#jumpstarting a habit basically
inkykeiji · 1 year
there’s a shouto centric series? :O or there’s going to be one?!? i saw in a previous ask a mention of it, and thinking about your absolutely ethereal writing and shouto? a match made in heaven, if i’m honest.
there is going to be one, eventually, in the very unspecified future!!! <3 can’t give you a timeline, can’t even give you a vague estimate, all i can tell you is that it’s something i’ve been working on sporadically and something i plan to post when it’s done, whenever that ends up being.
please hehehe you’re so lovely!!!!! <333 i really appreciate your kind words <3 thank you for your interest in the series! it’s great to hear (´∀`)♡ in the meantime, i’ll be writing a shouto prompt for one of my june prompts, so look forward to that!! <3
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nethhiri · 4 months
Siren Charms: Chapter 8
Zoro x Siren!Reader
Warnings: mentions of violence and blood
The Straw Hats were a lot more welcoming than you expected them to be, more welcoming than you deserved from them. The only one who maintained a distance was Zoro. It was plain to see he still didn't trust you. He hesitated about giving your sword back, eyeing it with some curiosity, as he did so. He seemed to realize you didn't need a sword to hurt anyone. Your body was the weapon. 
All the human contact was a bit overwhelming for you, more so since you were so hungry. You often set yourself apart, sitting on the figurehead or the roof of the crow's nest. You were a nocturnal creature, so it was easy for you to climb into one of the trees on the ship and fall asleep on a limb during the daytime hours. A few times you might have been so deeply asleep and weak in general that you fell out of the tree. You didn't even wake up one of those times and it was a miracle you didn't fall into Zoro's lap since he often slept in the shade of the trees.
You found yourself in the kitchen, quite shamefully. Sanji greeted you with his normal enthusiasm and astutely noticed your demeanor. "What's wrong, mademoiselle?" 
"Remember the other day, when you yelled at Luffy for stealing food?"
"I do."
"It... was me." Your craving was so intense you broke the lock on the fridge and ate a few steaks raw from the fridge. "I'm sorry." You felt bad that Luffy got whopped on the head for your thievery. 
Sanji lamented, "Am I not feeding you well enough? Is my cooking subpar?!" He dramatically put his head on the counter. "I apologize for starving you so!" He was impressed that you basically ripped the fridge door off the hinges trying to get in. Nothing Franky couldn't fix. 
"No, no. That's not it. Your cooking is great." You didn't know how to explain. "I need...more. More than food." You actually didn't need to eat food at all, but you could still enjoy the flavors. "I need blood...from people." 
"Oh like for your devil fruit?" Sanji nodded. "Don't you worry about it. I got you covered." 
You didn't correct him. They seemed to be under the impression you had some kind of vampiristic devil fruit power. There wasn't a reason to correct them in your eyes. They could create their own justifications in their head for why you were this way. No one had outright asked you, so it didn't matter that much anyway.
That evening you during dinner, one of the only times you were with everyone together, Sanji delivered a cup of viscous red liquid. You grabbed his wrist as he pulled it back from setting the cup down. There were bandages around his hand. In a flash, you tore the bandages with a nail to reveal a thin red line. "You didn't have to do that." You pressed the flat of your tongue against his palm and let his hand go. "There." The cut on his hand was a healed pink line. 
Chopper was fascinated. "How did you do that?!" He made a mental note to examine the properties of your saliva later.
"Just can." You shrugged. While Sanji was saying something about never washing that hand again, you tried exercising self-control in drinking the blood he provided for you. That failed almost immediately when you chugged it and then stuck your tongue as far down the sides as you could to lick the sides clean. 
Luffy was ecstatic that Nami and Usopp immediately relinquished their plates out of queasiness. 
"Maybe let's not have blood at the table," Nami said, almost apologetically. 
You shrank, feeling like you were in trouble. "Sorry." You wiped your mouth on the back of your hand and excused yourself. 
It was difficult assimilating. You had odd habits and odder tastes. At least now you had some human blood in you. You could already feel a pump from the energy. All you needed was a jumpstart. With that little bit you could grow your wings and locate other food sources. You would have been able to sooner had Luffy not banned you from feeding on the crew. You sat atop the crow's nest, eyes scanning the horizon. The wind tossed the scent of humans close by at your nose. 
You waited until everyone had gone to bed, pulling your mask over your face. Franky had taken it while you were hurt and inspected it, fascinated by the foreign technology. It was an oxygen concentrator. Helpful for when you were at high altitude or deep sea, where the element was somewhat scarce. It also helped give you a performance boost in normal circumstances. 
It felt so good and so freeing after a week of being human-bound for your wings to sprout from your back, erupting from your skin in a black flourish. As soon as the feathers settled into position, you launched yourself to the sky, a few flaps of your wings sending you gliding under the stars. The promise of a good meal had you rocketing towards the smell of humans. For you, a distance of a few miles was well within your hunting range. Your internal compass was impeccable and there was no worry in your mind that you wouldn't find your way back. Plus your green snack had such a hold over you, that you felt like his scent could bring you back from twice as far. In fact, the entire time you fed, you pretended it was him you were draining, for the brief feeling of satisfaction. 
Without a sound, several hours later, your feet touched the deck. A pair of gray eyes watched you, narrowing, wondering where you had gone. 
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positivexcellence · 8 months
towwn: don’t call ‘em resolutions! instead, we’re sharing a few long-term goals for 2024:
🏡declutter 🗑️reduce waste 👗make more sustainable fashion choices
that’s where @retoldrecycling comes in. the sustainable startup, recently featured on @sharktankabc, is on a mission to change our recycling behavior & eradicate textile-based landfills. sign up and receive a compostable bag to fill with items you’d like to unload 4x per year. simply send back the full bag to avoid stuff ending up in global landfills. retold sorts + repurposes everything via its partner network – thrift stores, charities, upcyclers + more.
we’ve also learned from our pals + animal welfare experts at the international animal rescue org @fourpawsusa that recycling isn’t just good for the environment, it benefits animals too. four paws’s #wearitkind campaign advocates recycling clothes + textiles to help keep new animal-based products out of the supply chain, as well as avoid pollution & deforestation that destroys habitats. a win for people + planet + animals.
now part of @mcuban’s investment portfolio, here are some key basics about retold:
retold accepts your best stuff (wedding dresses) or very old & worn items, including your dog’s blanket! most clean, dry household textiles/clothes are accepted, but not pillows or cushions. the majority of materials are reused domestically. partners ensure that items sent overseas have value + purpose at their final destination. as bags are received, customers get rewards: promo codes & offers from many sustainable brands, including @paradisperdusnyc, @vitaminaswim + @boody, which fashion ratings app @goodonyou gives high marks for eco-friendly, ethical practices & animal welfare.
by raising consciousness over what we throw away & just starting small – think: a retold bag in the laundry room ready for those solo socks – we can create easy recycling habits that become 2nd nature. subscribe to @retoldrecycling to get a jumpstart on your 2024 eco-intentions + follow @fourpawsusa to learn how you can support the #wearitkind pledge to reduce, refine and replace animal-based fashion with kinder, sustainable choices.
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aysametric · 1 month
So I had a great idea about a way I might be able to cope with my executive functioning issues, but I could use some advice if anyone has done something like this before.
So my issue is usually lack of motivation to initiate a task. I can process and determine what needs doing, but I need something to consistently provide that final kick into initiating the task. Before I was diagnosed I used beating myself up and deadlines to force an adrenaline response, but that, uh, wasn't healthy. So my criteria are that what I end up doing has to be 1) positive in the source of motivation; 2) simple enough that I can do it even while dealing with task paralysis; 3) versatile enough that I can use it in any situation, not just chores and routines; and 4) subtle enough that I can use it in public.
My initial idea was alarms, and while they're helpful for remembering stuff they aren't that good for this purpose. However, alarms did give me the idea for a sound queue, and thus did my plan form. I'm gonna get a pen or some other noisy fidget and I'm gonna try and get in the habit of messing with it before starting a task or doing something I enjoy. The hope is that eventually I can associate messing with the fidget with starting a task and enough good things to bypass the broken reward loops in my brain. Ideally the end result would be: I give myself a task, mess with noisy fidget to jumpstart my brain's task reward response, and then I'll be able to actually start the task.
That being said, anyone have ideas on how to make this more effective? I've only figured out the basics and I feel like I'm missing something obvious.
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hideyseek · 5 months
hi hii hiii☕️📒📚
hi hii hiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crab hehe mwah thanks for these !!
from this ask game for writers!
☕️ What's your go-to drink while writing?
hmmm ... i think my beverage consumption habits while i'm writing are usually a) nothing bc i need both hands to type and also when im writing i need to type to think, or b) something w sugar and/or caffeine if i'm in a break in a session or right before starting and trying to jumpstart my brain. in that case usually some kind of juice or sweet tea! oh i guess next most common is c) my tea i made that has gone completely cold but is still sweet and more importantly is right there
📒 Where do your jot down your ideas?
ahaha i think my answer to this is kind of cursed actually. i used to have this beautiful system where i had a separate evernote note for every project, and put down ideas in the relevant note until i had enough to start writing (or outlining or whatever) but then at some point that became too many clicks / while in a project i would continue to have a million little disconnected thoughts, so now it all goes into my personal discord server in a #writing-notes channel with a separate thread per project (project-neutral notes go in the main channel). this system is terrible because unlike evernote, discord does not have an undo button if you draft an entire scene in the message composition box and then hit delete by accident. i would not recommend this system to basically anyone however i cannot seem to get back out of it
📚 Who's your favorite author (or a few of them)?
oh boy haha. i am ... hmm. i am, haha. i do not really read books, for a guy whose main hobby is typing. well i suppose i still have favorite writers/authors:
gail carson levine (ella enchanted my beloved)
uh. well when i wrote the first bit i was pretty sure i was gonna come up with more than one.
tons of people in a bunch of different fandoms, i am too shy to list lol, but. its all in my ao3 bookmarks
oh my god maggie stiefvater (the scorpio races my beloved) — certainly i want to be her much less than i did a decade ago but ... very much a formative author for me
well hm sorry haha i just truly do not read much traditionally published fiction these days 🤘
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enneagramtest · 3 months
A Choice of Two Enneagram Tests: Discover Your Personality Type
Understanding the Enneagram
The Nine Basic Personality Types At the heart of the Enneagram are nine distinct personality types, each characterized by unique perspectives, behaviors, and underlying motivations.
Wings and Instinctual Variants Factors like wings and instinctual variants add depth to your primary personality type, offering a nuanced understanding of your individual characteristics.
Importance of Knowing Your Personality Type
Understanding your Enneagram type is a powerful tool for personal growth and self-discovery. By recognizing patterns and tendencies, you can embark on a journey towards greater self-awareness and fulfillment in various aspects of your life.
Improving Relationships Moreover, insight into your personality type can enhance your relationships by fostering empathy, communication, and mutual understanding.
The Need for Enneagram Tests
Enneagram tests serve as gateways to self-exploration, providing a structured approach to uncovering your core motivations and fears. These tests can guide you on your path to self-discovery and personal development.
Comparison: The Longer Enneagram Test
How It Works The longer Enneagram test delves deep into your psyche, presenting a comprehensive set of questions designed to pinpoint your core motivations and fears.
Interpretation of Results Upon completion, detailed analyses and insights are provided, offering a nuanced portrait of your personality type and potential growth areas.
Comparison: The Quick Enneagram Test
Benefits of the Quick Test Ideal for those seeking a swift glimpse into their Enneagram type, the quick test provides rapid results with minimal time investment.
Limitations However, due to its expedited nature, the quick test may offer a more generalized overview of your personality, potentially overlooking subtle nuances.
Choosing the Right Test for You
When selecting an Enneagram test, consider your preferences and objectives. Whether you prioritize depth or expediency, there's a test tailored to meet your needs.
Detailed Analysis: The Longer Enneagram Test
Step by Step Guide Embark on a journey of self-discovery with the longer Enneagram test, answering thought-provoking questions to unveil the intricacies of your personality.
Case Studies Real-life examples illustrate how the longer test can illuminate the depths of your character, offering profound insights for personal growth.
In-depth Look: The Quick Enneagram Test
Quick Setup Experience the efficiency of the quick test, providing rapid results to jumpstart your exploration of the Enneagram and its implications for your life.
Potential Discrepancies While offering expedited results, the quick test may occasionally offer a simplified view of your personality, encouraging further exploration for a more comprehensive understanding.
Interpreting Your Enneagram Test Results
Upon receiving your Enneagram test results, take time to reflect on the findings. Embrace the strengths and growth opportunities highlighted by your type, paving the way for personal development.
Applying Your Enneagram Personality Type
Everyday Life Applications Utilize your Enneagram type as a compass in navigating daily challenges, leveraging your insights to make informed decisions and cultivate healthier habits.
Personal and Professional Development Harness the power of your Enneagram type in professional settings, fostering leadership skills, communication strategies, and collaborative dynamics aligned with your personality strengths.
Seeking Further Guidance
For those hungry for deeper insights and personalized guidance, Enneagram experts and resources offer avenues for continued exploration and growth on your unique journey.
In concluding your Enneagram exploration, embrace the richness of self-discovery and interpersonal understanding unlocked by your personality type. Empower yourself to leverage this knowledge for profound personal growth and enriching relationships.
What if my Enneagram test results seem inaccurate or conflicting?
Can my Enneagram type change over time?
How can I apply my Enneagram insights to improve my communication skills?
Are there any online resources for further Enneagram exploration and learning?
What role do wings and instinctual variants play in defining my Enneagram type?
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gurudrivingschool · 4 months
Get Rolling with Guru Driving School: You’re Free First Lesson in Glenfield!
Learning to drive is a monumental step towards independence. It opens doors to new opportunities, greater freedom, and the ability to explore the world on your own terms. But let's be honest, the road to getting your license can feel daunting. The costs can add up quickly, and navigating the world of driving schools can be confusing.
That's where Guru Driving School comes in! We're passionate about empowering Glenfield residents with the skills and confidence to become safe and responsible drivers. Here's why you should choose Guru Driving School, and the exciting news about our free first lesson!
Why Guru Driving School is Your Perfect Glenfield Partner:
Experienced and Patient Instructors: Our team is comprised of RMS-accredited instructors with extensive experience guiding learners of all ages and backgrounds. We understand the nervousness that comes with getting behind the wheel for the first time, and our patient approach will ensure you feel comfortable and supported throughout your learning journey.
Focus on Safety: At Guru Driving School, safety is our top priority. We go beyond simply teaching you to pass the driving test. Our curriculum emphasizes defensive driving techniques, road rules, and how to navigate different road conditions. This ensures you develop a strong foundation in safe driving habits that will stay with you for life.
Tailored Learning: We understand that everyone learns at their own pace. That's why we offer personalized Free driving lesson Glenfield designed to cater to your specific needs and learning style. Whether you're a complete beginner or looking to brush up on your skills, we'll create a plan that helps you achieve your goals.
Flexible Scheduling and Competitive Rates: We know life can be busy. That's why we offer flexible scheduling options to accommodate your individual needs. Plus, our rates are highly competitive, ensuring affordability without compromising on quality instruction.
Dual-control Vehicles for Peace of Mind: All our vehicles are fitted with dual controls, giving your instructor the ability to intervene if necessary for your safety and the safety of others on the road. This extra layer of control allows you to build confidence behind the wheel and focus on mastering new skills without undue pressure.
Free First Lesson: Get a Taste of Guru's Expertise!
We're so confident that you'll love learning to drive with Guru Driving School that we're offering a free first lesson to all Glenfield residents! This introductory session is a fantastic way to experience our teaching style, meet your instructor, and get a feel for what it's like to learn with Guru.
During your free lesson, we'll:
Discuss your driving goals and experience level.
Craft a personalized learning plan.
Take you through the basics of car control, including steering, braking, and acceleration.
Navigate a quiet residential area to get you comfortable behind the wheel.
Answer any questions you may have about the learning process and obtaining your license.
By the end of the lesson, you'll have a better understanding of what it takes to become a safe and confident driver, and you'll see firsthand the Guru Driving School difference.
Ready to Get Started?
Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to jumpstart your driving journey! Contact Guru Driving School today to schedule your free first lesson in Glenfield. We look forward to helping you turn the wheel on your future!
Call us at [Phone Number] or visit our website at [Guru Driving School Website] to book your free lesson!
Remember, driving is a valuable skill that opens doors to endless possibilities. Let Guru Driving School be your guide as you navigate the exciting road to getting your license!
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bookpublisher1 · 4 months
Practical Tips for New Authors to Avoid Mistakes and Supercharge Their Writing
Practical Tips for New Authors to Avoid Mistakes and Supercharge Their Writing
The journey from aspiring writer to published author is an exciting one, brimming with creative potential. However, the path is not without its challenges. New authors often encounter roadblocks in the form of writer's block, self-doubt, and unproductive writing habits. But fear not! With the right mindset and practical strategies, you can overcome these obstacles and supercharge your writing.
Demystifying Writer's Block:
Writer's block, that dreaded feeling of staring at a blank page with no words flowing, can be a significant hurdle for new authors. But it's important to understand that it's not a sign of failure, but rather a common occurrence. Here are some ways to combat writer's block:
Embrace the Power of Routine: Establish a consistent writing schedule and stick to it as much as possible. This routine helps train your brain to enter "writing mode" more easily.
Prime the Pump with Freewriting: Set a timer for 10-15 minutes and write continuously without stopping, regardless of content or quality. This helps break the mental block and get your creative juices flowing.
Change Your Scenery: Sometimes, a change of environment can spark new ideas. Try writing in a coffee shop, park, or library instead of your usual workspace.
Engage Your Senses: If you're struggling with a scene, try incorporating sensory details. Describe the sights, sounds, smells, and textures of your imagined world to jumpstart your creative process.
Read Widely and Actively: Immerse yourself in great writing. Read books within your genre and beyond. Take notes, analyze how authors construct sentences and build scenes, and allow yourself to be inspired.
Avoiding Common Mistakes New Authors Make:
Beyond writer's block, new authors can fall into some common pitfalls that slow down progress or hinder the quality of their writing. Here are Common Mistakes New Authors Make When Trying to Get Published 
Failing to Plan: While some authors thrive on spontaneity, most benefit from some level of planning. Develop a basic plot outline, create character profiles, and research any necessary background information to ensure a cohesive and well-developed story.
Neglecting Editing and Revision: Your first draft will not be perfect. Set aside time for editing and revision. Look for plot holes, inconsistencies, and areas needing improvement in grammar, clarity, and character development. Seek feedback from trusted beta readers to gain additional perspectives.
Comparing Yourself to Others: Comparing your work to established authors is a recipe for discouragement. Focus on honing your own voice and developing your unique style. Let your passion and creativity guide you.
Ignoring the Importance of Research: Even fictional stories benefit from research. Whether it's historical context, scientific details, or specific cultural nuances, ensure your writing is grounded in some level of factual accuracy.
Rushing the Publishing Process: Take your time. Don't rush to publish a work that isn't fully polished. Quality over quantity will always serve you better in the long run.
Breaking Habits That Slow You Down:
Certain habits can inadvertently hinder your writing progress. Here are some Bad Habits That Are Slowing You Down As A Writer
Procrastination: Recognize your procrastination triggers. Identify tasks you use as distractions and set clear boundaries to avoid getting sidetracked. Reward yourself for completing writing goals.
Multitasking: This is a productivity myth. When you multitask, your focus is divided, leading to shoddy writing and wasted time. Train yourself to focus on one task at a time – your writing.
Perfectionism: Don't let the fear of imperfection paralyze you. Aim for progress, not perfection. Remember, the first draft is just the beginning. You can always revise and refine it later.
Social Media Black Hole: Social media is a time suck. Allot specific times for checking social media and resist the urge to constantly refresh your feed while writing. Consider using website blockers or app timers to minimize distractions.
Fear of Failure: Rejection is a part of the writing journey. Don't let the fear of negative feedback hold you back from submitting your work. Learn from constructive criticism and use it to improve your writing.
Supercharging Your Writing Journey:
In addition to avoiding common pitfalls, there are proactive measures you can take to supercharge your writing:
Develop a Reading Habit: Read voraciously, both within your genre and beyond. Explore different writing styles and techniques. Pay attention to what resonates with you as a reader and incorporate those elements into your own work.
Join a Writing Community: Connect with other writers online or in local writing groups. Share your work, offer and receive feedback, and learn from others' experiences.
Invest in Your Craft: Consider taking writing workshops or online courses to hone your skills. These can provide valuable instruction on storytelling techniques, character development, and the craft of writing itself.
Develop a Thick Skin: Rejection is a part of the publishing process. Learn to take constructive criticism in stride and use it to improve your writing. Remember, even successful authors face rejection.
Celebrate Your Achievements: Acknowledge your milestones, big and small. Finishing a chapter, receiving positive feedback, or landing your first publication are all cause for celebration. Reward yourself for your hard work and dedication.
Remember, the writing journey is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be times of frustration and self-doubt, but the key is to persevere. By implementing these practical tips, avoiding common pitfalls, and supercharging your writing habits, you can overcome writer's block, write with confidence, and take your authorial journey to the next level.
Keep writing, keep learning, and keep believing in your stories. The world needs to hear your voice!
Bonus Tip: Utilize writing tools and resources to your advantage. Grammarly and ProWritingAid can help with editing and catching errors. Scrivener or other writing software can offer organizational features and help you stay focused. Explore online resources like writer's digest (https://lauradifranco.com/resources-vault/) for additional advice and inspiration.
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nozerotoday · 1 year
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Saturday, July 23rd: Pretty in pink...no wait, I went on a run in humidity and now my face is pretty pink.
I couldn’t stop thinking about Ted Cruz on my run today. More specifically how much I hate him and how much politics revolves around a grown man’s opinion on The Barbie Movie. Texas’s infrastructure is crumbling, but sure let’s call Barbie communist. Barbie. Communist. Barbie, a name so associated with capitalism that even the shade of pink in the logo is trademarked. A name so synonymous with a registered marketable persona that no one names their kid that anymore. Like Jesus or...Adolf. 
But yeah, Barbie (circle the R) and the movie designed to sell toys. Communist icon.
Anyways, I was so wrapped up in how stupid that was that I’m pretty sure it turned the green juice in my stomach sour and I almost shit my pants on my run. Again. 
I wish I were joking. 
After a cold shower and shameful googling I’ve come to the conclusion that I have runner’s trot. Which happens as people start to develop long distance running habits (yay!...wait.). Seriously, why does no one tell you how disgusting it is getting in shape? Next time you see a fitness influencer, just be glad you can’t smell them. They will tell you how good you will feel and look, which I do, but what they won’t tell you is that after the first three miles of running you will start to sweat from your actual asshole. 
I didn’t even know we had sweat glands down there. I’ve have had sex my entire adult life and nothing has made me need a thorough shower more than 30 seconds of jogging in humidity. 
Also a bug flew directly in my face. This is unrelated, but also has never happened to me just sitting in my room. Happily rotting away. 
There’s no such thing as “good, clean, sweat”. We are covered in bacteria and oils. I have a runner friend who judges people who drink and do the occasional drug- yeah she’s great at parties- and she’s always talking about how nice clean living is and working out. Bitch, you do hot yoga. That’s just paying $40 to sweat from your vagina for an hour, how much cleaner than me could you possibly be? She looks amazing, but that’s fucking disgusting. 
I’ve done hot yoga, and the only part I liked is when everybody lies down on the floor at the end like a suicide cult sponsored by Lulu Lemon. 
Add the fact that cardio jumpstarts your metabolism and green juice is essentially a kale colonic and it’s basically a stomach flu that damages the cartilage in your knees. 
Anyways, if you’re reading this years down the line and feel bad about not going to the gym that day, just be happy you don’t have any spandex to wash. 
In other news, Nate ran a marathon today at a pace of 8.17 minuets per mile while micro-dosing acid. 8.17. Like the fuck. Was he on psychedelics or Compound V?? (No word on if he felt like shitting himself at any point.) 
My primary focus today is health and comedy. It was health and peace but then I got bored. I even updated my computer background to David Rose in his baseball uniform to remind myself that fierce bitches can always surprise you even if you were picked (rightfully so) last as a kid. 
Some things I’m proud of today:
Didn’t stop running when my headphones gave out, just ran back home and put in new ones. 
Dragged out the trash bins even though it’s technically no one’s week. (When living with roommates this actually makes me a saint, I expect to have a candle lit in my honor next to the communal water dispenser). 
Made myself a basic ass sandwich from the rapidly aging fridge ingredients (check the expiration dates on your pickles and mustard)
18 minutes of yoga and 10 minute meditation on simplicity has me feeling calm without alcohol or weed.
Updated the Beamer’s car registration, have a fancy new duvet for my bed, and brand new shampoo and conditioner to keep my hair from getting hay-like
Load of laundry, cleaned out fridge, and didn’t spend a cent today
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kinkuary · 4 years
hp kinkuary 2021 is here!
well, here we are; can you believe january is already basically over??
if you’re anything like me, this time of year is always a little hard creatively. the rush of the holidays are over, the weather is grim (depending on where you live), and you maybe signed up for some fests but the deadlines are all just soooooooo far awayyyyyy still (cue my betas screaming in the distance). it can be hard to motivate yourself to write!
enter: kinkuary. after all, why should october get all the love?
i had an incredible experience with kinktober in 2020; it jumpstarted me creatively and got me in the habit of writing and thinking about writing every single day for a whole month. i wanted to do it again, but maybe during a month with fewer days.
hp kinkuary is a very casual event, and both fic and art are welcome. there are no wordcount minimums, all ships are welcome, and there’s no participation requirement—you can create for one, some, or all of the prompts. fics do not need to be beta-read if you don’t want, but i do encourage comprehensive tagging for any potential triggers.
you can find the collection and the (very few) rules for this event on Ao3 here! happy creating!
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thebadchoicemachine · 3 years
Despair Suits Ultimate Run-Through
Okay this has been sitting in my drafts for months I’m just posting it because all my drafts are stressing me out.
Wilbur - Ultimate “Guitarist” / Ultimate Distortion (despair) 
- He’s the least true despair oriented out of the family. He loves messing with other people but doesn’t enjoy despair himself, something nobody including himself really realizes until Tommy is dead and he’s pissed because it’s not fun when HE’s the one mourning.
- He works with twisting perceptions and rules against people, there is no true good and all that. You do something nice? Well actually you see it’s cause so much more despair here etc etc.. 
Tommy - Ultimate “Playmate” / Ultimate Pawn (despair) 
- Really just a brainwashed kid hyped up on death and despair because it’s what his family is built off of. He holds it to a religious degree and takes it very seriously.
- He’s the most like Junko out of the despair family, the rules of the game are sacred to him otherwise it’s no fun. He really does his own thing so long as it’s within the goals others have set for him to accomplish. His role is mostly fulfilling other’s plans. He simultaneously has the most and least freedom out of the despair grip, being able to function however pleases so long as he fulfills his task but he is completely obligated to fulfill all and any such tasks.
Tubbo - Ultimate Hazard / Ultimate Hope
- Much like Tommy he’s really just a brain washed kid who is drunk on despair because it’s what his friends do and it’s all he’s ever known.
- Helps him realize the reaason he stuck it out so long was becuase he already had jope, belief and drive that things would be better
Ranboo - Ultimate Journalist (main character) 
- He is a journalist. He tries bis very hardest to be objective while still remaining compassionate and driven.Honestlyy he never intended to become a journalist. He started keeping notes to help himself and ended up submitting one for a school project he procrastinated on. Turns out he’s an excellent story teller as well as truthful, it won a contest and was featured in a paper and before he knew it he was writing for big news full time.
- He doesn’t even accept a lot of pay. His main and constant condition is, so long as everything is factual, his words not he twisted.
Niki - Ultimate “Baker” / Ultimate Agent 
- She was already in the habit of not being upfront with her ultimite so as to be able to just get to know people first. She can work much easier when people don’t think they’re being worked at, if they knew they were going against an ultimate they become eager to prove it wrong so she went by “Ultimate Baker” for most of her life.
- As the Ultimate Agent she is extremely good at conflict resolution and always able to get some kind of goodness through her advocating. Ever since she was a child she found herself to be the only one who stood up for victims. She is very multi-talanted as it takes different things to get different people to listen. The skills she’s built up include a BS detector that’s off the charts, being genuinely one of the friendliest people you’ll ever meet, and being able to kick your ass seven ways to sunday. 
Puffy - Ultimate Pirate 
Schlatt - Ultimate Tycoon 
- Tubbo convinces Puffy Schlatt is going to kill him. Schlatt has actually been very kind and mentor-y to Tubbo. He’s a good fit because his gruff additude isn’t too jarring for despair-washed child to dismiss but he is genuinely helpful at heart. He wants everyone to be safe.
- Tubbo is unerved by this shift in views happening to him and half-truthfully vents his feelings of unsafeness to Puffy, who posiosn him.
Hannah - Ultimate Florist 
- Famous for growing the best flower garden in the whole country alll by herself, she has a strict rule about anyone else interfering with her plants. Also, generally a plant expert. Knows a lot more than just flowers. She’s strong as hell (maintaining one of the most revered gardens in the whole world by yourself involves a lot of running and lifting) and can also find the perfect blend of colors, smells, and meanings 
Jackstanifold - Ultimate Determination 
- I love the idea of more abstract talents! Like, “Ultimate Moral Compass” sounds really unique but he was actually more like “Ultimate Hall Monitor.”
- He got picked on by adults and other kids alike for not having an “applicable” talent. Determination isn’t like being a Ultimate Baseball Star or Ultimate 
Fundy - Ultimate Game Designer 
- Has several popular games under his belt. 
Sam - Ultimate Guard 
- Actually, he hates his ultimate. He’s strong and scary and can keep people in check sure but he’s also hella fucking smart as well kind and just wants people to be safe and happy. He wished people didn’t focus so much on his enforcement and more on his protecting.
Purpled - Ultimate Astronomer 
- Actually spends most of his time playing sports, he’s very athletic and wanted to play something professionally but his knack for the stars kind of dragged him away. He doesn’t mind too much though, he really does love space!
Quackity- Ultimate Rogue
- It’s like he’s trying to be a Troublemaker™ (like Celest) but ends up more a Fuyuhiko. Albeit without the depressing jumpstart to his turn into genuinely wanting to help.  It’s more of a slow burn. 
Charlie - Ultimate Forensic Chemist 
- Acts as their detective/doctor character 
- He’s in like an uncanny valley of a mad scientist and just some friendly dude. Sure, he experiments plenty (to the point it’s questioned why he’s forensic specifically or chemist specifically) but his speciality as an actual successful sciencest is in forensics chemist. 
Karl - Ultimate Astrologer 
- Sort of works like Angie but less... awful. He’s more genuine and happy and understands other’s opinions and skepticism. 
- Honestly he more psychoanalyzes people and sort of personalizes some therapy then he does fret about their starsigns. 
Sapnap - Ultimate Arsonist 
- He is very proud of his flame abilities. He holds a “No one gets hurt unless I want them too.” Attitude about his fires. He knows just how to make a flame worse or better and was consulted in several forms be it weapons, demolition, or prevention. Basically, dude knows everything about fire. 
George - Ultimate Model 
- Not necessarily a model for his looks, rather his appeal. He just has a face people apparently love. Companies would play vast sums of money for him to pose with their product as it seems whatever he was attached to would sell like hot cakes. Even when he was a child his school made him sit alone in front of their stand as a mascot instead of working with everyone else.
Eret - Ultimate Aspirant 
- Kind of the other side to Jack’s coin. He earned his ultimate title because  no matter what he was put in he worked his hardest in and improves tremendously, not always beyond others of course but he himself gets better than he was. He as a mind and a drive for success.  
Dream - Ultimate Prey 
- Ultimate prey. Governments from all over the world would drag him into their battlefields to test their powers. He’d been shot several times actually but no one ever managed to catch him.
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sachas · 3 years
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Full name: Aleksandr “Sacha” Ruslanovich Tarasov
Nickname: Sacha, Cha Cha ( taking applications for others xoxo )
Birthdate: 17th of December, 1989
Age: 32
Zodiac: Sagittarius Sun, Leo Moon, Scorpio Rising
Gender: Nonbinary
Pronouns: He/him & They/Them ( used interchangeably )
Romantic orientation: Biromantic
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Nationality: Russian
Ethnicity: Russian
Rank: Dominion
Affiliation: Death
Birthplace: Moscow, Russia
Hometown: Moscow, Russia
Social class: Upper class
Educational achievements: Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Psychology from The Sorbonne ( mostly paid for with daddy’s money x )
Father: Ruslan “Lana” Yevgenovich Tarasov
Mother: Alexandra “Sanya” Pashovna Tarasova
Siblings: None
Pets: None
Previous relationships: 
Though Sacha prefers to keep his relationships loose, often leaving things without labels, there are a few notable entanglements.
- Saint Warden: The two experience a brief and heady whirlwind relationship ten years ago, one Summer in Paris bringing them close together, high off the drugs and each other. While a young Saint was fast to fall in love, Sacha cuts things off quickly, rathering to keep things casual than let someone become his weakness. Over the years, they reconnect occasionally, their affairs stretching a few days or weeks before the illusion is shattered again, sending Saint off again back home to London.
- Laura Vardhamana: Who’s chasing who here? Maybe that’s half the excitement, Laura plays hard to get with ease and Sacha knows they’ve met their match. Late night hook ups meld into something more, an uncanny amount of time spent together, their relationship developing a seriousness that Sacha’s never experienced. He gets suspicious, uses connections in Death to check out Laura’s tech from a far. There it is — bank statements, withdrawals and transactions made, Sacha’s been conned and is made quite the fool. So they blackmail her, turning the same receipts into threats of prison or Death.
Arrests: Breach of the Peace ( during a Death-staged protest )
Prison time: None
Current occupation: Executive Producer, Pale Horse Media / Dominion, Death
Dream occupation: He doesn’t dream about working, only having power
Past jobs: Never truly worked a day in their life x 
Spending habits: As Death’s benefactor, Sacha allocates a certain amount of money from his family funds to the cause. On top of that, their personal spending could be described as excessive, spending mostly on clothes and other impulse buys.
In debt?: Hahaha
Physical strength: Average
Speed: Average
Intelligence: Above average
Accuracy: Above average
Agility: Above Average
Stamina: Average
Teamwork: Because he’s so good at manipulating others to bend to his will, Sacha doesn’t mind teamwork, though he would much rather work alone if possible
Talents: Persuasion, Manipulation, making playlists and mean cocktails
Shortcomings: Detached, vain, selfish, jealous 
Languages spoken: Russian, English, French
Drive?: Yes
Jumpstart a car?: No, they have people for that 
Change a flat tire?: No, they have people for that 
Ride a bicycle?: Yes
Swim?: Yes
Play an instrument?: Piano ( strict lessons from his childhood burning scales into his brain )
Play chess?: Yes
Braid hair?: No
Tie a tie?: Yes
Pick a lock?: No, they have people for that 
Cook?: hahaha 
Face claim: Robert Pattinson my beloved
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: Dirty blonde
Hair type: Mostly straight with waves / 2a curl pattern
Glasses/contacts?: No
Dominant hand: Right
Height: 6’1″ / 185 cm
Build: Lean
Exercise habits: Combat training and the occasional run once or twice a week, Sacha’s definitely not passionate about exercise
Tattoos: General Tattoo Inspo ( x, x, x ) 
- Death Skull on his left shoulder close to collarbone, able to be seen from straight on
- “Тарасов” or Tarasov in Russian under left collarbone 
- a shitty stick n poke pansy on his thigh, given by Saint around ten years ago
- “Ignorant Style” tattooing, really vibe with @/bad.badtattoos on ig’s style ( here, here, here, here, here, here, here, )
Piercings: Earlobes 
Marks/scars: Freckles across skin, though none too pronounced. A few scars from drunken shenanigans gone wrong — Sacha really becomes reckless when he drinks.
Clothing style: Varied. Some days, they’re very casual, slouching on stupid graphic tee with jeans, other days are more like sleek designer boots and trendy, high waisted pants.
Jewelry: On dressed-up days, Sacha might swap his basic silver hoop earrings for something with shine, or might throw on a sleek watch to impress. His family has passed down two items of significance: a signet ring meant for each patriarch of the Tarasov family, and his grandfather’s pocket watch. Neither are worn or used on regular occasion, though might be broken out when Sacha is sent on official Tarasov Media Conglomerate business.
Allergies: None
MBTI type: INTJ - The Architect
Enneagram type:  Type eight - The Challenger  ( independent, stubborn, determined )
Moral alignment: Neutral Evil
Element: Fire
Emotional stability: Sacha keeps emotions hidden well beneath surface, often disguising one emotion as another, whatever is the most useful for the situation. Most of the time, people perceive him as detached and cold, making it hard for him to maintain regular relationships for long.
Introvert or extrovert?: Extroverted
Obsession: Finding people’s weaknesses
Phobias: Snakes! Egads! 
Drug use: Recreational, mainly drugs like ketamine, molly, acid
Alcohol use: Daily, mainly vodka
Prone to violence?: No, would rather use their snakey ways   
Prone to crying?: hahaha, no
Believe in love at first sight?: No
Accent: With years of effort and practice, Sacha manages to disguise his natural Russian inflection with something closer to a Southern English accent, though it’s not perfect and you can hear it on occasion, especially if he’s been drinking
Hobbies: Binging shit TV, giving shitty stick-n-poke tattoos, making shitty tunes on the piano, listening to music, demanding aux privileges 
Habits: Drinking, smoking, lying their ass off
Nervous tics: Clenching jaw
Drives/motivations: Power, control, greed, attention 
Fears: Failure, losing control, submitting to others 
Sense of humor?: Kinda fucked up tbh
Do they curse often?: Tastefully
Animal: Bears
Beverage: Iced Coffee or Vodka
Book: Bret Eason Ellis’s American Psycho 
Colors: Green, Purple, Silver
Food: PIZZA! but a childhood comfort food is syrniki 
Flower: Orchids
Gem: Chalcedony
Mode of transportation: Land Rover
Scent: Vanilla, Oud, Tobacco
Weather: Cloudy, breezy
Vacation destination: Swiss Alps
Greatest dream: Becoming bigger and more influential than his father ever was
Greatest fear: Missing a huge opportunity, becoming irrelevant, being controlled 
Most at ease when: exerting control 
Least at ease when: being forced into something
Biggest achievement: Making a name for himself outside of Russia / Becoming the benefactor of Death
Biggest regret: Not negotiating with Uriel to enter Death as a Seraphim x 
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 Character Bio and rules are below the line
You can call me Shadow. i’m a 28yo male that hasn’t rped in years. Last time i did was i think 3 maybe 4 years ago so i am plenty rusty. I know this doesn’t say a lot about me but if there’s anything you’d like to know, just ask.
About Karisa
Name: Karisa
Race: Tiefling: A Humanoid people descended from humans who made pacts or crossbred with demons.
Age: 18
Height: 6'3"
Hair color: black
Occupation: Golemancer, Adventurer, occasional Blacksmith
Appearance: As a tiefling, Karisa has several traits that distinguishes her from Humans. She has Lavender colored skin, ice blue eyes, two horns, pointed ears, and a 4 foot long tail.
Personality: When it comes to enemies, Karisa can be downright ruthless. if she hates them bad enough, she will leave an enemy broken but alive to let them try again. She swears a LOT around everyone no matter who they are with the exception of children and has a habit of making enemies through her mannerisms. She’s bad enough with her words that there have been jokes made about weaponizing her lexicon and isn’t afraid to cuss out friends! BUT if you can take her words with a grain of salt and actually befriend her, then no matter what she says to you, she will protect you with her life. In her words, “You may be a cunt, but you’re MY cunt. And no one FUCKS with my cunt!”
Karisa was born on a small farm and raised by her parents until she reached the age of 8 when they passed away. Since then she would delve into golemancy as a way to cope, keeping her hands busy and moving foreword as best as she can. This is around the time she found the large crystal that would become Grom’s core. At the age of 10, she made her way to the city with her golem Grom, who was wood at the time, to try and become an adventurer. There she met the Dwarf Bormi who gave her a place to stay and taught her in the ways of the blacksmith.
Modern Verse (Hazbin Verse rewrite):
Karisa is Tiefling who was born into an organization known as The Adventurer’s Guild. The purpose of this organization is to deal with supernatural threats to society as a whole by hunting down creatures, artifacts, books, and other things that could pose a danger. If it can’t be recruited, it is to be either destroyed or relocated. People of course know about them but there is a general distrust of the organization due to their habit of employing non-humans and the Guild’s use of magic.
When it comes to the forces of Heaven and Hell, the Guild was able to get their hands on a blueprint for portal technology. The portal they have doesn’t always work and sometimes accesses realms other than Heaven or Hell. This can have a tendency to get adventurers stuck in realms outside of earth.
Golemancy: Throughout her life, Karisa has made a variety of golems. These golems can me made from just about any solid material if given enough time. Golems made from metal, stone, wood, and even flesh are within her area of expertise. Her favorite golem is an 8 foot tall minotaur automaton she named Grom.
Cooking: Karisa LOVES to cook. She’s always experimenting with different dishes and creating a few of her own.
Basic Martial Arts: Since she turned 13, Karisa has trained with a quarterstaff and dagger so that if her golems failed, she could still take care of herself.
Magic: In addition to Golemancy, she has a small arsenal of spells at her disposal.
Fire Spells: All Tieflings are capable of fire magic. Fireball, Burning Hands, and Firewall to name a few. Using fire helps her a lot if she has to weld parts together on a golem.
Lightning Spells: Karisa can perform rudimentary lightning spells but this mostly equates to coating her hand in electricity to use. The strength of this can range from the power of a normal stun gun to enough power to jumpstart a city’s electrical grid.
3D Movement: This is a form of wind magic that allows her to “kick” the air. by doing this, Karisa can give off the impression that she is flying. This does not mean she stays in the air, only that she can move in it. she usually only uses this to get over walls or cliffs or maybe to get into a tree.
Empathy Link: This is something she originally learned in order to better deal with golems in order to find out what their orders are. it can be used on other creatures and objects to get a kind of idea of either how they are feeling or how they are used. She MUST make contact with the palm of her hand for this to work.
Golem Creation: As a golemancer, Karisa carries a number of golem cores on her at all times. These cores can often be infused into whatever matter she chooses to create a quick golem in the field. These golems aren’t as effective as one she has time to prepare but they get the job done. Golem cores are also extremely volatile! Damaging a core will cause any magic in it to go haywire and explode in relation to the core’s size. This makes golems and their cores effective bombs if she needs to!
Golem Override: This is a skill that allows Karisa to manually control her golems and see through their eyes. HOWEVER this is only a last resort because it leaves her immobile and defenseless. 
Please send Karisa questions and asks either from yourself or your characters! i will fill this out as i go!
1: i am all for fight scenes and such but please do not god-mod. meaning do not assume what happens to my character. (EX: “My character fires a gun and hits your character in the shoulder.” or “Your character tried to dodge but my character cuts off their arm before they can.”) In my responses, i’ve taken to rolling a dice to determine whether or not my character gets hit and how badly she gets hit. I do not mind my character dying in a particular thread so long as it is discussed at length beforehand and is necessary for the development of the plot. communication is key for stuff like this.
2: Don’t send hate. I don’t mind criticizing because it helps me reflect on how i’m doing. Hate is just a dick move though.
3: I reserve the right to choose whether or not i rp or answer an ask. There will be times that i don’t have the inspiration or motivation to continue it or there is not enough for me to go on. An example of this would be if i responded to an rp and the response i get back is “Character ducks.” or something as equally short.
4: I don’t mind reminders but i DO mind spamming. I will mostly be rping either on the weekends or some afternoons when i can get up the motivation. DO NOT spam me reminders every day or every other day. I have a 5 month old son and a job that has me working monday to thursday with the occasional friday up to 12 hours a day. Those come first.
5: You will see a lot of stuff on here that i will do my best to tag from gore to n//s//f//w// threads. If there is anything in particular you would like me to tag when it shows up, please let me know! Anything truly spicy will placed uner a read more and tagged as “Read at your own Risk!::NSFPC” (nsfpc stands for not safe for public consumption.
6: While i accept starters, memes, questions and comments through asks, starters and starter memes WILL be turned into a post to start a thread. I will not rp through constant asks because this can lead to more dash clutter than the post will. That being said, i will trim the post before it gets too long and will try to have any appropriate tags on it.
7: THERE WILL BE LOTS AND LOTS OF SWEARING! Enough that i will not be tagging it because it is everywhere! I will not tone down her swearing except around child muses because this is part of her character and i ask that you please understand.
8: When it comes to shipping, Karisa will make things fairly clear on whether or not she wants to be with your character. I love shipping but i also know that not everyone will ship their characters with Karisa and that's perfectly fine! Karisa WILL flirt and get touchy with people she's interested in but if the mun or character they are controlling doesn't want that, TELL HER! Not me. HER. Have your character reject her advances, tell her "no" or even smack the shit out of her if she gets too handsy! I will not be upset and i will completely understand! A lot of people plan ships out and tell others there has to be chemistry, but as I'm thinking about it, im going to be removing that little section from my rules. Why? Because failed ships have the potential to create drama, angst, and even enemies if done properly! If she comes onto a character and it makes you uncomfortable or you're just not interested, EXPRESS IT THROUGH YOUR CHARACTER! The same will apply to her! The only time i will have any sort of problem is if she says no, gets into a fight, and you try to godmod it to your liking or try to guilt ME about it. My character makes up her own mind about how to do things just like yours.
I may add more rules as time goes on but it’s pretty straightforward. Don’t be afraid to come and talk to me! I’m pretty open about things and i would love to see you around! Come and join me on discord for more Mun stuff! Just make sure you edit your name to match your tumblr url so i know who you are please! https://discord.gg/6ftZuSP8XH 
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realjessicareyes · 3 years
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Full name: Jessica Desideria Reyes Nickname: Jess Birthdate: 1st July 1992 Age: 28 Zodiac: Cancer Gender: Trans woman Pronouns: She/her Romantic orientation: Biromantic Sexual orientation: Bisexual Nationality: British Ethnicity: Mexican Rank: Power Affiliation: Famine
Birthplace: London, England Hometown: London, England Social class: Obscenely wealthy Educational achievements: Studied Media and Communication at the Sorbonne Father: Gaspard Edouard Reyes Mother: Gloria Reyes née Femenias Sibling: Marcus Reyes, 31 Pets: Too many to mention in her youth, ranging from standard poodles to ponies. Now she spoils Alex (Rafael’s dog) and Vincent (Wren’s cat). Previous relationships: Many flings and casual relationships, but only a few long-term ones. Since Jessica is a sentimental person, the latter includes her sweetheart in university, whom she met after her year-long Fling™ with Fazal Khan.  Arrests: None Prison time: None
Current occupation: Full-time Marketing Director at Femenias Energy, part-time influencer Dream occupation: A recent dream was to be Editor-in-chief of L’Officiel UK, but something new catches her interest every day—how could she ever choose? Past jobs: Model, both commercial and runway (short-lived). Contributing writer and editor-at-large at different publications. A variety of roles in marketing at various firms before being asked to join Femenias Energy. Spending habits: Because Jessica is spoiled rotten, she spends more generously on friends and family than on herself. She’s far pickier when it comes to clothing, accessories, and other items she’s buying for herself, and, like her mother, leans towards classic styles that can withstand the test of time. In debt?: No
Physical strength: Average Speed: Average, even in heels Intelligence: Above average Accuracy: Above average (the problem isn’t accuracy, but will) Agility: Average Stamina: Above average Teamwork: Great at it; growing up among the Femenias cousins taught her how to work well with others, even when personalities and goals differ. She’s also excellent at delegating. Talents: Dancing, making friends, being able to magically spin anything into something positive, getting people to open up to her, emotional intuition, diplomacy Shortcomings: Emotional, spoiled, clingy, possessive, unable to think long-term without guidance Languages spoken: Fluent English, Spanish, and French, and a smattering of other languages that she’s used in her travels and/or to impress people Drive?: Yes, but since she’s chauffeured nearly everywhere, she’s very much out of practice.  Jumpstart a car?: She can bat her eyelashes and make someone else do it for her—so yes? (No.)  Change a flat tire?: And break a nail? Sweetie.  Ride a bicycle?: Yes Swim?: Yes Play an instrument?: Yes, she’s an excellent piano player. Play chess?: No Braid hair?: Yes—Kitty and Rafael can attest to this Tie a tie?: Mmmm, yes Pick a lock?: Yes #justgirlythings Cook?: Passably, which she credits to private cooking lessons alongside Rita Zhang with someone who looked remarkably like but was notably not Gordon Ramsay
Face claim: Zión Moreno Eye color: Brown Hair color: Dark brown, though her hair is naturally black Hair type: Straight / 1b curl type Glasses/contacts?: No Dominant hand: Right Height: 6’0″ / 182cm Build: Slim, without a lot of muscle Exercise habits: Jessica exercises mostly for the social aspect, with her workout regimen consisting of semi-regular yoga and spinning. During her days as an Angel, and in her early years as a Power, she trained in kickboxing and Brazilian jiu jitsu, but has since fallen out of practice. Tattoos: None Piercings: Standard lobe piercings  Marks/scars: A smattering of scars from running (and tripping!) around the Femenias estate in her childhood. Some nicks from knife training. Nearly faded scars beneath her breasts, but only romantic partners have seen those.  Clothing style: Jessica’s style is classic, sophisticated, and feminine, with her favorite ensembles baring skin in a flirtatious way. At work for Femenias Energy or Famine, she occasionally busts out tailored suits. Forays into daring silhouettes tend to come from her weekend raids of Ravi’s closet. Jewelry: Jessica loves a good pair of statement earrings, leaning towards diamonds, to go along with a wide variety of necklaces, rings, and her classic everyday watch. She has way too much jewelry, at least a third given to her as presents, and tends to be sentimental when it comes to them. Among her favorites is a Graff diamond collier necklace given to her during a 2011 visit to Monaco.  Allergies: Cheap jewelry (nickel allergy)
MBTI type: ENFP - The Campaigner Enneagram type:  Nine - The Peacemaker Moral alignment: True Neutral Element: Water Emotional stability: Low; she tends to be emotional and becomes withdrawn when hurt. Introvert or extrovert?: Extrovert  Obsession: The euphoria of romance, new experiences Phobias: Acrophobia (fear of heights), trypophobia  Drug use: Prescribed, regularly. Recreational, socially. Alcohol use: Regular, especially wine  Prone to violence?: No Prone to crying?: Yes Believe in love at first sight?: No
Accent: Naturally, received pronunciation (RP), but brought her Spanish accent to the forefront for its effect on people. When she speaks in Spanish, she sounds like this. Hobbies: Dancing, clubbing, playing the piano, singing, taking photos, watching musicals and music performances, window shopping Habits: Photographing every meal she has (old habits die hard), her skincare regimen (not that she needs it), late-night window shopping (often followed by impulse buying) Nervous tics: Biting her lip, avoiding eye contact, nervous laughter Drives/motivations: Happiness for both herself and her family Fears: Dying alone  Sense of humor?: Jessica’s humor is more kindhearted than it is biting, though it’s much more teasing and pointed when she’s flirting. Do they curse often?: Not often; when she does, it’s out of shock rather than anger.
Animal: Dogs Beverage: Red wine  Book: Jessica isn’t an avid reader, but her current favorite is Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel.  Colors: Pink, white Food: She’s a sucker for discovering new dishes through dégustation paired with wine. Her favorite cuisines are Spanish, French, and Japanese. Flower: Peonies, roses Gem: Diamond Mode of transportation: Anything luxurious and chauffeured Scent: Her current partner. As for her personal scent, it varies depending on the season, and currently is Jo Malone’s Peony & Blush Suede cologne. Weather: Sunny with a cool breeze Vacation destination: Anyplace warm, such as St. Tropez, Ibiza, or the Maldives
Greatest dream: Falling in love and staying in love  Greatest fear: Losing someone she cares about, especially family Most at ease when: arm in arm with someone she cares about, flirting  Least at ease when: her role is unclear, feeling useless  Biggest achievement: Her promotion to Power; though it was never in doubt, officially becoming a part of the family business made her feel like she was sharing something with her cousins. Biggest regret: She tries not to think too hard about this.
Jessica loves you. Yes, you. <3
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archived-rw · 3 years
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Full name: Remus Sébastien Warden
Nickname: Rem, Remmy
Birthdate: 15th of January, 1985
Age: 36
Zodiac: Capricorn Sun, Scorpio Moon, Gemini Rising
Gender: Cis male
Pronouns: He/him/his
Romantic orientation: Heteroromantic
Sexual orientation: Hetereosexual 
Nationality: British & French
Ethnicity: English, French & Ashkenazi Jewish
Rank: Seraphim
Affiliation: War
Birthplace: Reims, France
Hometown: Worlingham, Suffolk / London, UK 
Social class: Upper class
Educational achievements: Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, Cambridge University, Master’s in Business Administration, Cambridge University 
Father: Warlock Warden
Mother: Gabrielle Warden (surrogate mother Mathilde Nadelman)
Siblings: Juno & Saint Warden
Pets: Cleopatra (Cleo) Warden ( x. x. x.)
Previous relationships: While Remus entertained numerous flings & casual relationships as a young man, since meeting Rita Zhang at 23, there’s no room for other women in his heart. One ill-fated date between the eldest Warden and Laura from Shoreditch during their separation proves this to still be true.
Arrests: None, though he has received an obscene amount of speeding tickets
Prison time: None
Current occupation: President, Bellum Nova
Dream occupation: Horseman of War (though CEO of Bellum would be a nice prize, too)
Past jobs: Various jobs within Bellum, mostly acting as an executive assistant to Warlock Warden
Spending habits: All over the place. Remus is more than comfortable throwing money on luxury cars, wardrobe, and skincare. Within business, he can be more frugal ( especially under Rita’s influence ). He knows the importance of putting large sums of money where it matters. 
In debt?: No
Physical strength: Above Average
Speed: Average 
Intelligence: Above average 
Accuracy: Above average 
Agility: Average 
Stamina: Average 
Teamwork: Great at it, as long as he’s in charge
Talents: Strategy/warmongering, cooking, gardening
Shortcomings: Self-absorbed, secretive, short tempered
Languages spoken: Fluent English & French, conversational in Mandarin and German (though he’s a bit out of practice in both), learning Arabic 
Drive?: Of course
Jumpstart a car?: Yes
Change a flat tire?: Yes
Ride a bicycle?: Yes 
Swim?: Yes 
Play an instrument?: Can dick around on guitar 
Play chess?: Yes
Braid hair?: Yes, barely
Tie a tie?: Yes
Pick a lock?: Yes — though it’s been years
Cook?: Yes, though not as much as a single man
Face claim: Michiel Huisman
Eye color: Blue 
Hair color: Brown
Hair type: Waves and loose curls / 2b curl pattern
Glasses/contacts?: Contacts mostly, glasses on occasion  
Dominant hand: Right 
Height: 6’1″ / 186cm 
Build: Fit, muscular, but not excessively. 
Exercise habits: Normally, cardio & strength workouts 3-5 times a week with a personal trainer; since the divorce (and nose dive into addiction), Remus is lucky if he makes it to his treadmill 
Tattoos: None 
Piercings: None
Marks/scars: Freckles across skin, though none too pronounced. Some light scars from confrontations over the years, but the recent bullet wound from Thomas Rivers will leave behind a nasty mark of its own on his left shoulder
Clothing style: Sleek and professional in the office. Comfortable and practical at home. Prefers earth tones; Rita has picked out more than half of his current wardrobe and likes to dress him in blue to match his eyes.
Jewelry: Always a watch of some kind, chosen to match outfit and occasion. His platinum wedding band lays forgotten in a drawer, though he’s only stopped wearing it in the last few months.
Allergies: Seasonal pollen 
MBTI type: ENTJ - The Commander
Enneagram type:  Type three - The Achiever  (confident, ambitious, goal oriented)
Moral alignment: Lawful Evil
Element: Earth 
Emotional stability: Remus’ moods are prone to fall into extremes, though he’s good at hiding these states from everyone except his closest inner circle
Introvert or extrovert?: Slightly introverted, though he can masquerade as an extrovert
Obsession: Strategy, becoming Horseman, Rita’s return home
Phobias: Failure, not living up to expectation
Drug use: Oh boy...frequent prescription abuse (Xanax, oxycontin, other pills if they’re available), as well as recreational cocaine use. As of 30/1, Remus attempts sobriety; his bulletwound forces him back onto painkillers, though.
Alcohol use: Regular, preferring whiskey (though he no longer tempts fate by mixing alcohol and pills)
Prone to violence?: Yes, especially vengeance  
Prone to crying?: No
Believe in love at first sight?: Yes
Accent: Southern English, with hints of French inflection.
Hobbies: Driving fast, shooting guns, cooking, listening to jazz, gardening <3
Habits: Smoking cigarettes, drinking/drugging 
Nervous tics: Biting inside of cheek, smoking
Drives/motivations: Ambition, will to be Horseman, rectifying his marriage
Fears: Dying alone & being forgotten
Sense of humor?: Dark, gritty
Do they curse often?: Yeah, a fucking lot 
Animal: Cats, particularly hairless ones
Beverage: Whiskey or an iced coffee
Book: He tells people it’s War and Peace by Tolstoy, but it’s actually Dune by Frank Herbert 
 Colors: Red, black, and silver
Food: Classic French comfort food from his childhood like croque monsieur or gratin dauphinois 
Flower: Calla Lillies 
Gem: Amber
Mode of transportation: Ferrari Stradale
Scent: Eucalyptus, rain, tobacco (and Rita’s seasonal rotation of Maison Margiela perfumes)
Weather: Rain, thunderstorms 
Vacation destination: Amalfi Coast + yacht
Greatest dream: Being Horseman & having Rita by his side
Greatest fear: Becoming irrelevant and/or forgotten within his family, losing Rita for good
Most at ease when: with Rita ( even now )
Least at ease when: he begins to doubt himself 
Biggest achievement: Promotion to Seraphim / brokering deal between UK military and Bellum Nova
Biggest regret: Neglecting his marriage / Going to Gabrielle after finding Saint & Kitty together
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