#just cocoon me in blankets and let me use you as a backrest on the couch
slutabed · 2 years
eating disorders r us
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roonyxx · 2 years
The Heartless Huntress
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Summary: After a storm hits, Y/n and Dean are forced to sleep in the Impala. Y/n has a dark past and Dean wants to know more about it, will she tell him about the darkest part of her life? 
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, mention of suicidal behavior, mentions of death.
Pairing: Dean x reader
Wordcount: 1776
A/N:  This was written for @libre1rose8​ 300 followers celebration! Congrats sweetie!! I had the prompt “I don’t have a heart anymore”, the place i had was the impala and my object was coffee! This fic is entirely in Dean POV. I hope you like it :)
(All mistakes are mine, i only proofread with half a brain so lol)
A/N 2: The text divider is from the very talented @talesmaniac89​​
My Masterlist
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Dean POV
With my jacket pulled high over my head I run back to the Impala. It’s raining so hard that even the short trip to the gas station for some coffee has me soaked.
I quickly open the front door and get in the safe, warm and dry interior of my Baby.
“What shit weather!” I grunt as I chuck off my jacket and let it drop to the passenger side floorboard. I don’t want the leather seat to get wet.
“I got your latte, sweetheart” I say to Y/n and reach the cup over the front seat to where she is laying sideways on the back seat.
“Thank you De” she gives me that sweet smile that makes my heart beat faster.
“I’m sorry again for this” I mention to how we are both laying in the car.
Y/n has her back against the door and uses her jacket as a pillow between her back and the side. On top of her she has a blanket. The radio is softly playing making it a cozy cocoon that shelters us from the horrible weather. I reach for my blanket that I pull over myself and put my arm on the backrest of the front bench.
“It’s not your fault a storm decided to hit, making everyone pull over and rent motel rooms. I prefer Hotel Winchester anyways” she smiles and strokes her hand along the leather of the seat.
“With coffee and breakfast included!” I chuckle.
Y/n and I have been friends for five years. She moved into the bunker three years ago. She’s a little quieter and shyer then a usual hunter, but it’s one of the things I love about her.
Despite knowing her so long, I don’t know a lot about her. She keeps everything pretty close to her chest. I have no idea how she became a hunter. Only that she, like me, started at a very young age. I have tried to make her open up a little but she always manages a way around it.
She’s a lot like me. She keeps everything bottled up, always wearing a mask that says ‘I’m fine’. I have found her blacked out in the kitchen from whiskey more then five times. I tell her she can talk to me but she says it doesn’t matter. Like she doesn’t matter…
She does to me, she’s one of the most understanding people in my life. I can tell her everything and she will listen and comfort me when needed. She will never tell me to man up or to stop whining. I don’t have to be strong with her. I can just be me.
I want her to be herself with me too. I want her to know she doesn’t have to hide behind that mask for me. I wanna see all of her and I wanna tell her that I love all of her, despite what she has lived through.
Because Y/n, she’s the one for me. She’s the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen with her Y/E/C and her Y/H/C hair that I wanna run my fingers through.
But I never told her, too scared to ruin what we have. Too scared that I will lose her…
“You’re giving me that look again Dean” her sweet voice breaks me out of my thoughts.
“Sorry what?” I shake my head and try to remember what she just said.
“You’re staring at me again, in that weird way”
“Oh, sorry I was just thinking” I feel my ears burn hot, like I got caught trying to steal a cookie from the jar.
“Don’t hurt yourself” she chuckles before she continues “Thinking about?” she asks me.
“About” I have to think of something to say that won’t freak her out “the first time we met” it’s not a complete lie…
“Oh yes, it’s been a while right? Five years now?” she wonders “I was so reckless” she scoffs to herself. Like the memory of that time embarrasses her.
“You were” I say, remembering the way she was tied to that chair in the middle of a vamp nest.
“Playing bait without back up is a suicide mission.”
“Hey, I knew what I was doing!” she defends herself. But I caught that dark glimpse in her eyes.
I’ve seen it a few times in her eyes. It gives me shivers when I see it. I want to know what it means.
“Were you, really?” I keep the playful tone out of my voice, an invitation to dive deeper into her feelings if she wants to talk about it.
She sighs deep and tears her gaze away from mine to look at her coffee cup. Her fingers playing with the white top lid.
“I was like… forty precent sure that I could get out” she starts “If you and Sam hadn’t showed up…”
My heart clenches painfully in my chest and my stomach turns. So my suspicion all these years was true. She wasn’t actually trying to stay alive…
“Why would you do that?” I breathe out. Still shocked at her confession. It’s the first time she opens up and I hope she won’t deflect me.
“I was tired” her bottom lip starts to quiver. It takes everything in me to not reach over and still it with my thumb.
“I was so lonely” she continues “I had been hunting alone for eight years. I barely felt human” a tear rolls down her cheek while her fingers continue toying with the cup. “Eight years of nothing but disgusting motels, death and whiskey”
“Why didn’t you find a partner? So you weren’t alone anymore?” I asked her.
“Do you know the story of that hunter” her eyes look up at me, and I freeze. Her eyes are so cold, void of emotion “Timothy was his name”
I shake my head ‘no’. There are so many hunter stories, some are true, others are not, some are a little in between. It’s not a reliable source.
“He and his partner were hunting a wendigo” she takes a deep breath before she continues “they had been tracking the thing for seven days until they found it, deep in the woods, hiding in a cave”
I wanna reach over and take her hand, to let her know I’m there for her. But I’m afraid she will stop when I do. So I don’t move.
“They fought hard and were able to kill it, but Timothy was hurt bad, there was no way he could make it out of the woods” she swallows hard “So his partner put him down, like a dog, not even trying to help him.”
My breath gets caught in my throat, because I do remember the story. I heard it years ago, in the roadhouse from Ash.
“The heartless huntress” I say in the eerie silence that fills the car, “I heard this story before”
“Many did” she sighs “That was me”
“What?” I say dumbfounded. It couldn’t be, Y/n wasn’t super good with people but she would never kill someone…
“I put him down like a dog” she looks ahead of her now, gazing at nothing “No one seemed to care to mention that I dragged him two days through the woods, that I tried s-so hard” her voice breaks as a sob burst through “so hard to save him. That he begged me to kill him but I couldn’t because I-“ another sob and she puts her face in her hands.
“I-I loved him”
I can feel the tears running down my face, I can’t image what she has been through. Imagining if it was me and her, and I had to kill her… I wouldn’t be able to do it.
“Y/n… I am so sorry” I couldn’t think of anything better to say, no words were able to soothe that kind of pain. Not ever.
“Ever since then, no one wanted to hunt with me, because I don’t have a heart anymore.” She sighs “Not that I wanted a partner. I swore I would never have another partner ever again”
She lifts her head and looks at me.
“Until I met you” a little smile forms on her tear streaked face “You made me see the light again. You filled that deep dark hole inside me, you gave me a family and a home. You gave me a life”
I get up and move over the front seat. She doesn’t object when I move in behind her, positioning her between my legs. She turns over and snuggles in my chest as I wrap my arms around her.
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that” I mutter against her hair. Placing a kiss on the crown of her head.
“I know I don’t say a lot about myself. I was just so scared you and Sam would figure out it’s me. That I’m the heartless hunter and that you would kick me out.” she sniffles in my chest.
“We would never do that, you’re our family sweetheart” I cup her cheek to be able to look in her eyes “I- We love you” I say with a trembling voice. I almost let it slip.
I couldn’t… she might still love him. I don’t want to drop my feelings on her if she isn’t ready.
She’s looking at me, with her beautiful Y/e/c eyes.
“I know you love me” she whispers, her face is so close to mine that I can feel her breath fanning over my skin.
“W-what?” how does she know? Am I this obvious?
“Sam let it slip once… and you stare a lot” she says with a little chuckle.
“Oh…” great, so she knows my feelings… I feel my face heat up from embarrassment . “Y-yeah…”
She moves a little more up and presses her lips to mine in the most shy and innocent way. Carefully I kiss her back, my arms wrapping tighter around her.
She breaks the kiss before it gets too heated and a single strand of salvia is what keeps us connected before she licks her plumb lips.
“I love you too Dean” she whispers as her eyes flick up to mine. “You gave me my heart back”
I smile and push some loose strands of hair behind her ear and kiss her gently again.
“You own my heart” I whisper against her lips.
I pull the blanket higher and hold her close while stroking her back. We share more sweet gentle kisses and mutter loving words to each other, eventually we fall asleep in each other’s arms.
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Feedback is my fuel or buy me a coffee :D
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blueprint-han · 4 years
hi, could i please request a felix drabble + skz's song sunshine (or just the word sunshine, whatever you prefer)? ☺️
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pairing — felix x (fem) reader
genre — fluff.
word count — 1.1K (okay look this was pre written so —)
warnings — none!
notes — this doesn’t really include the word directly, but i do think it fits the vibe of sunshine pretty well, so here you go! This is an old fic that has been deleted from this site, but it’s very very close to my heart because it got me through some tough times, so i’m reposting it. So, if any of you find this fic similar in some way, hi! no, i haven’t plagiarized my own fic huhuhu i promise i’ve written this myself! hope you like it anonnie! 🥺✨
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“Hey love…” You felt your boyfriend’s deep, cheery voice hit your ears, turning around from where you were huddled in front of the television. His smile, though from so far away, was contagious. You felt a wide grin spread on your face immediately the moment your eyes landed on his shimmering ones.
“Hey…” You smiled, directing your gaze back to the interesting show of Master Chef on the TV. Felix chuckled when he noticed the show — you’d always been fond of cooking — even now, there was a tray of cookies on the centre table, which he was sure you’d made yourself.
The room was particularly cold when he walked in, and Felix immediately realised that you’d gotten too lazy to turn up the thermostat. And he would shake his head disappointingly at you, but then who was he to complain? He knew the part of the reason was that he could come home and warm you up in his embrace — and he was down for every part of it.
“How was the recording?” You rasped after he’d cheerfully plopped himself down beside you onto the couch, wrapping an arm around your shoulders to rub soft circles on your arm. The action only made you smile more — it was the “sunshine effect” as you called it. That boy was such a ball of fluff and sunshine, you found it hard to not be happy when he was around.
“It was amazing! I was satisfied with what we got today, and well—” He pulled you slightly closer to himself, letting you lie your head on his shoulder. Kissing your forehead, then the tip of your nose, then your lips — his lips flowed like caramel, sweet and delicate to touch — making a warm feeling erupt in your chest.
“I missed you.” Those three words were almost enough to make you melt from how soft you were turning by the second. That, coupled with the nothing-short-of-sincere look on his face was enough to make you keen.
Felix was so, so good with words. He could bring you to tears with just the random outbursts of confessions and the sincerity he laid with every word was so thick it could be cut with a knife. It was hard to not shower that man with every ounce of love and affection you had for him every damn time of the day, because you sure as hell wanted to.
“I missed you too.” You looked at him, tucking yourself closer into his warm embrace. Felix looked at you with irresistible loving eyes — a sight to behold, really. His black tresses had been freshly washed, you could tell; because they looked extra soft to touch. His freckles were prominent, devoid of any concealer or foundation — and it was how you preferred to look at him. 
Felix had always made it a point to never cover up his freckles when you were around — something he’d come to love because you’d always leave tiny kisses all over them, or connect them with your index finger — which, in all honestly, simply lulled him to sleep.
Felix laced his fingers with your own, gently placing a small peck to your cheek before rubbing a thumb over your knuckles. Silent actions — silent actions like these were just a thousand ways to say “I love you. You mean more than the world to me.” And you could just wish he knew that you reciprocated every one of those feelings, even if you were not that great with words yourself.
Bringing his lips to your skin, he placed a delicate peck to each of your knuckles, humming into your skin and overfilling you with love. 
“You’re a little cold…” 
“Mmm, a bit.” You sighed when he pushed the stray hairs away from your forehead. His fingers gliding against your skin was soothing in every form. Being in love was such an ecstatic feeling, but being in love with Felix had you over the clouds. He never failed to make you dizzy from his constant shower of affection, either through his actions or his words.
“Felix, you-”
“Me what?” He gave a sly smirk, knowing exactly what he was doing to you. He looked every the adorable in his teal turtleneck sweater and jet black hair.
“You always-” Slapping his chest gently, you said. “Make me so shy.” Pouting soon after.
“What if I like it when you’re shy?” His voice grew a bit deeper at the sentence; and you could see his eyes dilate as he lost himself trying to absorb your features. Something that used to happen quite often, but somehow you always grew extremely bashful when he looked at you like that.
“Wait here.” He got up from his spot and walked to the bedroom. At this point, the show was long forgotten about. You keenly waited for your boyfriend to come back , which he did in less than a minute. Carrying one of the items you wanted for a long time but were too lazy to do so.
Your pink, fuzzy blanket.
You silently eyed your boyfriend as he walked up to you, wordlessly pushing you forward a bit so that he could sandwich himself in between your warmth and the backrest of the couch. You sighed yet again feeling his torso press into your back, letting him wrap the blanket around your shoulders before tucking it around your feet — caging you in a cocoon of warmth.
You leaned back against him before fixing your gaze back onto the television. Tensing up when Felix’s hands slid under the blanket to wrap around your waist, you made a small sound of shyness as you grew more flustered by the second.
“You’re so cute…” Felix cooed, ruffling your hair before tucking it back. 
“Mmm, you’re not letting me concentrate!” You chided playfully, eyebrows furrowing and the pout on your lips more prominent.
“Do you wanna focus though?” he raised an eyebrow, though it was a statement, not a question — for he already knew the answer.
You huffed in defeat. “No… You smooth asshole!”
Felix giggled at your adorable form, booping your nose with his finger before coaxing you to look at the TV yet again.
“Then,” He said, laying tiny pecks at the nape of your neck, which led you to tip your head to the side. “You watch the show.” Nuzzling soon after, he brought his hands to gently grip at your own, rubbing them gently with his thumb once again. The sheer proximity, combined with the way Felix was warming you up — both with his actions and his body heat — made your head spin.
“And I’ll be admiring my girlfriend…”
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taglist:  @sunoo-luvs @sleepylixie ​ @baby-innie ​ @stayndays ​ @chanssecretheaven ​ @lost-midnight-flower ​ @p2q3r4 ​ @childofthecycle ​ @meiiyue ​ @deathbybigsisrory ​ @happiestgirlontheeastcoast @cuddlychrisbang
network tags; @inkidz @stayverse @districtninewriters @skzwritersclub @kpopscape
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melofanish · 4 years
Giggles, Tickles and Mumbled Love Confessions.
@carlosreyesweek Day 1: “I Love You But Stop Talking” + Fluff.
Summary:  Carlos is pretty sure he's as relaxed and happy as he can possibly get. He's had an easy shift, and a hot shower afterwards. He's on his sofa, wearing the fluffiest socks, the warmest sweatpants, and the comfiest hoodie. He's got puffy pillows and fuzzy blankets. There's lasagna in the oven, and "The Old Guard" is paused on the TV. And the man of his dreams has just popped through the front door right then.
Tags: Carlos Reyes, TK Strand, FLUFF, ALL THE FLUFF, SO MUCH FLUFF.
Warning: None Apply.
Word Count: 2059
Beta: @lire-casander​
Read on AO3
Carlos is pretty sure he's as relaxed and happy as he can possibly get. He's had an easy shift, and a hot shower afterwards. He's on his sofa, wearing the fluffiest socks, the warmest sweatpants, and the comfiest hoodie. He's got puffy pillows and fuzzy blankets. There's lasagna in the oven, and "The Old Guard" is paused on the TV. And the man of his dreams has just popped through the front door right then.
TK opens the door, work bag slung over his shoulder. His gaze is focused on the floor as he sets his duffle down and steps out of his shoes to arrange them by the shoe cabinet. Carlos can't help but notice the slick shine of TK's hair, a remnant of a shower TK must have taken before showing up to their apartment.
TK stands up then, stretching his arms over his head, chest expanding and abdomen flexing. The thin sliver of skin that appears under his shirt attracts Carlos' eyes. He gets so focused on the image of the pale skin - and all the marks he knows are hiding higher - that he doesn't realise TK has moved till he concentrates back on… a crotch… right in front of him.
He wipes his head up, wide eyes meeting TK's amused ones and massive smile.
"I- hi, he-hello!" he stutters, and TK's grin widens. His hand comes up to lay down on Carlos' damp curly hair.
"Hello, baby," TK breathes out.
That brings a smile to Carlos' face, even if he is feeling slightly embarrassed. And when TK bends for a kiss, Carlos finds that his embarrassment has diffused and he's left smiling too.
TK straightens then, moving away from Carlos, telling him he's going to change. Carlos gets up after him and heads to the kitchen, getting the lasagna and side dishes ready on plates and transporting them to the coffee table. By the time he's done and back on the sofa, TK is walking out of the bedroom. He stops by the threshold of the living room, hands crossed over his arms, and a teasing glint in his eyes.
Carlos looks up at TK, that sparkle making him both wary and giddy. TK doesn't pay his internal battle much heed, he looks at Carlos' twisted and crossed-legged form instead. Carlos looks down at himself too. Finding nothing out of order, he looks up at TK again and finds him focused on his face. He's about to breach the silence when TK beats him to it.
"So, what did I do to deserve this gift?"
"The… lasagna? I've cooked that before, it's not that speci-"
"Not the food, Carlos," TK interrupts him halfway through his explanation.
A confused look manifests on Carlos' face as he tries to rack his mind for what the other man could mean. When his thinking yields him nothing, he looks back at TK, the question clear in his expression. TK doesn't do much except soften a tad, lick his lips, and then mumble, "You."
Carlos feels the effects of the word and the implications behind it immediately. He feels the blood rush to his face and swears he can feel it spreading down his neck. His shoulders curl in, his knees come up, and he finds himself hiding his head between his legs before he can process the action.
TK giggles, and Carlos hears the soft padding of TK's socked feet on the wooden floor, before they get dampened even further by the carpet. He feels the sofa dip under TK's weight. And then he feels a kiss on his temple. He's about to relax and let his contracted muscles go when TK speaks up.
"Oh, I like the blush."
That sends Carlos' body on another hiding fit, something he realises his consciousness has no control over. He twists, grabbing one of the blankets that are slung on the backrest as he goes, and ends up curled on his side with half of his body covered.
TK moves with him, laughing as Carlos cowers under the flimsy fabric armour. Carlos doesn't pay him much attention, he just tucks his head deeper into the cocoon. TK shifts on top of him, and then his hands find a hole in the shield and land on Carlos' stomach.
They don't move much after that. Carlos' inhale fitting right under TK's exhale. TK's hands keep caressing Carlos' stomach and sides. The smell of the food waving through the air and surrounding them with warmth and that amazing feel of home.
TK starts to press kisses into whatever skin he can get to. Starting with the side of Carlos' arm, and then moving up to a stretch of his neck that didn't make it under the blanket. Carlos starts to relax again, but as the saying goes "fool me twice shame on me", he surely does feel the shame when he gets fooled a second time. TK gets to the highest visible point of his neck, and then says "You're pretty."
Carlos doesn't react in any way that he thinks is normal to that. He whines, turning his head further away from TK's mouth. But that doesn't deter TK.
"You're so beautiful."
Just like before, Carlos whines again, and brings his knees higher to his chest, TK's arms now held hostage between his thighs and stomach.
"You're the kindest soul I've ever gotten to know."
Carlos frowns, not that anyone can see it from under his blanket-helmet, and brings his arms up over his ears, hoping to dull the intensity of the voice and how it makes him feel.
TK doesn't speak for a while, the only sound that Carlos hears through his hand-muffs is his own breathing. He moves his hands just a tad, and then, out of nowhere, there comes a tickle.
Carlos jerks, a high-pitched whine escaping his throat as he holds onto TK's arms. TK takes the action to stick his face right beside Carlos' ear.
"The best thing to ever happen to me."
Carlos lets go of TK's forearms, hands running up to cover his ears again. And TK uses the freedom to tickle Carlos again. Which makes Carlos whine, again, and hold TK's arms. And then TK speaks into his ear.
"My strong man."
It's only then that Carlos realises what TK is doing. He can either protect his sides or his ears. And TK knows that. He lets out an obviously fake, grumbled cry, which makes TK laugh out loud before he keeps on going.
"You're magnificent, you're amazing, you're wonderful."
Carlos isn't sure what he's trying to do, but he twists anyway, trying to get away from the words or the hands. He doesn't succeed in doing either. He feels TK shift. If he were paying attention, he would have realised that TK had fixed his stance and was now bracing one knee on the sofa, and the other foot solid on the ground.
But Carlos isn't. He doesn't until he hears TK say "I want you forever" at the same time that he gets tickled. He's about to protest, ask why he's getting tickles and words together when TK breaks all hells loose. And keeps on doing both.
Carlos jerks again, legs kicking out, hands trying to catch TK's, and endless aborted giggles and gasped laughs leaving his mouth. They do nothing to stop TK. He keeps moving his hands, going from right under his ribs, to the front of his stomach, to around his navel. A nipple gets a pinch at one point too.
And as if the physical assault wasn't enough, TK doesn't stop talking either, his words marked with a noisy peck on any patch of skin he can reach.
“Marvelous.” Kiss.
“Soft.” Kiss.
“Forever,” kiss, “caring,” kiss.
“Love.” Kiss.
“Inspiring,” kiss, “terrific,” kiss.
“Kind.” Kiss.
“Fantastic,” kiss, “selfless,” kiss.
When he repeats forever a second time, Carlos hasn’t even caught half of them, but the plethora of compliments still stuns him. It pulls out short breathless no's out of him, mixed with rapid shakes of his head.
He's pretty sure they get drowned in his own grumbles and in TK's laughs though.
Eventually, after what must be no more than two minutes later but has felt like an hour to Carlos, TK stops the tickles and his hands leave his body altogether. Carlos opens his eyes and instantly registers four things.
First, that his safety fort has been kicked right off himself and the sofa. Second, that he's on his back. Third, that he's being straddled by TK. And fourth -and most importantly- that TK is holding both of his hands over his head.
Carlos looks up at TK, his wide eyes shining with shock while TK's glisten with playful ribbing, and under it all, love and adoration. TK replies with a smile, bending at the waist, and then turning to get to his ears again.
Carlos braces, knowing words are coming. He can't explain why he's having such a strong reaction tonight. He likes being complimented, especially by TK. But he's overly relaxed and emotionally vulnerable tonight, and each phrase goes straight to his soul. It's making him feel seen, appreciated, loved, precious. And it's getting overwhelming in a way he isn't used to.
"I love you," is all TK ends up saying.
Carlos can't stop the smile that takes over his face, no matter how hard he tries. He ends up with a grin that matches TK's.
"I love you, but stop talking."
TK laughs again, a long, loud laugh. One that's coming deep from his chest and has him throwing his head back, neck left bare and exposed. Carlos inadvertently finds himself laughing too. Before he knows it, TK is letting go of his hands and he collapses on his chest, hands wrapping his torso to hug him. Carlos brings his hands low, and hugs TK back, holding tightly onto the man.
"Hey, Carlos?" TK mumbles a few moments later, cheek half pressed into Carlos' chest. Carlos hums in reply.
"You know I meant everything I said, right?"
Carlos takes a deep breath. He feels TK lift his head, and lay his chin on his chest instead. Carlos looks down at TK, at the man he loves, and a shy smile comes on. He sees TK's eyes move down to linger on his lips before they look up at him again.
He knows he's being ridiculous. There's no reason for him to flush and get flustered. But it still happens. And he finds himself turning away from the intensity of TK's gaze.
TK shuffles higher, pressing a kiss into Carlos' exposed cheek, offering him silent comfort, then lays his head on Carlos' collarbone, giving him all the time he needs.
"I know… I don't doubt that, ever," Carlos says, taking another breath. "It's just a lot."
TK seems to take a moment to ponder over his words, before asking, "How come?"
And that, Carlos knows the answer to that. He thinks he's known he'd be led here that day under the rain almost two years ago when he caught sight of the new green-eyed New York firefighter.
"No one has ever loved me the way you do. And I haven't loved anyone the way I love you."
The confession is mumbled, but TK hears it all the same, if the smile pressed into the crook of his neck is anything to go by.
"I feel the same, you know. I didn't even know love could feel this way till I met you."
Carlos is sure that no words will convey how he feels about that, so he cranes his neck and claims TK mouth instead. They exchange soft kisses, never meant to go beyond just sweet, little pecks that seek a connection.
They stay there, trading lazy kisses and affirmations of love till Carlos' stomach lets out a mean grumble. TK snickers at the sound, but moves all the same, allowing Carlos to shuffle up to support his back on the armrest of the sofa, while TK turns around to lay his back on Carlos' chest.
They grab the slightly cold lasagna, not that they really mind, and the side dishes, dumping a decent load on each of their plates, before they somehow find a position comfortable enough to eat, watch the movie and stay nestled into each other.
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hongssami · 4 years
#97 “When did you get a key to my apartment?” + seungmin @missinghan
// seungmin hot i will not shut up about this, neighbor au yayayayay, frenemies au
“hey, y/n don’t you think-” seungmin wrinkles his eyebrows when he’s met with an empty living room.
“in the kitchen, sleeping beauty!”
huffing, he waddles his blanket covered self over to the kitchen where he immediately sees your back to him and a fresh cup of coffee on the tiny kitchen table he had. “don’t you think you should let the owner of the house know that you have plans-”
“i’ve hear this every saturday, seungmin.” you rolled your eyes and he openly returns the gesture when you turn to face him. “sit. i made breakfast. you’re welcome.”
“did you turn on the ac too? gee, thanks.” he sniffs, hugging his blanket tighter as he sits across you. “when did you get a key to my apartment anyway?”
you shoot him a deadpan glare mid-sip from your own cup of coffee.
“ah,” he leans fully on the backrest of the seat, instantly regretting it when the ac makes itself known to his exposed neck. shivering, he asks, “chan sent you, didn’t he?”
you hum, abandoning the table and adjusting the ac. “i can’t believe i agreed to this.”
“you just wanted to use my coffeemaker, didn’t you?” he laughs a bit, honestly kind of amused how you noticed him shivering and adjust the ac to his liking. shedding his blanket cocoon, you’re blessed with a sight you’re not yet ready to acknowledge that sends butterflies aflutter in your stomach.
kim seungmin, in his bedheaded, bespectacled glory, is looking at you in his plain white shirt that has no reason to look that good on him. he’s not even purposefully showing any arm!
“what, you expect me to willingly come here to gape at your face at 7 am on a saturday?” how very dare he be sick and still come for you like this.
he smirks at his plate of pancakes and you swear to god you want to collapse right then and there. “isn’t that what you’ve been doing all this time?”
send a number from 1 to 100?
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34 for the prompts, with Allura
34: “You come to my room and wake me up at 4 am, to cuddle?”
i’ll stay in my corner and cry
Also, let’s assume that in space they have the same time measurements as on Earth.
A skill to fall asleep anywhere, in any position, and with any noise in the background was simply a part of being an Altean alchemist. As early as during the student days, it was necessary to learn how to use any available moment to the fullest and get as much sleep as possible in between shifts, endure the never-ending partying behind the cardboard wall, and ignore the roommate who quite vocally revised her formulas for a test next week. Having moved to her own place, a modest one-room apartment, with barely enough space for her and Kova, she would expect for things to become easier, but in reality, she did not spend much time there, due to constant trips and expeditions. After spending three nights without sleep, investigating loose subsurface rocks in the north, Honevra dozed off without any concerns for the deafening roar of the engine and did not stir even in particularly dashing turns and bumps. Sometimes her reports were slightly crimpled, with stains from the energy drinks and dried spots of drool, as she slept like a log right on the desk.
Strangely enough, it seemed like Zarkon was finding this habit of her entertaining. She began to wake up in a comfortable bed instead, without any recollection of how she got there and actually took off her shoes and glasses. Once as she had not yet completely fallen asleep, she felt through the slumber, how carefully she was embraced and lifted from her workplace. Zarkon himself was a soldier, and a paranoiac hence could rest soundly only beside her.
Was it the work stress, the all-consuming responsibilities of the royal representative, age, something else – yet lately more often than not Honevra was suffering from insomnia. She was no fool, she was aware that the generals did not approve of their great lord marrying a commoner. They wanted to get rid of her.It seemed like paladins liked her, especially so after Zarkon, drunk with joy, had been singing the folk songs at the top of his lungs at their wedding, just to please her. Except for Alfor. No, of course, as the embodiment of diplomacy, he was nothing but friendly, however, Honevra caught his tense unreadable gaze more than once or twice. Nevertheless, he was always cordial and friendly, smothering her with kisses in greetings, and while inviting Zarkon to visit him, he never forgot to extend his invitation to her separately.
That did not lessen her neurosis, maybe even fueling it further. Therefore, picking up the soft thud of the door being opened, Honevra instantly jumped off the bed, clutching a dagger in her hands. She did not go to bed without it under her pillow, and it was a betrothal gift from Zarkon. Galra attached huge importance to struggle and strength of body and mind, and Zarkon made sure that if needed, she would be able to hold her own.
In the hallway, in a distant lilac light from the corridor, stood the princess. Barefoot, in a nightgown, with loose hair – a wavy mane flowing below her waist.
“What happened?” Honevra pushed the blanket back, prepared to act fast at the slightest hint of danger.
Friends had been staying with them for a week already, but that evening they had received a distress signal, a cry for help, and her husband, along with Alfor, set off in their lions into the night. If someone dared to try and take advantage of their absence to cause any harm to the little princess, they would regret it. Oh, Honevra would take care of that.
The princess bit her lip and shifted from one foot to another.
“Are there any ghosts?” she muttered under her breath.
Honevra’s expression softened a bit, and she dropped the dagger, pretending that she was fluffing the pillow. Frankly, she was pretty annoyed to end up as a designated babysitter, and she could not find the right way to approach the princess. On the one hand, there was a person of royal blood in front of her, and Galra were pretty serious about status and hierarchy, but on the other, here and now Honevra was a queen-consort herself. Besides, the princess was only a child.
Honevra got reminiscent of her early days on Daibazaal. It was difficult to get used to the high ceilings and pointed structures, to deep dark colors and military austerity, borderline asceticism.
After a reserved nod, the princess trotted to the bad and ducked under the blanket, building a cocoon. Despite the fact that the bed was wide and had just enough room for five, she settled right at her side, wheezing tranquilly. Watching her fiddling from the corner of her eye, Honevra grabbed the watch from the nightstand.
“You come to my room and wake me up at 4 am, to cuddle?”
Well, it was unlikely that she would get any more sleep tonight.
“Your father will return before you know it. You won’t even have time to miss him.” She forced out awkwardly, lost as to how to comfort her.
Whatever said, it would be lies, obviously, as the little princess missed her father dearly already, otherwise she would not have come running to the only Altean in the whole palace. Even if Honevra did not feel like one of them anymore.
“When I grow up, I’ll pilot the Red Lion,” she quietly confessed.“If I am allowed to mention, it takes a lot of courage to pilot the Lion. How can it be someone who’s afraid of ghosts?” teased Honevra.“I’ll be like father. I’ll defend the universe. Together with the future prince. Or the princess.”
Honevra glanced at her, but the effect of her raised eyebrow was lost on the naiveté.
“Father told me a secret, that you’ll have a babe.”“A son,” she said with certainty, “the prince”.
Allura squawked with delight.
“Can I?”
Still a little dumbfounded and amused, Honevra rose on the bed, leaning on the headboard. Her condition was not yet evident, and she had not told anyone, not even her husband, but Alfor, perhaps, felt a lump of new energy beneath her heart.
A warm tiny palm pressed against her abdomen. Allura closed her eyes, her nose wrinkled in concentration. The marks on her cheekbones were gleaming a baby pink. Honevra could not remember when was the last time her own marks glowed. It haunted her, a creeping feeling that each day they were getting darker, sharper. Physical appearance was not of any significance for her, but it was something more and it worried her. As a matter of principle, she did not shapeshift to blend into Galra, she was not going to try to hide her heritage, nor be embarrassed by it.The dim marks, however, was yet another step away from Altea.
When Zarkon peeked into her chambers, in his smoke-smeared armor, with a tattered cloak, with a tired face, covered in scratches and little burns – but safe and sound – he found his wife abstractedly combing Allura’s hair with her fingers. The girl and the cat, a tangle of legs and tail and fur, snuffled faintly in her shoulder.
His face beamed, and he wore an oafish grin as he crept up to them, tiptoeing so as not to disturb the sleeping beauty. Leaving a soft kiss on the top of her head, he sank down beside her, using the nightstand as the backrest, and stretched his lengthy legs out.
Soon Alfor appeared in the doorway too, out of breath in a search for his daughter. Their eyes met, and Honevra put a finger to her lips, urging him to stay quiet. Zarkon gave out a big snore in agreement and slipped off the nightstand onto the edge of the bed.
Alfor squinted and laughed silently.
After listening to the report on how exactly they have managed to capture one of the intruders, a well-known enemy of the Empire, Haggar orders to throw the girl into the prison cell until further directions.
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xcamay · 8 years
Stray kitty.
Kinda a YouRiko future fic?
Where is she ... She should be here, what is she doing ...
Riko's grip tightens around the steaming cup of hot chocolate as she glances through the window, wincing. It is snowing pretty hard again today. So much that she can't even discern the street lamp which lights up the entrance of the apartment block ; the street lamp which is only a few yards away from the window she is peering through.
You-chan, where are you ...
Riko bites her lips the moment she unlocks her phone in order to look at the time : 18:28. Usually, on the days You does not drive herself to work, she comes back home around 18:10. It may be snowing really hard, yes, and Riko may have told her to be very careful on her way back, but she was not expecting her to come back that late. And, as Riko sips her hot chocolate, You is not even back.
If something had happened, she would have called, right?
But, what if she can't call me?
She starts pacing around the living room again, holding the cup in one hand while she uses the free one to stroke the flannelette rug folded on the backrest of the couch, absent-mindedly. It's You's favorite : it is gray with white stars all over it -stars which draw a dolphin. They bought it during the very first break they had during their first year in college. You has never gotten rid of it ; she even treasures it.
And Riko knows that when she will come back home, You is just going to slump down on the couch, wrapped up in the soft blanket she really likes. And she will eventually tug on Riko's sleeve until the latter gives in and accepts to spend the entire evening cuddling with her-
Riko snaps out of her reverie when she hears the door creaking, just like it does every time someone enters the apartment. She hurriedly places the cup of hot chocolate on a wooden chest of drawers and grabs the rug, rushing to the entrance- Only to be met with a very unexpected sight : You, still in the doorway, hair dripping wet, just like her coat, pantyhose and denim shorts. She does not have her beanie and gloves on anymore, and is shaking like a leaf.
"Y-You-chan!" Riko almost yells, eyes widening when she notices how red the tip of You's nose is, how purplish-blue her lips are, "Goodness! You're freezing!"
"R-Riko-chan ..." You slowly utters, teeth chattering, while Riko starts cocooning her in the rug, worried.
"Why the hell are you-"
"W-wait ... R-Riko-chan ..."
Riko curiously looks at her lover, who lets the rug fall on the floor before showing her the ball of fabric she is holding in her hands reddened by the frosty weather. Riko removes the navy blue beanie, before loudly gasping when she discovers a small, soaked and cold kitten tucked in her lover's gloves.
"H-here ..."
Riko instantly nods and tries to get the unmoving animal out of the wet gloves as quickly -and gently- as possible, before wrapping the kitten up in the rug.
After placing the kitten in front of the working heater, grabbing a towel in the bathroom and carefully wrapping it in the towel instead of soaking the rug, Riko was able to take care of her chilled girlfriend. She seized You's warmest pajamas, another towel, and let the clothes in front of the heater too while she helped You dry her hair. She then helped her put the pajamas on, hugging her whenever she felt too cold. Finally, she brought You their feather blanket, bundling her up.
"Riko-chan, y-you're amazing ..." You smiles as Riko places on the coffee table a new cup of hot chocolate -You's favorite drink in winter.
She is still shivering, but she feels warmer than before. And all this thanks to Riko, who has just sat right next to her, pulling her into a side hug despite the cover between them.
"You were frozen, silly!"
"I-I couldn't let this k-kitten freezing to death ... I know y-you love cats an-and that you would have s-saved this cu-cutie pie too ..."
Riko's gaze considerably softens, and she presses a loving kiss under You's bangs. She then reaches for the cup and lets You grab the handle not to get burnt. Another peck on the swimmer's damp hair, and Riko gets up, before crouching down next to the animal. She heaves a sigh of relief when she sees the kitten's colored sides raising at each breath.
"Thank goodness you're alive ..." Riko murmurs as she rubs her hands together in order to make them warm.
The sound causes the kitten's black and orangey brown ears to twitch, before grayish green eyes flutter open when Riko switches the towel and the rug. She takes the kitty in her gentle hands before wrapping You's favorite rug around.
"It's a little girl," Riko smiles as she tenderly starts massaging the small feline, earning a purr after few seconds. "And it seems like she's a calico cat."
"Really?" You sips the mug of hot chocolate before gently placing it back on the table in front of her. "Can you bring her here?"
The dark red haired girl nods and takes the rug with her as You opens the cover, welcoming Riko and the kitten right next to her. Riko can barely sit that You has already put a part of the blanket around her shoulders ; and she is already cuddling her, head resting against her own.
"She's lucky you found her ..." Riko keeps rubbing her thumb behind the kitten's tricolor head.
She feels You nodding her head right next to her and watches her as she starts caressing the baby feline under the chin, and both their smiles widen when the purring grows louder.
"Look Riko-chan! Her muzzle is entirely brown!" You carefully pats the kitten's wet nose, before the latter rubs her own head against You's fingertip, silently asking for more petting. "Say Riko-chan ... Can we keep her?"
At these words, the golden eyed beauty can't help but snort. She saw it coming, really. But before she can even give her answer, You is already arguing :
"I'll wake up early tomorrow to buy everything she needs, I promise. And she'll be an indoor cat, so our balcony will be enough! And-"
"Yes," but You does not hear it, earning a roll of eyes from Riko.
"-I'll go buy everything she needs when we run out of it, and I won't buy squeaky toys because they're just too unbearable and-"
"Do you have a name in mind?"
"Eh?" You blinks, before realizing what this questions means. She brightly smiles, already hugging her laughing girlfriend. "Thank you Riko-chan!"
(after long minutes of research ...)
"What about Eiry?" You beams while shoving her mobile phone in Riko's face, a web page open with several names written in single file. "It's Welsh, it means snow, and it's super cute!"
Riko arches an eyebrow, a sweet smile on her face though. She gently scratches the kitten behind one of her ears, eliciting another loud purring. "You want her name to mean snow because you found her in the snow?"
You chuckles and soon joins in the petting again, "Yeah. And even if you don't know that Eiry means snow, it still fits her, right?"
As Riko approves with a nod of her head, Eiry extends a small paw in front of her, her purring intensifying as she closes her dark grayish green eyes.
"Welcome to the family, Eiry!"
If you want to know how does Eiry looks like, it’s the 1st kitten pic here (’A typical calico’) Thanks for reading! :3
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