#just in general nobody worry about anything okay? cool
inkskinned · 2 years
everyone talks about the clothing store and honestly everyone is expected to wear stuff from that store and you're a little young and curious, and what's the harm of looking. it's in all the magazines and everyone knows okay some of the things are ugly but! like generally everyone thinks we should be wearing these clothes. they're elite. they're precious. they are a symbol of wealth and status.
you walk into the clothing store and see a very nice sweater and you've been wanting to stay warm so you pick up the sweater. it turns immediately into a horrible fizzing froth, rushing over your skin, faintly acidic. it's tacky, it leaves behind a residue. horrified and a little ashamed - did you do it wrong? - you reach out blindly and your hands find a shirt. that one dissolves too. you think of the phrase you break it, you bought it. how much money did you just accidentally spend on that shirt and that sweater, both things that you'll never be able to wear.
more confused than anything, you turn to the first person you see, but she's experiencing the same thing, her brows furrowed. "i've been here since i was 13," she says. "one of these days i'll actually get to try on something."
you were raised with horror movies, so you look for an escape instead of trying to stay. you go to the front desk and wait in the front line and when you finally get to the front, a very angry man is sitting there, scowling at you. "i think your store is broken," you say to him. "i can't pick up any of your clothes. they don't work."
it is as if you have said something vile. every person within earshot takes a step back from you. the man gives you a cool look. "these clothes are good for you," he says.
"no, i know that," you've read about them, "but i can't seem to actually hold them."
again, everyone seems to think you've said the wrong thing. some of them are holding shirts, so obviously some clothes work. those are the people you hear whispering first. lazy. someone murmurs. i managed fine, you hear. i just had to keep trying.
the man taps a sign next to him. in big bold print: not everyone can have this.
"okay, um. if you're not going to be helpful, i'm just going to... not buy this," you manage, feeling yourself flush with heat. why are you so embarrassed? their clothes are the thing that aren't working.
"i don't have time for people who don't dress themselves well," he says. "it's disgusting."
you don't know what else to say because actually you dress fine, you're pretty sure, you're just not in their clothes. you leave the store.
but your hands are still tacky from before. you find yourself weirdly sensitive about your clothes. maybe you should go back in, try again? there were people who were able to make the clothes stay present, you might have just been doing something weird.
plus there's the rest of the world. how people look at you in airports. how shame rushes over your cheeks during job interviews, worried you don't look "professional" enough. the people across you are all wearing those clothes, and you're not. in the doctor's office, the nurse's eyebrows skyrocket. are you sure you actually went into the store and tried on the clothes? you're staring at her - i'm here to see about my cough, not about my wardrobe.
but of course it fucking matters. when you google it, you find out that most people can only hold onto the clothes for about two years or so, and then they fizzle out too. that the clothes only "stick" for 5% of customers. it just means that any person in those clothes matters more. it's a scarcity. at first, you're horrified by the idea of something that almost never works. but you learn it soon enough: being in the 5% means you have taste, class, are exceptionally pretty.
you try to ask why exactly it's these clothes, but you usually are answered with an eye roll. you ask why the prices are so high. why nobody seems to care about the way their clothes leave that weird strange residue for years later. there's a sizing chart online you find, hoping it might explain your weird inability to lift anything. most of the news articles all read the same thing - this chart was made by someone cruel and definitely isn't accurate, but for some reason it is still used as our golden rule.
so you go again. you fall too. it's worth it to try. even kind of ironically. even kind of privately, shamefully. this time you go and manage to hold onto socks, but it means you sometimes get that strange residue on your floors. you get used to the tackiness after a while, but when you manage to hold onto pants, you discover the tackiness spreads. sure, it's irritating - this sense there's a barrier between everything you touch, even you and your friends - but it's worth it, because people notice you're in those pants. and you don't want to be one of the 95% who lose them after all this fucking work you put in, so you let the tack get all over everything until it dries down into a fine powder that coats your floor in a brick red flurry. when you walk, your footprints look bloody, so you just learn to step gently.
and since it worked for you once, like gambling - you will come back. you will teach others how to get into the store. you will tell your own children - oh, you just have to keep trying at the clothing store. you will let others treat you badly when you are not wearing the right things. you will spend all that money over and over and over again and you will feel ugly if you are not wearing their brand. you are simply treated better if you dress like this. you feel better if you dress like this, secretly winning over your friends who are between sizes. it doesn't matter how much time you spend at the store, missing birthday cakes and parties because you're trying to make a dress look nice before dissolving. what matters is that when it works, all that relief and joy and peace rushes in. when it works, people finally love you again.
the diet industry promises you - it'll all be okay, once you're thin.
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geminiartemis · 1 month
Let's talk about Mammon's asexuality!
Okay, first of all, I know this post is waaay late to the party, and maybe someone else has already talked about this much more eloquently than I ever could, but fuck it, I just feel like talking right now. lol
So, back in July, this official image was posted.
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Most people were surprised to find out that Mammon is asexual. Heck, even I was surprised, although I had seen that theory around.
But after a while – and many, many rewatches of that episode – I realized that it makes perfect sense.
(Obligatory disclaimer: I'm ace. Not all aces feel the same way about sex and allos. Mammon is a piece of shit regardless of his asexuality. Most real life aces aren't assholes like Mammon. I actually love Mammon as a character. Don't take things too seriously. It's not that deep. Calm down. Take a deep breath. Drink water. TRUST US WITH YOUR ENTERTAINMENT!)
Exhibit A
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Mammon insists that making a sex robot out of the clown pageant winner is not weird. Then he points at some random guy in the audience and says HE'S weird for even thinking that.
Here's what I think. Mammon knows it's weird. Look at his face. Listen to his tone. He's super weirded out. It's only acceptable to him because it'll make them money, because he's still a greedy bastard, but he does think it's weird. Nobody said anything and he still got defensive about it and put the blame on someone else. “YOU'RE weird, you sick fuck!”
The thing is, to him, sexualizing a young clown is probably just as weird as sexualizing anything or anyone else. Because he's ace and not too worried about the ethics of it as long as it makes him money, sex is weird, sexualizing people is weird, people who like sex and sexualize others are weird, but those things are generally socially acceptable, so everyone is a sick fuck, so how is sexualizing Fizz any different? He just doesn't see the difference, nor does he care to.
Exhibit B
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Like I just said, people who sexualize Fizz are, in Mammon's own words, “sick, fucking degenerate adults.” Like, the idea actually disgusts him! He is so disgusted by his customers who sexualize Fizz that he can't even keep his opinion of them to himself while recording a TV ad! Not because he has morals or any affection or sympathy for Fizz, but because sex and sexualizing people disgust him. He just doesn't get the appeal at all. (But it makes him money, so he goes along with it.)
Exhibit C
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Since sex is so important to allos and IT KEEPS BEING BROUGHT UP ALL THE TIME, we aces sometimes get the impression that it's all allos think about. We assume sex is allos’ Roman Empire. Assume that allos are always DTF. What do you mean you DON'T want to be fucked, Fizzie?? *Crimson voice* That's the kinda shit you allos like, right?!
The sad thing is, that's the sentiment I saw some people in the fandom express when this scene and this line came out. So Mammon's reasoning here isn't even an exaggeration, ridiculous as it is. I don't know if those people were hypersexual allos or clueless aces, but… yeah… it's something that some people think in real life, apparently.
Anyway, the point is, I can totally see the ace vibe in Mammon now. Is making one of the most irredeemable villains ace, the kind of ace who has zero respect for allos, a wise idea in terms of ace representation? Eh, we've already had this discourse in Hazbin Hotel with regards to Alastor, and everyone has their opinion on this. I'm not getting into that. And hey, Octavia is ace, too! I don't know if that will be relevant in the show, but it'd be really cool if it were. We'll see!
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A reader in TW with character and Power abilities from Chinsaw Man? I think she will fit well into this universeXD
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Chainsaw Man Reader | Yandere Twisted Wonderland
You most certainly are an odd one, even without the little chainsaw tug hanging from your chest. When you gain the favor of your harem newfound friends and they raise alarm to the minimalistic crappy style of life. Nonetheless, you're still smiling and happily eating the rations you’ve been ‘gifted’. And while the smallest things mean the most to you nobody expected your face to turn into this chainsaw demon when Crowley asked you to clear out some trees
“What? You asked me to clear it out didn’t you?”
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Trey Clover
“O-oh my–huh?”
Dude is bewildered beyond belief
But ultimately he doesn’t mind your power
Because you’re still dependent on him
You’re always sticking close to him 
“Oh, Angel of all things delicious! Do you have anything for me to eat!”
“Not right now..but I’m going to make something now if you want?”
He loves how happy you are to eat his food
Subsequently loving him since he feeds you for free
He’s acutely aware of your disparity with emotions 
But he doesn’t care
Especially when you’re so willing to do anything for it
“So all I have to do is just not talk to them and I’ll get sweets forever?”
“Yeah…you also can’t tell them why okay?”
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Azul Ashengrotto
“Wait wait so if you want me to enlist your services you just want…”
“A place to stay!”
“Yes and…”
“Meals and that I get to touch some nipples!”
“...yeah…just anybody’s will do?”
Please let it be his
He sees how easily you’re willing to stray despite your massive power
“I can’t let them go…they may be able to do that but they don’t understand this world. They don’t understand anything so it's only right that I keep—take them in.”
In a way, he does think of you like a dog, only in your brain though
You wonderfully don’t have much morale other than comfortability
“That’s perfect! So we have a deal then.”
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Dire Crowley
“AAAAA I’m sorry for not giving you a bigger budget! I’m sorry! I’m sorry!”
He’s probably the most shaken
Suddenly he’s worried his generosity isn’t enough 
Despite suddenly giving more and encouraging students to house you while he revamps Ramshackle
But once he calms down and he sees you genuinely hold no resentment
Specifically, after he offered you some takeout
With a sweat drop, he suddenly starts showing up around you more often
Praising you and letting you take breaks
And eventually, a proposal is made to send you to someone who will experiment on you for your condition
Granted Crowley has…cleaned up quite a few messes himself 
But once he does he realizes this will never stop 
But who are they to take his baby bird from him…even if you turn into a chainsaw creature on occasion 
Nonetheless, he’s decided you cannot be seen, touched, or otherwise 
Where safer than in his own little nest
It’ll take some time to get it ready, but he’ll be generous with his creation so that you can be comfy when he makes the move
“No worries (Y/n) I’ve already begun preparing the nest for you to stay in!”
“Ewww I wouldn’t want to live in a nest. That’d be cramped and scratchy.”
“No no *ahem* it’s a house or room rather…”
“Oh! Will there be food?”
“...uh…yes, yes there will be is.”
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Ace Trappola
“Oi oi could you do the hedges for the Heartslabyul hedges? Sure’d save me loads of time.”
“Eh?! I don’t want Riddle to yell at me…”
“I'll let you touch my balls.”
“YES SIR! Those hedges will be cut! “
“Just trim them, make shapes if you wanna. I don’t care.”
Leans into your carnal desires the most
Dangling food and sex to get what he wants from you
He loves it though
In private he blushes like crazy 
totally taking advantage of your eagerness
He gets off on just about everything you do
But part of the fun is pretending he’s just this cool unbothered love interest
“Hehehe look at you sucking like that~like a dog.”
Now while you may be the one with chainsaws 
He’s the one who actually sets you on them 
Or decides to do something about the ones who want to do the same
“They might have said they’ll do anything but I’m letting you know now they will not be. Especially since you’re not going to be able to ask.”
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vshushmshu · 11 months
crumbs and other imaginary things
[@crystalmagpie447 remember this? well uh.]
another shift at the pizzaplex had you hunched over, with only your dutiful mop as your crutch in your moment of reprieve as you looked over the now freshly cleaned floors. no doubt they wouldn’t stay clean for long, what with all the children that always seemed to leave some sort of mess in their wake, but you still prided yourself on a job well done. you managed to actually move your legs after a few moments of simply standing there; lifting up the mop to place it in a bucket of now browned water, and stepped one foot in front of the other with said bucket in tow, all the way over to the nearest janitor’s closet. you were more general staff, really, assigned to do any odd jobs over the course of your shifts; that was a song and dance already played out, though, no doubt.
there was a remark under your breath about how nifty the wheels attached under the bucket were, how much more efficient it was to be able to roll it over to where you had to store it, considering the alternative of having to lug something of its weight all the way over with only your average amount of arm strength instead. management said not to worry about emptying the water anywhere, so you rolled it into the dim space and promptly closed the door without much thought. you mimed the action of wiping your hands clean of the deed, and laughed quietly to yourself when you noticed the familiar gesture. there was almost nobody here, except for if you counted the wet floor bots, and you liked to count them in.
in fact, just before exiting the area, you made sure to pat the one guarding your work on the top of its little head with a smile. it didn’t say anything, really couldn’t, other than a soft whirr and a mildly harrowing stare into the very fiber of your being, which you took as some sort of acknowledgment. a wave goodbye to the bot, and you set off to where you usually did when you had extra time before you legally had to clock out. it really was automatic at this point, but maybe you’d take a quick detour.
you grinned at sun’s overexcitement, something that never seemed to fade with every time you gave the attendant a “surprise” visit, waving back while he opened the door to the daycare wider for you, “BUDDY!! HI! HELLO!”
the both of you laughed at each other, sun jingling along with you as you walked over to the trash can by the security desk, throwing away plastic while scrubbing at your mouth with your hand to rid of any residue from the self-indulgent treat. the animatronic tilted their faceplate a few clicks to the left in curiosity, and made a noise of mild disgruntlement at such a heinously vile act, “sunshine, i really DO think it would be best to use, oh i don’t know, a napkin? tissue?”
a pointed raise of your eyebrow, fold of your arms across your chest, and you rolled your eyes at him, “oh, come on!! what happened to “how was your day, bestest buddy”?? “anything interesting happen, my dearest perfect angel that is so cool and also amazing”??? huh?”
he shook his head at your antics, hands reaching out to carefully dust away crumbs that might’ve still been clinging to your lips, “hmm.. okay then! how was your day, dearest? anything interesting happen?? do tell!!!”
when he was satisfied with the cleanliness of your face, he pulled their hands back with a tap to the corners of your lips and a spin of his rays, miming out wiping his hands clean of the deed. it was just a bit to play along to, but it still made you oh so happy, beaming up at him, “alright, alright, i’ll spill the beans-“
his faceplate clicked back to place, and a giggle, “what beans?”
a breath, “expression! figure of speech! not actual beans.”
if a plastic face had the ability to deadpan, he certainly would be using it at the moment, “we know, friend.. do go on. were those chips good? did you work hard while also making sure to take breaks?? any-”
you raised a hand, as if to halt the sunny personality’s train of worries by simply waving, and he did fall silent for a moment, “woah, okay, wait- how did you know i got chips?”
their fingers twitched, you caught from the corner of your eye, and his voice lilted while he shifted his weight from foot to foot, “crumbs!! you were chewing something crunchy, and we caught a glimpse of the bag. gotta say!! we thought you could do better with your selection of snacks.. those are infamous for being disappointing!!”
urges to hide yourself up in the jungle gym were repressed very heavily, “oh, come on! you’re gonna be weirdly observant and rip on my lackluster taste?? fake friends… the both of you!”
there was a moment of hesitation, a hushed chuckle like that of listening in to another’s word, then he pressed their hand to their chassis in dramatized dismay, “GASP!!! US?! FAKE FRIENDS??? sunshine, we could NEVER!! i only… speak the truth! is that so wrong??”
“…what if i said yes?”
the pair of you snickered at that. hands of metal and plastic and silicone cupped your cheeks once more, thumbs dabbing at the outline of your lips, and you hummed. must not have gotten all the crumbs after all. he gave you a littler smile, voice surprisingly quieter than what you were used to from the louder of the two, “i would throw you out a window! now, i’ve already said “do tell” twice now, so it’d be a little redundant to say it a third, wouldn’t it?”
you pretended to think, “huh… i guess it could be, but we wouldn’t be able to know for sure. how about you try it again and see-?”
the sun gave you its most unimpressed expression.
“ALRIGHT, alright!! pFFT- hAha, i’ll tell!!! okay, so…”
“… and then i had to clean that s- dookie!! that dookie up! not literally dookie, it came out the kid’s mouth, but uh… it sure could’ve passed from smell alone…..”
it was maybe ten minutes till you had to formally end your shift for the day, and you were somehow always surprised at how fast your extra time passed with the daycare attendant. you hadn’t spent the whole time talking about your experience through the day, as you could never remember things people asked of you to remember in the moment they did, so your ever-understanding friend had initially done a majority of the talking. describing the itinerary he had planned for the children today, how it all went mildly off-track and some improvisations had to be made, all while you helped clean up any stray toys or such still left skewed about the space. in the comfortable silence that followed, you blurted out pieces of your own activities until they finally formed the solid timeline of your day, if not broken up by a plushie-throwing battle momentarily.
the sun had set a half of the time through, though, and now you were in the company of the moon, who hummed along to your musings, “that’s disgusting. genuinely vile.”
there was no doubt a grimace painted across your features, and he seemed to laugh at the picture, “it really was! sucked. awful.”
he made some elaborate show of swimming through the air on his back, with only the cable hooked to their back piece, supporting their taunting frame, “sucks to suck, loser. you probably smell like it. take a shower, stink.”
you frowned up at him from where you walked along the hallway, sniffing at your clothes before letting your steps fall a little heavier, “shut up!! i was gonna anyways!”
the cord gave no audible indicator of the lunar dingdong gliding to hover over you with a playful grin, “stop stomping then, bozo. throwing tantrum. stinky stinker.”
“i am not!! you’re just being a jerk.”
you cringed, while moon’s smile only seemed to widen. you definitely sounded kind of whiny; you both knew that, so you switched it up with a drawn-out sigh, “ANYWAYS!! i’m gonna have to clock out soon, so don’t miss me too much while i’m gone, a’ight?”
you were steadily approaching the exit now, and the moon dragged itself along by the tether still for a quiet moment, before snorting with the barest trace of a crackle from their voicebox, “couldn’t care less.”
although, when standing in front of the shutters, he ruffled your hair a bit with a titter filled of mischief, then smoothed it back down to a poor imitation of how it looked before as he lowered himself to your standing when you complained lowly. you rolled your eyes at him, huffing, “wow, you guys really are fake…”
moon gave you a disgruntled mumble as a reply at first, before it raised to a decibel that was actually possible for humans to hear clearly, fingers wandering to trace spirals into your temple, “yeah, yeah- sooo unreal, this is all a dream. wake up. wake up. wake up. wake up.”
you breathed a laugh that went strictly against the bit, face twisted in an unwitting smile, “wake up? i would think you’d be telling me to sleep, instead. isn’t that kinda your whole thing?”
the bot fell silent for a moment, tracing out as many bumps and ridges and shapes he could of your face, like the imprinting of a memory as cool fingertips ghosted over the seam of your lips. it was a little strange, but it still relaxed the muscles in your face as he reached up slowly to brush away a fallen eyelash with a plastic knuckle, then seemed to regain his voice, “sleep. sleep. sleep. sleep. sleep.”
that finally made you cackle, and moon squeezed your cheeks lightly with eyes that wished to crinkle in mirth, letting their silicone palms slip from your jaw with a final couple of taps from thumbs to the edges of your mouth, “you’re such a weirdo, dude.”
this time he rolled his eyelights instead, the cord clipped to their back pulling taut as their smile seems a little less carved in, and he’s watching you from a bird’s eye view once more, “sure… uhuh.”
you fished out your keycard, still grinning as well, “you really are, i swear! gonna dip now, though. see you when i see you!!”
card swiped and shutters lifting, you waved to the moon as you stepped out, it reciprocating a reflection of the farewell for the night, “later, weirdo. stay safe.”
you shouted back an affirmation, and all you got in reply was the tinkling of bells.
you were glad they were salvageable.
well, you honestly were infinitely more grateful that they as a whole were salvageable. the bells were just a nice bonus. you flicked one tied to their wrist again, smiling a little to yourself.
at first the ribbons had been scorched of ash and blackened from fire, but you had cleaned and learned to stitch, so they now looked as good as new. maybe the two found peace in the fact as well, but you could never truly know what went on in their head at any given moment. only guesses, really. lots of guesses nowadays.
guesses such as who was sitting next to you at the moment. who? sun rays were out, nightcap pinned, staring at you. it was useless to have the television on, really as no one watched whatever was playing, but you still observed the light bouncing off the walls with a very real interest.
there was a painfully long stretch of silence, and though you didn’t have a clue as to whether they felt as uncomfortable as you did, you still struck up conversation. the animatronic seemed eager to listen to whatever it was you finally took a deep breath to say, eyes glued to your face as you sighed heavily, “uh, sun… moon..? are you okay?”
the static laced through their words was a lot more noticeable, fingers in their lap spasming as if indecisive, “yes!! yes, all is well, friend!! we’re alright. you alright, tv too loud? all good?!”
so, your friends weren’t quite themselves, were they? were they? you reached over to the remote on the table, switching the television off with the press of a button, while the animatronic observed after your every move. you turned to them a little more after that, and held out your arms with an unsure grin, to which sunrays extended to stab through the poor nightcap further, “i’m all good! don’t worry, buddy… do you uh, want a hug?”
there was a moment of hesitation, like their body was held back by something, yet their faceplate was lit up with a sort of unbridled joy that had your smile widening, “YES!! yes, yes!!! that would be nice, mhm. can we?!”
you raised a brow, teasing, “i’m literally the one who asked, guys. of course.”
very soon after saying that you were gathered in arms and cradled close, high pitched laughter and mumbles being whispered as you wrapped your limbs around them, still jittery hands rubbing circles into your back. digits trailed and traced up your spine, ghosting over notches of vertebrae like second nature, and you squeezed them closer still. a laugh escaped you too when you felt cold fingers trail to your upper neck and draw shapes on your cheeks, pulling your head gently to face their faceplate. rays retracted to be able to rest on your shoulder, eyes still staring at you as their plastic plated fingers brushed over your mouth, the barest of pressure to make the skin give before their line of sight finally drifted to what they were doing.
it was like lightning struck their servos, making them sit rod straight with sunrays ripping up the hat more as they flared and spun like the blades of a fan, making you wince at the future stitching project. it was like they were trying to avoid any physical contact with you now, despite you still very much being spread on their lap, and you were mildly surprised they hadn’t chucked you across the living room from the force of their jolt, “wh- are you okay?? what happened?!”
they seemed like you when you reflected on an embarrassing memory from elementary school in the dead of night, and you had to choke down a wheeze that would’ve been at their expense, mortification hidden behind the same hands that had so affectionately held you, “OH MY GOSH. WE’RE SO SORRY- sorry- WE DIDN’T EVEN ASK!! WE’RE HORRIBLE!!! fakest friends. HOW COULD WE?? horrib-“
you furrowed your brows, leaning forward to pry their hands from their face, which they probably let you from how easy it was to move them. you then replaced their hands with your own, making sure to keep eye contact while they stared into yours, lightly brushing thumbs over the designs carved onto their faceplate, “ALRIGHT, NONE OF THAT!! i don’t know what you’re freaking out about, but you’re not bad buddies at all! like, if it’s about the whole touchy-feely dealy, then you guys are fine!!! more than fine, really! don’t you think i would TELL you to stop if i got uncomfortable?!”
there was a moment of quiet, and hands that were hovering at their sides drop down to the couch cushions, “uhm.. yeah, guess so. are… are you sure, though??! can we-“
your hands found theirs in a slightly annoyed resolution, lifting them to your face to press from the palms to their fingertips to your mouth, effectively killing any words left in their voicebox. you swore you maybe heard the air conditioning kick up speed in the silence, and when you moved on to their metal knuckles, one of them breathed out static, “star, we get it..”
you huffed at them, pausing to stare at their unreadable expression, “YOU BETTER!! AND ALSO YOU’RE NOT FAKE!! now come on, can we get back to it??? the back rubs were especially nice..”
there was hesitation again for a moment, but then they snickered something that was an overlap of the two you knew and loved, and digits traveled over your skin. you sighed in contentment, sinking into their hold while hugging them close to you once more, squeezing when a hand came up to card through your hair, “aww, friend!!! …spoiled.”
you went to yap an objection, but any fight left you when they rested a faceplate with retracted rays back on your shoulder, tracing stars into the corners of your lips. you simply flicked the bells tied to their wrist absentmindedly instead, happy.
[ masterpost ]
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skyward-floored · 2 months
More totk things I did/saw yesterday:
Sticky lizards. Sticky lizards sticky lizards sticky lizards. Sticky lizards. Did I mention sticky lizards.
The glowing cave fish are so pretty, I love their colors. I just love all the glowing stuff in the caves, and the caves in general, they were a superb decision on nintendo’s part
I fought some of those crazy monkey bokoblin things. I forget what they’re called. I maybe screamed a little because they startled me. But also something about them reminds me of the Mogmas in skyward sword and that worries me a little (even though I’m sure it’s a coincidence).
Penn is the best. He’s so silly goofy. I love his little salute he does as he leaves and “soar long” abshdbdjdbd. I really hope he carries stuff in his beak at some point (letters would be REALLY funny).
Since when can the trees attack by the way? what happened to those trees. Who hurt you. Ents gone rogue. Rebellious teenage Ents maybe.
Didn’t expect to find Impa in the middle of a field but okay! why not. Thought I’d have to hike all the way over to Kakariko to see her. I was also surprised she isn’t dead but I guess Sheikah just live longer. She’s gotta be pushing 130 at least...
(The rest is a little long so it goes under the cut):
The geoglyphs are really cool. Part of time is thinking they’re just a way for the developers to take up space without having to put anything but eh I’m forgiving.
The geoglyph of Rauru looks like he’s in a wheelchair. I don’t have anything further to say about that I just think it’s interesting.
Dragon tears... mysterious dragon... dragon people... hmmmmmm. hm.
Zelda: *wakes up to see a lady with poofy hair and a literal dragon dude standing over her* oh it’s going to be one of those days isn’t it
Jokes aside I’m glad Zelda isn’t alone at least? Even if she’s ten bajillion years in the past or however long it is. At least she didn’t wake up basically alone like Link did. Plus Sonia and Rauru are funny hehe
Got three game overs from a battle talus thing and then ran away 😔
Zelda sounds really into the blood moon thing tbh. Like in botw it sounds like a tired warning, but in totk it’s like HERE COME THE MONSTERS BABE *cue the you better watch out vine*
Second geoglyph memory tear thing was very interesting. That view from the great plateau is incredible, I want to look around hyrule from a bajillion years ago. How come only Zelda got to go... anyway interesting how Sonia could sense she and Zelda were related. And also if they are indeed related and therefore Rauru is too then how come Zelda just looks... Hylian? Are Zonai genes just extremely recessive or something? Or has it just been so long with so many Hylian genes that they’re just all gone. I have Questions.
Also Rauru has a big sister? Little brother Rauru?? hehehe
I feel bad for thinking it but the blizzard situation is kinda fun ngl. I know the Rito are struggling but I LOVE snowy areas. I LOVE THEM.
And the music is different in rito village aaaaaaaa. Again I feel real sorry for the Rito. But I love the vibes. I love the snow. I love it here.
KASS’S GIRLS ARE OLDER aww!! I got a little burst of pride seeing them they’re all so responsible now *squeals*
Side note it’s weird that the botw shrines are gone. It’s like I know something should be there but it’s missing. And nobody acts like it’s even gone. But I know it is. It’s missing and it should be there but it isn’t.
...Is this what Link feels like all the time?
Tulin sounds like Spike the dragon from mlp but honestly that just makes me love him more. He’s a cute little responsible and rebellious teenager now!! And Teba is dealing with that haha. Also a promotion!! I’m sure it’s rough being village elder, but I think you’re doing a good job Teba.
Oh I forgot to mention the newspaper place, that looks like it’s going to be a fun sidequest! And the music is great there too (also Penn again!!! Beloved!!!).
And I think that’s all :)
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wonderful-magician · 5 months
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What if
I wanted to rant about Electra
And did
Okay a lot of this ranting is just made up nonsense! ( Obv based off the musical itself ) I'm rewriting the musical to my tastes and would like to actually discuss the characters more than the musical is able too. This is more like a TV show set-up to be honest.
Okay main point I want to get out of the way. Electra is an antagonist. But he SUCKS at being a antagonist- for rusty. I genuinely don't remember any times he actually addresses rusty that's like actually important. He's really just a driving force against greaseball. He seems way more upset about diesel than steam. Though to be fair, he seems so confident in himself I doubt he's worried about some kid who's just kinda there.
Because Electra just appears. Unlike rusty and greaseball who are established to know each other. Electra literally just APPEARS. He's not part of the nationals. He wasn't even originally entered into the race. He just appears. And is here now. And he just wants to show off and beat the previous champion. Why would he acknowledge the steam engine who has no chance???
He doesn't even do anything outwardly malicious. I mean he listens to Red Caboose's plan and doesn't really mind that they cheat. And uhm. I guess he goes with pearl but she consented and willingly did that so it's not .. the worst. And he sometimes electrocutes people. But really most of the musical he just stands next to rusty and greaseball fighting while like " :/ " or just flirting with the components or something I don't know.
Of course this doesn't change the fact he's an asshole. He's apathetic and very naive honestly. He only cares about himself, and has tantrums like an actual toddler. He doesn't even ask out the pretty girls himself he has his accountant/security guy do that lmao. He's obviously not a guy used to doing anything himself. Or used to losing. And is just generally annoying to anybody who meets him. But he's probably the *most* redeemable of the three antags. In of which. Idk I feel like just having him live at the Apollo-Victoria for a few years or something would help just get him out of his stupid attitude hfhdbdb
A little bit indulgent perhaps. But i feel like in a episodic setting Electra would probably lose some of his apathetic tendencies. Not all of them- he's a computer. And he'll always be self centered and care a lot less about others feelings than most. But I could truly see him befriending Rusty, pearl, maybe even Dinah. Though I don't know if he'd ever get along with greaseball... Give it like 20 years... Maybe more... A lot of time.
But I truly think with the right circumstances he could just be??? A confident guy who is a bit inconsiderate?? Probably still whiny because you can't take the diva out of Electra but y'know what I mean.
Even MORE indulgent. I want a Dustin and Electra friendship SO BAD YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND. These two are like. Opposites. But in the way that I just feel like they would help each other SO MUCH RAAAH. Electra is confident but struggles with empathy?? Dustin is overly empathetic and very insecure?? THEY COULD HELP EACH OTHER SO MUCH AAAA. Ok ok I need to stop with that.
But essentially I just think that Electra is this young guy. Like really young. He's one of the ( potentially, the youngest ) youngest people in the cast. Only a few years in service and he's already got a horrific ego. Just because he is TRULY good at racing. Can't take that from him. Even if he's very late. Like. Really late to the entry. But I just think he's this young guy who kinda threw himself into the wrong situation. Probably not realizing that messing with Caboose is a horrible idea. And that he was unknowingly racing against gods favorite so. oops.
Ok anyway I should shut up now ok I like Electra he's cool but he's a horrible antagonist but I love him and this probably is really hard to read (⁠^⁠∇⁠^⁠)⁠ノ⁠♪
Oh also why does nobody ever use his hypnotism powers. He has those. Are- are we going to ignore that-?? Ok...
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kimbapisnotsushi · 2 years
i started writing this back in the last week of december going on into january bc we had so many karasuno bdays back then so uhhh TECHNICALLY this is a late bday post honoring like four people LMAO but let's go!!
during kageyama's first birthday at karasuno he gets a mysterious series of texts from an unknown number that goes like > happy birthday > not that this means you're forgiven > just thought it was the right thing to do > i know it's your first since. well. you know > you don't have to text back or anything!!!! > fuck fuck fuck just pretend this never happened BYE
he brings up it up two years later when he, kindaichi, and kunimi are better friends and kindaichi buries his red face in his hands and screams and kageyama isn't sure why
kunimi pats him on the back and tells him not to worry about it
ennoshita has a playlist that is solely just like white noise and creaking sounds and generally just things that would make you shit your pants alone in the dark and when asked why he just goes "it's the only way i can feel anything inside"
tsukki will NEVER admit it but he ASPIRES to be the level of deadpan that ennoshita is
tanaka: "so . . . why do you like him again?" ennoshita, watching a video he recorded of futakuchi walking straight into a lamppost bc he was playing pokemon go: "he makes me laugh"
no joke i think ennoshita is a dateko celebrity bc everyone knows about the guy that futakuchi kenji pines over bc futakuchi kenji is just known in a million ways and maybe like 90% of them are Not Good
a third-year has futakuchi by the collar and they're like "all right PUNK get ready to have your lights punched out you'll be seeing stars when i'm done with you" and futakuchi just sighs longingly and goes "ennoshita has eyes like stars . . ."
daichi is that type of upperclassman who knows very single friend of his juniors' but not in like a cool older sibling way he does it in a cringefail modern parent kind of way
kogane used to be soooooo scared of him before finding out what a huge dork he is
actually kogane isn't scared of asahi bc he's so used to aone and asahi cries over it
(sorry for plugging in dateko so much i just genuinely think they have such a fun relationship with karasuno i ADORE it)
onagawa: "man idk how you do it" narita: "do what?" onagawa: "being the only normal person on your team"
yeah no narita is carrying the weight of the world as the only person with the brain cell on karasuno
sometimes it's ennoshita but he's been dead inside since first year so
suga tells the first years he knows martial arts but all he really did was go to one (1) judo club demonstration during his second year of middle school and somehow managed to flip the captain over by sheer luck and never tried again
for takeda's birthday everyone teams up to get him a really nice fountain pen, a classical poetry book, and a quality bottle of sake. for ukai's birthday tsukki leads a powerpoint presentation on why smoking is bad for you and that he really should stop, backed up with everyone else standing behind him with their arms crossed and nodding along
okay that and they also get him a really cute apron (embroidered with crows!!) for him to wear around the store and a bag of good coffee
kiyoko has all - and i mean ALL - the snacks from the local convenience store on a tier list and when the vbc asked how the fuck she managed to do that she just went "my track team was a lot weirder than you guys"
actually the reason why daichi asked kiyoko to be the manager wasn't because kiyoko was the only one with no club activities going on it was because she gave asahi a hair tie when nobody else would and asahi had been trying to befriend her since (and also return said hair tie) but was too nervous to make the first move
asahi: "noooooo daaaaaaaiiiichiiiiiiiiii i caaaaaaaan't i'm so awkward and embarrassing!!!!" daichi, with all the confidence of a fifteen-year-old constantly winging it: "it's okay, i've got this!"
yeah he's just as surprised as you are that it worked out
especially considering he pitched it to her like a used car salesman
kiyoko carries a lot of hair ties with her when she starts just for asahi and when he leaves the team she doesn't stop bc she tells suga, daichi, and the second-years, "he'll come back, just wait and see"
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jeannedarkterraguard · 3 months
Holojustice Debut Reactions
Another HoloEN generation another post from me...
Actually i have another Holo-related post in the works but i actually need to do some work for that one...
Anyway first up Elizabeth Rose Bloodflame
-well she's certainly British
-starting off with a song huh... neat
-i know it probably bothers literally nobody but me but her... shoulderpads?... pauldrons?... seem to interact weirdly with her boobs when she moves...
-no Liz you're not tall... no one in hololive is tall... we've been over this
-impressive impressions
-cheeky chicken... so she likes Kiara
-okay that takamori bit was funny
-she dislikes tea? I didn't think that was allowed in Britain
-did... did the stream just end in the middle of her song?
Gigi Murin
-okay that intro video was... confusing... but I liked the artstyle
-a... shock collar... what the fuck
-a jar is not better Gigi... I actually think it's worse
-cool character sheet
-she's really speedrunning this
-i did not expect this vote to be so close...
-she failed to put on shoes...
-see this is what I expected from hololive fans... they made her bark at the dog
-go into the forest there's no way that could go wrong!
-i don't think Gigi could lift chat...
-i stand corrected
-holy crap there's a chat game?!
-that was predictable it took twitch forever to beat pokemon... and pokemon doesn't require any kind of timing
-that's... that's European friendly... somewhat it's still 11pm here because of summertime which... nope not gonna rant about that that would take all day
-also I just noticed we didn't get a schedule for Elizabeth
well that was fun... now bedtime and then the other two tomorrow
Cecilia Immergreen
-okay I think she broke
-nevermind she's fine
-her voice sounds somewhat familiar but I really can't put my finger on it... damn this is gonna keep me up all night...
-she speaks German... that's cool
-don't worry Cecilia I also hate coffee... though I also hate tea... or anything that's served warm really... drinks are meant to be refreshing not make me overheat even more
-that went better than Gigis game...
-I've never heard of any of these anime
-or these manga
-violin music... man this brings back memories from when my sister had a Lindsey Stirling phase and wanted to learn to play violin... I think my eardrums still haven't fully recovered from that
-Aaand she crashed the car...
-that was a really weird dream
-more EU friendly streams...
Raora Panthera
-wow... that's an accent...
This is where the sleep deprivation seemingly caught up with me because Raoras movement were actually blurry in my eyes so I did the responsible thing and NOT drink my 5th can of energy and instead went to bed... so everything from here on is me watching the VOD...
-wow her desktop is even messier than mine... barely...
-Italian... so we have a German, an Italian, a British and whatever Gigi is (since she only speaks English and doesn't have an obvious accent I'm gonna assume American)
-also I think this is the first generation in all of hololive where no member is fluent in Japanese right? (Calli and Kiara in myth, IRyS and Bae in Promise and Fuwamoco in Advent... yeah)
-she want's to become a mama in hololive... that would be interesting
-well I think that was her 7th live
-doesn't like reading and skips text in games... Undertale is one of her favorite games... something doesn't add up
-how is naming all the pokemon a talent there's only like... a thousand of them... okay maybe that is a talent...
-4 covers and an original song... they really went all out with this generation...
-7 am EST... we EU fans are really eating good right now
and that's it for this gen they're all really fun but I think Cecilia is gonna be my favorite... anyway see you in my next post...
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uraniumnm333 · 1 year
dropping more tsukasa kanade lore guys >>>
i think that after kanade has the initial tsukasa jumpscare they start to get along well but like. kanade talks to think man because even though she goes to the same school as mizuki GUESS WHO NEVER FUCKING ATTENDS !!! and once she talks to tsukasa long enough she's introduced to rui and nene by being invited to ★★★ SUPER COOL EAT-LUNCH-ON-THE-ROOF TIME [kool kats only ★★] ★★★ and kanade sits down like "okay. these people seem calm. theyre probably normal. i think. i can do this :]" and then emu. climbs onto the roof. and kanade thinks "OHFUCKOHSHIT NEVERMIND NEVERMINDNEVERMIND"
so they eat lunch and kanade is introduced to tsukasa's not boyfriend, tsukasa's not girlfriend and tsukasa's not girlfriend. and they have a good time !!! kanade gets along well with nene, but also doesn't because i think the two of them are the equivalent of the "shy people vs introverts" meme. rui is fun but kanade cannot understand that man for the life of herself. and. emu. so ironically tsukasa is the one she gets along with most.
so they hang out and also i think that kanade has tsukasa look over her compositions and has probably gotten him to play an actual piano bit for one of nightcord's songs. idk which you just gotta trust me. and one day kanade comes to their daily meet up thing which happens in the park because silly and tsukasa isn't doing his usual thing. bc when she usually comes tsukasa is happy and smiling like :D :D :D and helping out little kids on the playground equipment but this time nobody's here and he's just. off. and kanade can feel The Vibes but she goes over anyways. and she sees him and he sees her and suddenly he's happy again but this time it's all wrong. and she leaves and goes back home and she thinks back and realizes how Wrong all their interactions had felt. but at the same time it didn't. and she's trying to make sense of all this and talks to nightcord about it because who else would she talk to ??? and general consensus is "make discord server with him" so that's what she does. yes this results in silly tsukasa uses discord for the first time shenanigans. and they all start talking !!! ofc she introduces mizuki as mizuki but mafuyu and ena are left as "my online friends enanan and yuki"
tsukasa ends up inviting rui nene and emu because WHO ELSE ??? and rui dms kanade like "okay i know why you did this but we. are getting nothing out of this. also is yuki mafuyu from the all girls school that emu goes to ???" also SIDE PLOT with emu not feeling creeped out around yuki like she is mafuyu. just wanted to mention. anyways rui is like "i know who you are" and kanade is like "help me help you help your bf (boy best friend)" and idk how but eventually tsukasa just. breaks down.
it's not even anything special he's just in a discord vc w everyone and they start talking about fun things they did as children and tsukasa realizes he can't even remember talking to his parents unless it was over the phone and he just. goes quiet !!! and that's not normal because tsukasa is never quiet so everyone is just a teeny weeny bit worried. and then they hear this man. CRYING ???
so of COURSIES they all meet up in the empty sekai bc we love sekai mashups !!! and idk from there tbh im just bein silly atp
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sin-sidejob · 2 years
Love your writing! Could you do some headcanons for Nostalgia Max! Brett?
Nostalgia Max!Brett Hand x GN!Reader:
Warnings: canon typical violence/shenanigans, childhood trauma, family trauma, bad childhood, canon backstory + some additional opinions and insight
Content: a lil angsty ig? SFW and more general headcanons rather than anything super specific or
- okay so he’s always been lovable himbo, not a thought in his brain, but Nostalgia Max Brett? Thoughts be rolling.
- this is all with the context or at least pretense that Brett didn’t take over that town and trapped the gang in the 80’s — BUT I’m going to work the concept of him still having the powers and using them or being affected by them
- watching Brett getting taken over by whatever chemicals and chem trails were within the Nostalgia Max brew was frightening, deeply and concerning, setting that chill through your bones like an ice cube rattling in your spinal column.
- you were so relieved when Reagan got him to calm down and go back to normal, or - well, at least what you thought was normal. The lot of you head back to work afterwards, tired and ready for sleep in the modern age and tired of feeling like you got trapped as extras in a Stranger Things episode.
- except you don’t go home just yet, you’re fretting over Brett who insists he’s fine and feeling okay but his eyes are twinkling green, swirling neon hues of emerald and peridot unnerving you. You and Reagan take him down to her lab, letting her run tests as you pace back and forth and warily eye the still-displayed parts of Robotus that linger on the walls, trying to calm before you roll yourself into a panic attack.
- turns out he’s fine, no radiation threats or concerns to worry about, but he’s now got powers. So much for halting that Stranger Things feeling. Brett and Reagan don’t know how they’ll manifest, but it’s something time will demonstrate. For now he gets to go home and he doesn’t go to his, he goes back to yours, shushing your worries and holding you close.
- that glint in his eyes fades away from the forefront of your mind, other worries and occupational concerns taking place until you’re all on another ill fated fieldtrip and off doing something else for the company, and you get held up in the crossfire. There’s a series of guns pointed at you, sadly not the first nor last time this occurs, but disheartening nonetheless.
- Everyone’s trying to calm down the situation and make sure you get out unscathed and nobody realizes Brett’s panicking until he’s not anymore. He’s eerily calm and staring straight ahead with fists clenched, Reagan goes to grab his shoulder to talk about how to get you out but she’s met with those acid green eyes, like green apple candy, and a cold expression so neutral it’s unnatural on Brett’s usually grinning visage.
- it’s so fucked it’s just beyond
- he just waves a hand and this glow, that watery green that looks like seepage straight from a nuclear reactor cooling pond, just whips in a wet thwick that sends necks angled cruelly, snapped with as much ease as breaking a pencil, and guns clattering to the ground.
- Brett’s blinking blearily before shaking his head, hair that was once floating now resting back on his head in a disheveled style as he races towards you and envelops you in his arms, making sure you’re okay and unscathed.
- meanwhile Glenn’s using every single southernism cursing phrase he knows, confused to all fuck, Andre and Myc are just both entertained and mindfucked thinking they roofied again, Gigi’s popping an antacid and a sedative muttering about how she should’ve got to work for the Illuminati, and Reagan’s going around to inspect the crooked bodies and talking to herself as she makes notes aloud, wondering just how this power has manifested.
- Reagan does find it very fitting that the powers manifested in a time of great stress, the second you were put in danger. God is he an utter fucking himbo.
- it’s not a power Brett can fully control, it kinda sets him into a subconscious state where it’s not a part of his mind that’s fully aware, but it’s sparked by very strong emotions, threats, and feelings of danger around him or directed at him. He likes to joke he’s got a nostalgia-sense instead of a spidey-sense but you’re still reeling and wondering why he’s now just a bit more attractive. (it’s the messy hair you’d never seen it, plus he killed for you and that’s also something)
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fractured-shield · 4 months
Hiiiiii! I would like to request a rambling about your WIP. Anything you've been wanting to talk about?? Yeah, I want to hear about that!!
omg hi!!!! hm okay let me see. i've been in the middle of redrafting the entire thing for the past few months so i am full of a multitude of very disorganized thoughts. i think i'll talk about my mc's mother bc i recently had so many good ideas about her (you can see her here)
things to know about Leithe. she's 5'5". I've spelled her name about half a dozen different ways through my drafts. she's really bad at lying. she's pan. i associate her with sunflowers and yellow chrysanthemums.
she was the child of lesser nobles in Ngelorim (one of 3 kingdoms that was later abandoned) and despite socially really not needing to do anything of the sort, she was a very outspoken peace advocate and proponent of strengthening the Alliance to include non-elves. (in this setting, elves aren't really like...better in any way? they just live a long time, and humans think they're sort of cowards and unreliable, due to the whole "abandoning kingdoms after magic eco-warfare caused a mass soil degradation speedrun" thing, which is remembered with a lot less nuance by human oral retellings.)
she was coppersmith (?) by hobby. that's very specific so idk for sure but she made jewelry of some variety and was like. passably decent at it. just for fun. she was halfway decent with a sword, I'm thinking maybe like a light sabre/rapier, again just for fun and because she liked staying active and like. queer woman's fixation on swords and all that.
she met idhren at some stuffy social event, where she was speaking about a probably-unpopular political stance. at the time, he was serving on the council in Linador (one of the other 3 kingdoms) as a mediator, or...maybe he was already on the larger Alliance council I need to redo the timeline. and he was immediately just so impressed because, you know, she didn't have to be saying any of that, it wasn't popular, but she didn't care. so naturally he Did Not Fucking Talk To Her. at least not on purpose. later that night he went outside for some fresh air (introvert social battery on 0%) and ran into her. and they hit it off, kind of bonded over people seeing only surface-level things about them. she was pissed off about only being seen as a pretty face and nobody listening to her words, and he was uncomfortable with the unwanted attention of people always pointing out his foreign Fairalmin accent.
they eventually became pretty close friends. don't worry about the timeline. hundred years or so lmao. a very "he fell first, she fell harder" type thing: he kind of always saw her as like a safe person, someone he enjoyed being around and who was entirely captivating as an aside, but he was perfectly content to leave it at that and never mention it. she'd only seen him as like, very serious in a quiet melancholy sort of way, sort of demure and whatever, and vaguely knew he'd been a low-ranking military officer before a council mediator, but at some point saw him sparring and in armor and was just like. "oh. ok cool. im very normal about this. fuck." i made a post of her with the "babygirl your enormous eyebags and just barely noticeable tremor have captivated me" meme and like. yeah.
at that point he was on the Alliance war-council thing I mentioned, and in a...well I hesitate to call it a relationship, with the general/warmaster leading it all. worked closely under him, they'd both experienced similar losses they hadn't really healed from, the warmaster wanted a purely physical distraction from the stress of war/his partner's death. again, Idhren was perfectly content to ignore his own feelings of wanting something more, but finally he did have to break it off just for his own sanity. honestly, he and Leithe (who were sort of figuring out their feelings by then) would've been okay with a casual poly thing if it'd been on the table.
anyways, in the war's aftermath they became a couple in earnest. at some point Therien (my mc) was born. she's a weird little fucker lmao i love her dearly. when Therien was 12, Leithe was part of some peace convoy during a nearby kingdom's civil war, and was killed when they were attacked.
idhren was like "oh my god i am not mentally stable enough to be responsible for raising a child in a healthy environment she needs to stay with my friend for a few years while I get through this" which like, not a great option, but the guy had been launched full force back into half-healed trauma response suicidal ideation so I can't blame him. my first book begins 5 years later, when Therien meets her father again and gets the chance to come home, right on the edge of another war, and gets to learn a lot about her parents on top of the usual teenage uncertainties.
(also thank you for letting me ramble about this it was very fun lol, I'm going to spend time reading up on your wip posts so I can ask questions about them as soon as I have a chance <3)
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
A hopeless confrontation with a hopeless demon.
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Quarble, he's too fast. I've tried to dodge and weave and watch for openings but he nails me every time. No matter what I do, it's like he's right there, waiting for me to do it. I can't get away from him.
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"Look, man. This is just a job. I'm not your therapist. Figure it out or don't."
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You really don't have any ideas? You don't know anything or... have any suggestions I can use here?
How am I supposed to beat this guy, Quarble? Eleven times. He's gutted me eleven times. Yeah, okay, lesson learned about underestimating people, but I've been trying really hard. Was I wrong to think I could actually do this?
Maybe he was right. Maybe I'm at my limit. Maybe... this is where my journey ends.
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"...push... through...."
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Did you say something, Quarble?
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"Yeah, I said 'If I don't get any Time Shards soon I'm bailing. Have fun getting dissected again.'
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No, there was something... like a flicker....
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"Hallucinations may be an occasional side effect of being gruesomely butchered, revived, and butchered again repeatedly in a short time period. I say 'may be' because most people give up and accept the sweet embrace of death well before it ever gets to this point."
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"It's a mistake to rely on speed alone; It's too easy to push through. I figured that out early in our training. Zale learned it shortly after."
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We go through.
I've been letting this job get in my head. Trying to be more cautious. Trying to be mindful. But the answer was right there in the fable. I need to stop running.
Luana spent her whole life sparring with a Blade Dancer. It's a style eerily similar to Brugaves's new demon style. To the point that it almost seems like a cruel joke for Aephorul to forge him this way.
Nobody knew better than her how to counter that style. And she wrote it down. You don't run away from a Blade Dancer. You go through.
If he's too fast for you, then he may just as easily be too fast for himself. All you have to do is stand your ground and let him strike himself upon your weapon.
I've been getting in my own head. Worrying about stupid things like safety and protecting myself. When I should have been asking the obvious question from the start.
What would Luana do?
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Hey! Goat-licker. Imagine selling out the people who love you so you can be the Acolytes' gofer. I can't even be vindictive about it 'cause having to live like this is punishment enough.
Sure, you used to have respect, admiration, kids looking up to you with stars in their eyes, and a dedicated life-partner who'd do anything for you. But you're right, kissing the foot of a four-headed butt-chugger every morning is just as fucking good, isn't it?
You're a coward and a fool, Barma'thazel. You were barely any good as a Solstice Warrior. And now you're a bottom-feeding parasite living in a hellhole, clinging desperately to the one gift his master graced him with.
The goddess forgot about you long ago. She's over you. And I'm done running from you. Because I'm better than you.
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It's called crippling overspecialization, ass-weevil. You'd think a general of an armed forces would be able to grasp a concept as basic as that. But I guess you're just too slow.
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Hold up. Do you mean that in the figurative sense? Like, we are all pieces in a larger game that cares nothing for winners and losers, and so in the grand scheme of things we are all doo--
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YEEEEEEEEEES Holy shit, thank you prophesized Lifesaver. Wentworth, you are a sight for sore eyes.
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...wait, what?
Errors have been made. You know, I thought you looked a little small to be the colossal dragon that Luana wrote about but I just figured she'd embellished.
Let's blow this shithole and go home!
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*deep breath*
In your name.
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1galaxia369 · 10 months
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Timeless Tarot Reading
I see that you have a very hard exterior, you walk this earth in a defensive manner. You're afraid of letting it go because you feel as if it keeps you safe, you feel like if people are afraid to mess with you then you'll be safe. What you're not understanding is putting on that mask just steals your energy and wears you down. Baby you are doing way too much already, why do you think you need to put on this tough guy act. It is robbing you of the experiences you're craving. you need to unclinch that jaw, and breathe. You're being called to try a new approach to life, ease and flow. You don't have to be Mr/Ms Independent all the time. “I can do it all by myself!” You have nothing to prove, that is already gonna be in your energy. So there's no need for anything else, walk through this reality with confidence and ease. Be cool, find some balance with your center, let your personality & creativity free for once. You being the normal “you” will not make vulnerable at all. It actually makes you stronger and it teaches balance, there's true strength in freely expressing yourself and protecting yourself whenever the situation comes along. Most of the times your safe, there's no one out to get so you don't need to always have your guard up, I mean be aware ofc but you don't need to be in soldier mode.
You're a happy, free soul with alot of creativity, that energy you waste putting on a exterior to harmless people ( you’re stronger now no one can hurt you again, YOU LEARNED!) needs to be put into that. You said a long time ago that you were going to do so many things, what happened to the sky is the limit? what happened to all those creative ideas you had? The bucket list of fun and crazy things you wanted to do? What happened to that? Your inner child is crying out to you, they're tired of watching you hurting yourself, this is not what you guys had planned for the future.
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Also, you are safe to start spending money on yourself. Get yourself something you been wanting, your so unhappy with life and that's not okay love. You work so damn hard, baby treat yourself after all that work Rewarding yourself after all that can help motivate you to keep going. You are literally in your boss era right now but you need the energy to back it up, where's that king energy? That's what is needed. Being Mr. tough guy/girl that nobody can mess with isn't the energy that's going to bring forth that vision you have in your head. I see a person with big dreams and goals, please put your energy into it! Stop worrying about other people.
You'll get all the success you're aiming for after you finally let go and immerse yourself without losing your energy to external forces. The universe is about to reward you more than what you even put in. You just have to purge that old energy and behavior, a new mindset is needed. ASAP! Be more open and generous,you need people in your life. You will begin to attract good people into your life that will make you feel safe and not in survival mode. It's time to finally let yourself breathe, it's okay to be the kind person you are. You know how to protect yourself and when to do so, trust yourself to.
This journey you're about to embark on requires you to do the inner work, face yourself. It's time to get to the root of why you were stuck in survival mode and spent your days constantly keeping your guard up. Keep your focus on you and yours. Keep your head up and go after your goal. You got everything under control and know what to do, you're a person who is very meticulous and hard working, use that to your advantage. You always had the power you just let external things and old traumas creep in and distract you or turn your mind away from your goal. Overall your lesson is self love & trust and not letting the world distract you or cause you to procrastinate. Sharpen up because you are already the person you want to be.
I recommend:
working on unblocking your Root Chakra
Do shadow work, find out when you started betraying your inner child. When did you give on those things wanted to do with all your heart.
Practice gratitude
Practice how to read peoples energy and discern who has positive energy and who is malicious
It takes a lot of balance and self control to be a leader, it takes even more to chase your dreams
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rainbowxocs · 3 months
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The Trolley Problem by Angel.
TWs: Descriptions of Child Abuse, Specifically Emotional and Physical, and also Torture/Scientific Experiments.
Chapter 1
Memories before the war.
Hmm… I guess there’s no where to start but the beginning.
I actually remember being born, funnily enough. It was a horrible experience, If I could do it over I would never do that again. But hindsight is 20/20. My mom, Maria, really wanted a daughter. I remember she use to tell me how much of a disappointment I was, she was expecting so much more out of me.
I don’t blame her for hating me. I was a mistake, I didn’t give her what she wanted. I was a gross fleshy blob, and at the time I didn’t know how to make my momma happy. Actually, I wasn’t really useful to anyone really. Yknow when you walk into a room and you have this aching in your chest that everyone there is annoyed by you?
Most of my family looked at me like that, with complete apathy. I don’t blame them, I would hate me too. I tried really hard as a kid to impress my family but none of them really cared much. The closest I got to care was from Stellan, our A.I maid, but even then he stayed away from me for the most part.
For most of my childhood I was locked up in my room, with nothing to do really. I didn’t have any furniture or toys or windows to look out of, I don’t think there was even a lightbulb in the ceiling. So, to pass the time I would imagine. I would write stories in my head of fantastical worlds and happy endings.
This was both a good and a bad thing. Mom got really mad when I accidentally ignored her in favor of slaying a dragon. I remember she always had the most creative punishments for me when I misbehaved. Though getting things cut off like your hair or fingers hurt like no other.
At least both grow back though. So I wasn’t too worried about it. Mom hated that, she always used to yell at me for being so nonchalant about everything. I don’t know why I was, I guess when things would happen I would just retreat into my mind.
I think about her a lot. It’s hard not to. Me and her share a face, my Grandpa always joked that my mom was like a printer as she made an exact copy of herself. Which I always found funny because of how different me and momma are.
Grandpa was always weird like that though. He was the only person who would talk to me when I was a child. He use to teach me things about old currency, like how we use to have paper money and coins, he actually showed me his huge coin collection and it was very cool. He always told me that I was a miracle.
My dad hated that his dad would give me so much attention. My dad hated me in general, he always said I was “Maria’s problem.” And not his. But I still always tried to impress him. He was home a lot more often than Mom was. She had to work late hours passing laws and doing speeches. So when dad would get home it would often just be me, him, and Stellan.
Honestly, I kinda preferred my dad sometimes. He still hated me, but he was quiet and predictable unlike my mom. Mom could find anything about me to be mad at, but Dad only got mad if I did something wrong, like talk to him. His punishments were less severe as well, getting hit is a lot less painful than getting stabbed or something like that.
Even though my family was in the public eye, nobody in the outside world knew about me. My grandpa said I was one of the best kept secrets in New America, which I thought was funny. Honestly I’m glad nobody knew about me, Mom and Dad use to get hounded by people wherever they went, even Stellan sometimes got stalked.
The bad thing about not being known though was that I wasn’t allowed outside of our apartment. Which was okay, but a little cramped. I remember when Mom wasn’t home I was allowed to go outside of my room, and sometimes I would peek out the windows and just watch the city dwellers on the streets before us. I remember thinking they looked like Ants.
That was my life, I had a very specific routine and I followed it to the letter. Until one day when I was ten years old. A year ago, the incident had happened, and I knew Mom had been stressed out since then, I didn’t know much about the war, only that it seemed to get worse every day, and Mom wasn’t coping well.
Our entire society relied on technology, and that technology had completely rebelled against us in the worst way possible. Most people on the news believed the war would only last a few months at most, maybe causing a few supply chain issues. But the A.I were brutal.
I didn’t know this at the time but Mom had been funding experiments throughout the past year in order to find a way to stop the A.I, however none of it had been working. Until one day, Mom picked me up and took me on a trip to West Virginia. This was super exciting for me as I had never been outside the apartment let alone outside of the state.
I didn’t understand what Mom was doing at the time. But we eventually drove up to a large building in the middle of nowhere, and some scientists took me out of the car and dragged me into the facility, I kicked and screamed for my mom but she ended up driving away.
I remember being so scared as the scientists put me into my new room, it was large with tall concrete walls and floor, and the only light source came from the observation deck above me where the scientists looked down. There were no doors, no known way to escape.
I remember the first day they didn’t bother me. Probably letting me acclimate to my new surroundings, I sobbed the entire day and didn’t get much sleep. I was use to being in an empty room but not one so cold and uncomfortable.
I’m going to save you from most of the details of my stay at Salendine, I was there for four years and to be honest, every day was the same. They would experiment on me somehow, usually with some method of torture like electrocution or starvation, and after the torture they would give me a task.
They essentially were trying to train me into being an obedient computer. They wanted me to obey their every command by frying my brain. I never was able to please them though. I was still a human, after all. No matter how obedient I was, I would never be a robot. But they believed if they just tortured me enough that I would eventually become the perfect weapon for them.
Unfortunately for them, I am not so easily broken.
☂️. Next Page:
Chapter 2.
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finite-breakpoints · 6 months
panicked (Angstpril 2024, #27)
[ Previously: phantom pain ]
// Connected to SIGNAL//NOISE // // phase!0x7F >> noise!0x01 // // Secure message self-destruct timer set to one cycle.
phase: > something happened to Siv last night. Julia took him over to the medical center earlier > nobody will tell me what's going on or whether he's okay > I don't know what I'm supposed to tell Lev and Lisa. I don't even know what Julia's telling everyone in the garage noise: > ...Fuck. Okay. > Well, I'm already on my way over. I'll help you get things settled. > You know the override code for the office? phase: > don't need it > he gave me access once I started helping with the network. noise: > Alright. I'm still ten or twenty millicycles out. > Hang tight.
"Dylan. Relax. You're starting to make me nervous."
"…Sorry." They stop spinning in the desk chair, trying to think of something -- anything -- to distract them. Anything to keep from panicking. The others will still be asleep for a while yet, and in any case, Dylan doesn't have much hope of anyone being particularly productive at the moment. "Maybe I should just keep things closed down for now, reopen the lab when Siv gets back."
"I mean… yeah. You could. But that's not gonna do anybody any favors, is it? And you know how he is -- he's gonna come back and feel like everything's fallen behind schedule."
That doesn't make the idea of trying to run the prototyping lab any less daunting -- even if it's only for a few cycles. But still… Cyrus is probably right.
"How are you being so calm about this?"
"Not the first time I've seen it. This happens every couple of macrocycles or so -- this is just… ahead of schedule." Cyrus pulls out his console and plugs in his network chip, perches on the workbench. "Siv said it's all that old data processor hardware, runs hot every once in a while."
"He was a processor?" They think for a tick about the programs who flock together in one corner of the SPARC Club, their data jacks glowing dimly in the low light. The older programs they gather around, most of whom have long since retired. Their silent laughter, entire conversations carried out in pings. "I didn't know that."
"Yeah. One of the first. Back before all the restrictions -- it took a long time for anyone to put together the long-term effects." Cyrus doesn't exactly pause there, but Dylan still gets the feeling there's something he's not telling them. "That's why they've all got external hardware now. Prevents things like this from happening in the first place. Sometimes, there's ways to mitigate it… but they haven't found anything that works for Siv yet."
"…Is he gonna be okay?"
"Yeah. Might still be a bit scrambled when he gets home, but once he's had a chance to get settled--"
The opening door cuts him off; a shock of fight-flight-freeze in Dylan's circuits -- no one else should be able to enter this room uninvited, unless --
But it's just Julia, thankfully. She offers Dylan a small smile -- Cyrus, not so much. He doesn't look surprised, or even remotely disturbed by her intrusion -- he must have heard her coming, somehow. Sometimes it feels like nothing gets to him.
And if he notices Julia's general coolness toward him, he doesn't seem to mind it. "Don't worry about bringing Dylan up to speed, I already took care of it. --How is he?"
"Um…" Julia sighs, that look Dylan's seen a few times; it's not good news. "They've got him in stasis right now. It's the only way they can keep his energy processing stable. Said they're gonna monitor for the rest of the cycle, and then they'll call me before they try bringing him back up again."
"So he's just…. alone?" Dylan shivers, ice creeping into their circuits. "I mean, even in stasis…"
"I know. I don't like it either, but Siv's repeatedly said he'd rather have me staying busy than worrying about him every time this happens. That's just how he is." She shrugs. "Do you need help getting things opened up?"
"No. I can handle it. Thanks, though."
"No problem. --But hey, come find me if you run into any problems, okay?" Her expression makes it perfectly clear what problems she's talking about -- and all of them have orange circuits. And then she turns to Cyrus, and her voice goes quiet. "And you -- do not get involved."
"Yeah, I know. Siv and I already had that discussion, after last time." He smiles grimly, like maybe discussion isn't really the right word. "Staying out of this one."
"Good." She looks around like she's making sure everything's in place around the office; her gaze lands, for a tick, on the row of sealed vacuum canisters above Siv's desk. "Don't break anything."
"Well… no promises there."
She doesn't look amused, and he doesn't particularly look like he cares. Dylan can't imagine being on the other side of that glare, let alone instigating it. Purposefully.
Cyrus waits until she leaves, then busies himself with feeding the code fragments. Dylan watches as far as they can -- the careful way he pops the cubes out of the freezer trays, each looking far too much like translucent grey voxels. They have to look away as he drops them in; the faint hiss of the fragments bubbling up around them is more than enough.
"You think he'd notice if I switched a couple of them around?" Cyrus drops the last set of cubes in, then sets the tray in the condenser to repopulate. "Like, physically moved them. He's got 'em labeled underneath, but I wonder how long it'd take him to figure it out."
"Probably not long." The initial sounds are quieting now; when Dylan looks up, the fragments are back to their slow shifts, and they can look at them without feeling sick. "Apparently they all act different."
"Hm." He picks up the first one on the left, eyeing it carefully, then swaps it with the one to its right. "We'll see."
"Oh, he's gonna hate this." They go in order, if Dylan remembers correctly. "That doesn't seem fair. Siv said yours and mine were pretty similar."
"Yeah. If I'm not here when he figures it out, I need you to show me what happens. For the sake of scientific inquiry." But Cyrus' grin fades, his mind obviously drifting to less-pleasant things. "Even when he gets home, it'll be a few cycles before he's back up to speed. The network's gonna get restless in the meantime."
"Right. What are you gonna tell them?"
Unlike Dylan, Cyrus doesn't have the option to wait it out. Something like ten thousand programs on the network now, at last count, expecting that start-of-cycle transmission. And about ten percent of them on the chat relay -- whose concern will be far less distant.
"…I don't know."
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[ Welcome to The Sleepwalker 503 - a HLVRAI askblog. ]
[ This is a fan askblog, the characters are derived from RTVS's HLVRAI. ]
Remember, everything you will read here is not real!
I thought I'd open this up to you guys for fun, so here's how this goes for those of you who're unfamiliar:
Send a message [ to the Inbox ], and it gets answered [ in the blog ]. No promises that everything will go through, but we'll do our best to answer most of the stuff you send us!
[ Read from the start here: link ]
There will be Alt Text for all character icons and screenshots, and IDs for more complex pictures.
The tag "screenreader unfriendly" will be used for posts with long strings of emojis, small text, fonts, and text that is italicised, bolded, or coloured.
Trigger list and general no-nos under the cut:
Alright, for your own safety, we're gonna run through some potentially triggering stuff that'll come up while you're here:
Triggers we'll tag:
tw unreality
tw stammering
tw eye contact / tw scopophobia
tw blood
tw panic (for panic attacks)
tw suicide ment
More to be updated
That's not all of them! They WILL be updated as we go, and that's gonna depend a lot on what you talk to them about, but I WILL be making new posts, in addition to this Pinned post, to update y'all when there's a trigger update.
All triggers will be tagged "trigger" and "tw trigger", so blacklist what you need to!
If y'all need any extra trigger warnings not already listed here, just DM them and I'll tag 'em too if they come up.
Just so we're clear, we won't be tolerating any bigotry. So no:
racism, ableism, transphobia, homophobia, misogyny, fatphobia, antisemitism, etc.
Nobody's perfect, and we're all working on it, but those asks will be deleted to prevent further harm.
[ That being said, if anything starts reading as bigotry or harmful stereotypes in the blog, do NOT be afraid to reach out in DMs or through #mun chat. Things will be put on hold until we figure something out to continue with. ]
Don't worry if the Inbox disappears at any point, we're just clearin' out the messages before we reopen it.
Okay then, we all set? We all good? Cool, play nice now y'all!
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