#just joon saying this earlier and this interview coming out now
yourghastlycloseness · 9 months
the brilliant park chan-wook:
He and Jeong Seo-Kyeong, the female screenwriter behind many of his biggest hits, frequently collaborate to create complex, compelling and relatable women characters. In “The Handmaiden” they show the potential of a woman’s sexuality and autonomy, while with “Decision to Leave” Park said he wanted to subvert ideas around perspective, starting out with the “full-on male gaze” of the male protagonist Hae-joon before switching to that of Seo-rae, the female lead, in the second act.
“I’m not saying the female part overwhelms the male part. It’s almost like the balance is met in the end,” Park said in an earlier interview with CNN, adding: “(Seo-rae) is no longer this enigmatic figure that the male protagonist needs to solve.”
Whether he’d ever brand one of his movies as feminist is another question altogether. “I just express my point of view and what I think is right,” he said. “In that sense, I’ve always been a feminist, and I think I make movies (that are feminist).”
“But that doesn’t mean the women portrayed in my movies are always the kindest, most heroic and righteous. I don’t think that’s what makes a movie feminist,” he added. “Women can make mistakes, they can do bad things, and they can also be foolish. I think a feminist movie is what portrays all those aspects (of women) and also gives life to a character as autonomous, independent and detailed. This is what I think makes a feminist movie.”
and haruki murakami (been shitting on him for the longest time, but i do think his writing is clean and that his short stories are good. “sleep” is a fave, which mieko kawakami mentions in the interview)
HM: I was exploring a kind of cruelty that women seem to possess. I can feel it when it’s there, but can’t claim access to it. I don’t want to get in trouble for going back to differences between genders, but I think this sort of cruelty is rare in men. Men can of course be cruel, but I think they go about it in more structured ways. They come at you with logic, or like a total psychopath. But the cruelty of women is more ordinary, everyday. Now and then, they catch you unawares. Surprisingly, a lot of female readers seem to have enjoyed “The Little Green Monster.” Or maybe that’s not surprising at all?
thinking about women who write men—do we discuss this? are women during a terrible job at that? been thinking a little about writing someone not of your own gender and culture
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literalsunhobi · 2 years
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shut up i’m emotional
(w korea | tt: btstranslation)
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bts-hyperfixation · 4 years
Green eyed monster - kinktober - day 16
Part 1 hyung line
Part 2 maknae line
Boys getting jealous
• Jin doesn’t get jealous easily
• If he does find you flirting with another idol he knows you don’t mean it, half the time you probably don’t even know you’re are doing it
• Tends to insert himself into the situation if he feels it’s going too far
• If he can’t intervene, and it’s gone on too long, he gets insecure.
• Gets very clingy
• You find yourself trying to reassure him by any means necessary
• This often means heavily praise based sex
• Every moan that comes from your mouth strokes his ego to re-inflate it
• Once he regains his confidence, he uses it to make you cum over and over again
• He gets off on the sound of your voice calling his name.
• Pouty baby and you can’t tell me otherwise
• You are chatting to a random employee at one of the stations they were doing interviews at that day
• Every time he glanced at you it seemed like you were laughing with the guy and not paying him enough attention
• Weren’t you there to see him after all?
• He will be very short with you when they get a break
• Leaves you completely baffled until you see him glaring daggers at your new friend
• You take no shit, especially not this kind of shit
• If he is going to act like a brat that’s lost his toy you are going to treat him like one.
• Seen as you have a little while with him for lunch you pull him to an unoccupied room and block the door
• You scold him for not vocalising his feelings
• Spanking punishment
• Yoongi relishes your attention, no matter how you choose to give it to him.
• You spend the next thirty minutes edging him as he begs for your forgiveness.
• You except the apology as the bell rings for them to be back in the interview space.
• You let him suffer through the rest of the day without cumming.
• It’s surprisingly easy for mister sunshine to get jealous
• Especially around taller men
• He trusts you implicitly, but he doesn’t trust others
• He won’t leave your side at events unless forced
• Most nights you don’t mind, loving the extra attention large scale events get you
• Unfortunately, tonight you are just at a friend’s party
• Every time an old friend comes up to you say hello, he bristles
• His grabby hands every time you come back from the bathroom or kitchen are also not helping
• You decide to play with him to deal with the issue
• You walk away at random moments
• Talk to acquaintances you know he is unfamiliar with
• Pushing his limits to see how long it will take him to just have an open conversation with you about his feelings.
• For a long time, he just sits watching you flit around the room
• When he finally cracks, he takes a hold of your arm and pulls you outside under the guise of needing air.
• After checking you are alone on the patio, he pushes you against the wall of the house and kisses you roughly
• You can taste the alcohol on his tongue
• “I’m sorry baby, I know you hate me like this”
• His kisses trail along you your chin
• “You’re just so pretty”
• He sucks a mark on your shoulder
• “and I can see all of their eyes on you”
• You stop his movements before he can reach your chest
• Bringing his eyes up to be level with your own
• You lecture and reassure him at the same time before kissing him softly
• He is all you want
• He knows that
• Sometimes it’s just easy to let that slip
• You end up leaving the party shortly after
• When the two of you get home, he is still clingy.
• You are both so tired physically and emotionally
• He suggests cockwarming to fall asleep and you oblige
• In the early hours you wake to him thrusting into you
• Always calm and collected in public
• It’s hard to tell when something has made him jealous at first
• Until you want his attention at home
• He has probably spent every moment since he saw that other idol flirting with you thinking about it
• Overthinking about it
• Heck even writing lyrics about it
• He is sat shirtless on the bed papers strewn around him trying to work out how he was feeling
• Everything always feels better on paper for Joon
• You slide behind him sliding your arms around his waist and peppering kisses across his broad naked back
• On a normal day he would soften into your touch
• Often times pulling you onto his lap
• Not today
• Your first hint something is wrong
• You try peering at some of the notes he has scattered around but the handwriting is that frantic it doesn’t make sense
• You switch tactics
• Your hands start playing with his waistband and you blow into his ear
• He swats at you in annoyance, but you keep at it
• Eventually he pulls you so you are now under him
• His weight keeps you pinned down
• “God, you are being such an obnoxious tease today”
• The statement shocks you.
• You could be a tease when you wanted to wind him up but all you’d done today was support him.
• He sees the confusion on your face, and he softens for a moment
• “Your telling me your little show with JB was just an innocent conversation”
• Your mind flashed back to the conversation you’d been having with the GOT7 member earlier in the day and things clicked into place
• You were always friendly with other groups.
• You and JB had a lot in common, which often meant getting over excited and geeked out together, that must be what Namjoon had seen.
• He starts kissing you like he has something to prove
• Removes your pants and goes down on you until his jaw hurts
• Anything to prove himself to you
• When you actually have sex, he keeps making comments about it
• “Could anyone else do this for you?”
• “Would anyone else make you feel this good”
• Likes to fuck you until you are incoherent
• Will tell you how much he loves you in between calling you a slut
• You love when he uses derogatory terms
• So different from his normal self. A side only you get to see
@adventuresinwonderlust @thedarkwinterrose
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hold-me-sickfics · 4 years
Okay guys, as promised:
Day 1: Namjoon💜
Prompt: Namjoon’s been up since 2:00 a.m. with a stuffy nose and a pretty rough cough. His throat is killing him, and can someone please bring him the lotion tissues? His nose is bright red from how many times he’s used that old t-shirt in the floor. Thankfully, he’s been given permission to stay home and rest for the day, but that’s just impossible for him. He’s supposed to be the leader of the pack, so how can he just abandon them right before an interview? What if they need him? What if the interviewer only speaks English? What if Jungkook loses his shirt 5 minutes before they go in? What if Jimin and Taehyung accidentally reveal what the new album is called? What if… well everything happens? Or… what if… just maybe… the leader needs loved and coddled but instead he’s all alone at the house all day...
TW: Food, this fic is more snz focused than anything (Note: if anyone sees a trigger I missed, please let me know and I’ll post a warning for it too!)
“Namjoon, why are you in here? I thought I just told you to stay in bed until I got your breakfast.” Jin lightly scolded the leader. Namjoon had been up since 2:00 feeling pretty sick.
“I know but I wadted to bake sure you didn’t deed help with breakfast.” Namjoon shuffled over to the coffee maker, and poured himself a mug of it.
“Joon, down. No coffee. You’re sick, so the last thing you need is coffee making your stomach hurt.” Jin took the mug from him, and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.
“Here, just sit down and rest okay? How about you make a quick call and see if you can get today off. I’ll make you some hot tea. We’ll see if you feel like eating once your sinuses open up a little, alright?” Jin eased Namjoon down into one of the chairs at the kitchen table.
Namjoon had to admit, he felt terrible. His nose was stopped up and running at the same time. His throat felt like it was tight and on fire. His muscles ached, and he felt cold. His skin felt so sensitive; even Jin touching him earlier had hurt. But still, having his hyung so close did help him to feel safe and cared for, so he had endured the pain.
Namjoon picked up the phone, and dialed the BigHit office number, asking to speak to his scheduler.
Jin listened closely as Namjoon struggled to talk. He grabbed a bottle of honey out of the cabinet and poured a tablespoon into the tea he was brewing on the stove. Sympathy pain took over his chest when he hear Namjoon cough to clear his throat. The cough was wet, and thick, and had nearly even made him gag.
Just then, Taehyung and Jungkook came running downstairs.
“I WILL JUMP ON YOU!” Jungkook swung over the railing.
Surprisingly, the maknae managed to land perfectly on Taehyung’s back, causing him to hit the floor- hard.
“Ah!” Taehyung let out a harsh cry.
“Shhhh!” Jin pressed a finger to his lips. He mouthed the words “Joon’s on the phone”
Both the younger boys apologized immediately, and then bolted to the refrigerator. Jin couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
“Yeah, I cad’t breathe well.”
Namjoon coughed again. This time wasn’t as thick, but Jin could tell there was enough snot in his throat to fill a bucket.
Hoseok came downstairs in his bathrobe, hair still dripping wet from his shower. He too, heard the last cough, and decided to inquire about the situation.
“Jin, he sounds awful.” Hoseok glanced over at the leader. He immediately noticed Namjoon’s red nose, puffy-pink eyes, and pale skin. A sheen of sweat covered his face and upper chest. His hair was half-matted to his head in sweat as well.
“He’s been like this since 2:00. He’s trying to get today off so he can stay home and rest.” Jin took the tea off the stove and poured a decent-sized amount into a small, blue mug.
“Okay, thank you.” Namjoon hit the “end call” button, and set his phone down. He rested his head in his hands.
Jin carried the mug to Namjoon and set it on the coaster. He took the chair beside Namjoon and stroked his hair softly.
“What’d they say?” Jin leaned down to try and meet Namjoon’s eyes.
“They’re letting be stay home... but you all have an interview today... I cad’t stay here and just let you guys go alone.”
Though it hurt to have someone touch his skin, he leaned in closer to Jin, trying to take in some of his strength.
“Joonie, you have to stay home today. You look like you feel awful, and I know you do. You’ve been up since 2:00 this morning, and I know you’re exhausted. We’ll be back by dinner, okay?” Jin carded his fingers through the younger’s sweaty blonde hair.
Namjoon was about to protest when his chest broke into hacking, heaving coughs. His ribs hurt from coughing so much and his throat felt like it had been run up and down a cheese grater. Tears came to his eyes as he finished his coughing fit.
“Take it easy Joon-bug. Sip on this for me. It’s got honey in it. It’ll help ease the pain a little. And hopefully it’ll open you up too.” Jin lifted the mug to Namjoon’s hands and helped him lift it to his lips. Jin couldn’t help it, he had a soft spot for all the members, but it was really bad when Namjoon didn’t feel well. It seemed that Namjoon was all he could think about on those occasions. Perhaps since they were paired together so often in games and such. They’d just gotten really close as oldest and leader of the group.
Namjoon gratefully accepted the beverage, and sipped it down. He was visibly relieved by the warmth and smoothness of the liquid. It nearly made him forget that he had to let the group be on their own today.
Aaaaaand that’s when he remembered.
“Jin, what if they don’t have a transblator? Or like, what if Judkook can’t find his shirt again? Or what if...” Jin cut Namjoon’s worries off short.
“I’ll take care of it okay? You just rest today. And if I come home and find you doing anything but resting, I won’t be very happy.” Jin gave him a gentle look, telling the leader that he was just doing what was best for Namjoon’s health.
Namjoon wanted to debate, but he just couldn’t. He wasn’t feeling strong enough. He nodded, and they went through the rest of breakfast pretty smoothly.
An hour passed, and Namjoon was currently being tucked in by Jin.
“Okay, I put a bottle of water on your table. There are two extra blankets in that chair over there. I have cough drops over here beside the water, but if you end up needing more, they’re in the top shelf of the bathroom cabinet. I know you didn’t want to take medicine, but I left it here anyways. Send me your temperature every hour, unless you fall asleep. If you fall asleep, then take it ten minutes after you wake up. We’ll be back by 4:30 p.m. If you need me, call me. I’ll have my phone on while we’re there except when we’re shooting. Other than that, I’ll most likely pick up on the first ring. Oh and-“
“Jin?” Namjoon interrupted him.
“Yeah?” Jin realized he might have been rambling.
Jin smiled. “No problem. Just rest okay? No doing stupid things. Don’t try and do housework, don’t work on songs, don’t make calls unless absolutely necessary... or well you know, unless they’re to me.” Jin’s eyes softened. “Feel better Joon-bug.”
Namjoon nodded, and rested his head on the pillow as Jin closed the door.
He heard the other boys close the front door, and suddenly, he was alone in the house.
He felt lonely almost instantly. Turning on the tv was supposed to help, but it didn’t. After one episode of “Housewives of America,” he turned it off and tried to sleep.
He woke up slowly, and turned to face his alarm clock.
“Please be 4:30, please be 4:30...”
The clock read 10:48 a.m. They’d been gone for 46 minutes. Namjoon whined loudly to himself.
He tried to go back to sleep, but it was no use. His nose kept running and his throat hurt badly. He finally just decided to get up and get something to eat.
That task proved to be harder than he originally thought it would be. The moment his feet hit the floor, chills ran cold up and down his spine.
“Aish,” he wrapped his shaking arms around his body. Luckily, he remembered Jin’s statement about the extra blankets, and he was able to turn one of them into a nice cape for him to wear around the house. With that, he trudged to the kitchen and opened the pantry door.
“I deed food.” He sniffled as he eyed the contents of the small room.
Namjoon finally decided on a pack of blueberry muffins, and...
He glanced back at the coffee machine, recalling Jin’s strict warning about the coffee being bad for his stomach. But... Jin wasn’t here soooo....
Namjoon did a sneaky little dance of shuffling over to the machine with a mischievous smirk on his face. When he got there, he took the filter out and there was a small post-it note inside.
“Morning Joonie. I hope you’re feeling some better by the time you read this. I figured you’d come for coffee after I left, so I took all the coffee with me. There’s some tea in the refrigerator that you can warm up for your throat. Remember to rest up, and I’ll see you when we get back.
Ps. If I get home and find out you bought coffee and had it delivered, I will remove our address from every coffee shop record between now and last October. Remember to send your temperature every hour. *hugs*
As much as Namjoon knew that Jin was doing this in his best interest, he really wanted that coffee.
Within the next thirty minutes, he was on the couch with a coffee in hand (thankfully, they delivered). He sipped the beverage happily and took a few nibbles of the muffins he’d gotten from the pantry earlier.
The hot coffee felt great on his throat, and actually helped the muffins to go down easier.
When he’d eaten enough, he checked his phone just to see if he’d gotten any new notifications.
And that’s what he’d forgotten.
11:06 Jin: “how’s that temp bud?”
Okay now he was in trouble. Jin wanted his temperature, but if he gave it to him, his mouth would be wayyy hotter than normal because of the coffee... Then, he had an idea.
11:09 Namjoon: “I’m 99.3. I don’t feel like I’ve got a fever so I think it’s just a little cold.”
Thankfully, he’d remembered that you could take your temperature under your arms too. He meant to wait and see what Jin would say back to him, but he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, and decided to take a shower.
Fifteen minutes later, he came out of the shower feeling a lot better. Jin had texted back saying “good, make sure to stay hydrated and rest.”
He smiled at how caring his hyung was, and then turned his phone down. He thought it was best to go ahead and take a nap while he could still breathe. Maybe his symptoms would even be gone by the time he woke up!
Well, as hopeful as he’d been, he was wrong.
Namjoon woke up at 12:45, with his throat hurting more than ever. His nose was so stuffed, he had to breathe through his mouth, which felt like glass scraping his throat brutally.
On top of that, he had started feeling bitterly cold. A couple minutes passed and he took his temperature.
“101.4” Could be worse but could be better. The only problem was, Namjoon had a tendency to get really emotional when he had a fever higher than 100. This was no exception.
Namjoon’s eyes flooded with tears. He wanted the other members here... he wanted Jin here. But they couldn’t be... they had to work. He desperately wanted them home, but he knew they’d have to finish before they could come back. So, he decided to text them.
12:56 Namjoon: “I’m at 101.4.”
12:56 Jin: “Okay. Are you feeling worse? Or just the fever?”
12:58 Namjoon: “I feel bad Jin... my throat hurts, and my nose is stuffy and I can’t breathe. And my stomach hurts.”
As soon as Namjoon hit send, he regretted it. His stomach was starting to hurt because of that coffee from earlier, but Jin would be furious if he figured that out.
Before Namjoon had the chance to defend himself, Jin had texted back.
1:02 Jin: “That’s what I thought. We’ll be home in a few hours okay Joon-bug? Just lie down and drink water or tea until I get there. There are some fever reducers in the cabinet. Only take one, and then in thirty minutes it should start working.”
1:04 Namjoon: “You’re not mad at me?”
1:05 Jin: “Namjoon, you’re sick. I’m not going to fuss at you even though I probably should. I’m not entirely heartless you know.”
Namjoon wiped a hot tear from his cheek. More than anything in the world, he wanted Jin to coddle him.
1:08 Namjoon: “Please hurry home. I need you.”
Namjoon set his phone down and cried a bit into his crab plushie. He would take fever reducer, but it hurt to move. His muscles ached and his skin was so sensitive that even his pajamas seemed to prick him.
His soft cries tightened in his throat. He was in so much pain. Only one thought crossed his mind:
“Please come home Jin. I don’t want to feel this way alone...”
Jin put his phone back in his pocket. His chest was tight with sympathy. There was nothing he wanted more than to hold Namjoon close and tell him it would be okay.
But for now, he had to push that aside. He had problems that were a bit more pressing...
“Jin Hyung! Have you seen my pants? I can’t find my pants.” Jungkook yelled from the other side of the guest room.
“Jin, my snack bag is gone and Hobi is gonna explode if he doesn’t get a sprite in the next 12 seconds.” Yoongi was scrambling around the room.
“Hyung, have you seen my other earring?” Jimin looked totally lost and Taehyung was trying to help.
“Aish. I’m coming just hang on.” Jin then set off to solve all the problems that had been named off. The interview was in 20 minutes and everything that had been mentioned was nearly life or death.
ESPECIALLY Jungkook’s. He really needed to find pants before he just decided to go on without them. Because, he definitely would if given the choice.
Namjoon had managed to fall asleep.
Jin had rushed through everything as fast as he could, and had quickly thanked the interviewer and called for the bus early.
4:00 Jin: “I’m on my way Joon-bug. Hang in there for me.”
When Namjoon actually fully woke up, he felt a hand on his back. It hurt against his skin, but he hoped that it meant Jin was back. He turned over, and sure enough, it was.
“Grande? You had to get a grande coffee? You’re gonna take out that stomach of yours.” Jin was smiling, which told Namjoon that he wasn’t really upset with him.
“I really wadted it Jin. Like, really really.” He sniffled. His nose was back to running.
“Yeah yeah I’m aware.” Jin popped out a fever reducer pill and grabbed a bottle of water.
“Now take this for me. I’d check your temperature again but just feeling your forehead earlier told me enough.”
Namjoon did still feel chilled, even under three blankets. His throat was sore, and speaking was hard.
Luckily for Jin, this meant he couldn’t protest taking his medicine.
“Alright, open up for me.” Jin placed the tablet on the younger’s tongue and then lifted the bottle of water to his lips. When he’d taken it, he eased Namjoon back down onto the pillow.
“How’s your throat feeling?” Jin asked, taking the leader’s hand in his own.
Namjoon didn’t want to speak so he just shook his head sadly.
“Alright bug. Just wait here, and I’ll go warm up some tea. I’ll probably put a little something in it for your stomach too since I can literally hear it bubbling from the coffee still.” Jin patted Namjoon’s hand and then got up from the bed. He closed the door and started to walk up the hallway.
Namjoon just smiled. Since Jin was home, he knew he’d be better in no time.
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taekooktimeline · 4 years
1 : I disagree with the anon who thinks tae has a hard time dealing with his sexuality and jk does not. In the earlier years, tae said very conservative things but since a long time now, he has been the loudest supporter of lgbt of the entire group, answers harshly to delulu fangirls and even implied he wanted to sing his love christmas song only with a man because he chose to not release it when a big hit producer made him sang with adora instead of jimin.
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Disclaimer - please keep in mind the below is our opinion / theory on the topic at hand. The timeline is separate from asks and we strive to remain credible, and driven by facts, there. In asks we more freely theorize. Thank you!
Sara: These are my rough thoughts as of 9th of November 2020. General Disclaimer - I could easily change my mind about anything that I say that isn’t included in the actual Timeline due to the extreme level of insight or subjectiveness that asks usually require which can only be answered with opinions in development and insufficient pondering / research. Well, this turned into a discussion which is good :) I do agree that Jk also struggles with his identity and is afraid to be outed without being prepared, which is natural. This would fall in line with him saying he didn’t want “a kiss from a boy” as he panicked in his coming of age day back in 2016 when he already knew he liked Tae (the famous day joon called for tae to kiss him). Mind you, on that same trip Tae said it was weird to hold a man's hand in public when he saw JK and hobi holding hands in the streets of Europe. I don’t think Tae said that due to jealousy. I think it was his internalized homophobia speaking (meaning self-rejecting feelings that are so common within lgbtq individuals where they are affected by what society considers correct. That’s where self-hate comes from). Both Jk and Tae deal with internalized homophobia and they’ll probably deal with it their entire lives to some extent, because it doesn’t necessarily disappear in its entirety even if you come out and “accept” yourself, especially if you live in a conservative environment. I can tell they’ve both come a long way though and they are much more comfortable in their own skin. It’s beautiful how Tae has embraced gay culture and clearly feels part of the lgbtq community. I think Tae seeks for belonging while Jk is much more “independent” and I personally think the idea of “a community” doesn’t resonate with him as much. I don’t know if it’s due to him being a huge introvert or what but not every non-straight person needs to be immersed in the gay scene. There was a time that Jk repeatedly mentioned Troye Sivan as his top 3 favorite singer (while he was self-discovering), recommended “memo” by years & years, etc, and we don’t know what he enjoys in his private life so...at least we know he did find solace in gay public figures during an important period of his life. I love Tae being sassy and shutting down fan’s fantasies, but Jk playing along is innocent and his way of being “friendly”. Jk is the opposite of what toxic masculinity looks like so I don’t see him going out of his way to look straight. He does whatever he wants. He uses women’s perfume, unironically fixed his long hair up into 2 cute ponytails while eating out, enjoys cosmetics and does his own makeup, owns pink items, etc. I’m just saying he doesn’t have a fragile masculinity. Saying bro is just for laughs and to sound cool and american. Him saying he didn’t think he could fall for a guy was a joke to overly compliment hobi while not outing himself. It’s not that serious. He didn’t have the need to joke about crushing on hobi, but he did so VOLUNTARILY. To me it seems like he is pretty comfortable with himself as of now, but remember they are closeted and in a delicate situation.
Kayla - hi anon! The beauty of discussions is each is entitled to their opinion. Respectful discussions are fun - thanks for being kind in your ask☺️I personally think Jk referencing “I’m still me” then taking the time to draw it in artwork speaks volumes. It was around the time Joon recommended a song from the movie and it’s a famous quote so to me, that’s not a coincidence, though you’re entitled to discard it if you wish. I also think we need to consider the context of Jk calling Tae bro - an interview in which he looked at his lips at one point, and caressed his back as he said that word. Those two were pretty affectionate through the overall interview. For some, the bro comment is proof TK aren’t together. For me, context is critical. That moment never dissuaded me on them being “real”. I know some will disagree on that so please know that’s simply my interpretation of that moment. Plus my UK friend said soon after that moment she calls her partner “bro” jokingly so I second Sara it may be as simple as that in why Jk said it. As far as the Hobi comment, I feel like that statement alone shows Jk is part of the lgbtq community. He flat out is saying he fell for a man … and I anticipate one would argue he’s joking but, for me, there’s truth in jest. He didn’t have to say that comment yet he did. I just want to leave it as I don’t agree Jk wants to come off straight at all. I mean don’t forget this is the same guy who also said grapes were more interesting than the girls at the shoot...and this was in his teenage years so🤷🏻‍♀️some may say he was just nervous around the women and that is, of course, totally okay if they interpret it that way. I just view that comment differently. And he’s wearing genderless clothes this year (2020) and changed the lyrics of “savage love” to be genderless, so he shows support, it’s just not in a bold way like Tae. He’s worn a paper clip earring and suppprted lgbtq artists so he does acknowledge the community. I think it just comes down to some people place greater weight on others knowing their identity.
I think Tae wants people to know, hence why he’s expressed loud support in various ways, whereas Jk doesn’t really feel like he needs to address it. My take is Jk genuinely just doesn’t care how people perceive him, and that’s why he isn’t as vocal as Tae, who seems to indicate he really wants people to know his identity. Jk is fortunate to have a progressive family (an example being during his vlive he said, “Anyway, my parents were like that. When I was young, no matter what I did, they let me be and do whatever I wanted to do”), he has loving and supporting members - that support system must have helped greatly as he went through his exploration and struggles. He absolutely struggled, and I agree on that, but I think it was easier for him in some ways because of his environment / support system, and who he is personality wise. Jk is a man of action, not as bothered by the opinion of others (again, we can look to his tattoos as a big indicator of this) whereas Tae seeks validation, even this year, from ARMY. Him saying during pride month, after reading the CMBYN monologue “I want to be happy too🥺” to me shows he still struggled with public perception. Personally, based on private talks I don’t want to get into too deeply in this public setting, I think Tae came more to peace with himself this year. But I do personally think Tae had a harder time coming to terms than Jk did (and has alluded as much when he’s mentioned his struggles with school and puberty, plus some of his solo work). Let me be clear, both struggled, and as Sara says both dealt with internalized homophobia, and I don’t think anyone would disagree with that, but Tae’s overall loudness, for me, shows he wants people to know. That’s why he’s loud. Jk not being loud doesn’t mean, to me, he wants to come off straight. Jk has done an amazing job over the years of smashing others’ preconceived masculinity beliefs and he does it comfortably. For me, it shows he’s just not bothered as much by public perception. He is who he is and it doesn’t matter what people see or think. I’ll agree that Tae definitely is the most vocal member, and seeing him happier and appearing at peace makes me happy, and I definitely don’t think he has any issue with people speculating. I really think it’s important to him for us to know, and i think he wants us to know. As an aside, I know I’m just a fan but I'm super happy for Tae seeming to be more accepting of himself. I know a lot of people, including myself, are touched by him, as well as the other members, for the various ways they’ve shown support to the LGBTQ community.
PS - thanks again for being respectful in initiating further discussions on this topic Anon💜sometimes checking the inbox makes me anxious so I immensely appreciate when people can hold a respectful and kind debate on various topics.
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jungshookz · 5 years
stuck with you || [roommate!taehyung]
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❥ pairing: kim taehyung x reader
❥ genre: university!au, enemies-to-lovers, fratboy!tae??, comedy that’ll either make you chuckle out loud or roll your eyes and snoRT or maybe u won’t laugh that’s cool too, domestic fluff because i want to go grocery shopping with tae toO (but also fluff in general!!), smutty smut so make sure to read this with your phone’s brightness lowered all the dang way, hi @ librarian!namjoon!!! fratboy!jungkook is also in here 
❥ wordcount: 37k if ur reading this on mobile get rekt
❥ summary: kim taehyung becoming your new roommate is definitely up there on the list of the worst things that have ever happened to you. 
❥ note: it’s finally here! this is my biGGEst fic to date and all i’m going to say is get comfortable and maybe get a snack because you, my friend, are about to read a whole ass novel and embark on a rollercoaster of a fiC. hopefully this was worth the wait!! i didn’t think i was capable of writing so much and my fingers are about to fall off but it was totaLLY worth it!!!! there’s kind of a 10 things i hate about you vibe if u squint and also most of the dumB things tae does in this fic were inspired by my ex-roommate so i hope she never finds this lol but also everyone say thank u to her for inspiring roommate!tae! i hope u guys love/hate him just as much as i do! happy reading!! 
pst if u wanna talk to y/n or tae (or even applicant #8 if ur brave enough) ((you’ll get it soon)) u know what to do ;-)
(gif isn’t mine!)
(((and the read more function iS there but most of the time it doesn’t work on mobile :// i am sorry don’t attack me by sending passive-aggressive anon messages)))
“what do you mean you’re moving out?!”
namjoon can safely say that he’s never seen such pure, unadulterated rage simmering in your eyes
some apple juice dribbles out from your straw as your grip tightens around your juice box
he swallows nervously and tugs at his collar
is it just him or is it getting kind of hot in here
“i-i mean, you know, i… i don’t really know how else to explain it..,., i’m moVing out.,.”
it’s a good thing he decided to break it to you while you guys were in a public space because he knows what you’re capable of
all he’s going to say is that there are witnesses everywhere so you probably shouldn’t hurt him right now
“who are you going to be living with?” you huff and lean forward a little “i’ll kill them.”
“i’ll be living by myself…,.,” namjoon smiles sheepishly “…please don’t kill me” he adds meekly
“no promises.” you mutter grumpily and take a sip of juice
you knEW there was a reason why namjoon gave you two cookies instead of one today
he was trying to butter you up!!!!!
that smooth bastard
a moment of silence goes by
you groan and immediately slump down on the table and namjoon jumps slightly
“namjOON why didn’t you tell me earlier??”
“i’m sorry!!!!!! i’ll make it up to you somehow!!!!” he reaches across the table to pat your head “and i’ll pay my share of the rent for this month so you don’t have to worry about the power going out!”
“that’s not the poinT, joon! the point is in first year we promised we’d live with each other until we graduated and you’re pulling out of the deal a yEAR earlier-“
“i will very gladly help you find a new roommate! i know you haTe meeting new people so i will happily sit by your side as we meet all the candidates. look, i already put an ad up for you and a bunch of people already messaged me saying that they were interested!”
“but i don’t want a new roommate.” you grumble and prop an elbow up on the table before resting your cheek against your fist “who’s going to pack my lunches for me now?”
“is that the only reason why you’ve kept me around for so long?” namjoon teases lightly and reaches across to pinch your cheek “c’mon, it’s not going to be all that bad! part of university life is opening yourself up to new people and all that!”
namjoon frowns slightly when you don’t respond
there’s a little divot in between your brows and the smallest of pouts on your mouth anD your eyes are getting a little glossy so he can’t help but feel a little bad
it’s not that he’s sick of living with you
it’s just that.,,. he feels like third year is a good time to get his own place!
he’s loVed living with you and it’s not like he’s never going to see you again!!!!! he’ll just see you less!!
besides the fact that you two literally live together you guys practically see each other every day on campus because you always have lunch together (except for wednesdays and the occasional friday when namjoon has lectures/tutorial sessions that bleed into lunch time)
not to mention you’re always welcome to come and hang out at his new bachelor pad
namjoon purses his lips before letting out a sigh “say, how about this? i’ll continue to pack your lunches two times a week, how does that sound?”
you slurp up the rest of your juice and namjoon reaches over to yank the straw out of your mouth when he notices you starting to chew on it (you always start chewing on your straws when you’re stressed about something)
“are we still going to hang out on the weekends and stuff?”
“of course! and you can come hang out with me at the library after classes and we can walk to the bus stop together and then go our separate ways”
namjoon probably shouldn’t have thrown in that last bit but oh well
you let out a sigh “pack my lunches three times a week and you have yourself a deal.”
namjoon sticks his hand out and you give him a firm shake and follow it up with a fist bump before ending it by wrapping your pinky around his (when u guys came up with this handshake he was the one who added that last part)
“so -“ you raise a brow “let’s figure out who i’m going to be replacing you with.”
namjoon gives you a warning look
and so, it begins
the hunt for your new roommate
this should be easy!
a lot of people have contacted namjoon through his ad showing interest in the apartment and namjoon did you the favour of organising all the names onto one long list
namjoon actually took care of a lot of the details so all you have to do is sit there and talk to people
and you love talking to people!!!
you have a long day ahead of you but if it ends in you getting a new roommate you’ll be satisfied
luckily it’s a sunday and you don’t usually have plans on sunday
you even put out snacks and drinks for them on the coffee table to show how amazing of a roommate you’ll be (but also you put it out mainly because you know you’re going to become peckish halfway through the day)
“so, what are some of your hobbies?” you smile lightly and lean back against the couch
katie (she’s suPEr duper nice and you have a good feeling about her and she’s literally the firSt person you’re interviewing) grins excitedly before clapping her hands together and turning around to unzip her backpack
your brows knit together in confusion when you hear the slight tinkering of glass coming from her bag
and then she unzips it fully and shows you what’s inside
“you have a bag of… empty mason jars…?” you trail off and tilt your head
why in the world would she collect empty mason jars
maybe she… sells mason jars?
either way it’s kind of odd but as long as she’s not hurting anyone it’s whatever
you can deal with a mason jar hoarder
“yep!” katie sighs and taps the side of the jar gently “i collect sounds.”
you blink owlishly at her and the whole time she keeps a faT smile on her face
“you collect- i’m sorry, i don’t think i follow-”
“do you like harry styles? i went to his concert last summer.”
you’re not sure how harry styles relates to mason jars but
“oh yeah, i love harry styles, he’s very easy on the eyes and his songs are-“ she pulls out a mason jar and turns it so that you can look at the label on the front “…does that say harry styles concert?”  
“this memory is vEry special to me so i don’t usually open it, but i quite like you, so i’ll share some of this with you-“ she leans forward and untwists the cap before lifting it juSt a little bit
“oh, jesus.” namjoon mutters to himself
namjoon raises a brow when he sees you lean in a little
you have goT to be kidding
you cannot seriously be falling for this  
“ya hear that?????” she squeals and closes the jar before tucking it back into her bag “when i get angry i just listen to my sounds and they bring me to my happy place.” she sighs and cradles another jar to her chest
you squint your eyes to read the label
the label on it says-  
my goD that jar is labelled ‘grandma’s funeral’
what sound would even come out of that jar?? the sound of her family soBBing??
“o-oh! that’s… great. it’s good to have… hobbies.” your knuckles tighten around the clipboard and you swallow thickly
it turns out katie is on a one way train to crazy town
“…we’ll let you know!”
the next guy
you’re definitely a fan of
probably even more than katie before you found out she was kind of veRy crazy
in fact
you like him so much that you’re allowing him to stay and chat for longer since the next person texted namjoon and said they were going to be a little late
his name is bukjoon which is a name you’ve never really heard before but the most important thing here is that he seems like a sweet guy anD he seems like a great roommate
he fits into your life perfectly and you’re honestly ready to just hand him a pen so that he can sign the lease
namjoon, on the other hand
namjoon doesn’t like the vibes from this guy because he’s eErily similar to him and he doesn’t know how you’re not picking that up
also he brought homemade chocolate chip cookies shaped like stars and you’ve already eaten like half the batch and namjoon doesn’t like that you haven’t touched the finger sandwiches that he made for you
“just to double check… your- your name is bukjoon. kim bukjoon?” namjoon tilts his head slightly before looking down at the list of names again
“yep!” the other male smiles brightly at namjoon before turning to look at you “now, a little bit about me as a potential roommate… i love cooking, cleaning, doing laundry - that includes ironing, steaming - i love all of it!”
you gasp
“that totally works out because usually namjoon takes care of the cooking and the cleaning and the laundry! i help take out the trash so-“
“oh, great! i hate taking out the trash.” bukjoon laughs lightly and namjoon narrows his eyes when he spots the faintest of dimples embedded in his cheeks
what in the freSH hell is this
he trails his eyes over bukjoon’s crisp button up tucked into a pair of slacks
his sensible dress shoes glint slightly from the lights and namjoon looks down at his own pair of dress shoes
he isn’t going to lie
he feels slightly threatened right now
“also, i’m a total nature documentary freak-“
“oh my god, that’s so perfect! i love watching nature documentaries and i think you’ll make a great replacement for nam-“
“you know whAT-“ namjoon looks bukjoon dead in the eye as he aggressively scratches out his name on the clipboard “we’ll let you know.” he smiles cooly and tilts his head “…you can leave now.”
and bukjoon can take his damn star-shaped cookies with him for aLL namjoon cares
now, this guy…  
to say the least,,.
is very, very creepy (he didn’t even write his name down on the sign up sheet - he wrote down ‘applicant #8’)
“so…” you clear your throat after a full minute of silence (you asked him how his day was going so far and he just glared at you in response) “are you a student or do you wo-“
“i work.”
“cool! what kind of job-“
“i’m an embalmer.”
…what the heck is embalming
“an embalmer- sorry, what’s an embalmer?” you furrow your brows and lean forward a little bit
“i preserve corpses. would you like to know more about how to embalm bodies?”
okay ur not saying that’s a little weird
but uh
that’s a liTTle weird
“not particu-“
“there’s a lot of work that goes into it. for example, i have to embalm arteries as well after completely draining the blood from the heart.”
wait what
“how about you tell us about how you’d be as a potential roommate for y/n?” namjoon clears his throat and gives applicant #8 a polite smile
“i keep things very clean. very neat. i go to bed quite late. i do not usually invite guests over. i am quiet. please respect my privacy. do not go into my room. especially at night.”
you nod in agreement “yes, of course, i would never want to invade-“
“also, if the police ever call you, it would be best if you just pretended that you’ve never heard of me.”
you swallow thickly and scoot a little closer to namjoon
namjoon reaches over and holds his arm out over you as if the both of you are preparing for this guy to just whiP a knife out and stab your eyes out
applicant #8 looks around before staring at you dead in the eye
you smile uneasily and wrap an arm around namjoon’s bicep “hey, that’s… funny! that’s a funny joke-“
“i see dead people.”
“wE will let you know!” both you and namjoon exclaim simultaneously
“i don’t know how much longer i can do this.” you groan and flop your arm over your eyes as you slump back against the couch
“you better buCk up because we’re only halfway through with the list.” namjoon looks over at the front door when the doorbell rings
you give your cheeks a couple pats to wake yourself up
you can do this
you just have to get through a handful of people and then you’ll be done
namjoon squeezes his own cheeks because they’re so soRe from smiling politely all day
he plasters another smile on his face as he opens the door
“hi, you must be-“
“before we get started, you need to know a couple of things about me.” she pushes past namjoon and plops herself down on the couch
you and namjoon exchange glances and joon shrugs before closing the door
“well…” you clear your throat and cross your legs “that is what we’re here for, so-“
“firstly, i’m going to need to rearrange all of this furniture after moving in. the feng shui in here is way off.” she scrunches her nose up before digging through her huGe suede mary poppins looking bag
“i don’t know a lot about feng shui but i’d be happy to rearrange the furniture if you-“
“i’m in touch with my inner chi. are you?” she raises a brow and pulls out a tuft of sage and a lighter “the energy here is… dark. i’ll cleanse this place for you.”
“that’s really not- well, actually, the last guy in here was kind of creepy so maybe the sage is a good idea.” the sage immediately starts smoking as soon as she lights it and she gets up and starts pacing around the living room “i, uh, i don’t know a lot about my inner chi either, so…”
“yeah, that’s pretty obvious.” she snorts and waves the stick around
you could do without the attitude but so far she seems harmless
“…is that going to set off the fire alarm?”
“i’ll go and open the balcony doors.” namjoon murmurs and points to the balcony windows before getting up off the couch
“i need to be in the privacy of this apartment for at least five hours a day because i like to take the time to meditate alone and i don’t want you to disturb my crystals.”
“you don’t want me to disturb your crystals…?”
“they charge in the sun to regenerate energy so i’ll need you out of the apartment from… 12 to 5. crystals are good for my energy and my soul.”
jesus christ
that’s IT
you’ve had ENOUGH
“i’m going to need you out of my apartment right now before i shove those crystals up your-“
“we’ll let you know!” namjoon slaps a hand over your mouth before you get to finish threatening her
“well… what do you think?” namjoon shuts the door behind him after escorting the crazy sage lady out (she was upset that she wasted her tuft of sage at a place she definitely wasn’t going to be living in and you’re pretty sure she tried casting a curse over the apartment but namjoon kicked her out before she had a chance to do that) “that was everyone…”
“you’re kidding me. that was everyone?” you frown and look over the list of names that have all been crossed out
“i mean… we met twenty eight candidates today… that’s a lot of people!” namjoon purses his lips and taps his pencil against the clipboard “just to let you know, that bukjoon guy was my least favourite-“
“i liked him! he was really nice-“
“he wasn’T-“
“he was-!”
“look, i have to go because i took the late night shift at the library-“ namjoon checks the time on his watch and winces slightly “shit, i’m going to be late!” he hands you his clipboard before picking his backpack up off the couch and unzipping it to check if he has everything “dinner’s in the fridge, don’t open the door for strangers - definitely don’t open the door for that embalmer guy if he comes back - if you turn the stove on please remember to turn it off… i’ll be back by midnight!” he smiles brightly and swings his backpack over his shoulder
“see you later, alligator” you hum and set the clipboard aside before making yourself comfortable on the couch
“in a while, crocodile!”
you purse your lips in thought as you flick through all the new movies and shows on netflix
you could binge watch friends for like the tenth time
maybe watch that new murder mystery movie?
you definitely don’t want to watch a horror movie alone because you get the feeling that applicant #8 is going to pop out of nowhere and slit your throat with a dull knife
oOh you can watch that new nature docuseries
surprisingly those nature documentaries aren’t as boring as you thought they were
you can thank namjoon for your newfound love for nature documentaries
you nod to yourself and turn the volume up before pulling the throw blanket up to your chin
time to watch tv until your eyes roll out of your skull!!!
“nothing symbolises our relationship with the high seas better than the blue whale…”
it’s about 10:30 now
namjoon left for work at around 5
the pasta casserole that namjoon made for you sits on the coffee table half eaten and with a fork stabbed into it
an open bag of tortilla chips and some guacamole also sit abandoned on the table
you’re pretty sure you ate like a family sized serving of pasta but you know what
sometimes it just be like dat!!
you’re also pretty sure namjoon would’ve scolded you for not using a plate and instead eating straight out of the pan but he’s not here so touGH luck
you’re on episode five-and-a-half of the docuseries (each episode is about an hour long) and unsurprisingly your eyes are starting to get a bit fuzzy because of how long you’ve been staring at the screen
which is why you took a break from your binge to take a shower just to give your eyes a break
you left the episode playing because it always creeps you out when the apartment is completely silent and you’re home alone
so now you’re sitting on the arm of the couch with your hair wrapped up in a towel and a toothbrush shoved into your mouth
“weighing 200 tons and 30 metres long, these are the largest animals ever to have existed…” you brows knit together in fascination when a blue whale swims across the screen
wowIE those things are huge
you reach down to scratch at the side of your bare thigh before continuing to brush your teeth
you’re so enthralled with the whale on the screen that it takes you a couple seconds to register that someone’s knocking on the front door
you turn to look at the door and feel a little bit of pAnic rise within you when you hear them knock again
you don’t know if you should quickly run to the bathroom to spit your toothpaste out or just open the door with a frothy mouth
it’s probably namjoon
he always forgets his house keys!!!
“i’m comingph, i’m comingph!” you reach up to wipe at the toothpaste beginning to dribble out of your mouth as you make your way to the door
you shove your toothbrush into the side of your mouth before reaching down for the handle
“did yvou pheriously forget your keyphs again-?!” you open the door expecting to see namjoon standing there with a sheepish smile on his face but-
“…you’re not namvjoon.”
oh good god
you have no idea who this person is but whoever he is he’s making you sweAT
he’s wearing a plain white tee tucked into a pair of distressed blue jeans and he has a comfy looking black and white flannel draped over him as well
obviously dyed honey brown hair peeks out from underneath his beanie
two black studs in his ears
“sorry to let you down.” he smirks lightly and his tongue pokes out to swipe over his bottom lip
he has the kind of face that you would describe as rather boyish and handsome
very chiseled as well
and that voice
oh, that voice
it’s slow and deep and it feels like you’re wading through warm honey
it hits you that you literally don’t have any shorts on and you instinctively tug your (namjoon’s) shirt down in a pathetic attempt to cover up a little more
you pull your toothbrush out of your mouth and pRay that you don’t accidentally spit on this veRy attractive stranger and you reach up to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand
you have half a mind to just swallow the mouthful of toothpaste but that’s just nasty yo
so you kind of manoeuvre the toothpaste to one side of your mouth so that you can speak normally
“can i help u?” you clear your throat
he pulls a flyer out from his back pocket and you recognise that it’s the roommate flyer namjoon made
“you still looking for a roommate?”
“who… wants to know?” you clear your throat and keep your eyes trained on the flyer
“i’m taehyung. kim taehyung.”
cool so he introduces himself like james bond
“my friends call me tae.”  
“well, taehyung, it’s nice to meet you. i’m y/n y/l/n. …my friends call me… y/n…” you stick your hand out for him to shake and turn your head discreetly to look over your shoulder
the living room is a mESS
you turn back to face him “…could you give me a minute?”
taehyung doesn’t get a chance to respond before you’re shuTTing the door in his face
the next minute spent is the most chaotic minute you’ve ever experienced in your entire life
you turn the volume down on the tv and for a secOnd you can’t help but wonder if taehyung is going to judge you based on what you’re watching on netflix
maybe you should turn the tv off??
nO no you’re overthinking it just leave it on
you put the bag of chips and the tub of guac on the empty side of the casserole dish before rushing to the kitchen and shoving everyThing into the fridge
you spit the toothpaste out into the sink and quickly rinse your mouth out before tossing your toothbrush aside
it would probably be a good idea to leave your hair up in a towel otherwise your wet hair is going to make you look like a drowned rat
is it too late to slap on some makeup??? maybe cover up the pimple on your forehead or drAw some damn eyebrows on????
taehyung raises a brow when he hears a loud thump from inside the apartment
you nearly trip over yourself as you hop back to the front door while slipping a pair of pyjama shorts on
jesus chRISt
you check yourself out in the mirror hanging on the wall next to the coatrack
this is as presentable as you’re going to get
“everything okay?” taehyung laughs lightly when you open the door sliGhtly out of breath
“everything’s perfect!” you nod enthusiastically “come on in” you step aside to let taehyung in and you let out a breath as you shut the door behind you
just take it easy
be cool
be cool!!
you’re super cool
cooler than a dang cucumber that’s how cool you are
“pretty nice place you got here…” taehyung hums as he looks around and makes his way to the couch
“thank you! make yourself comfortable… do you want some tea, or coffee, or… i have a couple juice boxes in the fridge if you’re into that?” you scratch the back of your neck and gesture towards the kitchen
“a juice box sounds nice!” he smiles and plops himself down on the couch and smooths his hand over the soft fabric
you nod and head to the kitchen but turn to glance at him over your shoulder briefly “so, taehyung, tell me about yourself!”
“well, i’m a third-year student, i’m majoring in business and economics, minoring in art history, uh… oh, sorry i came by unannounced, by the way! i meant to sign up for a slot but i completely forgot and i figured it’d be alright to swing by briefly just to talk to you-“
“it’s totally fine! no big deal” you step out from the kitchen with two boxes of juice in your hands and you hand one to taehyung before sitting down next to him “as you saw i was just getting ready for bed but it’s honestly no biggie”
he punctures the hole with the straw before taking a sip
“tell me about your previous living situations” you cross your legs and turn to face him
taehyung tucks one leg under the other and turns to face you a little more
“well, i used to live in a… house, with a couple of other guys, but uh, i just thought it’d be a good idea to find a place with less people, you know? sharing a washroom with four other guys gets rough sometimes.” he snorts lightly and takes another sip of juice
“hm, that’s a fair point. i mean, if you lived here you would have to share a washroom with me but i’m a loT cleaner than four guys.” your eyes flicker to the tv for a second
you’ve always been awful at maintaining eye contact and there’s nO way you’re going to be able to hold taehyung’s gaze for more than five seconds without breaking into a cold sweat
“yeah, i don’t think i have to worry about you pissing all over the floors.” taehyung teases and shakes his head “but, a little bit more about myself as a roommate since that’s what i’m here for - i’m pretty chill, so i don’t think you have a lot you need to worry about. y’know, i try to keep things neat, try to keep things quiet and respectful and all that. you don’t have to worry about me bugging you or anything because i usually just keep to myself - it won’t even feel like you have a roommate!” he jokes before clearing his throat “is there anything that you… want to share with me?”
“well, let me think…” you purse your lips in thought and shift slightly “i think it’s super important that household chores are split evenly so like… if you finish the milk then yoU should be responsible for buying a brand new carton of milk at the supermarket! i actually have a chore chart stuck on the fridge so that we can see who’s in charge of what for the week.”
you falter slightly
does the whole chore chart thing make u sound dorky
to be fair the chore chart was namjoon’s idea so he’S the dork in this situation but there’s no time to expLAIN
QUICK change the subject and make yourself sound like leSS of a freak
“uh, paying the bills on time is always a good thing! so… as long as you have money for me at the end of each month it’ll keep me from nagging you - noT that i’m like constantly going to be nagging you if you moved in with me but you know-“
taehyung lets himself space out for a moment as you continue to babble on and on
from what he can gather you seem like a decent person
a little bit of a doofus but still a decent person
you’re not bad to look at either
there’s something oddly endearing about you but he can’t quite figure it out yet
he nods and smiles and continues to pretend like he’s listening to you when in reality he’s singing that new taylor swift song in his head
all he has to do is play along and work his charm so that he can weasel his way into this apartment
are you still talking about the chore chart?
he has to admit
you seem like you’re a little uptight about certain things but honestly he just needs a place to live for the next year so he’ll have to find a way to deal with it
“you can go over the rules when i officially move in, how does that sound?” taehyung reaches out and places his hand over yours and you feel your cheeks flush slightly at the sudden initiation of c o n t a c t
“oh! uh, well, there’s a whole list of people that are also looking to move in so i can’t just…”
this is why you can’t do these things alone
if namjoon was here he would know exactly what to do
he’d probably tell the applicant that he’ll keep in touch and let him know but it seems like taehyung is taking advantage of the fact that you are alone..,., and defenceless.,,..
taehyung is noT leaving without knowing that he’s going to be your new roommate
“i’d like to move in as soon as possible, if that’s okay with you.”
“i, um, well, the lease expires this thursday and namjoon’s moving out on friday-“
“great! i can totally do friday.” taehyung chirps and sets his empty juice box down on the coffee table
your eyes widen when you realise that he’s talking as if you agreed to let him move in which is something you definitely did noT do yet
“moving in will be easy because i only have a couple of boxes of stuff anyway.” he hums and scoots a little closer to you until his knee bumps up against yours
“i-i, uH, you see, the thing is..,,.” you laugh uneasily and put your own juice box down “i still need to think about-“
“i personally think we’d make great roommates, don’t you, darling?” he hums and reaches over to tuck a strand of hair back into your towel with his pinky and you swallow thickly
for some reason you feel like you’re not allowed to say no to him
you already hate saying no to people but you feel like you really reaLLY can’t say no to taehyung
it feels like everything is happening too quickly
what would namjoon do
u know what
just say: ’i’ll let you know’
saY IT
“…i’ll see you on thursday, y/l/n!” taehyung chirps happily as he steps into the elevator
he pokes his head out to give you one last wave and you let out a nervous laugh before shooting him a thumbs up
you close the door and reach up to scratch your head  
what just happened
what just haPPEneD
“…what just happened?” you breathe out and press your hands against your reddening cheeks
what just happened was that yoU just found your new roommate
goodbye kim namjoon
hello kim taehyung
you feel like you need to take another shower to shake yourself out of the funk that kim taehyung has put you in
“oh, by the way!!!! i don’t know how i completely forgot to tell you this but - i found a roommate!” you smile excitedly as you and joon take a seat at your usual lunch table
“oh!!!!!! that’s great!!!” namjoon grins while polishing his apple on his sweater vest “what’s his name?” he falters and narrows his eyes at you “…it better noT be buk-“
“taehyung! kim taehyung? something like that.” you shrug and take your baggie of baby carrots and cucumbers out of your lunch box
namjoon packed ur lunch for you :~)
“kim taehyung? kim… taehyung…” namjoon furrows his brows
that name sounds oddly familiar and he doesn’t know why
“i think you’ll really like him! he’s super polite and very charming and-“
“oh! kim taehyung!” namjoon’s eyes light up for a second when he remembers the face to the name
and then you can point out the moment the light dies in his eyes
uh oh
that doesn’t seem good
“oh. kim taehyung…” he lets out a breath “huh. i didn’t think you… would get along with someone like him.”
“what are you talking about?” you knit your brows together in confusion
namjoon presses his lips together and shrugs
“you really haven’t heard about kim taehyung? at all?”
you shake your head
“all i’m going to say is one time he came into the library with his frAT-bro friends - they were all very obviously drunk out of their minds - and he used the copier machine to make copies of his bare ass before plastering it around the library.” namjoon raises a brow before shuddering “i still get nightmares about it. i can’t touch the copier machine without disinfecting it three times beforehand.”
you wince
that doesn’t seem like someone you’d want to be roomies with
“maybe we’re thinking of different kim taehyungs?” you offer meekly and crunch down on a carrot
“mm… no. i’m sure we’re talking about the exact same one. super deep voice - one that would be good for narrating a nature doc or one of those asmr videos on youtube - dyed brown hair - i think i saw him walking around with like, eLmo red hair once - are we talking about the same one?”
“…okay, we’re talking about the same one.” you swallow your bite and suck some hummus off your thumb “well, you said he was drunk! people do silly things all the time when they’re drunk. you know, like that time you got super wasted and wouldn’t let me leave your room until i sat down and read the entire dictionary as your bedtime story.”
“what are you two squabbling about without us?” you jump when hoseok and jin suddenly appear with their lunches
hoseok slides in next to you and steals the baby carrot pinched in between your fingers before popping it into his mouth
“y/n’s new roommate is kim taehyung.” namjoon deadpans and hoseok and jin immediately exchange glances
“oh boy”
“bold choice”
“wha- am i the only one who doesn’T know about kim taehyung??” you exasperate and steal one of hobi’s fries in retaliation
he smacks your hand immediately and you scowl
“he’s a playboy - and that’s coming from me.” jin raises a brow and namjoon nods in agreement
“so what? what he does in his personal life doesn’t matter to me.”
“it’ll matter when he starts bringing girls home and the only thing you’ll be able to hear is obnoxious moaning aND the headboard knocking against the wall.” hobi snorts
“well, if it gets out of hand i’m sure he’ll tone it down after i talk to him about it.” you grumble and push your lunch box away a liTTle more aggressively than intended
“as if kim taehyung is going to listen to you - you’re about as intimidating as a baby lamb, y/n.”
you hate it when the guys treat you as if you’re a helpless little baby
you can make decisions on your own!!!!!
even if this was a bad decision it doesn’t matter because the point is yoU made this decision all by yourself and that’s something that’s super important to you
you don’t need to rely on anyone else!!!!!
with that being said
you’ve completely lost your appetite
you feel sick to your stomach
you can’t help but feel like you just made a fatAL mistake
the boys are acting like you signed a deal with the devil and you’re starting to believe you actually did
“how do you guys know so much about him anyway??”
“finish your lunch or else you’ll get cranky later-“ namjoon pushes your lunch box back towards you and raises a brow and you huff before digging out your sandwich
“i’m very good at eavesdropping.” jin points out “also, he’s usually at all the parties i’m at. aLso i hung out with him a couple times at those parties - he’s a friendly guy, don’t get me wrong, and i’m sure all it took to convince you to let him become your roommate was him looking at you with those chocolatey brown puppy dog eyes - but you, my friend… you’re fucked.”
“i am not fucked!”
“he’s friends with…” hobi trails off and drums his fingers against the table “what are their names again?”
“park jimin and jeon jungkook.” jin’s always been a walking encyclopaedia of campus gossip which is proving to be very useful at this time “they’re all basically the exact same person. sleeping around, causing trouble, being dickheads in general… one time i got hit in the back of my head with jungkook’s football and i didn’t even get a sorry-”
“you just said he was a friendly guy!!!” you don’t mean to interrupt jin in the middle of his fun little story but you just need to know what you signed yourself up for
“yeah, he’s friendly when he wants something from you, duh. he’s a dickhead the rest of the time.”
o god
taehyung definitely wanted something from u
he wanted the apartment from you
does this mean he’s going to become an asshole now??
what have you DONE
“…i’m sure it’ll be fine, though!” hobi smiles and pats your shoulder gently “…you gonna finish your sandwich or what?”
thursday rolls around muCh sooner than you would’ve liked
after your many, maNy conversations with jin (you sat him down and forced him to tell you eveRything that he’s ever heard about taehyung) you have come to the conclusion that kim taehyung is not who he presented himself to be and the next year of your life is going to be a living nightmare
he sleeps around a lot (which is totally fine with you like that’S not the thing you have a problem with) = loud sex is going to keep you up!!!!
he’s messy = you’re neat-ish!!!!
he’s a night owl = you’re a morning person-ish!!!!
he’s loud = you’re quiet-ish!!!!
he likes to throw parties = you hate parties!!!! you hAte the idea of having a group of strangers chilling out in your apartment getting their grubby straNGer hands all over your couch and your tv and youR food and youR juice boxes
“please don’t leave me.” you whimper and tighten your grip around namjoon’s arm before propping your chin up on his shoulder
most of namjoon’s stuff is already at his apartment but he came back to pick up one last box of his belongings but he feels like he should’ve just abandoned his sweaters
because you won’t let him leave and he needs to gO because he’s roasting a chicken in his oven!!!!!!  
“you’ll be fine, relax.”
“can’t you stay here til he comes?”
“my apartment’s going to burn down if i don’t leave now. look, i’m only a ten minute walk away, if you’re overwhelmed, you’re welcome to come and spend the night.”
you purse your lips in thought and wrinkle your nose
“maybe i should just move in with you-“
“absolutely noT you are not moving in with me-“ namjoon reaches over and thwacks your forehead so that you let go of his arm “good luck - i’ll text you later!”
damn it
taehyung swings by an hour and a bit later with a bright, boxy smile on his face ready to move on into namjoon’s room
you had to give yourself a mini pep talk before opening the door for him with a forced smile
you asked him if he needed any help bringing anything up but he insisted on taking care of everything himself because he didn’t want to be a bother to you which definitely surprised you
you also offered to help him unpack his boxes but he told you to take it easy and just watch some tv or something (“why don’t you watch one of those animal documentaries you like so much?”)
maybe jin was wrong about him!!
you shouldn’t believe rumours so quickly!!
you were silly to get all scared and panicky
you gave him a quick tour even though there’s not a lot to the apartment
his bedroom is next to yours
the bathroom is down the hallway
the kitchen is there
this is the living room
the laundry room is on the 10th floor and you keep a little baggie of quarters in the chest by the front door
“taehyung?” you knock on his door before poking your head into the room
he already has a couple posters up on the wall so it seems like he’s settling in pretty nicely
taehyung lets out a quiet breath and rolls his eyes when he hears your voice
you can’t go like 20 minutes without bugging him and he gets that you’re just trying to be friendly and helpful but like
you really need to relax
he’s in the middle of hanging some shirts up in his closet and he forces a smile onto his face before turns to look at you “hey! what’s up?”
“i have a little housewarming gift for you!” you pull a little potted plant out from behind your back before stepping into his room “it’s a baby peace lily!” you hold it up for him to look at “it was actually supposed to go to namjoon but i forgot that i already gave him a little cactus for his desk so… i thought maybe you’d like something to spruce up your room!”
taehyung looks at the tiny plant in your hands
that’s kind of nice of you
it’s not that he doesn’t like you or anything because you do seem nice
you’re just on the opposite end of the spectrum compared to him in terms of personalities (and from what he can tell, social status)
which isN’t a big deal but
he’s just not used to you
your smile falters for a second and you look over at him with wide eyes “noT that your room isn’t alreAdy spruced up but i just thought that maybe-“
“thank you very much, i love it already.” taehyung laughs lightly and walks over to you before plucking it out of your hands “i don’t have any gifts for you because i didn’t think i…” he sets the plant down on the window sill and brushes his fingers over the leaves before glancing at you “-needed to give you anything…”
he smiles sheepishly and scurries over to his bed for his backpack
he unzips it quickly and spills the contents of it out onto his bed
“oh god, don’t worry about it, you definitely didn’t have to get anything for me, i just-“
“ah! here we go.” taehyung grins as he pulls a brand new pack of gum out of the mounTain of loose papers and pens
he stands up before handing it to you with both hands and bowing a little “a fresh pack of gum for my wonderful new roommate. it’s my favourite flavour - strawberry!”
you laugh lightly and take it from him
you think you’re going to get along really well with kim taehyung
he’s not bad!!!
not bad at all
now that namjoon no longer lives here you’ve taken it upon yourself to become the ‘captain’ of the apartment
this basically means you’re in charge of eveRything because you feel like taehyung isn’t exactly the leader type
the thing is
every morning after you got up namjoon would already have the apartment cleaned up from the night before
the pillows would be fluffed and arranged neatly; the throw blanket folded up and sitting on the sofa chair
the blinds would be pulled up to let the sunlight in (and he usually opens the balcony doors just a crack to let some fresh air in)
the coffee table dusted and free of greasy fingerprints or watermarks
the coffee machine turned on and churning away
the plants out on the balcony are watered (he took the bonsai and left you the daisies)
the dishes on the drying rack put away from the night before
namjoon did a loT now that you think about it
you never really realised how much he did around this place until now
now that.,.,,. he’s not ur roommate anymore.,,..
it still huRTS
you thought it would be easy to fall into your new schedule but you fell asleep on the couch in the middle of fluffing the pillows and you ended up taking a 20 minute snooze
you woke up when you rolled over and fell on the floor with a thuMp lol
you rub at your bleary eyes as you shuffle over to the blinds
it’s 7am so the sun is just starting to peek out and say hello
you let out a yawn as you pull the string and the blinds go up slowly
one thing that you’ll always love about living all the way up on the 21st floor is the beautiful view of the city skyline
you see all the highways intertwining with each other and all the tiny cars going here and there
and of course the view of the ocean!!
no wonder namjoon liked to get up so early
the peace and tranquillity of watching the city beginning to wake up is actually pretty pleasant  
you let out a happy sigh before pushing the one of the balcony door handles down and opening it just a little-
“what do you think you’re doing?”
“jEsus-“ you practically jump ten feet into the air when your new roommate makes himself known
you whip around and almost jump again when you realise that taehyung is literally riGht behind you
“how did you get here so quietly??” you mumble before shaking your head and moving to open the other set of blinds so that you can open the other balcony door
you yank the blinds up and taehyung groans and squints at the sudden onslaught of liGht
“when you do it like that it’s sO LOUd”
you clench your jar and turn to face him before putting a hand on your hip
“well, how else am i supposed to open it??”
taehyung shoves you aside and pulls the string again so that the blinds roll back down
he turns to give you a pointed look before sHOVING his hand right in between the shutters and pushing the handle down to open the door “like that.”
“but- buT then you bend the shutters and- sEE SEE look you dented it!!!!” you push him aside to at least tRy and bend the shutters back into place and scowl to yourself when you see the little dent even after you straightened it out
“so what? if you have to open the balcony doors every morning you should do it like that because a) you don’T have to open the blinds and hurt your eyes so early in the morning, and b) you won’t wake me up from all the ruckus!” taehyung states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world
“i’ll take your suggestion into consideration next time, thank you” you smile through gritted teeth and follow him to the kitchen
taehyung opens up the fridge and pulls out the carton of apple juice
he unscrews the lid of the apple juice carton and you’re about to ask him if he knows where you put the cups but thEN he starts chuGGing out of it like an uncultured sWINE and you literally fEEL your heart stop
that is so nASTY
he lets out a satisfied ‘ah~’ before putting it back into the fridge
“anyways, now that i’m up,” he slams the fridge door shut and turns to face you with a bright smile “you gonna make breakfast for us or what? because i am starving!”
you know what
you think you’re getting used to sharing a washroom with taehyung
it’s actually not that bad besiDes the fact that he occasionally forgets to put the toilet seat back down but u know what it’s totally fine it’s not a big deal
all you’re saying is that joonie never forgot to put the toilet seat down because he’s very courteous and knows that in the morning when you’re half asleep you’re not going to remember to put the seat down-
“chRist-“ you gasp in shock when your ass basically falls riGHt into the toilet bowl and you reach out next to press a hand against the wall while the other grips at the countertop
you let out a groan and get up before quickly turning to put the seat down
but yes
as you were saying
it’s really not that bad sharing a washroom with taehyung
you flush the toilet before pushing the shower curtain aside to turn the tap on
you hum to yourself and pull your shirt off before tossing it into the hamper
you just have to get used to the fact that taehyung isn’t like namjoon
your brows furrow when you reach under the tap to check the temperature of the water
,.,.why is it still.,,. cold
it doesn’t take this long for the water to get hot
you poke your tongue into your cheek when something crosses your mind
taehyung must’ve used up all the hot water
your grip on the edge of the bathtub tightens until your knuckles turn white
no problem!
a cold shower will certainly wake you up for sure!!!!  
and you remember namjoon mentioning something about how cold showers help with your metabolism or something like that so maybe you should be thanking taehyung for using up all the hot water like a selfish pRICK-  
“no problem, we’re all good…” you mutter to yourself and pull the little knob on top of the tap so that the water will go to the showerhead-
you yELP when you’re suddenly blasted with icy cold water and you immediately wrap your arms around yourself in a pathetic attempt to keep yourself warm
oh my goD
o-o-o-okay this is going to be the f-f-fastest shower you’ve ever taken in your e-e-entire life because you’re pretty sure that if you spend another f-f-five minutes in here you’re going to get h-h-hypothermia
you shiver as you pick up the bottle of shampoo and-
oh you are k-k-k-kiDDING
you don’t have any shampOO LEFT
you bought this two weeks ago!!!!! how the hell did you use it all up???????
you clench your jaw when it hits you onCe again
k i m
t a e h y u n g
this shampoo is expensive too!!! it’s goat milk shampoo and it makes your hair smell suPer good and feel silky soft  
no wonder he smelled oddly familiar the other night
you jump when you hear knocking on the bathroom door
you push the curtain aside aggressively “what????”
“i need to take a piss!!!! hurry it up in there!!”
you resist the urge to huRL the empty shampoo bottle at the door
anyone who knows you knows that sundays have always been your favourite day of the week
sunday is the perfect day to just relax and unwind from the whole week aND saturday
plus you and namjoon sometimes go to brunch on sunday so that’s another reason why you look forward to sundays so much
you don’t have any plans today which means you have all the time in the world to just chill out and-
“oh. my. god.” your jaw drops in pure shOCK when you walk into the kitchen
it looks like a tornado blew through the kitchen while you were sleeping  
hoW did this happen????
the kitchen was completely spotless yesterday!!!!!!
you know that because you literally spent like 2 hours cleaning the kitchen last night!!!!!!!!
you were on your hands and knEES scrubbing at the kitchen tiles until each one of them were smooth and polished!!!!
but now??
the garbage bin isn’t closed all the way because it’s literally overflowing with traSH and there’s a banana peel hanging out over the edge
there’s a whole mouNTAIN of dirty dishes and mugs in the sink
you just stepped on a sticky spot and you don’t even want to know what dried up there
and the fridg-
you feel a shiver tingle up your spine at the thought of all of your food going to waste because of a warm fridge
you immediately rush over and open the fridge door all the way to see if-
“oh nOnOnOnonoooOooo-“ you reach forward to press the back of your knuckles against the carton of milk and curse to yourself when you realise that it’s literally room temperature
you don’t know how long the fridge has been opened but you know that it’s probably not safe to eat whatever’s in there
everything in the fridge is spoilt as far as you’re concerned
even your overpriced honey-cinnamon greek yogurt that you literally bought two days ago
you’re going to have to dump everything out
what a waste of money!!!!!! now you have to go grocery shopping today and replenish all the food!!!!!!
you should wake tae up and ask him to chip in for the grocery fees
“i can’t get over how comfortable that mattress is…” you turn to look when a sleepy taehyung steps into the kitchen
“what the hell happened??” you exasperate as you grab another garbage bag from the cupboards and shake it open “when i went to bed last night the kitchen was spotless because i cleaned it but i come in this morning and it looks like someone hosted like thrEE frat parties in here all at once-“
“y/l/n, cchhiiiilllll.” taehyung yawns and stretches his limbs out before reaching up to rub at his eyes “i just brought all my dishes and my trash to the kitchen a couple hours after you went to bed, it’s not a big deal.”
he’s right
it’s not a big deal
as long as he takes out the trash and washes his own dishes it’s not a big deal
“this is… it’s a lot of trash and a lot of dirty dishes…” you mutter as you take a look around
“it’s only like five days worth of trash and dishes - it’s not that much.” taehyung nudges you aside so that he can look into the fridge “…where’s all the food?”
“in the garbage bag.” you step aside to gesture to the veRy full garbage bag behind you “the fridge was open when i came down and everything in there was warm so i’m throwing everything out.”
“you’re- oh my goD you’re literally wasting so much money right now-“
“most of the things in there were mine anyways so it’s not that big-“
“you threw out that honey-cinnamon yogurt?? i was almost done eating that!!!” taehyung frowns and shoots a glare in your direction
your eyelid twitches
he’s been helping himself to your organic vegan yogurt hUH
and he was ‘almost done eating’ it??
you bought it tWo days ago and it’s a huge thing of yogurt which means he must’ve really reALLY been helping himself to it
“hey, so when are you going to go grocery shopping?” tae closes the fridge before nudging you aside again to get to the sink
and at first you think he’s going to get a head start on those dirty dishes but theN-
you feel a wire inside of your brain short circuit almost immEdiately when taehyung uses a wet paper towel to wipe the rim of a dirty cup before turning your coffee machine on and placing the dirty cup under the nozzles
you remind yourself to never accept a cup of coffee from him
it’s totally not a big deal
some people have certain quirks that you’ll never understand but that certainly doesn’t mean that they’re not nice and that you can’t get along with them
“well… i wasn’t going to go until thursday but considering the fact that the fridge is literally empty i guess i’m going today-“
“great, because i have a list of things that i’m gonna need you to pick up for me.” taehyung sighs and plucks an apple out from the fruit bowl
you furrow your brows immediately
“well, you could always come with me-“
“nah, i’m not good at it.” he takes a giAnt bite of his apple
“…you’re not good at- how can you not be good at grocery shopping-?“
“wait, does this mean you threw out the creamer, too?? now i have to drink black coffee?? dude, groSS” taehyung whines and wrinkles his nose at the fresh cup of coffee he just brewed for himself
“…just give me your stupid list.”
if you had a dollar for every time taehyung irritated you, you would honestly be a billionaire at this point
not even a billionaire
you would be a triLLionaire
“would it kill you to do the dishes sometime?” you wipe your damp hands down on the back of your leggings as you step out of the kitchen and into the living room
taehyung is currently lazing on the couch helping himself to a bag of chips while scrolling through his phone
“you know what, it actually would.” taehyung glances up at you “i’m like super duper 100% deathly allergic to dish soap. frankly, i’m offended you even asked.” he pops a chip into his mouth
crunch crunch crunch
you clench your jaw in frustration
for a second you can’t help but wonder what it’d feel like to drive your fist right into the middle of that pretty little face
“ooookay, if you can’t do the dishes, then you can help me take out the trash.”
taehyung sighs and shakes his head “no can do, buddy. i’m also allergic to garbage bags.”
woW what a friCKin coincidence
“…you can do the laundry!” you clap your hands together before placing them on your hips
your foot starts to tap against the floor impatiently when taehyung bring a chip to his mouth slowly and bites it in half
a couple crumbs fall onto his chest and he brushes them onto the floor
he clears his throat  
“detergent falls into the same category as dish soap-“  
“you know what? forget i asked! forget it!” you lauGh and raise your hands in defence before walking away “i give uP! i frickin GIVE UP-“
taehyung jumps when he hears your bedroom door slam shut
he shrugs and pops another chip into his mouth
namjoon, jin, and hobi aLL think that you’re not getting along with taehyung
and even though that is a very true statement
your natural instinct is to prove them wrong
“we’re getting along just fine, thank you very much for your concern.” you adjust your backpack strap before shaking your head “he’s actually super great, contrary to your guys’ belief. he’s a wonderful roommate! i love taehyung!”
the way you’re speaking almost sounds like you’re trying to convince yourSelf that you love taehyung
and you’ve never really been good at persuading people
namjoon can’t help but roll his eyes
you’re already very stubborn and he haTes dealing with you when you get like this
he doesn’t understand why you can’t just admit that taehyung is a horrible roommate!!!!
“i mean, sure, he’s a little messy, but who isn’t? it’s totally not a big-“
“hey, check it out!” namjoon interrupts your little speech about how amazing taehyung is as a roommate to point over by the vending machines “why don’t you go and say hi to your super duper wonderful angel of a roommate?”
you swallow thickly when you follow namjoon’s line of sight
that’s taehyung alright
you’d recognise that beanie anywhere
it looks like he’s with a group of his friends
you see him pull a plastic baggie of quarters out of his backpack
hey look at that!
that’s nice of him
he’s treating his friends to some snacks
wait a second
you feel one of your veins buST open when it hits you
is that.,,.,. is that the lauNDRY MONEY
he’s using the laundry money to pay for snacks and drinks???!??!
“you know, i don’t know if that’s a good idea!” you clear your throat when you feel the boys slowly nudging you towards his direction
hobi literally has his hands pushing against your lower back while namjoon has his fingers wrapped around your wrist
“he looks like he’s in the middle of a very riveting conversation and i wouldn’t want to-“
“kim TAEHYUNG-“ hobi screeches before plopping down on the bench and gesturing for namjoon and seokjin to duck down as well
you panic and you’re about to sit down too but it’s too late
taehyung turns around to understandably find whoever it was who just screamed out his name in the middle of the cafeteria and immediately locks gazes with you
oh god
okay just say hi
“hi taehyung!” you smile brightly and wave at him a liTtle too enthusiastically
jin immediately grabs your hand and pulls it down because your wrist is going to pop off if you wave any harder
a normal person would wave back when they’re being waved to
unfortunately for you taehyung is not a normal person
taehyung raises a brow before snorting gently and turning back to his group of friends “as i was saying…“
your jaw drops slightly
what the hell was that
namjoon kisses his teeth and shakes his head
he’s about to hit you with the faTTest ‘I Told You So’ of all time
“it’s a fun little game we play.” you sit down quickly and smooth out your skirt
you can feel your cheeks growing red at the complete mortification of the situation
“you guys wouldn’t understand.” you clear your throat and laugh lightly “he’s so silly!”
namjoon frowns and turns to look at taehyung over his shoulder for a second
you are one of the moSt important people in his life and he hates that you’re being treated like shit
“you still think we believe you when you tell us that you like him?” he sighs while wiping his apple on his shirt
“…just eat your lunch.”
you’re starting to think that you’re incapable of noT thinking about taehyung
you don’t get it!!!
maybe it’s because you have this innate need to be liked and when you realised that taehyung might noT like you that much your brain was like well,.,,. now i’m going to keep thinking about why he doesn’t like us.,,.,.
even when you’re asleep it sounds like your brain won’t stop repeating the words ‘oh my god, taehyung, oh my god, taehyung-‘
“oh my god, tae, fuck yes-“
oh my god
your eyes pop wide open and you stare into the darkness
maybe you just imagined it
that was just your imagination and it definitely wasn’t-
“yes, right there, fuck me with your huge-“
“oh god, yes, i’m cumming, you’re gonna make me- ah!”
you feel your entire face burning up as you try to suppress your own screams by flipping over and shoving your face into your pillow
this is a nightmare
also this is a schOOL night so they have no business getting it on when all of you have classes tomorrow
and just when you thought it couldn’t get any worse
you hear the headboard beginning to smack against the wall and- “oh my god, tae-!”
and you nearly start crying
“oh my god, tae...” you whimper to yourself and feel a shiver go up your spine
you yank the covers up over your head and curl up into a ball
you didn’t even know he snuck a girl home!!!!
how did he do that so quietly!!!!!!
when you wake up the next morning you’re not sure if the entire night was some sort of weird fever dream or not
you finally fell asleep at like three in the morning because thaT’s when the screaming and the bed-rocking died down
and then you woke up early because you’re pretty sure taehyung woke his pal up with his head in between her legs (“tae, your tongue feels so-!“)
she’s very communicative which is key in a relationship so hopefully things work out between the two of them!!1!!
you blink down at your bowl of cereal and watch as the now-soggy cheerios float around your spoon
you.,,. don’t have an appetite this morning which is very rare because you’re aLways in the mood to eat
“hi! you must be tae’s roommate!” your spoon clatters against the side of your porcelain bowl when taehyung’s lady friend pops out of nowhere
jesus chRist
she was quiEt
she’s dressed in what appears to be one of taehyung’s tattered t-shirts (the same one he was wearing when he left the apartment yesterday morning) and you allow yourself to stare at the hickies decorating her neck and collarbone as she reaches up to pull the shirt up slightly
you’re tempted to offer her a pair of shorts or something because homegirl’s ass is fully out right now (she’s wearing a g-string which is basically noTHING)
“this is the part where you introduce yourself, y/l/n.” taehyung pops up behind her and raises a brow at you
you reach up to wipe away the milk that’s driBBling down your chin and you reach out to shake her hand “hi! yes, i’m the roommate… i’m y/n.”
“i’m soo-young, but you can call me joy if you’d like…” she’s a little preoccupied because she keeps looking over your shoulder at tae who’s currently drinking out of the orange juice carton like an animal
joy, huh?
very fitting considering she was screaming of joy last night anD this morning
“well, it’s very nice to meet you, joy.” you push yourself up off the counter before spinning around and promptly grabbing the carton from taehyung’s grubby hands “can i offer you anything? we have cereal, instant oatmeal, frozen waffles and bagels…” you hum and pull a cup from the cupboards before pouring a glass of juice for tae
side note
if you ever need to make a little money in the future maybe you can open up some kind of bed and breakfast thing
taehyung can take care of the bed part and you can do the breakfast part lol
anyways back to it
you hand the clean glass to him with a little glare and he smirks before accepting it and taking a small sip
“of course, i’ll toast the bagel for you… unless you eat frozen bagels?” you joke and put the orange juice back into the fridge before standing back up and leaning against the fridge door “we have cream cheese, oR i make this really good cinnamon butter that i’d be happy to share with you”
joy’s eyes widen before she looks over at taehyung
“uh, i… actually, i was thinking that tae and i could go out for breakfast or somet-“
“i’m gonna go take a shower.” taehyung chirps and hands you the empty glass before moving to head out of the kitchen
“maybe we can take a shower together! save some water?” joy offers shyly and grabs onto taehyung’s wrist
bless her heart
his eyes flicker down to where she’s gripping him and he shakes her off gently “um, we’re trying to conserve hot water so… maybe you should wait til you get back to your place. by the way - would you mind tossing the shirt into the hamper after you change? thanks, sweetheart.” he clicks his tongue and gives her a heaRTy pat on the shoulder  
you mouth a quiet ‘yikes’ to yourself when taehyung leaves the kitchen and joy looks like a puppy who’s just been kicked in the face
her entire face is red and she looks like she’s about to start crying
it’s not greAT of taehyung to brush her off like that but according to your knowledge taehyung is a one night stand kind of guy so.,.,,
you really hope she doesn’t start crying because you never know how to comfort people and ur not about to start now
you clear your throat as joy looks down at the shirt she’s wearing and picks at a loose thread on it  “…how about i smear extra cream cheese on your bagel for you?”  
“bye! thanks for putting the shirt in the hamper…” you offer joy a sheepish smile and watch as she steps into the elevator before you close the front door
she didn’t want the bagel even after you toasted it anD put extra cream cheese on it
she definitely wasn’t as joyful as she was when she first came out of tae’s room reeKing of sex
...okay it was funny the first two times but now ur just beating a dead horse
you were about to offer her some clothes for her taxi ride back home because if you were in this situation you would rather be dressed in a hoodie and leggings instead of a tight mini-dress and six inch platform heels at 9 in the morning buT uh
that would give her an excuse to come back and you get the feeling that taehyung doesn’t want her to come back
“taehyung?” you give the bathroom door a couple knocks before taking a step back “i toasted a bagel for joy but she didn’t seem to have an appetite so do you want to split it-“
the bathroom door swiNGs open and you flinch slightly at the onslaught of heat and steam that comes out from it
and then time seems to slow down
taehyung steps out of the washroom with a towel hanging loosely around his hips and a smaller one hanging around his neck
h-holy.,,., holy shIT
smooth, glistening caramel skin with the warm bathroom lights illuminated behind him like a halo
droplets of water practically cascading down the ridges of his broad chest and the faint ridges of his abs and woW that’s a v-line for suRE
you swallow dryly and look up to see taehyung staring right back at you with the coCkiest of smirks on his face
“oh, god, i’m sorry-“ you immediately spin around so that you’re facing the other way and you feel your face starting to heat up  
“it’s all good.” taehyung chuckles lightly “what were you saying about a bagel?”
“i, uh, i was wondering if you wanted to split a bagel because-” you turn to look at him over your shoulder and your eyes widen when you realise he’s standing a loT closer to you as he dries his hair “-b-because joy didn’t seem to want it-“
“yeah, i’m down. lemme put some sweatpants on and i’ll join you in the kitchen.” taehyung puRPosely brushes past you and you catch a whiff of his musky aftershave
you feel your knees grow weak when you see his back muscles flex slightly as he walks down the hall to his bedroom
“head’s up!” he turns around quickly and tosses the smaller towel at you and luCkily your reflexes are fast enough to catch it before it hits your face
you shake yourself out of it quiCkly and pat your hot cheeks
“…wait, are you putting a shirt on too or are you just coming in sweatpants-“
tae’s white towel fLIes out from his room before the door slams shut
“so… joy seems like a nice girl.” you drum your fingers against the side of your mug before taking a sip of coffee (it’s coLD now but you’ll drink it anyways)
“mm.” taehyung murmurs and takes another monster bite of his bagel
“are you… planning to call her or text her or-“
“you shouldn’t have let her weAr your clothes if you’re not going to call her again-“
“she put it on herself and she already knew this was going to be a one time thing” taehyung glances up at you from his phone before giving you an expression that screams ‘duH’ “plus, it’s none of your business.”
you scoff at taehyung and raise a brow “it becomes my business when the vigorous and veRY loud sex happens in my apartment and i’m going to be the one the landlord contacts when we get noise complaints.”
“it’s our apartment”
“my name is on the lease. it’s mine. you’re renting from me.”
taehyung pokes his tongue into his cheek before setting his phone down harshly “what do you want from me, huh? it’s not my fault she was so loud. i can’t help that i’m so good with my-“
“i want you to keep things respectful because you are noT the only occupant of this apartment. keep your sexcapades at a decEnt volume! gag your next friend for all i care!! i was going to sleep in but i had to get up early because someone was moaning up a storm-”
“again, not my fault- it seems to me that someone needs to get laid because you’re waY too uptight and it’s obvious you’re kind of a prude-“
“i am noT a-“ you let out a breath of frustration before shaking your head and turning around “you know what, i’m going to go and get ready to head out!” the mug nearly shatters from the sheer force of you setting it down in the sink
you should’ve said yes to bukjoon
you should’ve!!!!!!
you let out a sigh as you stare blankly out the window
where is bukjoon?
what’s he doing now?
you miss him
you just let him sliP through your fingers
sure, you would have to had face the fiery wrath of namjoon but the guy’s about as intimidating as a baby penguin so that wouldn’t have been too hard to deal with
speaking of namjoon
you’re looking forward to the lunch that namjoon packed for you today!!  
you managed to calm yourself down a little after your chat with taehyung this morning and now all you can think about is how greAt today is going to be
your outfit is cute
your hair isn’t frizzy
your makeup looks nice and deWy just the way you like it
and one of your lectures got cancelled today so you get to come home a little earlier!
a classic namjoon lunch (specifically personalised and created for (1) y/n y/ln) includes the following items:
1x smooth peanut butter and strawberry jelly sandwich with no crust
he avoids chunky peanut butter because he knows that you have sensitive gums aND you don’t want peanut bits all up in your teeth after you’re done eating
he used to shape them like hearts but one time you opened your lunch box (yes, namjoon even got you a tin lunch box) in front of hoseok and jin and they immediately started teasing you and asking you what other shapes mama namjoon could do
namjoon wasn’t the least bit embarrassed because he loVes preparing lunch for you but you were traumatised and from that moment on you requested that namjoon simply slice off the crusts and leave it at that
1x baggie of baby carrots and baby cucumbers
1x little pot of hummus
1x homemade chocolate chip cookie that’s always the size of your palm never bigger never smaller
1x carton of either banana/chocolate milk oR apple/orange/pineapple-strawberry juice
you take the box out of the fridge and-
your brows immediately furrow
why does the box feel so light
you give it a little shake
it certainly doesn’t sound like there’s little baggie of baby carrots and cucumbers waiting for you to devour them
your heart sinks to your stomach and your eyes actually begin to water when you open up the box to see that all that’s in there are a couple empty plastic baggies and some breadcrumbs
you swallow thickly
“hey, when are you doing the laundry?” taehyung pops into the kitchen and perks up when he sees you with the lunch box “oh, the bagel wasn’t enough for me and i noticed that the food in that box was the only other decent thing to eat. if i didn’t eat that i would’ve starved to death. by the way, there was a note in the lunch box and it seemed like it was for you but honestly… who’s to say?” taehyung tosses a crumpled up note at you and you catch it before uncrumpling it and-
‘i know you asked for no more heart shaped sandwiches but i bought a new cookie cutter and i just had to use it. see you later today! -joon’
this son of a biTCH
“also, who has the time to shape sandwich bread into-“
“what do you mean ‘who’s to say’???? this was obVIOUSly for me!!!!” you feel your eyes glazing over even moRe purely out of frustration with taehyung and his eyes widen “i’m the only other person who lives in this apartment and if this lunch box doesn’t belong to you then obviously it’s meant for mE you IDIOT”
“jesus, y/l/n, calm down! it’s just food!!” taehyung furrows his brows before scoffing “here, i’ll give you $20 for lunch.” he rummages through his pockets and pulls out a couple of bills
you look at the bills before looking at him and shaking your head
“you’re a dick.” you sniffle as you dump the plastic baggies into the recycling bin
“…what, do you need more lunch money? how much do you eat??”
“that is not the point!”
“okay, $30 for lunch! god, take all my money, why don’t you??”
as time goes on you begin to realise that kim taehyung is truly an asshole
there’s no better word to describe him than an asshole
he’s an inconsiderate, arrogant, uncaring, selfish, complete asshole of a man and you don’t know what you did to deserve this
you really don’t!
he doesn’t care about you at all
in fact
he treats you as if you were his personal maid or something
you’re always picking up after him and you’re always cleaning up his messes anD you’re always escorting his lady friends out of the door the morning after with a to-go cup of coffee and half a bagel
you don’t havE to do all these things for him but you do!!!
you say you’re only continuing to do all these things for taehyung because you’re a nice roommate but according to namjoon you’re a-
“pushover. a complete pushover!” namjoon pauses to glance at you over his shoulder as you trail behind him and his book cart
he hands you a book and you slide it into place
“i am not a pushover!!”
he turns around with a thiCk dictionary in his hands and starts flipping through it
you scoff and place a hand on your hip as you watch him slide his finger down the page
“what are you doin-“
“pushover: noun.” he clears his throat and adjusts his glasses “an opponent who is easy to defeat or a victim who is capable of no effective resistance. someone unable to resist an attraction or appeal; a sucker.”
you see what he’s doing here
you raise a brow and snort “can you use it in a sentence?”  
namjoon claps the dictionary shut before sliding it into the shelf
he leans against the cart and crosses his arms before reaching up to stroke his chin in mock thought
“ah! i’ve got it.” he smiles sweetly at you “y/n is a pushover when it comes to taehyung, and she’ll do anything for him with a snap of his fingers-“
“alRight alright i get it-“
“synonyms for pushover include but are not limited to the following: doormat, weakling, wimp-“
“fine! fine, i’m a little bit of a pushover. it’s not that bad!”  
namjoon turns around and starts wheeling his cart down to the next shelf “a little bit of a pushover? oh, please. what are you doing after you help me out here?”
“going grocery shopping.”
“uh-huh. and what’s on the top of your grocery list? check the list on your phone.”
“i don’t see how this is going to help prove your theory that i’m a pushover-“
“just do it.”
you pull your phone out of your pocket and open your notes app before tapping on the grocery list
the first thing you typed was-
“…’peanut butter cups for taehyung’.” you mutter lowly and scratch the back of your neck
“yep. not honey-cinnamon yogurt, not bagels, not cinnamon toast crunch - peanut butter cups for taehyung. i said it before, and i’ll say it again - you, my friend, are one bIG pushover.”
“pushover. i am not a pushover.” you mutter to yourself as the elevator starts taking you up to your floor
you hug the bag of groceries to your chest tighter to keep it from slipping
“i’m just being a nice person! just because i do things for him whenever he asks me to do things doesn’t mean i’m a pushover. if anything, i’m a… i’m a pullunder! i’m a biG OL pullunder!!!”
you step out of the elevator and make your way down the hallway to the apartment
you’re not a pushover no matter what namjoon says!!
even though the first thing you looked for was taehyung’s peanut butter cups the moment you stepped into the grocery store does noT mean that you are a pushover  
“hey they didn’t have the peanut butter cups that you like so much but i got these- oH GOD SORRY” you squeak and slam the front door and immediately feel a chunk of your soul leave your body
because you fully just walked in on tae really REALLy getting it on with someone on the couch
how does this keep haPPENING
why does he have to have so much sex!!!!!!!
you fluffed the pillows so nicely this morning
you’re not particularly sure what to do now
are you allowed to go in
are you supposed to wait out here until they’re done
maybe you can go down to the lobby and just wait there
you should probably send tae a text and tell him to just let you know when he’s done
oR maybe you should go in there and tell them to go to the beDroom and finish up because you were really wanting to vacuum the living room today
you jump in surprise when the door swings open violently to reveal a very frustrated looking tae along with a very half-naked tae
he has your throw blanket wrapped loosely around his waist and your cheeks immediately flush
he’s an asshole but it would be inhumane of you to noT check out the faint outline of his six pack
“ever heard of knocking?!” he snarls at you and anY physical attraction to him at this moment immediately fizzles away
you gawk at him
“knock- i live here-!”
you’re about to pick up the grocery bag and shoVe past him to get into the apartment when suddenly he steps aside to let his guest out
“call me later?” she gets up on her tip-toes to give tae a kiss on the cheek and he hums in response
why.., does she look so familiar
your brows knit together as you diG through your brain
what the
you immediately pale when it hits you
rose???????? sweet little rose??? from your history class????? the one with the colour-coded notes and the glittery pens????? sweet little rose from your history class the one with the colour-coded notes and the glittery pens bent over the arm of the couch while tae dRILLS-
“bye y/n! see you monday” rose smiles sweetly at you and muster a smile before stepping aside so that she can make her way to the elevators
you wait for the faint ding of the lifts before you open your mouth to speak but tae beats you to the chase
“i was going to get at least three more orgasms out of her but someone had to come home and ruin the fun” taehyung sighs as he turns to head back in the apartment
“well i’m sorry i live here” you grumble and bend down to pick up the groceries “and three orgasms sounds positively draining”
“of course you would say that, you prude” taehyung tosses the pillows back on the couch
you huff and resist the urge to drop the groceries just so you can kick his ass
“you wanna help me put the groceries in the fridge?” you grunt and kick the door shut behind you
“nah, you can handle it”
“..,.oh, okay! uh, as i was saying, i didn’t find the peanut butter cups that you like so much but i did find these-”
“leave them in my room. i’m gonna take a shower!” tae chirps and slams his bathroom door shut
he opens it up again and pokes his head through “by the way - i’m having a couple people over tonight so it’d be suuuuPer cool if you could like.,.., not be here when that happens.”
“what about if i just stay in my room-“
“thanks, roomie!”
you let out a breath as you stare at the bathroom door before shaking your head disappointedly
how did you get stuck with a prick like that
what did you do in your past life to deserve this?????
you turn to inspect the dishevelled state of the couch
you are going to have to disinfect the entire couch
maybe burn it
maybe just buy a new couch???
you honestly don’t even know how one person can have so much sex with so many different people
you’re all for having a healthy sex life and you fully support someone having multiple sex partners if you’re that kind of person but this is ridiculous
you can’t help but wonder if tae’s had sex on every surface in the apartment
…that explains the handprints on the balcony doors  
“i hate him! he’s driving me crazy and i have to live with him for the next year.” you groan quietly and pinch the bridge of your nose
“so just drive hiM crazy right back”
“how am i supposed to do that?”
“what does he hate the most?”
you purse your lips in thought and make a face
“…not getting laid every weekend?”
namjoon pauses and gives a little shrug
“touché - but, no. he hates you the most. at least, it seems like he hates you the most.”
“gee, thanks-“
“i’m serious! from what i’ve heard - and what i’ve seen - you guys boTh despise each other, so just hang around him 24/7 and you’ll drive hiM equally as crazy!”
“aren’t you the one telling me not to fight fire with fire whenever i get into sticky situations?”
“this is a special situation.” namjoon clears his throat and adjusts his glasses “didn’t you say he was throwing a party?”
“he’s not throwing a party, he’s just hanging out with his friends and they’re all chilling at the apartment. that’s why i’m hanging out with you at the library instead of being in the comfort of my own apartment.” you snort
“oh my god, you dumbass. ‘having a few people over’ almost always translates to ‘i’m throwing a party’. even i know that!” namjoon scowls and reaches over to flick your forehead
you scowl and reach up to rub at the sore spot “taehyung wouldn’t throw a party without consulting me about it first” you huff stubbornly and lean back against the wheely chair
“wow. the midterm exams really made your brain cells disintegrate, didn’t they? you don’t think there’s an inkling of a chance that as you’re sitting here with me, kim taehyung isn’t taking advantage of the fact that he has a very spacey apartment all to himself?”
“you know what, namjoon? i really don’t think so. i think you’re just making an assumption based off perceptions of-“
“there might be people bumping uglies on your bed right now.”  
you immediately pale
“…yeah, so i’ll see you later!” you squeak and bend down to grab your bag
“yep, that’s what i thought.” namjoon snorts and watches as you make a mad dash out of the doors
taehyung is typically a very carefree guy when it comes to throwing parties
he kind of just goes with the flow and doesn’t let anyone harsh his mellow
he doesn’t care if people have sex in his room as long as they keep it clean and fasT and they don’t do it on his bed
he doesn’t care if the cops come and tell him to keep the noise levels down because he knows he has the ability to charm his way out of a charge
but one thing that he definitely cares about?
there’s no way in hell he’s going to let you ruin his party
so imagine his surprise when he walks out from the kitchen to see you asking people to ‘please use the coasters that i’ve provided for you!’
“what the hell are you doing here???” taehyung hisses and grabs you by the arm before pulling you out of the apartment and into the hallway
“what does it look like i’m doing? i’m joining the party!” you grin before pointing to the door “it seems like everyone’s having fun in there!! also, it looks like there are at least twenty people in our apartment and i only have enough juice boxes in the fridge for like six people, which is unfortunate. anyways-“ you’re about to step into the apartment but taehyung reaches out and wraps his fingers around your wrist to hold you back
“you have to leave. i thought you were hanging out with..,,. what’s his name.,., four-eyes tonight?”
“who? namjoon?”
“yeah, four-eyes.”
“namjoon was busy tonight and i didn’t have any work to do so i figured i’d stop by at the obvious party that’s happening in my apartment. what happened to ‘having a couple of friends over’?”
“our apartment.” taehyung corrects you and pulls you back again when you make a move to walk in again
“debatable statement.”
“look, just go and hang out with your friends, alright?” he exasperates “come back in a couple of hours.”
“no!” you frown and let out a huff
“get ouT of here!” he points towards the elevators
“no!!! do you not want me here? is that it??”
taehyung clamps his mouth shut before pursing his lips
you immediately gawk at him
why doesn’t he want you at his party??? you’re not thAt lame
you’re super fun at parties!!!
sure your dance moves aren’t that impressive but you can get jiggy widdit once you get a couple drinks in your system
“why not!!! that’s totally unfair!!!”
you’re aware that you’re acting like a petulant child right now but it’s not fAIR that taehyung doesn’t want you at his party with his friends
you don’t care if he’s ashamed of you even though that’s what it feels like and you can’t help but feel sliGhtly offended
you just want to make sure nobody breaks anything or sets anything on fire
anD you want to make sure that, as namjoon so delicately put it, nobody’s bumping uglies on your bed  
“fine!” taehyung grumbles and gestures towards the door
it seems like you’re not going to take no for an answer so he’ll just have to deal with you staying at the party “you wanna hang out at my party? be my guest. but don’t come running to me like a scared little deer when you realise that you don’t fit in when it comes to these social situations.”
“oh, please.” you snort and push the door open
almost immediately you feel the bass from the music pumping through your veins “i’m going to fit right in with your gang of- hEY feET oFF the coffee table-!“
taehyung lets out a breath and sends out a quick prayer hoPing you won’t be the cause of the death of his party and his social life in general
you’ve been to a couple of house parties before with namjoon and hobi and jin
usually you just hang out in the corner of the room with some unidentifiable drink in your hand while you scroll through your phone while hobi and jin are debating over something dumb like ‘do pigeons truly have feelings?’
this is a brand new situation for you
you’ve never been alone at a party
you’re almost always glued to namjoon’s side and you just have to give him a tug on the wrist to let him know you’re ready to get the heCk out of here
and as much as you want to leave you can’T because you made a big deal out of taehyung not wanting you at the party so if you leave now it’s just not going to look good for you
and you don’t know why but it feels like the number of people have increased tenfold because it feels like you’re in a can of sardines right now
of course
you want to prove to taehyung that you can be super cool so you’ve tried to be a little more lax with everyone
but that hasn’t stopped you from scolding somebody who was very happily helping them-self to the peanut butter chocolate ice cream in the freezer
you don’t know how you slipped into a party straight out of those cheesy high school movies but here u are
playing seven minutes in heaven
to say the least
you’re.,,. uncomfortable
you didn’t even play this game in high school for crying out loud
also it’s not the 70s anymore why would anyone still be interested in playing seven minutes in heaven
you inspect your nails uninterestedly as taehyung digs his hand through the bowl of names
he had everyone write their names down and put them in the bowl and he foRced you to come play because when he found you you were lecturing somebody on the consequences of mixing alcohol and weed (“do you know how quickly you can become dehydrated with this combination???”)
taehyung feels a sense of relief when he pulls out the slip of paper with your name scribbled down on it
thank god
if he can’t get rid of you for the whole night at least he can get rid of you for seven minutes
“y/n! you’re up.” he smiles brightly when he sees the sheer look of panic wash over your face
good >:-)
taehyung falters when he unfolds the next slip of paper to see that it’s,.,.,. his name that’s scribbled on it
he doesn’t want to play seven minutes in heaven with u
no offence
“hey, look at that! jungkook, you’re y/n’s partner!” taehyung cheers and shoves the slip of paper back into the bowl
jungkook nods before getting up off the ground and you immediately curse to yourself
it’s not that you don’t want to be paired up with jungkook
it’s just that he’s so intimidatingly preTTy and you get very nervous around pretty people
first impressions are important and you get the feeling that you’re going to find a way to make a fool out of yourself as per usuAL
you don’t know the guy at all
you’ve seen him a couple times around campus throwing a frisbee around with his pals
one time you saw him in line at starbucks but other than that
absolutely nothing
of course you don’t have any time to panic and ask if it’s too late to back out because the next thing you know the two of you get ushered towards the front door before getting shoved riGht into the closet
it looks like taehyung cleaned out the closet specifically for this game
you’ll have to ask him later where he shoved everything
you clear your throat and look up at the flickering light in the closet before looking over at jungkook who is aLso avoiding your gaze
“i’m y/n, by the way.”
taehyung already told him that
this is already going downhill and it’s barely been ten seconds
“i’m jungkook.” he smiles politely and sticks his hand out awkwardly for you to shake
it’s awfully cozy in here
he’s about the length of your elbow to the tip of your middle finger away from you which seemS like an appropriate distance away but when ur shoved into a tiny closet it’s very, very close
“you’re taehyung’s roommate, right?”
“yep! and you’re taehyung’s… friend?”
“eh, i guess so. we’re just part of the same fraternity but i don’t actually know him too well.” jungkook shrugs “we lived together last year but i kinda kept to myself.”
“oh yeah! i remember him mentioning something about living with like four other guys…”
“it gets messy” he laughs lightly “do you get along with him?”
“well, we have our good days, i suppose. he uses my shampoo-“
“no way, he used to use my shampoo too!!!!”
you immediately snort and roll your eyes playfully “i just don’t get why he can’t go out and get his own damn bottle!”
“exactly!!!!!” jungkook gasps in exciTement because he’s finally being given a chance to rant about taehyung
he accidentally raMs his elbow into the wall and lets out a groan before crumpling over
oh oUCH
“are you okay????” you immediately burst into giggles and reach over to give the top of his head a gentle pat
“whyYyYY are you laughing at me??” he whines and rubs at his sore elbow
it’s weird
you thought jungkook was just a carbon copy of taehyung
and for the first time ever
you’re pretty happy that you were mistaken
seven minutes goes by fAr too quickly for your liking because the next thing you know taehyung’s banging on the closet door and telling you guys to ‘get your asses out here’
“i’m sorry about... you know, not actually following the rules of seven minutes in heaven” you smile sheepishly and scratch the back of your neck
“technically, the players get to spent seven minutes doing whatever they want with each other and i just wanted to get to know you a little better, so i think we played the game right.” jungkook teases lightly
he reaches out for the doorknob but pauses and turns to look at you again “by the way, i… would you maybe want to hang out sometime? grab some coffee or something?”
your brows raise in surprise
your cheeks warm immediately and you let out a soft chuckle “i, uh, yeah! i would love to grab some coffee with you sometime. maybe after we get out of this closet i can give you my number?”
jungkook beams at you and nods happily “yeah, that’d be-“
all of a sudden the closet door swings open and you instinctively take a step away from jungkook when you see taehyung standing there looking less than happy
“the game is called seven minutes in heaven, not teN minutes in heaven.” he steps aside to let the two of you out and you can’t help but roll your eyes
for someone who accused you of being a buzzkill muLtiple times he’s certainly doing a good job at being one right now
taehyung can’t help but narrow his eyes a little when he notices you and jungkook exchanging shy glances as you guys sit back down in the circle
“i’m baaaack!” your keys jingle as you shove them back into your backpack
you’re genuinely surprised that you didn’t walk in on tae fucking the lights out of someone on the couch
you were expecting to see a pair of someone’s boobs or a flash of his dick but it’s a pleasant feeling to be able to walk into your own apartment and not want to completely bleach your eyeballs
“you would not believe how packed the bus was because it’s tuesday and you wouldn’t think that the bus would be super jammed on a tuesday night but obviously-“
“i’m going to need you to shut up before i throw my books at you” taehyung raises his pencil in your direction but keeps his eyes glued on his laptop
he’s sitting crosslegged on the ground and he’s surrounded by loose papers and open books
his laptop is on the coffee table and it looks like he had a whole bag of m&ms for dinner which cannOT be good for you
he has the tv turned on but the volume’s really low
“wow, alright mr. grumpy…” you raise your hands in defence before bending down to untie your laces “what are you doing?”
“none of your business.” taehyung mutters in response and lets out a huff of frustration
side note
you’ve never seen him wear these rectangular framed glasses before
his hair is frizzy and slightly damp from a shower most likely
he’s in a white and blue stripey pyjama set
you’ve never seen him look so.,,.., dare you say it,.,,.. so boyfriend material-y before
so warm n snuggly n cozy
it really sucks
the fact that he looks like that and then once he opens his mouth all the attraction just fadEs away in a millisecond
god really has it out for you doesn’t He
“fine, sorry i asked…” you can’t help but feel a little dejected every time taehyung shuts you down like that
you’re just being a nice person!!
taehyung falters and pokes his tongue into his cheek when he glances at you and sees you hanging your jacket up on the coat rack quietly
ur just minding your own business
,.,.ok he feels a little bad for being rude to u all the time
he doesn’t know why he’s so mean to you
you guys have been roommates for a couple of months already and every time he’s mean to you you never fight back
in fact you usually just flash him a smile and then wander off and leave him alone
“i’m just…” taehyung sighs and leans back against the bottom of the couch “i’m taking this dumb art history class and i have a presentation in a couple of days that’s worth 25% of my final grade that i haven’t worked on yet.”
you narrow your eyes at him “that… i can’t feel bad for you because you did that to yourself. you should’ve started earlier!”
okay now he knows why he’s so mean to you all the time
it’s because you’re a bratty little know-it-all
taehyung shoots a glare in your direction and you shrug
well it’s truE
“would it kill you to stop being such a smartass all the time? you always think that you’re right and that everyone else is wrong-”
“because most of the time i am right and everyone else is wrong.”
“jesus- you know what, whatever. just leave me alone, y/l/n.” taehyung grumbles and brings his attention back to his laptop
“what are you doing?” taehyung furrows his brows in confusion when you suddenly plop yourself down across from him and pull your laptop out of your backpack
“i’m going to help you, that’s what i’m doing.”
“do you even know anything about mesopotamian art?”
“nope” you pop the ‘p’ before raising a brow “but i’m going to research the heCk out of it and we’re going to make a bombass presentation and you, good sir, are going to ace it.”
“i don’t get it. why are you helping me?” taehyung narrows his eyes at you and you give him a warm smile in response
“because this is me being nice. don’t question it. now share your google presentation with me!”
believe it or not
you actually think that making presentations are pretty fun
you get to choose the pretty fonts and the colourful backgrounds and if you’re really wanting to spice things up you can always add in those funky transitions
of course taehyung has a certain minimalistic aesthetic to his slides so it probably wouldn’t be a good idea to infect it with your multicoloured block letters
the two of you have been working for about an hour and a half and you have to say it’s been a pretty productive hour and a half
taehyung said that his presentation has to be 10 minutes long which really isn’t thaT long if you think about it but the difficult part about it is that you have to jam as mUch relevant information as possible into it
thankfully he already did some research so you guys didn’t have to start completely from scratch
of course you chipped in and did some research on your own as well that you thought would contribute greatly to the overall quality of his presentation
but picking and choosing what to cut out and what to put in is surprisingly taking a lot more time than you thought it would
it’s been relatively silent
all that can be heard is the tv is playing softly in the background along with your guys’ fingers on tapping away at the keyboard and the occasional flip of a page or scribble of a pencil
your eyes flicker over to taehyung over the top of your laptop
he has his necklace trapped in between his teeth as his fingers fly across the keyboard
there’s a divot in between his brows and for a brief second you can’t help but think that his concentrating face is actually pretty cute
wait wat
u didn’t say that
taehyung glances up at you and you quickly look back down at your laptop screen
a soft smile twitches at the corner of his mouth
you’re cute when you’re not running your mouth and constantly telling him what to do  
you took a quick break earlier to change out of your clothes so now you’re in a pair of shorts and a comfy looking sweatshirt
also you had to pull out your reading glasses because it felt like your contacts were starting to dry out anD your eyes were starting to get fuzzy from staring at the screen for so long
and taehyung didn’t think he had a thing for girls with glasses but.,,.,. he might have a thing for girls with glasses
wait wat
he didn’t say that
you’re chewing on the back of your pen as you scroll through an article when all of a sudden your tummy lets out a little grumble
it makes sense considering the fact you haven’t eaten in like nine hours
“i’m going to order some takeout for us because a bag of m&ms does not equate a proper meal” you get up off the ground and stretch your sore limbs out before heading towards the kitchen
taehyung glances up at you briefly (your butt looks cute in those shorts) before shaking his head “nah, i’m good. you can go ahead and order-“
“orange chicken, broccoli beef and vegetable chow mein without celery and with extra bell peppers, right?” you poke your head out from the kitchen with your phone sandwiched in between your ear and your shoulder
“wha- um, yeah. how did you know-“
“great! also, could i get an extra order of egg rolls-“
you know his order by heart which is funny because he happens to know that your usual order is sweet and sour pork, honey-walnut shrimp, and fried rice with extra green onions
wait what
taehyung brows knit together in confusion
how’d he know that
what the heCk
from: jungkook - ok what about this one: if i could rearrange the alphabet i’d put ‘u’ and ‘i’ together
to: jungkook - bOo i give that one 2/10 points
from: jungkook - your standards are too high, woman!!!!!! what are u doing now?
to: jungkook - eating dinner. guess what’s on the menu?
from: jungkook - what’s on the menu
to: jungkook - me-n-u
from: jungkook - omg ur so lame u literally just stoLE my pickup line i’m giving you -2/10 points
you giggle softly as you type in your response
you and jungkook have been texting back and forth since taehyung’s party a couple of weeks ago
he’s super sweet anD super funny and he just has that boyish charm about him that makes you squeAL if you think about it for too long
all you know is that ur kinda sorta maybe wrapped around his pinky and you’ve only gone out for coffee with him once
he pulled your chair out for you!!! you guys split a slice of carrot cake!!! he even feD you a bite!!!! and after coffee you guys just wandered around campus and it was just super nice talking to him!!! he draped his jacket around your shoulders to keep you warm!!! you like him a lot and he makes your heart go boom-boom!!!
“hey - for one of your pieces of shrimp, i bet you that i can catapult one of my pieces of chicken right into your mouth.” you look up from your phone to see taehyung grinning at you
he wiggles his brows and you look down at your little dish of shrimp
you guys are taking a dinner break and you thought the entire dinner would go by with nO words being exchanged between you two but this is a good sign because taehyung initiated a conversation
you should take advantage of this!!! this is your winDow of oppoRtunity!!!!!
you set your phone down and raise a brow “you drive a hard bargain, kim.” you sit back a little and open your mouth expectantly and tae rubs his hands together excitedly  
he places a piece of chicken on the spoon and clears his throat
he pokes his tongue out in concentration and flicks his wrist forward quickly
your eyes widen in excitement when it actually lands in your mouth and you make sure to chew and swallow before sticking your arms up in the air in viCtory “it worKed!!!!! i guess that means you get one of my shrimps - which i will aLso be catapulting into your mouth”
you place the overly saucy piece of shrimp on your spoon before quickly flicking it anD-
“oh shiT” you laugh when it hits tae’s forehead before plopping down onto the table
“you did that on purpose!” he groans playfully and reaches up to wipe the sauce off his forehead with a napkin
“i did not!!! i just have terrible aim!!!”
taehyung pops the shrimp into his mouth and hums happily
this is definitely a muCh better dinner than a bag of m&ms
“aw, they only gave us one fortune cookie!” you push your bottom lip out in a pout as you rummage through the plastic bag in hopes of finding another fortune cookie “it looks like we’re going to have to split this one…”
you unwrap the cookie before holding it out for tae
he grips the other side and-
the fortune is stuck in taehyung’s portion of the cookie and his eyes lighT up in excitement
“it’s probably going to say something stupid like how you have to look inside yourself to find the true meaning of life” he snorts and pulls the slip of paper out
“either that or something like ‘you’re going to die in 24 hours’” you raise a brow and inspect your half of the cookie before popping it into your mouth
that cut into your gums a little bit
tae unfolds it and gives it a quick read
‘☺ the love of your life is right in front of your eyes ☺’
his dark brows knit together once he reads it and his eyes slowly trail up from the slip of paper to right across from him to where you’re sitting
oh boy
“well?” you swallow your bite and reach up to wipe your mouth with the back of your hand “what does it say?”
tae doesn’t know why he’s nervous to tell you what it says
his eyes widen in panic when you reach out to take it from him and he quickly smacks your hand away
“ow!!!!” you scowl and cradle your hand “what was that for??”
“it’s my fortune!! if you read it… it won’t come true!!”
“that’s literally not how it works-“
“dinner break is over! let’s get back to work” tae tucks the fortune into his breast pocket before popping the cookie into his mouth and dusting his hands off
“fine, you weirdo.” you roll your eyes playfully as you start cleaning up the empty takeout boxes
‘the love of your life is right in front of your eyes’
he watches as you hum to yourself and tie the straps of the flimsy plastic bag together before getting up to toss it away
tae snorts quietly and shakes his head
love of my life my aSS
it’s not a big deal
fortune cookies are stupid anyways
“-and with that being said, it is clear that the geographic division of the area is reflected in the history of its cultural development from the earliest civilisations.” you mouth the words along with tae as he finishes up his presentation
you immediately start applauding after his concluding statement and tae smiles brightly
“yes!!!!! that was so good!!!” you laugh lightly when tae bows and blows kisses into the audience (aka just you)
you let out a yawn before reaching up to rub at your bleary eyes “now that we’re done with your presentation we should probably get some shut-eye.” you let out anoTher yawn as you check the time on your laptop
jeez louiSe
it’s 5:14am
the two of you have to get up at 8 and you’re definitely not looking forward to that
“goodnight, tae!” you turn to glance at tae over your shoulder as you step out of the washroom
the two of you decided to do your nighttime routine together just to save some time
you pause when you get to your bedroom and furrow your brows “or… good morning? good-might? goodnighting?”
“you’re delirious. go to bed.” tae snorts and waves you off as he turns off the bathroom light “thanks again, y/n”
“anytime, tae”
your door closes and the light flickers off
taehyung stares at your bedroom door for a couple for seconds
“you’re not so bad, y/l/n.” he mutters to himself with a smile before walking into his bedroom and closing the door “you’re not bad at all.”
oooOOh boy
you’ve never felt so drained in your entire life
you let out a yawn as you make your way to the kitchen before rubbing at your sore jaw with a scowl
that was a big yawn and you were [this] close to getting lockjaw
you hit your snooze button a couple of times this morning  
you’re exhAusted from staying up all night helping tae with his presentation but you need to get some food in your system before you head out for the day
your nose twitches when you smell,,…,. burning.,.,,. why,,.., why do you smell burning.,,..,
your heart immediately starts to race as you quicken your pace
did you leave something in the oven last night??
you didn’t usE the oven last night
maybe taehyung left something on???
jEsus of course he left something on
he’s going to set this place on fire and-
“hey, i was wondering when you were going to get up! you’re usually halfway through a bowl of cereal by this time.”
needless to say
you are nothing short of shOCKed when you see tae with a tea towel slung over his shoulder padding around the kitchen as if this was a normal thing for him
what is going on
he pulls a stool out for you and nudges you over so that you take a seat
oh god
is this what a stroke feels like?
are you.,., literally having a stroke right now?
“sorry about the burning smell. i guess the crumbs in the toaster were starting to clog up the thing so when i popped your bagel into it and turned it on all the crumbs starting getting burnt… but your bagel made it out alive!” taehyung smiles and sets your bagel down in front of you
one side is smeared with cream cheese and the other is smeared with your homemade cinnamon butter
just the way you like it
“what?” you blink owlishly at taehyung and he raises the coffee pot in his hand
“…coffee? one cream two sugars, right?”
“right, yeah. uh, yes please. thank you.” you smile meekly and taehyung nods before pouring some coffee into your mug
you lean over a little to glance at the sink
all the dishes are drying on the drying rack
there are no dirty dishes in the sink
the counters are spotless and polished
and you’re pretty sure you can smell some floral air freshener in here
“here you go-“ taehyung hands you your mug before pointing to the fridge “also, i, um, packed lunch for you today-“
you figured it out
you know why he’s being so nice to you
you’re a genius!!!!
“-to make up for that one time i ate it and you almost cried over it-“
“what did you break?” you interrupt taehyung and he raises a brow at your accusatory tone
“what are you talking about?”
“what… did you break? did you damage something? is that why you’re being so nice? so that later on when you tell me you like kicked a hole through your wall or something i won’t be able to get mad at you because you made breakfast for me anD packed lunch for me…”
“i didn’t break anything, y/n. calm down.” taehyung snorts and shakes his head as he takes a bite of his own bagel
he swallows his bite
“i just wanted to say thank you for helping me yesterday.” he shrugs and walks over to take a seat on the stool next to you
you swiVel around so that you can face him
taehyung does the same
since you two are sitting so close together that means his knee is sandwiched in between yours
“you wanted to thank me… that’s it?”
“there’s no ulterior motive?”
he purses his lips and shakes his head “not that i can think of.”
“…so you’re not going to throw some sneaky party or anything-“
“y/n, this is me trying to be nice. don’t question it.” taehyung reaches over to pinch your cheek before giving your knee a gentle pat “now, c’mon! eat up!”
tae knew that the presentation was coming up soon
but now that he’s literally about to present it he feels like time went by waY too quickly
he doesn’t know if he’s been so nervous in his entire life
he knows it’s just a 10 minute presentation but he hates, absolutely dreAds giving presentations
especially solo presentations!!! in front of like 200+ people!!!!!
he needs to stress-chew on some gum
nothing like good ol strawberry flavoured gum to calm his nerves
he unzips his backpack and shoves his arm into it
his brows knit together in confusion when his fingers brush over a foreign object in his backpack
he pulls out what appears to be a little stack of flashcards held together with a ribbon
there’s a little sticky note on the top of the stack and tae flips it upside right to read it
tae: these might come in handy! good luck today - i know you can do it. - y/n ☺
you made presentation flashcards for him
when did you even put these in his bag?
when did you find time to make these for him??
taehyung pulls the ribbon off and flicks through the flashcards briefly
you wrote down every single one of the important points down on the cards
you really did that for him
“kim taehyung?”
taehyung swallows thickly when he hears his name being called
he clears his throat after making his way to the front of the room
his lips pull up into a friendly smile and he stares into the ocean of people “today, i’m going to be talking about the history of mesopotamian art in relation to its cultural development…”
it’s weird
the one thing calming him down isn’t the strawberry gum
it’s the thought of you
the presentation is actually going fairly well
tae nearly dropped his flashcards at one point but thank god he didn’t because that would have been a nightmare to have to reorganise
but yes
so far so good
he’s actually about to wrap up the presentation which is giving him a great sense of relief because he’s pretty sure he’s going to have a nervous breakdown if he stands up here for any longer than 10 minutes
“-and with that being said-“ taehyung freezes when he suddenly sees you sitting all the way in the back of the lecture hall
what the heck
what are you doing here?
he haTes that he feels his heart skip a beat when you give him a little wave and a thumbs up
he clears his throat and offers the prof a sheepish smile before continuing on and tapping his spacebar to get to the final slide “-uh, it is clear that the geographic division of the area is reflected in the history of its cultural development from the earliest civilisations. thank you.”
he lets out a breath of relief when the audience breaks into scattered applause
and unsurprisingly you stand up and bounce up and down excitedly aND clap the moSt enthusiastically before giving a little ‘woohoo!!!!!’
you are such a dork
…he loves it
the first thing taehyung sees when he leaves the lecture hall is your smiling face
he’s about to ask you what the heCk you’re doing here but he doesn’t get a chance to because-
“hey, you! you did so well!!!!” you squeal excitedly and pull tae down for a quick congratulatory hug
his eyes widen in surprise but he finds himself hugging you back almost instinctively
he wraps an arm around your waist tightly and can’t help but wonder why his first instinct isn’T to shove you away and tell you to cut it out
“i… literally couldn’t have done it without you but- what are you even doing here? don’t you have class right now?”
“i would not miss your mesopotamian art history presentation for the world, my friend. of course i had to come and support you!” you give his arm a playful punch before checking the time on your watch “i actually have… three minutes to get to my next class so i have to go but i’ll see you at home?”
“yeah, yeah. i’ll… see you at home.”
taehyung smiles softly when he sees your backpack bouncing up and down from your frantic movements as you scurry towards the exit
that was really nice of you actually
you didn’t have to come and watch him do his presentation but you did
that was very nice of you
he blinks twice
son of a bitch
it’s not.,.. possible
taehyung stares blankly ahead before furrowing his brows and reaching up to scratch the back of his neck
there’s no way he’s harbouring feelings for you
you’re y/n!!!!
you’re his dorKy ass roommate who he would never hang out with if it weren’t for the fact that you guys lived together
you’re y/n
you’re y/n who snorts when you laugh too hard at one of his jokes
you’re y/n whose idea of fun is watching a nature documentary about dolphins or sitting on the couch doing crossword puzzles
you’re y/n who’s always asking him if he wants a snack or one of your juice boxes or if he needs any help with his work
you’re y/n who uses a wooden spoon as a guitar as you bounce around the kitchen jamming out suPer hard while making dinner (he’s never going to let you live that one down)
you’re y/n who stayed up til 5 in the morning helping him with his presentation even thought you literally didn’t need to do that
you’re y/n and taehyung is 99.9% sure that he likes you much more than a roommate or a friend should
he swallows thickly
o god
he likes you
“…seriously?!” taehyung groans loudly and smiles sheepishly when the people around him give him weird looks
and so
as seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours and hours turn into days and days turn into weeks
you find that you become a lot closer to tae than you thought was possible
it turns out that when he’s not being a complete dick he’s actually a very sweet and caring guy
he always holds the door open for you when you guys come home together (his classes end earlier than yours so he just waits til you get off class so you guys can catch the bus together)
he’s always offering to make you a cup of coffee or a little fruit salad whenever you’re busy studying because he knows you get peckish when you’re working hard
not to mention
you can’t remember the last time you had to toast an extra bagel for one of his special friends
you can’t remember the last time you nagged him to take the trash out or wash the dishes or do the laundry
you can’t remember the last time he did something that irritated the heck out of you
most of the things that he does nowadays make you smile and laugh and just feel all waRm and cozy inside
it just took a little bit of time but you knew that eventuaLLy you guys would get along
you truly are living your best life
taehyung doesn’t know how you managed to convince him to watch another one of your dumb nature documentaries (it miGht have something to do with the fact that he definitely has a super big crush on you) but to be honest it’s really not as boring as he thought it would be
“wait, i don’t get it.” tae shakes his head before glancing at you for a brief second “seahorses are monogamous? are there seahorse weddings?? can seahorses get married????”  
“mm, yeah” you hum absentmindedly before popping a kernel of popcorn into your mouth
“for real???”
you reach over to pat tae’s hand gently as a gentle reminder to shut the fuck up or i’ll cut u and it looks like you’re waY too wrapped up in the nature doc because you don’t pull your hand away
“seahorses mate for life, and when they travel, they hold each others’ tails…” tae’s eyes flicker down to your hand resting on top of his and he lets out a little sigh
he kind of wants to ʰᵒˡᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ʰᵃⁿᵈ
he turns to look at you again and feels his heart skip a beat
you’re not even doing anything but you’re still so cute
he honestly doesn’t know what he’s going to do because this is truly the first time he’s ever felt this way towards someone BUT mushy feelings are suPer duper lame so there’s that
he turns to look back at the tv
“do you think i would win in a fight against a beaver? i think i could take a beaver any day.” tae mutters through a mouthful of popcorn
he keeps his eyes glued on the screen but nudges your side with his elbow “hey, i asked you a question-“ all of a sudden you’re slumping over and your head drops onto his shoulder
he freezes almost immediately and turns slowly to look down at you
you fell asleep
what time is it?
you guys have watched like four episodes of this docuseries so he can assume that it’s already pretty late
he puts the bowl of popcorn down before glancing around for his phone
he curses quietly when he sees that it’s on the coffee table but it’s just out of reach
you know when your dog or cat falls asleep on your lap
taehyung thinks that this is kind of like that
except instead of his cute dog it’s his cute roommate and he doesn’t have the heart to wake you up because you look pretty comfortable
he’ll just let you snooze for a little while longer and then he’ll wake you up so that the two of you can go to your rooms
no biggie!
he lets out a little yawn
it wouldn’t kill him to take a little snooze as well riGht
n…o….. b…i…g….g…i…e….
tae’s brows furrow in discomfort when he tries to flip over onto his other side
why,,.,. can’t he move
he sniffles and reaches up to rub at his nose before wrapping his arm back around his pillow
why does his pillow feel so firm all of a sudden
tae gives his pillow a gentle squeeze
it’s like soft and firm at the same time
he peels one eye open just to check-
oh jESUS
he jolts in surprise when he realises that he’s not in his room and he’s not cuddling up to his pillow
he’s still on the couch with you and you guys are definitely snuggled up together and he was definitely groping your ass three seconds ago
his thigh is tucked in between your legs
you’re using his bicep as a pillow which explains why he couldn’t move his arm earlier
he’s sure that his heart is going to bust out of his chest because
hi there
u look very cute when you’re asleep
your cheeks are warm n rosy (presumably from being wrapped up in tae’s arms all night) and your hair is a little mussed up
and your face is smooshed against his bicep which is adorable
the tip of his nose bumps against yours and he feels his cheeks flush red at how close the two of you are
he’d only have to move like an inch to kiss u
you grumble something under your breath as you stir and suddenly you’re changing positions and turning around so that your back is pressed against tae’s chest
tae keeps his free arm lifted so that he doesn’t accidentally grope you again or anything lol
to his complete and uTter surprise
you reach up and grab tae’s arm before wrapping it around yourself and tae feels his heart beating a mile a minute
you’re so soft and warm and you smell so sweet and it wouldn’t hurt to just.,., doze here with you for a little while longer
taehyung can’t help but nuzzle into the back of your neck before pulling you closer and wrapping his arm tighter around you
just a little while longer
it’s about an hour later when you peel open your cruSty eyes
you let out a soft yawn and wince at the light streaming in through the blinds
you must’ve fallen asleep on the couch yesterday night
…why does your blanket feel like an arm
you glance down and your eyes widen in surprise when you see what is inDeed an arm wrapped tightly around your waist
oh my god
you’re cuddling with taehyung
“tae-“ you tap his arm and wiggle around in his grip-
what the
what is that?
there’s something hard pressing into your bum
it kind of feels like-
“oh my goD tae-“ you shove his arm away before rolling off the couch with a thuMp and tae shoOts up from the couch from all the commotion
“wha- what’S happening what’s happening-“ his voice is significantly deeper and raspier considering he was sleeping very peacefully like a second ago but you can barely think about that because-
“gO take care of your thING you freAK-“
tae immediately looks down and-
his face flushes bright red and he grabs a pillow to cover himself
“i can’t HELP IT oh my god you’re such a pruDE-“
to say the least
this has been a very chaotic start to the morning
“cinnamon toast crunch…” you mutter to yourself as you look over the grocery list in your hands
usually you take care of the groceries and tae just pays you back for half of them but for some reason he insisted on tagging along with you today
but you’re starting to regret your decision of letting him come with you because going grocery shopping with tae is like going grocery shopping with a five year old
“y/n, check it out! a two for one deal on m&m’s!!!!!” you look over your shoulder to see tae looking vEry excited at being in the candy aisle
you let out a sigh and shake your head before pointing to the piece of paper in your hand
“we don’t need m&m’s, it’s not on the grocery list that i meticulously curated-“
“head’s up!” you immediately duck when tae suddenly huRLS two bags of m&ms over your head and right into the cart
“tae! you could’ve hit me!!!!”
“but i didn’t”
“but you couLD have”
“…but i didn’t!” he chirps and nudges you aside a little so that the both of you can push the cart
tae’s eyes flicker down to where you’re both gripping the handlebar and he moves his hand a little closer so that his pinky is pressed right up against yours
and surprisingly enough
you don’t flinch or move your hand
tae turns his head to hide the giddy smile on his face
“you’re going to get us kicked out of the store if you keep goofing around like that, you know”
“they can’t kick us out - who else is going to buy their insanely overpriced organic vegan honey-cinnamon yogurt?” tae picks the tub of yogurt up and inspects it before putting it back down “i don’t know who else would be crazy enough to spend $18 on yogurt.”
“you’re the one who eats half a tub in a sitting so it looks like i’m not the only crazy one here.” your eyes scan over the shelves and they light up when you spot your favourite cereal calling out your name
“why can’t we get froot loops instead?” tae purses his lips as you chuck the box into the cart
“because froot loops are gross and they’re full of artificial flavours and weird preservatives-”
“cinnamon toast crunch is like a having a bowl of diabetes in the morning-“
“there’s 2.1 grams of fibre in it sO-“
“but froot loops are multicoloured!!!!!”
it’s funny
the two of you are bickering like a married couple and tae can’t help but feel some sort of odd satisfaction from that
“tae, did you get the orange juice with pulp or without pulp??” you glance over your shoulder to see tae at the ice cream freezers
“without pulp!”
you hear the faint slam of the freezer door but you don’t think too much about it as you unzip your wallet to find your rewards card
you turn to look at him again
“and are the bagels-“
“yes, i got one bag of cinnamon-raisin and one bag of plain bagels, don’t worry-“
“here you go-“ you hand your rewards card over to the cashier with a smile and she scans it before handing it back to you
you continue to place the groceries onto the conveyer belt but you look up for a second when you notice the lady stopped scanning your things
she pauses for a moment as her eyes flicker from you to tae (who is coming back with a tub of ice cream behind his back)
you’re about to ask her if your card didn’t work or something but then-
“you two make a very cute couple.” she murmurs discreetly and your entire face immediately flames up at the comment
“who, me and him?“ you laugh lightly and shake your head “trust me, we’re-“ your eyes widen in surprise when taheyung’s arms suddenly snake around your waist from behind “what are you-“
“thank you very much, i think we make a cute couple too.” he presses his cheek against yours before not so subtly sliding a pint of ice cream onto the conveyer belt “but let me tell you, susan… if i was a couple years older, i think we’d make a much cuter couple.”
you resist the urge to roll your eyes because there’s no way someone would fall for a line as cheesy as that
susan immediately bursts into giggles “oh, you’re awful!”
apparently you were very wrong about that
“he really is” you snort and nudge your elbow into his stomach to try and get him to release you but he only tightens his grip around you “also, put the ice cream back because we’re already way over our budget-“
“aw, c’mon, baby… won’t you buy a tub of ice cream for your darling boyfriend?” tae pouts and nudges his nose into your reddening cheek
you literally don’T know why he’s doing this and you also don’t know why you haven’t pushed him away and knocked him over the head for acting all crazy
“cut it out, you weirdo. put the ice cream back-“
“you know what? the ice cream is on me. you two are just too adorable!” susan swipes the tub over the scanner before sliding it into the bag and you and tae exchange glances
he was only acting all cutesy to try to convince you to buy the ice cream but it looks like it worked on susan instead
either way he’s happy!!
tae pinches your side to get your attention
“you think if we make out in front of her she’ll give us the groceries for free?”
,.,..oh my god
“i’m really glad you decided to help me out with folding the laundry because-“
“check it out - i’m a fruit fly!!”
you look over to see that tae has one of your bras strapped around his head so that the cups are facing upwards and your cheeks immediately grow pink when you see him bouncing around the living room like a big ol dummy
“jesus- tae, nO” you groan and toss the shirt you’re in the middle of folding aside before holding your hand out “give it to me!!”
the two of you are standing at opposite ends of the couch and you can practically hear the cowboy showdown music in your head
“you’re going to have to rip it away from my cold… dead… bODY-“ taehyung breaks into a sprint and you immediately do the same
when he sprints past the laundry basket full of freshly dried undergarments he digs his grubbY hand into it and pulls out a-
“hey, you should wear something like this around the apartment more often.” tae gawks at the verY thin vERY lacy burgundy thong hanging around his finger “instead of those dumb fruit panties-“
“get over here so i can kiCK your ASS-“
he starts cackling when you begin to chase him around the room again only this time you’re hurling balled up socks at his head  
“and… checkmate.” taehyung knocks namjoon’s chess piece out of the way before picking it up and placing it on his side of the table
namjoon furrows his brows and tilts his head as he looks down at the chessboard
what in the world
“that- you can’t do that. your move didn’t make any sense.”
tae purses his lips and looks down at the board
“…yeah, i don’t actually know how to play chess.” taehyung chirps “i don’t even know what checkmate means”
namjoon snorts
“okay!” tae turns around and leans against the front counter when you return clutching a book to your chest “i finally found the book that i was looking for so i’m ready to go when you are!”
“i just won a game of chess against namjoon” tae points out with a bright smile and namjoon squaWks in offence
“you did noT-“
“i said checkmate so that means i won”
“that literally- get out of my library.” namjoon deadpans and points towards the door
he takes chess very seriously and he will not be riDICULED in his library!!!!!!!!
“-all i’m saying is that we didn’t have to come all the way to the library for some dumb book that you could’ve easily bought online-“
“i like holding a physical copy of a book when i’m reading!! plus, i told you you didn’t have to come with me” you nod in acknowledgement when tae holds the door open for you “why thank you, good sir”
“no problem dweeb”  
you immediately stop in your tracks when you notice the thunderclouds in the sky and the drizzling of rain
you didn’t know it was going to rain today
you didn’t bring an umbrella out!!!!!
“oh, shoot… it looks like we’re just going to have to wait out the storm and then head home…” you purse your lips as you look up at the dark clouds
you stick your hand out from underneath the canopy and let out a sigh as a couple fAT droplets splatter down on your palm
tae sticks his hand out and lets out a hum “don’t be ridiculous!” he scoffs “here, you’re going to use my jacket as an umbrella-“ tae takes his jacket off and drapes it around you so that it’s covering you  
“but you’re going to get wet?” you pull it up slightly to make sure that it’s going to keep your hair from getting wet
“that’s where you’re wrong, y/l/n. you’re going to be my umbrella-“ tae squats down in front of you and you immediately let out a snort
no way
no way!!!!
“if you’re implying that you piggyback me the rest of the way home you’re crazy” you shake your head and resist the urge to kiCk his ass and knock him over “you’ll drop me!!!!”
tae looks back at you with a raised brow
“i’m not going to drop you, i promise!! come on!!! riDE ME”
you gawk and lean over to slap a hand over tae’s mouth when a couple of people exiting the library give you guys weird looks
you laugh nervously and give them a thumbs up
it looks like you don’t have a choice
“if you drop me, i’ll kill you.” you grumble as you hop up onto tae’s back and hold the jacket out so that the both of you are somewhat shielded
you yelp when he stands up straight and bounces you slightly to adjust you
he squeezes the underside of your thighs playfully
“not if i kill u first, nerd”
you don’t know why
but you feel like the vibe with jungkook tonight is a little different
usually when you guys hang out (you’ve hung out a couple times already but this is the first time you’ve been in such an intimate and private environment) are always wrapped up in playful banter but.,.,. tonight is just.,.,. different
it’s not a big deal but
you don’t know how else to describe it
you invited him over for dinner and a movie and just to hang out in general
and you’re in the middle of choosing another movie to watch buT you guys can’t decide on whether you should go with captain america or iron man first
“this is the hardest decision i think i’ve ever had to make in my entire life.” you frown before pursing your lips in thought
“i honestly don’t care because i’ve watched these movies like ten times each.” jungkook snorts and scoots a little closer to you as you continue to flick through the choices
you let out a little sigh of frustration
choosing a damn movie should noT be this difficult
“just choose something. anything.” jungkook says a liTtle more aggressively than intended
you turn to glance at you and he flashes you a smile and shifts closer until the side of his thigh is pressed up right against yours
“i mean, i’m biased because captain america is my favourite but if you wanna watch iron man i-!” jungkook hooks a finger under your chin and turns your head before pressing his lips against yours to shut you up and you know what
it woRks
you didn’t think this was going to happen but you’re not complaining
you pull away quickly and gesture to the tv “w-we haven’t chosen a-“
“shush” jungkook pulls you back down and you twitch when you feel his hands slide down your back
your eyes flutter shut and your grip loosens around the remote and jungkook pulls it from your hand before tossing it onto the sofa chair blindly
you’re so lost in jungkook that you don’t even hear the front door opening
“oh, so you get to do it on the couch but i don’t?”
you pull away agAin and jungkook lets out a little huff before resting his head back against the couch
“tae! i didn’t… think you would be home so-“
“no way.” taehyung gawks when he sees who you’re straddling “jeon jungkook??? seriously????” he snorts as he kicks his shoes off “i mean, i knew you had low standards, but i didn’t think they were this low.”
“kim, nice to see you too.” jungkook mutters sarcastically and clenches his jaw
tae rolls his eyes almost immediately
“looks like someone still doesn’t know how to take a damn joke”
you clear your throat
it seems like there’s a little bit of tension in the air
maybe it’s time to break that tension with a jokE
“so like do you guys only address other people by their surnames or-“
“how do you two know each other anyways?” tae keeps his glare on jungkook
you let out a sigh and crawl off of jungkook because it lookS like you’re not going to be getting any more alone time with him anytime soon
“we met at the sneaky party that you threw.” you prop your elbow up on the top of the couch and lean against your fist before tucking one of your legs under the other “remember? you made us play seven minutes in heaven and-“
god damnit
tae wants to punch himself in the face
“oh, rigghhhttt.”
he should’ve gone in there with you instead of setting you up with jungkook
this is his owN fault
if he hadn’t invited jungkook in the first place then you wouldn’t have met him and you wouldn’t be making out with him in the middle of your guys’ living room
or maybe this is your fault!!!
if yOU didn’t come home that night then you wouldn’t have met him and you wouldn’t be making out with him in the middle of your guys’ living room
“well, don’t worry about me! you guys keep doing your thing.” taehyung smiles sweetly before disappearing towards the bedrooms
you wait to hear the faint click of his door closing aaaanndd-
“now… where were we?” jungkook tugs on your wrist and you smile shyly before moving back to your original position
as nice as it is making out with jungkook on your couch you can’t help but think about what taehyung has up his sleeve
because there was something about his smile that didn’t sit right with-
“oh, jesus-“ you pull away from jungkook in surprise when taehyung suddenly pops out from the hallway with the vacuum cleaner
“don’t mind me! y/n sheds a LOT so i’m just cleaning up all of her hair!!” taehyung rolls the vacuum underneath jungkook’s legs before whistling a happy tune to himself “just wanna make this experience as comfortable as possible for you two lovebirds!”
“do you have to do this now???” jungkook groans and taehyung pauses before reaching down to turn the vacuum off
“you’re right! i won’t do this now-“
“-god, thank you-“
“i’ll get to it after you leave! what are we watching, folks??” jungkook purses his lips in frustration when taehyung wiggles his way in between you and him
he retracts his arm down from the couch slowly
“you know what, i should probably leave…” jungkook glances over at you with a small smile “maybe i can come back when… you know.”
“yeah, that’s probably for the best…” you laugh uneasily
this is only slighTly embarrassing
“aw, come on! the more the merrier!” tae pushes his bottom lip out in a childish pout “how could you say no to iron man??”
“i have some things to do anyway. it was good seeing you, kim.” jungkook pats his knee before getting up off the couch
“mm… i can’t say the same.” tae shrugs and brings his attention back to the screen
you can’t help but roll your eyes at how immature he’s being and you get up from the couch as well “i’ll walk you to the door, jungkook-“
“he’s perfectly capable of walking to the door by himself- oW” tae hisses when you reach down and pinch his ear to shut him up
“so… i’ll see you around?” jungkook smiles shyly and scratches the back of his neck after he gets his shoes on
“mhm!” you nod and reach over to pinch a piece of fluff off his shirt before getting up on your tippy toes to give him a kiss on the cheek “i’ll text ya”
taehyung turns his head and watches you and jungkook talking to each other by the front door
he takes his bottom lip in between his teeth and chews on it anxiously
this sucks
do you like jungkook?
obviouSly you do because you were sucking his face off when he walked in here
this sucks >:-(
you’re super lame anyway so it’s not a huge loss
he can just.,.,,. he can just find someone else
tae looks away quickly when he sees you giving jungkook a kiss on the cheek
that’s not fair
how come u won’t kiss him on the cheek
he deserves cheek kisses as muCh as jungkook
maybe he was dumb to think that he had a chance with you
either that or he realised faR too late that he has feelings for you
the loved-up smile immediately drops from your face the moment jungkook disappears into the elevators and you shut the front door
“i think i’m going to take a little snooze. all that vacuuming tuckered me ouT” taehyung lets out a yawn and gets up off the couch
your body seems like it’s on autopilot mode as you practically stoRm down the hallway and follow him to his room
he’s craZy if he thinks you’re going to let him get away with doing what he just did
“by the way, since i did the vacuuming today, it’s only fair that you do it for the next month - don’t you think so?”
“what the hell was that?” you snAp as you cross your arms “you totally sabotaged my date with jungkook!”
taehyung plops down on his bed and leans back against the headboard before pulling his phone out “i have no idea what you’re talking about”
“we were having a really nice time together-“
“yeah, it sure looked like you were enjoying yourself considering you were practically sucking his face off-“
“and you just swoOp in and start vacuuming???? and-“
“you know what, y/l/n? take it up with the complaint department of kim taehyung.”
you pause
what the hell is he talking about
“wh- what are you talking about?”
“you heard me. call the complaint department.” taehyung raises his phone and wiggles it
you’ll play along with whatever stupid game this is
you dial tae’s number and bring your phone up to your ear all while maintaining eye contact with tae who looks vEry smug at the moment
taehyung’s phone buzzes in his hand
he clears his throat and hits the answer button before bringing it up to his ear
“hello! this is kim taehyung headquarters, you’re speaking to secretary kim taehyung. how may i be of service today?” he greets brightly and flashes you a bright smile and a thumbs up
you have literally never felt so ridiculous in your entire life  
you let out a quiet breath to calm yourself down
just play along!!! just play aloNG  
“i… i would like to file a complaint about kim taehyung tO the kim taehyung complaint department!”
“great, can i get a name?”
“y/n y/l/n.” you can’t believe you’re taking this phone call seriously
taehyung leans back against his headboard and crosses one ankle over the other
“alright, miss y/l/n. i’ll connect you to the kim taehyung complaint department right now. i’m going to put you on hold now, if that’s okay?”
“taehyung, you’re wasting my TIME-“
taehyung literally puts you on hoLD and tosses his phone aside and you scoff when your phone starts playing an overly-cheerful piano version of twinkle twinkle little star  
you glance over at tae
he pokes his tongue into his cheek uninterestedly as he inspects his nails  
“…taehyung, i swear to god-“  
“shush!“ taehyung holds a finger out to shut you up “you don’t want to miss your call, do you?”
“jesus christ.” you mutter and pinch the bridge of your nose
this is ridiculous
taehyung picks his phone back up
he clears his throat
“hello! this is the kim taehyung complaint department of kim taehyung headquarters. you’re speaking to head manager kim taehyung. how may i be of service today?”
you roll your eyes before shaking your head
“okAy now that you’re finally giving me a chance to talk about-“
“oOh, sorry!” taehyung winces “my lunch break just started. you know how it is.” he pushes his bottom lip out in a mocking pout before trailing his pointer finger down from his eye to his cheek “try calling again in an hour! byeeeeee.” taehyung hangs uP on you before tossing his phone aside
he looks over at you and raises a brow “…any success with the hotline?”
he drives you CRAZY
you don’t know what happened!!!
he’s been so sweet to you for like a month and now it’s like the taehyung you met five months ago
and now he’s calling you y/l/n again and he’s making snide comments and being ruDe and wow
you should’ve known it wasn’t going to last forever
bAck to normal
this sucks
you honest to god don’t know what happened
if he’s going to be a stubborn prick there’s nothing you can do about it
taehyung lets out a breath once you close his door
and he can’t help but think:
maybe this is a wake up call
you hanging with jungkook and all
maYbe this is god’s way of telling him to make a move otherwise he’s going to regret it
he’s liked you for nearly a month and he literally hasn’t done anything about it so mAYbe this was a swift kick to his ass telling him to man up and dO something
“yeah.” taehyung whispers to himself
…he’s going to tell you that he likes you!!!!
and he’s going to do it as soon as possible
it’s been about a week and a bit since your faiLure of a date with jungkook
he hasn’t made a move to reach out to you which is kind of odd
you diD leave him a text message but he never got back to you and you didn’t want to be that person who double-texted and just radiated desperation  so you didn’t do anything else
maybe he was just weirded out by tae or something
speaking of tae
you pull your phone out of your pocket when you feel it buzzing and you bring it up to your ear
“where do we keep all those takeout menus?” you hear some clattering on the other end of the line and you safely assume that tae’s going through all the drawers
“in the-“
“oh, never mind! i found them. okay, see you soon… raccoon!”
you snort and roll your eyes
taehyung noticed that you and namjoon always said see you later alligator and in a while crocodile to each other instead of saying goodbye and he wanted to be a part of it too buT namjoon was like if you still the alligator thing from me i will give you a million paper cuts
so he came up with an alternative and that was see you soon..,.,. raccoon
it’s cute that he tried
“toodle-loo kangaroO” you hum before hanging up and slipping your phone back into your pocket
“y/n!” you turn to glance over your shoulder and you feel your heart beginning to race almost immEdiately when you see jungkook jogging towards you
oh god
what are you wearing today
you look down
jeans and… is this tae’s sweatshirt?????
he must’ve mixed your guys’ laundry up agAin
“hey!” you smile brightly and wipe your sweaTy palms down on your jeans
you don’t know why you’re so nervous all of a sudden
you’ve literally had his tongue in your mouth before so
okay ew
“hey, i was hoping to bump into you! i’m sorry i haven’t texted you all week, i’ve been like, super busy.”
you’re far too infatuated with jungkook’s pretty brown eyes to notice that he smirks and nods in acknowledgement at another girl behind you
“oh! um, no, don’t worry about it.” you laugh nervously “look, i’m really sorry about what happened the last time we hung out… i didn’t think tae would be so… y’know…” you trail off awkwardly and scratch the back of your neck
“it’s totally fine, don’t worry about it!” jungkook shakes his head and smiles brightly at you “that’s actually why i wanted to talk to you… would you maybe be interested in a makeup date? i don’t want to seem too eager but… are you free tonight? maybe we can pick up from where we left off…?” he hums, reaching over to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear
you flush almost immediately
he wants to hang out toniGht
you need at least two to three business days to prepare when you make plans with someone
oH but it’s jungkook.,,.,.
“uh, yeah! yes, i’m super free tonight. i mean, not like, not that like i didn’t have plans or anything but-”
“great! i’ll come and pick you up at your place around… 7 o’clock?”
it looks like you officially have plans tonight
here’s the thing
taehyung has decided that tonight is the night
tonight is the night where he’s going to tell you that he might have a teensy crush on you and he’s just hoping it’ll work out
he’s never really had to.,,. confess to someone before considering he’s usually the one being confessed to
so this is a whole new game for him
he’s sure it’ll be fine though!!
he made sure to vacuum and dust the apartment and just make everything a lot neater before you got back
he timed it perfectly so that the pizza would get here ten minutes before you got home so that when you guys dig in you won’t burn the roof of your mouths with hoT cheese
he even picked up a bouquet of roses for you just because he felt like that would be something you’d like!!
and now he’s busy lighting candles because he wants everything to be perfect for you
tae perks up when he hears the front door slam shut and the faint jingling of your keys
you’re home!!!!!!
he nearly trips over himself as he rushes out from the kitchen
he glances over his shoulder at his romantic setup just to double check that he didn’t accidentally light anything on fire lol
“hey!” he greets a liTTle too enthusiastically before clearing his throat
keep it casual
“i mean… hey.” his voice deepens a little bit but his boxy grin returns to his face when you look over at him “there’s an extra large pizza sitting on the table with our names on it anD i even ordered that garlic aioli you like so much-“
“did we plan something tonight?” you furrow your brows in confusion and wrack through your brain to see if you remember making dinner plans with tae or not
usually you remember these types of things
taehyung falters before pointing at the tv over his shoulder “uh, well, no, we didn’t plan anything but i thought that maybe we could have some dinner and maybe watch another one of those nature documentaries again!”
if he’s lucky maybe you’ll fall asleep midway through the documentary which will result in an accidental-but-totally-on-purpose snuggle on the couch again
you look over at the tv and notice that he’s already turned netflix on
your favourite candle is burning away on the coffee table
there’s a bowl of warm, buttery popcorn (your favourite) mixed with mini peanut butter cups (his favourite)
that’s awfully nice of tae
you feel a twingE of guilt knowing that you’re about to shut him down because you already have plans
but you’re sure he’ll understand
“that’s super nice of you and all but i actually already have plans…” you smile sheepishly and scratch your temple
the bright smile starts to fade from tae’s face and he purses his lips slightly “oh…”
that’s kind of a bummer
he really wanted to spend the night with you
tonight was supposed to be the night after all
“maybe another time! you can invite some of your pals over and hang with them! no parties, though. i’m serious.” you tease and press your hand against tae’s chest to lean against him as you take your shoes off
“right, yeah…” tae reaches up to place his hand over yours and his heart is beating so hard he’s sure you can feel it “are you… going out with namjoon or something?”
“nope - i’m going out with jungkook!”
ur what
taehyung swallows thickly
what do u mean ur going out with jungkook
“considering the fact that you kinda ruined the last date i had with him - he asked me today if i wanted to go out for dinner tonight and i said yes!” you squeal excitedly and give his chest a pat before brushing past him to go to your bedroom
“why… why would you say yes?” tae blurts out
“why wouldn’t i say yes?” you raise a brow at tae before heading over to your closet and starting to rifle through your options “it was kind of a last minute thing so i don’t have a lot of time to get ready but luckily i know jusT what to wear…”
“but like… i ordered a pizza for us?” taehyung doesn’t know why he’s so nervous all of a sudden
“uh-huh - could you turn around for a second? i need to change.”
he wants to ask you to cancel ur plans and hang out with him
he ordered a pizZA for the two of you to share!!!!
he just doesn’t like that you’re hanging out with jungkook because he knoWs there’s a mutual attraction between the two of you and he doesn’t liKE THAT
not to mention
jungkook is a one night stand kind of guy and he’s probably going to bail on you after getting into your pants
the only reason why he’s still spending time with you is because you haven’t had sex with him yet and jungkook isn’t a quitter
taehyung only knows all of this because he lived with the guy last year for crying out loud
jeon jungkook is a young man of many talents and one of them is playing the ‘i’m not like other guys :-)’ card very, veRy well
“tae? could you help me?” taehyung is snapped out of his thoughts by your soft voice and he-
oh wow
god you’re pretty
you’re wearing a baby blue mini dress patterned with little daisies
you reach up to tug at one of the sleeves before turning around and gesturing to the zipper in the back
“oh, uh, yeah.” he steps towards you and you pull your hair aside
taehyung clears his throat as he pulls your zipper up slowly
his eyes flicker up to yours in the mirror
“you look… good. you look really pretty.”
the shyest of smiles tug at the corner of your mouth and you mutter a little ‘thank u’
tae can’t help but wish that you were dressing up for a date with him instead of a date with someone else
“i’ll see you later, tae!”
taehyung lets out a breath as he hears the door slam shut
looks like it’s just dinner for one tonight
he leans over and blows out the candle
you rub your hands together and shiver as you step out of the building
you hop down the stairs happily
it’s definitely a little chilly tonight but you’re not going to let that dampen the mooD
maybe you should’ve brought a cardigan with you
you still have time to go up and get it
but then again, jungkook’ll probably be here soon so you’ll be in the warmth of his heated car in no time
you just have to wait for a little bit!
you sit down on the steps and pick a piece of lint off your dress
and so, you wait
and you wait
and you wait
and you wait and you wait and you wait until you’ve been sitting on the steps for two whole hours
jungkook hasn’t texted
he hasn’t called
you’ve heard absolutely nothing from him
the only reason why you haven’t gone back up to the apartment is because you’re paranoid that if jungkook comes and you’re uP there then he’ll think that you’RE the one who bailed and you definitely don’t want that-
you nearly drop your phone when it starts buzzing in your hand and you don’t know whether to feel angry or relieved to see jungkook’s number on the screen
“hello?” you clear your throat and wrap your arms tighter around yourself
jesus it’s coLd
“y/n, i am so sorry… i completely forgot about dinner tonight… can we reschedule?”
“n-no, it’s okay, it happens to all of us!” you shake your head as you push yourself up off the stairs “i didn’t think i would be so easily forgotten considering the fact that you asked me like four hours ago but-“
you freeze when you hear the sound of someone else’s soft giggle and a faint ‘who’s that, kookie?’ in the background and you immediately pale
is he
is he seriously with someone else right now
“sorry, were you saying something? i think you got cut off.”
you poke your tongue into your cheek and let out a scoff
“…go fuck yourself, kookie.”
you hang up on him before he has the chance to respond and shove your phone back into your purse
what a jerk!!!!!
you waited two hours for him!!! and it tuRns out he was with someone else the entiRE friggin time
you feel so stupid
the entire elevator ride back up to the apartment you’re thinking of a hundred different ways to castrate jeon jungkook
you would love to just drive your fist riGHT into that absurdly-toned stomach
put some high heels on and jump all over his muscular thighs
maybe even-
“you’re back much earlier than i expected.”
you close the door behind you and double lock it
tae is sitting on the couch still watching the nature docuseries
and it looks like he finished most of the popcorn and peanut-butter cups himself
taehyung furrows his brows as he checks the time on his phone “it’s only-“
“he didn’t come. he forgot about dinner.” you force a smile on your face as you bend down to untie your shoelaces
taehyung frowns
uh oh
“…but you’ve been gone for two hours-“
“because i was waiting outside on the sidewalk-“
“well why didn’t you just come back up-“
“because he said he would pick me up outside, and i didn’t want him to think i bailed on him or anything if i wasn’t waiting for him downstairs.” your voice wavers slightly as you yank your hair down from your high ponytail
taehyung can see that you’re visibly upset and it makes hiM mad that jungkook flaked on his date with you
but at the same time it makes him mad that you said yes to going out with jungkook instead of hanging out with him!!!
he doesn’t know what to think!!!
maybe it’s because he’s eaten like 100 mini peanut butter cups and feels suPer jittery but he’s just vEry confused and frustrated about a lot of things but one thing that he knows for sure is that he likes u a lot and he’s hurt because yoU chose jungkook over him
and he knows that you’re not obligated to hang out with him anD he supposes it’s not fair of him to act so selfishly considering the fact that you don’t know about his feelings for you but stiLL
he’s allowed to wallow in a pool of self-pity for as long as he likes!!!!  
“i’m not surprised he bailed on you.” taehyung mutters to himself and turns the volume up on the tv
you immediately stop in your tracks
oh boy
if you weren’t upset a second ago you’re definitely upset now
you drop your purse to the floor before storming over and grabbing the remote from him and promptly turning the tv off
“hey, i was watching that!” taehyung snaps and reaches over to grab the remote back from you “give it back-“
“why are you such an asshole?!” you hiss and toss the remote aside “for the last couple of months, i’ve been nothing but a wonderful roommate! i cook, i clean, i buy the groceries, i make sure the bills are always paid on time so that you can enjoy your hot lava showers, i do the laundry, i even iron your stupid bandanas for you because i don’t want you walking around with crinkly ass bandanas on your head - and you have repaid me with absolutely nothing!” tears of anger sting at your eyes and you reach up to wipe them away aggressively
taehyung gets up from the couch “jesus, y/n, take it easy-“
“all you do is sit on your ass all day and whine and complain and make mean comments and push me around and leave your shiT everywhere a-and constantly bring girls home and i hate you! i absolutely, 100% hate you with every fibre of my being and i want you out of my goddamn apartment by the end of tomorrow night. i want you out!”
taehyung’s eyes widen in surprise
first of all
“you don’t hate me.” taehyung shakes his head and gets up from the couch
“i do. i do hate you. like, a lot.” you mumble and cross your arms
he’s quiet for a second and he clenches his jaw  
“fine, here’s what we’re going to do.”
you furrow your brows in confusion as tae pushes the couch to the side of the room before proceeding to push the coffee table to the side as well so that the centre of the living room is bare
“what the hell are you doing??”
“you stand by the front door,” taehyung points towards the door “and i’ll stand way over there by the balcony doors. from this point, there are approximately twelve steps away from both the front door and the balcony doors, so it’s fair. every time you list one reason as to why you hate me, you take a step forward.”
you immediately scoff
“oh, please. i can list a hundred reasons as to why i hate you.“
“however!” taehyung raises a finger to shut you up “if i can defend myself against you, i can take a step forward as well. if i get to the centre of the room before you, i get to stay. if you get to the centre before i do, then i’ll leave.”
“what do you mean defend yourself?? that hardly seems fair-”
“hey, i’m giving you the chance to kick me out. don’t you want to take that chance since you obviously hate me, y/n?” he seethes and clenches his fists at his sides
“you know what? fine. i have a vEry detailed list of reasons why i hate you in my notes app and i’m glad that i finally get to share it with you” you pull your phone out and open up the document
(you made this document within the first month of him moving in but you haven’t actually opened it in a long time so it’s kinDa empty so it looks like you’re going to have to improvise)
taehyung snorts and rolls his eyes as he leans back against the balcony doors “you’re not doing a very good job at hiding your crazy, y/l/n.”
there he goes again with anoTher snarky comment
you are sO ready to win this fight and kick kim taehyung out of your apartment
you ignore his remark and clear your throat before taking one step forward “reason #1: you constantly use my shampoo. it’s my shampoo!!! i bought it with my own money aNd it’s on my side of the tub!!”
“how dare you?” taehyung scoffs “i’m helping you by using your shampoo.”
what the hell is he even talking about
“what- please, enliGhten me.” you snort “how are you helping me by using up all of my shampoo?”
“see, the thing is - you use too much conditioner. i’m a very observant person, and i’ve noticed that since you use too much conditioner every time you wash your hair, you’re always having to buy a new bottle of conditioner way, waY before you’ve finished using up the shampoo. so i’m just helping out by using up all the shampoo so that the ratio of shampoo to conditioner is always consistent! if you think about it, i’m actually helping you out.”
taehyung takes a step forward and you gawk at him before shaking your head “that is noT fair-“
“hey, i defended myself and i backed myself up with good reasons. next reason!”
“fine!” you take another step forward and look at the list on your phone again “you always, always leave your dirty dishes in the sink and you never wash them which means i end up having to take care of them for you. have you noticed i never leave any of my dirty dishes in the sink?”
“you know, you’re right about that.” taehyung lets out a sigh and crosses his arms “…however, the problem with your statement is that you don’t give me the chance to take care of my dirty dishes in the sink. i leave them there for one minute and the next thing i know, when i walk back into the kitchen, you’re already there scrubbing away at the dishes. i don’t wash my dishes because you won’t let me. you’re right! you never leave any of your dirty dishes in the sink because you always eat takeout - do you realise you’re contributing to the plastic waste pollution that is already greatly impacting our planet? do you hate the earth, y/n? is that it? you like watching nature documentaries yet you don’t seem to care about our planet…”
“i-i don’t hate the earth!!!! i love the earth!!!!” you stammer over your words at the sudden accusation of you wanting to watch the world burn
“say that to the fAT bag of plastic straws in the kitchen cabinet. i highly suggest you invest in a reusable metal straw, like me.”
okay it’s fine you still have plenty of things to complain about
“you drink juice straight out of the carton!”
“i drink the juice out of the carton because you constantly complain about me having dirty dishes. if i drink out of the carton, i won’t have to use a cup, which results in less dirty dishes. you’re welcome.”
“you consTAntly leave the toilet seat up”
“actually, you constantly leave the toilet seat down.”
“whenever you bring your special friends over you guys are always too loud aNd it always sounds like goats screeCHING”
taehyung holds a finger out and takes another step forward
oh you have goT to be kidding
“you haven’t-“
“have you ever heard me?”
you falter for a second
he hasn’t brought a girl around in a while but you remember that when he would bring them over usually you’d just hear,.,. the girl
thinking about it now you don’t know if you’ve ever heard taehyung moaning obnoxiously
“the ladies are the ones making the goat noises, not me - so you can’t blame me here because i’m not the one making the sounds.” taehyung laughs lightly and the smug smile drops from your face when he takes a step forward
oh my god
this game is impossible
you’re never going to win
you’re never going to get rid of him
taehyung totaLLy rigged the entire thing
you hate him!!!!
“i hate you.” you take a giAnt step forward
taehyung raises a brow
so that’s how you’re going to play it
“i hate you more.” he does the same
“i hate you most!” you take another step forward
“i hate you mostest!”
“i hate you… x100!!!!”
“i hate you infinity!!!”
and now
you’re both standing toe to toe nose to nose in the middle of the living room and taehyung raises a brow at you as if daring you to make a move
you want nothing more than to wipe that cocky smirk off his face
and he wants nothing more than to continue to push your buttons and piss you off
the sound of your phone clattering to the ground might as well be a starter gunshot
the two of you practically lunge at each other and your mouths smear together clumsily
your teeth bump together with scraping kisses but honestly you can’t bring yourself to care
there’s something sweet about the way his lips taste
…it’s that damn strawberry gum he’s always chewing on
you feel tae’s hands slide down from your waist and skim over your bum briefly before he’s wrapping his fingers around the underside of your thighs and hoisting you up in one swift movement
you let out a gasp of surprise before winding your arms around tae’s neck instinctively “jesUs tae give a girl a warning next time-“
“next time?” he jokes and your cheeks flush at the implication that this is going to happen again sometime in the future
luckily the bedroom isn’t far from the living room because tae’s low-key afraid he’s going to drop you at some point
“u know what i mean”
“no, i don’t think i do- also, we’re fucking in my room because i’m the one with the condoms-“
“how do you know i don’t have condoms???”
“…you ever think about becoming a comedian?”
you roll your eyes before leaning down and covering his mouth with yours
“hey, i just realised i didn’t get the chance to tell you about all the things that i despise about you!” the mattress bounces underneath your weight as tae plops you down on it
you let out a huff and reach up to brush a couple strands of hair away from your face
“impossible because i’m literally perfect in every single way possible-“
“you wanna know what i hate about you?” tae cuts you off and parts your legs before crawling over you “you watch rilakkuma and you are an aDULt-”
you gawk immediately and resist the urge to smack him on the side of his head “says the one who watches naRUtO-“
“and not to mention i hate your stupid fruit-printed panties-“ taehyung growls and grinds down against your centre as he nips down your neck
you instinctively arch your back against him before letting out a snort “they’re cute and comFORtabLE-“
“if you’re going to walk around the apartment with no shorts on, at least wear something a little lacier.” he rolls his eyes as he pulls away from you and hops off so that he’s standing at the foot of the bed
you shuffle up to settle your head back against the pillows “oh, fuck you”
before you get a chance to get comfortable tae’s grabbing your ankles then pulling you back down so that your legs are dangling off the end of the mattress
your eyes widen when he suddenly appears above you
“trust me, i’m about to.” he leans down to give you a quick kiss before pulling away and you unconsciously let out a whimper
taehyung lowers to his knees and pushes your dress up until it’s crumpled up around your waist
of course your panties have peaches on them  
fitting, considering the fact he’s going to be eating your peach in a minute
“oh, i also hate that you watch nature documentaries instead of shitty reality television shows like the reST of us-“ he grumbles and yanks your panties off before tossing them aside
you instinctively squeeze your legs together and taehyung reaches up to grip onto your kneecaps
“you know, i don’t know why you have to be so judgemental about eveRYthing that i do!! like so what if i watch rilakkuma and documentaries about sharks and- namjoon was actually the one who introduced me to nature docs in the first place because he said that cartoons would rot my brain so if you’re looking to put the blame on someone i personally would hiGHly suggest that- oH“ you yelp in surprise when tae suddenly fuLLy spreads your legs in one swift movement
he looks up at you from in between your legs and his fingers dig into the soft flesh of your thigh when he feels you wanting to cloSe them again
“are you going to shut up and let me go down on you or what?”
it doesn’t take you very long to discover what soo-young, or joy, was so damn happy about
your back arches and your lashes flutter in disbelief when you feel tae gliding his tongue in between your folds in quick, deep strokes
you don’t really want to give him the satisfaction of hearing you moan because of him but goD he’s making it really hard to not moan
your fingers grip tightly at the bedsheets and you nearly bite your bottom lip off when taehyung’s the one who lets out a throaty groan
“a-ah-“ this is the first loud moan he’s been able to pull from you and you feel the curve of his mouth as he smiles against you
“where do you think you’re going?” you let out a little yelp of surprise when taehyung wraps his arms around your thighs and pulls you down so that he can get even deeper
“tae- oh my god-“ you’re practically blubbering at this point and taehyung is very satisfied knowing about his effect on you
your knuckles feel creaky from clutching at the bedsheets so tightly but somehow you manage to pry one hand off before you’re tangling your fingers into tae’s honey brown locks and giving him a little tug of encouragement
the strands of hair feel awfully soft between your fingers and you’re reminded for a brief second that it’s because he’s using your organic shampoo and condition-
“don’T stop, oh my god, don’t stop-“ you accidentally give him a particularly rough yank when he suckles harder and flicks his tongue rapidly over your nerves
you can feel your muscles starting to get tighter
your abdomen starting to clench and unclench
and that familiar warmth growing in your stomach
the tingly feeling from the tips of your toes to the tips of your fingers
you’re almost there
getting closer and closer to cloud nine
and just when you’re literally a second away from exploding-
your eyes pop open when tae suddenly pulls away and your body twitches in response to being so close yet so far  
“wait, wha-“ you prop yourself up on your elbows
your dress is drooping off one shoulder and you gawk at tae when it seems like he’s not going to get back down there anytime soon “what are you doing?? i was literally about to-“
“if you’re going to cum-“ tae gets back up onto his knees before tugging his shirt off in one swift movement
he tilts his head and offers you a smirk when he notices your eyes wandering
“-you might as well do it around my cock.”  
it doesn’t take very long for the two of you to prep for the main course
in fact it kind of seems like a competition as the both of you riP your clothes off  
you’re pretty sure you broke a thread or two on your dress but it’s fine
“you ready?” there’s a playful glint in tae’s eyes as he rips the foil package open with his teeth
you resist the urge to roll your eyes as you settle back against the fluffy pillows
“are you ready?” you challenge with a raised brow
christ almighty
he likes you but you’re reaLLy getting on his nerves
“i cannot wait to fuck the brattiness out of you” tae grumbles more to himself than to you
you knew tae was packing even beFore you got to see it up close and personal (like all those times he’d walk around the apartment wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants) but it still doesn’t fail to surprise you looking at it now
he’s an impressive size, to say the least
tae glances at you for a second as if to gauge your reaction as he rolls the condom onto his length smoothly
the way you spread your legs for him the moment he gets the condom on is definitely a good sign
tae settles in between your legs and leans down to give you an (unexpectedly sweet) kiss as he presses against your entrance
he immediately notices the way your brows pinch together in discomfort
it hAs been a while after all
“you alright?” he asks softly as you envelope him in your arms
“don’t get all soft on me now, kim” you tease and brush some hair out of his eyes
he snorts
“trust me, i’m the opposite of that-“
your mouth falls open in a silent gasp when tae slides in smoothly with no resistance at aLL from your walls
he did a really good job warming you up that’S for sure
you dig your nails into his shoulders when he drives forward hard and he swoops down to catch your lips in a kiss
“jesus, you’re tight-“ he huffs when he feels you clench around him
you whimper breathlessly while pulling his broad, muscled shoulders closer and bucking your hips up towards him
“do you hate me now, hm?” tae growls lowly as he hitches one of your legs up to his hip and continues to piston into you
“i, nngh, i h-hate you s-so much-“ you’re practically sobbing with pleasure and taehyung is most definitely going to keep this memory in his spank bank for future use heyO
he’s going so mind-blowingly hard he’s sure that he’s going to break the bed
his breathing is raggedly in time with every push into you
he groans and throws his head back when he feels himself getting closer n closer to the edge
he never thought it was possible to feel this good
god is a woman yes She IS
your head digs back against the plush pillows and tae lowers his body so that he’s resting on his forearms
his sticky chest is practically crushed against yours as he continues to drive you into the bed and you can’t help but let yourself indulge in the feeling of his muscles rippling underneath your fingertips
“you don’t- fuck, you don’t hate me, admit it-“
“jesus tae of course i don- god, h-harder,” you hiccup and dig your nails into his back so hard that you’re positive you’re drawing a little bit of blood “please-“
if there’s one thing that taehyung knows he’s super good at
it’s taunting you
and he’ll never forgive himself if he lets this window of opportunity close on him
“please, who?” he taunts you with hot breaths against your ear “say my name-“
“f-fuck you-“
“jesus, fuck, say my fucking name-“ his hand slips in between your legs and you twitch when he starts rubbing quick circles over your clit “let everybody know who’s making you feel this good-“ taehyung groans and buries his face into the crook of your neck
“tae- oh my god, taehyung-!” you cry out sharply and immediately tighten around the next powerful push he delivers inside of you
your orgasm shockwaves through you as you pulse hard around him
you can practically hear your blood roaring in your ears as he continues to fuck you through your orgasm
speaking of orgasms
tae’s thrusts are starting to get jerky and uneven and you can tell by the way his nails dig into the soft flesh of your hips that he’s close
“so fucking tight-“ tae stiffens and rams into you one last time before his orgasm practically explodes from the centre of him and into the condom
his lips part and he lets out a low moan of satisfaction before going slack on top of you
you’re nothing but light twitches and whimpers as taehyung pulls out of you gently
you feel him pressing soft kisses to your shoulders and you reach up to stroke your hand over his damp locks before he’s rolling off of you with a gasp
you just
you and tae just
y’all really did that
the realisation that the two of you just had sex seems to hit the both of you at the same time
tae clears his throat
“so.” you repeat quietly
you prop yourself up on your elbows and turn to look over at him
“you can keep living here, i was just… pent-up anger, you know how it builds.”
“oh, yeah, i get it.” tae clears his throat as he sits up to toss the soiled condom away
you lie back down and let out a breath
would it be weird for you to stay
is he not asking you to leave because he’s just being polite
o god
maybe you should go back to your room
you lift the covers off gingerly and sit up as your eyes flicker about to search for your dress “i should probably-“
tae reaches out quickly and wraps his fingers around your wrist
you turn to look at him
he looks dewy in the warm glow of the bedside lamp (but also because he’s kinda sweAty)
his cheeks are rosy and his hair is mussed and he has blotches of red dotted along his neck and if you look hard enough you’re able to make out the faint crescent moon marks embedded in his bicep (you really need to cut ur nails soon)
he’s so cute
“you- uh, you can stay if you want to… you didn’t get a chance to put your fresh bedsheets on anyway”
his heart skips a beat when you nod and curl back under the covers with him
a moment of silence goes by
tae turns over onto his side so that he’s facing you
“do you actually hate me?” he murmurs and reaches over to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear
you hum
“i could never.”
he smiles happily before flipping over onto his back
he doesn’t know if now would be a good time to tell you about how he feels about you
the comfortable silence is nice and also he’s still a little anxious about how you’re going to respond
he doesn’t want to ruin this bubble that you guys are in right now
so maybe it’d be better to tell you tomorrow
he’ll do it tomorrow
as you’re lying there in the dark, the thought of ‘do i like taehyung?’ crosses your mind
and there’s really only one answer to that question
there’s a reason why you weren’t all that hurt when jungkook didn’t show up
there’s a reason why the entire time you were waiting for jungkook to pick you up, the only thing you were thinking about was how you definitely bailed on tae and how much fun a pizza and documentary night would’ve been with him
there’s a reason why you let him join in on your supEr private air-guitar concerts in the kitchen that only namjoon has been able to experience
there’s a reason why you don’t mind all the teasing and the hair-pulling
there’s a reason
why you don’t get mad at him when he wakes you up in the morning by whacking you with a pillow before bouncing up and down on your bed like a maniac
why you don’t roll your eyes when he complains about there not being any yogurt left or when you eat the last piece of orange chicken or when you insist on watching another episode of ‘our earth’ before going to bed and he responds by calling you a nerd
there’s a reason why you feel like this unintentional hookup was actually intentional this whole damn time
there’s a reason why you agreed to stay with him instead of going to your room which is literally ten steps away
oh, god. i like taehyung.
taehyung wakes up the next morning in a cold, empty bed
he props himself up and rubs his hand over his face to wake himself up a little bit
his eyes flicker over your side of the bed
the pillow still has a dip in it from where your head was and-
yep of courSe you left a couple stands of hair behind lol
he turns to check the time on his phone and thaT’s when he notices the pink sticky note stuck to the pole of his bedside lamp
he squints a little because his eyes are still a little bleary with sleep
but once the note comes into his focus and he gets a chance to read it
his heart drops to his stomach
‘taehyung - i think that was a mistake.’
here’s the thing
you’re not just stressing out a little bit
you weren’t even this nervous when you were studying for finals!!!!!
you’re stressing out a LOTtle bit because now that you’ve had the entire day to think about it
you’re 110% sure that you have a crush on kim taehyung
and you have no fuNKing idea what the heck you’re supposed to do now
tell him that you like him??? what if he doesn’t like you back?? he’s still going to be your roommate even if he doesn’t like you back and things will never be the same again because you’re always going to have that elephant in the room you’ll be tip-toeing around and it’s just going to be a biG ol mess
but what if you don’t tell him that you like him?? then things will go back to normal except you guys will just never talk about the fact that his p was inside of your v and you’re probably going to have to deal with him bringing girls over again which is something that would honestly probably break your already weAK heart
but if you really think about it
at the end of the day, you’re always going home to taehyung
taehyung is your home.
“sometimes you just have to be willing to take a chance, you know?” namjoon shrugs as he flips a pen in between his fingers “otherwise you’re going to spend the rest of your life wondering to yourself, ‘what if i…?’”
you let out a little huff and lean down to press your face against the counter
sometimes you feel like namjoon was some kind of wise old owl in his past life
or maybe because he just reads a lot of philosophy books
he spends a lot of time in the library after all
“i don’t know, joonie… it’s not that easy, you know?” you sigh and shake your head “what happens if he doesn’t feel-“
namjoon literally shrieKs and ducks down when the library doors suddenly swing open violently
your eyes widen when you see taehyung storm in looking like he’s about to kill someone
he looks around frantically before locking gazes with you
it looks like the person he’s about to kill is you
“what the hell do you mean by ‘i think that was a mistake?’”
oh boy
you swallow thickly
“it either was a mistake or it wasn’T a mistake! you can’t think you made a mistake! you make a mistake, or you don’t make a mistake! there’s no in between, y/n!” he exasperates as he stomps over to you
you flash the people around the front counter a sheepish smile before looking at a veRy angry tae
you clear your throat
“hello to you too, roomie.”
“oh don’T give me that roomie bullshit right now, y/l/n.” he snaps and fixes the strap of his backpack “i think we need to talk.”
nice reference
how clever of him
the cheeky boy
“i… don’t know if we have anything we need to talk about…” you shrug innocently before turning to lean back against the counter
if that’s how you’re going to do things then tae will happily play along
“oh? we don’t?” he raises a brow before poking his tongue into the inside of his cheek
he scoffs and crosses his arms before looking you dead in the eye
“okay, fine. we don’t have to talk about the red scratch marks down my back left by your nails due to our mind-blowing sex last night because they’re kindA starting to sting and i was hoping we could go to the pharmacy and pick up some ointment for them… we also don’t have to talk about how you practically went cross-eyed when i did that thing with my tongue where-“
“okAY so it looks like we do have a couple things to talk about after all!!!!!” your voice cracks and namjoon gives you that look that you knOw is the ‘you have a lot of explaining to do’ face
it kind of makes him look constipated but that’s not the point
the most private place you could find in the shortest amount of time was behind the library
there’s a faint smell of garbage since this is where the dumpsters are but it seems like neither one of you care
“what is the matter with you??” you hiss and cross your arms
“what’s the matter with me?” tae scoffs “what’s the matter with yOU??”  
you resist the urge to roll your eyes
“look, i’m sure whatever you want to talk about can wait til we get back to the apartment-“
“where were you in the morning?” tae interrupts you and raises a brow
the thing is
this morning when you woke up and realised that you still had feelings for taehyung and it wasn’t just a post-orgasm hormonal thing you kind of freaked out
so naturally you just… left
you just needed some time to think
anD you needed to hunt namjoon down because he always gives the best advice
you didn’t think it’d be such a big deal
in fact you’re not even sure why taehyung is fussing so much over it
“what- what are you talking about?”
“i don’t know how else to state the question. where were you this morning?”
“…i was… look, taehyung, i-“
“how do you think it makes me feel when you promised you would stay with me and i-i wake up completely alone and instead of seeing you the first thing i see is a stupid sticky note with-“ he raises his hands to do air quotes “-taehyung, i think that was a mistake?????”
“i can see why that would make you upset but i really think it’d be best if we just forgot about what we did and simply moved on-“
“oh my god, you are so stuBBo- you know what, i actually didn’t get the chance to finish going through the list of things that i hate about you, so i think now is the perfect chance to finish telling you aLL about it” tae laughs coldly and your brows knit together in confusion
“i don’t know if that’s very relevant right now-“
“you wanna know what the biggest thing i hate about you is?”
oh god
here we go
“what? my apparent inability to differentiate between making a mistake and-“
“i hate how much i like you.” tae interrupts you and your eyes widen at the sudden confession “i like everything about you, y/n. i like seeing how happy you get when you’re watching an episode of rilakkuma or when we’re having a nature documentary marathon. i like your stupid fruit-printed panties and i’m pretty sure my heart went into overdrive when i saw your dumb peach ones last night.” tae rolls his eyes playfully, “i like you, and i’m like 97% sure that you like me back, but you’re just too stubborn to admit it! i just- you are so fruStrating and usually i can tell if someone likes me back but it’s like i can’t even tell with you!!!!!” he scoffs and flaiLs his arms around before starting to pace around in front of you “jesus, y/l/n, i like you, and i wanna hold your hand, and i wanna kiss your stupid face after you wake up and before you go to bed, and i want you to wear my sweatshirts not because it was accidentally mixed into your laundry basket but just because you like wearing my clothes, and i wanna go grocery shopping with you and see how many tubs of ice cream we can get for free-“
you’re barely paying attention to what taehyung’s saying because:
taehyung likes you
and you like him
the realisation makes a soft smile appear on your face and you feel your heart skip a beat
taehyung likes you!!!!
and you like him!!!!
you guys like each other!!!!!
oh my god!!!!!
oH My gOD!!!!!!
“and you know what, even if you don’t like me back i don’t regret telling you about my feelings because i feel good knowing that it’s off my chest-“
“tae-“ you clear your throat and tae holds a hand out as if to tell you to shUT it
“-and at the end of the day we’re still going to be roommates which is finE with me like if you don’t like me in that way i guess i’ll have to get used to rejection but-“
“-i just wanna know!!!! i just wanna know what’s going on in that duMb ol head of yours because one minute you’re cuddled up to me and the next you’re acting like i’m crawling with germs oR one minute you’re calling me tae-tae and feeding me chicken because i’m too lazy to feed myself and the next minute you-“
“kim taehyung!!!!!!!”
“what?!” tae stops in his tracks and whiPs around to face you
he’s surprised to see that you’re looking at him with the softest smile on your face
there’s a little twinkle in your eye as you take a step towards him
“i think… this is the part where you’re supposed to kiss me.”
the frown fades from tae’s face
wait what
you want him to kiss you?
does this mean…
well now he feels a little silly
you should’ve saiD something before he went off on his angry rant about how much he haTes that he likes you
taehyung clears his throat “…sorry, what was that?”
you let out a sigh and roll your eyes before reaching out and grabbing onto the collar of tae’s t-shirt and pulling him towards you
your nervous happiness transitions to a giddy excitement as you press your lips against his
this kiss is definitely veRy different compared the one you shared last night
more sweet
more loving
your guys’ mouths meld together so perfectly it almost seems like you guys were made for each other and damNit you can taste that obnoxiously sweet strawberry gum on his lips
tae’s arm snakes around your waist and his palm presses against your jaw as he tilts your head up
you feel like you could float up to the sky like a balloon if it weren’t for his grip on you
his lips are insistent and he parts for a brief second before going back in for another kiss
he tilts his head a bit juSt so he can press a tiny bit harder and you giggle when his nose nudges against yours
it feels like sparkles are just blinking everYwhere around the two of you
tae smiles softly as he pulls away and up this close you’re able to see the golden flecks in his brown irises twinkling like little tiny stars
“does this mean i can drink straight out of the orange juice carton now?” tae hums and brushes a strand of your hair back gently
you purse your lips in thought
“…we’re going to have to talk about that one.”
so yeah
out of all the people in the world to get stuck with
kim taehyung really isn’t all that bad.
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minsugapie · 4 years
Bodyguard (part 2)
Tumblr media
pairing: bodyguard!jungkook x idol!reader
genre: fluff, slight angst (but not for long)
words: 5840
a/n: i wasn’t going to post this originally but i got some requests for it so here it is 🤷🏼‍♀️ hope you all enjoy 💜 also this is like 12 years late lmaoooo oops
• • • • • •
• • • • • •
Jin wasn’t mad, because how could he be? In reality, he was just disappointed. You knew you weren’t supposed to date, and Jungkook knew he wasn’t supposed to date you. Jin couldn’t be mad at you because you couldn’t pick who you fell in love with. He knew very well how much you initially hadn’t wanted Jungkook around.
No, the person whom he was mad at was himself. He was the person who’d hired a young, good-looking man to spend every waking second with you. Of course, you’d end up closer to him. You spent more time with him than you did with any of your friends, and unfortunately, you’d been so busy lately that he wasn’t even sure you still had any left. Jin decided not to make it public that you two were together. He kept it to himself as he decided on how to deal with the situation. 
It didn’t take long however because one morning, a month after Jin saw the video from the recording session, neither you nor Jeon were answering your phone calls, and you had a busy day ahead of you. Photoshoots and interviews were set up, but you weren’t there. 
Jin took it upon himself to head over to your dorm and wake you up. 
He was expecting it when he found you and Jungkook in bed together. In the back of his mind, he kind of hoped it would happen, although he wished you two could have hidden it a little longer. He wanted you to be happy, he really did. Gingerly, he went over to you and woke you up with a shake. 
“Y/N, get up. We need to talk. Jeon, get out and pack your things because you’re fired,” Jin calmly said as he pulled you out of Jungkook’s arms and into the bathroom to start getting ready. 
You immediately woke when you heard Jin’s words. You hadn’t even had time to register where you were or the fact that Jungkook was no longer in your arms. Jungkook getting fired had been the last thing that you wanted to happen. It wasn’t like the two of you were planning on going public or anything, but Jin didn’t even want to talk about it. If anything, Jungkook’s professionalism had heightened because he wanted to be extra careful that you weren’t going to get found out. He barely looked at you in public if he didn’t need to! The only times you were really like a couple were at night when you would spend time together in the dorm.
“Wait, Jin, this was all my idea! Don’t fire Jungkook, please!” You begged, grabbing your manager’s arm as he attempted to drag Jungkook from the bed and across the hall to his own dorm. 
“Let go of me Y/N, or we’re terminating your contract too. We wouldn’t have had to fire him if he would’ve just kept his dick to himself and not between your legs,” Jin expressed as Jungkook threw his arms into the air and started to walk out. You’d never heard him speak so crudely, especially towards you. 
Jungkook looked at you from the doorway of your bedroom, silently pleading with you to stop arguing with Jin. “Just stop. Don’t worry about me, Y/N. I’m a big boy. I don’t want you to ruin your career over me.”
Jungkook’s words hit you harder than you thought they were going to because this was essentially a breakup. 
“You’re a smart man, Jeon. It’s too bad that this happened because you were a good bodyguard. Too bad you just couldn’t keep it in your pants, kid,” Jin got the final word as he pushed Jungkook out of your room and closed the door. You were still surprised that Jin had that kind of side to him. He’d always been such a good manager. 
“Why are you doing this to me?” You meekly asked from inside the bathroom, tugging on a pair of jeans and a sweater. 
“Your contract explicitly states that you cannot date anyone for three more years,” he replied, keeping any and every emotion off his face. Jin felt bad. He hated being this way, but if he made an exception for you, he would have to make them for his other artists as well. 
“But we weren’t obvious, and literally nobody suspected it! You didn’t have to fire Jungkook! You should have just reassigned him! Besides, don’t you think he’d do an even better job now that he had feelings for me?” You countered, ready to fight for Jungkook’s job until Jin fired you. 
“Don’t push me, Y/N. Jeon knew very well that he was not supposed to enter into a relationship with you and that this would happen. I’m confiscating your phone privileges until further notice. Now, let’s go. You’re already late.”
• • • • • •
Jungkook was sat on the sofa in the living room of his parents’ house is Busan, listening to the song you’d released for him over and over again, not noticing anything going on around him. He had to think about what was going to come next for him.
He fucked up. Earlier that morning, he had to explain to his parents that he was home because he got fired and no longer providing any money for them. He was able to help them out for so long, but he screwed the pooch. “What’s with the song? I heard it on the radio this morning and now you’re playing it. I have it memorized by now,” his dad yelled from the kitchen, where he was making supper. 
“It’s one of her songs…the artist that I was guarding.”
“Jungkook, you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it…it’s just a job,” his mother had tried to console him, but it wasn’t only the job that he was sad about. He’d never wanted anyone as much as he wanted you. He was scared that he’d never feel again in his lifetime the way he felt about you. Not only was he scared of losing you, he was scared of you moving on from him. 
“Oemma, appa, it’s not just the job. The reason I messed up and got fired was because I fell in love with her, the artist. Remember when I told you that I couldn’t nor wouldn’t date the artist? Well, I lied because I did date her, and that’s the reason I’m here and not with her anymore. I broke my own heart,” he had explained, not able to meet their eyes. He’d never been the type to date around or even express interest in women at all until you. His parents had been surprised to say the least. 
“So why were you fired? I’m confused,” his dad had probed, putting an arm around his mom. 
“My contract stated that I was not allowed to date her, while she’s not actually allowed to date anyone for another three years,” he had clarified, covering his face with his hands. All this talk of you made him miss you even more. It was crazy how fast he’d realized that he needed you around him. He knew how much he meant to you.  Even more so, he wondered if you were safe with whomever they hired to replace him. What if he was a creep, a sleaze…took avantage of you?
“You didn’t fight for her?” His mom asked, clearly still trying to wrap her head around the situation. 
Jungkook shook his head, looking out the kitchen window at the people walking across the street. “It was better for me to leave quietly, or she would have been fired as well.”
“Well, if you want my opinion,” his dad had started, putting a hand on Jungkook’s shoulder, “I think you shouldn’t give up if this girl means that much to you, no matter what the manager says.”
Now, he was still sat on the sofa, contemplating his next move. Was he going to fight for you, or was he going to try to find a job here and move on with his life?
If he valued his own happiness, he knew there was only one choice. 
• • • • • •
Jin was worried about you. You’d reverted back to your old, lonely life before Jungkook was hired, but it was a bit worse this time. It was worse because your performances were suffering due to your fatigue. You were working endless days and nights, never taking a break. You slept minimal hours and were at the company before sunrise. You were clearly burning yourself out. People were starting to take notice of what was happening. You’d seemed so happy and thriving when you made your most recent comeback, but something had almost immediately flipped. 
During today’s dance practice, Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok decided to step in. “Y/N, we haven’t had a game night in a while. Can we come over tonight?” Jimin asked, making you look away from staring at yourself lifelessly in the practice mirror. 
You gave the boys a fake smile as you answered, “I’m not really feeling up to it. I think I’m just going to stay here and perfect the routine.”
Taehyung put an arm around your shoulder, silently motioning for Hobi to do something. “Are you sure? We can have a great night in with your favourite snacks and a Park Seo-joon drama on the tele?”
“Really, guys. You know it takes me longer to get the dance moves. This choreography is the hardest I’ve ever had. I don’t want to disappoint my fans,” you insisted, shrugging off Tae’s arm and walking towards the table with the water bottles. 
At that moment, Hobi, who had previously left the room, came back in with a surprise…your pup.
“Oh my, God! How did you guys get her? My baby!” You cooed as the black lab hurriedly came to you, wagging her tail excitedly. You dropped to the floor and took her in your arms. She always knew what you needed. And right then, she let you hold her like you hadn’t seen each other in a lifetime. It had basically been a lifetime. “I missed you,” you whispered. 
Before you even realized it was happening, a tear slipped down your cheek. Your dog just sat with you, giving you her infamous hug with her paws between your legs and head tucked into your neck. 
She was the best comfort and had been with you through many cries. So there you sat, breaking down on the floor in the middle of the practice room. It was the first time you cried after all that had happened. You didn’t care how much you told yourself that you were strong and would get over it. You were sad. It wasn’t your fault. You’d finally given your heart to a man. A man who had become your best friend and the person who made you feel safe at all times, in any situation.
But that was all taken away from you. You hadn’t expected any of it when you’d signed your contract. The new bodyguard that they had hired for you was fine and did his job well but he just wasn’t Jungkook. You didn’t trust him like Jungkook. You didn’t like his company like Jungkook. You just couldn’t get yourself to rely on him like you relied on Jungkook. 
• • • • • •
Jin was walking down the hallway towards your studio, doing his daily rounds. Really, he wanted to see how you were doing because he knew that you were taking it hard. He’d pulled some strings and spoken to your family, persuading them to let him take your dog to you. He stopped in front of your practice room, knowing very well that you now had your dog with you. After cracking the door open and taking a quick peak, he realized that he shouldn’t enter and ruin the moment. You were sitting on the ground, dog in your arms, clearly crying. There were a few people watching you, bodyguard ready to pounce at any second, as your shoulders shook with every cry and breath. 
In that moment, Jin wondered if he had really done the right thing by firing Jeon. He liked the guy. He was very good at his job and would have done anything for you, but like he had said, he needed to keep his company in order and not make any exceptions. 
But still, it gave him a lot to think about, especially with Jeon’s multiple attempts at contacting you and the company. He still had your phone, and it was blown up with messages from Jeon. The thing was, apparently the whole company had known about the two of you dating, and nobody told him. Suga and RM admitted that they had known about it from before it even started. Jin asked himself if it was possible to make an exception just this once...
• • • • • •
You couldn’t wait to get back to your dorm and sleep tonight. You finally had your dog back, so you were guaranteed to feel at least a little bit better about the situation. You thought you may have finally had a decent rest that wasn’t disturbed by your endless wanting. 
When you got out of the elevator to your floor, you were really surprised to see Jungkook with his back against the door of your dorm. You hadn’t expected him to be there at all. Your current bodyguard drove you home just like Jungkook used to because he now lives in his dorm, but he always stayed outside for five extra minutes to smoke a cigarette. Thank goodness for that. You didn’t know how you would have explained this to him. 
“Holy shit!” You yelled, slapping a hand over your mouth because you haven’t meant for it to be that loud. “Move out of the way and let me unlock the door before Lee comes up!”
“Who’s Lee?” Jungkook asked as soon as the door closed behind the two of you. Your dog went right to him like she’s seen him a thousand times before. 
“My bodyguard,” you replied taking off your jacket and putting your purse on the coffee table. Jungkook took the leash off your dog while you simply stared at him. 
He noticed you staring and met your gaze. A small smile creeped onto his face as he looked at you, but it quickly turned into a frown. “You look exhausted.”
“It’s been really hard. I hate not having you around. I lost my best friend.”
“I guess your phone is still confiscated?” He took the first step towards you. You stared for only a second before closing the distance between the two of you with a hug. 
His warmth made you want to fall asleep right then and there. Your hands linked around his waist, holding him tightly to him. You could hear his heart beating as he put an arm around you and stroked your hair. You tried not to cry, but he was really in front of you. A sniffle escaped, and you pushed your face deeper into his embrace, lips brushing his neck. “I missed you so much,” you revealed, only tightening your hold on him. 
The two of you stayed together for a long moment before you reluctantly pulled away from his embrace and headed to the bedroom, so you could grab some clothes for your shower. “And yeah, I still don’t have my phone back.”
Jungkook knew what you were doing by heart, having had spent many nights with you, getting to know your routine like the back of his hand. It only took you a few minutes to shower tonight because you’d wanted to spend all the time with Jungkook that you could. It was when the two of you were laying in bed, TV show on low volume and dog cozily laying at your feet, that you finally felt like yourself again…all the exhaustion catching up to you at once. Even though you felt like you’d been run over by a truck, you were happy. 
“I should have fought to stay,” Jungkook admitted, playing with your damp hair that was falling onto your cheek. 
“No, I should have fought harder for you to stay,” you countered, breathing becoming heavier as you started to fall into a much needed sleep. You tried to stop it, but it was inevitable. 
“I’m planning on going back to the company tomorrow, so I hope it works in our favour,” Jungkook explained, but it was already too late because you’d fallen asleep in his arms. After placing a lingering kiss on your forehead, he turned off the TV and let himself get some sleep as well. 
• • • • • •
You barely awoke from your alarm that just sounded, feeling like you’d actually gotten a decent rest. It might have totally been from the man that was lightly snoring beside you. Not long after the first flutter of your eyes, there was a knock from outside tour door; it was Lee. “Get up, Y/N. We have to be in hair and makeup in forty five minutes!” Thankfully Lee always just knocked on your door.
“You have to leave already?” Jungkook’s morning voice was heaven to your ears, even though it was a groan of disapproval. He reached out to your and hugged you, pulling you into him before he took a deep breath, stifling a yawn. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, pushing away from him with all the willpower you had. You missed being with him like this. “Plus, I have to feed and let out my dog.”
“I’m going to the company today. I want my job back,” he started, sitting up and watching you as you walked to your closet to find a shirt and jeans. Continuing, he smirked, “and I want you back.”
“You never lost me, Kook.” You stared back at him, not willing to break the moment. But Lee did it with another bang on the door. “I’m coming! Let me brush my teeth,” you yelled, racing to the bathroom. He was not a patient man. 
“Maybe Jin will be lenient on me when I drop by later…”
“And maybe he’ll give me back my phone,” you mumbled through the toothpaste. Obviously, not having a phone didn’t stop Jungkook from coming to see you. Maybe Jin would see that. 
• • • • • •
Jin was stood outside the company, trying to collect himself before possibly turning around and forgetting about the whole thing. But he couldn’t do that. This was important to him. Money for his family and you were the two things that made him come back. He’d be lying if he didn’t say that this was the best job he’d ever had. 
The walk to Jin’s office was natural at this point, that he barely even had to think about where he was going. On the way, there were a few confused stares, probably wondering where he had been or why he was back, but he only stopped when a familiar face blocked his path: Namjoon. 
“Are you back or what?” He asked Jungkook, taking a sip of the iced coffee in his hand. He seemed to be acting a little protective. 
“I want to be back…I’m here to talk to Jin,” Jungkook revealed, trying to divert his attention from Namjoon’s hard gaze. 
“Y/N’s been out of it since you left.” He didn’t let up his ruse. 
“I didn’t leave, Namjoon. I wouldn’t have left. Jin fired me, but I want to be back.”
Namjoon had a hard time keeping his smile down after Jungkook’s words. “Well, don’t waste your time with me. Go get your job back.”
Jungkook sent him a grateful smile, looking down to the end of the hall where Namjoon had come from. He swallowed, nodding his head. His eyes went to Jin’s door. He had to push all his nervousness down if he wanted to really convince the big guy that he wasn’t going to regret it. 
He knocked on the door with confidence but it faltered once again when Jin told him to come in. Opening the door, the fact that the last time Jungkook had seen Jin had been when he fired him popped into his mind, but he was on a mission. Jin looked up, not surprised to see Jungkook standing in his office. If he was being honest, he was surprised that he hadn’t come earlier. 
When they made eye contact, it was like all the oxygen got sucked out of the air, Jungkook’s lungs empty. He bowed, but Jin barely acknowledged it. 
“Why are you here?” He asked, leaning back in his chair with a relaxed look on his face. Jungkook wasn’t able to read his expression or body language. It had generally been easy to tell what he was thinking, but right then, it was impossible. 
“I’ve come to ask for my job back,” Jungkook tried, trying to keep his confidence in tact. 
“What makes you think I’m going to give you your job back? Lee is great. He takes care of Y/N, and most importantly, he is married with three kids.”
Jungkook had to practically force himself to not argue straight away and stay calm and articulate. Of course, he could have commented on the fact that Lee still could make a move on Y/N if he really wanted to. Men. But, he decided to take a different route and talk about you. “Because I’ve seen what’s gone on with Y/N lately. She’s different, and she seems tires…Plus, Taehyung has been keeping me updated on how she’s doing.” He was a little skeptical about mentioning Tae to Jin, but he wanted Jin to know that he had the best intentions going into this. 
Something flashed across Jin’s face, and Jungkook realized that he’d hit the button right on the nose. Clearing his throat, Jin finally looked away from Jungkook, swivelling the chair, so he could look out his window. “It’s true she’s overworking herself—I won’t deny that, but that still does not change the fact that the two of you broke the rules. I already gave you time to be together. After all, I saw a tape. I didn’t just find out about it that morning.”
Jungkook was surprised. He had been sure that the two of them were careful. Before he could ask what video, Jin continued, “It was during a recording session…the two of you were holding hands and discussing your relationship.”
“Oh,” Jungkook looked down, deflated knowing that Jin had known and let them have some time together. His chances of getting his job back looked thin. 
The were a rumble outside the door, causing both men’s attention to fall to it. A shadow from beneath the closed door was clear. “Who’s outside my office?” Jin’s voice rose, clearly unimpressed that someone had been eavesdropping on their conversation. 
Namjoon timidly opened the door, blush clear on his face. He looked embarrassed and sorry. “I’m sorry…I just overheard a small part of your conversation before I knocked over the plant outside your door…If I may, can I say something?”
Jungkook stared at Namjoon like he’d grown two heads. Joon made brief eye contact with him and sent him a smile.
“Fine.” Although his body language showed disinterest, Jungkook was sure that Jin was interested in what Namjoon had to say, regardless of his stumble. 
“I speak for every artist I know in the company when I say that I’m okay if you bend the rules this time. Hear me out—we all knew about their being together for a while, and everyone was happy for them. You wouldn’t believe the shock when we found out that Jungkook had been sent home.”
Jin scrunched his eyebrows together. “So what you’re saying to me is that you think I should hired him back because nobody is going to say anything about their special treatment. In fact, they’re all encouraging it?”
“Essentially…and I know Y/N would become healthier again. She told me that she’s never trusted anyone as much as she trusts Jungkook, not even Lee.” 
Jungkook remained silent as he looked at the pair, deciding whether this interruption was going to work out in his favour. 
Jungkook stilled, unsure whether he heard Jin correctly. “What?”
“You’re rehired, kid,” Jin concluded, waving his hands in the air. 
Namjoon clapped Jungkook on the back, almost pushing him over. He was practically in shock. “That’s it? You’re not going to grill me any more or make me break up with Y/N if I come back?” Was all me managed in his state.
“Do you want me to do those things?” Jin challenged, picking up his phone and tapping it a few times before putting it against his ear. “Yes, tell Lee to come see me straight away.” Digging through his desk drawer, Jin also gave Jungkook a phone, your phone to be exact, before he finally said, “Go find her.”
Jungkook didn’t need to be told twice as he raced out the door, practically tripping over Namjoon in the process. He made his way to hair and makeup because you were filming a dance practice video later today, so you’d be getting ready for that. He didn’t even bother knocking on the door before barging in. He was right when he guessed you’d be sitting in your chair eyes closed and enjoying the few moments of relaxation until you had to get back to your day. 
“What do you need, Lee?” You asked, not opining your eyes. 
“Actually, it’s me,” he whispered from just above your shoulder. You opened your eyes, making eye contact with him through the mirror. 
“A-are you allowed to be here?” You asked, hastily turning around to see him and make sure what you were seeing was correct. 
Jungkook smiled, taking a spare chair and sitting next to you. He motioned for the makeup artist to continue her work while he answered you, “I just spoke to Jin, and I’m rehired. He’s talking to Lee as we speak.”
“You mean…you’re MY bodyguard again? You’re not going to be assigned to someone else?” You had to close your eyes again, so you couldn’t see his face, unfortunately. 
“I’m all yours, baby,” he whispered in your ear, causing you to smile. “But from this moment on, I’m back to being professional.”
You had to force back a laugh at him because you knew he was going to stick by what he said. And if you were being honest with yourself, you were all right with professional Jungkook. He was pretty hot. 
“Did he say anything about us dating?” You asked outright. You heard Jungkook clear his throat, clearly surprised by your blunt question. 
“I cannot say much about that here, but I can assure you that everything will return to how it was before I left,” he politely answered. You could tell that he was now no longer sitting in the chair but standing further away. 
You did have to get away from the distraction and continue getting ready. You were filming a music video today, and unless you wanted to be there until 5 am, you had to get a move on. Thankfully, Jimin took your dog for the day to keep her company. 
There was silence in the room for the next 20 minutes, but you could hardly wipe the smile off your face. Jungkook was back with you. You already started to feel more like yourself again. 
“Yes, CEO, she’s smiling again,” you heard him quietly whisper to someone, you assumed through his headset. You knew you weren’t supposed to have heard it. 
• • • • • •
*one month later*
Nobody was supposed to have known that you were leaving that day, but still, the airport was full of fans and paparazzi trying to get close and take photos of you. Jungkook was a few feet behind you, keeping fans away while Lee was doing the same from a few feet in front of you. As it turned out, Lee was still a part of your crew, which was constantly growing with your popularity.
You tried your best to sign a few autographs and smile for some pictures, but in reality, you were exhausted. You’d barely gotten any sleep last night, and you had just put in a full day of rehearsal and work. The last thing you wanted to be was cooperative. 
This, however, did not work much in your favour because just as you were finished signing an autograph, a “fan” somehow managed to push you sideways. They had more force than you were expecting, and you fell to the ground faster than Jungkook or Lee could catch you. 
You’d never been super graceful, and the way you’d landed perfectly demonstrated that. Actually, the angle at which you fell caused your body to contort and hurt your arm. You tried to breathe through the pain, but there was definitely something wrong. You knew right away that you’d either broken or dislocated your shoulder. You didn’t want to cry in front of anyone, but it fucking hurt so that’s what you did through your quick breaths. 
You laid on the ground for a long moment, a silence taking over the crowd before Jungkook came down to meet you. “What’s wrong? What happened? Are you hurt?”
You couldn’t answer any of his questions right away because he didn’t give you any time. Tears were slipping down your eyes and he quickly wiped them away. “M-my shoulder,” you managed, clenching his jacket with your hand. 
“Lee, call someone or something!” Jungkook demanded, shifting you so you were in less pain. 
“We should take her to the hospital, Jeon,” Lee said, already dialling Jin. 
You didn’t notice it then, but the way that Jungkook was holding you wasn’t like the regular way a body guard reacted to his job. You only realized when you say the multiple pictures that people had posted about the event. 
“Kookie,” you whispered, closing your eyes and putting your face into his neck, hoping he’d somehow make it all better in a second, “I’m so dizzy. I can’t see anything.”
“Shh…you’ll be okay. I’m going to take you to the hospital okay? Can you walk?”
“The car is out front,” Lee added, as he kept the road away from the two of you still. 
You didn’t answer Jungkook, but you attempted to stand on your own. It was a failed attempt, considering you were still nausea and everything was blurry. Jungkook pulled you into him, trying to help you stay balanced. At this point you were no longer crying, but the pain pretty much took over your entire ability to move. You were a wimp. You knew it. 
“C’mon, I’ll help you to the car,” he whispered in your ear. 
• • • • • •
“It’s all over the internet,” Jin said as you sat in front of his desk with your stupid sling. 
“What is?” You’d just gotten out of the hospital yesterday, taking a few days before you fly out to where you were headed before.
He turned his computer monitor towards you to show you the pictures of you and Jungkook in the airport, looking more like a couple than an idol and bodyguard. 
“Oh, those are quite the pictures…” you trailed off, looking at them more closely. You were going to be in BIG trouble. 
“I was going to give you the talk, but you and Jungkook have been very very good lately. Nobody has suspected a thing until now, and surprisingly, the reception has been positive. I think it’s mostly because of the way he’s treated you. So I’ve decided we’re not making any kind of comment on the situation. You and Jungkook will continue on as you are. This could be good. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but he’s quite popular with your fans, both because of his looks and how he takes care of you.”
The only thing that you registered out of that was that Jungkook would stay by you, and you didn’t have to be alone again. 
Jungkook stood right outside the door, listening to every word that the two of you were saying. He’d been on edge since the airport because he’d failed at his job. He started to doubt whether he was good enough to protect you after all. 
At that moment, before he could self-deprecate too much, you poked your head outside the door. “Let’s go somewhere,” you said, taking his hand and dragging him to your studio. Jungkook remained stoic the entire way there, but when the door shut, he managed a small smile. “I’m not getting sacked?”
You looked up at him through your lashes, biting your lip. “You still have your job.”
He held your face with his hands, pulling you closer to him. “But I failed to keep you safe.” He didn’t look into your eyes. 
“It was a fluke. I practically fell on my own. I’m fine. Please don’t do this to me again. We’ve talked about this already, love,” you countered, letting your free hand snake around his waist. “Now, are you gonna kiss me, or what?” 
Jungkook cracked a small smile, nudging your nose with his. You guessed it didn’t take much to convince him…or distract him. 
Kissing Jungkook never quite felt the same, in a very good way. It was never boring, and you never knew what to expect. Every time, a fresh wave of butterflies flew in your stomach and a new feeling blossomed in your heart. Every kiss with him felt as if it was the first one. 
He pushed you towards your couch, where you’d shared your first real kiss together. You wanted to do everything and anything with him at that moment, but only having one arm made you frustrated. 
Jungkook laid you down, careful not to hurt your shoulder. You were on meds, so it wasn’t too bad. You wrapped your legs around his waist, keeping him to you. 
“I’ve missed you. You’ve been so busy lately. I feel like we haven’t had much time together,” he confided to say between kisses. You hummed, putting your hand under his shirt, feeling the warm skin underneath that you craved. He quickly shucked off his jacket and threw his shirt over his head.
He looked at you for quite some time before kissing your cheeks as you shamelessly felt up his toned muscles, slowly making his way down your jaw to your neck. You leaned back, giving him more access. You were expecting everything to go further, finally getting the time with your boyfriend that you so desperately needed, but he stopped and admitted into your neck, “my mom called me earlier, and she wants to meet you.”
The last thing you wanted was to think about was his mother. What a mood killer. 
• • • • • •
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snowstorm808 · 4 years
More than Friends review eps 9-16
I previously posted my review of the first half of the series because I could not contain what I felt. It was quite impulsive of me but I wanted to let out everything I thought and felt for this drama. It is becoming better every time in such a way that I see the little creative ideas the writer or director is putting into each episode along with the development of the story. Familiar yet refreshing. I decided to create a new post because I saw that the first half recap was way too long if I would still add the remaining episode reviews because I just could not help it. I do understand that the length could be frustrating but I want my words to be read too, so thank you for everyone patient enough to read my words.
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Episode 9 - Watching this episode made me realize a double standard I never really noticed before but I guess drama watchers would be able to relate to; the difference of pitiful and pathetic for female and male leads. I’m not yet certain if it’s deliberate but female characters locked in one sided love often seem pathetic but when it’s a male character they seem pitiful? Woo Yeon did seem pathetic in her one sided love in the earlier episodes so why does Soo get to be pitiful? It’s the same for the past dramas I’ve watched too. It’s just a food for thought. Based on last week’s preview, I really thought Joon Soo would punch Lee Soo after the drunk call but he held back so good job, Joon Soo. Honestly, I thought he wouldn’t be able to hold back because not only was he angry of the fact that Woo Yeon was getting swayed by Soo, but also because he knew how much it hurt, and hates the fact that she would still be hurt over the latter after a decade. This is why I keep wanting Joon Soo because he never thought selfishly when it came to Woo Yeon. I also love the fact that his character is being shown as someone seemingly perfect with a lot of flaws too. I love seeing his flaws and even relating to them! Being used to holding back is probably the reason why I write so much because I swear I can’t talk this much at all. I really hope he would stop holding back for his own sake. I think the most favorable Soo I have ever seen was him drunk calling his dad. I love the fact his parents went to his house to talk and console him. I also realized that Soo really closed himself up enough to have no one but his dad to drunk call. That was sad because the high school gang never really shunned him but he was the one who kept his heart closed. I half expected his folks to announce that hey would be back together because I feel that’s where those two are headed to eventually. As for Woo Yeon, I’m somehow glad she mustered up the courage to break up with Joon Soo after everything. As much as I was dreading it, I also felt that it was the right decision. She knew that it was too cruel to let him hurt quietly so I’m glad she had that decency; I could see that she was doing her best to be firm with her resolve. On her behalf, I get it why it’s difficult for her to let go of her feelings for Soo so I do not think she’s a weird one for that. I know that this is where my ship stops its sail but I’m satisfied that it’s not as I feared it would. The fight scene was reminiscent of Jealousy Incarnate, I just hope Dong Jun faked the punch because I know how athletic he has been from his Idol days which is enough for me to be scared for Seung Woo. Conveniently, it was only after this that Soo decides to take a break from pursuing Woo Yeon after ruining her chance to start anew with someone. Eventually, I know that Woo Yeon would not be able to defy the flow of her feelings towards Soo but I hope he can also grow up more because right now, I can still see him being selfish and self centered in his approach.
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Episode 10 - How can one episode contain so much emotions? And it was all types of emotions at that! I mean one moment it’s awkward, cute, upsetting, lovely, funny then sad and even more! This episode was a roller coaster of emotions in my opinion. First thing’s first, the younger guy Jinju dated is a total loser and a scumbag. Good thing Sang-hyeok was there to the rescue. I feel so bad for Young-hee because every time she takes a step forward, she’s always dragged two steps back. She has a strong personality but it does not mean her situation does not wear her down too. So here comes the roller coaster because Lee Soo and On Joon Soo drinking together and ending up at Woo Yeon’s place is super cute. That includes her parents’ “interview” with the two men while they try to show off their “qualities”. I literally said “boom” when Joon Soo “let slipped” that Soo was the jerk Woo Yeon’s parents have been hunting for. That was really petty but I guess it’s his little revenge on Soo for interrupting their relationship when he used to date Woo Yeon. I am not going to lie about not loving the misunderstanding Soo had when he saw them together in the restaurant while he was with his parents. He tends to act so victimized which I really dislike then he readily blows up at Woo Yeon. But then again, it makes these characters more human then the usual kdrama characters I watched in the past. Lee Soo should really learn to express things more clearly so Woo Yeon would stop thinking that he’s simply bored or fooling around. As for Joon Soo, it’s a lost battle and I feel bad for him because he has become a masochist which is why I need to take care of him. I need Woo Yeon’s cooperation for this...
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Episode 11 - Soo is finally given the chance he keeps on missing. As much as I am sad for my ship, I’m happy Woo Yeon and Soo are coming around although it isn’t the full circle yet. I do feel really bad for Joon Soo but it has always been clear how strong Woo Yeon’s feelings have been for Soo. I like how she at long last clearly stated that she will always give Soo the chance whatever he does because it has been evidently true for the past episodes. I guess that’s enough proof that feelings can’t be controlled easily. My favorite part in this episode would be her giving Soo an ultimatum because I always had a feeling he thought of her as a port always there for him. My second favorite in this episode would be Sang Hyuk and Jinju! He’s so sweet and caring which is exactly what she needs. Will they be my favorite couple? Hehe. I just want to take a bit of time to swoon over Joon Soo because he cares a lot for Woo Yeon though it isn’t returned, I appreciate him wishing her well. I can’t help but wonder if there will be another drama between Woo Yeon and Soo, because if he hurts her one more time then I would prefer her to be alone (I’ll be taking Joon Soo.)
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Episode 12 - I never thought Soo and Woo Yeon together would be this mushy haha. They are making up for the lost time and I like seeing them happy and somewhat letting go of the inhibitions they had. And for the first time, I think I want to scold the writer for adding a character like Yura because seriously, those two no longer need another person to interrupt them. I suppose it’s to make up for the remining episodes? But then it could be expound on things like commitment issues for Woo Yeon and Soo, and taking the next step for their relationship. I do secretly hope for Joon Soo to make a comeback but not necessarily in a romantic light. Obviously, Soo is the one being careful now when it comes to dealing with Woo Yeon. I like seeing him nervous of losing her because it keeps him on his toes though I hope he would be more direct about it instead of acting cool so she won’t misunderstand anymore. I remember him saying he dated around too but Woo Yeon seems more like the one used to dating. I guess he never really thought of the other party when dating. I can sort of imagine his ex-girlfriends putting more effort than him.
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Episode 13 - Lol, Soo should’ve been more sensitive when Woo Yeon insisted on going home by herself. I find it so cute when she defended Soo from her parents, she was so cheeky to point out her dad’s faults. After everything they have been through I hope they can do well from now on but something tells me otherwise. At least Woo Yeon finally said the magic words Soo has been so anxious to hear. It seems she was too nervous and being careful to say it though I had the initial impression that she must’ve had a stigma of some sort to those three words. I somehow feel nervous about Soo’s job offer from the airline because it might lead to a fight or even a break up. Speaking of a break up, I’m sad Hyun-jae and Young-hee had to part ways though it was one-sided. I do get the pov of his family but I can’t relate to the pressure of marriage. By the way, am I the only one who thinks Kwon Yura’s character is waste? I mean I don’t see much purpose for her character because she does not threaten the main lead’s relationship other than making Woo Yeon want to doll up herself. I must say one of my favorite scenes in this episode is when Woo Yeon went to the salon and told the staff she’s meeting with her boyfriend’s woman. I love how the customers and salon staff reacted even calling in their boss to style her. Was it a parody? I’m not sure because I have sworn to lay my hands and eyes off all dramas that deal with a husband’s mistress. Nevertheless, it was super witty and I had a lot of fun watching that scene including the one where she deliberately posed further behind Yura to make her face look smaller. Lastly, Sang-hyeok and Jinju are finally together! They look so cute together and make the perfect couple. In fact, all three couples seem to be perfect for each other because they complement each others’ personalities well. 
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Episode 14 - This must be the episode where everyone breaks up or gets rejected. But before that, I can’t get over the expression Woo Yeon’s mom wore when she said to pack up contraception for her trip with Soo. One minute they were having a lovely mother-daughter moment then she suddenly brings that up. As much as most people would find it awkward, I think it was so funnily straightforward. Her mom cares which suddenly reminds me of the reaction of Young-hee’s mom when she found tons of condoms in her drawer. Another reaction I really enjoyed was when Woo Yeon and Soo found out Jinju and Sang-hyeok are dating! The way she splashed water out of shock really showed how it was the farthest thing in her mind. From the time Soo’s work offer came, it already seemed ominous along with Woo Yeon’s offer so I was not surprised with the break up. Maybe it was for the better; I have been mulling over Woo Yeon’s reasoning that she might end up hating Soo if they stayed together. The loneliness was eating her up which I believe is realistic in a long distance relationship like theirs. Soo shouldn’t have readily agreed regardless if he was thinking of her or not. Considering these two pursued their careers, I think this would leave less regrets in their hearts because they were able to fulfill the dreams they had. Their feelings for each other will always be there because they are Soo and Woo Yeon. I just need to wait how they will get back to each other.
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Episode 15 - While watching this episode, I couldn’t stop thinking that this is the episode I finally see Lee Soo as someone heartbroken and not self centered, also, am I the only one who thinks his hair styled up is way better than his hair down? At last, I got to see Soo’s feelings of longing for Woo Yeon instead of his attitude of forcing his feelings like earlier into the series. I think it’s his maturity plus his sincerity in wanting her back because he now knows how it is to lose her. Their break up might just seem like another ploy by the writer to extend the series but I also think it was helpful to both Woo Yeon and Soo. In the first place, they decided to be apart so their careers could flourish which made them busy and drift apart. It also brought to light the insecurities they had especially Woo Yeon who had been so used to be the only one who in love. I think her fears of having the person she loved and wanted the most surfaced which keeps her from returning to him even if he’s practically begging her back. I just hope Soo would’ve made efforts to contact Woo Yeon or get her back after that break up call just as he was when he was courting her instead of stepping back. I guess it was partly a good thing because they were able to achieve certain things for their careers during that time too. Meanwhile Young-hee’s mom’s death was inevitable but at least they got to resolve the hard feelings and she was able to convey her love for her children. I think among the deaths I’ve seen in kdramas, this is the most touching for me. I must really be getting old to be sentimental like this. I also felt envious of the leads’ friendship. This episode showcased it the most especially how they supported Young-hee through the most difficult time in her life. I also love how they quietly support the complicated relationship of Soo and Woo Yeon. They have never attempted to kill him so yup they are good people.
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Episode 16 - Loose strings are tied up in a pretty bow as the friends gear up for each of their happy endings. Joon Soo decides to let go of his feelings for Woo Yeon (he’s finally free to walk towards me! Yay!) I really like their hug because it sums up the affections and friendship they had. Good thing Soo wasn’t there to tear them apart. I also like that Soo is still a bit jealous of Joon Soo because whenever I remember how arrogant he was about stealing Woo Yeon away, I still want to punch him. His mom’s pushing aka guilting Woo Yeon was indeed effective, heh. Seriously though, it seems to me that his mom did it because she did not want him to end up like his parents and perhaps it was her way of making up for their negligence and mistreatment of him. I love the fact that Soo and Woo Yeon continued to fight and make up even after getting back together, it was very much in their character. It’s also nice that Soo’s parents decided to give their relationship another shot. It makes me think that they too learned from their son. Jinju’s and Sang-hyeok’s wedding pictorial was super lovely, it was very smart of them to trick Soo into it haha. Young-hee and Hyun-jae are finally back together too! Thank goodness, they’re getting married instead of returning to dating. As much as I cringed with their cheesiness, it was very much welcome and cute to watch. All six of them had their own cringey and cheesy way of saying and doing things. I think this drama has one of the most satisfactory endings ever, now, if only On Joon Soo can find his way to me...
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More than Friends has met the amount of romance and tension that I always look for yet refreshing and not too cliché. I love the little details and the way it explored different types and stages of relationships including of different age groups. I hope other viewers would also get to see how the writer tried to portray these in the drama. Watching the ending made me realize the drama’s title was probably referred to these couples because they started as friends and became more than just that. Honestly, their situation is quite idealistic but I think it’s so cute if it does happen in real life. I’m happy I watched this even if it was mainly for Kim Dong Jun. Literally before watching this, I watched Moment of Eighteen then even prior to that, I watched Meow, The Secret Boy. MoE was sad because Junwoo had to put off his dreams and relationship to help out his mom. I initially wanted to skip or wait till later to watch it but ended up being hooked to it. Hehe.
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One of the things I find fascinating in this drama is the casting! Shin Ye Eun’s step mom in MTSB became her actual mom while her dad became Lee Soo’s dad this time. There lots of familiar faces which made me like the drama even more. 
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transrightsjimin · 4 years
On one hand I do get where you’re coming from being worried about Jimin and his weight loss but also in the interview he does talk about being happy in his body right now. I know it’s concerning because of his history and diet culture is gross and bad, but I think he also has the right to eat how he wants and have the body he wants. Especially since I do think Jimin takes pride in his “androgynous” body and his ability to shape himself to any concept. I don’t know I just feel it’s kind of backwards and harmful to talk as if any and all wishes of looking a certain way are inherently bad, or to sound the alarm whenever he talks about his body even if it’s in a positive way.
tw diets // weight loss // eating disorders // body image //
?? i mean yeah in the end it's his life and i cant change his mind or anything. but no one lives in a vacuum nd you cant claim it's truly someone's personal decision to go on horrible diets and try to lose more and more weight to be perceived as more beautiful and artistic, as being skinny is praised as the norm in south korea but also in capitalist high fashion, music, entertainment industries etc on a wider scale.
i've been an army for over 6 years nd i have read too often abt stuff like him collapsing on stage due to pushing himself too hard, going days w/o food, jin said in the past he worked out a lot after eating just to not gain any bit of weight (which fans praised as 'healthy' but i can assure that's not a healthy mindset nd fact a form of bolumia), members being called fat by the company (nd in earlier years by each other), joon recently talking abt wanting to lose even more body fat percentage, and hobi going on those horrifying detox drink 'diets' tht cause diarrea. like i'm in a way glad he's happy but i'd rather have that he, nor any of the other members, didn't feel like they have to starve themselves nd train off fat in order to be more beautiful or artistic.
it's not backwards in any way to say that people restricting their diet severely to lose a dangerous amount of weight is not good. idols can be happy with themselves after having done terrible diets or lightening their skin etc and it would still not be good for their self-image bc trying to continuously adhere to strict beauty standards enforced onto people is in the end nothing close to self-love or body positivity as you will always treat the natural state as punishable and the body only as acceptable once it's been severely restricted and harmed. idols, just like many other celebrities, are subjected to strict beauty standards and diet culture and there is nothing backwards about finding concern in how jimin feels more confident after having been put through harmful diets.
also androgyny can appear in any kind of bodyshape nd a large part of my concern is also that him - but moreover, the interviewer, who initiated it - discussing weight loss to become a better dancer / artist, is really triggering to readers. i already hate answering this ask because i mentioned stuff in detail that i explicitly did not want to quote from the interview bc it's so damaging. please send me no more asks on this bc im not in the mood for more devil's advocate anons, thank you.
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v-hope · 5 years
You're his celebrity crush and meet at an awards show
Pairings: OT7 x International Artist!Reader
Genre: Fluff, crack ig
Request: "hii ! i love your work and i've been having major feels with the boys at the bbmas so i was wondring if you could write a reaction for u being an artist they have a crush on and they meet you at an awards show and it's all cute and stuff?? 💜"
A/N: I really loved writing this! I'm just gonna do what I do with Shipping Material, for those of you who don't know hahah:
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Kim Seokjin
“You know BTS?”
You couldn't help but giggle at the man's words, nodding your head right after, for there was really no other answer to that.
When you had gone to the restroom earlier that night, only to find people waiting outside of it because of how full it was, you had considered turning around and coming back some time later, but it just so happened that no other than Kim Seokjin had arrived two seconds after you, and had decided not to let his chance to talk to you slip away; even if he didn't have Namjoon to translate for him.
So now here you were, both of you not even bothering on lining up anymore, and instead moving aside not to block the way.
“Who doesn't know BTS at this point?” you answered after having uselessly tried to conceal your smile, raising one of your eyebrows and earning a proud yet shy smile from Jin. “You know Y/N?” it was your turn to cheekily ask.
He stretched his arms out before folding them over his chest as he leaned against the wall. “Ah, yes” he tried to play it cool, “very beautiful” he nodded like it was a fact, bringing immediate heat to your face, “voice… yeah” he emphasized, holding one of his thumbs up.
You gazed down in embarrassment, allowing another laugh to escape your throat – an action of yours he found to be quite adorable.
“I'd have to say the same about Kim Seokjin then” your eyes locked with his once more, ones that had sparkled at the fact that you actually knew his name. “10/10 vocals and looks”.
At that, he unsuccessfully tried to erase the smile that had already formed on his lips – his ears turning a furious red.
“Me? Oh, no” he denied, waving his hands in front of him, “no... you are best”.
Out of your mouth came what was a mix of a scoff and a laugh. “What? No way, hear me out–”
Who would've thought your first interaction ever would turn into a ‘no, you're better’ contest. At least you made him comfortable enough to fight you from the beginning.
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Min Yoongi
“You mind if I join you?”
Yoongi's head snapped up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice, his eyes opening wide in shock when he realised he had no other than you in front of him.
Being too caught up in the sight of you, he could do nothing but absently shake his head, moving a little to the side for you to sit next to him.
“Why are you here and not inside?” you wondered in an attempt of making small talk.
“Um, air” he motioned around.
“It does get a little suffocating inside, huh?” you leaned back to take a better look at him.
He simply nodded his head, gazing down to his lap before a small smile took over his factions.
“You're sure I'm not bothering you?” you worried, noticing how quiet he was. “I didn't know you'd be here, I can leave if–”
“I'm just…” he interrupted you, looking up to lock eyes with you, “shy...” he admitted sheepishly.
Not only because he was insecure about his English, but also because it was you.
Your lips curved up as you stared fondly at him. “Okay then” you looked ahead, “let's just stay quiet for a while if that makes you feel better”.
So the two of you did just that; remaining silent for a little while, doing nothing but enjoy each other's company. Anyone who saw you would've thought it was such an awkward scene, but it was the complete opposite, actually. It was weird to find a stranger you could be so comfortable around with. It was nice, for both of you.
«Yah! Yoongi, we've been looking for you everywhere» the quiet atmosphere was disrupted faster than you'd have wanted to by Seokjin. “Oh, hello…” he awkwardly greeted you, receiving a smile from you before his eyes were back on Yoon. «They're announcing the Top Artist Award, come on!»
At the sound of that, Yoongi stood up immediately. “Sorry, I have to go, uh– award...” he spoke softly, almost scared of messing up his English.
Biting your lip, you squinted your eyes as you looked up at him. “Go get ‘em, tiger” you encouraged him with a grin, watching for the first time in person his signature gummy smile.
Thinking for a second before turning around to leave, he digged his hands in his pockets, staring down to you. “You don't... wanna come?”
“Um…” your eyes travelled from him to the door. “You know what? Yeah, I do” you stood up as well, a smirk forming on your lips before you added: “I don't wanna miss all the madness when you guys win”.
If you hadn't won him over already by being understanding about his shyness, with that vote of confidence you sure as hell had.
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Jung Hoseok
“Y/N!” he enthusiastically shouted the answer he had been saying over and over every single time the interviewers asked them who they wanted to meet that evening.
Only this time you heard him.
Your head had snapped up at the sound of your name as you walked past them a few meters behind on the red carpet, looking around before your eyes locked with the guy's who was currently interviewing BTS.
“Y/N, hi!” he waved for you to go over there. “Come here, someone wants to meet you!”
Not only did you freeze at that invitation, but so did Hoseok, earning loud laughs from his members as you got closer to them.
“Hi, guys” you shyly greeted with a smile, receiving instant cheerful replies before you stood by Hobi's side, since Joon had stepped aside for you to be in the middle.
Hoseok's eyes were soon to lock with yours – a shy smile parting his lips as he quietly admired your factions, having you unconsciously do the same.
“So, J-Hope right here just told us he was excited to meet you” the interviewer informed you with a smirk, causing Hoseok to tilt his head and turn to his friends as he complained in embarrassment.
Your reaction, however, was something Hobi did not expect at all; for not only did your lips part in what the thought was the brightest, most beautiful smile he had ever seen on you, but you had also covered your face with your hands, letting out a giggle that was soon followed by one of his own.
“Ah, don't tell me that” you told the guy holding the mic in front of you, “he's my favourite, my heart just did a thing”.
«Did she, did she say I'm her favourite?» Hoseok turned to ask Joon with pouty, incredulous lips; later giggling like a little boy on Christmas when their leader confirmed his beliefs. «She did?!» he covered his smiling mouth with his hand.
“Aw, that's so cute!” the other guy gushed at your previous words, for neither of you had any idea of what Hobi's previous gushing had been about. “So you'll be cheering for him tonight?”
“Of course!” you turned to the seven guys. “I mean, I'll be chanting for all of you guys, but if you hear someone screaming ‘J-Hope’ at the top of their lungs, that's probably me”.
And later that night, when he did indeed hear someone screaming his name somewhere in the first rows during his part, his heart sped up uncontrollably, and not precisely because of all the dancing around.
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Kim Namjoon
“Oh, f– I'm so sorry” he apologized as soon as his foot had stepped on your long dress, causing you to stumble over.
Luckily for you, just like he almost made you fall, he had also been the one to make sure to catch you – his hands being quick to hold you firmly by your arms, and staying there for a little longer so you could regain your balance.
“It's okay” you let him know with a shy smile, “I've been stepping on it all evening as well” at that, Joon exhaled the air he had been holding, gently letting go of you for once and for all. “It's such an awful, uncomfortable dress. I hate it”.
“Oh” he pursed his lips, eyeing up and down the dress he believed so perfectly hugged your body, “this might not help at all, but I think you look beautiful”.
It did help. Quite a lot, actually – that simple statement itself being enough for a shiver to run down your spine.
“Thank you” you replied, feeling yourself once again becoming shy. “I'm Y/N, by the way”.
“I know” he answered with an obvious tone, later letting out a breathy, nervous laugh, at the realisation of how he had exposed himself. “I um, I'm Namjoon”.
“I know” you repeated his previous words, biting down on your lower lip in response to his dimples showing up as he smiled.
Just like that, your manager called you from the other side of the hall, for you to go change into the outfit you'd be wearing for your performance.
“Seems like I'm finally getting out of this dress” your voice came out with a tone of relief, grabbing the sides of it and pulling it a little bit up so that you could walk properly. “It was nice getting stepped on by you, see you later!”
“It was my pleasure, I hope we can do this again sometime soon!” he played along as you walked away, smiling widely after watching you tilt your head back to let a laugh escape your throat.
Clumsiness? That he could always count on.
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Park Jimin
Taehyung sneakily nudged Jimin as you got closer to greet him, for he had frozen on his place as soon as he heard you call them from the other side of the hallway – his eyes in absolute awe as he watched you hug his members one by one.
And when you finally got to him, he didn't really know which one of you was shaking more.
“Sorry” you apologized to all of them once you had pulled away from him, knowing well enough they had all noticed your body slightly tremble, “I'm really nervous, I'm a huge fan of you guys”.
A unison “aw” came out of their mouths.
“Don't be nervous” to everyone's surprise, it was Jimin the one to speak up first, with what you thought was the cutest of pronunciations.
“Yeah” Namjoon backed up his friend, “we're huge fans too, so we're just as nervous, to be honest” he laughed, making you laugh in a way that had Jimin staring with even more admiration.
“Yeah!” Jimin spoke up again, “your voice!” he paused, pressing his lips together and effusively nodding his head to let you know how much he liked it, bringing instant heat to your face as you blisfully thanked him.
He wanted to say something else, to talk more to you, but you were interrupted by your manager tapping your shoulder to hurry you up.
“Oh, um…” you looked around, “I wish I had more time but my performance's about to start” you stuck your lower lip out. “I just wanted to wish you guys the best of lucks later tonight, you're gonna kill it”.
“Ah, thank you!” they all answered once again, with grateful smiles.
“Wait, let's take a picture!” Joon proposed out loud after one of their staff members showed him a camera.
You didn't have to think even once before accepting, turning around to look in the same direction as them. On the other hand, Jimin didn't even try and stop his legs from moving closer to you in the middle, quietly asking Hoseok to move over and let him be by your side – placing his hand over your shoulders without getting to touch you as he smiled brighter than the camera flash itself.
And so when you turned around to say goodbye, he opened his arms to quickly hug you once more before you took off to the stage.
«Aw, she's so beautiful, how's that even possible» he gushed to his members, receiving multiple amused smiles when his smile turned into a pout. «Why'd she have to leave so soon?»
Little did he know that was far from being the last time you met each other.
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Kim Taehyung
He was dying to talk to you.
The moment they were guided to their seats and he noticed one of them would be sitting next to you, he had rushed over there to claim it as his. However, just as much as he was dying to say something to you, his confidence was betraying him.
From time to time, he'd turn to you with the intention of starting a conversation in between performances, but nothing would come out of his mouth, turning his head in the opposite direction before he could make a fool of himself. You had said “hi” to each other already, why couldn't he bring himself to say something else?
It was when he noticed you were asking someone for some water, that he decided to take his chance – picking up the bottle of water under his seat to hand it to you.
“Have it” he spoke after your dumbfounded eyes travelled from the item to fix on his. “Is not… open…” his eyebrows knitted together as he looked up, wondering if he had managed to make his point clear.
An understanding smile curved up your lips, taking the bottle from his hands and thanking him before you opened it and took a sip.
Say something else. Tell her she looks pretty. Make small talk. Anything. He repeated over and over in his head, yet nothing came out. So, he smiled once more and turned his head back away from you, internally beating himself up for it.
It was you, later that night, the one who made his wishes come true; when you noticed how one of his members had taken away from him the popcorns he had been munching on, leaving him sulking with a pout on his lips.
“Here” you handed him yours, receiving a baffled expression from him. “You can have mine”.
In the end, what happened was that he did not take yours, but accepted to share them instead – leaning over to your side and finally relaxing next to you as the two of you ate and commented on the show, which lead to lots of laughter througout the night.
Never had he ever thought he'd thank Jeongguk for stealing his food.
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Jeon Jeongguk
“Don't be so nervous” you tried to encourage him with a small smile, having his eyes move up from the paper note he was tightly holding to focus on you – a smile of his own curving up his lips as well.
“My English…” he begun, trying to translate the right words in his head, “is not... good”.
“It's pretty good, actually” you once again tried to make him gain some confidence.
Neither of you understood why they had settled things up this way – each one of the BTS members having to present an award with someone else, instead of doing it all together like they always did. In Jeongguk's case, he had been paired up with you, which is why here you were now, both of you sitting backstage, going over your dialogue a few times as you waited for your turn to come.
And he didn't know if it had been a blessing or a curse, for he had gotten to meet you, the one artist he had been crushing on for years… but, at the same time, there was a high probability of him messing up at some point and make a complete fool of himself in front of you.
“You know what?” you spoke after taking in his uncertain eyes. With a raised eyebrow, he let you know you had his attention. “If it makes you feel any better, I can make a fool of myself in front of everyone”.
His eyes opened wide. “W-What?”
“Yeah” you nodded your head, “I'll just mess up the words or something and then you'll have nothing to worry about!”
“No, no” he shook his head, holding his hands out as if to signal for you to stop. “You don't– have to…”
“Oh, I will do it, my friend” you raised an eyebrow in determination. “I already thought of it, there's no turning back now”.
That serious statement of yours managed to get a breathy laugh out of him.
You were his crush for a reason, but knowing you were willing to sacrifice your public image just to help him out with his nervousness? He might as well have fallen in love right then and there.
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subzerobts · 5 years
Thoughts on the Eighth Member of BTS
A/N: No pairings or warnings for this, except that it may throw you into a sudden 8th member fanfic spiral. When I tell you I was reading 8th member fanfic for the majority of my day, I mean like a good six hours. It wasn’t good.
Okay, so I feel like a lot of people have talked about an eighth member and it being a girl and stuff so I figure I should add some stuff to the ever growing cache of things about the eighth member.
This was like 2300 words and I have no regrets.
~So if there was I feel like she would be slightly younger than most of them and would have come in after their first few albums
~Maybe she was raised in New York with her immediate family being mostly Korean and hella feminist and she’d have older brothers and be super chill
~So like maybe the company would be worried about the lack of fast growing traction with the group and have a girl added in
~First things first: it would be awkward as heck for the guys to suddenly have a girl there and would make living situations even more difficult, with having to share rooms and such. So, they’d probs alternate who rooms with who and who gets the couch, especially for her rooming with a guy
~Not to mention if she catches them talking about some sort of issue with the sleeping situation and then being nervous about it
~Eventually, I feel like she’d kind of get tired of all of the tiptoeing around her and be like
~‘Guys! I don’t even care! Unless you guys have some sort of creepy thing you’re trying to avoid, just treat me like one of you guys’
~Things would chill out basically immediately. Like the next few days, the boys were super relaxed and that was a problem because they just started walking around in just underwear and she would be like:
👀😒 um ew?? Put a shirt on?
~They’d clean it up a lil bit and walk around in like boxers and t shirts, which was fine she had older brothers, she could deal with that
~She’d respectfully bow out of the choreographed hip thrusts and things of that nature at first, like maybe they’d thrust and she’d like make a gagging motion or something(only rarely because the company would be like no) at some point she’d get extremely comfortable with just doing the hip thrusts herself
~The company even found that during interactions with fans she got just as much, sometimes more, attention and screaming as the boys
~Eventually she’d get used to dressing androgynous, like the stylist unnies would put her in skirts and she’d get kinda pissed and the guys would all agree that she’d be better in just what they’re wearing(i.e. pants)
~(Also, just a quick side note, before they even realized what was happening, they’d be super protective. Like unwarranted protection.
~Especially during interviews and talk shows any heavily toxic feminine questions related to her would be met with complete headassery(is that a word?) Just any kind of bullshit the guys could come up with.
~Like it wouldn’t happen immediately, but like after a few interviews and them seeing how uncomfortable it made her to answer the weird questions(coming from female OR male interviewers) they’d kind of come up with an unspoken agreement to answer any and every sexist comment or question with an answer just as shitty)
~ Into specific dynamics now:
~I feel like she’d be evenly split to each other member’s interests because in the first few months, that’s how she bonded with them, busy finding somethings she had in common with each of them and building on it
[we’ll go youngest to oldest]
~She is close with all of the boys, but each get her undivided attention when the moment serves.
~ With Jungkook she’d notice his quiet side during the beginning and willingness to please. So she’d always assure him, in a not so obvious way, that he was accepted. Just quiet validation from her court to his.
~So she’d set up gaming nights with Jungkook when they didn’t have strict schedules or just sit around on their phones
~ The fandom would eventually come to know them as the meme lords of the group.
~Their inside jokes are way too many to count and don’t even come close to being forgotten.
~Can’t forget GCF cause she would be in every single one of them that she could. She’s endlessly supportive of the videos and wants to be in all of them, she even suggests music and things(sometimes before he’s even thinking of doing another one)
~She disapproves when he pushes himself too hard. When she knows it’s happening, she’ll involve on of the hyungs( probably Jin) or they’ll talk to a manager if things get super serious.
~That being said, if he doesn’t have the dance down, or they’re both struggling, she’s the first to volunteer to run the dance with him multiple times and is always the voice of reason.
~When he says ‘one more time’ she says ‘food first’ or like ‘how about a water chugging contest really quick?!’ (bc we all know his competitive nature) ‘Jin probably has some left overs in the fridge that we can reheat, late night snack time!’
~They definitely argue a bit about being the “Golden Maknae.” She’s a bit competitive in that aspect. Because they’re both so talented and she’s just a half of a year older than he is.
~For Taehyung, I feel like she’d grow to love art with him. His quiet adoration for things of beauty, conventional or not.
~(They have a joke,mostly his own that he refuses to let die, that she’s his favorite piece of artwork, eventually she retaliates with him being her favorite piece of artwork and it just sticks.)
~They’d be the classy duo, but with matching boxy smiles. Elegant and poised, their visuals are basically unmatched and during photo shoots, they’re always the ones finished way before the others.
~There are no bad sides for the classy duo. (I’m basically imagining model material for both of them, like just ethereal. Visual god and goddessssssss)
~Also his need to fall asleep holding something, I feel like she’d match that with just being okay with anything when she’s asleep or almost asleep(like she’d fall asleep in the car with the boys or something and be difficult to wake up, so they’d just carry her and she wouldn’t even stir)
~So Tae would lay beside her and they’d be chilling and eventually fall asleep and then later wake up holding onto each other.
~Both of them are shameless damn flirts. They’re attractive and they know it and they will absolutely use it to (not literally) kill ARMY
~Jimin is a bit harder to think about(idek why) but I feel like she’d be his buddy in quiet studying. Like he’d come find her if he wanted to do some reading, but not be alone and she’d be totally down( same with Joon but hold on)
~and either she’d read her own book or she’d do some sketching(mostly because she’d want to have her own unique thing that the others weren’t too interested in)
~Jimin would be her ideal model in these moments. She never gets tired of sketching any of the boys, but in those moments, Jimin is the least likely to change face or position and thus be the perfect study.
~she’d also ask him for homework help in the earlier days with like mathematics and he’d always be more than happy to help
~Jimin is a brat and I feel like when the two of them spend a bit too much time together, the rest of the group can only expect the worst.
~(Low key the Lil-Shit Duo™️)
~Joon is next and here’s where her position in the group comes in. Since she was raised in New York, she’d be fluent in both Korean and English and, as such, would help with the interviews and translating.
~It’s a huge load for Namjoon to carry and with her, being by his side and helping with rephrasing things to the boys during interviews really eases him.
~Along with that, he always makes sure that she knows how much he appreciates her after difficult interviews or just every good while he’s just endlessly doting and complimenting her and things. She always tells him that it’s unnecessary, but he never stops thanking her.
~So they’re like the Leader Duo™️ and are consistently doing damage control between the boys(almost like group therapy) or rephrasing the boys’ answers(in those moments where the boys give weird answers to questions in interviews)
~When not in the public eye, they are coming up with ways to better interact with ARMY or they’re expanding their horizons by reading and stuff.
~Her favorite thing with Joon is working on learning a new language or just English with Joon and making up little tongue twisters and sayings and debating proper ways to phrase things. Which brings us to:
~Being a part of the rapline. So Joon, Hobi, and Yoongi are her peeps. When she’s not entertaining the maknae line, she’s with the Hyung line.
~Hobi and her have a cute dynamic. He babies her a little bit and she’d be lying if she said she didn’t love it at least a little.
~they like coming up with dances together, even when they are supposed to be taking the day off, just goofing around and coming up with dances for little snippets of songs is fun
~they’re like the sunshines of the group. So he’s J-hope and she’s his ‘little hope’. How cute.
~She’s constantly encouraging his little quirks and things that he does(the sound effects and just being him) and being right there with him in being the lights of the group.
~I feel like her and Jungkook get the same bit of his attention. Like the cuddly bits of it
(and my heart skips for cuddly JungHope so like imagining the three of them being cozy and mellow together and just watching the rest of the group do whatever. Agh my heart)
~My boy Yoongles is next and let me tell you I’ve been excited as hell for this one.(trying real hard not to let bias love seep through)
~When moving to a more spacious apartment, they decided to give her her own room. (She’s grateful.)
~And so when she wants to tamp down the wildness in the apartment, get a moment's peace, she retreats to her room.
~While she’s endlessly supportive of all six of the others, encouraging their wild quirks, her room is the quietest. Her room has a ‘no noise’ rule.
~Yoongi shares a room with Jin still at this point and not that Jin is a bad roommate, or particularly noisy, it’s just that the maknae line patronizes him a lot. And Yoongi has very little patience for that.
~So her room is where they’ll often find him. She has a comfy couch that she took Yoongi with to pick it out(because it was basically for him.)
~Point is, she’s mellow when she wants and needs to be and Yoongi is drawn to that chill side of her.
~When the rest are wild and he wants mellowness, he seeks her out and when she wants to be a bit rowdy, she leaves and closes the door.
~He has a gigantic soft spot for her. Not even kidding.
~The boys will always pull her into the situation if they think Yoongi might get too angry or a prank goes south and does more harm than fun amusement.
~They mention that she was involved and she goes with it because she doesn’t want the boys in too much trouble and Yoongi won’t hurt her like he would the boys(not actually hurt but you know like “beat them up”) or scold her too harshly.
~As soon as he finds out she’s involved the anger either dissipates or he removes himself from the situation so as not to hurt anything(but you bet your ass she scolds the maknaes from time to time on Yoongi’s behalf)
~And he definitely helps with her mixtape which the fandom is waiting for. Basically, chomping at the bit. She gives Yoongi and Joon so much credit tbh
~They definitely nap together. Mostly because they’re up at ungodly hours during the night, either working on songs or just talking because that’s definitely a thing that happens.
~They have similar views of the world(I’m mostly thinking of Interlude: Shadow here) but being lonely while being famous is definitely a view they share and are drawn together from that. Despite all of their wants to be on the top of the world, they want to not be lonely.
~Along with her keeping up well with the rowdy bits of the group, she’s definitely introverted like Yoongi. She does what she has to to further the group, but she does get drained and just kind of shuts everyone out some times.
~This is where Jin comes in. (Not to be that cliché bitch who’s always like Jin’s the mom of the group omg) but in this case, he makes sure she’s eating and taking care of herself when she does this.
~They all have locks on their doors and she keeps hers locked a majority of the time, but Jin and Yoongi are the only people she absolutely trusts with coming in unannounced.
~Despite always laughing at his dad jokes and being totally supportive of that, he knows when to turn on being serious and not taking her bullshit about “being fine” if she’s not.
~He forces(more like needles annoyingly) her to eat even when she says she’s not hungry during those times
~Makes sure she’s taking care of herself like showering and brushing her teeth and things.
~During the earlier years when she mostly stayed with the boys, very little contact to her mother in New York, Jin absolutely made sure he had cramp medication on hand and feminine products stashed in spots around the house. Well hidden obvi so the boys wouldn’t just stumble across them, but still there. (She does these things on her own now, but she’ll never forget the thought he put into making sure she was cared for)
~She’s definitely requested a majority of the time on EatJin. ARMY just likes to make sure that she’s eating(just like all of them) and they want to see the two of them talk.
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~All in all, the boys are her family and she wouldn’t trade them for the world.
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shesawriter39049 · 5 years
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AU SUMMARY :  A powerful alliance made up of  4 families spanning over a decade, is suddenly turned on its head when one family has a new leader after an unexpected death. Well, let’s just say he’s not down to follow the somewhat civilized rules your families have inforced. Sooo now, it’s game on… 
WARNINGS: Semi public sex, light cum play, light spit play, VERY mild daddy kink (it’s mentioned like twice) light dom Tae, overstimulation, Toys (Finger bullet), dirty talk, non-protected sex, oral (F recieving) , Tae is Low key/High key whipped AF, That’s his baby.. 
WARNINGS NON SEXUAL: This chapter get’s a little dark, mentions of HEAVY drugs/ drug use(Cocaine, Heroine), violence, choking (Non-sexual), OD’ing, guns, language as per usual 
There’s a lot of storyline..but you guys learn A LOT in this one! It’s definitely worth the read..this is also a slightly darker chapter..
This is one of the last chapters where I’m...”forshadowing” if you will...so you need all of this!
There is 2 smutty moments within this as well!
You can read this as a stand alone, and not be completely lost but it would help if your familiar with the series ...Luxx/Luxxy is the OC’S nickname if you’re new here…
LOCATION: Somewhere in the skies of China
The last time you saw Kim Taehyung cry was 10 years ago, at his mother's funeral, the last time you saw Kim Taeyung this broken...was ten years ago at his mother's funeral. Now here you are, laying in bed at 2AM on your jet, headed home, for Leo’s viewing, while Kim Taehyung literally wailed into your chest a combination of heartbreak and rage washing over his body. Draining out every ounce of energy he had until all he could do was sleep…
Boston Isle 
Tuesday, 2 PM 
(Picks up where part 3 ends) 
You found yourself almost caressing the back of his head the more the reporter spoke, apparently it was some random nurse who found him. She said she was just driving home from work around 5am, and the light was left on, out of habit she just felt the need to see if everything was okay.
[Woman on the news being interview ]
“The position of his head, and the way his jaw laxed, could just appear as he was sleeping to the naked eye. But I’m an ER nurse have been for almost 15 years I recognized the symptoms right away. I tried to revive him prior to calling 911, even against my better judgment ,but he had been out for at least an hour, it was no use…” 
“The police are still trying to put two and two together as it really doesn't make sense, there was cash in the car, as well as the car itself is a mystery. We have finally identified the young man in the car, his family as also been contacted-” 
Right as she was about to say his name, and ask if anyone knew anything to please contact the police he shot up, almost bolting for the door. Almost as if he knew the boys name it would seem all too real. Little did you know the actual reason is because Taehyung puropusly never asked him what his name was, granted he’s not stupid, his men knew, they even had a picture of his ID. But Tae felt like this boy deserved to have something for him, and him only...so his name was never spoken.
You contemplated back and forth for a couple moments before ultimately deciding to go check on him.
The sound of your heels echoing through the hallway of the “Employees only” area..trying to figure out where he could be “I’m over here..” The base in his voice rumbled off the walls , almost startling you, not expecting for him to actually reach out to you first.
You found him resting against the wall hands in the pocket of his jack, gazing up at the ceiling
 “ The boys did a full z30, and went over it with a black light..not that it even matters now.” Voice trailing off slightly as he brought his attention down to his boots, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
 “They actually ended up taking the car to some park,I guess they decided to change locations  after I knocked the mother fucker out. Opting to not sterilize an entire car on his property,while he tends to his dislocated dorsum. “ A slight smirk moved up his face as he gazed over at you “So if you're thinking I’m worried about me..I’m not..the plate was switched, garmin removed, and the cars not even registered. I’m just….” Shaking his head in slight disbelief as he runs over the past 24 hours in his head.  “I don’t think he really even knows how fucked up and dangerous this all really is, especially when Marcp barely knows what you're doin’ to begin with. He’s a walking death wish and he’s gonna fuck around and have it granted by someone that coud’ve been his ally!” 
Even though his tone was hushed you could still feel the anger radiating off his body, raking his fingers through his hair, sinking back into the wall. “Come’ere, I know you didn't come out here to listen to me bitch from a far…” Signaling for you with his fingers, trying to hide the smile that was tugging up your face as you swayed in his direction. Opting to give him his space, not in the mood to get your face cracked, emotions far too fragile for that right now. You’ll end up shooting his indecisive ass, at this point, so you opted to wait for the invite. 
Once you were in arms reach he pulled you into his frame, a slight squeal leaving your throat from how quickly he grabbed you.
One hand resting on the hinge of your jaw the other on your waist , palm soothing up the small of your back. “How are you feelin’?” The question threw you off a little you found your eyes fluttering away from his and he noticed instantly. Tilting your head until you had no choice but to look at him. Emphasises on the  word “you”  let  you know he was well aware that your always the one checking on him ..asking how he’s feeling. Now it’s his turn to do the same, I mean sure a good 17 years later but at least it’s a start right!? 
Letting a deep sigh leave your body before responding “I’m angry, confused, and a little scared if I’m being honest but-”
Cutting you off immediately , shaking his head, a scof rolling off his tongue “Over my dead body, will anything ever happen to you, so you can scratch that shit off your list of issues real quick..” He wasn’t asking , he was telling you how this was going to go and his tone left zero room for debate.
Tilting your head back slightly, blowing out a slow breath , you could feel your eyes burning as you kept fluttering them. Attempting to cut off the tears desperately trying to run down your face, funny thing is, even though you cried earlier today. That’s not a common trait for you no matter how upset you get, your not the most intune with your emotions either if we're being honest. You didn’t open up easily and hated, crying in front of people more than anything, you were just as much as a working progress as Taehyung.
The phrase “Over my dead body…”was used very frequently, typically over minor issues, even jokingly for most. But it would always hold a deeper, darker meaning in your heart, the last person to say that to you was your mother. Used in the same context as Kim Taehyung and she meant it, wholeheartedly!  You found yourself trying to pull away, not wanting to let him see you fall apart, because you knew you were going to. The more you tugged the tighter his grip became, “Tae please. Let. Me. Go…” You wouldn't look at him, staring up at the light fixture to your right, tone extremely dry, almost passive. The grip you held on his forearms got even tighter as you waited in silence,clinging to him almost desperately your actions polar opposite from your words.
He wasn’t going to fight you on this, if you wanted out..here ya go, the last squeeze on your waist wasn’t possessive. Almost comforting as if he was letting you know if you wanted to come back, he'd be right here. Tentatively loosening the grip he healed around your waist, letting you pull away from him, almost losing your balance in the process. Rocking forward slightly, not realizing how much you were leaning on him despite trying to pull away all at the same time. 
Yet you didn't move, the grip you held on his arms never faltered, they actually got tighter, dropping your gaze down to your feet. Your right leg starting to patter nervously as you felt your chest swelling, gently taking you back into his arms. Bringing your hips flush to his, I guess you never realized he eased you the same way you did him. The feeling of your chest rising and falling against his as you coxed yourself out of crying, a single tear managing to slip out of your right eye before you could stop it. Turning your head, brushing it onto your shoulder hastily, your grip tightening even more as both eyes started to betray you simultaneously. Even though you refused to look back at him, he could feel your stomach tensing as you tried to slightly choke back the tears that were now streaming down your face.. 
He did not force you to make eye contact, respecting your privacy in that aspect bringing his hands up to rub lightly circles into your back as he nuzzled his nose into the side of your neck.  A side of Kim Taehyung that few would ever get to see, bringing your arms up to wrap around his neck, cradling the back of his head in your hands. “I’m not going anywhere…” the words brushed against your skin, funny how he automatically knew what triggered this without you even having to say anything. You didn't respond, only squeezing him a little tighter before pulling back, almost aggressive whipping your face before raking your fingers through your hair. A sheepish smile tugged on the corners of your lips as you finally made eye contact with him.
Neither of you said anything as you stepped a little closer, soothing your hand down his chest, and stomach slowly. Suddenly feeling almost uncomfortably open and vulnerable in front of a man that’s been inside you more times that you can count. His eyes felt like they were burning straight through you as he gazed back in your direction. 
Suddenly feeling like this was all getting a little deeper than you could handle you found yourself feening for a distraction. Letting your hand have free reign to trickle down his zipper, trailing your fingers up and down his clothed length earning a hiss as he gripped your wrist.
“You know your thighs can’t handle another round from me right now, you need to fuckin chill before I have you bent over the bathroom counter.” Keeping the same calm tranquil tone he  had moments prior, despite how drastic the setting became. 
“Well ,maybe that’s what I need right now…” A not so subtle pout laid along your lips, earning an amused smirk to curl up his face, as he gazed down at you. 
His hand came up and coming up to grip the hair at the nape of your neck, tugging with just enough force to rip a whine from your throat. “Naughty” slipped past his lips in Korean making your giggle against his skin.
 Tilting your head upwards before pressing his lips to yours, slowly, almost teasingly licking his way into your mouth, which you welcomed effortlessly. Bringing his opposite hand down to cup your ass through your jeans..clawing at the material as you rolled your hips into his. A slight moan escaping your lips as he sucked your tongue back into his mouth,tilting his head a little so he could deepen the kiss.
The sound of footsteps, didn't phase the two of you, you've been caught doing worse, until Hoseok clears his throat, making the two of you finally allow each other to breathe. But in true Kim Taehyung fashion he didn't stop right away, he still let his tongue lingerie in your mouth. You were the one who broke it apart, starting to laugh against his tongue because you knew how close Hoseok was. 
You couldn't help but notice the almost pleased smirk that tugged on Hoseok’s lips, as he waited.
“Yes?” Brow quirked in Hoseok’s direction while his hand soothed up your back, acting as nonchalant as could be.
“I was just sent here to let you two know were flyin’ out of here to head back inwards in about an hour or so..the planes set to take off at around 5:30. That’s all..feel free to continue...there’s actually a spare bathroom down that corner, don’t ask me how I know” Dismissing himself with the cheekies smirk imaginable, before either of you could respond, or pick up on the fact the he said “Were flying out of here in about an hour” 
‘Ya know, I always think we're the definition of shameless, and then I remember there’s Hoseok and Bunny..” Smiling up at him, knowing the two of you were thinking about the same situation right now...
“Come to the bar with me…” Yanking on his arm slightly 
“I’m sorry are you telling me to go?" Brows furrowed at your blatantly demanding tone
“Obviously! Now come to the damn bar with me!!!!” 
Cocking his head to the side slightly, brow arched in slight amusement, as you went to saunter off as if you just knew he’d follow. Which he did, but not before winding his arm backward almost giving your ass whiplash as it landed on your right cheek until your yelped. Hopping off the ground slightly from the sudden impact. Eyes glaring back in his direction as you hissed from the lingering sting.
“Oh please ..” Eyes rolling to the back of his head at your faged annoyance, walking up behind you until his lips were nuzzled into your hair “I bet if I slid my hands down your panties right now, I’d find out you really felt about it.”
Stopping right in front of the door, two hinges are all that separated the two of you from a good 30+ mob affiliates yet it didn't stop you from grabbing his hand in your own. Siding it into your jeans to remind him, your not wearing any after your earlier endeavors. Guiding his hand up and down your heavily saturated lips as they coated his fingers, you couldn't help but smile contently at the sound that left his lips. A soft almost restrained moan ripped from his throat, reacling your neck to lay on his shoulder as you gazed up at at “Yup your right, I really fucking loved it..” The purr teased against his bottom lip, as you brought your hand up to wander through his hair. 
The playful atmosphere was long gone once he seamlessly slid two fingers in, pressing your chest against the wall  grinding his hips into your ass . Effortlessly curling his fingers upward probing the spot that had your knees buckling within seconds.
“Oh fuck…” 
“I really don't get it...do you just not want to be able to walk? Hmm..is that what it is? Is that why you contiously act like such a fuckin brat?” Sinking his teeth into the base of your neck until you knead out..almost pressing your face into the wall in attempts to muzzle yourself. The sound of him moaning out contently against your skin as you fell apart in his arms only added to the haze currently filling your head. 
Your broken cry was rudely interrupted by Tae’s phone ringing both of you instantly recognizing the ringtone as he slid it out of his pocket with his free, clicking it on speaker “You and Luxxy outside! We need to run over a couple things before you leave”
Sliding his fingers out, teasing them up and down your folds, pinching your clit between his fingers.“Okay yeah we're coming..” you could literally feel the smirk in his voice as desperately sink your teeth into your bottom lip. His father started rambling on about something else to Tae took him off speaker, slowly curling his fingers up your lips before freeing them from your jeans. Hissing slightly at the lack of contact as your body slouched against the wall. Trickling his fingers slowly admiring the way your juices coated them thoroughly..
“Oh, yeah of course, I mean it only makes sense..” Continuing casual conversation with his dad as he locked his eyes with yours, slowly lacing his tongue around his fingers before turning to walk away. Making sure to flick him off in the process…..
Turning around slightly once he realized a couple steps in you weren’t following “Ugh, Luxxy, we gotta go our father’s need us…” Purouselys saying it into the phone so his dad could hear a smirk tugged on his lips as he gestured for you to follow with those same two fingers “Come”. Even though he literally meant “Come” the tone he said it in screamed “Cum” and you were so ready to punch him dead in the throat!
The last thing you wanted was sit, cozied up to Kim Taehyung, but more importantly, you don't need to give your fathers any reason to be concerned. Especially over something this..”Minor..so you sucked it up..no matter how badly you wanted to strangle his scrotum. Since he had the nerve to smile over at you fondly. 
“The helicopter should be here in the next half hour….” The two of you observed the way your father kept his eyes on the water, the tide starting to pick up slightly, as the sun was shifted  behind the clouds. Indicating rain was headed back this way sooner than later, the gloomy overcast starting to drape overhead again. 
“We've been wrecking our brains, trying to think of the best way to do this…” Pausing to take a puff on a cigar in his hand… ”Were trying to step back, and not hover so much but it’s hard, in our eyes you’ll always be our babies, and granted the two of you havent fully given as reason to be 100%  feel comfortable doing so either..” Mr.Kim’s eyes glared between the two of you but there was a playful twinge within his voice as he spoke.
A gritty chuckle leaving your father's lips at the current state of confusion plastered along your faces, still not quite sure why the two of you were called out here to begin with. “We just ...wanted to remind you that your...Notoriety sit’s differently out there, in the US, to the masses your Taehyung Khan, and Luxx Severiane the two bratty rich kids of Boston. In China, it suddenly becomes a lot more likely that your known as Blaise and Jae’s Grandchildren, that title comes with a lot of pride, a lot of respect and a lot more enemies.”  
You felt Tae’s thumb stroke your shoulder at that, the shift in conversation suddenly making you forget your petty disposition towards him. ;l
“We know you know this, it’s not your first time there, but it’s been a minute since you've gone together, and the airs just sitting a little thicker now. When it comes to the “Family Business” we prefer to be heard and not seen, but that’s kinda hard to do out there! So just ... be aware of your surroundings, and of the way people look at you, even more so than usual. Were already trying to move in silence as it is, there’s no proof it’s Marco, were just assuming. As we all know the gangs in China have always had a love hate relationship with us!  “ 
There was a conscious nod that left both of your bodies at that, there was really only one ally you all truly trusted and that’s because that bond was damn near 15 years old.
“Which is why were also sending Yoongi and Hoseok with you as well, we pulled Hoseok off the Tokyo drop Hong Joong’s going instead…” 
“How are we flyin in by the way?” It was like the two of you were working on one brain cell, that exact question hovering over your lips before he asked.
“Well, we thought about commercial….” 
Your nose was scrunched into your face at the sound of that earning a chuckle from the 3 men around you.
“You’ll live baby doll…” Your dad piped in as he rolled his eyes, shaking his head at the mini monster he’s created.
“-But we didn't trust that, that’s 15 hours on a flight with god knows who, either way you still have to clear customs. We've taught you well enough to handle your own so you're flying private . Be careful, be alert, and figure out what the fucks going on at that damn warehouse…” 
Another simultaneous nod left your bodies, to be honest you weren’t nervous just..mentally preparing for what was ahead of the two of you. 
“Last thing, with the time difference once you land it will be 9pm tomorrow, so Wednesday night, you guys are supposed to fly back at 9pm Thursday night. As long as your on that flight, with the time difference and air time, you should get here around 1-2 Am our time on Friday. That gives you guys a couple hours to sleep, and debrief  before the viewing at 12. So again no time for bullshit, no trips to Chanel, just knock this shit out and get home, so we can give Leo the homegoing he deserves!” 
The 7 of you split up in two groups and loaded the helicopters, once you landed your cars took you your separate ways, heading home to shower and pack. Even though you’d be there all of 24 hours you still found a way to over pack your Keepell, placing one firearm in your bag. The weapon was unloaded and properly packed in order to clear any regulations, it was also registered to you but you’d never in a million years shoot from that gun. It was just for show and more so dire emergencies. Short of that your weapon of choice is unmarked, and unregistered  and loaded with ammo that you probably shouldn't have access too but somehow ,ya do! 
Already well aware that nothing sexual would happen on this 15 hour flight, due to the time difference, and the lack of time you’d be there the flight would be spent between strategizing, sleeping and eating. That still didn't stop you from throwing on a lace little something under your T-shirt dress in case he hands wanted to go for a little stroll. 
LOCATION : Somewhere in the skies between Massachusetts and China
Tuesday, 7:30PM
The skies were gloomy as all hell once you took off, a good 2 hours into the flight once everyone munched on the array of fast food, and got in there comfy spot, that’s when it was game time. 
“Alright, sorry if this is all old news for everyone else, but what’s the actual issue? Listen, I’ve been all over Amsterdam for the past month running your drugs around..so I’m a little out of the loop!” Throwing his hands up dramatically, the utter sarcasm dripping from his throat ripped a snort from the rest of you effortlessly. 
Taehyung and yourself glanced at each other and ultimately he decided to respond.
“Around, 5am, one of our trucks from China, was on the road, the driver claims he was at a rest stop for the night, headed to our Anaheim warehouse and the back hatch alarm tripped. He told Jin he didn't physically see anyone just a blacked out van driving off, when he counted his shipment he was down 6 boxes.” 
“The issue is..our routes are soild there always changing, the trucks unmarked, it’s just...real fuckin shady... who takes shit without knowing what it is? I mean fuck what if it’s wallpaper!? Then what? You just risked going to jail for a hunch? Nahhh” Namjoon piped in,he often helped remap out different routes for the drivers go take so it didn't get repetitive . 
“So, I know this has never happened before, but what is the protocol for something like this?” Your eyes drifted over to Jin’s since he’s the one running the shop as of a month ago and he was the one popping in the most when Henry was in charge”
“Kinda the same, shipments flies in on cargo, driver on commercial, he’ll drive the head home tonight, and come back in the morning for the trailer. It’s on lockdown all night with Lay’s men at the port, the main difference is once he gets in and we do an incident report...that’s when I get all the details.” 
There was a constitutional humm...that flooded the room until you thought about that for a second. 
“So wait, that means..he’s technically the only one with his shipment until it gets to the warehouse?” He could sense the concern in your voice instantly. 
“Yes and no, Lay’s men are with it all night, so what;s on the plane is on the plane, plus we can track his-”
“Right, but are they going through and counting the boxes to make sure he has what he says he has? Do they even know he’s supposed to be down six boxes?” Your tone was calm, not trying to come off like you were attacking him but..you need clarification on the protocol.
Another consensual humm came through, once the whole group realized you had a pretty valid question. Even if this was a rarity there still needed to be solid structure, and there seems to be loopholes..
“Honestly, I’m not sure..shipment is usually ONLY exported from China, it’s extremely rare that were receiving freight! Unless it’s coming straight to the warehouse...” 
“When did the freight plane get in ?” 
“Tonight actually, as long as we land on time probably a good 30 minutes to an hour after we get there…”
“I wanna wait around for Lay and his men to unload the plane before we leave...” Taehyung’s palm came up to soothe down the small of your back.
 “Good girl..” There was nothing condensing about his tone , already well aware of where your mind was going. Moments like these are why he just can't get enough of you, no matter how hard he tries. 
If the driver said your missing six boxes than fuck, you better be missing 6 boxes! Needing confirmation before you could even consider going to sleep tonight!
The next couple hours were spent talking in a little more detail , as far as the shop was concerned , clienteel, ETC, Yoongi opting to head in right when you land, wanting to have a go at the system before anyone gets in tomorrow . Well aware that if any funky business is going on, ideally late at night would be the perfect time for someone to back door the system, since the shops technically closed.
A good 4 hours later, talking filtered into sleep that you all desperately needed, as your day was starting in less than 6 hours! Taehyung and yourself were cuddled up in the bedroom that sat at the back of the plane. You found yourself passed out on his chest, while he woke up a good hour or so before landing, re-going over reports with the dimmest light possible so he didn't wake you. Secretly loving and hating how much he was enjoying having you like this, the vulnerability he felt with you was utterly terrifying and liberating all at the same time. Just not sure how long this little road of bliis can go before his inner deamons start to fuck with his head again. 
LOCATION: Shanghai Pudong International Airport
11PM Wednesday night
You were out like a light, not even bothering to wake you until, the cargo plane had also landed, it was pushing almost 11pm at this point. Waking up to the feeling of someone slipping your shirt over your head, in combination with the sound of thunder rumbling against the plane. Eyes slightly hazy as they fluttered open slowly….
“It’s pouring and barley 50 degeress, you’d freeze in that…also..your a little shit for these...” Tugging on your pink lace G-string with a slight smirk.
Gaze dropping down to silently observe the way he delicately slid your body into your oh so subtle Gucci tracksuit. “Eww when did you get so sappy!” The playful tease rolled off your lips and against his tongue, not hesitating to let his hand make a firm imprint on your ass. Holding it in place so you felt the sting against your flesh, forever reminding you how instant his duality could be.
A whimper slipped past your tongue while he smirked into the kiss, “Who the fuck are you calling sappy?” a low growl left his lips as he sunk his teeth into your bottom lip, before shifting your body beanthe him, flipping you over so you were straddling his waist. “I think what you meant to say was “Thank you daddy..” A smirk tugged on his lips as you pulled away from him.
“Oh my god!!” A snort left your lips as you rolled your eyes playfully, smacking him in the chest lightly, mindless rambles were brushed against each others lips as you waited to unload the jet. Jet lag was in full affect that’s for damn sure ,this was NOT a smooth ride at all.
It felt surreal yet so natural..the two of you..not holding your breath with how long it would last, well aware that you both had a lot on your shoulders right now. Emotions are at an all time high so you tried not to over analyze the affection he was giving you, no matter how much you loved it.
Upon stepping off the plane you were greeted by almost terrifyingly dark skies , I swear mother nature tries to drop hints….she tries. Thankfully the mood was brightened slightly by Lay’s deadly dimples noticeable even tucked under a hat making his rounds as he greeted you all one by one. While you all loaded a little car comparable to an oversized golf cart where he drove you all a little further down the lane where the freight plane landed. 
“Okay so I need a favor…” Not even waiting for him to respond prior to continuing “ I need every box, counted and numbered,as you guys load each one onto the truck. I want them loaded in numerical order…tonight!” Smiling up at him doe eyed, his body just slumped at the sound of that. It was wet and cold, and late as all hell, due to the weather they probably weren’t even going to unload until the morning!  But he'd never question, or complain about anything you requested of him. 
“Yes, ma’am” Shooting you another charming smile before  bowing out, to instruct his men to do as you asked.
It took close to an hour to get through every box, stregicially placing them based on weight, size, and  if any of them were marked as “Fragile “  The seven of you waited in anticipation, as they loaded the last 3 boxes into the trailer.
“54!” Lay's voice echoed through the wind...A combination of relief and confusion now danced through the atmosphere. 
‘Does this mean I could actually, possibly leave China for once without killing someone!?”’ Hoseok spoke up for the first time since waking up voice sitting extremely groggy.
A drowsy chuckle filled the space as you all stood under the awning of the building to avoid the rain. Back pressed  firmly against Tae for extra warmth, as you all started walking towards the terminals. According to Lay’s packing sheet the driver  left with 60 boxes...he claims they took six so, so far his “robbery”stories kinda lining up...even if it doesn't make sense.
“I don't know man, I just still don’t get how they got away with six freight boxes before he noticed...has the driver’s plane landed?” Taehyung’s eyes cut over to Jin, as he checked the airports stats on his phone.
“Nope, the rain has him delayed , at least another hour or so…”
It was getting late and none of you had the patience to wait for him, also not wanting to ambush the driver, wanting to wait until you’d collected a little more info. 
“How about this..instead of the normal protocol makeup some bullshit excuse and have Lay drive him home! I want Hoseok to drive it in, tomorrow morning instead, tell the driver he can come in at 8 with all the other shop workers…that way he wave time to scope everything out.” Jin nodded, walking over to give Lay the game plan for the night, before you all descended into the chaos that was the airport.
As you lot trucked through,believe it or not it was still packed..regardless of the fact it was pushing midnight. The line for Customs & Immigrations was ungodly you couldn't help but notice the slight  stairs your group received from bystanders some lingered longer than others. 
A good hour, and lack of patience later you were the last to get verified, you understood enough Chinese to gist that everything documentation wise was all good. Just as the smiling face in front of you handed back your passport a member of TSA steps into frame.
Almost snatching your passport right out of your hand “Rude…” Slipped past your lips, eyes rolling to the back of your head without even a second thought.
You could hear him mumbling something in Chinese to the other TSA that  almost sounded like “Back room” 
“Ms. Sever-”
“Severiane’ ” Tone dry as all hell, you could tell he was struggling and you weren’t in the mood, you were tired as hell and already annoyed by this blatant attitude.
“Yes’ we need you to step out of line, and follow me..” First thing you noticed was how clear his accent was, as he spoke to you in English with no hesitation.
“For what!?” The words slipped past all of there lips simultaneously before you even had time to rebuttal, completely ignoring the men to your right as they chimed in. The lack of response clearly wasn’t working in your favor as both guards stepped from behind the counter,and just like clock work, Taehyung and Namjoon were at your side as the men started to invade your personal space.
Both of there faces screamed “Back the fuck up..now!”
“I’m only going to ask you one more time,your coming either way because it’s apart of our protocol, as long as you cooperate this won’t take long.”
You could feel Tae’s grip on your waist get tighter, pulling you into his frame as he locked eyes with the guard in front of you. If looks could kill, this man's head would be on the other side of the airport right now . Neither of you worked well with threats but you were far too exhausted to fight this right now.You swore you could almost hear Taehyung’s teeth grinding together his jaw was clenched so tightly,
“Yeah, okay ,whatever…not like my bags and passport didn't already clear your system but sure..lead the fuckin’ way” Flagging your hand to gesture you were ready to go, nothing subtle about the attitude that dripped from your lips
As you went to walk off, the grip Tae held on the back of your joggers never faltered jerking you back into him. “I got this…” Brushed past your lips and you swore he growled in response, forgetting how possessive this man could get. Leaning up quickly to press your lips to his, the second you pulled away his eyes cut from yours, over to gentleman to your right before nodding tentatively. 
Smiling faintly in Namjoon’s direction as well, knowing he was feeling all the same emotions as Taehyung! Wigging out of his hold, fingertips gracing yours until the last possible second, the final glare that shoot from their eyes into the Tsa was lethal….
Walking down a long hallway before finally being led to a room in the back corner. 
Upon taking a seat the gentleman that walked you in left without saying a single word….
“That’s a beautiful plane you guys have…” Another extremely clear American accent graced through the doors as a different agent walked in to take a seat in front of you. His name tag translating to “Han”.
“Thank you…”
“So what brings you to Shanghai at this time of night…”
You could tell he was just beating around the bush and you really had no patience for it whatsoever, assuming he was just being nosey at this point. “I didn't plan to get here this late, but it’s a long flight and the weather sucked..” Shrugging nonchalantly as you crossed your legs, slouching back in your seat.
“Is it your first time here?”
Just shaking your head “No” in response, the utter lack of enthusiasm earned a chuckle from the gentleman in front of you.
“Ohhhkay..and what brings you here this time?”
“Food..shopping...aesthetically pleasing pics for my Instagram..shall I continue…” Crass nothing but crass…
“So your telling me you flew 16 hours to shop, eat, and take pictures?” Brow arched at the implied question triggering a smirk to crawl up your face.
“Clearly…. you can tell I can afford it” Letting your hand trail up and down your body everything from your tracksuit, to the diamonds that danced along your body screamed affluent. “So yes, that is why I’m here..and if all you wanted was my itinerary can I go?”
“No, I actually called you in because  when your bag got checked.. We noticed your weapon wasn’t stored properly. But instead of just taking it, I decided to be nice and give you a warning,I even brought a pamphlet for the proper protocol when traveling with a concealed weapon.
Bullshit, utter bullshit, there was nothing wrong with your gun and if it was it would've gotten flagged when they checked your bag…They don’t play around when it comes to weapons registered or not, ESPECIALLY considering your technically a foreigner!
“Hmm, well aren't you a gem, thank you, I’ll be more careful next time..” Flashing him an Oscar worthy smile ...to go with his bullshit excuse for why he called you in here
“Anytime, make sure it’s secure when you leave though, we won’t be as generous next time…” Slowly rising from his seat, just nodding in response.
“Enjoy Shanghai Ms. Sunjata…” You felt your spine go ridigit at the sound of that, completely readjusting in your seat. Footsteps rattled behind you, as you heard the door shut. Trying to run through any scenario in your head, that could explain why you were 99.99 percent sure this TSA agent just referred to you by your real surname!
That was all the confirmation he needed...silently observing the obvious shift in body language.. 
And just like clock work you realized he wasn’t actually leaving, the door was never closed when he came in to begin with….
You heard what almost sounded like handcuffs jingle behind you, which had you second guessing yourself for a moment. Currently wondering if you played this out completely wrong in your head, maybe you were under investigation for something else all together! Your reflexes kicked in and you went to jerk away once you sensed how close he’d gotten and in almost a whim of panic his game plan changed. 
 Suddenly you found your airflow get cut off  somewhere between your throat and your lungs as the chain between the cuffs was wrapped around your throat. Pulling you backwards until the front legs of the chair were off the ground, the chair itself rested lightly against his abdomen so he still had control . A sharp breath hiccuped in your chest as you tired to sustain what little airflow you had.
“Is there a reason a Sunjata’s in our territory!?” The words growled against your neck, yet you could sense the uncertainty, as his voice wavered...he was terrified, I don't think he intended for his “Integration”  to go this route.
 Hoisting the chain with enough force to leave an impact but not enough to make you blackout “Look, I don’t want to hurt you, so just answer me! What the fuck dose Sunny want huh?  We already told him,we had nothing to do with your fucking warehouse or Henry, So why are you here!? ” Funny how he was getting impatient with your lack of response, and also saying he doesn't want to hurt you yet..here we are.
He yanked on the chain one more time, snapping you out of your haze,which triggered your instincts to kick back in elbowing dead in the ribs, catching the edge of your elbow against the chair in the process which only pissed you off even more. His frame wider than the back of the chair itself, the slight release on the restraist gave you enough leighway to rock all our weight against him, causing you and the chair to topple over him. Knocking you both to the ground, a lot harder than you expected. A low grown gritted through clenched teeth at the impact once your body met the concrete, the gentleman to your left, however, was far more winded that’s for damn sure. 
Not even giving yourself a chance to catch your breath you grabbed the hand cuffs to your right, clenching them around you first as if they were brass knuckles before decking him dead in the face. Ripping a loud groan from his throat “Fucking bitch!” Rolling to the side as he cradles his nose in his hands, as blood surged from under his palm. Crawling over to flip him onto his back, straddling the upper half of his body, gripping the sides of his jaw between your fingers, purposely digging your nails into his skin.
“You think that’s bitchy!?Your lucky I didint  wrap this chain around your throat and snap your fuckin neck!” Slamming his head backwards into the concrete floor ripping another cry from his throat, you could see in his eyes...how scared he was. Probably new to this life, and genuinely worked at the airport..to keep tabs...here he was thinking he was doing a good deed to score brownie points. Now he’ll be lucky if his leader doesn't kill his ass for pissing off a Sunjata, lord knows the fire you could cause if you really wanted too! Clearly he didn't do his research, you knew he picked you because you were the only girl.  Assuming it would be easy...he could just scream it out of you, little did he know, your fuse was just as short as your men!! 
“And for fuckin what huh? Because I wasn’t on your damn radar!? Listen kid,try that shit again, and I swear to God, I'll cut your dick off and mail part of  it to your fuckin mother….and other to your Lǎobǎn” You had so many questions but right now wasn’t the time, for all you know if you waited another 5 or so minutes an entire gang coulve been waiting outside.
Your body was completely spent, once you willed yourself off the floor and opened the door, trying to pull yourself together, slumping to the ground outside the door because you knew he wasn’t going to try anything else. Your hand was literally throbbing , the bruising already shadowing your knuckles as you slide the array of Cartier off your fingers. Already well aware your hand would swell in your sleep, after a few moments you managed to get your shit together, heading down the hallway and back to the main area.
The minute you cleared the door the all shot up bolting in your direction “Fuck, baby are you-” Stopping himself midsetence the closer you got, neck already starting to welt. You could literally see the anger flashed through his eyes as he gripped the side of your face. “What the hell happened!?” Damn near stripping you in the middle of the airport as his hands scrambled over every inch of your body looking for any other marks. A whine leaving your lips as you winced once he graced your shoulder, eyes almost flushing pitch black at the sound that just left your throat. 
The original agent stepped back out front, and you felt Tae try to bolt to your right, gripping his wrist as hard as you can, no matter how bad it hurts. Pulling him back into you “It wasn’t him...and we can’t do this now...not here...we've already drawn enough attention…will talk later” You watched him open his mouth in rebuttal shaking your head in the process “Stop, take me to the hotel...now…..”  
He was testing your patience at this point the alpha in him, caused Tae to challenge every word that left your lips. Not that it wasn’t for good reason but he needed to trust your judgment calls “Taehyung...Now..” The sudden dominance that laced within your tone made him tentatively comply, it was rare you took this stance with him. Typically the tone was reserved for the men that worked for you! 
 Quickly asking the guys to carry both of your bags, while he picked you up wrapping your legs around his waist as he carried you outside to the car that was waiting. One of your men stationed in China was the driver, not trusting some random service at this point. 
The car ride was oddly quiet, you were completely spent, and that’s the only reason the 6 men around you didn't bombard you with questions. Sat comfortably on Tae’s lap, face nuzzled into his neck, while his hands tried to soothe over every inch of your body.
Location : The Peninsula Shanghai
Damn near 2AM, Thursday morning
The room was dead silent, the two of you debriefed the moment you entered the suite, as there was no way in hell he’d let you even think about sleeping until you told him what happened in that back room! Now the only noise in the background was from the shower. The two of you kept it running, almost as a makeshift dehumidifier, while you both soaked in the oversized jacuzzi. Submerged in mounds of bubbles and warm water. It was peacefully actually Tae sat parallel to you, legs resting over his thighs as his fingers trickled up softly. Your eyes were closed as you let the heat overtake you enjoying the rare feeling of calmness that currently washed over you body. 
“Why haven't you just given up on me?”
The sudden depth behind question pried your eyes apart...fluttering them over in his direction.
“You heard me…were the only two people in this room Luxxy..” 
“Well I mean, our families-”
“No” Not in the slightest mood for your games tonight “You know exactly what I mean, this “Thing” Gesturing between the two of you “Has always been a thing even before it  technically was and you know it. You've always had a soft spot for me, and I just can’t figure out why…” 
You couldn't help but be slightly taken aback by not only the conversation at hand but just the topic...he was never one to doubt or question himself. Also the slight passiveness in his tone felt forigen leaving his throat. 
“All arrogence aside, yes, I’m fan-fucking tastic in bed ...and I’m attractive...but so are a lof of other men, but beaneath all that... I’m so fucked up, and you know that better than anyone so why-”
“Really? So we're gonna sit here and act like we havent been through a lot of the same shit?” Instantly annoyed by him constantly trying to compare the two of you as if you were so holier than thou saint as an excuse!
“ I’ve seen and done thing’s that you don’t even have a clue about Kim Taehyung….For starters look at my fucking hand?” Pointing out how bruised your knuckles were in comparison to the extremely girly pastel pink acrylics that danced along your nails. 
“I fucking used a pair of handcuffs as brass knuckles, and broke a dudes face in 3 places today...do you really think I have any room to judge!? I have a soft spot for you the same reason you do me...because you somehow manage to see more than what everyone else dose……” Voice calming significantly the more you gazed into those dark brown eyes of his..always innocent no matter what he’s been through. 
“But what if there’s not more to me...then what? How do you know you havent mentally created a version of me in retrospect to who I really am?” He was challenging you and he had a valid point, but so did you...
“The reason I keep coming back isn't fictonal…..” Shifting forward in attempts to straddle his waist which he welcomed willingly, gripping your hips so you didn't have to do much. “ It’s the angry, short tempered, assertive, aggressive..version of you...then it’s also the man who carried me out of the airport..and held me the entire car ride...or the man that basically told me he’d take a bullet for me. And to make it even better you fuckin meant it….” 
You watched his eyes start to drift away from yours, bringing your hand up to rest along his jaw, tilting it back in your direction. 
“Yes..this is a busienss..even if we’d never had sex we’d always protect each other..but you look at me in a compeltley differnet light. You always have no matter how much you've tried to hide it...I’m staying around in hopes that I get to see a little more of that..Kim Taehyung…in addition to..the angry, short tempered...daddy dom you are” Pourposly lightening the mood with your ending choice of words..earning a slight smile to tug on the corners of his lips. 
“Such a hard man with an even harder cock, how the hell could I say no to a challenge like that?” Lips hovering over his as you spoke,Taehyung leaned in first a deep exhale released from his lungs into yours. Moaning against his tongue within seconds, as it slipped past the seams of your lips. The kiss was lazy, almost harmless initially, until you raked your nails down his back, ripping a moan from his throat. 
“Do you want it? Or are you too tired?” Pulling back slightly. Letting his lips tease yours as he spoke, nipping at your bottom lip.
“Both..” the words spilled from your lips, chuckling slightly at your own honesty..you were tired..but you wanted him…
A humm left his lips..before leaning over to suck on the hinge of your jaw “I think I can work with that…..” Scooting his back away from the edge of the tub “Wrap your legs around my waist...tight...baby…” Upon feeling you locks your legs around him , he locked one arm around your waist while placing the other on the edge of the tub, lifting you both out of the water, before carefully stepping onto the tile floor. Grabbing a towel off the counter to drape your back so you weren't sopping wet, before waving his tongue into your mouth carrying you back into the bedroom. The kiss was slow, deep, a little more delicate than your use to with him, he even let you take control as you laced your tongue around his. Pulling back slightly to nibble on his bottom lip, sucking it between your own, as he dug his nails even deeper into the curve of your ass. 
Typically he’d throw you on the bed, silently hoping he wouldn't, muscles too sore for that and luckily he knew better. Gently laying you on your back, soothing his hands down your thighs as he spread them apart slowly,kneading his hands higher and higher until they were dancing right beneath your core. Pulling back from you briefly...eyes following him as he reached into one of his bags, not fully able to see what he got as it dispersed within his palm. Before you even had time to question it he was hovering back over you..lips trickling down your jaw, instinaly noticing the way he skipped over your neck.More so on a mental level not sure if you wanted anyone near it, even him...but it was him...and as sad as it sounds that’s nowhere near the worst thing that's happened to you. 
Grabbing his face between your palms, gently placing his head in the crook of you next and he complied instantly. “You still want me to taste you?” The look in his eyes was a lot softer than you’d expect in a moment like this. The typical arrogance gone, almost as if he was honored that you still trusted him with very inch of your body no matter how fragile it currently was.”My pretty baby…” The praise had you shuddering.  
Purposely teasing over the skin with the tip of his nose, making you crave it even more “Yes, everywhere..I want you everywhere...please…”
 Planting  mounds of messy open mouthed kisses against your skin..until every area had been traced into his memory with his tongue. Moaning out in the crook of your neck as you started grinding your hips up into him. His mouth could tear you apart within seconds as your hands roamed down his back, nails grazing his skin as you arched slightly giving him more access. Letting his lips trickle down to your breast, Cupping it in his had as he let his tongue lather over your areola before sucking it into his mouth. 
“Tae…” raking your nails into his hair while you almost edging your breast even deeper into his mouth.
“Always  so sensitive...” Licking sucking, nibbling his way over to your other breast repeating the same acting as he sucked on your nipples until your entire body was grinding into him. The heat already pooling from your stomach, trickling onto the bed. Letting his hand travel down your body, moaning at the way every muscle in your stomach flenched at the contact...letting his figners dance over your clit…”So responsive...fuck ..you dripping for me baby…just relax and let me make you cum..I got you... ” 
Those words alone had your body quaking as he laid his tongue flat against your sternum,, licking his way down, until he reached  your bikini line. Nipping, kissing, and sucking his way around the perimeter of your core until you felt as though your entire being was pulsing for him. Positioning himself between your legs, cradling your thighs on either side of his shoulders as he dove tongue frist between your between your thighs. Clearly not in the mood to tease tonight as his tongue lapped around every crevice of your folds, moaning out against the juices coating every nerve on his tongue.  Brining one hand down to ravage through his hair as an anchor feeling as though you currently had no control over your body at the moment. 
Every inch of your body was set ablaze as he rolled his tongue against your heat, letting the muscle dig deeper and deeper teasing your entrance, before flicking it against the head of your clit, his name fell from your lips repeatedly only adding fuel to the fire. While he massaged your inner thighs in his palms...soothing the tremble that was already radiating through your body as you struggled to keep your legs open.  Pulling back to purse his lips over you clit, letting the natural lubricant fall from his lips onto your clit..not that you needed it Tae just loved it messy. Body jerking at the sudden sensation as he swirled his tongue around the added wetness, using it to unravel your clit nerve by nerve. He licked and sucked his way from top to bottom, living for the taste of you all over his tongue,relishing in how messy you were already dripping down his face..trickling onto the sheets.  Before moving over to sink his tongue even deeper into your entrance..waving it around the premier,teasing your hole as it clenched in anticipation. “Fuck, you want it sooo bad” His voice rumbled agaisnt your folds, as he almost arrogently observed how desperte your body was for him.
“Oh, my god Tae,…” You kneaded out as your body started to morph into a strained arch, ignoring the pressure currently beating on your shoulder, as you rolled your hips into his mouth. Humming out against your folds contently  the way you started to twitch above him. Letting his teeth gently graze your clit with just enough pressure to make you shudder before sucking the sensitive bud between his lips. Suctioning them around it until he could feel the nerve start to tense around his tongue triggering every nerve in your body to do the same.
“Tae, baby fuckk, just like that -” You find yourself almost clawing at his scalp as his name continuously fell from your lips in the form of the neediest whine imagine.
“I’m here baby...I’m right here cum for me.. ….please come for me” The words rumbled against your folds before he sucked you back into his mouth, your thighs desperately trying to clamp down on his face, as you back arched to the point of your head almost elevating off the bed…every muscle in your thighs quivered as you choked out a broken praise of his name. 
“Tae, T-” You came with a moan that stretched from the deepest realms of your chest..voice breaking towards the end .Giving your clit a few more kitten licks before he crawled back on top of you.
“How are you feelin? You wanna stop?” Hand coming up to soothe the outer perimeter of your body, your thighs still trembling against his touch. The concern in his voice had you melting as you shake your head in response almost pouting.
“No, I still want you….” 
“You trust me?” brow quirked slightly , as you reached up to wipe your juices from his chin.
That was all the confirmation he needed before leaning down to slide his tongue into your mouth. Moaning out as the taste of you rolled from his tongue to yours, reaching between the two of you tracing your fingers up your lips. Body shivering in the process, using your own release to stroke his length which was already rock hard, a strained moan broke from his throat as he pulled back from you, resting his forehead against your own, as his jaw laxed at the stimulation. Twisting your wrist up and down his shaft, towing with the precum on his tip .
“God I need to be in you so fuckin bad….your so wet, sooo wet..fuckkkk” letting his fingers reach between the two of you playing in the juices that glazed over your lips. “Slide me in baby…..”  Rocking his hips slightly egging you to position him at your entrance and you did, the minute he felt your warmth against him he started sliding in. Completely slipping your mind that it seems he purposely never stretched you out.
“Oh my fuckk..” Nails digging into his forearms at the sudden stretch and pressure that was building between your thighs.
“Does it hurt? or is it just-”
“No, it just..oh my god..” 
“Just what?” There it was that arrogance you knew and loved as he sunk his bottom lip between his lips rocking his hips forward even more “What? Is it too much dick baby? Too much for you to handle tonight?” Yet he didn't stop because he knew you could take it…
“No! It’s not too much you just-” Interrupting your normal scheduled sarcasm with one deep roll of his hips sliding all the way to the hilt, as you choked out a non existent cry.
“Shhh..just relax..you said it wasn't too much right? So why’s your back arching off the bed if daddy’s cock isnt too much for you to handle..” God if you had the strength your probably choke him...instead you purposely clenched yours walls around him as tight as you could. 
“Fuckk….” Thumb digging into your hips as he tried to regain composure “Brat..” slipped out through clenched teeth.
“Your brat!” Not even aware of the phrase before it rolled off your tongue, before you even had a chance to feel awkward about the statement a coy little smirk tugged on the corner of his lips.
“Fuck yeah you are….”  Smoothly rolling his hips into you, deep, slow thrust,  building up momentum..not even giving you a chance to adjust to the stretch of him. Walls unintentionally pulsing extremely hard around him while he cock also throbbed at the contact. “Fuck how are you always so fuckin perfect? Soo good...you always feel soo good..”
Leaning down propping his elbows on either side of your head sliding his tongue back into your mouth as he tilted his hips upwards slightly, sliding out completely before rolling back in. Bringing his pelvis flesh to yours each time, as he could feel you start to relax around him. 
“Fuck yes…: “ Sinking your nails into his shoulders, while he pulled back to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck, sucking down on the skin benath your ear. Tilting your neck back even more to give his tongue more leverage, as he continued thrusting into you , your previous release giving him the traction he needed to speed up his pace without hurting you.
Bringing one hand over to his right, reaching out for the item he grabbed earlier, looping it around his finger before pressing it flesh to your clit. The sudden vibration had your eyes snapping open. Body arching into him as the stimulation surged through your body. “Fuckkkk..” Hands releasing his back , clenching to the sheets instead. He had the bullet right on the tip of your clit, and it was clearly on high, thighs shaking within seconds “Oh my- Tae…..” It was too much but it was so good, as you found yourself rolling your hips up into his hand, as he rolled and grounded his hips into yours, matching his thrust at ever angle..”
“You said you wanted to cum, but you were tired...now all you gotta do is just lay here and take it…..” eyes rolling to the back of your head as your thighs tried to close around him, your warmth still milking his length from base to tip ,”Babyy….yes...god yes...” Taehyung moaned out, his own toes starting to curl as he pounded into you..already feeling how close you were…
“Fuck, that’s it baby..come for me...come all over my cock... ,”
Propping himself up slightly, bringing his opposite hand over to take a deep grip on your ass, allowing him to bury himself even deeper as he snapped his hips into you “Tae!” Tugging on the sheets for dear life as your body arched again every muscle felt like it was convulsing as your eyes screwed shut Your relase ripping through you with such force that it snatched a strained moan from Tae’s throat “ Y/N...baby fuck….”  Gripping your trembling legs one by one  propping them on either side of his shoulders...leaning down to hover over you...tilting his hips..until it felt like he was sitting in your lungs… You couldn't even speak you were so full ... giving you no time to come down your previous release feeling like it was just bulldozing into the next.
He could tell your body was starting to lose all composure ...from how hard you were still shaking.
“Shh… relax...I got you...I got you..” Brushed against your lips… as he slowled down his thrust...clicking the bullet until it was on a calmer speed but it was still wayyy to much right now….Sliding his tounge back into your mouth as he rolled his hips into you, his thrust slightly out of sink and slopper than usual so you knew he was close but fuck it was soo much. Sucking every strangled moan from your throat as supported his weight on one elbow, cupping the side of your face in his hand as he licked his way through your mouth. Hip hips where becoming a rattled mess against your own , as your body started to ease slightly.
‘I can’t, fuck I can’t…” You could hear your juices sliding in and out as he rolled his hips into you, yours inner thighs soaked and sticky..voice strained..
“You can, give me one more, one more baby...I’m not gonna last long…” Pulling his hips back slightly swirling his cock around inside of you loving how wet and warm you were, and it was all for him. “You hear that? Your so wet for me baby you can take it give me one more, give daddy one more..” 
You kissed softly Tae’s thrust a little more ...rational considering how sensitive you were ...your body already starting to unravel within seconds. 
“Tae..” You weren't even sure why you were calling him at this point…
‘Baby..” He countered in a  low moan before sucking on your bottom lip “So good for me...soo good..” Crashing his lips into yours as he sped up his pace...turning the bullet back on high speed..
“Fuckk-”Body jerking against him, the cry was so faint your surprised he heard you 
“I know, baby I know, me too..” His legs were shaking between your hips which were trembling uncontrollably .
Massaging his lips against your as he thrusted harder and faster, ripping your last orgasm from your body as he licked up your throat… coming with a scream of his name..Thank God..your neighbors where Namjoon and Mazda!
“Fuck yes, that’s it…” Finally pulling the bullet away as he shoved his face in the crook of your neck, letting praise unpon praise fall from his lips. Tae’s release swelling in his balls , bringing his hands behind both of your shattered thighs, scoping you up, giving you a couple more deep, steady thrust before he was spilling into you,cock vibrating around your walls. “Fuckkkk” Strained from his throat, ridinging out his release as his hips rolled into yours deep and slow a couple more times before his body laxed on top of yours.
Taehyung was completely spent but he knew you couldn't handle him on top of you like this… propping himself up on one arm, bringing the other down to stroke your cheek “Are you okay?” The words cautiously spilled from his lips in Korean...you don’t even think he realized he did it but you understood him so you just nodded in response. Too exhausted to say much else, while his palm soothed down your body slowly, you were warm..sticky..and and fucking exhausted, your body was litterally buzzing as you nerves started to relax into the matress. Not even wanting to know what time it was right now...eyes drifting asleep ...at some point completely missing how gently he pulled out. Or how he took the time to wipe your entire body down with a damp cloth before moving you from the soiled spot beneath you. 
Location : The Peninsula Shanghai
5:00 AM , Thursday morning
He never fell asleep, not that there was much time for it anyway...as he cuddled up behind you, silently observing the little whimpers that left your body as you readjusted in your sleep. The way the bruises along your shoulder, bicep, elbow and hip had finally settled into an ungodly shade of purple. Tae found himself, running circles against your bare skin the entire time you slept, silencing the alarm on his phone before the loud rattle woke up. 
Already having an internal battle with himself, it took every ounce of self control to not just completely shut down and pull away from you then and there. What happened last night, or I guess this morning, isn't uncommon, and he knows you held your own. But it’s you! Fuck it’s YOU, seeing his Luxxy burised and sore just hit..different...it hit real different. He actually almost slept on the damn couch, instantly settling away from your once you dozed off. Then he watched you sleep, and realized how much he needed to be that close to you and that utterly terrified him. 
Hopping up to turn on the shower before he actually woke you, wanting the water to be nice and warm because he knew you'd be sore as hell. Sometimes after something like that happens, your adrilenes still so high that you don’t realize how much pain your really in until hours later! You lot had a solid 14 hours to make heads of this before you had to fly back home for Leo’s viewing. 
Peppering kisses until you work up, in complete whiney, brat mode but this time around he actually found it adorable, carrying  you into the shower so you guys could get ready for whatever  hell this day had in store. Oh did I mention it was also dreary and rainy so...that’s the mood of the day, as the two of you got yourselves sorted in almost complete silence. There wasn't any tension or anything where the two of you were concerned there was just a lot on your minds right now!
It was about half past 6 once the four of you pilled into the car, Jin took Yoongi straight to the warehouse once you guys got to the hotel last night, and Hoseok had to go pick up the semi. They were all awaiting your arrival, and desperately praying you had coffee, which you did..about 2 strays full! 
Location : Sunjata X Kim distribution warehouse
Thursday 7:10 AM.
It was extremely earie how quiet the building was, your heels echoed along the concrete floors, all loading behind the industrial-sized elevator. There was no other drivers currently in China, all the others were on routes throughout the midwest, so the 7 of you didn't  do much to fill up this 3 story warehouse! The building itself was well kept, you didn't run some grimy sweatshop, it was clean, organized , and had one hell of a security system. 
Upon approaching the door to the office you observed it swing open automatically, guessing one of the guys saw you approaching on the surveillance cameras. A consensual sigh richoteced off your bodies as you took in the looks on their faces…..this was going to be a long damn day!
Joon walked over to give Yoongi both of his coffee orders, damn near snatching it out of his hand like a man deprived! You couldn't help but notice the way they all kept gazing over in your direction, the bruises on the side of your neck could be mistaken has love bites if they didn't know better. But the problem is...they all knew better, they couldn't help it, your the only girl in this circle, they all have a soft spot for you.
“Guys, please stop, I’m not a damn porcelain doll, I’m fine...can we actually start going over everything or do you just wanna keep staring at my bruised neck!?” Tone unintentionally snappy, you were just tired, frustrated, and already ready to leave. 
None of them bothered to rebuttal your request as you all settled on the sectional in the center of the room that sat in front of a 60 inch screen, which mirrored Yoongi’s monitor. 
“Okay sooo, to be honest, I didn't find a shit ton of issues, which isn't surprising, this is a business, you can only hide so much before it starts affecting money! But the issues that I did find, are a little concerning..first off it seems as though you only have about 10 clients that order in that large of bulk right?” Yoongi’s eyes drifting from the screen for conformation. 
“Yeah, and those clients have been with us since we practically opened usually orders that large are actually being transported for us to sell directly” Taehyung took it upon himself to answer as he shifted you onto his lap. You couldve sworn he thought if he let you out of his site you’d disappear or something. 
“Right, that’s what I thought, the person that was getting the order in question was relatively new...and it seems like you guys have about 2 more orders close to that size going out within the next 12 days...that’s also new clientele!” 
“Offf course we do!” Your sarcasm was just on autopilot at this point.
“Yeah, I checked into the system to see when they were entered..in, trying to find any email correspondences… and there wasn't much. The odd thing is, they were all added right before Henry left, but the orders were not set to go out for almost a good 60 days or more…” Jin chimed in while scrolling through his own laptop, double checking both work emails in the process. 
“Is that normal? Because I don't think I've ever heard of us doing that unless we're the ones sold out of something right?” 
“Yes and no, I asked Mrs. Chen (Lay’s grandmother who's been within the family business for almost 20 years) since she was taking over before I got here and she told me where she kept her handwritten notes” The frustration within his voice was comical..he was probably pulling his hair out trying to decipher her old school Mandarin.
“ Apparently, this client was moving locations and wanted it all to come together but couldn't afford it all at once. So technically it was three separate orders..that were paid for individually but they wanted to wait and have them all shipped together.” 
That was ...somewhat believable..the shipping cost for freight that size wasn’t small business friendly so it's not too obscene that they would rather wait and just pay one bulk price!
A consual nod filled the room at that, so far this wasn’t going too bad...
“Part of my concern, and it could just be me over thinking things, after that meeting we just had but when I looked into the shipping locations… and this is what I found….” 
Yoongi opened a separate tab to a spreadsheet that now graced the screen in front of you.
 Tijuana, Baja California,  El paso, and Laredo Texas …it took you guys a moment to put two and two together and then…
“Fuck, why do they alllllll border Mexico….” A deep exhale left your chest at that, sinking back into Taehyung. The question wasn't even legitimate more so just thinking out loud. 
Hoseok and Tae exchanged glares at the sound of that, the two of them have been gunhoe to “Handle” Marco for a solid 3 months now so this new info wasn’t helping!
“Again, maybe I’m overthinking this but..I just find it odd that the first shipment that’s ever gone rouge ..is going to a state bordering Mexico.” Scruffling his fingers through his hair, as he slouched against the desk. Yoongi looked fucking wrecked you could tell he’s been up the entire time!
“Right, but this warehouse is for replica luxury goods...some bulk wholesale items..I highly fucking doubt Carbarno wants a fake Gucci bag so this still makes no sense. We're still not at heads or tails when it comes to the Distribution truck…” You didn’t intend to sound like a bitch you were just getting frustrated! 
“I mean, the driver said they took 6, he left with 60-”
“How do we know he left with 60 though? Why are we solely trusting his word, does shipping and receiving keep logs of how many boxes are used per order!?” The room perked up at the sound of that, no matter how snappy, Taehyung’s request was actually spot on!
“Yeah, they submit it weekly so we know how much is going in and out inventory wise..”
“K, and where would we find that log?”
Jin stepped in since he knew the actual software a little better than Yoongi, typing in the shipment number..which narrowed it down to a month..then a week.. At this moment instantly regretting how good business was and the number of orders that are prepped daily. The 7 of you spread out along the office, going through the mountains of weekly logs!
For starters, shit was all out of order, which was a bitch for another day, but to be fair Jin’s only been here a month and Mrs.Chen as a fill-in until you could maneuver Jin to China!  
8AM rolled around and Jin had to step away, once the workers came in..needing to oversee the daily activities as he would any other time. Not letting them know Tae and yourself were upstairs, and I shit you not..it was pushing 11:30 when Namjoon finally found the log!
“Fuck!” You could sense the frustration in his voice assuming it was just because he still hadn’t found it…“Hey Tae, your Mandarin is a lot better than mine..come read this.”
Hopping off the floor, glancing at a hot pink sticky note on top of the log, there was a long pause before he actually said anything. “FUCK!”
The sudden outburst caused you all to jerk, completely unaware as to what caused it, the batatone rumbled throughout the office as he headed for the door “Hoseok, where’s the tuck ?” 
“Ugh, it’s in the lot it hasn’t been un-” Not even allowing him to finish his sentence before he headed into the hallway
“What the fuck is his deal!?” Hoseok retorted glancing over at you annoyed and confused by Taehyung’s sudden attitude.
“Tae, Tae!! ..” Nothing you knew he heard you as he headed for the staircase not even attempting the elevator. “Kim Taehyung!!!” Elevating your voice slightly and it still did nothing, an exaggerated sigh left you throat as the four of you trucked behind him. Completely unaware of where he was going, while Yoongi stayed behind to still toy with the system a little more. 
Inviting himself into the main factory level where all the workers were currently sprawled out, the immense out of chatter and music grumbled against the loud machinery. Not even attempting to speak instead reaching into his pocket, shooting a single bullet into the air, as a way to get everybody to shut the hell up and look at him!   
“Tae!!!” Gritted from your lips at his almost childish behavior and he still ignored you, while Jin ran over completely wide eyed, telling the workers to calm down and not panic. As they all instantly dropped to the floor at the sound of gunfire. 
“What are yo-” 
“I need, whoever unloades the freight, the driver of the truck, and whoever these two ladies are..” Pointing at the names written in Mandarin of the workers who loaded shipment “Send everybody else home for the day..”
“Send. Every.Body.Else.Home….Now.” There was no elevation in tone but there differently was in delivery, his tenor got dark, demanding wasn't even a strong enough word to describe it. Not even waiting for Jin to respond or ask any additional questions as he pulled away from him, sliding his blazer off his frame in the process. 
You watched him head out the door without even sparing you a single glance,at this point you were done, done chasing him, done arguing and more importantly you were exhausted! Now it’s your turn to be dramatic, pulling your glock out of the inside pocking of your blush pink silk coat. Aiming right at the light hanging from the ceiling, barley centimeters away from where he was headed.  Ignoring the gasps that overflowed from the work room, head whipping in your direction, face contoured out of anger and you could give less than a damn.
“What the fuck is your promblem!?” you watched him storm in your direction the diction in his voice one you've never heard in correlation to you. Yet no matter how angry he was your stance never faltered, crossing your arms over your chest as your eyes burned straight through him.
“What the fucks my problem!?”
“I didn’t stutter, I don't have time for this bullshit Luxx, I have shit to take care of we only have another-”
“Excuse you!?” Strutting closer, minding the space between the two of you until you could almost taste the gum on his tongue. “You have shit to take care of!? See that’s my fuckin problem Tae, what the fuck does this say!?” Storming to the left point to the very faint carving within the bricks that read “Sunjata & Kim” only the spelling was purposely done backwards. But you all knew what it said...and why it was there….
You watched the hinge of his jaw tighten yet he didn't respond “Hello!? Would you prefer I say it in Korean!?” Brow arched at the obviously condescending implied question. 
At this point, Mazda, Hoseok, and Namjoon had made there way to the halway as well, silently observing the soap opera taking place in front of their eyes. 
“You really need to calm the fuck down…” Dropping his voice significantly the octave and tone... was less aggressive yet even more dominant then moments prior……
“Or what!?” Challenging him yet again as you stepped even closer, dropping your voice so the conversation stayed private. “This is a business, sex aside..you can’t go shutting down whever you get angry or upset. This is OUR business and OUR money…you have no problem giving me what I want in bed, so give me what I want in business! Fucking respect me as your partner and talk.To.Me.”
A long sigh left his body as his eyes flutter shut..pearing them open slightly..taking a firm grip on the sides of your face,craddling it between his plams...squezing slighly “God I wanna choke the fuck outta you sometimes…” The words slipped through gritted teeth but there was no actual aggression laced within his words.
“Fucking same….” Keeping your eyes locked on his, as you watched him regain slight composure. 
“You went in shutdown mode barley 3 months ago in regards to this same damn warehouse...it’s not happening again...talk to me Tae” Dropping your voice to an octave that you knew would unravel him and get you what you wanted.
Dropping his forehead down to yours...the hold on your jaw becoming more intimate, as he almost whispered against your lips. Finally brining himself down to a more level headed mindset...
 “The report called for 54 boxes..not 60...that means for some reason, we have 6 more than we should regardless! Either he brought back six..or for some reason, they spaced out the order more than they really needed too. Either way shits off...I want every damn box stripped and checked, because I swear to God, if my guts right, I don’t give a fuck if it’s his father’s fuenral...he’s done!” 
Pulling back from your slightly observing your shift in expression upon finding out what the REAL issue could possibly be ...” Oh fuck…” 
“ Right! I don’t- we don’t have time to argue alright? ...If you wanna come while we sort through these boxes...come”  That damn sure wasn't an apology but you really didn't have time to bitch right now soooo
Unfortunately for the driver, a good 20 minutes in, Mazda found a clear baggie within one of the YSL replica bags…”Shit..Tae…” utter defeat slipped from his lips as he raised the bag,honestly, you weren't expecting it to be this fucked up!  
Body slumping into the floor at the site in front of you..and the more you searched the more, and more, and more..you found…The pile to the far right of the garage was growing like wildfire. 
“FUCK!!” This time the outburst came from you, darkside of the business is you guys moved snow...a gram starts at damn near $100.00. By the time you had every piece of shipment open, there was about 10 grand worth of coke smuggled carelessly between knock off luxury goods and bulk loungewear! 
It was pushing 3 in the afternoon at this point...the air was sitting real thick you could almost smell the fear laced within the 5 employees as they also sat in silence. 
“You know it’s Jimin’s ...it has to be...he gets jumped Monday night ...leaving the party...now suddenly there's 10k of snow here!? That’s not a coincidence…shit’s fuckin stupid!” Hoseok’s added in utter disgust you guys don't move drugs like this, there's a reason you don’t get caught! This was ignorant and careless, and theft, because these are Sunjata drug’s Leo, doesn't move shit this intense! 
There’s always a cleaner on any Drug run...that’s what Yoongi and Hosoke are for, in case someone tries to hit a lick or you get stopped by the police. A delivery driver isn't equipped to handle this kind of shipment, there not trained to kill someone in the blink of an eye! 
“So what would have happened if the police would have come to investigate this so-called robbery...and searched the truck..then what?” Eyes daggering int he driver's direction, lucikly he was smart enough to realize he wasn’t meant to respond. 
“ This is close to 10 thousand dollars worth of coke! We almost lost a mini Birkin!!” You didn't have the skill of sounding collected when angry, your voice was echoing extremely loud off the concrete walls! It was written all over his face that he knew something if you didn't know any better you’d swear he was damn near pissing himself. 
Yet Taehyung couldn't help but chuckle, even in a situation like this .. your comparison to losing money is a luxury handbag!
Pulling out your phone to call Jimin knowing he’d be pissed because it was damn near 2 AM, but you didin’t care.
“Yes…” He was wide awake you could even hear some chick complaining in the background that he picked up…
“Am I interrupting?” You couldn't help but tease, and honestly, you needed the slight distraction, the girl in the back managed to sound even brattier than you!
“Nope, your always more important..what do you need love?” Always the flirt Tae rolled his eyes that the sound of that...suddenly soo possessive...
“After Joleane's birthday...what was taken?” 
A low chuckle left his throat which instnatly threw you off “A shit ton of snow that wasnt even fully cured..the mother fuckers gonna fuck around and have a damn stroke if he tries to hit that shit...fuckin stupid! That’s what they get through ...Whatever..I’m already working on a new batch anyway...so don’t worry. I’ll have it ready by next drop night” 
Now you were all laughing, good old jet lag, it was somewhat delirious and cynical actually as if this couldn't get any better, Marco was moving uncured snow. Meaning’s someone’s paying for the good shit and it isn't even fully cooked yet. Any dealer can taste a bad batch especially someone on the level of Carbarno! If this would've gotten sold to the wrong person, kills the wrong person or they just felt like you were trying to rip them off! Suddenly the entire alliance becomes a walking death wish! What makes this even scarier is if you guys wouldn't have flown out here...you wouldn’t have even seen the attack coming..you’d be sitting ducks...AGAIN
‘Welp Park, I found your snow..it traveled to China so I’ll make sure I bring it back to ya!” The sarcastic tinge to your voice had him more than confused as you hung up throwing your phone across the room! 
‘We need to shut this factory down, at least four a couple weeks, because I don't trust what’s coming and going out at this point. Jin...I need a report on what’s supposed to go out within the next 5 days...I need a cargo plane big enough to carry people and freight. I want every order that’s set to go out in that timeframe...on that plane...”
His eyes glanced over at you as if for once he was asking for confirmation, in which you just nodded...you only had another 6 hours here. There wasn’t time to do shit else...except shut it all down until you actually had time to think this through! 
“Get two if we have too and I want Yoongi and Hosoek riding with the pilots..along with the driver and the two women that processed the shipment.I don't know how your gonna do it..but I need them all on a flight or two by midnight, and I want this factory locked down and closed until further notice!” 
Taehyung just spit a lot out all at once, but it appeared both Jin and the employees in the corner picked up on every word..or at least the important parts because they were utterly terrified. 
“Hey guys come look-” Yoongi paused once he notices the moutan of coke to his right “Holyyy shit….ugh..I...fuck really!?” 
“The point Yoongi! Get to the point!” Patience was done at this point..done!
“Damn okay! I tapped into a webcam...there's nobody home I was just curious if any of you recognized the space or not!” 
“With the mood, I’m in you better hope I don't! ” Tae bit back in almost a growl as he helped you off the ground, Namjoon and Mazda stayed in the garage with the workers will Jin set off to try and orchestre what Taehyung instructed. 
The minute you all stepped into the office it appears there was static coming from the TV screen “Oh shit, shit, wait...wait I think...someone's home now….”  Tae, Hoseok and yourself all studied the screen trying to see if the person would get in frame, but it seems Taehyung already had a pretty strong idea who it was. And within a couple minutes so did you….
You all sat in silence for a good 5 or so minutes...until  an extremely doped out Henry slurred into frame, eyes sitting dangerously low, the same way they did when Taehyung found him almost four years ago.
‘“Shit” your heart was damn near beating out of your chest as you observed the way Taehyung studied the video, you’d never seen him look like this, it was actually terrifying, he was fuming. 
You watched Yoongi shift in his seat suddenly feeling real uncomfortable as you all found yourselves studying Taehyung, instead of the video itself. 
“I ugh, I don't know where he is but-”
“I do!” His response was instant, and the smile that settled on his face as he said it was a little more than unsettling “He’s retreated right back to his dope house..a good five hours away…”
You found yourself silently praying that  he would just send his men and the two of you would hop on the flight butttttt…” That’s a long ride, we should probably grab some food and head out for our little road trip yeah?.”  A slight smirk danced along his lips, eyes still studying the video thoroughly as he walked backwards towards the door, nothing was earier than a calm KimTaehyung. . 
Exiting the room without another word leaving Hoseok and yourself to glare over at each other..sharing the same disturbed expression.
“You know if we get there, and Henry’s in that house..there’s a 99 perect chance he’s going to kill him right? 
Location: Henry’s “House” (A good 4 and a half  hours outside of Shanghai )
Thursday 7:10PM
The shift in the atmosphere once you guys got closer to your destination was uncanny, you’d never been to side of China before. Besides visiting Begjin you never ventured too far away form the warehouse technically what you told the TSA was true. When you came here if you weren’t checking on your business you were eating or shopping! Sunny kept your far away from China’s black market dealings and for good reason.
The house itself was pretty small, and dark all the windows practically boarded so you couldn't tell if anyone was even home. Hoseok instructed all of you to stay in the car as he got out, seamlessly breaking his way past the triple deadbolt without any hesitation. Once you noticed the door crack open the three of you followed behind, Hoseok’s gun was drawn the minute he walked through the door because the house was pitch black!! Instantly turning on the flashlight on your phone and getting kiddie corner behind him so he could see. There was suddenly a scurry of footsteps frantically trampling into the room from the right, causing Hoseok to instinctively back you into a wall behind him. 
As if your shoulder needed anymore impact, it took everything in you not to scream, gunfire came from your left strategically grazing the skin of the man's ankle, knocking him to the ground with a high pitched goran. Finally finding a light to your right, you see Henry, in a way you've never in your life seen Henry, and a huge shared piece of glace. Which was apparently his weapon of choice for whoever he could get his hands on…unaware of who was breaking into his home. 
Hoseok, and Tae carried him into the poor excuse of a bedroom as you were all cautiously trying to avoid the mountains of clothes and needles all over the floor. This Was not the man you knew, yes he lived modestly and minimalistic, but he was almost OCD about how organized  he was. Now you could barely recognize the person  standing in front of you,for starters he reaked, wondering when the last time he actually bathed. Hoseok reached down and pulling the  from his leg,  as Henry wheezed at the contact. The metal barley puncturing the skin which was done purposefully.... Can’t get answers from a dead man!
Taehyung instructed Yoongi to confiscate both laptops external hard drives, and anything else he thought Henry may have been using. Knowing it was already after seven and there's no way he’d have time to properly crack into that right now, but he definitely wasn’t leaving it behind!
“Can you guys all go wait outside please…” The words left his lips in such a hushed tone you almost missed it, but you also knew time and place, and this wasn’t one to push buttons. Back facing the group as he stood parallel to Henry, eyes locked on the glossy gaze in front of him. As you all started to walk out of the room the sound of your heels bouncing against the wood caught his attention “Y/n..you can stay if you want..” The request in combination with him actually calling you by your real name had you slightly taken aback. But you knew him, he’d never be the type to say he “needed” someone, so if he was asking it’s because he needed it! 
You didn't respond, just pausing silently observing from where you were, Hoseok’s eyes shifted down to you before he walked out. You could see the concern written within his gaze and for good reason “I got him…” Left your lips silently and he smiled faintly before walking out of the room.
“Tae…”  His name left Henry’s lips in nothing but a slur, as he struggled to keep his eyes open, Taehyung’s eyes cut in his direction, jaw extremely tight as he sunk down to a squat a couple inches from Henry.
“I didn't, I didn't mean too-”
“We just went through this, barely three months ago, but you paid me...well you paid Hoseok, and disappeared like a little bitch, and said you were soooo damn sorry. And again against my better judgement...I let it go...now here I am..” There is goes again speaking in the most tranquil voice possible in the most impractical times… 
“Now it seems you’ve upgraded from stealing my money to irresponsibly stealing and moving my drug trade..” You watched him get off the ground, faltering back slowly, eyes tracing the room clearly looking for something. 
“We can do this the easy way, or the hard way...that’s up to you, but I’m not leaving until you finally tell me who...and why..”  His eye caught a plastic bag on the desk, one of those “Keep away from children” ones that probably had some sort of electronic in it at one point.
“Tae I can’t-” His voice was wavering so heavy in his throat you would've sworn his entire body was shaking already a second away from crying.
“Easy..or hard…”
“Tae-” Before either of you could even fathom what was going on the bag was over Henry's head, yanking back by the ends until it was flesh against every feature on his face. While the elder gasped for every once of breath he could, arms coming up in an attempt to stop Taehyung, but his reflexes halted that within seconds..” 
There wasn't an ounce of emotion to be read of Taehyung’s face as he gazed straight through Henry’s eyes, expression completely blank, pupils blown out, jaw tight. He just looked...numb...
“Tae”...Nothing not even a falter…
“Tae!” Fuck..
“Baby..” Tone slightly different not sexual by any means it held a warning but it was still...warm..that made his eyes shift in your direction but he still didn't let go. He actually had the nerve to look over at you like he was annoyed that you were interrupting him!
“Fuck! Stop!!” You couldn't just watch that, yeah you've seen him do worse but you knew in his write state of mind he’d regret this! Actually stepping in this time pushing him off slightly, hastily snatching the bag off Henry’s head as he gasped for air like his life depended on it and it did! 
“You want him dead or do you want answers?” Trying to still keep your tone calm because you knew where his hit for him…
“You realllyyyy don’t wanna ask me that right now…” Eyes glaring over to Henry’s flushed face.
“A couple- months...back…” His airflow was still restricted but he was trying so the two of you waited…
“I was at a convenience store late at night, and I met up with one of the Zhao brothers to buy some….stuff” His voice drifted off not wanting  to actually say what it was, as if he wasn’t already drugged out as we speak!
“Because it was me, he came alone, we actually ended up meeting in some alleyway it was like 2am. Next thing I know he starts asking me a million question,I could tell he was a little off, probably tweaking himself honestly. I ended up willing myself not to buy the drugs,and for some reason that set him off, Wei said someone had told him I was trying to set them up.”
This sudden confession already wasn’t sitting well with the two of you…..what the hell dose Wei have to do with anything right now!?
“So that way you guys would switch your drug  trades from Asia to Mexico... one thing lead to another ...”  It was almost painful to endure this, he was talking in what felt like slow motion but it seemed he was coherent enough to tell the story so you tried to dissect his mumbling!
Both of you had a gut feeling where this was going, you just prayed you were wrong!
“I’m the one that ended up killing Wei…” Both of you damn near choked on your own spit at the sound of that a scoff left Tae lips as he got off the ground. Picking up the first thing he could find which was a coffee mug , chucking it at the wall, while tiny pieces of glass shattered along the floor.AS IF..you guys didn't have enough on your plate as it is...now this…”But trust me I didin’t want too and it was self defense!”
“Your telling me, that your the one that killed one of the brothers ...in probably the only Chiness ally we actually thrust!?” Silence filled the air, as he just nodded slowly in response, eyes swelling in the process.  “That was- That was fuck almost 6 months ago, we all flew over to there little island for the funeral YOU WENT TO THE FUNERAL!!  Tae and Hoseok, were pallbearers you have got to be fucking kidding me right now! “ 
It’s just grimey, disgusted wasn’t even a strong enough word, your skin was almost crawling, yeah you play dirty, real dirty. But not to people that have your back loyalty is so damn important in this line of work, yet 6 months ago your families sat at a funeral that one of your men caused!
“Yeah, and that’s why I didn't say anything ..sometimes it's just better if you didn't know ...He said he knew knew though….” He who the fuck is he Marco!?
“I heard he was in town, but I assumed it was for family business, I don't know if you guys knew this but Wei was allegedly robbed before someone found him, I think that’s part of how he knows.I don;t know if he was following me or what but  I’m almost positive he’s the one who  “robbed him”. Which would mean he has  Wei’s burner, which shows I was the last person he talked too, and there's text between the two of us right before! That alone is enough to have them cut my limbs off one by one.”
It kinda made sense...the motive at least...because all Marco would need to do , is just “Anonymously”  submit the phone to someone within their circle. Then he can rat out Henry, while also not letting them know that he had any affiliation with the situation! It would also leave a very hefty string to linger over Henry’s head as ammo. 
“It started with the money thing...which sucked and I felt like shit...but I knew I could pay you back. So I was just hoping and praying if I did you wouldn't completely hate me…” Eyes drifting up to Tae’s pitifully, you weren’t sure if his high was wearing off, or if it was settling and he was just a functioning drugie! But his speech was getting a little better the more he talked...
“So how do we get here, three months later with you moving our drugs to Mexico?” Tae’s voice was almost winded at this point, I don't think he knew how to process everything that was being thrown at him.
“That’s still new ...or at least where I’m concerned,I'm not even sure if the first official shipment even made it across the border yet or not. Still waiting on confirmation,.he ugh, when you let me go..he tracked me down. He;d reached out for weeks and I tried to ignore him as long as I could until one night….”
“ I woke up about a month or so ago in a drug house about an hour away...with an IV in my arm. Pumping in everything I’d been trying so hard to stay away from ...and ugh…well that’s how addiction works once you get it you need it…So he had me right where he wanted me....” You could hear his voice wavering and it took everything in you not to feel bad for him,this sucked...this wasn’t close to what either of you expected!
“ They check in twice a week and when they do...they bring that…” Gesturing over to the bag of Heroin on his nightstand. “I really didn't have a choice. I mean fuck at that point..I didin’t know what the fuck else to do-”
“TELL ME! TALK TO ME! I WAS THE ONE WHO PULLED YOU OUT OF THIS SAME FUCKING DOPE HOUSE 4 YEARS AGO AND GOT YOU CLEAN! “ Taehyung’s head whipped in Henry's direction as his voice bounced off every surface in this house. 
“I’VE ALWAYS, ALWAYS HAD YOUR BACK! You didn't even...put in half the effort to try and talk to me about this once you left LA...it was just done. Yet I still looked out for you, little did I know you were silently STILL fucking me the entire time…” You’d never heard Taehyung yell and it was actually heartbreaking, you've always said you feel as though he often lacks emotion when he speaks. Well...there it is,..there it all is, because you felt every single word that ripped from his chest!
“You wouldnt have fuckin listened to me, you told me I was dead to -”
“You never. Even.Tried Henry...you never tried..., you could’ve sent me a damn postcard for fucks sake! Shit man anything! Instead, you turned on the person that’s always had your back. And what’s even more fucked is what you're helping him do could get us arrested or even worse killed, it could get us all killed!! And you wouldn’t even give a fuck, because if you did...you wouldn't have given up on me…” 
His voice was starting to crumble in his chest “I never gave up on you. If I did I would've killed your ass months ago!” 
Instinctively you wanted to go to wrap your arms around him, as he spoke, keeping his eyes locked on the ground, you’d never heard him sound this hurt…..his voice was fluttering so hard in his chest it was painful to listen too..
“But this is the thanks I get huh? For caring about your life...so much that I'm willing to jump through hoops and make exceptions. Yet your so willing to throw mine away,but it’s cool because I’m Kim Taehyung right?” Though he wasn;t yelling every question got more and more aggressive, almost coming out as a grunt. “  I don’t feel shit for anyone or anything, so you fucking me over won’t affect me right!? I’ll be just fine...right!?” His voice completely shattered towards the end, becoming less aggressive and more brittle,you watched a single tear attempt to slide down his cheek. Hastily swatting it away before it even had time to fully leave his tear duct. Dropping his gaze back down to his feet as he fidgeted in his stance, hands resting on his hips. 
You damn sure were;t on his side but you could see how much it hurt Henry to see Tae like this...
‘Tae I-” 
You heard a knock on the door and it was Hoseok, Taehyung more than eager to break out of that room and his emotions!  Damn near jumping at his beck and call with zero hesitation.The three of you stepped outside of Henry’s house ...it was almost 8 at night and you lot were damn near 5 hours away from the airport. So the fantasy of getting home in enough time to sleep and breathe before the viewing seemed to be drifting further and further away! The glaze that washed over Taehyung’s eyes immediately caught Hoseok off guard but he knew better than to ask questions so he just got to the point. 
“So here’s the plan, out of the three employees only one of them has a passport, which is obviously the driver. Even if we make them one..it will take 48 hours, the warehouse itself is being put on shut down mode as we speak. While the planes being “Maintenanced”..there going to smuggle the drugs within the plane...once that’s secured Yoongi will take off with that pilot.”
You took the opportunity to wiggly your way over to Tae, wrapping your arms around his back out of habit, his body stiffened. As you went to pull away and respect his space.he reached back, pulling you back into your initial position.
 “Since those other orders are currently in question and we don’t know what we're getting into, I'll be the one traveling with that shipment on a freight plane.Yoongi leaves at 2AM with the truck driver I’m supposed to leave around 4 in the morning. Lay is set to come out by monday with the two women who actually processed the order...All of the other employee’s will be on very strict watch, granted they've all been with us for 5 or more years but you just..never know at this point. “ 
One thing lead to another and you found yourselves talking for a good 40 minutes or so, which wasn’t too surprising...considering all you had to debrief within the past 15 hours! Ultimately deciding to bring Henry back with you on the jet, Tae would start trying to slowly detox Henry while on this 15 hour flight. He’s done it before...he can do it again…
This time all four of you walked into the house...still dark, the stench seeming even stronger now, instantly picking up on the running water in the bathroom.
“Henry!!” Taehyung called out as he walked towards the door “Cho!!” Voice a little louder this time as he banged on the door.
Nothing, the four of you glarded over at each other, as Tae pressed his ear to the door. “Henry, man open the fucking door before I beak this bitch down! We don’t have time for this shit!”
Nothing, nothing but the sound of running water rattling against the porcelain tub….
 Ramming his shoulder against the door, a  low growl ripping from his chest at every blow, after the third time the flimsy piece of wood ripped from the hinges!
The steam from the shower came pouring flooding into the hallway……The handle still in Taehyung’s hand, as it swung backwards,feeling jerk back into his hold. Almost as if something was hindering it from fully swinging flush against the wall…That’s when his eyes dropped to the floor….
I do base continuing this series on the amount of likes it gets because that’s the only way I know there's still interest...as long as the chapters hover around the same numbers and or increase I will keep writing while I have inspo!  
ALSO YESSSS LOL The beginning “monologue” is actually a part of part 5....it was just foreshadowing the mood, and what was in store for part 4!  BUT it is in reference to the ending of this chapter...so you’ll have to wait and see exactly WHY he’s feeling like that
Love you guys as always,
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daesungindistress · 5 years
I had a question, I’m sorry for making another one of these Seungri ‘asks’ but you’re one of the only Vips on here who are willingly answering questions and have the actual knowledge on Seungri. None other vips are answering or they delete the asks and don’t want to deal with it. I’m getting confused was he in the Molka chats? I’m seeing articles and posts that he was never in them with proof. I know he never sexually assaulted anyone or drugged anyone. But the molka chats??
I’ll answer this ask, but let me just say I am so sick and tired of Seungri’s remaining fans beating this dead horse like their lives depend on it.
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We’re done with Seungri. We’ve moved on. We’ve seen all we needed to see and we’re past the point of entertaining their excuses and apologies on his behalf. They are massively wasting their time on a retired guy. And after months of embattlement with fans and antis alike, I’m tired of wasting my time on him too.
“Seungri wasn’t in the molka chats.” Any time you hear this, be on your guard. His fans always start with that – and it’s all downhill from there. Because the molka chat defense is just a lead-in for their long list of reasons why Seungri is nothing more than a poor hapless victim in this great big mess. They won’t stop until you agree that he was 100% unaware and completely uninvolved in his friends’ illegal activities and committed none of his own. And nothing could be further from the truth.
To answer your question: Seungri was in a chat in which at least one molka video was shared along with a few photos. There is no getting around this. He saw it. He replied to it. He was there.
Seungri stans: “Well, we don’t know if he watched the video.” We know he watched the video because he recognized the man in it and identified him by name. He also laughed after each comment (“ㅋㅋㅋ”).
Seungri stans: “Well, maybe he didn’t know it was molka.” The woman in the video was described as intoxicated and unaware of what was happening. You’re welcome to question the contents of the video if you like, but after all that we’ve learned about these guys and the atrocities they’ve committed, I don’t feel that we’re in any position to doubt the validity of the video’s description. We haven’t seen it. Investigators have, and they’ve declared it molka and have pressed charges accordingly.
Further, by his own admission Seungri has revealed that he knew about his friends’ illicit hobbies. Not just Jung JoonYoung but “everyone”. So I think it’s safe to say he was well aware of at least that aspect of what he was seeing. In his March 2019 Chosun interview, which is the only time he has ever addressed the molka issue btw, he claimed that he told them to stop… because they might get in trouble. However, there is no written record of him doing this, so whether or not you choose to believe it, that’s up to you. And even if true, I take issue with his method of persuasion. “Don’t do it because you might get caught”? How about, “Hey man, don’t do that because it’s… gosh, I don’t know… hurtful and wrong”? Seems to say something about his priorities, doesn’t it.
Do also keep in mind that Seungri has never once acknowledged or issued any statement of sympathy or remorse for the victims in all of this. Combing through all his statements to date, you can see that he’s apologized to the public, the people of Korea, his fans, his former agency YG, his former bandmates… but never the women directly affected by his and his friends’ actions. Nothing, not even on his friends’ behalf.
The statement “Seungri wasn’t in the molka chats” is an interesting one because it manages to be both true and false at the same time. A half-truth, if you will. Like Daesung said to Seungri in Seungri’s episode of I Live Alone: “You tell neither truths nor lies.”
It all comes down to how you define things. What exactly are “the molka chats”? First, keep in mind that the chats recovered all came from the phone of Jung Joon Young, who I’ll refer to from here on out as JJY. Of these chats that were released to the public, the majority were one-on-one conversations between JJY and one other, though occasionally there were several people involved. Most of the molka was shared within these chats. These are what Seungri fans call “the molka chats”. As far as we can tell, Seungri was not in these chats.
The chat Seungri was in is a little something his fans like to call “the business chat.” Here’s the catch: as I stated earlier, there was molka shared in the business chat. There is no denying that Seungri watched it and, judging by his reply, didn’t appear bothered by it. This is why insisting that he “wasn’t in the molka chats” is misleading. No matter what you choose to call it, molka chat or business chat, he was in a chat in which molka was shared and acknowledged it and said nothing against it, end of story.
Fun fact: the “business chat” was an eight-member chat of which Seungri is said to have been the admin. He advised the members of that chat to exit every few months so that the chat and all of its contents would disappear. The only reason it wasn’t entirely lost to time is because JJY didn’t do as he was told and never left the chat, or any others for that matter… and when his cell phone was wiped clean in late 2016, the chats were saved and stored… until now. Recently, on July 16, five members of that big group chat stood trial on charges of filming and distributing illegal footage (molka) and aggravated rape (multiple assailants). Those were his friends – you know, the ones the rest of BB warned him about repeatedly? Seungri is lucky he wasn’t standing trial right alongside them for all the same violations.
…or could it be that he was just better at hiding it?
All I’m saying is Seungri may not have done these monstrous things… but how can we be so sure. “I know he never sexually assaulted anyone or drugged anyone,” you say. I would like to believe that too, and since there is no evidence of it having happened, I do. But when he’s been shown to have helped these awful friends of his cover their tracks for years and was still protecting them up until recently, alerting them to trouble when the news broke and telling them to change their phones before speaking to police…? “I was in the wrong. I shouldn’t have gotten involved with those guys and done those things,” he said in an interview just weeks after he’d helped them evade detection, all but one of them turning in new phones. You know what they say about actions speaking louder than words. They wouldn’t have done that, and he wouldn’t have prompted them to do it, if they’d had nothing to hide.
The level of Seungri’s involvement in this… based on the limited evidence available to us, it’s up to each of us as individuals to decide where we stand. How much involvement is acceptable? Where do we draw the line? At what point does one say, “This much is okay. But this much, no way.” We can come up with a hundred excuses for him, explaining away his behavior, defending years of poor decisions, somehow still trusting him… but in the end we don’t personally know him or his situation. We never will. And I don’t know about you, but after all I’ve witnessed, I’m no longer willing to be on the “hopeful” end of that spectrum of uncertainty. Especially now that he’s gone and taken his leave from the industry.
I have scores of unanswered anonymous asks about the case sitting in my inbox going as far back as February. I wish I could apologize personally to each and every one of you whose messages I haven’t answered. There was one in particular that I received back in March, right around the time the molka issue was brought to light. It was a question that tormented me for days. I didn’t know what to say. I started on a reply, but updates to the case were pouring in daily. Just keeping up was overwhelming enough, and in the end I never got around to answering.
And looking back on it now I’m glad I didn’t. I was still on Seungri’s side at the time. The investigation was just getting started. There was so much more to come.
The ask said:
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For anyone wondering why we don’t want him back… there’s your answer.
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vantaestummy · 5 years
this is so random but could you please please please write one where yoongi just involuntarily,,, pukes on joon?? maybe theyre sharing a bed for whatever reason and yoongi is queasy or maybe theyre crammed in the backseat of the car together and yoongi cant really lean anywhere else except for over their laps?? it can be short i don't mind i just really want to read this and you're my favorite writer. thank you so much i hope you're doing well and you're taking care of yourself
A/N: YES OMFG! Omg you are so sweet. I read this prompt and had to write it cus i really love it. If you are still waiting on a request, it will get done lmao. I promise. Enjoy anon! And thank you sm ❤︎❤︎❤︎
TW///emeto, mentions of anxiety
Bang P.D. has not been too happy with the last few tracks that Yoongi and Namjoon have recorded.
Something about how it just wasn’t… them. How the music didn’t come from their souls, their expepriences, their lives. The music they were making wasn’t true. Built and made through computer applications that have no true meaning. So here they were, Yoongi and Namjoon, sitting on top of Namjoon’s bed while the other boys were out, working and editing track after track, song after song. Writing and writing until the sun lit the horizon.
Yoongi’s laptop was burning into the skin of his thighs, its heat making him all too uncomfortable. His stomach was already churning with anxiety, not being able to meet anyone’s expectations. It was unnerving as it was frustrating, and the dinner that Namjoon had made wasn’t sitting too well, all thanks to the ever present worry and fret.
Namjoon squints at the screen of his laptop, pushing his glasses higher onto the bridge of his nose as he clicks away at the keyboard. Yoongi intakes a deep breath, a desperate attempt to quell the nausea in his swirling belly. He starts to rub his aching tummy, biting the flesh of his bottom lip as the screen of his laptop blurs in the midst of his vision.
Namjoon looks up. “Hey hyung, you good?”
Yoongi swallows thickly, his throat on fire. “Yeah, just, sleepy.” The eldest rapper says as he removes his headphones. He feels almost motion sick, the endless onslaught of his troubling thoughts making the queasiness within him growing and growing.
Namjoon just hums, still clicking and clacking. Yoongi stifles a belch through the cloth that covers his knees, burying his face into the crook of his arms as he pullls his legs in. It’s quiet for a moment, with the exception of Namjoon’s keyboard, before the younger ruffles the oldest rapper’s hair.
“Why are you hiding kitten?” Namjoon teases. Yoongi wants to fight him but, he won’t. Not not. Not when his stomach is acting up. Not when his anxiety is running amok.
Even though they’ve already debuted, can P.D. make them disband earlier than their contract has called for? What if these songs aren’t good enough? What if P.D. gets tired of them? What if he cancels all of their performances and interviews?
What if in a flash, everything they’ve ever worked for, turns to dust?
Yoongi feels a wet splash of dinner at the very base of his throat before his body constricts. He needs a bathroom, now.
“Hyung? What was that sound? Hyung.”
Namjoon pulls at Yoongi’s arms lightly, but unfortunately, it’s just enough for Yoongi’s resolve to come tumbling down. With a painful squelch, a colorful stream of bile spills from Yoongi’s lips, plummeting into Namjoon’s lap, as well as the bedsheets before plopping to the floorboards.
Namjoon quickly ignores the grotesque warmth in his lap in order to grab at Yoongi’s fringe, a hand on his cheek as he guides the eldest rapper to face the floor.
“Let it out baby, it’s okay.”
Yoongi whimpers, a few tears leaking from his eyes as he gives a silent but harsh gag, one that has another stream of puke pouring to the floor, draping along the bedsheets as it does so. It hurts, everything does. Yoongi’s insides feel like they’re burning but the calm hand on his back helps to soothe some of his anxiousness, as well as his pain.
“Baby, why didn’t tell me you were feeling sick? Was it the food? I feel fine I don’t know how—"
“No... the food was fine, surprisingly.” Namjoon scoffs as Yoongi sticks his tongue out, annoyed with the disgusting and rancid taste in his mouth. Even when he’s feeling ill, the oldest rapper in the group still has the best disses.
Yoongi is left, coughing and gagging wetly but helplessly. Namjoon gives the older’s bicep a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry I... this whole thing just... I feel so fucking worthless. What if Bang hates what we makes? What if he gives up on us? What if—"
“Hey, hey.”
Namjoon cups Yoongi’s red cheek, the skin there a bit swollen and far too warm to be normal. “You need to stop this hyung. Bang didn’t just pick us out of nowhere. He saw something in us. He saw potential in us. He believes in us. Maybe we’ve been in a writing funk lately, but who cares? We’ve been so caught up in the throw of things that we forgot what it meant to truly make music. He may have been disappointed but he will never give up on us. And more importantly, you can’t give up on yourself.”
Yoongi would never admit it, but yeah he’s crying, and he’s covered in puke. They both are. He feels pretty pathetic right now but, there’s a tiny sliver of hope, one that sparkles in his heart. A hope so strong that, he feels a little bit better, and the nausea has slowly drained itself from his body, along with the vomit.
“Thanks Joon...”
Namjoon caresses the apple of Yoongi’s cheek with the padding of his thumb. He smiles.
“Of course. Now, maybe we should shower first, and then get back to work.”
Yeah, Yoongi still wants to fight Namjoon.
A/N: it was short i know lol. don’t kill meh. more requests to come! ❤︎
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readbeneaththelines · 5 years
Captured Moments Pt. 7
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A/N: You are an artist given the chance to work with BigHit Ent. as their Creative Art Director. Getting to spend time with BTS, you form a friendship with them. But With Namjoon, could it grow into something more?
Characters: Namjoon x Artist!Reader
Warnings: soft Yoongi (Yes it is definitely a warning), soft and fluffy OT7, fluffiness galore
Word Count: 5344
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cr to gif owner
Joon: can you go for dinner?
 You phone screen lit up with Namjoon’s message. You couldn’t help the little flutter of your heart when you saw his name. You told him you would be available. Asking the when and where, you set your phone down and picked up your graphite pencil. Closing your eyes, you recalled how Yoongi looked in his studio, body fully concentrating on his music. You sketched out a quick rendering of the image, finishing just in time to meet them for dinner. You gathered up your bag, locking the studio behind you as you left. When the doors to the elevator opened, you were surprised to see Namjoon getting ready to step out. In his hand was a single flower, your favorite. 
“What’s this for?” you asked as he handed you the flower.
 “Just because. I saw it earlier today, and it reminded me of you.” You held the flower to your chest, rising on tiptoes to plant a peck to his cheek.
 “You really are adorable, you know that?” His cheeks blushed a soft shade of pink as his dimples grew in size with his smile.
 “Hush! I am not adorable.” You just smiled and took his hand. “Let’s go get dinner.” You stepped into the small space, his hand still in yours as you rode down to the first floor. As the doors opened, he peeked out, and seeing no one around, he pulled you out by your hand and walked down the hall. You were both greeted by the other members just outside the doors. When you noticed the small gathering of female fans outside at their usual corner, you dropped his hand from yours. He looked down at you, then followed your gaze to the fans. He shook his head, then let you climb in the van surrounded by the others to hide you from watchful eyes. Once inside the hidden confines of the vehicle, he took your hand back in his instantly. No one said anything, just glancing at the two of you in amusement. The van dropped the other six members off at the dorm, and you gave Namjoon a surprised questioning look. “I asked you to dinner, not all of us. I just wanted to spend some time with you. Is that okay?” 
“Yes, of course. I just wasn’t expecting a date. But don’t get me wrong, I would love to spend time with just you. Do they know?” He looked out the window, then back at you. 
“Jin knows pretty much everything, yes. The others think we are just going to discuss some artwork. When the times comes, I will let the rest in on what they need to know.” You agreed, thankful to just have some one-on-one time with Namjoon. You two had not had any alone time since his shoot, and you were looking forward to it, almost too eagerly. You wer dropped of at a little Korean Barbeque diner, the place empty except for the two of you. 
“Ajumeoni” Namjoon called out as you entered. An older woman came from the back, a huge grin lighting up her features when she saw the two of you. “Joonie, dear! How are you? And who is this lovely lady?” She took your hand, turning you around as she looked you up and down. “A very pretty woman you have here, Joonie. She must be someone special, hmm?” The woman’s eyes smiled at Namjoon, making it hard to resist smiling back. “Yes, special indeed. I was wondering if we could keep you open for just a bit longer than usual? I know it is late, but.” She cut him off mid sentence. 
“Joonie, anytime you want to come here and get away, you know I would be happy to allow it. I am just working on a few things in the back. Do you want your usual?” He told her yes, and to make it a double order. He pulled out a seat for you, sitting across from you as the woman brought you both a drink. 
“She had known us since our debut days. She is like family to all of us.” She brought the drinks, leaving just as quietly so you and Namjoon could have some privacy. “I have been looking forward to this since the day of my shoot.”  he said, taking a sip of the cold beer. You followed suit, letting the cold amber liquid relax you. You had to admit that you had been waiting for an opportunity to spend some alone time with him. The short bursts you had recently were not quite enough. Time like this was what you had been craving, and it seemed like he had been too. 
He reached across the small table, taking your hand in his. Running small circles on the back of your hand, he looked you in the eyes. “I was wondering if, maybe, we could take the next step?” 
You raised an eyebrow. “The next step?” 
“Yes, the next step. Make this” he waved his hand between the two of you. “A bit more official. Jin knows, and the other members would keep it secret if I asked them to. All we ever want for each other is for them to be happy. I know that we still have to be careful in public, but I don’t want to hide how I’m feeling from the others.” 
You thought about what he was saying. You had to agree, that you were really beginning to care for Namjoon. Of course you cared about all of them, but he was becoming someone special to you. If the others knew, you would be able to spend more time with him even if it was around them. “Okay. I think it would be a good idea to let them in on things. Seeing that we are getting closer, it would naturally be the next step, right?” he gave your hand a squeeze. Just then, your food arrived. You ate your meal while talking about different things. He talked about the interview tomorrow and then Yoongi’s shoot afterwards. You told him about the sketches you had been doing after meeting with each of them individually. “It’s kind of like my way of remembering the little things. Each of you have a little quirk that stands out in my mind, and I just have the need to draw them.” 
Once dinner was finished, Namjoon walked you outside. The dorms were nearby, just a few minutes walk. “Want to come hang out with us? I’m sure Jin and Jungkook are still up playing video games. I’m not ready to leave you quite yet.” He wrapped his arm around your waist, walking with you at a slow pace. The nighttime walks were some of your favorites. Just the two of you, no hustle and bustle of everyday life. Now was the times that he could relax a bit, and be himself. Before you knew it, you had arrived at the dorms. Taking a deep breath, you followed him inside.
Sure enough, Jin and Jungkook were sat at the couch, game controllers in hand. Jimin and Taehyung were sitting at the counter, mugs of hot tea in hand. Hoseok and Yoongi were nowhere in sight, and you figured they were already in bed. “Hey Joon. Oh! Hey Y/N! What brings you here?” Namjoon took your hand in his once more, giving you a confident squeeze. Jin and jungkook looked up to see you standing close to Namjoon. “Y/N!” they said in unison. 
“Guys, we have something to tell you.” He led you to the couch opposite from Jin and Jungkook, taking a seat after you sat down. “Y/N and I have been, well, kind of seeing each other the past few weeks. We wanted to tell you all, so you wouldn’t find out some other way. “ Jungkook spoke up. 
“Namjoon hyung, we already knew this.” Shock etched Namjoon’s expression, looking between him and the others. “You did?” he asked.
 “Well, yeah. We kind of figured when you took extra breaks for lunch and began taking extra bathroom breaks.” Jin laughed and Jimin just about fell out of his seat.
 “Joon, you don’t think we are that blind do you? Every time her name is mentioned, you get all doe eyed and get that goofy grin. It’s about time you two moved forward.”
“Were we that obvious?” you questioned Jimin.
 “Well, not that obvious, but we knew something was up when we kept seeing you two in the cafe, talking. We just gave you space to tell us on your own. We’re all really happy for you two, just so you know.” Jimin stood and made his way to you, wrapping you up in a hug.
 “Thank you Jimin, That really means a lot.” You hugged him back, your eyes becoming blurry. They wrapped up their game and tea, telling you goodnight before heading to their rooms. It was finally just you and him, alone at last. He lifted his arm so you could snuggle into his embrace, you head coming to rest on his shoulder. 
“Well, that was easier said than done.” he quipped, kissing the top of your head.
 “Yeah. I’m surprised they didn’t say anything until now.” He hummed, letting his head fall back onto the couch.
 “I know you need to get home and get some sleep, but I’m not ready fro you to leave yet.” he said more to himself than you.
 “I know the feeling. I have kept you up way too late. You have a busy schedule tomorrow. I will see myself out, it’s a short walk home from here.” You knew you had to get up, but being here in his arms felt too good to leave. You buried yourself deeper into his chest, the beating of his heart and the slow steady breaths lulling you to sleep. 
Namjoon felt your body relax against his. He looked down at your face, a feeling of awe filling him when he saw you sleeping peacefully. He scooted out from under you, grabbing the blanket for the chair. Carefully, he laid you down, stretching out in front of you so you wouldn’t fall off. He threw the blanket over your bodies, sighing contently as you nestled in the crook of his arm. For the first time, since he could ever remember, he felt at home. 
The smell of freshly brewed coffee and breakfast cooking tickled your nose and roused you from your slumber. You felt the even rise and fall of someone’s chest under your head. Blinking slowly you opened your eyes to see Namjoon sound asleep, his arms wrapped around you in a protective manner. You saw the kitchen light on, and heard Jin singing softly. Tapping Namjoon’s arm, you watched as recognition flashed across his features. A smile tugged at his lips when he saw you  were still lying next to him. 
“Good morning sleepyhead.” He whispered. 
“Good morning. Wait! Shit, Joon! I fell asleep here? How is this going to look when I try to leave?” you whisper screamed. He chuckled, the sound reverberating in his chest. He climbed off the couch, pulling at your hands to get you up. Sheepishly, you followed him to the dining area.
“Morning lovebirds. You ready for some breakfast?” Jin called out from the kitchen doorway. 
“Yeah, morning you two. Nice to see we have company for breakfast.” Hoseok said as he exited the bathroom. You hid your face in Namjoon’s chest, the soft rumble of his laugh making you even more embarrassed, if that was even possible. “Don’t be shy, Y/N. You know you are always welcomed here.” Taehyung added as he helped Jin set the table for everyone.
Bashfully, you sat down, your hair in disarray and eyes still puffy from sleep. Namjoon, stretched out his arms, a bit of his stomach coming into view when he did so. You swallowed hard, hoping no one noticed your staring. When he stood, your still sleepy mind allowed itself, for just a moment, to imagine what it would be like to see him getting up from your bed. To see his tousled hair, heavy lidded eyes, and just…
“Y/N? You gonna join us?” Yoongi called from the hallway. You shook your head to clear yourself of the thoughts. You could sense your cheeks heating up and your heart beginning to race. 
“Uh, yeah.”  You were hyper aware of seven sets of eyes on you. You felt like one of your sculptures, standing under the critical eye of others. You absentmindedly smoothed your hand over your hair, noticing how messy it had become overnight. He took a seat next to you, handing you a plate and some coffee. You inhaled the aroma as the coffee warmed you from the inside out. The food, as you quickly found out, was delicious. “Do you always cook like this?” you mumbled to Jin, mouth full of savory eggs and rice. 
“When I get the chance, and having a guest is as good a reason as any.” he replied, sipping on his own mug of coffee. Breakfast was spent talking about the upcoming interview and the later shoot for Yoongi’s scene. Helping clear the table, you motioned for Namjoon to come over. He stepped up beside you, taking the plates from your hands. 
“How am I going to get out of here without someone seeing me?” you leaned in close as you talked. He winked, making you more nervous than you already were. “We will figure it out, don’t worry yourself over it. Now, I’m going to go take a shower, you can talk with the others. When I am done, you can take one to if you want.” You suddenly felt flustered, clearing your throat a little to loudly. “I, umm, I can take one when I get home.”
“You sure you don’t want to join him?” Hoseok hollered from the lounge chair he was sprawled out across. 
“Hoseok! Stop that!” Namjoon’s cheeks were matching yours in color. He laughed it off nervously as he watched you for any reaction. 
You glared at Hoseok before responding. “I’m sure that would not look very good. Besides, that isn’t very lady like, now is it?” 
“You know I was joking Y/N. Sorry if I offended you.” Hoseok lowered his head in shame. You knew he was kidding, but you didn’t want Namjoon to feel uncomfortable about having you stay the night there. “It’s okay Hoseok, anyway I don’t have a change of clothes, and if I were to show up at work in the same thing, they might think I have nothing to wear.” 
Namjoon smacked Hoseok’s head as he walked by. You heard the shower starting, which made you realize you needed to use the bathroom. “Is there a bathroom I can use? I need to freshen up.”  They shook their heads, a sly smirk coming from Jin. “You can just go on in. He’ll be in the shower, so you can use the sink to freshen up.”
“You all are hopeless, you know that? I’ll just wait.” you sat down, uncomfortable with the fullness of our bladder. “Fine!” You huffed out as you walked to the bathroom. Knocking on the door, you awaited Namjoon’s answer.
“Who is it?” you heard him over the running water.
 “It’s me. I have to use the bathroom, may I come in?” Why you were so nervous, you had no idea. You  had been in the same bathroom with other people present before. But they weren’t Namjoon. 
“Come on in.” he said, talking loudly over the sound of rushing water. You opened the door, thankful that there was a wall separating the shower and toilet. You went as quickly as you could, making sure to warn him of the flush before you did it. “I’m turning on the sink, let me know if it gets too cold.”
“It’s good, I’m finished.” He said behind you. Looking into the mirror, there he stood, hair still dripping with water and nothing but a towel around his waist. You locked eyes with him, your hands gripping the counter to steady yourself. 
He was beautiful. The way his bangs hung in his eyes, droplets of water hanging on the ends. His muscles were outlined under his bare skin. The towel hung precariously low on his hips, the slit exposing his left thigh. You were frozen, unable to speak or move. When he looked at you, his jaw twitched and his eye grew darker. Your eyes followed the trail his tongue made over his bottom lip before he pulled it between his teeth. It took everything you had to tear your gaze from his, turning around to face him. You leaned back on the counter, your arms shaking as they held you steady. Unaware that your mouth was slightly parted and you were blatantly staring, you let your gaze take in the visage before you. He was not only beautiful, but damn, he was outright sexy. You had seen him in several videos, those dark eyes piercing into the viewer’s soul. He had a way of looking right into yours. His hand reached up, fingertips tracing along your jaw. You visibly shivered at his touch. You exhaled shakily, the breath you had been holding burning your lungs. All you could imagine was his lips on yours, his still damp bare skin under your hands as they splayed across his chest. 
You felt the slight sensation of his hand on your waist, finding its way under the hem of your shirt. With one motion, you were pressed up against him, the heat from his flesh searing through the thin fabric of your top. Your hand flew up to press against him, you lips suddenly feeling dry and hot. He watched as you licked your lips, mimicking the action. Then, without warning or hesitation, he was kissing you. This wan’t the usual chaste kiss of lips ghosting over yours. This kiss was more. More needy and desperate. You gave in to the seductive feel of him. His scent washed over you, a hint of bourbon and musk. You hands found their way to his back, nails lightly scratching at the exposed skin. He shuddered under your touch, the low rumble of a groan escaping his lungs. He pressed into you, causing you to lean backward over the counter. Your arms help onto him to keep yourself from falling back. His hand held you to him tighter, the other tangling long slender fingers in your hair. 
Somewhere in the back of your mind, you felt his hand inching its way up under your top. It felt heavenly, and Oh. So. Right. Forgotten was the thought of the other members just on the other side of the door. Forgotten was idea that you could be alone with him and not want more. Yes, you had had boyfriends in the past, but none of them went past a passionate kiss. You wouldn’t call yourself a prude by any means, but you just never had any of them effect you like he was right now. You couldn’t get enough of his touch, his taste on your tongue, all of it. When you were suddenly bereft of any contact, you opened your eyes. He was nearly panting, eyes blown with desire. Chill bumps covered his arms and back where your hands were touching him. You were both silent as you considered the situation at hand. 
When Namjoon stepped out of the shower, he wasn’t sure if you were still there. Walking around the wall, he spotted you. Your hair was all messy and sexy, reminding him of how you felt in his arm last night. Your cheeks were still a bit puffy and flushed pink. You were stunning. And sexy as all get out. When his eyes met yours he was done for. He had to have some sort of connection with you in that second. Had he known how much kissing you like that would affect him. You felt perfect against him, like you fit. Your skin was cool compared to his still warm and damp skin. You still tasted of coffee, and that hint of sweet you always had. He didn’t want to let you go. Yes, he had kissed a few girls before, even been serious with one or two. But you. You did something to him. Made him want things he had never wanted with another woman before. He wanted you.
“Joon? I think the others might be wondering what;s going on in here?” you managed to eek out. 
“And? If they do? Let them think whatever they want.  I can’t help myself when I’m around you.”
“I know the feeling, Joon. But. We need to be careful. We both have a lot at stake right now.” You pressed your forehead to his chest, the contact easing your nerves. Straightening himself up, he turned away from you. “Joon.” you breathed out, grasping at his hand to make him look back at you. “I’m not saying I don’t want this, because I do. Trust me. I just want us to be careful, is all.” 
“Y/N, every second I’m around you, I have the damnedest time trying not to kiss you or touch you. What just happened, that, that was just a taste of what you do to me.” He gripped your hand tighter, afraid that if he let go, you would leave. You tugged him to you, needing the feel of his arms around you.
 “Believe me Joonie, I can’t even begin to describe what you do to me. It drives me crazy.” 
There was a knock at the door, startling both of you as you jumped away from each other’s embrace. 
“Are you two about finished in there? The rest of us have to get ready.” It was Taehyung, and you could hear the smile in his voice.
 “Just a second.” Namjoon called out, shrugging his shoulders at the idea of having to leave the confines of the small space. You stepped out first, your head low to avoid Taehyung’s knowing gaze. Namjoon followed suit shortly after.Once they were ready, they checked outside before sneaking you into Jin’s car. He hurried you home, speeding away in case anyone was watching. You ran inside, heading for a cool shower to calm yourself down. Images of him standing in just a towel filled your mind as you cleaned up and got ready for the day. You rushed to the studio, apologizing to the staff for your delay.
“Yoongi will be here after his interview. Lets do a quick run through on the set before he arrives.” You all hurried about, checking camera angles, making sure the set would hold up to someone climbing on it, and that the meadow scene that had been painted looked up to par. Satisfied with everything, you took a step back to admire everyone’s hard work. You couldn’t wait to see what Yoongi thought, and just as you were about to call for the young boy to come over, you received a text.
Joon:  on our way
Yoongi: i am excited for today
Tae:  me too!
Joon:  see you soon
Kook:  lovebirds!
Joon:  shut up Kook!
You giggled at the banter between them, your heart happy that you were all becoming fast friends with each other. You grabbed a quick bite at the cafe, rushing back up to meet with the boy and his mother. “Thank you for doing this. I know Yoongi will appreciate your help so much.” Just as you wer about to start with his scene, the members walked in together. Yoongi sauntered in last, a strange look on his face. You made you way over to him, taking his arm and pulling him aside. 
“Are you okay? If you don’t want to do this, just tell me. We can change anything you want.” 
“No, it’s not that. I was just thinking on the way over here. You know, how far I have come and it just made me, I don’t know. It’s just weird seeing myself portrayed as I used to be. I’m ready for this.  Promise.” You gave him a quick reassuring hug and led him to the set. 
A fog machine was used to create the fog that hung at th bottom of the mountain top. You had the younger boy climbing the mountain, with Yoongi on the other side reaching his hand out to him. Where their hand met was the definitive line between light and dark. Your camera captured the look on Yoongi’s face that seemed to be a mixture of wistfulness and hope. When you had snapped enough pictures, you had Yoongi stand in front of the meadow painting, an overhead stage light shining brightly down on him. His head was lifted towards the sky, eyes closed and a soft smile showing. With his head tilted back, the light bathing him in warmth, he looked at peace. He held his arms out, as if to soak up all the light he could. Everyone stood around in silence, watching the scene unfold before them. You took your time, savoring the serene atmosphere and the moment Yoongi was experiencing. When you finished, you told them it was a wrap and walked the young boy and his mother to the door. “Thank you again. I’ll send you the proofs when I get them done.” 
As you closed the door, you could overhear them talking in low voices. “That was awesome, Yoongi.” “Yeah, Yoongs, you looked so peaceful. She really has a knack for what she sees doesn’t she?” Then you heard Yoongi’s soft voice carry over the others. “It was cathartic, actually. To have her place me on the other side. To see myself reaching out for the other me, the past me’s, hand. It was like closing a chapter. She really has a talent other than art. It’s like she is helping us each see who we have become, the sides of us we don’t even see ourselves.” 
His hed snapped up as you approached them. He had tears in his eyes, as did the others. They all opened their arms to you and smothered you between them in a group hug. “I’m glad you liked it Yoongi. I’m excited for the final piece.”
“Final piece?” he cocked his head to the side, giving you his cute confused look. 
“Yes, final piece. Now if you will all excuse us, Yoongi and I have one more place to go to shoot some pictures.You had told Namjoon over dinner last night you plan for each photo shoot. Just like you had done with him, you were going to give each of them time to just be. When you scheduled their time with Bang Sihyuk, you blocked off at least the second half of the day for them. Today, you were going to take Yoongi to a concert hall that you had reserved. There he would find a concert piano just for him. You would give him time to play to his heart’s content. Afterward you would take him to and open field, the one that the painting was based off of and just let him soak in the warmth of the sun. 
“Just where are you taking me, Y/N?” Yoongi didn’t necessarily dislike surprises, but he wasn’t a huge fan of them either .
 “Just close your eyes like I told you too. You’ll see when we get there. A few minutes later, you were pulling up to the front of the concert hall. You placed your hands over his eyes, leading him carefully inside. He was an adorable sight, hands in front of him as he tried to feel his way down the aisle of the hall. You helped him up the steps, guiding him to the bench and setting him down slowly. “Now, open your eyes.” you said and stepped back.
You weren’t sure what to make of his reaction. At first he just sat there, looking around the great hall and taking it all in. You were becoming uneasy that you had made the wrong decision when you saw his fingers trace the keys. His eyes closed and his fingers started moving effortlessly. At first the tempo was slow ans steady, like a lullaby, then it crescendoed until the music was filling the vast space. His eyes were still closed and his head was swaying with the beat. He was lost in his own world as he played piece after piece. You sat on the floor, feet hanging over the edge of the stage. You could feel the vibrations trough the wooden floor. You watched as tears freely fell from his eyes and down his cheek. Some would fall on the piano keys, while others fell to the floor. Your heart broke for him at that moment. The piano was his first love, all he knew for the longest time. To be able to share in this special moment with him was heart wrenching and heart warming at the same time. He had been playing for over an hour when he stopped. He opened his eyes, looking around for you. When your eyes met his, he mouthed ‘Thank you’ before closing the cover over the keys. 
You walked out together, neither breaking the moment with words. You climbed back into the car and headed off. When he saw the next spot, he bowed his head as tears came unrelented. You held him as he cried, rubbing his back until he collected himself.
“Why are you doing this? First Namjoon, and now me? Why are you being so kind to us?” His eyes were red and puffy but he didn’t try to hide them. “Because, Yoongi. Because you each need a time to reflect and renew. You need to rediscover what your first love was. It may always be there, but yet somehow neglected. Each of you need to experience it anew. That’s why. And also, because I care about each of you. I want to see you all happy and healthy.” 
“Joon is lucky to have found you. I haven’t seen him this happy. You are like an oasis for him. He finds rest in you. Thank you for caring about us, and for caring about Joon.” Once he had wiped his face and calmed down some, you let him exit the car.
 “Take all the time you need. I am going to be just over there drawing. I will leave you alone, just text me when you are ready to go.” He gave a quick nood and was off. You waited until he had found a spot and sat down before you got out of the car and went to your space. You sketched the tall grass dancing in the light breeze. A ballet of wind and nature was on display for your eyes only. The sounds of crickets chirping and bees buzzing about centered your focus on what your mind’s eye pictured instead of what you saw in your field of vision. The grass took on the visage of small dancers grounded to the earth as they swayed back and forth, the wind a male counterpart as it touched and graced the grass with the fairest of touches. 
The sun was just about to set when Yoongi texted you.
Yoongi: I’m ready to leave whenever you are
You gathered up your supplies and headed in his direction. He was walking towards you when you crested the hill between you. He looked different, more relaxed, than when the day started. “You okay, Yoongi?” 
“Actually, yes I am. Thank you so much for today. I can’t wit to tell the others about it.” You shook your head. 
“Please keep it a secret. I have special days planned for all the others and I want to surprise them.” He agreed to keep hushed, and you both headed back to the dorm.
@min-shookga-yoongi @beautifulseoulliar @agustd-suga-yoongii @astronomyturtle @aspaceformyself @dreamyoongi @holy-yoong i@trashkazuya @maxinaptak @micky1518 @rosiemilas @karri570 @xjamlessparkx
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anotherkpopvictim · 5 years
Thank You (For Everything You Do) - NamjoonXBTS Littlespace Drabble
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(Source: nikadonna) I was searching for gifs for this fic and came across this perfect fanart that just so happened to say Thank You! I’d titled this fic before I found it so I just had to use it :)
Unfortunately, it will not allow me to actually link the source :(
A/N: I wrote this for our leader’s birthday ;) I wanted to write a story showcasing BTS giving back and appreciating all Namjoon does for them as a leader.
Hope you enjoy!
Also, just for reference, this is what Namjoon refers to the others as in littlespace:
Jin - Eomma (I know this is kind of overdone, but I liked it for this fic)
Yoongi - Appa
Hoseok - Daddy
Jimin - Oppa (Again, kind of done a lot, but I chose it anyways)
Taehyung - DaDa
Jungkook - Hyungie
Relationship: Little!Namjoon X Caregiver!BTS (My first OT7)
Rating: G
Words: 3130
Fluff, just fluff. Too much probably. Y’all gonna need a dentist after this, it’s just too sweet.
Namjoon felt only half asleep as he stumbled up the three flights of stairs to their dorm, because, of course, the elevator was out of order.
Their promotion period just came to an end after months and months of concerts and interviews and music shows and filming Run episodes. The rest of the BTS members had been sent back to the dorm five hours earlier, but Namjoon was asked to stay back at the company for a meeting with Bang-PD.
Now, he was finally finished. It was barely four o’clock in the afternoon but he was tired and he ached all over. The front door of the dorm never looked so inviting, and the fact that all of his boyfriends were inside and one of them would surely be willing to cuddle tonight, made it all the better.
Namjoon thought about the comfort of his bed and sighed out contentedly. He lifted one of his hands to grab the doorknob of their dorm door when the door opened on its own.
The leader looked up with a heavy blink, taking in the smiling forms of Jin and Yoongi. They appeared to be well-rested - no doubt they spent the last five hours catching up on some much-needed sleep while Namjoon was busy.
“Oh - hi, hyungs,” he said, so tired that it made his voice more raspy than usual.
“Hey, Joonie! Come on in!” Seokjin exclaimed, his voice a bit too happy.
Namjoon arched a curious brow at the odd behavior, “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Yoongi was the one to reply, stretching his arm around the younger’s shoulders and guiding him into the dorm fully. As Jin closed the door behind them, Yoongi sat Namjoon down on the bench in the entryway and began removing his shoes for him.
“What are you doing?”
Yoongi looked up at him, confused, “Removing your shoes?”
“Okay,” Namjoon drawled, fighting the urge to roll his eyes. “But why?”
“Because I feel like it.”
The younger whined and he didn’t care one bit that it sounded extremely childish. “Why are you guys being so difficult?”
Yoongi and Jin shared a look between them that the younger couldn’t decipher and then the oldest was grabbing Namjoon by the cheeks and pulling him into a kiss.
Namjoon was pleasantly surprised and kissed his hyung back gently. When Jin backed away again (much too soon if you asked Namjoon) the younger asked with sparkling eyes, “What was that for?”
Jin winked at him and pressed one last kiss to his lips, “We wanna spoil you today, baby. How does that sound?”
The leader heard the term of endearment and felt the tugging of littlespace in his mind. “Y-You really want to do that?” he asked hesitantly.
Namjoon was always a little insecure about his little self. He was the leader of BTS, he was the one that was supposed to be taking care of the others, not have them take care of him.
Yoongi spoke up, placing a kiss to the leader’s cheek. “We really, really do, bub.”
It wasn’t a hard decision to make after that. Namjoon felt all the built-up stress and tension release from his body as he let out a whine, “Appa!”
“Ah, there’s my good boy,” Yoongi said with a smile reserved only for little Joonie.
“Come on, baby,” Jin picked up Namjoon in his arms without much difficulty and began leading them further into the dorm. The little wrapped his arms around his oldest hyung’s neck and nuzzled in contently. “We have a lot planned for our baby today.”
First, they went to the bedroom, where Jin and Yoongi worked together to change the younger into an old t-shirt and sweats. The little was confused as to why they weren’t putting him in something more comfortable, like a onesie, but he accepted it without question.
They left the bedroom and entered the living room, Yoongi trailing behind them, to find Jimin and Hoseok sitting patiently on the floor in the middle of the room. A tarp was spread over most of the space, and about a dozen tubs containing different colors of paint as well as multiple sizes of canvases were set up beside them.
Namjoon eyes widened at the sight. If there was one thing little Joon loved to do, it was paint. “Pretty colors!” he exclaimed as he began squirming in the oldest’s arms, “Eomma, pretty colors!”
“I see that, baby,” Jin replied fondly, placing the younger on the ground so he could hurry over to the two sat on the floor. “Appa and I are going to go start on dinner while you hang out with your Daddy and Oppa, okay?”
Namjoon nodded his head excitedly as his eyes darted to each of the tubs of color. He was already planning his first painting.
Jimin scooted over to sit beside him and smiled so wide his eyes nearly disappeared, “Hey, baby, are you excited to paint?”
“Yeah! Joonie gonna be a artist!” he said.
Jimin ruffled the light brown hair falling over his forehead, “We have some paintbrushes if want, honey, or you can just use your hands.”
Namjoon responded by dipping his entire left hand in a tub of bright pink and slapping it on the canvas closest to him.
“Okay, hands it is,” Jimin mused.
“Joonie, can we paint too?” Hoseok asked, sitting across from the little.
“Mhm!” Namjoon hummed his reply, more focused on his masterpiece.
Jimin and Hoseok both chuckled at the adorable little and set about working on their own paintings, opting for using the paintbrushes Namjoon hadn’t wanted.
Little Joon spent the next half hour slapping and smearing color over his canvas until it was absolutely drenched in paint. Thank god the others had put down a tarp, otherwise the floor would have been a mess.
“Daddy, look!” Joonie picked up his first finished painting and held it out so the other could see.
Hoseok looked up from his own painting to observe the younger’s artwork. It was an abstract mess of pink, blue and yellow, with accents of red and purple. “Wah! You made that, Joonie? That’s amazing!”
Namjoon giggled and blushed a bit at the compliment, “Thank you, Daddy!”
“Let me see, let me see!” Jimin demanded. Once Namjoon showed it off to him as well, he grinned, “We’ll definitely have to hang that in the living room somewhere!”
“Right there!” Namjoon pointed to an empty space next to the television.
“Perfect,” Hoseok replied, clapping his hands together. “We’ll put it up once it’s fully dried in a few days.”
“What you make, Daddy? Oppa?”
Jimin puffed his chest out proudly and lifted his painting up for all of them to see, “I worked very hard on it, so be nice!”
The white canvas had been covered in various blues, creating a nice ocean base. On top of that, Jimin had painted multi-colored fish and other sea creatures in a rather, ah, basic technique. It looked more like a child had painted it than Namjoon’s did.
Hoseok was holding a hand over his mouth in a weak attempt to hide his snickers at the sight, but Namjoon - well, Namjoon looked in awe.
“Oppa painted pretty fishies!” he exclaimed before pointing to a particular blob of orange, “Lookit! Baby crabs! Joonie loves crabs, Oppa!”
“Well, thank you, baby, at least someone likes it,” Jimin sent a glare in Hoseok’s direction, who simply held his hands up in surrender.
“I didn’t say anything!”
“What about Daddy? Can Joonie see his picture?”
Hoseok’s attention was directed to the hopeful looking little holding his hands clasped together adorably. “Well, I can’t say no to someone so cute, now can I?”
“Nuh-uh!” Namjoon agreed, grinning widely.
Hoseok chuckled and lifted up his own painting for the others to observe. He had created a forest scene and splattered some white paint over everything so it looked like it was snowing. It certainly wasn’t the best painting in the world, but it was definitely better than Jimin’s, and it seemed the younger knew it too by his defeated pout.
“It looks like real trees!” Namjoon said, “How did Daddy make them look so pretty?”
“Why don’t I show you, baby?”
They spent another hour painting before Yoongi walked back into the room from the kitchen.
“Woah!” he exclaimed as he took in the mess of paint all over the tarp and the little. It looked like more of the colors had ended up on Namjoon’s body than on the actual canvases. “Someone had fun, didn’t they?”
Namjoon looked up at him with a giant grin, his adorable dimples showing as tried to simultaneously hold up the three canvases he had worked on at the same time. “Appa! Lookie! Joonie made the most prettiest pictures ever!”
Yoongi wandered over to take a closer look at the pieces of artwork as Jimin and Hoseok looked on fondly. “That one definitely needs to go there...” The second oldest pointed to the little’s first masterpiece and then to the same spot Namjoon had pointed to earlier, right next to the television.
The little lit up, his eyes so wide they nearly bulged out of his head. “That’s what Joonie said!”
Yoongi chuckled and gestured to the other two, “I think those should go in the entryway. That way whenever someone comes home, they can be greeted with your beautiful pictures.”
Namjoon giggled and clapped his hands together happily at the thought.
The others could only look on with heart eyes. They were all so damn whipped for the little and he probably didn’t even realize the extent of it.
Yoongi did a double-take as he caught sight of the ocean painting, “Uh...who painted this one?”
Hoseok snickered again, “Jiminie did.”
Jimin reached over and smacked him on the shoulder, “Shut up!”
“Well,” Yoongi began in a teasing voice, “It looks like...something else, that’s for sure.”
Jimin pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. Hoseok cooed at him and leaned over to pinch his cheeks, only to have his hand smacked away.
“Anyway,” Yoongi straightened up, “I came to get you because dinner is almost ready.”
Namjoon’s eyes lit up before they dimmed a bit once more, “Joonie has to help clean up, though.”
Jimin and Hoseok moved to either side of him and pressed kissed to each of his cheeks. “We want this to be a special day for you, baby,” Hoseok said, admiring the blush on the little’s face at their blunt displays of affection.
Jimin hummed and finished, “So just this once, you don’t have to help us clean up.”
Hoseok chuckled, “Yeah, bub, why don’t you go with Appa and get yourself a bit more cleaned up for dinner, huh?”
Namjoon eagerly accepted the oldest rapper’s hand and let him lead the two of them from the room.
Jimin sighed as soon as they were gone, his head in his hand and a smile on his face, “God, he’s so adorable. He’s gonna be the death of me.”
Hoseok scoffed fondly, “That boy only has to smile and I’d willingly give him the world.”
Yoongi used a cloth to clean up the worst of the splattered paint (he wasn’t sure how he managed it, but Namjoon had gotten some vibrant purple behind one ear and neon orange behind the other). He didn’t worry about getting everything since he knew the little was going to be having a proper bath after dinner.
“Did you have fun painting, bub?” he asked as he wiped some blue from between the younger’s fingers.
Namjoon nodded and swung his legs where he was seated on the bathroom counter, “It was the bestest, Appa! Joonie likes all the pretty colors!”
“I can tell,” Yoongi teased, “How did you get so much green on your feet? Weren’t you wearing socks when your Eomma and I dropped you off in the living room earlier?”
The little gave him an innocent smile, “Yeah, but Joonie wanted to paint with his feet!”
Yoongi blinked, “And your Daddy and Oppa let you do that?”
“Mhm, they thought it was funny!”
Of course they did, Yoongi thought to himself with an inner eye roll.
“Well then,” Yoongi grinned at the other, “I think it’s dinner time.”
Yoongi hitched the little up on his hip (the others were always amazed that the rapper, who had little to no muscle, was able to carry him, but he wasn’t that weak, okay?) and walked them to the kitchen.
When they arrived, everyone else was already seated at the table and they all turned to them at their entrance. Jungkook and Taehyung, who Namjoon hadn’t seen since he’d gotten home, gave him bright greeting smiles.
Namjoon saw the food on the table and promptly gasped, “Chicken nuggets! And mac’n’cheese!”
“Your favorite,” Jin said with a smile as Yoongi moved to place the little on the oldest’s lap. Jin scooped up a spoonful of the macaroni and cheese and lifted it up to the younger’s mouth.
Namjoon eagerly accepted the food, “Yummy!”
Jin kept feeding the younger, alternating between the macaroni and cheese and the chicken nuggets. Namjoon ate all the food with gusto, swinging his legs back and forth from his spot on the oldest’s lap.
The others were only eating half-heartedly, much too interested in their leader’s little side - well, all except Jungkook. The maknae was stuffing his face with food like it was the last meal he was ever going to eat.
“Jungkook, that’s gross,” Jimin commented as the youngest attempted to chew without fully being able to close his mouth. Jimin scrunched his nose up in disgust, “Please, stop.”
“This shit’s great!” Jungkook exclaimed, shrinking when five hands all reached out to smack him for swearing in front of the little. “Ah! Sh - sorry, sorry! But this is so tasty. Can we have this for dinner every night?”
Five mouths opened to shoot down the idea when one spoke up excitedly, “Yeah! Joonie want this every day!” Namjoon grinned, showing off his dimples. “Oh, please!” he added hastily, never one to forget his manners.
Taehyung cooed loudly and reached over from across the table to bop the little on the nose, “Oh my god, I really can’t say no to you.”
“But we will have to this time,” Jin said, giving the others a pointed look before focusing back on the little in his lap. “It’s not healthy to have this food every day, but if you’re a good boy I think we can have it more often.”
Hoseok and Jimin made simultaneous noises that sounded similar to that of a dying whale at the cuteness.
Namjoon promptly looked up at them with worry, “Oppa! Daddy! Are you okays? Do you have booboos?” his wide, innocent eyes and adorable pout were too much for the others to handle.
Yoongi was the one who answered, “They’re fine, baby. They’re just being silly.”
“Oh, okay!” Namjoon’s mood did a one-eighty and he was back to his grinning self.
The rest of dinner was pretty uneventful - aside from Jungkook nearly choking from how fast he was eating, but Hoseok gave him the Heimlich and Namjoon only had a mild heart attack at one of his caregivers nearly dying, so it was fine.
After dinner, the others were put on dish duty while Jin and Yoongi gave Namjoon a proper bath.
The little had a blast playing with the toy boats in the nice warm water of the bathtub, so much so that he almost didn’t want to get out when it was all over. The promise of cuddles made the decision easier, though.
After toweling Namjoon off, Jin put the younger into a diaper (he nearly slapped himself when he realized they had all forgotten to do that earlier) and slipped him into the cutest frog onesie. Yoongi distracted the little by making funny faces for him and making him giggle behind his green pacifier.
It was common for Namjoon to slip further into his headspace the more tired he got, and the bit of energy he had regained by slipping earlier was slowly fading.
As the three of them began making their way down the hall, Namjoon dropped down to the floor and began hopping in clumsy movements, “Ribbit! Ribbit! Joonie is froggy!”
God, they were so whipped for him, it was ridiculous.
They entered the living room (now cleaned up from the art session earlier) to find everyone scattered on the couches and few bean bags, television paused on one of the little’s favorite movies.
Namjoon scrambled to lay on top of Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook, who were already a mess of tangled (haha) limbs. They preened like they were the chosen ones while the other three rolled their eyes and tried to hide their pouts.
Yoongi climbed into Taehyung’s lap where he was lounging on a bean bag while the oldest took a seat in an empty one next to them.
The movie played and they all genuinely enjoyed it, even if they were constantly distracted by Namjoon’s cute little giggles and wide, intrigued eyes.
Soon enough, the credits were rolling and Namjoon’s eyelids were drooping.
“I think it’s somebody’s bedtime,” Taehyung mused, getting up from the bean bag chair and going over to pick up the sleepy little.
Namjoon nuzzled into his neck and sighed contently.
Jin and Yoongi first came over to press mandatory kisses to the little’s cheeks, whispering their goodnights to him.
Then came Hoseok and Jimin, who followed the oldest members’ actions with matching kisses on the little’s reddening cheeks.
Taehyung carried Namjoon back to his bedroom, Jungkook not far behind him. By the time they’d changed into their own pajamas, the little was pretty much asleep.
Taehyung and Jungkook exchanged fond smiles before crawling under the covers and settling on either side of the little. Namjoon gripped onto Jungkook’s t-shirt and cuddled into his chest, his other hand reaching back weakly to grab onto something of Taehyung’s, which ended being his wrist. Taehyung complied by wrapping his arm around the little’s stomach.
“Thank you. For taking care of Joonie.”
The two of them opened their eyes at the little’s words.
“Oh, you’re welcome, baby,” Taehyung replied with a kiss to the back of his head. “We all love taking care of you.”
“Yeah,” Jungkook agreed, kissing the little’s forehead. “You always take care of us as our leader when you’re big, and we take care of you when you’re little. It’s a win-win.”
Namjoon let out a tired giggle behind his pacifier, “Love you, hyungie. Love you, DaDa.”
“Love you too.”
Arms tightened around him from both sides and Namjoon couldn’t help but smile as he settled back into Jungkook’s warm chest.
A/N: There will never be enough Namjoon appreciation fics. Hope you enjoyed adorable Joonie!
Let me know what you thought! Comments and likes are greatly appreciated.
If you would like to request a BTS littlespace drabble, you can go to my Request Guidelines page :)
Happy Birthday, Namjoonie!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3
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