#jus stayed on the vocalist and he was jus standing there
nightlyponder · 1 year
ive learned that my number one pet peeve for live recordings from fans are videos where they only record the vocalist. it is incredibly annoying to ignore the rest of the band. even more annoying when there's an instrumental break or a solo and the camera stays on the vocalist.
if it was just a singer thats the artist, then i'd understand. but when the band is the artist, you better show me the fucking musicians from time to time too
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My top 10 korean OSTs of 2023
It's time to countdown my favorite music from korean dramas. As per usual I only chose one per dramas from dramas that started in 2023.
H.M. New Jeans-Beautiful Restriction. I actually didn't watch A time called you. I just never got around to it but I found this song and it reminded me of those typical OSTs from like ten years ago so this song felt nostalgic somehow.
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10. WINTER- With you. My demon is my favorite drama right now. I've always been a sucker for rom coms with a supernatural twist. It feels like every OST from this drama is gonna be great. New Jean's Our Night is more beautiful than your day is probably the most played in the drama but it's Winter's beautiful vocals that won me over. No surprise there since she is my favorite Aespa vocalist. Still Whenever Wherever by Roy Kim and Dawn's Even if we disappear are so good.
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9. Melomance-The secret between us. Melomance are one of my favorite interpeters of OSTs and this song is sweet with a playful chorus, which goes perfectly with the fun romcom A good day to be a dog. Sunday Latte by Junggigo and Jea is also worth a listen.
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8. Kim Sejeong-Once Again. Kim Sejeong sang two OSTs for the second season of The Uncanny Counter and they're both a really good listen. However the way Sejeong's voice soars in Once Again just gives it a bit of an edge. By the way if you haven't watched the Uncanny Counter it's a fun fantasy drama to binge. Cravity's Ready Set Go and Dvwn's No problem are also really good.
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7. Lee Chang Sub- Love from a real heart. Honestly I felt too old to watch Beginning is from the first kiss but the OSTs are power ballads that are definitely worth listening. From Lee A Young's Even Silently Cry to Heaven by Lim Jae Hyun they all get you in the feels. BTOB's Changsub however just has that extra something in his voice that makes you pay attention.
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6. Noel-That's you. Lyn made some beautiful soundtracks for Destined with you (I'll always be with you and We love each other) that you should check out but the chorus of That's you by Noel is so catchy that I had no choice but to choose this song in my list. The vocals are full of emotion.
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5. Jeon Seowoon-Fall in love. Having SNSD's Yoona and 2PM's Junho as the leads of this drama was somehow exactly what I didn't know I wanted. I love Jeon Seowoon's tone for OSTs and he released a few this year but for me this was the best one. It's just painfully sweet. This drama had other pretty songs but Punch's Keep me busy, and Minseo's Perhaps love are also standouts.
4. Solar-EXIT. This song for the drama The Escape of the Seven sounds so epic. It has a lot of verses in English. And Solar's power vocals shine through.
3. Doyoung-Here with me. NCT's Doyoung keeps delivering beautiful OSTs. And my favorite this year is the one he did for See you in my 19th life which happens to be one of my favorite romcoms of the year. Colde's Star is also a stand out song for this drama.
2. Baekhyun-Hello. The third season of Dr. Romantic was my least favorite of the series but it had great OSTs. EXO's Baekhyun sang the first one and it has such a beautiful melody. The vocals are of course on point. Gummy's I will stay with you, Doyoung's Beautiful Day, Seukwang's Still you and Lia's One Hundred Love are worth listening too.
1. Kang Seung Yoon-Half&Half. The drama True to love was crazy funny. This song by WINNER's Kang Seung Yoon is so great and definitely my most played OST of the year. iKON's JU-NE also sang a beautiful song for this drama called Accidental love.
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lunnanunna · 4 years
Talk it Out
iKON Extra Member AU
Summary: {Requested} [Takes place a few months before debut.] Bao and Ju-ne work though an argument.
Warning: Swearing
Taglist: @hyunmijung​ @changbinnieslaugh​ @galacticstxrdust​
A/N: This came out longer than I had intended, and I don’t even know if this matched the request. Hopefully, you guys still enjoy it.
Requests are open! Please let me know what you think.
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Heavy breathing could be heard throughout the practice room. The members of YG’s new group, iKON, were practicing for their debut. They still had a few more months until their big day, but that didn’t mean that they could just sit back and relax. If anything it meant that they had to work even harder. If you ended up with an IV drip then you were doing it right. (Not really, but that was everyone’s mentality at the time.)
Bao braced her hands on her knees, then dropped to the ground, taking in rapid breaths to fill her lungs with much needed air. They had been practicing since early this morning, and Bao didn’t even want to know what time it was.
All eight of them were in various states of exhaustion, spread out around the room. Their dance instructor had gone out to take a phone call, and had told them that they could rest until he came back. Bao prayed that he’d be out there for a few hours.
She took a look around the room, and saw the fatigue that she felt reflected off of each of the boys’ faces. Breathing heavily through her nose, then letting it out through her mouth, she threw her head back, her baseball cap falling off. It landed on the ground with a soft thud.
Bao leaned back, holding herself up with her hands behind her. She bounced her knee slightly, groaning at the same time as Bobby had. The younger looked up to her right to see Bobby giving her a small, tired smile. She returned it.
She liked Bobby. Bobby was cool. He was real. And he had talent. She also felt like they had similar likes and interests, along with personal views on life. Basically having a western mindset in such a closed minded country. 
Bao closed her eyes again, turning her head slightly to the left. When she opened her eyes, she caught Junhoe looking at her. Or maybe the right word was glaring? Either way, Bao bristled at the sight.
She’s stayed mostly to herself, ever since she came to the company, and during Mix & Match, so much so that many believed that either she was super shy or just couldn’t speak Korean. Which is why she surprised everyone with how clear her rap was. (She was crap at reading and formulating sentences, but she had impeccable pronunciation.)
Bao, not one to ever stand down, had actually tried her hardest not to step on anyone’s toes. She had seen the anger on Hanbin’s face when she and Chanwoo, along with the others were introduced. She knew how hard they had worked. She got that, so she did her part to prove that she deserved to debut as well, (Something told her this may have been her only chance to debut.) all while taking a step back, and not angering anyone, which was hard for her. Bao, by nature, angered many people without even trying.
But now sitting here, exhausted beyond anything she’s ever felt before, was Junhoe. Junhoe glaring at her, like she was to blame for the world ending. And while Bao knew that one day she may be the reason, today was not the day. She was too tired for this shit.
“Have something you want to say?” Bao tilted her head to the side, still leaning on her hands. She spoke slowly, making sure that her Korean was understandable. Everyone looked up to see Bao raising a challenging brow at the younger who seemed surprised that she had even spoken up.
Junhoe chewed on the inside of his cheek, staying quiet. The first time Bao had ever actually seen him this quiet. The dude was fucking loud, and Bao really hated it, but since she had been trying to play nice and not make enemies, she never said anything about it.
Bao tilted her chin down, looking at him, waiting. He looked around the room as if wondering if it was even worth it, but with Bao’s challenging stare, he cracked. “Yeah, actually. I do.”
The girl nodded her head, telling him to speak. She could feel the air around them tense, and knew that Hanbin and the older members were getting ready to jump in if needed.
“You’re holding us back.” Okay, straight to the point. Bao appreciated that.
“And how’s that?” Bao asked. She knew what he meant. Bao was confident in her rapping skills. Dancing? Not so much.
“You can’t keep up. You’re off beat, and it throws the rest of us off,” Junhoe folded his arms over his chest, challenging her to rebut.
“Are you sure you’re not just talking about yourself?” Bao sat up, smirking at him. Junhoe, who has been wearing a triumphant smile when he first attacked, now frowned.
He glared at her. “I’m doing better than you,” he countered.
Bao grinned even wider at the answer. “Is that it? Is that your next move?” She shook her head, copying his position, and folded her arms. “You know, out of everyone here, you’re the one that has never talked to me?” Bao’s smile dropped as she spoke.
“What?” The vocalist asked, confused with the change in subject.
Bao continued, “Even Hanbin, who hated me at first-”
“I never hated you.”
“Sure,” Bao rolled her eyes at the leader who sheepishly looked away. It wasn’t a secret that most of them either hated her or felt uncomfortable with her when she first joined. But now all of them (Except for Junhoe.) finally were starting to warm up to her.
“Even he has finally accepted me, whether it was his own choice or not,” Bao continued.
“It was my own choice.”
“I see. Thank you,” Bao smiled at the rapper who smiled back. “Basically what I’m trying to say is that everyone here has come to terms with me being a part of this group. It's your turn.” Junhoe looked at her if she’d grown a second head. 
“It’s not that easy,” Junhoe said, his voice rising a bit. Bao could sense an argument and she was ready. She was actually in need of one. (Burn off steam and what not.)
“Well the others did it,” Bao shrugged, motioning to each of them with her head.
“Faking,” was all he said. He searched her face, furrowing his eyebrows when he couldn’t find a crack in her mask. Bao had dealt with enough haters in her life to be able to take blows.
“Jun,” Jinhwan spoke up in a warning tone.
Junhoe rolled his eyes at the same time Bao said, “No. It’s fine. Let him get it out of his system. We’re gonna be in the same group for God knows how long. We gotta clear the air.”
“Maybe not now, Bao. We’re all kind of tired. This probably won’t end well,” Bobby said, placing a hand onto her knee. She ignored him and the awkward looks of each of the members as they sat and listened.
“Go on. Say whatever you need to say,” Bao waved her hand towards Junhoe.
He looked at her suspiciously and paused, seeming to debate on whether he should say something. After a few more seconds, he spoke up. “I don’t like the fact that we have a girl in the group. You can barely speak the language, and you fall behind with the dance. Why YG let you be in the group is beyond me.”
Bao nodded her head, jutting her bottom lip out slightly as she took in his words. She huffed out a sarcastic laugh, then looked at him. “Is that it? ‘Cause I’ll tell you now, YG hadn’t expected me to make it. That’s how good I am.”
Junhoe’s jaw went slack, eyebrows raising as he barked a laugh. “You’re full of shit. You have no talent. Okay, so yeah. You can ‘rap’, but that’s not enough. YG definitely has plans for you, which is why you made it,”
“Okay, Junhoe. No,” Hanbin spoke up, not liking where this was going. He was slightly nervous with how calm Bao was. He hadn’t known her for that long, so he didn’t know her limit or what she’d do if she reached that limit. “Bao’s good. She’s perfect for the group, just like the rest of us.”
“She earned her spot,” Yunhyeong added. Bao internally smiled as the boys spoke up. She hadn’t expected them to.
“I admit I still struggle with Korean, and I’m definitely not the best dancer, but don’t shit on my rap skills. It sucks when groundless criticism comes from someone who isn’t in that field. You don’t see me saying crap about your singing skills, now do you?” Bao said a bit of frustration seeping into her voice. She hated dancing, but music was her passion. No one got to shit on her and her skills and expect her to stay quiet.
“That’s because I can actually sing,” Junhoe sneered.
“Well, I can actually rap,” Bao said in the same tone he used. “And when it comes to dancing. You’re absolute shit.”
“Fuck you,” Junhoe grumbled, then yelled the next part, “Just go back to Japan! I’m telling you no one wants you here!”
“Junhoe!” Bobby exclaimed.
“It’s true!” Junhoe said, throwing his hands up in the air.
Bao looked off to the side, chewing on the inside of her lip, smirking. “Oh yeah? Think I should go back?” She stood up, staring down at him. Challenging him.
Junhoe stood up and like her folded his arms over his chest, glaring. “I do think so. Learn Korean and dance then come back. Or just stay in Japan. Enjoy whatever perfect, privileged life you had back there, ” Junhoe said. His head snapped to the side, as Bao smacked him.
“Shit, Bao. What the fuck?” Hanbin said, standing up, already holding her back as she raised her hand again, seething. She really wanted to hit him again. She had been wanting to do so ever since she first met him.
“What? Are you rebelling against your parents? Are you not allowed to go home ‘cause you came here?” Junhoe asked, seeming unfazed by the hit, though his cheek was quickly reddening.
“Fuck you. You don’t know anything,” Bao hissed, shaking Hanbin’s hands off her. She should leave now before she says or does anything she’ll regret.
“Oh, yeah?” Junhoe kept going. He saw that he had hit a sore spot and decided to keep prodding. Bao made to leave for the door, but paused when he spoke again, “I’m sure you’ll still be accepted back home. Your parents will take you in with open arms.”
She didn’t really have the right to get at him for what he said. He didn’t know. Bao had made it near impossible for anyone to know.
With her back still facing the boys, she straightened herself then said, “My parents died when I was three.”  Silence enveloped the room, and Bao took that as her cue to leave.
Bao sat in an empty practice room, scrolling through her phone. She had been sitting in there for about two hours. No one had come looking for her, but she had received texts from both Hanbin and Bobby, asking her where she was and if she was okay. She sent them both a thumbs up.
While what Junhoe had said pissed her off, she wasn’t really sad. She had had years to deal and process her emotions on that matter. It was the fact that it was brought up that annoyed her. No one had ever brought up her parents except her grandparents (Though that was more of her fault, seeing as she barely told anyone her life story.)
She also knew that while Junhoe still didn’t accept her into the group, exhaustion was what was speaking earlier. She honestly held no grudges (She normally didn’t.)
A knock broke her chain of thought and she turned to see the doorknob turn. She hadn’t locked it. Bao sat in the corner watching as Junhoe popped his head in.
When his eyes landed on Bao, she could see the shame in his eyes. He hesitated by the door, then walked in, closing it behind him. Awkwardly standing there, Junhoe looked at Bao, but looked away quickly.
Bao sighed. There was no point in keeping this up. She had cooled down and was ready to have a civil conversion with the younger. She patted the spot next to her on the floor. “Come on.”
Junhoe looked at her nervously, but slowly sat down next to her. There was at least three feet in between them, and Bao snorted. The younger looked at her, and smiled shyly.
“Okay, so obviously we said some shit,” Bao smirked, leaning her head back on the wall, looking at Junhoe.
“That’s an understatement,” Junhoe huffed a laugh then said, “I’m sorry.”
“No worries,” Bao waved at him dismissively, “How could you have known?”
Junhoe nodded his head. “But I still crapped on your skills,” he said, looking at his hands.
“Yeah, you kinda did,” Bao said, looking at the wall in front of her. She smiled as she felt the vocalist look at her.
“Bao, I actually think you have a lot of talent. And your Korean is really good,” Junhoe said and Bao nodded (She figured that much.) “I just said what I knew could possibly hurt you.”
“Yeah, I  know. Though I don’t feel much,” Bao chuckled.
“Yeah I saw that. No emotion until that smack,” Junhoe laughed. Bao did too, turning to look at him and seeing the still red hand mark on his cheek.
“It’s fine. I deserved it,” Junhoe said. “Listen. I actually accepted you a while ago, okay. I just- I don’t know. It’s hard to explain. I guess I just get annoyed easily and I’ve been super stressed lately, and I just took it out on you,” Junhoe said, turning to look at Bao who continued to look ahead.
“I get it,” she said, nodding. And she did. These were stressful times, and sometimes it was easier to be angry at someone else than yourself. “I get like that a lot too.”
“Yeah, but you barely show it,” Junhoe said.
“I’m trying not to scare people off. I’ve been told I do that,” Bao joked and Junhoe laughed.
“You’re not too bad,” he smiled.
“Thanks. Neither are you, but you’re still loud as fuck,” she smiled back. The two laughed then quieted down, sitting in silence, looking at the wall. Then Bao spoke up.
“Let’s promise to be civil, and try to talk things out, not pent them up? Also cool down before confronting,” Bao said chuckling.
Junhoe laughed as well, holding out his hand, “Deal.” Bao took it and shook his hand.
“Should we get back?” Bao asked.
Junhoe rested his head on the wall, eyes closing. “Let’s ‘work’ things out a bit more,” he said, sighing, relaxed.
“Sounds good to me,” Bao nodded, then did the same.
Bao’s Masterlist
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imafantasticbaby · 7 years
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Okay, so I decided I will make a response to this, only because I have already done extreme and detailed research on this topic of YG and his Wife before in the past so I have all the facts and shit ready by my desk. I was thinking of responding to their replies on my post tbut I thought making a new post would be better. tbh these responses only further my point tbh. I mean did you guys even watch the Healing Camp interview YHS did? Did you guys even read the ORIGINAL Confession post that He made on the the old YG Homepage news corner? probably not...but anyway-
I will first start by listing the facts of this topic:
YHS first SAW ( not met ) Lee Eun Joo on a TV show when she was in high school. She was 13 years old because it was 1994 at the time. He was 25. They are 12 years apart from each other. He liked her because of her talent and thought she would be perfect for his company. strictly scouting not infatuation.
Now I want to mention this so you know who exactly was YG’s trainees along with Swi.T. At this time YG Entertainment was currently in the works of creation and needed young trainees. YGE had trainees that ALL JOINED AS KIDS and would soon grow up and debut as following ( some for example ): 
1)  Wheesung: After leaving his debut group A4 and joining then leaving YG’s former sister company that eventually merged and became YG Entertainment, M Boat. He then signed with YG, trained and made a comeback.
2)  Wanted: a group that debuted in 2004 with YG that eventually ended because of a member getting into a car wreak and eventually left YG. they recently came back in 2012 but have been inactive since then
3) Big Mama: This was a 4 member girl group that debuted under M Boat ( YG sister company that eventually merged and became YGE ). YHS discovered the girls and formed them into a group after discovering them in as some where back up vocalists and one of the girls from a radio show. They had been a great success and had lasted for 9 years. they were even known to be mentors to BIGBANG and encouraged the boys to never give up. They eventually left YG to look for a company with more publicity and then eventually disbanded in 2011.
4) LEXY: YG’s first solo female rap artist. She eventually left YG on good terms and is still active.
5) Stony Skunk: YG’s short lived Reggae Duo consisting of members, SKULL and  S- Kush. They ended up disbanding after SKULL went into the military. S- Kush ended up as a producer at YG, whom we all know as KUSH now.
6) Gummy: We all know who this lovely lady is~ She debuted in 2003 under YG. she eventually parted ways with YG, in good terms after desiring a different work environment and tragedy. She felt like she outgrown the company and wanted something more her style.
7) Se7en (hehe see what i did there? ): He began as a trainee for YG at 15 years old and after four years as a trainee he debuted in 2003. After his military service he left YG to start his own company that is a close ally to YG.
8) Masta Wu & YMGA: Masta Wu was a trainee that debuted under YG as a solo artist and a member of YMGA. He eventually left YG to start his own company.
9) he also had other trainees that would eventually debut as  SoulStaR and  45RPM and others like Jinusean and 1TYM.
10) Around the time that the members of Swi.T were forming in a group and training, YG also had BIGBANG and 2NE1 as trainees that would debut sometime after Swi.T disbands.
+ YG, and many other companies usually always sign talent when they are very young because then they can grow up learning and by the time they are a young adult they are ready to debut with years of training under their belt.
+ When YHS saw Lee Eun Joo on TV when she was 13 years old, he liked her talent and scouted her out. HOWEVER, he would not meet her until a few years later when she is 16. This is when he signs her as a trainee for YG.During this time from what he has revealed, he hasn’t formed his crush on her just yet, so he has not acted inappropriately. 
+ Again, this is NOT when he starts forming his crush. In his interview he said he had a 3 year long crush on her before he did anything about it. This crush did start until much later when she was OLDER. If you listen to the story in his interview and match up the timeline, you can figure this out. It was around 2001/2002 when he starter to form his 3 year crush on her, a crush he would not act upon until three years later around the end of their debut year to the next ( 2004 ). Mind you Swi.T Debuted in 2002 and disbanded in 2005. because of his actions of pursuing a relationship with Lee Eun Joo he lost focus on the group and unfortunately, along with other reasons,  they didn't continue on. I will admit this was shitty on his part. He could have always done both, love her and also take care of the group, but you know men, they have a one track mind and lose sight of what else is important.
+ Lee Eun Joo was of LEGAL age when he started crushing on her, she was 21/22 years old. and they didn't start dating until she was 24/25. around this age frame, 12 years apart isnt so bad anymore. she is still younger then him but shes an adult with her own free will and choices, Also, It was revealed that he confessed to her over the phone and then they started dating. He said she had no clue that he felt that way, so obviously, he didn't do anything to indicate such inappropriate things . All of this is apart of their 9 year relationship that was eventually confessed and revealed by YHS in 2010 because they were getting married and having a child in that year. All of this is perfectly appropriate and everything I have mentioned thus far is PROVEN TRUTHFUL FACTS from ACTUAL interviews from Lee Eun Joo and YG themselves. None of this is rumors and public speculations in fan forums. 
Okay, Now I will list all the RUMORS and Baseless speculations that “fans” and knetz and other random people have created because it fits their view and narrative on their opinion of Yang Hyun Suk, based on hate they feel towards him because they are to fixated on their Faves not doing something every 5 seconds and think they know how to run his company better then him. These are results of poor translations of YHS Interviews as well as hearing things second hand and twisting the meanings around.
+ YHS did not Form an OBSESSION over Lee Eun Joo, he simply saw her on TV like all this other Trainees ( EX: G Dragon and Seungri and Taeyang where discovered by him on TV as well at the same time frame ). He liked her talented and soon had someone scout her out for the company. That is NOT obsession, that is just being impressed and liking her for her talent enough to wanted her to be apart of his company as a trainee.
+ YHS did NOT force her to join YG. There is NONE, NADA, NO evidence that he  FORCED her. He scouted, like he scouted all his other artists at the time, and she agreed and signed on. This is a rumor that someone on onehallyu or another forum decided to spit out cause they just hate the man. There is no evidence and Lee Eun Joo even said on Infinite challenge ( or was it just an interview-- I forgot which I apologize, ill put it in the tags once found ) with her brother that she enjoyed being in YG. I mean she stayed after disbandment and then married the owner for christ sake.
+ ALSO, you say that she went through everything to protect her brother? her brother who is apart of SECHSKIES -- who at the time was NOT even at YG.  SECHSKIES is a group that was created and debuted by DSP ENTERTAINMENT, NOT YG. Yand Hyun Suk had no control or influence over him and the group. There is no stability to this rumor that you have heard.  SECHSKIES wouldn't become apart of YG until 2016 when they reunite and sign on with the company. This is when you need to actually research before you react.
+ Another BIG fake news on this topic is the reason for SWI.T’s disbandment. Now, YHS did come out and say that he feels somewhat responsible for the end of the group because he wasn’t paying attention to the group well enough, and was too focused on his heart beating out of his chest for a pretty girl. With that being revealed I agree that he should have focused a lot better instead of being lovesick and giving up. HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT THE SOLE REASON THEY DISBANDED.
----> The group didn't disband ONLY because of him, the group disbanded because one member went to America and the other had family issues. The only member who was able to stay was Lee Eun Ju, his future wife. Ahn Nai Young moved to America with her family and  Sung Mi Hyun was having family troubles back at home that delayed promotions. Only Lee Eun Joo would stay with YG, and at the time would undergo training in Japan in preparation for a solo album.  After the group broke up, YG gave her some collaborations, so she did do some work. She was going to debut solo but things didnt work out as planned and dreams changed.
Now just for funzies,  there is an post on OneHallyu thats is absolutely RIDICULOUS and not even one bit of truth is in it. This person really sat down and created fake bullshit just to start something.
Here is the Link. 
Now I will point out the false info her and tell you the truth.
The biggest false thing in this post is the meaning of the name Swi.T. this person literally created a fake meaning by using word play. saying that Swi.T means Easy Devil because the first letters and the T in Korean spell that out or something and also something to do with Seotaji that hilariously doesnt make any sense
SWI.T is an acronym that stands for "Song will tell." meaning their songs will tell a story. They were also known as Sweet Tea because if you said the name it sounded like sweet Tea lol
This person also Mentions satanic messages and shit in their songs as if this has turned into an Illuminati conspiracy theory. And actually if you read the comments.....the writer actually explains that everything she wrote was FAKE LOL she was trolling. but people actually took it and believed it LMAOO. How sad is that? people will literally believe anything they read on the internet just because its written out well and it fits their own opinions.. Stupid.
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Now, I know this post is long but bare with me, I need to talk about the “pedophile” accusations that are recently being thrown at him just because of a moment in MIXNINE where CL teases YG for liking the girl groups sexy dance. Again this is another example i talked about in my previous YGE post where YG Family like to make fun and tease YHS, and how the fans take it WAY TOO far and literal. I cant count how many times Seungri and Daesung have said that they are just jokes, please dont take them too seriously. MIXNINE is a survival show but they still are Variety too and gotta crack jokes somewhere. CL just saw an opportunity and grabbed it, teasing and pinning him in a corner and embarrassing the shit out of him. I live for this shit tbh. ANYWAY--
First, I just want to say I believe this is a stupid reason to call him a sexual predator. If enjoying a KPOP girl group’s sexy dance by smiling and blushing a bit is enough to call YHS a pedophile, then its time to call out EVERY SINGLE CEO AND DIRECTOR, PRODUCER AND MANAGER IN THE KPOP INDUSTRY! JYP is known for using sexy themes in his concepts, not just for his own, but for his artists and groups as well who some debuted at the borderline of legal. Same goes to SM entertainment and literally EVERY OTHER COMPANY IN KOREA. 
HELL, Lets throw Seungri and G Dragon in this too, why may you ask? because both have been judges in talent based survival shows and both have admired YOUNG girls for their looks and sexy and cute dances. so are they Pedophiles then? I bet you all would find someway to justify that they are not, huh? because THEY ARENT and nether is YG. Its not like he said very uncomfortable things, he didnt say things like, “You girls are sexy and attractive, etc.” he just said he liked their sexy dance and it was good. The dance WAS sexy and it WAS good. it was facts, but he wasnt preying on them. jfc. 
With the first reply on top there, this person says they cant go into everything cause they wanna keep it short.....but lets be honest....its cause there ISNT anything else out there. the only two things you YG haters have is his Wife and the MIXNINE scene, there is literally NOTHING ELSE out there to support your pedophile theory, no rumors no speculations nothing....so yeah..
Now just to make a laugh, I also think his lack of um...good looks dont help him at all. When he was a young kpop star back in the day he was super cute....but as he got older...not so much. it happens lol but because of this his smile is a bit.....creepy? LOL the poor soul, he looks like hes staring at you in a creepy way but really hes just smiling and being friendly. its like when people think im mad all the time cause my face looks angry even when im happy-- sighhh...i feel the struggle.
Two the second reply up on top there...L M A O. GURL PLS. I laughed so hard at your reply, I scared my cat. he jumped off my bed LOL. you just went and attacked without even do any research, i know this cause your reply was short and nothing else. you probably just heard things about his wife and their story and shit along with jumping on the YG Hate Train and then watched the episode of MIXNINE-- OR you just saw the Twitter & Instagram video snippet of the scene and ran with it. 
so how does it feel to just assume shit with nothing to really back you up but stupid baseless hate? so sad lmao.
I aint even gonna @ yall because your replies where weak.
have a good night.
Here are some quick links I like:
+ A post made on OneHallyu that actually makes proper sane information 
+ Swi.T’s Profile
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