#just because i write about murder and cannibalism does not mean i am a cannibal or a murderer
themagnificentmx · 2 years
going to throw shade @ some criticism i got on my poetry
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nuggetgaming · 13 days
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First of all, the reveal of everyone’s motive secrets is both exciting but also very sad. Exciting in a way that all of the theories have payed off on the long run, but sad as it confirms that Hu was the hopeless child. This can help explain why she did not want to believe that David was not a ‘good person’, because much like Arei, if he wasn’t what a ‘good person’ was supposed to be, then what hope would she have that she would be.
I also don’t buy Terukos secret, as MonoTV said that they had no idea if these were even the correct matches,
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meaning that if one person was to lie about their secret being for someone else * cough cough *David* cough cough * they would be able to get away with their secret safely intact. There is also the fact that (according to my knowledge) the only part about teruko’s family is that she had an older brother (again, I am probably wrong) but who do we know who’s whole family died as a result of something that they did? Xander. Who does David claim is the only good person that he ever knew despite apparently being the reason for the killing game? Xander. This could also explain why David did this face when Teruko ‘revealed�� her secret, as he knows what her secret truly is.
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Also, Eden being responsible for Xander losing an eye?!?!? I for one did not expect this. All I want to know is why she did it and why does she look scared? Is it because she just realised what she had just done, or was something happening beforehand which resulted in her doing it and feeling scared in the moment.
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Levi being portrayed as someone who lacks empathy is really interesting to me, as it can kinda be shown if past episodes, yet I’m sure people (me included) just chalked it up to regular antisocial behaviour. I was also surprised to find out that not only did he kill one person, but he actually killed four, and he had forgotten about doing so which adds a fun little twist on things. However I have to say that the first thing that came into my head was that Levi was essentially Sweeney Todd (a barber who would kill his clients and would have the baker who works under him turn his victims into meat pies) but without the cannibalism.
And lastly, that cliffhanger.
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I am honestly not sure what to think right now, as my brain is currently running on 20% and it being close to 1:30 at night as I write this. But I am now more suspicious of both Nico and Ace, both due to the tape being used during Nico’s murder attempt on Ace, and also a compelling argument that the tape went missing when only Eden, Teruko and Ace were in the room that it was in. This may also be why Ace is positive that it was Nico, either because he is shifting the blame to them, or due to the previous attempt he instinctively believes that or, Ace (somehow) recognised the similarities in what was in the crime scene and his own case.
With that being said, I am now going to go to sleep
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Lmao what’s this? I’m back with more Creepypasta headcanons, this time for Eyeless Jack.
TW for the following: graphic descriptions of cannibalism/murder/gore, depictions of drug abuse, lacing food with sharp objects, body horror, and generally anything you’d expect from horror.
Eyeless Jack Headcanons
Obviously no longer human
Still has a humanoid-ish body
“Died” around 2011, physically 22
Dark gray skin with a faint blue-ish tint
His blood is black. Like it’s basically oil or tar now. Moves much slower and is thicker than normal blood. He hasn’t checked but he’s pretty sure all his organs share the same color and viscosity now. Like that one breed of chicken with black organs y’know?
Long ears
Lots of sharp teeth. Practically a shark mouth
Y’know what, I like you. Gives your EJ a jaw that unhinges, a mouth that rips open, and a second jaw further back in his mouth (eel jaw EJ supremacy)
3+ long black tongues depending on his mood and how well fed they are
Because of the multiple mouth appendages he has a soft lisp and often accidentally bites his tongues since they move involuntarily
Eyes are constantly leaking the black sludge. Clothing/face/belongings are always sticky
Constantly salivating the same substance, just thinner/more liquidy
Wears a surgical mask under his regular mask to combat it
Very good sense of smell
Seriously he could smell a specific blood type in the middle of a massacre of a shit ton of bodies
Can’t swim
Reddish-brown wavy hair, forgets to cut it sometimes so he sometimes has a fluffy mullet
Claws that can’t retract
Wears a black trench coat and dark gray turtleneck when actually going out and doing shit, the black hoodie is lounge clothes
Has a tail!!!! Closest resemblance to a lion tail, but larger
Lots of catlike/animal like behaviors unconsciously. Will sit on any elevated surface
Purrs like holy fuck the first time someone hears him do it they freak out
Can also growl and hiss
Despite the animalistic behaviors and feral demeanor he isn’t above being civilized
Mostly calm. Gets the zoomies after eating tho
And by zoomies I mean he’s more excitable and extroverted for a little while
Has probably ran around the woods like a maniac at least once tho
Besides Nurse Ann, he’s the most medically competent of the pastas. People usually go to him for more major injuries or sicknesses
Despite his constant orifice leakage he tries to be as clean as possible
His lab is SPOTLESS
somehow figured out a way to dilute his face goop to clean it better. No one knows how he does it tho
Is still very much a nerd. Loves reading any kind of book he can get his hands on
Starts going blind if he doesn’t satiate his hunger for flesh and organs
If he goes blind before getting food, he’s able to use echolocation pretty damn well
Can also see thermal outlines of stuff if his vision starts going
Eyes aren’t reflective so it’s pretty funny when he’s gargoyling somewhere in the manor in pitch black and someone walks in and gets startled by him sitting there staring into the void
HOW are his footsteps so silent
Dude you’re 5”8 and have a stockier build how do you not make floorboards creek
Can eat normal food, but poses no nutritional value to him
Can halfway survive off raw animal meat in emergencies, but doesn’t give him enough energy for long
Only fully kills someone about once a month, the rest of the time he’s able to meticulously and stealthily steal a kidney from unsuspecting victims without incident
Not that he hates killing or anything like that, he’s just as violent as the rest of the freaks
But he HATES the feeling of losing control he often gets when he indulges the violent urges. So he holds himself back most of the time
Besides murder and organ harvesting he often goes out to steal medical supplies from houses and smaller town clinics
Remember him being a nerd? Likes to impress people with gross biology trivia. Most are about the human body but he knows a ton of animal facts too
“Did you know flies and roaches can still live without their heads” type shit
Can’t cook for shit. He’s not allowed in the kitchen period after one of his organ jars exploded in the fridge due to air pressure bs. Ruined all the food in there
Stores his organs in four different mini fridges in his room and lab
Kidneys give him the most energy but he enjoys flesh more than organs when it comes to taste
His favorite is cheek meat and anything involving the neck
Loves to burst the carotid artery and mess around with the blood like a sprinkler toy
Gives the bones of any corpse he fully consumes to Slender. Has no idea what he needs the bones for but never cares to ask
Friends/close with Ben, Helen, Liu, Ann, Masky, and Hoody
Has a tolerable relationship with Jeff, Kagekao, Slenderman, the Puppeteer, Jane, and Clockwork
Doesn’t get along with/hates LJ and Nina
Sally is TERRIFIED of him. Y’know cause little kids are scared of the doctor and whatnot. He tries his best to be as unintimidating as possible when around her but she still prefers Ann over him
HATES being called EJ. It’s a horrible nickname. What if he walked up to you and called you legless Larry after cutting off your legs?
Loves loves loves LOVES doing dissections/vivisections. Has somehow been able to convince or bribe the other undead and non human mansion inhabitants to let him do a vivisection on them at least once.
Ben enjoyed it the most because he’s a freak like that
“And this is your heart” “gross……. can I poke it” “yeah ok”
Is unfortunately able to understand the corrupt scripts of [REDACTED] thanks to the ritual that took his eyes and life. Tries his best to ignore it.
Nightmare haver! Is too stubborn to go to someone like Ben or Slender to get them less frequently even though both could easily help him
Kind of an insomniac anyways but since his face is almost always covered no one notices the eye bags
Usually takes the top layer mask off around his friends, or if the other masked pastas take theirs off around them as a sign of mutual trust
Surgical mask on their face stays on constantly unless eating or doing anything privately
Has to keep the meds locked up because Ben, Masky, and Jeff have drug problems
“STOP trying to get high off Benadryl it’s not even allergy season anymore you don’t need it”
Not a “dad” character he just doesn’t like wasting resources like that
Doesn’t care about the actual habits JUST STOP STEALING HIS MEDS
LJ for some reason keeps stealing any of his used needles and scalpels. Jack’s best bet is he puts the sharp objects in candy. Gross.
He’s befriended Seedeater the same way a zookeeper befriends a large dangerous animal
Both have a mutual understanding Seed is NOT a pet
It hasn’t even let them pet or touch it
Does follow him closely like a dog whenever he walks through the forest for any reason
Jack has witnessed it take down and decapitate a bear with a single bite before
If he ever has leftovers or parts of corpses about to go bad that they can’t eat himself, they feed it to Seed
Has a small collection of the black fur and feathers that naturally shed from Seed’s body
Also collects other odd things like animal bones or human teeth
His favorite weird thing they’ve collected is a taxidermied axolotl stolen from a victim’s home
Is also super blunt
Not out of malice, he just has a very technical straightforward way of thinking
Always asks anyone for consent when doing anything physical like medical procedures or even just nudging someone out of the way if he’s trying to get somewhere
HATES being touched without their permission or knowledge
Will bite if provoked. Will bite as a warning too
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sickknotdoom · 8 months
Someone should tell Eve that squeak doesn't get to decide how we feel about squeak's characters.
REAL. this is definitely gonna set some people off, but the whole "cuddles is the only real villain in the entire story and all the other staff are actually innocent" narrative is bullshit. nearly everyone that works at that hospital tortures and permanently detriments innocent lives if not ending them entirely in brutal ways, and were supposed to just forgive every single one just because "theyre being forced to do so"?
also, the "one true villain" being the only cishet and likely only neurotypical in the comic really rubs me the wrong way. apparently the reason sparklecare even got rebooted was because kneeby thought having evil characters also be queer was "bad representation". i am not a fan of the "queer people can do no wrong" approach. as someone whos gay and under the trans umbrella, id like to point you towards dahmer and chris chan.
jeffrey dahmer was a gay man who cannibalized other gay men. christine chandler is a transgender woman who committed incest. those traits are not mutually exclusive in the real world. they are taken simultaneously, unrelated to eachother unless you go out of your way to relate them. and i think its safe to say that nobody would try and link dahmers sexuality with his actions unless theyre homophobic.
just because one figure within a minority is fucked up, does not mean the rest of the minority is fucked up by association. if that was the case, then id be associated with edp445 and h/tler due to the fact im black and suffer from autism. but thats not the case at all, so why are the clowns so afraid of letting queer characters be antagonists, or vice versa?
all the nurses are treated like theyre completely innocent just because of their identities and/or them being possibly coded as neurodivergent. it seriously comes across as infantilizing queer and/or autistic people, which as someone whos both, i do not like. especially nurse puppy. i do not like the way puppy is written.
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puppy is, in my opinion, the most explicitly autistic coded character in the comic (not including characters that are confirmed to be). lo is also the most babied by both the clowns and the fandom. loves whole premise is that cuddles brainwashed lov into seeing loves job (murdering and torturing innocent civilians) as a fun game. lo is canonically 30 years old, by the way.
speaking from experience, us autists are relatively easy to take advantage of when were younger, due to our difficulty grasping social cues. ive been taken advantage of by so many people in just fourteen years of being on this earth. ive been groomed, sextorted by someone who i saught out comfort from after said grooming, painted as a predator by the very person who sextorted me, and then propped by my only remaining "friend" group who would bring all that shit up just to milk my reaction and use it to further damage my reputation.
almost all these people were also queer and autistic, and coincidentally also liked sparklecare, my sextorter being the one who initially got me into it, since he had a uni pfp one time. theyre also victims of similar shit themselves. does that mean all queers/autists/sparklecare fans/abuse victims are like them? no. but does being any of those things excuse the torment they put me through? no the fuck it does not. you cannot give me the excuse of them "not knowing" or being "brainwashed", theyre all at least two years older than me, some being legal adults as im writing. you cannot convince me they didnt intend to fuck me up.
so it reasonably infuriates me to see a Grown Ass 30 Year Old Adult That Murders People For Fun And Listens To Them Scream In Misery With A Smile On Loves Face given the excuse of "lo doesnt know!!!! blame cuddles not lov!!!!" and the fandom just not questioning that at all. imagine watching your lover or best friend get murdered by someone breaking into their house and chucking a toaster into their bath while theyre taking a shower, and the cops* tell you to sue the manufacturers of the toaster. see how fucked that logic is? thats basically sparklecare.
*not like you should trust american cops but i needed an example ok
one of these people i described earlier happens to kin puppy, what a surprise. maybe im just projecting, but the most explicitly autistic coded character (also the only character so far that uses neopronouns/identifies as a xenogender) being treated this way is revolting to say the least, and i feel like lo is made immune to criticism by the clowns because lo just so happens to be those things. if this character werent queer, they would give no chances.* i will gladly allow puppy to exist as is, same personality, everything, i dont mind. its the constant infantilization and justification of loves abhorrent actions that upsets me.
*and this applies to all the other nurses in the comic, except maybe nurse snare since shes practically nonexistant after volume one. but in volume one we are shown barry being tortured and injured by, as far as i can tell, every nurse thats been introduced so far. barry, one of the fandoms most beloved characters, is put through excruciating pain and trauma on screen (with a million trigger warnings before each page, in typical clowns fashion) and nobody gives a fuck once its over, just because everyones queer except cuddles, and cuddles is the Only One To Blame For Anything At All Times.
the cycle of abuse is extremely common. an abuser being a victim does not cancel out them being an abuser, and if theyre not actively seeking help theyre a bad person, regardless of what minorities they belong to. but that does not mean everybody within that minority is a bad person. sparklecares creators and fandom cant seem to grasp that. kneeby cannot erase my opinions on the way the staff is portrayed.
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TW: Mentions of pedophilia and Cannibalism
Okay I thought we were done with this because what the fuck is HAPPENING right now
Explain Proship right this minute. Except you can’t because SOMEHOW it has been twisted from meaning pro shipping to pro “they ship kids and adults together”
That’s Not What It Means. At All.
YET AGAIN. It is a ploy to sanitize fandom spaces. It is a dig from purity culture. It is that same damn thing that causes people to get harassed because they like toxic old man yaoi.
I literally had someone say “You shouldn’t read shit that has illegal stuff in it” Okay so no murder then??? No murder mystery?
Oh no, but that’s okay because its published fiction. Somehow that makes it more valid than fanfiction.
I don’t know, maybe we need to actually understand what is good and what is bad and the complexities of portrayal in media before we just start branding people as pedophiles for fictional writing.
NOT saying I ship kids and adults, because I have to put that disclaimer. But(and this is something else)just because someone ships something doesn’t mean they approve of every single action that couple takes. Just because you like a character doesn’t mean you approve of everything they do.
I’m not going to say fiction does not affect reality, because that in and of itself is far more complex than it seems. What I AM saying, is that just because I read Hannibal fanfics of eating people, doesn’t mean I will suddenly crave flesh. Just because I read about something doesn’t mean I will do it.
I am not a child. I have the cognitive understanding of myself and of the world around me to understand what is right and wrong, why an author might have included an immoral act committed by a character in any given work, and understand How Much I Can Handle.
As you can see, this has turned into more of a general discussion over fandom space, fanfiction, and purity culture in general. Didn’t mean for that when I sat down to write this but here it is. It’s not the most eloquent writing. It’s not super clean and orderly and many might misunderstand me, but I am determined to share my thoughts on this.
Anyway, good luck with life guys.
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emcandon · 1 year
I return from my bg3 stupor with a fresh 2 am question:
was the TAU story and world a concept you were baking for a long time until you had a chance to write it, or was it a more recent creation?
Do you find it easy or hard to build out new story concepts? Like, do you need to sit on them a while until they feel right, or does it just come pouring out of you from the start? Or a secret, third thing?
Just anything about your personal creation process!
lol hi it might not surprise you to learn that i am also steeping in bg3 (i am still stumbling around act 1! i'm not allowed to play until i hit daily sequel writing quota, which is healthy, i'm sure, but does mean i am somewhat behind just about everyone i know who is also playing :P)
(my first Tav is an enormous nb tiefling bard named Faretheewell who is, imo, perfect. very beautiful. very kind. definitely does drag. lying a lot, but mostly just for funsies. has turned astarion into their little purse dog.)
TAU's an interesting case because it was cannibalized from a couple different ongoing projects into something entirely new.
The characters had been floating around in different iterations since about 2013, and their final forms in Archive are quite distinct from the original seed! Imagine Sunai as an exiled diplomat who got involuntarily apprenticed to a cursed king/the last magician in the world; imagine Veyadi as a disowned god-child tasked with murdering the last magician! I'm still probably going to use that world somewhere so I'll mum about it now (it's the one I call "grandma heist.")
((imo that's why you should always yoink characters you like from whatever source you enjoy, be it your own or something else -- they will inevitably change in their new context, often so substantially that they are nigh unrecognizable.))
The story concept also originated in 2013: "Pacific Rim, but the mechs are built out of the kaiju, and pilots must have survived being poisoned by those kaiju." The addition of strange and upsetting AIs of divine power was somewhat inherited from the story Sunai and Adi came from, where divinity was fraught, fractured, and hungry.
Here's a funny. In 2017 I thought TAU would be a nice, simple, clean project. However. I know some folks who turn out gloriously clean first drafts. I AM NOT ONE OF THEM. My brain is a hazardous work environment, very non-OSHA compliant. Basically I do a lot of thought work in the drafting, so the drafts are consequently messy, and there are a LOT of changes from concept to actual workable manuscript.
Which I suppose is to say that story concepts nest in my brain quite often when it is healthy. The frequency with which I land on new and interesting story thoughts is actually a pretty good indicator of how well I am doing ambiently! Right now I'm storing up a lot of them, some of which I am fairly rabid about -- nearly as rabid as I am about Archive, which is the real indicator of a project that is ready to transition from Thought to Work. They are described here as "apocalypse magicians" and other such things. There's one that's going to be kind of an argument with Lovecraftian unknowability via desconstruction of Enlightenment epistemologies + queer identity destruction, and another that's going to be the Le Carré approach to espionage + magic as divinity meets public service + interplanetary empires intruding on your bumfuck planet offering the solution to climate change might still be bad actually. (I want to write that last with my wife and we are making SUCH GOOD FUCKING SHIPS FOR IT.)
How to summarize this? 1) find a story notion/concept about which i can obsess, 2) actually start writing it, 3) mess up spectacularly for a few drafts, 4) finally whittle together something more or less correct, 5) that's my editor's problem now!!
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dxppercxdxver · 10 months
tagged in '20 questions for fic writers' by my good pal @chiropteracupola! ty friend :3 (i think much of this will be similar to the last one of these i did. Oh Whale.)
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
2. what’s your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
i have never written for one fandom Consistently but i suppose at the moment the fandom occupying most of my time is the old Team Fortress 2. but like mine and @chiropteracupola's Old Timey version (shoutout to you flintlock fortress <3). but i also have been somewhat plugging away at an rls kidnapped fic so
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Out Of the Blue (detroit: become human/detroit evolution)
Take it From the Top (detroit: become human/detroit evolution)
Cardamine (detroit: become human)
I Loved You, I Always Do (detroit: become human/detroit evolution)
Cigarettes and Outer Space (detroit: become human/detroit evolution)
i am. Noticing A Trend lmao (also not one but Two richard edwards lyrics titles. hmm.)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
sooooometimes? occasionally i am moved by the desire to Empty Out My Inbox, at which point i reply to all the unread comments in there, but otherwise i normally reply to comments by friends and comments on more recent fics. the older stuff, especially the de artfest stuff, gets more frequently ignored lmao (although someone commented the loveliest thing the other day on one of those fics <3)
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
there are several in contention for this! (i feel) an overwhelming need (the moors) is a character study from a very upsetting play wherein the protagonist is literally eaten at the end, which is A Bit Not Good. i can't stand to see you bleed (the wolf and the watchman) has a more ambiguous ending but also ends with the distinct possibility that cecil will just straight up Die a few minutes off page and everyone is very sad about it. blizzard of pumice piled six feet high (goncharov) does of course end with mutually assured destruction and a fun little murder-suicide-murder situation that they are both resignedly sad about. there are a couple others that Are Angsty but not so much as these i think
7. what’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
once again, a couple options here! first is leave your body at the door (killjoys), which is a huge epic of legacy and mourning and ends with a bittersweet but also incredibly triumphant chapter about love and family. much as the ending itself is tinged with sadness, considering the amount of Torment we had to get through to wind up there puts this fic on the map for this category! alsoooo i think The (G)Hosts of Satellite's Past (mystery science theater 3000) gets up there, because it's basically just. tooth-rottingly sweet found family nonsense in space
8. do you get hate on fics?
not that i can remember? but it's also entirely possible i've just deleted a few of those comments and subsequently forgotten about them lmao. although it must be said that someone commented on my mst3k fic being VERY NITPICKY about my adherence to the given canon of the show and the liveshows and the livestreams and i'm like. bitch. i have not watched every livestream ever and i do not pay attention to the liveshows. also the show's canon can't agree with itself leave me alone shshjsjhs
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
uhhh i did a couple times at one point? but that was many years ago and it was never published. nowadays i've almost considered it exclusively for The Bit (ie relationships where I Think It Would Be Terribly Funny) but also The Bit has not yet overcome my Anxiety and Lack Of Skill. buuuut i will occasionally write The Craziest Metaphorical Shit You Will Ever See. meaning. that cannibalism is also an allegory y'know?
10. do you write crossovers? what’s the craziest one you’ve written?
i've certainly pondered many in my time but i'm unsure i've actually published any— WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED SPYTOWN IN THE MIDDLE OF THAT SENTENCE. whoopsies. so yes! i do! i've only published one of them and it was a spies are forever/hadestown crossover that got Massively bigger than i ever intended (so much fanart! curt mega saw one of the pieces! hadestown official put one of the pieces on their story! shoutout to all you lovely artists and writers! @szollibisz / @considerablecolors / @teethworm / @owen-not-carvour <333333). there is also an Ancient artifact buried in my google docs that hasn't seen the light of day that's. a voltron: legendary defender/crazyhead crossover? to date it's one of my longest incomplete works and rereading it, despite how old it is, is remarkably pleasant like i was possessed by some sort of Good At Writing gremlin and it's surprisingly good. wonder if i should dredge some of that monstrosity up someday.....
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
not that i know of? but also i'm not sure why i Would know that
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
if i have, no one has credited me or informed me of it
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
in terms of unpublished works, i have written So many fics with @nico-demons, since we were cringey middle schoolers together, but when looking at what's actually on my ao3, the only collaboration is with @chiropteracupola! while we don't actually share documents writing our flintlock fortress works, we have a massive shared bank of Lore and double check with each other constantly while we're working on our fics. so it's co-written not in practicality, but in literally every other capactiy
14. what’s your all time favourite ship?
o god i never have an answer for this. i cycle through fandoms so quickly it's hard for ships to have a huge staying power? but given that we're entering year two of this ship in earnest and year like. seven. of this ship in a half-pondered capacity, i'm gonna have to give it to joel robinson/mike nelson of mystery science theater! they will never ever leave my head!!!!!
15. what’s a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oof i have a Couple of these. first and foremost is contagion (gravity falls), a monster falls/timeskip gravity falls concept that i plotted SO MUCH OF and then got so intimidated by i could only write a couple pages before feeling like whatever i wrote wouldn't match up with what i'd been imagining. much as i'd love to muscle through someday and actually get the concept down, i find it Unlikely that'll ever actually happen. same with a joel/mike mst3k fic concept that i've been kicking around for a couple years surrounding mike's return to earth and trying to find joel again. once again, i got out over my skis and got so scared of executing the concept it's hard for me to imagine i ever get to it shjshjs
16. what are your writing strengths?
i've been told on numerous occasions that i'm really good at mimicking character voice (and possibly author voice, but that's usually more secondary)! i have a very sound and rhythm based memory, so writing dialogue has always been a strong point of mine, as i can basically hear what the character would be saying in their way of saying it. i also consider myself really good at crafting well thought out/intricate plots!
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
FINISHING THINGS. JESUS CHRIST. i'm so bad at mustering any sort of followthrough on projects that are either longer than my usual or i've been working on past a couple of weeks of inspiration. a part of this i'm Sure is the adhd but also i'm miserable at writing anything to completion past a few one shots.
18. thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
depends on the context, depends on the language. flintlock fortress in particular has characters of Many Nationalities coming together in a very specific context? thus far i've been rather loath to write extended sections of dialogue in other languages, but i can usually manage small sections, especially french (took it for three years in high school and apparently Something stuck). otherwise i tend to skirt around it or double check with people more familiar with it
19. first fandom you wrote for?
i was discussing this with @chiropteracupola the other day actually!! my first fic Ever saved to my google drive is a wild kratts/my little pony crossover! and i would continue to cross mlp over with Many Things! so i would say my little pony was my first written-for fandom, purely based on the fact that it served as such frequent crossover material
20. favourite fic you’ve written?
this is an interesting one! i have a few fics that have a special place in my heart for different reasons. i'm incredibly fond of Try Again, Die Again (detroit: become human/detroit evolution) because i felt insanely clever and actually managed to execute the concept i wanted in a way that was very close to what i originally imagined. it's one of my more action-packed stories and upon rereading it i'm actually still really proud of it. another one i'm extraordinarily fond of is strangely enough Where The Sun Can't Find Me (spies are forever), which is a short little werewolf!curt one shot! just the right amount of Meat to appeal to me and i really like the prose style i went with for it. honorable mention once more goes to leave your body at the door (killjoys) but i've talked about her already so. Moving On. lastly i loooove don't give it a hand, offer it a soul (team fortress 2/haunted by your hand crossover), because it's a Ghost Story and Ghost Romance and A Little Gross and Full Of Sadness. what fun what fun :3
taggin'! @nico-demons, @firstmatedville, @considerablecolors, @natdrinkstea, and @wilhelmina-murray-harker :3
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euphorial-docx · 1 year
ok maybe i’ve just been seeing way too many twitter arguments about this, arguments which i don’t think really exist on tumblr, but i guess i wanted to share my opinion here.
when i was reading atyd a few years ago, i never read the characters being misogynistic in a “oh this author must hate women” type of way and more in a “sometimes people in the 70s were misogynistic without even realizing it” way.
like… i don’t get it when that’s included as like a “problematic” feature of the fic, because i felt it was realistic and i feel strongly that writers can write bad characters/bad things without they themself agreeing with those characters and things.
i simply don’t think writing something bad = endorsing it.
idk maybe it’s been a while since i last read atyd, and i know it does have some poor representation in other areas, but i never really felt offended as a “woman” (whatever that even means for me) when the characters said some misogynistic stuff because i just accepted the fic as a period piece trying to be somewhat realistic. like i’m sorry, a lot of guys in the 70s said some weird shit about women— yes, probably even the guys you like. ofc not every author has to be realistic about that stuff, but clearly a little bit of realism was an aim for atyd, and i don’t think that’s bad.
even in my own writing, i write stuff i don’t agree with. for example: opev. regulus is very progressive in that story because of his education and blah blah blah, and yet he still treats women, namely emma, in a way that i don’t necessarily like. i would never treat someone like that, but i realize that not only is the time period’s views different from now but also regulus has his own personal reasons to be behaving the way he does. i also write stuff like murder and cannibalism… but i am very against killing people and i am vegetarian. clearly i do not practice the things i write in my personal life.
i’m just telling a story that happens to have complex behaviors that i don’t really like but wanted to explore. i think, in some instances (although not all instances; there definitely are some real issues sometimes), that’s what happened in other fics like atyd.
(side note: i also don’t get it when people say atyd was biphobic? again, maybe it’s just been a while and i’m forgetting shit, but is the biphobia supposed to be remus sleeping with women when he labels himself gay??? is that the biphobia? or is there another example? i’ve been seeing that and i’m confused.)
(additional note: atyd does have some hurtful things written in it. my brain goes to the representation of irish travelers first. the writer themself has even acknowledged that. the issue of their apology or whatever isn’t one i’m going to be arguing, neither is those real hurtful issues otherwise written in that fic— i agree those things should’ve been handled better. this is just about my take on the depictions of misogyny and writers being allowed to write bad things without it being representative of them as a person.)
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let’s Talk Whump No.7
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community. I’m Malice and I’ll be your host. 
Today we have @kira-the-whump-enthusiast joining us to share his whump story!
Tell us something non-whump related about yourself!
Hi I'm Kira! I'm just a guy on the internet who has something wrong with him (affectionate). Outside of whump I do a lot of regular OC stuff! Though, it always ends up angsty. I draw a shit ton, I watch video essays, and I pet my cat. He's adorable and amazing, by the way!
What does whump mean to you?
God, I don’t know man. It's when the character gets hurt and it makes me smile, I guess. For me it usually ends up being brutal torture of the physical or mental kind!
How did you discover the whump community? 
So I found the whump-culture-is blog, and I kinda skirted around the whole idea cuz I wasn't super comfortable with it yet. And then I stumbled upon Hazeshift by @whumpwillow!!! That was the story that got me into whump, it clicked a switch somewhere in my brain. And from there I started following more whump blogs, creating some OCs to whump, and eventually made a blog! Now I’m here.
It seems to be a common thread that everyone has a specific whump story that just clicked! Have you found that your whump tastes have changed over time?
I think my favorite tropes have largely stayed the same, same as my hard preference for OC over fandom. But I've gotten way more into making whumpy art lately! It's mostly on my art blog @kira-does-art-sometimes So, I haven't exactly been writing. I am still doing some though,  I'm just really bad at finishing it.
And your favourite whump tropes?
May the devil bless my soul, I am not mentally normal about any of this. 
First of all I am an avid whumper-turned-whumpee and villain whump fan. This is the Main Trope I enjoy because it is just so good. Look man, I just need to see the somewhat sympathetic (or not) bad guys get whumped and then maybe get a hug afterwards because even if they did bad shit before, they still don't exactly deserve bad things to happen to them? I dunno know, it's a bit soothing. Also god, there are so many good dynamics you would have. Reluctant caretakers, righteous whumpers, whumpees-turned-whumpers,,,, god, I am insane for this. Also the angst potential is ridiculous and I love it. 
I am also a fan of sicko shit like cannibalism and gore and vivisection. Like yes, cut that guy open and eat his organs. I will never not be normal about cannibalism and also I believe it is completely ethical if it's fully consensual. Anyways, fucked-up cannibalism is very good too. I need the people to eat each other. I need blood dripping from mouths and staining smiles. I need the faux-intimacy of feasting on another. Vivisection is also great for similar reasons. It is very Intense and Torture and I think it's fun!! You can also eat the whumpee's organs. Food for thought, pun intended! 
Glasgow smiles!I love those. I need to give more of my whumpees those. I just think it's neat and it's an alternative gag. You can't exactly talk without pain when your face has been slit open.
Immortal whump is the best. Because you can just do anything, really stretch a guy past their limits and then do it again!!! The fun never ends because they can't die, at least not permanently. Killing an immortal is underrated. And I don't mean permanently. I mean like bringing them back, again and again, and continuing the murder! Is that not fun?! 
Isolation in whump is very underrated. Solitary confinement is a form of torture after all. I think there's something very resonant for me about the simple. Lack of anything to the point that it drives you insane. The only thing making you like this are the walls cutting you off from the world. How do you explain that to people? I also like other fucked up forms of isolation like when the whumpee pretty much only interacts with the whumper or people on their side. The way that it can fuck them up is very intriguing to explore in writing I think. 
I realize this is somewhat sicko behavior. I have decided to not apologize for this. Also if the FBI is reading this, I um. I have little to no desire to do this in real life okay don't arrest me.
I think we’re all screwed if the FBI ever decides to look our way…I look forward to sharing a cell with you all! Do  you have a favourite piece you've written? 
I guess I'd definitely have to say Spirals and Solitaire is one of my better pieces!! Look. I just needed to write about a woman with depression. That's my favorite type of character. It combines a lot of my favorite tropes. A villain with angst for days being trapped in a room and slowly, slowly, going fucking insane. Getting way too attached to the only person that talks to them. And a bystander who doesn't help until it's too late. But better late than never hey? 
Also I am still a fan of Midnight Meal which is really surprising since it's like almost a year old I think? I think it holds up! I just like the cannibalism. And the gore. And I have gotten the best comments on it. Thank you to the nice people who left comments on it! Definitely my most sicko piece out of all my writing. Isaac's my favorite whumpee and this is not even the worst thing that happens to him, by the way. 
I also have this single series, Diamonds to Dust that I have definitely updated recently. I may or may not actually start writing the seventh chapter. I apologize for the radio silence on this lol. Storm and Zuri and Xavier are my beloveds. Also Lusik and Octavia are fucked up lesbians but I haven't gotten into that yet. My favourite toxic ship!
What's your writing routine like? Is there a must have drink or snack? 
My writing schedule fucking insane to be honest. Kinda goes like: 
- At a random point in time I get an idea. 
- I ruminate on the idea for an extended period of time. From like a week to a year. Average is prolly a couple months. 
- After the rumination I finally get some words on the goddamn paper! I write in fucking simplenote cuz I can access it on all my devices. 
- The words never get finished on the first day. From then it is three days to two months until I continue the goddamn thing. Or I just don't. Sometimes that happens. 
- And then the editing. Oh god. The editing. Suffice to say I hate it, I hate it, I hate it but it's necessary so I do it. Actually this takes like two weeks max cuz again. Hate it to shreds. I send it to my lovely whump friends for beta reading. I love yall!
- And then post. God help me when I do that. 
This is why I never post anything sorry about that. 
Usually I write in my very comfy bed in the evening. I don't really munch on snacks or drinks when I write.
Is there anything specific that you find easy to write?
I find that it's pretty easy for me to write characters with depression. When the character is just angsting and going through the emotional ringer, it's pretty easy for me to write stuff. Honestly that's probably how I got Spirals and Solitude finished so quickly. It's literally just like three thousand words of Wrenna having depression. I really struggle with writing like pure fluff. I dunno know,  I just find it hard to create a good conflict when it's so lighthearted.
And  do you have any current projects?
I have like a couple WIPs who are not finished yet. I may finish and post them one day. I am also always drawing. Probably of my OCs or fan art of my friend's OCs!
Bless us with some writing advice please!
You ask me??? For writing advice. Uhhhh I dunno man. Just get a little silly with it. Being Quality is overrated. Someone's probably gonna read it and get something out of it even if it's just like seven words in comic sans or whatever. Or maybe you are the one who reads it and gets something out of it! Self deprecation is overrated too. Your writing is probably fine. It is probably even good. Likely, it is even great and amazing! 
Huge shout out to @whump-in-the-closet for being extremely cool and having the best OCs and writing. And also listening to my little sicko OC rants!
@whumpcloud has literally some of the best whump stories I've ever read like god! I go feral for their characters. 
@zillastar13 has extremely amazing writing and very good taste. Love their art!
Anything you'd like to add? <3
Lowkey I think we as a community need more transgender characters. In any role. I just need to see more guys who are transgender. Who get a little funky with their gender. Who maybe even have their transsexuality impact the story in some way. Same for like, characters of color and female characters. I'd love to see whumpees with lots of different backstories and female characters in lots of different roles in the narrative. I personally don't think that the violence that women and minorities face in real life necessarily has to be analogous to the violence faced by a character in a story. I know it can go very badly but it can get a little tiring sometimes to only find stories with cis white male characters. Variety pls.
It was awesome to have you here, Kira! Thanks for stopping by!
And to all you folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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Tell me about the crime fic
oh I love you so much for asking about this!! ok so 'be gay do crime' (this name is truly growing on me maybe ill just keep it) where do I even begin???
ok I think I will just start by writing some of my ideas for it and see where this goes...
right so one of the story lines I am most excited to write about, funnily enough, is Peter! I have so many ideas for him. first of all he has a mad scientist vibe in his lil poison making underground bunker lab. this guy has zero fear. like, there are no windows in this bunker. he is experimenting and creating new poisons. no fucks are given he is just down there living his best life. OH And his friendship with jamesss!!! god I am so excited about this it is so fucking intense but like in a very weird way. when I finish working on regulus's pov chapter and start working on peter's just know that I will be sending you extensive voice notes about them. (I don't want to say too much here because yknow, gotta keep some things a mystery). I will say though that I am very excited to write his childhood bits because the scene where he comes out as trans to James is so precious to me.
oh and JAMES. god what a mess. he thinks he has everything under control. he thinks he is such a chill guy. honey... sweetheart... I love you... I adore you... but you are a MESS. like, there are so many complicated things going on for him and I will be focusing quite a lot on his relationship with his parents. I know that probably some people will not like that they aren't portrayed as the perfect family but that is just not them in this. the fact that Effie is in the assassin network but Fleamont isn't?? like thats just such a fucked up situation. because when the moment comes for him to choose whether he will also 'sell his soul' to the network he has to betray one of them. and already his parents have a complicated relationship because of their crazily different views on morality and just life in general so being in the middle of that? yeah James has a lot of things he needs to address in that brain of his. it also doesn't help that his bestie sirius is also a MESS so together... yeah
I wrote this whole thing without even mentioning regulus who's chapter I have been working on this whole time... but YEAH so regulus is a force to be reckoned with. you know how in the vampire diaries they can just switch off their emotions? yeah so that is what regulus thinks he has done. he is very delusional. but it works for him (I mean, it doesn't, he is fucked. but he thinks he is in control so thats all good... it isn't... but-) what else? oh yes how could I not mention how fucking sexy this lil guy is when he murders people? fucking hell. oh and also him and James. lol. hehe. giggling.
ok I really do need to go to sleep soon so I shall do remus and then perhaps another post for the girls tommorow because I have PLANS for them and they are all so sexy and smart and insane and psychotic and - <3 oh and also Evan and Barty!!! i love them In this so much and you will love Barty. I will make you
REMUS. hehe. I am blushing... psychological torture. the power this man holds without having to raise a finger. I just- like he is just a man on a mission and I love that for him. he truly does not let anything get to him. well I mean there's sirius but ummm... nah... there isn't... remus told me to tell you there isn't... he is actually threatening me right now so I must shut up because he is just such a mysterious guy... can't have people knowing his secrets. and by secrets I mean anything about him. I am afraid I have already said too much.
ok I will just end this on- PANDORA. lobotomies. cannibalism. the need to consume the ones you love.... hmmmmmm
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wormgremlin · 1 year
I've gotten three unnecessary, unwanted, and ultimately useless hateful comments on my fic in the first 24 hours since posting it. So a quick refresher for people out there:
First, foremost, and most concerning: If someone is in critical condition, unless you have medical training and supplies, HOSPITAL HOSPITAL HOSPITAL. That includes both urgent and emergent triage statuses (in this case, severe blood loss and abdominal wounds going into the abdominal cavity -- intestinal rupture is no joke! Nor is uroabdomen!).
Second of all, I'm sorry if you and your friends have never talked about or looked at each others boobs/chest. Genuinely. On the other hand, me and my friends make fun of each other constantly in good fun and are comfortable enough around each other to talk about our bodies. Your sexually repressed puritanical views have no place in my comments and no place in an irl queer space. Between the two of us, I am not the "weirdo."
Third of all (and whoo boy is this a long one), just because I represent a ship a certain way does not mean I condone their actions in a real life setting. Ffs, I like Hannigram. That means I definitely recommend committing malpractice, non-con drugging, and tubing your crush like a horse. Not To mention cannibalism and framing people for your own serial murders. I'm writing things based on my own experiences and perspective as a queer poc who grew up and got out of a conservative home and state. I'm writing as someone who lives paycheck to paycheck. I write as someone who still fights an internal monologue of shame and repression, of not being good enough, of bitterness and self-loathing making for a critical lens of others. I write as someone who affectionately calls my friends buffoons. As someone who has only ever used terms like "babe" as a derogatory. And I know that isn't for everyone. And I know my experiences aren't universal. But they do shape how I write. And I'm not asking you to like it. I am, however, asking you to consider how your actions affect others and click that back arrow before you say something unnecessary and rude.
Gonna be honest: the slew of asshole comments I've gotten have been more annoying in a "ooh comment oh that's disappointing, look an asshole" way than truly upsetting to me. But I thrive on spite. Not everyone does. For some people, the shit being said would be incredibly hurtful; for me, I thought worse while writing it.
And this bit didn't make the list, but deserves honorable mention: Just because you don't like the way I write something doesn't mean I hate the ship. Yeah. I spent hours of my life writing this and editing it and posting it because I hate it. Sorry, but I'm a full time grad student with a life, a job, and shit to do. I don't have time for ship phishing. I've written more than one fic for this ship, each portraying them a different way. Clearly because I hate the ship?
All of this of course to say:
If you don't like it, write your own, hon.
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
I know you reblogged the post about people being like "fictional cannibalism is deep and intellectual and fictional incest is disgusting and morally wrong" some time ago, but I just wanted to add that it’s absolutely insane how people are calling every piece of media that isn’t wholesome and unproblematic nowadays a direct reflection of the creator’s secret deviant fantasies à la "check their hard drive". Like where does the line between getting called a genius and a master satirist and being labeled a disgusting pervert lie? Whenever I see someone make absolutely nonsensical comments like those all I can think of is Vladimir Nabokov getting canceled and chased off the internet in 2023 after writing Lolita lmao. Seriously tho. Especially in the spn fandom, how can people make posts about loving the fucked up family dynamics and the body horror and the psychological terror and the abuse parallels etc and then fall over themselves to put wincesties DNI DNI DNIII all over their entire blogs lol
My take on it is basically that the line people draw between what’s “morally” acceptable to write about or not is really just what they enjoy. That’s why this stuff usually comes down to shipping nonsense, it’s just fandom flame wars in a different trenchcoat. It’s also why you’ll get dissonant opinions like ‘incest is bad and we can’t write about it’ and ‘gore and murder is just fine to write about.’ If someone enjoys writing about their thing, however dark, and can understand why they enjoy writing about it, of course they’ll give it a pass, but other people’s dark things? that they don’t like, don’t understand? Must be evil. Must be disgusting.
(Plus, obviously, there’s probably something to be said about how in ‘incest vs cannibalism’, one of these is going to be assumed to only be about Sex and Perversion, while the other is obfuscated around sex, sometimes a display of desire but easy to deny that at the same time. Which is not to say that writing about incest is even always about sex, only that it will be perceived as such, no matter what you’re actually trying to discuss in your work.)
All that to say that of course it’s ridiculous to assume that someone’s writing or hell, even their internet persona, is reflective of their desires. I’m ace as fuck and get nervous if I don’t have explicit permission to hug someone, and I also have and will write noncon fic. There’s no secret there, nothing hidden that’s gonna lead to me hurting someone. I just enjoy writing impossibly huge power imbalances. I like squeezing characters like stress balls.
The “Wincesties DNI” thing still bothers me to this day. Maybe because I’m not sure where I even fall on that line. I follow wincest blogs, like their posts, I’ve written I think 2 or 3 wincest fics? But I rarely participate in it or reblog stuff here. Am I a wincestie? Am I tainted by association in such a way that I might as well be? Does “Wincesties DNI” mean actually all incest shippers dni, or are you secretly telling me you’re cool with Jo/Ellen, or did you just forget in the midst of your ship war that other interests exist. I don’t usually follow blogs that announce that, but that’s more because putting that label there just tells me even if I passed the test on that specific thing for you, you’re not gonna be cool about all the other weird shit I post lmao.
(I want to stress, I think there’s a difference between “Wincesties dni” and “wincest dni”. I think that asking people to not leave tags on your posts or comments on your work referencing an incest ship is a valid boundary to have. If that content is triggering to you or just not your vibe, I think you should be able to say, ‘hey, not here.’ That is very different than going ‘if you are a part of this group or ever interacted with this group, get away from me.’ Especially in a fandom where. I mean. Sam & Dean being weird is in the text. It’s a huge part of the show to the point of being referenced repeatedly in-universe, it’s a famously huge part of the fandom to where wincest built the very ground (AO3) we all walk on, and I just think that if you walk into a gay bar, you really shouldn’t complain so loudly about all the bears you see.)
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transwolvie · 3 months
hi! i saw your post abt cannibalism & i genuinely had no idea about it's origins. do you have any book recs & know of any like, college classes that would broach the topic? i am genuinely interested in learning! there's so much i don't know.
So big ones are Robinson Crusoe and Gulliver's Travel wrt fictional accounts focused on ideas of colonialism. Gulliver's Travels particularly has a lot to analyze cuz of Swift's really thoughtful satirical bent.
Personally, I was very driven by my hatred of Jefferson to write my entire final about his Notes on the State of Virginia, a non fiction piece that I believe is vital for understanding American colonialism on many levels. Jefferson is lauded in American history for this work and for supposedly being one of the first "archeologists," so my entire piece was about how his account of grave robbing a native burial mound was very very clearly NOT archeology by any means. He does not consider any context, ask the native peoples, or even consider how to approach the mound and its potential layout before simply digging everything up and labeling the native peoples as "primitive" and "underdeveloped" because of his personal opinions about burying animals, adults, and children together (bruh how would you know, you just dug everything up with no thought) so. That's an important one for American colonialism especially.
I will get back to this with another reblog cuz it's been ages since I've been in college, but I have my old planner and I can pull up other sources for colonialist literature as well. A lot of what we read were non fiction journals of colonialists (think John Smith letters and stuff) and fictional works of the time that reflected on colonialism.
Before I find more specific titles, I also want to note that captivity narratives are a HUGE deal. Both real and fictional (or at least fictionalized) stories of white women captured by indigenous ppl became a HUGE portion of how the idea of the savage and the othering of indigenous ppl spread among white colonialists. A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson is a huuuuge example and one of the progenitors of the genre, but there's plenty of them out there to be read. A lot of them tend towards salacious accounts of native people murdering white ppl in gruesome ways, as a general warning. Like even if you go in thinking "haha nice, white people getting murdered idgaf" they tend to be gratuitous to the point where it's really not enjoyable, especially with the constant specter of white people just making this shit the fuck up to excuse genocide.
Like I said, I'll add some more specifics and recommended reading later when I can pull up more of my old resources!!
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vattasref · 9 months
Putting all my RP blog OOC stuff into posts now for mobile accessibility
this post is linked on my RP blogs now for ease of access, if you got here from one of those, hi!
please don't be on my RP blogs if you're not 18+!!
you should already know I'm Vatta. I'm in my 30s. I've been on the Tumblr RP scene for somewhere just over 10 years as of 2024 (I've been roleplaying on different platforms for alot longer), I've had ALOT of blogs, mostly Homestuck, a couple OCs, all of my blogs had my name in the bio
currently active blogs:
@catboii - fandomless OC, humanoid shapeshifter, cult vibes, violence/murder/cannibalism/abuse tws, well established (7 years old?) but my pages are a bit of a mess, is currently MIA, is overall friendly if you're nice to it!
@davepetea - post-game Davepetasprite^2, heavy bird and cat pun usage and some eyestrain, is VERY friendly and loves everyone
@solxrated (sideblog to Catboii) - (not very active) Sollux, Davepeta's moirail, same timeline, mostly just ironically rates computer setups
@hemopseudo - (not very active) Speciesswap (Troll Dave Strider) Devino Stryyd living on Beforus, some mild hemoism but it's more political than murdery so I'll avoid it unless it comes up in conversation, which'll be tagged as "hemoism", pretty mid in the friendliness department but will riff off your muse's energy
I'm GMT+0 so my timezone doesn't link up to most of your guys' and I'll be getting online while you guys get into bed, or I'll be getting offline as you guys start getting on. I work Sun-Wed, and am usually quite tired when I get home, so won't be on much on those days
GMT +0
(testing the clock widget)
NONE of my OOC info is a mandatory read, unless there is something specific you want to know! I will try and keep everything simple, the TL;DR is in bold, the rest is just expanding on each point
first and foremost!! I'm very active OOC, which means I'm constantly adding OOC notes to my muse's posts #((,#in brackets like this,#)), if this breaks your immersion and you don't like it, fair enough! I'm not to your taste. I'm on the autistic spectrum and then some so I REALLY like to make everything clear and make sure my muses don't get misinterpreted because of me
I'm neurodivergent so please be patient with me, but if you wanna clarify anything or chat about anything, please know you can drop into IMs ANYTIME (with the ((brackets)) if you're on an RP blog to let me know it’s OOC, otherwise I will assime it’s IC, even if you're unquirked...)
I have no major triggers but want anything relating to pedophilia kept FAR away from me, if your muse is a victim and mentions their trauma that's fine, as long as it's not glorified/positive. this doesn't extend to like ddlg kinks etc but it does squick me out a bit so I have some related terms blacklisted
online interaction unless otherwise discussed! some tips on how you can start interactions with any of my muses is over here
will interact with pretty much any fandom/OC, not picky, even if I don't know the fandom (it's like 10x funnier if I have NO idea who the character is)
PLEASE no personal blog (direct interactions, follows and rbs of non-original posts are ok if you're a mun following from your personal) or RL person RP blogs (characters they play are fine)
no kink/smut/purely nsfw blogs please
(doesn’t include more adult themed muses that aren’t *completely* porn and smut, so if I follow you first/back then we good, I may follow and interact on the sideblog just to keep it off main, Davepeta fucks I just don’t want porn to be the only thing on my dash lol)
not mutual exclusive! please feel free to chat with muse anytime! all posts are open to replies even if someone specific is @-ed if your muse has a comment they wanna make!
I'm mobile sometimes but I've worked out how to get Xkit Rewritten to work on mobile, so I can cut posts, but I prefer using the app sometimes bc of the minimalism of it (I'll scroll and write posts in the app, save to draft, then cut in the browser, I'll make my own little tut eventually), but I can't be bothered to queue from mobile app so sometimes I might spam post a little. if it gets to like 4-5 posts in a minute I'll just switch over to browser though
I'm here for fun and fun only! I do love a bit of angst but if you wanna go down that route we'll need to do some OOC communication first bc if I'm in the wrong headspace it can bring me down and no one wants that unsolicited (unless that's what your muse is about, then I'll be expecting it you're all good)
IC =/= OOC... most of my muses are not human and sometimes are immortal. the base media (eg Homestuck) is also problematic in ways that I can't avoid. I like to explore the thought processes of things like being on a planet you didn't grow up on, or being immortal when you previously weren't. this is completely fictional, although I do actively try to avoid anything that could be problematic, unless it's realistic, which I will tag OOC
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slasher-male-wife · 2 years
hi, ive been stalking ur blog recently since there is a painful lack of male readers when it comes to thomas hewitt/bubba sawyer so i am here and requesting :3
maybe some headcanons about a malewife s/o for thomas and bubba,, like he cooks with whoever is tasked with dinner n cleans and does laundry, the whole nine yards, even helping clean up messes after thomas/bubba is done with victims (maybe even helping when some victims escape)
thank you if you do end up writing this!! have a great day/night!! :D
Really about to put the malewife in my name to good use. I might write a fic based on this idea later but for now here's some head cannons.
Thomas Hewitt and Bubba Sawyer with a male wife
Warnings: Mentions of homophobia, murder and cannibalism
Thomas Hewitt
Hoyt and Monty are going to be huge assholes about you being a male wife. Constantly telling you “real men don’t do this” “real men don’t do that” whatever. They might call you a fairy or something like that but that’s as far as they go because they know who’s side Thomas is on.
Luda Mae is happy to have another helping hand with chores. They get done twice as fast and she gets down time too. It’s also nice to have a younger, stronger person helping out too.
She’ll make you some clothes if you don’t know how to make your own and will use “the good fabric” because she likes you a lot.
Thomas is head over heels for you. A handsome man who also cooks, cleans, helps around the house and loves him? He’s all for it. He’s hesitant to have you help clean up the basement but when he sees you cleaning up the carnage from someone getting bashed in the head in the living room he’s less worried.
If you’re good with getting blood stains out of clothes you’re in charge of laundry from now on. Once a week you’ll go into the basement to help clean up the mess.
There’s a learning curve when learning to cook human meat but you’ll pick it up soon enough don’t worry Y/n.
If you actually kill someone everyone is a bit surprise. They thought because of how domestic you are that you’d never kill someone. The comments from Hoyt and Monty will stop and they’ll push you to kill more people if you’re good at it.
Bubba Sawyer
Like Hoyt and Monty the twins will constantly comment on how you’re “doing a women’s job” or “being a queer” but Drayton will have them cut it out because finally someone is helping around the house.
Bubba was the one who did the more domestic jobs like cleaning and laundry so finally getting help is really nice. He’s happy to have someone help him clean.
I'm pretty sure you're just gonna have to take over for Bubba because now that you're here Drayton's gonna have Bubba work on other things in the house.
Bubba loves knowing that he's not the only feminine man out there and that he can be a man and enjoy cooking, cleaning and doing household work too.
Will defend you from his brothers if they get too mean to you. Also please defend him. I feel like Bubba gives me "He's my girlfriend!" Energy.
Drayton will love another helping hand with cooking too. He will teach you how to cook the meat properly and probably ask you to make other things like bread.
Bubba's gonna take a bit to get used to seeing you cleaning up blood and guts. I feel like eventually he'll teach you how to cut the meat but until then you're not watching him kill people.
But if/when you do kill someone they're all a bit surprised at that. They'll really see you as a Sawyer now.
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inu-jiru · 2 years
Damn Jazz Back At It Again With The Helluva Boss Rambles
Back on my bullshit again with another post now that I’ve mellowed out from the shock of how shit that episode was lol
I wish mobile made it easier to add the “Keep Reading” tab but it’s fine 
I’ve seen so many people go around being like “o it’s ok if Stella’s generic and not given more personality like everyone else because women can be bad didn’t you know that something something Amber Herd” and apparently anyone who thinks otherwise is just a Vivziepop hater who thinks she’s a misogynist (love the strawman shit mmm so juicy). And while evil for evil’s sake can be fun and cool in something like Sleeping Beauty (aka an adaptation of a fairy tale that’s already a story of “good vs evil”), why would you expect me to be chill with that in a show where the demons are, for the most part, more than just evil demons? If Stella was some minor, one-off character like that asshole imp guy at Loo Loo Land, that’d be one thing, but she’s not. She’s one of the main antagonists. This isn’t a “good vs. evil” story where you don’t need to worry about that kind of thing, Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel are supposed to be more than that. I’d be just as confused if Valentino or Vox, for every second of screentime they had, were doing nothing but going “haha rape haha prostitution haha tv is so cool” for 25 minutes and that’s it. But I digress.
I’m writing this because I was suddenly reminded of a character that’s basically what Stella could’ve been: Flowey. Flowey is just as volatile and agressive as Stella is, attacking you, killing you, and possibly having done countless genocide runs in the past with his own ability to RESET. Then, we get his backstory and find out who he used to be and why he’s the way he is. He’s an unfeeling sociopathic child. He was created with absolutely no way of feeling empathy because he has no SOUL. The child that he used to be is angry, longing for his past and his old friend, and was put into this situation for reasons that weren’t even his fault. Flowey is also a victim, but that doesn’t mean he can’t also be evil or do hurtful things. Whether or not you choose to show him pity or mercy is up to the player, but the fact that he’s that complex enough to warrant that choice is just part of Undertale’s writing. Hell, even Toriel is a better Stella than what Stella is in “canon”. I personally don’t like Toriel, but she does have depth to her (until the end where she just waltzes in and takes over the situation and no one does a thing to stop her because it’s Toriel and I guess everyone’s just chill with the traitorous queen coming in and acting like she’s in charge). Toriel comes in acting all sweet and nice, but is very clingy and definitely has issues with guilt and a black-and-white morality to justify her own actions. She’s not simply “ah, my child have some pie and we’ll be a family my child” 24/7. She’s a spiteful bitch, a hypocrite, and runs away from her problems. Again, this is because Undertale’s writing is (for the most part) consistent with giving it’s characters more depth underneath the memes and quotable dialogue.
Now, why am I writing all this about Undertale? Because it and HB/HH are on similar levels of writing. They both try to show more than just what’s at face value. Charlie is nice and sweet but will throw hands and has self-doubts, Alastor is everyone’s nightmare, but according to the comics, he does crave genuine interaction and is much nicer towards women (aside from Vaggie but my theory is that it’s because she’s not as feminine as Charlie or the Sheep Woman and far less easy to charm). So if Alastor, a mass murderer and cannibal who is more than likely going to do everything he can to mess with the Hotel’s success for his own entertainment, can have elements of good in him, then why the fuck can’t Stella? Oh, I know why, because Alastor isn’t interfering with the “romance”. I already didn’t like Stolitz before but Season 2 has nuked any chance of making me change my mind. This whole “romance” is being pushed so hard that it’s tainting the writing with retcons and things that just make no sense. Why would Octavia say “you ruined it” to Stolas in episode 2 if Stella was apparently just mean and nasty the whole time and Stolas was just soooo innocent? Why does the Ozzie’s song frame it like Stella and Octavia are victims of Stolas fucking up if Stella was always secretly the evil one and not Stolas? Why is Stolas ashamed if he was so proudly yelling about his divorce in front of her friends? Why is Goetia divorce a thing if the Goetia family looks down on it and sets up arranged marriages? Why the fuck is Stella just around and eating at the dinner table like they’re married if she can’t stand Stolas? Why is she ranting about Stolas being a cheater on the phone, if they’re separated and if she just doesn’t care about anything but money? And why the dickshit would Stella, someone who everyone is so fucking sure is only in it for her image, just blabbing about how shit her marriage is if that would just make her look like a loser who’s settling for trash? It makes no fucking sense unless it’s all just some poorly done retcon of earlier events. Hell, the pilot is supposedly non-canon, and yet a scene of it pops up in the new episode, so I can’t even be sure what’s true or not.
Sigh, but I guess at the end of the day, I saw this coming. They’re trying so hard to push Stolitz that the writing has to suffer for it. I’m not even sure I want to continue the series, if it’s just gonna become some genetic telenovela where everyone is so evil unless they wanna help Stolas in some way because he’s “such a victim”. I never wanted to have to write something like this and I sure as shit never foresaw myself reblogging critical content, but it is the way it is, I guess. But, that’s what rewrites and AUs are for, and I’ll be working on mine.
Anyway, that’s it for now unless I find something else to ramble about. Later.
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