gentledarkness-king · 4 years
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  “Lohikäärmeeni!! Where the fuck are you?”
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cyberstyled · 4 years
@jundeccentmil Traveling through dimensions was always terrible. Always took a few moments for the terrible feeling of vertigo to fade. Ryo removed the Duel Disk from his arm - powered it down - and hid it under his coat. No need to attract unnecessary attention. Not yet.  He walked. Quickly. He had places to be. If the target was sensible, he’d be blending in. Hard to spot. Unless, of course, you happened to know his face. And his last known location. 
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🐤 for whoever and however many of my bois you feel like owo
[I’m just gonna go with everyone Red has talked to so far!]
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chaserainbows · 4 years
one more because it was fun, ability + the cardgame squad
If your Muse was a Pokemon, what would their abilities be? (but for me while I’m at it)
Type: Electric/Ghost Abilities: Iron Barbs / Anger Point | Protean (hidden)
Type: Ground/Steel Abilities: Guts / Reckless | Berserk (hidden)
Type: Ice/Fairy Abilities: Cute Charm / Magician | Serene Grace (hidden)
Type: Steel/Dragon Abilities: Magnet Pull / Gluttony | Power Construct (hidden)
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duelrisen · 4 years
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@jundeccentmil​​ sent:  “Aren’t you… a person. An interesting person.”
Very Vague Starters!
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“...Yeah, only I don’t know how ‘interesting’ someone can get when they’re left to watch over a hot dog stand.” It was something Yusaku didn’t really enjoy, but looking after Cafe Nagi while Kusanagi was busy was something he did anyway—even if running a food truck was really too social of a job for him.
“So can I get you anything?”
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aureatecore · 4 years
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“I heard someone mention golden eyes, so in my neverending thirst for Ho-sama the personification of Darkness, I came here.”   
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“...I think you took a wrong turn somewhere, this is a light... place. A place. of light.”   
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“...well fuck. I didn’t know we had those anymore.”
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yugioh-ng · 5 years
cont from @jundeccentmil​
Jaden was as confused and shocked as Jun was at the moment- his lucky draw had always been a weird gambit to play off, but to have Jun imploding like this over this match- 
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“I-I thought for sure you had one of your dragons set up to enter play, I didn’t know you weren’t set- I AM rusty, Manjoume, please calm down..!” He holds his hands up to try and soothe the other, not touching him.”It’s not an official duel or anything, you won’t lose face with anyone...!”
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"Manjoume, Manjoume, Manjoume... The secret. Is being polite.”
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“Actually, it’s really not much of a secret at all. But, I suppose, with a personality such as yours, it is unsurprising that this even being an option hadn’t crossed your mind.”  
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"The hell are you on about?! I don’t even want any stupid headpats! Don’t fucking touch me!”
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phoenixenforcer · 4 years
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//tron is my fav ygo antagonist and vio figured out why aHAHAHA @jundeccentmil​
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kuriibro · 5 years
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“  I’m  not  sayin’  you  rooming  with  us  is  a  problem  bro  -  but  you  do  know  you  talk  in  your  sleep  right?  Like  -  a  lot.  I  thought  you  were  talkin’  to  Sy  last  night  -  but  then  I  thought.  Hey,  Jun  wouldn’t  be  talkin’  to  Sy  out  of  nowhere  like  that.  ”    Juudai shrugged  digging  into  his  breakfast  -    which  was  easier  said  than  done  since  every  few  minutes  the  table  would  shake  from  the  construction  work  going  on  outside.  Sure  the  Slifer  dorm  -  was  a  bit  run-down.  But  it  gave  the  place  character!  -  Once  you  got  used  to  the  cockroaches.  
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herossoul · 5 years
@jundeccentmil liked for a Starter.
He wasn’t expecting to react like this at all, he thought he’d gotten over this already. Yet he just felt this hesitance around some of his friends, part of judai just wanted to run from conversation with them. But that wasn’t right nor like him he didn’t know why he had this hesitance but he’d put it aside considering this a good chance to catch up a little considering it had been a while since Judai had seen Jun .
“Hey Jun, it’s been a while huh..?” he called out slightly nervous with a smile that matched his tone.
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chazzitup · 5 years
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@jundeccentmil ::      “Wait, so you’re that Charles Princeton guy people keep mistaking me for?”
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❝   the  name’s  chazz,  you  got  that  ?  good,   because  from  now  on  you  won’t  be  forgetting  it.   ❞   whatever  nerve  this  guy  had  was  none  of  his  business,  but  the  audacity  of  his  question  levelled  beyond  simple  name  correction.   ❝  people  mistake  you  for  me  ?   that’s  the  funniest  thing  i’ve  heard  of  day ;   and  i  live  with  jaden.  we  looking  nothing  alike  !   for  one,   you  have  bad  style ;   unlike  yours  truly.   ❞
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angelicyber · 5 years
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❝   i   have   to   say   ,   this   place   looks   amazing   manjoume.   ❞    it’s   not   the   accommodation   she’s   expecting   at   slifer   red   ,   but   that   wasn’t   necessarily   a   bad   thing.   while   she   wasn’t   exactly   picky   ,   she   did   have   preference   over   a   nice   place   then   rooming   with   actual   cockroaches.   ❝   and   it’s   really   cool   if   i   stay   here   for   awhile   ?   ❞
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bornfromhcpe-blog · 5 years
@jundeccentmil [x]
“It’ll be quick I promise.” Bastion replied. He wasn’t even trying to be polite at this point, he just looked done with everything. “I need you to either put me to sleep for the next few weeks. Either that or twist my head to put me out of my bloody misery.”
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chaserainbows · 4 years
What’s your underlying motif?
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The Orange
whether it’s your sweet nature, breakaway cover, or your natural displays of intimacy, you have the undercurrent of the orange. a love language in itself, your nature makes others want to take a bite and enjoy the tang that you leave behind with your laughter. you remind others of a summer day, hot air, long nights, always hopeful you’ll never go away. in her poem “the orange” by wendy cope she said “i peeled it and shared it with robert and dave, they had quarters and i had a half” you’re generous and have much to give. she also said “this is peace and contentment, it’s new” well i say, it’s you.
Tagged by: @jundeccentmil​ Tagging: @fieldknowledge​ @forgxtemall​ @littlesilverplatinum​ @cxlxssal​ @friendsinthefrost​
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viewfromthepinnacle · 5 years
Jun vc: *sneezes on Shoji* Bless me.
Shoji removes a crisp, clean handkerchief from his jacket pocket and wipes down the area with distaste.
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“Kid, you need a full blown exorcism.”
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