#jupiter maca
zinemusical · 1 year
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Álbum reúne músicas inéditas gravadas por Júpiter Maçã há 23 anos https://zinemusical.wordpress.com/2023/05/08/album-reune-musicas-ineditas-gravadas-por-jupiter-maca-ha-23-anos/
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funeraldasrosas · 2 years
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Jupiter Apple
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ofcloudsandstars · 5 years
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Celestial Forecast Week 24-1 (っ– ‸ – )ノ ✧・゚:*
Sorry this is late but I have been swamped with the PSD (pisces seasonal depression) which the retrograde isn't helping. Long story short this week is going to be good if you use the retrograde wisely and focus on abandoned projects you promised you will finish. It will however be bad if you decide to call up old lovers or get involved romantically. This week is calling you to dreg up hidden manipulative behaviors and suppressed emotions which will only become more amplified as the moon waxes towards it's full moon phase. Use some boundaries and protection magic against people's inner toxic demons which may pop out unexpectedly or even against yourself to not hurl repressed emotions you might have been bottling in forever onto people that may never see you the same way again. It's time to do some therapeutic shadow work and cry about things. 
Notes: I make this for a group in London so the weeks are from Monday to Sunday and the time is set to UTC. 
Also this may be the retrograde blues talking but this may be the final weekly forecast I dunno I have been feeling hell lol. 
Sun in Pisces sextiles Mars in Capricorn Eros moves into pisces
Moon in Pisces conjunct Neptune in Pisces Jupiter in Capricorn sextiles Moon in Pisces
Energy: The energy will be creative, passionate and the pinnacle of Pisces season creativity. The little asteroid of passion and sexuality, Eros, will shift into Pisces today yet this energy shift will be boosted by the powerful aspect of the Sun sextiling Mars in Capricorn and the final transits of the moon in Pisces conjuncting Neptune and sextiling Jupiter. Together these aspects will create a fusion of energy of flowing creativity and inspiration. Today is an ideal day to work on art or explore life's pleasures and expressive meaning and you will have the intense desire and motivation to do so thanks to Eros and the sun sextiling Mars. If you need a boost to work on art or are seeking divine inspiration to find new spiritual direction in life then today is the ideal day.
Recommendations: Anything magical, trance, art, sex magic,
Sun conjuncts Mercury rx in Pisces
VOC 2:12 - 6:47pm Sedna in Taurus Sextiles Moon in Pisces Moon in Pisces Sextile Pluto in Capricorn Moon in Pisces Sextile Saturn in Capricorn
Energy: Today will feel transformative and emotional. The sun will conjunct Mercury retrograding in Pisces which will help us reevaluate our mental state and the dreams we've been denying ourselves. This energy that already asks use to rephrase our patterns and fine-tune our inner methods will be amplified by the lunar transits activated by the moon in Pisces. The moon will sextile Sedna, Pluto and Saturn at different hours whose energies will bring up hidden fears, subconscious habits yet the positive influence of the sextile aspect will make it possible to reconfigure these habits, fears, and in Sedna's case any bitterness that can be transformed into positive creativity. With the moon void of course for most of the afternoon it's a great time for self reflection and shadow work to help us finally break free of some patterns that the retrograde is flooding to the surface.
Recommendations: Shadow Work, journaling, divination
Mercury rx Pisces sextiles Mars in Capricorn
Moon enters Aries Moon Conjunct Chiron in Aries Moon opposition Juno rx Libra Ceres in Aquarius sextile Moon in Aries Mars in Capricorn squares moon in Aries
Energy: Today will feel like a restart after the past two days as the moon returns to Aries. If you have some goals you want to check off your list today's transits will give you a boost with Mercury retrograde sextiling Mars in Capricorn and Mars in Capricorn squaring the moon in Aries. Mercury sextile Mars gives us the boost to achieve a lot of work in a short time frame and the confidence to take on anything. With mercury retrograde this may bring up past projects we could have dumped in the 'too hard' basket or have been putting off. With the tension of the mars and lunar square you will have the desire to channel your energy in emotionally fulfilling ways yet the square can also potentially bring any repressed anger or frustration to the surface. This may be doubled by the moon conjunct Chiron in Aries that could bring old wounds to light. However this energy could be soften by the earthly mother energy of Ceres that will sextile the moon that will give an element of softening and need for self care if we end up being too hard on ourselves. Additionally to add to some unpleasant emotional flavors of today the moon will be in opposition with Juno in rx which could resurface feelings of negative past relationships or feeling lonely yet unable to figure out how to reach out. However in a somewhat positive note, this feeling of soloness amplified by the moon in independent aries can help you focus on yourself and the tasks you need to complete which will get positive boosts from the previous aspects.
Recommendations: Grounding (it will help you center your energy to get tasks done), drinking brews with solar or marsian correspondences to help with motivation, such as lemon tea, coffee with a little bit of red maca powder or a light kick of red peppercorn, roobois red tea with rhodiola or ginger orange juice. Wearing charms, talismans, crystals to help ground, focus and get things done.
Moon conjunct Venus in Aries
Jupiter in Capricorn squares moon in Aries
Saturn in Capricorn squares moon in Aries
Pluto in Capricorn squares moon in Aries
Energy: If you were considering connecting with a previous lover today during the retrograde I may advise against it. With the moon conjunct Venus in Aries it may seem like a heavenly day filled with passion and desires for creativity yet paired with the remaining lunar transits as the moon will make a square with Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto throughout the day it may bring up excess, negative repressed feelings and even feelings of loneliness if they were buried deep within. With Venus in Aries love becomes passionate yet also something we may rush into without thinking. With the negative feelings that the other squares may bring to the surface it may make us want to pair up quickly the moment we see someone we only somewhat like or act rashly towards our loved ones if we have been feeling a lack of affection from them.
Romance aside this is a great day to do some self care and work on self love. Take yourself to a sauna house, or make yourself a nice hot bath or cook yourself a nice fiery meal. Be careful with the type of self care that involves a lot of spending money as the Jupiter x Moon square could make you empty your wallet for the sake of 'treat yo self'
Recommendations: Love protection magic. Self love work. Make a love attraction perfume or bath or some talisman if you wish to attract love (as the moon is waxing this would be a good time to cast love magic spells)
Venus in Aries squares Pluto in Capricorn Mercury in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus
VOC 3:25am - 7:29AM
Moon enters Taurus Moon in Taurus conjunct Uranus in Taurus Eros in Pisces Sextiles Moon in Taurus Mars in Cap Trines Moon in Taurus 
Energy: Honestly the transits seem hell bent on exposing negative patterns with romance but it's a good place for self reflection if you have been feeling like there are any issues with you attracting love into your life or if there has been disharmony in your relationships. With Venus in aries squaring Pluto in Capricorn it can have the profound effect in your love life that could expose manipulation in relationships or even bring about new love that could be instant soul attraction (with the risk that this attraction can be as possessive and even violent as it is passionate and sexual). The difference lies in the individual and what the retrograde is floating to the surface for you.
The potential for new attractions will be heightened with Mercury making a sextile with Uranus and the moon in Taurus that will conjunct Uranus briefly bringing about new surprises, new perspectives and new impulses. Additionally this energy will be piled on with both Mars and the sexual asteroid Eros making a sextile and trine with the moon in Taurus heightening any sexual urges or strong impulses to go after our desires. This will be a great day to channel this volatile yet passionate energy into projects or if the frustration of it all is getting to you then channel it into some sex magic but take caution. The energy is a bit tricky and will be like playing with fire so if you do choose the latter be wise and protect your energy.  
Recommendations: divination regarding matters of the heart, sex magic
Sun in Pisces sextiles Moon in Taurus Neptune in Pisces sextiles moon in Taurus Ceres in Aquarius squares Moon in Taurus Jupiter in Capricorn trines Moon in Taurus 
Energy: Today's energy will feel highly emotional yet positive. The Sun and moon sextile along with the Neptune and Moon sextile will bring a day where we will feel extremely sensitive and our feelings will be amplified by the solar sextile. However these transits along with the moon that will Trine Jupiter will bring about a positive warm mood and an ideal time to share emotions with loved ones. If you were feeling lonely before or unequal in a relationship this is a good day to talk about it. However Ceres will square the moon which can create a dynamic where we may feel we have to take care of others emotions or sacrifice our boundaries for our loved ones to attempt to take care of ours so make sure you set boundaries and protect your space.
Recommendations: Journaling, talking it out, crying on the subway alone (it's ok it's pisces season), casting blessings for loved ones
Moon conjuncts Sedna in Taurus Moon trines Pluto in Capricorn Moon trines Saturn in Capricorn
VOC 3:52PM-7:20PM Moon enters Gemini Moon squares Eros in Pisces Moon squares Mercury rx in Pisces Chiron in Aries sextiles moon in Gemini
Energy: The first of March will start off with diving deep into your personal underworld. The Lunar transits will bring an emotional day of examining our values and being transformed by our emotions or from previous traumatic or hard life lessons. Most of the aspects are harmoniously flowing so you will have the opportunity to work through it. With the moon conjunct Sedna it sets a tone for the rest of the aspects that there is the ability to transform what's negative into positives and create new life from the dim of the pisces retrograde depression zone we may all be drowning in.
Recommendations: Meditation, focus on the heart area. Divination. Drink hawthorne tea or heart-opening teas. Free-writing, journaling.
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xforcestore · 3 years
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Camiseta Jupiter Maça Blusa Jupiter Apple Os Cascavelletes Copie e cole o link abaixo no seu navegador e compre já: https://www.elo7.com.br/camiseta-jupiter-maca-blusa-jupiter-apple-os-cascavelletes/dp/18E1EF9 . . . #camiseta #xforceantifashion #antifashion #camisetasderock #jupiterapple #jupitermaçã #flaviobasso
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tipsycad147 · 5 years
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Posted on July 31, 2018 by Crooked Bear Creek Organic Herbs
S Y M B O L S   O F   V E N U S A key concept in dealing with the Venusian symbology and attributes is harmony. The balancing force represented by one of Venus’s ruler-ships, Libra, may be taken as a good metaphor for the playing out of balance on every level. Venus, being the archetypal manifestation of beauty and aesthetics, also symbolically represents, love — self-love, one love, and empathy.
Within the astrological chart, the study of Venus reveals how the person derives pleasure and fulfilment. This includes the appreciation of things of beauty both in the arts and nature. Love and beauty also fall under the ruler-ship of Venus. Romantic love, to be sure, but also the love of family, friends, community, the planet, and all other beings. It is this Love, this coming together in empathy which creates the harmony of Venus. They say ‘beauty is in the eye of the beholder’ and so it is with the Venusian appreciation of form in harmony. Beauty is found within the natural perfection created by two opposites, within the union of two forces, within the exquisite balance created by nature. This planetary energy is not just aesthetics, it embodies the many layers of joy, whether casual or spiritual, that all of us seek.
Same goes for herbs. Venusian herbs aren’t just herbs for “beauty” as in our skin, and outer layers, it also contains the herbs for happiness, herbs of the heart, euphoric herbs that spike our mojo, along with reproductive toners, and spirit herbs that calm our core and attune us to love.
V E N U S   I N   T H E    B O D Y Venus rules over the metamorphosis of the cells, the reproduction and enrichment and transformation of cells, the preservation of the body, the complexion, the reproductive system and the harmony between all the systems of the body.
Venus is also said to rule all functions of the throat, for Venus is assigned as the ruler of Taurus. Through Venus’ association with Libra, it is said to rule the kidneys. As a planet which is usually indicative of aesthetic values, Venus is correspondent with the skin and hair. Modern medical astrology has also incorporated the thyroid, parathyroid, and thymus.
It rules the reproductive system (fertility/infertility), correlates to the urinary system (and its connection to the kidneys). Venus within our lives can also dictate how (and if) we are able to receive from others, and from life in general. Venus is like the midwife to our happiness; how we are able to accept the deepest pleasure in our life and access our natural state of joyfulness.
*It’s important to see where Venus is located within your natal chart, along with its aspects. This can provide great clarity as to the potential strengths and weaknesses within the body.
By nature, the herbs of Venus are feminine, gentle, relaxing and balancing. The action of “tonics” in itself is Venusian, as this category of herbs is the ones that balance all major organ systems and assist our body in accessing harmony. Most of these herbs tend to be neutral, as they can be both warming and cooling. Venusian herbs work with the energies of attraction. Many of these herbs have been used in a ritual by different traditions, as they are said to be the agents that fuel the dream into manifestation. Although each herb has its way of yielding its power, they have the common thread that they are known to assist in materialising what we love.
Fo-Ti (also ruled by the Sun), Bergamont, Balm of Gilead, Camu Camu, Horsetail (also ruled by Saturn), Rose geranium, Mangosteen (also ruled by Jupiter), Orchid, Schisandra, Ylang Ylang.
APHRODISIACS + SPIRIT HERBS: Albizzia, Damiana, Catuaba, Kava Kava, Catnip, Mucuna.
REPRODUCTIVE HERBS: Black Cohosh (also ruled by Pluto), Crampbark, Lady’s Mantle, Roses + Rose Hips, Hibiscus, Mugwort (also ruled by the moon).
HEART/CARDIO TONICS foxglove, motherwort, pau darco (blood tonic).
SUPERFOODS: apples, blackberries, cacao, currants, gooseberries, maca (also ruled by Mars), pear, peaches, raspberries, strawberries, watermelon.
VISIONARY: Wild Dagga, Blue Lotus (also ruled by the Moon)
*Keep in mind some of these herbs fall under several categories.
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: a joyful latte :
2-3 Tbsp Cacao powder
1/2 tsp mucuna
1/2 tsp Maca
1/2 tsp Mesquite
1tsp Happiness Tonic
1Tbsp coconut cream powder
1 tsp coconut crystals (sweeten as desired)
​4​oz homemade almond milk
4-5oz hot water
D I R E C T I O N S:
Add all ingredients to a blender for 5-10 seconds and serve!
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our new
Flores Sagradas
herbal smoke!
These flowers are known for their profoundly calming effects, along for their mystical + lucid chemistry. These are revered spirit tonics by indigenous tribes, as they are known to deeply attune and soothe the energetic system.*20% Opening discount already applied!
A relaxing botanical smoke composed of sacred flowers.
This herbal smoke is to be used ceremonially and mindfully to conjure and open the crown chakra. These flowers are known for their profoundly calming effects, along for their mystical + lucid chemistry. These are revered spirit tonics by indigenous tribes, as they are known to deeply attune and soothe the energetic system.  The flowers of Wild Dagga and Indian warrior have been commonly used for their muscle relaxant properties. The Blue lotus is commonly used as a visionary herb, also for its adaptogenic-like qualities on the body, particularly decompressing the nervous system.
[ all organic +/or wildcrafted ]
Ingredients: Indian Warrior (Pedicularis flowers)**, Blue Lotus**, Wild Dagga flowers^ + leaves, and a 15% mixture of Rose petals*, Mugwort* leaf + flowers, and Blue Cornflowers*.
0.5oz pack size (does not include rolling papers)
*Organically cultivated in America
**Pedicularis is wildcrafted in Oregon
** Blue Lotus is wildcrafted or Organically cultivated in Egypt (depends on the season)
^ Wild Dagga is wildcrafted in different regions of South Africa
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my3amletterstoher · 6 years
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Paradise 😍😍😍, smoke in the air ✨✨✨✨, Tumblr messing up , fireplace lit , music booming , Tumblr messing up , it's raining here again 😍😍😍, inviting the rain in 😍😍😍😍, as we continue to melt inside it and each other ,
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Red room 😍😍, seeping in 😍😍😍😍,
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Dark & lovely so perfect in your being , your hair , your face , your body, lethal affffff 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥, Tumblr messing up , stroking your hair 😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗, Tumblr messing up , your face 😍😍😍😍, so intoxicating 😍😍😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , top flight 😍, tumblr messing up , you still got your shirt baby? It's so dope 😩😩😩😍(the one that you're in your choker in) you're so dope 😍😍😍, you do fly 😍😍😍, the way you make and create looks 😍😍😍😍😍, you are a look 😍😍😍😍, Tumblr messing up , you are the bomb baby 😍😍😍😍😍, you make me so happy 😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘💋🖤🖤🖤🖤, Tumblr messing up , muah muah 😘😘💋💋
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Tumblr messing up, there's a lot of purple and yellow/gold flowers , they're pretty though , Tumblr messing up , we should look into some lights (plant lights) we can have a little joint in the basement what you think about that baby? 😍😍😍
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Tumblr messing up , I'm thinking right in the corner , what you think baby? Ahh I'm a little hungry , I gotta see what I can eat real quick , sometimes I can go the whole day without eating until I realize I haven't eaten 🤷🏾‍♀️, red yeast rice :
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Tumblr messing up, these look like coffee beans a little , the other night I mentioned some plants and herbs
Some moon herbs are: blue lotus , ginger, aloe , rose, poppy, passionflower , Tumblr messing up, juniper, seaweed , mugwort , wintergreen, lettuce, gooseberry to name a few 🌙
Some sun herbs: calamus, hops , rosemary , St. John's wort , walnut , blue water lily, Citrus, Acacia Rue , birch , ash
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Mercury: devil's bit, California poppy, chickweed, dill, fern, lavender cotton, hazel, heather , fenugreek
Tumblr messing up , gobo root, Mullen, palm , Tumblr messing up
Venus herbs : apple, beans, alder , some of these are a dead giveaway like the Motherswort , cherry, sesame, strawberry , pennyroyal, pistachio, ragwort, peach fruit, plum, raspberry , periwinkle, kidneywort , tomato, thyme , violet, yarrow
Mars herbs: black cherry leaf, nettle, horseradish , maca , ashwagandha, pigweed Leaf , hawthorn, gorse, dragon tree, garlic , thistle, caper
Muah muah muah 😘😘😘😘💋💋💋💋🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🖤🖤🖤
Jupiter : nutmeg, oats, lungwort , oak tree , pumpkin seed, maple tree, peach bark , sage, coconut , ginseng , Tumblr messing up , tulip tree, red silky oak, , mint , Tumblr messing up
Saturn: dogwood, devilweed, beech, Norway spuce, winter rose, lamb tails ,Japanese cinnamon, Chinese holly , deadly nightshade , velvet tree , yew, snakeweed, ivy, knotgrass
Neptune.. there's not for it but pine, reed, lobelia, blue water lily , white mulberry , Tumblr messing up , ocean plants, grains of paradise
Uranus it's even less : pokeweed, tree of heaven , siler root
Pluto: Acacia , hollow, yage, green wizard , silverweed (Tumblr messing up) , coneflower, fireweed, catechu , black pansy
Earth: moss,rice, maize, barley, Adonis, grain , sage, wheat (Tumblr messing up) , comfrey, reishi, verbain, corn
Should I do the elements too baby?
Air : dill, curry, dandelion, yarrow, lavender , ma huang, slippery elm, sweetgrass, eyebright, broom
Fire: coffee, cinnamon, pepper, cassia, chile peppers, Angelica, betony, cacti, hibiscus, damiana
Water : periwinkle, coltsfoot, spearmint , reed, lotus, turtlehead belladonna
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Swoons so sexy 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤, sexy AF 😍😍😍😍🤤🤤🤤🤤🐱💦💦💦👅💦💦💦💦🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤love love love 😍😘😘😘🖤🖤🖤🖤🤗🤗, stroking your hair, I gotta make another post for the images
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Jupiter Maca Beatle George
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zinemusical · 3 years
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EP inédito de Júpiter Maçã chega às plataformas digitais https://zinemusical.wordpress.com/2021/07/24/ep-inedito-de-jupiter-maca-chega-as-plataformas-digitais/
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zinemusical · 4 years
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Single de Júpiter Maçã ganha EP com quatro versões https://zinemusical.wordpress.com/2021/02/22/single-de-jupiter-maca-ganha-ep-com-quatro-versoes/
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zinemusical · 6 years
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Livro conta trajetória de Júpiter Maçã https://zinemusical.wordpress.com/2018/08/31/livro-conta-trajetoria-de-jupiter-maca/
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Jupiter Maca Beatle George
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Jupiter Maca Beatle George
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