#juniper gentian and rosemary
Botanic Tournament : Main Bracket !
Round 1 Poll SS
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(Gentians and hyacinths)
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jelotinousblog · 2 years
finally got around to reading Juniper, Gentian and Rosemary after the copy i got ahold of has floated around my apartment for over a year.
honestly..... i am disappointed? after how long i've loved Tam Lin i really wanted to like other books by Dean but the extreme referential-ness took me ages to get used to in the first place and the way it's done in JGaR is just... a lot lmao. like it's all 100% in my niche so i do get it all (was not expecting the Heinlein references, to my delight; my mom introduced me to his books when i was in middle school, too) but i definitely feel like if i tried to have my boyfriend read it most of it would go over his head. Dominic taking only in quotes makes me want to punch stuff. and there really isn't a lot of action to make up for it either. oh well. it's october so i can read Tam Lin soon to cleanse my pallette. :)
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finelythreadedsky · 10 months
going to start a line of folk ballad herb blends. the debut set includes roud 12 (parsley, sage, rosemary, thyme), roud 161 (juniper, gentian, rosemary), and roud 858 (rue and thyme).
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stagewitch · 2 years
Correspondences Running Master List (P-R)
Past Life Recall - snowflake obsidian, carnelian
Passion - carnelian, tomato
Peace/Harmony - dulse, eryngo, gardenia, lavender, loosestrife, meadowsweet, morning glory, myrtle, olive, passion flower, pennyroyal, skullcap, vervain, violet, prehnite, carnelian
Perseverance - snowflake obsidian, honey calcite, 
Positivity - celestite
Power - carnation, club moss, devil’s shoestring, ebony, gentian, ginger, rowan, carnelian
Prophetic Dreams - bracken, buchu, cinquefoil, heliotrope, jasmine, marigold, mimosa, mugwort, onion, rose, blue calcite 
Prosperity - alfalfa, alkanet, ahnond, ash, banana, benzion, nuts, oak, tomato, tulip, thyme
Protection - acacia, african violet, agrimony, ague root, aloe, althea, alyssum, amaranth, anemone, angelica, anise, arbutus, asafoetida, ash, balm of gilead, bamboo, barley, basil, bay, bean, wood betony, birch, bittersweet, blackberry, bladderwrack, bloodroot, blueberry, bodhi, boneset, briony, bromeliad, broom, buckthorn, burdock, cactus, calamus, caraway, carnation, cascara sagrada, castor, cedar, celandine, chrysanthemum, cinchona, cinnamon, cinquefoil, clove, clover, club moss, coconut, black cohosh, cotton, cumin, curry, cyclamen, cypress, datura, devil’s bit, devil’s shoestring, dill, dogwood, dragon’s blood, ebony, elder, elecenpane, eucalyptus, euphorbia, fennel, fern, feverwort, figwort, flax, fleabane, foxglove, frankincense, galangal, garlic, geranium, ginseng, gorse, gourd, grain, grass, hazel, heather, holly, honeysuckle, horehound, houseleek, hyacinth, hyssop, irish moss, ivy, juniper, kava-kava, lady’s slipper, larch, larkspur, lavender, leek, lettuce, lilac, lily, lime, linden, liquidambar, loosestrife, lotus, lucky hand, mallow, mandrake, marigold, masterwort, meadow rue, mimosa, mint, mistletoe, molluka, mugwort, mulberry, mullein, mustard, myrrh, nettle, norfolk island pine, oak, olive, onion, orris, papaya, papyrus, parsley, pennyroyal, peony, pepper, pepper tree, periwinkle, pilot weed, pimpernel, pine, plantain, plum, primrose, purslane, quince, radish, ragwort, raspberry, rattlesnake root, rhubarb, rice, roots, rose, rosemary, rowan, sage, st. john’s wort, sandalwood, slow, snapdragon, southernwood, spanish moss, squill, tamarisk, thistle, thyme, ti, toadflax, tomato, tormentil, tulip, turnip, valerian, venus’ flytrap, vervain, violet, wax plant, willow, wintergreen, witch hazel, wolf’s bane, woodruff, yerba santa, yucca, black tourmaline, 
Psychic Powers - acacia, althea, bay, bistort, bladderwrack, borage, buchu, celery, cinnamon, citron, elecampane, eyebright, flax, galangal, grass, honeysuckles, lemongrass, mace, marigold, mastic, mugwort, peppermint, rose, rowan, saffron, star anise, stillengia, sumbul, thyme, uva ursa, wormwood, yarrow, yerba santa 
Public Speaking - carnelian, sodalite
Purification - alkanet, anise, gum arabic, asafoetida, avens, bay, benzoin, wood betony, bloodroot, broom, cedar, chamomile, coconut, copal, euphorbia, fennel, horseradish, hyssop, iris, lavender, lemon balm, lemon, lemon verbena, mimosa, parsley, peppermint, pepper tree, rosemary, sagebrush, shallot, holy thistle, thyme, tobacco, turmeric, valerian, vervain, yucca. Bloodstone, black tourmaline,
Rain (to cause to fall) - bracken, cotton, fern, heather, pansy, rice, toadstool
Renewal - lemon balm
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The tournament is up there, with the rules, my open askbox etc.
Names' ideas from the characters list below (they're examples I've gathered or you submitted, THIS ISN'T A LIST OF CONFIRMED CONTESTANTS. If you want them in the bracket you have to submit them) :
Acerola, Aerith, Ainsley, Almond, Althea, Alyssa, Alyssum, Amaranth, Amarantha, Amaryllis, Amy Rose, Ananas, Anemona, Anemone, Angel Lily, Angelica, Angélique, Anthea, Anthy, Apple Bloom, Araluen, Arum, Asami, Ash, Ashleigh, Ashley, Aster, Artremisia, Ayano, Azalea, Azami
Basil, Begonia, Belladonna, Bellossom, Berry, Bloom, Blooms, Blossom, Bluebell, Botan, Bougainvillea, Briar Rose, Briony, Bryony, Buttercup, Byakuren
Calanthe, Calla (Lily), Camellia, Campion, Carmilla, Carnation, Cassia, Cedar, Celandine, Cerise, Cherry, Cherry Blossom, Chloe, Chrysanthemum, Clove, Clover, Cosmo, Crocus, Cucumber, Cynthia
Dahlia, Daisy, Dandelion, Daphne, Daphnes, Delphine, Delphinium, Dendro, Dendrobium, Diantha, Dianthus
Eglantine, Elanor, Erica, Erika
Fearne, Fields, Ficus, Fig, Fleur, Fleur de Lis, Fleur-de-Lys, Flora, Florence, Flores, Flower, Flower in the Night, Flowey, Flox, Forsythia, Foxglove, Fuchsia, Fuji, Fujiwara, Fuuka
Gardenia, Garlic, Gentian, Geranium, Gladiolus, Gladion, Goldmary, Guzma
Hana, Hanadera, Hanajima, Hanako, Hanami, Hanasaki, Haruka, Hau, Hazel, Heather, Hemlock, Hibiscus, Hinata, Holly, Hollyhock, Hollyleaf, Honeysuckle, Hortense, Hortensia, Hua, Hyacinth, Hyacinthe, Hyacinthus
Iantha, Ianthe, Ibaraki, Iolanthe, Iris, Itsuki, Ivy
Jacinda, Jaskier, Jasmine, Jessamine, Jessamy, Juniper
Kalen, Kalina, Kanon, Kasen, Katniss, Kiku, Kikyo, Kiryu, Kiwi, Kugisaki, Kukui, Kuroba
Laura, Laurel, Lauren, Lavender, Leif, Lemon, Lian, Liana, Lilac, Lili, Lilia, Lilian, LilianaLilium, Liliya, Lilja, Lillian, Lilliana, Lillie, Lillium, Lilly, Lily, Lime, Linnea, Lusamine, Lychee
Magnolia, Mallow, Mandelstam, Maple, Margaret, Marguerite, Marigold, Marlowe, Meadow, Mei, Mentha, Miki, Mimosa, Mint, Minty, Momo, Momoka, Moobloom, Myrrh, Myrrha, Myrtle
Nadeshiko, Narcissus, Nasreen, Nemona, Nepeta,
Orange Blossom, Orchid
Padma, Padmé, Pema, Peasley Peony, Pepper, Periwinkle, Pervinca, Petunia, Pimpernel, Plumeria, Poppy, Posey, Posy, Potpourri, Primrose, Pumpkinhead
Ran, Rapunzel, Raspberry, Ren, Riko, Ringo, Roisin, Rosa, Rosalie, Rosalina, Rosalind, Rosaline, Rosamund, Rosalyne, Rose, Rosella, Roseluck, Rosemary, Rosemaster, Ronsencrantz, Rosethorn, Rosetta, Rosie, Rosita, Rozaliya, Rue
Sage, Saki, Sakuko, Sakura, Salvia, Samantha, Seagrass, Sensui, Sequoia, Smilax, Sour Grapes, Sprig, Spruce, Strelitzia, Sue, Sumire, Sumireko, Susan, Susannah, Susie, Suzanne, Sweet Grapes, Sylvester, Sylvia, Sylvie
Tamar, Tamara, Tansy, Thalia, Thistlefoot, Thorn, Toph, Tsubaki, Tsubomi, Tulip, Turnip, Twoflower
Vanilla, Vasily, Venus, Veronica, Viola, Violet, Violetta
Whitley, Willow, Wisteria,
Xion, Xochitl
Yasamin, Yasmin, Yasmina, Yotsuba, Yuri
Zara, Zahra, Zinnia, Zisu, Zhou Xu
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chadwick211 · 2 years
Valentine’s Day gifts are often a major letdown. This Valentine’s Day, give your lady a thoughtful and the perfect Valentine’s Day gift inspired by one of her biggest passions: drinking. Here is the romantic Valentine’s Day gift guide from Sendgifts for the liquor obsessed woman in your life.
Send Unique Valentine’s Day Gifts to her Look no further than Sendgifts. Our curated choices range from champagne gift sets, engraved bottles, whiskey gifts, bourbon gifts and more we have you covered. Featuring the brands you love from Macallan, Jack Daniel’s, and Johnnie Walker or Champagne from Dom Perignon, Veuve Clicquot, and more! Sendgifts is one of the top online liquor stores in USA. It offers fastest liquor delivery right at your doorsteps. It too offers alcohol delivery to Canada.
Shop our Valentine’s Day Gifts for Her from our top picks. Not enough? Browse the website for even more gifts!
Grand Marnier Cent Cinquantenaire 150 France
Grand Marnier Cent Cinquantenaire 150 Liqueur, originally launched in 1977 to commemorate the 150th anniversary of Grand Marnier, and is packaged in a hand-painted bottle decorated with distinctive Art Nouveau designs. It remains one of the best liqueurs in the world for the true connoisseur, earning seven Double Gold medals over the years at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.
It combines the essence of orange with forty-year-old Cognacs mainly from Grande Champagne, the region’s most prestigious production area, for a citrus-tinged, incredibly easy to sip spirit.
Tasting Notes
Nose: Candied orange blossom, with the balance of bergamot, wood and spicy notes.
Palate: Dried fruits, nutmeg and gingerbread. Macerated oranges in the length.
Finish: Lingering finish.
Licor Beirao
Licor Beirao is a Portuguese liqueur with 22% ABV. Its recipe is a trade secret; producer J. Carranca Redondo, Lda. Only states it is made from a double distillation of seeds and herbs from all over the world, including Malaysia, Brazil, and Thailand.
Originally produced as a medicine for stomach aches in a pharmacy in Lous, Portugal, Beirao is flavored with 13 botanicals including mint, cinnamon, cardamom and lavender.
Serve on-the-rocks with a slice of lemon.
Tasting Notes
Appearance: Clear, golden amber.
Aroma: Spearmint with eucalyptus, lavender, cinnamon and rosemary.
Taste: Moderately sweet and syrupy. Mint dominates with underlying complex herbal and spicy notes, particularly cinnamon.
Aftertaste: Minty, delicately spicy finish.
Overall: Fairly sweet and minty fresh with attractive and complex floral, herbal and spicy notes.
Gammel Dansk Liqueur Bitters
Gammel Dansk or “Old Danish” was first produced in 1964 and is flavored with 29 different botanicals including star anise, nutmeg, ginger, bay leaf, gentian, Seville orange, and cinnamon according to a secret recipe. Although originally created and produced in Denmark, Gammel Dansk is now made in Norway.
The exquisite soft and dry flavor derives from a blend of 29 different herbs from many different places around the world and fruits selected for their aromatic, sharp, bitter qualities.
Tasting Notes
Appearance: Clear, rusty brown with golden highlights.
Aroma: Cracked black pepper and sweet cinnamon and nutmeg nose with warm cloves and red berry fruit.
Taste: Aggressive bitter, dry, pine juniper palate with tannin and much need sweet fruity flavors.
Aftertaste: Aromatic, liquor ice finish with fruit compote struggling for attention over the bitterness. We’d score this highly if presented in a bitters bottle with a dropper and aimed at being dripped into Manhattans.
Best served at room temperature in small glasses, but is also great for cocktails or added to your beer for extra flavor. Standard Proof Pecan Rye Whiskey
Standard Proof Pecan Rye Whiskey is infused with real pecans, honey roasted and sourced from San Saba, Texas. It is rested in their quality rye whiskey for 16 weeks and filtered via proprietary filtration process. Enjoy neat, on the rocks, as a shot, or in a cocktail.
You won’t find any artificial preservatives or flavors, just real, roasted pecans from San Saba, Texas – the world capital of Pecans. And our award-winning, Tennessee Straight Rye whiskey. Drinkers will be comforted by the buttery, nutty, and familiar flavors that can bring anyone back home. This creation has the perfect blend of spicy and smooth flavor, winning gold in the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.
Tasting Notes
Tastes like a pecan praline, eloquently balanced and not overly sweet. The pecan aromas on the nose carry right on through the palate and throughout the finish leaving you craving another sip.
Russian Standard Platinum Vodka
Russian Standard Platinum is for the demanding vodukmyder, which is only satisfied with the best quality. It is produced according to the same recipe as original, however, one step further has passed to achieve the optimal purity. When producing Russian Standard Platinum, the very expensive and advanced silver filtration is used to ensure that even the smallest impurity fails to the finished vodka.
Russian Standard Platinum Vodka employs a proprietary silver filtration system known for its unique natural refining values. This exclusive process produces an extraordinary silky smooth vodka with an ultra-clean finish. The modern and refined taste profile of Russian Standard Platinum and its citrus aroma makes it perfect to taste on its own or as an excellent base for any cocktail.
Tasting Notes
Aromas and flavors of corn silk and fresh grass with a supple, bright, dry light body and a warming, brisk finish. A highly neutral vodka that offers an easy-sipping experience; a clean canvas to color with creative cocktail ingredients. Riga Black Balsam Currant
Riga Black Balsam is probably the oldest bitter brand in the world, its history of craftsmanship dating back over 260 years.
The recipe was crafted more than 260 years ago and although the ingredients are not secret, only two people in the world – the master distiller and his apprentice – know all the details of the renowned single-barrel process.
Tasting Notes
Half-bitter; Sweet and sour flavor’s with mature berry aroma; enjoy it neat on the rocks. Mix with tonic water or soda water. A perfect base spirit for any type of cocktails. A contemporary international bitter featuring the original Riga Black Balsam herbal bitter enriched with natural Nordic blackcurrant juice for a new flavor experience. For more information visit our website:https://www.sendgifts.com/
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welcometothewarren · 2 years
Riddles Wisely Expounded (Child 1, Roud 161, aka The Three Sisters, Juniper Gentian and Rosemary, Lay the Bent to the Bonny Broom, etc) is a ballad dating back to the 15th century, originally about a woman winning a riddle contest to ward off the devil, then in later versions to win a noble knight's hand in marriage, then back to warding off the devil in the still later Appalachian variant The Devil's Nine Questions (aka 99 & 90).  I had a good laugh reading about the circuitous history of the song way back in the merry month of May and immediately thought, "I could make this about Loki."  
Quite frankly, there have been so many versions of the song that it was surprisingly easy to find four traditional couplets from Riddles that lent themselves shockingly well to mythic interpretation.  (I am particularly proud of the puns that came out of horn/thorn.)  I only changed one answer - traditionally, snow is whiter than milk. (The more common answer to lead is sin, but I took my answer from a version recorded by Paul Clayton and Jean Ritchie.)
If you want to hear a traditional recording of The Devil's Nine Questions, I highly recommend Texas Gladden, Anna & Elizabeth (they have a crankie!) and Sophie Crawford.
Image: Countess Hilda Sophie Charlotte Reventlow & Countess Malvina Anny Louise Reventlow by August Heinrich Georg Schiøtt (1840s, detail)
Now you must answer my questions 9
     Sing 99 and 90
Do you go alone or are you mine?
     And who is the weaver's bonny?
What is whiter than the milk?
     Sing 99 and 90
And what is softer than the silk?
     And who is the weaver's bonny?
Bone is whiter than the milk
     Sing 99 and 90
And down is softer than the silk
     And I am the weaver's bonny
What is greener than the grass?
     Sing 99 and 90
And what is smoother than the glass?
     And who is the weaver's bonny?
Envy is greener than the grass
     Sing 99 and 90
Flattery's smoother than the glass
     And I am the weaver's bonny
What is louder than the horn?
     Sing 99 and 90
And what is sharper than the thorn?
     And who is the weaver's bonny?
Rumor is louder than the horn
      Sing 99 and 90
And hunger is sharper than the thorn
      And I am the weaver's bonny
What is heavier than the lead?
     Sing 99 and 90
And what is better than the bread?
     And who is the weaver's bonny?
Grief is heavier than the lead
     Sing 99 and 90
Your blessing's better than the bread
     And I am the weaver's bonny
Now you've answered my questions 9
     Sing 99 and 90
No more alone, you're one of mine
     And you are the weaver's bonny
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Creature Features: @jomsimscreations adlasinette fairy wings | @suzuesims elf ears
Genetics & Makeup: @taty86 recolor of @newseasims gaze hair + various @shimydim or @antosims overlays | @remussirion fantasy skin
Clothes & Accessories: @strangestorytellersims recolor of @plazasims’ adventure set (body 7) |  @blahberry-pancake poison ivy necklace
Creature Features: @suzuesims aria wings | @suzuesims elf ears
Genetics & Makeup: @honeysims4blog recolor of @wingssims os0713 hair + various @shimydim or @antosims overlays | @remussirion fantasy skin?
Clothes & Accessories: @jarusims fairy costume leona v3
Creature Features: @suzuesims aria wings | @suzuesims elf ears + earrings
Genetics & Makeup: ?? hair + ?? recolor + various @shimydim or @antosims overlays | @remussirion fantasy skin
Clothes & Accessories: @plazasims (body 15)
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americanoddity · 3 years
Planetary Herbal Associations
Handy list of planetary herbal associations for all of your worship needs from my personal notes & research. 
Sun- angelica, ash tree, bay tree, burnet, butterbur, chamomile, celandine, centaury, eyebright, juniper, lovage, marigold, pimpernel, rosemary, rue, saffron, st. john’s wort, st. peter’s wort, tormentil, turnsole, walnut tree
Moon- adder’s tongue, arrach, brankursine, colewort, water caltrop, chickweed, clary, cleavers, coralwort, watercress, cucumber, duck meat, fleur de lys, water flag, fluellen, cuckoo-flower, lettuce, water lily, white lily, loosestrife, moonwort, mouse-ear, orpine, pellitory of Spain, rattle-grass, saxifrage, stonecrop, wallflower, willow tree
Mercury- bitter-sweet, calamint, wild carrot, caraway, dill, elecampane, fern, fennel, germander, hazelnut, horehound, houndstongue, lavender, lily of the valley, liquorice, wall rue, golden maiden-hair, marjoram, mulberry tree, nailwort, oats, parsley, parsnip, pellitory of the wall, garlic cress, savory, scabious, smallage, southernwood, honeysuckle, valerian
Venus- alkanet, ground ivy, artichoke, black alder tree, common alder tree, wild arrach, archangel bean, bishop’s weed, bramble, blites, bugle, burdock, cherry tree, chickpeas, columbine, coltsfoot, cudweed, cowslip, crab’s claw, crosswort, daisy, devil’s bit, eringo, featherfew, dropwort, figwort, foxglove, goldenrod, gromel, gooseberry, groundsel, st. john’s (kidney) wort, jasmine, ladies’ mantle, marshmallow, french mercury, dog mercury, mint, moneywort, motherwort, mugwort, catnip, catmint, orchis, parsley piert, parsnip, pennyroyal, pear tree, periwinkle, plantain, plum tree, poppy, purslane, primrose, privet, queen of the meadows, ragwort, rye, woodsage, sanicle, self-heal, soapwort, sorrel, sow-thistle, spignel, strawberry, tansey, teasel, vervain, wheat, yarrow
Mars- all-heal, prunella vulgaris, barberry, basil, briony, benedictus, cardines, crowfoot, dovesfoot, flax-weed, burze bush, garlic, gentian, hawthorn, hedge-hyssop, hop, madder, master-wort, nettle, onion, pepperwort, ground pine, horseradish, rhubarb, savine, star thistle, tobacco, wormwood
Jupiter- agrimony, alexander, wild parsley, asparagus, calm, white beet, bilberry, borage, chervil, chestnut tree, cinque foil, costmary, dandelion, dock, dog’s grass, endive, fig tree, clive-gilliflowers, hart’s tongue, hyssop, house-leek (succulents), liverwort, lungwort, maple tree, melilot, oak tree, roses, sage samphire, scurvy-grass, lady’s thistle
Saturn- amaranthus, barley, corn, red beet, beech tree, bifoil, birds-foot, blue bottle, buck’s horn plantain, comfrey, sciatica-cress, darnel, dodder, elm tree, water-fern, fleawort, flux weed, fumitory, gladwin, goutwort, heart’s ease, hawkweed, henbane, hemlock, black hellebore, horsetail, holly, ivy, knapweed, knotgrass, medlar tree, mosses, mullein, nightshade (vegetables), polypody of the oak, poplar tree, quince tree, service tree (wild berries), shepherd’s purse, spleenwort, tamarix tree, melancholy thistle, black thorn, thorough-wax, tutsan weed, Solomon seal, marsh ragwort, willow herb, winter green, yew tree
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lunariaa · 4 years
Herbs and their Gender- Masculine Herbs
In witchcraft, all herbs have a gender or a polarity. This is not to say that these particular herbs are, in fact, male or female, rather it refers to their energy
Acacia Agaric Agrimony Alder Allspice Almond Anemone Angelica Anise Arabic, Gum Arbutus Asafoetida Ash Aspen Avens Bamboo Banyan Basil Bay Bean Benzoin Bergamot, Orange Betony, Wood Bistort Bittersweet Black Cohosh Black Snakeroot Bloodroot Bodhi Borage Bracken Brazil Nut Briony Bromeliad Broom
Cactus Caraway Carnation Carrot Cashew Cat Tail Cedar Celandine Celery Centaury Chamomile Chestnut Chicory Chili Pepper Chrysanthemum Cinnamon Cinquefoil Citron Clove Clover Copal Coriander Cubeb Cumin Curry Damania Dandelion Deerstongue Dill Dock Dragon’s Blood Elecampane Endive Eyebright Fennel Fenugreek Fern Fig Filbert Flax Frankincense Galangal Garlic Gentian Ginger Goat’s Rue Golden Seal Gorse Grains of Paradise Hawthorne Hazel Helio High John Holly Honeysuckle Hops Horehound Horse Chestnut Horseradish Houndstongue Houseleek Hyssop Juniper Larch Lavender Leek Lemongrass Lemon Verbena Lily of the Valley Lime Linden Liquidamber Liverwort Lovage Mace Maquey Mahogany Mountain Male Fern Mandrake Maple Marigold Marjoram Masterwort Mastic May Apple Meadowsweet Mint Mistletoe Mulberry Mushroom Mustard Nettle Norfolk Island Pine Nutmeg Oak Olive Onion Orange Palm Papyrus Parsley Pecan Pennyroyal Peony Pepper Peppermint Pepper Tree Pimento Pimpernel Pine Pineapple Pistachio Poke Root Pomegranate Prickly Ash Radish Red Sandalwood Reed Rice Lily Lobelia Loosestrife Lotus Love Seed Lucky Hand Magnolia Maidenhair Mallow Mesquite Moonwort Morning Glory Mimosa Mugwort Mullein Myrrh Myrtle Rosemary Rowan Rue Saffron Sage St. John’s Wort Sarsaparilla Sassafras Savory, Summer Senna Sesame Shallot Oats Oleander Sloe Snapdragon Southernwood Squill Star Anise Sunflower Tangerine Tea, Oriental Thistle Thistle, Holy Thistle, Milk Ti Toadflax Tobacco Tormentil Venus’ Flytrap Walnut Wax Plant Witchgrass Witch Hazel Woodruff Wormwood Yerba Mate Yucca
like what you see? leave me a tip!!: https://www.paypal.me/lunariaathewitch
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francesderwent · 4 years
things read in October:
Juniper, Gentian, and Rosemary, Pamela Dean
Winterhouse, Ben Guterson
Get Lucky, Bright Side of Disaster, Katherine Center
The Thief, Queen of Attolia, King of Attolia, Conspiracy of Kings, Thick as Thieves, Megan Whalen Turner (reread)
The Burden, Mary Westmacott (Agatha Christie)
Cinder, Scarlet, Cress, Winter, Stars Above, Marissa Meyer
Ordinary Girls, Blair Thornburgh
The Beekeeper's Apprentice, A Monstrous Regiment of Women, Laurie King
Vicious, V.E. Schwab
People Like Us, Dana Mele
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Botanic Tournament : Junipers Bracket !
Round 0
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witxhmommy · 5 years
The Magickal Association of Herbs - Part 1
Herbs Associated with Aid in Legal Matters: Buckthorn, High John the Conqueror, and Galangal
Herbs Associated with Anti-Sorcery/Uncrossing: Absinthe, African ginger, Agrimony, Ague weed, Angelica, Anise seed, Ash leaves, Basil, Bay, Benzoin, Betony, Blessed thistle, Blood root, Boneset, Broom, Cinquefoil, Clover, Cloves, Curry powder, Dill, Dog grass, Dragon’s blood, Elder, Fennel, Flax, Frankincense, Galangal, Gentian, Geranium, Ginger, Hawthorn, Huckleberry, Hyacinth, Hyssop, Lilac, Lotus flowers, Mandrake root, Marigold, Marjoram, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Nettle, Peony root, Pine (bark), Polkroot, Rue, Sage, Saint John’s wort, Sloe (berries and bark), Spikenard, Tormentil, Unicorn root, Valerian, Vervain, Vetivert, Woodruff, and Wormwood.
Herbs Associated with Astral Projection: Dittany and Mugwort.
Herbs Associated with Courage: Columbine, Rose, and Thyme.
Herbs Associated with Divination: Acacia, Adder’s tongue, Camphor, Cloves, Cowslip, Daisy, Dandelion, Frankincense, Goldenrod, Hawthorn flowers, Hibiscus, Honeysuckle, Lemon Grass, Mace, Mugwort, Nutmeg, Orris root, Peppermint, Rose, Thyme, Vervain, Wormwood, and Yarrow.
Herbs Associated with Dream Magick: Adder’s tongue, Agrimony, Anise, Camphor, Celandine (lesser), Cinnamon, Diasy, Hlly, Hops, Ivy, Lemon verbena, Mandrake root, Marigold, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Onion, Peppermint, Purslane, Rose, Saint John’s wort, Verbena, Vervain, Wormwood, and Yarrow.
Herbs Associated with the Evil Eye: Figwort, Garlic, Hyacinth, Tulip (See also Herbs Associated with Protection, and Herbs Associated with Anti-Sorcery/Uncrossing ) 
Herbs Associated with Exorcism: Angelica, Basil, Cloves, Dragon’s blood, Elder, Fern, Fleabane, Frankincense, Garlic, Horehound, Juniper, Lilac, Mallow, Mint, Mistletoe, Mugwort, Myrrh, Periwinkle, Rue, Solomon’s Seal, Saint John’s wort, Thistle, Vervain, and Yarrow.
Herbs Associated with Fairies, Elves, and Woodland Spirits: Daisy, Elecampane (elfwort), Foxglove (fairy fingers, fairy caps, fairy’s thimbles, fairy’s gloves). Indian pipe (fairy smoke) Ragweed (fairies’ horse), Ragwort, Shamrock (Leprechaun Clover), and Wood Sorrel. 
Herbs Associated with Fertility/Virility: Catnip, Geranium, Gingseng, Lotus flowers, Mandrake root, Mugwort, Myrtle, Sarsaparilla, Tansy, and Yohimbe.
Herbs Associated with Good Luck: Buckthorn (bark) Chamomile, Clover (especially four-leaf clovers), Dandelion, Dragon’s blood, Frankincense, Goldenrod, Healmoss, Job’s tears, John the Conqueror, Kelp, Khus-Khus, Lotus flowers, Lucky hand root, Mistletoe, Mojo wish bean, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Peony Root, Queen of the Meadow, Rose Hips, Rosemary, Sacred bark, Sandalwood, Satyrion root, Star anise, Spearmint, Strawberry, Tonka bean, and Tulip.
Herbs Associated with Health: All-heal, Allspice, Asafetida, Ash leaves, Betony, Buckeye, Caraway seeds, Gardenia, Ginseng, Horehound, John the Conqueror, Laurel, Life-everlasting, Narcissus, Peppermint, Rose, Rue, Sarsaparilla, Sassafras, Thyme, Vervain, and Wintergreen. 
Herbs Associated with Immortality: Motherwort, Periwinkle, and Tansy.
Herbs Associated with Invisibility: Ferns and Tansy.
Herbs Associated with Love Magick*: Absinthe, Adam and Eve root, Almond, Aloes, Apple Blossoms, Archangel, Ash Leaves, Aster, Balm, Basil, Bay laurel, Bedstraw, Beth root, Birthroot, Bittersweet, Black snakeroot, Bugleweed, Burdock, Cardamom, Catnip, Cinnamon, Cinquefoil. Cloves, Cumin, Diasy, Damiana, Deer’s tongue, Dill seed, Dragon’s blood, Dulse herb, Elder, Elecampane, Fennel seeds, Feverfew, Five-finger grass, Gentian root, Ginger, Grains of Paradise, Groundsel, Heart’s ease, Hemp (seeds), Hibiscus, Hyacinthe, Indian paintbrush, Jasmine, Juniper (berries), Khus-khus, Lady’s mantle, Laurel, Lavender, Lemon, Licorice stick herb, Lime, Linden, Lotus, Lovage, Magnolia, Maidenhair fern, Mandrake, Marjoram, Mint, Mistletoe, Motherwort, Mulleuin (leaves), Myrrh, Myrtle, Orange blossoms, Orchid, Orris root, Passion flower, Patchouli, Pennyroyal, Periwinkle, Primrose, Quassia chips, Queen Elizabeth root, Raspberry, Rose, Ros geraniu, Rosemary, Rue, Sage, Satyrion root, Skullcap, Senna pods, Snakeroot, Southernwood, Spikenard, Strawberry, Sweet bugle, Thyme, Vanilla, Verbena (root), Vervain, Vetivert, Violet, Wormwood, Yerba mate and Ylang Ylang.
* You cannot make someone love you, Love Magick simply means “self-love, true love, current lover” 
“You cannot start a marriage off with a kidnapping” 
Herbs Associated with Lunar Magick: Acanthus, Adder’s tongue, African daisy, Anise, Cabbage, Calla lily, Chickweed, Clary sage, Cleavers, Colewort, Cress (water), Dog Rose, Dog-tooth violet, Duckweed, Flag, Ginger, Goose grass, Iris, Jasmine, Lady’s smock, Lettuce, Loosestrife, Moonwort, Mugwort, Opium poppy, Orach, Orpine, Orris root, Peral Trefoil, Privet, Purslane, Rose (white), Rushes, Sea Holly, Seaweed, Sesame, Stonecrop, Sweetflag, Water chestnut, Water cress, Water lily, Water mosses, and Wintergreen. 
Future posts will contain : Herbs Associated with Money Spells/Magick, Herbs Associated with Peace, Herbs Associated with Protection, Herbs Associated with Psychic Development, Herbs Associated with Shape-Shifting, Herbs Associated with Sorcery (the Black Arts), Herbs Associated with Spirit Conjurations, Herbs Associated with Spiritual Healing, Herbs Associated with Spiritual Purification, Herbs Associated with Success, Herbs Associated with Weatherworking, Herbs Associated with Wisdom, Herbs Associated with Wish-Magick/Wish Spellwork, Herbs Associated with Witchcraft and Magick (the basics and most common). 
* Section from “The Wicca Spellbook: A Witch’s Collection of Wiccan Spells, Potions, and Recipes” Gerina Dunwich, author of Wicca Craft
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vvitchy-things · 5 years
Herb List - WIP
I’m updating this with the names of the plants and adding the meanings as I have time, don’t worry.
Acacia - meditation
Acacia (Gum Arabic) - friendship, love, protection, psychic abilities, wisdom
Aconite (Wolfsbane/Monkshood) - invisibility, protection, spirit work
Acorn - courage, fertility, luck, manifestation/power
Adam & Eve Root - 
Adder’s Tongue - 
African Violet
Agar-Agar - attraction
Agrimony - 
Ague - 
Alder - 
Alkanet - 
Allspice - money drawing, business success
Allspice (Pimento)
Almond - 
Aloe - cleansing
Althea Root - 
Amaranth - 
Amber - 
Ambergris - 
Anise - 
Anise Seeds - 
Angelica - attraction, cleansing/purification, cursing, divination, energy, healing, meditation, protection, spell-breaking, success, wisdom
Apple - 
Apricot - 
Arnica Flowers - 
Arrow Root - 
Ash - 
Asafoetida - 
Aspen - 
Avocado - 
Azalea - 
Bachelor’s Buttons - 
Balm of Gilead  - 
Balm of Gilead Tears - 
Balsam - 
Bamboo - 
Banana - 
Banyan - 
Barley - 
Basil - peace & happiness
Bat’s Head Root
Bay Laurel
Bay Leaves - protection
Bayberry - 
Beans - 
Bee Pollen
Beech - 
Beef - 
Beet - 
Beetroot - 
Belladonna - 
Belladonna (Nightshade) - 
Benzoin - 
Bergamot - 
Betel Nut - 
Bilberry Bark (Huckleberry) - 
Bindweed - 
Birch - 
Bistort - 
Black Cohosh - 
Black Haw - 
Black Haw (Devil’s Shoestring)
Black Pepper - 
Black Salt - 
Black Walnut - 
Blackberry - 
Blackberry Root - 
Bladderwrack - 
Bladderwrack (Kelp) - 
Blessed Thistle - 
Blessed Thistle (Holy Thistle) - 
Bloodroot - 
Blowball - 
Blue Cohosh - 
Blue Violet - 
Bluebell - 
Bluebery - 
Boneset - 
Borage (Starflower) - 
Brimstone (Sulfur Powder) - 
Broccoli - 
Broom - 
Brussel Sprouts - 
Buckeye (Horse Chestnut) - 
Buckthorn - 
Buckwheat - 
Burdock - 
Butcher’s Broom - 
Cabbage - 
Cactus - 
Calamus - 
Calendula - 
Calendula Flower - 
Camphor - 
Caraway - 
Cardamom - 
Carnation - 
Carob - 
Carrot - 
Cascara - 
Cascara Sagrada - 
Cashew - 
Cassia - 
Catnip - 
Cauliflower - 
Cayenne Pepper - 
Cedar - 
Celandine - 
Celery - 
Celery/Celery Seed - 
Centaury - 
Chamomile - luck, cleansing
Cherry - 
Cherry Bark - 
Chervil - 
Chestnut - 
Chia - 
Chickweed - 
Chicory - 
Chili Pepper - 
Chili Powder - 
Chives - 
Chrysanthemum - 
Cilantro - 
Cinnamon - 
Cinquefoil - 
Citronella - 
Clary Sage - 
Clove - 
Clover - friendship & health
Cloves - 
Club Moss - 
Coconut - 
Coffee - 
Coltsfoot - 
Columbine - 
Comfrey - 
Copal - 
Coriander - 
Corn - 
Cotton - 
Cowslip - 
Cramp Bark - 
Cranberry - 
Crowfoot - 
Cucumber - 
Culver’s Root - 
Cumin - 
Curry - 
Cyclamen - 
Cypress - 
Daffodil - 
Daisy - 
Damiana - passion
Dandelion - psychic, second sight
Dandelion Leaf - 
Dandelion Leaf/Root - 
Dandelion Root - 
Dates - 
Datura - 
Deer’s Tongue - 
Devil’s Bit - 
Devil’s Bone Root - 
Devil’s Claw - 
Dill - 
Dittany - 
Dittany of Crete - 
Dogbane - 
Dogwood - 
Dragon’s Blood - 
Ebony - 
Echinacea - 
Egg - 
Eggplant - 
Elder - 
Elecampane - 
Elm - 
Endives - 
Eucalyptus - 
Evening Primrose - 
Eyebright - 
False Unicorn Root - 
Fennel - 
Fenugreek - 
Fern - 
Feverfew - 
Fig - 
Figwort - 
Fish - 
Flax - 
Flax Seed - 
Fleabane - 
Foxglove - 
Frangipani - 
Frankincense - 
Fumitory - 
Fumitory (Earth Smoke) - 
Galangal - 
Galangal Root - 
Gardenia - 
Garlic - 
Gentian - 
Geranium - 
Ginger - 
Ginkgo Biloba - 
Ginseng - 
Goldenrod - 
Goldenseal - 
Goosegrass - 
Gorse - 
Grains - 
Grapefruit - 
Grapes - 
Green Pepper - 
Guava - 
Ham - 
Hawthorn - 
Hay - 
Hazel - 
Hazelnut - 
Heather - 
Heliotrope - 
Hemlock - 
Henbane - 
Henna - 
Hibiscus - 
Hickory - 
High John the Conqueror - 
Holly - 
Holy Thistle - 
Honey - 
Honeydew - 
Honeysuckle - 
Hops - 
Horehound - 
Horseradish - 
Huckleberry - 
Hyacinth - 
Hydrangea - 
Hyssop - 
Indian Paintbrush - 
Iris - 
Iris Root - 
Iris Root (Orris Root) - 
Irish Moss - 
Ivy - 
Jasmine - 
Jezebel Root - 
Job’s Tears - 
Juniper - 
Kava Kava - 
Kelp - 
Kiwi - 
Knotweed - 
Kola Nut - 
Kumquat - 
Lady Slipper - 
Lady’s Matle - 
Larch - 
Larkspur - 
Laurel - 
Lavender - passion, sleep
Leek - 
Lemon - 
Lemon Balm - 
Lemon Verbena - 
Lemon Verbena (Vervain) - 
Lemongrass - 
Lettuce - 
Licorice - 
Lily - 
Lily of the Valley - 
Lime - 
Linden - 
Liverwort - 
Lobelia - 
Lotus - 
Lotus Root - 
Lovage - 
Lucky Hand - 
Lucky Hand (Orchid Root) - 
Lucky Hand Root (Orchid Root) - 
Mace - 
Magnolia - 
Magnolia Flowers - 
Maidenhair - 
Maidenhair Flowers - 
Mandarin - 
Mandrake - 
Mango - 
Maple - 
Marigold - 
Marjoram - 
Marshmallow - 
Marshmallow Root - 
Mastic - 
Meadowsweet - 
Melon - 
Mesquite - 
Milk Thistle - 
Mimosa - 
Mint - 
Mistletoe - 
Moonwort - 
Morning Glory - 
Moss - 
Motherwort - 
Mugwort - psychics
Mulberry - 
Mullein - 
Mushrooms - 
Musk - 
Mustard - 
Mustard Seed - 
Myrrh - 
Myrtle - 
Narcissus - 
Nectarine - 
Nutmeg - good luck
Nuts - 
Oak - 
Oak Moss - 
Oats - 
Oatstraw - 
Oleander - 
Olive - 
Olive Leaf - 
Onion - 
Orange - 
Orange Blossom (Neroli) - 
Orchid - 
Oregano - 
Orris Root - 
Orris Root Powder - 
Palm - 
Pansy - 
Papaya - 
Paprika - 
Papyrus - 
Parsley - 
Passion Flower - 
Passion Fruit - 
Patchouli - 
Pea - 
Peach - 
Peanut - 
Pear - 
Peat Moss - 
Pecan - 
Pennyroyal - 
Peony - 
Peppermint - 
Periwinkle - 
Persimmon - 
Pikaki - 
Pimpernel - 
Pine - 
Pine Nut - 
Pineapple - 
Plantain - 
Plum - 
Plumeria - 
Pokeroot - 
Pokeweed - 
Pomegranate - 
Poppy - 
Poppy Seed - 
Pork - 
Potato - 
Prickly Ash Bark - 
Prune - 
Pumpkin Seed - 
Quassia - 
Quince - 
Radish - 
Ragweed - 
Raisins - 
Raspberry - 
Raspberry Leaf - 
Red Clover - 
Red Pepper - 
Red Willow Bark - 
Rhubarb - 
Rice - 
Rose - 
Rose Hips - 
Rosemary - powerful guardian
Rose Petals - love, romance, good luck for endeavors of the heart
Rowan - 
Rue - 
Rye - 
Safflower - 
Saffron - 
Sage - 
Sagebrush - 
Sandalwood - 
Sasparilla - 
Sassafras - 
Saw Palmetto - 
Sea Salt - 
Sesame - 
Sesame Seed - 
Shave Grass - 
Sheep Sorrel - 
Skullcap - 
Skunk Cabbage - 
Slippery Elm - 
Snakeroot - 
Snapdragon - 
Solomon’s Seal - 
Solomon’s Seal Root - 
Southern Wood - 
Sow Thistle - 
Spanish Moss - 
Spearmint - 
Spiderwort - 
Spinach - 
Squaw Vine - 
Squill - 
Squill Root - 
St. John’s Wort - 
Star Anise - 
Stinging Nettle - 
Strawflower - 
Strawberry - 
Sugarcane - 
Sumac - 
Summer Savory - 
Sunflower - 
Sweet Bugle - 
Sweet Pea - 
Sweetgrass - 
Sycamore - 
Tangerine - 
Tansy - 
Taragon - 
Tea Leaves - 
Thistle - 
Thyme - luck, peace & prosperity
Toadflax - 
Tobacco - 
Tomato - 
Tonka Bean - 
Tormentil - 
True Unicorn Root - 
Tuberose - 
Turmeric - 
Turnip - 
Uva Ursi - 
Valerian - 
Vanilla - 
Venus Fly Trap - 
Vetiver - 
Vinegar - 
Violet - 
Walnut - 
Watercress - 
Wheat - 
White Willow Bark - 
Wild Cherry Bark - 
Willow - 
Wintergreen - 
Wisteria -��
Witch Hazel - 
Witches Burr - 
Witches Grass (Dog Grass) - 
Wood Aloe - 
Wood Betony - 
Woodruff - 
Wormwood (Absinthe) - 
Yams - 
Yarrow - 
Yarrow Flower - 
Yellow Dock - 
Yellow Pepper - 
Yerba Mate - 
Yerba Santa - 
Yew - 
Ylang Ylang - 
Yohimbe Bark - 
Yucca - 
« »•« »•« »
Created: 10/01/2019
Last Updated: 10/03/2019
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newwitchiness · 5 years
A List of Herbs and Spices
African Bird Pepper
Agar Agar
Aloe Vera
Balm Of Gilead
Bee Balm
Bee Pollen
Beet Root 
Beth Root
Black Cohosh
Black Haw
Blessed Thistle
Blue Cohosh
Blue Flag
Blue Vervain
Blue Violet
Boswellia Serrata
Butcher’s Broom
California Poppy
Canadian Snakeroot
Cascara Sagrada
Caster Oil
Cat’s Claw
Cayenne Pepper
Chamomile, Roman
Chaste Berry
Citric Acid
Club Moss
Copal Oro
Corn Silk
Couch Grass
Cramp Bark
Curly Dock
Devils Claw
Devils Club
Dong Quai
Dragons Blood
False Unicorn Root
Flax, Flaxseed
Fuller’s Earth
Goat’s Rue
Gotu Kola
Gravel Root
Greater Burnet
Great Mullein
Green Tea
Ground Ivy
Horehound, Black
Horehound, White
Horse Chestnut
Irish Moss
Kava Kava Root
Lady’s Slipper
Lemon Balm
Lemon Verbena
Lychii Berry
Maidenhair Fern
Maidenhair Tree
Milk Thistle
Muira Pauma
Olive Leaf
Oregon Grape Root
Orris Root
Papaya Leaf
Passion Flower
Pau D’arco
Peruvian Bark
Pleurisy Root
Poke Root
Prickly Ash
Purple Coneflower
Queen Of The Meadow
Radish Seed
Red Clover
Reishi Mushroom
Rheumatism Root
Rose/Rose Hips
Salt (Sea)
Saint John's Wort
Saw Palmetto
Sheep’s Sorrel
Shepards Purse
Skunk Cabbage
Slippery Elm
Southern Wood
Squaw Vine
Stone Root
Strawberry Leaf
Sweet Cicely 
Sweet Sumac
Sweet Violet
Tea Tree Oil
Tonka Bean
Tribulus Terrestris
Turkey Rhubarb
Unicorn Root, False
Uva Ursi
Vitex/Chaste Tree
White Willow
Wild Yam
Witch Hazel
Wood Betony
Xanthan Gum
Yellow Doc
Yerba Mate
Yerba Santa
Yohimbe Bark
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inclineto · 5 years
Books, September - October 2019
So the thing about a 3 canto/night Faerie Queene quota is that it sure does cut into the rest of your reading, while leaving you with an appetite for frivolity and no patience for bad style. But anyway...
Hither Page - Cat Sebastian [Look, there’s a charming but thoroughly implausible romance, post-war rationing, some murder, and a vicar. You’re either here for this sort of thing or you’re not. (I was there for it.)]
Gaywyck - Vincent Virga [There...is a lot going on here. But, astoundingly, slightly less incest than I expected!]
Waisted - Randy Susan Meyers
The Wild Places - Robert Macfarlane [”These are creatures, you realise, that live by voices inaudible to you.”]
The Ghost Clause - Howard Norman *
Maritime: New and Selected Poems - Ian Stephen [dnf]
Rabbits for Food - Binnie Kirschenbaum [So, how’s your depression right now? not so great? then maybe skip this - or, who knows, maybe now is exactly the time for someone else’s horrifyingly funny, horrifyingly realistic breakdown]
Sincerely, Harriet - Sarah W. Searle
Time Song: Searching for Doggerland - Julia Blackburn, with drawings by Enrique Brinkmann
By Demons Possessed - P.C. Hodgell [I’ve missed two or possibly three books in this series: I’m not sure and I don’t regret it and that probably means nothing good. But God Stalk is great! God Stalk is early 80s fantasy at its very weird best. Read that.]
To Lie with Lions - Dorothy Dunnett
Akin - Emma Donoghue
We Didn’t Mean to Go to Sea - Arthur Ransome
Margaret the First - Danielle Dutton * [In paper this time, and with absolute delight]
Names for the Sea: Strangers in Iceland - Sarah Moss
Social Creature - Tara Isabella Burton [Let us be glad we do not aspire to be young, rich, pretty, and well-photographed in New York. I’m truly unsure whether I was hate-reading this or not, but damn did I want to know what would happen next...which I suppose is exactly the point of being or watching bright young things.]
Any Old Diamonds - KJ Charles [I liked this more on the reread, but Jerry’s still too damn verbose]
Inconspicous Consumption: The Environmental Impact You Don’t Know You Have - Tatiana Schlossberg - [You probably knew you had it. Speaking of impacts, this book has used up the world’s entire supply of perky parenthetical asides and now there are none for the rest of us. Bummer. (Spoiler alert: I’m lying!)]
An Unseen Attraction - KJ Charles [Figured I’d see whether I thought better of this one on the reread, too - and it’s...fine. It’s fine.]
The Faerie Queene - Edmund Spenser ***
Caprice and Rondo - Dorothy Dunnett
Juniper, Gentian, and Rosemary - Pamela Dean
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