#just don't wanna be putting this into the ship tag
whentheynameyoujoy · 2 years
i really enjoy your takes on hotd and i was curious to hear your opinion on daemon and rhaenyra and their dynamic
Now that the season’s over I finally know what I think and can answer this.
TLDR, it’s not for me. I’m meh about the ship in the book, it held some promise in the show which got resolved in the final episode, and by that point I didn’t even care all that much because fandom morphed Daemon into this adoring malewife servant to his girlbossyasqueen which is a) so OOC, and b) so flat and boring.
Spoilers for HOTD and mild spoilers for Fire and Blood below the cut.
So the reason why I’m not into the ship in the book is twofold. One, the way it develops or rather concludes. And two, the most charitable argument for the relationship being genuine is that Rhaenyra’s got a major case of unrequited love. The book just doesn’t give me much to work with.
For a while, the show!ship kept my interest because it danced around the question, “Just how far will Daemon go in hurting the people around him to advance himself?” This season showed him as an unscrupulous man who pulls some extreme stunts but stops short of going 100% in opposition against his blood relatives. He’s an entitled baby-man lashing out and wanting to elicit a response, not a calculated schemer working towards a goal. There’s this conflict in him in that he desires the status, unchecked power, and adulation that comes with being the heir and to be genuinely loved by those closest to him but he refuses to give up one for the other and as a result ends up without either. This btw parallels Rhaenyra who also isn’t suited for the restrictive position of the heir or the queen but clings to it as a proof that the father who neglected her for 14 years might care after all, and as a result waltzes from one fuck-up to another.
Applied to Rhaenyra, the question then becomes, “Well does Daemon have feelings for her, or does he see her as his meal ticket?”
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I mean, “character uses another character to his own ends, catches fee-fees in the process, hilarity ensues,” is a pretty big trope for a reason, and the night out on the town illustrates this tension rather well. No matter if his motivation was to remove Rhaenyra as the heir, or simply make himself a pest to Viserys again, there’s no denying that his actions were designed to damage Rhaenyra, first by destroying her confidence and then ruining her reputation. The interesting thing about this is that he eventually stops, too late to prevent the scandal, yes, but soon enough not to irreparably hurt Rhaenyra’s feelings by pumping and dumping her. He may taunt Viserys that it’s better for Rhaenyra to punch her V card with him but when push came to shove his dick went on strike he didn’t actually think so.
So the solution to his ostracizing changes from “remove Rhaenyra from succession” to “marry Rhaenyra”. And for a while it works. He’s got it made, there’s no tension anymore—Rhaenyra adores him and he will end up king consort. There’s no need for him to choose between love and the ultimate status. But you as the viewer still can’t be sure what the exact nature of his feelings for Rhaenyra is, precisely because he doesn’t have to choose.
And then in the final episode he does. When confronted with the choice between prioritizing his wife’s wellbeing and respecting her complicated views about her inheritance, or pursuing his own advancement, he picks the latter, twice. If he feels something for Rhaenyra, those feelings play a second fiddle to the Iron Throne.
And that circles right back to why I didn’t care for the ship in the book. It’s one-sided and the show’s keeping it that way.
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iamhereinthebg · 7 months
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Some funflower trio doodles :DD
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1pcii · 8 months
oh, you like the idea of zolu or find the fancontent cute but can't bring yourself to ship it because you HC Luffy to be aroace? (ignoring that asexuality and aromantisism exist on a spectrum. and that QPR's/relationship anarachy are a thing). should we tell everyone??? should we throw a fucking party???
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collectorcookie · 2 months
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hello i offer you romarriche princess carrying merold. have a good day.
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unsurebazookacore · 3 months
hot take, mike and el arent in love, because they are fourteen
well i guess mike is fifteen but still like as someone who has been fourteen/fifteen
D. ALL OF THE ABOVE (the answer is D by the way)
"I knew right then and there in that moment that I loved you" MY ASS
#byler#mike wheeler#like i truly need to stress this so much this is NOT mileven hate like this is putting any like feature or fact about their dynamic aside#they are children#and yes i know there are people who meet their partners when they're young kids childhood friends to lovers is a trope for a reason#but no one NO ONE (or at least statistically very few people cuz i know my ass was not)#is making for real love declarations at Fourteen (or Fifteen humor me)#and “oh rey then how can you ship lumax-” LUMAX HASNT SAID I LOVE YOU YET#LUMAX IS THE MOST ACCURATE DEPICTION OF AN EARLY TEENAGE ROMANCE IN THE ENTIRE GODDAMNED SHOW BECAUSE THOSE MOTHERFUCKERS ARE SO AWKWARD#AND ITS ADORABLE#AND THATS IT#THEY HAVENT EVEN KISSED SINCE SEASON 2#YOU WANNA KNOW WHY??#BECAUSE THAT'S REALISTIC#BECAUSE THEY ARE KIDS AND KISSING IS GROSS#listen im not saying this with the intention that ohh kids are immature they dont know what true feelings are blah blah blah#kids have feelings no shit#but esPECIALLY when it comes to mileven it seems so goddamned performative#like it FEELS like they both just watched a bunch of romance movies and are now mimicking whatever they've seen the adults in those movies#(who are supposedly in love) do#like watch lucas's talk with max in the back of the like trailer thing where he tells her he wants her to stop pushing him away watch that#and then tell me mike's aMaZinG AnD drAmaTiC LOvE cONfESioN doesnt sound formulaic as fuck#like you wanna know how a teenager makes a love confession#they say smth emotionally vulnerable; want to die after saying the emotionally vulnerable thing; and then tell a shitty joke to salvage it#not “I don't know how to live without you. I feel like my life started that day we found you in the woods” no fucking teenager says that#and that is why lumax is as mr mclaughlin said himself: “real love”#damn i kinda cooked with the tags on this one#(also fun fact i learned that tumblr has a tag limit by making this post which is why half of the tags are at the 140 character limit)
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aithusarosekiller · 7 months
This is on my tiktok but I wanted to post it here too bc it's really been bugging me
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The caption essentially said that if I see a characterisation I don't like (I used the example of big buff alpha remus) I just scroll because clearly the content was made for someone else and I'm not the target audience
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lovestruck-lamb · 5 days
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hey, uh- there's something off with my copy of the Dragon Ball manga. This panel looks different from what I remember...
[panel redraw, original under the cut]
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radiobelle-bitxch · 7 months
I know I made this account to simp about Charlastor, but I've also been thinking a lot about the possibility of Alastor bonding with the other residents in s2, like probably by accident, or maybe trying to manipulate them and catching feelings about it, and I started to think about what things he could possibly bond over with them:
Angel Dust: You know? I can see them finding some commonality on hating the Vees, after all, before Charlie, Angel was in the (not really) privileged position of being privy to their mean girls drama 24/7, and I doubt he has a good opinion on Vox and Velvette, and Alastor could try to fish information from him, and he can be petty enough to reveal how Vox was before he presented himself as the composed (lol) ceo is now, and this is more of a hc territory, but since their deaths weren't as far apart as others, who knows? Maybe in life, Angel knew or heard about Al, either his radio or serial killer persona? And we know Alastor's ego would love that :P
Vaggie: While I don't believe she trusts him 100%, the finale song shows her being glad that Alastor didn't die, so maybe her opinions has already shifted a little? We know Alastor values the art of war, or at least of combat, and wouldn't it be cool if s2 had a training session where both of them being the more experienced in the battlefield try to train the others? Vaggie can teach them how to fight with melee weapons against angels specifically, and Alastor can try and teach them more hands-on combat, maybe straight-up how to use their demonic powers, maybe even a training sequence of the two giving a demostration? The tentative bonding could start from there.
Lucifer: Since they're gonna be roomies from now on, I really want to see them being like sitcom arch-nemesis for a while, just doing little things to annoy the other, until something happens and maybe they have to work together, I wouldn't necessarily want them to be besties afterwards, but it could be like for Charlie's sake, they could try to be civil at least in front of her.
Husk: I admit I'm not sure if bonding with him is possible given their master-servant relationship and that glare Husk gave him when he came back talks volumes that he couldn't give less of a shit if Al dies, and who can blame him? The best I can think that could happen is if Husk starts noticing Alastor changing, he's good at reading people, so perhaps he starts noticing how Al seems more... genuine? Perhaps in his own backwards and creepy way he starts treating them a little better, and depending on where Husk's character goes in s2, he may try to confront him about it or keep it to himself until later idk
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Alright everyone, I've done it
I made a tally of Dan vs. Phil that delves into the truth of ALL OR NOTHING— what kind of difference did it make? Who suggested it more? Who is the true winner of Dan vs. Phil?
What you find may not be what you expect, but I promise you that the truth is there, waiting for you to discover it
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janiedean · 1 day
nothing like seeing people still saying jon/ygritte was an abusive rship in my *recommended* posts in the year of the lord 2024 anyway I had missed instant blocking people just scrolling the dashboard
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wereh0gz · 9 months
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missholoska · 8 months
What does the tag safeutdr mean?
you can read about it in this post by the person who came up with the tag!
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izzy-b-hands · 10 months
Stoned, working myself up to do my T shot (where's Roach to do it for me when I need him?), and instead of getting that done I wrote this thing* instead.
*thing here meaning a more passiveish voice from Ed's POV mini fix it, focusing on Ed's feelings and thoughts and grief and regret in the immediate Izzy being saved but still in early recovery period. Blackhands with the vaguest hint of potential steddyhands.
Please forgive any formatting errors; I'm publishing this on mobile (and will get this up on AO3 too at some point.) I'll try to check later on desktop and address any errors though.
He hasn't washed his hair yet. 
He will, eventually. 
But as long as Izzy's blood is in his hair, there's proof that it's all real. That it happened, and that Izzy is still there and breathing.
It was a very, scarily close call, per Roach. 
But Izzy is alive. Wounded, hurting, but thus far seemingly on the mend. He spends most of the days resting on the ship (anchored near the little island that holds the rundown house they want to make into an inn. As soon as Izzy is better, at least.) The nights, as Jim, Archie, and Frenchie relay it, are harder. They take turns staying up with Izzy, apparently, when he can't sleep. 
He offers to take a turn, be added to the rotation. He means it in genuine goodwill, and out of fear that Izzy might still slip away in the night, somehow. 
Jim's knife is at his throat before he can blink, and that's answer enough. 
There's a lot of blame. Fair blame, but no easier to bear. On himself and Stede for not checking Ricky over for weapons, for having Izzy and others more or less lead the charge when it should have been them. 
On himself, for not moving from Izzy's right away, to let Roach in to work to save him. It hadn't been a conscious choice, though he can't seem to get any of them to understand it. 
Roach had shoved him aside just as he'd caught the glimmer of the ring around Izzy's scarf. And it had made him pause, still in the way, as he had realised he wasn't sure where his matching ring was (with a tiny but pretty amethyst stone.) Rings they'd exchanged years ago now, despite never clearly labeling what they had.
Stede's used the term ‘husbands’ when they've talked in the nights since the escape. To clarify and make sure they're settled on the same page about each other and Izzy and how they're going to proceed. It feels the most fitting word, but it hurts the worst. 
The ring, he thinks, is still somewhere among what little loot they didn't toss or sell. He wouldn't have gotten rid of it, no matter what. He thinks he knows at least that much about himself for sure. 
If he finds it; when he finds it; it might be thin enough to thread into a braid in his hair, or fit over the fabric when he wears Stede's scarf. 
He wants to be wearing it when he sees Izzy again. Not when Izzy is sleeping and unaware of his visits during the day, but awake and maybe willing to talk. 
To let him apologise, practice in action, because if anyone would let him treat their apology as ‘practice’ it would be Izzy. Just so long as he knows it's real this time. 
He fidgets in the wooden chair near Izzy's cot, threading his fingers together, knowing they're clean, but still seeing only Izzy's blood on them. 
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here are the other LOSERS I'm considering to f/o😒 /lh /silly
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I'd ship them both with kazumi bc she's my main girl and yk what? her milkshake does bring all the boys to the yard🥛 (I need to be sedated)
I've always wanted to fuck him. there I said it😐 when I first got into the show and started selfshipping I was like "tee hee maybeee" but then I got stressed w life and the morals of proshipping and I already felt bad for f/oing z.enitsu bc I'd eventually outgrow him-🤦🏽‍♀️
It was a whole thing but fuck it, if z.enitsu can have n.ezuko (I don't really ship it lmao but you get my point) then kazumi can have g.enya. equality🤝⚖️
In canon, they bond a little over their unique ways of fighting demons and maybe do some target practice. They're not besties, but they're chill. G.enya would've been more likely to approach kazumi than early t.anjiro that's for sure (leave his tooth alone sir😭)
In my modern au they're closer. I think they struggle over maths together, kazumi joins the gun club (idk what it's called) and they fight sometimes for fun<3 boys will be boys or whatever💕
Again... I've always wanted to fuck him😔 but with him I was like "girl he already has all these fans and you're thirsting over nitsu shim and his BROTHER!? calm down🫵🏼
but now I'm like fuck it we ball🕺
In canon, I think s.anemi roughed kazumi up a little bit (along w o.banai but that's a WHOLE OTHER POST) at her meeting with kaguya. there's tension at first, but he grows a bit of a soft spot for her after learning about her village, her little sister (I also think he thought she was a boy at first so when he learned she was girl I think he would've felt a little bad since he canonically has a soft spot for kids, girls and old people I think?) they have a strained mentor and student relationship.
like anytime they see each other he's immediately making her run drills but also shitting on her to not push herself like?? mf pick a lane😭 but kazumi appreciates it and sometimes goes to him for advice or simple conversation which he refuses to admit how much he enjoys lol. (PUSSY)
In modern au, he's still a math teacher but he's also her friends older brother👀👀 you see where I'm going w this..
listen, this whole thing was inspired by a modern au tenzen fic I read today and I've been lowkey shipping it, but I also didn't want kazumi to be left out so I said "yk what? she can fuck a teacher too. equality💪" /silly
but uh yeah ah ha ha. that's all
*dies cutely*
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
Okay I've been thinking about the lil cute therian fic I've been writing, and I think I know how I wanna end it and it's like. Very much self indulgent not really accurate to the mechanisms canon and way too cute but the thing is I can do whatever I want forever so I think Im gonna do it (I'm only like idk 1/3 done tho so don't get too excited fjdnfjndn)
#okay like im gonna spoil it in tags#this is my warning there will be nothing else in the tags#so basically in the fic youre a dog that got kidnapped by the mechs with a bunch of your coworkers#a heist just for fun and to kill some random people out of boredom#but you survive on the ship bc you hide#but then Tim finds you and at first jonny tells him to kill you like the rest#but tim is like. hold on. that person is not a human i dont think. i don't wanna kill an animal#and jonny is like this is stupid. but whatever. were gonna put it back on earth were not keeping it timothy#and thats pretty much all i have for now#but then you just kinda. hang around on the aurora while youre going back to earth and you meet a few of the other mechs#they all have different reactions to you but in the end everyone somewhat accepts that youre a dog#and i wasnt sure how to end it#one option was to just go back home and be done with this silly little adventure and go back to living a normal life as a person#but youre happy you finally met some people that accept you for what you are even if for a moment#the other option would be to stay on the ship kind of as a pet#but that felt a bit off to me because youre not a literal dog youre a human that is a dog yknow. and that feels a bit too. idk weird#but i think i got the solution#what if. you get mechanized#and your human body is replaced with an anthro dog. so you can still be a thinking person you were but with a body that makes sense#like kind of like a permanent fursuit but more metal#and yeah that doesnt make much sense in the mechs canon like thats too nice of them and ill have to think of a good reason for that#but wouldnt that be just. so cute#like thats honestly the dream#i love robots and i am a dog so. if i could get mechanized to be a steel furry id agree right away like not even think about it#kind of like in that one love robots and death episodes with the kitsune#that scene where she transforms into a robot fox is my favorite in the whole ep i think and it honestly gives me species euphoria#so yeah i think im gonna ignore canon for that one but and give the reader/mc a sweet happy ending#and now youre a doggy pirate in space surrounded by people who are okay with that!!! isnt that the best#therian#bee buzz
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blondiest · 2 years
fellow hellcheers, if you would be so kind to indulge me, reply or reblog with your top 3 ships from other fandoms. no real reason other than that i'm intrigued and very nosy.
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