#just a long day and a little too much thinkin
chippedshake · 2 days
14 and I'm thinkin' 'bout God again
Ponyboy had never gone to church before. He’d never seen the point in it. No one in his family was a believer, and if he was going to spend a couple hours watching someone talk, he would rather have it be a movie than a sermon. 
But now that his parents were gone, he started wondering where they were. They would’ve made their way into heaven, he was sure of that. But did it even exist? Was someone else right? Was there another sort of afterlife? Were they sent to hell for being non-believers?
Was there nothing? Had their souls just disappeared? Were they really sleeping forever, unconscious? If that was what was waiting for everyone, what was even the point of being alive? The sun would explode and consume everything and they would be gone and all that would be left would be a void. No life. No thoughts. No memories. 
He slipped into the church with Johnny right before the service began, trying to be quiet so no one would notice them and their not-so-clean clothes.  
In the back of our car, everyone is so far from me
Marcia wanted to phase through the backseat and reappear in her bed. Bob and Randy had been drinking and Cherry was glaring holes into the back of their heads and Marcia was exhausted and couldn't garner the energy to join in.
She was tired for everything these days. Too tired for rallies and protests. Too tired to play with her little sister. Too tired to care about Randy and Bob drinking until they threw up. Too tired to pay attention in class. Too tired to care about how Bob being behind the wheel was illegal and about how it was illegal because it could kill them.
She just wanted things to be easy. Why did everything have to be a fight?
Maybe it’d be easier if she just stayed in her room alone and did nothing. Staring at the ceiling, laying on her bed, fading in and out of sleep. Maybe it’d be easier if she just stopped existing. 
17 and I'm feelin' so out of place, I've been movin' too much
Dally slept where he could. Buck said he didn’t need the rent money, but Dally knew better than that and tried to stay away for as long as he could because there was no way Buck would accept any form of payment from him. Not even helping around the bar or cleaning up after they closed. 
He stayed at Tim’s a couple times, but he was definitely an outsider there. Angela always gave him the stink eye – she was friends with Sylvia – and Curly gave him a wide berth. Tim was nice enough, but clearly didn’t want his bad influence around his kid brother and sister. A bit hypocritical, maybe, but imagining Tim palling around with Johnny made Dally understand why Tim seemed three seconds away from strangling him when he told Curly a dirty joke.  
There was Sylvia’s, sure, but they were always fighting and didn't get along too well even when they weren't. The Curtises’ couch was taken by someone else – usually Johnny – most of the time and Dally would rather die cold and alone on the street than force Johnny out of the only place he could call home. 
(Nevermind that it was his, too)
And lately, I've been runnin' 'round in circles every day
Johnny paced the lot for the third time. He couldn’t sleep. Not so soon after. Everytime he closed his eyes, he swore he could hear the low rumble of a Mustang coming around the corner to finish the job. 
To follow through with all those threats. 
He knew he should go to the Curtises’, but he didn’t want to bother them. Darry had enough to worry about without having to pick up charity cases.  
Fourth lap. It was nearing midnight. He wasn’t getting any sleep tonight. 
19 and I'm gettin' too drunk again
It was noon on a Wednesday and Two-Bit was nursing his third beer.
He thought about Steve’s face curling in disgust whenever he smelled alcohol on Two-Bit’s breath. Susie looking at him in disappointment with those big, brown eyes whenever he came home drunk. Sodapop’s pitying looks whenever he had beer for breakfast and Darry telling him about AA meetings and Ponyboy reciting statistics in an attempt to get him to stop. 
He thought about visiting the hospital and seeing Johnny, laying there, useless and in pain. Being useless and watching, helpless, as he died slowly and painfully. He thought about Dally crumpling under a streetlight, seventeen and hopeless. He thought about how he was never going to leave their neighborhood, how he was never going to graduate from highschool, how Ponyboy and Darry would leave and find someplace better and Steve and Soda would open their own gas station and he would be left there alone, still nursing his third beer on a Wednesday morning when he was thirty. 
He took another swig. 
And I'm fallin' in love with everyone just for a minute
She was pretty. A brunette, not a blonde, and brown eyes, not blue, but she was pretty. And she was funny and smart and really liked Soda. 
They’d had fun that evening and she was a bit older than him so she lived alone and they were at her place. He should be happy. He should be enjoying himself. But all he could think about was blond hair and someone else’s kid. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmured as he stepped away, buttoning his shirt back up, “I can’t.”
20 and I'm runnin' away from everythin', I dropped out of school
Whenever Darry had a problem as a kid – homework he couldn’t figure out, a fight with some friends, someone being rude to him –, his dad would always remind him he played football, not track. He didn’t run away from things, he tackled them. He would force him to face the problem head-on and figure it out and not let it rest until it was solved. 
Lately, he’d been thinking that maybe he could replace Ponyboy as the track star in the family. 
Sure, he paid the bills and got custody and made half-hearted apologies when he was too out of line with Ponyboy, but the moment sadness poked its head out, tentatively asking if it could heal his wounds now, he shoved it down twice as hard as last time. He hadn’t let himself cry once in the last seven months, no matter how many times he wanted to. That wasn’t about to change any time soon. 
(It changed a month later as he hugged his brothers in a hospital waiting room when it finally came to be too much.)
To end up wakin' on another cold park bench
Steve’s father was kicking him out more often. It used to be once a month, for maybe two or three days. Now it was practically every week. 
It almost wasn’t worth going back. 
He couldn’t go over to the Curtises’ that often. Not just because it wasn’t fair for them to have to put up with him for so long, but also because it was humiliating. If he wasn’t even good enough for his own father to want him around, then who would?
Johnny would see him at the lot and Dally would see him at Buck’s so he went to the park. It was deserted at night and was on their turf so he could sleep undisturbed. 
He tried to ignore the shame rolling around in his chest when he woke up at sunrise to clean himself up with the fountain’s icy water. 
And I've turned off a part of me 
Soda wasn’t allowed to have feelings anymore, apparently. He wasn’t a person anymore, just a rope. A rope for his brothers to tug back and forth until he tore right down the middle. 
He’d never been all that good at following rules, but this was one he could follow. No feelings? He could do that. He could make himself a smiling, steady presence for his brothers. He could stretch himself thin enough to cover everyone. 
He could keep his family together.  
that I can't find anymore
He’d tried. Ponyboy swore that he’d tried.
But he couldn’t finish Gone with the Wind. He couldn’t. He couldn’t bring himself to concentrate on a sentence for more than a couple seconds before his mind started to wander. Johnny had been better than him at finding meaning in things. There was probably something there that he couldn’t see. 
Why even read if he couldn’t know what Johnny would have thought? What he would have felt? Why should Ponyboy get to read words that Johnny never would?
How was he supposed to stay gold when the golden part of himself was rotting underground?
I'm sick of always questionin' myself
Cherry walked home alone from the drive-in for the fourth time this month. Every time. He got drunk every single time, no matter what she did. 
Was she doing something wrong? Did being a good girlfriend mean turning a blind eye and pretending like she didn’t care? Was it all her fault? Maybe if she was better in some way – not as annoying, more obedient, nicer – he wouldn’t have to drink himself stupid every Friday. 
It’s not your fault, she told herself. It was not her fault. It was Bob’s. She didn’t have to be more submissive, he had to stop drinking. 
But it wasn’t his fault either. He didn’t conjure up alcohol out of nowhere. Store clerks and older kids and adults, they turned a blind eye. They let a boy, a child, get something that was almost a drug so they could put some money in their pockets and he would have the courage to beat up other children.  
And what I'm doin' wrong
Randy watched as Bob swung another punch. He was wearing rings. That was going to scar. The kid was almost crying. 
What were they even doing? Why were they here? What did they want to prove? The kid hadn’t even done anything wrong, he was just wandering around. 
Randy’d seen the guy around school. He was quiet, kept to himself. Had bruises sometimes and always told teachers – the few that cared – that he’d fallen. It was obvious he hadn’t. Who falls into hands around their neck? 
Why were they beating on someone who already had it so rough? It wasn’t the kid’s fault he was a greaser, just like it wasn’t Bob’s fault his parents let him get away with murder and it wasn’t Randy’s fault his parents didn’t let him take a breath without telling them about it.  
It was wrong, it was all so wrong, the way they all thrived on violence, acting like it made some sort of a difference to anyone. Who was watching them and deciding the winner? Who would make the rules change if they just beat on one more innocent kid, made one more little boy scared to walk around at night?
I've been fightin' with who I am inside my head
Sylvia collapsed onto the couch with a sigh, half expecting her mother to come out to scold her for being unladylike.  
Not like that was going to happen anytime soon. She’d chosen herself over her children when she’d up and left with no warning. So now there was no one around to tell Sylvia to wear longer skirts or less makeup or tie her hair back or go back to school. 
School. It was four. Remmy'd finished an hour ago. She had to pick him up. Fuck. She’d let Evie drag her along to a rally and lost track of time. 
The teacher rolled her eyes when Sylvia showed up half an hour later, muttering about whores and how it wasn’t her job to take care of accidents. Sylvia figured she could have nicely corrected her and told her Remmy was her baby brother and she was late because she’d been trying to get equal rights, actually, but she didn’t really feel like it. Saying that bitch’s boyfriend was the father was much more satisfying.  
It wasn’t worth it, though, when Remmy stormed off alone down the street and she had to run after him. He was mad. Of course he was mad. She’d been an hour and a half late picking him up and instead of apologizing and taking him home quietly, she’d picked a fight with his teacher. 
She really was useless, wasn’t she? Every day she told herself today would be the day she changed for the better, but she never really did. 
And I don't know me anymore
Maybe a label was supposed to be enough. Drunk. Brother. Dreamer. Useless. Girlfriend. Greaser. Soc. 
Why wasn’t it?
And I wish I was somebody else
Just to feel like I'm enough for myself
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strxnged · 2 years
the funny thing about depressive episodes is they can hit you a few hours after feeling like you've got it all figured out
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callsign-datura · 2 months
CW: pet names, oral (fem! receiving), spelling his name on the clit "c'mon pretty girl, open up f'me," simon murmurs, his lips and peachfuzz scraping against the soft skin of your thigh, up to your knee as his hands roam up and down your legs. brown eyes focus on you as you keep your legs pinned together, an embarrassed whine leaving your throat as you tilt your head to the side.
"si, you don't have to," you said quietly, looking down at him with your big doe eyes as you reach out to cup his face. he leans into it, his eyebrows knit and the corner of his mouth quirks.
"why not, sweetheart?" simon was a man of few words, but the look in his eyes was enough to make you shrink underneath it. his looming frame rises and he stands, but you keep your legs together still as he rests his hands on your knees. his size always sends your heart aflutter, but now it was beating so rapidly in embarrassment.
"i-i haven't shaved. i didn't bother once you left, so..." it's been months since he left. he came home out of nowhere, his big bulky frame caging you against the wall before wrestling you onto the bed, prime and ready show you how much he missed you. your pretty pussy was all he could think about for the days leading up to his return, and now you were denying him because you hadn't shaved? he knew you wanted him as bad as he wanted you. he felt insulted.
"hah, love," he begins, a small amused smile curling his lips as he tries easing your legs apart again. "i've been gone f' months... thinkin' 'bout you, an' that pussy of yours, and y'think i give a shit 'bout hair now that i've finally got ya where i want ya?" he cocks his head to the side, overgrown blonde hair tickling his brow as your legs finally release and fall apart, his hands going down to grip the waistband of your panties, snapping the elastic against your flesh to watch you jump before he sinks back down to his knees.
he chuckles as your face reddens and you swallow, your head falling back to avoid looking him in the eyes when you feel his lips against your inner thigh. "c'mon now. y'know me better than that, sweetheart," his lips part and he bites down gently, smirking against your flesh when you jolt again. "much, much fuckin' better than that," he chuckles in amusement as he speaks, trailing his kisses down your inner thigh and peppering soft kisses and lovebites along the fat of your thigh before stopping just shy of your pussy. "pretty little thing, aren't ya? shaved or unshaved, i'll devour ya all the same," he whispers, his voice low but carrying enough intent to make your walls flutter on nothing. he moves a hand between your legs, using his thumb to spread your lips just enough to give him direct access to your clit, planting his mouth there as his lips curl and his hot tongue darts out to lave over you.
his tongue moves in hot, slow circles, your legs twitching at the content as you squeal and writhe pathetically. the contact after so long is almost too much for your body. one of your hands plants itself on his head and runs through the untidy locks, pulling gently to guide him closer. smugly, he obliges, but not before he lets loose a grunt and a teasing, "needy girl." before closing his lips around your clit and sucks gently, applying pressure against it with the tip of his tongue at the same time as his hands cup your outer thighs.
he releases your clit with a faint 'pop', his tongue sliding out and flattening against you, dragging upward from your hole to your clit, laving once again as the mix of your slick and his spit drip down onto the mattress beneath you, leaving a mess that's only likely to grow as time goes on. "mm. missed this fuckin' pussy," he grunts, his raspy voice making your clit twitch and the heat of his breath fanning over you. you whine in response, lifting your hips, seeking more friction. you sniffle quietly beneath him, lifting your head to look at him as his gaze flickers over your body before he sinks down again. he moves a hand between your legs and rolls his middle and pointer finger against your pussy, gathering his spit and your slick before he carefully pushes them inside as he starts lapping at your clit again. your needy pussy sucks his fingers in, and instinctively, he curls them, searching for a few moments before the pads find your g-spot. the sudden pleasure makes you jolt and your toes curl as you push your legs apart and rest your heels on the edge of the bed, lewd mewls leaving your lips as he grunts into your pussy. he doesn't thrust his fingers, just rubs them against your g-spot as he laps hungrily at your clit-- like a man starved. which he was. months left without the taste, feel, scent of your precious pussy left him hungry. he shifted as he kneeled, his hardening cock in his pants making the fabric strain against him, quickly becoming uncomfortable as he continues to eat you out. he doesn't care though, your pleasure in this moment matters more to him than that.
each mewl, whine and cry that leaves your lips makes his dick twitch. he has to stifle a whine of his own. his eyes flutter open, looking up at you to find bright, eager eyes staring down at him. your mouth is open, lips quivering and red from how consistently you bit them to keep quiet. eyes dilated and wide, rolling back once he starts rolling his fingers into you.
he chuckles quietly into you, shutting his eyes again to savor the taste and squeeze of your pussy. he can feel you getting close, so he continues-- a bit faster than before. the noises of your pussy are loud, lewd and embarrassing, but his grunts are louder. you whimper pathetically as the coil in your stomach tightens and the heat falls over you. his hand is planted firmly at the curve of your hip, gripping tightly to keep you in pace as he licks hungrily at your clit, alternating between lapping and circles.
as your squirming becomes more frequent, you feel his laps become a bit more erratic. through your hazy mind you don't connect the dots yet, too distracted by the incoming pressure of your orgasm. your hips lifted and you cried out. "s-si, please! gonna cum... m'close..." and he only chuckled into your pussy, mumbling a "cum f'me sweetheart, know you can. give it to me." then he starts the pace again. you realize then after his licks become more defined, that he's using his tongue to spell his name on your clit. the thought makes you gasp, the sound low in your chest as he suddenly applies a bit more force as he thrusts his fingers into you, purposefully angling them to hit your g-spot with the tips of his fingers over and over and over again. you wail his name and your walls clench, the warmth flooding you as that coil snaps. he groans deeply into your pussy, helping you ride through it as you reach your peak. it lasts a few seconds, and you mewl and whine pathetically, fingers tugging at his hair as he continues, helping you down from your orgasm with slow licks. he withdraws his fingers from you shortly after his tongue halts, and your hands come to your face as he rises between your legs and leans over you. He nuzzles into the crook of your neck, shushing you softly as his hands run up and down your sides. Your arms thread around his neck and you mumble to him. "...were you spelling your name on my clit?" a pause. his rubs stop, and he hums quietly in amusement. "maybe. 've gotta make sure you know what name to moan. seems like it worked..."
you can hear and feel the smirk on his face, and you scowl playfully, hiding your red face in your hands as he laughs into your neck. yeah, it worked. and now he was gonna continue doing it.
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groovyangelkisses · 27 days
Lumberjack ! Logan secretly love being pampered and spoiled by his girlfriend but is too shy to admit it
oh absolutely, honey! 💌
he'll daydream alllll day at the yard about comin' home to you & you running your nails through his hair, scratching and tugging while kissing his cheeks. and he'll blush, too! swinging his axe with the gratifying chop and thinking about his girl waiting for him at home ᯓᡣ𐭩
on days where you needed the pick-up, mainly to run to the farmer's market down the way for dinner, you'll pick him up from the yard. and ohhhh boy the looks logan gets when the other workers see a pretty little thing like you pulling up for him. and logan absolutely eats it up— loves knowing his pretty girl, so loving and doting, bordering obsessed with him, is the object of every mans dreams. if anyone dares to tease him for the sudden pep in his step as he almost jogs to you in the car, the glare they recieve will be deadly before logan shifts his eyeline back to you with a soft smile— only reserved for you <3
everyday when he comes home from work, there's a warm lavendar bath ready, and his favorite soft sweats warm from the dryer. the first time you drew him the bath, he fiddled with the soft pebbles of lavendar asking himself "what the fuck is this?" when you left the room for a moment to grab him a fluffy towel.
he was skeptical of being loved— never too quick to let his guard down. but when he finally sat in the tub? long, tanned limbs relaxing in the warm water that smelled sooo nice & relaxing? his shoulders dropping with content and his eyes fluttering shut? you washing his hair and telling him about your day? "oh god" he prays to himself "never take me away from her, not even for a second, i won't be able to bear it"
and for a more silly approach, you do a sweet little cucumber face mask on logan during the winter months; shelled up in your cozy home as the snow rages on. his eyes peacefully closed as you sit on his tummy, massaging his face gently as he runs his hands up & down your hips and thighs. a sudden knock at the window reveals one of logan's friendly coworkers, coming to drop off the coat logan left at the sight earlier that day.
and this coworker pauses his sentence in mild shock to stare at this 6'2, mean-eyed hairy lumberjack with green fluff on his face and freshly moisturized lips. and all logan can say is "you tell anyone and i'll fuckin' kill you, i swear to god i will" to which you'll turn, all hurt, "you don't like the mask, baby?" and logan'll backtrack so genuinely "no, no baby, i do. 's nice and cooling, like you said. just don't want this shithead thinkin' i'll do anything wild like this for anyone but my girl"
and when his buddy leaves, head falling back in laughter, logan doesn't even find himself caring so much. especially not when you lay him back down, face now clean of the mask, and slooooowly start massaging his biceps.
"love my girl. love my sweet girl. take such good care'a me, pup, 'm so grateful" he'll coo as he starts to fall asleep after a long day's work— completely content, completely in love, only mildly ashamed of how much he needs you :(((
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swordsandholly · 3 months
Cherry Bomb - tattoo parlor anthology
MDNI | poly 141 x fem fat reader | masterlist
Part 5: Night Out
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You find yourself squeezed into the center of a round corner booth, Johnny to your left and Kyle to your right with John beside him. The bar is relatively quiet, even for a Saturday night. It is early, though. Plenty of time left in the night for more people to file in. Apparently they go out drinking every third week of the month, a day set aside for them to be together and celebrate another month of success. It’s sweet that they invited you, if not a little nerve wracking - you’re not exactly sure how much they plan on drinking and you’ve been known to be rather… sloppy after one too many.
You nervously adjust your top while Johnny yaps about the equipment sales person with the incredible ass. It’s hard not to squirm being packed in between them, hyper aware of the width of your hips and the size of your arms as they squish against far more toned, muscular limbs. A mean itch in the back of your mind lectures you about taking up too much space - about inconveniencing the people around you. About the optics of the pitiable fat girl tolerated by the handsome men around her.
An elbow to your arm finally knocks you out of your daze. “Och! There he is!”
You blink, following Johnny’s gaze to the man climbing into the booth beside him. It takes your brain a moment to catch up, processing the person in front of you. Your eyes turn to saucers as you realize it’s Simon - signature tattoos, piercings and all - just without his usual surgical mask. It shouldn’t make that much a difference, he still has that low brow and big dark eyes that slide over to you and make your stomach flip…but now you get the addition of his crooked nose, broken more than once and not set right, a small cleft scar leading down to a part of pretty, pink lips that quirk up in the corners when he catches you staring. A few scars scattered across his sharp jaw you hadn’t noticed before and a light layer of blonde stubble around each engraving on his face.
“You’re pretty!?” You gasp, words tumbling out of your mouth before you can stop them. You bury your face in your hands while the others (Johnny) burst out in a fit of laughter. Simon’s shoulders shake in that signature, barely audible chuckle as he settles into the booth. Suddenly you feel a little less self conscious about the amount of space you take up in comparison.
John orders a round for everyone. Some light mixers to sip while you talk. You stick to listening, mostly, while the boys talk shop. You pick up a few personal tidbits here and there - specifically about Simon’s apparent sweet tooth as Johnny teases him about going through an entire package of licorice in one sitting. You file that away for later. Apparently John got his start after he enlisted in the military and got several very shitty tattoos during the first couple of years. Dropped out to get an apprenticeship, figuring he could do better. Kyle rolls his eyes, as if he’d heard the tale a few too many times.
“Where ye thinkin’ of lettin’ Kyle ink ye?” Johnny leans in close, breaking out of the group conversation.
You tilit your head. “Haven’t really thought about it. Wherever he’s comfortable, I guess.”
“Givin’ him free reign? Tha’s dangerous, bonnie. Might put it somewhere scandalous.”
“Wouldn’t be the first.” You blurt, regretting it immediately when you see that impish sparkle in his eye.
Johnny dips closer to you, shoulder pressing against yours. “Oh? Thought ye were a good girl, hen.”
“I’ve got a couple you haven’t, and will never get close enough to see, MacTavish.” You laugh.
“Is tha’ a challenge?” He grins, hand just barely ghosting over your thigh.
You shrug, face hot. ”Even if it was, you’d lose.”
There’s probably something deeply wrong with flirting with your coworkers while your boss sits a foot away, but your skin is too warm and your drink tastes to good for you to focus on that fleeing thought for long.
“From the gentleman at the bar.” A woman appears in front of your table, sliding a glass of pink cocktail toward you.
You stare at it before glancing up to meet a pair of dark eyes. He’s handsome, smiles and nods before going back to his own drink. Something cold runs down your spine, the bar warping for only a second. Your lip catches between your teeth before you push it away.
“That’s bold.” John scoffs, a twitch in his brow.
“Not gonnae take a free drink, bon?” Johnny teases, batting at your arm. “He’s no’ half bad lookin’. I’d take a bite.”
“I don’t take drinks from strange men.” You snap, a little harsher than you meant as you push the glass even further. “You can have it if you want.”
There’s a beat where you keep your eyes square on the table, waiting for an insistence that you take it, that you talk to him, that you just do what he wants because he seems nice enough. That you’ve ruined the mood by being sensitive, like you always do. Instead, Johnny grabs the glass and downs whatever fruity cocktail was inside.
“Alright, if I pass out ye have t’ carry me now.” He laughs, the conversation returning to the same pace as before. You just look up at him for a moment - his eyes bright and unwavering.
The more you’re with them, the more guilt you feel for doubting them in moments like this - but, equally, the more unreal they seem. Too perfect of men for you to have stumbled across. Too good for something as damaged as you. There’s a pang of loneliness at the thought.
You’re one again pulled from your thoughts - well, redirected, more like - when John’s arm comes to rest around the back of the booth behind Kyle, fingers brushing against your shoulder ever so slightly. You’d been noticing it more recently - John’s tendency to hover. He doesn’t cling like Johnny but he stays just a hair away. Fingers ghost over your arms and a hand hovers over your back. Sometimes he holds the back of your seat, leaning over you while looking at the appointment book, that wafting scent of leather and petrichor enveloping you.
He doesn’t look at you, talking across the table to Simon about some business thing. At least you think, you really hadn’t been listening. Maybe you should have.
“We should go check out that new place up the street.” Kyle announces, scrolling through his phone. “They’ve got great room for dancin’, apparently.”
“Is dancin’ the mood for the night?” Simon sighs, tilting his head forward. Even without the mask his expression remains placid. Difficult to read.
“Aye!” Johnny wraps an arm firmly around your shoulders. “We’ve got t’ take our little lass out on the town!”
You scoff, cheeks warming at the idea that you’re theirs. Their lass - their girl. Fuck that last drink really good to you, huh?
Johnny walks with an arm sling around Kyle’s waist ahead of you, John laughing and shaking his head at them. Simon hangs back a bit as you walk, taking small, slow steps to stay beside you with his hands in his pockets. The same as when he walks you home every night you close together. You silently revel in the safety of it - of having this massive man in your shadow to block out everything else. You risk glancing up at his face - so new to you despite knowing each other for weeks. His skin glows in the passing street lights.
So not fair that he’s been hiding lips that kissable.
That’s totally the drinks talking.
“Y’alright?” He murmurs, glancing down at you.
You jump a bit, not realizing you’d been staring, eyes wide and hazy. Since when we’re you such a lightweight? “Yeah.”
“Still bothered about that guy?”
You blink. In all honesty, you’d completely forgotten him. Too busy enjoying your time with your boys. Your boys. Your boys. Their girl. That feels really good.
“No.” You shake your head and grin. “Sorry for being weird about it.”
“Y’weren’t.” Simon shakes his head solemnly, lapsing into a comfortable silence as you walk. It’s made up for by Johnny’s forceful cover of Pink Pony Club.
The place is packed when you get there, Simon having to use his bulky form to push through and secure you all a standing table. Not that you really need it, it’s mostly so the four of you can do a few shots - as per Johnny and Kyle’s insistence. Yours too, but it’s more fun to use them as an excuse to down two green tea shots back to back. You’ve never been good at saying no anyway.
“C’mon, luv.” Kyle herds you toward the dance floor and you follow, not unaware of Johnny right at your back. Your head buzzes, the world feeling loose and slow and comfortable around you. That wall you might otherwise have up long gone as you’re safely pinned between two of your favorite boys.
Kyle’s hands trail down your sides to knead at your hips, guiding them to move in tandem with his. Johnny presses closer to your front, hooking your arms up around his neck. If you were any more sober, you might have thought twice about the way you grind back against Kyle and press your chest into Johnny - your coworkers - but as it stands you couldn’t care less. Your body buzzes with a comfortable warmth, the music seems to course through your veins. It’s so easy to let them guide you, to melt into them, to tilt your head back onto Kyle’s chest and grin up at Johnny’s big blue eyes.
It’s the loosest you’ve felt in a long, long time
Johnny says something you can’t hear, his head ducking and lips grazing the shell of your ear. A touch starved part of you wants to whine, to throw yourself into him and burrow into his chest. Bury yourself right between his ribs - surely it’s warm in there. The very sun itself housed where his heart should be.
Maybe you’re reaching the water-only time of the night.
You tilt your head, half-lidded eyes making contact with Simon’s. They’re boring into you, seemingly memorizing the way you three move against each other. Each step and sway stored away for future reference. Surely it’s in your imagination.
Eventually, you shuffle around - trading yourself for Kyle as John’s big hands come to rest respectfully on your waist. The music slows a bit, at least, making it easier to dance with your boss without feeling like you’re crossing a boundary. Not that you would mind crossing that boundary. You’d leap over it if you could - those pretty blue eyes smiling down at you in the multicolor bar light. Leather and petrichor fill your nose. There’s a spice to it that isn’t usually there. Your drunkenness sets your fingers alight as they trace up his strong arms to rest on his shoulders.
“Glad y’came tonight, dove.” John says, barely having to shout over the music. His voice just has that commanding timber to it that makes itself heard no matter the circumstance.
You give him a crooked grin. “Me too.”
John just hums, swaying you carefully. People don’t do this, a small part of you thinks. Don’t dance with their bosses. You look down to where you’re pressed together. It feels good, though. You wonder if you’re more to him than an employee - if he considers you a friend despite your inequalities of age and rank.
“Is it silly to say that I’m really happy?” You mutter, not expecting John to hear over the music.
“Not at all.” He shakes his head, dipping lower so you can hear him more clearly. “I’m very grateful that we get to have you.”
Somehow your face gets hotter and in an attempt to calm down you glance over his shoulder to where Simon still stands, leaned against the wall with a glass in hand. His eyes rake over the crowd, sometimes resting on Johnny and Kyle, sometimes you and John, sometimes they seem to just look off into the distance. A woman walks up to him. She’s pretty. Tall with dark hair. You can’t see her face - can’t tell what she says. A slimy, nosy little part of you doesn't like it, despite having no right to an opinion. Simon’s expression remains flat as he responds and she stomps away.
You turn back to John. “Does Simon not dance?”
John chuckles. “Rarely.”
You pout. “I hate that he’s all alone.”
“He’s fine, love. Promise.”
“I’m gonna ask him.”
“Good luck.” John laughs, letting you push your way out of the crowd as the current song comes to an end.
“Si!” You call loudly over the music, movements sloppy.
“Hm?” He cocks a brow.
You lock your hands around his wrist like a child trying to pull their parent toward some bright thing that caught their eye. He doesn’t pull away like a more sober you might expect. “Come dance with me!”
“I don’t dance.” He scoffs.
“Please?” You beg, giving him your best puppy dog eyes. Not nearly as effective as Johnny’s but they’ll have to do.
“No.” Even in your drunken state you notice the corner of his mouth quirk up before he forces it back down.
“You can’t stand over here all night!”
“Watch me.” Simon huffs.
You pout and let your fingers drift over his forearm, all muscle and so very vascular. His skin is warm under your hands, the ridges of scars dancing across the pads of your fingers - invisible to the eye under his tattoos.
“Well, then, I’ll just have to do what you like to do!” You say with a discerning nod, clambering up onto the stool at the table beside him.
He frowns. “Don’t let me take you away-“
“I don’t wanna leave you alone!” You continue to pout, the cotton in your head only making things fuzzier outside of your new single minded goal: Hang Out with Simon.
He looks you over for a moment, something passing through those dark eyes of his. They’re so mysterious - so deep. Like the Mariana Trench. That’s the really big one, right?
Simon sighs and downs the last of whatever golden drink was in his glass, setting it on the table beside you. “Fine. I’ll give you one song.”
You’re practically preening as you pull him into the crowd, hand firmly around his thick wrist. Part of you briefly acknowledges a few jabs from Johnny and Kyle as you pass them on their way toward the bar.
A squeak escapes you as Simon suddenly turns you around, pulling you close and leading you to the beat. He’s good. Weirdly good. You feel a bit like a floundering fish all of a sudden. It definitely doesn’t help that you’re a lot more drunk than you felt five minutes ago. He smells like spice, too.
“So much for can’t dance!” You laugh.
“I said I don’t dance, bird. Nothin’ about can’t.” An arm loops around your waist, suddenly twisting to dip you low - holding your weight so easily. You fall into a giggling fit, face hot as you playfully push at his chest.
As the night goes on, things get fuzzier. Blurred. There’s one last shot with Johnny and Kyle and all you know is an overwhelming sense of joy.
A/N: Don’t love love this part but it’s cute and this is supposed to be my easy to write fic so I’m not stressing about it. Suuuuper excited for the next couple parts tho🤭
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
can you PLEASEEEE do something with the idea of reader stealing/wearing katsukis clothes?? you’re the only one who i think will fully do this idea justice xx
pure fluff, reader is a thief, reader likes the way katsuki smells, roughhousing lol kinda ?? katsuki sorta tackles you, katsuki is a meanie, tickling, no pronouns mentioned in this one I don’t think ! lemme know if i missed sum else !!
a/n : hey so this has been sittin in my drafts for literal decades omg IM SO SORRY🙁🙁🙁🙁ALSO BTW TYSM FOR THINKIN I COULD DO UR ASK JUSTICE I WAS SO FLATTERED WHEN I READ THIS I WAS GIGGLING N SHIT🤭🤭i was always so excited for this ask but I literally never got around to doing it after my break n stuff, im slowly (and that’s suuuuper slowly im so sorry yall i suck) getting to all of your asks one at a time and im so grateful yall r still givin me the time of day honestly , so please be patient with me🤧💗💗💍 ! But anway enough dumping ! Anon if you’re still sticking around, i truly hope u enjoy this ! And ofc all of yall too ! much luv xxx!!
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"you fuckin' thief.."
shit. you thought he'd be gone for longer.
lately, you’d been routinely sneaking into katsuki’s dorm room and nabbing some of his clothes. sweaters, hoodies, t-shirts : as long as they were in your reach, you’d grab them.
it's not your fault, really ! katsuki's clothes are so cosy and warm and they smell just like him. plus, they're perfect to snuggle in when he's busy, how could you not borrow them for a little while ?!
..except you can admit that you’ve been stalling..and a lot of his clothes were still in your room, but you still planned on giving them back..soon !
and you can’t even pretend, because you’re wearing on of his hoodies that had been missing for a good week now.
"katsuki, baby." you slowly lean away from his clothes drawer, your hand ready to snag a black hoodie of his slowly trailing towards the floor "i can explain."
"all my damn sweaters, my fuckin' hoodies. they all just vanished without a trace.." he starts, slowly stalking over to you. you squeak, slowing getting on your knees to prepare yourself should you have to break his ankles and sprint out of the room. he's fuming, eyebrows twitching "thought i was goin' crazy.."
"and all this time.."
"suki.." you try, voice wobbly as your knees shake with each step closer he gets.
"it's been fucking YOU ?!"
and he pounces.
with a squeal, you scramble and dash away just as he leaps for you and narrowly misses, he's got you cornered as you're on opossite sides of his bed while you beg for mercy and he keeps yelling at you to 'come here'. in a panick you grab one of his pillows and fling it at him.
it feels like the pillow slides down his face in slow motion to reveal a look so vile a demon appearing in front of you right now would scare you less
“you’re. so. dead.”
there’s really nowhere else for you to go. you’re truly cornered, you might as well just be buried right now. you think about the leftovers waiting for you in the fridge and how sero still hadn’t returned the manga he’d leant from you, but you’ve lived a pretty good life.
before your body can decide to move, katsuki leaps over to you tackling you and having you land straight onto his bed with a loud shriek.
frantically, you wave your hands around “wait, wait pleasepleasepleasepleasepleas-” but your begs of mercy are cut off when katsuki jams a finger into your side, causing you to yelp. he hovers over you with a mean smirk. and you know what’s coming.
you don’t even get to finish before he jams his hands into your sides and mercilessly tickles you.
from an outsiders point of view? this is harmless. but your boyfriend is mean and the biggest asshole in the world because he knows all of your weak spots and the places he knows will have you shaking and gasping for breath. it felt like actually torture, really.
“thought you could get away with it, huh ?” he sneers, leaning down a bit more so he’s eye level with you “thought you could keep taking my shit and i’d just neeever find out, hm ? yeah ?”
“b-but i—ah ! didn’t—!” you gasp and squeal, choking on the sentences you can’t manage to push out of your throat as your eyes squeeze closed. you don’t have to see his face to know he’s enjoying this.
“you’re a fuckin’ thief.” he spits, backing up from you so you don’t headbutt him square in the nose from your thrashing. you’re response is nothing but a harsh gasp and he smirks wider.
you think he’s finally, finally taken pity on you when his fingers slow to a stop, but he glares down at you, hands still on either sides of you “say it.”
you can’t even catch your breath before he hurriedly pressed closer to your sides to scare you, you shriek “stop ! m’sorry !”
“not what i wanted you to say, try again.”
“you’re—” you take a breath “sucha”
his fingers graze your shirt and his eyes are wide, daring you to finish your sentence, you bring your hands up to try to hide his field of vision.
“OKAY ! okay, okay…” you slowly lower your hands away, finally dropping them at your sides with a sigh “m’ a thief…” you mumble in defeat, embarrassment creeping up on you not only from the fact that you got caught but that the blond above you clearly enjoyed your torture if the evil snickers you heard we’re any sign of that.
he hums in satisfaction “mhm, no good fuckin’ thief. should lock you up and throw away the key on your ass.” you hate how handsome he looks when he’s playful like this with you. your sides still hurt and your voice is croaky from how out of breath you were and for a moment you seriously thought you saw the pearly gates.
you pout, and all it does is make him smile wider.
your boyfriend is mean. and the biggest asshole in the entire fucking world.
“s’not my fault..your clothes are comfy.” you mumble, crossing your arms over your chest. “and they smell good.”
he scoffs, leaning down closer towards you “that’s cus i fuckin’ wash them. and i haven’t been able to lately cus someone’s been stealing my entire closet.”
“i didn’t !”
“was boutta make me walk around naked, ya moron. all my clothes are gone.” you roll your eyes, he never lacked in the dramatics department.
“you’re such a drama queen.” you whine, sinking into his comforter. he ignores you and he presses your cheeks together with one hand, chuckling at your smooched cheeks and furrowed brows.
“stop stealing my stuff.” he announces slowly. he’s clear, no way you could’ve misunderstood him anyway. he sighs and presses a quick peck to your lips still pressed together
“if you want one of my sweaters r’something, jus’ come ask me. can give you one..or whatever.” he finishes, voice slightly muffled in embarrassment as he shoves his mouth against yours again and again making wet kissing sounds and you manage a giggle. he rolls his eyes, but a smile slowly crawls up his face anyway as he releases your cheeks. you let out a happy sigh, opening and closing your mouth to get rid of the slight soreness.
“take this shit off though.” he tugs at the hoodie you’re wearing “stinks. need to put it in the wash.”
“no it doesn’t !” you protest, pressing the color against your nose in an attempt to keep it close to you “it smells like you!” you pout. he doesn’t respond for a bit, opting to squint at you while the tips of his ears turned pink. and in a second his snatched the bottom of it and ripped it off of you, ripping a pathetic scream from you.
he examined his hoodie with an unreadable expression before his eyes land back on you for a second, then he slowly starts folding up his sweater “you trynna say i stink ?” he says lowly.
“no. i wouldn’t wear your clothes if they were nasty” you scrunch up your nose “you can take back the sweater in my room, though. the smell is starting to wear off.”
“gee, thanks for offering to give me my sweater back. weirdo” he glares, spitting his words out sarcastically and you giggle at his extra emphasis on his ownership of the hoodie which earns you a huff.
“ i’m grabbing all the shit you took from me, and they stay with me.” he starts warningly “but you can keep this, i guess..” he adds, patting on his now folded hoodie ready for a cleaning. you smile happily, running your socked feet into his blankets.
“ oh, but don’t forget to wear it first after you washed it, want it to smell like you. otherwise there’s no point.”
“you really are a fucking weirdo.” he spits, but the way his cheeks burn bright red say he’s not truly mad about it. you laugh, and katsuki grumbles. “hope you learned your lesson, freak.” he taunts. you hum in fake thought, then release a sigh.
“yeah, i guess i did.” you concede, and he nods proudly.
and sure, yeah, you’re boyfriend’s a big meanie. but you do a great job at riling him up.
“for now.”
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oreo-creampie · 6 months
“𝐠𝐨 𝐚𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐩, 𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐢𝐩𝐨𝐩”
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬! cocksucking/face fucking, sugar daddy!gojo/sugar baby!reader, spitting, fingering, choking you with their cock, praise/degradation, daddy/mama/princess, sucking, kissing and massaging their balls, cum swallowing, overstimulation, ‘just the tip’, smacking your ass, one cunt slap, established relationships
𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧! Ya know what's really hot? Guys with their belts undone! I don't know why but I love it! Like, imagine nanami getting ready for work, still damp from the shower, coming out of the bedroom with his pants and belt on but not done up. He's looking for something and you're just staring at the little bit of hair peaking above the band of his briefs. I would die. Ooo, or maybe gojo gets home from work on a hot day and sits on the couch (man spreading because, duh, it's gojo) undoes his jacket and belt to cool down a bit but little does he know you're going to make him heat up again! He would look so good leaning back with his pants undone like that, I mean, that's just asking for a blow job, right?
𝐅𝐞𝐲: you came you cooked and YOU FUCKIN’ SERVED 🤤 my mind went straight to Kento with a towel over his face, imagine surprising him when he’s laying down like that. Also it makes me believe he has a low energy skin care routine to keep clean but he doesn’t bother with the dark circles since the bags have bags after he gets off work
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Needy cries carry through the cozy apartment into the bedroom, “Sugar pie! Honeybee! Darling! Light of my light! Your Satoru has been cooked alive! It’s too hot outside!” You sit up pushing the covers back to get out of bed.
Smiling as you head into the living room where Satoru lounges with his phone and various sweets scattered around him. His pale face flushed pink from the heat.
His jacket was abandoned on the back of the sofa. His white shirt is unbuttoned, framing thick pecs and hard abs. Satoru's white happy trail leads your gaze toward the dark band of his underwear.
His belt is undone, zipper is pushed down showcasing a prominent bulge of his soft cock. Sparking an idea whilst getting you wet between your legs. "I missed you."
Satoru smirks, "Why wouldn't you? I'm a delight!" You slip the baggy shirt off dropping it on the floor. He tilts his head back slightly and slips his finger under his blindfold. He's so eternally beautiful with his piercing blue eyes.
His cheeks flush a darker pink, "I missed you too sweetheart." You walk up to kneel between his legs, rubbing Satoru’s hard cock.
Looking up at him and insisting, "Of course you did! You adore me too much, all day long you’ve been thinkin’ about coming home time.” Kissing his cock through his underwear. “You have a slutty cock getting so hard without me even touching me."
His cheeks flush a darker pink. "I can’t help mama, you’re stunning.” You slide your hand up his hard abs and squeeze a handful of his pec, digging your nails in.
Biting Satoru’s abs causing him to momentarily flex and whine. "Nnnfuck!" Yanking your head back by a handful of your hair. "Tell me what my pretty lil’ princess wants from her sugar daddy."
Smiling whilst massaging his hardening cock through his underwear. You smile, "I wanna suck your cock daddy. You look suck-able sitting on the sofa belt unbuckled, manspreading like a whore." Satoru lets your hair go and lifts his hips up enough for you to slide his pants and underwear down.
Satoru shrugs his shirt off, placing it over the back of the sofa. "I'm the whore? You're the one who dropped to their knees at the sight of me." You grab his cock, kissing his pale pink head.
You insist, "By the time I did you were already rock hard and wet with pre-cum from just looking at me." Licking his head clean then bobbing your head whilst massaging his balls.
Satoru pushes your head down gagging you with his long, veiny cock. "Nnnmama you sound so hot gagging on my cock." With his cock deep in your throat Satoru stands up to fuck your mouth.
Admiring the sight of your soft lips around his cock, Satoru smirks and croons, “Dumb lil slut, the moment you saw me all you could think about is my cock." Gliding his cock out spitting on your face before stuffing his cock back in.
His spit drips down your cheek as he fucks your throat. When you let his balls go they smack your chin. He groans, “Look up at me beautiful.” Your eyes are watering from gagging on his cock. “Awe my lil slut is cryin’ already. I hope my cock too much for you.”
You grab Satoru’s thigh, digging your nails in eliciting a needy whine from him. Spreading your legs apart and pushing your underwear aside, gliding finger between your lips and smearing your slick on your clit.
Satoru glides his cock out then sits back down, yanking you close by your hair. “Get to suckin’ mama, play with both of us.” Slapping your face with his cock, then nudging your soft lips.
Opening your mouth to slowly glide Satoru's cock in deep, gagging around him. Then gliding him out burying your face into his large balls, you softly suck his fat nut-sack. Whilst stroking his cock with steady, swirls of your hand.
You moan with a mouth full of Satoru's balls, rubbing your clit faster. Getting off on feeling like a dirty whore with his sweaty balls in your face. You glide two fingers down inside yourself
His phone beside him rings. "Hey! I'm getting my cock sucked for manspreading like a pretty whore. What's up Suguru?"
Ice clinks in Kento's glass of whisky as he takes a sip. He squeezes a white hand towel over a steaming bowl of water. The veins on his large hand and thick forearm are eye-catching.
He softly sets his glass down. "It's late you should get some sleep." The pink scratches leading down his broad, sculpted chest are reminders of last night.
You warmly smile at Kento and insist to him, "I like waiting up for you my Love." Sliding his fingers through his soft blonde hair. Laying his head back to spread the towel over his face.
He unbuckles his belt and unzips his pants. You bite your lip whilst admiring his large bulge. His cock is so thick even when soft. "Sweetheart I love you so much." Kento takes the hand towel off his face and lifts his head, giving you a gentle, loving smile.
You walk over and kneel in front of him, "I love you too daddy." Softly kissing Kento's soft cock through his underwear. You grab his pants, and he lifts his hips enough for you to tug them down his thick thighs.
Tossing his pants aside he groans spreading his legs apart further. "That's it Daddy relax n' lemme take care of you." Kissing along his cock and taking Kento's thick head into your mouth. Slowly bobbing your head, spit drips down his cock.
Stroking the rest of Kento with steady swirls of your fist. "What did I do to deserve coming home to you?" Kento groans, rutting his hips and setting the hand towel in the bowl.
You glide Kento's fat cock out with a soft pop. "What didn't you do?" Using both of your hands to stroke his long cock. Your fingertips can't touch, Kento is too thick.
You lovingly explain, "You're a loving, gorgeous man who treats me wonderfully. I'm happy I get you all to myself for the next two days." Kissing along his muscular thighs. "We can keep the curtains closed walking around naked." You bite his thighs softly, licking a short strip towards Kento's soft balls.
You softly kiss his cock head and look up at him. "I can give you breakfast in bed." Sucking his sensitive head with needy moans then gliding him out with a soft pop. "Later on I can rub you down in oil n' give you a massage." Gliding half of him into your slack jaw mouth, stroking the rest of his cock.
Massaging Kento's large, warm balls with your other hand. "We can cook together; take a turn massaging the other-fuck your mouth feels wonderful," he groans, "so warm and wet." Softly jerking his hips, pushing your head down shoving his fat cock deeper into your mouth.
Kento pulls his hand away, "Sorry my darling nnnn." Then grips the edge of the sofa. Sliding his hand through his soft blond hair, slicking it back, pulling stray strands out of his eyes.
He warns, "Beautiful, I'm going to cum if you don't stop." Bobbing your head faster, deep throating his cock and groaning. Kento trembles, tilting his head back, his lips parting with a deep moan. Thick cum trickles and then spurts into your mouth.
Slowly gliding Kento's cock out of your mouth, swallowing his cum. Cum drips down the side of Kento's fat head and over the puffy thick vein. You kiss his balls and croon, "I know you got more for me."
You lick the trail of cum then suckling on his sensitive cock head. Swirling your tongue around him, then flattening your tongue to glide him along his tongue. Kento loudly whimpers, "Mama please fuck!" Lightly resting his large hand on top of your head.
Bobbing your head faster keeping his cock from getting soft. His thighs tremble as he digs his heels into the carpet. "Nnn!" You glide him out with a soft pop and stand up, straddling his hips.
You line Kento's fat cock with your soaking wet cunt, gliding him between your lips. Kento insists with a breathy whine, "Nnnmy Love let me stretch your pretty cunt with my fingers, make sure my cock is easier to take." Rubbing his head between your lips, soaking him.
You lean forward kissing one of the pink scratches on his thick pecs. "You're so thoughtful Daddy, how about I take just the tip. I've really missed you; I want to feel your hard cock inside me." You softly moan, taking pleasure in how Kento's fat head stretches your soft cunt.
Kento soft squeezes your side, sliding his large hand along your body. "I've missed you too beautiful Mama. You're soft and warm, I've missed us spending time together." Massaging your cheek, helping you slowly bounce on his cockhead.
"We can catch up by making breakfast, and then snuggling up with a movie, show, or book, your choice." He leans down for a passionate, tender kiss, slipping his tongue in when you part your lips.
Hiromi is lounging on the sofa taking several large gulps of bourbon. Following it with a long drag off his cigar. Smoke drifts past his lips as he rants, "I need more than a drink n' a smoke after the day I had." He untucks his shirt and quickly undoes his belt and zipper.
His tie haphazardly rests around his neck with the knot hanging low. Several buttons on his shirt are undone showing his flawless large, firm pecs. His chest is so beautifully sculpted.
You walk over to Hiromi, leaning down and sliding your hand up Hiromi's thigh towards his undone belt and zipper. Whilst suggesting, "How about I take your mind off it for a little while daddy?" Gently massaging his thighs close to his soft cock and balls. "Give you a treat for working hard today n' putting up with so much bullshit."
A smile stretches across his lips, "Let me take my jacket and shirt off." He sets his glass down as you stand up.
You insist, "Lean forward I'll do that for you, then we can go for a shower. I can scrub you down, we can order a late bite to eat then fall asleep with the tv on." Hiromi scoots forward puffing on his stubby cigar, then ashes it out. You push the jacket off his broad shoulders, the sleeves are snug on his muscular arms.
Hiromi's loving smile is heartwarming "I love it when you take care of me Mama." You set his jacket and shirt aside on the sofa. then kiss his forehead.
You kneel between his thighs, fondling his cock whilst crooning, "It's a pleasure to Daddy, I get to feel up on you while I do." You grab Hiromi's pants, prompting him to lift his hips for you to pull down his underwear and pants.
Following his dark happy trail with your fingertip, "It's so hot how your thick, heavy cock hangs." Lifting his cock up, admiring how thick and veiny Hiromi is. "You have such a beautiful cock." You look up at Hiromi and lick his cockhead clean of pre-cum.
Opening your mouth, gliding his cock in, and slowly bobbing your head. Getting wet from Hiromi's deep raspy groans. "Fuuuck mama your mouth is divine." Deepthroating his cock with a groan, he ruts his hips, pushing your head down when you lift up.
He grabs a handful of your hair, gliding his cock out. Causing it to fall onto his balls with a soft plop. "Do you mind if I fuck out a little frustration?"
You smile, "Whatever you need Daddy." Hiromi lets your hair go and leans down to kiss your forehead. He grabs your baggy shirt causing you to lift your hands for Hiromi to slip it off, setting it with his clothes.
He instructs, "Stand up for me then." You stand up and he hooks a finger into your underwear, pushing them down, kissing your clit.
When you sit down Hiromi asks, "Give me a sip of wine." You grab the glass of bourbon and straddle his hips. You take a sip then softly kissing Hiromi, parts his lips for the cool liquor.
Hiromi roughly smack your ass when you pull away. "That was good lil' mama." He softly slaps your cunt, then slides two thick fingers in. "Lay down so I can smack your soft cheeks and finger your cunt into a juicy mess before I fold you in a mating press against a wall." Keeping his fingers in you as you lay down, face near his cock. Which he lines up with your soft lips.
Slowly pumping his long, thick fingers into your soaking wet cunt. Stuffing your mouth with his cock when you moan. Shoving your head down and groaning, "Nnn that’s it choke on my fat cock Mama." Your cunt clenches his fingers as he pulls your head up by your hair.
Your soft cunt squelches as he pumps his fingers faster. "Your cunt so loud for me, telling me how much she missed me. I missed feeling her too, so warm, soft, and soaking wet." Spit drips down your chin and your eyes sting with tears whilst Hiromi makes you deepthroat his fat cock.
all works!
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shaguro · 8 months
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✧ synposis: reiner finally lets you ride him.
✧ contents: smut smut smut with nooo plot. black reader ofc, established relationship, reiner has a big d! raw sex. (better wrap it up, yall!!) minors dnii.
✧ word count: 1.2k (i don't know how i ended up with so many words, honestly. proofread but may still be a mistake somewhere)
✧ shanti's note: made speficially for two of my favorite girls, @honeybleed and @chrollohearttags. 🩷 all my reiner girls stand up!!
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“take your time, doll. there’s no rush, ‘ve got all day.”
your hovered over reiner’s lap, holding the base of his thick cock to align it with your entrance. his soft words aim to soothe, he knows how big he is and how much he’d fill that pretty pussy with just the tip. and you wanted that so bad— salivating at the thought, all your focus on his throbbing length in your hand.
his dick is so heavy, flushed bright red.
just the weight of it alone had your wrist aching from holding it this long, the thick veins pulsing under your touch. reiner wants this just as bad as you do, his only concern was hurting you. he’d restrain himself, cut his pleasure in half if it meant you were comfortable. but when you told him you wanted to try something new, he didn’t refuse. he just didn’t know that it would be this and the way that you were ogling his dick was making him a little self-conscious.
“you’re… scarin’ me a little, baby.”
your eyes shoot up to meet his. in a daze, you didn’t realize you’d been staring. a little embarrased, you give a sheepish smile. “s-sorry, just mentally preparing myself.”
reiner chortles at that, his thumbs caressing your love handles. “if you’re thinkin’ that hard, maybe you’re just not ready. we can try again— fuck.“
reiner’s head lulled against the plush sofa back as you stroked the fat tip of his dick along your folds, his teeth biting down into his bottom lip. how unfair, for you to tease him like this. took everything in him to keep his hips in place, to not buck up into your tight heat.
“no, rei. wanna ride you so bad… and i know you want it, too. i know you’re tired of the same positions now, even if you won’t admit it.”
well, when you put it like that… you weren’t wrong, not at all.
but he definitely wasn’t expecting you to lower yourself onto his dick right after that, clinging to his shoulders to steady yourself with a drawn-out whine.
all he could do was grit his teeth as he bottomed out inside you. it was heavenly, how your gummy walls molded around his length, the perfect fit. he felt every spasm and pulse, arousing him even more. the uneven rise and fall of your chest drew his attention back to you.
reiner always thought you were so beautiful like this. he admired how your glossed lips parted in shaky breaths, pretty brown eyes screwed shut as you shifted on his lap, adjusting yourself the best that you could.
“doin’ so well, doll. just keep breathin’, ok?” the kisses he peppered along your tight jaw were gentle, a stark difference to how his cock was quite literally splitting you in two. to say you felt full was the understatement, you were stuffed — he was basically in your stomach. it took a few minutes before you were ready to move, reiner’s hands on your hips, guiding you to a slow and steady pace.
his dick was hitting all the right places and you were in delirious pleasure, your cheek pressed against his. your sweet moans were so pornographic to his ears, it was almost louder than the plap plap plap filling the room each time your ass met his strong thighs.
“shiiiit— squeezin’ me so tight, baby. feels so good.” he groans, his gravelly tone has you pulsing around him. everything about him turned you on without him doing much. “just drippin’ all over me, messy girl.”
and you were so messy, from how your slick was tricking onto his thighs to the way you couldn’t control the whimpers flowing from your mouth, no room left for any words. just a complete and utter mess for this man.
“rei.” you whined, your thighs were trembling. the dull ache in your muscles were increasing and you leaned forward, hands on his broad chest as you slowed down. “i-i can’t.”
reiner hummed, corners of his lips rising. “tired yerself out already, huh?” he shakes his head, scooting a little lower on the couch to adjust you on his lap. his hand is on your nape, pressing your face into his neck. “relax baby. i’ll take it from here.”
his cologne was intoxicating, all smokey with hints of scandalwood, one of your favorite scents on him. with his heels anchored onto the velvety carpet, reiner pistoned his dick into you, grazing that sensitive spot over and over. the new angle had you reeling, his arms around you the only thing keeping you grounded.
the way your pussy was squelching would’ve put you to shame if you noticed, but you were too far gone. reiner’s hyper-focused, his firm grip on your asscheeks, spreading them wide — the cool air ghosting your puckered hole. his grunts were like a symphony, mixing in with your incessant babbling.
“baby, oh fuck.” reiner moans, basically whimpers into your ear. “love you s-so much, god. can’t take it, m’close.”
always so loving even when he’s fucking all the sense out your head.
“love you m-more…f-fill me up, rei.” you purr, latching your lips onto his neck and sucking. you could feel your orgasm approaching, everything felt so good. “wanna be full with your cum.”
the way your pussy was clamping down on him as you spoke, he knew that you meant it. reiner’s arms wrapped your waist, holding you tight so he could trust up into your heat with all his might. all thoughts about taking it easy were out the window. it was sloppy, fast and your whole body was bouncing, digging your nails into reiner’s shoulder for balance. you were sure you’d get a voice complaint from the neighbors with how loud y’all were being.
lifting your head, you connected your lips; it was all teeth and tongues colliding, desperate and passionate. “cum with me, doll.” he whispered against your lips, panting so harshly. “let go, give it to me.”
“rei, i’m cummingg.” you immediately comply, letting out a drawn out moan that reiner silenced with his lips. all your juices splitting out from the impact on his thrusts, coating your lower bodies in essence. your body shook as he continued to fuck you through the aftershocks, his hand on your back keeping you upright while he spilled his heavy load into you. it was so much, the milky load trickling back down in his length as he pulled out.
both of you were panting, completely out of breath, your bronzed skin glistening with a light layer of sweat. neither of you moved, opting to stay right where you were, even if it was hot and sticky.
reiner kept his arms around you as he kissed the center of your forehead, his lips staying there before making their way around your face, one kiss after another. “rei, you’re t-tickling mee.” you giggled airly, the stubble from reiner’s beard tickling your cheeks as he continued his assault.
a hard knock at the door snapped both of you out of the afterglow and you paused, more knocks following directly after. you exchanged a miffed look with reiner, already knowing what the unwanted visit was for.
“damn.” reiner sighed with a knowing smile, placing one last kiss on your neck. “another noise complaint.”
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join the hoe house here. ♡
@/hoesluvshanti, 2023-2024. do not copy, steal or repost my content without permission.
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yandere-daydreams · 8 months
tw - nsfw, LOTS of fingering, overstimulation, gojo being mean, geto being touchy, and threesomes.
thinkin' about gojo and geto and their big, stupid hands today.
gojo's never missed a manicure. his nails are a pretty pale pink color and filed to perfection (plus the occasional layer of clear topcoat, if he knew he won't have a mission for a while). his fingers are thin and long enough to hit the back of your throat when he shoves them sloppily past your lips 'cause he got distracted while you were talking about your day. thanks to his infinity, he doesn't have any prominent scars, and i just know he's got a closet full of those scented, expensive moisturizers. it's clearly more than any one person could ever use, but he's still gonna ask for a kiss in exchange if you ever ask to borrow one.
geto, on the other hand, is a little rougher around the edges. his fingers are short (compared to gojo's, at least), blunt, and so thick that you'll struggle to take more than two no matter how many times you've already come undone on his tongue. his palms are scarred and calloused from so many years of handling curses, and he likes to keep a hand either on your thigh or cupping the nape of your neck, his thumb idly rubbing circles into the tender patch above your spine. he's contact heavy - prone to squishing your cheeks or squeezing your ass whenever his mind starts to wonder and he needs something to do with his hands. you can scold him for it, but it don't keep him away for very long. he can't keep his hands off of you, and you're going to have the bruises to prove it.
gojo likes to keep his long, pretty fingers wrapped around your neck, keeping you pinned to his chest while four of geto's thick, calloused digits bully your poor hole, his tongue occasionally peeking out to lap up your excess arousal. he's just a little too harsh with you, each flick and twist of his wrist brutal and sudden, and gojo mocks your little, pitiful, pitchy noises. when you try to shut yourself up, all he has to do is pry your mouth open and slot his thumb against your tongue, maybe stealing a kiss or two while you struggle to whimper and moan. his middle and ring fingers circle around your stiff nipples, occasionally pinching and pulling just to see your back arch and feel your body squirm against his. geto's free hand is clamped stiffly over your hip, keeping you immobile as his pace picks up and his rough fingers curl inside of you, as he brushes against something soft and sensitize inside of you and oh, now you're cumming around his fingers, gojo's grin growing that much wider as you moan unabashedly into his hand, his mouth. you only get a second to breathe before they switch places, gojo's finger soon splitting you open while geto's are thrust into your mouth - forcing you to taste yourself on his skin.
they'll keep going until you pass out, but don't worry. you're in very good hands <3
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sintiva · 9 months
pt.1 of church boy! armin
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his dick practically leaked between the soft pillows of your thighs. the fluffy, burgundy comforter disappeared under the tight clasp of his fingers. it felt like you’ve been milking him for hours ‘n hours but it’s only been ten minutes and he’s came…. one, tw-, three times! “y/nnn, i’m gunnu cum, ughh godddu… again —“ the poor things overstimulated himself to the point where he can’t stop, he doesn’t want to. and you’re not doing much, but the casual stroking and warmth of your body has him hooked in between your thighs. it’s comforting, exponentially better than anything he’s experienced.
when you told him he could touch you however he liked: the first thing he reached for were your cocoa scented thighs and how they rose ‘n fell with each curious imprint he placed upon them. they fluffed and molded under his hands like a pillow. hands down the softest things he’d ever felt. he groped you so eagerly, jaw wide and eyes quivering in awe of how you felt. “their not going anywhere, i promise.” intentions for him to relax only continued his exploration like he was starved. “so you really are a goody two shoes? i figured.”
“no-no, i-i’ve done this kinda thing b-before.” he blushes; bound by his own lies you giggle and he feels his face grow hotter, embarrasment like this hasn’t coursed through his bones since the day his parents took his door “you’re lying to me? that’s no good armin, remember?” your fingers caress his face; he’s hot to the touch. “i-i have!” he’s beyond flustered at this point. he grabs onto your wrist and flashes those pretty, pleading, wet eyes, begging for you to stop teasing him so much. with each passing second they grew wetter just like his… yeah. “you just wasting your time at church huh?”
“so as i was saying…you haven’t there’s no need to lie to me, besides—” you straddle his lap, and he sinks further into the bed, his eyes widen in shock. “you’re getting this excited, wanna put it in me that bad? you wanna fill me up this bad thinkin’ about it?” armin swallows back a moan and bites down hard on his lips; flush from sheer force. you feel his thighs tremble and his grip on your skirt tighten, “why are you getting all wet, min?” your brown eyes flutter one too many times, and his heart sinks into his chest. all the breath in his lungs fans out between his lips. is he being ostracized he can’t tell, but when you glance down at him with that look… as you’re dragging your hips harder along the prominent tent in his pants, you’re making him moan so much louder, “didn’t mean to, i didn’t.” he whines and bucks up into you. this long into the night and he’s writhing,, sniffling uncontrollably and babbling on about how good you’re making him feel. “but i didn’t say you could cum, you have to control yourself armin.”
ouch:( it felt like you were upset with him-well, that came a little too late… and he came bit too early. those super ugly khakis that he wore every wednesday for bible study grew warm and wet right under where you sat. soothing, unpleasant, but more of the former, considering its spread. hot, scorching your skin, blue like the hottest flame—spreading in your stomach. you can’t blame him, you’ve been searching for something like this for a while. “didn’t your mama tell you good boys don’t make messes?” bite. this far into the night your skirts bunched up around your waist, and armin’s losing his mind. he’s tried so hard to apologize for enjoying all this — you letting him do everything he pleases. the same excuse tumbles between his lips, in that sime high pitched whiny voice while a deeper flare of red painted his skin. curiosity settles in your stomach, to think he’s acting like this — and it’s not even sex.
“i’ve….oh’y god - never felt anything like…this — like you—” you can hear the nervousness in his voice, see it in his face. avoiding, your gaze, his eyes shift back and fourth, uncertain of where he can look that won’t expose his innocence. that won’t expose how abundant his joy is. the delicacy in his voice, the slight tremble and strain in it. can’t you tell he’s working so hard to keep it in? but when you grind down so hard on his hips. bend forward to bite down on his lips, and lick them to lighten the sting, he’s cracking bit by bit. he can physically feel every part of his body throbbing and how his lust for you overflows. while your thighs envelop his length, working so hard to squeeze out every drip of cum. his chest falls and that high piles up on him, higher and higher, till it comes crashing down and he’s pumping out another sticky load.
“what are you blaming me for, you’re the one whose fuckin my thighs outta control like a pup.” his moves are sloppy, out of time, uncontrollable. “‘s too much.” bubbles out. his eyes roll to the back of his head, his fingers clamp down onto your thighs. “you don’t wanna keep using me ‘til you’re satisfied?” the hint of sadness embedded into your question deepens his feralness. it hurts so much to keep going; to keep getting consumed by your offers of induction. the ‘keep goings’ and ‘don’t stop, i want you to make yourself feel so good baby’.
“you’ve been hidin’ this big ole thing from me ‘cause of your dumb parents. you’re so mean armin.” words mean everything to this boy. there’s power in every syllable you cast from your mouth. they tug on his resolve, gratifying every action he’s taking. cursing his subordination, his inability to have something like this all the time. his parents fought so hard to “protect” him from all this corruption because, “that girl will land you in trouble, can’t you see we’re trying to do what’s best for you? as your parents? it’s like you don’t care about how you’ll end up, how that reflects on us…”
your words sound better, they don’t sound like you’re degrading him to make yourself feel better. affirmations encouraging all those uncertainties his parents made sure he’d be too inept to act upon. outlining all of his priorities: all the things he could and couldn’t do. truthfully he was tired of it, so letting you have your way with him; in his parents word “corrupting” him felt liberating. this newfound freedom, that his parents warned would leave a stain, felt otherworldly.
“minnn, i want you to put it inside me.” you lift up your legs by the underside of your knees. taken aback, he groans as you fall back onto the bed, thighs spread; your cream white panties were eaten up up by your pussy lips. you pull them to the side, innocently inviting him in. smearing all your mess over your pussy lips then spreading them to reveal your puffy clit. “if you put it inside it’ll feel good.” and he takes the bait. he crawls forward, and his cock twitches. outstretched, nervous; one hand takes place on your knees and the others follows in spreading the pretty girl’s legs who lay in his parents bed with arousal leaking between her ass cheeks. “wanna let you feel something better.”
"i'll teach you how to use it, but it can only be mine, k? he looks so cute and your hearts skipping beats, it's getting so loud that you can barely hear. but as he gets closer to you and begins to line it up, asking questions to make sure what he's doing is okay you hear something. "wait!" your stomach drops and your legs do the same, armin fusses so you plave your fingers against his lips. "there it is." it's faint but you can make out that sound, the eerie beeping of a key pad. the distant notification rings through the house, chime! — disarmed, ready to arm— muffled voices, keys, shoes removed, voices growing louder, creaky floor boards. "you're fucking parents."
the two of you jump up. "fuck, fuck, fuck. armin! you said they weren't coming back til tomorrow! why are they here?" the bed was a fucking mess and armin was frozen while you collected yourself. "i-i don't know." tears stream down his cheeks and he starts to panic, the realization kicks in and he's sobbing. the only thing running through his mind is punishment if his parents catch him, when they catch him and you. the girl, the only girl they've warned him about, together in their room. "they're gonna kill me and i'm never gonna see you again and they're gonna ship me away —you're gonna forget about me an-"
"armin, if you don't stop all that bull shit and listen to me." as you readjust your skirt, you instruct him on what to do in this situation. it hasn't been your first, but you're to old to be worrying about getting caught fucking by old hags "got it?" he's already started pulling the sheets off the bed, you duck into his room tossing things everywhere; pulling drawers open and scattering papers on the floor. he runs the sheets to the laundry and tosses the comforter in first as it was the scene of his crime. the sheets could wait. you dig through some of his drawers, adding to the mess; looking for nothing causing a distraction for him. you pop his window open, the alarm chimes and that tells him he needs to be in his room. it gives you time to hop out while his parents find there way to the back if the house yelling his name, but he'll get there first in enough time to...
"armin robert arlert, you better have good reason for opening your window this late at night, so help me god, before i bolt tha-" his mom's eyes twitch. the back of the house is a complete mess, and armin's jamming to the music filtered through his earbuds as he cleans your mess; the cool breeze of the night sweeping through his room. he's stripped to clean boxers and a white tank top. "what is this?" she wails, hysterical and bitchy as always. "just cleaning, my rooms a mess, ma."
"well fix it. quickly. and my sheets, i didn't tell you to take them off. but thank you." she huffs the last part out, turning on her heel stomping down the hall back to his father.
holy shit. under his breath a sigh that releases all the fear accumulated within the last 5 minutes. we pulled it off. it's hard to hear him, but the earbuds pick up enough his voice for you to decipher the static.
"i told you we would… robert."
"you're a fucking genius, but don't ever call me that again."
"you've got a filfthy mouth, maybe i should've let your momma see how her beloved robert gets down." he smacks his lips and yells a good night, embarrassed again. "who are you talking to?"
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solarsturniolo · 1 month
𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 // 𝔖𝔎𝔞𝔱𝔢𝔯!ℭ𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰
©Solarsturniolo 2024
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‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who only bought kneepads and a helmet after you showed concern for him after a bad tumble. Because, even though he doesn’t care much about his safety, he knows that you do. He’d rather get hit by a car than putting you through the stress again; seeing the way your hands shook as you cleaned up his cuts and the way your eyes watered as you refused to look at him. He decided some safety gear was a good investment.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who holds your hands to keep you steady while you practice on his board. “Easy, you’re thinkin’ too much about it, just imagine your feet are goin’ right through the board into the ground…there ya go-“
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who doesn’t like to sleep alone, so he’ll facetime you or invite you to come ‘hang out’ which will inevitably end in a sleep over. “No I know you slept over last night, and the night before that, and the night before that, but just hear me out-“
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who shares his food with you no matter where you go. He’ll give you shit for it, but you both know he doesn’t care. It almost feels intimate to him, sharing something of his with you and only with you. His brothers will tease him for it later, but all that matters to him is seeing the way your face lights up as he pushes his plate towards you.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who claims your music taste is lame, but will make a playlist of his favorites that you’ll play and listen to it on his late night rides.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who has carved your initials into the underside of his board. He covers it with a sticker, knowing if his brothers found it he’d be cooked. But he hopes that one day he won’t have to hide it anymore.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who is consistently trying to impress you. Whether it’s with a new trick he learned, a photo his brothers took of him, or whatever it ended up being. He feels like he doesn’t have much to offer, so he tries to impress you by being cool.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who can’t sleep on the nights when you’re not available, his thoughts eating away at him as he lies awake in bed. Tossing and turning, groaning as he looks at the alarm clock to see that only ten minutes have passed since the last time he checked. He hates it, he wants you there with him. He felt so empty and alone without you there.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who never forgets a special occasion, no matter how small and insignificant it may seem to others. From birthdays, to holidays, to National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, Chris remembers every day that is important to you.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who can tease you and mess with you, but would knock anyone else out if they tried doing the same.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who talks about you to his mother so much, she is convinced you’re both married with three children. A boy doesn’t just randomly swoon over a girl for hours to his mother on the phone. “She told me the funniest story the other night when she stayed over-“ “She stayed over again? What is that, four times this week?” “…..anyways, she-“
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who has a raccoon brain and will see something shiny or cute and just has to bring it to you. “A…spoon?” “A tiny spoon! And it has a little pink bow on the end, see!”
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who loves coming over to your house. He swears on his life it’s just because of the atmosphere, but you know it’s because of your pets. He never forgets to greet them upon arrival, and always says (a very lengthy) farewell before he leaves.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who spends six long torturous hours trying to write you a cute note or a poem. His trashcan piled high with drafts that he crumpled and tossed away, because he wanted it to be perfect. You deserved perfect.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who complains when you beg him to let you do his makeup, but secretly loves having you so close to him. The comfortable silence, the brief eye contact, the way you gently dab and brush the different products onto his face. The tightening feeling in his stomach as you lean closer, making sure to be extra gentle around his eyes. He would never admit it in a million years, but part of him wants to ask you to do his makeup every time you come over.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who sends you a fit check every. single. day.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who sends you pictures of the animal friends he makes on the nights he goes out skating with his friends.
‧₊˚✧ Skater!Chris… who cusses often, except when you invite him over to your place. He tends to watch his language when he’s over, not wanting to ‘influence the children’, in reference to your pets.
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Reblog divider by @adornedwithlight
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sems-diarie · 2 months
Ok but Aizawa is absolutely obsessed with chubby/fat women bc they’re soft and they smell nice and he will use you in place of his sleeping bag all the time. He will come home from a shift or his hell class, see you on the couch and bully you into a position where he can sleep comfortably on you.
If you pout n whine at him just right he’ll let out this huge sigh like you’re stressing him out and then wiggle down between your legs to eat you out until you’re crying, wailing that you can’t take anymore and then he’ll just smack your thigh or ass, enthralled at the way the flesh jiggles before diving right back in.
You wanted his attention right? So be a good girl and take what he’s giving you, and thank him for it.
anon u r brilliant i’ve been thinking ab this for days
you’re not thinking much of him when aizawa comes to sit by you. no, not even when he slots his huge, dense body over your back.
you gave him an initial side eye, but he just grinned real lazy. said he likes being close—don’t you, pretty lady?
you don’t think much of shouta, or his schemes, until he raises his head from motorboating the back of your thighs to slapping a hand into the meat of said luscious thigh. he’s sick, you decide, when he presses his nose against the sweat-slicked skin there.
you squeal and tense at the sudden pain that blossoms where he hit you. you don’t have long to relish in it when his fingers sink into you. he holds you still where you lay on the couch, and shouta groans deep as he molds your flesh with hands.
“it hurt?” shouta asks, sounding like it hurts him to breathe anything but the bewitching aroma of the cute, twitching pussy beneath his nearly drooling mouth. “sorry.”
“i need—,” you whine, rocking back to meet his mouth despite knowing you shouldn’t. “y’can’t, ‘cause i’m gross.”
your shouta doesn’t even bat an eye. the minute the words leave his mouth, he’s gone back to harassing your pussy-soft pillow thighs with his scratchy beard. “i don’t care for the shaved shit.”
“i need t’shower,” you hiss. “you’re tactless.”
you’ve been home all day. well, you showered last night for your early-morning errand run. and then you went and did some roller skating. then, you came back and watched a movie. and now, your husband is home and hungry—
and you’re trying to tell him dinner isn’t ready?
you don’t even bother after that. shouta’s strong hands take to your legs, spreading them a bit. just enough to get space for his shoulders to take up between your hips. for a while, aizawa just looks. and talks shit. fake worry drips from your husband’s tone when you, to his pleasant surprise, fight back against him.
“i just want to lick you a little,” aizawa says. he kisses you now, soft half-bites to soft, delectable parts of your legs. “woke up thinkin’ ‘bout it, came home thinkin’ ‘bout it…”
“you want my pussy in your mouth all the time,” it’s more of a hiss than you mean for it to be. and you nearly cry out as part of him brushes your clit. one of his hands supports your weight on his face; the other slides up your body to pinch your nipple.
“fuck yes. are you offering?” shouta loves how your hips grind back to him, taking the pleasure he’s giving you with a clenching, sloppy pussy. “wish you’d cut it with the panties, too.”
“think i give a fuck about a shower?” aizawa is not shy about it at all as he continues. he bites into the silence your swirling brain so dumbly encourages you to leave. and your brickhouse of a man fills it with the filthy, nasty ways he plans on making those pretty eyes cry as you grind cum all over his mouth.
he growls, “make me fuckin’ messy, baby.”
you whine.
“whining about later—you don’t think this spoiled pussy needs me now?”
shouta revels in the gooey squishes your pussy makes when his thick fingers come to pry your ass cheeks apart. you don’t even get a chance to answer before he spreads you again, and this time his tongue claims the insides of your cunt instead.
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New Homes | Platonic Yandere Tweels x Child Reader
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“From today on (Y/n), you’ll be hanging out with the Leech family so please…be on your best behavior.” 
Your father was always a little timid. Always speaking with a little quake in his voice. His eyes were always wide darting around. His softer hands like to shake as well. Always wavering even when he held you tight. 
Your father is timid. which is why he warns you when he leaves you with the Leech family. Babysitters always make him nervous. It must be because there are two this time—two babysitters with lopsided haircuts and smiles filled with sharp daggers for teeth. 
“Hello little (Y/n), we’ll be sure to take good care of you.”
“Oi (Y/n), you a swimmer?”
The twins were nice…for teenagers. Other teenagers you knew would sooner shove your head underwater than help you tread it. Other teenagers also didn’t jump at the chance to fight people but that was other teenagers. Not the Leech twins. 
“(Y/n), I told you not to look at Floyd when he’s doing that.”
“But that guy is still holding onto our ice cream.”
“We’ll have some at home. Don’t point at him it’s rude.”
Jade is the twin with his bang on the left side of his face. He’s proper and polite, always doing his best to keep you on schedule. Helping you with your homework when he notices you’re struggling or reading to you when it's time to sleep. 
“Let me blow your nose.”
“Mmm okay.” 
“Good job. Are you ready to go over the edible mushrooms again?”
“Mm okay.”
Floyd is the twin with a yellow left eye and a pitchy voice. He’s loud and silly, always doing fun things that make the day exciting like running in the halls of the manor or playing tickle-monsters when you’ve been working too long.
“I just have to finish these sheets and then I can play!”
“Boooriing!  Let’s just play now!”
“B-but Jade said–”
“Jade can make you catch up later! Let’s get our water guns!”
They were always so much fun to be around, even work wasn’t so bad with them around. They made a place for you in their giant home. Giving you a room as big as your living room back home, which you slowly filled with the larger souvenirs from your days together.
Speaking of home, it was becoming harder to recall. Trying to remember when you thought of your home if the bathroom was to the left of your room or your father’s. It was an odd feeling that sat at the back of your mind when you looked at the glow-in-the-dark ceiling art. Consciousness fading in and out it didn’t stop your brain from planting the seed of curiosity.
“Why…am I at their house so much?”
Usually, the answer would have been simple. Your father worked late so you had babysitters. But you didn’t go to their house usually. They also didn’t feed or play with you as long as they did but that was beside the point. 
“(Y/n), you’re playing with your food.”
“Oh sorry Missus Leech.”
You made quick work of the beans on your plate, enthusiastically scarfing down what you could. It didn’t feel right to disappoint Missus Leech, while she never once yelled; there was just this feeling about her. One that called for respect. 
“Take your time, (Y/n). I was only worried you’d drift off to sea.”
Looking up at her, tilted your head in confusion.
She let out a giggle. The adult kind that made you feel embarrassed. Looking at Jade, he had an amused smile too, “She means your mind, (Y/n).”
“Oh, I guess a little.”
“What’ya thinkin’ about elver?”
Floyd spoke between bites of food, reminding you to do the same. 
“I just think I miss my home a little bit.”
Taking another hefty bite you missed the disdain on someone’s face. A purposeful cough brought your attention up to the patriarch at the head of the table.
“How are those new shoes we bought together?”
Lighting up at the memory of your new shoes, you barely finished chewing. 
“So cool! Everyone at school thought they were nice too! And I got so many compliments.”
The older man laughed, nodding his head. “Good. Good. Maybe we should go shopping again soon.”
Dinner went on like usual with dessert ending your time at the dinner table. Letting Jade and Floyd lead you to your bathroom to begin your nightly routine. You fought off the urge to yawn while Jade helped you brush your teeth, failing when he told you to spit. 
“It’s always nice when Mama and Papa come back from trips.” 
Floyd spoke with his back lying on the giant bed, filled with stuffed animals and pillows. He was tossing your clowned fish stuffy in the air catching it with ease. 
Jade still smiling continued buttoning up your pajamas, “Yes, it seems like the trip went well.” 
He looked at you, reminding you to follow him to your bed. “What about you (Y/n)? Did you miss them?”
Your eyelids were feeling heavy. You rubbed them to try to wipe the feeling away.
“Uh yeah.”
Helping Jade shuffle your stuffies around to make a place for you a knock at the door was heard. Floyd must have opened it because by the time you turned Missus Leech was there.
Rubbing at Floyd’s head she waved to you and Jade.
“Hi there! I was wondering if I could join you for bedtime?”
You couldn’t tell if The question was for you but if it was Jade answered anyway.
“Of course, Mother. We were just about to read their bedtime story.”
Tucked in next to Missus Leech you let yourself lean against her as she flipped through the pages of the book. Letting her words soothe your mind with the familiar words. Jade and Floyd were close by too making you comfy enough to go to sleep.
When the story was done, everyone gave you goodnight kisses before heading for the door. With the last of your energy, you remembered something important.
“Floyd, are you picking me up tomorrow or Daddy?”
The teenager was squeezing the fleshy cylinder shape with an intensity strong enough to bend metal. The crunching and squelching of a man’s neck barely brought comfort to Jade as he continued to squeeze his hands.
“There there Jade, these things take time. It was optimistic that they’d forget by now.”
Unfortunately, the words of his father didn’t calm him down. He headed over to his next target, this time allowing them to throw a punch. Dodging the punch he cradled their hand, maneuvering his arm around until it snapped in the opposite direction. The screaming that followed would have curdled blood for most but it was a lesser result to Jade. Who ended it quickly with a firm kick sent backward and into the skull. The crunch that followed and the abrupt cut to the scream allowed the Leech twin to breathe. 
“I knew they wouldn’t forget. Despite all the work we’ve done. But they still expect him to come.”
His father stepped forward, avoiding the bodies to place a comforting hand on Jade’s shoulder.
“Perhaps he still does…to them.”
Jade’s eyes widened, the implication bringing a stark realization. He turned to his father, his yellow gaze answering the unspoken question. 
To think that with all the work he was saddled with, the sniper still hadn’t abandoned his child. The likelihood was slim but possible. There were quite a few blind spots when it came to the school. Jade had previously ignored them because of the promised security of their contract with the one who wanted him dead. But it seems that wasn’t all they needed to worry about.
“Do you think he plans to take them again?”
“I’d hope not,” entering the warehouse was Fiona Leech having traded out her evening dress for a jumpsuit and shoving a receiver of a baby monitor in her pocket, “our little elver is just about to be settled. It’d be cruel to try moving them again..”
“I don’t think he cares at this point,” Jasper Leech suggested. Pulling out a revolver, he casually aimed and shot the two people tied in the back of the warehouse. He continued, “I hear he’s been getting sloppy with the jobs that one has so graciously allowed him to fix.” 
Jade balanced himself wiping his shoe clean with a rag, chiming in himself. 
“Now he’s trying to go back on his word. Absolute scum.”
“I’d hate for us to pull them out of school, more change is not what that kid needs.”
“I wouldn’t mind limiting my club activities to partake in homeschooling.”
His mother held his face patting his head fondly as she cooed,” You’re a good boy Jade but you have your new job and all those plans I wouldn’t want you to give that up.”
Jasper sighed, scratching the well-groomed stache on his face. “Guess that means we’re ending our contracts early.”
“Seems so…..Now Jade go on get to bed you have school in the morning.”
“Yes, Mama.”
The shade was nice on sunny days. The coolness that came with the blackened space near the fence was like heaven. The spot was farther away from the plastic playground and the other children running all throughout. Minutes ago, you were just like them running wildly at a more loose game of sharks and minnows. 
Past the wood-chipped ground was the back of the school building where the teachers were chatting. Disappearing between the rectangular windows, their attention was on something inside. Distracted enough not to scold you for stepping away from the others. The triumph of your expert timing was the true prize. Relishing in the leaves of the trapezoid-shaped bushes pushing through the fence. Crunchy, tickling, and overgrown the feeling against your back was a minor trait of this sacred place. 
There was also the oddly pressing poke of something warm coming through the hole of the fences. Turning to confirm your suspicions, you smiled.
“Hi, Papa.”
“Hello, my Starlight!”
Turning around to mirror his position you laid on your tummy to look him in the eye. His tactical glasses were off and his hair had changed. His longer hair was gone, traded out for a faded cut. Different but still your father. You let his larger gruffer fingers hold your own through the fence, his hands for once not shaking. 
“Can I tell you all about my adventures?”
“Of course.”
He let you rant, smiling and nodding all along to all your different adventures. You even took off your shoes and showed him the flickering lights in its soles. He waited until you were out of breath before asking the question again.
“Would you like to come with Papa, this time?”
You hesitated kicking your feet against the wooden chips of the playground. 
“Are we going back to our home?”
Tilting your head,” Then are we going to the Jade and Floyd’s?”
The names made him shudder as he hurriedly shook his head. 
“W-we’re going someplace new….”
“Where are we going?”
He rubbed at his eyebrows. He was getting annoyed. But you knew you had to ask otherwise you’d be brought somewhere you hated. Like that one time.
“(Y/n) you’re curiosity is great but—”
“Does where we’re going have a bed? Does it have a kitchen? Are we going to be only eating the gas place’s sandwiches?”
He scrunched his hands into his hair, grasping for his non-existent flowing hair. His lips were quivering and his eyes were watering. It made you nervous, sitting up from your tummy and on your knees. You sent a look over your shoulder at the window–the teachers were still occupied. Looking down at your father, you silently sighed as you got into character.
“Hirano wherever you're taking that little Starlight, it better be the best place for a kid. Those Leech’s are makin’ sure they're on time at school, they're well-fed, and I haven’t gotten a call from protective services for a good while.”
“I know! I know Mama but they won’t let me leave. I screwed up! I screwed up really bad! If I don’t do another job for that guy, he’s going to have my head! B-but I want to go back to normal! I want to spend my days helping (Y/n) with homework and coming home and watching those silly cartoons with my Starlight–”
Your heart was aching and your eyes were getting watery. You waved a hand at your eyes and cleared your throat sticking your hand through the hole to hold his. 
“Y-you’ve got to get your ducks in order before you take your Starlight back–”
“But Mom!”
“Don’t but me…Starlight is safe. You’ve got to make sure you are too before you take them back.”
“But the debt I owe…it’s so big and their patience is thin. I don’t know if I’ll be able to come back….”
Taking a deep breath, you went back to your original position on your tummy. 
“Papa, I’m always going to be here. Safe and waiting for you. So you can go on your work trip I don’t mind.”
He smiled at that reaching through the gate to affectionately bop you on your nose. 
“That’s right…I’m just on a work trip. I’ll be back before you even notice. I’m gone!”
He began to scooch away but you stopped him calling for him to come back to the fence. You kissed his forehead and he kissed yours.
“I’ll….see you when you got back Papa….”
“Yup! You know it! If you need anything just ask your grandma, okay?”
Like that, he disappeared. 
You were left to stare at the disfigured leaves and dying branches. Burning the memory of his face into your mind.
“(Y/n)! Your brother’s here to pick you up.”
It took you a minute before you stood up again. Frantically wiping at the water streaming from your eyes, you waited until your throat was no longer croaky to finally respond.
It was all a blur, saying goodbye to your friends and packing your backpack. The memories of the sweet older lady you used to spend so much time with. She taught you how to help your father, explaining the work he was in. It made your head hurt. Thinking about it now, you can say that’s why you stay at the Leech’s house so much.
“Ready to go little elver?”
“Yeah,” you stuck your hands up while he brought you up higher supporting you with his arms. You didn’t want to but you let your gaze fall on the disfigured spot in the bushes behind the playground fence. 
Floyd glared at the spot.
“What’s over there, (Y/n)?”
Visualizing him one last time. You’re glad you could say goodbye. Curling your head into his uniform’s collar, you blinked your extra tears away. 
“Nothing anymore…let’s go home, please.”
You missed the smile on Floyd’s face, laughing to himself as he made his way to the family car. 
“As always, little elvie!”
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mysticmikalla · 10 months
Stardew Valley Bachelors Cuddling Headcanons
thinkin' about cuddly bachelors to Cope
Harvey is one of those people who only lay in bed when he is ready to go to sleep, so cuddling is usually a pre-sleep activity, an added treat at the end of his long day
I think he likes being both the little and big spoon, but prefers being held just a liiiitle bit more
He likes to lay with you after a shower, a shave and his teeth are brushed, because once he lays down with you.... only the shrill sound of his alarm going off in the morning will be enough to get him back up
Harvey is one of those people who hate a rushed routine and take punctuality very seriously
But because waking up in your arms just feels too darn good sometimes, he sets an alarm a little earlier than his usual one, just so he can be awake enough to enjoy the first minutes of the morning being held by you
I believe Shane likes to be horizontal more than he likes to be vertical on a good day, anyway
But after you? Oh boy
There is no feeling like coming home and being able to sink into the mattress, his body heavy with the weight of the day
And now on top of that he then gets to have the person he loves laying on his chest? Tracing his skin with your fingers absentmindedly? Massaging his scalp with the pads on your fingers?
It’s his favorite thing in the world, actually
He'll cling on to you especially tight after a rough day, only reluctantly letting you go if you absolutely must
Although Sam loves it when it’s just you and him and his bed in your own little world, this man cannot sit still for too long
If you’re just laying together and talking, he needs to be playing with your fingers, with your hair, playfully biting your arm, a tickle attack or two
He also likes to lay on you. Like, fully - body completely on top of yours as he scrolls on his phone or rambles about something while you run your hands through his blond hair
Maybe he has too much energy, or maybe it's the ADHD I headcanon him to have, or maybe he's just really excited to finally get some alone time with you
… Sam just wants to be all over you, all at once
Unless he’s super exhausted or it’s before going to sleep, cuddling with Sam is not usually a bonding relaxing experience, but rather bonding over a playful one
Because of how he is and how he prefers to show and receive affection, Sebastian has always been kind of touch-starved, tbh
Especially in the beginning of the relationship
I think it’s no secret that he isn’t a very touchy person in general, but...
Sebastian liked cuddling a lot more than he was willing to admit or ask for at first
But back when you two first started dating, you would waste days away in his bed, talking about nothing and everything for hours, sleeping together, playing together, getting high, having sex, repeat
Just… you and him and him and you in your own world, limbs comfortably tangled with each other
Especially during the winter when you didn’t have as much farm work, you two would only pull away from each other for bare necessities
After you’re married and he’s moved in, he likes that the bed is bigger and sometimes you two can lay together and do your own thing in your own space
But in the end he’ll always gravitate back towards you
Cuddling with Elliot is peaceful
His voice takes on another melody when it’s just you and him in the comfort of his bed
The lights are dim but bright enough so that he can softly read you to sleep
He plays with your hair, his touches soft and gentle along the exposed skin of your arms
And he smells so good, and it's all around you as you lay in the comfort of his arms
Elliot likes it when you’re draped on him and he gets to wrap his arms around you and envelop you fully
Any position that allows him to be so close to you is his favorite
It’s…. safe. And Elliot likes safe
I firmly believe Alex prefers being the little spoon the majority of the time
Sometimes muscly jocks just want to be held, you know?
He likes to feel your body pressed against his from behind, and he’ll pull on your arms, tightening them around him, as if he’s letting you know how much he doesn’t want you to let go quite yet
He'll kiss the top of your hair, then bury his face on your neck and place kisses there too, sometimes innocent, sometimes not
Although not as bad as Sam, Alex doesn’t like to sit still for too long, either, so cuddling sessions are either before bed or a brief but welcome break during the day
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upsidedownwithsteve · 10 months
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[2.1K] Steve Harrington x fem!reader 18+
The week following your night with Steve, you’d had absolutely no problem getting yourself off.
Every night, you lay in bed before sleep took over, your hand shoved down the front of your sleep shorts, fingers slipping clumsily and a little unpracticed over yourself, eyes clenched shut and lips parted silently as you thought about your best friend.
His digits were longer than yours, thicker, able to reach places you couldn’t, filling you up in a way you’d never felt before. But you could hear Steve’s voice in your ear as you swirled messy circles over your clit, chasing that throbbing feeling as you remembered his words.
“Has someone done that to you? Has someone put their mouth here?”
Cheek pressed to the pillow, pushing low whines into the cotton, legs spreading wider, knees hitched up as you fought to catch that feeling only Steve was able to give you before.
“Do you like it when I talk to you?”
He’d whispered it in your ear, breath warm against your cheek, hitching and gasping when you had tightened around him.
“My girl likes hearing dirty things, right? Like when I asked you if someone had gone down on you? If you’d had someone’s tongue here?”
Stomach tensing, the hook there tightening, skin too warm, the idea of your best friend laying between your thighs, your legs thrown over his shoulders too much for you to handle. Would he do it real soft for you? Would he lick over you like a man starved? Only breaking away to talk filth into your slick skin? Would he tell you how good you tasted, how sweet you were?
You came hard, back arching, a gasp leaving your lips, fingers moving until it was too much and you had to stop, sliding slick over your bare stomach as you relaxed back into the bed, butter on a hot day.
The next day, you vowed to ask Steve.
Just half a beer, that’s all it took. A few long drags, a movie that was never started, the tape half in the VCR and Steve’s bedroom lights low. Lingering looks, mussed sheets, anticipation heavy in the air like summer, a growing heat that settled on your skin and it fucking buzzed. It fizzed, it glittered.
“Did you really mean what you said?” You asked out the blue, pulling Steve from the TV set, leaning back on his pillows like you belonged there. “The other night, last week? About how it was a shame that no one had— no had ever… gone down on me.”
Steve stopped, the tape forgotten, his eyes wide as he looked at you over his shoulder. He watched the way your thighs rubbed together under your dress, a thin summery thing, delicate straps and material cut out of the sides, your skin on show between the buttercup yellow cotton. You watched him swallow, adam’s apple bobbing in his throat as his gaze got a little darker, the words he remembered telling you coming back to him.
“Shit, you look so damn pretty, you know that? I could do that for you though, if you wanted.”
Steve cleared his throat, rose up from when he’d been kneeling in front of the television, blurry static crackling, forgotten about. His knees bumped the edge of his bed as stood over you, breath hitching as he took you in, eyes trailing over bare legs and upupup until they settled on your mouth, the way you licked at your bottom lip nervously.
“Yeah,” he croaked, his voice already shot. You looked so pretty. He remembered what you looked like when you came, head thrown back against his shoulder, crying out his name in soft, heaving gasps. He hadn’t stopped thinking about it. “Yeah, yeah. I meant it.”
“Could put my mouth on you, let you know if you’re really as sweet as you look.”
“Have you been thinkin’ about it?” Steve asked, his voice sweet and soft. He smiled when you nodded, huffing out a breath like it was all too much. “Yeah? Fuck, sweetheart, so have I. Did you get yourself off, did you manage?”
He wanted to be filthier, he wanted to ask dirty, dirty questions. He wanted to know exactly what you thought about when you touched yourself. If you thought about him, if you got as wet as you had with him the week before. He wanted to know if you made the same noises in the quiet of your own room, if you whispered his name when you came.
Instead, Steve moved onto the bed, a little clumsy as the mattress dipped but he stayed by your feet, a hand reaching out to bravely curl around your ankle, your frill lined socks tickling his palm. One tug and he could spread your bent knees open for him, dragging you down his bed until your hair fanned over his pillows and he could push your thighs apart. Steve wondered if you’d let him.
Maybe he could find out.
You nodded, lips parted and already panting, barely able to form words. Steve’s thumb was circling over the skin of your ankle, slowly coasting upwards until his warm palm sat against your calf. He rubbed there too, fingers pushing at your skin like dough, all plush and soft and pliant for him. Your thighs parted, if just a little.
“Every night,” you whispered, eyes closing at his touch, the heated embarrassment creeping over your skin at your confession. You weren’t sure you were supposed to look your best friend in the eye when you told them you’d come on your own fingers, thinking about them. “Couldn’t help it, just- just needed to touch myself.”
You heard the boy groan, low and throaty, his hand climbing higher, laying on his side at your feet so you could feel his warm breath ghost over your shins. You let your legs fall apart again, inch by inch, eyes still closed until your feet slid across the sheets in opposite directions, knees parting. You felt Steve’s lips there, on the inside, at the sensitive skin, a barely there kiss.
“Did you come?”
You swore, breath hitching, nodding as you chewed on your bottom lip, hands coming up to press over your eyes, as if you could hide from him. Mortification was crawling over you, despite how Steve had had his fingers inside of you mere days before, how he’d watched you come, how he had a clear view of your spread thighs and the damp cotton clinging to your cunt, right now.
“Can I make you come again?” The boy sounded wrecked and the question made you open your eyes, gaze stuck on his like honey. “Please.”
You nodded, as if you’d ever say no to that. Like that wasn’t what you wanted.
You expected the boy to launch himself at you then, to grab and pull and kiss and nip. But as heavy as Steve’s gaze was, he moved slow, careful. His hands found your ankles again, one around each leg and he dragged them further apart, his eyes on yours. The static of the TV fizzed and outside the open bedroom window, you heard the Harrington’s sprinklers turn on.
“Lemme see,” Steve whispered, his tone that same sweet rasp as before. He nodded encouragingly when your hands found the hem of your dress, his smile soft, if not a little dirty. His chest was falling and rising faster and faster, his white t-shirt taught over his broad chest and shoulders. “There’s a good girl, fuck, honey.”
You flushed as you did as you were told, the hem of your sundress dragging up your thighs by your own hands. The material was still fisted between your fingers as you held it around your hips, legs spread obscenely, cotton underwear a cherry red, lace trimmed and with an obvious damp spot.
“Can I use my mouth?” Steve asked, murmuring, already moving between your knees, his stomach pressed to the bed. “Wanna taste you properly. Shit, can I do that? Please? Let me show you how good I can make you feel?”
You whined, high and needy, nodding enthusiastically as you sucked in a breath. “Fuck, can you? Please, Steve, I want that, god, I really want that, haven’t stopped thinking about it, imagining it, shit.”
You swore Steve’s eyes rolled at your words, his hands coming to curl around the back of your thighs, pulling you closer to him, nose pushing at where your hands lay over your stomach, still clutching your dress. He pressed a kiss there, lips grazing over the skin under your navel.
“You’re gonna be the death of me, you know that?”
You didn’t get a chance to reply before the boy was bringing his mouth down, open and pushing against your clothed cunt, tongue a hot, wet press over your folds, prodding gently until he found your clit between them. It was an instantaneous reaction, your body seizing up at the unfamiliar touch, an electric sensation, your body a livewire under Steve’s lips. He hushed you softly when you gave a weak cry, pushing at your inner thighs to keep you open for him.
He licked up your cunt, tongue dragging over the cotton, soaking it more and more until the fabric was clinging to the outline of you, until he could tease the tip of his nose over the spread of you, bumping against your clit. The noise your cunt made as he finally pulled your underwear from you was filthy, a wet sound that made his cock kick up in his jeans.
“Feel good?” Steve cooed, voice sticky with affection and awe for you. Your dress was rucked messily over your stomach, one strap sliding off your shoulder as he hooked your legs over his shoulders, bringing your bare cunt closer than before. Each word settled over your slick skin and made you twitch. “Nice, yeah? You gonna tell me, honey? Tell me how good I’m makin’ you feel, huh?”
“So good,” you breathed out, voice and words garbled between moans, your hands dropping from your stomach to clutch at the sheets on each side of you. But Steve wasn’t having any of that. He tsked, letting go of your legs only to coax your hands into his hair instead, hissing when you grabbed hard. “Fuck, Steve, please. More, please, feels so good, too good, I can’t, I--”
He wouldn’t have you begging, he wouldn’t dare. Steve wanted to give you everything you wanted, so he wasted no more time, surging forward the mere few inches it took to get his mouth back on you. Steve kissed over your cunt with the enthusiasm of a man who’d been starved of the one thing he wanted most. Lips pressed to you, tongue sneaking out to taste you, gathering up your slick only to press it to your clit. He hummed as you cried for him, eyes squeezing shut as you pulled on his hair, tugging him closer until his tongue was pushing into your entrance and his nose was nudging your clit.
He was shiny with you, mouth and chin wet and slick, eyes fluttering shut and rolling to the back of his head every time you gave his hair a good yank, your hips lifting to catch his tongue. He groaned, murmuring out pretty phrases like, ‘such a good girl’ and ‘so fuckin’ sweet for me.’
Steve lapped at you until you came, tongue soft but persistent, intent on you making you fall apart with just his mouth, groaning in want as he watched your entrance clench around nothing. He sucked and licked at your clit until you shattered, until you couldn’t take it any longer. Your back arched like last time, head thrown back into the pillows that smelled like him instead of against his shoulder, but Steve decided he liked this view just as much.
The boy tasted like you when you kissed him, half dragging him up your body as you panted, dress still messy around your waist, unabashed in your nakedness. Unlike the time before, Steve was miraculously still hard, desperate and aching under his jeans as he’d tried his best not to rut against the bed as he ate you out. Your palm grazed over his cock, smiled into his kiss when it twitched under your hand, his hips canting into your touch.
You only pulled away from his lips to press him onto the bed, switching your positions. Your dress fell back down, covering your sticky thighs and Steve was ready to protest, until you tucked your fingers around the button of his jeans and popped it open.
He let out a curse, breathing heavily, eyes half lidded and watching you. You quirked a brow, asking a silent question you were pretty sure you knew the answer to - this wasn’t a case of a friend helping a friend, not anymore.
You waited. Steve nodded.
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taesanrot · 4 months
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[thinkin bout you] taesan x f!reader | 5.8k words high school au, childhood friends 2 lovers, slight e2l, fake dating, first kiss, moving away and reunion kinda ???, also bffs 2 lovers ish, smut at the end note. happy (late) birthday to my lovely kay <333 hope u love it my cherry pie. sorry to everyone for how long this took, finishing this fic almost broke me. (and yes heres another taesan fic for the anon who was asking). also highly recommend listening to steve lacy while reading this, the plot was v inspired by infrunami and the entire lo-fis album :]
the first time you met taesan, he didn't give the grandest first impression. not that you really expected to be blown away by a six year old boy, but meeting him while he was covered in mud wasn't what you were anticipating either.
your family had just moved next to the boy's house, and as you picked dandelions and flowers from the front yard to collect and keep, you couldn't help but notice a young boy playing in the garden of the house next door. turning to see you, the boy giddily bounded over to you, introducing himself joyfully.
you should've been nicer; he was just another little boy enjoying the breezy summer day, but you couldn't help scrunching your nose as you eyed him up and down. his knees were green with grass stains and his arms and legs were covered with swipes of dirt, a bit of mud sticking to his cheek.
within a minute, his mother noticed her son poking his nose outside of the yard and came over to collect him, chiding his dirtiness and sending him back to his own abode. taesan pouted for less than a second before smiling brightly at you, waving happily as he ran back to his house. you frowned slightly at his bright demeanor.
although you were the same age as taesan, something both of your mothers were delighted by, you considered yourself more mature and too grown up for kiddish activities, and this logic applied to others your age as well.
growing up as well, you found boys to be immature and difficult creatures, always finding yourself repelled by their confusing antics. taesan was just any other boy to you, childish and juvenile.
despite your obvious disdain towards the young boy, your families still spent a great deal of time together. they were always encouraging the two of you to get along; you never had any of it.
taesan caught onto this attitude pretty quickly as well, wondering why you didn't like him. he decided he'd rather play with his toy cars and lay in the grass than dwell on it though.
this was how your dynamic was, the two of you in an unspoken agreement that it would be better to just leave each other alone.
you saw less and less of taesan after his parents decided to enroll him in a private school to finish out his middle and high school years. to be honest, you couldn't have cared less -- your childish neighbor was far from your mind as you immersed yourself in your high school sports, particularly enjoying volleyball and swimming.
being on both teams for your school and trying to keep your grades up took up the majority of your time, meaning you hadn't exactly experienced the infamous teenage romance, as your parents liked to call it.
you didn't know why your parents cared about your love life so much. you felt perfectly content with your school activities and your various friends, not feeling the need to burden yourself with a boyfriend.
taesan was similar to you in that way; after growing into adolescence and beginning teenagerhood he began to delve into music, writing and composing songs became his life. granted, he'd had a couple flings here and there, so he wasn't completely in the dark when it came to relationships.
for his final semester of his senior year, taesan ended up transferring back to your high school. you found out about this when you watched him run out the front door one morning as you were unlocking your car, ready to drive yourself to school.
you almost didn't realize it was him, granted the last time you'd gotten a proper glance at him was when the two of you were maybe 12. his once chestnut brown hair was dyed jet black, and the curliness of it had settled and loosened so it was just slightly wavy.
he'd grown at least half a foot, shoulders broad and sturdy. you eyed his long legs that carried him to the bus that he was practically chasing. biting a laugh back, you watched him sheepishly smile at the bus driver, who rolled his eyes before letting the boy on.
the next time you saw taesan was that evening actually. returning home after swim practice, you saw your mom in the living room vacuuming the floors. pausing for a moment, she unplugged the machine to greet you, hugging you gently and asking how your day was.
"nothing crazy. practice was fine too." your mom fought the urge to sigh out loud. you were always talking about sports while she was constantly hoping you'd come back telling her that you'd met someone.
"that's great, honey" she faked a smile at your denseness, turning around to continue cleaning.
"taesan's back." for a moment, your mom looked caught off guard before smiling again, hoping if she acted normal you'd be encouraged to continue.
"he looks different" you spoke as you fell onto the couch, rubbing the back of your neck.
"it's been years since the last time you saw him, hasn't it?" you nodded.
"he's going to my school now." you smiled again thinking about how silly he'd looked this morning.
"i know, i invited him and his mom over for dinner today." your mom replied sheepishly, anticipating an outburst of sorts from her daughter.
"what?" you sputtered in surprise, eyes wide as you stared at your mom.
"what? they're our neighbors, plus i haven't had a chance to catch up with mrs. han in a while." you groaned at the idea of an awkward dinner and having to dress nicely. you trudged up the stairs to your room to wash your hair and find some decent looking clothes that weren't your team sweats.
you were helping your mom set the table when the doorbell rang, sighing as your mom giggled and turned to answer the door. hearing both of your moms' giddy voices around the corner as they greeted each other, you sat on the couch in your living room. taesan walked past his mom and your mom reuniting and appeared around the corner, meeting the sight of you scrolling on your phone on the couch, smiling as you texted someone.
"hey." your gaze immediately fixed on taesan. he had grown up well, his jawline defined and lips tinted pink. his mouth had sort of a natural pout to it, and his eyes were a pretty shade of chocolate. his hair was long, bangs growing out and parted down the middle to fall down his ears and frame his face.
you made note of his figure as well, shoulders broad and torso narrowed into his waist. he was tall, much taller than you'd thought this morning.
standing at the end of the couch you were on, his hands were stuffed in his pockets as he took you in.
you'd also grown up quite a bit in the past couple years. your once shorter hair was longer and flowed down your shoulders, with partially lightened streaks sprinkled throughout from swimming.
you were also quite toned from how active you were, and taesan's eyes traced the lines down your neck as you straightened your posture.
"hi." you replied, lazy voice contrasting your stiff demeanor. he eyed your dressy top and jeans before looking down at his old band tee and ripped jeans.
"was i supposed to wear something nicer?" he asked sheepishly, shoulders slumping in relief as you shook your head no and smiled at him softly.
dinner wasn't really anything unordinary, mainly consisting of your parents conversing with taesan's mother as you and the boy ate in silence next to each other. at one point, you heard your name tossed around in conversation, looking up in response.
"y/n! you and taesan should carpool to school together!" you fought to suppress a groan and eye roll as you watched your moms cheerily converse about the arrangement.
you enjoyed your drives to and from school alone, giving you some peace and solitude. no more of that, i guess, you thought bitterly.
"you ride to school in silence?" taesan asked after swinging your car door open and stepping in. you yawned loudly. early mornings never really agreed with you.
"i don't really have time to listen to music." taesan raised his eyebrow at this.
"don't have time? what are you, the president?" surprisingly, taesan's quips made you crack a smile. considering how you'd felt about him before, you figured riding with him would be a bother.
as you got to know taesan better, though, you realized there was much more to your neighbor than met the eye. he introduced you to his favorite bands and showed you various musical genres. he taught you about a new genre every week, on a personal mission to help you find your favorite. you enjoyed watching him geek out about music, and you began to learn which artists and genres you liked the most.
eventually, taesan would come wait for your practices to end, often sitting in the bleachers and working on homework with headphones shoved in his ears.
you'd always bound up to him after, breathing shallowly as you tugged his earbuds to let him know you were done. he found you to be like a puppy at times like that, panting and waiting for him to pack up his stuff so the two of you could return home.
"is volleyball hard?" he asked one day on your drive home. this week was indie, a soft steve lacy song floating through the air as you turned to look at him.
"not really, it's pretty simple." taesan's face told you he disagreed. before he open his mouth retaliate, you spoke.
"i can teach you."
spending time with taesan was easy. sometimes, you felt like you were going crazy, pulling any excuse from the book to spend time with him. the two of you clicked so well, something that caught you off guard much more than you'd like to admit.
the semester passed by quicker than you could blink, and suddenly you were swept up in end of the year preparations. before you knew it, you were graduating.
pulling the cap over your hair, you turned to your parents.
"how do i look?" they both smiled happily at you, mirroring your own bright grin.
the ceremony felt like a dream, or like you were watching yourself out of your own body. diploma in hand, you were now outside, taking pictures with your various teammates and friends and teachers. at one point, while you were snapping pictures with your friend, belle, you caught a glimpse of raven black hair in the crowd.
glancing over, you saw taesan taking pictures with a small group of boys, the same ones you'd seen him around school with. there were also a couple of guys also looked about your age but weren't in caps and gowns.
either way, taesan's smile shone brighter and grasped your attention more than anything else. his eyes shrunk into crescents and his teeth were pearly white; if you squinted, a halo would probably appear over his head. you watched with a small smile as his friends pulled at his cap and ruffled his hair affectionately.
eventually, the two of your moms found each other and you were being pushed next to taesan to take a picture together.
"smile, kids!" you couldn't help but smile at their giddiness. looking up at taesan, you saw him chuckling as well. his arm wrapped around your side as your parent's cameras flashed.
"you both look so lovely together!" your face reddened with embarrassment at your mom's words, and you quickly slapped her arm to shut her up. taesan was left watching you walk away from him, eyes trained on the way your hair swung and how the wind ruffled your gown.
with school finally out, summer was in full swing. you didn't have any plans in particular, wanting to make the most of the next few months before the next phase of your life.
your mother seemed to have other plans, though. while you could tell she was less than happy with your lack of a boyfriend or even a fling throughout high school, she wasn't even trying to hide it anymore.
"y/n honey, mrs. jung's son is single. he's a sweet boy, you two should go out!"
"mom i said n--"
"and you're free thursday evening, perfect! i just texted his mom back!"
the date went as you expected -- painfully awkward. the two of you simply didn't mesh, conversation always fading off into thick silence. your frustration with your mother certainly didn't help either, you thought as you accidentally slammed the boy's car door when he picked you up.
falling onto your bed, you sighed and yanked your phone out of your purse, calling taesan. he was probably working on some beats right now anyways. the phone rung for a few seconds before you heard his raspy voice on the other side of the line.
"what's up?" he spoke lazily. you could hear the squeak of his chair as he leaned back in it.
"my mom sent me on a blind date." hearing him snicker at the other end of the line, you frowned.
"no way, how'd it go?" you answered with a loud ugh, causing taesan to fully burst out laughing.
"terrible, it was so fucking awkwa-- stop laughing asshole!" you cursed at taesan's chuckles.
"when did your mom decide to be your wingwoman?" you groaned, rolling over in your bed and fiddling with the end of your blanket.
"i don't know, but i hope this is the last one." you sighed in response.
unfortunately, fate was not on your side; the date with mrs jung's son was only the beginning of your mother's antics. your friday night plans now routinely consisted of an uncomfortable dinner date and ranting to taesan about it after.
ringing his doorbell, you waited for someone to answer while scrolling through your phone. you deleted your date, gyuvin's, number and hoped to god he picked up on your disinterest and didn't text you again.
looking up as the door opened, you were met with taesan's mother. mrs. han pulled you into a warm hug as she asked how your night was.
"ugh, don't ask, mrs han. i don't know how many more of these dates i can do." she smiled fondly at you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you two walked into the house.
"i'm sure you'll find the right guy eventually sweetie, he might be right under your nose." mrs. han elbowed you slightly, her expression playful. you laughed and kicked off your shoes.
"is taesan in his room?" she nodded and teasingly shooed you up the stairs.
taesan heard your slow steps up the stairs, not bothering to look up from his laptop until you were standing in his doorway, arms crossed. you were silently waiting: for acknowledgement and permission to come in. you knew you were always welcome into the boy's room, but taesan silently appreciated the way you respected his space.
"hey." he spoke, smiling and pausing the track playing from his laptop. he had been mixing, as usual. the second his voice left his lips, your shoulders slumped and you threw yourself face down onto his bed, groaning.
"i hate my life." you grumbled, the sound of your voice muffled by taesan's duvet. he chuckled, patting the back of your head playfully.
"there, there." he murmured sarcastically, and you rolled over so you could smack his hand away. taesan looked far more comfortable than you, in his pajama pants and a sweatshirt rather than a tight, uncomfortable blouse and skinny jeans.
the boy listened to you like a puppy as you delved into all the unfortunate details of your night.
"he showed up on a bike?" taesan's face was nearly red as he fought to not laugh. your already grumpy frown only deepened further, and you brought your hands up to massage your temples gently.
taesan's eyes locked on your fingers, mesmerized by your slow movements. moving his gaze down further, he quietly watched your muscles in your hand and forearm tense and contract with your ministrations.
the boy wouldn't tell you this, but he loved the nicer tops you wore, he loved when he could see the way your collarbone sat and trace the delicate curve of your neck with his eyes.
"taesan?" your quiet voice broke him out of his stupor of thought. his eyes refocused on your face, bringing a hand up to scratch the back of his neck. he hoped his hair was covering his reddened ears.
"why don't you just tell your mom you don't wanna go on dates anymore?" he spoke lazily, ignoring the way you narrowed your eyes, still trying to read into his previous glances. you shook your head, turning onto your back to face the ceiling. taesan was still propped against the headboard, his laptop and headphones now set aside.
"she won't listen. i know it's because she cares about me and thinks she's helping me out but i'm really tired of the whole routine." taesan's eyes softened. besides your teammates at school and him, you really weren't the most social person out there, blooming the most in the company of those you cared about the most.
taesan could tell the dates had taken a toll on you; the anxious preparation and stiff conversation wore you out much more than you let on. taesan was glad you trusted him with your thoughts and feelings -- he always wanted to be there for you through anything.
the boy moved forward so he was leaning over you slightly and nudged your shoulder with his knee.
"this is gonna sound really stupid, but you could just tell your parents that we're dating." you wanted to laugh but no words left your mouth, mind frozen trying to process what he was saying.
truthfully, what took you more off guard was the soft look in taesan's eyes as he looked down at you through his fluffy bangs. sitting up, you looked for any hint of playfulness or sarcasm in his face.
"really?" you asked confusedly. you hoped you didn't sound off put by the idea, the last thing you wanted was to hurt the feelings of the boy trying to help you.
"i mean, it would get your mom off your back, right? plus, she'd be pretty happy to know it was me of all people that you're with." with that, you smiled and rolled your eyes while shoving taesan lightly.
"oh because you're the hottest guy to ever walk this earth." you laughed as taesan sulked.
"that's not what i meant! you're such an asshole sometimes." taesan's pouted in the most exaggerated way possible, making you chuckle even harder. he was happy you were smiling again.
"besides your little ego trip, i do think it's a good idea." you spoke quietly, slightly embarrassed at how much you liked the idea of taesan looking out for you.
the two of you didn't really set rules, just that you'd hold hands and act a little more affectionate when the time called for it. to be frank, you and taesan didn't have to do much more than you already did; the two of you hung out pretty often anyways, now opting for calling your get togethers "dates" for show.
your mom was obviously thrilled when you told her about you and taesan. she went on a whole tangent about how she just knew the two of you would finally realize you liked each other.
what surprised you more was taesan's mom's reaction. she was not one bit surprised, even going as far as giving both of you a knowing look as you shyly stood next to each other in the kitchen while she brewed her coffee.
you were puzzled, not only by her meaningful gaze at the two of you but also at the redness flushing onto taesan's neck and cheeks. you told yourself he was just embarrassed that his mom was acting so blunt.
friday came along, and for the first time in a month, you were free. no stupid blind date, no painful conversation that made you want to rip your throat out and use it as a garnish for your pasta.
"we should celebrate." you blurted into the silent air. you and taesan were both laying on your floor, music playing from your laptop on your desk as the two of you sat in each others' company. taesan was writing in his journal, probably working on song lyrics, while you read a book. looking up from his notes, taesan clicked his pen and smiled at you.
"what do you wanna do?" you didn't have to look at taesan to hear the smile in his voice. while the two of you already hung out pretty much every day, it felt like the two of you were attached by the hip ever since your arrangement began.
taesan might've been going crazy, but he was enjoying your company too much.
he realized something was wrong with him when he starting smiling while taking out the trash; all because taking out the trash meant he could glance over at your house and wonder what you were up to.
what is going on with me? he thought to himself as he bumped his forehead on the lid of the trashcan, trying to snap himself out of his you-induced daze.
"wanna go see a movie?" you suggested timidly, waiting for taesan's reaction. you don't why you were so worried, you knew he was always down to do anything, but for some reason you wanted to pick something you know he'd like.
"can we get slushies?" taesan shot back, already getting up from the floor and reaching a hand to help you up.
"your parking sucks," the boy in your passenger seat quipped as you nearly took up two parking spots in the cinema's parking lot. looking around, the lot was nearly empty anyways. you turned and flicked his forehead, laughing as he whined dramatically.
"shut up, idiot." you watched taesan make an offended face and grab his chest theatrically.
"idiot? is that how you treat your poor boyfriend." you laughed at his loud gasping. reaching over, you ruffled your hand in his hair.
"i might be nicer if my poor boyfriend was the one driving us." you teased jokingly.
"fuck you, my parents needed the car!"
stepping past the ticket counter, the two of you made your way to concessions, looking for snacks for the movie.
“i got it.” taesan mumbled as he took your drink cup from your hands and walked up to the counter. you followed him with a teasing smile on your face, watching him pay for both of your drinks and a shared popcorn.
“i’m swooning” you joked as he took the receipt from the cashier and handed your cup back to you. he rolled his eyes in response, muttering something along the lines of you being annoying. you knew he didn’t mean a word of it, a small smile painted on his face as the two of you walked over to the drink station.
as you filled up your slushie, you suddenly felt taesan behind you. he quickly brought a hand to rest on your waist and bent to lay his head on your shoulder.
confusion overtook you. but more than that, you could feel your chest heating up and breaths shallowing. the skin of taesan’s chin rested on your shoulder and his breath tickled your ear gently; you had to physically restrain yourself from shivering.
after popping a cap on your drink and grabbing a straw, you turned to look at the boy behind you. you were already near whiplash from how close he was to you, his chest nearly touching yours.
“what was that about?” you tried to sound as unaffected as possible, hoping he couldn’t hear your heartbeat thrumming under your skin.
taesan looked at you for a second and looked over his shoulder again before taking a step back. his hands were shoved in his pockets and he bit his lip nervously.
“i think i saw my mom’s friend.” your eyes widened, tilting your chin to peek past his shoulder. if she was actually there, she was gone, probably in one of the theaters.
the two of you found your seats and your body finally cooled down. the more you thought about it, taesan's whole act wasn't really necessary. it wasn't like anyone was really suspecting of the two of you lying and the two of you looked enough like a boyfriend and girlfriend when you walked around.
sneaking a glance at your "boyfriend," you had never wished to know what he was thinking more than that moment. were the past 5 minutes replaying in his brain over and over again like they were in yours?
you couldn't even pay attention to the movie that was playing, mind and thoughts wholly dedicated to the boy eating popcorn next to you. the skin on your sides almost burned to feel his hands on them again.
clenching your fist, you fought to push the increasingly inappropriate thoughts about taesan away. you didn't understand why it was affecting you so drastically, you and taesan had been holding hands and hugging with no problem.
the way taesan's tall frame towered over you and had nearly wrapped around you as he rested on your shoulder made you head spin. he'd felt so warm behind you, like a blanket draping over you.
shivering slightly at the thought, you caught taesan's attention again.
"are you cold?" he whispered quietly, already taking off his zip up to give to you. you shook your head frantically, slightly horrified at him noticing your odd behaviour and misinterpreting it.
unfortunately for you, it was already too late and the boy draped the jacket gently over your legs, innocently smiling at you before looking back at the screen. you were absolutely certain there was no way you were surviving the next hour.
you were now fully wearing taesan's jacket as the two of you walked back to your car. you were trying to focus on anything besides the boy's warmth seeping from his hoodie into your skin.
taesan could tell something was off, eyes lingering on your slightly stiffened shoulders. at the same time, he was thinking about how he enjoyed the sight of you in his jacket a little too much for his liking. the sleeves reached past your wrists, almost to your fingers.
"did you like the movie?" taesan asked softly, glancing at you curiously.
you both were now sitting in your car, a slow rnb song playing softly from the stereo of your car. taesan's body turned slightly to face you. you, on the other hand, were staring straight ahead, not wanting make eye contact with him in fear of the visceral reaction you might have.
"um, yeah, that one girl was funny." you didn't even know why you were pretending you remembered the damn movie. your mind had been on the boy sitting next to you the whole time.
"you don't need to lie, y/n." your eyes widened at the boy's words. you were done for. taesan leaned forward, tilting his body and head so he could look you in the eyes as you stared intensely at your shoes. he continued.
"i can tell something's on your mind. what're you thinking about?" the boy asked gently, noticing your clenched fists.
"you." you blurted out before you could stop yourself. there was no going back. as the feelings you didn't realize you'd been holding for taesan flooded your mind, you couldn't drown them any longer. hearing a small gasp, you forced yourself to continue
"i know we're just friends, i'm sorry --" you began before taesan's voice sliced through the air, louder and stable than before.
"don't..." your stomach dropped, he definitely hated you know. you almost felt sick, praying he didn't think you were taking advantage of his kindness. he'd offered up this whole arrangement as a friend for your sake and sanity, and you went and fell for him.
"don't apologize for that, ever." taesan finally found the words he was looking for, and you looked up confusedly to see his eyes boring into you. his gaze was heavy, you wanted to shrivel underneath it.
his eyes ran over every part of you he could see, across your eyes and lips and down your neck and along your shoulders. they trailed down your arms that were wrapped in his jacket and brushed over your exposed legs. your tense fists and eyes screwed shut didn't go unnoticed either.
you couldn't bear to keep your eyes open any longer, silently begging him to do or say anything else.
"what does that mean?" you muttered, eyes still shut. taesan's stomach flipped and he couldn't help but smile at the sight of you so nervous, all because of him.
"i've been thinking about you, too." your eyes shot open in surprise, seeing taesan smiling at you warmly. his large hand reached over the console to wrap around your still clenched fist, his fingers working to unravel your hand and intertwine yours with his.
he placed his other hand on your shoulder, turning you to face him completely. you held your breath as his touch creeped up the curve of your shoulder, hand fully cupping the back of your neck. you wordlessly leaned into his touch, tongue coming out to wet your lips for what you knew was coming.
taesan thought you looked beautiful like this; the only thing illuminating the two of you was the glow of the dashboard, the light wrapped around you like a halo. your lips shone in the dim light, glossed over and beckoning to the boy.
your lungs felt they were on fire as you waited for taesan to something, anything.
"taesan..." your shaky voice was no louder than a whisper. the boy finally snapped out of his dazed state, leaning over the console to meet your lips with his.
taesan was as gentle as he could be with you, eyes closed and plush lips pressing against yours softly. the kiss lasted for a moment before he pulled away, opening his eyes slowly. while he was aching to go further with you than just a simple peck, the last thing he wanted to do was overwhelm you, knowing this was your first kiss.
you, on the other hand, had the front of his shirt pinched between your fingers, pulling him back to you within a second. you melted against his lips, eyes fluttering shut as your face grew hotter by the second.
taesan's hand that was holding yours moved to squeeze your thigh. you gasped lightly against his lips and his tongue moved past your lips, exploring your warm mouth.
your head was spinning from the unfamiliar sensations, eyes nearly rolling back as taesan used his hand behind your neck to cup the back of your head and tilt your face. your lips moved together in an unspoken synchrony; taesan could've sworn he saw stars when you bit his lip, groaning into your mouth softly.
the low music from the stereo was now joined by the lewd noises coming from your mouths. the two of you continued making out, your hand now gripping taesan's bicep while his fingers dancing along your shoulders.
you finally pulled away to catch your breath, opening your eyes slowly. a string of spit stretched between your and taesan's lips, lit up by the dashboard lights. taesan felt his stomach tighten as you wiped your mouth on the back of your hand, never breaking eye contact with him.
it wasn't until a group of kids your age walked past your car that the two of you remembered where exactly you were -- a public parking lot.
"we should get out of here." you mumbled as you switched the car's gear into drive. taesan simply nodded, still reeling from what just happened. as you pulled out of the parking lot, he licked his lips, hoping to get another taste of you. or what was left of you, at least,
the ride home was quiet, the only sound being the music from your stereo. the movie theater wasn't too far from your neighborhood anyways; your car pulled into your driveway a mere 5 minutes later.
you moved extra slowly as you switched the car into park and turned off the ignition, hoping taesan would take the opportunity to say something. the boy could read you like a book, practically feeling the anticipation and nervousness radiating from your body.
"what do you want to do now?" unfortunately, taesan did not say anything close to what you were expecting. you coughed, caught by surprise while also stalling so you could think of a response.
"i mean we both like each other, right?" you asked, face reddening within a second. taesan smiled and nodded. you continued.
"are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend?" you inquired teasingly. taesan playfully scoffed.
"why do i have to be the one to ask?" he whined, eliciting a giggle from you.
"i thought you were a gentleman." taesan rolled his eyes at your jab, reaching over to grab your hand and intertwine your fingers with his.
"y/n, will you be my real, not pretend girlfriend?" taesan spoke dramatically, like he was in front of an audience. you laughed even harder, fake swooning as he kissed the back of your hand.
"hmm can i think about it?" you nearly lost it watching the dramatic betrayal on taesan's face. he shoved your shoulder lightly, smiling as he crossed his arms stubbornly.
"i'm kidding, i would love to be your real, not pretend girlfriend." you sealed the deal by leaning forward to press a kiss to the boy's cheek, making a loud smacking sound that made the two of you laugh.
"i can't believe it only took you a week to succumb to me" taesan quipped as the two of you stepped out of the car.
"shut up mr. i've been thinking about you too." you shot back, jabbing the boy with your elbow lightly.
the two of you bantered and held hands in your front yard, the same place where you had fatefully met 12 years ago. and it was taesan's mom who once again beckoned him back, sticking her head out of the front door of the boy's house and calling his name.
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