#just gotta get mentally tougher
a-little-bit-poss · 7 months
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rfsak2 · 1 year
Everyone always thought Daryl was the rough one. DarylxOC
Warnings: canon typical gore and violence.
“I said stay there, jackass.”
“Now, sugartits…” the man grinned- leered- and sauntered forward. “Can I call you sugartits?”
She sighed and stood from her camp chair, pushing a mass of curly, red hair out of her face. “I said: stay there. This is your last warning.”
“What’re you gonna do… all by yourself?” He sucked on his lip.
“Kill you.” She nodded at the younger man behind him. “And pretty boy, if he has anything to say after.”
The older man laughed. “Baby, my brother and I are twice your size and there’s two of us-“
“Merle, stop.” It was the younger one, his crossbow aimed at her head, eyes on her face through the scope.
“Yeah, Merle… wouldn’t want to get in over your head.”
“Really?” He laughed. “The tough chick bullshit is probably what got ya this far, but you gonna need some help if you want to survive.”
“And I bet you’re just the man to render that help…” She smiled, keeping her posture loose and light.
“Yeah, baby, we can take care of you.” Merle rubbed his hands together, stalking closer. “Gotta be tit for tat, though… emphasis on the tit.”
“Merle.” Daryl hadn’t relaxed, still tense, hands on his crossbow.
“Shut up, Daryl.” Merle chucked. “You let me handle this.”
“You ain’t handling nothing, dickhead.” She batted her eyes at him. “I will kill you if you get any closer.”
“With what, darlin’?”
“With my hands.”
He barked out a laugh and stepped forward, within arms reach. “Well, in that case…” He reached out for her and she stepped back and popped him in the face with a quick right hook.
Merle pulled back in shock and gaped at her. Shaking his head as if to clear it, he reached for her again, saying, “That was real cute.”
She caught his arm and slapped him across the face with the back of her forearm.
Merle backed off, holding his hands up. “Alright… you tougher than you look.”
She pulled her knuckle-dusters from her pocket and slipped them on her hand in one fluid motion. She lunged forward and popped him in the cheekbone.
He fell back and she followed him down, landing two more heavy hammer fists before she felt the sharp point of an arrow against her temple.
She lifted her hands. “I warned him.”
“Only reason you don’t got a bolt in your head. Back off.”
She risked a peek at him and stood slowly, Merle spluttering underneath her.
The brother, Daryl, kept an eye on her as he hauled his brother up.
“You bitch!” He spat to the side and wiped at his face. He grinned. “Not gonna lie, that’s kinda sexy.”
Daryl shook his head, muttering something about “dumb assholes”.
“You like getting beaten up on by women?” She laughed in a sharp crack, tension suddenly drained out of space. “I used to know someone who could help you with that.”
“That what you used to do, baby?” Merle licked his split lip. “Turn trick?”
She shook her head, smiling. “I meant a therapist, you fuckin’ tool.”
“You were a therapist?”
She could feel them eyeing her tattooed arms. The implicit judgment irked her. She wasn’t the picture of mental health but that didn’t mean she was dirty or unworthy. “No, I went to a therapist.”
“Why?” It was the younger one this time.
“None of your damn business.” She arched an eyebrow. “Why are you still here anyways?”
“Why leave?” Merle shrugged and sat his ass on a stump near to her fire. He cast a look around at her camp, eyeing her tent and truck.
She chuckled and nabbed a shop rag from her tool kit, wiping his blood off the knuckle dusters and slipping them back in her pocket. “Because I ain’t giving you shit and we both know now that neither of you are gonna take it. So I don’t really know why you’re still here.”
“Could take it while you’re asleep.” Daryl this time, but even he didn’t seem convinced.
She shrugged, nodding vaguely. “You could try, I guess.” She sat in her chair. “Do what you gotta.”
They were collectively silent for a while, Merle sat on the stump wiping at his face with the bottom of his shirt, Daryl pacing, switching from watching her to taking in his surroundings.
He seemed to come to a decision and sat on the ground near his brother. He briefly checked on Merle and turned piercing, pretty blue eyes on her. “Where you from?”
“Johnson City, Texas.” She eyed him. “Why?”
He shrugged. “Just don’t sound like you from ‘round here, ‘sall.”
She made a face, nodding vaguely in agreement. “Fair. Where you two from?”
“Mountain City.”
Merle nodded.
She hummed and reached for a pack of cigarettes sitting on a little camp table. She lit a cigarette and, after a beat, tossed it and the lighter to Daryl and Merle.
“What’s your name, baby?”
She nodded.
“What the hell kinda name is that?”
She chuckled. “The one I got.”
“Officer Shane Walsh.” The burly man stuck his hand out and the pret- redheaded woman, who had reluctantly let them stay in her camp, looked unimpressed, arms littered with bold color crossed over her chest. Shane stared the much smaller woman down. She stared right back.
Daryl had to hand it to her, she was small by any standard. A near-foot shorter than the man in front of her and nowhere near as broad. She met Shane’s eyes unflinchingly, posture straight and take-no-shit. She was a tough one.
“Mitzi.” She didn’t take his hand.
Shane seemed to be waiting for something and kind of huffed, setting his hand on his hip. “Mitzi?”
She nodded and was silent for an unreasonably long time.
“You got a last name?”
“You got a warrant?” She huffed right back. Daryl buried a chuckle.
Shane gritted his teeth. “Do I need one?”
“Do you have authority to have one?” She made an exaggerated show of looking around. “Looky there, no judge in sight.”
“Look, I’m not trying to start a fight.” Shane held his hand up. “I’m just-“
“Pissing on territory that’s not yours. Conveniently, it’s not mine either. Set your sh-“ she eyed the kid standing behind him. “Your stuff wherever. I don’t care, but just know that the more of us that are here, the more danger we are in.”
The reminder of the state of things seemed to rattle the small family. The woman behind him took a shaky breath.
Mitzi sighed. “My name is Mitzi Donovan.”
“This is Carl and Lori.”
Daryl noticed that he didn’t include the kid or his mom’s last name. He noticed that she noticed too, one red eyebrow arched almost into her hairline.
“Who are they?” Shane nodded dismissively at them and Daryl sucked on his tongue.
She swiveled to look and caught his eye. She grinned and winked. He huffed and turned away.
“Those are the Dixon brothers.”
“They’re your family?”
“Nope. Feels like I’ve known them forever though.” She turned back to Shane.
“Baby, we can be family anytime you like.” Merle wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
She huffed out a laugh. “Shut up, Merle.”
“Feels like?”
She turned back to Shane. “Maybe it’s the trauma.”
“The trauma?”
“It’s the end of the end of the world.” She motioned vaguely at the sky. “You know? This.”
The lady, taller and leaner than Mitzi, leaned forward, whispering. “How long have you known them?”
“Longer than you.”
Shane huffed. “Can we get a straight answer?”
She frowned. “That is a straight answer. I may not have know them long but I know them better than I know you. I find the insinuation that you are somehow better than them-“
The woman stepped forward. “I didn’t say we were better… just, they seem dangerous.”
“I hate to tell ya this, but we are all dangerous now. Either now or later.” She turned and walked towards where Daryl was sitting. “Gotta be now to prevent being later.”
“What about you?” Shane shouted after her. “Are you dangerous?”
She grinned and looked back at him but Merle spoke over her. “She’s the most dangerous of us all, Officer Friendly.”
Daryl chuckled. “She’s gotta helluva right hook.”
“Shut th’hell up, little brother.”
“That legal?”
“Nope! Made it myself.” She grinned -rather sarcastically- back at Shane and pulled her hunting rifle and a homemade silencer from her gun locker. She screwed it on and passed it over the side wall of the bed of her truck to Daryl, noticing that Shane tried to grab at it.
Daryl whistled lowly. “Nice piece.”
She smiled and nodded. “I machined a lot of that gun. It’s a favorite of mine.”
“You machined it?” Daryl opened the bolt and it closed with a satisfying click.
“Yeah, one of my buddies had the full shebang in his workshop. Taught me how. It was fun.”
“Do you think you can do it again?” Shane nodded at the gun.
She winced. “I’m no expert and none of that machinery is going to be readily available or viable without power. I can definitely maintain any weaponry we have, but making a new gun is a bit out of my scope.”
“What’s that?”
She looked over at the kid, standing next to Shane at her tailgate. She hummed and he pointed at the frankly giant army green gun locker at her feet.
She sighed. “That’s a really big gun.” She wrinkled her nose. “Too big for this-“
“Woo-hee, Lil’ Bit. Where’d you get that?” Merle leaned his forearms against her truck. “That’s Army-issued.”
“Did you steal it?” Shane grunted, sending Carl away.
She tensed. “Get the fuck off my truck, Merle.”
“Did you steal it?”
“I heard you the first time, fuckwit.” She gritted out. “I didn’t steal it. It’s mine.”
“You were in the Army, dollface?” Merle licked his lips.
“I am in the Army. I was heading to Atlanta for a presentation. I’m technically on leave.” She turned away and locked down the gun case and hopped over the side.
Shane set his hands on his hips. “So you’re a deserter then?”
She sighed. “I don’t know, Officer Walsh, are you?”
“What?” He snarled, stalking toward her.
She met him head on, Daryl grabbing at her arm. She shook him off. “I said, ‘Officer Walsh, are you a deserter?’ You left your post, didn’t you? Got Lori and Carl out. Are you a deserter?”
He shrunk back, hands in the air and she felt Daryl’s chest against her arm.
She sighed. “One day, Shane, one day, you are going to meet the business end of my patience. You are going to judge wrongly and I am going to hand you your ass.”
“Is that a threat?”
She had turned away, hand on Daryl’s shoulder, pushing him gently back. She caught Shane’s eyes and held them. “It’s an eventuality, if you don’t watch your fuckin’ mouth and step down off of your high horse.”
“More people.”
She nodded.
“More noise.”
She sighed. “Can’t leave them out there though. They’d never survive, make more dead.”
Daryl nodded. “Still dangerous.”
She focused down at the hunting rifle she was cleaning. “Gonna need more food.”
Daryl made a noise in the back of his throat and she looked up, catching his eyes with her pretty green ones. “Hmm?”
“More food means more hunting.” He granted her a soft smile.
She smiled back. “Silver lining.”
“You two fuck yet?” Merle slurred from where he was slumped in her camp chair. “I’m here waiting my turn and ‘ll.”
“You don’t get a turn, Merle.” She disassembled her rifle, Daryl cussed under his breath. She caught his eyes and winked.
“So y’have fucked, then.”
“If it gets you off, you are welcome to imagine whatever you want.”
He leered. “I do, darlin’, trust and believe.”
Daryl tensed, his jaw tightening visibly. She knocked his elbow and made a face at Merle. “Kinda weird though…”
He didn’t open his eyes, head back on the chair. “Wha?”
“To imagine all that with your brother… just sayin’.”
Merle went red but shrugged, ignoring her. “Girls always liked Daryl more. Never did know why.”
“Maybe some introspection can help you figure it out.” She grinned at Daryl, who was still glaring at Merle. “Gotta be a reason.”
Merle peeked at her from under the hand he held over his eyes. “What reason’s that?”
“Don’t know.” She grinned. “That’s why I said to do some introspection.”
He grunted. “Introspection is for pussies.”
She laughed. “I think you just stumbled into one of probably many reasons why girls liked Daryl more.”
“Fuck you.” The statement lacked heat though, his head still dropped back against the chair.
She made a little moue and cooed. “You wish.”
“You’re Mitzi, right?”
She jumped and turned to the burly man approaching them, her shoulder brushing Daryl’s chest. “Yeah?”
“I was told to come get a gun from you.” The man crossed his arms, cocky and impatient. Mitzi bristled, hackles rising.
“Told by who?”
“The cop.”
She sucked on her teeth. “Then you go ask Shane for a gun. I ain’t putting a weapon in the hand of someone I don’t know.”
The man grunted and leaned into her space. “Go get me a gun.”
She shoved to her feet and pressed back into his space. The man backed up, almost as if he hadn’t been expecting her to meet him head-on. “I said ‘no’.”
“Shane said ‘yes.’”
“Shane ain’t my dad or my boss.” She made a dismissive motion. “Now git. Go ask Shane for a gun if you want one.”
He ignored her, turning to Merle. “This your bitch? You should fuckin’ muzzle her before I do.”
“Excuse me?” She stepped forward, stilling when Daryl grabbed for her arm.
“She ain’t mine and take it from someone with first-hand experience,” Merle whistled, “that is not the tree to climb. She is gonna hand you your entire ass.” He cackled. “Right after she rips you a new asshole.”
The man turned to Daryl, who was trying to shimmy Mitzi behind him. Daryl kept his hand on Mitzi’s hip and nodded at the man. “You need t’back off.”
“You’re protecting this mouthy bitch?” The man spat to the side. “She must have beer-flavored nipples.”
“Daryl, move.”
Daryl glanced down at her and the over at where Shane and a woman he had never seen before were booking it up the small incline towards what had been dubbed the Redneck Camp.
Daryl had significantly better hearing than they gave him credit for.
“Shane’s on his way up here. You gonna start something loud.”
Her eyes snapped from staring down the man to his eyes. After a beat, she nodded and he felt her hand twisting in the fabric of his shirt in the small of his back.
“Finally someone with some balls.” The man smiled. “You oughta keep this bitch on a leash.”
Daryl chuckled. “You oughta know when to shut the hell up.” He stepped aside.
Mitzi shot from behind him like out of a gun. In the space of thirty seconds, she had popped him twice in the face and had him on the ground, her boot on his neck.
“Donovan! Back off!”
“I’ll back off when I’m done with him.”
Daryl pushed Shane back. “Y’should stay back. He deserves this.”
Mitzi spat to the side. “I may be smaller than you, Ed. But make no mistake, you are boxing outside of your weight class. You ever speak to me, or about me, like that again, I will split your head open. Do you understand me?”
She put more pressure on his throat. “No more talking. Nod to show we’re clear.”
He nodded and she stepped off of him and turned on Shane. “Now you.”
Shame nodded aggressively. “Yeah? What you want?”
She made towards him but Daryl caught her around the waist and pulled her against his chest.
“I do not answer to you.” She stepped free of Daryl, who kept a hand on her shoulder. “Do not send people to me -especially people like this dogshit lump of humanity- like I’m some fuckin’ armory.”
“People need to be armed.” Shane tried to press forward but Lori grabbed his arm.
“I will not put a gun in the hand of someone I don’t know. That’s fuckin’ stupid. That’s how people die.” She spat out. “We don't need hall-cocked assholes getting drunk and popping off shots for fun. That’ll bring them.”
“He’s not drunk.”
“He was last night.” She laughed. “You miss that, Officer Walsh? You can smell it on him.” Shane colored. “And let’s not play games with each other. We both know that’s not what this is about.”
“What’s it about then?”
“You bein’ the boss. You callin’ the shots.” She huffed, gesticulating sarcastically. “You want that? Feel free to it. I ain’t no one’s boss, but you sure ain’t commanding me no ways. And as long as you remember that, it’ll be okay.”
Shane snarled, pushing closer, near nose-to-nose with her. “And if I don't?”
“You will.”
“Are you threatening me again?”
“Does it sound like I’m threatening you?”
Lori whisper-screamed his name and Daryl squeezed Mitzi’s shoulder. She looked at Daryl, ground her teeth and turned away, stalking toward her hunting rifle. She picked it up and reassembled it with quick, precise movements.
She paused and turned, Daryl could hear the collective intake of breath.
“Dixon! We goin’ huntin’ or nah?”
Daryl shook his head. “Yeah, Spitfire. We huntin’. Lemme grab my bow.”
“Hurry. I wanna shoot somethin’.” She flipped Shane the bird and stalked into the woods.
“She wasn’t gonna shoot ya.” Daryl nodded over at Shane, who was fuming. “You gotta learn not to fuck w’her, though. She ain’t playin’ w’you.”
“What’d y’do? Before all’a this.”
She shot him a look, lighting a cigarette, before passing the pack back. She blew out the first drag and waved it away. “You know what I did. I’m in the Army… or was, I guess.”
“Yeah, but what’d you do?”
“Like as a job?” She quieted, sucking on her cigarette.
“You don’t gotta tell me.” He shrugged, frowning around his cigarette. “If’s too personal.”
She shook her head. “That’s not it at all. People always reacted a certain way when I told ‘em.”
“Think I’m gonna judge ya?”
She made a face. “Ya might…”
“Nah..,” He snickered. “You know what Merle and I did?” She shrugged. “Nothing. Not a damn thing. Just drifted.”
“That doesn’t sound half bad. Sounds like freedom.” She smiled at him. “I was…I am a sniper. Prior to three months ago, I was an active spec ops sniper. Army Ranger- Captain Mildred Donovan - Long Range Weaponry.”
He hummed. “Mildred?”
She shoved his shoulder. “My grandmother’s name. Now you know why I go by Mitzi.”
He nodded. “You said that you were coming down to Atlanta for a presentation.”
She nodded. “I transitioned out of the field, became an instructor. Before all this went down, the Army wanted to show off the ‘first female spec ops operator’ and ‘one of our best guns’. They had this big shindig planned, with a record-breaking shot… the whole nine.” She winced. “I came up early for a week of leave. Saw the bombs from where I was hiking.”
Daryl shifted down against the log behind them so their shoulders were tight to each other’s. “Why’d they pick you?”
She grinned. “Ouch.”
He rolled his eyes. “Y’know what I mean. Y’like a legacy or something?”
She frowned. “A legacy?”
“Daddy was a sniper, Granddaddy was a sniper.”
“Oh no.” She shook her head. “My dad was a mechanic, my grandfather, an asshole. I was scouted, I guess you can say.” She looked down at her rifle. “I won gold in all ISSF World Cup 300m events five years running. I was going to the Olympics when…” she winced comically. “I got in a fight.”
Daryl repressed a smile to the best of his ability. “‘magine that.”
“I know.” She nodded sagely. “Very difficult to imagine.”
He rasped out a chuckle. “Damn near impossible.”
She shoved his arm. “Prick.”
“What happened with the fight?”
“I beat the shit out of my dad.” She huffed. “That’s… another story though. One I’d rather not get into.”
Daryl sucked on his cigarette. “Why did y’become an instructor? Why not stay in t’field?”
She sighed. “I tried to eat my gun. Uncle Sam thought I might have had enough. Couldn’t retire me completely, though, I’m one of the top-ranked snipers in the military and the first female in spec ops.. would’ve been bad optics, or so I was told. They covered it up and found a clever solution. Improvise, Adapt and Overcome...”
That hung heavy in the air.
“Glad you didn’t. Glad you were on leave.”
She smiled. “Me too. And thanks for not asking how many people I’ve killed.”
Daryl nodded and they finished their cigarettes in silence.
Part 2
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amethystfairy1 · 6 months
Ok, you dropped the crumbs in this latest TTSBC chapter and now I gotta know. What can you tell us about Hotguy's arrows/weapons/tech? I am so dang curious about... honestly everything in this AU, it's absolutely amazing <3
Let's break down Hot Guy's hero fit, shall we?
So Scar has multiple biotech enhancements that he received over the course of several years in a hero program at the Institute, starting when he was fifteen. He was the only successful result of this program, the biotech of the previous generation was...let's just say it didn't have long-term capability, but we'll talk about that in another piece someday. 😬
Bracers: The biotech in his legs hooks to his braces, which essentially look like bracers. The ratchets close around his upper thighs, below his knees, and near his ankles where they kinda turn into boots. He can't wear any sleeves or anything beneath the bracers because they need to have direct skin contact, so they kinda look like funky thigh-high boots!
Visor: His visor is also biotech, it links into the augmentations that are beneath his eyes, which is why Scar has a very prominent scar over the bridge of his nose, that's where that's from! It means that he mentally adjust his visor, and his vision is also biotech enhanced so his eyes essentially have their own zoom function and can focus and trace movement over huge distances! When he also has his visor, that ability grows even stronger, and he can also use his visor to confer with the stuff back in the Hot Cave that is tracking like monster surges or crimes in progress!
Uniform: Scar's original Hot Guy uniform was a lot more tame when he first debuted while still working for the Institute, but he felt like it was too constrictive so once he broke away with Cub's help and established the Hot Cave he changed to something showing way more skin because he just felt like he could actually move that way. It had the happy side effect of covering for his secret ID as well, because Prof. Scar Goodtimes tends to wear layered clothes that cover him up, and Hot Guy...well, Hot Guy does not do that. 😆 His uniform has some light pieces of body armor built in, but considering his body has also been bio-technically enhanced so that he has tougher skin and can take more of a beating without risk of major injury (see: Sugar {We're Going Down Swinging}) so he doesn't SUPER need it.
Bow: It's a folding number, the draw strength is CRAZY strong but Scar can use it like nothing. It has a magnetic clamp mechanism in the grip so he can clip it easily to the harness on his back.
Arrows: He's Hot Guy! He's got tons of different arrows! Net arrows, cable arrows, explosive arrows, blunted arrows, adhesive-shooting arrows, just straight up arrows...and look at that, you can already hear Zedaph crying in the distance. 😬
Watch: He has basically a super sleek smart watch that is always linked up to the Hot Cave systems so he can get alerts on monster surges or anything else that might require Hot Guy's attention!
I think that's all of his major gear! Hopefully you enjoyed that! I'm so glad you like my AU thank you thank you! 💖
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p1nkm1lkslug · 2 months
Okay I need to just desperately info dump on creeps + my oc because I can:
id like to think that because Frankie is able to loose his limbs he would be somewhat good at embroidery in order to just make sure that leg is on really tight + occasionally might use prosthetics
Will angst because :3. He's genuinely just gotta be one of the characters I feel the worst for, like my guy is gonna have a mental breakdown because what do you mean he just lost his parents (who might I add were good) and then now lives in hell???? IS HE OKAY??
also slight lj slander but I understand bro was devastated at loosing Issac but he was just a kid 😭 how is he gonna remember everything
As for Samara I feel like she would have a very strange relationship with will, on one hand they envy him for the life he had before and on the other,she desperately is trying to save him, she was slender man's first proxy and while in my au the mansion is somewhat funny or casual it still can be scary,and with Sam being someone who has lots of experience she can tell how much will wants to be a killer and can tell he's willing to do anything,even if it means giving up his soul
As a result she would try slowly getting will to join her side (aka: try to get tf out of here and try living as normal a life as you can as a killer) which is rough,so would probably start dropping info to Frankie later on the both of them are dead reanimated corpses,and Frankie doesn't meet people like him every day so might as well say hi (she woke him up one time and she nearly cried after the yelling, bbg was not doing well that day 😭)
She's also borderline "haha so what if we all worked and overthrow slender and zalgo HAHAH jk jk... Unless
She does witchcraft as well as deity work (for me the only beings higher then zalgo and slender are literal gods/Satan) this comes in handy when your day to day life is rough and your house mates are even tougher (not many creeps are social and some more hostile then others) , she's seen the best and the worst of them all, she saw ej going through the worst stage in getting his cravings under control to meeting zero and avoiding her at all cost (she is batshit crazy and will bite you)
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thejockout · 10 days
On My Recent Quiet
I really wanna get back to writing some longer-form blog content for Jockout but I just have not had the mental energy.
I've been writing scripts and etc., so I AM putting the time in to this. But, among other things, I wanna get back to my Subject Diaries series! A ton of cool stuff has gone on for me in that regard lately :( Like, I've returned to trancing full force and been experiencing a lot of fun effects, with a new and increased intensity (keeping it vague for spoilers) but whenever I sit to write it feels like a waste not to put that time into a script/just non Jockout writing projects. Definitely gotta find a balance.
My original plan was to release two to three files a month with written projects in between: articles, or thinkpieces, or posts or questions from you guys that I was answering, but the reality of writing/producing my files and commissions sooo much more suddenly has been tougher than I expected! Still trying to build up my stamina creatively I guess.
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Gray: I would ask you how the heck you juggle two girlfriends… But I'd rather keep my sanity.
Natsu: Two? cocks head ಠಿ_ಠ
Gray: Erza and Mira, you dumbass!
Natsu: Oh, those two. You still have day terrors or whatever?
Gray: How do YOU not?! Don't you remember those two scaring the absolute piss out of us when we were kids? How do you even keep one of 'em happy? … How are you not DEAD?
Natsu: Listen, frostbite. If all ya do is quibble over every little thing, 'course life's gonna kick your ass.
Gray: I hardly call Erza and Mira LITTLE THINGS, Flamebrain! ಠಿ_ಠ
Natsu: slugs him with a fire punch Shaddup and listen!! If you're scared of people stronger than you, or scared of whatever, then just do one thing~ (✿◠‿◠)
Gray: … One thing he says. :P tries to slug him back with an ice punch only to get bitch-slapped back
Natsu: WIN. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)
Gray: Win…what? ಠಿ_ಠ
Natsu: Just WIN, droopydrawers! It ain't that hard! (人◕ω◕)
Gray: Win WHAT, you dumbass?! (╬ಠ益ಠ)
Natsu: Everything, duh! (✿◠‿◠) Win all day, everyday~
Gray: ……… That doesn't make any freaking sense! You can't win ALL the-
Mira: Ara? What doesn't make sense, Gray? (✿◠‿◠) Winning solves everything. Winning puts bread on the table. (✿◠‿◠)(✿◠‿◠)(✿◠‿◠)
Gray: Oh god, not you…!
Erza: Where's your warrior's spirit, Gray?! Do you plan to overcome Gildarts with that kind of wishy-washy attitude? ≖‿≖***
Gray: … I'm NOT aimin' to be stronger than Gildarts!!! You're all insane!
Mira: cocks head But you keep throwing yourself at Natsu as if you stand a chance. (✿◠‿◠)
Gray: That's cuz everything about him pisses me off! (╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ)(╬ಠ益ಠ) It ain't about bein' tougher than the pyromoron. Though that'd be a bonus. (╬ಠ益ಠ)
Natsu: You ain't ever beatin' me, icecube. I'm gonna be #1. (人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕)(人◕ω◕) I win all day long~
Erza: nods sagely I see. Gray needs remedial training. Natsu, go tell Master we're taking a sabbatical for a while.
Natsu: Aww, why do I gotta-?!
Mira: (✿◠‿◠)(✿◠‿◠)(✿◠‿◠) requipped into dominatrix outfit, snapping whip menacingly Don't worry, Gray~ This only hurts in the beginning. Then it feels GOOD~
Natsu and Erza: Not THAT kind of training, Mira/bitch! (⊙▂⊙✖ )
Natsu: You said that was stuff only WE do, Mira!! (⊙▂⊙✖ )
Erza: It IS our exclusive training ritual, Mira's just being ridiculous as always. (╬≖_≖)
Mira: sprouts demon bat wings, dark, ominous aura around her Ridiculous, eh? (✿◠‿◠)***
Erza: dons Nakagami Armor Did I stutter? (╬≖_≖)
Natsu: … Weren't we gonna beat slushboy's rubbish mentality into submission? ಠಿ_ಠ
Gray: as Erza and Mira duke it out like they didn't hear him Shut the frick up, you moron!!!!!! (⊙▂⊙✖ ) ducks a tree chucked their way, only to get blown over anyway because of them going All Out
Natsu: (╬≖_≖) Mmmnnnrrrrrr… I'm not sittin' this out! I'm gonna kick both their asses!!! dives into the thick dust cloud without hesitation
Gray: … Well, Flamebrain's dead. And good riddance. ಠಿಠ … watches and listens to the intense fighting for several minutes ... begins to back away when those grunting noises transitioned to hisses and pleasurable moans I don't wanna know. I don't wanna know. I don't wanna know…!!! ಠಿಠ
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quailxcrossing · 3 months
hello... waddles in. i have oc questions from the meme :3
theyre all for auï
2, 5, 10, 11, 21, 40, 49, 58
EEEE HI!!!!! my bestie!!!!!! hi hi hi omg we're gonna have an auï moment i LOVE auï
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[2] How does their social personality differ from how they act when they’re alone?
Auï puts up a rough and quiet facade when out and about. he tries not to talk to people. Still, when he does, he can act unpleasant and annoyed, which is him both consciously and subconsciously trying to make people avoid him. he acts tougher and older than he actually is, leaning into his intimidating height, dramatic features, and tired demeanor as much as possible. Goat has teased him about the number of times Auï has spoken to strangers with a lower-toned voice that is unlike his natural range. it had just become second nature. he is extremely, extremely afraid of strangers nowadays, and this is his way of protecting himself from people finding any weak points. (Turrie gently reminds him that no one is going to try to harm him at the grocery store, but he sees the way she flinches when anyone brushes her hand and he only builds his mental wall firmer.)
In this case, I'll consider "alone" as including his Beingsda family, as he is rarely really alone-alone (he prefers it this way). he's still very quiet and tired, but he is much less snippy unless it's on learned instinct or he thinks it'll be funny. he is much more personable and meticulous with his words. he speaks small, but this is just because he has gone so many years with only talking to literally 3 people. he appears much more anxious when he's alone, too. Auï alone shines both sides of his upbringing quite well- he is both the caring, gentle older brother as well as the rambunctious sarcastic younger sibling. well, "rambunctious" is more metaphorical now. he prefers his activities sitting in a straight-backed chair. Auï, we really gotta talk about getting you a mobility aid....
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(art by chirpfinch!) [5] Are they good at keeping secrets? very good!!!!!!! sadly. this is. 100% a trauma response. he HAD to keep so many secrets in his past situation- Turrie poured her innermost secrets to him often, and Auï had to lie to his abuser that he didn't even see her today. Goat's entire existence was a secret that nothing could drag out of Auï - and any quiet, selfish things he had to do were all hidden.
There are some less severe sides to this as well- he had many siblings who could share their secrets with him. birthday gifts had to be locked in tight, someone coming home late needed an alibi, or a little sister caught sneaking a treat late at night wasn't disturbed.
Auï is very good at keeping secrets safe, and he is scarily good at making up lies on the spot to protect them- although he usually just keeps his mouth shut.
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(art by @/ashmeltedskittle !) [10] How quickly do they fall for someone? Auï crushed very easily when he was younger, but being isolated for a few years will change your brain chemistry i tell you that. falling in Love with a capital L is something he thinks he's only experienced a few times, although he's fallen on his face plenty of times.
his current relationship with Goat was forged at such a....weird time. a time where Auï was very uncertain of his fate, and trying to decide how many stakes he should place in a future he might not see. but he couldn't deny he didn't fall for Goat back in the Aviary, it was a feeling that he held carefully so as not to crush it. he wasn't sure how deeply he wanted to explore it, to a point he nearly...forgot?? loving goat became as natural as just being his best friend. this is why there's such little difference between Goat and Auï's behavior before and after dating.
BUT. but when Auï knew he was going to be okay- ohh it all hit him like a truck. it was like he was falling hard and fast all over again instead of the actual steady buildup that had been happening for years; Auï just had to listen to himself again!!
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(art by @/arborescreens!) [11] What are small things that make them happy? many things!!!! Auï LOVES the small things- a few would be.....his little stuffie pony Cinnamon he acquired as a gift from his friends, having tasty snacks on hand, hearing the house creak, a good storm rolling in off the sea, open windows, getting to see growth in Cian's garden, wearing socks, sleeping on his back or his side, powerpop music, and, hmm, small things- would Goat count in this case? aughk he's kicking me to dea
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[21] When they’re sick, would they want others to visit them, or they would rather prefer not to be seen at not their best?
he wants HELP he wants help he wants help ohh hes so soggy and miserable and sniffly and weak and dying please please helppppp. he hates being left alone when he's sick, just feeling lingering sick makes him crazy anxious and he definitely loses a lot of functions he's already fighting to maintain.
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(art by @/krembearry!) [40] How picky they are with food, do they have specific dietary requirements based on their health or culture? Auï has a very quiet palette, he doesn't like food that's too sour or too spicy. he likes sweet and savory foods best, but still in a "mid" range- he can eat a little bit of candy and then decide that's way too much sweet flavor for the next few days. he likes grain-heavy food, like pastas, cereal, bread, and crackers. he likes fruits and veggies too :3 as long as they're not too extreme- he finds some veggies too spicy for him.
he likes calm non-carbonated drinks (he HATESSSSS carbonation. btw. so he doesn't drink any soda in the house) or he'll just drink water. other than that, he doesn't have any dietary requirements. he has some influences from his upbringing, such as sharing food is more natural than eating alone, and also not to waste anything (he learned that from both his family and his abuser, just in different ways) but that doesn't have anything to do with his actual food taste.
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(art by @/foolishly-snowy!) [49] Do they possess any unexpected skill or knowledge that surprises others, and otherwise, what is something anyone would assume they know or can do, but in fact they don’t?
i just wanted to use this image, but now it looks like his bird form is his secret skill, which?? i GUESS it is. no one would expect this freak of nature from my beautiful goth man. but its true.
okay but.....one skill that he has that i rather like is that Auï has a nice singing voice! he likes to sing to himself when doing chores, usually to his music (he likes powerpop as i said before- his favorite Real Life Band would be Jukebox the Ghost, and his favorite song is Jumpstarted. just some fun facts 4 you. i like to imagine him doing the "youuuuuuu" part while doing laundry. he can hit the high notes!)
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[58] In the situation where they had to choose, would they rather stay loyal to their morals or to people they love? people he lovessss people he loves. easyyy. he always would- he just wants things to be easiest for them. he tries really hard to protect them,,,,
the one time he abandoned those he cares about, he dragged it behind him for years. his decision to not make things right is also his way of protecting them, although "morally" it might not be the best thing to do; to let them think their son is dead.
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lala1267 · 1 year
Crazy in love (part 2)
Summary:you had a boyfriend,you both were wild and free, whilst you were doing an interview you had found out something terrible.
Warnings: cheating, mentions of drugs and smoking.
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I was rapidly gaining fame. This meant that the press had found out about my boyfriend, Danny. He was tall, handsome and courageous like me. We did everything together, we partied together, did drugs tougher, smoked together and drank tougher. The press and the people were mad because he was black, it was the late 50s, racism was a big thing. But we ignored the people, we were crazy in love. I was a white girl, with natrual blonde curly hair. I had been dying my hair dark brown and straightening it every day. I had kept my past a secret, I had kept the curly-haired chubby girl that was being bullied a secret. The only people that knew me before the fame was Lora, her freinds, and Elvis. Elvis and I had one conversation but he still knew who I was but he didn't know the bullying I was going through. I put a straightener to my hair when I was 14 so Elvis didn't know I had natrual curly hair either.
I was in a cab making my way to perform at Elvis's show, my boyfriend was next to me, his dark skin was shining, his eyes were glistening he was beautifull. When we had arrived I was still in normal clothes, so was Danny. Me and Danny walked through the backstage entrance holding hands. We had walked into a room full of Elvis's crew and some of the opening acts, everyone's heads turned to look at us. There jaws dropped in shock as they found out that I was dating a black man. We walked passed the people until we got to two empty seats. We sat down until my name was called.
"Riley Jean please come to the office" me and Danny got up and followed our escort to the office. Danny opened the door for me as we both walked in. There sat Elvis in a golden suit. His hair was slicked back with expensive gel, he sat in a manspread position. His eyes widened as he saw Danny press a kiss on my cheek as we both sat down on the seats opposite Elvis. Elvis ruffled through some confidential papers before speaking.
"Well Riley, I see you've got a boyfriend now" he said whilst he looked Danny up and down before smiling at him.
"Uh yeah I do" I said shyly. Elvis giggled before talking.
"Well you will be the first opening act to perform, when your hear number 224 get called out, make your way to the stage. The dressing room is to the left of the stage." I had nodded before me and Danny stood up to go to the dressing room. Elvis gave me a smirk before we left.
Me and Danny were in the changing room, I was putting on my only fancy dress that I had. It was a terqois cheap sequin dress. I had started putting my white knee high boots on when Danny turned to look at me and said,
"Darling, I gotta go I have to run some errands" I turned to look at him,
"Ok, I love you bye" he kissed me on my pink glossed up lips before leaving. It was unusual that Danny had 'errands to run' since he wasn't a busy man but I didn't think much of it. I was now alone in the dressing room, brushing my straightened hair out, I put a white sparkly head band on before I heard,
"Number 224 make your way to the stage" I rushed my way backstage, I was given the mic. I could see Elvis on the other side of the stage, he was also backstage. He gave me a smile signaling me to get on stage. I walked out onto the lavish wooden stage, it was an outdoor concert, there was at least a thousand people here. My heart was pounding like when i smoked weed for the first time. My hands put the microphone up to my pink glossy lips. I was having major deja vu, I remembered how I blocked the crown mentally. So I did just that. I imagined that I was alone singing on a stage with no one there. I sang into the microphone like my life dependent on it, I was dancing, swaying my hips, whipping my hair, spinning, jumping, getting on my knees. I was like a bundle of energy, the crowd was screaming and cheering. As I sang the catchy part of the song I heard the crowd begin to clap along, I saw the smiles on the peoples faces. I was having a blast, I did sexy movements causing the men to whistle and cat call. I felt like a superstar. And just like that the music stopped and the crown applauded. I looked over to Elvis who was backstage, he was in awe at my performance. I walked off the stage, I walked straight past Elvis to hide my sweaty face and some of my curls coming out. He grabbed my wrist gently before speaking,
"That's was amazing Riley, I need to do a duet with you sometime!" He said excitedly. I just nodded and smiled before walking away, the paparazzi was already waiting for me outside of the building. I wanted to get out of here since I was only an opening act and I had no business to stay longer. I walked out of the backstage doors and I was quickly blinded by the flashes of the cameras. I got in my cab and drove home.
It was the next day, I had woke up with Danny by my side in bed. I placed a kiss on his forehead before going downstairs in my panties and crop top that I had slept in. I was in the kitchen making me and Danny breakfast. I was placing the plates of food on the dining table when I looked at my schedule that was hung on the wall. I had my first interview today and Elvis was gonna be there, I had to do an interview with Elvis. I wasn't that worried since I was used to singing and dancing infront of thousands of people so answering a few questions wouldn't hurt. Me and Danny had just finished breakfast, we had to start getting ready for that interview. I always took Danny everywhere with me, I never left his side. I was in short shorts and a crop top, it was a casual outfit but I didn't really care, I did what I wanted.
Me and Danny were in the cab on the way to the interview, I was holding Danny's hand but he quickly pulled away. I looked at him confused and hurt but I didn't question him, he was a grown man, he could do what he wanted. The car pulled up outside of Elvis's house, Graceland. I want expecting to be doing an interview at the man's house but it is what it is. Me and Danny got out of the car. Danny's attitude had completely changed, he was happy and smiley. I was hooked onto his arm whilst we walked into the house. Paparazzi flashed their cameras. When we where in the house Elvis had greeted us at the door. Danny and him fake smiled at eachover. I had noticed that they didn't really like eachover. Elvis started to speak,
"Welcome Riley!" He gave me a hug whilst I was still glued to Danny.
"Follow me guys" Elvis said cheerfully.
We all made our way downstairs to a beautiful room. It had lavish walls and floors. I looked around in awe before seeing the press with their cameras ready. They urged us to sit down next the the table. Me and Danny sat down first then Elvis. The cameras were rolling, I was sitting right next to Elvis, shoulders touching. The questions had started flooding in.
"So Elvis how was it working with Riley?"
"It was amazing, she has a real talent" he said whilst smiling at me who was still glued to Danny.
"Riley, how did you do that jaw dropping performance, were you not scared?" I looked to Danny who was in his own world before answering. "Well I was really scared, but I just sucked it all up and did it, I knew I had a job to do" I said confidently.
As the questions got boring, I looked around the room and saw one man reading a magazine, his jaw was on the floor. He gave me a worried look before whispering something to the crew. All eyes were on me, what was happening. A member of the crew gave Elvis the magazine, his face dropped before handing it to me. I was still lached onto Danny who looked nervous and overwhelmed. I read the magazine.
'Riley's boyfriend caught cheating with a pretty blonde!' There was a picture of him kissing a girl that was extremely familiar, it was Lora, my highschool bully. My eyes filled with tears, mascara ran down my face. I didn't believe it, I turned to Danny who was now visibly angry. I gave him puppy eyes. He gave me a death stare before speaking.
"Cmon' Riley, you know that shit ain't true!" He yelled. I just shook my head in disbelief.
"Danny there is a picture of you kissing Lora!" I screamed at him. I was filled with rage.
"So what, even if I did do it, Lora would be my first choice" he laughed menacingly whilst he said that. My blood was boiling. I couldn't hold back any more. I slapped him straight in the face. He pushed me harshly wich caused me to fall onto Elvis. I wasn't done yet, I got right back up and hit Danny in the chest, that didn't effect him. I was pulling on his shirt, scratching him, hitting him, I looked crazy. I kicked and cried like a bullied child. He wasn't fazed one bit. I finally calmed down and sobbed onto Danny.
"Say sorry" I calmly said as tears flooded down my face. He gave me a disgusted look before saying,
"Your crazy, your a crazy ass bitch" he walked away pushing my hands off him. I was defeated, I just stood there watching him walk out of my life. All cameras pointed to me, the flashing lights, the group of people all looking at me. I looked around the room, I was embarrassed if my actions. It felt like I was the smallest in the room, I was cornered with paparazzi. I felt a big hand grab mine and pull me away from the paparazzi. I was pulled into the downstairs bathroom of Graceland. I heard people telling the press to leave. I was standing in front of Elvis who had cupped my face with his large hand. I was quick to apologise for my actions.
"Elvis I'm so sorry I ruined your interview, I will leave now I need to see if Danny is OK since I embarrassed him aswell" I frantically said as I tried to leave. Elvis stopped me. He looked at my brown eyes.
"Honey I ain't mad at ya, if I got cheated on I would have done worse than you did" I looked at his blue eyes.
"And you aren't going back to that bastard, your staying with me, in Graceland." I looked at him with a worried expression before speaking.
"No, no that's not necessary, I can just go back home its o-"
"No, I insist, you ain't going back to him" I just nodded as he placed a kiss on my forehead. His lips were pink and smooth. I turned my back to him to look into the mirror. Mascara was down my face and my hair was messy. I looked at the person in the mirror, I didn't even recognise myself, I was caked with makeup, hair dyed and straightened. I hit the counter out of rage and fell to the floor. I was a mess, I was sobbing on Elvis's bathroom floor for goodness sake. Elvis crouched down, he picked me up bridal style, I wrapped my arms around him as he carried me up to his room. He placed me on the bed.
"I'll get ya some pidgamas" he walked to his wardrobe and just grabbed a pair his shorts and a top. I stood up and got changed right infront of him, I didn't care anymore. I was in my bra and and panties infront of a man 3 years older than me. I looked up at Elvis to grab my 'pidgamas' from him. He had a shocked expression on his face. My body was different since he last saw it 5 years ago at a lake. I wasn't chubby anymore. I was a woman, I had an hourglass figure, slim waist, perfect boobs. I wasn't a little girl anymore. I put the pidgamas on that were clearly to big for me but they were still comfy. I got into the bed. Elvis looked at me before saying,
"I will go sleep downstairs."
"No it's fine, it's your bed. I don't mind sharing." I said with a smile. He smiled back before putting on his pidgamas wich were just shorts. He put his shorts on and took his top of. He climbed into the lavish bed. I turned to him,
"Thanks for letting me stay with you, your a gentleman" I give him a smile and batted my long eyelashes. He held onto my small hand,
"It's ok honey" I got closer to him, we were basically cuddling. I drifted off into his large arms. He was better than Danny ever was.
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hijinxensues · 2 years
The Cloaking Brooch Dilemma - Part 8
RotTMNT Donatello x OC!AFAB
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Synopsis: Donatello considered himself, nay, deemed himself the greatest mind of his generation. He was known for his skills as a scientist, inventor, engineer and was a technological genius. Dare he throw in that he was a damn good brother and held the title of being ¼th ‘Protector of New York City’.
He could barely fathom that he didn’t piece together that the pretty barista he was falling for was simultaneously his gaming buddy (might I add, for the last eight years) and was working for Big Mama.
At this very moment, Donatello was sure of two things in his life. One of them being his life was a joke and the second being that he was fraternizing with the enemy.
All because he decided to run errands whilst donning his cloaking brooch.
Warnings: Aged-Up turtles, fluff, Half-Yokai OC, AFAB OC (does use she/her/they pronouns in writing), swearing, light angst
Ch 8 – Magenta
Despite your best efforts to convince Donnie to stay as the night closed in on the both of you, he politely declined saying that he’d make it home and that he was absolutely tougher than he looked. While he didn’t give off ‘string bean’ vibes, Donnie was very lean; you made a mental note to start feeding him more.
After ensuring he got home safe and bidding him goodnight, you cleaned up after yourselves and made yourself comfy in your own bed.
letty: not to give you a big ego or anything, but its like super lonely without you here lmao also vacuum up after ur rabbit fur ffs, why I also gotta clean up after YOUR shedding
gigi: my ego is so fucking large right now, also I pay for most of the groceries so. u can deal w the shedding ty bb
gigi: i will admit that i, too, have separation anxiety LOL its too late for me to make it over there
letty: donnie mentioned something about ‘portal magic’ or whatever being pretty common amongst yokai, maybe make urself useful and learn some, or better yet find someone who can do it for you
gigi: got, it will find hot boyfriend to portal me to ur place. Bc that’s SO easy. Also how was loverboy tonight?
letty: OMF I had a panic attack and then we like…semi cuddled or smth? Our shoulders were touching EEEE
gigi: THE SHOULDERS BABE!! youre ridiculous lmao im going to bed now, will swing by idk whenever ill just show up, night lov u bb
letty: ya whatever u got a key. that u got cut for yourself lmao
letty: NIGHT love u too
You rolled your eyes and made yourself into a little burrito before tucking your phone under your pillow and settling in. Having Donatello actively in your life the past few weeks was a bit of a whirlwind, getting past the initial shock of it all, the two of you established a bit of a routine and fallen into a rhythm. There were evenings where you had night shifts or he was just busy with family, but you’d made time to video chat or text almost all hours of the day and then to see each other at least every few days, schedule permitting.
Were you two…seeing each other?
No, that would be ridiculous. The prerequisite of two or more people seeing each other with romantic intentions would be that all parties would be in consensus to said suggestion prior to moving forward with it. On top of that, all parties would also have to be honest…guilt gnawed at you your hand finding it’s way to one of your ears and tugging gently. The ‘Cloaking Brooch Dilemma’ would have to be addressed sooner or later, but when? It felt like too much time had passed to just casually bring it up. Would he think you’re a liar? Worse, would he hate you for lying by omission? You should’ve just made the reveal the same night you found out he was using ‘Othello’ as an alias.
Sighing, you closed your eyes and let sleep take you. It was a problem for another day.
You hadn’t heard much from Donnie during the day, (he did have other obligations than answering your text messages back, unfortunately). Wiping the counter down at Rendezvous, you get a ping on your phone.
gigi: we out of milk can u get some on the way home plz
letty: we?
letty: WHOS ‘WE’? you and me? U don’t live there
letty: u fucking moocher
letty: also yes lactose free? venmo me bitch
After receiving a thumbs up emoji from your rabbit counterpart, you focus back on tending to the coffee machine and cleaning up. There wasn’t much longer to go until your shift here was done, you’d get a little bit of a break then you’d have a shift at the Grand Nexus. Making a mental note to put up milk in between your jobs, the telltale ring of the door goes off making it known someone’s come in.
“Hi, welcome to- oh, hey! It’s been a while!”
Your hands make quick work starting a latte for him and grabbing a cinnamon bun. You give him a once over which causes you to pause your rapid muscle memory. Your regular normally wore a black mask to cover his nose and mouth but he was without it today and you were met with a very familiar shade of green and purple. The purple clad individual was sans his goggles and in place a black beanie, but with his drawn-on eyebrows on his purple bandana, this was without a doubt, the terrapin who you’d had, not one but two, run ins with at Tio Huesos’. He looked so casual bundled up in his coat, faux fur lined the hood, his bottom half in well-worn dark grey sweatpants and then boots with dark purple socks poking out the top.
Thinking back to the other times you’d seen him previously, how have you not recognized him sooner?
You honestly weren’t sure how to feel, he’d always been a quiet and well-behaved regular. He’d never given you a hard time and had always given a nod or a half curtesy smile before heading out with his goods. Frustration brewed in your chest thinking back to all his attitude outside the Rendezvous walls.
“Hello,” his voice cracked, he smoothed over his neck with a hand and cleared his throat, “Salutations!” he tried one more time with a nervous chuckle and an awkward smile. You were almost tempted to think he was cute. Almost. “Tonight is an exceptional night for a stroll and a coffee, don’t you think?”
This was a very different version of the turtle you previously had run into with your rabbit ears equipped. Thinking back, he was much more nervous now than you’d ever seen taking in account the times he’d come by the coffee shop over the years, and he’d never previously tried to initiate small talk with you in the past.
“The same as usual, right? I’ve already got it going.”
He deflates, smile quickly replace with a tight-lipped nod. Eyes darting everywhere but your own as he paid for his order. He shoved his hands deep into his pockets as he stiffly made his way to the other counter to wait for his order.
Holding back a groan, you got his order ready, guilt seeping into your bones as your curt response wiped the smile off his face. He does have a pretty smile. Biting back a scowl you mentally reprimand yourself for thinking any boy with pretty eyes that paid you any attention was cute.
“Ah, sorry sir,” you start slowly, “just having a long day.”
You slide over two cinnamon buns instead of one, “An extra for you on the house.” Twirling a bit of hair around your finger, you tug lightly and offer as bright of a smile as you can muster to turn the mood around.
The terrapin almost fumbles his coffee cup as he puffs his chest out with a newfound confidence. ‘Oh god, there he is’, this energy was what you associated with him at Tio Huesos. He was but a shade away from exuding an air of arrogance.
“But of course! I did not at all take the pervious interaction personally in any capacity! Ha ha!”
Two things were made instantly clear to you.
1)     Purple Turtle was a shitty liar.
He pulls a giggle out of you, and you catch his grin widen marginally as his fingers clench and adorably thrum on the pastry box.
2)     You were too soft on Purple Turtle. (Note to self: Be an asshole and commit to it.)
He glances down at your nametag, and the gesture oddly reminds you of Donnie, “Violet, have a good evening.”
“You as well, sir.”
The terrapin struts out of the shop quickly and with purpose, a bit of a bounce to his step a stark contrast from his more subdued and jittery movements coming in. You almost miss him fist bump the air as he turns the corner and is out of sight.
‘You’ve been invited to ‘Girls Night!’ group chat’
Rapid pings happen on your phone as April, Sunita and Usagi spam the text thread. Quickly, you put the group chat on mute and save both girls numbers into your phone. Pocketing your phone to clean up after your mess you made another mental note to try your best and actual conversate and cultivate new relationships with Usagi’s other friends.
The rest of your shift goes by uneventfully and your co-worker comes in to relieve you as you clock out. Waving them a goodbye, you gather your things and head home to rest up before your night shift at the Grand Nexus.
Your apartment is rabbit-less when you enter, and you put the milk away in the fridge. Your nose twitches as you walk around the space, ‘I probably just missed him’, your sense of smell was slightly heightened post-mutation and you didn’t put it to use often but it was useful when needed.
‘125 Missed Messages’
Snorting you press the record button to record a voice note, “Hey girlies, sorry was at work. Just got home, but also going to head out to work again in a little bit. Uh, got the milk, Gigi. Also, lets plan for hanging out? I can host, my space is small, but it’ll be cozy! Hope yall don’t mind rabbit fur- Gigi is shedding.” Letting the voice note send, you prep another, “Also, 125 missed messages!?”
A voice note from Usagi pops up, “Venmo’d you for milk. Yes, catch up on the chat while you get ready for work. I’ll swing by later, probably? Love you.”
April: yall are too cute!! reminds me of my siblings but much less violent and annoying
Violet: LOL, how many u got?
Sunita: she has like, 4 brothers.
Four!? That would make April one of five siblings, in this economy? In New York City?! Settling into your couch cushions you catch up on your missed messages and send a few voice notes back to them.
April: okay, so girls night on Thursday? that gives us all a few days to prep and book off work!
Sunita: Already in the calendar!! SO EXCITED
Usagi: i’ll be there early to help set up the apartment
Letty: YAY okay sounds good yall, will talk later, just getting ready 4 the night shift
Getting ready you put your things together and leisurely pull out a post it-note and start writing to let Usagi know when you’d be home and to throw the garbage out when he got in. Sticking the note on the fridge, you double then triple check you have everything for your shift then set off to your destination.
“Did you ever find out what that turtle Yokai was snooping around for?” Draping yourself across the magenta chaise you play catch with yourself and a crumpled-up piece of paper. Catching the ball in your hand you make the next toss into a nearby waste basket.
The loud smack on the table startles you enough to almost slide out of the chaise.
“No, we didn’t. He was seemingly snooping around for nothing; nothing was out of place. Nothing was missing. It was virtually untouched.”
Odd, but what did you know about hero and villain affairs?
Usagi had pretty much confirmed that he was one of the color-coded vigilantes that saved the city from the alien invasion a few years back and so you were reticent to think he was doing something with malicious intent. You were very well aware through the grape vine that Big Mama was…’sketchy’ to speak plainly. If anything, ‘sketchy’ was a very watered-down descriptor of the woman.
Secretly, you hoped he got what he needed the last time so you wouldn’t need to be caught up with him again. You really did like the job at the hotel. The grandeur of the hotel used to make you feel out of place, but now it felt cozy to be surrounded by such warmth from the richness of the velvet furniture and the overdressed patrons.
The telltale flickering red light catches your attention and you let go of a breath you didn’t know you were holding, “Hello, front-“
“Intercom girl, I was hoping I’d catch you.”
How he was able to tell it was you based on two words alone stumped you.
The florescent blue clouds your vision as the line goes dead and the blue clad terrapin walks through and closes the portal behind him. A hand finds your emergency button immediately; however you find yourself not wanting to press it. Ears swiveling, you do a once over the lobby to confirm there was no other employees in the vicinity to see this. Your hand knocks over the switch for the security cameras trained on the front desk and you lie to yourself that you did it by accident.
Sticking your neck out for a stupid, blue turtle wasn’t on your to-do list today, but here you were.
“I think you already know what I’m going to say, but how can I help you?”
“You know, Intercom Girl, I can call you ‘Intercom Girl’ right? I think we got off on the wrong foot,” he flashes a grin at you that would surely make someone else swoon (but not you, purple was more your color), “The names’ Leo and I believe you and me might have a mutual friend.”
You follow his gaze to the button on your wrist to notify the staff and you guess he catches the way your eyebrows furrow uncertainly so he follows up with a, “I don’t bite, promise.”
“You’re going to need to give me more than just your name and an ominous mention about a mutual friend.” Rationally, you could guess he was talking about Usagi, given that Usagi himself confirmed the terrapins did takeout at Huesos. However, Leo could also be alluding to April or even Sunita? Though, those choices were less plausible since there was only one instance where you’d met them.
“We’re also on a time limit before someone comes down to check on me, so talk fast.” Pressing him for time seems to be the right play as he deflates momentarily as the jig is up. He glances around the same way you did before and leans in close, “So,”
“There’s this,” he runs a hand down his face and you don’t miss the way his cheeks are dusted with pink. Gesturing with your hand for him to keep going, he refuses to meet your eyes as he continues, “Rabbit Yokai at ‘Run of the Mill’.”
You were calling Usagi once you got off the clock.
“And you’ve come to me to confirm that we’re mutuals or?”
He fidgets with the wrappings on his arms, “I’m usually much more suave than this,” he chuckles nervously and pulls at an invisible collared shirt.
“Are you? Because it looks like rabbit got your tongue.” Confidently you smirk at him with your play on words.
“I can respect that, honestly. I made an IHOP joke last I saw you so I definitely deserved that. Point is, I’m just making sure he’s safe.”
Scratch that, you were calling Usagi the moment Leo left.
“Safe? Where is he? What’re you on about?” Panic shows itself in the way your fingers go to your pocket to grab your phone to contact him. Leo’s gaze hardens as he stares down your jittery form, “You work at the Grand Nexus, who’s owned by Big Mama- one of the biggest crime lords for the Hidden City. Can’t be too careful.”
“And? Usagi’s my best friend!” your mouth is too fast for your brain and you’ve revealed the only real leverage you had against him, “Are you accusing me of putting him in danger because of my night job!? How do you even know we know each other?! I would’ve heard about you if you were important to him.”
Usagi would’ve told you if he was seeing someone, especially if it was this guy. Right?
The doubt that’s sowed into your head is blinding and doesn’t help you think straight as you press the emergency button Leatherhead gave you.
“You should go. Don’t come back.”
Leo’s gaze doesn’t leave yours, his expression unreadable, as he opens his portal and walks through.
Your apartment door almost comes off the hinges with how violently you unlock and push it open. Your rabbit counterpart yelps and flops onto the floor unceremoniously from the couch. Usagi’s has his hand to his heart, he breathes heavy and fast, “What the fuck is going on!? It’s like, 1am in the morning!”
“I don’t know, you tell me! Do you happen to know a ‘Leo’? That’s also a turtle? Because I’ll tell you what there’s probably not many of those around!”
A flash of recognition runs across his face as he catches his breath, “Well, yeah? He comes to Tio Huesos’. Why did you have to give me a heart attack, for the second time, at 1am in the morning to ask that question!?”
Tears pinprick at your eyes as you collapse beside him on the floor and recount the encounter with Leo to Usagi, bottom lip quivering and tears painting your cheeks. “Do you not trust me?” Warm arms engulf you, “Letty, I trust you with my life. Leo can get overprotective-“
“So, you do know him?!”
“I do! But like, casually? I was actually waiting to see if it’d get more serious before I outright told you.”
“But we tell each other everything.” Her admission is barely a murmur. 
“We do, and I was wrong to keep it from you even if that wasn’t the intention. You know how quickly I catch feelings and I really just wanted to be sure before I brought it up this time. I’m so sorry, Letty.” Sputtering out a watery laugh you clutch at his sweater, “Lest we forget, Gerard the Frog Prince, your last ‘true love’.”
There’s a playful bat at your head and a tug on your ear, “Listen, I deserve that but also fuck you.”
The air in the apartment is much lighter as the two of you sleepily clutch onto each other, seeking warmth and comfort. Usagi reaches for the comforter and a few pillows, “We can do a pillow fort tonight?”
Wiping away your tears onto Usagi’s sweater you nod and get up to help him drape sheets over a few chairs before grabbing a few fairy lights from your bedroom to rig on the inside. You rummage for a few more comforters since you were too lazy to move your mattress and make a little den.
“Leo would have a fit if he saw this, he’d think we’re dating.”
“He knows I only like guys, but also, I definitely have to talk to Leo about whatever the fuck just happened, because you are the farthest thing from a threat. I think his family just has messy history with Big Mama.”
You snort, “Yeah, get your man babe, he’s out of control. You should also ask how he knew where to find me?”
“Well, he’s a ninja so I think he probably followed you. Maybe he’s seen us walk home together or something, I’ve brought you up very vaguely in conversation.”
Humming, you concede, that made a lot of sense, “That’s deeply unsettling. Speaking of turtles, my regular came in today and guess what? He’s the purple turtle from Tio Heusos I ran into! He didn’t recognize me obviously, but it was whack. I felt like I was in the matrix.”
“You’re kidding me.”
“That’s what I’m saying!”
Yawning you pull out your phone to see an onslaught of messages from the group chat and Donnie. You open Donnie’s text thread and start typing.
letty: had the craziest fucking day, I don’t think you’re awake but missed you today
letty: also my dishwasher is broken, can you come over and fix it plz lmao tyty my lil techie
donnie: Please do not ever call me ‘lil techie’ ever again.
letty: it’s your new rap name, but also go the fuck to bed
donnie: I missed your presence today as well and do tell me about your day later today. I am heading to bed now, but I’m glad I caught you. And yes, I will fix your dishwasher.
letty: perf, youre the best but u knew that already
‘Letty sent a photo attachment’
letty: check out this blanket fort, made it w gigi night lil techie
donnie: 3 things: Love the addition of fairy lights, fuck off and goodnight.
Usagi’s ears flop over your shoulder and you watch his even breathing signaling he’s gone to sleep already. You dim your fairy lights, get comfortable and let sleep take you for the night.
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obsessiveshayme · 2 years
I think a couple times over pens history…firing a coach mid season has led to a cup win so I meeeeaaaannn 👀👀 let’s just do it, because sullys not it I’m sorry idfc that he won us two cups. what’s he done since then? He’s so stubborn with his choices, he doesn’t change a damn thing about the team, just runs the same lines and plays and hopes it works better than the last time. I think it was this last game where mearsy or bob was going on and on about sully “switching it up today🥴” like absolutely hyping that shit and all he did was switch 2 players on the third and fourth lines like? What’s that do for us honest to god? And I’ve always hated his “just play” mentality when it comes to hits and shit, the tougher teams in the league absolutely BULLY us on the ice and we don’t do squat about it, and then we come out next game with like 2-3 injuries. Look how nasty the rangers were last post season….how many of our guys got taken out in that series alone? and when we do get a spicy guy, he benches em or sends em down to wbs. Like I understand not wanting to take stupid penalties but there’s gotta be a limit somewhere, it’s like the other teams know where not gonna bite back and go as hard as they can. I really want them to can Sully more than anything this team can do to make a change, but I don’t think they will 🙄 and no bets needed dumo will 100000% be on the first line because regardless of his game he’s a “vet”, and it’s sully, so ofc he will be.
All of this talk about him is making me remember how he used to be. Sully was not like this when we won those cups. He was way more fearless. He would switch things up and as soon as shit wasn't working he would change it. I remember how we used to admire that about him and people used to talk about that about him. He's not that guy anymore. Look at how he refuses to make any real changes to this roster. He keeps throwing the same guys out in the worst situations and why???
Jeff right now is not good enough to be playing in overtime. Why the fuck did Sully put him out there in overtime? It's the same thing with the shootout. We might have amazing players at the shootout on our team but we don't know because he refuses to let them try. Like, I love Geno but he is not great at the shootout so I don't get why he keeps getting put out there!!
I appreciate what he did for us and I appreciate the two cups but the loyalty that that gives him and the long leash when he hasn't been that guy in years is simply frustrating. I don't see our team going to the next level with this coach because this coach refuses to change.
Let's look at the Kings for example. They were not afraid to stand there backup goalie to the AHL because he simply was not good enough. He has a big contract but still they sent him down. In turn they have been playing their fourth string goalie and he's actually been winning! Do I think the Penguins would ever make a big shake up like that when someone is not playing well? No not with this coaching staff and that is the most frustrating part about this!!! We need that!
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irjdescent · 4 months
11th june 2024 -- day 50 of recovery (tw for mentions of body image and weight gain)
i haven't been active in a long time omg i genuienly don't know where the time went. more importantly though my recovery is going well i think! mentally i'm still not doing perfect but physically i am a lot stronger :)
health issues have come up and my doctors think it's because of the long-term restriction i went through, which really sucks :/ puts into perspective how much 'just losing a few kilos' can harm you if you do it through disordered habits
i do still struggle with urges to relapse nearly everyday :/ my body feels so foreign and uncomfortable but i know its still better than having panic attacks over literal bowls of soup like i did at the height of my relapse
the outpatient ward definitely helps but it does feel like my doctors never cared about my eating disorder just because it didnt get "too bad". i also get the feeling that they think i'm faking my psychotic episodes too :/ really the biggest upside of it is the community aspect, i really appreciate everyone there and their presence has been so meaningful in my healing
other than that; i passed the school year, although with the worst results i've EVER had; i passed one of my exams and failed the other because of a severe hours-long panic attack lol :') although considering everything i'm going through i think i still did pretty well. i am fighting!
thank you for the kindness on my last post! life is tough but i gotta be tougher :)
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littlestarprincess · 10 months
Chapter six is finally another Zade chapter. I'm not questioning the author's choice in POV when I say this, but for personal reasons (brain bugs) I hate when POV doesn't alternate properly.
Zade really does read like he belongs on reality TV. The mentality behind conspiracy theorists really bleeds through his POV, and it almost feels like the narrative is humoring him more than taking him seriously.
Some of it is definitely just not knowing how hackers work though, haha. It could just be that it's handled badly enough to read like a parody.
His talking points are also exactly how way-too-conservative guys talk about injustice. Very dramatic. Very much "I'm not emotional bc anger isn't an emotion."
This action scene is also reading like a copy pasta. Like that one from the guy claiming he's a Navy SEAL or whatever? In one move I take out three guys. Chunks of concrete fly into my eyes and I grunt and wipe them to clear my vision.
I can picture someone's 40yo dad on the recliner with a beer talking about "back in his day" and it sounds exactly the same.
He also describes the reactions of the girls as proof that they've been desensitized... While describing behavior that sounds more like shock than anything???
Weird comment on how one of the guys trafficking humans is ugly anyway so the world is better off without him. Hey, yeah, Zade, also he was trafficking people??? Would he be worth keeping around if he was pretty instead??
He also has bad breath???
Random spanglish from the bad guys, just in case there were doubts about fighting the Good Fight here.
Zade's personality so far is all over the place. Compared to Addie, who feels very much like a real person, Zade feels like smoke and mirrors in exactly the same way hyper-conservative guys tend to describe masculinity.
Ah, yes, they're drug addicts, too. Fighting the Good Fight continues.
"Why do they always think I work for someone else?" -- Z doesn't work for anyone but himself because he's a Rugged Individual, but he started his own business because that's the other end of the spectrum. Gotta be a Boss and also a Loner.
The concern he shows for the girls getting trafficked feels icky somehow, like he's being patronizing to the reader. It's hard to put my finger on.
There's a weirdly homoerotic response when Jay comments on how fast Zade was at taking everyone down, and then we reveal there was a bet taking place that Zade didn't bother to tell us about.
"he's so weak, he's like a girl. No, the girls here are tougher. He's just a whiny bitch in a man's body" you were SO CLOSE to saving yourself from being sexist, man 😭
"they will never have to wash blood from their body again if I have anything to do with it" I HAVE NEWS ABOUT PUBERTY SIR
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(this is the right reference, right?)
Zade is weirdly controlling about this. He knows stepping in blood or not stepping in blood on the way out won't make much of a difference, right??
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assfcrdays · 1 year
👀 + "Why did I see you trying to sneak into the locker room earlier tonight?"
Scott was startled by the question for a second, needing a moment to regain his composure and put on a pokerface. This clearly wasn't the first time he'd gotten himself into hot water when doing research for an upcoming article or a new book, but this particular gig wasn't exactly the ordinary. He'd set his minds on writing about the ins and outs of wrestling; not just the obvious parts of how gay it all looked (in the best way), but the secrets and details that were kept behind the scenes. For some crazy reason, he'd figured the best way to get that scoop was to go undercover himself. How hard could it be to become a professional wrestler, right? But even now that he did have a foot in the door, it was tougher than expected getting the information he needed. These men were strong, obviously, and not the type he was too eager to make an enemy of.
So when Zain confronted him, the writer's brain raced to find an answer to the question. He had not expected anyone had seen him earlier; making a mental note to be more careful, he looked for the closest thing to the truth that he could share. "I'm trying to get to know the place... Find out how everybody really ticks, not how they behave when they're putting on a show." Of course, the reasons behind this curiosity were Scott's secret, and he wouldn't stop Zain from drawing incorrect conclusions. "I'm new around the place, so... Can you blame me for being curious about folks? I think I'm at a disadvantage if I gotta feel like an outsider."
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all-the-tyler-talk · 1 year
I remember a few years ago he took his hoodie off during a panel and some idiots in the audience went crazy and started screaming like he was stripping, so that probably taught him not to do it again. It's sad that he has to change his behavior because of a few crazy people.// Now that you mention it, it very much reminds me of when actresses started speaking out on how they were constantly oversexualized, how their majority male fans had no boundaries, and working on sets were no better and overall left them either feeling traumatized or uncomfortable. I can imagine this is an issue for male actors as well but they just have a harder time speaking on it. Tyler was on TW for years where he was constantly shirtless, having to keep up with a physical aesthetic that was probably hard to maintain, and no matter what movie or show, his own castmates would continuously make comments or jokes about how hot he/his body is. That’s gotta weigh on him a little, possibly leave him feeling not so great? And it doesn’t help that his fans(at least the ones who’ve never met him?) reduce him down to just a hot actor. So it’s not surprising that he tells fans or costars(*side eyes JR) at cons that he doesn’t want to lift his shirt, doesn’t want to flex, doesn’t want to do particular poses and it’s not surprising that he’s started wearing oversized hoodies and jackets, so that people probably stop asking him. It probably brings him some kind of comfort in an industry where everyone thinks they’re entitled to his entire being.
After he left TW he did mention at some cons how he'd grown tired of the contant objectification and that was one of the reasons he left because it wasn't fulfilling anymore, it was always "Derek's shirtless" in the scripts and he wanted to do something more worthwhile and actually act instead of just being eye candy. He probably used to just accept it and maybe found his friends teasing him kinda funny when he was younger, but the older he gets and he's still getting those comments and treated that way, it might be affecting him more than it used to. I think a lot of people just think because men are "tougher" that it's okay to be gross about them and it doesn't bother them like it does women, but that's probably not always the case. Like plenty of men have mental health issues and can get eating disorders and have body image issues just like women do.
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prof-peach · 3 years
Hi, I know this isn't technically your expertise but anyone else I've tried to ask about this has drawn a complete blank and I'm at a loss. I'm currently challenging the Pokemon League in the Unova region. However, the lower air quality of Castelia City caused my Sirfetch'd's leek to start to wilt. I can tell it's starting to affect his mentality and I'm worried what will happen if it fully wilts. Is there any way to restore it?
It’s this species tradition to retire when their leek sword wilts entirely, it’s pretty common to see in older individuals, but if yours is young, and you otherwise see no issue with them continuing to battle, then you can indeed purchase different leek varieties with different stats and styles. These can come fully grown, usually setting you back quite a bit of money, or you can grow your own for considerably cheaper, though the outcome can be varied depending on the care you can give the plant growing your new leek. Only the finest leeks can become swords for this species, you’ll be looking to buy a prize winner, blue ribbon leek, and it’s not something you the trainer usually picks out. Each sirfetch’d will have various preferences, so let them decide if you choose to purchase a new one. It sounds like you’ll need something tougher, more durable, and perhaps a bit bulkier than your Pokemon was once use to, but it’ll withstand the shoddy air quality due to its thicker layers, and dense structure. You may need to change your training routine to compensate for slightly higher damage, and a little less speed, but this is a small price to pay for gear that can withstand your areas conditions.
A withered leek isn’t the end of the line, sometimes it just happens, especially if the environment around it is too damp or a bit grubby or dark, you said castelia city? Yeah that salt air will be a nightmare for the vegetation. Some times you just get unlucky too, and a bad airborne spore or bacteria settles into a damp crevice, and all of a sudden you have a damaged bit of gear. It’s ok, though the dex likes to state this Pokemon retires when this happens, it doesn’t take into consideration the nature of the individual Pokemon. Some are not ready to give in, and some do not follow the species tradition. It’s up to them, and from the sounds of it, all you gotta do is get a gear upgrade. Chat with local poke centres, farmers, even local garden clubs, people grow these plants to show, not just for sale to trainers, there’s a lot of love for the hobby, so you’re bound to find someone who’s got a few ready to look at.
If this is what you choose to do together, then allow the Pokemon two full weeks of training with the new sword before returning them to a pokeball. This time will bond the new gear to the Pokemon, and you’ll be able to return them both without issue.
While you wait, spend lots of time keeping your buddy’s spirits up, their leek is a very personal item, they’re probably feeling pretty low about it all. Reassuring them that a new one might help, or that perhaps you could grow one together (it would make it all the more special), is a good place to start. You’re their trainer, you’ll know what to say that’ll make them feel much better about this all. They do not sound ready to throw in the towel yet, but that old leek has got to go.
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Hi, I have a 📂 ask for you, if you are still doing them. 😁 since you’ve made me a Nestor gal, I’m curious what other headcanons you have for him.
Whatever you want, I will do for you. 💖 Plus, you know me, I stay thinking about Nestor all the time lmao
Okay so obviously Nestor is the one in the driver's seat a lot of the time because that's part of his job. But I also think that Nestor is one of the worst backseat drivers in the whole world. He was never a good passenger but once it became a habit and a duty to drive every day, now whenever he is banished to the passenger seat he is like a stressed-out mom, always pointing out when traffic is slowing down, or when it's not safe to change lanes even if the person driving wasn't even trying to yet. White-knuckled on the "oh shit" handle and pressing his foot down on the imaginary brake. Every time the car ride is over he sighs and shakes his head, like he can't believe that he just let that happen. It's not worth the stress of forcing him into the passenger seat.
One of my personal fave headcanons for him is that it was his brother and Miguel who were close growing up, not him and Miguel. But because Nestor was close with his brother, he kind of tagged along for a lot of whatever shenanigans they got into. I think that for a long time, Miguel saw Nestor as just, "The Little Brother", and part of me firmly believes that that really never changed, even when it was just Miguel and Nestor left.
I have many versions of Nestor running around in my head at all times. I love them all. But one of my favorite Nestors, is rough and tough Nestor who does brutal work for the cartel, but whose girl is still the one who has to tell the waitress that someone messed up his order. They're out getting coffee and someone gives him the wrong one and he's ready to suffer through it because he doesn't want to make a thing out of it, but his girl just isn't having it and very nicely will flag down whoever it takes and let's them know that they gotta fix it. And Nestor is just inwardly groaning the whole time because "it's not that big of a deal I don't want to make a scene". He will kill someone for his partner but he cannot be the one to mention that they forgot to bring his appetizer out at dinner.
I firmly believe that Nestor is the type to listen to hip-hop/rap while he cleans. Sometimes he uses headphones, sometimes he doesn't. But nothing makes him feel tougher while folding his boxers than when he's got a good beat in the background as he's doing it. On the same note, I also think that he will unfold and refold something multiple times to get it right. I respect it but also, couldn't be me 😂
Mentally, I am doodling his name with hearts around it in the margins of all my notebooks 😌
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Send me a “📂” and I’ll give you a random/useless headcanon that I have!
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