#just got into another argument over this and the person actually used Chris as a comparison
ambermeh · 2 months
It's casual
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Part 2 hehehheh part 1
No real warnings except maybe a bit of mature content and an argument
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You sat in the car after you had driven back to yours. The steering wheel now coated in tears and a harsh and burning sensation was travelling through the back of your throat and into the rest of your body. You lay with your head between your arms, which rested on the steering wheels, while your body shook with your silent screams. The pain too hard to voice.
You stumbled out, cursing yourself and thinking about the happier moments of laughter and fun in the relationship. You laid on the sofa, a tub of ice cream in hand and a film on the tv. Anything to drown out Matt in your head, even in the slightest. You had to end it, otherwise the next time the two of you met up you would start screaming at him and crying. That wasn't fair on either of you. How could you feel heartbreak over someone you hadn't dated?
But the thoughts were cut short when a text noise rang through your ears.
A text. From Chris.
Your heart was thumping, he wouldn't have told him would he? You trusted Chris, he was always so kind, so sweet and funny. Always there to lift you up.
'so I know this isn't a great time but do you want to come with me to a party?'
The question in your head. A party? I mean it was Chris' usual scene. But did you really want to go? The best thing would be to just rest and cry and laugh over shitty films and men. Then again, did you really want to be looking at photos of you and Matt and crying or try and distract yourself with Chris?
You agreed, you had some time so didn't even bother looking at the clothes yet, it was too much at the moment. You saved that job for future you to worry about. You just needed time to process and form a plan.
Why had you let this affect you so much? Especially now, it had been going on months. You needed someone fun and loving.
But wasn't that what you had with Matt? He made you laugh so much that you were wheezing and your stomach was in stitches, and when you baked with him, he would wrap his arms around you and kiss you. Like you were in a relationship.
But that's the difference. He did that with everyone.
Your friends knew that he would destroy you, since you had known him for years, you knew how hard it was for a girl to impress him. He was so relaxed. he never needed love from one person. He could have it from loads of people. And did.
But when he said it. It was like he was giving you a way in. To his heart.
You felt special.
You thought you were. But that was wrong.
To assume. To believe. To want.
You were just another girl.
After a while, of you just thinking and half heartedly watching the films, there was a knock.
Your head peering up to look at the time. It was already nine.
Chris was here, and yet you were just sitting here eating, now liquid, ice cream.
You opened the door. Almost looking down to not have to apologise for not being ready, but he just went in and got something from your room.
A dress.
Matt's favourite.
Did he know?
'I can't wear that one'
'Why? I always liked it on you and it's more summery for the party'
He was right, Matt couldn't control you anymore, and it's your favourite one, it was comfy and happy and wasn't too fancy. You just wanted to be invisible.
Another idea that worked perfectly in your head was to use the party as a way of getting over Matt, find someone, get drunk and not think about him any more than you had to.
Time for the shy you to be replaced by the bold and confident you.
You took the dress and put it on.
Chris eyed you up and down, before expressing that it was nice to see you smiling again.
You did actually feel much more clean and less sad now that you had gotten ready.
Why did this just make you want to stay at home? You knew that if you did you would become so upset you would end up crawling back to Matt. To his touch. This wasn't the first time you had wanted to end it but his words and touches would melt all doubts and allow you to believe you had a chance.
An uber was parked in the drive, you stepped in and made small talk with Chris. Almost preparing yourself for the party. It made you nervous to think that you only had Chris that you knew, but at the same time people wouldn't know you and you could create a new version of you. One that people would love. Respect.
The house emerged, sticking out from all the others. The lights were bright and otherworldly. Streaming out from the windows and the door, creating a bunch of silhouettes that were dancing, making out and talking. Blaring from the house was a noise of sounds, not really words, but loud enough to be heard from within the car.
Chris looked over and gave you a small smile as he reached over and grabbed your hand.
'you'll be fine, you've got me'
You nodded and got out. The eyes of everyone suddenly feeling suffocating as they looked at the two of you and then got back to what they were doing.
Oh God
That's all that was repeating in your head. You felt too hot. Too dressed up. Too sweaty. You could feel the weight of your make up. Everything felt wrong.
But you just grabbed a drink and downed it. You needed to stop the thoughts, the anxiety.
Grabbing a chair, you looked round at all the people in the crowded house. One of them being one of the other girls Matt sees. You turned back round not wanting the awkward eye contact.
That's how people see me. A weird moment of realisation hit you. You were just like her.
'have you no self respect?' is what all your friends had exclaimed when you had told them about what Matt had proposed. They just didn't get it you had said to them, and thought at the time. They knew how Matt treated girls. But you thought you knew him. They didn't get him like you did. Matt had always been very well liked, his innocent and sweet personality shining through and impressing girls but he used them like sweets. A taste and they were gone. He got bored, he had said it to you many times when you asked about one of the girls you had seen with him a few days ago. It never amounted to anything.
You never thought you would be one. You thought you would get a way in to his heart. To his love. But all you felt was more distant and a coldness. You had been too hopeful, too stupid. Watching too many movies, and reading too much romance. Your story was going to end with Matt now. It was a tragic ending if what if's.
What if he had loved you. Had wanted you. Had given you time. Given you hope.
But the drink had started to make your thoughts looser, almost, not as harsh and big. They were now at the back, coated with the promise of a new and better relationship.
The guy who was a seat away from you looked at you and smiled.
He had a sweet smile, brown hair and was taller than you.
'So you here with anyone? Not to sound too forward or anything' He said with a nervous laugh. You dismissed his concern and talked for a bit. His name was Harry. The two of you had got up and started dancing. Surrounded by people grinding on each other, while the two of you were just swaying and trying to talk. Talk over the loud music.
'i'm just gonna get a drink'
He smiled and nodded.
You weaved through people, trying not to bump into anyone. Taking a smaller sip of the drink, you had realised that it wasn't a great idea to get drunk this early.
Someone was talking to Harry now. Someone with tattoos.
That looked a lot like Matts.
As you were going to turn Harry had waved at you.
'Matt this is y/n'
'What are you doing here y/n?'
You tried to form something. Anything. You were stunned by him. Not expecting him. You had too much to say to him. Why did he always look so good? No stop that. You wanted to end it, needed to, for your sake.
'Why are you talking to my friends with my favourite dress on, it's like you're asking me to bend you over?' He whispered in your ear, as you relaxed into his touch. The all too familiar loving and warm feeling swirling in your stomach. But you stopped yourself.
Then he was excusing the two of you and grabbed your hand and lead you outside.
You bathed in the cold air, a new feeling of clarity washed through you. His car was a few steps in front of you.
You felt his body cage you to the car, as he took your chin in his hand. You averted your eyes, not wanting to match his.
'I asked you a question sweetheart' His thumbs gently brushed your waist, as he took the material in his hands.
'Matt it's over' You blurted out, and instantly feeling the cold tone. That was too harsh on him, you tried to back it up with something a bit softer, but he had pulled back a bit and was now crossing his arms and looking at you with confusion. This was not how you wanted to tell him.
He cut you off when you had tried speaking.
'what did you mean over? You were moaning around my dick a few hours ago, what's changed? Was it Harry, because I can assure you he's not-'
'Matt, no it's not Harry, you just seem busy with other girls, that's all, don't want to take you away from them and all that and I just can't do it anymore'
You stepped away from him, looking at the car as the memories of him making out with you, him asking you if you wanted to be friends with benefits in his car, him eating you out, having karaoke all came back to you. Fitting, you thought, a cyclical structure, almost too perfect. A story.
'so that's what it is, you're playing a game because you're jealous. That's why you spoke to Harry and wore this. Stop being so immature y/n. You agreed to not having attachments and having other people'
Your mouth widened with frustration and you scoffed at him.
'Actually Chris chose the dress and Harry spoke to me. I don't want this anymore. Whatever it is, I know I agreed to it but I was already attached. You use me and then speak to carelessly about other girls. I loved you matt, for these last few years. You must have known that. I haven't been able to think about anyone else. All I wanted was you to see me.'
You sobbed the last few words out. the tears that you had been fighting for so long had finally been let free. You sat there. There goes the composed conversation you wanted.
'Why would you go with Chris?' Matt muttered. That's all he cared about. Not how you have literally poured out your heart.
'You can go find your girls again Matt' You smiled sarcastically and started to walk.
'I haven't seen anyone for a while because you mean so much to me. You really think I've been using you? I couldn't do that to you sweetheart, you are so beautiful and kind and I do like you it's just-'
Matt was interrupted by the girl from earlier.
'Matt! You disappeared'
Her body closing in on his and hugging him.
Your eyes closed, you left Matt to his girl. You weren't his.
You never were. How could you believe for a second that he wasn't just using you. You were another toy to fuel his ego and keep him busy. The shame and hurt felt more real. You couldn't go back, not now. Not ever. Your heart and stomach felt empty. You felt sick. You needed to sleep.
You called for chris and found him talking to Harry.
They knew each other?
Well it made sense, if Matt knew him.
You just needed to be out of there. The dress now causing annoyance because it just reminded you of matt. His smell now invading your thoughts as it lingered around you. Not willing to let go.
Chris came over.
'You've seen matt, haven't you?'
He hugged you as you nodded still trying to wipe the tears.
'I'm sorry it's over'
You pulled back, how did he know? You guessed that it was from the tears.
'No more Matt and Y/N now and thanks Chris I don't know what I would do without you' You tried to make a joke, but it came out a lot sadder than you wanted it to.
He made you get in the uber and refused to let you pay. Your heart body still mourning Matt and his touch, you regretted drinking. You wanted to be sober. You would never hear him say you're name without dread or annoyance. No more 'sweetheart'. No more Matt.
The two of you went back to his, you not wanting to go all the way back to yours.
You slept in Chris' bed that night. Wearing his t shirt.
He watched you, sleeping and breathing softly.
As he got ready to sleep in another room.
His plan had finally worked.
You would love him now, you needed him.
Part 3
(thanks @enchanthings for the divider!!)
Soooo... plot twist, hope this lives up to expectations and I truly mean thank you for the support guys :)
@mariasturniolo @seluky10 @xaristhings @jcrabtree11 @mellovanello
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y0urm4m · 5 months
No Time to die ch.3
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Warnings: smoking, swearing, arranged marriage (it is consensual so don’t come for me!!), alcohol consumption, weapons, blood, arguing, possible smut, fighting.(This includes all parts!!)
Summary: What will happen when two strangers with awful backstories are forced into an arranged marriage but one is seeking revenge.
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A few days had passed since everything had happened with my dad and Darren. My dad ended up firing Darren which was utterly ridiculous and unnecessary as he hadn’t done anything wrong. Once I had found out about him being fired, me and my dad once again had a massive argument and I was sent to my room for the rest of the day. Like always.
it was currently the night before the wedding, I was sat in my room with Nick as I painted my nails a pearly colour. “What do you think about this colour?” I asked Nick, showing him my nails. “I love it, it will definitely go with the dress.” He replied, inspecting the nail polish bottle. “I’m glad and if you really like the colour I’ll see if I have some spare,” I offered smiling. “It is one of the only colours that I use.” I added, giggling. “Oh before I forget I brought an early wedding gift for tonight!” Nick exclaimed jumping up, he walked over to where his bag was grabbing something. “I got some more of wine we had the other night!” He grinned. “Oh gosh, well I will not be drinking as much as I had the other day.” I giggled.
— Once I had finished my nails, me and Nick grabbed a couple of wine glasses and brought them back up to my room. “Soo, have you spoken to Chris?” He asked, pouring a glass of wine for himself and I. “A little bit.” I said as nick passed me a glass. “Oh well, you’ll have all the time to speak to him tomorrow,” “That’s another thing, have you written any vows?” He added.
Shit I had completely forgotten about writing vows.
“I can tell by the look on your face that you forgot,” He giggled. “I can help if you want?” He offered, sitting up. “It’s fine but I’ll have to write some now.” I said, getting up and grabbing my notebook.
I sat for 5 minutes staring at the blank lined page, what was I supposed to say. I barely knew Chris.
“Just write from the heart, trust me it’ll work.” Nick said softly, sipping from his drink.
Me and Nick ended up scrapping the personal vows because my mind had gone completely blank, we ended up lying down to watch a film which also was scrapped as we ended up falling asleep.
— “Are you excited?” Nick asked from beside me. I nodded. “Time has gone so fast!” I replied, as the woman behind me styled my hair. “Is it okay to start doing your makeup?” Someone else asked. I nodded my head in response as they walked over with loads of makeup products. “I’ll be back once your make up and hair is done. Okay?” Nick said, patting my shoulder. “Okay that fine, I’ll see you then.” I smiled as he left the room.
My hair and makeup was finally done.
I decided to put the dress on once I had got to the venue so it wasn’t creased or potentially damaged.
“Nick I’m done.” I said, walking out the door. “Great, let’s head to the venue now as we’re still early.” He said, leading me towards a car.
“Your hair and makeup looks breathtaking by the way.” He grinned. “Thank you, I’m honestly scared I might ruin it if I’m not careful.” I giggled. “You won’t, don’t worry. We’re Almost there anyways.” He replied, looking out the car window.
— We eventually arrived and went straight to put the dress on. “Holy shit y/n you actually look amazing.” Nick said, as I showed him the finished look. I smiled, as a faint knock was heard. “Who’s that?” I whispered, looking towards the door. “I don’t know, one second I’ll check.” He whispered heading over towards the door.
After 5 minutes of Nick having a conversation with the person, he finally opened the door revealing my dad. His eyes widened as he looked at me. I smiled walking over to him. “Do I look okay?” I asked, looking at him. “You look wonderful, your mom would be proud.” He smiled, pulling me in for a hug. I felt my waterline fill as the words left my dad’s mouth. “No water works before the wedding, please.” Nick said which caused me and my dad to laugh as I pulled away from the hug.
“Everyone should be arriving and sat down soon so I suggest staying in here for now.” Nick said, looking down at his phone. “Yeah Matt, Chris and some of the others are actually already here, I saw them just before I came in here.” My dad replied, also looking down at his phone. “Right I’ll be back once everyone is sat down, I love you.” My dad said, leaving me and Nick in the room.
“Y’know, I actually really appreciate the fact that you wore my mom’s dress.” Nick smiled, sorting out his tie. “I’m glad I could wear it, it’s a beautiful dress,” I replied, smoothing out the sides. I looked up at the clock, surely everyone was sat down by now? “Nick, you should probably go after all you are one of Chris’ groomsmen.” I said, patting his shoulder. “Alright, I’ll tell your dad to come and get you, I’ll see you soon!” Nick replied, giving me a quick hug before leaving.
I sighed, looking at myself in the mirror, this was actually happening it wasn’t just a dream. “You can do this y/n.” I whispered to myself and with that someone was knocking on the door again. “Y/n, it’s me,” My dad said entering the room. “Everyone is settled down now, so are you ready?” He asked, walking Towards me. “I’m ready, before I forget let me get the bouquet.” I replied quickly grabbing the bouquet from next to me. “Okay let’s go.” I took a deep breath, as we left the room.
We began walking the corner, arm in arm. “I’m so proud of you.” My dad whispered.
It’s felt surreal the moment me and my dad made it to the start of the aisle. The decor that filled the venue was absolutely enchanting and made the ceremony feel as if it were a dream.
“Please rise.” The priest declared as I finally was in sight for the family, friends and guests. Everyone who was sitting arose from their seats turning to look at me and my dad :who was on my left, as we walked slowly down the aisle. I could see Nick grinning as I walker closer towards him and the others but that’s when Chris caught my vision, his mouth agape as he watched me finally reach him.
As we reached the end of the isle, my dad let go of my arm giving me a kiss on the cheek as he sat down.
Chris took a step forward, smiling at me as we took our places in front of the priest.
“In the name of the father, and of the son, and of the Holy Spirit,” The priest began.
“Amen.” Everyone else replied.
“Grace to you and peace from God our father and the lord Jesus Christ.”
“And with your spirit.” Everyone replied once again.
“I will now start with an opening prayer. Be attentive to our prayer, O lord, and in your kindness uphold what you have established for the increase of the human race, so that the union you have created may be kept safe by your assistance. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one god, forever and ever.” The priest said, nodding his head.
After the priest read a few readings from the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Gospel.
“Are you prepared, as you follow the path of marriage, to love and honour and honour each other for as long as you both shall live?” The priest asked.
“I am.” Me and Chris said together.
“Since it is your intention to enter the covenant of holy matrimony, join your right hands, and declare your consent.” The priest announced, as me and Chris joined our right hands together.
Chris took a deep breath. “I, Chris Sturniolo, take you, Y/N Y/L/N, to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honour you all the days of my life.”
I smiled. “I, Y/N Y/L/N, take you, Chris Sturniolo, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honour you all the days of my life.”
After the priest blessed the rings and said a few more prayers it was now time to give one another them.
“Y/N Y/L/N, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity.” Chris said, sliding the ring on my finger.
“Chris Sturniolo, revive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity.” I replied, sliding the ring on his finger.
I looked over slightly to see my dad, who was now wiping tears off of his face as he smiled at me.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife!” The priest declared.
“You may now kiss the bride.” The priest said to Chris.
I looked at Chris before his lips met mine for a quick peck.
As we pulled back, the room filled with claps from everyone around us.
— After everyone had congratulated me and Chris we headed to the reception but before I entered Chris pulled me to the side. “I just wanted to say thank you for wearing my mom’s dress it really means a lot.” He said pulling me in for a hug. I was taken aback by the hug but I didn’t pull away from him, instead I hugged him back. “I really loved wearing this dress and I’m glad I was able to wear it.” I replied as we pulled away from each other.
We walked into the reception as I was immediately taken over to the dance floor where my dad stood. “You ready for a father, daughter dance? He chuckled. “I’m not going to let you go that easy.” He added as I walked over towards him.
The song ‘father and daughter’ by Paul Simon started playing which caused me to immediately tear up as it was a song my dad would play to me all the time when I was younger and we’d dance around the kitchen whilst my mom made sure we didn’t break anything. We began dancing slowly and carefully, as the song continued.
“I know I’ve already said it once but I really am proud of you.” My dad said to me as we danced to the song. “Thank you dad.” I replied as my lip quivered. “How about we dance just like we did when you was little, and if you keep crying it’s going to make me cry.” He chuckled, spinning me round just like he did when I was little which caused me to giggle. “There’s my happy girl.” He said as the song came to an end.
Chris walked towards the dance floor smiling at me and my dad as he put his hand out. My dad nodded, leaving me and Chris to dance. The song ‘At Last’ by Etta James started playing as Me and Chris began dancing. We danced to the soft beat of the song.
One of my hands was on his shoulder whereas his situated on my waist, our other hands were clasped together. Our movements were slow and synchronised as we danced around the dance floor. As we moved around, I looked at everybody who was watching. I smiled at Nick and Matt who was watching from the side as my dad put his thumb up and me and Chris. As mine and Chris’ dance came to an end he gave the top of my head a quick kiss.
“What would you like to do now?” He asked, my hand still holding onto his. “I’m not too sure.” I replied, looking towards Nick and Matt who were walking towards us both. “How are the newly wed feeling?” Nick asked. “Happy and excited.” I replied, smiling at him. “Same here.” Chris added.
— After having conversations with Matt, Nick and all the other guests we decided to eat some food.
Me and Chris were sat next to each other with my dad and some of Chris’ other family members including his brothers.
My dad arose from his seat, getting everyone’s attention. “If it’s okay I’d love to say some words for the newly wed,” He announced. I nodded, smiling at him.
“Y/n the moment before and when I walked you down the aisle will be a memory I will cherish forever.” He said, smiling down at me.
“And Chris, I don’t think any amount of preparation can ever make you feel ready to give your daughter away, but if I really had to choose someone, just know I would choose you every time without a doubt.” My dad said, toasting his drink.
After my dad’s meaningful toast, everyone ate their food, drank their drink and got lost in conversation.
“I hope you’re all having a great night so far but most importantly I hope you’ve all saved some room for something sweet because it is indeed that time! Please may the happy couple make their way over towards the cake so we can get this dessert party started!” The MC announced.
I looked over at Chris as we both got up from our seats making our way over towards the cake.
“Don’t they make the perfect couple? Let’s get some great pictures whilst they cut the cake!” The MC signalled for the photographer to come over.
Me and Chris grabbed the knife from next to us getting ready to cut the cake.
“Now if you’ll both do us the honour of cutting the first slice together.”
Me and Chris cut the first slice of the cake, placing it carefully on the plate in front of us.
“Wonderful! Let’s give them an applause.” The MC started clapping as everyone else around us joined in.
“And now, I invite the couple to feed each other a bite of the cake.”
I picked up a fork from next to us, collecting some of the cake as Chris did the same. “You ready!” I smiled, Chris nodding in return as we fed each other the cake.
“Wasn’t that lovely? Now, friends, family and honoured guests feel free to enjoy some cake and refreshments but most of all enjoy the rest of your night!” The MC said as pretty much everyone approached the cake.
The night was slowly coming to an end, everyone had eaten their slice of cake and had more drinks. Including me, I was currently sipping on wine having a conversation with Nick, Matt and my dad about today.
“Today has flew by it feels like moments ago I was walking down the aisle.” I sighed, looking at the few people who were dancing. “It really has.” My dad agreed. “It’s also been an emotional rollercoaster.” I giggled.
“Good evening everybody! Before this special day comes to an end, let’s have one last dance!” “Feel welcome to come join the others on the dance floor!” The MC announced.
“Are you guys up for one last dance?” I offered, standing up. “Chris is already there.” I added motioning towards where he was. They all agreed heading towards the dance floor.
An upbeat song played through the speakers as everyone spent the rest of their time dancing. The floor was highlighted by bright strobe lights: which flashed colours of yellow, red, green and blue. I rotated through dancing with Chris, Matt, Nick and my dad but we eventually started dancing all together resulting in a laughing mess as the song slowly came to a halt.
— Most of the guests had left leaving me, my dad, Chris and his brothers who were all helping clean and pack stuff up. “So are you coming back with me or do you plan on going with Chris?” My dad asked collecting all his stuff. “Uh I’m not too sure,” I replied. “Chris!” I called out, Chris’ head immediately shooting up and look over at me. I ushered him over. “My dad would like to know if I’m coming back with you or not?” I told him. “Me and your mom stayed the night in a hotel to get away from all the stress for the night,” My dad said. “I wouldn’t mind paying for you guys to stay in one.” He added. “I would love to. But only if Chris wants to.” I replied, looking at Chris. “Why not, thank you sir.” He thanked. “It’s no biggie and you don’t need to call me sir.” My dad chuckled, patting Chris’ back.
After my dad said his last goodbyes to the rest of us, he gave me some money and headed home.
— “Did I hear that the newly wed are staying at a hotel!” Nick teased as we left the reception. “You did indeed.” I chuckled, wrapping my arm around Chris’. “Well you guys have fun!” Nick winked which was followed by immediate laughter from us all. “We will do.” Chris chuckled.
After me and Chris said our goodbyes to Nick and Matt, we headed towards the hotel.
And if I was being honest I was excited to finally have more time with Chris.
Maybe this whole marriage wasn’t that bad after all, today had been amazing.
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A/N: hope you enjoyed this part. For the super delusional people, No this does not mean ur married to Chris!! (Just had to clear that up). You all are going to enjoy the next part and no one come for me for writing out like half of a wedding ceremony and basically a whole reception. — hugs and kisses Gracie 💋
Tag list: @watercolorskyy @junnniiieee07 @patscorner @mattyb4dominicans @brooklynn0103 @imwetforyourmom @stasiesturn
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imtooscaredforthis · 1 year
Chapter Nineteen: Redemption
Mentions of: References to Drug Use, Blood, Fighting, Frank being a baby (hes my pookie), The Cannibal, etc.
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A/N: I love stinky Frank so much guys I’m sorry I can’t help it 😭😭
Tags: @vandeaad @dead-bxxxtch-walking @mama-miya @prettycutebunny @moonshineinasippycup
“Asshole.” You hissed through gritted teeth, searing pain moving through your body. Chris released you with a grin on his face. “What? You’re the one who wanted me to go all out.”
It was true. For a while, you’ve been searching for the papers in trials, finding clues piece by piece, and you managed to figure it out.
Vigo was sent to some sort of void after The Entity figured out what he had been planning, but he managed to escape using Putrid Serum. The was only one way you could get the serum, and that was going to the killer’s realms, specifically The Blight’s.
Unfortunately, there was no map for the killer’s realm, and you couldn’t rely on Frank anymore, since the whole fight and everything. So, that meant you were going to have to blindly wander through the other realms to find The Blight’s.
Not wanting to be murdered, tortured, or kidnapped by any of these killers, you knew you were going to have to defend yourself, despite how they could overpower you. So you’ve been training.
Apparently, Loen and Chris had been agents of some super police force, along with a few other survivors around here. If anyone knew how to defend themselves, it was them. You trained with both of them, but you preferred Leon. He was much more gentle.
“Now, give me all you’ve got.” Chris told you. You threw some punches, which he blocked with ease. “Is that it? C’mon, you’ve gotta do better than tha-”
While he was mid sentence, you punched him, right in the nose. He stumbled backward in surprise, grabbing at his face. There was blood now pouring from his nose, and you realized what you had done.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry.” You reached over to him, but he waved you off with one hand, holding his nose in the other. “You’re good, don’t worry. I was asking for it anyway.”
“Are you sure?” You asked. He wiped away the blood with a grin. “Yeah. Let’s call it for now. But hey, you throw one hell of a punch.”
When you heard a knock at your door, the last person you expected it to be was Frank. You thought it might’ve been Leon, or Chris, ready for another training session, or Bill coming by to smoke and tell you one of his war stories, or Kate to fill you in on the latest survivor gossip, or maybe even Susie to hang out and get high with you. But you never expected it to be Frank, especially considering how you beat his girlfriend’s ass, and the argument you had after that.
“Hey, can we talk?” He asked. You frowned. “What is there to talk about, Frank?”
He scratched the back of his neck nervously, looking around at the other cabins. “C’mon, just let me in. You know the other survivors will freak out if they see us.”
“Are you worried about the survivors seeing you? Or just your girlfriend? Does she even know you’re here?” You shot back.
He clenched his fist, gritting his teeth. You were really going to make him say it, weren’t you? He took a deep, shaky breath.
“I’m here to apologize.”
God damn it. You reluctantly let him in, unable to take his puppy eyes anymore. This better be good.
“I fucked up. I shouldn’t have made you stay, and I shouldn’t have let Julie do all that..shit. I especially shouldn’t have let her attack you. I know this isn’t an excuse, but I can’t control her and she can be so…crazy sometimes, you know? And I know you were just defending yourself, and I’m sorry for snapping at you like that. I- I was wrong. But I’ve had fun doing this investigation thing with you, and I don’t want to give it up..I want us to be friends. So, what do you say?”
He raised his hand to you, and you couldn’t help but grin. “Holy shit. Was that an actual genuine apology from Frank Morrison? I think I’m going to pass out. This can’t be real.”
“Yeah, yeah. Enjoy it while you still can.” He rolled his eyes, a smirk crossing his lips. You reached over, shaking his hand. “It’s a deal. Now, I do need your help with one thing…”
“Seriously? You don’t know where his realm is?” You asked. “Not all Killers know each other, _______. But if I had to guess, I would say he’s in No Man’s Land.”
“No Man’s Land?” You repeated curiously. “Yeah, it’s where all the monster-like killers live. The more dangerous and irritable ones, even towards other killers. No one goes to their realms.”
“Ok so, how do we get there?”
After smoking a bit of weed to calm your nerves, (Frank needed it more than you did) you set out to No Man’s Land.
First, you had to cut through the more domestic killers, such as The Shape. Luckily for you, he wasn’t around, and if he was, you were sure you’d be able to outrun him. Then, you reached The Cannibal’s realm, which was just outside of No Man’s Land.
Now, you and Frank were both much more nervous. The Cannibal was terrifying..and fast, and was always painful to go against in trials. The man was a maniac and completely unpredictable.
As the two of you made your way through the field, Frank fidgeted with his knife, breathing a little heavily. “Can you not breathe so loud? It’s freaking me out.”
“What do you expect me to do? I’m nervous.” He shot back. “We should’ve smoked more. I’m so on edge from this shit.”
“Smoking would’ve only made us slower. We need to be on our toes. And now you know what it’s like to be a survivor.” You remarked, as the two of you neared the farmhouse. “Well, it’s not exactly easy to be a killer either.”
“Seriously? You want to do this right now?” Your voice was hushed but firm, and the two of you started bickering, completely losing the plot.
But you remembered where you were and what you were doing when Leatherface appeared behind Frank. Making you freeze in place. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” He kept on going, before realizing it wasn’t him you were afraid of.
Just as he turned around, he got smacked in the back of the head with a Sledge Hammer, knocked out cold. You grabbed his unconscious body, trying to drag him away as quickly as you could, but he was so heavy. “Wake up, Frank!!“
The sound of The Cannibal’s chainsaw roaring to life managed to wake him, and he got to his feet, running away. For some reason, The Cannibal kept on chasing after Frank, instead of going after you.
Eventually, he had Frank cornered, raising his chainsaw and preparing for the kill. Your body was moving before you could even realize and the next thing you knew, you had jumped onto his back, wrapping your arms around his head and making him screech. He flailed his chainsaw around, screaming, and trying to get you off him. “Leave him alone, you sick fucker!”
Frank stared in awe, not moving until you screamed at him to run. Eventually, Leatherface managed to knock you off of him, making you fall to the ground. Frank pulled you to your feet, and the two of you took off, leaving his realm.
This was going to be much more difficult than you had thought.
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alj4890 · 1 year
The Apology
(Ethan Ramsey x OC*Sophie Triano) on a Choices Open Heart drabble
Thirty Kisses in Thirty Days Challenge with the prompt: kissing the tears that roll down your lover's cheeks
@hopelessromantic1352 @twinkleallnight @tessa-liam @choicesficwriterscreations @choices-readerandlover @annfg8 @jerzwriter @trappedinfanfiction @coffeeheartaddict2
Rating: G for angsty fluff
Thanks for the request @annfg8 😊 Here's some angst that turns sweet.
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They weren't certain over what triggered it, but whatever it was shocked Ethan and Sophie. Perhaps it was their recent schedules. Maybe it was because Ethan had lost a patient before he could figure out what was wrong with her. It could have been the fact that Sophie had to work an extra sixteen hours on an eight tier wedding cake because one of her assistants dropped it.
Who knew why they ended up having a fight? It simply happened and there had been no stopping it.
The harsh words, the snide remarks, the yelling; it was colossal. Neither was known to go that far when angry, yet something about the moment made them each the perfect target to unload all their frustrations.
When Sophie slammed her door in Ethan's face, the seriousness of it all struck him. Unable to get her to open the door again, he stormed the few floors up to his own apartment.
Throwing his keys across the room, he poured himself a needed drink and settled in his recliner. He narrowed his eyes at the night sky, contemplating the fact that relationships could be a huge pain in his ass.
No wonder he remained single for so long. The drama was exhausting. It was a waste of energy that he could use towards something productive. Anything would be more productive than what he'd just gone through.
He took a big gulp of his scotch, dropping his head back against the leather cushion.
Perhaps it was all for the best that Sophie had kicked him out. They'd probably end up making the situation worse if they'd tried to talk it over.
His frown deepened as he thought of the possibility of ending things with her. In the heat of the moment, he thought it might be best. He almost suggested it. After all, they'd been so busy lately that they were often playing catch up rather than simply being together.
He then thought about how she normally made him feel. He actually liked the relaxed version of himself she seemed to bring out. Maybe that was why this fight hit harder than those in his past. Sophie made him pause to think about whether or not their relationship was what he originally thought it was.
Ethan knew it wasn't unusual for couples to fight. He'd even witnessed Tobias and Chris tie up a time or two. He'd gone through his own arguments when with Chris, Harper, and other women of his past. This wasn't really anything new.
He got up and poured himself another drink. Something though about this particular fight hit him where it hurt. That had to be why he struck back with his words so quickly. So easily. So hurtful.
Her face...
Ethan downed his second glass in three quick gulps as the image of Sophie's face came to mind. Though furious with him, there was no disguising the pain she felt with each lash of his tongue. The very mouth he used to bring Sophie pleasure, compliment her, softly soothe her was used as a weapon against her.
He was ashamed that a man his age had allowed things to go that far. He could blame it on being tired and upset over work, but he knew from the beginning of the fight what he was doing. Instead, he didn't bother to hold back.
And now look at me, he thought. I made the person I truly care about cry.
He knew it was more than simply caring for her. Sophie was becoming the most important person in his life. The thought of losing her was unacceptable.
He bowed his head and pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't know what to do. He knew he should apologize, but should he go now or let her sleep it off?
Sophie was furious. The fact that Ethan had left without apologizing made her want to follow him upstairs to his apartment and scream at him some more. How dare he even think he could talk to her like that and simply leave as if he had the right?
She went about her kitchen, slamming drawers and cabinets to try to rid herself of this residual anger. She jerked her refrigerator open to search for a bottle of vodka she'd put in there and stilled at the sight of the containers of dinner he'd made her.
Her bottom lip began to tremble as tears filled her eyes. How could she have talked to him like that? He was a good man. She knew this about Ethan. Why had she insulted him? Called him names? Why had she purposely tried to make him even more angry?
She shut the fridge door and pressed her forehead against it. Her shoulders shook as she began to cry. The thought of losing him was breaking her heart.
She missed him. She hated that their schedules had been so difficult to work around. But even the rare few hours together was worth it. He made her happy, happier than she'd been in a long time.
Then why did she act like some crazy banshee, screeching at him over the stupidest things? She couldn't even remember what set her off or even what the fight was about. It wasn't his fault she was exhausted from work or completely frazzled with keeping up with all her new orders.
She missed having Veronica to depend on. Anytime Sophie needed a break, she knew she could take it without worry because her cousin would easily pick up the slack and keep their business booming. Now that she was on her own, she allowed the pressure to nearly consume her.
And what had she done next? Took it out on the one man she was falling so hard for.
She should have never invited him over tonight. She knew she wasn't in the best mood to begin with. And yet, she hoped that maybe she'd get in a better one simply by being near him.
That backfired horribly, she thought as she stumbled into her bedroom. She collapsed face down on her bed and continued to cry into her pillows.
Are we going to break up?
She'd been tempted to. In the heat of the moment she was ready to tell him to screw off and never darken her door again. But she held back. Even now, the thought of never seeing Ethan Ramsey again hurt worse than their fight did.
She knew she was falling in love with him. Everything about their relationship seemed so easy. This fight coming out of nowhere had actually made her doubt whether or not they should even try and work things out.
And honestly, that scared her and made her more determined than ever to make things right.
Should I call him or wait until he reaches out to me? Maybe I should let things cool off for a while before trying to talk to him.
Clutching one of her bed pillows to her chest, Sophie cried herself to sleep.
Ethan called in and took a personal day off of work. After the restless night thinking about Sophie, he knew he wouldn't be of use to any patient that walked through Edenbrook's door.
He was determined, after much soul searching, to do all he could to keep her in his life.
He dressed with care, picking the color blue she usually complimented him wearing. He then called her bakery and asked to speak to her.
"She's not coming in today." Terry told him. "She called this morning and said she needed the day to herself."
Ethan knew their fight must be the cause of her not going into work. He wondered if she was at home.
Nervous about talking to her on the phone, he sent a quick text asking if he could come over later or if she would be willing to come to his apartment.
He watched the ellipsis bounce as he anxiously waited to read her response.
He realized he was holding his breath when her message appeared, agreeing to come over to his place around noon.
Sophie went through numerous outfit changes. She didn't know what to wear, only that she wanted Ethan to think she looked pretty. She settled on a black outfit since it matched the current mood she was in, or at least the mood she knew she could wind up in if things did not work out.
She felt more nervous walking up to his apartment than she ever had before. Each step she took tempted her into turning around and going back to her apartment.
When she arrived at his door, she hesitated to knock. She could already feel her tears building. The last thing she needed right now was to fall apart before he'd even said a word.
Taking a deep breath, she softly knocked on his door.
It swung open quicker than she thought possible. Sophie kept her eyes averted from Ethan's.
"Hi." She said, clearing her throat. "You wanted to see me?"
Ethan stepped back to let her in.
"Yes, I did." He motioned for her to sit down.
She sat on the far end of his couch.
He grimaced slightly at that. From the moment they first got together, she'd always chosen to sit near him.
He sat on the opposite end and angled his body towards her. His eyes traced her profile. Gone was her warm smile she seemed to always have at the ready for him. She still had yet to look at him directly. Even now, she kept her eyes on his floor.
"Sophie?" He swallowed nervously. "I'm sorry about last night. I didn't mean anything I said. I don't know what happened. All I can do is apologize."
She glanced at him. Her throat convulsed some as she tried to keep from crying.
She blinked a few times to try to stop her tears, yet failed miserably.
"I'm..." Her voice cracked. "I'm sorry too."
Ethan moved across the couch until he had her in his arms. His lips crashed against hers.
She clutched him close, kissing him back in relief while tears trailed down her cheeks.
Ethan pressed his lips to her cheek, softly kissing the tears away. He whispered again how sorry he was as he moved to do the same to her other cheek.
Sophie bit down on her trembling bottom lip in an attempt to calm down. Her voice was hoarse as she tried to take the blame for the fight.
"It was my fault." He told her gently cupping her face.
"It was mine too." She argued, pressing another kiss against his lips. "I've been tired and cranky and--"
He silenced her with a deep kiss.
"Next time, we need to be honest with each other." His lips continued to caress hers as he spoke. "I'll warn you when I'm in a bad mood."
"I'll try and do the same." Her eyelashes fluttered closed when his tongue slipped between her lips.
She moaned as he pulled her into his lap, never breaking their heated kiss.
Ethan realized as he began to caress her that her tears had stopped falling.
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
You know, I'm almost grateful that Chris never told Ethan the plan throughout the entirety of Resident Evil Village. Sure, it’s a convenient plot device that’s anywhere from slightly annoying to deeply confusing, depending on your interpretation of Chris’s character. And yeah, it would have saved Ethan (and the player) from a lot of trouble if Chris had just told Ethan what was going on, as well as saved Ethan from spending over 24 hours thinking that his best friend killed his wife. But overall, it offers some players - with basic thinking skills - a unique perspective in that, we get to see just how misogynistic most of the fans are in how they’ll give Chris a pass for keeping a secret out of fear, and then turn around and despise Mia for keeping a secret out of fear. 
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The Cabin - Tom Hiddleston x Curvy Reader (Part 1/3)
“What’s got you so distracted?” Evans asked Tom.
“Sorry, I just…I had planned on visiting my family again during break, but most of them will be on a cruise for a family friend’s wedding. I know I saw them less than two months ago for Christmas, but I don’t get to see them often anymore.”
“Oh, damn!” Chris replied.
“I know, I’m considering whether or not it’s even worth it to deal with two incredibly long flights going to and from London if I’m not even going to get to see my family.” He said, opening the make-up trailer door for him and Chris.
“Where else were you thinking about spending break?” he asked, plopping down in the make-up chair to start having all of the Captain America washed off for the next two weeks.
“Honestly, I don’t know. I may just take a trip to somewhere much closer by myself.” Tom answered, running his fingers through his hair when his wig was removed.
“If that’s what you WANT to do, cool, but you should just come with me to the cabin.” Chris suggested.
“The cabin?” Tom asked.
“Yeah, my friend Y/N owns a huge cabin and I drag my family up there every few years.” He explained.
“Thank you for the invite, but I couldn’t intrude on your family’s time with you.” Tom politely answered.
“Come on. First, you know my mother loves you. Second, you aren’t intruding on anything.” Chris tried convincing him.
“I really don’t want to be a bother.” Tom felt guilty, knowing how much of a family person Chris was.
“That’s it.” Chris dramatically pulled his cellphone out. “Siri, call Ma!”
“You wouldn’t.” Tom said, struggling to keep a straight face.
“Calling ‘Ma’” Siri’s voice replied. The make-up artists were trying hard to keep their laughs to themselves at this point.
After a few rings, Chris’ mother answered the phone. “Hey sweetie.”
“Hey Ma, I’m here with Hiddleston and I need you to settle an argument.” Chris shot Tom a snarky ‘watch this’ look.
“Tom! How are you, sweetheart?” Chris’ mom Lisa asked.
“I’m doing well, thank you. How have you been?” Tom replied with a grin on his face.
“I’m good, I’m good. Now what are you two arguing about?” She asked.
“Well, Tom isn’t going to get to see his family over filming break.” Chris started to explain.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, sweetheart.” Lisa interrupted. “You should just drive up to Y/n’s with Chris! There’s plenty of room and you know I always make too much food anyhow.”
Chris gave Tom a cocky grin. “That’s exactly what I was telling him, Ma!”
“You’re too kind.” Tom laughed. “I suppose you’ve made an offer I can’t refuse.”
“Don’t be silly. You’re always welcome with us.” Lisa reiterated. “We’re getting ready for bed since our flight is so damn early in the morning, so I’ll see you two tomorrow!”
“Thanks, Ma! Be safe!” Chris answered, hanging up the phone.
“Thank you.” Tom said, getting up from his make-up chair.
“I told you, it’s no biggie. We’re gonna have a blast.” Evans answered.
“When are we leaving?” Tom asked.
“Well, we’ve got a few options.” Chris answered as the two of them left the make-up trailer.
“Go on.”
“They aren’t expecting us there until tomorrow, but if we leave in the next few hours, we’ll actually beat them there.” Chris explained.
“I mean, I’m nowhere near tired.” Tom said, letting Chris know he was down for the drive.
“Same. I’ve been so excited for this trip, I feel wired.” He replied “Wanna pack and meet me at mine?”
“Absolutely.” Tom answered. “Anything specific I should pack?” He called loudly as the two had walked a distance apart.
“Dress comfy!” Chris yelled back. “And bring a jacket! It’s snowing!”
Tom waved and made his way to his trailer.
It was about an 8 or 9 hour drive up to the cabin, so the guys rolled up at about 3 in the morning.
“Is anybody else here?” Tom asked, as Chris navigated his truck up the snowy drive.
“Y/n’s here. She spends about half her time up here.” Chris answered, parking the truck and shooting you a text.
“Where does she spend the rest of her time?” Tom asked.
“Everywhere, really. She’s a writer. She’s even come and crashed with me while I was filming.” Chris answered, hopping out of the truck when he got your text reply.
“Books? Scripts?” Tom asked, curious what you wrote.
“Books, mostly. She’s got a few popular series, but she also has a few pen names that she refuses to tell me so I’ve always assumed she like consults or edits or something.” Chris answered.
“How mysterious.” Tom chucked, grabbing his bag and following Chris up to the house.
“Y/n!” Chris yelled into the cabin, leading Tom into the large home.
“Did you really work all day and then drive 8 hours?” you laughed, walking down the stairs.
“I just couldn’t wait to see that beautiful face.” Chris dropped his bag and pulled you into a bear hug.
“Sure. This definitely has nothing to do with you beating Scott to one of the big bedrooms.” You laughed, wrapping your arms around him.
“That’s just a perk.” He teased, introducing you to Tom. “I’m sure you know who this is. Y/n, Tom. Tom, Y/n.”
“Nice to meet you.” You replied, pulling Tom into a hug.
“It’s very nice to meet you too.” Tom said, happy to see that you seemed just as chill and down to earth as the rest of Chris’ friends and family.
“He had to bail on his plans to fly home for the break, so I convinced him to join our two weeks of amazing chaos and shenanigans.” Chris laughed.
“Amazing is right, bucko. I just got two hot tubs installed” you shared.
“Yes!” Chris half yelled.
“Also, mi casa es su casa, Tom. Make yourself at home.” You told him.
“Gracias.” Tom replied in Spanish.
“Any chance you two want to take a dip tonight before the rest of the pack arrives?” Chris asked, looking between you and Tom.
“Absolutely” you answered, walking towards the kitchen. “You both okay with Beer? I’ve got other options.”
“Beer for me.” Chris answered.
“Actually, a beer sounds rather refreshing at the moment.” Tom answered.
“I’ll grab the beer and you two can pick your rooms” you called from the kitchen.
“You down for the hot tub?” Chris asked Tom.
“I am, but I didn’t pack any swim shorts.” He answered.
“No worries, Y/n has a whole closet full of random stuff. Follow me.” Chris led Tom up the stairs. “Y/n’s room is at the very top, but there’s two rooms just below that. We can take those two. Let those with kiddos stay closest to the bottom floor.”
“Sounds good to me” Tom replied, dropping his bag on the bed before following Chris to your closet of misfit swim clothes, jackets, sleepwear, blankets, and other miscellaneous stuff.
When you made your way upstairs, you saw that the guys had picked the two rooms closest to yours. You weren’t surprised. They were the two biggest after yours and Chris never got to pick one of them because he was always the last to show up for his family get togethers.
“When you two get changed, head up to mine. The second hot tub is on my balcony.” You took the three unopened beers and went up the last set of stairs to get changed in your room. Your suit was a black balconette bikini top and a pair of black high waisted bikini bottoms. The top and bottom had a few strappy bits that accentuated your curves.
“Well hello there, sexy lady.” You heard Chris and his unending charm behind you as you were finishing getting your top all sorted.
“You guys get settled in?” you asked, nodding towards the beers.
Chris opened one and handed it to you. “We did.” As he opened another for himself and sat on your bed, he shared a bit about Tom. “I’m happy he tagged along. I don’t know what he’s got going on in his personal life because he doesn’t share a lot, but he needs a break like this.”
“Well, if I had to take a guess...” you took a swig of your beer. “You two get along great which makes me think he’s a down to earth, genuine person.”
“I agree” Chris replied.
“If you’ve seen any of the tabloids lately, they aren’t very friendly to the exes of the women he’s most recently dated. I’m going to assume he’s a bit overwhelmed and a bit worn out. It’s hard to stay genuine and down to earth when the media is writing about you as if you’re a scheming fuckboy.”
Chris took a swig of his beer. “I think you might be right. God, beauty and brains? Why won’t you marry me?” he teased.
“Like you could handle me” you teased right back.
“I’m going to go get more beer so we don’t have to leave the hot tub.” Chris stood and smacked your ass on the way out.
“How did I know you were going to do that?” you laughed.
Chris was laughing as he passed Tom. “I’ll meet you two up there.”
When Tom walked in, you opened the last of the three beers and handed it to him. “Pink suits you.” You noticed he was wearing the bright pink swim shorts from the closet.
Tom blushed and laughed as he took a sip of his beer. “It was this or ones with bananas all over them. I thought I’d make a bold choice.”
“Choice well made” you replied, opening the double doors to your balcony. “It’s going to be a short chilly journey to the hot tub, but heaven once you get in.”  
When you went to walk up the steps on the side of the hot tub to get in, Tom extended his arm so you could grab his hand. “Be careful.”
“Thank you.” You couldn’t help but smile.
“God, I leave for two minutes and you two are already holding hands.” Chris snarked as he joined the two of you on the balcony. You and Tom both laughed as you walked down into the hot tub and let go of his hand. “What’s he got that I don’t got?” Chris was fake sniffling as he climbed into the hot tub after Tom.
“Oh, sweetie. I don’t think you want to know the answer to that question.” You answered, finishing the beer in your hand.
“Now I really want to know” Chris replied, opening and handing you a second beer.
“Are you two always like this?” Tom laughed.
You and Chris looked at each other and answered “yeah” at the same time.
After the three of you had spent about a half hour in the hot tub just talking and laughing, Tom cleared his throat. “Thank you for this.”
“For what?” you asked. He was sat between you and Chris, the three of you looking out at the beautiful snowy mountain view.
“Chris, for inviting me. You, for having me. Both of you for forcing me to get out of my own head.” Tom answered.
“You don’t need to thank us.” Chris replied, slapping Tom on the shoulder.
“He’s right, you know.” You smiled, looping your arm through his and leaning your head on his shoulder, looking back out at the view. “You’re pretty great company if I do say so myself.”
“Well, if I can’t thank you, at least let me share my appreciation of you both.” Tom replied, pressing a quick kiss to the top of your head.
“Just wait until the whole pack shows up” Chris laughed. “It’s calm now, but you’re going to have plenty of distractions once the shenanigans start.”
“Remember, my room is the safe zone” you laughed. “No kids, it’s off-limits during games, and it’s the only access to this balcony.”
“I’ll keep that in mind” Tom chuckled.
Chris looked over and saw you cuddled into Tom’s side. “Why do I get the feeling you’re ‘appreciating’ Y/n over there a lot more than you are me” he teased.
You laughed and Tom looked over at Chris. “If you wanted a snuggle, that’s all you had to say.”
The three of you were all laughing, the lateness of the night sinking in. “If I snuggle anyone I’m going to fall asleep, and I have a feeling that’s not the best idea in a hot tub.” He stood up and hopped over the side, almost slipping on the icy balcony floor.
“What time is everyone arriving tomorrow?” you asked, not moving from your spot at Tom’s side.
“Well, they always grab breakfast down at that old little diner after they land, so maybe 11?” Chris answered, wrapping himself in a towel.
“You mean we actually get to sleep in?” you said with a bit of exaggerated shock.
“I don’t think it counts as sleeping in if you don’t go to bed until after the sun starts peaking over the mountains.” Tom teased you.
Chris laughed. “Hey, we’ll take it. Sleep is going to be a rare commodity around here for at least a few days.” He left the balcony and went back inside to warm up.
“I can’t wait.” Tom said.
“Me either. I love when they come up here. Always makes this place feel more like home.” You shared, moving to get out of the hot tub.
“I think the chaos is something I miss when I don’t get to spend time with my family.” Tom replied, once again grabbing your hand and making sure you made it safely out of the hot tub and onto the balcony. “I think having all of my nieces and nephews running around and the fact that there is always something cooking or baking…It’s hard to feel alone.”
You handed Tom a large towel and wrapped another one around yourself. “Well, if that’s your idea of a great time, you’re going to love your time with Chris’ family. They’re love and chaos and great food with a dash of an extreme love of competition.”
Tom followed you back into the house. “Well, again. I appreciate that I’m able to experience it.”
“Me too” you said, drying your hair a bit with your towel. “It sounds like you needed a bit of an escape.”
“That’s one way to put it” Tom said, drying off.
“Well, if you need anything just come find me, okay?” You could hear Chris coming back up the stairs to your room.
“Thank you, I will.” Tom replied, seeming to hesitate for a second. “I’ve enjoyed spending time with you tonight. Or this morning, rather.” He laughed.
You couldn’t help but smile as you threw your towel into the clothes hamper. You were a very confident person. You were proud of who you were, and you loved your curvy body, but all of a sudden you felt very naked standing there in your bikini. Tom’s genuine compliment and the way he confidently looked you up and down left you with goosebumps. “The feeling is definitely mutual.”
“Let me know if I can help with anything. Preparations and such.” Tom mentioned as Chris walked in.
“Don’t worry about that, Ma usually takes over when she gets here.” Chris laughed.
You shrugged. “True” you added, both grateful for and irritated by the interruption.  
“Y/n, I checked that all of the doors were locked. Our trucks are both locked too. I’m gonna pass out and shower when I wake up.” Chris let you know.
“Thanks” you replied. “I’ll probably hop in the shower before I go to bed so that I can help your mom sort meals and such out when she gets here.”
“Sweet. I’m going to bed.” Chris interrupted himself with a yawn. “I will see both of you in a few hours”
As Chris headed back down a floor to his room, Tom cleared his throat. “I really don’t mind helping.”
“You’ll eventually get roped into doing something, I promise.” You laughed.
Tom nodded and smiled. “Well then, I’m going to go shower and sleep. I’ll see you in a bit.”
As Tom turned to walk down the stairs, you spoke. “Try to relax.” When he turned to look at you, you continued. “You have nothing to worry about for two whole weeks. No schedule, no paparazzi, no expectations…just, let yourself enjoy it, okay?”
Tom smiled and nodded his head. He replied “I think I will” before continuing down the stairs.
Instead of your alarm, you were woken up by Chris crawling into your bed. “Y/n.” He was trying to wake you up gently. “Y/n!”
“Did my alarm not go off?” you asked, rolling over and snuggling into Chris.
He chuckled, wrapping his arms around you. “I underestimated my mother’s planning. Turns out they got to the diner at 8 this morning and they’re currently unloading the cabs downstairs.”
“What time is it?” you asked.
“9:30” Chris replied, the two of you hearing someone coming up the stairs.
“I’m going to need coffee” you mumbled.
Tom made it to the top of the stairs and saw you and Chris together in your bed. He tucked the thought away, making note to ask Chris about the two of you later. “Not a morning person?” he asked, laughing at your messy bed head and request for caffeine.
“I can be when I need to be, but we were awake and drinking on my balcony like four hours ago” you replied.
“Can I make you some coffee?” Tom offered.
You rolled over and sat up sorting out your messy hair. “I can make it. I just need to get dressed.”
Chris rolled out of your bed, going to your closet. “Bra, leggings, sweater, fuzzy socks.” Chris tossed your clothes onto your bed.
“You know me so well.” You laughed, gathering your clothes and getting out of bed. “I’ll be down in a few.”
“I think they’re finished unloading, but I’ll go see if there’s anything else they need help with.” Tom replied, heading downstairs.
“I’m offended that you two look like you’ve just had 12 hours of beauty sleep.” You teased Chris, pulling your leggings on.
“I think you’re underestimating yourself” Chris said, turning to leave. “You’ve definitely caught someone’s attention.” Chris had noticed the way Tom looked at the two of you cuddled up in your bed and planned on asking him about it later.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you sleepily asked, but Chris was already gone.
You finished getting dressed in your long, oversized sweater and fuzzy socks and walked downstairs to greet Chris’ family.
“Y/n!” Chris’ sisters greeted, pulling you each into a hug, the three of you quickly catching up.
Then came Scott, who practically tackled you. “Bitch, it has been too long.”
“Agreed.” You replied, the two of you making plans to go get stuff for drinks tonight.
You’d said a few hellos and given a few hugs to various other friends and family and eventually you made your way to the kitchen with Tom and Lisa, Chris’ mom.
“Oh, my dear, it’s so good to see you.” Lisa pulled you into a tight hug, kissing both of your cheeks. “I can’t believe the boys showed up at three this morning!”
You laughed. “It’s good to see you too. And Chris warned me a few days ago that he would probably drive up after he finished filming.”
Looking over you saw Tom holding a mug of coffee out towards you. “For me?” You reached out and took the mug from him.
“It’s the least I could do. Lisa told me how you take your coffee.” He answered, nodding towards Chris’ mom.
You took a sip, humming to yourself. “Thank you, this is perfect.” You pressed a quick kiss to Tom’s cheek before hearing Chris’ niece call for you.
“In the kitchen, sweetie” you called back out, walking towards where you heard her call from.
As the adults started getting settled into their rooms, the kids were all starting to crash from the hectic morning they’d had.
“Let’s watch a movie in the den, guys.” You suggested, grabbing blankets and pillows and throwing them on the couches and floor so that the kids would spread out and nap.
“What are we gonna watch?” one of his nephews asked.
“Well, we’ve got Goosebumps, we’ve got School of Rock, and we’ve got Bedtime Stories.” You read the movies aloud, with the kids all picking Goosebumps. About 15 minutes in, all of you were asleep in various places in the room.
Scott, Chris, and Tom were bundled up in their jackets talking on the back porch as Chris set up your grill and got it ready to use.
“So how long have you guys known Y/n?” Tom asked.
“Oh, god. It’s been…I don’t even know. It’s been years.” Chris thought about how long you guys had been friends.
“Chris met Y/n one day in New York. She was there for a book project or something and Chris had ducked inside her apartment building to get away from paparazzi.” Scott laughed, remembering Chris tell him the story.
Chris let out a big laugh. “She was getting ready to walk out and I practically ran into her. When she realized why I so rudely shoved my way into the building, she asked me ‘Do you want to do something very immature but totally worth it?’ I had to, right?”
Scott continued the story. “She led him up to her apartment and ran inside. Chris just waited at the door wondering what he’d gotten himself into when she popped back out, holding a box of water balloons.”
Tom laughed. “Oh, please tell me you threw them at the paparazzi.”
“They did. They filled a bin full of them and went to the roof.” Scott replied.
“I have never made a friend so quickly in my life” Chris said. “We got through about half of the bin before they left. Even better, they never got a picture of me throwing the balloons. The tabloids alluded to the fact that it was me, but we never officially got caught.”
“I don’t know if she adopted us or if we adopted her, but she’s been family ever since.” Scott added.
“Either way, she’s the best kind of people.” Chris said, closing the lid on the grill.
“I can see that.” Tom replied. After a short pause, he continued. “Have you two ever…dated?”
Chris grinned, remembering how Tom had looked at the two of you cuddled up in your bed. “Nah, she’s one of my best friends. Possibly my actual best friend.” he answered, sitting down next to the other two guys.
“Even though I’m sure ma would love it if you two got together.” Scott laughed.
“I think ma just wants both of us to settle down and have kids like the girls did.” Chris replied. “She treats Y/n like a daughter.”
Scott looked back at Tom. “Why the interest in Y/n’s dating life, huh?” he teased him.
“Just curious” Tom answered with straightest face he could manage.
“I don’t know” Chris continued, continuing to tease Tom. “You two looked awfully cozy last night.”
Tom’s cheeks blushed a bit before he could answer. “If a beautiful woman laid her head on your shoulder, what would you have done?”
“Fair point.” Chris laughed. “She’s single, you know” he added.
“She is” Scott echoed, smirking. “And I have a date to go shopping with her if you want me to see if she’s interested.”
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves” Tom replied, failing miserably at hiding his grin.
“No rush” Scott answered, putting his hands up. “I’m just saying…”
“Give him a break” Chris interrupted. “He’s got two weeks to see where things go.”
“True” Scott replied.
Part 2
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pineapple-lover-boy · 3 years
Can- can I just talk about the Victuuri relationship? Pretty please?
I just…. I’ve never seen a healthy relationship that starts from idolization and a need to get out that has ended in a satisfying way.
Let me elaborate:
We all know that Yuri idolized Victor. It’s why he was so nervous in the beginning and why it took time for them to build on their relationship, he saw Victor as a god.
Victor? He was depressed. He loved the ice so much but he longer found excitement in competitions. He didn’t have any worthy opponents that had a chance of beating him (sorry Chris).
I believe Victor “fell in love” at the banquet. He was attracted to Yuri but, even though he lost, he also saw potential in him. That night was probably the most exciting night for him in a long time. I think he felt genuine affection for Yuri but also saw a way to get out of his predicament.
Then, of course, Yuri didn’t show up the following season (a year had passed before the present timeline). He was most likely annoyed that someone who had gave him excitement didn’t show up. Did he think Yuri had a chance of beating him at first? Probably not. Did he see potential or at least someone he could have fun with during the season? Hell yes!
And then when he saw the video of Yuri skating Stay Close To Me, something that awarded him a gold medal. That’s all he needed. He saw how Yuri not only skated it perfectly but I bet he thought Yuri skated it better. Let’s not forget that emotion is a huge part of skating. If you don’t skate with the passion your supposed to hold for whatever theme you have, your performance can almost seem futile. Victor obviously won because he perfected it but if it was based on how he presented it alone, he would’ve lost. He saw someone worthy of skating an gold medal piece while also having the heart to do it. That’s talent.
Anyways, because of this, their relationship doesn’t hold well in the beginning. He’s passive aggressive towards Yuri because he doesn’t see his own talent and Yuri is just going along for the ride because holy shit it’s Victor fucking Nikiforov.
As they get to know each other and Yuri opens up more (plus Victor getting info on Yuri from the others) Victor starts to see Yuri as an actual person and not someone he can use to project himself onto and then later skate against. And Yuri starts to see him as an actual person too.
I saw on another post talking about how we didn’t see them during the summer and how the end credits of every episode suggest they got to know each other better as both in the credits and in the show they (Yuri) are able to touch each other more. I 100% believe this.
I also believe they might’ve had an argument or two on this topic. It’s not easy to switch from inadvertently seeing someone as anything but a person to an actual person with emotions and feelings. I believe Victor would’ve tried to back away from this subject but Yuri wouldn’t let him. It wasn’t big arguments like in episode 7. It was probably little quarrels that annoyed them both but after having a long conversation they finally started to become more comfortable with each other.
Yuri started letting go of the notion that Victor was a god like creature and Victor saw him as something other than a pawn. Yuri stopped getting as embarrassed with Victor touching him and Victor stopped trying to seduce him as much just so he could see the man from the banquet.
This most definitely leads the way towards a healthier relationship but episode 7 was inevitable. Yuri’s anxiety was at an all time high when he comes out on top. The fact that he needs to stay on top and not mess up is getting to him. As a person with anxiety, it’s pure hell. The thoughts of failing won’t get out of his head and even as he turns off all the monitors he can still hear everything.
Victor takes him away from prying eyes and has no idea what to do. Despite an obvious change that would’ve had to include some emotions from both occurring over the summer, he still has no idea how to help someone in distress.
Then he makes his first mistake. Yuri is visibly shaken by someone’s scores (can’t remember who) and Victor, who is at his wits end, yells at him to stop listening and puts his hands over Yuri’s ears. This tells Yuri how nervous Victor is too and despite knowing that Victor wouldn’t leave him now it shows to him that Victor doesn’t have faith in him (even if he does).
Victor tried to shatter Yuri’s heart. He must’ve expected Yuri to maybe sign heavily but tell him that he’ll do everything in his power to win (probably something that’s happened with him and Yakov). Instead he see’s the consequences of his carelessness. Yuri rightfully lashes out at him and even through all that Victor stills says “should I kiss you?”. Idk what Yuri was thinking but if I were him I would be extremely offended that Victor would try and use me like some doll he can play with and can assume that physical affection and love can fix everything, which was probably what Yuri was thinking.
There’s something off about Yuri and Victor when they emerge but Yuri is surprisingly better now. Cathartic crying can do wonders, kids. There’s also my favorite part of the entire show (couldn’t find a gif):
*head jab* “Hey, fuck you.”
*more head jabs* “Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. I know you don’t like this you unempathetic dicknip.”
*head pat* “You’re forgiven.”
We all know what happens next: Yuri ends his love story with Victor’s signature move and Victor kisses him out of joy and the need to one up him (with love, of course).
I’m gonna get a little sloppy here with the timeline because I have the memory of a female protagonist that needs to go back to work to get something only to accidentally bump into the jerk CEO of which she will develop a toxic relationship for fan service, so forgive me.
Gonna skip ahead to the scene where Yuri tells Victor that he’s leaving skating, and basically Victor too. (At this moment I realized I’ve been spelling Viktor with a c and not a k which is really fucking with my brain but it’s too late to go back). Victor starts crying and realizes just how Yuri felt when he was rejecting him.
I believe Yuri found some light in the situation because of that fact, which Victor was not having. They’ve been closer than ever now. They’ve kissed, they’ve also announced they they’re getting married, so what the hell?!
Yuri, as we know, feels he’s keeping Victor from the ice. Victor, while he misses the ice and wouldn’t mind being competitive again, has found meaning and if he’s going to be Yuri’s coach to stay where he is than so be it.
He wanted to coach Yuri because he wanted a worthy competitor and while he still wants that, what matters most now is his relationship with Yuri. If he stops being Yuri’s coach and Yuri goes off the ice he knows it will be the end. Yuri loves the ice too and I’d bet he’d try to distance himself from Victor as to not feel regret from leaving without actually knowing that he’s doing it.
They’ve grown so much at this point. But that doesn’t mean it’s over. After all they’ve been through Yuri doesn’t realize that consequences of parting from one another. While being too dependent on your spouse isn’t good, it’s what they both need right now. They are what caused the other person to be happy again and while I hate those types of storylines this one executed it perfectly.
I find Victor’s silent plea to Yurio absolutely heartbreaking. He knows it’s bad to put pressure on people but now he’s doing that to a 15 year old boy. He’s putting his relationship and his life into this child’s hands because he knows there’s nothing else he can do.
I do think Yurio had a crush on Yuri but even if he didn’t: Yuri has taught him so much. He, although being an ass most of the time, has really come to love Yuri as family. It’s clear that Yurio was always lonely (Otabek being his first friend and all) but once he came to Japan and lived, truly lived there, he wasn’t lonely anymore.
Yurio wins, Yuri gets silver and all’s well that ends well.
I guess my point of this was to show how well the relationship in YOI was. I could’ve included some more detail on some points but I usually write stuff in one take (it’s very hard to revise without my mind shutting on itself).
I just love how an implicitly toxic relationship can come out so healthy. They don’t do any of that miscommunication bullshit and when they do it’s because the characters don’t know what to do or how to handle something. Like humans do!
They could’ve easily made this the hot famous guy thinks the kawai girl boy is just so adorable and the kawai girl boy is absolutely infatuated with the hot guy. Hijinks ensue which includes the kawai girl boy thinking the hot guy is in love with someone else. She He gets pushed into thinking that she’s he’s more independent in the end and happily ever after for the couple that will divorce in less than five years! Yay!
Seriously, I thought that was what was going to happen but YOI subverted my expectations so much. They are people that grew from their bad mindsets. And you know what? Yuri still has anxiety! Victor is still bad with handling emotions! And that’s ok! We don’t change that quickly. It takes time and hopefully another season.
I’m definitely using this show as a template for healthy relationships. It’s so hard for me to properly write them when I’ve never been in one and I’m not given the chance to see it happen in different environments (when searching it up all I get is “they trust each other. They blame each other. They’re compassionate.” Like ok but can you show me how?)
Yuri!!! On ice…. I love you so much. You have done so much for my mental health and my writing. Thank you.
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teasty · 4 years
kiss yourself (03) || h.js
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● pairing: han jisung x (female) reader
● genre: angst, smut, (kinda) fluff  ||  fwb to lovers au || college!au || non!idol au
● warnings: | praise + degradation | reader and jisung are not in a relationship at the beginning! | suggestive dialogue | profanity | unprotected sex | softdom!harddom!jisung | reader gets into short fist fight | fingering | hair pulling | slight dumbification |
● words: 10.4k
→ summary: It all started when you and your best friend for life, Han Jisung, got a little bit too tipsy at a party and ended up waking up naked in the same bed. After that unfortunate night, you and Jisung confirmed there be a distinguished “friends with benefits” relationship between the two of you, with a few rules.
Number One: No one else is supposed to know about this relationship.
Number Two: The minute one of the two of you starts a serious relationship with someone, the benefits are cut off immediately.
Number Three: Have to respect the other’s wishes, if one doesn’t want to do it, then there’s no argument.
Number Four: No falling in love.
But, when Jisung starts crushing over your classmate, you start to break the rules. One by one.
a/n: a lot happens in this chapter,, it's pretty fast paced but it is what it is ~
Chapter One | Chapter Two | CHAPTER THREE
“I want you to fuck me dumb, Jisung. I want to think about nothing but you.”
You refused to cry, no matter how bad you wanted to.
You didn’t actually head back to the dorm, deciding you weren’t tired enough to fall asleep fast enough and that you simply wanted to have the comfort of being alone for the time being. You’re so fed up, so irritated and stressed, not even Jisung fucking you over and over again until you’re too weak to even speak could fix it. Neither did you feel like dealing with Jeongja, so you headed straight for the 24/7 cafe a few blocks away from the school. You didn’t go there often, but you went there a few times with Jisung in the mornings. You weren’t as familiar with the place like he was, but you knew for a fact that it was open all day, every week day.
There was only one other person in the cafe. A young, tired looking woman who typed vigorously on her laptop, which was plugged into the wall along with her phone, which she listened to whatever on. She must be a college student, since she had a backpack at her feet and a lanyard hanging from her pocket. You didn’t recognize her, so she was probably your senior. She gave you a subtle glance before turning back to her laptop, and you ignored her. Walking (more limping) up to the cashier.
“Welcome. It’s pretty late,” said a man who didn’t seem too young, but nor too old. Probably in his mid - twenties. He had a small stubble on his chin and his longish hair is tied back, a few rebellious strands framing his decently structured face. You could make out his toned chest and broad shoulders underneath the beige button up he wore, a dusty pink apron around his waist, accompanied by a pair of black slacks. He’s attractive, you couldn’t deny. “Don’t you think it’s a bit too late for a pretty little lady like you to be walking around, alone, in a tee shirt?”
“I’m fine on my own,” you admit, “I’ve been here a few times, but I can’t remember the menu. Mind handing me one?” The man nods, reaching over something to grab a one sided menu, and he hands it to you. After glancing over it, you felt too nauseous to eat, but you needed caffeine, something to keep you going since sleep wasn’t going to be an option for you tonight. “Can I just get an americano? Make it large, please, I need it.”
“Oh, coffee at this hour?” He chuckles.
“This is a coffee shop,” you glance around, a little agitated.
“Yeah, yeah,” the man laughs out, waving a hand as he pressed a few buttons on the cash register, “I’m just teasing you, sweetheart. Is that all you want? An americano, large?”
“No, get me the green tea, too,” you sigh, placing down the menu. It’s not like you to get bitter drinks, let alone two. You’re actually more of a sweets kind of person. But, since you’re not feeling too well, you just want hot, bitter drinks to keep you from going insane.
The man nods, “Hmm, tough night?” You nod slowly, “Surprised you came to a coffee shop. Most people who have rough nights usually hang around at the bar down the road. What made you come here of all places?”
“Well, it’s the first place I thought of,” you shrug a shoulder, “I don’t want a hangover in the morning either. I always know how those go. Never had the best luck when I’m drunk.” You chuckle, smiling wistfully for a moment before it turns into a bitter frown at the thought of your vague first time with Jisung. You shake your head slowly, subtly. It wasn’t a mistake. Not at all. It wasn’t bad luck. But, right now, it kind of feels like it. You’ve gotten more attached to Jisung than you have the years before you both started fucking around. “Plus, my friend used to bring me here. Thought I’d see the place alone.”
“Well, I appreciate you stopping by,” the man smiles down at you, and you give him a brief one back, “What’s your name? What should I put as the name, sorry.”
“(Y/N) (L/N),” you grumble out your name.
“Are you a foreigner?”
“No. My parents just aren’t born here,” you respond, having gotten the question hundreds of times in the past.
“Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss (Y/N) (L/N),” the man smiles, and you chuckle softly as he rings up the order, “My name is Jeongguk. I assume you go to the college down the road?” Jeongguk asks as you sit on one of the stools at the counter. You sigh, your shoulders dropping as you nod slowly. Watching as Jeongguk prepares the americano. “Ah, I used to go there. I already graduated.”
“What was your major?” You ask curiously.
“I was a fine arts major. I only have my undergrad, but I’m saving up to go back and get my masters,” Jeongguk says.
“Oh,” your eyes brighten, intrigued by the sudden conversation, “If you don’t mind me asking, what’ll you do with your masters once you get it?”
Jeongguk sighs, his head tilting slightly as he focuses his eyes on the drink in his hand, perfecting it, “I’m not sure, actually. There’s a lot of things I could do. I could just work under a company to make things for ‘em, like designs and shit like that. But, I’m more into painting. Heh, but there’s not much painting can get for you nowadays. I haven’t seen many jobs that take in painters, so I’m reconsidering whether or not painting should be my go - to.”
“Right,” you nod, completely understanding, “It’s an amazing skill to have, though. You could probably start up on social media and sell your works worldwide.”
“Social media’s never been my forte, but it’s a thought,” Jeongguk passes you the americano, and you don’t hesitate to take a sip of the hot drinking, cringing slightly at the bitter taste. But, you soon get used to it. “What’s your major?”
“Political science,” you chuckle.
“Oh - ho! We got a smarty - pants over here, now don’t we?” Jeongguk jokes as he grabs a white, bulky mug from a shelf. You chuckle, a bit flusters. Already feeling better from this conversation with him, “The only person I knew in political science was Chris! You know Chan? Bang Chan?”
“Yeah, he’s on my committee, we’re friends,” you shrug a shoulder.
“Nice. Let him know I said hi, won’t you?” You nod quickly, taking another sip of the coffee, “Is it as much work as they say?”
“Well, with this dumb team I was pressured into, yeah, it’s a lot more than most other people with different majors seem to have,” you answer, and Jeongguk nods slowly, listening intently as he puts a kettle filled with water on a small stovetop. He then turns to you and leans against the bar table separating you both, “It’s fine, though. I’m just doing it to get a job so I can provide myself with enough money to get what I need and a bit more to have what I want. People in that field get lots of money, you know?”
“Yeah, just depends on what you decide to be,” Jeongguk nods.
“I guess you’re right,” you nod slowly, “I’m most likely to graduate with my bachelors, but I’m gonna take law so I can be a lawyer. Either tort or criminal, I don’t mind.”
“Ah, those are tricky fields in law, aren’t they,” Jeongguk chuckles, and you nod slowly, “Well, I wish you the best of luck. By the way, when did you and Chris become friends? I’ve been friends with him for a few years, now, and I don’t recall him being with you.”
“Oh, I only befriended him at the beginning of the year,” you say, and Jeongguk nods, “I went to a party with my friend and met him there. We’re also on the same committee for planning for the school, so we got pretty close.”
“You mean the huge party right before school started up, don’t you?” You nod slowly, “Mm. I know just what party you’re talking about. I think I might’ve seen you. You looked familiar when you walked in, so it’d make sense. Let me guess, were you with one of Chris’s buds? I forget his name, but I think his family name is Han, right?”
Your eyes instantly roll, and you nod, “Yeah. Han Jisung. I went with him.”
“Ouch, what a reaction,” Jeongguk laughs, noting your eyes which rolled sassily, “Did he do something to you?”
“It’s a long story.” You admit. It’s not too long, actually. It could be simplified, but you didn’t want to talk about it to a stranger.
“I have time,” Jeongguk says, smiling brightly.
You raise a brow, “So do I, and I’m going to spend it drinking my coffee.” Jeongguk raises his hands in surrender.
“Fine, fine. Have it your way,” And finally, Jeongguk finished your tea and gave it to you.
You both talked for the remainder of the night (well, morning) until the sun came up. You had about five coffees, trying different kinds that Jeongguk suggested, and another green tea with honey in it. You learned that Jeongguk graduated early, mostly since he didn’t have enough money, but he was also ahead of the rest of the year by a long run, so he privately graduated. He didn’t start working at the coffee shop until a few months ago, and works the night shift and was the only one there. Apparently, no one usually came in during his shift except for travellers passing by or the tired college students, which were more likely to come by and study.
You didn’t even notice it was morning until Jeongguk’s face illuminated with the sunlight over the city’s buildings. You both traded numbers, and you promised to come again during his shift on his days. He said he’d text you, but you weren’t too sure he would. You were at least thankful to not be totally alone that night, since part of you knew that Jisung was going to get to your head, and you’d be either upset or angry. Jeongguk was able to rid your mind of him, even if only for those five or so hours you sat there, talking to him.
But, once you walked into your dorm to change into a quick pair of different clothes, all you could think about is Jisung. Debating your feelings.
You, however, constantly repeated to yourself that you didn’t even like him like that. He’s only a friend. Only a friend. Have it be with or without benefits, he’s only a friend.
You decided to just wear a pair of baggy sweats and an old hoodie, not caring much for your appearance. Although there’s tons of caffeine running through your system, you were still exhausted from the lack of sleep, and your mood had been dropped. You knew there was probably going to be another meeting today with Chunae, but you couldn’t be too sure. You didn’t get any work done last night (obviously), and you don’t know whether or not you’ll hear it from her or not, whether or not she’ll pull you out of class again for a meeting you could care less about.
You didn’t see Jisung for the first few hours of school, per usual. He didn’t try texting you nor calling you, which you were a bit skeptical about, but you tried to ignore it. You’re supposed to be agitated with him. And, you are. You still cared for him, and you still miss him despite it being only one night. But, then again, he probably didn’t miss you the way you missed him.
He would miss you, sure. But he wouldn’t miss the way you kiss him, right? He wouldn’t miss the way you hold him. The way you love him.
But, you’re not in love with him.
You can’t be.
You did see Chris, though. He actually walked up to you during passing hall and pulled you aside, against a wall. He wore a concerned, tired look as he folded his arms. Staring down at you, and rose a brow. It was silent for a moment until you emit a low, “What?”
“What’s going on between you and Jisung?” Christopher says sternly, and your blood runs cold right then and there. Your eyes widen and your brows raise as you stare up at him. Did he know? You’re too scared to answer.
“What… do you mean?” You utter out.
“Jisung called me last night asking if you were at my dorm last night at, like, midnight. Woke me up when I should’ve gotten sleep…” Christopher grumbles, rubbing his temple, “He said he thought you would have run off to my place. Didn’t say shit as to why, though. Didn’t say a damn thing. The boy even asked me to go to your dorm to see if you were there, but no one answered. I figured you were asleep. I just need to know why Jisung had to call me at fucking midnight ‘cause of you.” Christopher’s Australian accent slips into his Korean, which means he’s probably both irritated and tired.
“Oh… I’m sorry. No, I was out at some coffee shop until, like, five in the morning last night,” You answer truthfully, and Christopher sighs, “Oh, and by the way. I talked to Jeongguk there. He said hello.”
“Really, now? Jeon Jeongguk?” Christopher asks, and you shrug a shoulder, “Well, I appreciate it. Tell the guy I miss him. But, that’s not the point. At this point, I’m kind of concerned. I went over my conversation with Jisung last night all morning and yet I can’t find a single reason why you would be running to my dorm like he thought or why he didn’t go see you himself. Did he do something wrong?”
“It’s not that it’s wrong. I’m just upset about it,” you answer, and Christopher nods slowly.
“Do you mind telling me what that is? If you do, it’s a possibility I can help,” Christopher suggests, but you smile and slowly shake your head.
“It’s not something you can help with this time, Chan,” You sigh, “It’s a bit too personal.”
“Okay, now I’m really concerned. I might have been Jisung’s friend longer, but I care about you, too, (Y/N). Please tell me what’s wrong. I know something’s happening between the two of you. And if it’s really that personal, I promise on my life not to tell anybody,” Christopher says.
You sigh and look around before grabbing the man’s hand and pulling him away to somewhere more private. He didn’t argue, but he seemed a bit surprised at how quickly you acted. You pulled him out to the courtyard, not caring much for being tardy, anymore. Your heart thumped in your chest. The rules vividly recite themselves in your mind; “No one else is supposed to know about this relationship.”
Well, here goes one rule flushed down the toilet.
Once you stopped, Christopher shoves his hands in his pocket, shrugging his shoulders at you, “Okay, now what is it?”
You shake your head slightly, debating whether or not to tell him. If Jisung found out, it’d be the death of you. But, you don’t know if you should be excited about that or scared. You’re not sure how he’d react to such news from Christopher.
You know what, fuck it, you thought to yourself.
“We’ve been fucking since the party,” you blurt out, and Christopher’s brows raise in shock. At both the news and how flat toned and blunt you were being. “I got a bit too tipsy and we ended up having sex. We made specific rules, which is so dumb of me to say since one of them is to literally tell nobody. Which means you can’t tell anyone and you can’t let Jisung know that you know this or he will kill me, Chan. Kill me, got it? Whatever, it… he and I had a bit of a fight after doing it last night.”
“But why?” Christopher carefully asks.
“Because he’s after a girl. A girl I’m not too fond of,” you admit.
“Chunae, isn’t it?”
“How’d you know?” You raise a brow, glad he isn’t overreacting to your confession to sleeping around with Jisung.
“Let’s just say that he’s been flirting with her every chance he gets,” Christopher admits, and you sigh softly, looking down in disappointment, but trying your hardest not to make it too obvious about how upset you were, “They share some classes, and he’s apparently been talking to her every chance he gets. Not to mention, Chunae seemed pretty into him, too.”
“Yeah, no shit,” you sigh, tiredness suddenly coming over you, as well as exhaustion, “We fought about it, but I’m the one in the wrong. He has every right to like someone and want to date someone. But… I dunno.”
“Do you love him?” Christopher asks slowly, and you take a seat at the nearest bench, Christopher following behind you and sitting next to you.
“I don’t know,” you answer truthfully in a small voice, “I really don’t know. One part of me misses him so much whenever I’m without him. One part of me loves him, but the other part just tells me that he’s only my friend and nothing more. But, yeah. He wanted me to stay the night at his dorm, but I didn’t since he only had me over and treated me well because he’s going to cut things off soon.”
“Do you want him to cut things off?”
“No!” You yell, a little too upset with the situation, and Christopher breaths in through his nose. You cover your face with his hands, slightly muffled by your hands, “I don’t! But he says that we will, and I-” you don’t bother to look up, cutting yourself off before you start crying out of nowhere. Your head hurt from the lack of sleep, but your eyes hurt from the need and resistance to cry.
Christopher placed a warm hand on your back, and you breath slowly.
“I don’t want him to leave me, Chris… I really don’t,” you shake your head slightly. Christopher’s hand massages your back and shoulders reassuringly. His warm hand giving you the reassurance you needed.
“I know, (Y/N), I know. It’s alright,” he sighs, his arm wrapping around you and pulling you into a hug. You don’t resist it. In fact, you lift yourself up to let your hands grip onto his shirt to hug him tightly, “If you’ll like, I can talk to Jisung. I won’t tell him that I know about the… benefits… but, I’ll let him know that you just don’t feel comfortable about his relationship with Chunae, alright? How does that sound?” Christopher’s voice is sweet and soft, calming you from your growing tears.
“That sounds perfect, Channie… thank you,” you whisper softly, your head burrowed in his chest.
It’s weird being held by another man. Another man that isn’t Han Jisung. It’s nice, especially since Christopher has such a loving and gentle personality. His hands hug you without any awkwardness, and it’s nice that someone other than Jisung can hug you without being uncomfortable.
But, your comfort was soon taken away when Christopher let’s go of you and shifts in his seat. You look up, and you see someone familiar walking towards you both. At first, your tears — blurred eyes make it impossible to see who it is, but once your eyes are cleared, Han Jisung’s perfect face comes into view. His face is stoic, his lips down turned in a subtle frown. His eyes are focused on you, and you stand up in your spot, clutching your backpack to get ready to leave.
“Don’t you dare move, (Y/N),” Jisung yells loudly, and you freeze at the spot. Christopher’s eyes widening from how aggressive Jisung sounded. Once he’s directly in front of you, he finally looks over to Christopher, and steps towards him, “I asked you to check up on her, Chan. Not do whatever the fuck you guys were doing just now.”
“What, comforting her?” Christopher stands his ground, standing up despite them both being the same height, “Something you should have been doing instead of me?”
Your hand clamps over your mouth. Jisung’s brows furrow, and his fists clench, but he doesn’t do anything, “I asked you a simple favor. To check up on her for me.”
“And that’s what I was doing,” Christopher defends himself, and you watch curiously. Neither of them spare you a glance, both staring at each other, “I’m not trying to pick a fight here, Jisung. But, it’s not my place to take care of her in… your situation.” Christopher looks Jisung up and down, and Jisung wears a disgusted look on his face. “I only asked what the fuck you did for you to think she was running off to me. ‘Cause, she was actually at the fucking coffee shop all damn morning talking to Jeongguk.”
“Jeongguk?” Jisung’s brows furrow, and he looks over to you briefly. You slowly nod, “Did you sleep at all last night?” You slowly shook your head, and Jisung groaned, running a hand through his messy hair. He turns back to Christopher, “Can you leave, Chan? I need to talk to her.”
Christopher looks past Jisung to you, and you shake your head slowly. Somewhat afraid of being alone with Jisung just for what you will talk about. However, Christopher gives you an apologetic look before turning back to Jisung, “Fine. Call me later (Y/N). If you don’t, I’m stopping by your dorm to check up on you.”
“Alright… Bye, Chan…” You mumble loudly back, and Christopher gives Jisung a subtle glance before grabbing his things and walking away.
You sat back down, half expecting Jisung to do the same. But, no, he stood in front of you. Towering over you as you stared at your feet. His hands stuff themselves into his hoodie’s pockets, and there’s a tense silence.
“Why did you run off like that last night, (Y/N)?” Jisung immediately cuts you off, and you can’t find yourself having the courage to look him in the eyes. You felt embarrassed for yourself, but you had to stay and talk to him. You don’t know how to answer. You don’t have a straight answer in your tired mind. “Answer me, (Y/N). We’re not going to get anywhere if you keep quiet.”
“I don’t know, Jisung,” you breathe out, gripping the bench below you, “I… Was just irritated.”
“Why?” Jisung crouches down so you can’t avoid his eyes. Unlike how you thought, Jisung’s eyes were more concerned than angry, like you thought they’d be. His hand escapes his pocket to rest on your knee, “I knew you weren’t irritated. You were just fine before I started talking about Chunae.”
Caught red handed. You stared at him like a deer in headlights, and your lips purse, trying your hardest to find an answer.
“I don’t know, Jisung. I really don’t,” you whisper to him pitifully, and Jisung shakes his head.
“No… No, I know you know the answer, (Y/N). I can make everything better if you just talked to me,” Jisung says in a voice you rarely heard. He’s usually joking around or simply has such an upbeat attitude. It’s so rare to see Jisung this serious, it almost makes you want to cry by how it affects you so. The way his voice lowers, relaxing and calming, yet stern. The way his eyes weren’t bright or happy, but not cold or angry.
It was almost scary.
“You say that as if there’s something wrong with me,” you try to chuckle bitterly, dodging his stare. But, his head moves with yours, and his hand that rests on your knee rises to firmly cup your cheek, turning your head to look directly at him with no exceptions.
“Because there is. There’s something you’re not telling me,” Jisung answers.
“Jisung,” your voice hardens, your heartbeat rising as Jisung’s words tug and pull at your heart, “I need to get to class. I’m already very late.”
“No, you’re staying here until we figure this out,” Jisung’s other hand grips your wrist, tugging at it, even though you never moved to get up in the first place. He seemed on edge, and took a brief glance behind him before turning back to you, “You’re my best friend for life, (Y/N). You know that. I care so much for you, and if there’s something wrong with my decisions, then I need you to tell me.”
“I…” your eyes close for a minute, nibbling on your bottom lip before looking up at him, “I don’t want you to cut things off between us, Jisung. I want to keep doing this… whatever this is. It makes me happy, Jisung.”
“Oh, (Y/N)...” Jisung sighs softly, his head dipping for a moment before he looks up at you with a pitiful smile, “Is that why you were mad last night?”
“So what if it is? You won’t do anything about it,” you answer, and Jisung’s brows furrow, “Even if I begged on my knees for you to keep doing this with me, you’d still reject me, wouldn’t you?”
“I — (Y/N), you know that I—“
“Wouldn’t you?” You cut him off, your glossy eyes boring into his. His hand falls from your face, resting on your thigh, and he squeezes it slightly.
“It depends…” Jisung answers truthfully, “On what I’m rejecting you for.” Your frown deepens, upset with his answer. Even so, you would’ve been upset if he said no. “If it’s for something stupid, like someone told me to stop or I had moral changes, hell no. But if it were for something like… like Chunae and I… then yes.”
You don’t answer him. You just stare at him, blinking every so often to try and keep away the growing tears. He would choose Chunae over you. Of course. You should have known. Everyone loved Chunae. Chunae deserved everyone’s love for how pretty, smart and proper she is. Of course Han Jisung would reject the sassy, immature and lazy (Y/N) (L/N) for a perfect woman like Chunae. You’re not a perfect woman. Not at all.
Not for Han Jisung.
It was then, at that moment of thoughts of Chunae and Jisung running through your head that you came to a sudden realization as you stared into Jisung’s worried eyes.
You’re in love with him.
You’re in love with Han Jisung. Your best friend.
“Get away from me,” you mumble.
“What…?” Jisung’s brows furrow.
“I said get away from me,” your broken voice whimpers out, “You make everything so much harder for me. Everything…” You shove away his hands and stand up, but Jisung is quick to scramble up and wrap his arms around your waist, his chest pressed against your back as his face burrows into your neck.
Your heart burns badly. It’s painful, too painful. You feel as though you’re going to collapse from how painful it is.
“Don’t go, yet. Please. You’re confusing me, (Y/N),” Jisung whispers into your neck, his warm breath sending tingles down your spine.
“No. I said get away from me,” you try and push him away, scooping your arms under his to try and push him away. But, Jisung is oddly persistent.
But, you eventually get away, grabbing your things and dashing off.
“No, (Y/N), wait! Please!” Jisung yells after you, but you're already to the building doors, throwing yourself into the building and dashing to the girl’s bathroom to recollect yourself.
And, thankfully, it’s empty. You throw your backpack down and lean against the sink. Finally, you let the tears fall. They fell down your cheeks fast and hot, the aching feeling of relief in your mind allowing you to breath slowly as the tears dripped mercilessly down your face, showing no signs of stopping.
You stared at yourself in the mirror as you cried. You were quiet. Making no sound other than sniffling here and there. You don’t even try to wipe away the tears that stain your face, too bothered and eager to cry to do so. Your eyes grow red and big, your cheeks reddening from the tears and your heart aching badly in your chest.
Once the thought of being in love with Han Jisung enters your mind, you look away from yourself. Your head falling, and you grip your hair. Shaking your head in your arms, Letting out muffled, “No, no, no!”s as you started to weakly, softly sob. Your body trembles with your tears.
You can’t be in love with Han Jisung. It’ll only end in your heartbreak. Jisung will cut things off immediately, and probably push you away once he finds out. You can’t for the life of you let him find out. You’re too scared to tell him yourself, so you have to keep it a secret from anyone who might be able to tell him and have him believe it. It’s too risky, so you’d have to keep this painful secret to yourself, no matter how badly you wanted to babble on and on about how much you hate this feeling and about how good he makes you feel, emotionally and physically.
You didn’t say a word to anyone after your short breakdown in the bathroom. You soon grew too tired to cry, and too stressed to go back to class, so you waited out that period before your lunch hour would come by. You didn’t know where to go. There would be girls hogging the bathroom, and hundreds of other students roaming the campus. You really didn’t want to be around people at this point, but you didn’t have much of a choice in the first place.
So, you went to the courtyard. You called Christopher, telling him about what happened, and he said he was going to be there right away and to meet him by the outdoor canteen. So, you sat at an empty table, waiting.
You scrolled mindlessly through your phone, wearing a blank, stoic expression as nothing was present in your all — too tired mind. Your backpack resting against your leg as you waited.
When you hear loud footsteps coming near, you look up. Not expecting who it was at first. It’s Chunae, and she looks on edge and upset. Her perfectly tinted lips frown darkly at you, and she stops in front of you.
“And where were you last class period?” She asks, and you raise your brow, turning off your phone and resting it on the table.
“Not there? Why do you care?” You scowl back at her, staring up at her with a dark glare. However, she doesn’t seem to back down, only to get angrier.
“I was supposed to give you more papers for people to contact, as well as parents and volunteers,” she throws a stack of papers in front of you. And you gawk at it. She already gave you so much shit to do beforehand, why the hell is she giving you more? You already have enough work, she should know that. She knew as well as the rest how busy political students are. And she had the audacity to throw a stack of papers on your desk and demand you to analyze and contact each person? “I want them done by this weekend, no exceptions.”
“You don’t get to decide that, Chunae,” You scoff, smiling bitterly at her. Your own anger rising, “I already have enough shit from the other stack of documents you thrusted down my throat on top of my school work. I’m not doing all this shit in less than a week!” You nearly yell, but you don’t raise your voice too much. You thrust an angry finger at the stack.
“Listen, (Y/N),” Chunae sighs, “I’m not in the best of moods right now. I don’t want to deal with bullshit right now when we’re on a tight schedule. This event is in danger of being shut down completely if we don’t finish it soon.”
“And does it look like I give two shits?” You sarcastically smile.
“Don’t joke with me, (Y/N), and please control your language. It’s giving me a headache.”
“Oh, boo — hoo,” you roll your eyes, leaning back in your chair, “What do you want? A cookie?”
“Don’t, (Y/N). I swear.” Chunae vaguely threatens, and you smirk.
“You swear what?” You urge, standing up slowly. Taking a step towards her, and she takes a small one back. Her expression doesn’t change. Her dead, yet beautiful brown eyes glaring into yours, “What’ll you do? Give me more paperwork? Tell me off to Daddy? Punch my teeth in?” You glare down at her hand, cocking a snarky brow at it before glaring at her, “I’d like to see you try to lay a finger on me.”
“Like you could do any better,” Chunae snaps, and you’re surprised how she’s snapping back instead of de — escalating the situation. It makes you excited. The urge to punch her only grew, “Your words are louder than your actions, (Y/N). Don’t underestimate me.”
You laugh loudly, “Ha! That’s funny! You… scary? Hey, I give an A- for effort, how about it?” You elbow her arm jokingly before turning back to glare through the paperwork she so selfishly threw your way.
“Don’t you dare talk to me like that,” Chunae snaps.
“You forget who’s older.”
“You forget who has Han Jisung.”
You freeze. The paper falling out of your hand as you turn slowly to see a smirking Chunae. Smiling as though she killed off her worst enemy. Your mouth falls open, and you scoff.
“What… the fuck did you just say?” You grumble darkly, her hands balling into fists at your sides.
“I said… You forget who has Han Jisung,” she repeats slowly.
You had heard her loud and clear. Just like you heard Jisung when he confessed his adoration for Chunae. You were just in shock. You did not expect this out of someone like her. And, just like that, all your respect was lost for the woman. She crossed a border she could never escape. She’s crossed a line she can never retract over. She’s pushed buttons inside you that can’t be fixed.
“I dare you to say that again.” You growl through gritted teeth, and in the corners of your eyes, you can see Christopher walking up. But, a small crowd had started to watch you and Chunae. He stops by them, deciding not to intervene physically.
“(Y/N)?” Christopher yells, and you turn your head to him. “Is…” He grows silent when he sees your angry glare.
You turn back to Chunae, Christopher watching silently, prepared if anything happens. He pulls out his phone, and presses a few buttons before pressing it to his ear. Speaking to the person on the other line under his breath. You could care less, though, and you mainly focused on Chunae.
“I said I dare you to say that again!” You finally yell, and the people in the canteen grow silent. All heads turning to the both of you, and Christopher continues talking on the phone to whoever it is. Your hand flies up, gripping the hem of Chunae’s blouse. Pulling her intimidatingly close. You’re slightly taller than her, so she looked up at you.
Chunae only chuckles softly, “I have Han Jisung… He’s mine, isn’t he?”
As if on cue, your fist, knuckling white from clenching it so hard, comes into contact with Chunae’s cheek right as an out of breath Han Jisung comes running to the scene. But, you’re too busy to pay him any mind.
Of course, like you expected, Chunae flies to the ground. Immediately cupping her face and letting out a brief cry. And, just like that, you’re the bad guy. You sigh and roll your eyes. Shaking off your hand, which aches slightly from the impact on her defined cheekbone. You turn to Christopher and Jisung. Jisung stands there, staring between you and Chunae, who lay on the ground, holding her black and blue face. Christopher just gawks at you.
“What the fuck, (Y/N)?!” Jisung yells.
“Hey, before you overreact, I can explain…”
But, you’re quickly cut off when you feel a yank at your ankle, and you let out a yelp as you get yanked down. Your body yanked down, and the top of your head slams against the table you were sitting out, letting out a loud thunk through the air. And, you can briefly see Jisung trying to run up, but Christopher holds him back briefly.
Your hand flies up to your head, dizziness overtaking you as your mind falls blank for a second. Your head begins to throb, and you hiss through your teeth. However, you’re not gifted with enough time to get over the pain like Chunae did before she towers over you. Her high heels are kicked off, and she presses the ball of her foot into your chest, forbidding airway.
You’re a little too dizzy to think, but you’re conscious enough to react. Your hand flies up on instinct, your hands gripping her ankle and twisting it with your hands, causing her to fall. Before she could have time to get back up, you climb back on top of her and straddle her stomach.
She kicked and struggled, but your hands gripped her wrists (all too familiar with this position with the help of Jisung), pinning them to the ground. Your head aches, throbbing painfully. You’re still dizzy, trying to stay conscious from both the lack of sleep and from your head hitting the table.
“Hey! Hey, calm down. Just, oh fuck, my head. Oh, my god, Chunae, what the fuck is wrong with you?” You grumble as you squeeze your eyes shut, as if that would ease the pain. But, it doesn’t.
Jisung and Christopher eventually come over. Jisung’s arms wrap around you, just below your breasts as he pulls you off. You don’t struggle, but Chunae does. Christopher struggles pulling Chunae away, who still tries to pummel you.
She got a good hit on you. But it wasn’t really her. She just yanked your ankle, which threw your head against the table. You melted into Jisung’s arms, and he helped you to your feet carefully. Every movement made your headache worse. It blistered your head, sending shots of pain through your body. You tried your best to stay conscious, but it was a bit more difficult than one might seem. So, you focused on the way Jisung’s hands held you to try and keep you awake.
You faintly heard a teacher running over, asking about what the hell was going on. Jisung excused him, saying that there was a fight but it’s been handled and he’s taking you to the nurse’s office. So, the professor let you and Chunae go without much argument (probably not wanting to deal with something like this in the middle of the day.
But, Jisung didn’t take you to the nurse’s office. Christopher did, though, dragging a struggling Chunae away to the nurse’s office with no help. Jisung whispered incoherent words to you as one of his hands gripped your waist, the other holding your hand as you stumbled on your own two feet. Your vision blurred and your stomach erupted in pain. You had a concussion, all because Chunae as able to swipe at your ankle.
You were in too much pain to think clearly, hanging onto Jisung, “Ji… my head hurts so fuckin’ bad.” Your words are muffled by the lump in your throat that grew from the pain.
“I know, baby. She got you pretty good, didn’t she,” Jisung’s soft words seem to calm your head a bit, but it goes away the moment your foot plants on the ground to take another step, “It’s alright… I’m sure she wasn’t in a good mood, that’s all.”
“Shut up,” you grumble out, and Jisung sighs softly, squeezing your waist briefly as he walks you through a pair of doors and down a hall.
“I’m sorry, (Y/N). Let’s not talk about Chunae right now. Let’s just get you to rest for a bit,” Jisung reassured, and you thanked whatever god is out there that he’ll shut up about Chunae.
“Where’re we goin’?” You look around, squinting through your blurred vision, as if that’d help (news flash; it didn’t).
“Back to my dorm,” Jisung answers, and you turn to him, “Jeongin isn’t back, yet, so don’t worry. Besides, we have better shit than the nurse will give you. She’ll just give you an ice pack and tell you to move on with your day, now won't she?” You think about it for a moment, although nothing goes through your mind. But, you agree with him and nod slowly.
The rest of the walk is silent. Sometimes, you’d nearly trip over your own feet, but with Jisung’s hand on your waist, he always caught you and whispered words of reassurance that never truly got all the way through your brain. Eventually though, you both made it to Jisung’s dorm. He unlocked it with one hand easily and threw the white door open. Not bothering to flick on the light before he walked in, kicking the door closed, and sat you on his bed.
Once you sat down, you felt like you’d been holding the world on your shoulders. You got a bit of relief since you weren’t moving around as much, but it still hurt like a bitch. Your head throbbed, everywhere. Your body twitched in pain. You couldn’t think straight nor could you see especially clearly, and you felt like you were about to throw up all of the coffee and tea you’d had this morning.
Jisung shuffled through one of his drawers before pulling out a first aid kit. He took his chair from his desk and rolled it in front of you, sitting on it and placing the first aid kit in his lap before opening it. “Dad always said to keep it handy. Turns out it’s finally coming to good use. I just need to see if there’s a wound on your head.”
And, so, without struggle, you lay forward, your head resting on Jisung’s knee as he gently moved your hair to the sides, looking for something. He did end up finding a bruise on the top of your head and said that it would be best to leave it alone for the time being before icing it. He gave you a few pills of over the counter medication to help ease the pain. But, he seemed a bit conflicted. It was mostly silent, you didn’t really talk since you didn’t have the strength to nor the will to. Chunae might be pretty weak, but with a blow to your head on the table like that… that’ll fuck you up real good.
Once you’re laying against his pillows, Jisung finally pipes up again.
“Come here.”
“Hmm?” You look up, and Jisung’s legs are spread slightly, one hand on his thigh as he looked over to you. His hair shadowing his eyes slightly.
“I said come here, now don’t be stubborn,” He motions you over with his hand, and you groan and squeeze your eye shut as you sit up and slide off of the bed and walk up to him. Jisung guides you around and slowly onto his lap. His arms wrapped around your waist tightly.
“Jisung?” You mumble softly.
“Shh… This is going to help you with the pain, baby,” Jisung whispers against your ear, and you feel his press a gentle kiss to the back of your ear. You breathe in sharply, somewhat knowing where this is going as Jisung’s hand grips at your shirt. “It’ll make your head feel so much better, baby. I’ll make you feel good, alright?”
“Mm… how would that help?” You sighed out, your head already leaning onto Jisung’s shoulder, your eyes closing in relaxation as Jisung’s hands caressed your stomach, nearing both your breasts and your womanhood, but not daring to go near just yet.
“It’ll make all your muscles relax. It’ll make you feel better,” Jisung whispers into your ear, making you shiver, “Don’t you want that? You want me to touch you, babygirl?”
You can’t think straight. All morality and logic is thrown out your mental window, so you nod quickly without thinking. One your hands swiping up to caress Jisung’s neck as he pressed a few light kisses to your ear. “Alright, (Y/N). My sweet baby. Just relax for me, alright?” The praise makes butterflies erupt in your stomach, and you nearly forget that he’s only your friend. Your legs spread slightly, your back pressing to his chest. Letting him hold your weight. “That’s my good girl. My perfect (Y/N).”
His. His perfect (Y/N). Those words made you happy, oh so happy. Even if a thought couldn’t bear to finish in your head, you still enjoyed such words. It’s a break from the name calling and the dirty talk. It made you feel like the only girl in the world. Like Chunae was never a part of the picture to begin with.
Jisung’s hands slowly unbutton your jeans, his lips still pressing kisses to the side of your neck and your ear. Occasionally whispering short sentences like, “Good girl… That’s right… Oh, baby…” It makes you squirm in his grasp as he undoes your jeans and pushes them off of you. You weakly lift up your hips to help him a little bit as Jisung lets your pants fall to the ground with a low thud. You press your ass against Jisung, your leg spreading a bit more at the feeling of the cold air of the dorm meeting your clothed womanhood, which got wetter by the second.
You let your head lift, resting your head against Jisung’s cheek to let it rest, but you wanted to watch his hands as they softly caressed your thighs. Sending calming chills through your legs and your gut as his warm hands touched your thighs and hips ever so intimately. You melted into his touch, your lips parting to allow your low breaths to become audible. You could feel Jisung’s breath against your ear and your neck, and your neck craned slightly to feel more of it.
“You’re so beautiful, (Y/N), you know that?” Jisung’s low, sudden voice sent butterflies exploding in your stomach. You whimpered softly in response, not knowing how to respond to such praise, since Jisung was quite the degrader. He’d usually call you all sorts of dirty things. He’s probably taking pity on you since you’re hurt, but it doesn’t matter. It still makes you feel so happy and so turned on. “My beautiful baby…” Jisung whispers, seemingly to himself as his fingers brush over your clothed cunt.
“Jisunggie… don’t talk nonsense,” you utter out, sharply gasping when you feel the base of his fingers press against your clothed labia.
“What nonsense?” Jisung chuckles deeply, his fingers rubbing slowly circles, making your eyes close in bliss and your head rest against Jisung’s shoulder, your hands gripping the arms of the desk chair as Jisung’s other hand squeezes your inner thigh. “Don’t say that it’s nonsense. You’re only lying to yourself.”
You didn’t respond, basking in the pleasure and praise as Jisung’s experienced fingers rubbed along your clothes labia. Soaking your panties through with your juices (yet another pair of perfectly good underwear ruined by Jisung), the outline of your pussy showing through and letting Jisung touch even more sensitive areas.
He goes for a while without actually touching your bare womanhood. Mainly his index and middle finger rubbing and massaging your labia and over your pussy. Jisung’s eyes focused on his hands as he worked them over you. You feel yourself relax, the pain easing from you. You forget about the headache, the dizziness. The nausea and the aching throughout your body; forgotten. All that’s on your mind is how intimately Jisung touches you. How his experienced hands move over your sensitive pussy in such a delicate, yet firm way. So gentle, yet so emphatic.
So loving, yet so bitterly resistant.
Your mind grows blank. Too caught up in the relaxing pleasure and from overcoming your concussion to think straightly. All that keeps your mind wandering is Jisung and Jisung alone. Not Christopher. Not the man, Jeongguk, that you met at the coffee shop. Not even Chunae. Only Han Jisung.
After long minutes of slowly teasing your cunt, soaking your panties with your wetness, Jisung finally bids you one good deed and taps your hip. Guiding you to raise it as he slips them off slowly. Letting them fall down your legs and onto the floor below. You step out of them. Your bottom half now completely exposed, yet you still wear all that’s on your torso. You didn’t care, though. It was better than being fully clothed, anyways.
“Oh, fuck…” Jisung breaths out in a rugged manner as his fingers slowly brush over the lips of your pussy, your sweet wetness seeping from you, already coating Jisung’s fingertips, “You’re so wet for me, baby. So wet for me. It makes me want to fuck you so hard. You’d like that wouldn’t you?” You frantically nod against Jisung’s head, watching as his fingers push against your labia and against your core. Firmly pressing against your clit, and your back arches as you grind your hips on his fingers. “But, I won’t. Not yet, anyways. I’m going to make you feel better, not make you scream and give you a headache all over again.”
Jisung chuckles deeply, as if what he just said was nothing more than a joke, but you didn't laugh along. He doesn’t seem to care, though, since you’re obviously so immersed in the way Jisung’s fingers rub your pussy gently. His lips part slightly, pressing a gentle kiss to your neck as his middle finger teases your entrance.
“Jisung, ahh~... Yes, please, just like that…” you whisper out in sharp breaths as Jisung slowly inserts his middle finger into you. Pumping slowly until his knuckles are pressed against your heat. “Fuck, yes… Love your fingers so much, Jisung - ah.”
“I know, baby,” Jisung tenses below you at your words, and his finger slightly curves inside you, making your leg twitch. But, his hand that caressed your thigh gripped your leg, keeping you steady on his lap. “I don’t usually get to finger you like this, do I? Letting my hands do all the work, hmm?”
No, he didn’t. But damn, you wanted him to more often. You didn’t answer, only with a delicate moan as Jisung’s middle finger slowly pumps itself in and out of you. Curving slightly every time it thrusted into you to hit that special spot. Sending chills through your torso as his finger worked inside you so well. Your walls clench around him, despite how he was going slow. It wasn’t painfully slow, but not enough to make you cum quick enough. It’s a slow burn. Slowly building up your sensitivity as his palm pressed against your clit.
“You take my fingers so well, (Y/N) - ah… You’re always so good for me, aren’t you?” Jisung comments, his voice low, yet gentle. Soft to the ear, and not as aggressive and dark as it tended to be during sex. It sent you on an overdrive. It drove you crazy by just his tone of voice. It made your heart ache and your pussy wetter and wetter. “You don’t know how hard this is for me, baby…”
Oh, you knew. You can feel his hard dick pressing against your ass. The only thing keeping you two apart was his few articles of clothing. But, no matter what he was wearing, you could still feel how he ached underneath you. You mentally applauded him, but you were too lost in the lust to actually bid him something of a congratulations for being able to hold back this long (since he was usually pretty desperate to get his dick inside you).
It’s another minute or so until Jisung pushes in another finger. Slowly stretching you out and making you moan even louder. The way his fingers curled ever so slightly inside you, hitting that special spot over and over again drove you insane. His fingers pressing against it firmly with the tips of it. Your mind hazed with lust and desire, and your craving for him grew even bigger and even more intense.
“Shit, Jisung - ah… That feels so good ~,” you moan out as you meet with Jisung’s knuckles, grinding into his fingers.
“Hmm… does it, baby? You feel good?” You nod slowly to his words, and Jisung breathily chuckles, smiling, “See? I said it would help.”
“I don’t care about that…'' you sigh out softly, although it wasn’t entirely the truth and you were thankful that Jisung’s suggestion was able to subside your headache. “I want you to fuck me dumb, Jisung. I want to think about nothing but you.”
Jisung’s fingers stay inside you, his hand pressed against your throbbing pussy as he looks at your face. You already looked so fucked out. So desperate, your eyes craving and needy. “Are you sure?”
You slowly nod, turning your head and pressing a kiss to his lips briefly. It wasn’t too sloppy, but your tongue brushed over his lips, “Yes, Jisung… I want you to make me your bitch…”
“Oh, sweet, sweet (Y/N)...” Jisung chuckles darkly, his hand pulling itself from your pussy, making you twitch and gasp loudly as his wet hand flies up to grip your cheeks. Pushing your head back slightly as his fingers press into your jaw, holding your head in place as you clenched around nothing. Your pussy craves both release and Jisung ever so badly.
“You were my bitch since the beginning,” Jisung’s voice grows familiarly dark, and you try to clamp your legs shut from the chills that run through your womanhood. But, Jisung’s hand yanks your legs apart. “Keep your legs spread for me. I’m going to fuck you until you’re begging for me to stop.”
You let out a breathy moan, and, at first, you thought Jisung was going to pull you into a kiss. But, he didn’t. He chose a rougher path. He quickly pushes you off of him. Standing up and pushing you face first onto the bed. The back of his hand pushing your face down into the sheets, the other guiding your hips up slowly. Spreading your legs for him. Such a dirty position, your dripping pussy on display for no one other than Han Jisung.
But, he doesn’t spend much time staring at your pussy. Instead, his hands grip your wrists, and he grinds his clothed, hard cock against your wet pussy. He let out a breathy moan, leaning over your so he was next to your ear as he whispered, “You see how hard you make me, (Y/N)? You see you fucking riled up you make me? Makes me want to fuck this pussy all damn day. Have you sit on my cock all fucking day, huh?”
You moan out in response, your hair spread as your hoodie fell down. Your bra is slightly exposed, and Jisung pulls himself up. Basically ripping off your bra and tossing it to the side. Not even bothering with the hoodie itself as he tore down his jeans.
You couldn’t watch him, so you knew he was fully exposed when you heard the snap and fall of his boxers. It’s almost an instant when his throbbing head comes out and presses against your pussy. Your lips fall wide open as Jisung rubs his cock over your soaking pussy.
“Oh, fuck, you’re so wet for me,” Jisung moans out lowly, “So ready for my cock, like always. So desperate for me. So needy for me cock, aren’t you? Already so fucked out and I haven’t even put my dick inside you yet. Such a slutty girl…”
You moan out, your back arching, presenting yourself more to him, “Jisung! Jisung, please just fuck me…! I need it so bad, please…So bad…” You breath out rapidly, clutching the sheets.
Jisung lets out a shaky breath in response to your begging, “Since you asked so nicely…”
And, like an instant, Jisung was inside you. His hips pressed against your ass, his hands guiding your hips back to meet with his. You let out loud strings of moans and groans of Jisung’s name and incoherent words as Jisung fucks himself into you, raw. His dick throbs inside your wet walls. You clench around him desperately, your back falling limp as you succumb to the pleasure.
“Oh, fuck, (Y/N), you do so well in this po-position, don’t you?” Jisung breathes out raggedly, and you moan loudly in response. Jisung’s hands harshly gripping your hips and waist to have you meet back with his harsh, aggressive thrusts. His cock burns your hot walls, burning in such a blissfully good way, it makes your eyes roll back in pleasure.
“Ji-Jisunggie -ah… It’s so… so good - oh, fuck! Just like that, please, just like that!” You scream out as Jisung props up one of his legs, allowing him to have a better angle to thrust even faster and harder. Ramming his rock hard dick into you with passion. Jisung’s hands trail around your waist and ass once you’ve started to bounce back, meeting with his thrusts on your own.
His hands knead your ass. Spreading your cheeks before firmly pressing them. One of his hands, however, reaches up. Slowly crawling up your back, and his hips stagger a bit as his hands grip a handful of your hair. First, his hand merely presses against your head. But, at some point, he yanks you head back. Forcing you up from the bed, and you use your weak arms as support as Jisung’s hand yanks at your hair. You stare at the wall, but you don’t focus on it. You can’t. Your eyes keep rolling back or crossing, mixing beautifully with your loud moans.
Jisung uses the grip on your hair to give him a steadier rhythm as he thrusted into you. His hips slapping against your ass, making it bounce with every thrust. The sounds of skin slapping, your loud moaning and Jisung’s groans and occasional dirty talk filled the room as Jisung pressed wet kisses to your neck. Suckling on the back of your neck especially, and you moan from the feeling of his tongue being flushed against your sweating skin.
It was so much, his cock, the pulling of your hair and his tongue on your neck. Your mind falls blank, thinking of nothing other than Jisung’s cock. Some drool dribbles down the side of your chin as your eyes water from the pleasure. You can’t say anything more, not even being able to form Jisung’s name correctly. You’re so fucked out, so beautifully fucked out.
Jisung definitely noticed it, too, since it gave him the courage to start biting your sensitive skin. It was more sensitive in some places, and you immediately knew that he left hickeys. He bite them gently, yet firmly before running his tongue over the markings.
Your pussy clenched around him dangerously tight. So tightly, it makes Jisung let out a low, broken moan and makes his hips stagger and twitch as he presses himself deep into you. “You’re gonna cum, aren’t you, babygirl? You gonna cum for me like the good little slut you are? Cum on my cock, (Y/N). Cum for me,” Jisung groans out loudly, pressing your head against the sheets again, muffling your loud moans as you feel your climax nearing.
Your knees buckle as your legs twitch and tense dangerously tightly as you feel yourself cum hard. Jisung slows down slightly, riding you out on your high. Your loud moans turn into high pitched ones as your back spasms from the intensity of it.
Right after you cum, Jisung quickly pulls out of you before shooting ropes of white cum onto your ass. You breathe heavily, trying your best to catch your breath as you listen to Jisung moan loudly once he cums, too. Your pussy clenches around nothing, and you feel your entire body relax. All your muscles calm. Exhaustion washes over you like a tidal wave.
And you’re out like a light.
Jisung was a bit concerned as to why you fell asleep so easily. But, he didn’t argue. He gently cleaned you both up while you slept and changed you into a pair of his clothes after he realized you wouldn’t wake up even if he blew an air horn in your ear. He laid you in his bed, as comfortably as he could make you. He wiped the sweat off of your face and watched your sleeping face for a few minutes before he moved back to his desk, grabbing his laptop from his backpack and opening it. Opening work for his classes, since he’ll be absent for the rest of the day.
You slept exceptionally soundly, and he was thankful for that.
Jeongin actually came back that night, too. At first, he didn’t see you sleeping in Jisung’s bed, but once Jisung motioned for him to be quiet, Jeongin looked over to his bed to see locks of (H/C) hair poking out of the blanket. He wondered why you were here, and Jisung naturally just said that you had gotten into a fight and injured yourself and he was taking you in to take care of you. Jeongin didn’t argue much and minded his own business for the rest of the day.
However, Jisung intended to sleep next to you. But, he couldn’t bring himself to. The guilt piling inside him prevented him from doing so.
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A/N: Okay I’ve seen other authors do Taylor Swift song-inspired series where they just use Taylor Swift songs to inspire a story with a character. And I’ve done this kind of before, but ya know, I’m a copy cat (just a little bit). So here’s the first official Taylor Swift series story! (It’s also Miss Taylor’s birthday today so happy birthday to the queen of using incredibly hard words I’ve never heard of! But I still love that millennial woman to death.) Pairing: Chris Evans x F!Reader Word count: 1,101 words Warnings: Swearing, angst, fighting
God, you hated conflict.
But you got yourself twisted up into this incredibly stupid situation. Sure, you two had your fair share of fights, because every healthy couple does. Ya know, those petty little arguments about who was going to take the dog out next, the “this plate is in the wrong place!” fight, or just bantering when one of you watched the newest episode of a shared show without the other.
But this was an all new level. The entire conversation was a grenade, you two escalating it until you threw the first actually hurtful punch of words, and then it all exploded into complete chaos of petty button pressing and meaningless but fiery words of pure fury.
“You’re so unbearable sometimes, I mean, My God, you think you’re so fucking perfect.” “I’m the one who thinks I’m perfect?” He scoffed, running his hand through his hair with an overdramatic eye roll. “Alright Miss. Big-fucking-ego!”
“This is why you’re intolerable!” You shouted, standing in front of him. Despite your significant height difference, you had no hesitation standing up to him and showing any form of dominance within the conversation at this point. “It’s not even funny it just hurts.” “You threw the first insult!” He yelled back, “I mean, what d’you expect me to do? Just stand here and take it?” “I expect you to be mature about it and let me calm down.” You stated, making directly eye contact with those perfect blue eyes that seemed less beautiful by the second.
“Because your anger issues are my fucking problem.” “You know they’re my biggest one!” You fired back, “And here you are mocking me for having these issues that I didn’t even create, and I’m trying to fix, Christopher. And I’m so sorry if you can’t handle my bitchy side, but if you can’t handle the occasional outburst of me then this isn’t gonna work.”
“I’m going for a walk.” He said, walking straight towards the front door, his feet stomping on the ground.
“Fine.” You said, looking the other way. The mental image of him walking out that front door would be engraved in your mind forever.
“Fine.” He fired back and you scoffed at his petty last work tactic.
You sat on your shared couch, staring out the window sitting next to it at the drizzly city night that managed to make your mood even worse. Mother Nature was clearly not on your side right now, and quite frankly, you didn’t blame her. You weren’t even on your own side.
You were silently praying with eyes wide open that he would come back. I mean, almost a year couldn’t haven been thrown out over this. Right? Right? 
You didn’t want to cry or show any weakness especially when you started the entire thing, clearly being at fault. Yet here you were, bottom lip quivering and face scrunching up as tears began to fall and a small sob escaped your lips. You hated yourself now more than ever, because you hurt the singular person who you loved the most, and you wouldn’t have blamed him for never coming back.
As if right on cue, Dodger came over, placing his chin on your knee in sympathy. You had to prevent yourself from looking at him, knowing he was technically Chris’, and he should really be there for him now and not you. The poor guy didn’t understand, he couldn’t, but you felt that even acknowledging the dogs existence would be another betrayal to your lover.
You weren’t sure how to fix this, if there was a way. Sure, apologizing was something, but you knew your fluent English would become a melting mess of putty-like stutters as soon as you opened your mouth out of worry and regret for all you had done. And you also didn’t want to take complete blame, because it wasn’t completely on you. The majority? Sure. But not all of it.
The build up of emotion continued. You were infuriated, primarily at yourself but just a little at Chris, you were heartbroken, you were conflicted, you were anxious, you were confused.
So you grabbed the nearest pillow and just yelled into it as loud as your voice could possibly let you.
And it felt really fucking good.
It didn’t even feel that long, being honest, the whole detox process of just screaming your emotions out, but by the time you looked up and over, there Chris stood in the doorway with his eyes glued to you. You didn’t even react, I mean it was far from the worst he had seen you, but his slightly widened eyes and slightly agape mouth really screamed, “is she okay?”
As soon as your slightly shocked expression met his, a small smile grew on his face. “C’mhere.” He said, shutting the door behind him and opening up his arms which you practically crashed into.
“Fuck, I’m so, so sorry. I’m so stupid I don’t know why I said what I said or why I acted the way I did and I’m sorry I hurt you and you can be mad at me for as long as you want and-” Your mouth was a complete waterfall of everything you thought you had just screamed out. “Stop.” He softly said with a smile, placing a kiss onto your head with your face buried in his now damp sweater. “It’s okay.” He rubbed his hand up and down your back, swaying you side to side, you sock-covered toes on the tip of his shoes with collected drops of water still on them. “I’m sorry too. I shouldn’t have used your issues against you, especially when you’re working so hard to try and fix them.” He sighed, placing his chin on your head.
“I’m sorry for calling you unbearable,” You responded, “You’re quite the opposite actually.” He chuckled.
“Thanks.” He muttered. “Forgiven?” “Absolutely.” You smiled up at him, the familiar color of blue in his eyes now back. You swore they had never looked more comforting. “Forgiven?” “Yes.” He smiled back down. 
There were a few solid moments of just complete silence, the two of you holding onto each other like your lives depended on it, which maybe they did at this point. But it was more enjoying the peaceful waters after the storm. Despite the fact that there was a nice feeling to the afterglow, you weren’t sure if you ever wanted to feel it again. “Can we never fight again?” You looked up at him. “I kinda hated it.” He lightly laughed.
“I did too,” He smiled, “Let’s never fight again.”
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A while ago, I made a post that said I was going to give my thoughts about the Oscars thing with Chris Rock and Will Smith, and then behind the “keep reading” link, I explained that it was an April Fool’s joke and of course the world doesn’t need my thoughts on Chris Rock and Will Smith. Well, I feel like it should be a joke again this time, because I know the world doesn’t need my thoughts on this one, but I am actually not joking when I say that beyond this “keep reading” link is a bunch of stuff I think about John Mulaney and his various controversies.
I apologize. I just had to write this down here because if I don’t I’ll still be thinking it and I’ll end up talking about it the next time I see the only person I know who has any interest in discussing John Mulaney, and that’s my brother who’s a massive fan of his, and my brother and I just had an argument two days ago because of his refusal to wear masks in public indoor spaces, and I don’t want to have another fucking argument about this. So I’m putting it here. 
Okay. So when all the weird stuff happened with John Mulaney last year, I thought it was very messed up that so many people were talking about it like it was any of their business, and I still think that, but I did have to admit I can understand commenting on it. Because he did have quite a bit of material based around the idea that he was a “regular” guy compared to many celebrities, his wife was not famous, he was not going to make jokes at her expense, he was just trying to live a good family life. I love his “my wife is a bitch and I like her so much” joke, and that joke doesn’t stop being funny just because they got divorced, but it does add context that makes it feel a bit different. And if you happen to be a big fan of John Mulaney and really invested in him as a great comedian, it’s fair to say something about that when he does all that stuff he did last year.
I have seen all of John Mulaney’s specials and think he’s an amazingly skilled comedian, but I would not call myself particularly invested in him. So while I was judging all the people losing their minds over a development in his personal life last year, I tried to think of how I’d react if this happened with a comedian in whom I do have emotional investment – if he were known as a down-to-Earth-for-their-level-of-fame family man who loves his wife and talks about her in his material but only talks about how great she is, and has built some of his comedy on how he doesn’t need a “showbiz lifestyle” he only needs his lovely non-famous wife, and then he suddenly turns around and does something so strongly at odds with all of that. And I have to admit… yeah, if Russell Howard suddenly ran off and impregnated, like, Emma Watson, I would probably at least mention it. I’d love to say I have enough anti-celebrity gossip integrity to just go on posting on this blog as though that did not happen, but I can’t say that. If Russell Howard even impregnates Emma Watson, this blog will be a source from which you will be able to learn that that happened.
But I would try to mention it with lots of caveats about how it isn’t actually our business and it seems like a weird thing to us because we don’t have the context of what was going on in those personal relationships and we shouldn’t have that context because it’s none of our business. And yeah that is going to make it a bit weird if we go back and watch old jokes Russell has made about how much he loves his wife, but just because someone made some jokes based on how their life was at the time doesn’t mean they’re obligated to keep their life that way forever just so the jokes continue to work.
So I tried to keep that in mind when judging the John Mulaney fans who collectively lost their minds on the internet last year. I’m not better than the ones who said, “Well shit, that’s a very fucking weird thing that happened”, because I’d do the same if it were one of the comedians I’m really invested in. But I think I would not take it farther than that, and last year there were a hell of a lot of people taking it much farther than that. Which I know about because my brother is a massive John Mulaney fan, as are a number of my Facebook friends, and they were sharing some really bad examples of people thinking their opinions are needed about the personal lives of people they’ve never met. When I write this blog, I spend some time thinking about where the line is between what it’s okay to say in public discourse about public figures, and what isn’t okay. If I ever get concerned that maybe I’ve gotten too close to that line, I just remember what the John Mulaney fans did last year and then I don’t feel so bad.
Anyway. I maintain that what John Mulaney did last year was his business, and whether or not it was very kind on a personal level (and honestly, we have no idea, it’s possible that if he were a friend of mine I’d hear a side of the story that would make me think he made all the right choices, it’s possible that I’d hear a side of the story that would make me want to stage an intervention, I don’t know, he’s not a friend of mine), it was not worth canceling him or harassing anyone involved or judging people as an outsider or anything else. It was worth saying “Well shit, that was weird” and moving on.
I first saw the stuff about the new John Mulaney story a couple of days ago. I actually thought it was a joke at first and also thought I didn’t care enough to find out what happened, but then I kept seeing people mention it, and decided to look up the actual story just so I can understand the references. And yeah, this one is very notably different than the last one. So different that I shouldn’t really talk about them in the same post, because I don’t want it to seem like I’m equivocating them. I’m only putting them together because this story made me think of the last time John Mulaney was in the news for something besides a really good joke he’d made, and I remembered how my main reaction to that was “Jesus, all the people in the world who do not personally know John Mulaney or his wife need to chill about this”. And remembering that reaction really underlines the difference in reaction this time, because this time it’s… God damn it, they are right this time. This one was a properly shitty thing to do that is fair game to talk about because it’s not a private issue, it’s something he did very much in public, and to the public.
At first my understanding of the story was that he just brought Dave Chapelle out and Dave Chappelle did some regular material, and that would be pretty bad if people weren’t expecting him, especially because statistically a group of people the size of John Mulaney’s audience is going to have some trans people in it. That would be true even if you took a random sample of that number of people, and it’s more true because of the fact that John Mulaney tends to be popular among queer people. Not only among queer people; he appeals to just about everyone. But he definitely is one of the straight cis white dudes that Tumblr has accepted, and understandably so, because he’s a very funny comedian who doesn’t do jokes at the expense of those minority populations.
Taking an audience with trans and other queer people in it, when they’re expecting to just see John Mulaney (or they’re expecting John Mulaney and some John Mulaney-type opener), and throwing at them a guy who’s been in the news for months for being openly transphobic – that’s a bad thing to do to your audience. That’s a bad thing even if Dave Chappelle just did some of his regular material – and by “regular” I mean “stuff that was written to be funny rather than just written to get him into the tabloids for transphobia and thereby boost his ticket sales among assholes” – and then left the stage. Queer people in the audience would still be feeling blindsided by having to deal with this guy who represents so much of the type of hatred they deal with in real life, when they were just trying to watch John Mulaney not do that sort of thing.
But according to the story I read – and I’ll be honest, I read a couple of articles to learn enough so I can understand what people are talking about and that was it – Dave Chappelle actually did a bunch of his homophobic and transphobic material during that set. That wouldn’t have been an accident. That means that at some point, John Mulaney and whoever else was involved in planning this said to Dave Chappelle, “You know how you’re really famous right now for being a dick to queer people? Why don’t you come to my show and spend some time specifically being in a dick to queer people, and then that will make the tabloid news?”
My first reaction to that was holy hell, that is an absolutely awful thing to do to an unsuspecting audience. Because that goes against the argument that people make, doesn’t it? People who say “Well if you don’t like offensive comedy, don’t watch it. No one’s making you watch it.” These are people who had specifically chosen to not watch that sort of thing. If they’d wanted to see homophobic and transphobic comedy, they’d have paid to see a comedian who’s known for doing that sort of thing. Instead, they specifically paid to see a comedian who doesn’t do that sort of thing. And then they got hit with this. I guess technically no one was making them do it, they could have left. If they wanted to be the person who gets up in the middle of a bigoted joke and leaves, with everyone looking at them, knowing it might cause the bigoted comedian on stage to call them out. And if they want to waste the money, and the travel time and babysitter-finding time and whatever else, that they put into the chance to see John Mulaney.
My next thought upon seeing that Dave Chappelle did a bunch of queerphobic jokes to a John Mulaney-expecting audience was – wait, what? Why? If I were emotionally invested in John Mulaney, I’d be a lot more upset on a personal level. But I’m not that invested in him, so I don’t feel personally let down or anything. I’m just confused. What did John Mulaney possibly think he’d gain by joining Dave Chappelle on the “martyr to cancel culture, lauded by assholes” train? Does he need media attention that badly? He had lots of tabloid attention last year, presumably more than anyone could want. And that aside, his career as a very good comedian who performs to massive audiences and can sell any new special he wants to the highest bidder – that’s going very well. He doesn’t need to generate controversy-based articles like the ones being written about him now.
I can understand how Dave Chappelle benefited from becoming a “cancel culture martyr”, because his fanbase has always included lots of the sort of people who love an “edgy” guy who shits on minorities. With the stuff he did last year, he rallied his own base, and drew in more of that crowd. He alienated some of his fans – I know there are lots of transgender and trans-allied Dave Chappelle fans who left his fanbase and wouldn’t pay for his tickets anymore – but he probably gained more fans than he lost. Overall, he got the sort of attention he wanted to advance his career.
But I don’t see how this works for John Mulaney. He’s going to alienate a lot more people than Dave Chappelle did if he goes down this road, because he has a lot more queer and trans and just progressive people in his fanbase to begin with. And he’s not going to bring a lot of new fans in, because the sorts of people who will start watching his stuff just because they love a guy who “stands up to cancel culture” are going to quickly find that John Mulaney doesn’t make nearly enough jokes at minorities’ expense to actually entertain them. So… I don’t see why John Mulaney thought that creating what he had to know – like, 100% definitely knew – would be a media storm would be a good idea.
I realize this whole post has looked at it from a very outsider perspective, and like I said, I can do that because I’m not really invested in him and I wasn’t actually at the gig where I was suddenly blindsided by a bunch of homophobia and transphobia when I’d paid to see John Mulaney. It’s fair and right that most of the reaction to this is about how and why it’s harmful and, on a human level that ignores the tabloids and the cynical career moves, a really shitty thing to do to the people who have made him famous. But most of the time, when someone famous does something shitty like that, I can understand why they did it. How they understood that something resulting from that bad thing, usually the media attention that they expected to create, would be good for them in some way.
I don’t get this one at all. Aside from being awful thing to do, which it was, it’s just deeply fucking weird. John doesn’t make transphobic jokes or statements himself – he didn’t even alienate his fans as a way to stick to his guns about one of his own jokes that he wanted to make. He did it for the sake of… getting to bring a friend on stage? What’s the point of that?
Anyway, those are some thoughts. They’re not thoughts that the world needs, they’re just thoughts that I have. This is a weird one.
Here’s a less depressing thing: I saw Nish Kumar perform his most recent show, Your Power, Your Control, live a couple of nights ago. That show did contain a rant about comedians who run out of funny things to say so they just do Netflix specials where they shit on minorities instead, and that ran was followed by the words, “Fuck Ricky Gervais, Fuck Dave Chappelle” (for a split second I thought Jimmy Carr’s name was going to come out next, probably for the best that it didn’t - for the record I don't think Jimmy is the same as those other two because those two say "these are my actual views, now I'll tell some jokes about them" while Jimmy just does one-liner jokes and has never expressed an actual view in his life, but he does belong in the general category Nish described of comedians who use the cheap trick of shitting on minorities in Netflix specials for attention from the "comedy should be offensive!" types). The only reason I bring that up is as an antidote to any sentiment that might go around about how it’s not fair to expect such lofty moral purity from celebrities as refusing to be friends with other celebrities who are bigoted assholes. It turns out that some people can do it, and it is fair to expect that at bare minimum, comedians do not subject unsuspecting audiences to bigoted rhetoric who paid to see something completely different. Because… because it’s a shitty thing to do, but it’s also just such a weird thing to do. What the fuck, Mulaney?
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chuckbass-love · 4 years
Omg so hear me out! But I have an idea
What if just after a steamy moment between Chris and y/n he tells her that he has to do a sex scene with his co-star for defending Jacob and y/n instantly gets jealous and upset. So she decides to go sleep on the couch cause she doesn’t wanna see Chris right now due to the fact that he’d chosen the worse time to tell her about the fact that he had to pretend to fuck someone else.
And then the day he comes back after the sex scene he does to talk to her and he kissed her but she pulls away instantly and just says something like “How was she? Was she better then me?” And Chris is so baffled that he follows her up to their bedroom trying to get her to talk to him since he’s worried he’s upset her. Below could be his reaction to her question 🙈
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Hey love!! I love this idea so much! I really hope you love this because i always get a bit iffy wondering if people actually enjoy what i write for their requests. I’m sticking with the gif in the request. I’ve also changed a couple things with this though so yeah.
Also to the other people that sent in requests, i am working through them. They will be published throughout the next 2 weeks. i promise, sorry for slacking😬
Disclaimer: My work is not to be posted anywhere else other than MY Tumblr, Wattpad and Ao3 without my permission. However, reblogs are welcome.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Smut, angst, fluff. Basically the works. Oral (female receiving), fingering, language, insecurities and jealous behaviour.
Word Count: 2,373
GIF NOT MINE!!! Credit to @capsgrantrogers go check them out ❣️
“God i’m so glad that i’m shooting close to home so i get to do that with you every night” he pants as he turns on his side, his eyes meeting yours.
“Me too” you smile, softly at him. Your hand rests on his face, cupping it slightly as you lean in to kiss him quickly “talking of actually, there’s something i wanted to run by you” you raise a brow and motion for him to continue.
“See, there’s an intimate scene that i’m shooting tomorrow, i wanted to let you know beforehand so you’re not shocked when you see it on tv. It’s just a bit of kissing, we’ll both be shirtless and-” you don’t even give him the time to finish, you’ve heard enough for now.
“Wait, what? When did you find out about this Chris?” your annoyance is abundantly clear at this point, he sits up, letting you finish before he responds. “I only found out the other day. It’s not a long one, it’s a 10-15 second long scene and it’ll be over faster than it starts” you shake your head, getting off of the bed and heading into the bathroom to run yourself a bubble bath.
“But, why now? Why do you choose now of all times to tell me, Chris? It’s hardly the right time. You just finish screwing me and you decide to tell me that tomorrow you have to fake fuck another woman”
“It’s just Michelle, we need to, it’s for my job honey, i can’t exactly say no”
“Whatever, have fun i guess” you scoff, slamming the door in his face and locking it to stop him coming in. You need some time alone right now and a bubble bath should help to calm your angered state. 
You know it’s all just part of his job, it’s his career. Kissing other women is just what it entails but it doesn’t make it any easier. He has to do sex scenes and intimacy with other actresses. You’ve always been jealous but this time it’s the way he chose to tell you more than anything. 
You get into the bath, lying down and trying your hardest to relax your shoulders and your entire body but it’s no use, nothing works. 
On one hand you feel bad for kicking off and getting mad, but on the other hand you don’t care.
All of these insecurities and fears are all just about you being wary of him leaving you one day. Like what if... actually no. NO. You refuse to put yourself in that mind set. You’ve been going strong with Chris for 2 years now. He loves you and you love him. But right now you need to allow yourself time to be mad. 
Once you get out of the bath, you wrap a towel around your body and open the door. No sign of Chris until you start changing. That’s when he appears in the doorway, a look of worry and cautiousness. Like he’s not sure if you’re okay or if you’re still mad at him.
“I’m sorry” he finally speaks up after what feels like minutes of silence and tension “Chris, i’m tired okay” you feel so exasperated and exhausted. It’s not even just because of what happened, you’ve been working hard lately with your own career and maybe all the added stress has caused you to over react but even so, it doesn’t matter. You’re still upset. 
You finish changing before walking out of the room, he follows closely behind, wondering where you are going since It’s late.
“I’m gonna sleep on the sofa” 
“Please, can we just talk about it”
“Chris, seriously, let’s just leave it”
“But you’re avoiding me like the plague all because i have a sex scene to film. Like christ Y/N what do you expect me to do? Make a big deal and refuse, it’s my career” you jump at the way he raises his voice at you, he almost never raises it and what’s worse, he never does it to you. 
You take a step back before responding “it’s not just about that Chris. How would you feel if the roles were reversed? Huh? If i had just finished having sex with you and then blurted out ‘oh by the way babe, i’m going to be fake screwing another man tomorrow, no biggie, love you’” you mock. Not having a single care for how petty you must sound.
“Y/N i love you, i only love you. What is it about this scene? I’ve filmed plenty of them before and you choose now to suddenly say you’re not okay with me doing them. It makes no sense”
“Of course it’s going to make no sense to you, you’re not the one that’s sat back for years and watched it. You’re not the one that’s been insecure for so long and pushed away worries of-”
“Of what? Of me leaving you? You really think some fake sex scene is going to change how i feel about you Y/N? Do you really think that low of me?” you pause for a second, looking down to the floor and spotting Dodger. He looks from you then to Chris then back to you.
You feel tears brimming in your eyes, Chris spots it instantly as he steps closer, closing the space between the two of you. He leads you over to the sofa, sitting you down on it. He kneels in between your legs, holding your hands.
“Chris, i know you love me but i just worry sometimes that with me being what famous people call a ‘regular person’ that you’d be better off with someone in the same career as you, that’s all” 
He just sighs, turning away before turning back to you “I love you and that’s all there is to it Y/N. I don’t care about you not being famous, i hate that word anyway” your eyes meet his as your tears fall. He wipes them away, stroking his thumb across your cheek, in an attempt to soothe you.
“I hate fighting with you, please come to bed with me. I just want to cuddle with my girl before a long day tomorrow” you let out a small giggle, trust Chris to make you smile so easily even after an argument. It’s one of the reasons why you love him so much.
You just nod, not saying another word as he lifts you into his arms, carrying you to the bedroom and pressing kisses to your head. 
He lays you down on the bed before getting in himself, he pulls the cover over the two of you “I’m glad we spoke about that” you rest your head on his chest as he throws his arm around you “me too” another forehead kiss and you’re out like a light. He listens to your light snores as you cuddle him more in your sleep and he just smiles. 
Chris gets your frustrations and your worries to a certain extent. He understands how his life can get in the way, it can make you insecure. He’s an actor, you’re not. You’re not famous at all. It’s a hard thing to accept but he’ll make sure that from now on, he does everything that he can to make you feel good enough.
As soon as you wake and look over to Chris’s side of the bed, you realise that he’s no longer there. He had an early start with filming for Defending Jacob. So it’s not a surprise to you. Instead of feeling shit about the scene he has to do today, you pull yourself out of the funk, reminding yourself of the words he spoke to you just last night.
“I love you and that’s all there is to it”
He does love you. He won’t stray, you’re the only one for him. 
You decide to shower, to take your mind off of it for now. 
Once you’ve showered, you change and dry your hair before doing your makeup, maybe dolling yourself up will help? Baking is also on the agenda. He’s not back until 5pm today, an earlier finish than normal. The schedule isn’t as hectic.
So you decide that you’re going to make some dinner later, ready for when he gets back. Some chicken and pasta should do, along with a cold beer, his favourite drink. You flop down onto the couch, picking the remote up to turn Netflix on, you have some time to kill before your business meeting over Zoom. Might as well watch more Vampire Diaries.
Your laptop starts making a noise, signalling that the call is ready, you gather your notes before joining the meeting. Your face pops up as well as your colleagues. This can be your distraction for the next hour or so. 
You finish up with dinner, putting the lid on the pot and making your way to the table with cutlery and drinks, ready for when Chris gets home. He texted that he was leaving the set, that was 10 minutes ago. He’s at least 20 minutes away. So he won’t be long.
Whilst you wait, you sit on the sofa again and you pick your book up and decide to continue reading. 
“Honey” he calls out before entering the room.
Chris’s eyes fix on you, a soft smile and a look of adoration in his eyes as he walks over to give you a kiss. You pull away before he can though. His eyes scan your face for a clue as to what’s got you acting off.
“So, how was she then?” 
He sighs, loudly as he gives you a look that screams ‘really Y/N’ you mean it in a sarcastic way though, just like when you ask “was she better than me?”
All of a sudden you’re being tugged further down the sofa by your legs, your book is pulled from your hands and he’s lifting up your dress, exposing your brand new laced panties. You can’t help but feel embarrassed slightly at his unsubtle and rather seductive behaviour. You don’t think twice about letting him get on with it though. 
“Does daddy need to prove to you that you’re the only one for him?” a pool starts to develop, you shiver at this words and the freezing cold temperature of his hands on your bare thighs. He lifts the dress up a little more until it’s up by your chest.
He pulls you down further before his fingers hook into the panties, sliding them down and off so he can really examine you. You hear a low growl erupt from him as he licks his lips before then taking his bottom lip in between his teeth.
You whimper a little, the anticipation is all too much for you, watching him moan and groan at the sight of your soaked pussy. 
Just as you try to buck your hips up, his cold hand causes you to jolt as it pushes you back down.
“Down baby, let daddy make you feel good” 
And just like that, his tongue starts to lick you all over, his fingers circle your tight and needy hole, desperate for you to beg him before he plunges them deep inside of you. But words aren’t possible right now, you can’t even bring yourself to talk as he continues his assault on your sex. Licking, sucking and slurping. Even spitting on it before rubbing at your clit with his thumb, stretching it down as the rest of his hand holds you down on your stomach. 
“Fuck, Chris” you moan, realising what you said after. He prefers daddy, you know this. 
“Now now honey. You know that’s not my name right now, don’t you? I’ll let it go this time but i expect you to correct yourself”
“Sorry daddy”
“Good girl. Now, do you want my fingers baby?” you nod frantically, tugging at your bottom lip “yes. I do, please daddy” he shoves them into your mouth, letting you suck them until he decides that your poor cunt has suffered enough.
You hum against them before he finally removes them, wasting no time in sliding them into you, two to start off with and then a third is added. 
Your back arches at the extra addition and eventually that along with his mouth wrapped around your clit is far too much for you to handle. You’re so sensitive already, you can tell the climax is nearing. 
“Like this baby? Like my fingers filling you up huh?” he starts “daddy only has eyes for you princess, you should know that by now but i’ll tell you what. When we’re in bed later, i’ll prove it to you even more when i’m screaming your name as you make me cum” your walls flutter around his digits, making him smile even more, he enjoys watching you like this. 
He gets a thrill out of making your world spin. When your eyes roll back, when your back arches and your toes curl. Especially when you struggle to speak. They are the best times for him. He loves knowing that he’s the only one that can get you into that state.
His fingers get faster, dragging along your walls deliciously. His tongue flicks over your clit too, sucking occasionally and now your peak is just around the corner.
“Chris. Oh god Chris. I’m gonna cum” you yell, gripping onto his hand on your tummy, which he removes as he holds it above your head. Your hips start to buck like crazy.
“That’s it baby, cum for daddy”
The coil in your stomach finally snaps, thanks to his dirty words of encouragement. 
You don’t move, just lay there panting. Your heart beat is through the roof as you calm down after that intense orgasm. You’ve definitely needed that all day.
“I think we need dinner now” you say, sitting up and adjusting your dress but he just pulls you down so that you’re straddling him.
“There’s plenty more proof where that came from baby, so don’t think that was all” you feel your cheeks heat up as you suddenly go all shy. 
He’s most definitely proved himself but you can’t wait for round 2.
General Tag List: @deadlymistress24 @coffeebooksandfandom @chris-butt @holtzkinnon @mychemicalimagines @llamadelreyx @haus-of-bitch-talk @buckstaybucky @thewinchestergirl1208 @chrissquares @patzammit @adriannajackson @dummiesshort @cevans-fics @americasass91 @toni9 @aaliferouss @bradfordmyworld 
Just Chris & His Characters Tag List: @onetwo3000 @persephonequeenofthedead @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @rynabarnesrogers @princess-evans-addict @stxvercgersslut @chris-evanslover @bval-1 
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Our Story - Prologue
theA/N: My first Chris Evans series. This is just a fluffy little series that has been floating around in my brain for a while, and because I've recently fallen head first into the Chris trashcan, I figured he’d be the perfect person for this little love story AU. I mean absolutely no disrespect with this, it's just a work of fiction. I also want to give a huge thank you to @percywinchester27​ and @girl-next-door-writes​ for being my betas for this story. You are both amazing and I'm so grateful for your help on this. 
Chapter: One
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader (unfortunately no Chris in this part) 
Warnings: Absolutely none. 
Wordcount: 1850
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Four weeks after my twentieth birthday, I left my childhood home in Savannah, Georgia, and pointed my nose towards New York. It was hard to believe that eight years had passed already, but my twenty-eighth birthday approached in large strides to remind me of how much time had passed, and how much had changed. New York City was a stark contrast to Savannah, the city that never sleeps VS the most charming city in America. When I first moved here, it was my intention to stay for only a year, then I would be back in Savannah with my family and the man that I loved so deeply, Josh. 
However, life never really turns out how you intend it to, no matter how much you plan for your future. Josh and I used to talk at length about our future together, and I honestly couldn't wait to get started on it all, house, careers, and then a family of our own at some point. Then, after eight or so months of long-distance we finally broke and admitted to ourselves that it was just too hard. I know you might think that since we had stuck it out for that long, we surely could manage a few more months, but by then I had been asked to stay on in what was supposed to be a temporary position, and I had fallen in love, not only with the city, but with my work. I asked Josh to come to me, told him we could find ourselves a little apartment in Queens, or the East Village, something we could afford, and we could spend a few years together here before moving back home to start a family. I guess you’ve already figured it didn't turn out that way, and it ended, as long-distance relationships often do, in heartbreak. It was my first real heartbreak- amicable, civil, and soul-crushing. It was also then I realized, as we all, unfortunately, do at some point in our lives, that love does not, in fact, conquer all. 
If I'm being completely honest, I knew within my first month in this magical city that I would never want to leave, and after things ended with Josh, I felt as though I had deceived him in some cruel, unintentional way. Every conversation we had, had after that had been filled with lies and promises I never intended to keep. I had fooled myself as much as I had fooled him. After our break up, although completely heartbroken, I felt free and unburdened, which strangely made me feel even worse about the whole thing. Our love didn't end in some big blowout argument, or because we didn't want to be with one another. It ended because of the thousands of miles that separated us, and because in the months we spent apart, I changed in a way that could not have been foreseen. Never did I imagine myself in a big and busy city, but as I said, New York and me, it was love at first sight. 
You might be wondering what job took me from my safe and comfortable life in Georgia, thinking that it must have been some grand, once in a lifetime thing. It was not. It was a temporary job as a personal assistant. I found it as I sat by my computer one night, daydreaming about what kind of life I would live if I had all the money in the world, what life Josh and I could create for ourselves. That's when I came across the ad. A woman, Mrs. Wallace, needed an assistant. She was a very wealthy woman in need of someone to keep track of her very busy social calendar, amongst other things. I knew she was wealthy because she lived on Fifth Avenue, not that I had ever been to New York and really knew what that entailed, but I had seen movies and read books placed in the city and knew very well that Fifth Avenue was a very expensive street. There was little to no description of the job or what Mrs. Wallace was looking for in an assistant, other than that they had to be organized and were able to juggle multiple things at once. Beyond that it really came down to compatibility. I was nothing if not organized, so before I knew it, I had compiled an application letter and sent to her email. I told no one about this, because it was ridiculous for me to think I'd even get a reply back. In all honesty, it had all been forgotten by the next morning, and I didn't think of it again until three days later when, at dinner with Josh I might add, I got an answer. She would like for us to meet. We sent a couple of emails back and forth where I tried to, as politely as possible, explain that I did not have the means to travel to New York just for an interview. I stated that I appreciated her interest, and apologized profusely for not being able to make it out there. It was then she asked for my details, and about fifteen minutes later I got a confirmation from American Airlines that my ticket had been booked and paid for. Two days later I was sitting opposite Mrs. Wallace at a restaurant that I would never be able to afford, listening to her talk about the job I had applied for and what she expected of me. 
The very first thing that struck me about Mrs. Wallace was her age. For some reason, I had imagined someone in their fifties, full of botox, fillers, and whatever else middle-aged women put into their faces to look younger, but Mrs. Wallace was not that much older than me. At the time we met, she was twenty-seven, so younger than I am now, and strikingly beautiful. Thick, black hair that looked professionally blow-dried and sculpted so that not a single strand was out of place. It draped over her shoulders in loose Hollywood style waves and stood in sharp contrast to the white blazer she wore. Her skin was olive, her eyes deep brown, and her cheekbones could probably cut glass. When you put that together with her long, model-like legs, an hourglass waistline, and a very ample bosom, the woman looked like a greek goddess. To top it all off she had a warm and kind smile, and a kick-ass sense of humor. Kate, as she insisted I call her, was far from the stuck up, nose in the sky, botox filled woman that I had imagined in my head. We hit it off, and before dessert was served, I had a job offer. 
It's hard to explain, but I felt as though I needed to take this opportunity, that this was an experience I was meant to have in some inexplicable way, and I accepted right then and there without a second thought, or even a conversation with my family or boyfriend. Josh was angry with me at first, but supportive, so two weeks later I stood in front of 1040 Fifth Avenue and looked up at the towering building with its limestone and intricate carvings here and there. Kate greeted me at the front door as I stepped out of the car that she had sent to pick me up from the airport. This place even had a porte-cochere to protect the residents from rain as they walked from the door to their private chauffeur-driven vehicles. I would be staying here with the Wallace family, in the staff quarters with the rest of the staff of course, so that I could be available to Kate at all times. And that's how my New York adventure started. 
Eight years later, I am still working for Kate, still living in my little room in the staff quarters, but I love it. I have a little bathroom and everything I need. Food is prepared for us all by the cook, Rosalia. She is a little, plump woman in her mid-fifties, kind and compassionate, not to mention deeply passionate about the food she prepared for the whole household. Along with me and Rosalia, the other staff in our quarters are Magdalena, the housekeeper, and Mitch, who is Mr Wallace’s assistant. There was more staff, of course, like the private chauffeur’s, who didn't live on-site and throughout any given day, people would be in and out of the place like it was a busy office space as opposed to the home that it actually is. 
Now, Mr Wallace was a very busy man, working non-stop whether it be at his office, or at his home office. It seemed as whenever I saw him, he was walking in fast strides, either on the phone, or confirming things with Mitch who half sprinted behind him with his I-pad, trying not to trip over anything as he tried to keep up and take down notes at the same time. Henry, that was Mr Wallace’s first name, was a little older than Kate, not so much that you could accuse her of being a gold digger, but he was approaching his fifties now. He didn't look it though, he was a very handsome man, and kind. Imagine George Clooney, a man that just seems to get more gorgeous with every passing year. Kate and Henry were busy, always had their hands full with whatever it was, but somehow they always found time to share a meal together every day. Even if it meant having Rosalia heat up some leftovers for them at midnight. They were very much in love, and it was clear in the way they looked at one another, and how they always made sure to have that little moment to themselves every day. A couple of years ago, Kate had confided in me that she could not have children of her own, it was something that had weighed on her since she was only sixteen years old, but with Henry, she said, ‘I have all I need with that man, all the love I could ever wish for.’ It was a shame really, because I knew that Kate would have made an amazing mother, and Henry a great dad. ‘I'm alright,’ she had assured me. ‘I've come to peace with it, and learned not to dwell on something that will never be.’ 
So, that's the short version of how I ended up here, doing a job I adored in a city I loved with all my heart, so I think it's about time we move forward. Jump to the part where my real story starts. Spoiler alert; it involves a warm summer day in Central Park, a ruined dress, and an extremely handsome man named Chris. 
If you liked what you read, how about slamming that reblog button and help spread my work? If you leave a little comment on top of that, you’ll be in my heart forever. 
Want a tag? I got you!! Just send me an ASK and I'll add you. 
Tags: @thesecretlifeofdaydreamss
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fourfucksake · 4 years
let it snow
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request: Can you do something with Chris sleeping with a friend? Maybe she comes and stays over and it snowed to hard for her to leave. They watch a movie and drink a little and it leads to rough sex on the couch?
pairing: chris evans x fem!black!reader
warnings: language, smut
word count: 2k
p.s i’m sorry for being inactive! i’m fine, just lazy
Visiting Chris right before Christmas was a tradition that we both shared for a long time. A few years ago, we met while filming a movie together, and our friendship blossomed very quickly. Being casted for that movie was my first role ever; back then, the show-biz, “the” Hollywood was truly one big puzzle that I had to solve on my own. The role I had wasn’t big nor significant, but it meant everything to me. The memories from those filming days were so close to my heart. Not to mention the friendship I built with Chris Evans that was also very dear to myself.
In that movie, I played the girl Chris slept with several times and at the end she finally got him to solve a mystery which led to a plot twist. Despite this description, the role wasn’t really that big, and I only had like three scenes where my character was somehow important. As imagined, all the sex talks we had as our characters were the start of me developing crush on him. Yes, I adored him as a fan for years but after that once scene where we almost kissed (and had to reshoot it way too many times) made me go crazy over him. It was downright embarrassing that literally no man that I have ever slept with made me as turned on as Chris did by almost kissing me.
“Chris!” I yelled while greeting him, giving his body a warm hug. His huge arms wrapped around me always gave me the snuggest feeling inside, I loved the smallest touch of his affection on myself. A loud laugh left my lips as he picked me up, completely erasing the distance between us. I gave him a small peck on a cheek before my feet were back again on the ground. “No Dodger?” I asked out of curiosity after not being able to spot one of my favourite creatures. “Nope, not today. He is with Scott, I left him there since I only came to this house for a couple of days before going back to my brother’s. Didn’t want to move him around like that, you know?” He explained as he rested his shoulder on the doorframe while I undressed from the heavy winter clothing. I hanged my big, fluffy coat and took my boots off before we entered his big living room.
Our “Christmas Dinner” was filled with laughs and banter. I almost forgot how amusing Chris really was, he always did everything to make the other person laugh out loud. Being with him was always great fun and however horrible that sounds I was ecstatic when the snowfall outside transformed into an apocalypse. Of course, I pretended that I really need to head back home, and nothing will stop me, but Chris refused to let me leave in this weather. After twenty minutes of going back and forth in argument, I gave up. He seemed pleased which was a relief because I would’ve hated feeling like I’m not wanted.
Chris made us both a cup of hot chocolate as we continued to talk. We made a promise regarding Christmas gift, swearing on each other’s lives that they will only be unwrapped on an actual Christmas Day. Still, I had a feeling he will open his as soon as I leave through that door. My eyes rolled as he deliberated about how his gift was surely better than mine, Tired of his annoying whimpers, I picked a TV remote and started looking through films on Disney+. “This will shut you up for like an hour or, at least I hope so,” I said with a silly face and showed him the middle finger as he laughed in response.
Focusing on the TV screen, I tried not to think about different, erotic scenarios of the both of us. His presence near me was enough to make my thoughts livid. His hand was placed on my knee, which I could not stop thinking about, no matter how hard I tried to. If Chris knew what my dirty thoughts were including him in, he would most likely show me where the door is. Or, possibly, throw me out of the window. I couldn't help but stress in his presence. It was simply not possible not to. When I thought I could control myself around him, he would start stroking my thigh, driving my consciousness crazy. He could sense that I was nervous, or at least I thought that he could, because he looked at me with his bug puppy eyes. He said nothing, just stared in the bluntest way possible. I returned the stare, unable to form words that would make any sense.
Gazing into my eyes, he positioned his hand on my cheek. Involuntarily, a familiar shiver ran through my entire body. Ugh, he was perfect, and I hated him for it. I just knew I was not the only girl to feel this way about him. You didn’t have to know him to lust over his self. I opened my lips as he began to approach me, getting closer to my face with every millisecond. Our lips finally joined in a passionate kiss. My hand quickly rested on top of his, caressing the skin on his fingers which were placed on my face. My hormones were screaming and in a spare of the moment, (and inflow of confidence) I moved onto his laps and sat on them straddling. I took over the situation with dominance, but Chris quickly took it back when he put his hands on my ass and lifted me up to lay myself on my back on the couch.
“I wanted to do this for so long, you have no idea,” He whispered right into my lips as his hand slipped under the fabric of my sweatshirt. A long, drawn-out moan escaped my mouth as his lips found their way to the skin on my neck. I was panting hard with my mouth open. One of my hands landed between the locks of his hair that I pulled on. I cursed softly under my breath as his fingers tightened on my hip and then moved to my breasts that were still covered by the fabric of my top and lace bra.
“So damn beautiful.”  His words sounded like a tune to my ears. Now, I could confirm that no compliments sounded better than those formed by Mr. Chris Evans himself. His fingers sneaked into my private part once again as they slipped under my leggings. I consciously and willingly let them do so. I was already excited, maybe even more than I wanted to admit. Rarely has a man managed to bring me to this state by not doing anything special, but Chris definitely did.
My mind was full of thoughts concerning what we were doing in this very moment. Has he already done this with some other naive aspiring actress? Am I just another name on his long list waiting to be crossed out? My morals and standards, and more importantly, my substantial self-respect were all screaming at me right about now. Unfortunately, my thirst and excitement won the arguments inside my head. “Chris, p-please,” I whispered and desperately pulled the hair at the top of his head. “F-Fuck me,” My lips finally formed a dreadful plea for more.
Chris didn't wait any longer, as if I gave him an order that he had to obey. He quickly deprived my body of all of its clothing, his hungry gaze followed my flesh this whole time. He was discovering every inch of my skin for the first time, concentrating on it as if he wanted to remember every single detail. I did not want to do any worse than him, therefore my hands also started a fight with his clothes, aggressively removing them from his body.
“Condom, I need-“ He mumbled inexplicably, the second part of his sentence was most certainly inaudible but at least I understood what he started looking for from its first part. I watched him out as his fingers grabbed the fabric of his pants. He reached out to the pocket, grabbing a silver wrapper between his two fingers, and I stared at it with a rather surprised look. He was prepared for this and I let him. He knew or at least he wanted this to happen. And I let him. Stupid girl.
My eyes followed him precisely as he returned to me. His knees settled on the couch and I opened my own wide for him to view. I licked my two fingers slowly before directing them to my pussy, slowly caressing and massaging it. Chris was watching me this whole time and his gaze was getting more and more hungry which undoubtedly stimulated all my senses.
Our eyes reconnected and we both smiled at each other at the same time. I licked my lips as I watched the rubber material slide smoothly over his swollen cock. He got closer to me and hit my entrance with his dick several times which was met with a loud moan escaping my lips. I was seconds away from begging him to push inside of me, but my needs were met with his sudden actions. Satisfied was an understatement as I felt his impressive length penetrating my inside.
From the first thrust, his hips moved quickly, with force. I felt him whole, from his core to his round tip. I felt his body pressing onto mine as his balls slapped my flesh with each movement. I tilted my head back and gasped like a wounded animal. My hand blindly travelled to his muscular torso, digging my long nails into his skin. He hissed in response, but his movements became faster, only adding extra pleasure to my private part. I felt my insides pulsing in response to his dick slamming onto me.  
Chris grabbed my leg under the calf and placed my heel on his shoulder. I took advantage of this placement and stretched my leg at the knee as I placed it as comfortably as possible on his shoulder. My hand rested on my boob, which I squeezed, and his eyes rested on the new image in front of him. We didn't exchange a single word, but we both gave each other the right glances that boldly approved of every move on our part.
Feeling ecstatic to say the least, I enjoyed every moment. I needed this. I needed to forget about the world, cool my abusive emotions and relish this quick experience. He gave me precisely what I craved. Moreover, I was confident he adored it just as much, which I saw from the droplets of sweat running down his forehead and from his plump lips producing multiple curse words as his body moved within me. His chest rose quickly and fell rapidly with each hard thrust. I rolled my eyes in pleasure, unable to help myself. I was so close to the orgasm that the man of my dreams was driving me to.
Feeling his warmth inside of me made me toes curl. This was so fucking good. I could confidently say that he too enjoyed himself, which the droplets of sweat running down his forehead and a bunch of swear words escaping his plump lips indicated. His chest rose and fell quickly with each hard thrust. Unable to help themselves, my eyes rolled in great pleasure. My breathing was rapid and unsteady as he drove me to a needed orgasm. I couldn’t feel his cum inside of me but his moans and pleads ensured me of his sweet release.
We looked at each other’s eyes when our breathing finally normalized from all that we have done right on that poor couch. Thankfully, I sensed no strange atmosphere in the air that could foreshadow the end of our friendship. Everything seemed so normal, so platonic and I felt an unimaginable sense of relief. “Round two?” He scanned my face with a smirk placed on his lips and flames in his eyes. I smiled in response because no words were needed to answer his question. My legs wrapped around his hips once again, his posture bent down in order to link our lips in a kiss, indicating a fresh start to our next game.
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fancykraken · 3 years
I was tagged by @goatsandgangsters Thank you! 💕
1. Why did you choose your url?
When I first joined tumblr I used my LJ username but it didn’t feel right after a time so I switched to FancyKraken. I was sitting on the couch thinking what I could use (because all the urls I tried changing it to were taken), and a fancy kraken, complete with top hat and tea, just popped into my head without any prompting. So here we are.
2. Any side blogs?
Yes, I have @frost-iron, @mythicalnorseassholes, @littlemeyer, @gingerbunnie, a music blog (where I reblog music/fanmixes I like), and another personal side blog that I use for reblogging not safe work work stuff, aesthetics, and whatever else that may be of interest that I don’t want to annoy people with here. Plus I know I have people under 18 following me on this tumblr.
Out of all the blogs frost-iron and littlemeyer are the only ones that get used regularly.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
January 2010
4. Do you have a queue tag?
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
People on LiveJournal were talking about it so like any good hive minded individual I checked it out and signed up.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because he’s an asshole, makes me angry, he’s my terrible fave, and he bleps a lot. So naturally he had to be my icon.
7. Why did you choose your header?
Because the fat kitty with balloons amuse me. 
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I don’t have the link to the post, but it’s a gifset of Chris Hemsworth and Tom Hiddleston from the Thor: The Dark World world press tour. Somehow it got up to over 100k notes.
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I dunno how to find that out.
10. How many followers do you have?
7,924 (although I’m sure a good 90% or more are inactive)
11. How many people do you follow?
551 (but most are inactive now and I’m too lazy to go through them all and unfollow)
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I am pretty sure I have even though no specific post comes to mind.
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
Oh at least 2-3 times. When/if I post gifs in the morning, and/or I check on my lunch break and after work. Sometime’s in bed before I go to sleep.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
I mean I guess I have. I haven’t really had any all out fight with another blog, just disagreements etc. 
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
Hate them even if they’re something that is important and with good information. If you add that then I will not reblog them. 
16. Do you like tag games?
I do! Even if I forget to complete them I still appreciate being thought of.
17. Do you like ask games?
I do when I’m in the mood and people actually send me an ask. 😂
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Uhmmmm... I mean I don’t think I have any the are “tumblr” famous, but I do have several that are more well known in their specific fandom spaces.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I did but they’re it’s very rare they post anymore. I do have several big platonic crushes, though, and would def hold hands with them if asked.
20. Tags!
This is long, so there’s zero pressure to do any of this: @portiaadams, @septembersghost, @scorpling, @saltydorkling, @pohjanneito, @mcudaredevil, @crewman-penelope, @skeletordidntdieforthis, and anyone else who wants to do this. 
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Who Saved The Day? Season Two
time for instalment 2 of my eight part series Who saved the day? where I will be counting up who saves the day in each buffy episode. we all know who's gonna come in first but I am genuinely unsure who'll place after that in the final leaderboard.
at the end of season 1 the totals were:
Buffy: 10
Angel: 1
Sid: 1
season two is longer, more complex and more emotional than season 1 though I don't think anyone is coming for Buffy's top spot. while I don't think anyone is likely to argue with me about my calls for season 1, season 2 might get more controversial. let's see!
1. When She Was Bad: Buffy
A strong argument could be made for Buffy causing all of the problems in this episode, but she also solves them, and no one else arrives with a sledgehammer to kill the master's minions and grind his bones, so she gets the point.
2. Some Assembly Required: Chris
Another supporting character getting a point, which I'm finding quite exciting whenever it happens. Chris stops Daryl killing Buffy, and Daryl follows up by destroying himself for her.
3. School Hard: Buffy
I would love, love, love, love to the moon and back to give the point to Spike for killing the anointed one. I would love it more than you will ever understand but alas I have rules to follow. Buffy for saving Joyce and the other parents at the school I suppose.
4. Inca Mummy Girl: Buffy
A big part of me wanted to give the point to Xander, because I feel like Ampata getting so weak she turned back into a mummy only really happened because she hesitated over killing Xander and he put himself in her way knowing that was what could happen, but Buffy actually fought her, so I can't give Xander the point.
5. Reptile Boy: Buffy
Nice and straightforward. Awesome work killing the frat lizard.
6. Halloween: Giles
Yes Buffy fights Spike and wins the fight there but the real issue in the episode was the curse on the town and Giles solves that in an immensely stylish way. Giles' first point!
7. Lie To Me: Buffy
Holding my darling Drusilla hostage and letting the cult weirdos get away.
8. The Dark Age: Angel
Another point for Angel. Letting Eyghon into his body so that the two demons could fight was an unexpected and clever ending to a dark and excellent episode.
9. What's My Line 1: Giles (?)
The day is literally not saved here. This episode makes me regret my commitment to needing to pick someone for each episode because it... just doesn't work here. I'm giving it to Giles for working out what was going on? I suppose? I thought about giving it to Buffy for fighting Kendra but she didn't save or win anything so I didn't think it counted. Idk. Comment or message to change my mind and I'm fully ready to change it.
10. What's My Line 2: Buffy
I'd have preferred to give Kendra the point because I think my gorgeous, wonderful, underserved by the plot girl deserves one, but Buffy gets Angel out so it's got to be her.
11. Ted: Buffy
You go girl, end that dodgy episode by whacking the monster with a saucepan.
12. Bad Eggs: Buffy
Using a pick axe to hack the mother creature to death from the inside out: ingenious and also icky.
13. Surprise: Buffy (?)
Man I don't know. She gets the arm in the box and escapes the vampires at the dock and... no one else gets the point. This just wasn't a day-saving episode.
14. Innocence: Buffy
Nothing ever has or ever will make me feel as happy as Buffy kicking Angel in the balls here. Never.
15. Phases: Willow
First point for my heart's darling! Shooting wolf Oz with the tranquilliser gun is a big victory for my brave girl. Buffy bends the werewolf hunter's gun and sends him packing, but Willow saves everyone from the wolf demon and earns the point.
16. Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered: Giles
Giles and Amy both lift the spell, but it was Giles' idea, he had to force Amy to take part and only one person can have the point.
17. Passion: Buffy
I spent a good twenty seconds staring into the space above my laptop feeling my pain when I remembered this episode. I go to a world of pain when I think about Passion, Willow's crying and Buffy's face through the window at the end. Buffy rescues Giles from being tortured but it's a hollow point for this one.
18. Killed By Death: Buffy
A straightforward monster-killing of a straightforward monster of the week.
19. I Only Have Eyes For You: Angel
Angel breaks the cycle and makes the speech that Grace needed to hear. Everyone learns a lesson about forgiveness and is saved from demonic ghost bees (I interpreted the buzzing cloud as ghost bees?).
20. Go Fish: Xander
Xander's first point! I wasn't really sure here as Xander and Buffy fight the coach together, but Xander knocks him on the head when stuff isn't looking good for Buffy so I think he gets a point for that.
21. Becoming 1: Kendra
Feels a bit ghoulish giving Kendra her only point in the episode where she dies, but there wasn't a lot of competition in this episode where everything that can go wrong does go wrong and she does arrive with new knowledge and a magic sword.
22. Becoming 2: Buffy
I would have loved to give Willow the point because she was awe-inspiring doing magic from the hospital bed in this episode. But Buffy closes the portal to the hell dimension and I can't argue with that.
So at the end of season 2 the cumulative totals stand at
Buffy: 23
Angel: 3
Giles: 3
Chris: 1
Kendra: 1
Sid: 1
Willow: 1
Xander: 1
All the scoobies and angel have at least one point now, and we have a few more for non-regulars as well. I'm imagining that as the seasons go on we'll get more points for characters who aren't Buffy but I imagine she'll end up with more than a hundred episodes by the end, unless something very major that I've forgotten about changes.
We had a few 'no one really won here' episodes which I think we'll get more of with time, and a few 'dramatic speech' savings of the day which I think will increase with time too.
in season 3 I anticipate things only getting more complex and weirder. I'm excited to get there soon!
Read the rest of the series: my intro post, Season 1, Season 3, Season 4, Season 5, Season 6, Season 7
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whimsywispsblog · 3 years
Leon Kennedy x Megamycete!Reader
Tumblr media
Request: Megamycete!Oc as an agent x Leon Kennedy. Possibly the OC is like Ethan, a potential bioweapon but still have her humanity intact.
Thank you for the request @myravenchaser 💕
Okay, so let's start with how you and Leon met. Actually, before that
So while the BSAA were busy investigating the Village, you were one of their operatives who had to live there under the disguise of one of the Villagers. It was easy at first.
But the more you started to talk and observe, the more you realised the danger that lured in the woods. Mother Miranda and the Four Lords
As we all know, when Miranda ruled, she used to experiment on her Villagers (missing children and young maidens), and you were one of them.
Luckily you survived the mould injection, and it was pretty compatible with your body.
To not attract any further attention, with Chris' help, you were able to escape from the Village without much problem, and you faked your death. Surprisingly, no suspicions aroused (or maybe Miranda hid it)
Now, only Chris and a few other high-ranking individuals from the BSAA were aware of your mould situation.
Once you were out, you were immediately tasked another mission- assisting Leon Kennedy, the DSO Agent, through a sticky situation that he had caught himself in
It seems that the mould was not just BSAA's problem, but it spread throughout
Now bec of the mould, you have extreme regenerative powers- you heal quickly, and you can fix any dismembered parts easily.
Leon was a cute guy- baby blue eyes, soft, perfect hair, tall- ah. Dreamy
But he was overly flirtatious, to the point that it annoyed you.
'Hey, after the mission, how about you and I get a late-night fondue?' (Hahaha, Capn' America!) or 'You're damn cute when you snarl like that' or 'Woah feisty gal!' with that stupid smirk
But all changed the moment he saw your body healing by itself when you were burnt.
At first, Leon was wary, unsure of what you are. He pulled himself back.
Once the mission was over and you were away from the rest of the team, Leon confronted you.
You refused to open up, of course, and it turned into a full-blown argument, after which you left the place. But you did miss him; he was fun (and charming) 😏
A month later, you get a text from an unknown number, and in the end, there's a sign: LSK. Who the fuck was LSK, and how did he get your secret number?
You anyway decided to take up the offer and took all your stealth gear with you.
To your surprise, the person was Leon S Kennedy.
"How the fuck-"
"Relax doll, Chris told me everything," and then you got to know that Leon had confronted Chris and learnt everything, even getting your private number (So much for being your handler and mentor, thanks, Chris 😑)
But you two bonded over work and Chris, and later you exchanged your civilian numbers.
Over the next few months, you crossed paths with him during missions or got a reason to hang out.
Things soon took a personal turn until you invited him over for Netflix and chill, and you did everything but 'Netflix and 'chill'. Lmao 😏
Of course, he still annoys you with his lame pick-up lines and flirtatious attempts, but he was your dork head.
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