#just let him hug his vodika
kingtuna · 10 months
Cody: I give up I am so tired
Obi-Wan: Get the emergency supply!
Anakin and Ahsoka:*appear out of nowhere carrying a Rex*
Anakin and Ahsoka:*places Rex in front of Cody*
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vodika-vibes · 2 months
Hello Vodika!
I don't know if you still accept requests, but I wanted to send you one request. Would you do a story with Commander Neyo and Commander Bacara having a girlfriend in common? S/O who has two of the most harsh and cold commanders in GAR as boyfriends 😅, but with her beloved they are not like that anymore. It can be fluff, smut or spicy. Your choice. I wish you a nice day/night!
Dreams Can Come True
Summary: Having a boyfriend who is also a Commander for the GAR is an exercise in bad decision-making. Especially if he happens to be a clone. You’re not sure what having two Clone Commanders as boyfriends says about you as a person, but you can’t seem to bring yourself to care.
Pairing: Commander Neyo x F!Reader x Commander Bacara
Word Count: 1727
Warnings: None
Tagging: @trixie2023 @n0vqni @imabeautifulbutterfly @kimiheartblade @mire-draws-things
A/N: So when you sent this, you probably weren't expecting family fluff or domestic bliss, but I had an idea, and just had to write it. I hope you like it!
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Early mornings in your home are hectic. 
To be fair, early mornings in your home would be hectic even if you didn’t have two boyfriends who seem to make it their morning mission to be as clingy as possible. 
What with your six-year-old daughter that you have to bully and cajole to wake up and eat so you can get her off to school, and then the dogs need to be fed and watered and put outside, and then you need to make breakfast for yourself and your men.
And you need to do all of this before 8 am when you’re supposed to start working.
Honestly, at times, you wonder how your mother handled it.
“Mooooom!” Little Niko shouts from her bedroom at 7:30, “Bruno stole my shoe!”
“Stop yelling, Niko!” You call from the kitchen, where you’re in the process of making three lunches. A sandwich for Niko, and then leftovers from dinner last night for Neyo and Bacara. You’d make lunch for yourself at lunchtime.
A perk of working from home.
You hear little footsteps running down the hall, and Niko pokes her head into the kitchen. “Mom! My shoe!”
“You have other shoes, baby.”
“But I want that shoe. It matches the one on my bed.”
You sigh, “Alright. Let me finish the lunches and then I’ll help you get it from Bruno.”
“I have it, cyare.” Neyo says as he steps out of the bedroom you share with him and Bacara. He’s wearing casual clothes, and you glance at the calendar on the wall to check if he’s working today.
“Papa!” Niko runs over and hugs him tightly, giggling as he scoops her up and settles her on his hip, “Bruno took my shoe outside.” She says solemnly.
“Well, we better go find it.” Neyo replies before he drops a kiss to the top of her head, “Cyare, will you make me some caf?”
“Already brewing.” You reply as you gesture to the caf machine, which is just turning on.
He steps over to you and drops a kiss against your lips and when he pulls away he has the softest smile on his face, “You, my love, are an angel among women. Isn’t she Nik?”
“Yeah! Mom’s perfect!”
“All this for a little caf?” You joke, you wipe your hands on your apron and then kiss Niko’s forehead, before standing on your toes to kiss Neyo’s cheek, “Off you run. Better go find that shoe before he buries it and we need to buy another one.”
“Papa needs to put 5 credits in the bad language jar!” Niko declares.
“Yeah, papa.” You tease.
Neyo shoots you a look, though he looks amused. “After we find your shoe.” He sets Niko back on the ground, “Come on, Nik. Let’s see if we can hunt down the thieving miscreant.”
“Yeah! What’s a miscreant?” Niko asks as she follows Neyo out of the kitchen and out the back door.
You shake your head with a soft laugh and turn your attention back to the lunch prep. You almost don’t notice Bacara come out of the bedroom. Almost.
He shuffles into the kitchen, dressed in his sleep pants and nothing else, and immediately slides his arms around your waist from behind, burying his face in your neck.
“Good morning, handsome.”
He grunts a greeting, and you smother your laugh as you reach up to comb your fingers through his short curls. You feel him sigh and relax into you, though he’s careful to not lean too heavily on you.
“Did Niko wake you?”
“Mm,” He pulls his face away from your neck, “S’alright. She’s just a kid.”
“You can go back to bed, Cara.” You murmur, turning in his arms so you’re able to press your hand against his cheek, “You only got three hours of sleep.”
“And run the risk of not seeing Nik before she goes to school?” He asks, “Never.” He yawns widely, and drops his forehead to yours, “Don’t you have to work today?”
You shake your head, “We’re closed today. CEO is getting married, so the whole company is closed this week.”
“So I get you to myself all day?”
“Well, until you have to go to work this afternoon,” You correct with a small smile, “Master Mundi is expecting you this evening?”
“Mm-hmm,” He shifts so he’s able to rub his cheek against yours, “I think we’re getting deployed in the next couple of days.”
You sigh softly. They’re both going to be gone at the same time, again. Niko is going to be heartbroken. And so will you.
“I’m sorry, love.”
You shake your head, “I knew what I was getting into, Cara. No need to apologize. I’d like both you and Neyo home for dinner before you both leave though.”
He ghosts his lips against yours, “I’ll make it happen.”
“Good,” You trail your fingers against his jaw for a moment and then turn back to making lunch for everyone.
The backdoor slides open and Niko runs into the kitchen holding a chewed-up shoe, she looks very upset for half a second, and then forgets that she’s upset when she sees Bacara, “Daddy! You’re awake!”
“Did you think I wouldn’t see you off to school, Bug?” Bacara asks as he crouches to accept her hug, “What happened here?” He gestures to the shoe in her hand.
Niko pouts, “Bruno ate my shoe!”
“Well, that wasn’t very nice of him.”
“No! It wasn’t! And now I need a new outfit!”
“Well, we should hurry. You don’t want to miss the bus.” Bacara says, as he stands and ushers her towards her bedroom.
With Bacara no longer wrapped around you, Neyo slides into his place, and drops a kiss on the side of your neck, “Bruno’s fine. The shoe is fine too, it just needs to be washed.”
“You’re a godsend, Neyo.”
“I know,” He replies smugly.
You roll your eyes, “I changed my mind.”
“Too late.” He lightly nuzzles your neck, and then pulls back, “So, I was thinking.”
“This weekend is supposed to be nice. How would you feel about us inviting some of the Command Batch over for a cookout?”
“Mm…which ones?”
“Fox, Cody, Wolffe. Fox.”
“You already said him.”
“Yeah, I know. He’s based on planet, so we, Bacara and I, really want you and Niko to get to know him.”
He lightly pinches your waist, “We worry, cyare. It’s not like you have a massive support system.”
“You know, before I met you and Bacara, me and Niko got by just fine.”
“Well, the first time we met you spilled your tea and you burst into tears because you were so stressed, so excuse me for not believing you.” Neyo replies dryly. 
“But true.”
“I should make you make your own lunch.” You threaten, though he just laughs, kisses you, and releases you. 
“Nik! You’re going to miss the bus!”
“I’m coming!” Niko runs out of her bedroom dressed in a totally different outfit, and her hair pulled into a neat tail, “I’m ready!”
You shove Niko’s lunch into her lunch box and hand it to Neyo, who shoves it into her backpack. He then tosses the backpack to Bacara, who holds it out for Niko, “Bug, don’t forget your bag.”
“Got it! Bye, love you!” Niko shouts as she grabs her backpack and runs out the front door.
Neyo moves to the kitchen window to keep an eye on her, and the other kids, at the bus stop, while Bacara moves back into the kitchen to pour three mugs of caf.
He sets a mug next to you and drops a lingering kiss against the corner of your lips, and then he holds a mug out to his brother. “Caf, vod.” He says as he sets the mug on the counter, close enough that Neyo could grab it if he wanted.
“Thanks,” Neyo grabs the mug and takes a sip, his gaze locked on the kids outside, “So, cyare, what are your plans for the day?”
You shrug, “You both need some more casual clothes, so I’m going shopping. Plus, if you want a cookout this weekend, I need to grab some stuff for that.”
“Cookout?” Bacara asks.
“I want to introduce her to Fox.”
“Makes sense. Fox is good people, a bit crazy.”
You laugh softly, “Well, according to your brothers, you are both cold and harsh men. So I’m not sure I believe you.”
“We are harsh,” Neyo says, turning his gaze away from the window as the kids climb on the bus, “Just not with you and Nik.”
“So we’re special,” You tease.
“Yes.” Bacara replies seriously, “You are.” He brushes the back of his fingers against your cheek, and there is something soft in his gaze. “If you like, we can return to the bedroom and we can show you just how special you are.”
Your face heats, and you hear Neyo laugh, “After everything we’ve done together,” He murmurs, and you jump when you feel his warm lips against the back of your neck, “You still get so flustered with us.”
“Yeah, well—” You don’t have an excuse, so you just trail off.
Neyo glances at Bacara, and Bacara grins at his brother.
“You know…we’ve been thinking,” Neyo murmurs against your skin.
“Niko would be an amazing big sister…maybe it’s time we gave her a little sibling.” Bacara finishes. 
Your face flames and you’re, genuinely, speechless. 
Although, you wouldn’t be going through the pregnancy alone this time. And your boys seem to be doing their best to make sure that you have a support system this time around when they can’t be there.
So maybe a new pregnancy wouldn’t suck half as much as the last one.
“That’s not a no,” Bacara says, his voice gleeful.
“That look on her face says that she’s willing, and eager, vod.” Neyo agrees, his fingers sure as he tugs your apron off and gently herds you toward the bedroom.
You’re unable to help your giggle. This isn’t what you imagined your life would be like. But this is so much better. In fact, it’s like a dream come true. The best dream come true.
Besides, having another baby with curls and who looks like them would only make your family that much better, wouldn’t it?
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Cody Time Travel Fix-it AU (Part 2)
Part 1 here
Cody remembers where he heard the name “Qui-Gon Jinn” as the Jedi is questioning him on what happened to Xanatos and suddenly finds himself unable to breathe for a second. (Qui-Gon had offered to make him tea in such a General Kenobi way that it suddenly clicked in his head)
This man, this Jedi, who had all but abandoned Obi-Wan at the temple was Obi-Wan’s MASTER/TEACHER. The name had come up once and General Kenobi had explained to Cody that Qui-Gon and him had had a very… turbulent relationship.
He manages to keep his wits about him and to not raise too much suspicion from Jedi Jinn (and somehow keep his roll in Xanatos’ demise a secret) and is there when the Jedi asks Obi-Wan’s forgiveness and a retry on the whole “Padawan” thing
So Cody is slightly horrified and confused when Obi-Wan turns down Qui-Gon’s apprenticeship offer after everything on Bandomeer quiets down. Qui-Gon himself looks like he’s been slapped or something and Cody’s mouth drops open because “what the kriff kid you were talking about this in the fields all day about how you wanted to be a Jedi and why are you throwing this away you can’t throw it away there are people you have to meet, wars to fight in, brothers to find and then lead, Anakin to train, the KRIFFING–
He’s even more horrified when Obi-Wan explains to Qui-Gon that he already found a “master” of sorts which turns out to be Cody
Cody’s brain scrambles for a solution of some kind as he asks Jinn to leave the room for a second. The conversation with Obi is awkward at first, with Cody basically saying he’s not anyone’s “master” and calls Obi-Wan his “vodika” (little brother) and encourages him to go with the Jedi Jinn and be a Padawan and a Jedi because, “You’re going to do great things and I can’t be the reason you stay behind and miss them all.”
He leaves Obi to think about that and goes to see Jinn about trying to “fix” the situation. There is a lot of debating and the Jedi is clearly not entirely happy with the solution they come up with.
Cody wants to be around Obi-Wan (because he’s not failing his General again, no sir) and make sure he doesn’t get himself killed. He explains this to Jinn as simply wanting to protect the boy because he reminds him of his older brother who is now dead. But Cody also knows he can’t interfere with Obi-Wan’s training too much and does not want to ruin the boy’s chances at becoming a Jedi.
Basically, Cody signs up to be part of the Temple Security Force (the non-Force sensitive part of them) and is allowed to accompany Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi on their missions as a “guard” (Jinn and Kenobi know he’s a soldier at this point).
*to keep things relatively simple, I’m just going to say that this arrangement works out pretty well and Obi-Wan bonds more with Qui-Gon and Cody is a friendly face and voice the boy can turn to if he wants*
Then Melida/Daan happens
Cody’s seen war. He’s seen the brink of war. And what he sees here is something that’s very close to imploding. Cody encourages Qui-Gon to leave as soon as possible from the planet with Master Tahl. But apparently, Obi-Wan doesn’t see the signs and tries to stay on the planet to help “The Young”
Poor Jinn looks as depressed as when Cody first saw him and the clone tells Qui-Gon to wait an hour to see if Cody could talk some sense into his Padawan.
Cody tells Obi about his experiences in war. He doesn’t say where or when or even give a planet name but he describes watching his brothers in arms fall, the horror he saw and felt, the traitors he saw and served, and losses they endured. He basically tells Obi-Wan that it is noble to want to help these kids but Kenobi needs to be better than fighting a war.
He also points out that leaving Qui-Gon like this is basically betraying him. Like Xanatos did. Did he really want to do that to his Master?
Obi ends up not leaving the Order (hooray!) and a few weeks later they receive news Melida/Dann has spiraled out of control that no one can fix and that most of The Young have been killed.
*since Xanatos is dead, Bruck doesn’t die/try and kill Obi-Wan and there is no trip to Telos*
*also, I don’t feel like plotting out everything so the next part is just going to be some random bullet-points that happen*
*Also a note for my own sanity: let’s say Cody’s advanced ageing metabolism is disabled by the Force when he gets sent to the past so he ages normally now*
Qui-Gon slowly learns to trust Cody over the years because everytime his apprentice is kidnapped/injured Cody throws himself full force into the mission. Cody would never say Qui-Gon is a brother (at first), but he respects the man and knows he cares for Obi-Wan. Basically, they get along because of their united goal of making sure this trouble magnet of a Jedi lives.
The three of them have tea together sometimes. Cody burst out laughing when Obi-Wan actually spat out the liquid (of his future favorite tea) which confused both Jedi to no end but whatever
Cody acts as a guard but also as an advisor to both Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon on certain missions. Obi listens to him more, but Qui has taken his advice from time to time (mostly it’s battle tactics. General Kenobi was always better with the negotiating and diplomacy. Cody’s better at strategies)
Cody teaches Obi-Wan some hand-to-hand combat and also a little target practice with blasters (“Yes, it’s uncivilized but it may save your life one day”)
The first time they meet Senator Palpatine, Cody resists the urge to shoot the man in the face but only barely. He very slowly and stubley points out things to Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan about the Senator that doesn’t really add up to him. It doesn’t go anywhere, but at least they can start seeing the signs of corruption if they choose to look hard enough.
Cody helps comfort Obi-Wan when he’s down.
When Tahl dies (which drives Qui-Gon into a depression spiral again), Cody is Obi’s emotional support and helps Obi-Wan let go of his emotions and accept loss (because he’s had a lot of experience with that)
Also after Tahl’s death, Cody also finds Qui-Gon, sits him down, and basically tells him to shut the kriff up, he’s a Jedi so act like one, he’s not the only one who’s lost someone close to them, what kind of example is he being to Obi-Wan right now, etc.
Qui does his thing of ignoring him and “you don’t understand” thing and Cody basically EXPLODES.
“You shut the kriff up, Jinn! I have watched brothers kill brothers! I have seen a free galaxy descend into tyranny and fear. And I took a part in that, not by choice! I was used to make the freedom I fought for die! I am responsible for killing my own brother! Everytime I look in the mirror I want to put a blaster bolt through my own head because of what I did! So don’t you EVER say I don’t know how you feel because I’ve been through KRIFFING Hell and back!”
It’s safe to say that’s when Jinn gets snapped out of his own head because of the waves of agony and pain that roll off of Cody. The clone is now crying and basically tells Jinn to get up, go see his apprentice, and tell him he matters because right now he thinks you don’t care about him at all. (Which Jinn does and they both get some well needed hugs)
Also Jinn trusts Cody better now and Cody considers Jinn as a true “General” (so not a “vod” but pretty darn close)
When they travel to Mandalore, Cody acts as a translator among civilians and is quite useful in keeping the future Duchess safe.
He also encourages Obi-Wan to have emotions/feelings for the Duchess, but also warns him about being able to let go and reminds him of Qui-Gon and Tahl. Basically, it’s okay to love but don’t forget your own duty and her duty as well.
*and we’re stopping here because again: LENGTH*
Part 3
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