#just kinda peeking out of her chestplate as she goes about her day
Gem has a large collection of plushies.
Adorable! I wonder if she owns any of the Hermit plushies? That would be hilarious...
- Mod Shade
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fearofaherobrine · 8 years
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Roleplay Server Log #157
“Fake Steve, Another Night at the Bar, Alexis, Herabrine, Noah and the Spooky Clown”
[Lie] Hands Notch a wool block-
[Notch] Thank you Lie, honestly.... - starts scrubbing the mess off the counter.
[Stevie] Father!  My hands are dirty!
There is a sudden loud thud at the door. A strange Steve has just walked right into the wall beside the door leading into the bar. The Steve stumbles back and feels around himself as if blind.  He finds the door and stumbles through.
He stands straight and tilts his head back, strutting stiffly into the bar with his face almost looking at the ceiling. He walks past the group and heads to the far corner of the bar and feels his way onto a stool. He gestures to Sam for a drink.
[Lie] Looks at the Steve in confusion- Um...
[Sam] Gives him a drink but seems to be trying not to laugh
["steve"] hisses out a barely discernible "Oi." And nods.
[Doc] waves at the Steve and asks with a giggle- so which brine are you with?
["Steve"] - looks up at the ceiling - Oi!
- Closer inspection reveals the Steve to actually be a shabbily constructed costume, and it's wearer forgot to put eye holes in the sloppily painted Steve head. W the wither skeleton is trying to peer down his chin at the drink in front of him, working out how to " drink" like a Steve.
[CP] Is too drunk to care or notice-
[Sam] whispers to the "Steve" - just hook your finger over the lip and put it in the liquid
[TLOT] Goes to poke his own Steve, but he's fallen asleep in the booth and is snoring lightly
[W] (In wither speak) Just out doing Steve things.... yessir. Just out being all fleshy and alive breathing air.... nothing to see here. - realizes he's in front of humans and brines... parrots "Oi...." again. Picks up drink and splashes across the Steve head - Refeshing!
[Ruby] What the actual fuck?
[Lie] - Er...  Uhhhh
[Notch] Well then... Nice to know everyone is having fun...
[Stevie] His hands are covered in brown dye gunk-
[Notch] Come on Stevie, we'll go in the bathroom and you can wash your hands
[W] - (has learned to parrot a few words does a passable  CP impersonation) Oi! Fucker!
[Stevie] - Okay
[gem] -is laughing in the corner-
[TLOT] Realizes what he's doing- that's a bit familiar isn't it?
[Doc] It's uncanny really...
[W] - happily - Fucker. Grrrrr.
[Notch] it's walking by him with Stevie and starts giggling uncontrollably
[Doc] Winston, actually you might be interested in chatting with this "Steve"
[Winston] - Oh?  Why is that?
[TLOT] Mentally to Winston- because he's not a Steve at all
[Winston] Turns towards the "Steve"- Hello...
[Ruby] is just staring and slowly emptying hir glass - this is ridiculous
[W] - hello.... I mean.... Aah! A skeleton!  Oh no! - lifts up the Steve head to give Winston an exaggerated "wink" and thumbs up before putting it back down as if no one else saw
[Winston] Glances around for a bit of help at what to do with the odd wither skeleton-
[W] - holds up wrist in front of the Steve head as if checking a watch - Oh look at the time! Got to get back to my Steve-ing in the dirt with the pointy thingie.
[W] -realizes he's speaking wither again, panics - er... oi! Oi! Fucker fuck... oi! -stumbles toward the door
[[Wither] Watches W leave- I...  What just happened?
[W] - knocks into CP in his haste to leave -
[CP] Growls but is to drunk to really do anything-
[W] - sighs with relief at not getting blasted and makes his escape, making whooping noises as he goes
[Winston] - WHAT WAS THAT!?
[Doc] That's W, he's a bit odd.   But an entertaining fellow, especially when I can understand him directly.
[Winston] - I see...
[Lie] Starts idly looking through the coronation paperwork-
[TLOT] is just laughing - the pointy thingie?!
[Lie] - Um...  TLOT?
[TLOT] yeh?
[Lie] - Pointy thingy?
[TLOT] projects what W was saying exactly- next time Steve goes mining I'm gonna think of that. " Steve'ing indeed!"
[Lie] - Oh!
[CP] - Fucking Nether...  I don't wanna deal with Trender...
[Doc] At least we're not actually inviting him... You know you don't have to ask him, they're just dresses right?
[CP] - But he can make one perfect for her...
[Doc] if Lie can find a good picture online I can make her whatever she wants, it'll just self adjust as it goes to the higher res seed.
[CP] - But Trender can see exactly what will work...
[TLOT] Yeah why does Trender get to pick what she wears anyway? She's a queen, she can wear whatever she wants!
[Doc] That is kinda stinky. Lies a grown woman, she should be treated as such
[Lie] - Yeah except I don't know a thing about dresses...
[CP] - Gotta make impression on mobs too
[Ruby] Fuck men picking things out for women anyway! - shakes hir fist
[Doc] As long as she can kick their asses, who cares what they think? She's not a dress up doll, she's a warrior like the rest of us.
[CP] Groans-
[TLOT] Do you really want to wear a dress Lie?
[Ruby] She needs battle armor!
[Lie] - It really depends on what the dress looks like...
[Ruby] Something you can fight in!
[Doc] Short toga with an offensive vine belt? You could wear that purple armor I made from Cps gems.
[Lie] - I don't know...
[Stevie] Puts his dirty hands on the bathroom door as they enter-
[Notch] Wipes the door behind him with a sigh.
[Doc] Come on Lie, seriously, what would you wear to just kick every pixel of someone's ass?
[Lie] - I...  Don't really have anything...
[Doc] I didn't say you had to have it already! I'm asking you what you want.
[Lie] - I don't know!
[Doc] Lie... It may be the alcohol talking, but I kinda want to shake you right now.
[Lie] - This is not stuff that I'm used to okay!
[TLOT] Do you want Trenderman here putting his hands all over you?
[Lie] - Er, well...
[CP] - Trender isn't that invasive...  He's been doing this for so long that he can generally just look at somebody and know their sizes
[Notch] Sticks his head around the corner - For what it's worth, I would gladly take you out and buy you something if I could leave.
[Lie] - Thanks Notch
[Doc] I give up. Do what you want. But if the guy has to be here, lets do it while I'm still drunk. I can't take anymore emp crap sober.
[CP] - He's actually pretty good at controlling his...
[Doc] Control don't mean squat if he wants to do it.
[CP] - He'll also probably want to work on my server...  Fuuuuuck
[CP] Groans and bangs his head on the table a little-
[TLOT] It's none of his business anyway! Please just let me do it.
[CP] - Have you seen your fashion sense?
[TLOT] I didn't pick for color Cp... The armor was a gift from my husband when I was near freezing in the snow. The cloak was what my Testificates gave me instead of a crown. And the helm belonged to me back before NOTCH destroyed my powers. You of all people should understand things having sentimental value.
[CP] Grumbles-
[Lie] Is peeking through some more of the papers-
[Flux] - So your clothing items are sentimental?
[TLOT] Blushes a little. -It all has meaning. Steve's bone armor was my gift to him, and the gem in the center of his chestplate was our Testificate's way of honoring him as their high priest. Apparently if a Testificate is in that position; the job comes with a hat.
[Flux] - Interesting...
[Lie] Is getting a bit overwhelmed by everything CP is going to have to do for the coronation-
[TLOT] Cp, I'll make whatever she tells me too anyway, it's not on my taste.
[Stevie] Runs out of the bathroom with no pants on-
[Notch] Goes after him - Stevie! Just because Deerheart does it doesn't mean it's polite in mixed company!
[Stevie] Crawls back into the booth with CP-
[Ruby] He's full of piss and vinager isn't he?
[Winston] - Usually he's full of fear and piss
[Notch] Stevie come out of there!
[Stevie] - But I wanna color more!
[Notch] You don't need to take your pants off to color!
[Doc] Well....
[Deer] - Why not?
[Notch] It's not necessary.
[CP] - Hey!  That's my line
[Notch] .... Sam?
[Sam] ?
[Notch] Can I have another drink?
[Stevie] Sits there rather happily as he continues to draw-
[Doc] Takes out a blanket and punches a hole in the center before dropping it over Stevie's head like a poncho.
[Stevie] Looks at the blanket curiously- What's this?
[Doc] It's a blanket, duh.
[Notch] Turns to Cp but gestures at Stevie- He's turning into you.
[CP] - Good for him
[Notch] Takes the boilermaker from Sam and takes a large gulp.
[TLOT] Can we have some calming flowers Lie?
[Lie] Puts the papers down- How do you do this on a regular basis?  Hm?  Oh, sure- She spawns several calming flowers
[Notch] He's usually not this bad!
[Lie] - Kids have days like this where they're extra energetic
[Doc] Has brought up a small screen and is browsing random images of clothing.
[Ruby] Is pointing at things over hir shoulder- nice, lame, stupid, impractical, gaudy, eh, that's pretty good.
[Doc] That's Xena Warrior princess!
[Ruby] I like it.
[Doc] -Facepalm.-
[Lie] - I think I remember that show?
[Doc] Good representation with an undercurrent of girl/girl romance. But it's kinda plain. Mostly just brown leather.
[Lie] Blushes as she remembers the things Doc bought her-
[TLOT] Sees her thoughts - Yeah, you could wear that. Go for a kinda dominatrix look.
[Lie] - NO!
[TLOT] We could add a skirt for modesty. Or flowy pants.
[Lie] - No no no no no no no no!
[Doc] Why not?
[Lie] Embarrassed whine-
[Doc] How about we go to World of Warcraft? They have lots of nice clothes there.
[Lie] - I don't know...
[Doc] Can we start with a color scheme at least?
[CP] - Something reminiscent of the overworld...
[Doc] So green, and maybe blue?
[Lie] - Maybe?
[Doc] I could find or make some gems, gold or silver findings?
[Lie] - I'm not really fond of jewelry or anything elaborate...
[Doc] Not even if I cut you a necklace of emerald leaves?
[Lie] - Mmmm...  Maybe?
[TLOT] At least we're getting somewhere now. Skirt or pants?
[Lie] - Uhhhh...
[CP] - I vote dress... Makes it easier to take clothes off to fuck...
[Lie] - CP!
[gem] I vote dress because they are flowy and free and comfortable
[Lie] - Maybe? I don't know, I don't really wear dresses...
[gem] even for special events?
[Lie] - Yeah, not really...
[Lie] - I've just, never really been comfortable in dresses or skirts...  Probably because they were pretty much forced upon me
[Doc] Pants it is, you've had more being forced into things then anyone deserves
[Lie] - I mean if we find something that I actually really like then maybe, but yeah...
[TLOT] is already drawing on a bit of paper
[CP] - I don't like thinking of fucking speeches...
[gem] -grabs a few pieces of paper and decides to draw-
[Doc] does a passable impression of Cp- Oi! Fuckers! This is my new wife, respect and fear her as you do me, or I'll roast you alive!
[CP] Flips Doc off-
[Doc] Cp style grumbles-
[Lie] - What are you drawing TLOT?  A design for what your doing with the gold?
[gem] -wiggles a drawing in front doc making sure no one else sees it especially cp because on the picture is cp as a cat in a suit with a cigar with the tittle boss mob cp-
[TLOT] Geeze I got distracted. - Quickly he finishes the gold with a floruish, spinning it up into a simple urn sized-vase. - There you go Lie, big enough for a full boquet.
[Doc] Starts giggling softly. - I don't think that will work Gem.
[TLOT] Grabs some of the discarded ink blobs and starts coloring enthusiasticaly.
[gem] -giggles then goes back to drawing making different types of spacey like drawings-
[TLOT] Motions for Lie and slides his drawing over so she can see. - The colors probably need some work, but iron looks too cold with the blue and green tones and the gold is a little glaring. But I did try to pick it up on the accents. You've got big pants instead of a skirt and the arm pieces look a bit like your favorite shirt and they'll cover up Cp's pink collar so the mobs won't question it. Blue pants and brown shoes are good for a brine anyway, and I incorporated your offensive plants pods and thorns in the design. Cp said it should be a reminder of the overworld, so brown for the soil, blue for the water and sky, and green for grass. You can also fight in it and it shouldn't hinder you. What do you think Lie?
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[Lie] - Seems a bit complex...
[CP] - Looks like shit...
[Lie] - CP!
[TLOT] Looks irritated- At least I did what she asked for. I bet if you had your way she'd be wearing nothing but a collar. - Thunks paper and a quill in front of Cp. - Let's see you do better. I already know you can't draw after that scribble mess you called a portrait of Doc.
[CP] - Can't... To drunk
[TLOT] hand on his hip, he's drunk enough to be sassy. - Then zip your lips.
[CP] - Fuck you, I'm only being honest
[Lie] - CP be nice
[TLOT] I think he just likes being nasty to me.
[gem] -looks at it- I think it looks nice
[TLOT] Thank you Gem. If you think it's too complicated Lie, what would you change?
[Lie] - I'm not sure... But perhaps just not having so many parts to it?
[CP] Is idly taping the quill against the paper-
[TLOT] we could lose some of the torso stripes if you want to have fewer colors?
[Lie] - And maybe the puff of the pants? It just doesn't really appeal to me...
[Doc] leans over- it's not too complex for pixel art at least
[TLOT] Tighter? Shorter?
[Lie] - I don't know...- Her brain is starting to short circuit since she doesn't have much sense for clothes
[Doc] Let me have a try. - Takes some more paper and ink and draws with the tip of hir tongue stuck out in concentration.
[Doc] Okaaaay... how about this Lie? Fewer colors, I kept the leaf motif, and just some soft shorts since Cp keeps his home rather hot. Redstone instead of diamonds, and some new boots to match? I think there's nothing wrong with letting the collar show. They respect Cp and if they know you can render him powerless they'll have one less reason to fuck with you.
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[CP] - Laaaaaaaaame [Lie] - CP!- Spawns a sobering flower and deftly sticks a petal in his mouth
[Doc] Is scribbling on hir own paper and presses the sheet into Lie's hand -
[CP] Accidentally swallows the petal - Fuck!
[Lie] Looks at the paper and holds back laughter-
[TLOT] Pffft!
[gem] -looks at it and giggles-
[Lie] - I kinda like the flower motif, but I'd rather the collar not be showing. I know CP doesn't like it so I don't want to make him upset
[TLOT] We could use the sleeve pieces from mine and change the colors?
[CP] - That would just be more ugly
[TLOT] I am cordially inviting you to think of something better CP. The tools are in front of you. Put up or shut up.
[CP] - Fine asshole!- Takes a sheet and starts sketching
[TLOT] Watches expectantly.
[Doc] This will be rich...
[CP] Scratches away at the paper for a few moments before flinging it at TLOT. It's a very badly drawn dress with a crude possible jacket on top-
[TLOT] is just turning the paper around and around like he can't figure out which way is up.
[Doc] ick Cp. see I can criticize people too.
[CP] Growls and snatches the paper back- Fuck you, I'll be right back- Opens a portal and steps through
[Doc] he's been putting in a lot of portal mileage lately...
[Lie] - Hopefully he'll be back soon...
[Deer] - Here, hand me some paper please
[Doc] Here- hands hir lover paper and tools - you take a stab at it.
[Deer] Begins sketching-
[Doc] peeking-
[Flux] Has finished her food and takes the empty plates to the bar-
[Ruby] Gives her a calculating look - what's your story newbie? Are you some kinda weird brine?
[Flux] - Me? I am an embodiment of a far older server. My body is comprised of its raw magic
[Ruby] Neato, the going rumor is that I'm 100% kickass.
[Flux] - Kick... Ass?
[Doc] Ruby fancies hirself an accomplished fighter, that's all Flux.
[Flux] - Oh, I see
[Stevie] - Where did brother go?
[Notch] He stepped out for a minute. You know how he is.
[Stevie] - Oh...  Can I have more colors?
[Notch] If you share with Deerheart there and don't draw on the table.
[Stevie] - Okay!- Moves over to Deer's booth and takes crayons
[CP] Opens another portal and steps through grumbling only to be snagged by a tendril before he can close the portal- Damnit Trender!  Let go!
[Trender] - You attempting to design something is suspicious enough, now just what are you doing!?
[Doc] Is still a bit drunk and reacts badly to the tentacle, fumbling for a command block to close the hole- Cp! Run!
[TLOT] Gets between the hole and Steve and draws his scythe
[Trender] Steps through, still holding CP-
[CP] - Trender...  Go away...
[gem] -looks through the portal without sticking her head though- hi
[Doc] Is swearing - Cp! Do something! Dammit!
[Trender] - Oh no, you have thoroughly caught my interest right now
[CP] Grumbles and is holding a piece of paper in his hand-
[Trender] Finally notices the others- Oh, hello
[Doc] Deerheart?! Flux?! Try and close the hole at least!
[Flux] Focuses and manages to close it-
[Doc] Peers at the Slenderbeing- Who are you? And why are you holding our friend?
[Trender] - I am Trenderman, and I'm holding CP because he came barging into my room demanding I translate his horrendous childish scribbles and I want to know why
[gem] -has gone back to drawing-
[TLOT] Whacks Cp over the head with the back of his scythe - IDIOT!
[TLOT] Understand what?! That you're a terrible artist?!
[CP] Growls-
[gem] -laughs at tlots statement-
[Trender] Sighs and with another tendril takes the paper from CP's hand and holds it out to Doc since they have no weapon-
[Doc] Takes it with a suspicious air and looks at it -
[Doc] What part of 'Lie doesn't want to wear a dress' was confusing you Cp?
[Trender] - That is what this one was trying to convey...  Plus a few minor adjustments
[CP] - Shut up
[Lie] - Can I see it Doc?
[Doc] Passes her the paper - freaking idiot...
[Lie] Looks it over and bites her lip a little, actually liking how it looks-
[Doc] If I could reach your head I'd swat you too Cp. How many of us asked you not to bring anyone else into this?
[CP] - I only needed him to redo the sketch!
[TLOT] Who cares? It's impractical and still not what she asked for!
[Lie] - Actually...
[Doc] Seriously Lie....? You're gonna let Cp dress you up like some fou fou doll? The mobs won't respect you in that. They'll think you're just his plaything.
[Trender] - Not necessarily, those minor adjustments I made to the sketch?  Gives it a stiffer, more military like feel, yet also retains the regalness I believe you were trying to achieve
[Doc] I'm skeptical.
[Trender] - You doubt me?  I've made gowns for Emporers and Empresses, I know what I'm doing
[Doc] Still skeptical. Dresses are totally unsuited for anything beyond making women look like pretty baubles for men to oogle.
[Trender] - I assure you, she will not look like that in this.  If made from the right fabric it will reflect the flames of the Nether, she will look as if she is ready to burst into the same flames her mate controls
[Doc] I'm not standing for anything unless Lie says that what she wants to wear.
[TLOT] Same here. She's had to eat enough shit with people pushing her around.
[Lie] - I actually don't mind how this looks...
[CP] - Ha, see?  I know my wife
[Doc] Gives Cp the most murderous stare he's ever seen.
[TLOT] If you're sure Lie...
[Lie] - Let's at least see how this works out
[gem] - is drawing her old dress she had when she was just a space angel-
[Doc] Makes a complex gesture at Sam and the skeleton puts a small glass of clear liquid in hir hands. Xe drinks it quickly while staring at Cp.
[Trender] - I can make the dress if you want
[Doc] Makes a small snarling sound in response.
[Lie] - Um...  I'm not so sure...
[CP] - Look, I only went to you so you could just make my sketch legible
[Doc] You know that's not how Slenders operate...
[Trender] - Oh honestly, you're just still mad you took the longest to fit a suit for since you kept setting it on fire
[TLOT] Why the nether didn't you just make it out of something fireproof?
[Trender] - Do you have any idea how difficult it is to acquire fire proof fabric that is durable enough to withstand his flames?  I had to make it myself
[TLOT] That's because you're not a brine. I made him a fireproof cloak just this morning.
[Trender] - Fascinating, and just how did you acquire that?
[TLOT] I used a bit of his hair.
[Trender] - Ah, see, I cannot do that, I'm assuming you have a way of duplicating it that is
[TLOT] Show him Doc, if you're not too drunk already.
[CP] - Not on me!
[Doc] Grumbles and snatches at Cp's shirt, taking a few pixels from one edge. They pull the bit like taffy making it into a square of blue fabric, and then throw it back at Cp. - Burn it Cp.
[CP] Sets it alight, it doesn't actually burn-
[Trender] - Interesting...- His mind is already considering what he can do with such fabrics
[Doc] His spawn clothes are fireproof, even lava proof. Brines clothes are as protected as they are.
[Trender] - I see...  This would be very useful out in the real world
[Doc] Grumbles - Got anything to trade? I can make quite a lot of several colors.
[Trender] - Well, if there's anything you require fabric, pattern or general sewing wise, I can provide
[Doc] No... but some items that are rather common on the outside would be useful... - is thinking.
[Trender] - What would you like?
[Doc] I need to think a little...
[gem] could you make me a new dress?
[Trender] - Looks over- What would you like?
[gem] something spacey.
[Trender] - Hmmm, I think I can provide...  I need a door
[CP] - Around the corner
[Trender] Puts CP down and walks around the corner, he focus' a small bit of his power on the door before opening it.  It no longer leads to the bathroom, but to a massive workshop full of mannequins, bolts of fabric, and anything else a designer would need.  He starts going through his fabrics to find something appropriate-
[gem] -looks though the door watching-
[Doc] Is making a small list- Rainbow glitter, a live mouse, pomegrante juice, a portabello mushroom, a box of frozen pretzels, a lime, a piece of silk, and pecan, dandelion, and walnut tree seeds.
[Trender] - Two of those I can provide now. What sort of silk would you like?
[Doc] Doesn't matter. I can make lots of things but textures are hard to replicate without an example.
[Doc] Make a list of what you want that's fireproof. From what I have on hand to sample I can give high pile brown, red, or violet fur, low pile yellow, violet or purple. Black or gray leather. Gold metallic or mauve stiff cloth. And cream, black, purple, light blue, medium blue, or mint green cotton. And purple rubber. All lava and fireproof.
[Trender] - Violet fur?  Is it synthetic?
[Doc] Rubs hir hair - Well... I'm a digital life form, but it's my real hair so... yes and no?
[Trender] - I see.  I suppose I could use a bit of each of the things you mentioned-  He reaches into a cupboard with a sign hanging from it reading "Splendy's activities" and pulls out a jar of rainbow colored glitter.  He then disappears deep into the warehouse and comes back with bolts of fabric including a periwinkle blue one of silk
[Doc] Takes the glitter and the silk- Oh that's perfect! I'll do my part, just leave the rest in Cp's room when you can. - Gets to work skimming off tiny bits of hir clothing and running them out into fabric like water falling from hir hands. The pile ends up being several yards of everything Doc is wearing, plus a larger pile of fur yardage made from hir two-toned hair. - Xe advances on Cp and makes quick grabs for a few pixels of his pants and shirt and a few hairs from his head before doing the same with them.
[TLOT] Can see what's happening and does his favorite doctor a favor by skimming his armor and cloak in the same way to make a few more yards.
[CP] Growls at Doc as Doc takes pixels-
[gem] -is watching everything excitedly-
[Trender] Rummages through a drawer and pulls out a small clump of diamonds.  He examines them as if debating something before placing them on a small table in his workshop before getting to work.  He works effortlessly and smoothly, stitching perfect lines and quickly a dress begins to take place.  It takes him several minutes, but he does hold up the finished product for one last inspection before leaving the workshop and entering the bar again- Here you go miss
[gem] -puts on the dress happily as a something weird happens. a heart fazes out of gems chest and through the dress. the heart seems to have a few cracks and looks like the shape heart not an organ. it is resting above the dress and is beating.-
[Doc] Uh Gem.... do you need help putting that back?
[Trender] - Dear, are you alright?
[gem] -looks at the heart- more then alright my heart is suppose to be there it was just inside me because it was just so broken but it has healed enough to come back!
[Doc] You only have one?
[Lie] Laughs a little- Hey Doc, looks like she wears her heart on her sleeve a bit more than you now
[Doc] Be careful Gem, that's a dangerous place to wear it.
[gem] yes and no this is more emotion based since I don't need blood pumped. that's is why it is cracked.
[Doc] You should have told me Gem, I might have been able to help. Wrap it up at least.
[gem] even if you did wrap it would still have stayed inside it just needed time to heal.
[Doc] What's it like Gem? Is it attached to you in the back? Or just hovering?
[gem] hovering
[TLOT] What happens if you try to move it?
[gem] it will move slightly and A better way to think of this is the part of my brain that belonged to my emotions is now in my heart and that part of my brain belongs to my guardians.
[Lie] - Well I like it Gem
[gem] -pokes it to the side and when she pulls her finger away it floats back and forth till it settles to its normal spot-
[Doc] Is smiling- I think it's cool, I'm just imagining it hovering around you like a little roomba, picking up pixel crumbs of emotions and being in different spots every time I look at you.
[gem] it would have never healed if everyone here didn't make me so happy.
[TLOT] Aww Gem...  I'd hug you but I don't want to squish it against my armor. - grins
[Trender] - I can taste your happiness, it is a more genuine emotion then I've tasted in awhile
[gem] -holds her arms out for a hug- it wont get hurt if it gets squished a little in a hug
[Doc] The funny part is he's warning you because with a little patience you could grill a cheese sandwich on his breastplate.
[TLOT] Was already hugging Gem - Oh bite me.
[gem] -hugs back- I am still a brine so a little heat is not to bad.
[Lie] Is still looking at the design in her hands-
[TLOT] Let's her go - I'm glad you're happy.
[Doc] Me too, I always meant for this to be a place for people to heal as well as hide.
[CP] Grumbles as he sits next to Lie
[gem] it doesn't feel like hiding though even if it is it's more of a home
[Stevie] - Father!  Look!  Look!  I made a drawing of mobs!  And you killing them!
[Notch] What? Why? You know I'm not.... I'm not, I mean you've probably never seen me fight at all.
[Stevie] - But you taught brother
[TLOT] I feel the same Gem
[Notch] So he wouldn't die in the wilderness, and so he could keep you safe.
[gem] -her wings are fluttering with happiness-
[Lie] Leans against CP- TLOT, what do you think of this design anyways?
[TLOT] Careful Gem, if you fly in here, you'll bump your head on the ceiling. haha
[TLOT] It's pretty enough, but it's not what you asked for at all. It's not even the right colors.
[gem] -giggles at that thought-
[Lie] - No...  But I do like it
[CP] - The biggest things the mobs from the End and the Nether like to see is the Overworld sky.  I can bring just about anything else to either of those places except the sky
[Doc] Then her outfit should be blue and white. Something light and airy, maybe even with some tulle and pastel accents. Everything the Nether is not.
[Trender] - It would be a simple matter to change the fabric and colors of that dress
[Doc] grumbles a bit.
[TLOT] It's okay Doc, you can make something for you and Deerheart at least.
[Trender] - If you need fabrics, just let me know
[Doc] Pulls out the roll of silk and runs a bit of it through hir fingers. - No... I have what I need. - Xe pulls a bit of it off the corner and spins it out in hir hands artfully. Changing the color to a warm orange with a bit of ink blob from Stevie's pile. Xe fluffs out the finished silk scarf and draps it over Deerhearts shoulders. - To match your eyes my love.- xe whispers to her.
[CP] - Hey Trender, when do you think EJ and Sally can go home?
[Deer] Giggles and kisses Doc in thanks-
[Doc] Stiffens a little at Cp's words - Not that we mind watching over them.
[Trender] - Brother is still recovering, so it may be another week or so.  And I know Brother is greatly missing his child
[TLOT] Don't worry so much about EJ Doc, he's been behaving okay. He mostly just putters around the caastle.
[Trender] - I should probably get back to the manor...  Splender can only do so much
[Doc] You can.... come back for me if you need a doctor, but I'm not staying the night again, okay?
[Trender] - Understandable, currently we are good medical wise though
[CP] Flicks his hand to create a portal-
[Doc] Braces for the smell. - Thank you Trender.
[gem] goodbye -waves-
[Trender] Steps through and CP closes the opening behind the Slender being-
[Alexis] Is gathering some supplies in her house-
[Herabrine] Creeps up outside and peeks in Alexis's window only to see her kitten on the sill. - aw
[Alexis] Walks past and absentmindedly pets the cat as she considers what else she might need-
[Herabrine] Runs her nails on the glass to make a spooky sound.
[Alexis] Jumps and turns towards the glass- Hera!
[Herabrine] Chuckles- That was funny. Your cat is cute too.  Do they have a name yet?
[Alexis] - Thanks, what are you doing here?  And no they do not
[Herabrine] Just making mischief.
[Alexis] - Of course you are
[Herabrine] Nothing harmful, just a pumpkin outside Alexsezia's door
[Alexis] - Well I'm getting ready to go out, so please don't do that
[Herabrine] Realllly? - Floats gently up and looks at her upsidedown from the top of the window frame- where you going Alexis?
[Alexis] - Not sure yet
[Herabrine] Exciting. I could give you a water potion and we could take a walk at the bottom of the bay.
[Alexis] - I'm not good at keeping track of time so that might be a bad idea
[Herabrine] Aww you think I'd just let you drown?
[Alexis] - If you found it funny, yes
[Herabrine] Nah, that's a lame joke, I can do better then that. I wouldn't mind showing off my wet builds though.
[Alexis] - Perhaps another time, I was planning something more land based
[Herabrine] Off on a little adventure? Don't forget to pack food and clean undies.
[Alexis] - Already have- Leaves through the door on the opposite side of the house that Hera is on
[Herabrine] Flies lazily around the side of the house and falls into step behind Alexis.
[Alexis] Is heading in the general direction of the library-
[noah] -is just standing in the middle of the path they are heading-
[Alexis] Tilts her head in interest at the Guardian- Hello?
[Herabrine] Peeks around the side of her- Is it a ghost?
[noah] -looks over- oh hey there.
[Alexis] - Who are you?
[Herabrine] catty - and who does your hair?
[noah] i'm noah I am one of gem's guardians and no one it is just like that.
[Herabrine] Ah the four armed gal with the huge tracks of land.
[Alexis] - Oh, what are you doing?
[noah] just chilling trying to find something to do.
[Alexis] - Oh...  Okay- Stands there a bit awkwardly
[Herabrine] She's going somewhere to make mischief, I can smell it. You should join me in following her.
[Alexis] - Hera!
[noah] sounds like fun.
[Herabrine] What? It's true!
[Alexis] Groans and starts walking again-
[Herabrine] Follows while snickering.
[noah] -is also following-
[Alexis] Her steps slow as they approach the forest behind the bar-
[Herabrine] Ohhh, the spoooky woods. With an off-limits sign no less...
[noah] danger seeking I see
[Herabrine] I knew there was mischief afoot. Humans can't resist.
[Alexis] - If there's a keep out sign on this server than it's for a good reason- Starts walking past
[Herabrine] You know you're curious. - Walks her fingers up Alexis's spine.
[noah] me nor gem or any of the other guardians have ever been in there which means i know nothing about it.
[Alexis] Tenses- Nope, not happening Hera
[Herabrine] It's not like you can die here.... not forever.
[Alexis] - I don't know...
[noah] adventure!
[Herabrine] See? He's got the right idea. Listen to the smoke guy.
[Alexis] - I'm beginning to hate you...
[Herabrine] Takes a deep breath like she's sucking up smoke coming from Alexis- Ooooh, tasty hate.
[Alexis] - The Nether are you doing?
[Herabrine] Just being a smart-ass. I can't actually eat emotions.
[Alexis] Rolls her eyes- If your so curious then why don't you just go in there?
[Herabrine] Because it's more fun to go with people who squeak when they get scared.
[noah] squeak like a mouse?
[Alexis] - Then you're looking for someone other than me
[Herabrine] coughs -bullshit-
[Alexis] - Excuse me?
[noah] -steps behind alexis and makes a really loud kazoo noise in her ear in an attempt to scare her-
[Alexis] Jumps and quickly turns, drawing her bow and aiming it at Noah's chest-
[noah] jumpy check.
[Herabrine] Grabs Alexis from the back and aggressively tickles her ribs.
[Alexis] Shrieks out a laugh- HERA STOP!
[Herabrine] See? She does make funny noises!
[noah] yep you were right.
[Alexis] - I hate both of you so much right now...
[noah] hate is a strong word from someone you barely know.
[Alexis] Scowls a bit-
[Herabrine] Come on Alexis, it'll be fun. And if it's not, there's always respawn!
[Alexis] - You know what?  Fine!  We'll go in!
[Herabrine] That's the Minecraft spirit!
[Alexis] Hops the gate-
[noah] yay adventure!
[Herabrine] Floats over it.
[noah] -flys over with hera-
[Alexis] Starts walking deeper into the forest-
[noah] I wonder if there will be ghost?
[Herabrine] Is noticing that the trees seem to be getting more detailed as they go along. - I feel like the resolution is changing...
[Alexis] - It is
[Herabrine] Whoah... maybe it's posted with warnings because it's a portal to the outside world!
[noah] -looks at himself he has become less blocky-
[Alexis] - I don't think so, from what Lie said, entering the real world for the first time causes immense pain, so wouldn't we be feeling that now if that were the case?
[Herabrine] Good point. I have been out there myself though. I can travel astrally. Just leave my physical body here.
[noah] lets see what's at the middle.
-As they head farther in, they reach the open entrance of LJ's circus.  The area in front of them was littered with old broken wood and tattered fabric from LJ dismantling and fixing things-
[noah] circus! -runs in-
[LJ] Appears right in Noah's path-
[noah] hello.
[Herabrine] What a mess...
[LJ] - Why are you here?
[Alexis] Has her bow ready to be used-
[Herabrine] A philisophical clown?
[noah] adventure.
[LJ] - This place isn't safe for you, I'll need to escort you out...
[Herabrine] I like unsafe things, and this place is wild. Everything is so detailed!
[noah] do any of the rides work?
[LJ] Scowls- You won't be able to leave without my help, it's how this place is designed
[LJ] - And currently no, none of the rides work, nor any of the game stalls
[Herabrine] Is just walking around poking things. She's unused to being able to feel textures fully as well as see them.
[noah] damn I wanted to ride some rides
[Alexis] - Is the inability to leave why there are warning signs outside the fence?
[Herabrine] I bet we have at least one person on the server who's scared of clowns. There's always one.
[LJ] - Oh there, is, it's the weird pale boy at Doc's place
[noah] yea I was there helping shield him from being able to see you.
[Herabrine] Oh the tattooed kid? I haven't met him myself, just heard stories.
[LJ] Grins- I need to visit that kid again
[Alexis] - Why?
[Herabrine] Be careful, I heard what he did to Jeff too.
[LJ] - To scare him, I am a pasta afterall
[noah] does that make ben the chilliest pasta ever?
[LJ] - Yeah, unless you get him wet or insult his height
[Herabrine] Barks out a laugh - A creepypasta! This all makes sense now!
[Herabrine] Does a little flip in the air and floats near Lj, she sticks out a hand. - Pleased to meet you scary brother. I'm Herabrine.
[noah] and get to close to hyrule he has become very protective.
[LJ] - Laughing Jack- Elongates his arm and twists it between his legs and up behind his back to shake Hera's hand
[Herabrine] That's crazy-pants! I love it!
[LJ] - Well I was originally a toy
[noah] whats the limit for your arm stretch?
[Herabrine] I was originally a giant spiked fish dragon with one eyeball.
[LJ] - About fifty feet I think?  I haven't checked in awhile
[Herabrine] Noah? Can you fly?
[noah] yea -flys up-
[Alexis] Is trying to stay unnoticed-
[Herabrine] Hey Lj? You should try and grab Noah! Then you'll know your reach for sure.
[noah] -flys up really high-
[LJ] - Okay, it will be a change from trying to wrangle BEN at bath time- He reaches up towards Noah
[noah] -is about fifty feet up-
[LJ] Easily grasps Noah- Huh, guess my reach may have grown...
[Herabrine] Niiiice!
[noah] -makes a victory kazoo noise-
[LJ] Let's Noah go and retracts his arms-
[Herabrine] Here. I'll show you a trick. - She floats down and her body suddenly collapses as her feet hit the ground. A transparent version of herself reforms behind Alexis and gives her buttcheek a fierce pinch.
[noah] -lets gravity bring him down but fly's again a half block from the ground stopping him from falling-
[Alexis] Jumps and swings her bow behind her- Damnit Hera!
[Herabrine] Returns to her body with a briney chuckle.
[LJ] Sighs- I should be getting you all out of here, come on, and stay close
[Herabrine] Sure you don't want some help with this mess?
[LJ] - Why?  It's my task and cross to bear...
[noah] help with people can always make it more fun and go faster
[Herabrine] Notes a few puddles on the ground- Bah. You could use an extra pair of hands, or three or four... - Several tentacles of water raise up and wave from the puddles. - For a fellow greifer, I can make time.
[LJ] - Fine, just don't screw things up.  Wait here till I get back
[Herabrine] Pulls up her feet so she's sitting crosslegged in the air. - Got it.
[LJ] Grabs Noah and Alexis and starts leading them out-
[noah] but I want to help
[LJ] - No, one person is annoying enough
[noah] what isn't annoying to you?
[LJ] - Candy
[noah] to be fair candy is pretty hard to get annoyed at.
[LJ] Has already gotten them to the edge of the forest and tosses them out- Buh bye!  Don't come back!
[noah] I want to come back when the place is all fixed up.
[LJ] - Nope
[noah] why not?
[LJ] - Because I said so
[noah] -makes a sad face-
[Alexis] - Come on Noah, lets go
[noah] where are we going now?
[Alexis] - I don't know
[noah] letting the wind takes up?
[Alexis] - Either that or get shit faced drunk
[noah] I can't get drunk.
[ALexis] - I'm not much for drinking, but after that I might
[noah] no I mean I really can't I don't have a stomach.
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