astrosociety · 5 months
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Mother but not in an actual mother way
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chlogummy · 5 months
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The challenge has been completed so I'm finally posting it here!
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thedominickowo · 5 months
Okay, I just read the 4th chapter of the new wakfu manga…JULITH IS ALIVE NOW? WHAT THE-?〣( ºΔº )〣
now I understand why everyone is talking about her
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vickielo-art · 2 months
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My piece for the amazing @dofus-to-tofus zine!!
Please check it out! It's free!! You can view/download it here !
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laurencher · 6 months
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It's deleted scene from dofus movie, 100% true....
The original meme:
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medievalmidinette · 2 years
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Julith’s cool magic cloak
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gnomgnomovich · 1 month
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When I accidentally found this song, I immediately understood who it was about.
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julith-jurgen · 4 months
Dofus Movie novel small differences
The book is really close retelling of the movie there is only a few small differences !
A lot them is just the dialogue being slightly different. Some others are per example like the fact that Joris in the novel want to gift Khan a gobball instead of wanting one to be signed.. but there is a bit of new dialogues added to expand on a few scenes of the movie !
There's not a lot but I still think it's fun to share the most notable ones of them ! (And there's a really good chance I missed some after reading this book too much time).
I translated six of them (it's really not much) but I added some other things said in the the novel :)
(Small disclaimer, I translated all of this by myself so there's a good chance there's grammar errors)
I took screenshot of the translated text because it was easier to manage because I don't understand tumblr formatting ( I added ALT text to all of them in any case)
(The highlighted text is the part that I translated)
Some Joris thoughts about not knowing his parents (and Kerubim telling him absolutely nothing)
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Small fun added dialogue when Dardonkal ask Joris to be his guardian :)
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The Bonta's gobbowl mascot belonged to Jahash !
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This next one is pretty interesting ! I think it's the biggest change in the book.
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This scene does play in the movie but differently !
The first two sentences are the same but after Bakara says "This madness needs stop", in the movie Joris talks and all of this leads to the flashback narrated by Julith.
Here Bakara continue to speak and her next lines in this are said by Joris in the movie (while he doesn't say the exact same words, what he says his nearly the same things in the end). So the flashback does not happen.
After that Julith respond to Bakara (instead of Joris in the movie) and because of that her dialogue slightly differs. Bakara respond and after that the scene come back to the way it is the movie with some small modifications because of this change.
To put it simply Bakara took the role of Joris in this part. (You can compare it directly to the movie if my explanations doesn't make sense).
Now for the flashback ! It still appear in the novel but is instead played just after Julith slams the Ebony Dofus on the Ivory one. With Julith remembering and narrating the memory while she disappears. (and in the memory, it's said the Dofus went even more wild after the bontarian guards attacked it's guardian Julith and injured her. oops)
Joris nearly has moment of self-doubt when there's only Lilotte and him left during the final match
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And... this one....at the end (sorry)
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Anyway here's some other random things from the novel:
The statue of Jahash and the ceremony that takes place at the start is where the Dofus went wild 10 years ago, where it created a massive hole in the city. While not mentionned in the movie this information is also in the artbook
The area Kerubim and Joris lives is called "Le quartier de la Tour Fleurie" (The blooming flower tower district)
The tavern Bakara and Kerubim meet in the movie is called "Le Bontarien Rieur" (The Laughing Bontarian)
Kerubim thinks that the stealing of the Ebony Dofus is a ten (out of ten) on the Ogrest scale... a few hundred years before Ogrest birth...(oops)
During the first battle Bakara yell "For Jahash" instead of "For Bonta"
Bakara and Khan.. whole thing.. is less embarrassing than in the movie...
The post credit scene is not in novel
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stupidneko · 4 months
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They could never make me hate you, julith 😭
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ursarminoris · 2 months
Julith is nicknamed the witch/sorceress, and witches exist in the World of Twelve (Goultard had married a witch/sorceress in the past), so let's imagine that Joris is a sorcerer instead of a Huppermage?
A kind of dark sorcerer like his mother?
That would be interesting, and he could very well have specialized in killing huppermages, and would be nicknamed the Mage Slayer (as Tot had said in a comment on X)
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kilfeur · 3 months
Alors le combat d'Amalia autant c'est vrai je peux comprendre pourquoi il est gratifiant. Mais de l'autre, je trouve que la manière dont le combat est dessiné et comment c'est montré. C'est clairement montré comme une mauvaise chose. Comme je l'avais dit dans mon précédent avis, ça va avoir des conséquences. Et on peut être sûre que le roi des Osamodas va répandre la nouvelle de son agression et celle de sa fille par la reine des Sadida. Ce qui risque non seulement que le royaume des Sadida soit mal vu par le royaume des 12. Mais aussi comment les autres seigneurs des douze royaumes verront Amalia en tant que reine. Il la verront pas comme une reine juste et veillant sur son peuple. Ils la verront comme une personne dangereuse qui pourrait mettre en danger non seulement son peuple et ceux des autres.
Je blâme pas Amalia d'avoir réagi comme elle a fait, c'est assez humain surtout qu'elle a perdu toute sa famille et Yugo et ses amis sont les seuls proches qui lui restent. Mais bon sang, cet acte envers la famille royale Osamodas en tant que reine, c'est un acte grave ! Une reine se doit de protéger son peuple, le guider et c'est justement ce qu'essayait de faire Amalia au début. En revanche, un reine se doit aussi d'apprendre à contrôler ses émotions pour empêcher que cela obscurcisse son jugement et qu'elle commette des actes qu'elle risque de regretter. Et c'est justement là que ça déborde pour Amalia après ça fait pas d'elle une mauvaise reine, ça fait d'elle une reine imparfaite. Ce qui est bien plus intéressant à suivre !
Surtout qu'au final plot twist, Aurora et son père n'ont pas empoisonné Yugo mais Julith et Rasalar. Par contre je comprends pas, Rasalar vient voir les frangins pour les aider ?! J'avoue que je comprends pas trop.
So Amalia's fight, while it's true I can understand why it's gratifying. But on the other hand, I find that the way the fight is drawn and how it's shown. It's clearly shown as a bad thing. As I said in my previous review, it's going to have consequences. And we can be sure that the king of the Osamodas will spread the news of his and his daughter's attack by the Sadida queen. Not only will this make the Sadida kingdom look bad in the kingdom of twelve. But also how the other lords of the kingdom of twelve will see Amalia as queen. They won't see her as a fair queen looking after her people. They'll see her as a dangerous person who could endanger not only her own people, but those of others as well.
I don't blame Amalia for reacting the way she did, it's human enough especially since she's lost her whole family and Yugo and his friends are the only loved ones she has left. But for God's sake, this act against the Osamodas royal family as queen, it's a serious act! A queen's duty is to protect and guide her people, and that's exactly what Amalia was trying to do at first. On the other hand, a queen must also learn to control her emotions, to prevent them from clouding her judgment and causing her to commit acts she may regret. And that's precisely where Amalia's emotions boil over: it doesn't make her a bad queen, it makes her an flawed one. Which is much more interesting to follow!
Especially since, in the final plot twist, Aurora and her father didn't poison Yugo but Julith and Rasalar. What I don't get is that Rasalar comes to the brothers to help them! I must admit I don't really get it.
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ol-files · 2 years
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chlogummy · 5 months
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Repost of Julith ;)
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sashaandmasks · 4 months
A subtle thing in a design can mean a lot and ever since I noticed this I'll always believe she is trans <3
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Character: Julith from Dofus the movie Flag: Transgender
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mirielsart · 1 year
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Yeah, that’s Julith.
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titenoute · 2 years
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We interrupt our program to announce the winner of this year Wakfu/Dofus SexyWoman ...
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