view of the world.
G’raha - this man is a literal meow meow for fucks sake (also he can cook. he can cook!! he looks after you, gives you money, does all he can to make sure you don’t have an issues whatsoever, my god if he isn’t a meow meow he’s just a househusband!!!!!!). also he implicitly has depression of some kind until later on in the story + pulls a lot of insane shit just to save your life like god damn. also - pathetically bad at acting.
Ain - his 3rd path is a whole roller coaster but his 4th really makes him a meow meow in my eyes; to become so desperate as to indiscriminately destroy in order to get his goddess’ attention on him again, it’s truly a pathetic meow meow situation. also his 2nd path is cute for teaching him to learn emotions and love people despite being a ‘higher’ being of sorts. also the whole “gonna sacrifice myself and be forgotten” bit i guess lmao
-have a very sharp duality of personality/motivations externally or internally, often with a side of mental health problems. -be put in twisted or difficult scenarios that are often twisted so because of their own actions. -the above should lead to them acting in a way that seems.... kinda pathetic, when you take a step back. at least a little. -THEY NEED TO STRUGGLE, AT SOME POINT, SOMEWHERE with some exceptions depending. -there is a bonus if they’re be good supportive loving husbands all things aside, but not super mandatory
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zeynatura · 6 months
Been playing Yu Gi Oh! GX at night because I need background noise to sleep, and it's actually the latam dub and fun fact the main character Judai Yuki / Jaden Yuki has the same dub voice actress as latam dub Naruto and with no visual context I keep imagining Naruto being isekai'd into the Yu Gi Oh! Universe and whatever fanfics I imagine before falling asleep must be wild, too bad I don't remember them when I wake up u.u forever lost
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puzzlevision · 2 years
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Princess Peach
36 notes - Posted July 11, 2022
This Yu-Gi-Oh! GX version of this cool trend is on my brain and I love it
Also feel free to turn into an animation or post this on YT or other spectified social media
This Yu-Gi-Oh! GX version of this cool trend is on my brain and I love it
Also feel free to turn into an animation or post this on YT or other spectified social medias
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Judai: " That's how to do it, Y/N! I knew you would win that duel!"
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jayceart · 3 years
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Their reunion was just *chefs kiss*
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chimeriad · 2 years
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super polymerization
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spiritsncrystals · 3 years
How to deal with the you that's trying to temp you to go to and go back to the darkness for power when you and yourself are like no:
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How is it that the world where hell hounds can be sent into camps, mother earth herself is having a tantrum in her sleep, monsters can appear from anyway... and yet it is somehow more safe than Dual Academy.
The only place in PJO and HOO that isn't is fucking Tartarus.
Like Judai and friends would've probably gone garden shopping at Aunt Em's for the afternoon. Oh she could turn us to stone? Well least we ain't being buried alive in a coffin in a seperated dimension.
And you might say yeah but there decks are useless there right, nope because you best believe Seto made those dual disks outta something that cut through real monsters like this has happened before. And monsters spirits would still be in place and they can and would intervene, and if Judai's got his abilities and Yubel yeah they'd get out pretty easy.
They'd probably just be more weirded out by the fact people are using swords... Like no get your game on, that's just poor dualing etiquette.
Also Nico would absolutely ask for one and you can't convince me otherwise.
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mediocredoots · 3 years
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Drew these 2 years ago cuz I was so down for whatever the hell this ship is called. Judai had mans sprung at first duel
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