#just got both trilogies for my bday
monitorchakas · 2 years
343 Guilty Spark Mega Fan Girl DUMP
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Hi welcome to my trash takes that started sometime before 2007 and has continued well into the future
Fyi: I will talk spoilers without warning for both forerunner saga and rion forge trilogy
Part 1- Bungie Era
Yes I loved 343 Guilty Spark before he got any of his big character development. I'm a huge fan of scifi robots I was also obsessing over portal and hal 9000 around this time. I defend hal 9000 too lmao read the books to find out why
He's round hes cute hes really just following protocol ok leave him alone.
I VIVIDLY remember my highschool friend being like BUT WHY DO YOU LIKE HIM??? and me responding :
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I've always been in love with the "mystery of the forerunners" especially in Halo 1 where we are just walking around this ancient beautiful place with 0 knowledge of it. Guilty Spark has always been the one connection we have to forerunners and that makes him awesome.
even before 343 industries made those (absolutely perfect amazing) terminals we knew that Guilty Spark had been alone for 101,217 years on a ring, he witnessed everyone who was susceptible to the flood die as planned.
Halo 3 Era we learn all he knows is his halo ring because his makers limited his knowledge to only about his ring thru
(which is clever mention at the end of primordium. I know bungie didn't intend it, I don't care still think it's neat) (halo 3 the ark cutscene)
He's always been interesting to me, he never meant to be evil, he's just programmed to be the way he is. He literally doesn't know any better
"Protocol dictated my response"
"Now I have only one function to help you reclaimer as I always should have done"
"The installation was my responsibility"
"I take no pleasure in doing what must be done"
P.S. I've watched the halo 1-3 cutscenes so many times that I can recite some of them word for word. Lmao
I legit made a cardboard foam version of Guilty Spark during this era (and tim dadabo saw pictures of it online!!!) Also wore a Guilty Spark dog tag to school for many days. It was confused a few times with Wheatley and sometimes I just let people think it was Wheatley lmao.
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Also NO JOKE First time I played the library (I was in middle school mind you) had a dream about walking around in the library (empty of flood) and finding a broken little guilty spark. Weird takeaway but Im convinced the universe was foreshadowing my blorbo obsession lmao
Around this time I made a Master Chief costume out of cardboard and got my helmet signed by Steve Downes. I was around 15yrs old, this was literally the greatest thing to happen to little me
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Part 2- Forerunner Saga
I really didn't expect my beloved blorbo bleebus the one skrunkly mofo that everyone else seemed to hate to get content past Halo 3's Saddest Anime Ending. Yet here we are!
Prelude: the halo 3 terminals. I definitely printed the transcript out and read them in class instead of actually paying attention in school lol I remember being obsessed with Mendicant Bias. Funny that he'd later be involved in killing Chakas...
Jan 4, 2011, 2 days before my bday, 1 day after my best friend's bday, Halo Cryptum was released. During the time before this day I was major hyped about this book. I was caught up with all previous halo books, I wanted the mysterious forerunner lore, and best of all here is the chance to get some lore of my favorite Guilty Spark.
I remember preordering this book without paying the extra amount to get it signed. I remember being very confused as to why I'd pay to have a book signed before I had read it. I'll regret this for the rest of my life.....
I absolutely adored Cryptum. I love adventure books and the beginning half is just so amazing and special!!! I remember being slightly disappointed that Guilty Spark never showed up (lol to my knowledge at the time) but the book was SO GREAT that I didn't even care. Also Chakas name was so funny at the time I had recently seen "shaka when the walls fell" - Star Trek TNG
I started stalking when the next book in the forerunner trilogy would release because I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO CHAKAS RISER AND BORNSTELLAR MY POOR BABIES also hopefully Guilty Spark will show up?? Haha!! I remember someone asked 343i in some panel if Guilty Spark had any lore in the forerunner trilogy and they responded something along the lines "we have something big planned for him but we can't elaborate"
Needless to say my hype was astronomical
I watched this video about 101,217 times:
Also hey!! Primordium is releasing Jan 3, 2012 on my best friend's bday!!!
A Great Time For Guilty Spark fan like me
I watched the first few terminals in early Dec then went on vacation and had to finish the rest later which unbeknownst to me worked nicely because this meant Id be reading Primordium and watching the halo cea terminals side by side which made me suspicious of the chakas/guilty spark connection because
Guilty Spark in the library and the maw terminal speaks VERY FONDLY of the Librarian, and Chakas also just speaks very FONDLY of her thru most of the book. Plus Chakas is revealed to be a monitor at the beginning of the book so I definitely was thinking THATS SUS!!!!
Going back to Dec I remember reading the preview first chapter of primordium on vacation at the top floor of my grandma's house by stealing neighbors internet and I don't know why I remember this so vividly I must have really enjoyed this moment
When Primordium released I spent the entire book going "Is Guilty Spark Chakas? No it can't be thats stupid" because reasons explained above and also every time a monitor would show up id think "uhh Guilty Spark???" Thought the same of Genemender lol.
Also forgot to mention: I was at first very upset that they had killed my boy Chakas like what the heck they mean saying he's a monitor How Dare They??? LOWKEY STILL UPSET
I remember being like WOW CHAKAS IS around the same age as me!!!! Which just makes his death ever more tragic.
I've said it before I'll say it again, even before the Guilty Spark reveal, I genuinely enjoyed Primordium. I like adventure books and I like character development. Walking around aimlessly on a halo ring by characters Im already in love with from the previous book is great. Also Gamelpar.... he's so absolutely great.
Remember when people started using Salty as a term? Well I found that silly and slightly annoying so I started telling anyone who would use that word "WELL THE GODS PISS SALT THATS WHY SOME ANIMALS LIVE BETTER IN SALTWATER" Nobody around me understood and my explanations only caused more confusion and I still think thats hilarious.
Anyway book ending. I immediately recognized
Because this is legit my favorite Halo 3 Guilty Spark cutscene. He looks so absolutely adorable here. Look at him!! He does a twirl!! Cuteee!!!! AAAA!!
I definitely was very happy that my earlier suspicions were correct, but very sad that my boy's human life had ended. Such conflict, much sad.
Anyway I made this 343 Guilty Spark plush this year (2012) lol
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So lets talk about primordium releasing in 2012 and renegades releasing in 2019. Do you know how long 7 years is to a nerd like me? Yes Silentium Continued part of the story, but holy shit getting spark back in the current halo timeline then waiting 7 years to continue
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I begin to understand how guilty spark felt after the halo rings were fired just waiting alone for 100,000 years just like me waiting alone for 7 years gosh this is so corny lmao
Silentium was great my favorite part was when Monitor Chakas rescued Bornstellar and said the whole "chakas could have murdered you back on erde tyrene and he didn't" because you know BEST FRIENDS SO PRECIOUS
I have lots of fond memories of listening to the forerunner trilogy audio books during long car trips. One time we were on our way to take a ferry to an island and I jokingly went "I hope they are playing the right songs" to which my brother rolled his eyes (I was referencing the merse lol). I associate a lot of my adventures with halo audiobooks and its awesome.
I remember Halo 4 came out and I thought for sure we'd see Spark when we saw the Librarian
Lol Nope. Not mad, Halo 4 is a masterpiece and I will forever miss that era of halo especially now that we have the train wrecks that are 5 and 6.
When Halo 5 came out, I didn't buy the game. I watched the cutscenes on youtube, was horrified and didn't interact with halo for about a year or so. I fell behind on the halo books. I'm still behind.
I still occasionally stalked Guilty Spark's Halopedia for that possible Primordium sequel but this was much less often than before. I was very upset at what they did to our Cinnamon roll Cortana.
Part 3- Rion Forge Trilogy
So May 11 2019... I check Guilty Spark's halopedia page because hey I haven't done this in years what the heck
and I see the Armiger...
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So after waiting 7 years. I finally got my book.... But Im almost 3 months late...
Needless to say I went that same day to Barnes and noble and bought the book. Started reading it and didn't get very far. I still had not read Smoke and Shadows so lol didn't make much sense. I couldn't find a local bookstore that had it so I got the digital copy. I hate digital copies.
I genuinely LOVED Smoke and Shadows I was very upset when they killed Cayde and its cool that Rion is Halo Wars Forge's daughter. Also FINALLY SOME EVIL SPACE CIA LORE. I hadn't enjoyed that since back when hunt the truth came out
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On to Renegades: I was so genuinely excited for this book after 7 years, we got the sequel, And what a great sequel it was.
I love how organic and down to earth these books are. It's own style not something epic and out there like Greg Bear. It's the perfect place in time for Spark to regain touch with his own humanity.
I love the relationships of all the characters! I love watching them all forced interact with Spark whether they wanted to or not (Niko sure wanted to lol)
Gonna list some highlights from the book in no particular order:
When they went to Myer's Moon and Spark sat on top of a rock waiting for the right moment to shoot a fish out of the water. You don't understand. I grew up near the ocean, sitting on top of rocks waiting for an opportunity to catch a fish (which I later released)... this is absolutely great and so oddly close to me...
When Spark compared himself to Niko, where he said something along the lines of "the life and friendships stolen from me (chakas) since he was Niko's age when he became Spark. Also him wondering if his mom and sisters ever looked for him, if they thought he died in a knife fight. My brother is now near Chakas age. So that hits differently now...
When they got their stuff back from ONI and Spark snatched up Rion from falling and him later snatching up the siblings and lecturing them to be more careful!!
Spark going back to Erde Tyrene.... holy shit. I remember him asking to go back in Silentium...
Spark telling the librarian that "the greater good is merely an excuse for the strong to make decisions for the weak"
Them doing the ritual at the end and Spark letting go of his friends....pain...
This book was definitely very special to me. I'm really glad they put so much thought and love into this redemption arc. (Even though he didn't need redemption in my eyes lol)
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I remember how EXCITED I WAS for Point of Light
I remember just doing the weirdest most EXCITED scream when I saw it announced. And I mentioned it before will repeat I legit was freaking out internally when buying this. I was legit stupid levels of excited. I remember vividly how I felt when buying this...
I loved the connections we got in point of light to forerunner trilogy. I said this before but for the sake of this post: To prepare for this book I had reread a month or so before the forerunner trilogy and the two Rion Forge books and that was so absolutely rewarding especially since..... poor Spark got sent back to Zeta halo by the librarian. What a great mom!! /s
Gonna list some highlights from the book in no particular order:
Spark's redesign for this book is not only lore accurate but he looks GREAT much better than renegades
Spark and Little Bit interacting. I wish we got more....
The as was before place or w/e where Spark liked to pretend he was still Chakas on earth
Going back to installation 07 was great (horrible for Spark) but great to read, the silent cartographer.... omg... why wasn't it in infinite...
There were a few moments where Spark was doing "cool ai stuff" like when he destroyed all of ONIs bugs and trackers
Spark's (brief) interactions with Veridity (lowkey mad we didn't see her in infinite
When Spark was explaining how Chakas (innocently) thought he could trick the primordial/mendicant bias and escape
The ending.... where Spark says goodbye to Rion as Chakas and does a smirk..
Fun Fact! At the beginning of this book Spark talks about how his mom says to not dip you toes in still water since there's crocodiles and I read this a few days before I had plans to go kayaking in a swamp with gators and I was already pretty spooked about it and this didn't help lol.
Anyway I could continue but I think this enough random incoherent babbling from me. If I forgot to add anything Ill reblog or something
Thanks for coming to my SparkTalk
Ill leave you with my custom figure of Spark ❤
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Never forget that he's baby lol
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littleragondin · 2 years
I got tagged by @petrichoraline thank you (ˇ∀ˇ)~♡
currently watching
Bad period for my general focus right now, especially after SO many good shows to start the year, but I have been keeping mostly on top of the following:
Bed Friend, to my surprise, I have been watching as it comes out. My current Hand Obsession Show
Midnight Museum, hoping that I'll manage to keep up with 2 episodes/week all the way through but the horror, June, the Bam/Triphob thing, and whatever Dome and Khatha have going on are keeping me pretty engaged so far
Chains of Heart, that somehow keeps me coming back every Saturday for some beautiful scenery (and Ken crying).
Jack O' Frost and The End of the World With You, I am always late on those two but I'm still enjoying both a lot
And Our Dating Sim, which I think I'm gonna manage to follow as it goes
As always I am an avid rewatcher so I have a few stuffs ongoing.
I'm nearly done with my rewatch of The Gifted, and getting ready to follow up with The Gifted: Graduation (had a sudden PomNon-shaped hole in my life, u know how it is  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). I uh, I am working my way through my (second) rewatch of To Sir, With Love (yes in like a month I know I know) (have always been a little obsessive, bon). And from my nearly endless "crime-of-the-week shows I can put as background at work" list, I have started a Castle rewatch.
Spring is coming (I say as we just weathered two days of snow storm) and I got myself the Cherry Magic (series + movie) DVD as an early bday gift so a rewatch of that is next. In line with the spring vibe, Secret Crush on You is officially a year old now, and it has the exact kind of unhinged but soft feel I am in the mood for so it's probably going to be my next binge after my The Gifted double feature.
looking forward to
Oof okay, I always have a ridiculously extensive "to watch" list, but here are the shows I'm probably the most excited for, old or new:
Released shows I have been too chicken to watch yet but I'll get to them this year i swear - 180 degrees longitude passes through you, I told sunset about you (and follow ups), Winter Begonia, To my star 2
Released shows I'm excited to watch, I just need to hit The Right Mood - 3 will be free (for so. long.), The Wrap Effect, Lovely Writer, Goukon ni ittara onna ga inakatta hanashi, Rainbow Prince, Koisenu Futari, Ted Lasso (now waiting for it to end before I take the plunge) and A League of Their Own
Upcoming shows (soon or not): Bokura no Shokutaku, 23.5, season 2 of Our flag means , Good Omens, AND SEVERANCE , I Feel You Linger in the Air (1920 Thailand? Time travel that's probably gonna break my heart?? sign me the fuck up), Love Upon a Time - if it gets made - (James & Net! btw, did I say I like historical and time travel?).
Ooooh and the Wish trilogy!! > Make a wish w/ Fluke Natouch (this one just looks bonkers and I am into that), Wish you luck w/ Tonnam & Title Teshin (post apocalypse?? Soft boys?? I'll be there), and Wish me luck w/ Fiat Patchata (♡) & Na Naphat (♡) (i do like a nice office romance, plus this one also has Tonnam and in GLASSES if you please!)
I'm going to tag @benkaaoi @heretherebedork @bengiyo @excessivelyobssesed @scienceoftheidiot @howdydowdy @fandomfairyuniverse @usermachikeita @sauvechouris @asdfghjklmpff if they want to! ^^
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andrea-lyn · 2 years
fic status report, since it’s been ages since I did this and it makes me feel like progress to see it laid out and talked out:
raven cycle
runaways au @ 7582 words: working on this to try and make it still work with dreamer trilogy, but basically, declan takes ronan on the run when they are young, and adam moves into monmouth instead. probably about 3k left? maybe 5k, depending on the scenes
pushing bluesey @ 6001 words: it’s pushing daisies au, but with blue as ned, gansey as chuck, adam as emerson, and ronan as both the aunts. still canonical trc powers to a degree (dreaming, psychics, battery, ghost!noah, etc.). still another 4k minimum on this baby
sick chicken @ 633 words: newest, but prob a short one. basically, adam and declan being stubborn idiots while ronan and jordan are away. probably the first to be posted after the last chapter of the assassins au is up
the terror
genie reincarnation @ 7369 words: this one keeps tempting me to be longer, but I have the scenes mapped out to where I want them, I just need a little more of the romance b-plot in there. prob another 3-4k to write
the old guard
assassins last chapter @ 4820 words: just have to polish up one last transition scene or two, then do my edits, then it’s going live with the final chapter! been working on it near daily, but tomorrow’s my bday, so going to give myself a writing break
big bang pov switch @ 5395 words: this is the switched pov of my big bang (waiter!Nicky) with Joe’s POV, so it’s not going to be big bang length. it just hasn’t been getting focus. another 2-3k and it’ll be ready, though!
outlander time traveller’s wife old guard @ 6163 words: ...look, if I finish this fic in two years, I’ll be happy. it’s plotted. it’s mapped, it’s just so goddamn sprawling, I expect it to be 25-30k when it’s done, at minimum, and that’s scaring me, so it’s been backburnered
top gun maverick
hangster much ado @ 2386: what it says on the label. I’m doing a post-canon much ado about nothing fic! no clue how long this’ll get, it’s still such early stages, but prob 8-9k
roswell new mexico
jeweller au @ 5646 words: hallmark movie style au + aliens, where alex is marrying forrest, only he’s got doubts and michael is the guy making his super special ring and falling in love with the groom. many words left. many.
also! cowrites with @christchex!
you look shitty zukka @ 0 words: ...look, as soon as I started reading the ‘ship, I knew this was coming. to be plotted, but basically, it’ll be zuko being super smooth with everyone but sokka, and it’s all just a way for me to get the ‘you look pretty’ ‘what’ ‘I SAID YOU LOOK SHITTY’ but in fic form
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wongki · 4 years
content creator year in review
tagged by: amy, @minhyukie & vic, @softhyungkyun thank you for tagging me lovelies. hope you’re having a good day. 
first creation and most recent creation of 2020: my first creation of 2020 was 5 years with monsta x postcards and wow its plain. lol it was the first thing i ever made. i don’t even know why i decided to do something i guess because it was my first anniversary with mx. now that i look back at it i’ve come pretty far. it only has 30 notes too. lol my most recent creation is a birthday set for @dashingwishes which i am actually so proud of. i love how it came out. i used so many different elements i’m excited to maybe recreate for different posts we’ll see though. 
one of your favorite creations from 2020: i.m + lyrics i love it so much. its a black color palette and the art that i used it beautiful. plus it’s the first time i made something that didn’t just involve pictures, if that makes sense. 
a creation you’re really proud of: hongjoong’s birthday edit that one i love. the colors are pretty. and it’s playful. i just love it. 
a new style you tried this year and a gifset that uses it: joohoney’s bday edit i used a paint gif that would reveal his name. was nervous it wouldn’t look good but it did! i loved it. 
a creation that took you forever: i.m x dazed just getting everything to match was difficult, especially the flowers that are on two different picutres/slides. so much trial and error for this one.
your creation from 2020 that received the most notes: young flexer’s bday edit this one really took me by surprised because i think it’s one of my “simplest” edits (its took the least bit of time) and yet it got the most notes and still is getting notes too. but that is just yoo kihyun’s power i guess, good for him :3
a creation you think deserved more notes: ateez’s second anniversary edit. it barely make 10 notes and that makes me sad because i was very excited for that one. but i’m proud of my work and that’s what matters. ^^
a new fandom you joined and a creation you made for it: i joined a couple new fandoms but i haven’t made anything new for them. big sad about that. i’m hoping to expand my horizons this coming up year. so @future me i believe in you. you got this! take risks! :D hehe
a creation you made that breaks your heart:  the 5 years with monsta x postcards for reasons. my first anniversary with mx but also without wonho. :c 
a ‘simple’ creation that you really love: this hoshi edit is relatively simple but i love it so much because it’s the second one i made and people gave me such nice responses made me want to make something every now and again.
a creation that was inspired by another one: this woozi edit was inspired by @yunhwas snooze edit she knows this but she makes great things ALL the time. i could never. 
a favorite creation created by someone else: laura, @yunhwas : favorite songs of 2020, wonho - open mind edit & monsta x edit, two of these edits she made for me. hehe thanks bro i love all your work. especially the things you make for me :p please continue to make things for me in the future. lmao just kidding i love you so much. ♡ ♡ ♡ //// vic, @softhyungkyun : violence (affectionate), follow photoshoot hyungwon set & hyungwon’s flying kisses set she gifted me these two sets and i love them both, h.one kisses are always a good serotonin boost. thank you for the gifts vic! ily! //// mädch, @kyunsies :  hyungwon—stand together (201218),  minhyuk / ‘love killa’ comeback bts, & king of instagram + photography, yoo kihyun! //// chelle, @2bosoos : now on netflix: the f trilogy, mx album redesign series, & mx + twilight zone series //// sally, @coups : mx throwback, coups bday edit, & hyungwon edit /// amy, @minhyukie : minhyuk’s firsts from 2020 & go5rae recently added to their story /// 
some of your favorite content creators from the year: @2bosoos - @brathyuck - @ckyunoirs - @coups - @ddeonghwa -  @kyunsies - @haoranghae - @hyunubear - @minhyukie - @minhyukiss  @monunivers -  @mysewoon - @nervousnotion - @psychemixtape - @softhyungkyun - @sohnkissed- @smallkore - @studioweus -  @tuanzie -  @wabisaba - @wonheons - @wonseoks - @wouyoong -   @xxcaribbean -  @yoonqiful - @yunhwas ;; i probably missed some :c but you’re all great. 
and for good measure, another a couple more creations of yours that you love: minhyuk bday edit, xu minghao the personification of art bday edit
tagging: anyone tagged above, if you want to, and anyone who wants to do this :)
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radellama · 3 years
@hellishgoat tagged me to pick 7 comfort movies.... Oh god how do I pick..
Gattaca - I must've watched it 20 times at least last year, this movie means a lot to me and I live watching it over and over jhffdddg... This is usually what I say when people ask for my favourite movie
Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan - THIS IS THE BEST STAR TREK MOVIE HANDS DOWN! (I love first contact.. and insurrection too tbh.. but you can't top the brilliance and narrative of WoK) I've started a tradition of watching this every year the night before my bday, and usually i watch it late so by the time I'm done it's well past midnight lol. This movie is everything....
Daddy Day Care - lmao this movie just cracks me up and I could quote almost everything from it. Grew up with it and it was so funny, and now that I'm older (and know the sheer amount of star trek references it has!???) It's even better
The Boy and the Beast / Summer Wars - ok they're not the same movie but they're both by Mamoru Hosoda and they're just... So good... Really brilliant animated movies and I love the characterisation and themes in these ones >:)
Spider-Man movies - bit of a cheat again but uhhhh.. I really love the Spider-Man movies? The Raimi trilogy was awesome, into the spiderverse is one of the best animated movies of recent years, and the mcu spidey is pretty fun
Animated Resident Evil trilogy - I LOVE WATCHING THESE THEY'RE SO FUNNYYYYYYYYY. what more do I need to say
Ghibli's Arriety / Castle in the Sky - ok one last cheat. Castle in the Sky is my favourite ghibli movie, it's got friendship, it's got found family, it's got floating islands... It's everything I could've wanted! It's just so sweet and it's a great movie. And Arriety because, it's such a chilled out movie and it was a huge comfort movie when I was finishing high school. The soundtrack is gorgeous and it's a quite soft and chilled out movie, I'd play it on my laptop while I was studying and it was one of the first times I'd caught myself understanding most of what was being said in Japanese without even having looked at the subtitles (and when I was an even younger kid I really liked The Borrowers, which is based on the same fable, so >:)
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zenog88 · 3 years
I got tagged by @a-madteaparty, thanks for the tag!
20 Questions
1. What do you prefer to be called (name wise)? Jonathan
2. When is your bday? In the frosty month of February.
3. Where do you live? Only the most beautiful place in the world, Alberta, Canada
4. Three things I am doing right now? Laying in bed with my dog, listening to music and answering these questions 🤣
5. Four Fandom that have piqued your interest? Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit, Pokémon, and I guess World of Warcraft
6. How has the pandemic been treating you? This is a strange question lol but it's been different. I've been better and I've been worse as well 😋
7. A song I can't stop listening to? Depends on the mood I'm in. "Wish you Were Here" by Pink Floyd is always one I could play on repeat forever
8. Recommend a movie: I don't go out and see new movies often. I'll say both the Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogys if you haven't seen them
9. How old are you? I don't answer these types of questions, get too know me better lol
10. School, University, Occupation?
Journeyman Electrican
11. Do you prefer to be hot or cold? Again it depends; if your cold you can put more layers on but you can only take off so many layers of clothes 😂
12. Name a fact others may not know about you?
13. Are you shy? Yerp...
14. Preferred pronouns? He
15. Biggest pet peeve? Treating others like your above them, or treating service staff like shit
16. Favorite dere type? ???yes or no...maybe...(I don't know what this is referring too lol)
17. Rate your life from 1-10? On the sine wave I would say I'm on the up
18. What is your main Blog? Zenog88
19. List all your side blogs and what are they for? Who makes side blogs🤨? Just one blog with EVERYTHING and anything that I like
20. Is there anything people should know before becoming friends with you? This is a loaded question, all I'll say is I'm different.
I will tag: @shinyyellowsunshines , @lunore , @wrenthechaos , @wizard1958 , @youropinionsareirrelevant , @grass-whore , @johnny-horror
Only answer if you want too 😃🙃
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Survey #315
“can’t breathe to scream  /  suffocating in this dream  /  long way down”
Who was your first big crush? I would probably say this guy in high school named Sebastian. We sat beside each other in Art, and I definitely liked him a lot. Man, my freshman-sophomore years honestly involved a handful of crushes before Jason popped into the picture and I lost all romantic interest in everyone else. Where was the first place you drove after you got your license? N/A Is it a blue sky outside right now? No. All North Carolina has known for weeks on end now is rain. We've had very rare sunny days, but for the most part, it's just gray and gross. Was your last breakup a bad one? Nah, I'd say it ended maturely and with a mutual understanding of "why." When was the last time you were surprised, in a pleasant way? Hell if I know. Is there an ice-cream flavor that you strongly dislike? Which one? Yeah, like strawberry. What was the last sitcom you watched? No clue. ^ Do you have a favorite character in that sitcom? Why is that character your favorite? N/A What does the last group you joined on Facebook concern? I am 90% sure it was this group I joined that is literally just about cute yet dangerous animals lmao, mostly reptiles and invertebrates. "Misunderstood biteybois and where to befriemd them" or some stupid shit like that. Has there been a spider in your house at any time recently? Not that I've seen, no. Do you like wearing make-up? Not at all. I only like wearing it for pictures and then taking that shit off. ^ If so, how old were you when you first started to wear it? I started consistently wearing it my freshman year of high school. Then some time later I just showed up one day without any, shocked all my friends, and then only wore it when I felt like it. What foods are you craving lately, if any? Nothing, really. What were some of your favorite foods as a child? Chicken nuggets of course, as well as spaghetti, peanut butter sandwiches, just the typical stuff that kids tend to enjoy. When you were younger, did you ever have a friend that your parents hated? No. Have you ever talked in your sleep before? That's very normal for me, especially now that I have nightmares like every goddamn night. What was the last song you heard, that reminded you of someone? Well, not a real someone, but "The Ordinary World" by the Hit House is 110% one of Fetch's soon-to-be themes. What has brought you joy today? Nothing brought me "joy," really. When was the last time you won a prize in a raffle? What was it? I actually recently won an art rafle on deviantART hosted by a truly amazing artist, like I thought I had no chance, and she's going to be drawing Moondust!!!! :'''') What is the next non-essential item that you intend to buy for yourself? I'm still paying the bulk of my tattoo in May. Is there anywhere in your town/city that's rumored to be haunted? Oh, I'm sure. When you were younger, did you ever think that a certain place was haunted? Bitch I still do lmao. What were your school meals like? Did you enjoy them? This really depended on the menu for the day. My school lunches were nowhere near as bad as some people make theirs sound, but most things still weren't great. I think school pizzas are the most notoriously bad. What kind of granola bar did you eat most recently? I had a cashew bar earlier today. Do you have any books on your shelf that you've read multiple times? I never reread books. What did your last post on social media concern? That I personally wrote, something regarding subtle racism still being racism, pretty much. How do you feel about people using graphic images as a scare tactic to promote their beliefs? (i.e.: PETA, abortion…) I have mixed feelings on this. Like sometimes seeing the brutal side of certain things is definitely useful in opening someone's mind to things they don't want to see/think about, but then there's that, too: it can just be so invasive and unexpected, and thus very upsetting and even scarring. I'd say I'm most for the "appropriate" social media route: using censorship that the viewer can decide whether or not to remove. But you obviously can't do that in like, a public protest with a sign, so idk. Which is harder for you: writing creatively or academically? Honestly, both are pretty easy for me. I enjoy writing creatively far more, though. Do you think gender neutral bathrooms are a good idea? I think it's fine to have them as an option. When was the last time you voluntarily went outside of your comfort zone? Just talking about stuff in group therapy recently. Would you ever use a dating site that costs money, like Match.com or eHarmony? Have you known anyone who had good experience with such sites? No, and yes. Do you think it’s fair that people are able to make a reasonable salary and live comfortable lives just by making YouTube videos? Yes? It takes charisma and talent in some area (humor, education, etc.) as well as consistency for it to be a reliable career, and just consider how often you hear about creators burning out. That happens for a reason. Entertainment is a valid job category and should not be seen as an unfair joke. Whether you’re in college or not, do you become fearful about whether or not you’ll find a good job? Story of my life. What is something you can only understand if you've experienced it first hand? Deep heartbreak. Do you think it's a double standard that a woman can hit a man and expect to get away with it, but if a man hits a woman it's assault? Obviously. Abuse knows no gender, and hitting another person is just that. I do, however, believe in self-defense, also regardless of gender. In terms of a wedding, put these things in order from what would be MOST important to be perfect, to LEAST important... Engagement ring, dress, hair, venue, ceremony, food, pictures, decorations, honeymoon. This requires too much thinking, haha... but I do know the quality of my honeymoon would be most important to me, given that that's personal time with my new spouse and not a public celebration. I feel like what goes on behind closed doors is more important and heartfelt than how you act publicly. Do you have a go-to small talk conversation topic? Probably video games or music, idk. Define "small talk." Does anyone owe you money? Do you owe anyone money? (Besides credit cards) Mom does. She just a few days ago had to borrow $100 for rent. If someone was going to buy you any practical gift (anything except a house or car), what would you choose? It'd be dope as fuck if someone could pay for Venus' next terrarium, but that's a big purchase that I'd have a hard time accepting. How many people do you know with the same first name as you? At least one, but her name is spelled differently. What in your opinion is the best love song ever written? I'm not sure, but I can tell you that "When It's Love" by Van Halen has always been high on the list for me. Was your mother married when she had you? No, actually. I thought she was until my most recent bday, I think. It was just part of a conversation. How old was the first person you kissed? He was a few months into 18. The first person you were in a relationship with, do you still care about them? Of course, he's a sweet guy. We don't talk or anything, but that doesn't mean I don't care about him. Has anyone ever sang to you? Yes. So, what if you married the last person you kissed? That'd be pretty rad. What are you listening to at the moment? "Long Way Down" from the The Evil Within soundtrack. It's funny, like I've loved the game for many years, but I'm now in a serious semi-obsession phase after watching another let's play of it. Have you read the The Hunger Games trilogy? I only read the first book. I loved it, but just never continued. What is your boss’ (or school prinicpal’s) name? N/A Who is the person you dislike the most? That I personally know, probably a former best friend, oddly enough. Do you text your parents often? If Mom's not home, it's not unusual for us to text. I don't text my dad much because he's not a fan of texting. Do you watch YouTube videos often? Pretty much always. Do you know anyone with celiac disease? Sara, my aunt, and my cousin. Those are the ones I know of, anyway. Do you currently have any alarms set? No. How many cars can fit in your driveway? Barely even two. If someone else is here, they usually just park where the road meets the sidewalk of the cul-de-sac. Do you have the ashes of a family member or a pet? Of my dog Teddy, yes. Have you ever been involved in a car crash? Yes, as a kid. Do you prefer flash or no flash on a camera? Definitely no flash. It's more natural, and especially with people, it obviously prevents red eye. How often do you use hashtags? Just about never. Have you ever had whiplash before? No. Have you ever given another person or an animal a bath before? Pets, yes. I could never bathe another human. Is there a birdbath in your yard? No. Weirdest place you’ve ever had a cramp? Nowhere weird, I think... How many lamps are in the room you’re in? How many are actually turned on? Technically three, if you count my snake's heat lamp. Right now that's the only light that's on. Are there any activities you enjoy doing, but can only do for a short amount of time before you get bored or tired of them? Yeah, reading comes to mind first. Is there anything coming out soon (books, albums, movies, video games) that you're looking forward to? I'm not up-to-date on this stuff at all, not even video games. What is something someone recommended to you that you disliked/hated? I know Girt's recommended me music I haven't been a fan of. We like the same general stuff, but there are specific sub-genres we differ in opinion about. Can you unwrap a Starburst in your mouth? ... There are people who do this to even know in the first place??? What is the last thing you ate? Popcorn. Who is your favorite person to spend time with? Sara. Do you know how to grill a steak? I don't know how to cook, period. Do you have a large dog? We don't have a dog currently, but Mom is looking for one pretty intently. We don't know the size it'll end up being. Do you like walking places? Absolutely not. I can't walk far at all without my legs starting to scream at me because leading such a sedentary lifestyle led to muscle atrophy in my legs. It's incredibly embarrassing. Are you a fan of bands most people don’t know of? That's not uncommon for me. Have you ever sent an X-Rated picture to someone? No. Do you think your voice is higher or lower than average? It's deeper than the average woman's. Do you have a pool? No, but I really, really want one... Given how easily I sweat, I would love to use swimming to strengthen my legs. I could also stop the very moment I feel I need to; it in general sounds like something I could quite easily do. How many times have you been on a plane? Ummm including the trips going back, at least six times. Favorite ice cream flavor? Oh my gooooood, if you haven't tried Ben & Jerry's "phish food"... fucking try that shit. It is innnnnncredible. Do you have a TikTok? Nope. Do you enjoy driving? Fuck no I don't. Your favorite store as a teen? Hot Topic was and still is my fave, ha. Favorite YouTuber? There's this one called Markiplier that I think's pretty cool. How many online accounts do you have? A LOT. My whole life is essentially on the computer, so... .-. Do you tend to always be in some sort of drama? Quite the opposite. Do you collect quarters from every state? No. When was the last time your living room furniture was rearranged? Not since we moved into this place. When you were little did you like watching Cartoon Network, Disney or Nickelodeon more? Disney probably topped Nickelodeon. I didn't watch much CN. Who was the last person to kiss you on the cheek? Either my niece or nephew when saying bye. Have you ever seen a magic show? Yes, as a kid. I even had a magician for my bday once. When was the last time you vomited and why? It's been a year or so. It would've been a side effect of starting a certain med that I didn't stay on because it so consistently made me sick. Where do you usually sit when you eat dinner? Either in my bed (I know) or at the dinner table if Nicole is here to eat with us. What time do you usually go to sleep at night? It's typically around 7:30-8:30, occasionally a bit later. I can't believe as a teen, it was my "rule" that I couldn't go to sleep before 10:30 because it was "too early." Nowadays, I can barely imagine regularly staying up that late. Do you avoid using public restrooms? As best as I can. I've seen some nasty shit. What’s your favorite type of cookie? Chocolate chip. How basic.
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yayninjabob · 4 years
A story behind a story
I have never wrote 100,000 words of anything in my life and 9 months ago when I first sat down to write Villain: Redux I definitely did NOT anticipate the length it would reach by the end of Part I. Now that it is done though I feel like I can talk about it.  Well not really the story but the story behind the story?  
A very lengthy and personal author's note for Part I: Remote Control
How I started writing again: My relationship with my writing was non existent for years.  I honestly went through a very long drought where I felt like everything I created just sucked so bad and I had zero motivation for creating shit.  I would talk with my therapist or my wife and friends about feeling so out of touch with my creative side and feeling pretty lost without it.  Really, I pretty much felt like it was dead forever.  I eventually started a personal journal again... And little drabbles here and there would come to mind... It felt alright but meh. "What did you enjoy about writing that you still feel is missing?" I was asked. Ffffffuck me I dont know.  Writing as a teen and in my early twenties wasn't something I ever thought about even when I did it every damn day of my life.  I guess I missed having that ongoing plot in the back of my head that I could escape to whenever life was lame. Daydreaming crazy stories as a kid was just my favorite past time and writing went with it.  But I just didnt have any more stories in my head. Nothing new or exciting enough at least. Anyways. January was my dads bday.  2019 and that year my dad asked for something.  Now my dad isn't one to ask for gifts. No, normally he is extremely frustrating and expects everyone to read his mind while saying "I dont care" yet if his gifts dont meet his secretive expectations he gets all butthurt and emo and says that nobody knows him.  Ok but January 2019 he asks me to write him something.   "What?  A story?  A poem?  A birthday card?" "I dont care just write me something." Typical. "I dont care."  Yeah right.  What the hell does he expect from me jeez.... My dad was the OG storyteller in my life- real shit or bullshit- he could spin a crazy story like no one else. My uncles and his friends would sit around smoking and drinking and listening to one wild tale after the next.   He could entertain people for HOURS just with the shit he’d say.  I always thought he'd make a brilliant stand up comedian but my dad would just laugh at the idea. So for his gift I figured I'd retell one of his personal wild tales - his first encounter with a mountain lion at 12 during a hunting trip with my late great uncle Joe who was his adoptive father figure.  Honestly my dad was always so incredibly descriptive and I heard that tale about a bazillion times growing up, and even though he hadnt shared it in probably 15+ years, it was easy to recall. I could just close my eyes and see it clear as day.  I stayed loyal to his story but I used my own words.  It really surprised me how easy I found those words though.  Writing had been such an impossible challenge for so long yet when I finished the short story I had written 12 pages in a single afternoon and I was shocked but in a good way.  It was his story so I was pretty sure he would like it. He's got a pretty big ego lol. I typed it up on the typewriter my dad had gotten me back when I was a teen and serious about becoming a "real writer."  I figured he would appreciate that.  I gave him the story on his birthday.  He didnt read it right away. We went to the backyard and the two of us shared a joint and while I started chasing the dogs in the yard for a bit I saw he finally picked the story up. And when he finished he started crying. Which is always weird when it's your dad right?  He isn't one to cry easily. Last time I saw tears in his eyes was three years prior at my wedding but even that wasnt like this.  He told me "You need to write again.   You need to try." But I still felt like I couldn't. I never really thought I was good at it anyway.  Sure, people told me they liked my writing and it meant a lot that my dad was moved so much by my short story that I started to believe “hey maybe I can write,” but... I dunno.  I had a rough idea for an original novel that I sat down with later that month and tried to work out... But it just felt forced and uninteresting.  It wasnt a story my mind could just escape to effortlessly.  The passion just wasnt there. After a while my wife suggested to me "Well when you retold your dad's story that was easier right?  Maybe you should retell another story that you love." And so in August 2019 I sat down and wrote what would eventually become the scarring scene for Villain: Redux
Part I:  Remote Control I spent the rest of August, September and October slowly falling back into my old world of Villain.  I reread both Villain and VillainE for the first time in yeeeeeears.  What. A. Trip. So much stood out to me that was like "Ok young me, I see where you were going but this could be so much better."  I made my list of what I liked and what I wanted to change.. Constructed my outline and then I just went for it.   Halloween night that year was spent finishing my first draft of chapter 1.  It was still in Buttercup's limited POV.  I liked it OK enough but I wondered if it would be improved if I tried third person instead.  I said "fuck it why not" and went for it again but in third person, adding the beginning history of Townsville and then the opening scene with Mojo.   When I finished it I was pretty amused with it and I found myself just starting right away on chapter 2 and adding even more details to my overall outline- it became a trilogy.  It was flowing SO easy and for once writing didnt feel like some forced chore I was performing.   The entire time though I debated whether or not to share any of it.  I didn't think anyone would read it.  But personally, I was falling in love with my new rendition and I really didn't want to stop writing it. So once again I said "fuck it why not" and I started this tumblr to start documenting my new commitment to rewriting Villain for good.  I edited the first chapter and uploaded it a couple days before Thanksgiving. And the support I got from readers honestly made me cry haha... I really really thought the story would go unnoticed.  After all, when I first started writing for the PpG fandom it was always an uphill battle and 90 percent of my first reviews were just flames and criticism.  The original Villain really took a while to gain much of a readership and even though it had its moment of somewhat popularity in the fandom, that moment came after it was completed. A brief glance at the PpG section on FFnet showed me that things really hadnt changed- still 99 percent PpGxRrB romances.  Man, it just seemed so unfair. I freaking love this show and TBH I will never understand the fandom's fixation on those damn Rowdyruffs.  Whatever.  It is what it is.  But because of that and because I hadnt been an active writer in the fandom for like a decade I really thought I'd be lucky to get one review.   And I did!  On the first day!  And I was PUMPED lol.   Then over the next couple of days I got more and most from names I recognized from the past!  I was so touched by some of the things you guys said, you will have no idea what those first 7 reviews meant to me.  And of course the reviews to follow throughout the next chapters only continued to motivate me further. And now I'm done with Part I.  Jeez what a freaking journey.  I feel like I've learned a lot though and I hope that the story only improves from here.   Today, this story invades my subconscious more than I would like to admit.  But.  It is so nice to have an exciting story to escape to once more.  And I feel like I can say that my creative drive is finally restored again which feels amazing.  Who knew it would be this rewrite of all things to do it. So yeah.  I owe the biggest thanks to my readers (the reviewers especially), my wife, and of course my dad.   I know we are just at the beginning of this story, but personally I just feel like I've accomplished more than I could've imagined already... like I said... 100,000 words is something I’ve never done before lol.  And I cant wait to share the rest of the story with everyone.   Anyways that’s my long soppy backstory on how I decided to rewrite Villain.  Thanks for reading. :)
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yoon-kooks · 6 years
Pink Thoughts
Tumblr media
Pairing: Vampire!Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Smut, Fluff, Vampire!AU, Roommate!AU 
Summary: Your relaxing bath is interrupted by a vampire in need of a few things
Word Count: 2.5k 
Warnings: vampire blood, sex in a tub, bath bombs, masturbation
⤐ Story 2 in the Pink Trilogy; Story 1 // Story 3 (coming soon!)
A/N: this is was supposed to be a thing for jungkook’s bday but september 1st came early this year i guess;; also i dont usually write smut so it’s kind of soft🐰
You drop your backpack on the floor of your room and breathe a sigh of relief once you return home after a long school week. It felt as though you’d been fighting a new battle each day, whether it was taking an exam worth 30% of your grade, cramming for a different one, sitting through a painfully boring three-hour lecture, or loads of homework and dry ass reading to top it all off.
But it’s finally Friday, and you’re free to treat yourself to pizza, Youtube, that horror movie you’ve been dying to watch, or even just a good night’s sleep. Whatever the fuck you want. You just need some time to relax.
As you wash your hands in the bathroom, you spot a glittery pink bath bomb that your roommate, Jungkook, had kindly bought for you. You’d like to think the little shit was just trying to be nice, but you’re pretty sure it’s a hint that he wants to try taking a bath with you. Otherwise the bath bomb wouldn't be labeled “Sex Bomb”.
The good news is that you know your pesky roommate has class for another few hours, and that should be plenty of time for you to soak and enjoy your bath uninterrupted.
You hum as you strip out of your halter top and daisy dukes. Like an easily amused kitten with a ball of yarn, you toss the jasmine-scented Sex Bomb back and forth between your paws until the tub is filled with piping hot water. Once it is, you plop your naked ass down onto the rim of the tub and drop the bomb into the bath. Your mouth forms a small O as the bomb fizzes up and releases a sparkling, creamy pink color. It’s almost too pretty to bathe in.
Slowly, you slip your exhausted body into the pink ocean. The tingling sensation of being engulfed in comfort and warmth is somehow sensual when paired with such an intoxicating, sex-filled aroma. Your fingers naturally gravitate towards the inner, more sensitive part of your thighs until they locate your center. The Sex Bomb is no joke, you nod to yourself in satisfaction. Just a teeny-tiny part of you regrets not being able to share it with Jungkook, but you make a mental note to thank him later.
Just then, you hear the door to your apartment open and shut, and your hands shoot out from between your legs. The little shit skipped class.
Knock! “Y/N, are you in there?”
“Yeah, so fuck off.”
“Okay but can you hurry up? Because I need to pee.”
“Why didn't you use one of the bathrooms on campus? Actually, why the fuck did you skip your last class? Are you suddenly going through some rebellious stage in your life? What the actual fuck, Kook.”
“That’s uh… because you know…” Unfortunately for you, you did know. Jungkook, your seemingly innocent roommate, just so happens to be a lustful vampire, and it’s probably that time of the month for him—his monthly feeding. And both of you know it’s too risky for him to be outside around people until his cravings and huge appetite are satisfied. “Can I come in?”
“I’m taking a bath right now.”
“Ooh yummy.”
“That’s not what I meant, you pervert.”
“But it smells pretty in there.”
“That doesn’t mean you can come-.”
“Are you using that sex ball thing I gave you?”
You keep quiet because he caught you.
“Wait, were you in the middle of something before I got home?”
“Naughty, naughty.” You can tell he’s smirking on the other side of the door. “Can I come in?” he asks again, as if you’re suddenly going to change your mind. But he’s not wrong.
“The door’s unlocked.”
“Wow,” is the first thing the little shit says when he casually walks in, his burgundy eyes glued to your chest. You’re just happy the pink water is opaque enough to keep the rest of your naked body hidden. It’s not like it’s the first time he’s seeing your bare skin, but you’ve never made yourself so vulnerable anywhere else besides the darkness and comfort of the bedroom.
Jungkook squats down in front of the tub and dips his pinky into the pink ocean but immediately regrets it, wincing in pain. “How can you sit there in a tub of boiling water so calmly? What kind of fucking monster are you?”
“I’m a human,” you snicker at him. “And maybe you vampires are a lot more sensitive to heat since you’re cold-blooded or some science shit like that. I don’t fucking know.”
“But I wanted to bathe with you…” He brings out his best puppy eyes. It always amazes you how he goes from shy and modest to shameless and needy when it comes to that time of the month. And to be honest, it’s a bit of a turn on.
With a sigh, you take in your last moment of heat and tranquility before turning the faucet knob with your toes to add some cold water. You shake your head at all of the sacrifices you make for your vampire roommate, but at the same time, you’re willing to do it for him because you know how sweet of a boy he is.
“Is this good?” You take your wet palm out of the now lukewarm water and press it gently against Jungkook’s pale cheek. If he had more blood in his system, you’re certain his face would turn a bright pink like the color of the water.
He nods and stands back up to rid himself of his clothes. You stare as he tosses each article of clothing aside, first his white t-shirt, then his torn-up thigh-hugging jeans, and lastly his cute bunny boxers. As thirsty as the vampire is, you can tell there’s an ounce of hesitance accompanying the thrill.
You retract your legs and bring your knees to your chest as a way of inviting him into the tiny tub. Once he’s settled, however, you crawl into his lap and wrap your legs around his torso, your arms around his neck. Suddenly you’ve forgotten how cold the water is.
You feel Jungkook’s breath along your shoulder up to your exposed neck, so close that his big nose tickles your skin a couple of times. When he finds his favorite spot, he presses his lips against you to mark his target.
“Can I bite?” It’s adorable how he keeps his good manners even in the heat of bloodlust and sex. Although once you give him the go-ahead, he doesn’t hesitate to pierce two deep holes into you with his fangs.
“Ahh-” A tiny sound escapes your mouth as the painful throbbing spreads throughout your neck. You’d like to think you have high tolerance for pain, but holy shit, vampire bites sure do hurt like a bitch. Each time Jungkook sucks more blood out from your veins, it feels like a pinch of fire that incinerates you from the inside out.
“Are you okay?” The boy takes a break to check up on you. Your eyes are shut, your nails are digging into the back of his neck, and your body shudders as the throbbing continues even in absence of the fangs sunken deep in your skin.
“Just hurry up… please,” you whimper. You know Jungkook’s being as gentle as he can, but there’s no way to sugarcoat the pain of having your blood drained by a vampire.
As you start to feel more lightheaded, you notice something stiffening and poking up into your crotch. To distract yourself from the trauma in your upper half, you try your best to pleasure your bottom half.
“Mmn,” Jungkook moans into your veins in response to your crotch grinding against his sprouting erection. The pink ocean swishes and sways in perfect rhythm with your thrusting hips. If it weren’t for the trusty Sex Bomb, you’d probably just be sitting there in tear-jerking agony. “Just a little longer, baby.” Bless.
Once the vampire has enough of your blood in his system, he’s hard enough to slip inside of you. But before that, he always makes sure to take care of you. With a cool tongue, he relieves and seals your wound, wiping the excess blood away with the pain.
His big doe eyes wait for yours to open, and when they do, the first thing you notice is a dry trail of red running down his lips to his chin. You let out a cute yawn and help clean him up with your thumb and some water.
“Are you still good for… you know?” That’s code for sex in Shy Jungkook language.
You nod, leaning in to steal a quick kiss from his unsuspecting lips. The loss of blood might take a toll on your body later, but until then, you want to indulge in the intoxicating euphoric effects of the Sex Bomb.
With a subtle smirk, Jungkook reaches down into the pink ocean. In the next instant, you feel a pair of his fingers stroking the suddenly hot area between your legs. Your body squirms in response to his soft, swift touch—the touch you’ve been subconsciously craving since the boy returned home.
As you roll your hips against his fingers, your lips locate the same part of his neck where he had bitten you. Although you have no fangs to bare, you nip at his baby smooth skin in an effort to taint it with sex and lust.
“How cute, Little Vampire,” he chuckles at your attempt. “But you know my skin isn’t tender enough for a hickey.”
“Bet.” You continue sucking on his neck, rougher, as if you’re desperately searching for a taste of his blood. After a good minute, you notice a naughty pink spot where you’d been working on. Satisfied, you poke the tiny spot until it fades away with the vampire’s rapid healing properties. “Ha,” you laugh in his face.
Jungkook only shakes his head at your giddy, semi-drunken state. And it isn’t until he slips his fingers inside you that you’re brought back to your senses. Maybe it’s a combination of an exhausting school week and being drained of your blood, but the fatigue is hitting your body a lot sooner than usual. Too soon.
But you can rest later. Shaking the lightheadedness away, you reposition yourself for a deeper penetration. You throw your legs up over his shoulders, the back of your thighs pressed firmly against his chest.
With the aid of Jungkook’s hands at your waist, you ease yourself down onto him to take in his whole length. You can tell he took more blood than usual because it’s taking an awfully long time for you to adjust to his swelled-up size. But as soon as his tip hits the deepest spot inside you, he throws his head back with a gasp.
“F-fuck…” His weak panting alone is almost enough to set you off. So you continue riding him up and down, with a little more pressure and speed each time. You set off raging waves in the pink ocean as the wet sounds of sex flood your mind.
With one hand, you yank his soft locks of hair, helping you keep balance as he thrusts into you. With the other, you grab his chin and press a lustful kiss against him, your sly tongue slipping between his lips. You taste a hint of your blood, his sin.
In the split second that you’re caught catching your breath between lip locks, the boy takes the opportunity to lift your body up and lay you down as he fingers you some more. Your body, weak and submissive to his every touch, lets out a needy whine when he stops to build suspense and frustration. He merely rests his slender fingers on either side of your swollen little bud, just begging to be played with.
“Fuck you, Kook,” you growl, shooing him away and shoving your own two fingers down to your heated and throbbing core. He licks his lips as you play with your horny self, running your fingers over your clit in vertical and circular motions. You’re strong and independent, but you aren’t gonna lie when you know Jungkook’s better at pleasuring your body than you are. Or maybe it’s just the thought of him doing these dirty things to you that makes the stimulation so fucking great.
Before you can drive yourself to the edge, Jungkook fills you once more with his length. Thrusting in and out, getting closer and closer, your moans are endless, breathy, loud, and you’re sure as fuck you’ll have a sore throat later to accompany the wound on your neck.
“I’m close…” you manage to gasp between moans, still rubbing your clit as fast as you can. The boy acknowledges your peak by going deeper and harder into you with every thrust. “Ahhh… fuck Kookie… I’m-” You’re cut off by an intense rush of ecstasy, pleasure, pure bliss. Your core twitches, trembles, still milking out every last ounce of sex.
As your walls tighten around him, he groans, grinds, and rides off the waves of your orgasm into one of his own. You’re filled with a sudden warmth as he comes deep inside of you, and you’re just thankful vampire babies aren’t a thing.
With the beastly sex drive of a vampire, you know Jungkook’s more than capable of going another round or ten. But after finishing just one, he settles down and pulls the plug to drain out the pink ocean. You lie in the tub and bask in your afterglow until the boy takes your hand and helps you out.
He dries your soulless body off with a towel and helps you get dressed in your pajamas with little ducks on them. You wait for him to throw on a clean pair of boxers so he can carry you off to your bed. To top it all off, he tucks you in under the blankets and gives you the most innocent kiss on the forehead.
“Sorry, Y/N,” he strokes the tender place where he had bitten you. You barely hear his soft voice because you’re drifting in and out of sleep, but you already know he feels bad about having to drain so much life out of you. He probably thinks he ruined your Friday night plans, but that isn’t really the case at all.
“Mmn, Jungkook,” you call out to him with a grabby hand before he can leave your room. “You can atone for your sins by cuddling with me, yeah?” You peak one eye at him and smile into the pillow.
Like the little cinnamon roll he is, he rolls his way into your bed and snuggles up to you. His arms snake around your waist, his chest presses against your back. For a cold-blooded creature, his body engulfs you in such warmth and comfort that evoke a feeling much different from the sensual heat you felt in the bath. Love. And you’d choose it over every pink ocean.
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dracolizardlars · 5 years
also I’ve bought the Radio Gnome Invisible album trilogy by Gong on vinyl for my dad for his birthday (only 3 days after mine) and the thing is, I may not have a vinyl player or be brave enough to touch his for fear of breaking it, but I absolutely fucking ADORE those albums - probably more than he does - and I can’t WAIT to hear them played on vinyl. so i was like, tbh this present is almost as much for myself as for him, and felt a teeny bit bad about that (even tho he asked for it specifically). HOWEVER for my bday today I got a  Switch and Super Mario Odyssey from my parents, and dad was really excited about opening up the Switch and setting it up and we’ve just been playing Mario in two player for 3 hours. so I feel like that balances out because both of us are really gonna enjoy the presents we got for each other this year :D
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maewritesstuff-blog · 6 years
Oh, My, My, My!
AN: okay shits, this is based off a prompt I had thought of and I requested it before but said fuck it and decided to do it myself. Here’s the playlist for this. Petey is 20 in this as well as the reader, both are in the Avengers bc yolo why not. also, the reader is a mutant idk what kind so well find out when I post it lmao.
Requested: no lmao. it’s basically Y/N giving Peter a bday gift and some bff!thor ( I love my mans, okay and platonic thor is needed) 
warning: my shitty writing and bad playlist. 
word count: 2,574 
Getting a birthday present for your best friend is supposed to be easy right? Especially if you are in love with them, wrong. It makes it about 10 times harder. You get an idea and you think ‘oh! this is perfect! great!’ but then you realize, a normal best friend wouldn’t get them this, this is too much, too personal. That’s where I'm stuck at right now.
Buying my best friend his 21st birthday gift shouldn’t be this hard! I'm great at gifts! Hell, I got the team the BEST gifts for Christmas, I made Steve tear up. So why can’t I think of something for Pete?
Groaning and running my hands over my face, I roll over and look at the picture of us from graduation. I know Pete like the back of my hand, I know his sandwich orders from every shop in Queens and upstate. I know he likes the Trilogy better than the Prequels of Star Wars, even if that's wrong.  I know that even at 20 and one of the strongest and powerful heroes, he sleeps with the curtain closed because he’s scared someone is going to be looking in if he looks over at night. I know this kid better than I know myself, so why am I stuck?
“Y/L/N, are you still coming into town with me?” ‘‘Yeah! I’m coming, give me a second Sparkles!’‘ huffing and attempting to get off my bed as fast I can, I hear Thor’s loud footsteps reaching my room. “Y/N, how many times am I to explain that I do not sparkle?’‘
Thor enters with a deep-set frown, leaning against my door frame watching me lace my boots up. “Sparkles, bub, listen.. I know you produce lighting, not sparkles; BUT you can make sparkles and it’s fun.’‘ I get up and walk over to him and step on my tippy toes to pat his cheek “Plus, you know you are my favorite founding Avenger.’‘ Laughing and putting his hand over mine before moving Thor replies “Oh you are full of it, I made sparkles once when you were sad and now you taunt me with it ever since.’‘ Grinning, I nod and pull him out with me and make our way down to the elevators.
“You are staying for Petey’s party tonight, right?’‘ Glancing over at Thor while he hums softly waiting for the doors to open before stepping in. “I am, the others say this age marking is a big one for you mortals and I enjoy watching your kind celebrate things, very different than how we do it. Plus I want to see if you finally confess to young Peter your feelings.’‘
“THOR!’‘ He laughs when I push his shoulder, him barely moving. You see, I told Thor about my crush on Peter last Halloween.
Everyone was at the tower for a big party that Tony threw. I was sitting next to Peter while Natasha was telling a story about one of her missions. “You okay, honey?’‘ Peter asked, a concerned look set on his face and his hand on my knee. We had this thing where we called each other Honey. He says he calls me it because of my eyes, a side effect of my mutation that leaves them a soft yellow color. I call him it because he’s sticky. “Yeah, I’m fine Petey“ I smile and reply, “Just a little tired is all.’’ Peter nods, a soft smile forming on his lips and removes the hand on my knee and brings it on the couch, behind me and goes back to listening to Natasha.
I stare at him briefly before shifting a bit myself, letting our knees knock together softly and stay close to him. Feeling a pair of eyes on me, I look over and see Thor starring at us with the look he gets when he’s thinking hard about something.
I furrow my eyebrows at him and mouth ‘What?’ to him, wondering what he’s looking at. He gets up and motions for me to follow him to the next room. “I’ll be back..’’ I whisper to Peter and get up, following the God.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay? Is it another moment? Do you want me -’‘ “Are you and young Peter together and not telling me?” Thor interrupts me and frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. “What? No!’‘ Shaking my head quickly and feeling my face get hot “W-what makes you think that? We are just friends, bub.“ “You and him are sitting close and you two have been very fond of each other the whole evening.. did something happen when I was gone? Did you two engage?’‘ He asks, looking at me and squints his eyes watching me. I feel my face turn red and blink a few times, laughing nervously. “Thor, I-I don't know what you are talking about.. Peter and I haven't done anything, he’s just my best friend..’‘ I reply, unable to look up at him.
Thor is like my big brother, ever since I joined at fifteen Thor has been there to help. When he found out about another member joining the team with similar powers to his, he was excited. “Y/N.. you like young Peter, don't you?” God, I could practically hear the smile in his voice, I could already tell this was never going to be dropped. Whining, I put my hands on top of my head and looked up at him. "If you tell anyone or ever mention this when it's not just us, I will burn all of your capes.'' Thor lets out a small noise of agreement and pulls me into his chest, hugging me tightly. "I won't speak a word of, Honey.'' "I hope you drop your ax on your foot," I reply with a small smile while he laughs.
Rolling my eyes and thinking back at the memory, I can't help but smile to myself. It was a good night. "I have been thinking of telling him.. I'm just not entirely sure how to yet. I need to get him a gift first.'' I say as we walk out of the building and down the sidewalk. "Maybe a shirt? Peter seems to enjoy those, perhaps one with those sayings? He has a few, I don't understand them though..'' Laughing, I pat his shoulder "That's actually a good idea, he does wear an awful lot of those bad pun shirts." Thor just nods and looks in front of us as we make our way down the street.
Maybe getting Peter a shirt was a good idea? Thor does have a point with that option, he probably owns more bad science pun shirts than he does anything else. Glancing at the few little shops we pass, I notice a small music store and smile brightly. "Thor, I know what I'm going to do.'' "What is it?'' He asks me slightly confused. "You wouldn't get it, don't worry. You can get him the shirts, he'll love those.'' Nodding along to what I say, Thor just glances around the store smiling a bit to himself while I grab what I need and pay.
After spending about three hours making Peter's gift, you sat up and smiled. A personalized playlist was a great gift, right? Even if it's a playlist of songs you'd love to make out with him too? Peter loved playlist and loved music. It was a perfect gift for him, you were just nervous about the title you had written on it. 'Songs To Make Out With You'. Chewing on your bottom lip you grabbed the CD out of your laptop and put it in its case and wrapped it up before putting it in the bag with the other small gifts you got him. Pushing back the slight nervousness you had in your gut, you got ready and grabbed the bag heading down to the common room. Saying Tony took birthday's special was an understatement.I should of know this when I mentioned the idea of a surprise party for Peter.
The entire room was fully decorated. Balloons were everywhere, a huge banner was hanging in the middle of the room along with the numbers '21' on either side. Placing your bag on the table with the rest of the gifts, you walked over to where everyone was huddled up.
''Remeber, Pete has no idea this is happening, okay? F.R.I.D.A.Y. is going to tell us when he's coming, no one spilled, right?'' Tony looked around the room, squinting his eyes at everyone.
"Tony, relax. No one said a thing to the kid, he thinks it's just a regular movie night.'' Natasha replied, glancing down at her nails. Everyone in the room did a collective nod and reasurred Tony. He may not seem like it, but Tony Stark is the biggest softy in the world, especially for his teammates. "Mr. Stark, Peter is now entering the building and making his way to the elevator.'' "Okay, get into place guys!" Quickly ducking down by the couch as all the lights flick off while everyone finds a hiding spot, the room falls silent; an incredibly rare thing in this tower.
After a few moments of silence, you are able to hear the soft footsteps in the hall and the sound of a keypad followed by the door opening. "Whoa, why is it so dark in here? F.R.I.D.A.Y., turn lights on pl-" Peter is cut off by everyone screaming surprise and jumping up from their spots. Grinning brightly, Peter claps his hands together and laughs a bit "Guys.. You all didn't have to do this! This is so nice!''
Giggling at his reaction, you walk up to him and pull him in for a hug. "Happy Birthday, Honey'' you whisper in his ear and give his cheek a soft kiss. You feel him pull you closer to him and nuzzle his head into your neck, his smile obvious against your skin. You two kept the embrace for a small moment before pulling away. Peter grabbed your hand and kept you beside him as he greeted everyone and gave his thank yous.
"Mr. Stark, you didn't have to do any of this! It's so much!'' Shaking his head and patted Peter's shoulder. "It's nothing. 21 is a big age kid, celebrate it. Plus, it was Y/N that came up with the idea, I just took over a bit.'' Tony replied, sending a small wink in your direction. "You've got a good one there, kid.'' Instantly feeling your cheeks heat up slightly, you laughed it off. Peter smiled brightly at his mentor and turned to you. "You came up with this?" He asked. "It was just an idea, Petey, I wanted you to have a good time,'' you replied shrugging a bit. "Besides, Tony completely took control over most things and decorating. The man loves a good party.'' Peter just stared at you with a smile on his face and pulled you in for another hug, kissing the top of your head.
''I don't deserve you, Y/N, I really don't.'' biting your lip and wrapping your arms around his waist you just replied "Let's go and be apart of the party.'' Peter laughs and nods, pulling away and leading you two into the party. About an hour into the party, everyone is sitting on the couches by the window. Peter next to you, one arm behind your head and the other holding his cup while you softly lean against him with your own cup in your hand. "Alright, it's time for presents. I can't wait any longer.'' Tony announced to the room while getting up and clapping his hands together.
He walked over to the table and had DUM-E help him bring the gifts from the team onto the coffee table. Shifting and moving away from Peter a bit you started to feel anxiety build up in your stomach. No one told you they were gonna have them open the presents in front of everyone. You thought they were gonna let him take them back to his room and open them there. How the hell were you gonna get the cd and not have everyone on your team know you want to stick your tongue down Peter's throat?
Panicking a bit you sit up straight and watch as Peter is handed a gift by Clint. He grins like a small kid on Christmas when he opens the box and sees the small construction paper drawings from his kids and the gift card to the local bookstore. He receives a braided bracelet from Wanda that is a traditional gift from her home.
A new blue and red dagger from Natasha with his initials engraved on it and his logo, a child's wallet with spider-man on it with $100 cash in it from Tony, a stack of new books from Steve, a star wars poster from Bruce to replace the one the Hulk ripped in a fast accident a while ago. A winter soldier #1 fan mug from bucky that was accompanied from a matchy Falcon one from Sam. The science pun shirts from Thor, who doesn't truly know why you can't trust atoms. A Battle Star Galactica complete series from Rhodey.
Watching him thank Rhodey and start to reach for your bag, you feel your stomach start to fall. Chewing on your bottom lip, mumbling "Maybe you should open the bottom item later..'' Peter glanced over to his side at you and furrowed his eyebrows "Why? If you're worried I won't like it, that's a lie.'' He replied and started pulling out the items. One by one he opened the small gifts, his smile never leaving his face, constantly looking at you and beaming. You moved around in your seat starting to feel really nervous
"Don't read that out loud!" you blurted out, causing everyone to look over at you with a weird confused look, you put out a fake laugh and shrugged "Has an inside joke on it.. don't want you guys to be confused." Peter nodded, laughing along with you as he grabbed the case.
Swallowing you watched as he carefully took the wrapping paper off of it and smiled to himself at the picture on the case you put. It's the picture you got of him when he was sleeping on the couch with his mouth wide open. Peter opened the case and you felt as if your stomach was going to completely drop out of your ass. What if this was the end of your friendship? What if he started laughing and everyone joined in? Could you find a way to quickly snatch it out of his hands and just say 'Issa prank!'?
You looked at his hands holding the gift, scared of seeing his reaction when he was finished reading it Peter's eyes widened a bit as he read the title, biting his lip he scanned over the tracklist reading each song you put on there, feeling a smile creep on his face he looked back you.
"Honey, we are so going to listen to this later tonight..''
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all-sortsa-stuff · 7 years
A little bit of home
Tumblr media
Pairing: Tom Hiddleston x Reader
Word Count: 2129
Warning: Language and fluff
A/N:  An ask from another Tom Hiddleston fan.  “Where it’s his bday but he's not able to be with his family so you bake him a Colin the Caterpillar hoping it would raise his spirits, please and thank you”
 You sat at your laptop typing away while talking to your editor on the phone.  Finding the couch much more comfortable to work on a couple chapters of your book.  That was where you were for the last few hours trying to work on the next story in the trilogy you were writing.  Macey, your editor, had called to check up on you and the progress you were making. The two of you had been chatting for almost ten minutes when Tom came through the front door, bringing a gust of cold air behind him.  Shivering hard, you had forgotten how frigid it was outside.  
Tom was on location in Canada for another project.  It was one of the few times you were able to join him.  Most of the crew had been staying in this lovely area of British Columbia in log cabins.  Had your boyfriend not been so busy with the film, it would have been the perfect romantic retreat.  Instead, it was a good place for you to work in the beauty and quiet.  
After closing the door and peeling off his jacket and shoes, Tom walked past you towards the kitchen. He did not acknowledge you being there, or even really seem to notice you seated on the couch.  There was a distinct frown on his face as he looked to be in his own thoughts.  
“Macey can I call you tomorrow?”  When she agreed, you hung up the phone, watching Tom in the kitchen setting the kettle on the stove to make a cup of tea.  “Tom are you alright?”
Hearing your voice pulled him from the thoughts that were distracting him.  “Oh darling… Yes I’m sorry.”  He walked back towards you, wrapping his arms around you before leaning down to kiss your lips.  “It’s been a day, and I am utterly exhausted.”
“You have been working too hard, baby.  You need a day off with nothing to do but sleep and a cup of tea when you wake up.”
“As wonderful as that sounds, it won’t be for a few more days at least.  With the storms last week, we are behind schedule.  I swear, though, my first day off I refuse to leave bed.”  You grinned, before waggling your brows up at him.  
“I think that sounds like a perfect day off.  Maybe it will be for your birthday.”  His brows rose as though this was a new revelation to him.
“Bloody hell, I completely forgot my birthday is coming in a few days.”  Laughing you kissed his cheek before moving to the kitchen to retrieve two mugs.
“How does one forget their birthday?  Like, I have a whole birthday month.”  Tom sat at the kitchen table as you fixed the tea for you both.
“I remember darling. Anytime you wanted something or whined you said ‘but it’s my birthday month’.” Laughing loudly you sat the mug in front of him, taking the seat across from him.
“I do not whine…”  The look he sent you across the table had you laughing again.  As he sat quietly, drinking his tea you realized how truly tired and down he looked.  “Is there something you want to do for your birthday?”
“To be honest, I just want a quiet day to sleep and then a lovely dinner with you.  Something by the fire, perhaps.”  Last year on his birthday, it was the first time you met his family.  Tom had been so happy and wanted to show you around the place where he grew up.  Now looking at him this year he seemed the complete opposite.  You were unsure of how to take it.
The rest of the night his morose mood continued.  As much as you tried to get him to smile and laugh, nothing lasted.  He went to bed early and was out of the house before dawn. When he did not kiss you goodbye as he usually did, you knew it was time to pull him out of his dazed melancholy. When you got up in the morning the first thing you did was call his mom, Diana.
“Oh, [Y/N], darling I am so happy to hear from you.  How are you? Is my boy well?”  You sighed not sure how to begin.
“Actually that’s why I’m calling.  Tom has been completely unlike himself.  He is exhausted from work and just so down.  I wanted to do something to cheer him up and I needed to see if you had any ideas.  His birthday is in a few days and I don’t know what to do to make him feel better.”  Once you began, all the words just seemed to fall out quickly.  You could only hope Diana had understood you.
“Tom is such a hard worker. Even if it is to his detriment.”  She went on to tell you a few stories of Tom’s younger years and birthdays.  You realized this was the first birthday in many years that he was not home with his family for his birthday.  Spending time with those he loved was something so important to him.  Maybe it was one of the things that was causing the gloom.
Over the new three days, you went out of your way to spoil the shit out of your boyfriend.  The first day you surprised him on set with a thermos of his favorite tea and lunch.  Tom was surprised and gave you a beautiful smile when he saw you.  When he asked what the occasion was, your response was, “It’s your birthday week love.”
He laughed, calling you mad but telling you how much he loved you.  That night you made lasagna and apple crumb cake, two of his favorite recipes of yours.  From there it just continued until his actual birthday with a hot bath when he got home one of the nights, to a special breakfast before he went to work.  On February 9th, you got up around eight to start on the elaborate plans you had for the day.  Tom had not made it home until nearly 1am that morning and would not be coherent until much later in the day.  It was perfect for what you had to do.
After a coffee and bagel breakfast you set out to the shops to buy all the supplies you needed.  It ended up being far more than you had planned but isn’t that how it always goes? When you returned to the cabin and the groceries were put away, you got to work. The wine was chilling and chicken marinating for later.  The dinner prep was first.  You wanted to make sure it would be ready to just pop in to cook while you tried to wrangle the dessert preparation.  That would take the longest.
And long it did take. Several hours of baking, cutting,, careful rolling then icing before it was ready.  While it was not the prettiest thing you had ever made it still looked delicious.  You only hoped that Tom would like it, or would fake it if he did not.
The rest of the afternoon went by quietly, until it was time to start dinner.  As you placed the chicken to roast you heard the shower upstairs turn on, finally he was awake.  Everything was working out exactly as planned.  By the time Tom came downstairs the small dining area table had been set with candles and a small pretty centerpiece.  The food was still cooking but he looked happier than he had in weeks.  “Darling whatever it is you are cooking smells divine.  I can’t believe you have done all this.”
He walked up behind you wrapping his arms around your waist as you sautéed the asparagus.  The light kiss he placed on your neck sent a thrill through you.  “Tom, it’s your birthday.  I would have done far more if we were at home.  Would you like your birthday presents now or after dinner?”
“Presents?  As in more than one?”  Tom sound intrigued.  Taking the pan off the burner before you turned to look at him.
“Three actually.  Two you can open whenever you like, and the third… well that one is for much later.”  Winking, you stole a kiss before working on dishing up the meal.
“Oh I think that one will be my favorite present.  But I believe I will open up the others now.”  His classic laugh made you grin.
“They are on the coffee table if you want to grab them.”  Opening the smaller of the boxes, Tom looked like a child flipping it back and forth in his hands.
“What kind of contraption did you get me?  It looks like a watch.”  Laughing, you set the food on the table.
“It is a watch.  It’s an activity watch actually, and its water proof.”  He looked sheepish a moment as he had dropped his last watch in a puddle in London.  “With all your running and… well open the other one and see.”
He picked up the other box, shaking it gently.  As he opened it and saw the colorful cover of the book, he narrowed his eyes.  “A New Zealand travel guide?”
“Yes for when we go in a few months.  Hiking and glaciers… you are going to need that watch to keep up with what we do. Plus with all the waterfalls, we will need something waterproof.  Do you know how hard it was to find two weeks in your schedule where you aren’t busy? Trust me, it’s very hard.”  The surprise on his face made all the planning worth it.
“We are going to New Zealand?  Darling… this is wonderful.”  Tom jumped up to hug you close.  The kiss that followed made your toes curl.  Which made it far more difficult to pry yourself away from him after a few moments.
“Let’s eat before dinner gets cold.  We can finish that later.”  Dinner turned out lovely; Tom could not stop raving about it. Seeing the man who was normally so happy and easygoing back to his usual self, made your year. Once the dishes had been cleared, it gave you time to sit by the fire with wine in hand, skimming through the travel book.  There were several places he wanted to travel to after looking at the bright pictures. That would be something you were going to work on soon.  It would be a trip of a lifetime for you.
“Since it is my birthday… would there be perhaps be a bit of cake?”  You had almost forgotten about the cake, which had been safely stashed in one of the cabinets.
“Of course there is cake but you had to sit and close your eyes before I bring it out.”
“Close my eyes? Should I be worried?”  Taking him by the hand, you led him back to the table.
“No I think I should be worried you will hate it.  Now close them.”  Tom clasped his hands together in his lap with a mischievous smile on his face.  
“Yes, [Y/N] my love. I will close them.”  It took a minute but you pulled the cake from the cabinet and put it on the serving platter.  Placing a few little candles and lighting them you were ready.  You sang the birthday song as you walked into the dining area.  Setting the plate before him just as you finished.  
“Okay open them.”  As soon as he realized what was sitting before him, he covered his facing laughing.  
“Oh my God…  How did you… You called mum didn’t you?  [Y/N] I love it.”  In front of him was a Colin the Caterpillar cake.  The long chocolate frosted body was covered with mini M&M’s and the face made from yellow and more of the chocolate frosting.
“I know it’s isn’t the real thing but I couldn’t get it here fast enough from …” He turned around pulling you down onto his lap, kissing yours cheeks then nose and lastly your lips.
“This is one of the sweetest and most caring things anyone has ever done for me.  These were my favorite when I was a child.  Mum, would have them for me, every year after they started making them. Thank you so much, love.  I could not have asked for a better birthday.”  Hearing that made your heart swell.  It was exactly what you wanted, Tom to have a wonderful day.  
The cake tasted better than it looked thankfully.  However, there was no wrong with chocolate cake and chocolate frosting.  Tom’s mood had lifted, leaving behind the gloom. Now his thoughts were of how he would ever repay the thought and caring you had shown him this week and honestly the entire length of your relationship.  He could not wait until your next birthday “month”.
Tags: @feelmyroarrrr  @bolontiku  @aquabrie   @malindacath  @almondbuttercup  @ex-bookjunky  @frenchfrostpudding  @saraholdtheh972 @cute-mirei 
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