#just let them be dramatic and exaggerated and randomly burst into song
artemisyates · 1 year
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Edward Hyde, Victorian gremlin man, I love you so. ♥ This ended up looking a bit like concept art for an animated movie art style wise, and that just makes me sad there isn't a cutesy animated classic disney musical type Jekyll and Hyde movie because that would be amazing.
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artistic-nacho-blog · 6 years
Sanders Sides One-Shot
The sentence prompt is: It seemed like a really good idea yesterday.
Trigger warnings: Cursing, being cornered, panic, anxiety(ofc),negative thoughts, sick family members, and family members walking out.
Relationship: There is no actual relationship, but it hints at prinxiety, logicality, and some slight anxceit, but nothing major.
A/N: So, this was honestly supposed to end in a completely different way! Like, Deceit was not even going to appear in this one... I appreciate constructive criticism, and if there are any other warnings I should add, please let me know.
Word Count:4,137 (Not too shabby)
If you guys want a second part, fill free to tell me, I was originally supposed to end this on a bad note, but yolo I’ll probably end up doing it anyways cuz it’s not like I even finished the actual sentence.
An annoying beeping sound jars Virgil from his less than peaceful night’s rest. Turning over, he slaps his hand on his alarm clock a few times, making sure to turn off his alarm. He peels his eyes open slowly, looking at the time.
He groaned. Why did he think it would be a good idea to leave showering in the morning? Virgil pushes himself out of bed, trying to be as quiet as possible. If he woke his dad up, it would be the end for him.
‘After all, your good ol’ dad is tired only because of you.’
He floundered over to his closest, pulling out the first clothing options he could find because it’s not like matching mattered when you wear all black. Unless your blacks end up not matching, then you are just screwed.
Once Virgil finished his shower, he put on a pair of black skinny jeans, a black Evanescence shirt, and his signature black hoodie. He checked his hair once more, making sure his bangs were evenly spaced apart, before exiting his bathroom.
Virgil walked down the stairs, the smell of pancakes dulling his senses. He looked to his right, where his dad was cooking chocolate chip pancakes.
“Dad, should you really be cooking today.” He didn’t need to get up, he could have made a hot pocket or something.
“Do you not appreciate my signature pancakes anymore? And here I thought you would like the surprise ingredient,” his dad leaned heavily on the counter, over exaggerating his movements in the process.
Virgil rolled his eyes, “Oh my god dad, don’t be so dramatic.”
“But I’m not being dramatic!”
“Sure you’re not.”
Heaving a laugh, his father turned back to the task at hand, expertly flipping a pancake onto the plate. Virgil clapped, making sure to let out a quiet whoop in the midst of cheering.
“What is going on here?”
Both males freeze and slowly turned around. Virgil’s mother looked them over with a hardened gaze, her eyes zeroing in on Virgil,
“I thought I told you two,” she started out, both of them looking down guiltily at her staccato like words, “No cooking chocolate chip pancake without me! How could you do this Brent? I trusted our secret mix with you!” She then grinned mischievously at the two. Her brown eyes lighting up,
“’Guess I’ll need to eat them all, that way our recipe will not get out in the open.”
“Mom, no!”
“Love, ca-we can work this out, think about what you’re about to attempt to do!”
She chuckled, “Attempt? Honey, I’m going to succeed!” She took off, running full speed, laughing evilly, in an attempt to grab the pancakes on the platter. Brent screeched something about the “sharing is caring rule” before grabbing the platter and taking off in a random direction.
Virgil chuckled at his parent’s antics. Waltzing up to the stove and flipping a pancake currently on the pan. He watched in amusement as his parents took turns chasing each other, his mother taking a bite of a pancake each time she got her hands on the platter. How is he this lucky to have such amazing parents?
‘More like how did such amazing parents have you.’
He quickly flipped his pancake onto a plate, today was not the day to deal with this.
Virgil and his parents laughed at the table at the clever joke his father told. Who knew not all dad jokes are bad jokes? He took one last bite of his pancake, ultimately eating the last pancake standing.
Virgil checked his phone screen, his eyes widening,
His parents flinched. Brent caught on quickly, looking at the clock and shaking his head as he darted upstairs and into his office. His mother on the other hand,
“What? What is it? Did you hurt yourself? Too many pancakes?”
Virgil pointed to his screen when it lit up again, showing his mother the time,
He glared at his phone screen, hissing. “I’m going to miss my bus.”
Virgil headed for the stairs. “I gotta get my stuff mom! I’ll be right back!” Diving into his closet, he grabbed his backpack, slinging it over his shoulder. He darted across the room, grabbing his headphones, stuffing them into his bag, along with yesterday’s homework. Multiple craps and shits were whispered in under a minute.
His father’s footsteps thundered down the hallway, he barged through his door,
“Normally I would knock, but we are on a time limit today, Virge.”
“It’s fine, do you have his present?”
“I do!”
“Was that a Doctor Who reference?”
Brent placed a swift kiss onto his forehead whispering words of encouragement as Virgil practically flew down the stairs.
Virgil ran into the kitchen, placing a kiss on his mother’s cheek.
“Bye mom, I love you!” He called out as he started to close the door. His mom cautioned him about crossing the road, with him promising to be safe, he finally left his house.
Running is so not his thing. Why did he have to miss his bus? He couldn’t be sweaty when he gave his crush their gift, that’s just a disaster waiting to happen.
Multiple thoughts overtook his mind as he ran to his school. Well, it was more like jogging, but still, it was running to him. Don’t judge! Virgil saw the school in the distance, he decided he was close enough to walk now, given that he still had around twenty minutes before the tardy bell would ring.
How was he going to give his crush their present? He knew he couldn’t just walk up to him and go,
“Hey, I know I stopped talking to you and my group of friends for two months and counting, but that reason was because I completely and utterly fell in love with you, but I am too much of an idiot to come to terms with that, so I ducked out.”
Or even worse,
“You know all those times I was a dick to you? Yeah, those. It was because you were being too cute in the moment for me to comprehend, so I usually ended up storming away or fighting you. So, sorry ‘boutcha! But hey! Look at this ring I bought that my father and I busted our asses to buy for you, cool huh?”
Fat chance of that working out.
He could always leave it in his locker anonymously, but that wouldn’t solve anything.
He looked down at the gift in his hands, a dull gold ring sat in the middle of his pale hand, the ring had an intricate flower design, as well as a sword’s hilt on the underside of the ring. His father worked overtime and graveyard shifts to help pay for the pricey antique.
He gave it another once over before shoving it in his pocket, Roman would never even like this! How stupid was he? Thinking this was a good idea. Virgil looked up just in time from missing a light pole. He briskly walked around the pole, putting his headphones on and selecting shuffle. He smiled when his favorite band started to play.
Virgil sighed as he pushed open the high school’s main doors. Oh well, he can always keep it for himself, yeah his fingers maybe too thin for the ring to fit, but rings on necklaces are popular right now, so it won’t seem out of the ordinary to randomly walk into school with a ring on his neck. Besides, it’s not like anyone would notice, he doesn’t have friends anymore.
He made his way to the gym, sitting on the far end, away from everyone’s too loud conversations. Why do they need to practically shout when they are so close together?
Virgil stole a few glances to his old posse of friends. Logan seemed like he was faring well, his tie matched Patton’s shirt, which is pretty cute he guessed. Patton must have told everyone a joke, because when he looked at Roman, his eyes lit up with humor. He burst out laughing, and everyone around him was quick to join.
‘Look how happy he is without you.’
Virgil sighed, closing his eyes in a meek attempt to block out that thought. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself staring directly into Roman’s hazel hues. Gasping softly, he lowered his gaze at his phone, opening Tumblr and flicking through it, not really paying attention to what he saw on the screen.
God he’s such an idiot! He stared too long. The others must think he’s an absolute freak! Maybe if he apologized for the fight he had with them, they would take him back?
‘You’re pitiful if you actually think that would work, they must hate you.’
He swiftly looked up to see his past partners in crime chatting away.
‘Knew it.’
‘Good,’ he thought bitterly, ‘it’s better this way.’
A loud buzzing jarred him from his thoughts, only calming down once he realized it was just the bell.
He jostled his hand as he made his way down the busy hall. He kept rubbing the ring, treating it like a fidget cube. He cringed when one of his less favored song started to play. He took his hand out of his pocket, switching to a new song.
Heading to his first class, mythology, was a blur. He was deep in thought, thinking of all the different scenarios that his anxious mind could phantom.
It took thirty full minutes for him to realize. His teacher Ms. Marshal was talking about today’s lesson, unmindfulness and forgetfulness.
Ms. Marshal basically skipped to the board after calling role. “Now that we have covered Hades, we will get into the five rivers of Hades.” Virgil looked on, only paying attention part time, “We are going to start with my favorite one, Ameles potamos, which translates river of unmindfulness.”
Virgil looked out the window, reaching into his pocket to thumb his ring, he dug around in his pocket for a moment before realization hit him like a ton of bricks. His ring is not there.
His breathing picked up as he frantically searched through his belongings, covering every inch. He searched the ground following the path he walked into his desk. Nothing.
His ring that his father worked double the amount for, all those part time jobs over the summer for nothing. He can’t help but pray to whatever’s out there. Let this be a realistic dream, a nightmare, he passed out. Hell, anything is better than what’s happening to him right now.
He can barely breathe, this wasn’t happening. It was not happening!
He flinched when he felt a soft hand on his shoulder, he looked up to see his petite teacher gazing at him with concern. He looked around to see other students working, thankfully only one or two were watching his mental break down.
Ms. Marshal whisper to him, asking something, but it was too fuzzy for him to hear,
‘You can’t even listen properly.’
He gasped out a soft “What?”
“Do you need to go outside for a moment?” Virgil softly nodded, collecting his thoughts best he can when she motioned to the classroom door. He crept quietly out the door, his teacher in tow.
Once he was outside his teacher asked him a few questions,
“Are you okay?” Nod.
“Do you need to leave?” He shook his head.
“Do you need to be alone for a moment?” Another nod.
She gave him a stiff nod, sending him one more glance before entering the classroom once again, leaving a statement hanging in the air, “If you need me to send a friend out, I will, so let me know.”
‘Ha, what friends?’
The door made a click sound, notifying him that it closed. Past his tears, he can make out two shaking hands. He slid to the floor, wondering what the hell he did to deserve this. After a few minutes of collecting his thoughts, he picked himself up. He needed to find that ring.
After another minute or two to regain his composure, he got up on unsteady legs, and started his search.
His ring had to be here somewhere. After multiple futile attempts at finding his most expensive possession he collapsed next to a trash bin, fresh tears pouring.
As he was about to get back up, a set of firm hands grabbed Virgil’s shoulders, making him flinch for a second time that day. A crisp voice found its way to his ears, slightly calming him down.
“Virgil? What happened? Can you hear me?” He nodded. Who’s here?
Blinking away his tears, he looked up to see Logan with a worried Patton in the background. Why the flying fuck are they here? It didn’t matter, what mattered was Virgil being a complete fuck up for losing the ring.
“Virgil, are you having an attack?” No? Why are you asked dumb questions?
Virgil glared lightly, choosing a more polite approach than he would have liked, “No. Why are you here?” He shrunk down into his hoodie, he did not want to be here right now.
Logan adjusted his glasses as Patton calmed down, breathing a sigh of relief.  Patton gave him his ‘disappointed dad look’ and Virgil shrunk into his hoodie some more. Patton can be more threatening than he realizes.
“Well, kiddo-“
“Don’t call me that.”
“Shush. As I was going to tell you, Logan found this nifty ring in the hallway-“
“Where! Where is it?” Virgil was instantly freaking out again.
It had to be his ring!
Logan told him something but he wasn’t listening, he needed to know!
Patton looked baffled at Virgil’s outburst.
“Kiddo, it’s okay, we were on our way to turn it in at the office, when a boy with this neato snake charm walked up. He seemed like he was in a rush, too! Maybe we-“
“Patton you are getting off topic.”
“Sorry. Thanks, Lo. Well he said that it was his ring that he lost earlier this morning, so we handed it off to him.” Virgil shut down. His thoughts halted, his breath caught in his throat, and his body was too stressed to continue shaking. What? His ring. His gift to the one he loved ‘oh-so-much’.
No, Virgil. It could be a different ring.
‘Were you ever that lucky, though?’
“Yeah kiddo?”
“What did the ring look like?”
Before Patton could go on about the ring, Logan provided the answer he was hoping to not hear,
“It was a dull golden ring, it also had floral designs-”
Virgil got up hastily, as if a snake bit him. He felt queasy and the shaking came back just as fast as it disappeared.
“Oh my god,” he started out, he saw black dots enter his vision, he couldn’t control his breathing anymore. Please. Let it be a joke. It’s a terrible prank and they knew about the ring the whole time.
“Virgil.” Who?
“Virgil.” Who is that?
“Virgil!” He snapped out of his dazed state,
“Hu-huh. What?”
“You zoned out, kiddo. Are you okay?” Patton, it’s just Patton.
He searched around for a moment, someone was missing from the picture.
“Wher- Where’s Logan?” Patton shifted closer to Virgil, slowly putting an arm around his shoulder.
“He went to get the nurse, but I just texted him that you’re okay, so he should be coming back now.”
“Where’s Roman?” In the months that he had been apart from his friends, he never saw the three separated.
Patton glanced down the hall to see Logan and a tall guy coming their way.
“Roman’s in a different class right now, so he didn’t find the ring with us.”
A single “Oh” left his mouth.
When Logan and the boy came close enough, Virgil noticed how tight his grip on the boy’s arm was. Patton seemed to notice that too, but he didn’t say anything.
Once Logan came close enough to talk quietly, he started a mini rant,
“I found this heathen,” Logan gestured to the guy, “roaming the hallways. He did not have a hall pass, but he did have a lot of metal bands.” Logan shoved the boy’s jacket down, showing off tons of stitch-on inside pockets. He pulled a few items out, just to drop them onto the floor.
Patton gasped loudly, Virgil’s eyes widened significantly. These items were very familiar to both of them.
One by one, more pockets were emptied, class rings showered the hallway’s dirty floors. Logan continued,
“I watched him fill his pockets with the class rings in the teacher’s lounge. He is also the one who said the ring that is presumably Virgil’s was his.”
Patton looked on, shocked at what he was seeing, “Kiddo,” he choked out, “why would you steal class rings?” His eyes filled with tears as he continued to gaze at the multicolored rings.
The boy’s amber eyes grew cold, the once petrified person transformed into a hardened shell, “None of your business. If I wanted to be questioned, I would have just made a shit-load of noise as I took ‘em.” Logan blinked, seeming to try and keep his composure.
“I do not understand. There is absolutely no gain in taking rings.”
“Yes there is!”
“Kiddo, how? Stealing is wrong! This could get you a one way ticket to prison!”
“I have my reasons, trash.”
“You will not speak to Patton like that! He was simply trying to get an explanation!”
“Shut up! I don’t need to explain my reasoning, clod.”
“But you do have a reason that can get you out of trouble?”
“Of-fucking-course I do, Sherlock!”
“Don’t talk to Logan like that! He just wants to help!”
“Then tell us!”
Three heads whipped around when the ever silent teen Virgil shouted, seeming to have forgotten him. He took large, quick steps towards his target, who took a two steps back for every step forwards Virgil made.
“Tells us why you took the rings.”
Logan and Patton looked on as Virgil backed him into a wall. Once the boy couldn’t go anywhere, he tried to seem bigger by raising his shoulders and neck. But unluckily for him, when Virgil stopped slouching and rose to his full height, he had a good four inches on him.He planted a hand on the wall, trapping his target.
Virgil seethed, his nostrils flared out slightly,
“Listen buddy,” the boy shrunk back down.
“I don’t know who the fuck you are, but you can’t just go parading around, stealing people’s rings! Do you know how much one of those costs? Like four hundred freaking dollars!”
The boy looked anywhere but Virgil’s direction.
“What’s your name?” Confusion passed over Alastor’s face. “What?”
“You heard me.”
“Why should I tell you, bitch?”
“Excuse me?”
Silence, then a quiet,
Virgil glared at him. “Well, Alastor, I hope you realize unless you have a good damn reason for stealing all of those rings, which must have my ring that my father worked his ass off for in it, I will report you. And then you can say bye-bye to your little life of stealing people’s shit.”
Alastor stayed silent, as if his shoes were more interesting than what’s going on around him. Virgil looked over him one more time, before leaning his body off the wall and making his way to the office, anger controlling his anxiety. Thank you adrenaline.
‘It’s sad knowing you’re only this gutsy due to adrenaline’
“Wait!” Alastor cried out, transforming into a helpless teenager,
“You can’t tell anyone! I swear I’ll do anything you want me to!”
Patton and Logan looked on, seemingly curious as to what their used-to-be friend will do.
Virgil stopped and turned pausing to act like he was thinking,
“Why.Did.You.Steal.My.Ring.” The words where uttered like a statement, rather than a question.
Alastor took a deep, raspy breath before opening his mouth fully,
“My mom’s sick…
“And my dad left last week.”
Patton made a confused noise,”Left? Like a vacation? That’s not a very soli-“
“No!” Alastor shouted, causing everyone to jump,
“He walked out on use ‘cause her insurance wouldn’t cover the costs. He left ‘cause he’s a shitty dad.”
Patton gasped as Logan shuddered. Virgil looked on blankly. Logan and Alastor watched Patton’s face morph from confused, to horrified, then back to confusion.
“But that doesn’t explain it? How does your old man leaving cover for you stealing class rings?”
Virgil shook his head as he walked towards Alastor,
“Yes it does, Pat. How do you think his mother is still in the hospital?” Patton gasped once more, understanding flashed in his eyes.
“You-you stole the rings to pawn them off didn’t you?” Silence was the only answer they needed for verification.
Alastor slowly walked towards the rings, “You can have your ring back,” he bent down, picking up Virgil’s dull ring, “I watched you drop it in the hall this morning, I was going to get it, but these two beat me to it.” He gestured to Logan and Patton. Logan holding a sniffling Patton close.
Virgil held open his palm once Alastor got close enough for him to drop it. He inspected it carefully, making sure no harm was done, before securing it in his pocket once more.
“Thanks,” he nodded his head to the pile of class rings on the ground.
“What about those, you going to turn them in?”
“I don’t have a say in the matter, do I?”
Virgil chuckled. Alastor reminded him somewhat of Roman, he was witty and  he would do anything for the ones he loved, even if it meant breaking the law.
‘But he wouldn’t go this far.’
He quickly shook his head, as if it would clear that thought.
“You can turn them in how ever you want to, but I know Logan won’t let you leave with them.” He sent a look towards Logan, who was fussing over a calmed down dad friend.
Alastor nodded curtly, “I’m sorry or whatever.” He pushed out the words softly.
“I don’t need your sympathy, though,” he continued on.
Virgil let a puff of air escape him, “Noted.”
As Logan came over with the rings in a bag, Alastor looked at the bag, obviously confused.
“Weird right? He keeps a plastic baggy on him at all times, he even has extra in his backpack.” Alastor just smirked, enjoying the new information given to him. He probably‘s like you, no friends.
‘But no one at home to go back to.’
He cringed at the thought.
Before Alastor could walk out of his reach, Virgil gripped his arm,
“Wait.” He paused, wondering how to say this without seeming like it was out of pity, “If you want, you can sit with me later at lunch, I always sit alone, so it’s not like it would bother anybody.
Alastor’s eyes widened a fraction, before he looked at Virgil in shock, “But I tried to steal from you! Are you normally this clueless?”
Virgil merely shrugged, “The offer still stands. Come if you want, but it’s your choice.”
After the day’s episode of crazy, Virgil sat in the courtyard, anticipation riding on his back.
It’s not like he would actually-Oh my god there he is!
Alastor caught Virgil’s gaze as he sheepishly walked over to him, sitting on the brick wall behind them.
A simple, “Hey” Came out of Alastor’s mouth. Virgil awkwardly shifted on his spot on top of the wall. How did he think this was a good idea again?
‘Because he’s all alone.’
Virgil squeaked. “Hi.”
“So, those two guys helped me put the rings back in the cases without the teachers knowing.”
Virgil blinked in shock,” Seriously?
“Yeah, it was mostly because I was the only person who looked after my mom.”
“In the end, they ended up threatening me before they would help me, though.”
“Why did they threaten you?”
Alastor’s eyes widened, his pale cheeks almost immediately turned five shades redder. Virgil stared, while he may be observant, he was dense as shit.
Virgil then craned his head towards a round table near the edge of the courtyard, watching as Roman, Logan, and Patton sat down in their respective areas. Roman’s smirk vanished for a second, before being replaced with a soft smile, a few white glistening teeth showing through. He let out a puff of air.
He looked back at Alastor, grinning as he kept missing a fruit with his fork. Not missing the small growl he let out when it fell off his tray and onto the floor. Virgil let out a chuckle, giving one of his pieces of fruit to Alastor, chuckling all the while.
Although Virgil’s plan never got put into motion, at least he had someone to call a friend.
A/N: Glad that got finished! Deceit’s name has a meaning to it, I just forgot cuz I’ve been writing for hours on other future fics/one-shots. Thank you for reading, and please tell me how I did!
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