#juliette bellerose
queenjulia11 · 1 year
[the following was originally posted as a twitter thread on 1/15/2023. Also I fully acknowledge that the Haunted City fandom is like maybe 10 people, but if this gets at least one person interested I did my job].
Ok. Spoilers up to ep 13.
I need to talk about this show because I feel like no one else is and that's a crime. This is unlike any actual play l've seen in that EVERYTHING is improvised, including character backstories and relationships. This only makes it more impressive when the theme reveals itself:
Haunted City (if you ask me) is about what happens to people when their addictions are no longer available to them/no longer able to help them, and how that hurts both the addicted and those surrounding them.
Juliette is addicted to the idea of Ophelia, but when she finally has her back, she realizes that the person she loved and wanted more than anything is gone. Life can never be normal again. The Ophelia she knew can't be the thing that keeps her moving forward anymore.
But she still goes to her. She can't just go back to life without Ophelia again. She knows this devotion is bad, she sees how it's hurting Ekeprag, but she can't stop it. She doesn't want to.
Valkos is addicted to giving himself to the spirits of Duskvol because it makes him feel alive. He knows it's bad for him, and he does manage to turn it down a few times. He refuses to be Ophelia's vessel not only because it won't help Juliet in her grief, but also because it'll continue to tear him apart. He thinks The Path of Echoes will help him to control and manage this, but they turn him away. He isn't ready. They can't help him feel alive.
So he falls down the hole of The Builder — a being who won't refuse anyone who is willing.
Seljak doesn't start the series with an addiction. If anything, he's the one warning Valkos against it. He doesn't recognize that summoning Ophelia is feeding Juliette’s addiction; he wants to help his friend and a lost ghost. To Seljak, being a servant to the spirits is the greatest thing he could possibly do with his life. He wants to help. In doing so, his faith becomes an addiction and he doesn't even notice.
The Builder is his dream come true: a god who needs him. It doesn't matter that serving The Builder makes all the other ghosts fear him -- this is bigger than all of that. *This* is what he was put on this earth to do.
But when Valkos compares Seljak's devotion to Juliette's, he doesn't deny it. He knows. But it'll lead to freedom eventually, right?
They're trying to make each other understand their perspectives, because they all genuinely care about each other and seek to protect the family they've built, but they've just barely begun to realize that they're going in circles. And Ekeprag suffers as a result.
I can't help but remember how this crew started. Vowing to make towers fall.
And what are they doing now?
Building a tower.
Sorry for the longer one, but I have to thank @JCVIM, @rossbryant, and @Abzybabzy for their brilliant storytelling and performances. I can't wait to see where this all goes. (Hopefully somewhere where Ekeprag's okay? Poor guy…)
[I did add to this thread later, but I think I’m gonna post that as a reblog because this is already a longer one]
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marzzoo · 4 months
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Juliette Bellerose🌹
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stjepanlukac · 2 years
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With the new season of "Haunted City" (an actual play of Blades in the Dark) airing this week, I wanted to try my hand at one of my favorite characters from the stream, Juliette Bellerose aka. "The Widow", as portrayed by the amazing Josephine McAdam.
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magicveiled · 1 year
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FULL NAME: Morgan Marie Bellerose MacVeigh ALIAS(ES): Tiny Dancer by Michael, little witch, princess DATE OF BIRTH: May 16th ( year V/D ) AGE: verse dependent (mid-to-late 20′s main verse)  GENDER/PRONOUNS:  Female, she / her SEXUALITY: straight, bi-curious HOMETOWN: Delacroix, MI, USA SPECIES: witch HAIR: brown, long, sometimes medium length   EYES: brown NATIONALITY/CITIZENSHIP: American, United Kingdom   HERITAGE: French, French-Canadian, Scottish, Irish, British, RELIGION: Celtic Polytheism OCCUPATION: librarian, bartender, witch, paranormal investigator FASHION PREFERENCE: dark academia / business casual EDUCATION: Extensive, High School Graduate, Highly Intelligent, Above Average IQ BODY TYPE: thin, athletic, below average height ( 5’1 ) TATTOOS: here SCARS:
Various faded marks generally all over her arms, legs, and torso sustained from past combat injures.
A pink line going across the left side corner of her lower lip.
FACECLAIM: Linda Cardellini LANGUAGES KNOWN: English, Scots-Gaelic, Latin, Spanish, minimal Italian & French   MENTAL HEALTH: depression, generalized anxiety w/ panic attacks, PTSD MBTI PERSONALITY: INFJ The Advocate / The Mediator  INFP MORAL ALIGNMENT: Neutral Good ZODIAC: Taurus POWERS & ABILITIES:
psychic manipulation (untriggered, V/D)
astral-projection (untriggered, V/D)
psychometry (untriggered, V/D)
V/D = verse dependent untriggered = she has not come into this power yet
hand-to-hand combat
weapons training
firearms training
Michael MacVeigh (brother)
Joseph MacVeigh (father)
Maddleynn MacVeigh (mother)
Braydon Sinclar (uncle figure)
Kelsey Sinclair (aunt figure)
Ciara Sinclair (best friends, "cousins" (formerly) )
Carter Sinclair (love interest (unreciprocated) best friends, "cousins" (formerly) )
Juliette Wright (nanny, godmother)
Rascal (pet cat, familiar, best friend)
Oliver (love interest (verse dependent))
POSITIVE TRAITS: warm, kind, good-spirited, caring, motherly, hopeless romantic, optimistic, creative, intelligent, strong willed, resilient, patient
NEGATIVE TRAITS: stubborn, materialistic, shallow, self absorbed, impulsive, demanding, easily manipulated, thirsty™
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lordclover · 5 years
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Small sketch dump of some burning rose doodles c,:
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@lordclover I'm a big fan of your rdr2 fanfic and I was playing around with faceapp and created Juliette. Let me know if she looks similar to what you envisioned for Juliette.
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leysenk2 · 3 years
So, I got bored and decided to make a list of all seasons and chapters that contain sex scenes from all female routes, and if you have to pay hearts to have access or not. I know no one asked for this, but enjoy anyway :)
(And I'm sorry if you miss any specific scene of an episode, sometimes I got distracted and I might missed it, so don't hesitate to tell me the route and season and I'll search again)
Lovestruck sex episodes list - 1
S2 ep8
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S1 ep 19(Passionate Ending)
S2 ep 3❤
S2 ep 12
S2 ep 13❤
S2 ep 19(Passionate Ending)
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S3 ep 14❤
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S9 ep 2❤
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S1 ep 19 (Passionate Ending)
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S2 ep 11
S2 ep 16❤
S2 ep 17❤
S3 ep 2
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S3 ep 9
S3 ep 10❤
S3 ep 11
S3 ep 15
S3 ep 17
S3 ep 19 (Passionate Ending)
S4 ep 4
S4 ep 6
Medusa (Lost Kisses)
S1 ep 2
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S1 ep 19(Passionate Ending)
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S2 ep 9❤
S2 ep 16
S2 ep 19(Passionate Ending)
S3 ep 3❤
S3 ep 6
S4 ep 12❤
S5 ep 3❤
S5 ep 11❤
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aralek13 · 5 years
I just noticed something : the two women on the left are definitely Nova and MC from Starship Promise (plus there is Comet on the boba truck), the yellow-hair man could be Chimera, the two girls between the boba truck and the red and white truck are Altea and MC from L&L and the third person on Altea's right looks like Castaway MC 😮
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Any ideas of who the other may be ^^ ?
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lovestruckvoltage · 4 years
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Astoria: Fate's Kiss & Astoria: Lost Kisses Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Medusa (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Alex Cyprin (they/them, non-binary, queer) - romanceable Persephone (she/her, pansexual) Charybdis (she/her, pansexual) Chimera Prime (she/her, queer) Scylla (she/her, lesbian) Eryn (she/her, lesbian) Stheno (she/her, bisexual) Euryale (she/her, lesbian) Aphrodite (she/her, Goddess Of Love, queer) Nyela (she/her, bisexual) Eagle Sanders (he/him, bisexual) Ladon (he/him, queer) Robin (they/them, non-binary, questioning) Josh (he/him, aromantic, asexual) Astoria Heroine’s Mom (she/her, bisexual) May Chan (she/her, pansexual) Megara (she/her, bisexual) Arachne (she/her, lesbian) Athena (she/her, aromantic, asexual)
Gangsters in Love Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Aurora James (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Skylar Locke (she/her, bisexual) Amelia Wu (she/her, bisexual)
Castaway! Love's Adventure Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Serena Zhang (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Clyde Hughes (he/him, bisexual) - romanceable Joaquin Ortega (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Olivia Rossi (she/her, lesbian)
Love & Legends Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Iseul Idreis (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Altea Bellerose (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Helena Klein (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Sophie Lawrence & Solaire Lightwing (she/her, pansexual) Ryland Goldhart (he/him, bisexual) Imohn Idreis (they/them, non-binary, aromantic, asexual) Ishara Idreis (she/her, pansexual) Witch Queen (she/her, bisexual) Mireille Mercier (she/her, lesbian) Lisette Hallis-Falke (she/her, lesbian) Della Falke (she/her, bisexual) Heloise Falke (she/her, questioning) Caligo Hawkeye (he/him, pansexual) Amelia (she/her, queer)
Speakeasy Tonight Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Sofia Martinez (she/her, bisexual) - romanceable Fryderyka aka Freddie (she/her, lesbian) Evelyn Moy (she/her, lesbian) Elliot Graham (he/him, bisexual)
Starship Promise Jessa Flexand (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Alien Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Nova (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Zhora Leonis (she/her, pansexual) - romanceable Gamma (they/them, queer) Dr.Xendalia (she/her, lesbian) Wyst Pochny (she/her, queer) Kora Thale (she/her, lesbian) Roux Caldera (they/them, queer) Astrid Moon (she/her, queer) Keda Meridian (she/her, queer)
To Love & Protect Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Ellis Cooper (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Madison Lane (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Cal Egret (she/her, lesbian) Kashvi Dabral (she/her, lesbian)
Havenfall is for Lovers Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Mackenzie Hunt (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Jordan 'JD' Davies (they/them, queer) - romanceable Razi Nassar (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Vanessa Helsing (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Antonio Vasquez (he/him, bisexual) - romanceable Annabelle Sheppard (she/her, bisexual) Damien Rider (he/him, bisexual) Grace (she/her, bisexual) Gwen Doran (she/her, pansexual) Hikari Hayashi (she/her, pansexual) Mothman (they/them, bigender, queer) Roshni Nassar (she/her, pansexual) Liliane Labasque (she/her, lesbian) Evangelina Vasquez (she/her, trans, heterosexual) Rahim Nassar (he/him, gay) Levana Helsing (she/her, asexual biromantic) John Lapin (he/him, asexual biromantic) Nessie (she/her, pansexual) Baphomet (they/them, queer)
Villainous Nights Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Andi Kim (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Renzei Feng (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Lorelei Linden (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable [REDACTED] aka Bat ([REDACTED]) Robin (they/them, queer) Miguel Santos (he/him, gay) Scarlet Brighid (she/her, lesbian) Juliette (she/her, pansexual) - romanceable Dahlia London (she/her, bisexual) Ezekiel Dorian (he/him, pansexual)
Sweet Enchantments New Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Nysa Dawnvale (she/her, pansexual) - romanceable Marcel Everbloom (he/him, trans, gay) Thaddeus Moore (he/him, gay) Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Runa Amberthorne (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Zain Blackwood (he/him, bisexual) - romanceable Liora Skyheart (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Emeril Everbloom (she/her, demisexual lesbian) - romanceable Kamila Rosenchild (she/her, bisexual) Zola Knightbrand (she/her, lesbian) Mr. Pondworthy (he/him, gay) Silvain Wintertide (he/him, pansexual) Elyscia Volalin (she/her, asexual biromantic) Axia Bloodsparrow (she/her, pansexual)
Queen of Thieves Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Nikolai Stirling (he/him, demisexual pansexual) -romanceable Vivienne Tang (she/her, lesbian)  -romanceable Remy Chevalier (he/him, bisexual)  -romanceable Zoe Banks (she/her, lesbian)  -romanceable Jett Slater (he/him, bisexual) -romanceable Jace (they/them, queer) Ariana Nassar (she/her, lesbian) Daisa Khoury (she/her, bisexual) Raveena Patel (she/her, demisexual) Clemance Bardot (she/her, bisexual) Claudia Ribeiro (she/her, bisexual) Domino (she/her, lesbian) Inez Serrano (she/her, bisexual) Nadia (she/her, lesbian) Penny (she/her, pansexual) Casimir Vederevsky (he/him, gay) Benoit Dupont (he/him, gay)
Sin With Me Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Wrath (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Onyx Wren (she/her, bisexual) - romanceable Malakai Collins (he/him, demisexual) - romanceable Yvette Holte (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Ripley (she/her, lesbian) Vinca (she/her, lesbian) Nero (he/him, pansexual) Nahara (she/her, bisexual demisexual) Nitsa (she/her, lesbian) Sage (she/her, lesbian) Trudy Goode (she/her, pansexual)
Reigning Passions Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Amara (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Sevastian (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Lyris (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Xenia (she/her, bisexual) - romanceable Hazel: (she/her, trans, lesbian) Galen: (they/them, queer) Piama (she/her, pansexual) Edera (she/her, bisexual) Safir (she/her, lesbian) Hortensia (she/her, bisexual) Nisse (she/her, bisexual) Thea (she/her, lesbian) Rosie (she/her, bisexual) Ruelle (she/her, bisexual)
Drawn Together Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Tess (she/her, pansexual)
3 Tattoos Heroine (she/her, bisexual)
Events Pride Month 2017 Emily Verma (she/her, lesbian) Codename Shield (she/her, bisexual)
Halloween 2017 Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Wendy Li (she/her, lesbian)
Ever After Academy MC (she/her, bisexual) MC (he/him, gay) Nora (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Lucas (he/him, gay) - romanceable Arin (they/them, queer) Darla (she/her, lesbian)
Tales of the Wild Della (she/her, bisexual) Revi (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Maeve (she/her, bisexual)
Wicked Lawless Love MC (she/her, bisexual) Cecelia (she/her, bisexual) - romancable Fiona (she/her, lesbian) Ada (she/her, bisexual)
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queenjulia11 · 1 year
[the following was originally posted to Threads on 8/9/2023. My other Haunted City threads actually got some traction! I'm about to start school and probably fall behind again, but I'm early into season 2 and I'm happy there are other people enjoying this show out there!]
[Josephine I apologize for @ing you again on this since I know you saw it on Threads, I couldn't find a way to re-post this without the link working. Hope you're having a great day!]
Spoilers from episode 22 until the end of season 1!!
LET’S TALK ABOUT OPHELIA! When this character fully inserted herself into the party and completely took over Ekeprag’s body and mind, it was hard to see her as anything but absolutely terrifying. A strange obligation to both the souls occupying this body that wouldn’t allow Juliette or Valkos to let them go. But of course, Ross is a brilliant character actor and found a way to make Ophelia a deeply sympathetic and tragic character as the back half of season 1 went on.
Episode 22 is what really does it for me. We get to see who Ophelia was in life — Juliette’s biggest supporter. She’s spent however many years wandering Duskvol as a spirit, watching the world move on without her, desperate for Juliette and for revenge. And then suddenly, all her dreams came true. She’s been given a second chance at the life that was stolen from her, a chance to finish her revolutionary work, but most important to her — she gets to be with her beloved Juliette again.
And then she catches Juliette at the shrine, still mourning her even though she’s right there. Her confusion is palpable. Nothing is in the way of these two being together again, and Juliette fought so hard to make it happen. What does she have to grieve? Ophelia of course doesn’t see what the rest of us do: she feels better than ever while Juliette is forced to reckon with her terrible mistake. This new Ophelia was never what she wanted, and now she can’t get rid of her.
Ophelia hashes out her frustration on the star-crossed lovers in the park, foolishly throwing themselves away because they aren’t willing to fight tooth and nail to be together like Ophelia is. “Isn’t this what you wanted?” She would kill to be like these two. Alive. Together. Loved. Why is Juliette still grieving?
What makes it even more heartbreaking to watch is what follows. While Ophelia is upset, she doesn’t take any of it out on Juliette. She doesn’t even reveal what she saw.
Instead, she asks about Vimes. I saw this moment less as “how dare he be rude to you, let me teach him a lesson,” and more like “let me prove to you that I can help you, be useful to you; let me be your biggest supporter again by taking care of this problem for you.” And she does, and Juliette appreciates it, but she is undoubtedly moving on.
But Ophelia thinks she’s finally winning her back. Juliette wants to dance with her again! This is great! Except WAIT, Ekeprag is still home!
Ophelia and Juliette just can’t move as cohesively as they used to together as long as Ophelia is occupying Ekeprag’s body. Someone else is actively suffering the consequences of her second chance. What hurts the most is she thinks it’s fine. She thinks the glitches aren’t a big deal, when in truth they’re the final nail in the coffin. “We needed this, you and I.” Meanwhile, Juliette has finally accepted that the person she loved is dead, and would’ve wanted her to move forward.
She packs up the shrine, and allows herself to find happiness elsewhere. Things are still awkward of course because again, Ophelia is still there, but now Juliette is able to distance herself from her. When taking her revenge on Una Pharros, she fully states that Ophelia is no longer at her side. And pointing down at Ekeprag, says “That is your fault.” The two celebrate the victory together, but for Juliette, it’s meant to be a final send-off.
If she and Valkos were able to leave Ophelia behind, I believe they would have. I like to call moments like these perfect tragedy: where it’s so messed up that you can’t help but smile. Ophelia has no idea any of this is happening. To her, she is one step closer to helping the love of her life complete her life’s work. Not seeing that she’s losing her again. Ophelia was hurt when she caught Juliette mourning her. But what hurts more than being mourned while you’re alive?
Becoming a happy memory while you’re still right there. Ophelia has gone from a terrifying character to one who lives a terrifying existence. What a beautifully sad thing @rossbb and @jcvim have created here. Well fucking done, I can’t wait to start season 2.
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thornfield13713 · 2 years
So, if you could construct a Lovestruck worldstate like you do with DA, who would your 'canon' LIs be? And what did you call your protagonists for each game?
So, this one is tricky. First of all, ‘favourite’ and ‘canonical’ aren’t always the same thing. For instance, while my favourite Love and Legends route is Helena’s...I still wouldn’t choose it as my ‘canon’ route, because I find the ending so profoundly unsatisfying, and I wanted my heroine to be able to stay in the Domains with her newfound friends. I enjoyed the rest of the route enough for that not to matter, but that doesn’t mean I’d choose it for something as big as being the ‘one true’ route for my protagonist Lacey. Similarly, sometimes I have chosen my second-favourite route because I like the idea of the canonical kids from that route meeting the canonical kids of another route and possibly forming some sort of relationship. Also complicating matters is the fact that a lot of games have cameos from other routes where you get to see that a given route is 'canonical' to another - for example, in Diego's route in Havenfall is for Lovers, you get to see Reiner Wolfson and the Love and Legends MC during their stopover in Chicago, and Robin Sanders from Villainous Nights - a major character in all routes - is the child of the MC of Astoria: Fate's Kiss and Chimera, and has an older sister married to the son of the Gangsters in Love MC and Yoshimitsu.
...all of which you probably know if you're a fan. So, sorry about that little rant. But, sure, a grand unified Cat's MCs Lovestruck universe. Why not? I mean, it would lead to some massive changes - I'd probably need to change out the Villainous Nights MC's roommate for one of the other possible MC kids, to name the most major change. 
With that in mind, here’s the list of my MCs names and partners (I have not included partner listings for the shorts, as there usually isn’t a choice there. Likewise, routes like Della Falke’s in Tales of the Wild where there is only one possible LI have also been excluded.)
Full Games
Love and Legends - Lacey Caldwell (Altea Bellerose)
Ever After Academy - Thomas (Lucas Charming) and Iris (Arin Langdon) Thorne
Starship Promise - Alcyone Celaeno (Zhora Leonis) and Tarazed Tsih (Antares Fairchild)
Havenfall is for Lovers - Faith Harker (Jordan ‘JD’ Davies)
Villainous Nights - Willow Petiver (Juliette Optima)
Reigning Passions - Maris Wilder (Amara of the Summer)
Immortal Heart Society - Zoraida (Alanna McKenna) and Arístides (Emilio Espinoza) Escarrá
Astoria: Fate's Kiss - Juniper ‘Junie’ Peacock (Alex Cyprin)
Queen of Thieves - Inés Barba (Nikolai Stirling)
Wicked Lawless Love - Mercy Aaskster (Sascha Orosco)
Sweet Enchantments - Cordelia Rhymer (Zain Blackwood) and Hero Silkwater (Nysa Dawnvale)
Sin With Me - Audrey Liu (Nahara Byrd)
Gangsters in Love - Marilyn Moore (Irving Monroe) and Rosario Silver (Aurora James)
Edge Case: Love’s Pursuit - Ai Shiratori (Korin Reyes)
Tales of the Wild - Philippa Hölzer (Evina Arwel)
My Siren Crush - Coralee Seaver (Maxime Okun)
Castaway: Love’s Adventure - Hōkūlani Kalawai’a (Arthur Singh)
Speakeasy Tonight - Josephine ‘Josie’ Gray (Gerald O’Fallon)
To Love and Protect - Caroline Marchesi (Madison Lane)
Three Tattoos - Jessica ‘Jessie’ Digory
Drawn Together - Evangeline Raines
Loving After Midnight - Veronica Fell
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d3uteragonist · 2 years
LI’s that would stan Loona:
Vannesaa Helsing -no explanation needed. and her bias is Hyeju
Juliette - she streams like nobody’s business but she’s also has those fake official accounts that trick people into thinking teasers dropped
Andi Kim - she doesnt actually stan them but she listened to one song and said it was good and so many orbits rushed to follow her and claim her as their own that she’s known for being an orbit anyways
Altea Bellerose - MC got her into them and they always listen to them together when they visit the. Normal world? (Did they ever like..name the worlds…)
Someone in the Poppy listens to them but idk who I just know it’s not a Loona free zone in there. Maybe it’s Jett or Zoe.
Onyx - I don’t know her like that I’ve barely read swm but she has the vibe. She likes Yves
Not an LI but both MC’s from EAA. They bond over them a lot. FMC likes Chuu and MMC likes Haseul
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lordclover · 5 years
A Burning Rose
Chapter Two:  A Companion of Drunkards
              Juliette guided Fleur over to the mail outpost, her gaze slowly surveying the people at it. There was a group of men around one of the tables on the platform, playing a game of poker. There was a man unloading supplies onto the outpost, and a woman in line at the mail window. Juliette dismounted Fleur and led her to the hitching post.
              “Hopefully this will be quick,” Juliette murmured in French.
              She patted Fleur’s neck gently before walking to the window. As she got there, the woman in front of her left.
              “Good morning, madam,” the clerk greeted.
              “Morning,” Juliette returned. “Has the mail arrived?”
              “Not yet,” he said. “Train should be here shortly if you’ll wait.”
              Juliette considered this. She could easily just leave and come back the next day, but she was not sure how much longer she intended to stay in this area. She had hoped to leave tomorrow and head East. She had spent plenty of time around Strawberry and had yet to find anything to photograph.
              “Thank you, monsieur,” Juliette said.
              She retreated from the window, looking back at Fleur as she considered her options. She needed to get supplies from Strawberry already, but it felt like a waste to go there just to come back.
              “Ay, señorita,” a voice called.
              Juliette frowned and looked over to see who had spoken. It was one of the men at the poker table, he had dark messy brown hair, tawny freckled skin, and a mischievous look in his brown eyes. He was wearing a wide brimmed hat that bathed his face in shadows.
              “Join us for a round,” he said. “You sound like you have money.”
              “Really?” Juliette asked, her tone flat and unamused.
              “Sorry miss,” one of the men sitting beside him said. “He ain’t… he’s had too much to drink.”
              Juliette surveyed the table for a moment. There were only three people sitting, the man that had called her over had most of the money. She had time to kill and if they were losing to a drunk man, then they could lose to her. She did not gamble often, only when she thought she could win. The table seemed easy, one man seemed drunk and he was still winning against the other two.
              “It is alright, I have time to spare,” Juliette said.
              “Well alright,” he said. “I’ll deal ya in then.”
              Juliette nodded and took the empty seat.
              “My name’s Todd,” he said as he began to deal the cards. “That’s Mac and Seamus… and he’s… what’s your name again, feller?”
              “Miguel,” the man that had first called her attention said. “And you are, señorita?”
              “Juliette,” she said simply.
              She was unwilling to give her last name if they did not offer theirs. Miguel seemed to notice this and surveyed her again with a small smirk. His eyes trained on what was visible of her necklace, before his gaze moved back to Todd.
              “Give me a good hand, señor, I need another drink,” Miguel said.
              “My friend you’ve had plenty,” Todd scoffed.
              It was awfully early in the morning to be drinking. She wondered if he had time to kill as well or if he was simply drinking to be drinking.
              “If you don’t mind me askin’, miss, what are you doin’ all the way out here?” Seamus asked.
              She glanced over at him. He was remarkably less interesting than Miguel. He seemed identical to half the men in Strawberry, all honest and working, but indescribably dull.
              “Travelling,” Juliette said.
              “Just travellin’?” Todd asked. “Ain’t goin’ anywhere in particular?”
              “Not at the moment,” Juliette said.
              Juliette was still unused to being asked questions like this. Ones that seemed perfectly harmless, but she knew were not. Information was not something she liked to give freely. Edmond called her distrusting. She knew that was true, but she was not a fool. Trusting people was a dangerous endeavor, not something she would grant strangers without a return.
              “Buy in’s two dollars fifty,” Seamus said.
              Juliette produced the money and set it on her side as Todd handed each person their hand. The first hand started slow. Seamus folded quickly and Todd followed. Miguel kept raising his bet, unwavering as each card in the middle was revealed. Juliette decided to fold as well. Mac went all in and Miguel met it.
              They revealed their hands and Miguel won with a king and a four. Mac groaned.
              "Dammit," he growled.
              Mac left the table irritably. Juliette watched him leave for a moment while Seamus readied the next set of cards.
              "Don't worry about 'im," Todd said. "He is always upset over somethin'."
              The next round started and Miguel began with a low bet, but Seamus still folded.
              “They’ve been playing it safe all game,” Miguel said as Todd folded.
              “I ain’t keen on losin’ money to a drunk,” Todd huffed.  
              “You already lost most of it, might as well give the rest to me,” Miguel said.
              “He don’t get any less annoyin’,” Seamus provided. “Be glad he ain’t singin’.”
              “I find him amusing,” Juliette decided.
              “That’s the spirit, señorita,” Miguel laughed.
              As they played more Juliette slowly began to find each of their tells. Miguel’s became significantly more obvious the more he drank, but he didn’t seemed deterred to stop even after losing two hands back to back. Todd backed out after.
              “What do you do?” Juliette asked Miguel.
              “I am a bounty hunter,” Miguel provided.
              Juliette considered this. She had a hard time seeing him hunting down bounties, but right then she couldn’t imagine him walking straight either.
              “He’s pretty good,” Seamus admitted begrudgingly. “Got the rascals that stole my sheep.”
              “I don’t remember that,” Miguel said.
              “You were drunk then too; your partner did all the talkin’.”
              “That sounds right,” Miguel decided.
              Seamus left shortly after, leaving only Miguel and Juliette. She had made a considerable dent in Miguel’s winnings, but backed out as she heard the train pull in.
              “That’s it?” Miguel asked. “I wanted to win that necklace.”
              “You think you would win it drunk?” Juliette mused.
              “I’m not drunk yet,” Miguel scoffed.
              Juliette shook her head and headed back to the window. The man greeted her instantly.
              “How can I help you?”
              “I should have a letter, Juliette Bellerose,” she provided.
              “Bellerose?” Miguel repeated. “That sounds familiar… do you have a wanted poster?”
              “Me?” Juliette repeated in surprise. “I do not, as far as I am aware.”
              Miguel considered this as Juliette turned back to the mail clerk.
              “These are for you,” he said as he handed the letters to her.
              “Thank you,” Juliette said.
              She walked back towards Fleur.
              Juliette flipped through her mail with a small frown. Nothing she wanted. She had been hoping for a letter from the exhibit manager in Saint Denis, but that was still missing. She needed something better than just landscape photos with a deer in it. It was hardly impressive. Pretty, yes, but anyone with a camera could do it. She needed something… better. What that was, she had no idea.
              She considered herself an adequate photographer for the time she had put it into it. It was not easy, but nothing was. She loved the challenge of it, it was completely unique to anything she had done before.
              Photography was not something she had ever considered worthwhile until the past year. Ironically it had been her most profitable venture. She’d fallen into it naturally, started only for a hobby, but slowly started to do it more and more. She would be riding down a path and see something interesting and she would stop. She could do that now; she could stop and go wherever she wanted. Before life was moving too quickly for her to stop and look around… Now she could breathe.
              It was a strange feeling. At first it had left her feeling anxious, as if she were being left behind. She was so used to being bombarded with new information and problems to solve day after day, never getting a true break. Even parties and galas had a purpose, she could not sit idly by… but she used to like being busy, liked being needed. Now… she wanted to be forgotten.
Coming to America was quite possibly her biggest mistake, one that might get her killed… but it was a mistake she had to make.
              Juliette was on her own for the first time and she never regretted it. Slowly she was discovering what she liked, and evidently, that included photography. Was it useless? Not too long ago she knew her answer… now she was not sure. Art had always been a mystery to her. People went to galleries to view art, she had been a few times, but she had never enjoyed it. Now she wondered if she would, if walking down the gallery with a clear mind would help. Juliette liked art well enough, but she had never stopped to look.
              “Anything good, señorita?” Miguel asked.
              “No,” Juliette said.
              “You should buy me a drink with your earnings,” Miguel suggested.
              “You need a cold bucket of water,” Juliette readily returned.
              “Ay perhaps,” Miguel said. “But I’d rather be drinking.”
              “You are drinking,” Juliette said pointedly.
              “My beer is empty,” Miguel said. “Tell you what, you buy me a drink and I’ll teach you to shoot!”
              Juliette considered this. He was sufficiently drunk already and she doubted he’d remember this deal. Yet… it could come in handy. She did need to learn to shoot a gun better. While she was not against dying in America, she did not want to go down easy. She was all too aware she made an easy target.
              “You should learn,” Miguel said. “You’ll run into trouble around here, plenty of outlaws wandering.”
              “Are you a good shot?” Juliette asked.
              “Of course! I am a bounty hunter and I am still alive.”
              That was a fair point. He was better than her, which was all that mattered.
              “Alright,” Juliette decided. “As long as you do not drink yourself to death.”
              “As if I would ever be so lucky,” Miguel cackled.
              Juliette frowned. That was awfully morbid. She was getting more used to gallows humor; it was not something she had much experience with before. She glanced around the platform and saw where Miguel had been getting his drinks, on the other side of the mail building was a small store. She bought a beer and brought it back to Miguel.
              “I knew I liked you,” Miguel said.  
              “Enjoy yourself, monsieur,” Juliette said with a shake of her head.
              “You as well, señorita. Try not to get shot!”
              “Will you remember this?” Juliette asked.
              “Who knows,” Miguel said.
              Juliette stared at him for a moment, before returning to Fleur. He was an interesting man. She could not quite understand how he survived, but maybe he was different sober. Her gaze drifted to one of the horses hitched not far from Fleur. It was a paint horse, covered in reddish brown and white splotches. The saddle had bullet holes in it, and rifles holstered to it. There was a lasso attached to it as well, blood staining part of it.
              She looked back at Miguel uncertainly, before guiding Fleur towards Strawberry.
              There were many interesting people she had run into over the past few months, few of which she got to hear their full story. She wondered if she’d ever learn his.
              Juliette led Fleur down the path towards Strawberry, her thoughts drifting to the stranger she’d met days ago. Arthur Morgan. He was someone she wanted to talk to again. Someone she knew she should avoid but found herself curious.
              Her mother had always warned her curiosity would get her killed.
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selfshipstuff · 3 years
Adam, the Hollow (Gay)
Adora (WLW)
Alex Cyprin (Nonbinary, Queer)
Altea Bellerose (Lesbian)
Andi Kim (Lesbian)
Angel Dust (Gay)
Asra Alnazar (Nonbinary, Bisexual)
Aziraphale (Nonbinary)
Catra (WLW)
Connor Murphy (MLM)
Crowley, Good Omens (Nonbinary)
Dave Strider (Bisexual)
Davesprite (Bisexual)
Diana Prince (Bisexual)
Dirk Strider (Gay)
The Doctor (Genderfluid, NBLW)
Double Trouble (Nonbinary)
Eleanor Shellstrop (Bisexual)
Eliot Waugh (Gay)
Emeril Everbloom (Demisexual Lesbian)
Eridan Ampora (Bisexual)
Grizz, the Society (Gay)
Iseul Idreis (Pansexual)
Jack Harkness (Omnisexual)
Jaehee Kang (WLW)
Jett Slater (Bisexual)
Jocelyn Brown (Transgender)
Jordan Davies "JD" (Nonbinary, Queer)
Juliette Optima (Pansexual)
Liora Skyheart (Lesbian)
Loki Odinson (Genderfluid)
Lorelei Linden (Lesbian)
MacCready (Bisexual)
Mackenzie Hunt (Lesbian)
M.arcie, D.umbing of Age (WLW)
M.ichael Warner (Pansexual)
Mothman, Havenfall is for Lovers (Bigender, Queer)
Nikolai Stirling (Demisexual, Pansexual)
Penny, Stardew Valley (Bisexual)
Preston Garvey (Bisexual)
Quentin Coldwater (Bisexual, Polyamorous)
Razi Nassar (Pansexual)
Remy Chevalier (Bisexual)
Renzei Feng (Pansexual)
Robin, Villainous Nights (Nonbinary, Queer)
Robin, Stranger Things (Lesbian)
Sam, the Society (Gay)
Scorpia (WLW)
Sebastian, Stardew Valley (Bisexual)
Sollux Captor (Bisexual)
Takashi Shirogane (MLM)
Vivienne Tang (Lesbian)
Zain Blackwood (Bisexual)
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nosey-marshmallow · 4 years
Lovestruck LI birthdates
3-Chadwick Lin
10- Antares Fairchild
10-Orion Akatsuki
11-Neil Dresner
15- Vanessa Helsing
23- Neil Dresner
1- Onyx Wren
7- Zhora Leonis
10- Madison Lane
18- Nova
29- Nikolai
5- Julius Harper
14- Remy Chevalier
17- Caleb (Cal) North
22- TK Yoon
30- Nathan Cayde
3- Chance Valentine
10- Sofia Martinez
23- Yoshimitsu Valentine
25- Zain Blackwood
30- Tyrian Aquila
1- Cecelia Visconti
5- Atlas Molniya
14- Malakai Collins
17- Leon Kwan
26- Andi Kim
30- Irving Monroe
30- Donovan Gallagher
1-Emeril Everbloom
5- Logan Owens
13- Gerald O’Fallon
21-Antonio Vasquez
24-Felix Grant
2- Zoe Banks
13- Arthur Singh
26-Jaxon Silva
31- Darius Ricci
1- Yvette Holte
8- Jett Slater
25- Aurora James
7- Edgar Morton
9- Clyde Hughes
13- Razi Nassar
16- Lorelei Linden
22- Elliot Graham
22- Alex Cyprin
28- Roman Tarrenglade
6- Ellis Cooper
15- Liora Skyheart
18- Serena Zhang
19- Esperanza Gutierrez
27- Vince Moretti
2- Diego Escalona
3-Runa Amberthorne
5-Renzei Feng
11- Ash Winters
18- Vivienne
28- Nav Hexan
2- Nora LeFey
4- Mateo Estrada
7- Lucien Rivercrest
15- Cliff Conway
28- Mackenzie Hunt
Revi Pell- Marst 31
August Faulke
Altea Bellerose
Reiner Wolfson
Helena Klein
Iseul Idreis
Alain Richter
Joaquin Ortega
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lovestruckvoltage · 5 years
Tumblr media
Astoria: Fate's Kiss & Astoria: Lost Kisses Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Medusa (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Alex Cyprin (they/them, non-binary, queer) - romanceable Persephone (she/her, pansexual) Charybdis (she/her, pansexual) Chimera Prime (she/her, queer) Scylla (she/her, lesbian) Eryn (she/her, lesbian) Stheno (she/her, bisexual) Euryale (she/her, lesbian) Aphrodite (she/her, Goddess Of Love, queer) Nyela (she/her, bisexual) Eagle Sanders (he/him, bisexual) Ladon (he/him, queer) Robin (they/them, non-binary, questioning) Josh (he/him, aromantic, asexual) Astoria Heroine’s Mom (she/her, bisexual) May Chan (she/her, pansexual) Megara (she/her, bisexual) Arachne (she/her, lesbian) Athena (she/her, aromantic, asexual)
Gangsters in Love Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Aurora James (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Skylar Locke (she/her, bisexual) Amelia Wu (she/her, bisexual)
Castaway! Love's Adventure Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Serena Zhang (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Clyde Hughes (he/him, bisexual) - romanceable Joaquin Ortega (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Olivia Rossi (she/her, lesbian)
Love & Legends Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Iseul Idreis (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Altea Bellerose (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Helena Klein (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Sophie Lawrence & Solaire Lightwing (she/her, pansexual) Ryland Goldhart (he/him, bisexual) Imohn Idreis (they/them, non-binary, aromantic, asexual) Ishara Idreis (she/her, pansexual) Witch Queen (she/her, bisexual) Mireille Mercier (she/her, lesbian) Lisette Hallis-Falke (she/her, lesbian) Della Falke (she/her, bisexual) Heloise Falke (she/her, questioning) Caligo Hawkeye (he/him, pansexual)
Speakeasy Tonight Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Sofia Martinez (she/her, bisexual) - romanceable Fryderyka aka Freddie (she/her, lesbian) Evelyn Moy (she/her, lesbian)
Starship Promise Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Nova (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Gamma (they/them, queer) Zhora Leonis (she/her, pansexual) - romanceable Dr.Xendalia (she/her, lesbian) Jessa Flexand (she/her, lesbian) Wyst Pochny (she/her, queer) Kora Thale (she/her, lesbian)
To Love & Protect Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Ellis Cooper (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Madison Lane (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Cal Egret (she/her, lesbian) Kashvi Dabral (she/her, lesbian)
Havenfall is for Lovers Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Mackenzie Hunt (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Jordan 'JD' Davies (they/them, queer) - romanceable Razi Nassar (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable Vanessa Helsing (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Antonio Vasquez (he/him, bisexual) - romanceable Annabelle Sheppard (she/her, bisexual) Damien Rider (he/him, bisexual) Grace (she/her, bisexual) Gwen Doran (she/her, pansexual) Hikari Hayashi (she/her, pansexual) Mothman (they/them, bigender, queer) Roshni Nassar (she/her, pansexual) Liliane Labasque (she/her, lesbian) Evangelina Vasquez (she/her, trans, heterosexual) Rahim Nassar (he/him, gay) Levana Helsing (she/her, asexual biromantic) John Lapin (he/him, asexual biromantic) Nessie (she/her, pansexual) Baphomet (they/them, queer)
Villainous Nights
Heroine (she/her, bisexual)
Andi Kim (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable
Renzei Feng (he/him, pansexual) - romanceable
Lorelei Linden (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable
Robin (they/them, queer)
Miguel Santos (he/him, gay)
Scarlet Brighid (she/her, lesbian)
Juliette (she/her, pansexual)
Dahlia London (she/her, bisexual)
Ezekiel Dorian (he/him, pansexual)
Sweet Enchantments Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Runa Amberthorne (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Zain Blackwood (he/him, bisexual) - romanceable Liora Skyheart (she/her, lesbian) - romanceable Emeril Everbloom (she/her, demisexual lesbian) - romanceable Kamila Rosenchild (she/her, bisexual) Zola Knightbrand (she/her, lesbian) Mr. Pondsworthy (he/him, gay) Silvain Wintertide (he/him, pansexual)
Queen of Thieves MC (she/her, bisexual) Nikolai Stirling (he/him, pansexual) -romanceable Vivienne Tang (she/her, lesbian)  -romanceable Remy Chevalier (he/him, bisexual)  -romanceable Zoe Banks (she/her, lesbian)  -romanceable Jett Slater (he/him, bisexual) -romanceable Jace (they/them, queer) Ariana Nassar (she/her, lesbian) Daisa Khoury (she/her, bisexual) Raveena Patel (she/her, demisexual) Clemance Bardot (she/her, bisexual)
Drawn Together MC (she/her, bisexual) Tess (she/her, pansexual)
3 Tattoos MC (she/her, bisexual)
Events Pride Month 2017 Emily Verma (she/her, lesbian) Codename Shield (she/her, bisexual)
Halloween 2017 Heroine (she/her, bisexual) Wendy Li (she/her, lesbian)
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