#just imagining Chris looking like this at Sebastian arriving at an event
cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
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Same Chris, same.
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rosalynshields · 4 years
The Soldier’s Chase
By: Rosalyn Shields
Pairing: Dark-ish Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Kidnapping, Violence, Killing, Explicit language, Reluctance/Non-con, Unprotected sex, Breeding Kink, Oral Sex (female receiving), Vaginal Sex, Smut. I hope I didn't miss anything.
This is for JTargaryen18′s Haunted House 2020 Challenge
The Premise: A celebrity haunted house for charity will be open one night only, Halloween night. You spent days trying to get a ticket online for the event. Thanks to a bad day on Halloween, you get there only a minute before the line closes. You’re the last person to go in and thinking that’s either really bad (everyone is tired or would be in a hurry to see you out) or really good (maybe you’d get some extra time with the one you came to see). 
You are never seen again.
While you are walking into the Haunted house... HYDRA is using Halloween to bring forth Captain America's Mate but it just so happens that the Avengers were attacking the base at the same time. You escape. Once Steve realized who they had... he immediately went on the hunt. The allure of having someone that is HIS and his alone is too tempting. So, you are in an alternate universe scared out of your mind in the woods being stalked by a predatory Captain America... who also happens to be a werewolf.
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You were running late. This was particularly annoying as you were on your way to a haunted house event in your area. It's a one night only charity event that you had spent days online trying to get a ticket for. Once you heard that Chris Evans was going to be there dressed up as Captain America you had to get tickets. Steve Rogers is quite the weakness for you, and you couldn't resist seeing Chris Evans rockin' the Cap look.
 Of course, everything had to go wrong today, normally you love Halloween but sadly you had to work that day. It has been the most stressful day filled with pointless meetings and small talk. You should’ve just taken the day off. From the moment you arrived you were running behind schedule which lasted all day. By the time you were finally able to leave work you were almost two hours behind your normal schedule.
 This only left you two hours to get changed and drive the hour to the haunted house. You can only pray there wasn't a lot of traffic because while normally it didn't take long for you to get ready you wanted to be perfect. The Haunted house rules wouldn’t allow you to wear a costume which was a shame since you had a few amazing costumes that would have gone perfectly within the Marvel Cinematic Universe but you had a few things that would work in a pinch.
 You could have gone with a 1940’s type of outfit that you knew would have made quite an impression on Steve Rogers. You figured that most of the other women who paid to see Captain America would go that route not thinking that you guys weren’t meeting the actual Steve Rogers. Who knows what was to Chris Evans’ taste? So. Instead, you decided to go with something similar to SHIELD Agent’s tactical outfit. 
 It wouldn’t scream costume and it made you feel sexy and badass and that's all that really mattered. Black long sleeve under armor shirt with a form fitting leather vest over it, black tactical pants and belt with black combat boots. If it had been a straight up costume you would have added a fully equipped utility belt and shoulder and hip holsters fully equipped with fake guns. Maybe you would have also sewed on a SHIELD patch or something as well.
 It was all pretty easy to move in and it was both airy enough to keep you cool but heavy enough to keep warm if need be. Since it wasn’t a costume you settled for your normal outing stuff as you are a lone female heading to an event alone in the city. It was probably overkill but you packed a couple of knives, a combat knife in each boot and pepper spray in your left front pocket. Along with your ID, phone, keys and a couple of pens 
 Hopefully, they don’t have a metal detector because explaining why you have knives on your person would probably be difficult. They weren’t large knives, but people tend to get touchy over that sort of thing. It was all for self-defense, you were one of the few that got self-defense classes that included close quarter combat and weapons. All in all, you managed to get out on the road within 45 minutes but knowing your luck today traffic was going to be insane.
 Traffic was insane. What would have normally been an hour drive max took almost an hour and a half. You managed to arrive at the Haunted House event minutes before they close the doors. It was pretty clear you were the last person there, which is either really bad because it's possible everyone is tired or in a hurry to see you out. Or really good and maybe you’d get some extra time with Chris Evans as Captain America. Swoon.
 “You barely made it in time, I was about to close up.”
 “Sorry, traffic was insane. Oh, here is my ticket.” you reply as you show your phone for the electronic ticket to be scanned.
 “Ah, you got the Captain America package. Go ahead, you should be able to get some one-on-one time with Chris Evans.”
 “Great. Thanks.” You replied, shoving your phone in your side pocket.
 As you walk through the doors (thankfully no metal detectors) you start to look around, you can see each room of the Haunted House was carefully constructed for each celebrity and their special characters. You kind of grin as you spot Henry Cavill as Geralt of Rivia and Sebastian Stan as Bucky Barnes. If you had time you would stop by their rooms as well but for now you wanted to see the man you thought of as your Captain.
 As you get closer to the Captain America room you could feel the anticipation rising, you had been looking forward to this since the first Captain America movie came out. You had always felt connected to Steve Rogers and you had no idea why. So, you resolved to meet Chris Evans and hopefully get over this strange obsession with Captain America. As you walk into the room your eyes widen as you take a look around. 
 It looks like a HYDRA facility that is in the process of being raided by the Avengers. You could see Chris Evans standing alone. He was leaning up against a control panel in his full Captain America gear causing your heart to skip a beat. As you started to walk closer to finally meet him you started to feel woozy. It was as if each step you took was being weighed down and your vision started to blur. As you reach Chris Evans darkness overtakes you.
 Chris Evans' mouth drops open in shock as he watches the girl in black disappear before his eyes just as he took a few steps towards her so he could talk to her. He brings his hands up to rub at his eyes figuring it was just a figment of his imagination. The Halloween spirit messing with his mind. It isn't till the next day when he hears about Y/N Y/L/N missing from the Haunted House charity event from the night before on the news that he started to truly freak out.
An Alternate Universe 
The doctor sighed deeply as he watched the last of equipment being set up. They had one shot at this, using a combination of science and magic to accomplish their goals. They are planning to use the magic of the full moon of All Hallows Eve plus the use of The Foster Theory which is portal technology to acquire an incredibly special person. A Mate. More accurately the Mate of Captain America. A Mate, a valuable asset. Once they have the Mate they can truly begin. 
 She would be the perfect undercover asset once they get her to comply. She would be the perfect subject to be brainwashed and secretly embedded within the Avengers. As a bonded Mated pair, they can have quite a bit of control over each other and not just emotionally. The Mate of Captain America under the control of HYDRA can accomplish much in HYDRA's name. First things first they need to bring her here, possibly through time and space. 
 It doesn’t matter from what time or from what country or dimension as long as they get her. They could not fail, they needed her for their plan to work. The doctor gives a self-satisfied smile as the last component is completed. All they have left to do is wait for the moon to be full. Then, they can flip the switch and say the words then she should appear. If she doesn't arrive then they have to wait another year for the perfect conditions to try again. The time has come. 
 The moon was full. The lead Agent walked up to the portal and nodded to the scientist. He started the scientific portion to make the portal and he proceeded to say the words that would focus the portal on the good Captain's Mate. At first the HYDRA scientists watched the alternate dimension taking notes on Subject M's world. Then the lead Agent gave another signal and they fine-tuned the portal to just their future asset. 
 They observed her long enough to realize where she was headed as they spotted him. She was about to meet with the Captain America of their world. They couldn't allow that to happen. They focused the portal again to get in as close as possible. The lead Agent nodded again at another agent. The new Agent prepared to grab Subject M once the portal was close enough. As she got closer to Captain America, they could see her clearly feeling the effects of the portal. 
 Once she was about 5 feet away from Captain America the unknown Agent's hand shot out. It went through the portal and grabbed the girl just as she fainted backwards. She fell back into the portal landing right into the waiting Agent's arms. They succeeded. All their planning and preparing. They succeeded! They brought Captain America's Mate from another dimension. Now all they had to do is prepare for Subject M to wake up so they may begin their good work. 
 Perhaps, she would be cooperative, but it was unlikely that the Mate of Captain America would be willing to follow HYDRA's plans. But with brainwashing much could be accomplished. Y/N woke up completely disoriented and confused with her head pounding. He hands went straight to her pounding head refusing to open her eyes. The last thing she remembered was seeing the handsome face of Chris Evans before nothing. Did she faint? 
 She didn't even get to meet Chris! The thought that perhaps he was still around you caused you to gingerly open your eyes. You winced as you took in the bright lights. Well, it looked as though you were still in the Haunted House. More specifically in the HYDRA base looking room. Which meant Chris Evans could still be there. You couldn't believe you fainted. You stop your rambling thoughts as you finally take note of your surroundings. 
 Your eyes narrow as you finally notice the dozen men and women surrounding you all wearing the HYDRA uniform. You also noticed the hard examination table you were laying on with distaste. What the fuck? You thought.
 "Ah, Subject M. You are awake. Thankfully, the interdimensional travel didn't knock you out for long."
 "Wow, you guys are really playing up the whole HYDRA costume. Also, my name is Y/N, Y/N Y/L/N." You informed him sitting up. You were amused and impressed at their dedication to their costumed personas.
 "Ah, Miss Y/L/N. I have some bad news. We are not playing it up as you so eloquently stated."
 "What?" You asked. You were very confused.
 "You are in fact here because we brought you here."
 "Okay… where exactly is here then?"
 "You are in HYDRA facility 7-5 Alpha but to be more direct you are actually in an alternate universe.
 "In an alternate universe? You are fucking with me, right?"
 "No. I am in fact not fucking with you," the HYDRA goon replied mockingly. 
 He then made a hand gesture to another Agent who started up a machine. A portal opened up. You gasped as the portal proceeded to show you Chris Evans frantically looking around before rubbing his eyes as the Haunted House closed. You could see the clear differences between the Haunted House room and this one. There, you could tell the HYDRA Base's so-called equipment was fake. 
 "Why am I here?" You asked. 
 It was vastly different from where you were now. Everything was real, the equipment, the portal. Everything. You swallowed the lump of fear as you shifted your legs. You moved both of your feet slightly. It was a very natural movement that looked like you were just shifting around or twitching. You noted the feel of the knives that were still in your boots. They didn't pat you down, they just laid you on the examination table.
 "We have brought you here from your universe as you are the Mate of a high-profile target."
 "Mate… what the fuck are you talking about?" You exclaimed.
 "Ah, you must not have Mate's in your world. 
 "No, HYDRA dick face. We do NOT have Mate's in my world."
 "Subject M, you will show some respect, or you will be punished as needed." He growled waiting for acknowledgement at your nod he continued. 
 "What do you know of werewolves?"
 "That they don't exist… They are fictional beings that can typically transform into wolves. They have supernatural strength and healing factors. Depending on the lore they can have special powers. It would be really fascinating except they do NOT exist."
 "In our world, werewolves exist. You Mate is one of the most powerful werewolves in our world and you my darling girl is his mate. His true mate.”
 “His Mate? His true Mate? I don’t understand.”
 "In our world a Mate is precious. Your perfect match in every way. Your mate can influence almost everything about you. You would do anything for your Mate. Mate bonds cannot be broken."
 “How could I possibly be someone’s Mate? I’m not a werewolf.”
 “In your world? No. In ours? Perhaps. Perhaps not." The goon shrugs. 
 "No matter, you are his Mate my dear and we have you. You will be our most valuable asset. Once you are prepared you will be given to your mate then you two will bond and then HYDRA’s plans will begin.”
 "So, who the fuck is my high-profile target of a Mate?" You ask, making sure to bring your hands up to mimic quotations around the word Mate.
 This is fucking bullshit. Sounds like they intend on giving me to some random guy to basically be raped to cement this Mating bond so they can control him through me.
 "Why, you were already on the way to see him in your world. His name is Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America."
 "Captain America?!? Captain America is a werewolf?" You exclaim just as a huge explosion goes off shaking the base. 
 "Sir, the Avengers have infiltrated the base." 
 "Agent 37, take Subject M out of here. Take her to safe house 9-3-5 Charlie. They must not retrieve her."
 "Yes, sir." Agent 37 replied before grabbing your arm to lead you out of the base. His grip was tight as he started to drag you through the halls. You could feel the walls shake with each explosion as they got closer. You don't know much about this world, but you had to escape. You do not want anything to do with the so-called unbreakable Mate bond.
 While you don’t exactly mind the idea of fucking Steve Rogers you had to get back to your world. You doubted he’d ever let you leave. Another explosion rocked the base causing the agent to lose his grip on your arm. You acted fast. You bent down to grab both knives from your boots before lunging forward in one fluid motion stabbing the agent with both knives. The wall behind you exploded giving you a way out straight into a forest. 
 Shoving your knives back into your boots you ran. 
The Avengers
The fight was brutal as HYDRA agents fought in mass doing everything, they could delay the Avengers. After a while Iron man and Captain America made it to the Control Room. Iron Man focused on taking out the HYDRA agents as Captain America was trying to protect the main console. He was still rusty on most modern technology, but they seemed hell bent on trying to destroy this particular equipment. It didn't take long for the final agent to go down.
 "Guys, as soon as you're done clearing the place head towards our position. I'm going to go through their tech and hopefully I'll have some information by the time you're done."
 Steve watches as Tony steps out of the Iron Man suit and starts to work on the slightly mangled console. Steve managed to keep the damage to a minimum when the scientists tried to destroy it, but it still had sustained some damage. Steve kept watch as Tony worked with his shield at the ready. They had cleared most of the base but there could still be HYDRA Agents out there waiting to ambush them. 
 It took Tony a little while to properly hack into the HYDRA network as some of the more sensitive components were destroyed in the struggle. Tony gasps in shock as he reads some of the doctor’s notes and starts to frantically look for the digital recordings that the doctor referenced. He didn’t want to tell Steve what they were up to until he could verify if they managed it or not. IF they managed it, he needs to know what happened to her, to Subject M. 
 “What are we looking at Tony? What were they trying to accomplish?"
 “Steve. You need to look at this.” Tony tells Steve with a note of urgency in his voice. 
 "What is it Tony?“ Steve asked. He then proceeded to put his shield back onto his back harness.
 "Tony, what's going on?" Natasha asked as she walked into the room followed by Clint.
 “From the looks of things, they were trying to bring someone over from what looks like another dimension."
 "Another dimension?" Clint asked.
 "How is that even possible?" Natasha asked.
 "They were using a combination of The Foster Theory and for lack of a better term magic."
 "The use of dimensional energy similar to the Bifrost plus an added magic celestial event…" Thor started.
 "Such as a full moon on All Hallows Eve?" Clint asked.
 "I know not of this All Hallows Eve, but a full moon would suffice as a celestial event." 
 "So, it's possible?" Natasha asked.
 "Yes, it's possible." Thor informed the group.
 "Who were they-" Steve started before shaking his head and continued, "-did they manage it?" 
 "That's what I'm trying to figure out but… Fuck. Looks like they managed it. Fuck."
 "What is it Tony? Did they bring back the Red Skull, Hitler or something?"
 "No. Maybe it's better to watch the surveillance footage as I try to explain."
 "Explain what? Friend Tony." Thor asked as he landed softly in the large room.
 "Before I have you guys look at this surveillance footage Steve you need to know… "
 "Know what? Tony?" Steve asked.
 "Yeah, Tony. You are starting to scare us."
 "Keep in mind she came from another dimension…"
 "Tony cut to the chase, you're stalling." 
 "Steve, looks like they found your mate. Your perfect mate and brought her here from another dimension."
 "What?!?" Everyone exclaimed.
 Steve stood there in shocked silence as he took it in. His Mate. His. Mate. His Mate. He just couldn't believe it. His Mate, who is from another dimension. He had to find her. He needs her. She would complete him. She would be the missing piece. His missing piece. The one thing that is his and his alone. He needed her. He needed the bond. They had to bond. A werewolf without a Mate is a loose cannon, the Mate-bond will stabilize him in every way he needs.
 He couldn’t wait to have her in his arms. To bond. To cover her in his scent and be bathed in her scent. To be inside her, to fill her up. He was going to fuck her until she was covered in nothing but his scent and cum. He couldn’t wait to taste her and have his face covered in her juices. He bets she tastes delicious. He was going to fuck her so hard and so good that she’ll never think of leaving him.
 "Show us the surveillance footage Tony. If they managed to bring her here. Where is she?" Natasha asked. Tony nodded before starting the security footage.
 They all watched silently as the HYDRA soldier adjusted a machine and said some words before a portal opened. Tony made sure to take mental notes of this alternate universe that Steve's mate came from. They needed to know as much as they could especially if she wanted to go back. The HYDRA Agents did some fine tuning of the console causing the picture to change within the portal and a female came within view. 
 They all assumed that she must have been Steve's Mate. Steve's Mate walked into what looked like a Haunted House. The portal was adjusted again and they all silently watched as she walked through several exhibits. Tony found it fascinating as he spotted a few movie characters for their world as well. They all gasped in surprise as they spotted a man that looked exactly like Steve. Right before she was yanked through the portal into their world. 
 They noted her name as they watched the brief conversation between the head HYDRA goon and Miss Y/L/N. As the Goon explained the concept of Mate's they looked at Steve with concern as they realized his Mate had no idea. Werewolves and Mate's do not exist in her world. Which meant she could easily reject him. Once they saw the attack begin a new Agent grabbed Y/N and practically dragged her out of the room. They all looked towards Tony.
 "Is there any more security footage?" Natasha asked.
 "Yes, I tracked her through the halls with Agent 37." Tony replies bringing up the footage. 
 They watch silently as the explosion takes out a wall near them causing Agent 37 to lose Y/N's arm. They gasp in shock as Y/N suddenly reaches down to grab two knives hidden in her boots. Natasha is particularly impressed at the fluid motion Y/N uses as she quickly stabs the goon with both knives. Finally, the wall behind her explodes and she makes her escape before any of the Avengers could rescue her. Self-saving princess for the win.
 “How long ago was this footage?”
 “About 10 minutes.”
 "We need to find her." Clint exclaimed watching Steve. He could tell that Steve was on edge as he kept shifted backwards towards the table his Mate was laying on. 
 He was the only one close enough to hear the low possessive growl Steve released when he saw his Mate walking towards his doppelganger in the security footage. Clint also heard the barely audible whimper Steve released at Y/N confusion and distaste at the concept of Mate's. Now, Steve kept taking deep breaths, holding it before releasing them. If he’s not careful he’ll go into a rut. Once Steve saw Agent 37 grab Y/N’s hand Steve snarled in rage. 
 No one touches his Mate. No one.
 "Mine." Steve growled before bolting. 
 "So, who's going after him?" Tony asks the group.
 "Fuck you Stark. An Alpha Werewolf in a rut induced rage after his Mate. No thank you."
 "He can contact us when he's ready for pick up. It's best not to get in his way." Natasha says calmly. 
 "I feel bad for anyone that gets in their way."
 "I don't." Natasha says simply.
 Steve took off at a full sprint down the hall and out towards the crumbling wall his Mate left through using his enhanced senses to follow her. Steve could feel the beginnings of the shift as he lost a bit of his iron tight control, he couldn’t help it. His wolf was very possessive over his Mate. He needed her. He stopped briefly at the body that had his Mate’s scent, he wanted to make sure he was dead and not just incapacitated.
 Thankfully, he was dead. His Mate took care of him. She’s perfect. He needed to get to his Mate. She was his. He was going to kill anyone that tries to get in between them. She is perfect. No one could have her but him. He would make her accept him. She will mate with him. He will make her scream HIS name. He will drown her in pleasure. She will bear his young. She is going to be the most perfect mate. 
You ran. You could hear the soldiers behind you, they probably found the Agent you killed. You were sure they were looking for you, they needed you. You stop briefly to catch your breath leaning up against a tree. You can see the moon through the tree line, making you feel weirdly aggressive. You needed to be smart. You can't outrun them forever. They will find you. You could hear them moving through the woods. They were loud, not even trying to be stealthy.
 "Now, now. Miss Y/L/N we know you are close by. You have a very distinctive life signature as you aren't a part of this universe. We can always find you." That just means you have nothing to lose you thought. 
 You heard one of the soldiers as he got closer to your position. You still. You grab one of your knives hiding it in the folds of your pants. As the soldier passes you hesitated, before this night you had never killed anyone before. But you are in a different dimension being hunted by HYDRA and probably the Avengers. With that thought you silently step behind one of the soldiers, walking behind him a few steps completely silent. 
 It was strange, normally you were loud as an elephant in the woods especially in the fall with all the dead leaves. You shake off the lingering thoughts before grabbing your target. One hand went over his mouth the other that had the knife went straight into his neck. He died quickly and silently before you gently put him down. Another strange thing, you were a hell of a lot stronger in this universe. Those HYDRA men especially in all that gear shouldn't be light but they were.
 You shrug off all lingering thoughts of your newfound strength and take out two other HYDRA goons. All in the same manner of sneaking up behind them to kill them silently. You could feel your arms covered in blood. You were getting ready to take out your next goon before you heard screams. You doubled back to the last goon you killed and picked up his screams. You should have done this sooner instead of stalking the men one by one.
 "Captain America is in the woods. I repeat Captain Amer-" You hear before the voice is suddenly cut off with a gurgle. Clearly Captain America found him.
 "Listen up men, the Captain is in play and is looking for his Mate…." 
 "Mine," he growled. 
 The Captain's voice is deep and full of rage that you could clearly hear through the transmission. He interrupted what was sure to be the Commander's rousing speech. It isn't long before you start to hear screams and gunfire echoing all around the woods. You had been killing the HYDRA goons silently as possible to not be detected, Captain America on the other hand was making quite the ruckus.
 It sounded like he was ripping them to shreds with all the noise they made. You look around frantically. There wasn't really any place that you could hide but you needed to find something. If he had heightened senses, he might not be able to find you with all the death and blood in the air. You considered covering yourself in more blood or maybe hiding under a corpse. There were a few of them around. You shuddered in horror. 
 The idea of hiding under a dead body freaked you out too much. Before you can find an adequate hiding spot the screaming suddenly stopped. It was quiet. Too quiet. Eerily quiet. He was coming. There's a very good chance he killed everyone and was coming for you. You started to frantically look around. You need to hide as soon as possible. You dive into some dense bushes burrowing yourself as deep as possible. 
 You suddenly started to hear rustling nearby causing you to freeze in fear while studying your surroundings. It was like he just suddenly just appeared out of the woods. He didn't make a sound. The moon gave you a clear picture of him, of Captain America. He was covered from his head to toes in blood and gore. He must have killed everyone, anyone that got in his way based on the amount of blood on his body.
 "Mate." Steve growled taking off his helmet, dropping it to the floor while he sniffed the air. He knew she was nearby. 
 It was hard due to the amount of blood and gore on his body, but he could smell his Mate faintly. He had lost complete control when he heard the HYDRA Commander threaten his Mate. He shifted partly allowing his claws and fangs to come out before methodically killing each and every HYDRA goon that got in his way. He knew he must have been a sight to her, but he could also smell the blood on her. 
 They both had fresh kills on them. She smelled amazing. It was strange, the fresh blood only made her more tempting. It would be hard not to completely lose control when he finally mates her. As it was, his control was hanging on by a thread. He knew she was nearby, hiding. He took in another deep breath before going still. He found her. 
 You could feel every beat of your heart as it goes faster and faster in fear and slight arousal. You weren't sure why but when you shifted you could feel how wet your panties were. For some reason there was a part of you that enjoyed being stalked and chased. Also, the idea of him killing everyone in his way in order to get to you as soon as possible had you unreasonably wet. Clearly there was something about this universe that had you reacting oddly. 
 "Gotcha." Steve breathed in your ear from behind you. You jumped screaming as he grabbed you. He pulled you out from your hiding spot.
 "Oh my God.” 
 “Mate“ Steve starts to run his blood-soaked face against yours.
 “What are you doing?" You ask weirded out. 
 "Scent marking." Steve states simply before grabbing your blood-soaked hands and rubbing them along his face. You cringe away as you notice his claws, you face showing your distaste.
 "What... What's going on?" You ask before grabbing his face to look him in the eyes noting the fangs. His eyes are blown in lust and need.
 "You are mine. My Mate." Steve simply states before grabbing your face.
 "I'm not your Mate. I'm not even from this world. Or dimension or whatever that HYDRA dick said."
 "You are mine." Is all he says as he rubs his head alongside yours, giving you a blast of his personal scent.
 "Please just let me go." You whimper trying not to breath in, his scent is wonderful. 
 "I can't." Steve simply states as he starts to rub his body against yours. 
 You can feel his erection straining against his tactical pants. You are trying to hold your breath which wasn't exactly easy to do when you wanted to hyperventilate. Every time you breathed in Steve's scent you could feel your head getting cloudy. Your body would start to produce more wetness and you needed to think. This caused you to let out an aggressive growl which Steve instantly answered back with a slight whine at the end.
 Something inside of you, some kind of switch clicked on as you suddenly went from passive to aggressive. You started to fight. Kicking, screaming and hitting every inch of him you can reach. While he tried to restrain you, his arms went around your middle restricting your arms movement. Your hands went down towards where your knives were hidden. Grabbing one knife you flip it in your hand and stab backwards, your range limited due to his hold on you.
 You manage to startle him enough to let you go but not injure him. You use the knife to keep him at bay slashing at him every time he attempted to get close. You see his eyes narrow before he hits your hand hard. This caused you to let go of the knife, it flew away from you both. You had one knife left. 
 You didn't hesitate. You ran.  
Steve and Y/N
You ran. You used up a lot of energy and you had some issues breathing especially when you breathed in Steve’s tantalizing scent. You could feel him running after you, you were amazed that he hadn't caught up with you already. Something about this world has made you more than what you were before. You felt energized, like you could run forever when before you would have died after a half a mile. But you weren't a super soldier.
 “What’s wrong sweetheart? Have I not earned you? Do you know how many people I killed to get to you? To protect you?” Steve asks. He was running right next to you clearly keeping pace with ease.
 "Ahhh!" You screamed coming to a complete stop.
 "Son of a bitch." You started to pant out of breath. God you hated running.
 "Language. Sweetheart."
 “Fuck you. You don’t know me."
 "I know enough, my love. My Mate." Steve tells you before bringing you close, giving you a blast of his personal scent. You try not to breathe in as deep as you wanted. 
 "I. Am. NOT. Your. Mate." You bite out. His scent was clouding your mind.
 "Stop. Saying. THAT." Steve growled. He was getting pissed off at your lack of compliance. You. Were. HIS! 
 Your eyes go wide at his tone. You could see him losing more of himself. His eyes flashed gold and his fangs grew larger. He was starting to lose control. You had to do something. You just didn't know what. Perhaps, it would be better just to humor him. You didn't want him to lose complete control and hurt you. Plus, you still had one knife left, you just had to get close enough if you were going to use it.
 "Sorry, Captain Rogers." You tell him. His demeanor changes instantly.
 "It’s Steve, sweetheart.” Steve practically purrs at you. 
 “Steve. You know I'm from another universe. I don't understand what it means to be someone's Mate.”
 “It's okay sweetheart. I will teach you. Let me show you what it means to be Mates." Steve tells you before gathering you into his arms. 
 He breathed in deeply taking in your scent, holding you gently as you fought not to jerk in his arms. You squirm a bit as he rubs his blood-soaked body up against yours. He seemed very intent on rubbing as much of his bloody body up against yours. His body was firm all over and oh so very hard. It was hard not to marvel at how good he felt against your body. You could feel the blood and gore getting transferred over to your body.
 It was gross. Steve could sense your disgust and resolved to distract you as he needed to get as much of his scent on you as possible. He started with gentle kisses that he rained down over your cheek, jaw, neck moving your hair out of the way as needed. You took in a deep breath as you tried not to moan causing you to take in the full effect of Steve's scent. It was like a drug the more you smelled him the more you wanted to smell him. 
 Fact was, you just wanted him. Period. You didn't stop Steve as he slowly unzipped the leather vest. His scent drugging you into compliance. Steve drops your vest to the ground as he gently bites your neck. You let out a moan so soft that Steve's enhanced hearing barely picked up on it. The sound of your moan caused him to smirk widely into your neck. He was getting to you. Your neck has always been a weakness for you. 
 Steve seemed to be focused on the right side of your neck giving that area lavishing kisses, licks and bites. With his scent in your nose it was hard not to gasp and moan. You did manage to notice that Steve kept going back to a specific area of your neck. It was strange. Steve noticed your attention and decided to distract you with a deep kiss. You gasped as you felt his tongue slide into your mouth. 
 First you pushed at Steve's unyielding body, but it had zero results. Steve refused to move an inch away from your body. Steve grabbed the back of your head keeping it in place as he plundered your mouth. Your hands originally came up to fight him but as he kissed you... Your hands came up and wrapped them around his neck instead. One of your hands grabbed onto his shoulder and the other went straight into his hair. 
 Steve pressed one of his thighs between yours bringing it up to rub against your core inflaming you more. The hand in his hair tightened as you suddenly yanked his head to the right. You momentarily lost complete control and bit his lip hard as you rubbed yourself wantonly against him. Steve let out a loud growl in response before moving his mouth from your lips to your neck. You loudly moaned as his huge hand slid underneath your shirt and under your bra. He gently fondled your breasts, teasing your nipples with the rough pads of his fingers. 
 "My beautiful Mate. I can't wait to taste you. Too feel you. To finally be inside you. You are all mine." The sound of his voice snaps you out of your lust induced trance. You stiffen up in panic, grabbing Steve's hands moving them out of your shirt. 
 "No, please. You need to let me go. I have to go back to my world." Steve growled loudly in displeasure before grabbing you roughly.
 "No. You are MINE. You know you want this. You want me. I am your Mate. We are meant to be together."
 You started to struggle. Steve growled at you in warning before gathering both of your hands into one of his. He then walked backwards until your back was pressed into a tree. Steve rocked his body into yours briefly grinding his pelvis against your hip. You could feel every inch of his rock-hard cock pressing against you. You bit your lip trying not to react. Steve then shifted bringing his thigh up and between your legs pressing right into your pussy hard. 
 "Steve!" You yelped. The friction hit you just right causing you to moan loudly. You were close. 
 Your eyes flashed gold briefly before closing tightly. Steve grinned. He knew what gold eyes could mean but it wasn't a sure thing. Yet. So he proceeded. He needed to make you cum. First will be on his thigh, then on his fingers, then his mouth and finally all over his cock. Then he will claim you. You will be his. He grabbed your rips rocking you onto his thigh. You squirmed when his other hand started to roam down your body. 
 His hand slipped into your pants causing him to growl low and deep as he felt how damp the lace crotch of your panties already was. His eyes flashed gold as his wolf started to battle for control. He needed to claim you soon. Steve rubbed your panties causing you to whimper. He made sure to get his fingers good and wet before taking his hand out of your pants. He brought his fingers up to show you how wet you were.
 “See how much you want me?” Steve asked gently as he let go of your hands cupping your face briefly. 
 He gave you a soft brief kiss before bringing his hand up. Steve put his fingers into his mouth sucking your juices off his fingers. He moaned loudly at your taste. He loved how you tasted just as he knew he would. He couldn't wait to drink your juices straight from the source. He gently grabbed your hips before starting to rock you back and forth on his thigh. You arch your back in pleasure as your back hit the tree hard. 
 You try to rub yourself against him looking for the right angle in order to reach your peak. You needed to cum. You needed it. So bad. Your hands grip Steve's shirt bringing him in closer, you no longer cared about the blood or gore. He wrapped his arms around you bringing you up to his lips giving you a deep probing kiss. Before shoving one of his hands into your hair pulling it just enough. 
 "Steve!" You scream cumming as all over Steve's thigh drenching his pants.
 You felt boneless and lax the orgasm taking the fight out of you. Steve on the other hand didn't waste any time. He took off your under-armor shirt tossing it on to the forest floor. He briefly admired your black lacy bra before his desires overtook him again. His mouth went down to lick the tops of your cleavage before sucking your nipples through the bra. It didn't take long for him to get fed up and literally rip the bra from your body tossing the pieces. 
 You moaned your head falling back into the tree as you felt his mouth and hand move simultaneously. Steve wrapped his lips around your nipple while sliding his hand back into your pants completely bypassing your underwear. Steve moaned against you, as you were so wet and so fucking tight. It was only one finger! He spread your legs a bit before sliding two fingers inside you. His fingers curled up hitting a spot that had you withering.
 "That's it sweetheart. Cum. Cum all over my fingers." Steve demanded as you whimpered. 
 Steve's thumb started to rub your clit while gliding his fingers in and out of your pussy. You screamed as you exploded in pleasure cumming HARD before going limp as your legs failed you. Steve managed to grab you before you fell to the floor. He picked you up gently before moving you to a soft pile of leaves. Steve grabbed the top of your pants before pulling hard. 
 His super soldier strength made quick work of your pants shredding them. They were shredded in half from the top of your hips to your knees rendering them completely useless. Steve didn't bother to stop to admire your matching black lacy panties before ripping them off. Turning them to scraps. He needed to taste you. NOW. Steve frantically licked and sucked down your body wedging himself in between your legs. 
 “Want to taste you. Wanna taste what’s mine.” He whispered. 
 He lowered his mouth to your pussy and licked a stripe from the bottom of your pussy to your clit. Your body arched up against him in pleasure. Your hands went into Steve's hair as he growled low and deep in your pussy. He loved your taste. Steve moved both his hands to your inner thighs, spreading your pussy lips with his thumbs. He dives right in, licking and sucking at your wetness. 
 "You taste so good baby." Steve murmurs looking up at you. His face was covered in your pussy juice. He dived right back in groaning and growling at your taste. The wet squelching noises were obscene as he tongue fucked you deep. It felt amazing. You were almost there, your orgasm was so close you could practically taste it. 
Losing control
"Please, what? Sweetheart. Use your words."
 "Steve, please make me cum."
 "My sweet little Mate wanna cum? Cum all over my mouth sweetheart. Gush all over my face." 
 You shudder, Steve's dirty talk bringing you closer and closer to the edge. Steve held your hips in a vice grip and started lapping at your clit with his tongue. Your hands tightened in Steve's hair pushing his head down and rubbing his face all over your pussy lips when he started to suck your clit. You tensed up as waves and waves of pleasure hit you sending you over the edge. You gushed all over Steve's face covering it with your juices. 
 Steve kept licking and sucking you through your orgasm bringing you down from you high as you pussy started to get sensitive. Steve considered keeping it up and making you cum all over his face again but he needed to be inside you. He needed to feel your tight little pussy wrapped around his cock. You looked at Steve's face covered with your juices and his hair sticking up every which way from you gripping him and grinned. He looked wrecked.
 "Stevie." You shoved your hands back into Steve's hair before pulling. You forcefully brought him back up to face level by his hair. You playfully licked his nose before rubbing your face against his affectionately. 
 Steve grinned. It was clear orgasms were making you more affectionate. It was also bringing out your wolf tendencies as you were currently scent marking him. Steve grabbed your face with both hands before bringing you in for a long and messy kiss. You felt boneless as you kissed him back tasting yourself on him. Steve's right hand started gliding down your body feeling every inch of your curves. 
 As he reached your pussy Steve gently slid two fingers inside you. He started scissoring his fingers to help stretch you out. After a bit Steve pulled his fingers out of you shushing your whine of displeasure. He backed up a little bit going to his tac pants trying to get the stiff material to release him. Finally, he grabbed at the crotch of his tac pants and pulled. He ripped just enough for him to pull his cock free, he didn't bother to take anything else off. 
 "Shit. Wait, Steve. We can't." You tell him as you take a good look at his cock. It was huge and thick. And oh so hard.
 "Can. Must. Mate." Steve grunts out as he strokes his shaft a few times. His control was barely holding on, he didn't want to hurt you by accident. 
 You start to struggle. You didn't know what would happen if you and Steve had full penetration intercourse. For all you knew it could bind you to him forever. Who knew if you could ever be returned to your world? The separation might kill you both, you just didn't know enough. Steve grabbed both your wrists gently pinning them above your head. His other hand went to his cock slowly rubbing it against your soaking slit. 
 "Stop. Steve, you need to stop. We don't know what this will do." 
 "No. Mate. Need." Steve shook his head. He dipped his cock in slightly but never fully sheathed himself just making sure to get his cock good and wet with your juices.
 "Steve, please." You weren't really sure what you were asking for. For him to stop. For him to fuck you. You really didn't know. 
 "Please what, baby?" He wanted you to say it but either way it wasn't going fucking stop him. He needed you.
 "Please, Steve. Fuck me."
 Your thighs shook hard as he reached down to line himself up with your entrance and he began to push in. He sank into you slowly stretching your pussy as he fed you every inch of his cock. Steve brought his mouth down to your neck kissing and licking as much as he could. He never stopped or paused until his hips were finally flush against yours. You felt so full, completely stuffed to the brim.
 "So tight. God, sweetheart. You feel… god never felt…. You were made for me." Steve manages to get out. 
 "I'm going to make you feel so good, my Mate." 
 Steve started slowly at first, almost pulling out completely before gradually pushing back in. You had never felt so full as his cock kept hitting places deep inside you. It felt so amazing. You started to rock your hips back against him. Steve let go of your hands as you wrapped your legs tight around his waist. Steve started to pick up the pace. 
 "That's right my Mate, you are going to cum. You are going to cum all over my rock-hard cock. I'm going to keep fucking you. Then my good girl is going to come for me again… aren't you?"
 "Yes, what?"
 "Yes… Steeeevvee…" Within seconds of your answer, your body seized up in a rush of pleasure cumming all over his dick. 
 "I can. Do. This. All. Day." Steve tells you.  Each word being emphasized with a thrust. 
 "Fuck!" You scream cumming again.
 Steve continued to fuck you while you gasped, writhed and moaned, completely mindless beneath him. He continued on and on as you kept feeling that rush of pleasure again and again. You lost count of the amount of orgasms Steve gave you as you just keep cumming and cumming all over Steve's cock. You could feel your body getting ready to tighten around him again as he wrapped his body around yours. 
 "That's it, baby girl. I'm going to cum all inside you."
 "Ste…" You couldn't answer. You were too overwhelmed. You were somewhat aware that his thrusts were coming harder and faster.
 "Are you a good girl? You want me to fill you all up inside?" Steve asked. This caused you to whimper in response as your cunt clenched Steve's cock at the thought.
 "Do you want your Mate's cum all deep inside your well used cunt?" Steve knew he was getting close. He knew he needed to cement the Mating Bond between the two of you.
 "Yes, what my Mate. Tell me. What do you want?"
 "I want your cum. Please cum inside me."
 "Cum inside you what?"
 "Please cum inside me, Steve. My... Mate." You get out between clenched lips.
 Admitting that you were his Mate caused Steve to lose complete control. He thrusted hard and deep causing you to cum instantly. He needed to cum inside you and make you his. He needed to fill you up with his cum. He needed you to smell of nothing but him. His was going to fill you to the brim over and over again until he impregnated you with his young. He couldn’t wait to see you swell up with his cub. You were his.
 Steve brought his mouth down to your neck as he cried out above you. Licking your Mating gland before biting down his fangs piercing your skin easily. Steve jerked into you hard cumming deep inside you. At the same time, your head instinctively met Steve's neck and bit down. You both felt a jolt of pleasure as the bond snapped into place. This caused you both to orgasm again simultaneously. 
 "Mine." Steve told you. You could feel him. He could feel you as well. 
 "Mine." You agreed. You could feel Steve's feelings and thoughts just as he could feel yours.
 You could feel his reluctance to leave your body and his desire. He could feel your blissed-out state and your confusion as you have no idea what to expect from a Mate bond. Steve reluctantly pulled out the sting of his thick cock leaving your body caused you to wince. You can feel the trickle of cum dripping out of your well used pussy. It was open wide from his thick cock and leaving wet stains on the crotch of what was left of yours and Steve's pants. 
 "Oh, my darling Mate." Steve started to get hard again watching his cum drip obscenely from your well used pussy. He gently pushed his cum back into your pussy causing you to moan. 
 Steve felt the moan go straight to his cock causing him to instantly harden. You could feel he didn't want to waste one precious drop of his cum. Your eyes flashed yellow as you felt the urge to mate again. You wrapped a leg around Steve before rolling your hip. This caused you to flip your positions with you on top. With a show of your newly acquired strength you shoved him down. It was your turn to be in control. 
 "Mine." You tell Steve. Eyes still yellow before raising your hips up.
 "Mate." Steve gasps as you sink onto his cock slowly. 
 Once your hips finally met Steve pelvis you started to ride him frantically. Your hands digging into Steve's chest as you raised your hips up and down. The pleasure consumed you completely. You never noticed your hands. Your hands were slowly started to change from fingers to claws and your mouth started to grow fangs. Steve didn't notice at first as he started to moan and growl underneath you. 
 Once your claws started to pierce his skin did he notice your claws and fangs. He grinned as he healed instantly. Steve took care to watch his own claws as he grabbed your hips. He then planted his feet and started to thrust upwards causing him to slide deeper inside your pussy hitting your cervix with each thrust. It didn't take long for you to cum. You came all over Steve's cock with a scream. 
 "Steve!" You scream that ended in a howl. A howl that Steve instantly answered before cumming deep inside you.
 "Your mine. Forever."
 "Happy Halloween baby. I'm never letting you go."
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anobscurename · 4 years
ocean eyes – chris evans
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previous part: PART XII — masterlist
concept: chris is hosting a charity event, and asks you to be his date. tensions come to a head in the friendship group when things get out of hand. the slowest of slow burns. part thirteen of many.
pairing: chris evans x reader // platonic!sebastian stan x reader
word count: 5,1k
warnings: tw:blood (reader breaks a glass and accidentally cuts herself), angst
author's note: the quote that is bolded in this part is a direct quote from chadwick boseman. as a south african, he, and his portrayal of the black panther, meant the world to me. i very briefly considered making the gala in this part be held in his honour, but i felt it might be insensitive, especially with everything else effectively overshadowing it. so i just included the quote as a little ode to him. rest well, king.
If scientists were ever to turn their dissecting gaze to the the phenomenon of The Third Wheel, you would be a prime specimen candidate for study.
Because in that week she stayed, your status was relegated to just that: a third wheel.
The tabloids had fun with that, too. You were becoming a national treasure of a meme. You'd even seen yourself on Twitter the other day, the caption reading "my friends vs me" attached to some sneakily taken paparazzi picture of you reading a book under a tree in the park while looking every bit as stone-faced and disinterested while Chris and Lily could barely keep their hands off each other.
In every photo that followed, it was the same. If you wanted to keep someone distracted for hours, ask them to pore over every single newly published photo of Lily and Chris, and try and find a single one where they weren't touching eachother.
They'd come up empty, because it was a waste of time. Overnight, Chrily had become the new celebrity couple of the moment.
And you'd become the patron saint of third wheels everywhere.
It wasn't like you'd forced yourself on the couple, begging to go out with them. If anything, you would've much rather been in Tibet, if not the furthest geographical location away from them and their canoodling.
But the thing about Lily was that she was so damned nice, that whenever you declined their offer, she would insist until you said yes.
The newest picture on your feed, retweeted lovingly by your friends and apparently thirty thousand people worldwide, was of you, mid-eyeroll, mouth stuffed with pizza while Chris and Lily cuddled next to you at the restaurant you had gone to earlier that week for lunch, gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. The caption was the forever classic "mood."
You tried not to groan. It wasn't particularly flattering, and definitely not dignified having so many people watch you endure this.
At least the paps couldn't follow you into the house, because that was where the real magic happened. Many a night you would wait patiently for Chrily to stop whatever it was they were doing on the couch and take it back to the bedroom before you'd sneak into the kitchen, trying to stealthily drown your sorrows in Hagen Dasz.
Because once they'd take it to the bedroom... needless to say, Dodger had become a regular bunk mate of yours, and the bathroom doors remained firmly shut with music blasting on your earphones.
There were different kinds of sadness rejection could leave you with. There was the immobilizing kind, the kind that would leave you bed bound and catatonic, purely unable to move.
And then there was what you were experiencing. The kind that had you dragging yourself out of the house at any possible spare moment, just to not be in close quarters with them, but also to not be alone with your thoughts.
So that was why, when Chris found you, you were outside, sunbathing by the pool, while Dodger pranced through the sprinklers in the large lawn beside you.
"Have you seen this?" Your voice had become somewhat devoid of emotion the past few days. You knew that if you let yourself feel too much, you'd feel it all. And then you'd show your hand. "This is the greatest feeling in the world."
You passed your phone to Chris, who was chuckling at the flatness of the tone in which you had rejoiced. That chuckle morphed into full blown laughter when he saw the meme that you had been looking at earlier.
"Yeah, laugh it up," you mocked. "You're going to have to start paying me more now, you know. I'm famous."
"Would a higher salary buy me a date to tonight's benefit?" Chris asked, still laughing a little when he passed the phone back to you.
"What happened to Lily?"
You knew he wasn't asking you because he'd wanted you there with him. He was asking you because something must've happened to prevent time spent with his precious girlfriend. God, you sounded bitter. Jealousy really did not become you.
"She had to fly back to London last night," he said, forlorn. "Something came up. She said she'd try to make it, but I haven't heard from her yet and it's an eleven hour flight."
You hummed in response, your only indication to having heard him. Your eyes were closed behind your sunglasses, but you could hear the frown in his voice when he continued.
"The dinner is already paid for, and I have a dress waiting for you. I got it for Lily for tonight, but–"
"You know, in some countries, buying a date for the night is called solicitation. And I'm sorry, Chrisopher," you said, finally turning your head to look at him, "but I'm just not that kind of girl."
His last ditch effort to persuade you had your attention. "There will be an open bar."
"You really know how to make a girl swoon."
The dress was waiting for you when you stepped out of the shower. It was laid out on your bed, a rich, deep, violet. Demure, but corseted, with a floor length skirt.
If it was bought to fit Lily... You swallowed thickly, self conscious in your own body for the first time since you'd been in high school.
You were comfortable in your body. So much so, you'd even danced burlesque in front of many an ogling stranger at Chris' dare on your birthday.
But Lily... She was not quite of this world. And once again, jealousy struck in the worst sense: you were drawing comparisons to her and yourself. Which was never healthy.
The dress fit you surprisingly well – but the moment of truth would only come once the zipper was done up. For all your trying, you simply could not reach it long enough to zip it fully by yourself.
You had become accustomed to Chris barging into your room unannounced, so the soft knock at your door had your heart leaping into your throat.
"Are you ready? The car should be arriving in..." There was some shuffling – Chris pulling his suit sleeve back to check his watch. "Ten minutes."
If your heart hadn't already been in your throat, it certainly was now. "Just a minute," you strangled out, a new sense of vigour in your motions as you struggled to reach the zipper.
"You alright in there?" Chris called through the door.
"I'm–" You huffed in exasperation, giving up.
Not waiting for an invitation, in case something was truly wrong – you had a habit of keeping those kinds of things to yourself, even if they tore you apart within – Chris cracked the door, peering in, eyes downcast and averted in case you were in a compromising position. "Can I come in?"
Swallowing your humility, you hummed your admission.
He slipped into your room, eyes still on the ground. His hands slid into his pockets – something you realised he tended to do if he was a little uncomfortable or if he was trying to find the right words to say. Being a man with such a vast vocabulary, he often found himself dumbfounded in your very presence.
"You could at least look at me."
It was intended as a joke, but your voice was cracked and soft, and it sounded so much... more than what you meant.
He slowly pulled his eyes towards your face, taking you in from the floor up. His raking stare landed on your bare back, and, without much of a prompt, he strode over to you, hand already inching towards the zipper.
He felt you tense – he was that close to you.
"May I?" He asked, so gently that you wouldn't have even heard it if the room hadn't been so suddenly still, and if he hadn't been standing so fucking close.
You couldn't speak, tongue thick in your mouth. So you just nodded.
His knuckle grazed up your spine as he zipped the dress, and if he didn't notice the gooseflesh that rose, he certainly did when once the dress was zipped, he absentmindedly smoothed his warm hands over your shoulderblades.
You shuddered under his touch, but found yourself pulling away. You had a habit of doing that, too. Not that it was unwarranted – he simply just wasn't yours to touch.
Slowly, you turned to face him, and the look on his face – followed by a near imperceptible sharp gasp – nearly made your heart explode.
The dress hugged your every curve, complimenting you perfectly. If you let your imagination escape you, you would almost imagine it had been made with the intention of you wearing it, and you alone.
"I'm surprised it fits," you said, only to break the stretch of silence that had gathered.
"Why?" He shrugged, reeling himself in. The moment was gone instantaneously. "It's tailored to you. It's yours."
The gala was a private party, but that didn't stop the press from waiting outside the gates.
Camera flashes blinded you, even behind the tinted windows of the rented town car, and you felt yourself withdrawing from the windows altogether.
Unfortunately, that just brought you closer to Chris, who was seated with you in the back on the plush leather seats.
"Sorry," you mumbled, having pressed yourself into his shoulder.
There was tension in the car – you'd have to be well and truly inept to not notice. It was slowly dawning on you, how unusual this all was. He had a girlfriend, for fuck sakes. What were you doing there with him?
It was almost a relief getting out of the car, the cool night air caressing your skin as you inhaled deeply, steeling yourself. It had become immeasurably stuffy in the backseat, and you were just grateful that the discomfort brewing in the pit of your stomach dissipated with every new fresh breath of air.
The air was misted with ocean spray, and in the distance, you could hear the crashing of waves against rocks, churning sea perfectly mirroring your roiling emotions.
The grecian style manor in which the gala took place sat atop a cliffside, overlooking dark, inky sea. It was almost enough to take your breath away.
A long set of marble stairs led to the open double doors, and just from being their waitress, you knew how celebrities thrilled in making an entrance. And what an entrance it was.
Panting slightly from the climb – especially having done so in heels, and without the assistance of Chris' waiting arm – you stepped into the gilded foyer, guarded by marble Greek statues and busts. A crystal chandelier cast warm light, reflecting off the large pillars that held the roof like Atlas was said to have held the world.
Chris playfully chucked you under your chin to shut your open hanging mouth. Your teeth clattered together and he gave you a knowing smirk. "Has anyone ever told you that you're easy to impress?"
"Then you must be severely unimpressive, Evans," you hissed back before making your way past him and towards the doors leading to he ballroom. Judging by the chatter you could hear inside, this was where the event was being held. Perceiving that you were alone, you turned at the doorway to see Chris watching you leave, brow furrowed in thought.
He snapped out of it, raising his brows in question. "Yeah?"
"Are you coming?"
"To my own event?" He smirked, striding over to join you. "Of course."
The charity was held in honour of Children in Need and The Children's Trust, two charities Chris worked closely with.
As the host, he had a lot of rounds to make, and you found yourself standing a little off to the side, following him like a shadow, unsure of what to do with yourself.
Your line of charity work was more hands on, having helped rebuild houses and gather supplies following natural disasters. You were primarily a volunteer. But suddenly, to be surrounded by the wealthy benefactors – who you knew you'd never be able to do much without in the world – you were at a loss.
Wealth dripped from women's ears in the form of drooping diamond earrings, their very bodies clad in money, while the men sported it around their wrists and in their suits. You had never felt so plain, so simple in your stature before.
After the fifteenth handshake, you decided to let Chris do what he did best. His natural charisma and charm was already hard at work, and you tried to slip away without him noticing.
You had made it all of two steps when his hand found your wrist, gently pulling you back to him. His voice was low. "Where are you going?"
"Participate in the open bar, see if I can spot any familiar faces..." In all honesty, you were just uncomfortable, and the smile on your face was becoming increasingly fake. You needed a moment to yourself to gather your thoughts, organize them properly.
His other hand had found your waist, a thumb subconsciously running along the velvet coated boning of the corset as he searched your eyes. Conclusive that nothing was outwardly wrong, he let you go.
"Save me the last dance," he said, eyes bright under the golden light.
You smiled tightly. As you departed, you called over your shoulder: "no promises."
The corset was feeling tighter by the passing second.
You were stood at the donations table, where guests could anonymously place their contributions to the charity of their choice. And the numbers people were dropping, casually, like it was nothing...
Of course, you understood that it was everything. These children needed it. But you had wanted to donate something too, and you felt disheartened by the ever climbing amount of money they placed.
It helped to have deep pockets, but yours were shallow. A contribution was a contribution, though, and every cent counted.
Tentatively, you picked up the engraved golden fountain pen that had probably just been discarded by Elon Musk, and shakily scrawled your number down.
A low whistle from behind you nearly made you leap out of your skin. Turning, you shot a burning glare to Sebastian, who had just arrived. He had spotted you, and promptly came over to hover over your shoulder.
"That's quite a sum of money," he commented.
"I'm sorry that not all of us fought a giant grape in the world's highest grossing film of all time, but I'm doing what I can," you growled back.
"Easy, tiger," he said, hands up in surrender. "That's not what I meant."
You had known what he meant, just given the admiration on his face. He was pleasantly surprised and appreciated your effort, even if it didn't even come close to the lowest bid the others had laid.
You supposed you were just irritated – irritated you couldn't do more, that you hadn't done more. That you were at this event that you clearly shouldn't be at. An event that Lily would've shone by Chris' side at.
"I'm sorry," you sighed. Sebastian wasn't deserving of your bark nor bite. You decided a joking remark would ease the tension. "These are meant to be done anonymously, you know."
"Yeah, but everyone drunkenly boasts about it eventually. Especially the older ones," he said, sliding easily past you to place his own money. You didn't look at the number – it felt like it would cheapen the act of charity.
He led you to the bar, where Mackie had struck up a conversation with Scarlett. It was nice to see them all again, familiar faces in a sea of unknowns.
Scarlett stunned in a subdued midnight blue – pantsuit snug on her form in suggestion of a good tailor – her hair falling around her shoulders, lips painted a red reminiscent of her name.
She brightened when she saw you, immediately roping you into a perfume scented hug. "Oh, thank God, save me from him."
You laughed softly into her hair. "I'm sorry, but once he's got his hooks in, there's no letting go."
"You got that right." Anthony pulled you into a hug of his own once Scarlett released you. "How're you doing, girl?"
You waved off his concern as he scanned your face. "I'm fine."
"You having a fun time third wheeling?" Scarlett sipped her cocktail, imprinting a perfect red stain on the rim. There was a sparkle in her eyes, and you just knew.
"Oh no..."
"Oh yes," Anthony chuckled.
"You've all seen it?" Your eyes rested on Sebastian when you asked, who had his elbows propped on the bar, waiting for his drink. He was the only one who hadn't admitted to it yet.
"It's all I can see every time I open any social media," he grinned, nodding to the bartender in thanks when the drink was served. "Congratulations, you're an overnight national treasure."
Anthony raised his glass in toast to you. "To {your name}."
The clink of Scarlett's glass against Anthony's really drove the slow embarrassment creeping across your cheeks. "Not the hero we needed."
"But the hero we deserved," finished Sebastian.
"You rehearsed this, didn't you?" You groaned. You reached for Sebastian's freshly poured drink. "What is that?"
"Bourbon... Why do you–? Hey!"
You had promptly taken the glass from him at the mention of hard liquor and threw it back, embracing the burn the alcohol consumed your throat in.
"That's the spirit," Anthony winked.
Seb was pouting, mournfully staring at the crystal tumbler you had returned to his reaching hand. "I just got that..."
While Sebastian ordered another – and a drink for you specifically, so as to prevent further robbery – Scarlett leaned closer to you. "Where are the first and second wheels anyway? I haven't seen the first, and have yet to meet the second."
"The first is over there," you pointed him out once you'd spotted him in the crowd. "And the second, well... She's–"
And in your surprise, you abruptly cut yourself short. Because gliding through the doors was a woman looking every bit as beautiful as how one would perceive a real life Disney princess, clad in sweeping pale pink chiffon that shimmered with every movement, hair coiled in perfect ringlets and held in place with jeweled flower hairpins. She was breathtaking.
"Well, she just walked in."
You stood in the back garden, the scent of roses mixing with salt spray. Overlooking the sea, you were perched at the edge of the cliff, watching the water smash against the unmoving rocks.
You had endured as much as you possibly could. You watched them dance together, sweeping across the marble floors in perfect harmony. The first time, you'd admit it was beautiful. The second, you were clutching your drink a little tighter. The third dance had you finding solace on the balcony halfway through, picking idly at the rose petals that climbed up the trellis in thorny vines.
It was the speech that made you reach your tipping point.
Guilt swamped you – this was Chris' big moment, and you were guilty that you weren't there to celebrate it with him. As a friend does. As a friend should.
But it was so difficult, seeing him up there, with her by his side. She held herself perfectly, back straight, chin tilted, poised – regal.
Your suspicions were confirmed: Lily was perfectly suited to this world. To this life. She fit in.
And she was funny – interjecting lighthearted commentary into Chris' speech with witty remarks that didn't interrupt him nor detract from the sincerity of his words in the slightest, but sent light bubbling laughter scattering across the crowd, warming them to her presence. And after every comment like that, he would look at her with the softest of smiles, adoration etched on his face. And there were a lot of comments.
They were so perfectly charming together. You had to leave.
Your departure wasn't noticed, and your presence wasn't missed.
You had stopped a passing waiter for a glass of champagne, and made your way back to the balcony. It was there that you noticed the cliff edge, moonlight glinting off the ink spill sea.
Making your way down marble steps, the clicking of your heels signifying your descent, you found solace in the silence the grass granted your footsteps.
The hem of your long skirts dragged across the dew ridden grass, and for a moment, you could imagine that you, yourself, were a princess.
A princess without a prince.
You had no intention of doing anything rash. You just wanted to watch the waves.
And so you did, the repetitive crush of water against stone lulling you into a hypnotic state. It was calming – seeing something so constant in these turbulent times.
But as you so feared, time alone meant time to think. And the past week crashed on you, simultaneous with the dreadful depths below.
All the emotions that had been lurking, had been building up – all the emotions that you hadn't allowed yourself to feel; resentment, pain, jealousy, and above it all, heartaching love – began to bubble up in your throat, and from inside you could hear the beginning scatter of applause, and as it crescendoed into a thunder you let loose a gutwrenching scream.
You would have no indication of how far it would travel, that mournful wail of yours.
But you screamed, and screamed, your voice hoarse.
You screamed until you felt tears in your eyes.
You heard, faintly, a glass shatter, and you felt a sharp sting that almost immediately numbed itself, and still you screamed, until your throat was raw, and you could taste blood on your tongue.
Exhausted, you dropped to your knees. And still, inside, the applause continued, unconcerned with your traumas.
Breathing heavily, you came back to yourself. And when you did, pain flooded you.
Not emotional, no, that had already been carried away on the night air – leaving you numb in your bones.
But a searing, stinging pain in your hand.
In the darkness of the night, the blood looked black, rivalling the black sea. You had broken the glass in your hand with the fury of your cry, and when you turned to inspect it, little shards of glass were still seen to be peering through before being consumed by the champagne mixed gore.
"FUCK!" The word was drawn out in a wrenching croaked sob, and you held your hand before you, ripped out of your complacency with sheer agony.
You don't know how long you sat there, just staring at your hand, watching the blood trickle. All you knew was that you were shivering by the time Scarlett found you, crimson staining your dress – turning the violet to black. The smell of metal was heavy on the air, mingled with champagne and sea.
"{Your name?}" Scarlett called to you. Her muted steps were signalled by the rustling of grass as she drew closer. "{Your name}, are you..."
And then she saw your face. And then your hand. And she was sprinting to you, panic in her eyes, careless of her heels.
"Jesus fucking Christ, {your name}, are you okay? Holy shit, fuck, hold on, let's just get you–ANTHONY!"
She had landed on her knees beside you, cradling your hand as a slew of profanities left her lips before ultimately calling for assistance.
Anthony came running. "What? What is it?!" A sharp intake of breath. "What the fuck happened?"
You barely registered Anthony's suit jacket being wrapped around your shoulders. The shock had rendered you catatonic. "It was an accident," you said dumbly.
"Help me get her up, we need to get her some medical attention."
Scarlett did as instructed, their otherwise warm hands perceiving to your icy skin as scorching. When you stood, you noticed your knees were soaked through from dew, mud clinging to the now ruined dress. You felt sorrow, but that was quickly consumed by vacancy. You weren't sure what you preferred – feeling everything or nothing at all.
Anthony had his arm around your shoulder, Scarlett holding you up by the elbow of the arm that was uninjured as they guided you back inside, careful with their steps. It was a snail's pace, your legs barely working and them having to compensate for it.
"What happened?" The question on everyone's minds left Sebastian's lips.
"We don't know, we just found her like this," Anthony said. So often quick with a joke and smile, Anthony was grave in his delivery now. "Take her to a hospital, get her hand fixed up, get her home."
Sebastian nodded, sliding Anthony's blazer off of you to return it to its owner before replacing it with his own. He took you under his arm in a protective embrace. You were keeping to the edges of the party, not wanting to draw any attention. You kept your head ducked, just watching more and more blood pool in your cupped hand, watching, waiting for it to overflow, fascinated by it.
The commotion that began at your slow departure drew you out of your reverie.
Chris – having seen his friends clustered together, air clouding them tense – was stalking to where you all stood.
"What happened?" You heard again, and unfortunately not for the last time. The doctor would ask the same question a little later. "Fuck, {your name}. Let me take you home."
The way your shoulders stiffened was not lost on Anthony.
"I think you've done enough," he said coolly, holding up a hand to halt Chris' advances. "Sebastian is going to take her home, come talk to me when you've figured things out."
Chris was dumbstruck by the sudden change in demeanor. "Anthony–"
"No!" He snapped. "Tonight isn't about you. The Chris I know would've respected that."
"Not here," a strong voice interjected. You all turned to see Lily approaching the small circle that had formed around the unravelling drama. Guilt was thick in your throat. Tonight was in celebration of a fundraiser for children, and you'd single handedly ruined it. "Not tonight. Not here, not now."
She strode over to you, separating Anthony and Chris in the process. They still stared each other down.
She took a hold of your hand, surprisingly tender in direct opposition to the subdued fury in her voice. Concern overtook her as she addressed Sebastian. "You get her to a doctor, and you make sure she gets home safe."
And with one scathing gaze to the guests, the crowd dissipated.
"Lily–" Chris started, but was cut off when that same scathing look was turned on him.
"I don't know what's happening here, but fix it. Anthony is one of your best friends. So is {your name}. Remember that."
At her departure, Anthony summoned Chris outside onto the balcony to continue the conversation privately.
"I know how much she means to you, Chris. And I know I make my jokes, have my fun. You know what I think, I've never once tried to hide it. But you need to let her go. You can't have both."
And then Chris Evans – forever stoic – crumbled. His body wracked with sobs and tears fell freely down his face. Anthony pulled Chris to him, allowing his friend to cry into his shoulder. It was a hard thing to watch – a strong man falling apart.
"It just hurts so much," he garbled out, muffled by Anthony's dress shirt.
"I know it does."
A moment passed as Chris dissolved. Then, resolutely, he straightened.
"You're right," Chris breathed in deeply, gathering himself. "It's not about me."
He withdrew from Anthony, wiping the tears away quickly with his palm. And like a storm, the calm that settled was instantaneous. You would've never even known he had broken if not for the red rimming his eyes.
"Here's some great advice from a great man I once knew: you might have one thing in your head, but the things you're doing don't lead you down that road, necessarily. When you're young, you don't want to hear that. You think you can do everything, be all things."
It was cryptic, but the meaning was clear. Chris would have to choose. He couldn't be with Lily and keep you around. Not because he knew how you felt – he certainly didn't – but because of the way he did. You'd been an expert at masking your emotions, so much so that you'd shattered like that champagne flute, so desperately wanting him to be happy in spite of his choice.
"Who said that?" Chris asked, smiling mournfully. He already knew. "Shakespeare?"
"No. A much greater man. I like to keep him close when I can."
"We don't have to talk about it if you don't want to," Sebastian finally said. The drive to the hospital was done in sombre silence, and, when you'd returned to his side in the waiting room, he had merely taken you under his arm again to guide you to the car. "But just know that I'm here to talk. If you want to."
"It was an accident," you said simply. And it was. Of that, you were certain. You had just gotten carried away with your release, and unfortunately, the glass was a casualty.
You watched as the lights flew past the window against which your head leaned. Sebastian didn't speak again until you were pulling up the long driveway of Chris' house. Forever Chris' house, never quite yours.
And that was the end of the conversation.
When you entered, Dodger immediately sensed the mood. He pushed his head into your hand, whining softly. His large, brown eyes even asked it. "What happened?"
"Hey, Dodge," you croaked. You wouldn't be surprised if your voice was gone by morning.
Sebastian helped you remove your dress, and turned his back to you while you dressed. You harshly tugged the makeup from your face single handedly with a wipe, your other hand secured in a bandage.
It wasn't until Sebastian had tucked you into bed that you asked him to stay.
You sounded so small, so childlike just then. He stared at you for the longest time, hovering between rejection and acceptance. There must've been something in your expression, a small plea reaching out for him, and he softened, a tender smile on his face.
He was reluctant, you knew that. But you selfishly didn't want to be alone, and he was there.
He kicked his shoes off, removing his tie before sliding into bed beside you.
"Tell me a story."
"I don't know many stories. I know some in Romanian from my childhood, but–"
"Tell me those."
So he did. You didn't understand a single word, but that was fine. You drifted off to sleep, Sebastian's melodic tale guiding you to rest.
And when Chris returned home later that night, he came to check on you – only to find you sleeping peacefully beside another man.
He knew then that he didn't need to make a choice; you'd already made it for him.
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angelkurenai · 4 years
Imagine Sebastian organising an event to raise money for a good cause and wanting to ask you, a famous singer and his not-so-secret crush, to sing but being too afraid too. So his manager does so as a surprise for him.
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“And are the guests' seats ready? Did you check the numbers once more? Maria told me some of them have brought more than two plus members with them while others barely one, is that going to cause some kind of confusion with the seats?”
Sebastian had to keep himself from running his fingers through his hair for what seemed like the hundredth time that night. Not that could get that carried away with the warning looks his manager gave him, seriously how did the man even do that? Every single time, he seemed to appear out of thin air as if he was lurking around every single corner of the huge place just to make sure Sebastian was presentable and had everything under control. Not that part of him wasn't thankful for that too, he more than was. He couldn't look a mess, he was practically the host, organizing everything along with his team, and he had to look his absolute best despite how hard his nerves were making it for him to. It was as expected both exciting, exhilarating even, and nerve wracking to the fullest.
He was happy with how many people had showed up, the vast majority of them celebrities and people with wealth that could really help and a serious amount of money could be raised and a lot people would benefit from that, and of course terrified because of how much organizing the whole event still needed and he wanted everything to be perfect. Had it not been for his manager and friends he didn't know if he'd be able to pull it all off. Especially if they kept running into problems like the one at the moment.
“Everything has been sorted out, sir. It is nothing we had not anticipated, nothing to worry about.” the young woman didn't know the kind of relief her words brought to him but he'd forever be thankful “Tables and numbers set out and are right now being handed to the guests. Once they enter the main dining hall the waiters will escort them slowly but surely.”
“And the food? I have the feeling some arrived earlier, will that be an issue?”
“No, not at all. The first course is being prepared as we speak and by the point everyone's finished with their drinks and gets escorted to their table, it will be ready and in place.” she smiled, her words sounding more melodic than the actual music playing in the background “And we have plenty of time until that happens so if you'd like to, we could go one more time over the details of the auction later? Come in to check if you'd like?”
Sebastian's lips parted, ready to speak, but it wasn't even a few seconds before someone else beat him at it. Whether he was thankful for that or not he still had no idea.
“Only if he wants to be smacked right in the head with a- What's Scarlett's bag? Loui Vuitton? That.” it was no surprise when he turned to see Anthony alongside Chris, giving him a look which he tried to roll his eyes at but failed brushing off.
“Maybe Elizabeth's will do better? Looks heavier and with those stones, it'll hurt worse.” Chris suggested with a smirk, making Anthony nod his head.
“Why don't you try surviving trying to take their purses from them before planning on how to use them as a weapon against me hm?” it didn't mean that a funny banter wouldn't make things better.
“Hey, I ain't gonna need a purse to begin with. If I wanna kick you to get some sense into that brain of yours, I can get creative.” Anthony said casually but truth was that Sebastian could picture all the ways that could go wrong at the moment – because he didn't doubt for a second that he would do as threatened – and he really couldn't afford to.
“Rose, I'll come meet with you later. If you could go find Josh, I'll come find you guys later.” he said to the young woman, who was thankfully fast to nod and get back to work, allowing him to dedicate his full attention to his friends that he realized were not only the two men but were also joined by the two fore-mentioned ladies “I hope you understand I'm doing this only for the sake of my team's efforts and keeping you guys from starting another war in here.”
“Uh technically that would only be him.” Scarlett shrugged, pointing at Chris who rolled his eyes “And I don't think that it was the plan here. You haven't stopped even for five minutes, you know that?”
“I don't understand what you're trying to say, Scarlett.” he mumbled, quickly snatching a flute of champagne from a passing waiter and all in what seemed like a blink of an eye downed more than half of it.
“That.” Elizabeth spoke up “That is what she's trying to say. You've been practically running around non-stop. You need to catch a break, this, after all, is for a good cause and a chance to be around friends. Just relax and enjoy this! You're supposed to feel happy too, not just your guests.”
“She's got a point there. You look like you're on the verge of a beak-down. You haven't stopped to calm down even for five minutes man!” Anthony nearly exclaimed.
“That's nonsense. I have stopped for-” he paused, frowning in thought “I must have-”
“No, no you haven't.” Chris said matter-of-factly “Stop trying to remember a moment, cause there was none. Now however you have it. Cause it's either that or a food war right after the auction is done.”
“Oh speaking of the auction, you organized that too?” Chris asked, taking a sip of his drink.
“All of it, yes. Thankfully that was the easiest part, many of the guests tonight were glad to donate precious pieces they had.”
“You mean you're not one of the pieces too?” Anthony looked at him with all the shock he could muster “Damn, then you're not gonna earn lots of money pal, I'm sorry. Might do something but not much. No, no I'm serious- Imagine what would happen if you actually put yourself up for auction. A night with Sebastian Stan! No, even better, a night in Sebastian Stan's bed. Who wouldn't wanna put money on that?”
Everyone laughed “Sorry to disappoint. I hope they'll earn enough money from the rest. It goes without saying that I'm waiting for you guys to do the same too.” Sebastian gave his friends a look.
“See? Always using me! Whether it be for my money or my body, this man gives no care about what I feel.” Chris said almost a little too seriously, taking a big of his drink and easily making the rest of his friends burst into laughter.
“And that is the first easy smile we see tonight. See what we mean?” Scarlett said with a more soft and even sad smile that Sebastian couldn't help but nod his head at.
“I know an I really appreciate you guys being here for that. It's just until this get a bit more settled that I will be able to fully relax.” he sighed “Besides that, though, how are you guys enjoying the night?”
“I'm not one to easily admit this, but damn you Stan, you've done an incredible job! I'm definitely taking some of this later home, I'm warning you.” Anthony tapped his glass with his drink, making his friend chuckle and nod his head.
“Don't worry, I've got you. I've already made sure to keep a bottle or two for you.”
“No, really, everything's amazing. And we're barely halfway through. I mean-” the smile grew on Chris' lips in a way that Sebastian didn't want to know the meaning behind “Besides the drinks or the décor or everything else, the music is incredible too! You've got some big names singing tonight I see?”
“Yeah uh-” he cleared his throat, playing with his glass for a couple seconds too long “I had a hand in that. Though I mostly just contacted the first singers that came to my mind.”
“Really?” Chris raised an eyebrow, sharing a look with Anthony who was trying to hide his smile behind his drink “Because we haven't see (Y/n) tonight. I mean, I expected it would expect her to be singing the opening songs, and the ones in the middle and the ones in the end. And really this would most likely turn into a small concert.”
“Why would you say-” Sebastian started in a small, low voice, with a frown.
It make Chris scoff and smirk though “Why? Because your playlist consists of only her songs, that's why. I'm surprised you even remembered the names of the singers here tonight enough to call them. To you there is no greatest singer than her!”
“I swear, I came prepared for him to be a mess of nerves because of her but she's not even around!”
“Honestly it would only be hours upon hours upon hours of her on that stage and us listening to her because he'd be too carried away to remember to get her to stop or move on with the event.” Scarlett said with a smirk of her own.
“That is, you mean, if he ever remembered that there are guests in the room. I bet you, he'd just listen to her music and look at her like a lovesick puppy!” Anthony added, making everyone but Sebastian laugh.
“Oh please, he'd forget his own name! There is no way he'd remember why we're here, that's totally irrelevant. No surprise she's not here, would he even know how to speak if he had to ask her?” Elizabeth grinned and the rest laughed once more except Sebastian who pursed his lips.
He could utter a full sentence if he wanted to, thank you very much. After a lot of practice, sure, and he'd definitely need like an hour or so to prepare himself before he called you but he knew he'd be able to do it. Even if he had tried doing so and always backed from the phone every single time. It was better if they didn't know that.
“Forget his name? Maybe forget how to breathe better yet! We'd have to call a freaking ambulance here. He'd never have been this close to her, isn't it?”
“Oh but there was that red carpet, she was standing at the other end and I swear to you when they made eye-contact he almost faint-”
“Hey!” Sebastian exclaimed, maybe a little too loudly but the music was still pleasantly loud enough to cover up for him “Enough, alright? Enough. You've had your fun, even if I don't understand where all this is coming from. I- I don't- That is not how things happened. For one.” he cleared his throat even though a bit awkwardly “And for another, it just... didn't come up. There were other great artists who wanted to be part of this that I thought it would be good to give them a chance. Some of them are new in the business too, it would do good. And besides, you complain that I- I talk too much about her and listen only to her music, that I make you listen to it- Even though you have to admit you like it too. So I thought that maybe I'd do you guys a favor. That's all.” he shrugged and it was so believable that he'd easily say this was the best acting he'd done in his entire life. He looked so unbothered about it that he could definitely congratulate himself for it if it came to that. But his friends didn't have to know that.
Just like they didn't need to know that he'd been trying to gather up the courage to speak to you but he always got too nervous to go further with his plans. They knew very well about his crush on your, much as he denied it more often than he could count, there was no need to make things worse.
A moment of silence followed after his small rant and he didn't know if he was thankful or not, not when his friends kept sharing looks with one another until Anthony spoke up “I call b-fucking-s. Man, are you trying to convince yourself or what? Cause there is no changing our opinions, that's for sure.”
And yet, just as he was about to reply he didn't get the opportunity to, it seemed like the universe did not want him to win this argument. Probably never in his life.
“Sshh” Scarlett looked at something behind his back “I get the feeling he'll want to hear this next song out.”
Even the smallest “What?” he managed to mutter seemed to have been swallowed by the loud applauding and the fact that his entire world swirled when Scarlett made him turn before it all came to an absolute horrifying yet the most beautiful halt.
“This is a man's world.
This is a man's world.
But it would be nothing, nothing.
Without w woman or a girl.”
“Oh hey, look, it's not-the-love-of-your-life.” Anthony teased, chuckling. But it felt merely like an echo in his ears, very far away from him, as he felt more and more pulled into your mere presence. Your singing easily able to help create a world only for him at the moment.
“He's not replying, is he ok?” Chris asked after a good few second because they had indeed already passed and he had not even realized it.
You were there. You were trully there, looking like something straight out of his dreams. But he wasn't dreaming, it was all real. You were standing on the small stage and singing and goodness you looked stunning but it took his breath away even more when he realized you looked at him and your smile got even bigger. Was he smiling too? He didn't know, he couldn't think and he most certainly didn't care. You were there and while he was struggling to breathe, though that could be the bow-tie's fault too, it felt like the most beautiful feeling in the world to feel his heart beating in that way.
The rest of the world vanished and for all his nerves, for all his fears, it felt so much worth it. Even more than that. Holding your gaze, for real, for long enough, felt good and it felt right.
“Uh is he alright? Is he- Is he gonna pass out or something? Seems like his legs are not holding him well, I think.” Chris asked with a frown.
“Oh he better not. That suit is worth over a good thousand dollars, he is the host and he has things to see to.” Sebastian's manager said sternly “I invited her over because I was sick and tired of him staring at his phone with her number like a kicked puppy wanting its owner back. But that doesn't mean he's gonna mess things up now. Later, once it's all over, he can fanboy all he wants. Or ask her to marry him. Whichever.”
“Somehow-” Anthony snickered “I think we should all better start looking for wedding gifts people.”
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The universe can be a bitch (Part 2/2)
(this is a continuation of Nightcap)
Pairing: Sebstian Stand x OFC
Warnings: alcohol, smut 
Words: 5448
Summary: The rest of the day goes by rather smoothly, but when Anna finally arrives at her hotel, she found Anthony, Chris and Sebastian in the hotel bar as they are staying at the same hotel she is. Anthony can convice her to join them for drinks. She tries to ignore him to her best ability but Sebastian has his own ideas...
Previous chapters: Part 1
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tag list:
@himynamebel00  @obliviatevamps​​
Anna arrived back at her guests’ dressing room just in time. The good thing about being late, it gave you no time to think too much about the things you were doing or had just happened in an office across the venue.
“Alright, gentlemen. Good to see you all found your way back after lunch. It’s now time for your signing booths and as a great finish to this day, we have your panel”, she told them and waited in the open door for the three men to walk out and get going.
“Nice choice with the top there”, Sebastian said as he walked past her. “Shut up”, she rolled her eyes and looked at her printouts once again. “Trouble in paradise?”, Anthony asked with a pulled up eyebrow and seemed to enjoy this little back and forth. “It would feel like a paradise to me if you all would get going to your signings already”, she said with a fake smile and led the way through the hall towards the big door out to the general area.
Right at the door, Melvin was waiting for them to accompany the Civil War group through the fans. “Better?”, she asked him with a little side look. “Way better”, Melvin said with an approving nod and held his left fist up for a fist bump. She smashed her knuckles against his and couldn’t hold back a laugh.
Melvin really was one of the funnier security guards she had worked with in the last few years. He did a great job in guiding them through the crowds that gathered as soon as the men came closer without being too rough or pushing people aside. But to be fair, the fans were behaving really well.
Anna allocated her protégées to their signing booths and when she saw that everything was going smoothly, she walked over to the hall where they would have the panel to see if they were ready for them. People already started to gather at the entrances and were soon to be let in. She already saw that this was going to be a big crowd.
Anna couldn’t imagine speaking in front of such a crowd, let alone being funny and witty like Anthony was when she watched him speak about 90 minutes later from the side of the stage. He was sitting on a couch next to Sebastian and Chris was sitting in a big chair to Sebastian’s left. The interviewer was great as well, especially when he pulled out a bag of plums as a joke Anna didn’t get because she hadn’t seen the movie, but everybody cheered and laughed. Sebastian was taking a big bite of a plum and the juice was dripping over his lip onto his chin. Anna caught herself staring and wanting to lick the juice right off his skin.
Anna coughed and quickly looked away to calm herself down again. She felt her cheeks blushing. It had never happened to her that a man could do this to her without even touching or at least talking to her. He was just sitting up there, talking to the crowd or his fellow actors and friends and the way he did it, with such confidence, excitement and pure joy made her want to…ride him until he screamed her name.
Jesus Christ, what was she thinking? She really needed some fresh air. And a drink. She really needed a drink!
Outside the hall, Anna ran into Susan and they had a quick chat about the day so far and the work at such an event to get her mind off things until they heard the final applause from inside. Anna went back in just as the three actors finished the last photographs on stage and greeted them behind the curtains when they came off stage.
“Great panel, you guys. The crowd loved you”, she smiled into the little circle they had formed. “This actually marks the end of today. You’re free to go and I will see you tomorrow at 10 am”, she said and felt like a teacher dismissing her class. “It was nice to meet you, Anna”, Anthony said and hugged her goodbye. Anna was a bit surprised by that but hugged him back. Anthony was a really loveable guy and you immediately liked him when you met him. Chris hugged her as well and thanked her for her work today.
If he actually knew how hard she had worked all day long to contain herself around Sebastian and to do her job…
Then it was down to Sebastian. “Good job today”, she said to him which was the truth. “No hug?”, he playfully pouted and opened his arms. She wanted to say no but she knew it would look weird and more suspicious than if she just did it. “Of course”, she said and tried to put on a professional smile. She kept it short and almost jumped away from him when it was over.
“Okay, see you tomorrow”, she waved at the three of them and walked over to the employees area since Amber was here to escort them out, which Anna was very happy about.
While all the guests and the first fans started to leave, the staff, including Anna, had a meeting to talk about today and the next and final convention day. New schedules and printouts were handed out and after long 80 minutes everybody was dismissed.
“Now let’s get you to your hotel, you poor thing look like you could use some sleep”, Susan said to Anna and patted her shoulder. Just when Susan said that to her, Anna felt how tired she actually was and she couldn’t wait to get to the hotel and sleep until the next morning.
They got Annas suitcase and hopped into the next free cab they could find. Susan told the driver where to go and Anna almost fell asleep in the soft cushions of the backseat.
She must have actually drifted off because she felt like the cab had just took a left turn and then Susan told her that they have arrived. “I’m meeting with some friends from the convention for drinks later, if you want to join, you’re more than welcome”, Susan said as they walked through the doors of the hotel.
Before Anna could answer, she had to cover her mouth with her hand because of a big yawn that came just at the right moment. “Oh, poor thing, where is my head? You clearly just want to go to bed”, Susan shook her head over her own stupid question. “You just quickly check in and then straight to bed, okay?”, she said and held Anna an arm length away, with her hand on her shoulders. “That’s the plan”, Anna smiled and then hugged Susan goodbye. While Anna walked towards the reception, Susan quickly went to the elevators to change and then go back out again.
Anna received her key card, grabbed the handle of her suitcase and walked over to the elevators. She pushed the button and waited for one of the doors to open. “Hey Anna”, she heard behind her and turned around. She didn’t even notice the entrance to the bar of the hotel before, but now Anthony was coming towards her right out of that very door.
“Hey, Anthony”, she greeted him, kind of relieved that it was just him. “I didn’t know you were staying here as well”, he said and hugged her. “I didn’t know it myself until now. My colleague just brought me here, didn’t have time to check in this morning”, she explained. “Me and the guys are having drinks, come join us”, Anthony offered. The guys? Sebastian was here as well? Of course he was staying at the same hotel. She had to concentrate really hard not to roll her eyes.
“That’s really nice, but I’m very tired. I’m glad I’m not falling asleep standing here”, she said and hoped he would not try any longer to invite her for a drink. Well, he didn’t get the memo…
“Come on, just one drink. I think we all could use one after today. See it as a nightcap”, he suggested and stood in front of her with an inviting gesture towards the bar. Nightcap…if this one turned out like the last one she had, she wouldn’t get much sleep this night either. She wanted to say no again but somehow she knew he wouldn’t give up and she didn’t have the power to hold against him. Also Anna really craved a drink.
“Alright, just give me 5 minutes to get my suitcase up to my room and freshen up”, she sighed and just at that moment, the elevator arrived to take her up to her room. “And don’t you dare cop out, I’ll find you and drag you down myself”, he joked but Anna wasn’t too sure about it. She was 90 percent sure that he would actually do it.
“Yeah, yeah, just order me a drink…anything with alcohol will be fine”, she said and had to smile when she saw Anthonys satisfied face that he was able to convince her to join their little after work drinking. What was the worst that could happen? Both of them had to behave in front of Chris and Anthony and she really needed him to.
Anna got up to her room and tried not to pay too much attention to the comfortable looking bed in front of her and walked right into the bathroom to remove her make-up and wash her face with cold water to wake her up a bit. She brushed her hair and put on just a little mascara to look alive. She then changed her clothes to a blue top and a white knee long skirt. Anna was glad she had a second pair of high heels with her. She would have loved to wear her sneakers but that would look just stupid with the skirt. And to know that Sebastian was down there, she at least wanted to look decent.
She grabbed her keycard and when she was about to leave the room, caught her reflection in the mirror by the door. A little lipstick couldn’t hurt. Anna rushed back to the bathroom, applied a berry colored lipstick and then finally left her room.
Downstairs at the bar, she looked over the room with a searching view and discovered Anthonys face at a table in the back corner. She walked over and he saw her first. “Anna, I’m glad you actually came”, he said and got up to greet her with hug and let her slide onto the bench of the booth. “I didn’t dare to stay away”, she laughed and sat down. She ended up sitting in the middle of Anthony and Chris, which she greeted with a little sitting hug, and Sebastian was sitting across the table from her. She just gave him a nod and a little mouthed Hey.
“We ordered you a drink. Sebastian recommended a Jack Daniels”, Anthony said and placed a glass with brown liquor in front of her. “I thought you might like it”, Sebastian said with a flirty voice before he took a sip from his own drink. “I came to like it recently”, she said and looked straight at Sebastian when she took her first sip, remembering how she tasted it on his lips the last time. He looked right back, with a smug grin on his face, basically eyefucking her. Chris and Anthony exchanged some looks that Anna and Sebastian didn’t even notice.
“So, Anna, tell us a bit about yourself”, Anthony said and turned himself a bit to face her. “Is this a job interview?”, Anna laughed, happy that she could distract herself by looking at Anthony. “No, no, but we don’t know anything about you and you probably know anything about us”, he explained. “I wouldn’t go that far, but I know a few things; just the basics really”, she waved off. “Where do you come from?”, he kept asking. “Originally, I’m from Chicago, but I moved to New York for work with my sister when I was twenty, that was…ah, 7 years ago”, she told him. “Sebastian lives in New York too. It’s a miracle you two didn’t run into each other at some point”, he said and threw a little side look to his friend.
Anna turned her head as well for a second and caught Sebastian rolling his eyes. “It’s still New York, I don’t think that’s a miracle at all”, Chris joined the conversation. “Yes, I think so too”, Anna laughed and looked at Chris. “You’re from Boston, right? My brother in law is from there”, she said. “Oh really?”, he asked with honest interest, at least it seemed to her. “Yes, he’s a great guy, but that seems to be Boston number one’s export”, she joked and Chris actually blushed a bit.
She took a quick look at Sebastian to see his reaction about her flirting with his friend. He just looked at her with a light grin on his face like he was saying, “Nice try”.
“They got married 4 years ago and moved to New Jersey. A year later their daughter Rebecca arrived and last month we celebrated little Nicky’s first birthday”, she told them and didn’t know why she gave them the life story of her sister Marissa. Probably to avoid talking about herself because there was really nothing to tell.
Apart from last night, there wasn’t happening anything exciting or remotely interesting in her life. And that’s although she was meeting a lot of rich and sometimes actually famous people at the events she worked at.
“Is she your older sister?”, Anthony asked. “She’s actually two years younger and I hear that every time I go back home. For my mother, having your life together, means having a husband and kids”, she said and looked down at her drink which she took a big sip of. She started to like that drink and not just because of what or whom she associated it with.
“Oh I get that. Both my sisters are married and the oldest has 3 kids and my mom keeps reminding me that I’m not getting any younger”, Chris said and took a sip from his beer. “Oh no”, Anna laughed and felt weirdly connected to Chris because of their moms.
They kept on talking a bit more about their mothers and siblings and then moved on to Annas job in New York and she told them a bit about some weird guest requests or ones that were hard to handle.
The waiter had just brought her second drink, a Cosmopolitan, her absolute favorite, with a little piece of lime on the edge of the glass.
Anna felt more comfortable around Sebastian, probably due to the alcohol she had consumed without having something to eat, but she felt good. Actually she felt a little flirty and this time she directed it towards Sebastian to see what he would do with it.
While Anthony and Chris told a story from shooting the last Captain America movie, Anna looked at Sebastian when she took a sip of her drink. When she put her glass down again, she took the lime and put it up to her mouth. Just like after a shot of tequila, she put her lips around the fruit and sucked the juice out of its flesh. Little splashes of it dropped down her chin and she licked her lips to catch it. Sebastian, who had been leaning back in his chair, sat up straight and rested his elbows on the table, leaning closer to her. With her thumb, she caught the drops off her chin and sucked them off. Sebastian licked his lips as a reply to it.
“Alright, it’s getting pretty late, I think I’m gonna go to bed”, Chris said and ripped Anna out of her stare. She didn’t even notice that the two had stopped talking. She was weirdly embarrassed and looked down to hide her blushing face. “You’re right, it’s late. I should go to bed too”, she hastily said and didn’t dare to look at Sebastian again to not make him take it as an invitation. “No, stay, your drink is still half full”, Chris waved it off and almost pushed her back down onto her seat.
“Anthony, you’re tired too, right? Accompany me to the elevators”, Chris said and looked at him very intensively. “Nah, I’m good”, he shrugged his shoulders and looked at Anna and then Sebastian with a big grin. “That wasn’t a suggestion”, Chris said through clenched teeth, still trying to hold up his smile. Sebastian dropped his head, clearly getting what his friends or more like just Chris, was trying to do.
Anthony got up very unwillingly and Chris and he hugged her goodbye. Anna lightly shook her head as she watched them walk away. “Did you tell them about us?”, she asked with an angry look on her face. Tomorrow would be one hell of a day!
“I didn’t need to. You were basically sucking that piece of lime dry while eye-fucking me, right here. And I happen to know you're not too bad at this sort of thing”, he smirked and took a sip from his drink. Anna rolled her eyes. “Oh, shut up”, she sighed.
“I don’t get why you’re still trying to convince yourself that you don’t like me”, he said and leaned back in his seat again. “It’s because I don’t like you, we just shared a…night together”, she responded and had to hold back a descriptive word like awesome, mind-blowing or orgasmic.
“If that doesn’t make you like me, what will?”, he joked and ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m working at the Wizard World which makes you a client. My contract actually forbids me to like you”, she said and took another sip from her drink. “You’re off work right now”, he held against it and thought that this was reason enough.
It started to make her mad that he was taking everything so lightly. It annoyed her so much because she would love to be able to forget about her work ethics and just give in to him but she just didn’t do stuff like this. She has always been the good girl. If she had known that Sebastian was a client, she would never have let him into her room last night, let alone her pussy.
But god, those blue eyes and the way he was looking at her…she would really love to give in…just one last time…
She grabbed her glass and emptied it with one sip. “You’re right, that’s why I go to bed”, she said determined, grabbed her keycard and scooted out of the booth. Sebastian dropped his head with a huff.
When Anna was like two steps away, she turned around and said, “Are you coming or what?” and then started walking towards the elevators. Sebastians head shot up and he looked at her with surprise that quickly turned into a dirty smile, but Anna just kept on walking and didn’t even see his reaction. She pressed the button for the elevators and tried to calm the butterflies in her stomach. This would only count as cool if he would follow her.
Just as the doors slid open and Anna stared into an empty elevator, he suddenly spun her around and pushed her in until her back hit the mirrored wall. With a little side-bend, he pushed the button for his floor and even before the doors closed, he pressed his mouth onto hers and let his tongue slide into her mouth. Her fingers ran through his hair, pulling on them to get him even closer to her. She bit and sucked his lower lip and felt the rush of having him that close and she wanted to feel his hands all over.
Anna didn’t know what had gotten into her but she sure hoped that it would be Sebastian in a few minutes!
The elevator stopped and it took them a second to realize that the doors had opened. Sebastian let go of her mouth and took her hand. He guided her to his room. A little green light lit up when he put his key card into the lock and then the door swung open. “Just so you know, I paid for our drinks”, he said with a smirk. “Was about time”, she said as she walked into his room, turned around and kissed him again before he got the chance to close the door.
He put his hands on her ass and lifted her up. As a reaction, she wrapped her legs around his waist and he had to push the door close with his foot. Her skirt was rid up at her waist and his hands were touching her bare skin. For a second she wished she wouldn’t even wear panties right now just to see what his reaction to this discovery would have looked like.
“Remember…what you…said…to me…earlier today?”, Anna asked between kisses. Sebastian just nodded as he walked into his bedroom, carrying her on his waist. “I wanna hold you to your word”, she mumbled at his lips. Anna could feel very clearly how much he remembered their little talk at the coffee bar.
Instead of carrying her to the bed as she had assumed, he walked over to the big window that went almost from top to bottom. He put her down and spun her around. Anna supported herself on her hands pressed against the cold glass. It looked like they were pretty high up, but she was still afraid that someone could see her. But no light was switched on in his room and standing here in the dark room made it feel even more like a secret and it sure turned her on.
“Don’t turn around”, he whispered at her ear and then sucked at the soft skin behind it which caused her head to drop back onto his shoulder. His hands wandered from her sides to her front and up to the straps of her top. He pulled it straight down together with her bra, resting it on her rib cage, just enough so he had access to her breasts. He pinched her nipples hard with his fingers which caused her to gasp and stick her ass out, meeting with his crotch and his hard cock. She could feel it pulsating through his jeans.
Sebastian put one hand on her back and slowly pushed her upper body down so her ass was high up. The next second she felt his hands pull up her skirt that had went down a bit when he had put her down, all the way up until it was rolled up at her waist. With one flowing motion he pulled down her panties all the way to her ankles. She inhaled loudly as the cool air was touching her wet center, but she wasn’t able to catch a clear thought because the next moment she felt Sebastians tongue gliding through her wet folds, all the way from bottom to top. “Oh fuck”, she pressed out, arching her back and stuck her ass out even more.
Just when she thought it couldn’t get any better, she felt two fingers glide into her throbbing pussy. “Sebastian”, she hissed and leaned her forehead against the cold glass. “God, you look so hot, Anna”, he said and she could hear how hard he tried to control himself. Oh, how she wished he wouldn’t! Just when she thought he would let her come, he pulled his fingers back out and she felt cold where his mouth had been. She wanted to see his face, to touch him, but he had told her to not turn around and she really wanted to know what he was up to.
Anna heard the rustling of clothes being taken off and dropped to the floor and she bit her lower lip in anticipation. Then she heard the sound of a package ripped open. “Do you have any idea how hot you look with your ass stuck out and your panties dangling at your ankles?”, he asked and she had to close her eyes to keep her from coming right there from hearing his words.
He slightly pulled up her right foot a bit to remove her panties from one leg to spread her legs a bit further. He rubbed his rock hard cock along her drenched pussy. Without further warning he pushed all the way in, causing Anna to scream out loud. “Fuck”, he said through clenched teeth. After two, three slow strokes, he started to pick up the pace, holding her steady at her hips.
Standing in front of him, with her ass out, still in her heels, he was able to push in deep with every thrust. The room was filled with the sound of heavy breathing and their bodies smashing together. “Oh god, Sebastian, fuck me hard”, she pressed out with a moan, pushing herself further against him with her hands on the window. She didn’t even care if somebody would see them right now. She wasn’t able to form any clear thoughts in her head besides the wish for Sebastian going even deeper than he already was.
Her head was pulled back by her hair and her next moan got stuck in her throat. “Tell me what you want, babe”, he grunted close to her ear. “I want you to make me cum”, she moaned and the thing she felt wasn’t just warm, it was hot, burning hot, rapidly building up from her center, rushing over her whole body. She started to clench her walls around his hard, throbbing cock and couldn’t wait for the moment her orgasm would wash over her. Literally a second before it happened, he pulled out. “Hey!”, she spat out in confusion. He spun her around again, picked her up and let her slide right back onto his cock.
He moved forward until she had the cold glass of the window in her back which caused her to inhale loudly and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “I want to see your face when you come”, he mumbled and pressed his lips against hers. She immediately opened her mouth and let in his tongue, eagerly sucking and playing with it.
“I’m going to come”, she mumbled into his mouth. Sebastian pulled his head back. He pressed her against the window while he fucked her hard and fast and Anna started to see stars. She wanted to close her eyes because she didn’t know if she had the strength to keep them open, but she knew how much it turned him on to watch her come. So she concentrated on his face, locked eyes with him, sinking into his stare, much like she was in trance. She entangled her fingers in his hair.
Anna felt her orgasm come in such big waves that her breath got caught in her throat and a deep guttural sound came out of her mouth as she came around his big, hard cock. Her nails dug deep into the skin of his shoulder. She inhaled loudly as she was able to breathe again and actually saw little stars in front of her eyes. “Oh god!”, she groaned loudly.
Sebastian carried her over to the bed and put her down without pulling out. He placed her right at the edge so he could keep standing up straight as he continued to fuck her. Anna wasn’t sure but it looked like he didn’t come yet. He held her legs up by her ankles as he pounded into her dripping pussy that was still throbbing from the orgasm. Anna pulled her shirt and bra off. Her panties must have fallen off her ankle as he had picked her up.
“You…look…so…fucking…hot”, he grunted with every thrust, his disheveled hair made him look even sexier than he already did. His face was flushed and little drops of sweat glistened on his forehead. To know that she was responsible for the way he looked right now turned her on so much and she felt that warm feeling again. She didn’t even know that it was possible, although she had heard from multiple orgasms, but she always thought that this was an invention from Sex and the City.
“Sebastian”, she just said and it sounded like she was begging. He moved slower now, almost pulling out, just to thrust back in as deep as he could. “Oh god”, she moaned. Sebastian wasn’t able to form any words. He just grunted and concentrated on not coming too early. He could feel that she was on her way to come again and definitely wanted to see that happen. He pushed her up on the bed and followed right away. He wanted to be close to her when she came again, just like before. He wanted to stare right into her eyes, feeling her melt in his arms, moaning his name.
“Come for me, Anna. Come for me”, he mumbled at her ear, his hips starting to move uncontrollably. He knew he couldn’t hold it much longer without exploding. Sebastian lowered his head and sucked her hard nipple, biting it. Annas breathing became heavier and louder and he could feel her walls tightening around him. Oh fuck!
He couldn’t hold it back any longer and pounded hard into her as he came with a loud and deep grunt. The feeling of her walls clenching around him made him come so hard like he didn’t have sex in months. It was unbelievable what this woman could do to him.
Even minutes later, both were breathing heavily, lying next to each other. Anna was still wearing her heels and her skirt was rolled up at her waist. “That was unbelievable”, she said. Out of the corner of her eye she saw how he just nodded, not ready to form any words yet.
Anna wanted to remove her shoes and skirt but she didn’t know if she was even supposed to. Last time, Sebastian left her room almost right after they were finished. Now she wondered if it was her turn to get dressed and leave.
She probably should, right now, and not drag it out until it would be embarrassing. Because tomorrow would be embarrassing enough when she was back at work.
“Don’t you want to take off your shoes? Or do you want to sleep in them?”, he suddenly asked and she looked over to him. “Do you want me to stay?”, she asked and hoped it didn’t sound too hopeful. “If you want to…I hate sleeping alone”, he said with a smirk and moved his face closer so he could kiss her gently on her lips. “I guess, I could help you with that”, she smiled and kissed him back.
Then she rolled over and got off the bed. She stepped out of her high heels and pulled down her skirt, well aware that she was full on showing her naked ass, but it was dark, just a few street lights providing the room with a soft light.
Sebastian pulled up the blanket from beneath him and held it open for Anna when she crawled back in. She cuddled up to Sebastian, resting her head on his shoulder. The little light in the room allowed her to see the bite mark she had left on him last night. She followed the little half circle with her finger. Sebastian put his hand up to touch the part of her skin where he had bitten her today. “A bite for a bite”, he said and Anna chuckled.
All of a sudden she felt very tired and worn out. Staying up that late and two orgasms really took their toll. “Goodnight, Sebastian”, she mumbled at his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his waist. “Goodnight, Anna”, he whispered and wrapped his arm, the one she was lying on, around her back.
She took a deep breath of his scent. She would enjoy every second of having him that close to her. It would end soon enough when they would part ways tomorrow after the Con. She also didn’t want to think about the consequences she would have to face if anyone found out about them, she would have time to deal with it tomorrow.
This moment right now belonged to her and Sebastian. She snug up to him even closer and a few moments later drifted off into a deep, well earned sleep.
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multific · 4 years
Forever Family
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Sebastian Stan x Reader
Requested by:  rhadigen
Request: hello, I’m new here but I’m already in love with your writing! 😍 i have a request to make. Can you do one with Sebastian Stan, where he and the reader are going through an adoption process and they got the guard of a beautiful baby girl? Thank you so much
A/N: Sorry for the long wait on this! I might do something like this for Chris Evans in the future or someone else if requested! 🤗🤔
 Sebastian always dreamed of a family of his own. And so when he met you, it was natural that he imagined his whole life with you.
You and Sebastian met during an event, he was getting interviewed by the fans and you caught his eyes. You looked gorgeous, breath-taking even. You were only there to support a friend of yours who was in cosplay. At first you thought you were imagining the whole thing and that he would never be interested in you. But you were very wrong.
After his interview ended, he went looking for you. Lucky for him, he found you alone since your friend left to get some pictures.
You nearly fainted when he started speaking to you. He was so handsome, and his eyes were so dreamy. But not only that, his humor was something you enjoyed very much and the way he spoke. It was clear he was humble and the fame and money didn’t make him into an arrogant asshole.
And now here you were, married to the man, recently you moved into a house from your apartment. You started your life together.
Sebastian was such a supporting and loving man. Even the day you got the bad news that you couldn’t have a baby, you were broken, but he, he was already looking for alternatives.
You were sad, depressed, that the one thing your husband really wanted, you couldn’t give to him. You felt like a failure, like you were useless.
“Darling, please don’t be sad anymore. It has been two months and all you do is sit and look out of your head. You are thinking too much into this.”
“Yes, because I feel like I failed you. I failed as a wife.”
“Don’t say that! You are a wonderful wife and you will be a wonderful mother. I already looked into it, we can adopt a child or a baby even. Imagine it like this, we can save a child by giving them a life with us.”
Of course he already looked into it. Sebastian always had a plan B. Even during your wedding, when Chris Evans accidentally knocked a bottle of champagne and it soaked the whole table. Sebastian quickly made the staff place a new table and clean the other. In about 10 minutes the whole wedding was back like nothing happened.
“I’m not against the idea of adoption. But that doesn’t really make me feel that much better.”
“Come on, family is not always about blood. I’d love the child the same or even more. Just, let’s go to this orphanage, I already called them and made an appointment. Took me a month, but they are expecting us tomorrow.”
The next day, you decided you will show the best side of you and you pushed all your sadness away. After all, they won’t let you be the new parent of a child if you are sad and miserable, you can do that alone in the bathroom when no one is looking.
So, you woke up early, made breakfast and coffee. You prepared your outfit yesterday, so you did your hair and makeup. Your husband woke up later than you, you were already ready to leave the house.
“Darling, you look beautiful.”
“Thank you. I made breakfast.” Sebastian smiled, he finally had you back.
When you arrived at the orphanage, you were quickly introduced to the guardians there. It didn’t take long for them to let the two of you roam around the place. They wanted to make sure you realize the situation the children live in.
“I think, we should meet them now.” said the lady who was walking you around.
You soon arrived at the back of the house, it had a big garden were all the children where playing. When the three of you got out, they all continued and only stopped when the lady spoke up.
“Children, this is Mr and Mrs Stan. Treat the well please.”
You expected the children to be interested in you, but they rather ignored you. Which is fine. You figured they needed time and even the head of the orphanage said that one visit won’t be enough. You needed to go there and spend time with the children as much as you can, so they will open up to you.
And that is what you did.
On the first day, you just sat on the bench, looking at each and every one of them, smiling at the way they played. You didn’t go up to anyone, figuring they needed to open up and you didn’t want to force them.
On the second visit, it was a rainy day so the children played inside. This time, you still got ignored.
The third visit was the one that finally broke the ice and one child came up to you.
It was a beautiful little girl. You were on the bench with Seb, looking at the children as they played and you made small talk with each other, well it was mostly him encouraging you. When a small voice beside you spoke up.
“I like your dress.” said the little girl. She looked to be about 4 or 5 years old, a little girl with an amazing hair.
“Well, thank you very much. I must say your curls look exceptional today.” you saw her previously, she didn’t really play with the children, she was mostly alone.
“Thank you, Miss!”
She continued to ask questions from both of you. Never once did she mention that she wanted to be adopted. All she spoke about was the things she liked.
“Wonderful little girl.” you told Seb that night. “I’d love to get to know her better.”
“Yeah, she is an introvert for sure, but she spoke so carelessly with us.”
“She’s the first who ever came up to us. I wonder if that will encourage others to do the same.”
But it didn’t. You didn’t know why they were all so closed off, but the girl found you once again.
“What’s your name?” you felt silly that you only asked this question now, but when her eyes widened and filled with stars, you knew she was special.
“My name is Maria! My mommy left me here when I was suuuper small. The lady here told me that I will stay here until I find a home. But… what is a home? Isn’t this one?”
“Well, yes. But you know all of us have forever homes. Each and every one of you here has a forever home. A home where you will be with your new mommy and daddy, where you will have your own room and you will forever be there, safe and full of love.” your explanation made Seb look at you and almost tear up. The little girl was very impressed with the answer.
“Can you be my forever home?”
“That depends on you too, Maria. If you feel like you want to come with us and want us to be your forever home, we can talk to the head-lady.”
The little girl was over the moon when the head-lady said yes. Little did she know it would take another month and more visits from you.
“This is the day.” you said while driving. “We can finally bring her home.” You looked at Seb who was reading on his phone.
“I’m so excited! We furnished her room, and even got her a welcome home present!” Seb looked at you as you were looking at the road.
“I’m happy we went through this. She is so worth it. And maybe next time the day before we pick up our daughter, don’t make me watch The Orphan movie again!”
Sebastian laughed at you. “Why? I thought it was funny.” you smiled, you had to admit the irony was amazing.
Once you finally arrived to the place, everything seemed to be ready. Paperwork was already done, all you needed to do now is to pick Maria up.
“I’m ready!” she said running to you as you got out of the car. “I’m ready for my forever home!”
She said her goodbyes to the head-lady as did you and Seb.
She couldn’t stop talking during the whole ride.
“I hope my forever home has unicorns! Or a dragon!” Both of you smiled at her silliness.
You knew she will have to go through a lot, even more than she already did. She need to start at a new school, new environment and new children. But she seemed like she didn’t mind. She got more and more talkative as time went on.  As if the shy introvert little girl disappeared.
It was so nice to see her being happy and open. She really was incredible.
And her face when she saw the house, priceless. She looked at the house in amazement.
“This is better than I imagined.” is what she said. And once she saw her very own room, she started crying.
You hugged her and she soon stopped. She thanked you.
“I will start making lunch. You can explore as much as you wish. We also have a back garden.”
 Sebastian spent time with her, explaining where things are that she might need while you made lunch.
The day went by quickly.
Soon you found yourself in bed, with your husband sleeping next to you.
He fell asleep without any problems. However you were too excited to go to sleep.
So, you went out to the kitchen and grabbed yourself a mug of hot milk. As you turned around you saw Maria walk into the living room. You didn’t want to scare her so you turned the small lamp on, she smiled at you.
“Can’t sleep?” she shook her head, no. She sat down on the couch, you took a blanket and put it over her small body, handing her the milk. “This is a special drink. Sebastian makes me drink this when I can’t sleep.”
“Thank you.” she said as she started sipping. You got under the blanket with her and pulled her close, she settled into your side as sipped her drink.
“I know it must be hard to sleep in a different bed, without your friends in your room. But I promise with time you will get used to it. And if you can’t sleep, you can always wake me or Sebastian up and we will help you sleep.” you ran your hand down her hair. She nodded and looked at you.
“I like my room. It’s very nice. All the toys and the bed. The walls are very pretty.”
“I’m happy you like it, we spent a lot of time to get it ready for you. After all, in your forever home, you need to have the most amazing room, right?” she smiled and drank the rest of her milk, placing the mug down. She slowly moved closer to you and hugged you.
“Thank you, Mommy.” you hugged her back as tears filled your eyes. You placed a kiss on top of her head.
“We love you, Mary, never forget that. We are your parents.” the way she hugged you tighter to herself said more than any word ever could. She was of course thankful, happy and she felt the love she never did before. Maria was so grateful that on that sunny day, he had the courage to go up to you and talk to you.
You finally had the family you always wanted. All the happiness in you felt almost unfair. But when the little girl fell asleep in your arms, you knew this was it, your forever family.
And Seb was especially happy when he saw his two girls sleeping on the couch the next morning. In the beginning he was nervous because none of the children was interested in him and you, but now, now he was over the moon. He kissed both of your foreheads and washed the mug he found on the coffee table.
This was only the beginning.
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smilexcaptainx · 4 years
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C H A P T E R     S I X
Summary: In which a man who is looking for love crosses paths with a woman who despises it, or at least she tries to convince herself to.
Word Count: 1.1K
Tag list status: Open
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Authors Note: Here is chapter six! I hope you enjoy!
Opening Up Masterlist
Weddings was something Chris had attended frequently. Whether it be of a friend or an extended family member. Clearly he didn't want to have the wedding to be public, because it would be too obvious that it was fake. Chris wanted it to look private, which meant a photo shoot with you and him. Chris was able to reach out to one of his good friends who did photography and agreed to take pictures for him. Chris had to make this seem serious. Fortunately this weekend, you and him weren't needed at work.
Chris took that time to text you to buy a wedding dress. You agreed to go with his plan and told him that you would buy one, but little did he know, you already had one hidden in your closet. You didn't let Chris know that though. You never imagined that you were going to tell Chris about your past relationship, mainly because you genuinely wanted to forget about it. But yet here you were, digging up your old wedding dress. The one you wore to your wedding. Who knew that you were ever going to see it again. Not you. That's for sure.
Chris glanced at his watch. Five minutes until you were going to arrive. Chris focused on fixing up his tuxedo through the mirror. He needed to look perfect for the pictures. He needed to make it look genuine like actual wedding photos. Chris's phone buzzed on the coffee table beside him. Chris looked down and saw his best friends name show up, Sebastian Stan. Chris went from fixating his looks and turned his attention to the phone. Chris swiped his phone off the table and answered the call.
"Chris! What the hell man?!" Sebastian yelled into the phone, throwing Chris off guard. "Congratulations dude!" Sebastian cheered. A wave of relief washed over Chris. "I'm a little offended you didn't tell me anything about this chick, but it's fine. I wasn't able to capture a clear picture of her face in the video, but it's clear to hear in her voice that she was happy."
"Not as happy as I am," Chris said with a smile. "I'm grateful to know that I finally found someone to share the rest of my life with."
"I'm glad to hear that," Sebastian said happily. "I was actually wondering, what place did you propose at? That restaurant looked vaguely familiar to me, but I wasn't sure if it really was what I thought it was."
Chris told Sebastian the restaurant and the line instantly went silent. It was quiet for so long, Chris had to ask if Sebastian was still there. Sebastian cleared his throat awkwardly into the speaker.
"I just remembered that I have somewhere to be," Sebastian said. Chris knew that was a lie. "I'll have to call you back later. Oh wait, are you coming to the ball next weekend?"
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Chris assured. "I'm even going to be bringing my wife."
"Great, can't wait to meet her," Sebastian exclaimed gleefully. "I'll see you than."
Sebastian hung up and Chris blew out a long breath. Sebastian's silence really peaked Chris's curiosity. The fact that both you and Sebastian were to go quiet whenever the restaurant was brought up raised his suspicion. Could it be possible that they had a past together? Chris shook those thoughts out of his head as three loud knocks came from his front door. He was getting ahead of himself. There could possibly be no way that you and Sebastian could have a past together.
Sebastian would have known it anyways, and so would you. He just left those thoughts behind and walked to answer the door. Chris pulled the door open, his heart racing at the sight of the beautiful attire you were wearing. He looked at you from the bottom to the top, admiring you with his eyes. You lightly blushed as Chris reached your face, and that made him begin to flush in embarrassment as well.
You two both spoke at the same time, attempting to compliment each other but instantly stopped talking. Chris apologized and insisted that you to speak first.
"You look really nice Chris," You complimented, smiling brightly at him. Chris smiled back. "definitely like a husband."
"Well, I'm nothing compared to my gorgeous wife," Chris teased, making you giggle softly. "anyways, um, Travis is ready for us in the backyard."
You nodded and walked inside. Chris shut the door behind you and led you to the backyard. The moment you stepped outside, it was absolutely beautiful. The decorations was out of the world! It made you feel like you were actually at a wedding. Travis noticed your arrival and motioned you and Chris to join him to a simple spot to start the photo shoot. You and Chris walked over to the grassy area where Travis started to direct you two.
You were used to photo shoots, which meant that this one was going to be easy. Picture by picture, Travis couldn't stop expressing his feelings about how cute you two were together.
"Alright, this is going to be the last photographs," Travis said, placing you two underneath the wedding arch. You glanced up at the white flowers that were hanging above you and Chris. "now give me final kiss! Let's see it!"
Chris went for it and dipped you, smashing his lips against yours. You smiled through the kiss as he continued the kiss. You could hear the snapshots from Travis as Chris went on to kiss you thoroughly. You felt something you hadn't felt in a long time. You hated to admit it, but you were falling in love again. Chris broke the kiss and helped you back onto your feet.
"Perfect!" Travis cheered excitedly. "You two are so cute! It was like you two were practically made for each other."
You looked over at Chris who was already staring at you. He smiled. "It really does seem like it, doesn't it?"
You cleared your throat and looked back over at Travis. "Um, thanks for taking our photos Travis."
Chris's eyes fell to the floor. He could tell that you didn't feel the same. He felt like he was falling for you, but he didn't want to if you weren't. Little did he know, you were silently falling for him as well.
"So Chris," You spoke, looking back over at him. "what's this event that we're attending next week?"
"Oh, it's a formal dance ball," Chris answered with a shrug. "my family and friends are all going to be there," Chris said, reaching out for your hand. He held your hand and pierced his ocean blue eyes into yours. "I'm excited for everyone to meet you."
You inhaled deeply. "I'm excited to meet them."
Opening Up Taglist:
@shikshinkwon , @kelbabyblue , @icanfeelastormbrewing , @katiew1973 , @heyiamthatbitch , @straightforwardly , @gemgemswift , @iguessweallcrazyithinktho , @denisemarieangelina , @patzammit​
if your name is not present, that is simply because your privacy settings are turned off and Tumblr will not let allow me to tag you.
!! Tell me what you think about this chapter !!
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ohwhatamessiam · 5 years
Self Control - Chapter 11
Summary: Thanksgiving break comes and goes. And it leaves you angry, wondering how much Chris really cares about you. Will he prove that he wants this, or will he let your spark burn out?
Pairing: Professor!Chris Evans X TA!Reader
Word Count: 4.1k
Warnings: Language, angst, lots of pain (the tweets from Brandon outlined this turn of events), I’m really sorry but y’all are gonna hate me for this one.
A/N: Hi everyone! I made it back for an update under 9 months this time (barely lol). There’s only 2 more chapters left in Self Control, and you guys will probably hate me for them, but this is the path we’re on together! Thank you all for your patience, and thank you to @fangirlisms-22. I have started on the next chapter but knowing me, it’ll be a while before it’s done. I’m going to ask y’all to be patient again. I tried to tag everyone, but some blogs have deactivated, changed urls, or won’t let me tag them. Let me know if you need me to change your url on my list. Here’s the Spotify playlist for the entire fic.
I love feedback, so send me your thoughts, feelings, wishes, etc!
Tags are still barely open for this story, so send me an ask here to be added to it or my permanent list!
Self Control | Masterlist
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A week of radio silence goes by and you’re left alone with your thoughts. And lonely, desperate thoughts are not your friends. 
You try to stay in for the weekend, telling yourself that the distance is for the best. It’s giving you time to work on your story. You tear that piece to shreds and stitch it back together 10 times over. Your heart is starting to feel that same way.
Wednesday afternoon you realize you’ve run completely out of your grad student food staples: mac and cheese, tortillas, shredded cheese, peanut butter, and milk. And there’s only one box of cereal left on top of your fridge. Corn flakes. The bland cereal Chris loved so much. 
You can’t bring yourself to touch it. 
Forcing your body into a pair of sweatpants and shoes, you leave the apartment. The sun feels too bright for your sensitized eyes, and the temperature is much colder than you planned for, but you know better than to turn back. If you go back, you won’t come out until you have to see him after break.
As you pull into the grocery store it finally hits you. It’s already Thanksgiving eve. That much time had slipped away from you.
You trudge through the throngs of people scrambling for last minute items. No one pays any attention to your state of disarray.
Luckily, your basic needs are in stock and you’re able to get what you need without too much difficulty. You’re about to head to the registers when you stop at the liquor aisle. The thought only has to enter your mind before your feet immediately pivot toward the wine section.
You find 3 of the cheapest, most tolerable bottles and are stuffing them in your cart when you hear glass clanking behind you. You turn to find two of the last people you wanted to see.
Sebastian and Dr. Mackie.
“Oh shit,” Sebastian yelps as he tries to balance three separate bottles of liquor in one arm. Dr. Mackie snickers at him as he adds another bottle to their collection. 
You shift quickly, trying to keep your back to them. There’s no need for a conversation on a day like today.
“(Y/N),” Sebastian calls out. 
Your whole body tenses, fingers clenching the cart handle. How did he even know it was you in your chaotic state?
Footsteps approach you and you try to muster the strength to face them. At your best, you gather a forced smile.
“Hi (Y/N),” he grins as he slides up to your cart, Dr. Mackie in tow. 
“Hi guys,” you manage. You catch how Dr. Mackie’s eyes flash to your hair, and then your clothes. You try not to get caught up on how that makes you want to crawl home, with or without groceries. 
“What are you doing in town? It’s Thanksgiving,” Sebastian asks as he tries to pay more attention to his assortment of alcohol instead of your appearance.
“I’m staying here for break. My family’s a little spread out, so it’s hard to pick a side.” You glance over at Dr. Mackie, hoping that answer seems somewhat believable. 
He seems to buy it as he nods, “I get that.”
You’d never seen these men outside of an academic environment, and when you finally notice their current clothing, you feel the tiniest bit better about running into them. Dr. Mackie’s wearing a navy polo and a pair of gray chinos, while Sebastian’s in a pair of black jeans and a red henley.  
Something about seeing even your colleagues out of business casual, made you feel a little special. Like you were welcomed into Chris’s friend group with open arms. Like the relationship you and Chris have could exist both inside and outside of school safely.
Or had.
“If you’re staying in town, why didn’t you answer our email?” Sebastian asks.
“What email?” Your mind is already trying to remember the last time you glanced at your school account. It must have been nearly a week. But why would you check it when clearly staring at your text messages and voicemails from Chris had been filling your weaker moments?
“The one where we reached out to every grad student and faculty member whom had nowhere to go for Thanksgiving, and invited them to a potluck in the Webster hall student lounge?”
Your eyes shift between the men nervously, “Oh, uh, I must have missed that one.”
“That’s okay,” Dr. Mackie answers.
“Well look,” Sebastian continues, “we’re going to have a lot of food, and just need people to eat it now.”
“You could absolutely just bring a bottle of wine and load up a plate.” Dr. Mackie adds as he notices the bottles in your cart. Unfortunately, he doesn’t realize you already have plans to finish those bottles by yourself, and maybe even before Thanksgiving.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to make it.” More like you really hope you never have to leave your apartment again.
“Ah, you already have plans.”
You don’t, but you nod like you do in hopes they’ll back off. 
“Well I’m sure we’ll have leftovers,” Sebastian’s eyes become too sharp as the words leave his mouth, “so if you wanna stop by after you’re done doing whatever you have to do, you’re welcome to.” His tone of voice leaves you surprised he didn’t just outright wink at you.
But apparently he didn’t know yet. Chris hadn’t told him about your “distance.”
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to, but I’ll try.”
“Good,” Dr. Mackie nods, his eyes cutting to Sebastian, clearly trying to get his friend to leave you alone. You know the only time you’ve spent with him was at the faculty dinner, but inside you quietly thank him.
“Yeah, great. And you can bring anyone if you want. Thanksgiving is about sharing.” Sebastian’s eyes stay on yours, still unsubtly trying to communicate that Chris is welcome. Under his gaze, you feel a bubble of tension build in your chest, the precursor to more tears. 
“I won’t bring anyone, but thank you for offering.” You need to get out of here. You will not cry in front of Chris’s friends and colleagues. You drop your focus back onto your grocery cart, trying to stave off the warmth behind your eyes.
“You are very welcome. Seb, we should probably get going now,” Dr. Mackie swoops in for the save. “Whether we see you or not, have a good Thanksgiving (Y/N).” And he’s already guiding Sebastian away from you.
“Thanks, you too,” you call out. They don’t answer, and fortunately they round the corner before the first tear drops.
You finish your last bottle of wine late on Thanksgiving. You pick up your phone and nearly dial his number, but just as you reach his name in your contact list, you picture it in your mind.
Him, sitting at a large table covered in all the traditional Thanksgiving dishes. On his right is Jennifer, and she’s beaming. This is her in her element. She’s getting what she wants because Chris won’t tell his family yet that they’re getting divorced. But your mind focuses on the space between them, their joined hands sitting on the table.
You can’t help but throw your phone across the room.
You don’t need confirmation that you’re right, that your fear isn’t imaginary. But you also don’t need to sit around calling him, embarrassing yourself with desperate voice messages that ultimately won’t help your relationship.
You know there has to be something else to fill this void.
And then pull out your laptop and start writing. And it’s a very different story than the one you’ve been working on.
The rest of break comes and goes, and somehow you manage to honor the “distance.” Maybe it’s that your sadness has started becoming little pockets of anger, or maybe it’s that you’ve already cried and moped enough. 
But the first day back to classes, you go in with your head held high.
You made it this long without caving and calling, or going to see him. It’ll hurt, but you’ll make it through a class together. You end up being one of the first people in a seat, the students seem to have gotten slower since Thanksgiving break. Lethargic and ready for winter break already.
Winter break was supposed to be when you and Chris could end your distance, your weird work power dynamics would be over and neither of you could lose their job. But what used to feel like a hopeful promise felt like a drawn out execution now. If Thanksgiving had gone even vaguely how you imagined it had for him, you were sure the end was coming. 
Part of what made you love Chris was his heart, his empathy, his willingness to try to see the best in people. And while those traits hadn’t been applied to Jennifer in a while, you were nearly positive they could be again.
Tom comes in at his usual time, but sits at the end of the row behind you. You find that odd, but barely have a moment to dwell on it before Chris arrives. And his face is clean shaven.
A piece of your heart sinks, and you slip further into your chair. 
He avoids eye contact with you until after he has the presentation pulled up on the projector and the rest of the class has filed in. He takes a deep breath, his hands gripping the sides of the podium, and he looks out at the room. But his eyes seem to gloss over the break-hungover students and fall on you.
You feel yourself gulp, but you don’t look away. Not yet. His clothes are nicer, less rumpled than before break. His hair is shorter and slicked back, like it had been at the beginning of the semester. And his wedding ring seems to just catch the fluorescent lights perfectly. 
Everything but his gaze feels foreign. Almost too different than your Chris.
And that’s when you drop your gaze back to your laptop. Of course he’d been home long enough to do laundry and look like his old self again. Maybe it was for his family over break, but maybe it was for Jennifer. 
He watches you for one more moment, and then focuses back on the students. “Good afternoon, class. I hope everyone had a good break.”
Hearing his voice hurts worse than seeing him, but you straighten your spine and get through class. He does not hang his attention on you again, and the only one who seems to notice besides you, is Tom.
Your office hours feel like slow torture since you’re left alone with your thoughts about Chris again. And how he looked. And how he barely looked at you.
You wish for a distraction. A student, Robert to come in, or even Tom to show up even though he’d been icy towards you recently. But you get nothing.
So instead, you work on the new piece you started over break. That piece about cycles, and circumstances. About love given, and love lost. About power dynamics and the risks you take when you ignore them. 
Office hours nearly end before you look up. 
And Chris is standing on the other side of your open door, not knocking, but not walking away. You’re not sure what to make of that. 
Is he stopping himself from rushing up to you? Or is he forcing himself to stay there until you say something, until you force him to admit what’s really happening here?
He finally meets your eyes and your heart drops. Just like it had during that awful phone call. And you knew what that meant then, and what that says now.
But you try to fight it. You tell yourself it is just paranoia.
“Hi,” you say, your voice coming out short, trying to hide its shakiness.
“Hi.” Just one word from his lips and your very marrow wants to crawl to him, pleading to forget Thanksgiving break. Forget whatever transpired then. Remember what you had before. What you could have next.
But you stay in your seat and watch him step into your office gingerly. His eyes take in the room, either looking for new evidence in support of your relationship, or looking for a distraction so he doesn’t have to say it. Or at least that’s what it looks like. 
His hands are shoved in his pockets, his shoulders hunched. And it makes this feel even sadder.  He’s resigned to this. Whatever’s coming, he doesn’t really want it. Not fully. 
You can’t take it anymore, you have to end this pointless staring. His at your office, yours waiting for him.
“So, what do you need?”
His face changes, the slightest furrow of his brows, the gentlest sigh. As if you wounded him, rushing him through this moment. A moment you were starting to want over.
He closes your office door, leaving you two alone in a room with so many memories. A room that just a couple weeks ago held what you hoped was the promise of a future.
“We need to talk,” he says, sitting on the edge of the seat across from you. You nod, but don’t say anything. Not until you know what kind of talk this is.
He stares at you for a moment, watching your face, waiting for it to change, shift into something else. But you keep your emotions away from the surface. You’ve had enough time to think about this during your distance.
He finally continues, “This Thanksgiving was tense. A lot happened. A lot was said. But the time apart helped me figure somethings out.”
“Like what?” You watch as his fingers twitch, his eyes roaming you for clues on what you want to hear.
“Like, I’m not the only one who’s been seeing someone else. She wouldn’t tell me who, but I can’t help but feel like it was her way of throwing us in my face.” He pauses, but you don’t break, don’t reach for his hand or tell him he’s right. You wait for the rest.
“And I learned that our families aren’t ready for a divorce yet.” His eyes focus on the edge of your desk. He still won’t stand up to them yet. 
He knows this isn’t fair to you. And he won’t even look you in the eye as he admits it.
“So, where does that leave me?” A fire fuels in your belly, you want to scream at him. You can’t keep living in this state of distance. That he needs to figure out whether he wants you more than he wants to avoid conflict with her and his family.
“As someone I want a future with.” He’s watching your chest now, the way your breath fills your lungs, and you hold it in, praying that he’ll just drop the other shoe. “As someone I could see myself growing old with, living a full, creative life together.”
He hesitates and you try to keep the air moving in and out of your body. You do not have any new breath-held wishes, everything you could ever hope for from this moment has already found a home in your mind. And it is accompanied by all your fears about this relationship, and its end. 
But the way his shoulders slump, and his elbows dig into his knees as he leans on them. The way his head now hangs in his hands. You feel that your fears are unfortunately, closer to this reality.
“But not someone I can have a now with.” 
Your heart felt it coming, and it hurts worse than you ever would have expected.
That fire is in your chest now, beating your lungs, eating the oxygen from them. Like a hit to the gut. There’s no more breath to hold. 
Was this relationship always going to be a waiting game? Or just a dalliance to fill the time?
“This time apart, this distance has already been painful enough, Chris. But I was doing it to protect both of us.”
He raises his head, and his watery eyes catch on your own, “It’s been terrible not seeing you, not talking to you. It’s been painful for me too. But it’s been for the best.”
“Best as in it protects us for our future? Or best as in it allows you to give your marriage another shot?” Will he stop trying to dance his way around this, stop softening this? You need a clear answer on where you stand, and where you are going to be moving forward.
“I- I’m afraid to say both.”
And that hits you with an overwhelming force. Your heart has sunk so far, you are not even sure you have one anymore. You just want to curl into a ball and cry. But instead, you let that fire from before crawl its way into your mouth. “So do you want me to wait around for you? Let you test the waters with Jennifer again until you're sure you want to be with me? Because that’s not what I signed up for with us.”
“I know that, and that’s not what I wanted for us either.” 
“And if I wait any longer, I’m not protecting us anymore. I’m protecting you, and your life, while mine gets boxed away. But what I want should matter too.”
“Y/N, it does,” he whispers, but it doesn’t slow you down.
“Should we still even try to be together? If you’re not sure that this is it, that I am who you should be with, what’s the point? What are we holding out for?”
All the air from the room feels like it has been sucked out. Chris is staring at you like you’ve wrecked his whole world. And inside, it absolutely feels like you’ve just ripped apart your own. But you know it had to be said. 
“Because I love you. And you love me.”
“Is that enough Chris? Because it’s starting to seem like it isn’t anymore.”
He looks at you, eyes wide as his lower lip trembles softly, but you remind yourself to hold your ground. He was the one who’d come in there to tell you he might go back to his wife. He was the one who had already planned on doing this.
“It was, it is. We just need to wait it out. See if Jennifer and Robert will leave us alone.”
“They already know, and so does probably half of the department.” You hope your words aren’t actually true, but between all the conversations you had before break, it sure as hell feels like it. “I’m not staying your secret affair. I’m not your office hours hook up because you can’t tolerate your wife. You either tell me right now that you will fully work on what we have, or you tell me it’s over.”
His eyes are searching your office again, looking for courage, or maybe an excuse. He doesn’t seem to find it, and his focus settles on your joined hands. You clench them together, a silent prayer for the truth. 
“I can’t do either of those things.”
Your breath catches in your throat. You just want a straight goddamn answer. “Chris…”
“I can’t. Because I don’t want to lose you, it hurts so much to be apart from you. But I can’t gamble with the rest of my life, my job, my family. I can’t just ignore them and run away again. It’s not working out for any of us that way.”
You want to snap that it was working out fine for you, but you try not to be more selfish than you already feel. And as well as you were making out, he is right, these last few months hadn’t been perfect. Except you don’t want perfect, you just want a promise to try. A whole-hearted attempt. 
Instead, you stay quiet for a moment, watching him, taking him in. His clearly upset features, his body perched on the edge of his seat. His words are telling you that the one fear you had grown so very close to this entire break, is real. His already established, semi-comfortable life is more important than you, or your happiness. And you had really wanted to be wrong.
“That is my answer.” Your mouth finally moves, saying what you were thinking all along. “Your inability to make a decision is everything I need to know.”
“I didn’t want this to happen (Y/N). I don’t want this to be over.” His hands reach out for yours, searching for a physical connection, a spark. Something that will help him soften this, or make you change your mind.
But it won’t. And you pull your fingers from your desk.
“Then you should have thought about that earlier, Chris. You should have considered whether kissing me in this hallway could ruin your life. That sleeping with me in your office could demolish everything. You should have decided then, if this last 3 months was worth it, to risk it all? Because I decided that then. I decided I wanted you, and this, but I knew I might regret it one day. And you’ve probably proven me right.”
Chris’s eyes latch onto your own, shock lifting his brows so gently. Like you’ve landed the final blow, you knocked him out. But this wasn’t a match for you to win. No, this was a mercy kill. You know now this relationship had to end before it sacrificed what was left of your control, and your sanity.
“I always wanted this. There’s not a single second I’ve regretted it.” His tone comes out rough, as if the anger you’ve let out finally reaches his own gut. And you hope it burns as much for him as it does for you.
“Good for you. But if you really wanted this, why didn’t you tell me about Jennifer’s sudden interest in getting back together earlier? Why didn’t you tell your family that you guys are over? That there’s no hope for your marriage, and that you’re ready to move on? Would you rather have a second chance with her instead of a first, real chance with me?”
You look down at your own hands in your lap, your fingers twisted together. And for a moment you second guess this whole conversation. Is this really how this has to go? “Or at least that’s what I asked myself over and over again during break.”
He stays quiet, his eyes shifting down, settling on his knees. They bounce as his heels tap the floor. His nerves are so raw, that he might just be finally admitting to himself, that this has reached its conclusion. That maybe this was never going to end any differently.
The words leave his mouth so quietly, you almost miss them. “So this is the end then?” 
As much as this already feels like slicing a part of yourself off, you were staying strong. But his tone, its soft resignation, it builds a heat behind your eyes. And your tears threaten to let loose.
“I’ll finish the semester as your TA, but yes. I-” the crack in your voice gives away more than you’ve shown this entire conversation. And his baby blues latch on to it, to you. A final, silent pleading. But you gulp, “I think it is.” 
Inside you are begging for him to say no, it’s not. That he won’t let this be the end. That you are more important than Jennifer, than his family, than anyone’s opinion.
He nods to himself, his eyes squeezing shut. He takes a moment to make himself accept it, and then he pushes himself up.
“I’m sorry this is how we’re ending, (Y/N). I never meant to compromise your feelings or your wants. I didn’t mean to hurt you. But I understand how my intentions have gotten lost in our situation.” He moves to your door, turning his back to you. 
You feel your bottom lip quiver as the tears in your eyes start to bleed out.
“I’m sorry too, Chris.” He hesitates, looking back at you as his hand reaches the door knob. “Goodbye.”
One more quick nod as his gaze drops, attempting to ignore your quiet sob. His fingers push open the door and he whispers, “Goodbye.”
And then he’s gone, and your office hours are over, and you want to be anywhere but here. But as you try to stand, you can’t move yet. This loss feels paralyzing. Your limbs lock in denial, your mind wants to bargain now. But you know it’s too late.
So you sit there, and cry every tear out you can, waiting for the pain to subside. Waiting for your breath to stop shaking. Waiting for you to feel confident in your choices.
And eventually, it does. And you do.
Tags: @irishdancr24​ @lostboyinneverland​ @dianaofsthemyscira​​ @funlizzie02-blog​ @void-imaginations​ @cryingovershipsthatneversailed​ @breezykpop​ @jcc04220​ @nys30​ @jonsnowisnotdeadthough​ @guera31​ @wickedcitywitch @london-dreamer71​ @patzammit​ @lilypalmer1987​ @talannalew​ @thatonetuesdaywhensam @supperunnatural20​ @evanstanfanatic​ @lucinapomona​ @r5rocks101​ @dolphinpink310​ @bojabee​ @zlixlle​ @smashley816​ @youtheheckisbucky​ @bit-of-a-timelord​ @sebastian-i-stan​ @stevieang​ @suz-123​ @thefridgeismybestie​ @ssweet-empowerment​ @sophiealiice​ @imaginesofdreams​ @anotherawkwardaustralian​ @lostxsea​
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peaky-shelby · 5 years
When he sees me [4]
Pairing: Chris Evans x oc
Summary: Delilah is a simple shy girl. What will happen when famous actor, Chris Evans sees her? Will she hide, will she run again? Will he make her come out of hiding instead?
Episode 4: The one with the double date
Read:  prologue, episode 1, episode 2 , episode 3
Words: 2.656
Based on When he sees me by Sara Bereilles
Warnings: mentions of sex, awkwardness, fluff, mentions of anxiety and Sebastian Stan.
Author’s note: this one is practically the begging of the story. The beginning of the battle that Delilah will have to go through. Will they survive? Thanks again for reading and please don’t forget leave your thoughts�� and if you stop answering I’ll just assume that you want me to stop tagging you♥️
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On the drive from the club to the house Delilah didn’t shut up. She kept mumbling about all these reasons why the double date was not a good idea. A part of her knew that Laura wasn’t really listening but she kept going. You see, she talks a lot when she has something to say.
”how could you think of something like that?„ Delilah shut the door to their apartment and threw her back on the nearest chair, her entire body was shaking, her mind was a maze, she had so many things to say, so many worries to express and she couldn’t get them together. She kept pacing back and forth like she was trying to find her sense around the room.
“Would you calm down? I think It’s the perfect idea and everything will go alright—„
“You thought ‘stole his car’ was a metaphor for sleeping with him! Excuse me but I don’t trust your judgment. How am I supposed to go on a double date? I don’t even go on alone dates—„
“This is exactly why I suggested it, you needed a date—„
“I didn’t Laura! That’s my point! I’m happy! Maybe I haven’t dated in a while but that doesn’t mean I’m sad! I don’t need a date, i need to be calm and right now I’m not calm!„
“For God’s Shake Chris Evans asked you out—„
“No!„ She paused her pace and pointed at Laura “It was your idea! He’s just too kind to say anything! You forced him in to asking me out and now it’s going to be a disaster—„
Laura rolled her eyes and went to the kitchen to make herself some tea. She had witnessed these kind of meltdowns many times, soon it would be over. “Or maybe it will be a really fun night!„
“Well we’ll never know cuz I’m not going!„ Delilah left the living room and went to her bedroom, she sat on her bed, trying to keep her body still but her leg kept trembling against the ground. She heard Laura’s sigh from the kitchen and she could imagine her rolling her eyes again. After her 4th meltdown, Laura stopped getting worried, instead she’d use her wit and sarcasm to help, it was more efficient.
“If you keep hitting your foot against the floor, Ms. Reynolds will come shouting again.„ she said entering the room with two cups of tea. Delilah lifted her feet and sat with her legs crossed on her bed. Then Laura handed her one of the cups and sat next to her.
“This is madness! I can’t even go out with the cat guy across the hall and I’m supposed to go on date with Chris Evans? What am I even going to say?„
“Pff that’s obvious!„
“Is it?„
“If you went out with America’s president you’d talk about politics, so considering you’re going out with America’s ass you can talk about butts„ Laura sipped her tea, looking at Delilah cheekily.
“Here im having a serious problems which you created and you’re making jokes—„
“Oh D, come on, what’s your serious problem?! That You have a date with America’s Ass?„
“Stop calling him that!„
“You’re being a child! I get it you’re worried but you have nothing to lose! No matter the out come we are going out with Sebastian Stan and Chris Evans and you’re sitting here whining about what may or may not happen instead of spending your time trying to find the right dress! Literally a child!„
Delilah didn’t respond. She looked down at her cup, saw her reflection in the tea. It was a blur, exactly how she felt on the inside, a blur. Laura wasn’t wrong, she knew that but she couldn’t just ignore the anxiety that she was feeling about the coming night. Her thoughts came to a pause when Laura placed her hand on her shoulder “I’ll be with you, watching everything, if it gets really bad, I’ll drag you out of there myself but don’t let that noise in your head take away this amazing chance. It’s just noise Delilah, just noise. But he is real and right now he is worrying about you the same way you are worrying about him, if he wanted to say no, he would have said no.„ she smiled, pushed Delilah on shoulder gently to make her look up. “But he didn’t.„
Delilah raised her head, her eyes connecting with her friend’s. Laura was her safety net, the one person in the world her head made no noise about. She was always sure about their friendship, they were a family, chasing dreams in LA. Somehow Laura would always find a way to convince her into doing things, she usually wouldn’t. Maybe that was because she knew deep down that even if things went completely sideways, Laura would be there to catch her. Even if she was the one that pushed her off the cliff in the first place.
“I have been on a date in so long I’ve forgotten how to do it.„
Laura laughed “hun, that’s exactly why I’m here! I got experience on that area.„
“Right yeah.. last night, I think you got a little more experience in that area.„
Laura giggled and nodded “yeah I think I did!„
“How did that happen?„ asked Delilah.
“I don’t know... it wasn’t supposed to happen. I had met him ones or twice before in different events, we kept in touch and last night we got a little tipsy and you know.. things just happened.„
“So you like him?„
“Yeah, Yeah I do and I don’t think it’s just fun and games.. he’s a nice one D. I got a good feeling about it.„
“Well I guess we’ll find out tonight.„ Delilah smiled.
They spent the rest of their time, arguing about what they were going to wear. Laura wanted to go with a sexy kind of style, whilst Delilah wanted to keep it simple. At one point they even had a clothes war, Dresses, pants and shirts were thrown all over the house. In the end Laura wore a white top with a portrait neck and a short black flower skirt. Delilah wore a blue dress with flutter sleeves.
As planned Chris and Sebastian were under their house at 8. Delilah saw them arriving in Chris’ car from the window and she instantly panicked.
“I don’t wanna go!„ she whined. Laura ignored her cries and held her arm, pulling her with her out of their apartment.
“There’s my girl!„ Sebastian walked over to Laura immediately “I’ve been waiting to kiss these lips all day.„ he said, leaning down and acting on his wish. Delilah laughed as she watched them, she kinda wanted that but she was too scared to ask for it.
“Hey.„ his voice was like a summer evening breeze. It awoke her from her meaningless thoughts in such a calming way. His tall presence behind her, warmed her entire body even tho he wasn’t touching her. Slowly she turned and looked at him, her cheeks slightly blushing under his watch.
“You look really pretty.„ he said. This is a good start, she thought and smiled.
“Thank you, you too.„
At that moment ditching Laura and Sebastian and staying alone with Chris didn’t seem such a bad idea but—
“Alright! Let’s go! Come on, I’m hungry!„ said Sebastian.
Chris was driving, Delilah was shotgun and Sebastian and Laura were in the back. They couldn’t keep their hands to each other for the whole drive.
“Goodness if they keep going like that they’ll eat each other.„ whispered Delilah, hoping only Chris would hear.
“Sebastian did say he was hungry.„
“Ewww!„ She exclaimed in a high pitched voice making Chris laugh at her reaction.
“Try not to make babies in the restaurant!„ advised Chris, when they arrived at the restaurant. They all followed him in, Delilah was right behind him, hidden by his tall body and the other two were only a few steps behind. The waiter showed them to their table, Laura made sure that they’d sit in the right way for Delilah to be next to Chris.
During the night he’d noticed the little things, how her laughter differed when she actually found something funny from when she was just been kind. How excited she’d get to talk about her favorite books and theater and how she’d let her mind wonder from time to time in thoughts only she could hear. And In that moment while she was talking with Sebastian and Laura about books, he caught himself staring at her . She looked like the ocean in her blue dress, natural and yet ethereal. He could only see the right side of her face, a strand of her was covering her rosy cheek so in a very gentle movement he stretched his hand and moved her hair behind her ear. She looked at him as soon as she felt his warm hand against her skin. Chris pulled his hand back quickly, idiot— that was so weird why would you do that?
“Sebastian don’t we have this thing to go to?„ Said Laura unexpectedly.
“What thing?„
That question got him a punch in the shoulder.
“Oh the thiiiiing— Yeah we should go to the thing.„
“you don’t have a car„ Delilah tried to stop her friend from leaving.
“We’ll get an Uber!„ answered Sebastian
“You should know every nice love story starts with an Uber—„ Laura was cut off by Delilah’s murderous look. “Lets go before she kills me!„
Sebastian left money on the table for Chris and left with Laura. Chris and Delilah didn’t say anything for a couple of minutes, it’s like they had forgotten how two humans communicate.
“What do you think the thing is?„ asked Chris, trying to make a conversation. Obviously there is no thing, She probably thinks I’m an idiot.
“Obviously there is no thing. I mean there’s his thing which she’ll be getting—„ Delilah’s cheeks blushed immediately after she said the joke and she let her head drop on the table, feeling like a total idiot. “God I’m so sorry— that was really inappropriate I had too much whine—„
Chris laughed, she’s adorable.
“It’s alright— you’re probably right.„
She giggled at his reassurance, he tapped her on the shoulder so she’d look at him and smirked “wanna get out of here too?„
“Honestly? Yeah.„
“Lets go I have an idea.„
“Goodness this is so cheesy“ she whispered getting out of the car. Chris chuckled at her comment.
“I’m sorry it’s the best I could come up with last minute.„
“Well I’m not complaining, I’m just saying—„
“It’s cheesy.„ he completed her sentence, making her laugh a little.
Living in a LA for the last 3 years this was actually the first time she had gone on Mount Lee at night. The view was beautiful, the lights of the street looked like diamonds, the world looked so peaceful from up here, like a painted picture.
“You always see the Hollywood sign from down there... it’s so weird to be up here looking down there.„ she smiled, tilting her head to look at him “it’s cheesy but it’s beautiful.„
Chris looked down at her with so much affection. Night has never looked so beautiful on a person, it was like it was tailored for her to wear it.
“You know... when you are in Hollywood, so deep in the fuss of it, the fame and the craziness you forget how beautiful it is as a place. The history, the magic, the secrets, the art...everything about it. So I like to come up here, enjoy the view and remember.... and I feel so privileged to be able to say that I’m part of it, not because of the fame or the money but the—„
“History.„ she finished his sentence like he had done earlier “..and the beauty.„ she added in a whisper making him smile. He took a step forward and turned his whole body to her.
This is the perfect moment, right? She wants me to kiss her. I’ll just do it, but I’ll go in slow in case she wants to stop me— please don’t stop me. I bet her lips taste like caramel. Only a few inches closer, just a little bit—
Delilah stopped him by placing her hand on his chest. Chris looked at her worried but she wasn’t even looking at him, she was watching something behind him.
“I think there are two people doing it behind the bush.„ she whispered, trying not to laugh. Chris immediately turned and sure enough there were two people behind the bush totally getting it. He tried his hardest to contain his laughter but Delilah gave up and broke down in chuckles.
“Let’s get out of here!„ he suggested and pulled her with him to the car. When they got in they both started laughing like kids and Chris drove away quickly. And when they were in a fair distance he asked her if she wanted to go home and Delilah said yes.
“This is it.„ she whispered when they arrived. Chris smiled at her, he wanted her to stay.
“We should do something again.„
“I’d really like that.„ she whispered and leaned in to gave him a gentle peck on the cheek. His beard stroked her face, making her heart flutter. Their connection was so tender and sweet. She pulled away and gave him one last smile before she exited the car. Chris watched her leave until last minute he remembered:
“Oh god the bracelet!„ he got off the car and run to her. “Sorry! I almost forgot!„
“What happened?„
“You lost this, again.„ he pulled the bracelet out of his pocket and placed it on her hands. “Next time I’ll find it, I’ll keep it!„ he added. Delilah laughed and nodded.
“I’ll be more careful I promise. Thank you Chris!„
They stood still for a moment. Chris was only looking at her not saying anything. “There’s one more thing..„ he started saying.
Do it. Kiss her. If it wasn’t for the pervs making out in the bushes, she would have kissed you. Kiss her.
He stepped closer and curled her hair behind her ear, Delilah watched his movements carefully, her heart was about to drop out of her chest but she wasn’t going to stop him.
He leaned closer and closer and closer until there was no space between them and his lips met hers. It was quick and sweet, only a little peck on her lips and nothing more but Delilah was still feeling like he stole her voice and her breath. She opened her eyes and found him looking at her with his golden eyes like he was asking for permission to kiss her again. She gave it to him with a simple smile and Chris moved closer to her, kissing her one more time. His right hand was placed gently on her cheek while she had very awkwardly placed her hand on his hips, holding on his jacket. She had forgotten how to do this, it was like it was her first time. Chris sensed her struggle and pulled away, giving her a reassuring smile. Delilah giggled in embarrassment and looked away. “I’m sorry..I— I’m not used to this. I..should really go.„ her anxiety was very slowly but surely raising from her toes up to her head and she knew that soon the noise would start playing in her mind. She had to leave before he could hear it. The giggles stopped and she stepped away from him. He nodded and waved “goodnight..I’ll call you„ he smiled.
“Goodnight Chris.„
She walked in the building and fast in her apartment. Shutting the door and as soon as she did that the noise began.
@annoyinglydarktriumph-us @purely-myself-03 @yelyahcardella @tessvillegas @thejemersoninferno
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Event: Paisley Sinclair and Luca Costello’s Wedding Date: 09/07/19
A wedding that was supposed to unify two families ended up causing further division. After a mysterious figure shot and killed Paisley Sinclair, both families are struggling to cope. People have already started pointing fingers - it’s only a matter of time before someone else ends up dead.
Citizens of Chicago, prepare for war. 
Attached below is the Chatzy from 09/07. 
Cici followed a waiter around eagerly, stealing tiny sandwiches off his platter and stuffing them in her purse.
Paityn couldn’t fucking believe it; after she was the one consistently getting reamed out by mommy and daddy for figuratively sleeping with the enemy not one, but two of her siblings showed up to Paisley’s wedding with Costellos as their dates. Priya with Ezra and Bash with Mia. Fucking hypocrites. Of course, when it’s the good kids no one bat an eye. She couldn’t deal. Not sober. The joints in her bag was meant for the reception, but she couldn’t wait. Paityn walked through the wedding hall and found the men’s bathroom. This will have to do. She locked herself alone in a stall and lit up, inhaling the smoke, hoping her heart rate would slow.
Ezra: walked into the venue, along side Priya, only just now starting to get a tad nervous - was it too much to bring one of the brides sister's as <i>your date</i> especially when the bride just happens to be marrying <i>your brother?</i> Well fuck it if it was, Ezra was beyond caring at this point. He grabbed a drink from the try, taking a sip of the champagne.
Sofia: Sofia emerged from her brother's room, now wearing her barely-there dress. It was too late for anyone to tell her to change. The Sinclairs were going to see, the media was going to see, and goddammit, if she couldn't stop this wedding, she could at least make everyone who'd organized it regret the experience. Strutting into a sunbeam, so that you could see through the blush fabric (close to white, but not quite close enough for her mother to actually murder her), she went looking for a bar. Time to find something appropriately sugary to throw in Leon's face when he finally showed up.
Violet arrived from the back rooms, popping into the main hall long enough to snatch up a glass of champagne as the waiter passed. The guests were trickling in and Violet spotted some familiar faces. Most of the Costello men were gathered in the back with Luca, except, probably Leon, of course, given recent circumstances.
Mia scanned the room, eying everything from the servers, to the food and the stunning decorations. Twisting on the bracelet around her wrist, she turned her gaze back to her date. Were they supposed to sit? Find a place to stand? The sight of Ezra and Priya entering was the best excuse to strike up a conversation though. "We all had the same idea, huh?" she half jokingly offered to the stunning redhead and her older brother. When had all of this happened?
Kai was in Luca's room, helping the groom get himself together, and possibly preventing him from jumping out the nearest window. "You need anything? A drink? A puke bag?"
Chanel fixed her hair in the bathroom mirror, making sure her makeup was perfect just like everything else for this event was going to be. Finally approving of the overall look, she walked out and looked around at everyone who was already in attendance. If she had anything to do with it, this day was going to go perfectly
Ezra: laughed, "you know what they say Mia, great minds." Seriously when did these two become a thing? Ezra's feels completely out of the loop. "How long's this been a thing" he asked, eyes travelling from his sister to Sebastian.
Chanel went to eat some cocktail weenies
Priya was glad to be walking into this with Ezra. It was going to be a long night by the looks of it. She smiled when she saw her brother with Mia. She had known the two would be coming together since the engagement party. "We did," she laughs.
Abel Costello surveyed the room, tugging at his collar even though he already skipped wearing a tie, he then spotted Kai from across the room and gave him a nod before making his way towards his cousin who looked handsome in blue (ily chris lol).
Luca was trying not to freak himself out. He'd tuned everyone out. The wedding was minutes away now, and the nerves he felt didn't seem to be letting up - regardless of the joint he'd smoked. He finally looked up at Kai. "We should take shots."
Sofia: Sugary drink acquired, Sofia snagged Abel as he was going past. "C'mon, Kai and Luca are in his room. Let's go do shots with them or something."
Kai flashed his cousin a smile, reaching into his jacket pocket for the flask he brought with. You know, just in case. "Bottoms up," he said, taking a drink for himself before offering it to Luca. "Don't worry. I'll steal more from the bartenders if need be."
Kieran was in no particular mood for a wedding. He couldn't even imagine the amount of drama that was bound to happen tonight. Kieran had already told himself that he was doing this shit sober, so he sipped on a glass of water, eyes scanning the room for a familiar face.
Mia smiled, finding that while both pairs might be unexpected, she was glad to see her brother smile, joke and laugh. Some of that had to be in part of Priya. "Great minds indeed." Glancing over at Sebastian she did not exactly know how to answer her brothers question. A thing. Was it? Were he and Priya a thing? "Not long. I asked Sebastian if he wanted to go with me." she lifted her shoulders in a small shrug. "How about the two of you?"
Cici stood in the back of the room, sipping a class of champagne and staring at a vase holding flowers. She couldn't tell if they were plastic or not and reached out to touch it, looking around to make sure no one saw her.
Paityn continued to smoke her joint in the men's room; her heels resting on the toilet seat in case anyone entered. Paityn wanted to hide.
Jack: Jack was looking for Paityn, who was MIA, and Shiloh, who was AWOL. Corralling them all was like herding cats. He saw Cici and waved, moving towards her, before stopping when he saw Kieran. Well, boo fucking hoo. He continued over and smiled, kissing her on the cheek. "You clean up nice."
Abel Costello was intercepted by Sofia, and promptly dragged away from the main room to meet up with the rest of the family. Inside, Luca looked like he was about to be beheaded and Kai was, well, calm as always. Abel glanced at Sofia and pressed his lips together, knowing full well that Cassandra was going to have a fit when she sees her. "Everything alright?" he asked.
Violet spotted Mia and Ezra with their dates? Whatever. She headed in their direction, lifting her dress so her hem didn't drag. "Interesting choice in companions for the night. You all look gorgeous, as usual." She offered them all a smooth smile, giving a nod to Priya and Sebastian.
Priya reached for Ezra's hand at Mia's question. How long had it been? A day since the kiss but them interacting? She wasn't sure. There was no concept of time when she was with him. "I am not actually sure." She turns to Ezra and smiles at him.
Luca wasn't about to pass up on a drink. He grabbed Kai's flask and downed a swig. "You cannot let me do this shit sober. You hear me? If I start acting sober, put some more liquor in me." He glanced over at Abel and Sofia. "Family reunion. Perfect time for a family reunion."
Juliet grabbed a glass of champagne and sipped at it as her eyes scanned the room.
Leon was late, which was both unlike him but also because he really didn't feel like being anywhere near the rest of his family. He'd had enough for the year, let along the entire week. Sunglasses still on to try and hide his black eye, stood by one of the walls, hands in his pocket as he watched the crowd.
Ezra squeezed Priya's hand tightly, giving her a warm smile. "We're taking things slow, we're not going to rush into anything. I think we've had enough shotgun relationships to last a lifetime." He turned to Violet then, "well you know, I'm always keen to liven things up, you look beautiful," he said complimenting his ex-sister in law.
Cici smiled as Jack approached her and she laughed slightly as he kissed her cheek. "Well, there's a friendly face. I thought for a minute there, this was almost an exclusive Costello event." Taking a sip from her drink, she looked him over. "Not as nice as you, Jack. I'll let you in on a little secret...my dress is from Target. Don't tell anyone."
Kai twirled his wrist in a gesture toward Abel, "C'mon. You know you want a drink," he smirked.
Kai added, drawing an X across his heart, "I promise not to let you do this shit sober. I also promise not to let you fall on your ass."
Sofia: Sofia snagged the flask from Abel and downed a hefty amount. "I'll get more. You're all a bunch of pussies anyway. I can drink you all under the table." She hugged Luca. "Be right back, promise."
Penelope stood at one of the tables, drink in hand as she watched everyone interacting. It was a matter of time before someone ended up fighting.
Abel Costello shrugged at Kai, realizing that he'll have no chance to even do security when Sofia was going to be a handful. He then turned to Luca and tilted his head. "It's a wedding, not your beheading." Not the best pep talk, but totally on-brand. "We're here for you, Lu."
Chanel looks for a flute of champagne to sip on and wonders who she should go socialize with. She spotted the mother of the bride at a table by herself and walked over to her, picking up a glass to drink on her way. Stopping at the table she offered a smiled and looked out at all the people. "It looks beautiful so far. I'm sure the ceremony will be stunning."
Kai sighed wistfully as he watched Sofia run out of the room, "She truly lights up a room, doesn't she?"
Jack: "Well, Target looks better on you than Louis Vuitton does on half the people here, so who the fuck cares anyway." Jack glanced back at Kieran. "You want me to tell him to check the perimeter or something? Go oil a gun?" He wanted Cici to have a good time, and if that involved shooing Kieran away like one of his cats, he was happy to do so.
Mia couldn't entirely believe what she was seeing. Oh yeah, Ezra and Priya were definitely a thing. Trying to hide just how surprised she was, Mia found Violet to come over at just the right moment. Thank god. "Thats great. And probably wise." She noted with a nod. Smiling at Vi she playfully nudged her with her hip. "You look absolutely stunning." She agreed.
Penelope smiled back at the blonde. Chanel was probably the most competent of the Costello’s. “Yes, everything has turned out beautifully.” She raised a glass to the blonde. “You deserve a drink with the way the last two weeks have gone.”
Ezra watched Leon walk in from the corner of his eye, "anyone ever tell our brother wearing sunglasses inside was terribly ruined?" He smirked, knowing exactly why his brother had made that fashion choice.
Elijah walks into the cocktail hour with his flask in hand. There may have already been drinks being served but none better than the moonshine he'd managed to concoct in his free time. Taking a deep swig he looked for Shiloh but couldn't see him right away. Instead he saw Jackson and walked over to him, giving him a pat on the back. "What's up motherfuckers." Seeing Cici, he cleared his throat and nodded at her very gentelmany. "And lady."
Violet gave Ezra and Mia a genuine smile, her features soft and relaxed as they usually were, especially in spite of the circumstances. "Thank you. I scored a super hot date, you know. Sofia. Whom I haven't been able to find for a bit now but... I'm sure she's got her halo on tight."
Violet followed Ezra's line of sight to spot Leon and his... sunglasses. "It's probably worse today," she replied absently.
Priya gave Violet a polite smile when she approached the four of them. "Mia," managed to look away from Ezra and to his sister, "I still cannot believe you managed to get my brother to have a date to this. Please let me know you did it. I have been trying to get him out with someone for years."
Luca nodded. "I know. I'm just fucking nervous." Luca anxiously stared at his phone, checking the time. He watched as Sofia wandered off. Luca stood from his chair, stretched out a little awkwardly. "Thank you guys for not fuckin' killing my buzz."
Chanel laughed and raised the drink she had just retrieved for herself. "I'm sure we all deserve a drink for the last two weeks. But the day is finally here, can you believe it?"
Cici followed Jack's eyes to Kieran, and she frowned a little. "Eh, he looks uncomfortable enough standing alone. Who knows, maybe you being here makes him jealous." Laughing, Cici threw her drink back and finished it. She hadn't meant what she said, but she suddenly found herself actually wondering it it was true. Glancing over at Kieran again, she hadn't noticed him look over. "So, where's the lucky girl who arrived as your date?"
Kai gave Luca a pat on the shoulder and a smile, "Of course not. That's Paisley's job now."
Sofia: Sofia saw a boy over with a couple of what she assumed were Sinclairs. They could've been relatives for all she knew. The important thing was, it was a boy, and he looked appropriately heteroflexible at least. Swinging near him, she bumped into him, giggled, and took his flask fast as lightning. "See ya, cutie." She tripped away, flask in one hand, sugary cocktail in the other. Just as she spotted Violet and was headed over to say hi, she saw what Violet was looking at, and made a beeline for Leon. "Your outfit needs ... something." She threw the drink in his face. "There we go!"
Penelope laughed, placing her own glass back on the table. “ That’s very true. Just a few more hours and we can put this whole thing behind us.”
Abel Costello couldn't help but smirk, not really wanting to voice out his agreement. "I'm still your date, but I think we should split up to look after the twins." He glanced at Luca then at Kai. "Guess I'm taking the hellspawn." (he says that lovingly okay?)
Mia narrowed her eyes a little as she saw her little sister fly across the room, clearly on the search for something. "Oh she's here alright." she noted to Violet. At Ezra's mention of Leon, she raised an eyebrow to her brother, silently asking 'Where?' to figure out which corner to scan in order to find Leon and these infamous sunglasses. Of course it was no darn surprise he'd opted for them. Anything to hide that well deserved shiner. Right then Priya said her name though, and for the time being her search of Leon would have to wait. "Really? Ahm.. not sure there's much to tell? We just had a nice conversation and I was lucky enough to get him to agree to go with me. Years huh?" Her question was directed more at Sebastian than Priya, curiosity dancing in her eyes.
Cici surprised at Elijah's sudden appearance, although not really, she rolled her eyes. "You actually are wearing a suit, Elijah. I'm shocked."
Violet 's eyes widened as she watched Sofia throw a drink in Leon's face, unable to curb the laugh that leaped from her lips. "Oh my god."
Chanel smiled and nodded, taking small sips from her glass. They could put this all behind them. Hopefully. Looking around the room some more, she wondered if either of the lucky couple had made an appearance yet. Was that bad luck? She couldn't really remember. "Have Luca or Paisley been out at all?"
Leon "What the fuck Sofia?" Leon yelled, knowing this was probably the last place that he should be yelling. "You know if you have an issue with everything or with me do it on your own fucking time," he stated, his voice getting quieter as he glared at his sister, taking off his sunglasses, "because if you really want to start a fight today, I'm sure that Dad's going to love that."
Jack: Jack glanced down at Cici, amused at the idea that he was making Kieran jealous, when he was mildly jealous of Kieran to begin with. That was the way things went, he supposed. Before he could say anything else, Elijah approached and Jack smacked him upside the head just from reflex, but then patted him for the nice save with Cici. Luca's twin came over but Jack was already paying more attention to Cici again. "I came stag. Don't think anyone wanted to put up with my grumbling."
Ezra laughed, "really Mi? You guys just talked?" Colour him not entirely convinced. He turned then, just in time to see drama play out between Sophie and Leon. "Jesus Leon's really mister popular right now with the twins uh?"
Penny let her eyes run the room again before settling on the blonde. "Not that I've seen but for Paisley that doesn't surprise me. Flair for the dramatic practically runs in the family."
Benjamin wasn't technically working, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to try to stop shit from going down. He stood near the door, watching as Sofia tossed a drink in Leon's face. He tried not to laugh, considering Leon would technically be his boss someday. Instead, Ben clenched his jaw and stared at something else.
Elijah reacted to the slap on the back of his head but recovered smoothly. He adjusted his suit and smiled wickedly at Cici. "Of course I am. I clean up very nicely when the occasion calls for it." And then suddenly his flask was out of hand and some girl, the Costello Twin? Was gone with it, throwing drinks around like they were toys. "Hey now, I'm going to need that back!"
Salma was fashionably late, but she walked into the event without a care. She made her way over towards the bar, grabbing a flute of champagne, she turned to scan the room, looking for a familiar face.
Priya "Years." Priya gave a smile to her brother before continuing, "I have been a thorn in his side over it." Out of the corner of her eye she caught the final moments of the interaction between Leon and his sister. It looks like the other Costello twin was competing for who could ruin the night first.
Luca finally decided it was time to go out and socialize with people. The wedding was only minutes away. He buried down whatever nerves that he'd felt. Luca headed out towards the main area, where everyone was socializing, and decided to make an entrance. He swiped a bottle of open champagne and downed quite a bit of it before making his presence known. "Welcome to my wedding, fu-" Luca cut himself off whenever he saw Penny. Maybe he shouldn't address the guests as fuckers.
Sofia: Sofia felt elated, too excited to regret anything, and squared up for a shouting match. She was going to offend every goddamn person in the church if possible. "An issue? I don't have an issue, Lee. I have a problem, which is YOU. Of all the times to fuck with your own brother, you pick right before he gets sold off like a cow at an auction? Why don't you just kick him in the balls and steal his fucking wallet too?" The shiner surprised her momentarily, but she was pettily glad someone had gotten there first. "You couldn't just fuck your own goddamn wife or something, you had to fuck that social-climbing sociopath with the fetish for royal purple? Fuck, I'd be ashamed to have been your wife if that's how bad your taste in women is these days."
Mia raised both her brows at her brother this time. She was tempted to call him out, but it wouldn't be prudent with everyone else around. "Really." she said with a note of finality in her tone. This time she did manage to pick Leon out, his angry face saying it all.. wow, Sofia was not holding back tonight. Trying to ignore the sibling drama she had no intention of getting in the middle of, for once, Mia smiled at Priya and Sebastian. "Well then I am glad I could help break the cycle."
Cici laughing at Elijah's shenanigans, Cici shook her head as he went looking for his flask. Grabbing another glass of champagne from a waiter passing by, she took a sip. "Grumbles? Jack, you need to stop thinking so poorly about yourself-" Cut off by Luca Costello yelling as he entered the room, Cici sighed. "Do we really have to combine the families? There's still time to back out. That little fuck is already on my nerves."
Chanel "Sounds about right. The bride should be able to make the biggest entrance anyway. I'm sure the gown is absolutely stunning." She looked around some more and then spotted Luca making his appearance. And of course, a champagne bottle was clutched in his hands.
Violet noticed the siblings seemed off in their own world with the Sinclair's, talking about their new... partnerships? She gave them another polite smile, "I'm sure I'll see you guys later on." She made it over to Sofia and Leon just as Sofia finished her speech, leaving Violet, well, speechless. "Ah, fuck." A forced smile spread across her features as she nodded at Leon and Sofia, then promptly made a B-line for the front door. Someone had to have a smoke or something, right?
Abel Costello Abel arrived just in time to catch Sofia all the way across the room throwing a drink at Leon. He rubbed his face in exasperation before deciding to go the other way. He's going to let the siblings duke it out a little, let Sofia get it out of her system before dragging her away. Maybe lock her in a closet for good measure. No. <i>No.</i> This was his darling <s>hellspawn</s> cousin we're talking about. Someone should really stop them. Someone not him.
Penny "She looks flawless, as any bride should on their wedding day." She paused at the loud entrance of the groom himself, mouth pursing. "And there he is. Loud as always. How do you keep a handle on that boy?"
Leon "Shut the fuck up Sofia, you really don't know what you're talking about," Leon glared at her, especially when it came to the wedding. He'd given Luca a chance to get out, he was sure all the siblings had, and it was Luca's choice. Whether or not Sofia believe it or not. "And I'm really not interested in being in all of your fucked up dramatics because you're not getting your way. So act your fucking age and not like the two-year-old you've decided to present yourself as," he said, starting to walk off towards the bathroom so that he could as least try to wash off the stickiness.
Jack: Jack winced when he saw Luca. This was just ... such a problem. "Do you think I should go over there and do something? I could, I dunno, hit him with the bottle, maybe it'll fix his personality." He finally processed that Cici had been complimenting him before and brightened visibly. "You think I'm worth a damn? Golly gosh gee, Miss Jansen, you're gonna make me blush."
Kai burst out in laughter at Sofia's antics, but quickly righted himself, running his hands down the front of his jacket before striding over to Sofia. "Heya dollface. Keepin' shit as interesting as ever, huh?"
A Wedding Guy cleared his throat, terrified to even raise his voice in this specific crowd of people. "Excuse me..." He tried, gaining no traction and zero attention. "EXCUSE ME." He tried again, this time hearing his own voice echo back at him really loudly and he felt his cheeks burn with embarrassment. "WE ASK THAT THE GUESTS MAKE THEIR WAY TO THEIR SEATS PLEASE, THE CEREMONY IS ABOUT TO BEGIN."
Ezra sighed, turning to Priya for a moment "excuse me for one moment," he said walking over his brother - literally the last thing he felt like doing but someone had to, and it seemed everyone else had taken the night off. He entered the bathroom, standing by the door, "you okay?"
Elijah huffed as he realized Sofia wasn't coming back any time soon with his flask and decided to do damage control himself. He walked over there only to catch some type of fight with what he assumed was the eldest Costello. He laughed at the insults and reassessed the girl, amused by her fire. But while she was distracted he figured it would be a good enough time to steal what was his. "I'm just going to take this little thing and prevent it from adding to the fire. Go about your business."
Violet eventually makes her way back inside since the ceremony, taking her seat with the family.
Chanel "Usually in small doses, honestly." She laughed and raised her glass before drinking some more of it. "And also a lot of this."
Juliet inserted herself into the crowd making their way to the ceremony, praying for the first time in her life that the Costellos did not see her.
Penny sighed and squared her shoulders before finishing off her drink. "Well, time to do this." She nodded to Chanel before making her way to the seats reserved for family of the bride.
Jack: Sofia bristled at Leon talking to her like a child and opened her mouth to inform him of what exactly he was, which was going to involve terms that would probably get her excommunicated, or at least thrown out of church, when Kai came up to her. "Yeah, well, you know me. Fucking hell, I have to go be the goddamn best man." Storming up the aisle, she practically left holes she stomped so hard as she stood at the front. "Last chance to bail, people. We can still make happy hour!"
Mia looked from Priya to Sebastian. "Guess we should find somewhere to sit then. You guys wanna sit together?" She mildly suggested.
Luca heard the announcement and froze. He chugged a few gulps of the champagne in his hand. He clenched his fist in order to steady himself. Luca made his way to the altar through the back, hiding behind the scenes until it was time.
Chanel realized what the wedding guy had said and gives a nod to Penny and then made her way over to her own section, on the grooms side of the aisle.
Leon was honestly surprised that Ezra was the one that decided to check up on him. Rinsing off his face he was glad taht he'd chosen to only wear black because at least he wasn't going to have too ridiculous of a stain the rest of the day. "Been better," he honestly answered, sounding as exhausted as he actually felt, "I honestly think that I ran the sibling gauntlet and managed to get all of you to not talk to me at once."
Priya looked over at Mia after Ezra left. "Yes. I think safety in numbers is the way to go tonight. Which side though?" She asked Mia.
Cici laughing at Jack's response to her compliment, Cici couldn't contain her giggle and covered her mouth with her free hand. An employee's voice echoing to the crowd to move to the pews caught her attention and cut off their conversation. Snaking her arm through Jack's she smiled. "Care to escort me in, Mr. Sinclair?"
Elijah happily sipped on the flask he had successfully stolen back as he made his way to the brides side of the wedding. Would it be inappropriate to laugh during the actual nuptials? Probably, but he also had a feeling that was what was about to happen. "Cheers to the good couple."
Jack: Jack took her arm and beamed at her. "I'd like nothing better. Wanna take bets on which one of the Costellos fucks things up the most? I got my money on the groom, but the little spitfire might beat me to it."
Ezra smiled sadly, "dude even on your worst day, you'll never screw up as badly as I have." He sighed, "look I'm sorry about before, I was blaming the wrong person, and so is Sophie, she'll realise that soon enough I promise." He threw his brother a wink. "Come on, why don't you sit with me and Priya, fair warning I think we're sitting on the Sinclair's side, but to be honest, right now I think that's the safest place to be."
Abel Costello decided to follow after Leon and Ezra, mostly just to make sure that there won't be a second altercation. He then walked in on the two having a tender moment so he cleared his throat. "Ceremony's about to start. Luca needs us."
Leon "I'm sorry too, I know I lost it on you too and you really didn't deserve that," Leon admitted before nodding over to his cousin. "But agreed, I'd rather say away from Sofia, I wouldn't be surprised if she decides to make a scene in the middle and I don't want any part of that."
Mia debated for a moment. The way her family were behaving, sitting with the brides family did not seem like a bad idea. At all. "We'll sit with you." she offered.
Ezra turned to face Abel. He sighed, "I guess it's show time then, shall we boys?"
Luca 's heart felt like it was going to leap out of his fucking chest. There was no backing out. Luca walked up to the altar, stood at the end as he waited for Paisley. As scary as this shit was, Luca was fully committed to spending the rest of his life with Paisley.
Cici walked in with Jack and searched for an open pew. "I think Luca's gonna barf." Sitting down she laughed, watching him walk up, pale as a ghost. "Or pass out. Paisley's gonna be pissed."
Leon "Guess so," Leon said as he started walking towards the ceremony.
Sofia: Sofia found Luca, who'd been sneaking around the back, and grabbed his hand, squeezing it. "Say the word, I shove the priest at Paisley and we run down the altar like in Wedding Crashers or something."
Priya extended her hand to Mia, "Come on then," she smiled at her brother before saying, "I am going to borrow your date since mine is dealing with his brother."
Ezra Ezra walked inside the hall along side Leon and Abel just in time to see Luca walking in. He took his seat beside Priya.
Violet sits with the family? Yeah.
Leon Leon sits next to ezra
Chanel realized she still held her champagne glass in her hand and decided to finish it before putting it on the floor. She'd probably remember to pick it up later.
Elijah huffed as he sat in his chair, bummed that he didn't get a seat with Shiloh. "Alright let's rock this bitch. Bring out the ginger!"
Sofia: Sofia waved at Violet and pointed at the spot she normally would be occupying. She wanted it to be as awkward as possible for Leon. She even gave Violet a big thumbs up from the altar.
Priya once seat she takes a hold of Ezra's hand.
Penny watched as her children joined her on the bride's side with their dates. She chose not to comment on their choice of dates though.
Ezra squeezed Priya's hand tightly, shaking his head at Sophie's actions, "well we know which one of my siblings is trying to make this as painful as possible" he muttered to Priya.
Leon glances over and sees Ezra and Priya's hands, but decides that it's better not to say anything (at the moment)
Kai is sitting next to Abel and probably Violet, being a good Costello boy and keeping his mouth shut.
Abel Costello made his way to the ceremony with his cousins and on his way to the pew he caught Mia standing beside Sebastian and Ezra making his way beside Priya. This shouldn't be unusual, given that everyone had been ordered to play nice, but knowing how Mia had been vocal about her disdain for this entire event, his cousin seemed to be all smiles besides the Sinclair heir. He decided to ignore it for now and stand beside Kai.
Priya leaned over to Ezra and whispered, "Better yours than mine."
Ezra sighed, "why is it always mine?" he grumbled.
Priya joked, "Genetics."
Ezra laughed, "ounch, who knew you could be so cold," he joked.
Mia noticed Abel sitting down at the other side of the aisle, but not before eying her. Yeah, he had to think she were insane where she sat not only on the Sinclair side, but with the Sinclair heir as well. She felt bad about not giving him a heads up, just like she could not help but stare at her little brother up there in the aisle looking like he was going to topple over and wishing she could stand next to him and just.. hold his hand. Which might be mighty embarrassing for him in front of such a crowd though but at least he would feel the support she was trying to convey with her eyes. She hadn't even gotten a moment to speak with him beforehand. Too wrapped up in small talk.. Shitty sister.
Luca was still waiting on Paisley's slow ass.
Sofia: Sofia was waiting on Sofia's slow ass and made an obscene gesture at the boy whose flask she'd stolen.
Nadine hadn't meant to show up late, in fact the thought of entering the chapel at such an hour made her stomach twist into knots and her mouth go dry that she almost decided to turn around and get right back into the cab that had just dropped her off. But she had flown across the Atlantic to see Penny's daughter get married and by God if she turned around now it would be rather pathetic. So, after smoothing her hands down the front of her dress and fixing her hair, Nadine straightened her shoulders, took a deep breath, and entered the church. To her horror the entirety of the room was standing, seemingly waiting for the bride, and with a face flushed red as a rose, Nadine hurried to the closest open seat among the pews.
Paisley let out a shaky sigh as she heard all of the voices echoing through the doorway. She suddenly felt incredibly nervous and began to shred the tissue she had balled into her hands. Was this the right thing to be doing? Her heart continued to race as her father walked up behind her and put an encouraging hand on her shoulder. Not saying a word, although not needing to, Paisley smiled at him. Thankful for his support. "Ready?" Morgan asked and Paisley nodded, taking his arm he held out to her. Taking one more deep breath, she held it in as the doors swung open and the music began to play.
Chanel stands in her seat as the music starts playing, turning to watch Paisley and Morgan come down the aisle.
Elijah stands and sees a hot blond across the way, winks at her and then also looks at the two coming down the aisle
Luca held his breath. The doors opened, and there was Paisley being escorted in by her father. Luca felt his heart racing. It was going to be okay. Paisley looked gorgeous and he knew, despite the circumstances, that they would make this marriage work. For the first time that evening, Luca didn't feel unsure about the future. This was good. For both sides. He smiled at Paisley, knowing that this marriage would work. It had to.
Paisley couldn't contain the smile on her face as she made eye contact with Luca and continued down the aisle, all eyes on her. It suddenly all felt...perfect. They reached the alter and Morgan whispered in her ear, kissing her cheek, and leaving her side. She held her hands out to Luca, ready for him to take them-
Unknown sat patiently, perched on the upper level loft that only housed the ancient church organ the family decided to veto out of the wedding, steadying the sniper rifle on the beam in front of him. None of the guests had even looked in his direction and he almost had to hold back a laugh. So much for top security. The cue to wait for was the girl reaching the end of the aisle, the right moment between her father being out of the way and before the boy could grab her hands. The music began to fade away as Morgan kissed his daughter's cheek and turned away. Holding his breath, he steadied his weapon, and squeezed the trigger.
Paisley falls forward.
Unknown pushed the button on the remote in his pocket, setting off the small explosions at the alter, causing the wall to immediately go up in flames. With his job done, he stood up and fled the scene.
Chanel screams, looking at all that had just happened, not knowing what to do or where to go. Something had to happen, someone had to do something
Cici jumped at the sound of the bullet and watched Paisley fall, all as explosions began to go off. Immediately she turned and searched for Kieran.
Penny stood in shock, not moving except to raise a hand do her chest. Her daughter falling. An explosion. Her body went numb.
Sofia: Sofia screams and can't move, she needs to get to Luca and shield him. Nothing else matters anymore, but she can't make her feet move.
Elijah jumps as he hears a pop and the suddenly Paisley is on the ground. He's confused, not quite connecting what had just happened. Did she trip? Did a balloon pop? How much alcohol was in this moonshine.
Juliet reached over to take Camila's hand, shock freezing the rest of her body in place.
Ezra: grabbed hold of priya's hand again, leaning forward to check that Mia and Leon were also alright, still in shock from what just happened.
Kai grabs Chanel's hand when she screams, tugging her toward him and Abel. "Hey, it's okay. We got ya."
Chanel decided to duck down, holding her hands over her head. She wasn't supposed to be a part of this part of the business. This was not her expertise.
Luca suddenly heard the sound of a gunshot. Paisley fell forward, into his arms, blood splattering his suit. She went limp and, not long after, a small explosion went off. With Paisley still in his arms, Luca fell to the ground. He held onto her tightly, shaking her stubbornly. "Pais- Paisley, wake up." He looked out in to the crowd, just as panic had begun to ensue. "Someone fucking help her!" Luca's voice broke.
Mia felt like an electro shock was going trough her, startling in her seat where she sat and unconsciously grabbing for both Priya's and Sebastian's hand, staring open mouthed as the aisle seemed to go up in a sea of flames and smoke.
Camila blinks, dazedly, brain struggling to connect the sound to the action. She grips Juliet's hand back, starts in her seat.
Chanel realizes Kai is tugging her and follows him, hoping they know what to do
Leon it took Leon a couple of second to realize what had happened, and a couple more to look around and try and figure out who the shooter even was. It was instinct to try and figure it out biut with the explosion he knew they needed to get out. Fast. "Okay we need to go. Now." he told the other people in his row.
Sebastian was frozen in place, he had no idea what had just happened. He felt his entire being go numb, he couldn't comprehend what was going on.
Priya is in shock. Her brain was screaming at her but her body was not responding. Her sister. Her little sister. Priya looks back and forth between Mia and Ezra. If the two weren't holding onto her hands her legs would have give out.
Sofia: Jack is out of his seat immediately, yelling at his crew to get outside and make sure there's not an ambush waiting before everyone streams out. He practically bodily pulls Cici with him and shoves her into a corner next to the door. "Stay here, I'll be back for you right away, I just need to make sure there's not more guys outside." He pulled several guns out of his jacket and hollered for Kieran to get people out safely.
Ezra tried to make out Luca's form through the smoke, hoping by some grace of god his brother was alright.
Kieran immediately looked for Cici at the sound of a gunshot. With a fire breaking out, he lunged across the church. He wasn't leaving here without her. Once he reached Cici, Kieran grabbed her by the arm, shielded her out of fear that there was still a threat. "Gotta go. Now."
Ezra "what about Luca?" he asked in response to Leon's command.
Abel Costello saw Paisley fall and he turned his head to try anf find the shooter. But the explosives were set off and people started panicking, leaving the rest of the security details scrambling. Someone needed to secure the family and he began pushing past the crowd to get to Luca.
Mia felt panic course trough her veins. Leon was yelling something about having to go, but Mia doesn't give it a second thought, getting to her feet and shooting down the aisle like a bat out of hell. "LUCA!" Was he hit too? Was Paisly dead? No, this could not be happening.
Sofia: Sofia grabbed Luca's shoulders, trying to get him away, but her twin wouldn't move. "Lu-lu, we've gotta go!" Since he wasn't moving, she kicked her shoes off and grabbed Paisley by the shoulders. "Carry her damn legs then!"
Nadine had tears in her eyes as she watched Morgan walk his daughter to the alter. She was reminded of her own wedding day and for a moment the woman was lost in memory before the sound of a bullet ripping through the air jolted her back to the present. Insticually she fell to the ground and covered her head, waiting for the sound of more bullets. But when an explosion rocked the foundation of the church instead, she began to pray, not having done so in years. She should have stayed in France.
Benjamin immediately looked for the Costellos. Those were his responsibility. He pulled out his weapon and immediately began looking for a way to get people out.
Penny the building was on fire and while she was worried about her daughter she needed to get the others out to safety. She looked to where her children sat with their dates. "We need to get out. Get moving. NOW."
Leon "I'll get Luca, you get everyone else," he said to his brother as he started going towards the font of the church.
Violet immediately leapt from her seat as soon as the commotion began, following Kai and Abel as they rushed to the altar. "Sof! Are you okay? Luca!"
Elijah finally registered what was happening and also started panicking like everyone else around him. He didn't know where the shot had come from or if there were others still out there. Immediately he started looking for the other Sinclair's hoping they were okay and if there was anything he could do to.
Cici did as Jack told her and then immediately was grabbed by Kieran. Feeling slightly relieved at his appearance, she clinged to him, completely shell shocked. "What do we do...the fire..."
Priya turns to her brother, worry and dread on her face. "Paisley-" she manages to get out before Ezra's and her mother's voice pull her out. "I'm-" she stutters, "i'm fine." her grip tightens on ezra's hand as she begins to make her way out the pew.
Kai rushed over to where Mia and the others were, "Who's missing? Anyone?"
Salma froze at the sound of the gunshot. For a moment, she was reminded of the day of her father's death, but was immediately brought back to the present by the smell of smoke as she sat there, dazed.
Leon quickly makes his way to the front of the church, and sees Sofia. Now wasn't the time to be petty about it. "Sof, get out of here, I'll get Luca and Paisley?"
Chanel watched as nobody knew what to do, looking to Kai as he moved to another place. She tried to follow behind him, wanting to throw up but holding back. "We- we need to get out of here. We need to hide."
Mia threw herself down on the ground beside her little brother, ignoring the blood that seemed to be oozing out on the floor. "Luca! Are you hurt? We need to leave."
Sebastian steeled his emotions and stood, he needed to do something. How was he supposed to be a second-in-command when it felt like his heart was ripped out of his chest. He moved up towards the alter not caring about the smoke or flames.
Ezra steadied his voice, "she'll be fine, but we can't do anything to help them if we end up trapped in here too," he said pulling her towards the exist.
Benjamin spotted Juliet and Camila near the back of the church. He immediately sprinted towards them. The fire was getting out of hand now - they needed to get out. Quickly. Adrenaline pumping, Ben didn't even think before he grabbed Juliet and Camila by the arm. "We need to get out of here."
Kai spots Benjamin near the back, handling some of the other girls, "C'mon," he spoke softly to Chanel, "We're gonna get to Ben and get you out."
Juliet didn't fight Ben as he pulled her up and out of his seat. "Shit, shit shit."
Sofia: Sofia wiped her face, not realizing Sofia's blood was on her hands. "I'm not leaving unless we ALL go. Now help me get her out of here or Luca's never gonna leave!"
Abel Costello found Sofia trying to drag Luca while Leon was telling her to leave. "I'll get Paisley," he offered to Leon, "you take care of Luca."
Violet wrapped an arm around Sofia, "C'mon. They got it. Come with me. We won't leave Luca."
Ezra shouted to Leon, "we need to get the girls out," refereeing the fact that Mia and Sophie were still inside.
Priya let Ezra pull her towards and exit. Her eyes kept searching for her family. For her siblings. For Paisley. "Please let her not be dead," she says softly to herself
Paisley felt her body beginning to get cold and she could no longer move her legs or arms. Explosions went off and her ears could only hear a high pitch ring. Vision blurry, she still was able to make out Luca's face. Attempting to make words, a choking sound came from her throat instead. She felt tears falling down her cheeks and she did all she could, offering Luca the biggest smile she could muster, she mouthed to him. "It's okay." She kept her eyes on him for as long as she could, unable to truly understand what as going on around her. Eventually her eye lids just got too heavy and she couldn't fight it anymore, so they closed.
Leon nodded at Abel, not surprised to see him there. "Good," he nodded at his cousin before turning to both of his sisters, "Now both of you get out and I will get Luca," he said before kneeling next to his brother. "We don't need all of us here."
Chanel nodded to Kai, looking to see Ben with some of the other girls. She began making her way to it, jumping when she heard little pops from the fire as it expanded. She'd left her purse at her chair, it had her phone in it. She had to go back. Pushing through the chaos of the other guests she tried to find where she had been sitting, crawling on her hands and knees until she finally found it.
Violet glanced at Leon momentarily as they all crowded around to help Luca, then looked at Mia, "C'mon, let's get Sof and get out of here."
Sofia: Sofia clutched Violet but still instinctively reached out for Luca. "Luca, please! Please don't leave me!"
Kai lead Chanel through the madness to Benjamin, "Can you get her out? I wanna make sure everything is good here." He gave Chanel's shoulder a comforting squeeze, keeping his arm around her.
Ezra swallowed hard, "hey don't don't think like that," he said to Priya, waiting until they were outside to pull her into his arms, "its going to be okay."
Mia couldn't breathe. Had Paisley's eyes just closed? How could this be happening? Staring blankly at her brothers that kept swimming in and out of vision. Violet was in front of her speaking, but Mia couldn't hear her, standing as if glued to the ground.
Luca could hear the chaos all around him. He was shaking now, trying to smile back at Paisley. His eyes were blurred with tears and it wasn't long before Luca was in hysterics all together. The woman that he was supposed to marry was cold, limp in his arms. She wasn't supposed to be a victim. This wedding was supposed to prevent shit like this happening. Luca rocked Paisley in his arms, shaking his head, repeating the words 'no' over and over again. "Pais. Paisley. Paisley. Please don't- fuck."
Violet wraps her other arm around Sofia, "Abel and Leon got him. Promise. C'mon," she spoke softly, eyes narrowing a bit when she noticed Mia didn't respond, "Mia? Mia? We have to go!"
Elijah decided that most people were being taken care of by others. He'd only be making things worse if he stuck around and got in the way. He quickly made his way to an exit and ran until he was sure there was nobody running after him.
Priya collapses against Ezra her entire body shaking. She holds onto him as if her life depending on it, which it did. "This wasn't suppose to happen" her voice is muffled against his chest. For once in her life Priya did not know what to do.
Abel Costello picked up the unconscious bride, not bothering to check if she was truly dead or alive; the whole church was on fire and people were running towards the door, and if the Sinclair child was dead then so be it. The family will deal with the consequence afterward. For now, they all had to make it out alive.
Mia blinked at the sight of Violet's face, lips opening and closing. "What?" she mumbles.
Leon knew that Luca wasn't going to be okay, not by a long shot. Not with everything happening this way. "Luca," Leon said, "We have to get out of here so are you walking or am I carrying you?"
Ezra hushed her, keeping his grip tight, "breath, I've got you."
Sebastian couldn't handle what was going on. He had just seen his little sisters eyes close. What the fuck was happening? Whoever did this was going to pay and they were going to pay with blood. He stood near Luca and Paisley and he couldn't figure out what to do.
Jack: Jack had cleared the entranceway and was shoving people into cars, getting them away from the conflagration and a potential ambush as quickly as possible, not even really focusing on what had happened yet. He headed back in for his family, scooping Paisley's body into his arms. It didn't even register at first that she was heavier than she should be.
Nadine got to her feet before being shoved to the side by a guest that was desperate to get outside. Chaos ensued and though nearly every bone in her body screamed at the woman to escape, she instead made her way towards the alter where Paisley's beautiful white dress could be seen on the floor, marred by crimson. She needed find Penny. She needed to find Piper. She needed help in any way she could. "I'm a doctor, move out of the way, move!"
Jack: Jack heard Nadine calling and headed for her. "She got hit, she's hurt. I can't - you can help her, right?"
Violet untangled one arm from Sofia to take Mia by the hand, "We're leaving." With that, she led the two women from the building.
Sebastian stood next to his uncle and his mother's cousin. His sister was hurt. How did this happen? He had not uttered a word since it had happened, he couldn't believe it.
Chanel had found her purse and then was ushered by Kai back to Benjamin. She didn't know what else to do as she watched the chaos erupt around her. Who would do this?
Nadine "I'll do what I can, but I need to get to her." She said, pulling up the skirt of her dress, and covering her mouth as smoke began to fill the chapel. "Where is she?"
Kieran glanced up at the roof. The fire was getting more and more out of control. He heard the roof start to crack. He grabbed Cici's hand and tugged her rather roughly out of the danger zone. He sprinted towards the door, not letting go of Cici's hand no matter what.
Leon sighed when it became clear that Luca was too far in shock - which was fair. Sighing he picked up his brother and dragged him out of the building until they were in a safe spot away from everything. He wasn't going to move away from him, instead he kneeled in front of his brother and just said, "I'm not going anywhere, okay? Don't need to talk, I'm just here."
Priya let out a shaky breath at Ezra's words. Her what ifs became a reality she could not deal with. The abyss was here.
Jack: Jack realized Nadine couldn't see more than half a foot in front of her and came closer, cradling Paisley's body. "Here, here ... she's ... fuck, she's not moving. I don't know what to do."
Mia felt Vi's hand close around hers before she was pulled forward. Stumbling along with her sister and sister-in-law she could hardly think, this ringing noise still filling her ears. The cold air hit her like a ton of bricks, and suddenly the sounds came rushing back. "Who has Luca?" she asked Violet, ice filling her veins.
Paityn walks in and is like "wtf"
Ezra looked around while still holding onto Priya, sighing in relief when he saw that all his siblings had made it out. He knew something like would happen, why didn't his father listen to him?
Salma gathered her thoughts together and finally rushed out of the church.
Chanel screamed again as more fire began popping around her. She searched for an exit and started following the people that seemed to be making their way somewhere.
Luca struggled against Leon, not wanting to leave Paisley behind. He was still crying, frustrated tears streaming down his face. Before he knew it, they were outside and safe. The fresh air didn't help any - it still felt like he couldn't breathe.
Camila follows after Juliet and Benjamin, eyes blinking in irritation at the building. Her voice is flat, rising slightly with disbelief as they navigate the chaos to the outside of the church. "Was she dead. Like. Was she fucking dead?""
Mia eyes scanned the crowd, her heart slowing a little as one by one she could count heads of her siblings, cousins and friends as well as Priya. But where was her date? Biting down on her bottom lip Mia debated going back in. "Do you see Sebastian anywhere Vi? He got out right?"
Paityn is stoned in the bathroom and knows nothing. Waiting for Uncle Jack to find her.
Violet let go of Sofia and Mia once they were outside, exhaling deeply as she took a moment to slow her nerves. In her line of work, it took a lot to shake her, but explosions erupting around her family sure as hell was enough to do it. "Leon's got him. Or had him. He has him somewhere." She began scanning the area, finally spotting Leon and Luca across the way, "Over there."
Jack: Jack held back as sob and just led Nadine out of the church, still holding Paisley. He took them both to his car. "Just - just take care of her, okay? I have to go back for the others. Please." Before he could second-guess abandoning his niece, he took off running back to the church.
Juliet shrugged, her breathing coming in short bursts. "I don't know. I-I don't know."
Violet blinked when Mia brought up Sebastian, her brow furrowing as she shrugged, "I... wasn't paying attention to the Sinclairs, honestly. I was just worried about you guys."
Camila studies the way Juliet's eyes seem to be roaming the exterior of the church, clearly searching. "Are you looking for—"
Leon wasn't going to try and make his brother talk, all that mattered at the moment was that he was alright. Looking up and scanning, he looked for the rest of his siblings, hoping that they all got out as he noticed Mia and Violet across the way.
Juliet nodded slowly. "Yeah I am. Sue me."
Priya manages to gain back some self control. "Where are they?" She pulls her body away from his but her hands still firmly holding onto him. "Where is Seb, Paityn, Shiloh, Pais-" her sister's name catches in her throat. "Shit. Where is everyone? Where the hell are they?!"
Chanel finally makes it out and then finally takes her phone out, dialing 911. Who knows if someone else had already done it, but if they had they definitely weren't here yet. And they needed them ASAP
Ezra hushed Priya, "stay here" he told her firmly I'm going to go see what's going on. He walked over to Mia, "hey where's Sebastian?"
Penny finds herself standing near the door of the church, watching everything happen but unable to function much more than breathing at this point.
Camila 's mouth twists in understanding. "I'm sure he's getting the rest of his family out. I'm sure he's alright."
Jack kicked in doors, screaming and coughing from the smoke. His head swam and he had to crouch low. He swore he'd seen everyone out except Paityn and Sebastian. Checking the mens room in case Sebastian was getting water to try and stop the blaze, he found Paityn in a stall. "Jesus fucking Christ!" Scooping her up he threw her over his shoulder and booked it, trying not to pass out from the smoke."
Juliet took Camila's hand and gave it a squeeze. "I know. I'll just feel better when I see him."
Mia chewed harder on her bottom lip. "Fuck.. he might still be in there.." Noticing Ezra coming over, Mia's guilt intensifies. "I.. I think he's still in there.." she scrambles with a certain anguish on her face.
Miles got the calls as they began to come rolling in from the public. Guests. The church. All of it. He had never rushed to a scene faster. Running up, Miles immediately froze seeing the scene unfolding in front of him. His eyes immediately fell on Penelope and he ran up to her, as other police officers began to run around. "Pen...what happened...?"
Chanel started explaining the situation to the emergency operator and then steps far away from the burning building, trying to make sure she wasn't too close, but also that whoever killed Paisley wasn't still around. And then the sirens started wailing.
Ezra eyes widened, "fuck, who else is still in there?" he asked, looking around to identify all the faces around them.
Violet took Mia by the arm again, doing her best to offer the most reassuring smile she could muster, "I'm sure his family made sure he got out alright. Look, let's go see Leon and Luca, okay? I'm sure Luca wants to know you're okay too."
Paityn was shocked getting carried by her uncle, but before she could question anything she was by her sister's side. "What the hell is going on?" she asked, completely confused.
Mia doesn't have to think it over, not really. Go back in for Sebastian or get over to Luca? Honestly, the choice was easy, branded into her very soul the day the twins had been born. "Come on." she murmurs to Violet and Sofia, holding onto Violet the best she could as they weave their way trough the crowd over to Luca and Leon.
Priya grabs hold of her sister and envelops her in a hug. "Thank god you are alright," she is holding on tight to her sister. "I-I" her voice is breaking, "Paisley has been shot. I think she's dead."
Chanel saw the police show up and ran to one of the available cop cars that started parking outside and decided she'd felt safest if she was by them.
Penny blinked at the man, barely registering who he was. "Someone- they shot her. My baby." Forget the explosions and fire. Her baby was laying in the back of someone's car unmoving.
Camila gives a ready squeeze back, eyes still smarting from the smoke. "We should— shit. Maybe move back. I still have no clue what's fucking going on." She shakes her head frantically, teeth clicking together in stress. "Maybe if we're away from the crowd you'll be able to see him come out easier."
Violet hadn't realized she'd been holding her breath while Mia decided what to do, and Violet waiting to see if she'd have to drag her away from the building. When Mia agreed to go to the boys, Violet let out her breath, leading the two over to Luca and Leon. Her eyes met Leon's when they reached each other, "He okay?"
Ezra excused himself, seeing that Priya was having a moment with her sister, he walked over to where his family had conjugated, "we're all good on our side right? Family, employees, friends the lot?" he asked Leon.
Paityn couldn't believe her ears. "What?" she asked. "Dead?" Paityn was too stoned for this. "I--" She didn't have any words. She the collapsed into Priya, unable to hold her own weight anymore. "What happened? How did it happen? Oh...my God...it was supposed to be--"
Juliet tugged at Camila's hand as she backed up slowly, eyes still scanning the crowd
Sofia was crumpled on the pavement when she saw the asian guy who was a sinclair or something at the door, looking dazed. "Fucking FUCK! This is ALL YOUR FAULT!" She wasn't sure why she was screaming at him, but she ran over, her feet burning as they touched the hot floor of the church, and pulled him out of the building back to her family. Violet looked at her and Sofia just sank back down next to Luca, now clutching the asian guy. "He's Mia's guy, okay? I had to go back for him."
Leon "He's in shock," Leon answered Violet, which was fair, glad to see everyone seemed to be there, "And I think we're good," he answered Ezra, "But my first priority was Luca."
Chanel starts flirting with one of the police officers
Violet gave Leon a nod, sinking down beside Luca to place a gentle hand on his shoulder, "Hey dude. You feeling okay? Breathing alright?"
Priya cradles her sister in her arms. Her hand is smoothing down her sister's hair, trying to offer her comfort. "Shhh. Pay, shhh." In this moment she forgot all about how she was feeling and focused entirely on her baby sister...her only sister. Priya wouldn't lie to her, she needed to know. They all needed to know what happened"There was a shot," she manages to steady her voice. "It hit her, Pay. It hit Paisley and then an explosion went off."
Nadine followed Jack out of the building, lungs screaming for fresh air. Her eyes watered from the smoke, running her make-up down her cheeks, and when they reached outside, Nadine sucked in the oxygen. Jack led them to his car before taking off back towards the church, and Nadine concentrated on the unconscious body of her cousin's daughter. There was blood, so much blood that it was clear to the woman that if she wasn't already dead, she would be in minutes. But when she placed her hand on the girl's neck, and there was no jump of a pulse, Nadine sighed. Paisley Sinclair was dead.
Luca felt a hand on his shoulder. Tears streaming down his face, he looked over at Violet. He winced a little. "She's fucking- she's fucking dead."
Miles 's face dropped as Penny mumbled out someone was dead. He turned quickly and scanned the chaotic crowd. Could he make out any of the girls? Finally he caught a glimpse of red hair, Priya. Paityn. He didn't see Paisley. Turning his attention back to Penny, he wrapped one of his arms around and shoulders and began to escort her away from the building, towards where her daughters were. "Penny, you gotta get away from the building in case debris starts flying...come stay by your girls. I'll find Morgan."
Kai found his way over to Leon, Ezra, Mia, and the lot of them, clamping a hand down on Leon and Ezra's shoulders when he reached them, "Holyyyy fuck, right?"
Sebastian looked around for his sisters, he had been yelled at by Sofia and managed to get out of the building. He couldn't handle himself but he needed to make sure the rest of his family was safe.
Benjamin looked over Camila and Juliet. "Are you both okay?" He glanced around, ensuring that no one else had fallen behind.
Mia drew close to Luca the second they came over, holding on tightly to her hand. In the meantime she hadn't noticed Sofia taking off, until she was back with Sebastian in tow. Its probably selfish, but she can't find it in her to give him more than a glance before her eyes returns to her little brother. "Just breathe." she murmurs, not sure if its helpful at all.
Violet nodded somberly, her expression twisting into one wrought with empathy. She gave him a small smile, shifting her weight to sit down next to him and pulling him into her side, "I know, sweetie." She planted a light kiss on his temple, running a hand through his hair.
Juliet shook her head. "No, not really."
Paityn was crying now; the tears didn't stop. All she could do was sob into her sister's shoulder. There wasn't anything else she could do.
Ezra Ezra stood there watching the chaos around him, he turned to Kai. "This was a hit, so who did." He said, clenching his fists.
Chanel decides to go home and walks the whole way because she is very confused and needs the air to clear her head.
Abel Costello looked at the bloodstan on his dress shirt, looking just a little annoyed that it had been ruined by the Sinclair girl's blood-- that prick Jasckson should've gotten there faster if he wanted to play hero to his dead niece. The consigliere looked around as he walked past the panicked guests and attendees, doing a headcount of the people that really mattered-- his family. The rest of Morgan's brood could burn for all he cared.
Leon "That's one way of putting it," he sighed as he turned toward Ezra and Kai, "And I really wish I knew. I know none of us liked this wedding, I don't know of anyone who was planning on doing this."
Jack lay on the pavement near Priya and Paityn. His skin screamed and his lungs burned and all he wanted to do was fall asleep, but he kept trying to get up. He had to find Piper. Finally an EMT put a mask on him and made a note that he needed to get to a hospital. "Possible lung damage. Idiot ran back into the building instead of waiting for the fire crew."
Ezra "i think it's safe to say, peace isn't coming to Chicago anytime soon," he said turning to face his brother.
Priya just held Paityn and soothed her. There wasn't else to be said. Nothing else she could say to bring her sister comfort except be her support. Even with her world crumbling around her she would hold it together for her sister. Paityn needed her. Her own collapse could wait.
Kai glances over at Luca, but sees the others have it handled, and gives them space for now. "Yeah, and it doesn't seem like they wanted anyone other than Paisley dead. The explosions weren't set up to kill. They were to distract... or... lead? Fuck if I know. They were just placed really shitty if they were going for death."
Penny let the man, who she was now aware of being Miles, lead her away from the building. There was a disconnect between her thoughts and her feet. Was this all just an awful dream? "Morgan. Find him. I can't lose him too." She looked up to see her remaining daughters holding each other up, ashamed that she wouldn't be able to help them.
Mia crouched down by Luca's side, holding onto him tightly. There is no words that can make up for what he's just gone trough, the shocking loss none of them can really comprehend.
Leon "And it sounds like they wanted the war," Leon added, "Which if that's what they want, then they can have it, I just want to know who the fuck did it."
Juliet felt her body relax as she finally caught sight of Leon with his siblings.
Sebastian managed to get over by Paityn and Priya. He was so far gone but he still wrapped an arm around both of his sisters.
Sofia: Everyone crouched around Luca but Sofia felt weirdly numb. She could hear Leon and Kai talking as if from miles away, but turned around. "Don't you dare start some bullshit war. Don't you - don't you -" she broke down sobbing and hugged Leon. "No one else can die, okay? Nobody."
Ezra "yeah that's the problem isn't? Both sides wanted this wedding called off. Both sides were unhappy with us cosing up to each other. It could have been anyone...unless we're seriously considering a third party getting involved."
Paityn was numb; she could feel her brother's presence next to her, but she didn't acknowledge it. She just opened her clutch and took out a cigarette. She couldn't light it, though. Her hands were too shaky. "Fuck," she whispered under her breath.
Priya Priya removed one of her arms from around Paityn and wrapped it around Sebastian's waist. She had them here. Seb and Paityn were okay, she could breathe but she couldn't. Her family was no longer whole.
Kai raised an eyebrow at Leon, "If anything, they wanted a war with the Sinclairs. Or to make them think we had a hand in it, so we're at war with each other."
Mia can hear the boys talking, already mentioning words like 'war' and 'third party'. Lifting her eyes to Ezra her brows are furrowed. "What do you mean 'third party?"
Kieran looked around, heart racing. With Cici safe outside, the severity of it all was starting to set in. The fucking Costellos had done this. He looked around, heart racing. "They fucking did this," he mumbled, voice low at first, laced with venom. He raised his voice this time. "They fucking did this! The Costellos fucking had her murdered." It was an emotional time and there was no stopping Kieran. He wanted to go after the first Costello that he saw.
Ezra "I mean someone's trying really hard to make it look like one of us did this. I mean we're all suspects right? We all wanted this NOT to happen. If someone was going to try and take the city from under us, now would be the perfect time while we're all too busy tearing each other apart."
Leon hugged Sofia, wishing that he was able to comfort her a little more as he held her tight, "My guess is someone's trying to frame us for this. Someone who hates the Sinclairs as much as we do or maybe just hates Paisley. But my guess is they want us to take the blame, because I don't think it was any of us."
Kai laid a hand gently on Sofia's back, "Hey, no one is gonna just rush into war for a Sinclair getting killed. Not unless we have to, right?" He turned his gaze toward Leon, then Ezra.
Abel Costello found Kieran O'Connell screaming his lungs out, putting the blame on the Costellos, without saying anything, he marched over and punched the man square in the face to shut him up.
Luca leaned in to Violet. It felt like he was a fucking little kid again. Weak, scared, helpless. Both families were divided - again. The damage done was beyond repair. A life had been taken. He was having a hard time focusing on anyone or anything. He was in fucking shot. He heard Kieran screaming. Luca sniffled, stood up from the ground. He heard Kieran yelling and the anger built in his chest. "We didn't fucking do this!" Luca yelled, practically hysterical.
Ezra turned to Leon, "it's already starting, we need to find who did this and fast before we have a blood bath on our hands."
Cici grabbed Kieran's arm, trying to shush him. "Kieran, stop. You don't...you don't know that..." Suddenly feeling like he was right, she felt an uncomfortable turn in her stomach. Suddenly Abel appeared and punched Kieran and Cici glared, shoving Abel with all her strength. "FUCK OFF!"
Kai became distracted by the shouting lunatic on the Sinclair side, turning just in time to see Abel running over and punching him in the face. "Well, shit." He rushed over to them, making sure one of the Sinclairs didn't try to sneak up and sucker punch his cousin.
Priya while holding onto both of her siblings she searched the crowd for any sign of the rest of her family. She caught sight of Jack on the ground, an oxygen mask over his face. He was alive, that is 3 out 9 accounted for.
Leon "I know. So find out who's not here, who didn't show, who's been more vocal against this, so we can rule our people out. And then we'll have to go from there. Got it?"
Violet was about to address Ezra when Luca stood up, yelling in the direction of the screaming Sinclair. She leapt to her feet, frowning at the scene, "Luca..." She turned her gaze to Leon and Ezra, "We need to get him out of here. We need to make sure this doesn't turn into more bloodshed. And now."
Camila clenches her jaw a little tighter, her free hand smoothing anxiously at the fabric of her dress. Juliet's eyes seem to track something— Leon. Safe. As much as any of them are. She knocks her shoulder gently into the other girl's. "See?" At Benjamin's question, she can only shake her head in a show of built-up tension. "I have no fucking idea." A beat, the sound of shouting, bedlam. "Is anyone else ... dead?"
Ezra nodded, "noted, I'll start putting out feelers among our inner circle, we'll smoke out who did this."
Sofia: Sofia heard Luca shouting and was immediately back at his side. Her feet were raw by now, but she couldn't even feel it. Her dress was ripped and torn, though there really wasn't much that was showing now that hadn't been before. She put his arm around her shoulders and her arm around his waist, so they looked like the world's oddest siamese twins, and prepared to hit anyone who tried to turn this around and come for her twin.
Priya Priya realized in that moment that Paisley was accounted for. She would be counted amongst the dead.
Abel Costello Abel raised his fist instinctively, ready to hit whoever had shoved him but when he saw that it was Cecila, he stopped. He lowered his hand and glared. "He needs to shut up."
Paityn finally got her cigarette lit. Seemed out of place, given the smoke and the flames. She stood and stepped away to smoke, ignoring all the yelling and fighting. All she wanted was to forget. Mute the world and forget that her sister was shot standing in her place.
Mia tightened her grip on Luca's hand, getting to her feet and cursing under her breath. "We all know we didn't do shit. Besides, we were all there in the pews.." She argued, with no one in particular. Looking from Violet, to Luca, to her brothers and back. "Do you have your car Vi?"
Nadine With nothing more she could do, Nadine draped the skirt of Paisley's wedding dress over her face and closed the car door. She needed to find Penny. The woman wandered through the crowd of attendees and first responders looking for that familiar shock of red hair, and when she finally found the mother of the bride, Nadine made her way towards her, stealing herself as she had so many times before, when she had to tell a parent their child was dead. "Penny," she called softly as she drew near, and though she hadn't seen her cousin in years, Nadine opened her arms and wrapped the woman in a hug.
Cici glared at Abel, lowering her voice. "We're the ones with one dead, not you. That's Sinclair blood on everyone's hands. You need to shut up and fuck off."
Kieran barely had any time to register what Cici was saying before he felt a fist against his face. Kieran stumbled backward just as he saw Cici shove Abel back. "There's no trusting you fucking people," Kieran spat, lunging towards Abel. "This was supposed to be a good thing - I'm going to fucking kill every last one of you!" Kieran didn't do things without orders, but he was sure that the Costellos played a part in this. Kieran shoved Abel with great force before Kieran's own fist met the side of Abel's jaw.
Leon nodded back at Ezra before he started looking around at the crowd, "Good. I'm going to check and make sure the rest of our people are okay, and see if there's anything else that I can do."
Violet nodded at Mia, "Yeah. You wanna get your brother? And Sof?" Violet approached Ezra and Leon, instinctively taking Leon by the arm to turn him toward her, "You. You okay?" She shut her eyes, shaking her head as the realization that he might snap on her came to mind, "Humor me? There was bullets and explosions and your one eye kinda looks like shit."
Penny blinked back tears as her cousin suddenly appeared, pulling her into her embrace. "Who would- That is my baby. Why would someone do this?" Her brain was racing, unable to focus on any one thing at a time. "She can't be gone. This can't happen again."
Ezra turned to Mia, "you going to be okay if I go check on Priya and meet you guys at your place?" he asked his sister.
Abel Costello shoved Cecilia aside, not wasting his breath on the girl, but it was while she had been admonishing him that Kieran decided to hit him back. He stumbled backward, fist colliding with the side of his face and Abel steadied his footing before lunging at the Kieran and sending them both falling to the ground. He began to pummel the Sinclair scum.
Priya was no longer holding onto both of her siblings anymore. Her head turned at the sound of shouts not that far off. She let go of her brother, heading straight towards the commotion. Everyone was fighting. FIGHTING. "Stop it!" She yelled at everyone who was in attendance. She was sure none of them had ever heard or seen her temper flare. "MY SISTER IS DEAD!" She bellowed. "WILL ALL OF YOU STOP ACTING LIKE CHILDREN AND PULL YOURSELVES TOGETHER."
Paityn hated seeing her mother break down and Priya explode. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temple. She texted Julius. I want to leave. Now. Paityn just hoped her driver would be quick.
Nadine Nadine didn't say anything, there was nothing to say. She didn't have answers, and she didn't think anything she would say would be more than just noise to Penny. So she held her instead, smoothing a hand over her hair as hot tears stung her eyes before falling down her cheeks.
Violet 's head shook in mild shock as Leon brushed her off and headed toward... of course. The escort girl. The escort girl who was embracing him, right in front of her, and everyone else. Violet's clamped her teeth together, jaw throbbing in anger. She almost didn't notice Mia back at her side, and with Sofia, "Where the fuck is Luca?" She snapped, squeezing her eyes shut again as she forced forward a smile, "Sorry."
Miles heard the commotion going on between Cici, Kieran, and Abel and he sighed, running a hand over his face. "I'm too fucking old for this..." He mumbled as he marched over to the three.
Priya looked over at Ezra, her hands balled into fists over the sight of Kieran and Abel beating the shit out of each other. "I need them to stop fighting," Priya says to him before turnign her attention back to the boys, "Kieran," she snapped at him with more bite than she had thought possible. "Stop this now. Or so help me I will get in there myself and ALL of you can explain why another Sinclair daughter got hurt."
Leon wrapped his arms tightly around Juliet, relieved that she seemed to be alright. Instinctively he kissed the top of her head, before looking her over, slowly leading her towards where Benjamin and Camila were both standing. "Are you all alright?" he asked the three of them.
Ezra sighed, "for god sake Abel, we have bigger fish to fry get a hold of your fucking self," he shouted, holding Priya closed to him.
Mia reached out to sqqueze Violets arm. "Luca is right here. Sof has him." she cautioned, contributing Violets burts of anger to the fact that Juliet had just made an appearance. "You okay Sof? Do you need help?" she asked her sister. "We're going to mine and Leon's apartment, okay? Luca, can you hear me? We have to go now."
Paityn rolled her eyes at her phone. Julius responded. Stuck in traffic, Pait. Might be a bit. Paityn put out her cigarette and walked up to Priya and Ezra. Tears were still falling down her cheeks, but her voice was monotone as she spoke. "Julius is stuck in traffic. I want to go home."
Juliet held on to Leon, blinking back tears as her body started to shake. This was supposed to fix things, not make them worse. Why couldn't the scandal of their relationship have continued to be the biggest problem they had to face?
Kieran was on the floor with Abel before he knew it. The blows that he delivered didn't hurt - mainly because of all the adrenaline pumping through his body. He knew that, as soon as the fight ended, he would be hurting miserably. All of the hatred that Kieran had felt for the Costellos had resurfaced the minute that he saw Paisley's body fall in to Luca's arms. They had done this and, Kieran being so enraged - felt like it was only appropriate to take one of their own. He managed to squirm his way out of Abel's grip and, within seconds, had his weapon upholstered. He aimed it at Abel's head.
Priya shouted at Kieran, "Kieran! Don't do it! Put that away. NOW."
Violet took Luca by the hand, ignoring Mia's squeeze and the whole Leon and Juliet scene. "Luca. Sweetie," she cooed, trying to get his attention without aggravating him further, "We need to leave. Get you checked out, okay?"
Sofia just held onto Luca. Everything would be okay as long as she and Luca were together. She was shivering uncontrollably, her hair was covered in soot, and her dress and face had her brother's dead wife's blood all over it. She didn't let go of her brother, and didn't even notice that people were talking to her. She said nothing to him. There weren't really words anyway. He was there, her fingers pressed into his side in a death grip that would probably leave bruises. "I lost my shoes." Looking at her now cut-up feet, she giggled and shoved a hand in her mouth. Following Vi without saying anything else.
Priya turned towards her sister and wrapped her arms around her. As quickly as her voice took on rage it softened when she held her sister close. "I'll get you home, Paityn."
Camila watches as the two embrace, exchange assurances. There's more yelling. Screaming. She can't be sure what, exactly, is fucking happening. But something is escalated. "Oh. We're fine." She glances up at Benjamin, who seems, at least, to be alright. "But I have like, no fucking clue what's going on over there. It sounds like someone else is gonna get it."
Abel Costello had done his share of waiting but he was no saint and to have Kieran O'Connell in his reach made him short-sighted. That first punch was a result, the consigliere losing his cool as the two began to fight amidst the death of a Sinclair child and a burning church. His father would be ashamed of him, letting some piece of shit errand boy get to him like that. And then Kieran managed to wrestle free, hand reached inside his coat pocket; Abel then staggered backwards and reached for his own gun and pointed it at the other man. Fuck patience. He was going to kill Kieran O'Connell right now.
Leon "I'm not going to let anything happen to you, I promise," Leon said to Juliet, nodding at Camila, "My cousins should have it under control, but you should probably get out of here, I can't promise that it's going to be safe."
Paityn 's eyes were dead, looking between Abel and Kieran. She turned to Priya, "I guess we should make sure no one else get's shot before we go."
Juliet sniffled and wiped at her eyes before looking up at Leon. "Can I crash at your place tonight? I really don'r want to be alone right now."
Priya looked to Ezra her hand reaching out to take his'. Now she understood while her mother got migraines.
Leon "Yeah of course," he nodded at her, "it's going to be okay," he said, wishing that he could promise that his words were true.
Benjamin followed Camila's gaze, watching as Kieran and Abel had their guns drawn on each other. He had a sick feeling in his stomach. He didn't understand why people were still around. "It's probably best if we all get out of here," Ben said to Camila. He eyed Juliet, who seemed to be safe with the Costello family. "I don't have a good feeling about any of this."
Ezra "you going to take your sister home?" he asked, still reeling from the events that had just happened.
Penny stood holding her cousin who was able to cry but all she could do was sob. Who could have done something like this? Penny knew one thing. Whoever did this was going to pay in blood.
Miles cringed as both men pulled their guns out. "You two idiots aren't even LISTENING!" Losing his temper, Miles let out a whistle as another officer ran over. "You two should fucking know better than this, now, c'mon." Grabbing Kieran's arm that was holding the gun, he grabbed the gun out of his hand and tossed it away from them. Pulling out the cuffs on his belt, he started to place them on his wrists. "We'll get ya bailed out in the morning, kid." Miles mumbled to Kieran. As the other officer followed the same protocol with Abel, Miles looked around at everyone staring waiting for something to happen. "A girl is dead!" He yelled, his voice cracking slightly. "Go the fuck home, no one else needs to die today."
Paityn flinched when Miles said a girl is dead. That girl was her sister. Her sister was dead. It's my fault. It should've been me.
Priya "Yes," Priya replies to him. Her sister needed to be as far away from here as possible. Where the fuck was Sebastian. Where was her dad? Where was anyone who could stop what was about to happen because she surely could not. "I need to get her out of here. I came with you-" No, she would not be letting that pain sink in. Not now. "Can you get us out of here?" she ask Ezra
Ezra nodded, "get your sister, and brother and let's get the fuck out of here before we're caught in the middle of this toxic masculinity bullshit."
Camila taps a nail idly against her leg, trying to expel her nervous energy somehow. Juliet would be leaving with Leon, it would seem. Well. At least that would be safe. She shrugs. "Yeah. Me fucking neither." She glances down at her phone, taps busily at the screen. "You think uber picks up here?"
Kai goes to bail out Abel and take care of his bro bro.
Violet leaves with Luca, Sofia, and Mia, drops them off at home, and goes to do some other shit.
Ezra could tell things were about to get bad with the cops. He went, got his car, and pulled up out front where he'd agreed to meet Priya with presumably her siblings.
Priya grabbed Paityn by the hand and made their way over to Sebastian. "Seb, we need to get out of here. Now." she shakes his shoulder with her free hand before grabbing hold of his hand. One way or another she was dragging them all out of her.
Benjamin wasn't about to let anyone Uber home after the shit storm that had happened. "I'll get you home, Cam." He sighed, glancing around. Ben knew that he wouldn't be able to rest that night until he knew that everyone was safe.
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Woke up in Japan - S.S.
Youngblood Series
Sebastian Stan x Reader
'It's enough to let the night let go of me. A few steps into the open doorway. Heart pounding, there's a noise complaint from room 304.'
Word Count: 2,008
Warnings: Mentions of smut (nothing too descriptive), swearing
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Sebastian shifted on the soft sheets, groaning as the sun was shining directly onto his face. He rubbed his eyes and sat up slowly. His head was pounding, pain shooting across his spine. "What the f-" His own groan of pain interrupted him. Did he really had that much last night?
Leaning his back against the headboard of the hotel bed, he took a deep breath. As he shifted slightly, he only realized that he wasn't, in fact, wearing any clothes. That was new. When he was drunk, he either still managed to at least get rid of his pants and jacket, or he would just pass out in his suit. He never had the energy to get completely naked. Grabbing the water bottle from his bedside table, he tried to remember the events of last night.
"This is amazing!" A bright smile was on your face as your eyes flew over the tons of neon lights and colorful shops. Sebastian grinned at you, amused by your excitement. "Never been to Japan?" You shook your head, your eyes barely blinking out of fear to miss something. "Never had the time or possibilities to." "I offered you a thousand times to join me on a trip!" Chris Evans, your older brother, came up beside you to throw his arm over your shoulder. "I have a job as well. Be happy that i could convince my boss to give me a week off. They're going down without me, I'm holding the whole company up." You retorted with fake arrogance, making both men laugh.
Chris had introduced you to basically everyone of his marvel coworkers. They were all very sweet to you, but since the beginning you've been closest with Sebastian. He was a real gentleman, always making sure you were okay when Chris wasn't there to do the job. What you didn't know was that he did it because he had a tiny crush on you.
You had spend the first days exploring the city while your brother and friends were busy with their press tour. You tried to spend as much time as possible with them though. "How does a bar sound?" Robert suggested one evening, earning agreement from everyone. "Is Holland even old enough to drink?" You asked grinning, earning an angry glance from Tom while everyone else laughed. Even though you were only a couple years older as him, you liked to treat him like a 16 year old, just like everyone else.
The bar you decided on wasn't too crowded. You all sat down in two booth, you in the middle of one between Sebastian and Chris. "Shots for everyone!" Jeremy cheered. "I'm taking yours, you're definitely not getting wasted here." Chris said to you as the drinks arrived. You shot him a glare before taking his shot as well as yours, downing them at the same time. You coughed a little as your throat burned, but the look on Chris' face was worth it. "I like her." Sebastian grinned as he downed his shot as well, making you laugh.
This was just the beginning.
The memory of Chris' face made Sebastian chuckle. He's never seen the guy so shocked. Sebastian never imagined you to be a girl who could take a lot of Alcohol, but you proved him. wrong last night. He shook his head, grinning. He quickly regained himself, trying to remember what happened later.
"You don't think you've had enough?" Sebastian chuckled beside you as you tried to find the straw of your cocktail with your lips. You just scoffed at him. "I'm fine."
The group of people has already gotten smaller. Most of them, including your brother, already left. But not before telling Sebastian to look after you. Which was a dumb idea since Sebastian was just as drunk as you.
"Y'know, this was a great evening, but we should call it a night." Robert suggested, downing the rest of his beer. You all nodded in agreement, downing the rest of your drinks as well before making your way back to the hotel which, luckily, wasn't too far away. But the way was harder than you thought. Sebastian and you constantly clung onto each other, trying to keep on walking while giggling. The rest of the group was busy keeping themselves to walk straight.
"I can bring you to your room." Sebastian suggested as you arrived at the hotel, grinning down at you. You broke down in giggles. "We're on the same floor. On the same hallway" "Ohh yeah I forgot." Sebastian replied, laughing as well.
As you reached the third floor, you stopped at his door. "Here we are." He simply said, not making a move to open the door. "Here we are." You repeated, nodding. "The night was fun." Sebastian went on, clearly not wanting to leave. "Yeah it was." You smiled.
Then you stood there, just looking into each other's eyes. Sebastian lips parted slightly, his eyes falling to your mouth. It took you a second before you pulled him towards you, pressing your lips against his. Sebastian almost fell in the process, returning the kiss. It was messy, all tongue and teeth, and he groaned against you as you lightly tugged on his hair. "Your room, now." You muttered against his lips. Sebastian just nodded weakly, opening the door before leading you inside. He closed the door behind him, only to press you against it, your mouths still moving hungrily against each other.
This time Sebastian groaned out of pure embarrassment. You were Chris' sister for God's sake. He wasn't allowed to kiss you. Not like he did last night. "He's going to kill me." Sebastian muttered to himself, lifting himself off the bed to take a shower while the remaining memories of last night played in his mind.
"Jesus Christ." You whimpered, your head thrown back as Sebastians hips moved against you. You could feel his heart pounding against you, racing just as much as your own. He moaned above you, his eyes shut tightly as his hands gripped the sheets on both sides of your body. "You feel so good, fuck." He muttered breathless, his lips falling to your neck to suck on the sensetive skin. "So damn tight."
"Shit, Sebastian!" You moaned, gripping his hair and tugging. He growled against your neck, the pace of thrusts picking up as he searched his release. "Oh my-fuck!" You almost screamed as he grazed the right spot. He chuckled, his mouth finding yours. "You gotta keep quiet, baby." He muttered against your lips, smiling as you groaned. He leaned his forehead against yours, his bottom lip between his teeth as he neared his climax. "I'm so damn close, shit." He warned, his jaw clenched. "Me too, come on." You whimpered in response. It only took a couple more thrust for you to fall over the edge, his hand covering your mouth as you screamed his name. Your release triggered his. He buried himself as deep as possible, a deep groan leaving his lips as he came.
Sebastian face was in his hands as the water hit his back. He felt disgusting. On one side, last night was everything he had wished for since he had met you. But he had clearly taken advantage of you. But then, you had kissed him first. Yet, you were still Chris' sister.
He then realized that you wasn't in his bed as he had woken up. Did you regret what happened last night? What if this would be it, your friendship ruined just because he couldn't say no to you? He groaned in frustration, stepping out of the shower to dry himself off. He slipped into some sweatpants when it suddenly knocked on his door. He just sighed; he didn't want to see anyone right now.
As the knocking didn't stop, Sebastian forced himself to open the door. His breathing stopped for a second as he looked right into Chris' face; and he clearly wasn't happy. "Dude, are you fucking serious?" He snapped, pushing Sebastian back to enter the room as well. "What do y-" "Don't play dumb on me, Stan!" Sebastian gulped at his angry tone. "Y/N is my sister! In what way did you think that it would be okay to sleep with my sister?! You can be happy she's on birth control, what if you would've gottten her pregnant?!" Sebastians gaze was fixated on the carpet, not daring to look at Chris. His stare was intense, making Sebastian feel extremely uncomfortable.
"Look, I'm sorry. We were both drunk, we didn't know what we were doing." "Bullshit excuse." Chris scoffed, causing Sebastian to look at him. "You think I didn't notice the way you look at her all the time?" Sebastian gulped. He didn't know anyone had noticed. He ran a hand through his hair, sighing. "I don't know what you want to hear from me apart from that I'm sorry." Chris just rolled his eyes at his friends statement. "Go talk to her." Sebastian stared at him, blinking in confusion. "Seriously?" "I'm not the one who had sex with you and left. So yeah, go on." Sebastian just nodded, leaving the room without another word to walk up to yours.
He knocked, his nerves high as his heart raced. "Chris, I already told you, Im f-" You stopped as you opened the door. Sebastian had a nervous smile on his face as a dark blush covered your cheeks. He chose to ignore the red and purple bruises covering your neck, taking a breath instead. "Can we talk?" You nodded, motioning him to get inside. He stopped in the middle of the room as you closed the door, his hands in the pockets of his pants. He only then noticed that he forgot to put on a shirt, making the whole thing even more awkward.
"Look, I'm sorry about what happened." He started as you sat down on the bed. "We were both drunk and you clearly regret it. I took advantage of you and I know that was selfish. I'm-" "Wait what?" You interrupted him, looking up into his eyes as his brows furrowed. "What?" "You think you took advantage of me?" He just nodded, still confused. "Yeah, I mean- You left this morning without a word and I-I thought you regretted last night. That you didn't really want to have Sex with me." You just chuckled, shaking your head. "I was the one who kissed you first, dumbass." You smiled up at him. "I wanted what happened last night. I just panicked this morning because, you know, you're still one of Chris' best friends. I didn't want it to be awkward." Sebastian just stared at you in disbelief. "You wanted to?" He asked, causing you to chuckle. "Of course i did." Your face fell as he didn't seem happy. "Do you regret it?"
He immediately gathered himself, shaking his head no. "Not a second of it." You smiled in relief, standing up to walk towards him. "Soo, do you like me?" You bit your lip, smiling as you waited for his answer. He nodded. "Since the day I met you." You smiled brightly. "Same here." His hands settled on your hips as you smiled at each other. "Please let it be less messy this time." You added, making him grin. "I promise." Then his lips found yours in a slow, loving kiss. You pulled him closer to you, on of your hands caressing his stubble as you sighed into the kiss.
A knock at your door made you both jump, breaking the kiss. "I don't mean to interrupt." Chris called from the other side of the door. "But the room next to Sebastian complained about loud noises last night. If I'll ever have to hear anything from you two, I'm kicking Sebastians ass." You covered your face while giggling, embarrassed as strangers heard your moaning. Sebastian just laughed. "I'll find a way to keep you quiet." He suggested, winking as your face went red.
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kimnamjooonz · 6 years
London Calling - Chapter 5
The King’s College Gang
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Songs used in this chapter:
Alanis Morrisette - Ironic
It’s My Life - Bon Jovi
This time I’m not setting up the story, I’m setting up their meeting. Short chapter ahead.
Months have passed and everything was going well. Celine had moved to her own house the day before Christmas which had been very relieving. She just couldn’t stand anymore the sound of Matilde’s Christmas music and the horrible sight that was the house full of silly decorations. She had adopted a black cat that she had named Elemauzer, tried to do the best job possible at decorating the house (Matilde found absolutely tasteless the picture of Henry VIII she had in the living room) and continued having two jobs while trying to have the most fun as possible, in her own style. Going to see the Chelsea games or planning random excursions to the Tower of London and other historical places were her favourite activities. By the middle of march she had arranged to meet her old Cambridge mates. She hadn't seen them in months and she really wanted to talk to them, improvise a karaoke session and burn someone's underwear. So, they decided to meet in a Nandos near Westminster. When Celine arrived there, wearing the classic purple sweater with the King’s College logo, Amy and Alize were already there. The boys always arrived late. ‘’Here we have Chelsea’s most fashionable bachelorette’’ Amy greeted her with a hug. ‘’I can’t even deny it’’ after greeting Amy she went to hug Alize. ‘’So you’re still single’’ stated Amy. Celine’s love life was some sort of a joke between them. They had never met someone less interested in relationships. Well, maybe Joel. ‘’I’m in a passionate relationship with history. However we’re hitting a rough patch. I got stuck in my research again. I want to send everything to hell’’. They talked about Celine’s project until the boys arrived. ‘’Have you ordered the chicken because I’m starving’’ said Joel as a greeting. ‘’Do it yourself Shand-Kydd’’ Celine threw him a napkin as a protest ‘’You always protest when someone orders for you. How are the stars Charlie?’’ Charlie had a doctorate in astrophysics and always was complaining about getting stuck in his research. Same as Celine. ‘’Same as your history, Cadwallader. Don’t try to deny it’’. Of course she didn’t. ‘’You two are so pessimistic.’’ Joel was back with his chicken. ‘’At least your History is better than your love life’’. Alize almost chocked with laughter. ‘’Look who’s talking’’ Celine defended herself. ‘’Your last real girlfriend was in secondary school and, no, I’m not counting Mona the robot here’’. They all laughed. Celine had got him there. She and Joel were basically the same person when it came to relationships: uninterested and unavailable. The other three were different, Charlie had always been interested in casual relationships, Amy had been engaged for some time but had cancelled the whole thing when his boyfriend prioritised a Princeton scholarship over her (and Celine couldn’t blame him) and Alize was a mystery, but Celine knew she was not single. ‘’And your last boyfriend lasted two weeks. And that was eight years ago’’ Joel was still trying to justify himself. ‘’Nine’’ Celine corrected him. ‘’But at least he was real and not made of metal, even though I can’t even remember how he looked like’’. Everyone laughed but Celine, who was getting bored by the whole love talk. Thankfully Charlie brought another topic. ‘’Amy, how was New York?’’ Amy had recently come back from there where she had been doing a conference in the NYU. ‘’Brilliant. I came back just three days ago. Not even London is as perfect as New York’’ Celine disagreed, but well, that was Amy’s opinion. ‘’I was all the time singing Empire State of Mind, that was so stereotypical. And the flight back was really eventful, I took a picture with a famous guy!’’ ‘’Who?’’ all of them asked at the same time. Celine was intrigued. Maybe Amy had met a footballer. ‘’A singer from a band, I think the name’s One Dimension. I mean, I had no idea who that was but everyone was asking him for pictures so I did it. Here it is’’ Amy showed them a picture in her phone. In it there was Amy herself posing with a small brunette with an Adidas hoodie at least two sizes bigger. Never in million years Celine would have guessed that this guy was famous. ‘’And that is not all!’’ Amy continued with a big smile. ‘’Tom Hiddleston was also in my plane!’’ Celine knew that name. He was one of the guys that Matilde drooled for. He and that Chris Evans. Among others. ‘’Did you saw him?’’ Alize asked with her eyes wide open. ‘’No but I heard the rumour that he was there with a couple of friends. A pity I didn't catch their names. Maybe it was Sebastian Stan, heard he's in London''. Of course Celine had no idea who she was referring to. She kind of remember hearing about that Sebastian guy before but she couldn't remember how he looked like or basically anything about him. Only that he was on Matilde's wall. Celine was a bit distracted by Joel who seemed to be getting drunk and was singing some song the went by the lyrics ‘…bring back 1996’. Suddenly Alize stood up, with a bright smile on her face. ‘’I have an announcement’’ she said, still with the smile. ‘’Please, don’t be pregnant’’ muttered Celine with a low voice. Charlie herd her and laughed. All of them were looking at Alize. ‘’Well, I’m engaged!’’ Close enough, thought Celine. ‘’Marcus proposed last week. He got down on one knee and everything. It was so romantic!’’ Celine couldn’t think of anything as disgustingly corny as that. She congratulated Alize, even though she wasn’t very convinced of the pomp and romance of the engagement. ‘’The second engagement in this group’’ said Charlie. ‘’Hope this one doesn’t get cancelled as the last one’’ he looked at Amy who looked resigned. ‘’She’s rubbing her romantic news in front of four single people’’ commented Amy. ‘’She’s mean’’ ‘’I’m good with my state’’ stated Celine. ‘’I’m perfectly fine, I live on my own, I made up my mind I’m better off being alone’’. They all looked at her but no one laughed. ‘’You know what?’’ Amy said, pointing to Celine. ‘’She’s going to end up marrying someone’’ ‘’Yeah, of course’’ Celine rolled her eyes, cursing herself for saying something. Once the topic was on the table there was no going back. ‘’Agree’’ Alize seemed to be in the mood to talk about these horrible things. ‘’But not a normal someone. Not a guy who works at Greggs, or in a bank and not even a normal guy from the university. We’re talking about Celine here. She goes big or goes home. I picture her with a Nobel Prize winner, an important politician, an actor like Tom Hiddleston or a Grammy winner’’. They were talking about her as if she wasn’t there. ‘’Twenty pounds for the Nobel Prize winner’’ said Joel. Celine was astounded. She couldn’t believe that they were being so silly. ‘’Twenty pounds for the Grammy winner’’ said Charlie. ‘’But not a musician. My bet is for a renowned producer’’. Celine was a bit disgusted. Then is was Amy’s turn. ‘’I’ll go for the politician. After all Celine works in an embassy’’. Alize laughed, like if she knew something they didn’t. ‘’You’re all idiots. Of course it going to be an actor. I can see it inside my head, a dashing man with dark hair and blue eyes, just like Tom Hiddleston. She’s going to have him head over heels for her but he’ll also make her sweet side surface. That’s your future husband, Celine’’. Okay, that was something else. Her imagination was really running wild. Or maybe she was drunk. ‘’It could be worse’’ Celine said with sarcasm. ‘’I’ll call myself ‘Doctor Hiddleston’ and you’ll be invited to our mansion in the French Riviera for holidays’’. ‘’I doesn’t have to be Tom but someone like him’’ said Alize. Celine rolled her eyes but thankfully this was just a joke.
When Celine finally got home she was actually happy to be alone. She had bought a box of pastries to eat with tea. The first thing she did was to put some music on. Alanis Morrisette’s Jagged Little Pill album was the chosen one. It had a raw angst that she liked. She was into her second cup of tea and sixth pastry when she heard the door being knocked frantically. Rolling her eyes she went to open it. It was Matilde. ‘’Celine, you’ll never going to guess what happened today’’. ‘’Chelsea’s giving away free tickets?’’ ‘’What? No! Better than this. I saw a light in one of the windows of Tom Hiddleston’s house! Remember that he lives next to my mum's house in Fulham?'' Celine wanted to throw the pastry she was eating right to Matilde’s face. She couldn’t see how a light turned on in some actor’s house could be better than free tickets to see Chelsea. ‘’Would you forgive me for not sharing your enthusiasm?’’ ‘’C’mon Celine! It’s Tom Hiddleston! You have to admit he’s attractive! Tomorrow I’ll mount guard during the evening from mum’s house. From there you can see his garden. Do you want to come’’. ‘’No. Stalking is creepy. Apart from that I have to go to Roxanne’s bookshop. I lost an important book about Anne Boleyn that’s important to my research’’. Celine had the slight idea that it wasn't the first time that Matilde stalked Hiddleston, with no results, of course. Until this morning going to the bookshop wasn’t her original plan but after almost an hour looking for the damned book she had to admit that she had lost it. And she planned to spend her Sunday trying to go forward in her research. ‘’What is this necklace?’’ Matilde asked Celine. ‘’Why haven’t I noticed before that you had Real Madrid’s badge hanging from your neck?’’ ‘’I found it today while looking for the book. I had lost it too.’’ Matilde noticed that her friend looked frustrated for something. ‘’The BBC hasn’t answered yet?’’ ‘’No. And I sent the documentary solicitude like four months ago. Everything seems to be stuck.’’ ‘’It’ll work fine, you’ll see. Celine, dear, you need to relax a bit. Why don’t you come with me to spy Hiddleston tomorrow?’’ Celine rolled her eyes. It was alarming that Matilde was serious with this stuff. ‘’Because I’m a Cambridge graduated Doctor with an spotless criminal record. I don’t want to earn a restraining order from a famous actor and spend the night in prison for stalking’’. ‘’You’ll miss the fun’’. ‘’I’ll get you a lawyer for free, for when he presses charges against you for harassment, trespassing and stalking. Her name’s Alexandra, she’ll get you out of prison for free, maybe you’ll just have to pay a fine. If you’re lucky you can even meet Hiddleston again, at court. That’s something I won’t miss from the world’’. Celine had a sarcastic smile. ‘’No matter what you say, I’m going to do it anyway. And why the hell are you listening to Alanis Morrisette? Are you dedicating angry songs to the ex boyfriend you don’t have?’’ Celine rolled her eyes. ‘’I was about to play Bon Jovi’’ She chose It’s My Life. Matilde and Celine laughed, no matter what, they related to it.
P.s. I’m really setting up their meeting and I’m sorry for going slow. Like and comment if you want!!! I’m also seeing Captain Marvel tomorrow!!
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elves-n-angels · 6 years
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Sebastian Stan’s Musings on Life in August Man Malaysia Issue 115
APRIL 18, 2018
Sebastian Stan is a humble man. Humble to a fault. One couldn’t imagine a superhero from the Marvel Cinematic Universe played by such a down-to-earth, unassuming man. But since 2010, Stan has played Captain Bucky Barnes, who had his big break as a leading character in Captain America: Winter Soldier. Maybe that’s how Marvel and Disney trick us into seeing these movies: they hire nuanced, thoughtful actors and not just action stars. Resistance is futile.
This year is shaping up to be a big one for Sebastian Stan, with new roles where he gets to show his acting chops, such as his turn in I, Tonya, where he plays the scheming husband of the title character, and a lead role opposite Nicole Kidman in Destroyer. Although he lives in New York, Stan frequently travels to Los Angeles for work, and it is during one of his westward treks that we caught up with him, in the penthouse of the Shangri-La, a luxurious beachfront Santa Monica hotel.
You’re originally from Romania. It’s a country sometimes viewed as the Latin country of Eastern Europe. Do you have a bit of Latin/romantic in you? Yes. I was born there and I left when I was eight. Then I lived in Austria for four years and then I came to the US in 1995.
I’m originally from France. Romanian is also a Latin language, like French. Romanian is a little bit closer to Spanish and Italian, with some Slavic stuff added. I’d say the filmmaking there is seemingly close to French style. It’s sort of deep. Tragic stories about suffering! (Laughs) It’s like the real life. I’m a fan. I love a lot of foreign movies. I’m trying to reeducate myself of what’s going on there, and I’ve watched more Romanian movies lately.
Are they offering you parts over there? No. I’m actually going back. First time I’m going back since 2004. It has been 14 years. I still speak the language fluently, although I have an accent. I’d like to find something one day potentially to reconnect. That’s the plan. I’m going back for their film festival. It’s nice to haveI, Tonya screened there. It’s a good reason to go. One of my goals is to meet with these filmmakers, get to know them. You never know. We’ll start a conversation.
I read your mum is a pianist. Did that play a part in you choosing an artistic path for your career? I don’t know. When we were in Austria for a little bit of time, in her mind she had always seen me as a creative type. She was pushing me a little bit towards acting, taking me to some open calls. She used to get a kick seeing me imitating people. I didn’t like it. I was in this tiny series when I was in Vienna, very briefly. I hated it. I hated the fact you had to be on the spot, you had to wait around to work. I was like “back off, leave me alone”. I rediscovered it on my own when I was a teenager in New York. I’m glad I did it later. I think she wanted me to discover it by myself.
What was it like to arrive in New York at 12 years old? It was very weird. A lot of my childhood was kind of chaotic, moving around. But this is what life is – the life of an actor. You’re always moving, four months there, 10 months there. I’m kind of used to change; I crave it. I like relocating and going to a place I’ve never been and restart, get to know it. All that stuff is fun for me, when doing my job.
I think the first time you got some mainstream visibility was when you did the TV show Gossip Girl, right? I did some things before that, but Gossip Girl, I think it was such a popular show; it was an unbelievable show. It was an amazing opportunity for me. First of all I was living in New York and it was shot in New York. I never thought my character would reoccur. Also one of my best friends was in it, Chace Crawford, so it was nice to reconnect with him. We were hanging out anyway, so it was like “let’s just go to work at the same time!”. I guess that was the first time that, here and there, someone was recognising me. I don’t think in the industry I was recognised for anything. But the show was so popular.
It was huge! I forgot how popular it was. I think it was setting trends.
You’ve been playing Bucky Barnes for close to a decade now. How has playing the role of Captain Bucky Barnes changed your life? Oh my God! I guess 2010 is when I started. It’s bizarre. It’s kind of strange! It’s certainly brought me a lot of exposure. I’m recognised here and there. It changed my life in many ways. From the perspective of having a lot of fans too. So many people coming up to you feeling they have a special bond to the character. It led to a lot of work opportunities as well, because of the exposure these movies have. It really catapulted me into the public eye, in a different way than I was used to. But in a nice way. I’ve been really grateful and lucky to come back and revisit that character over time. It’s even kind of strange to imagine what would life be without that character and without the people I’m playing with. It’s a giant family, Marvel, in a way. So you’re always looking forward to reconnecting with people, in a way. And you just hope it keeps going. I think to the outside world, it looks like they have a huge solution figured out: every movie’s a hit, every movie’s reviewed so well. But it’s really hard. I think every movie is created like it’s its first and last. That’s why it’s good. They’ve always come from a place of “let’s see what we can do with those characters”. It’s a big part of my life.
Was there anything that you wish you could have done differently for the role of Bucky Barnes, now that you know the character better? No, I’m really ok with the way things went. I felt that at the time, I did the most I could do with what they gave me. The knowledge that I had was the potential of certain things, but not knowing 100% if it was going to happen. I have hope and I’m excited about the future of the character, but then again, that’s not up to me.
Do you think any of the aspects of the Marvel Cinematic Universe relate to real-world events? Like reflection about the role of government? Or is it true fantasy? Look, I think it varies movie by movie, but there’s something to be said that these movies sometimes penetrate the real pulse of what’s going on. You can see it with Black Panther. It was not only a story that needed to be told, but it was something people wanted to see, needed to see. And there was a lot of themes that are prevalent to what’s going on today. So I think Marvel’s very smart with that kind of stuff, always finding a fine line between keeping you entertained and keeping you grounded so that you will be thinking of certain things. It’s an interesting time to have these movies now because they serve a lot of purposes. It’s almost like we really need heroes. We need leaders. There’s something subconscious there about the idea of feeling protected, feeling safe. Maybe these movies tap into something subconscious, into people’s desires, because we live in a scary world, it’s really terrifying out there. You turn your phone on and you’re shocked with all kinds of stuff, there’s another shooting, another attack, etc. I always think about one or two decades from now, when people will look back, how will they be looking at these movies and the pop culture of the time.
Are you surprised a movie like Captain America, which has very patriotic, “proud to be American” themes is doing so well overseas? I think Captain America’s been sort of updated. He’s more relatable than people initially thought. He’s a man lost in time. He’s actually a very sad character. He’s trying to find his way. The ideals he grew up with and made him do the things he wanted to do are no longer applied the same way in the modern world. It goes to show that there’s something about these movies that transcends stereotypes and perspectives. Especially in Asia, in China, these movies are huge.
How has your relationship with all the other actors in the Marvel Cinematic Universeevolved over the past decade? Are you friends with some of them? Oh yeah, for sure. I would say Chris Evans and Andy Mackie are probably the closest to me. Everybody gets along. I got to know different people this time around. I spent much more time with Mark Ruffalo, Chris Hemsworth and Scarlett Johansson. You said it’s been almost 10 years. You almost grow with those people. Some get married, some get divorced, some have kids, some moved houses. It feels like we come together, and a lot of things have happened since we’ve been in each other’s lives. It does feel like a family.
How do you think you would feel after the Marvel Cinematic Universe finally ends? Is it even going to end one day? I don’t know. Everything ends and begins one way, but I don’t know. These movies are still bringing people to the theatre. Why go to the movie theatre when you have a nice plasma TV at home? You can watch it there. But I feel these movies are still serving that experience visually. You can watch on IMAX, with advanced sound technology. And a big part of this is that technology right now is so great to help those stories to be told. Ten to 20 years from now, you may be able to pick your favourite character and make him do whatever you want. Netflix may own a country at that point!
In I, Tonya, you play Tonya’s husband Jeff. Was it quite a departure? How did you get into character? Did the moustache help? (Laughs) Anytime you have a moustache, it’s going to do something. People look at you, people look at it. It was just a great opportunity to do something different. It was fascinating because it was real people, they existed, they’re still alive. It was a wild story that always has some kind of weird mystique to it. You never know if that’s the truth. Or is there more? We may never know. But from an actor’s perspective, it was a great experience with an unbelievable cast, a really great director that I respected and taught me a lot. It was nice to lose yourself in the character. I enjoy being challenged and this was very scary for a lot of reasons, because he’s a live person and I’ve never played a live person before. He was a very controversial person. To this day I don’t really know the truth. Because based on her side of the story, he was loving at times, and then extremely abusive at others.
In the movie, he’s not really a villain… No and that‘s the problem. I think in that movie, the villain is the American dream, in a way.
I thought the reason people liked that movie in the US is that even though the protagonists did some terrible things, in the end they wanted to win, and there’s nothing more American than this desire to win at all costs. Exactly. And you see it with who is in office in the White House right now! That was very prevalent in our movie. And the winning aspect was exactly what you said. Everybody was obsessed with this idea of not being good enough, not having enough, got to do more, got to do this. And then something happened, and nobody knew how to react to it, nobody was prepared. These were the people that grew up very poor, they didn’t have a great understanding of money, they didn’t have a great understanding of fame. But they wanted it. It’s also about abuse. Abuse happens early on, you learn, and keeps being repeated. And the people who are victims of abuse unfortunately grow used to the idea that there is some love attached to it, and continue to seek it later on. It’s about the message you’re telling your kids early on.
This fascination probably explains why the movie was named I, Tonya and not I, Nancy… The title I, Tonya was inspired by the book I, Claudius, which is about the Roman emperor Claudius. It’s in our nature as people to be driven, to want to succeed. All these things are part of who we are. But what do we do with it? That’s ingrained. You could say, “How are we like that?” But go tell this to four generations back. Blame them! We’re still living very much in a time that’s been put in place decades ago.
I wonder if there has ever been an actor who did this to another actor to get a part they were both auditioning for… (Laughs) Don’t put it out there! I’m sure there are people capable of it!
Are there any actors or directors whom you haven’t worked with and that you would like to work with in the future? Of course. Andrew Garland is a director I was just talking about the other day. He’s incredible. Quentin Tarantino. I’d work with Sir Ridley Scott again in a second. I’d love to get a chance to work with Darren Aronofsky. Who wouldn’t work with Martin Scorsese and Steven Spielberg? Sometimes I’m worried about what’s going to happen when these guys are no longer around!
Can you tell me about the TV show you did a couple of years ago called I’m Dying Up Here? It was a fun experience, it was a director I liked very much. It was based on a book about the Comedy Store in Hollywood. It was the ‘70s, guys like Jay Leno, Robin Williams – a world I knew nothing about. It wasn’t that comedic, it had some dark undertones. I love comedy. I’m still trying to figure out how I’m funny, how I’m not funny. It’s still a work in progress. But I’d love to be in a comedy one day. That would be amazing.
It seems your relationship with celebrity is somewhat ambivalent. Do you even want to be more famous? I talked to Justin Theroux last year and he is known for avoiding fame. I’m definitely not seeking it. I like walking on the streets. I don’t know what it would be like to be someone who can’t walk on the streets. I have no idea what it would be like. I’d love to continue doing what I’m doing. Sometimes one is a by-product of the other. You can’t have your cake and eat it too, sometimes. I see it more of a responsibility than anything else.
There’s pressure? Of course there’s pressure. But what are you doing with being famous? Who are you helping? Bring attention with you to certain causes? That’s how I think of it. Otherwise it’s just self-oriented.
Can you tell us about your other movies that will be released this year? There’s one that I have just finished, which I was really happy about. It’s called Destroyer. That was a great experience that I was really happy with. Then there’s We Live in a Castle , which I filmed two years ago. It was a really nice experience, but a tricky film with a tricky story. In Destroyer, you can expect Nicole Kidman as you’ve never seen her before. I’ve never seen her play a part like this. She was unrecognisable in some scenes. It’s a really well-written script that was a bit twisted. It is set in Los Angeles and the city is a big part of it. The movie is about control and how we struggle with that. We all want control. Sometimes it’s also about who we present ourselves to be and who we really are. It’s a very interesting movie and I’m also excited because of the director, Karyn Kusama. She’s really talented.
Could you describe your own personal style? You’re a firm believer in letting your wardrobe do the work. I try to not wear anything that has a log on it. Seemingly I like a lot of black, I like a lot of velvet. I like leather. I always seem to wear boots! I’m always learning about fashion. Especially this year. I got to wear Saint Laurent, Givenchy, Tom Ford – I was really lucky to wear some really cool brands. But I never discriminate between labels. It could be Hugo Boss or Coach. I’m much more of a visual person. If I see something that makes sense, I go for it.
Do you go to fashion week? I did last year. It was great. I went to Tom Ford, Hugo Boss and Calvin Klein. They were all very different and unique. But it was cool, I liked it.
Is it easy to fit into the clothes after all the Marvel superhero training? (Laughs) No, I’m not sure if I train as hard as I used to! Maybe it’s become part of my regular lie and I don’t not ice it anymore. Sometimes you have to lose weight, sometimes you have to gain weight. You just go with the job; the job just takes over.
You have millions of followers on Instagram. How did you develop your fanbase? It’s always a learning lesson for me on social media. A lot of it happened with Marvel, obviously. I got on Instagram when the Winter Soldier movie came out, it was in 2014. It was strange. But now it’s become a really interesting way to be able to communicate with the fans. Sometimes a lot of people reach out and ask me questions or advice. And that’s always very fulfilling.
What made you change your mind on social media? You used to not be on it. I wasn’t on it because I didn’t think I was going to be good at it. I’m still trying to figure it out, in a way. I’ve figured out how to enjoy it, though. I have just realised it was a necessity, in a way. It was part of the way the world was going. When someone really explained it to me that it was a way to keep in touch with your fans, vice versa, that really opened it up for me. Before I thought, “What am I going to say?” At least now we have a connection.
How much do the fans mean to you? Well none of this would happen without the fans. They’re the ones that go to the movies, they’re the ones that spend the money, they’re the ones that connect with those characters and relate to them. A lot of them put their hearts out and become vocal. I’ve had a lot of fans come up to me and tell me how much they relate to these characters, to the Winter Soldier, and how much he means to them. You need that support. That’s the feedback you’re looking for. Acting, to me, is an amazing experience. For me, personally, it’s gratifying. There’s a sense of release, a peace I get. But in the end, it’s a way to communicate something with somebody. That’s how I’ve always seen it. Here’s a character that’s going through this, maybe you’re related, maybe he’ll make you think about your life, make you question some of your decisions. How would you have acted in that scenario? It’s life on the screen!
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ticklikeabomb · 6 years
Traffic - Part 5
People : Plus size Reader x C.Evans, S.Stan, A.Mackie
Warnings : Language ; speaking/grammar mistakes 
Word Count : 4.265
Author’s Note : Italic = Thoughts
Sheletta’s POV (before the diner)
I got out of work earlier today and decided to use my spare time to check on the new collection at my favorite store on 5th Street. When I entered the shop, I recognized Y/BF/N and headed towards her. She smiled the minute she saw me and greeted me « Hello, how are you? » « I’m good and you? Busy day? » « No, it’s actually pretty quiet today. What can I do for you? » « I wanted to see if you had new arrivals. » « Of course, follow me. We got new gorgeous dresses and classy suits. » I followed her to the ‘new collection’ section and she proceed showing me the new clothes. I selected a few outfits and she followed me to the fitting room. I came out dressed with a purple satin dress that fitted perfectly. « Wow, it looks absolutely gorgeous. » « Yeah, I like it. » We were chatting and Y/N came up. « How’s Y/N by the way? » She sighed and said « Not that good I’m afraid. I mean it kinda sucks getting fired for no reason like that. » I widened my eyes « She got fired? » Her face blushed « Omg, you didn’t know? » « No, I didn’t. » « Shit, I’m sorry I thought you knew. » « But what happened and since when is she unemployed? » She told me that it was because of her jerk boss that didn’t wanted to give her the day off in order to go to the vet and completely lost his mind and just fired her. « What an asshole! », I said. « Yeah, she’s been looking for another job lately. I think she has an interview in two days », she revealed. « I really hope she gets it otherwise I don’t know what will happen. » « What do you mean? » She looked at me hesitantly before confessing « Look Y/N is my best friend and I love her so much but I just can’t keep it any longer at bay and I know that you also care about her, so I’m gonna tell you but don’t tell her I told you. Well I don’t even know if she knows that I’m aware. » « God, just speak up girl. »
She took a deep breath and started « I think she’s struggling financially. I stopped by at her house a couple days ago and when she was at the bathroom, I stood up to grab something to drink and when I opened the fridge, it was empty. I mean there was butter, eggs, a bottle of water and milk and that was it. What was crazy is that Nana’s box was full of food. I’m afraid that she just focuses on the dog and neglects herself. » I gasped not knowing that the situation was at that state. « Why didn’t she said anything? We could have helped.» « Y/N is very stubborn, especially when it comes to asking favors or complaining if something’s wrong. She only reaches out when she’s really at the bottom of it. » I was trying to process the information when she spoke again « After work I’m gonna grocery shopping and drop it at her place. I’ll pretend that I got extra from my mother and can’t eat all of it », she said sadly. « Do you mind if I come with you? » Her eyes widened « Oh you don’t have to really. » « I insist, I kinda miss her and having a ladies night could be fun. » She smiled brightly and agreed. She texted Y/N asking if we could stop by, which she agreed.
After Y/BF/N’s work we did as planned. We headed to the grocery store and bought the essentials and I texted Anthony informing him about the Ladies Night and he replied that there’s was no problem that he would invite some friends on his own. After that, we headed to Y/N’s place. She opened the door, making us enter. It was a small studio but well decorated and very cozy. « Hey look, my mom gave me this but I’ve already made groceries, so I thought that instead, I would give it to you », Y/BF/N said. Y/N narrowed her eyes confused, not believing a single word what her friend just said. « I’m serious. Come on. I’m not gonna put it in the trash. » She seemed to tense and eventually agreed to keep the groceries « Thank you. » « I would have offered you coffee but unfortunately I’ve ran out of it », Y/N giggled nervously, clearly not at ease. « In the bag », replied her friend. « Oh great then, do you want some? » We agreed and looked at her preparing the cups. I sat down at a stool in front of the kitchen counter and noticed some envelopes next to my right arm. I couldn’t look away and saw some warning pay bills - electricity, rent, vet. ‘Damn, this is really serious’, I thought. She turned back to us and I looked back at her, giving her my most natural smile. She lead us to the couch and we started talking. The time past and we were talking about fashion, when Y/BF/N revealed that Y/N was pretty good at doing make-up. «I just do it sometimes like that, as hobby. » « Are you kidding you should totally start doing those beauty tutorials on Youtube. » Y/N blushed lightly and chuckled.
« Really? That’s great. Why don’t you show me? », I said. « What? Now? » « Yeah why not? Come on, hit it. I even have my make-up purse with me » « Alright. Wait here, I’ll be right back. » She came back with some of her palettes. « What kind of make-up do you want? », she asked. I thought about it and remembered the purple dress I bought earlier. I showed her the dress and asked something that could fit for it. She looked attentively at him and at the colors on the palettes in front of her. « Ok I have an idea », she exclaimed. « Well ladies, I’ll go take Nana for a walk and will come back later. » Y/N agreed and after removing the make-up I had, she alined delicately all the things she would use. She asked me how I meet Anthony and I smiled recalling the first time I saw him. We met at school and didn’t leave since then - totally the sweetheart story. She giggles and was happy that there could still be people that when they say ‘forever’, they mean it. « What about you? Anyone in your life? » « Nahh, don’t have time for that », she replied laughing.
 « Tell me how was your childhood? What did you mother say when she saw that cute little head of Nana? », I asked. I felt her body tense a little bit and she cleared her voice « Oh…eh… my childhood was ok, I guess. Not like the others, I never knew my father but my mother compensated for it. She was amazing. … Unfortunately I lost her two years ago », her voice cracked. « I’m so sorry Y/N » « You didn’t know, don’t worry. » There was a small silent and she whispered « I miss her a lot. » I looked at her and saw tears roll down her face. I immediately took her in my arms, trying to give her some maternal love. « I’m sure she would be proud of you. Being a beautiful, independent, funny and kind person. » She cleaned her tears and thanked me before going back to the make-up. 30 minutes later, Y/BF/N was back from the walk and Y/N was doing the final touches. « Tadahhh, done », she chanted. I stood up and looked at the mirror and was astonished by the result. It was really beautiful, making my eyes shine through. 
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« You like it? » « I love it, it’s amazing and it will fit perfectly with the dress. Thank you. » « Glad you do », she smiled. « I agree with Y/BF/N, you totally should do gigs in make-up. » « Show her your book » exclaimed happily Y/BF/N. Y/N smiled and went to her bedroom and came out with a book that she handed to me. I opened it and saw pictures of people with their faced either with make-up on or painted. 
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« You did all this? » « Yeah, sometimes it happens. At the center once, during Pride month I saw a girl struggling with her eyeliner, so I stepped forward and asked if she wanted help. She agreed telling that she wanted to look good but sucked at make-up. Her words not mine. » We started laughing and she continued « So I propose to help her. I told her that she was already beautiful and that no amount of make-up would change that and asked her to trust me. She told me her icon was David Bowie so, I did her the famous Ziggy Stardust thunder but with the colors of the rainbow. People gathered around us and after I finished, they loved it. The girl literally jumped on my neck hahah. Others asked if I could do theirs and that’s how it started. Now I do when I can for any occasion - event, carnival, halloween, pride month, dia de los muertos » she finished. I was fascinated by her talent. « Why don’t you work as make-up artist? », I wondered. « I’m not a professional, just have a vivid imagination », she laughed. I came in front of a picture where the person was divided in male/female. « Ah yes that one. It took me hours to finish it but the person was happy. » « This is really impressive. Do you mind if I take your book home and show it to Anthony? » « No, no problem », she replied.
A week later, I was reading a book when my phone started ringing. It was Y/N. She asked me if I could take care of Nana for a couple of days and immediately agreed. I recalled her friend’s words ‘She only reaches out when she’s at the bottom of it’. « This must really be bad », I mumble to myself once I hang up. « Babe », I shouted. A minute after, Anthony was in the living room « Yes? » « Nana’s gonna spend some days with us. » « How come? », he asked confused. « Y/N has to work and she has no one else to take care of the pup. » « That girl is intoxicating our sons with her cute dog », he said laughing. « Is Sebastian and Chris still coming? » « Yeah, they must be on their way. Oh now that I recall, it will be the first time Y/N will actually be with us three at the same time. You know how I’ve told you that she first met Sebastian and then it was us and two weeks ago it was Evans. » « Yeah, I recall. I don’t know if it’s fate or something but meeting multiple times famous actors, that’s pretty awesome in my opinion. Especially in a city where thousands of people live. How in the odds you end up finding her after all and without social media. » The actor thought about that for a second « You’re right I never saw it that way. »  
Two hours later she arrived, the second she stepped in the kitchen I almost got a shock. Her face was much more slimmer than the last time I saw her and big circles ornamented her eyes. I tried to confront her about it and she denied it. We sat on the table and started eating. Even if she did the best she could to go unnoticed I knew she was really hungry. « Damn Y/N, you famished », Anthony said, making her tense and blush profoundly. I gave my husband a stern look and punch on the thigh. ‘God he’s so stupid’, I thought. Sebastian and Chris were eying Y/N suspiciously and thank god Sebastian deviated the conversation from the scene that just happened. An hour late, she stood up and said that she had to leave. I discreetly told her to take the rest of the food with her but she refused saying that she had food at home and if she didn’t eat it, it would not be good anymore. My eyes kept sending daggers to Anthony and sensing the tense atmosphere in the room Sebastian and Chris decided to leave too.
He finally faced me and said « What? Look, I already apologized for my behavior. » I let a deep breath out and began telling him why I was so mad at him. I told him about her getting fired, about what her best friend revealed me. That I saw the warning bills on the table. « Did you not see how much weight she lost? » « I noticed but didn’t thought it was because of that. Sure she looked tired too but how am I supposed to know that. » « That’s why I lied about Nana’s food. She didn’t leave the bag but I’ll buy the dog’s food. » He dropped his head in his hands before saying « Why didn’t she said anything? » « That’s what I asked her best friend but apparently she’s like that with everyone. » « God, I feel even worse about that stupid comment. » I patted his shoulder « I know babe. It saddens me too. I even insisted for her to take the rest of tonight’s diner and she straight lied to my face saying she had some at home. I know she’s lying but I can’t force her. » « Should we tell Sebastian and Chris? » « Absolutely not. She will be pissed at us. Let’s see if things work out on their own, since she’s starting a new job and if I see that it’s not getting better, we’ll tell them. » He nodded « Alright babe. »
The next few days were terrible. You would wake up early, head down the dinner, do your shift, leave back home, take a small shower and head down the bar to start your second shift. If you slept 4 hours, it was already a blessing. The bills kept coming and you only would receive your salary at the end of the month. « Fucking hell », you shouted in your place when the electricity was cut. There you were laying on your bed, crying your heart out. Good thing you still had battery on your phone. You would charge him at the bar before heading home in order for your alarm to ring. The owner of the dinner you worked during mornings till 3 pm, was a sweet old lady. She told you that coffee was unlimited for the staff and that we could have one meal per day offered. You thanked her for her kindness and she said that the establishment was her baby and that we were her family and that she took care of her family. That day you couldn’t contain your tears and hugged her tightly. Thanks to the tips, you managed to buy the strict minimum for food, the rest of it you had to pay for your phone. You couldn’t keep staying in the dark, so you did the next thing you could. You unplugged the TV and grabbed a small box from your nightstand. Giving out the TV to the store, you managed to get 150$. After that you entered another store and your that’s when your heart broke into tiny pieces.
Actors’s POV (Sebastian / Chris / Sheletta)
 - Sebastian’s POV
I woke up early and prepared myself to do my usual morning run. I closed the door, put on my headphones and start running to the beat of New Order « Bizarre Love Triangle ». The small breeze fanning on my sweaty skin was a pure pleasure. After running 5 miles, I slowed down and made my way to grab some well deserved breakfast. I was walking when I noticed Y/N get out of a store across the street. I tried to call her but there was too much noise on the street. I stopped on my tracks and read the name of the shop she just got out ‘Gold for Cash’. ‘That’s weird’, I thought. My legs transported me like mechanically across the street and I entered the shop. I looked around and saw glasses with jewelry. « Hello how can I help you Sir? », exclaimed the man behind the counter. « Hello, I know this may sound weird but the girl who just left your shop is a friend of mine and I was wondering. Did she bought something? », I asked. « Oh I understand. No she exchanged a gold bracelet she had against cash. » I looked at him surprised and sensing it he continued « Poor girl, she seemed upset. Here let me show you. » He stuck a gold bracelet out of a small box and presented it to me. « Upset you said? » « Yes. She clearly didn’t want to sell it, saying it was the last thing she had from her mother but that she didn’t had another choice and needed the money. » My heart rate accelerated, confused at why she had to do that. « How much is it? » « Well…normally I would have sell it for more than I gave to her, but seeing her devastated state and since you’re her friend, I could sell it to you for the price I gave her », the man said. « How much? » « 800$ » « Good God that’s a lot for a bracelet. » « It may seem like it Sir, but this right here is pure gold. Look if you pay attention here, you can see that this type of gold is dated from decades ago. I’m pretty sure the bracelet must have been in her family for a long time. » I couldn’t just leave it there and asked if I could pay with credit card. 5 minutes later, I left the store with the precious bracelet in my backpack.
- Chris’s POV (2 days later)
« Mister Evans, Dodger is all set now. It was a small cold », said the vet. « Thank you doctor. » I grabbed my buddy and left the cabinet down to the secretary. The doctor followed me and asked the secretary about the next patient. « Oh Doctor, I forgot to tell you yesterday. Y/N passed by yesterday and paid a small portion of the medical bill. » « Small portion? », he asked. I couldn’t help myself and listening to them. « Yes, 150$. She said she would do as fast as she can to pay the rest. » « It’s been a month, we will give her the rest of the week. After that, we will have to ask a bailiff, who will have to seize the rest of the bill on her furniture », he commented calmly. « Yes Doctor », replied the secretary. I swallowed harshly and asked her « Sorry to interrupt but I couldn’t help and listen to what just happened. Were you talking about Y/N Y/L/N owner of Nana? » She checked her computer and exclaimed « Yes that’s her » My mouth opened and closed multiple times before I cleared my throat « I know her. It happens to be one of my friends. Can I know how much left there is to pay? » She eyed me hesitantly before disposing a paper version of the bill. « That’s what has already been paid and this right here, is what’s still left. » I tried to assimilate the information as fast as I could in my brain and looked at Dodger for a minute. « Tell the doctor to not worry about it anymore. I will pay what’s left to pay. » Her eyes widened and I took my card out in order to pay mine and Y/N’s bill. ‘Good thing tonight with Seb we’re invited at Mackie’s. Maybe they know something about this.’, I thought.
- Sheletta’s POV
I heard the doorbell ring and Mackie let his friends in. As usual when someone arrives, Nana went running towards the visitors. « Heyy little cookie », said Sebastian. « Hello Sheletta, how are you? », greeted Chris. « I’m good and you? » He nodded and took the dog from Sebastian’s grip in order for him to greet Sheletta. « How come Nana’s here? Is Y/N here? », asked Chris. « No, she couldn’t made it today. She’s working but Nana has been staying here for almost a week now. » Both of them looked surprised between you and Anthony, who just shrugged. I cleared my throat and headed back in the kitchen. « Where are the kids? », asked Sebastian to Anthony. « They’re with their grandparents. » « Uhh nice », said Chris with a smug smirk. « Yeah, it’s great to spend some time alone with Sheletta without the little monsters », Mackie chuckled.
« Diner’s ready », I shouted and heard them join you. We started eating and talked about all and everything before Y/N came up. « Do you know how’s Y/N? », asked Chris. I almost chocked on my wine and dropped down my head, avoiding their gaze. I took a quick glance towards Anthony who was giving me the same look. « Ok, what’s going on? Why are you looking at each other like that? », said Sebastian. I cleared my throat and said weakly « I don’t know what you’re talking about Sebastian. » The actors narrowed their eyes, clearly aware that we were keeping something from them. « Babe », Anthony’s voice came out. I shook my head ‘no’. « Look, I think she’s in trouble », exclaimed Chris. My eyes widened and I snapped my head at his direction. « Why are you saying that Chris? », I asked. He let a long deep breath and said « I was at the vet today for Dodger and I heard the doctor talking with the secretary that Y/N has been a month late on her bill and that if she didn’t paid it, a bailiff would handle the payment. So…I paid her bill », he said. My breath got stuck at my throat. « Guys », whispered Sebastian. We looked at him. « Two days ago, I saw her enter a ‘Gold for Cash’ shop and followed her. The owner told me she sold the last thing she owned from her mother for money. Is she financially struggling? » I closed my eyes before looking at Anthony. He nodded his head slowly telling you that it was time for them to know. Both of them focused on you.
« Ok. I guess it’s only fair that you’ll know now », I started. « A month ago she got fired and I only knew because her best friend told me not on purpose. She was searching for a job but didn’t found one at the time. Her best friend noticed one day going at her place that her fridge was empty, so I went with her to the grocery store and spend the rest of the evening with Y/N. But a couple of days later, she phoned me to ask if I could keep Nana for a while because she had a lot of work and couldn’t stay with her and we agreed. It was the day of the diner. Her best friend’s assumptions were right, when I saw her walk in the kitchen. Her face was slimmer and she looked tired. » « Yes I remember. She did looked pale », Chris commented. « Yeah and me with my big mouth said the thing, but in my defense I didn’t know that she was struggling », exclaimed Anthony. « Anyway, I proposed her the rest of the diner and she refused and lied straight to my face. After that, she only dropped by twice to see Nana and that was it. I have no other news, except for what you just reveled and a text message from her best friend asking me if I had heard from her », I finished. 
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There was a long silence before Sebastian spoke up « She didn’t had any food and she didn’t told us? » I dropped my head again. « But if she’s working again, why would she sell the bracelet? », asked Chris. « She started two weeks ago and like usually, she must receive her salary at the end of the month. If she didn’t have any until then, that explains why she sold it », told Anthony. « What about the vet? », asked Seb. « You said she was fired and only got the new jobs later. That could mean that the bills, I don’t know rent and everything kept coming and she didn’t managed to have money for everything », said Chris calmly. « I’m really worried about her. I know we only know her for a couple of months but still, she became important for me, for the kids », I mumbled. « I can’t believe she didn’t tell us anything », said Sebastian frustrated. « I love the fact she’s independent and doesn’t asks for money, because let’s face it we’re wealthy, but not to the point when she’s starving herself and working her ass off day and night with her two jobs », I said.  « Two? », whispered Chris. « Yeah at a dinner during day and bar at night », responded Anthony. « She has so much potential, she could be a make-up artist », I said more to myself. « What are you talking about babe? » You looked back at him « Do you remember after I came from her place and you said my make-up looked good, it was her and I …. » I stopped in the middle of my phrase. « Sheletta? », called Chris hesitantly. I stood up and went to the purse I had that day and took the book out. « Here check it out. God I completely forgot that I had her book. » I showed it to them.
« Wow this is awesome », said Sebastian mesmerized. « She did all of this? », asked Chris to whom you nodded. « What should we do? », asked Sebastian. « I don’t know », I replied and gave them a sad look.
* gif and pictures not mine, credit to owners*
Tag List : @prettybubblesintheair @kyber-hearts-and-stardust-souls 
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marvel-mega · 6 years
The Interview (3)
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*gif credit to owner*
A/N: Hey guys so this is a super long chapter! And if you guys want me to ill totally continue this series it's doing way better than i could've ever imagined it would've done and that all thanks to you guys enjoy!
word count: 1,223 
warnings: drunk people i think that’s it  
<---- chapter 2 
chapter 4 ---->
Chris’s POV
 It was after the movie was over, Seb and Anthony were talking about who got more screen time in the winter soldier. But i was too busy focusing on whether or not (y/n) was gonna be at the after party a part of me was thinking she was going to be there. A part of him was saying, of course, she’s gonna be there, dork (y/n) was a pretty popular reporter among the marvel community so she was almost always invited to the after parties or just the events in general. Chris overheard the Russo brother’s talking to (y/n) about maybe getting a role in an upcoming film so he knew they thought (y/n) had strong potential. The thought of working alongside her made Chris smile softly to himself but of course, this somehow didn't go unnoticed by his friends. “Hey Chris why you so happy over there by yourself,” Sebastian asked him. “No reason boys i just am excited for the after party.” “ Yea you're excited to see your little reporter, what was her name again... Um, ruby? Rachel.” “(Y/N), her name is (y/n).” “Ah well, she’s a sweet girl really funny in our interview.” A small twinge of jealousy arose inside of Chris and he couldn't help but feel angry at himself for thinking that about his good friend! I mean get it together Chris. “ Hey, she’s not ‘my reporter’ shes just a reporter that shows up pretty often at the Marvel events.” “So she’ll be at the after party?” Anthony said with a smirk. “There's a chance she could be there but I'm not sure.” “ Well go get all dashing for your little lady.” Sebastian and Anothy left to get dressed for the party also.    
Chris was finished getting ready and he couldn't help but feel a bit over-dressed he had a navy blue suit that somehow made him look pretty dashing as Sebastian instructed him to dress. At least focusing on his suit kept his mind away from her and his jitters about the event tonight. But with one small thought of her, he’s back to his old jitters. But for some reason, these seemed to be more excited jitters like he knew in his heart or in his mind that (y/n) was going to be at that party, for sure. 
 At The Party 
 Your pov 
 “I haven't been this nervous for an event since.. Gosh i can't remember the last time i was nervous for an event,”  you said to Robert while you guys road in your uber to the party. “Well dork you don't have to be nervous you look great just keep your head up and shoulders back. People won't even notice your insecurities or nervousness just as long as you don't mention/acknowledge them.” “Damn, Rob since when are you the new, younger Dr.Phil.” “To be completely honest i don't know but i just hate seeing you not feeling confident in yourself i want you to be confident and secure with yourself and your surroundings stay safe tonight alright?” “Yes, of course, Rob but you stay safe too. I cant afford to lose you.” You told your best friend with a soft grin. Your Uber pulled up to the event and you both told the man your thank you’s and entered the venue.    
Chris’s POV
 As i entered the party i saw an old friend of mind across the room. “Hey Paulina, how have you been haven't seen you since..” “High school” the redhead finished his sentence with a soft smile. “Crazy that you’re this big actor now Chris and you still remember little old me.” Chris let out a soft chuckle. “Yea well lately it seems to get a bit more hectic every now and then. How’s your husband?” “We are so happy together thank you for asking have you found your little special someone to settle down with?” “Uh no not yet, Paulina but I'm not sure if I'm really looking for a girl right now .” 
Your pov  
  I walked into the venue looking for Chris this was going to be the night id make my move on him. I couldn't seem to find him but i did find him but i did find Sebastian and Anthony so i walked over to the boys who were by the bar. “Hey, guys.” Sebastian looked at me up and down and Anthony chocked on his drink. “Anthony are you okay?!” “Yea princess, you just look really pretty.” “Oh thank you, Anthony,” you blushed, Anthony was a friend nothing more but it felt nice to be complemented by someone other than your immediate friends or family. “Yea (y/n) you look beautiful.” Sebastian complimented. “ Thank you, Sebastian.” “Oh call me Seb princess.” “Okay see,” you said with a smile “ have you guys seen Chris i wanted to talk to him” Anthony and Seb looked at each other before Anthony said, “Um he's with an old friend over there”. And he pointed right behind you and you turned to realize the gorgeous man in the navy suit was Chris himself but in front of him was a lady with fiery red hair that you couldn't compete with. “Oh,” you said a little glum, feeling a bit insecure. “Well, he seems busy let's just have some drink and have a fun time!” A few drinks later you couldn’t stop giggling and you could barely hold yourself upright. Sebastian who hadn't been drinking as much as you ‘He probably didn’t have a reason to be insecure and drink away his problems’. “Ssssebastiaaan,” you slurred “You are an attractive man and you don't have to wonder if Chris likes you because Chris would totally like you because you're so cute i have to worry whether or not Chris like me or not.” Sebastian took a minute to process that you liked Chris and that Anthony owed him 20$ now. “ Hey (y/n) lets head home okay? You seem a bit too drunk for your own good.” You began to whine but didn't fight back when Seb took your arm and led you out the venue. Chris saw you leaving out of the corner of his eye and he saw Seb with you, the jealousy from the interview boiled over to right now. “HEY,” Chris tried yelling over the music and the people but you and Sebastian disappeared into the night. On your way out Sebastian bumped into a girl and apologized quickly. The girl was about to tell Sebastian it was no big deal when she realized that (y/n) was on Sebastian’s shoulder she paused. Ava reacted out of hurt and pure revenge she pulled out her cellphone and took pictures of her infamous ex-best friend (y/n) resting her little head on Sebastian Stan’s shoulder. Before Sebastian could delete the picture their uber arrived and Sebastian just thought it was some crazed fan that just wanted a picture of Sebastian and he took off with (y/n) and took her to Sebastian‘s apartment was closer than your apartment. Where he got her all cleaned up and tucked in the bed. But Ava stayed behind smirking to herself as she realized that she had pictures that could ruin your career and Sebastian she saved them and followed you guys to Sebastian’s apartment. 
To be continued …..
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infectedworldmind · 6 years
On an unseasonably warm Saturday morning in early February, my wife suggested that I take a break to go see the new Black Panther movie on our way back from a local Chinese New Year parade.  We were having a very good day after an exhausting, impossible week. At the time, I did not know that this pattern would repeat itself over the following four months. We had a great breakfast at one of our favorite local spots (Zoi’s, which makes terrific breakfast sandwiches) and I successfully convinced my son that the colorful dragons marching in the parade were fun and not frightening (“See? They’re not real dragons, they’re just costumes!” <man under dragon costume gives a friendly wave to skeptical son>).
We discussed the Black Panther phenomenon while we munched hash browns and sipped coffee – it had premiered a few days earlier and was already a giant success at the box office and in the culture. I was curious and she was ambivalent – while the concept and creative folk involved piqued her interest, she mostly checked out on Marvel movies after the underwhelming Avengers film in 2010. When she made her offer later that morning, I thought about declining until I realized that if I didn’t accept, I probably wouldn’t see Black Panther until it arrived on Netflix (or whatever over the top digital service Disney comes up with). So I accepted her offer and was surprised by how excited I felt.
I found an amazing seat at our local theater (a spot that made up for its lack of modern features with decent screens and pleasant staff). I was surrounded by a representative sample of New Haven – earnest college students from a wide variety of  backgrounds, excited African Americans from the local community and pleasant Yale/Yale New Haven Hospital retirees. There was a lot of conversation in the room that died down when the trailers and commercials and PSAs ended. Everyone focused their attention on a dark screen and heard a boy ask his father to tell him a story.
A few hours later, another curious boy asked a man who he was, and the screen faded to black. There were two more scenes tucked in a seemingly endless scroll of credits, but they felt like post-film trailers for future Marvel movies, a reminder that Black Panther takes place in a larger (and quite lucrative) narrative and a suggestion that the cinematic Wakanda will play a much more prominent role in the Marvel movie universe than its comic book counterpart. Some stayed for the scenes, and others did not, but it was clear that the boy’s question was the end of the story that Ryan Coogler spent 200 million dollars to tell. Some people were energized, others were talking about their favorite scene or which one of the many attractive actors in the film was the most stunning. I saw a few people with tears in their eyes, a few repeating Michael B. Jordan’s last line in the film.
Black Panther is an excellent film, possibly the first Marvel movie that feels completely engaged with our world. Coogler sustains an emotional resonance throughout the entire film that can only be found in isolated sequences in other Marvel films – a glance from Jeff Daniels, a provocative question asked by Cate Blanchett, a moment of intimacy between Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan. These genuine, emotionally honest moments are as important to the Marvel Studios storytelling formula as all of the third acts filled with expensive digital effect sequences and schematic plots. Black Panther departs from this formula by grounding these moments in a personal story with meaningful stakes. The stakes of the story matter because all of the artists involved in the movie – from the director, writers and cast to the costume designer, the makeup and hair people and the experts who helped with dialects – worked to make all the characters feel fully realized,  with hopes, dreams and flaws independent from our hero and his journey. We care about the fate of Wakanda because we care about the characters who inhabit it – and T’Challa’s family turmoil matters because the love, joy and resentment expressed by the family members feels real.
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Coogler reminds us that the desire for representation in the African American community isn’t just about seeing black faces on a screen. We want to be taken seriously, to feel like our gaze is as valid and important as the white gaze that we are accustomed to seeing in Hollywood films. We want to see a dramatization of the kinds of debates and tensions that exist within the black community without an explainer for everyone else. We want movies where dark skinned people are properly lit and stories that aren’t mediated by the perspective of outsiders (even the very well meaning ones).
Coogler uses a familiar hero’s journey framework to tell a story about community, societal boundaries and black liberation. Black Panther dramatizes the discourse within the black community about identity and freedom in mythic, larger than life terms without sacrificing the black perspective. He invites the audience to view in-group conversations without translating anything for them. It’s a mainstream movie about black lives that cheerfully ignores the urge to reassure or defy the “little white man deep inside all of us” who wants to limit our freedom to imagine and create fictional worlds.
Coogler trusts his audience. He trusts them to tease out the distinctions between and within the liberal and radical visions for black liberation presented in the scenes and layers the narrative with allusions to events and ideas relevant to the African American experience.
There are limits to the scope of ideas explored in Black Panther. The film is set in Africa and is filled with images and items that we associate with Africa, but its narrative is driven by the concerns, dreams and dilemmas of the members of the African diaspora who were brought to America hundreds of years ago. In one sense, there aren’t many African American characters in Black Panther, but in another, we are everywhere. We are asked to reflect on the obligations that a privileged black community owes to less privileged black communities and while the characters do reference the struggle against white supremacy (not named, but you know…) in global terms, the visual reminders of oppression and that struggle are all tied to America, and the African American civil rights movement (in the early nineties) serves as the catalyst for the story.
This dynamic is not confined to the film version of Black Panther. In the late winter, I planned to (and may still) write about Black Panther and Wakanda as incomplete afrofuturist projects. Here’s the gist: Black Panther and Wakanda were created by two Jewish American comic book creators in the 1960’s, and while a number of Afro-diasporic writers and artists have helped shape our understanding of the Black Panther’s world over the years, almost all were telling stories from a perspective that was both African and American. They explored African American hopes and fears about empowerment, colonialism and intergroup conflict, but rarely incorporated the viewpoints of other members of the diaspora, particularly those who remained in Africa. I found great value in exploring the dreams and possibilities of the African American experience through a story like Black Panther (and a nation like Wakanda), but wondered if the absence of non-American perspectives (particularly African ones) blunted its potential impact. I also wondered how much sharper – and more transformative – the story would be if we were reading/watching a story that Africans were telling us about their world.
Black Panther is also a Marvel Studios movie, and cannot escape the positive and negative associations of that corporate relationship.
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It shares the basic plot structure as many of their films centered around a solo hero, from the role of the two villains in the narrative (and how they are introduced) to the hero’s fall from grace and eventual triumph in a CGI fueled battle.
I wonder if that relationship contributes to the intriguing tension between the radical and conventional elements in Black Panther. The film’s visuals shake mainstream (at least in the world of blockbuster commercial Hollywood filmmaking) assumptions around beauty and power, with a diverse, nearly all-black cast presented as larger than life figures and shot in a manner that highlights the richness of their individual skin tones.
We are shown pieces of culture from all over Africa in a way that makes them feel modern and vital (and not ancient or exotic). But while the story gestures towards quasi-radical politics, it ultimately delivers a full throated defense of traditional monarchy that would’ve seemed downright reactionary in another film. The dialogue that evokes a long history of black nationalism/radicalism is delivered by a character presented as a violent faux populist tyrant. T’Challa’s plan to reengage with the world felt audacious on my first viewing, but upon reflection, it sounded pretty vague. My wife (who watched the movie with me when it was released on Blu Ray) remarked that she expected T’Challa to announce an initiative that would improve the material circumstances of the people of Oakland – a housing or education or employment program.
The Africana spread throughout Black Panther highlights this tension. The visual look of the scenes set in Wakanda is thoughtfully considered and creates a distinctly non-American context for the story. The interviews and profiles surrounding the movie make it clear that the visual aesthetic for the film is intended as a celebration of a wide range of African cultures, a rare thing for mainstream American films. This celebration is complicated by the film’s narrative, which is mostly set in a fictional isolated African nation. In this context, the blend of different African cultures in a single place without any in-text explanation becomes a reminder of our troubling habit of treating Africa as if it were a single location. A cinematic Latveria (the fictional Central European home of Fantastic Four villain Dr. Doom) that just combined elements of Greek, Czech, French and British visual and physical culture wouldn’t seem authentically ‘European’, it would feel artificial, the product of an outsider unfamiliar with the diverse cultures and societies on the continent.
Latveria, from a bad Fantastic Four movie. This needs some Greek columns and a couple of domes. Maybe a circuitry covered henge in the background.
The mix of conventional and radical elements make Black Panther feel less satisfying and more substantial. I would have wholeheartedly welcomed a mainstream Hollywood funded full throated meditation on dismantling white supremacy and the pain caused by colonialism, but I know that Americans – that we – have a limited appetite for blockbuster films that unnerve or threaten. I still want to see a movie that shows the non fictional black community – my community – through a non-tragic lens. Many countries in Africa still face huge challenges, but there have been a number of meaningful improvements of social and economic conditions in nations throughout the continent over the last two decades. African Americans still face a wide range of disadvantages relative to European Americans, but there has been (some) progress (particularly in the areas of education and wages). We are more than nameless youth at an urban basketball court. The scenes set in Wakanda are triumphant and transporting, but I couldn’t shake the thought that there are also happy and prosperous and successful (in the broadest definition of the word) black people who live in actual neighborhoods in real countries.
Coogler’s Black Panther is a piece of entertainment, a commodity owned by a multi billion dollar corporation that has a mixed history with black people and social justice and which is unlikely to green light a blockbuster with radical politics or that challenges viewers. It’s also a thrilling and thought provoking work of art made by a promising young African American director who has successfully infused social commentary and emotional honesty in a series of mainstream films of steadily increasing size and scope. Black Panther’s success is a win for films made by and starring black people, but it’s also a big win for Disney shareholders. It’s a story that excites by centering the perspective of African Americans (even in allegorical terms), but leaves one hungry for more that reflects the experiences of people from other parts of the diaspora.
It’s a movie that entertains and inspires, but as Yasiin Bey might say, it can’t save us. Thankfully, no one promised that it would.
Next Week: Second Take (Four Things).
Black Panther: First Take. In which I finally put some thoughts about a popular movie into writing. On an unseasonably warm Saturday morning in early February, my wife suggested that I take a break to go see the new…
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