#just because Kylar is desiresble to me and Eden doesn’t mean shitney wants him tho
thedarkonesposts · 1 year
Obligatory omega Kylar posting…. We r also talking abt the other school love interests in abo terms cause… I neglect anyone who isn’t Kylar 😐
Kywar (omega)
Everyone can tell he’s an omega. He gets made fun of for it because of course the grimy weird kid also has to be an omega
Kylar might be an omega but he has the violent possessiveness of an alpha. He’s also mad delusional and thinks he’s secretly an alpha despite being quite breedable and tiny. Obviously he isn’t and instantly gets submissive the second an alpha is actually around.
He’s unintentionally slutty, he has no ability to control his impulses- which leads to being starry eyed and needy around every single alpha before he’s mated. He’s just a little desperate to have a mate honestly.
Cute, he’s cute.
Even more of a hopeless romantic than usual, someone needs to claim and knot him before he whimpers at the wrong person. He’s incredibly shy but his urge for romance weighs out enough that he’ll stalk alphas and stare up at them w his heavy breathing the second they’re close.
Obsessed w having pups. Does not shut up abt it, thinks he’d have the cutest babies despite hating how he looks.
Being forcefully claimed wouldn’t phase him, he’d be happy someone wants him that much tbh.
Biter. Like regular Kylar he shows love in weirdly violent ways- biting excessively is definitely one of them. Once he gets a mate it’s over, they’re going to be covered head to thigh in bite marks and hickeys so everyone knows.
Gets separation anxiety from his mate, even if it’s just for a few hours he can barely handle being away.
The master of nest making and nesting. Dude makes the coziest nests and has the best naps there. Shits built with care and love.
His omega scent works hard against his lack of showers. He smells cinnamony. Christmassy almost. Just a nice mix of spice.
Sydney (beta)
Alluring to literally anyone, alphas, betas, omegas. Everyone wants him and thinks he’s a gorgeous and perfect mate
People argue abt what he is. They think he’s too pretty and kind to be a beta or alpha but too headstrong and self assured to be an omega. He’s also strong enough people doubt it. They’d probably be shocked to find out he’s just a beta
Doesn’t understand alpha or omega instincts and has a giggle abt how desperate and crazy they seem,,,But still wants a mate and hopes being a beta won’t ruin his chances
Grew up with an omega best friend so he’s kind of picked up on cozy omega activities like nesting and scenting. He’d definitely do them with a partner whenever he got one.
Prefers omegas, despite his masochistic tendencies he doesn’t like how alphas act, it annoys him.
Literally so pretty.
Whitney (alpha)
Annoying about it, everyone knows he’s an alpha because he’s the most stereotypical asshole alpha possible.
Claims he doesn’t want a mate and doesn’t care about having one yet absolutely does.
Has tried forcefully mating several ppl just for it to reject and him to have a bitch fit over it
Would be weirdly possessive once mated, definitely also a biter. He wouldn’t let his mate go out without being bitten and scratched to hell.
Smells nice, pine maybe.
Doesn’t want pups even once mated
Robin (omega? Beta?)
Could either go omega or beta, he’d still be smaller and submissive regardless but I think he’d suit being a beta more. His submissiveness is more earned than being inherent.
He isn’t like… pathetically needy. He’s dependent and loves to cuddle but it isn’t excessive.
No matter what he is he’s getting bullied for being an omega so he might as well just be one.
Neutral on pups, he feels like he’s too young to worry about that stuff.
Bonus Eden (alpha obviously)
Did you guys know Eden and Kylar would be the perfect couple? Yeah I’m making a section for eden just to shove this down ur throats again :)!!!!
Undoubtedly an alpha, just look at him. He’s aggressive, primal, big. The mate literally any omega would want. (ESP Kylar, Kylar would be on his knees begging for a chance if they met)
Violently possessive but also very protective and loving as a mate.
Not above forcefully mating someone, and doing it over and over until it doesn’t reject
He wants pups. Badly. The satisfaction of breeding his mate would be the best feeling in the world. He’d also be more than happy to trap them at home to keep them safe during pregnancy. He’d do literally everything for them- but still ask to be bathed and fed if they could manage it.
Smells like a campfire, cozy.
If only there was some desperate, loyal, needy omega who also desperately wanted pups. That would be crazy. If only someone else could match the same level of possessiveness and delusion it takes to kidnap someone and forcefully mate them….
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