#just marissa paid them very little attention
impossiblesuitcase · 1 year
what are your fave jacinter hcs post revolution? :)
Here's one:
A few years after the revolution, Jacin starts medical school on Earth. That means a lot of time away from Winter, which he doesn't like, but he still has time to comm her during class and see her during the day. She stays local to his university, working with the Lunar embassy there in public relations.
They're both happy over that time. Jacin finally, finally starts to lose a bit of his grumpiness, his performative apathy, returning to the more openly emotional man she knew before he became a guard. Even their friends are surprised at this less abrasive version of him, but he still remains pleasantly snarky.
They want to get married, of course. Except he's being flogged by exams, and planning a wedding would take a lot of time and energy and he wants to give Winter the full attention and support she deserves. They agree to wait until there's a lull in his studies before that.
Then he starts his residency. He's working 12 hour shifts, with a 5 hour window for sleep, while still being on call. He gets breaks, sure, but he is flat out (Australian for busy). He sees Winter occasionally. Well, every day, but it's 5 minutes of a rushed meal and chatter and then he's off again. He hates it. She is generally frustrated by it. Still they both know it's where he should be right now, and he loves finally knowing how to help people, rather than just wishing he knew.
Six months in, Winter gets a comm while he's on a break:
Jacin: Winter, im sorry that im making you put up with this. you deserve to have the wedding that you dream of and a person who will be there for you always like i promised i would be. i dont deserve you.
Now another thing Jacin doesn't like--he isn't around to protect Winter. Sure, years have passed and she's more in control of her trauma and fears, but his peace of mind is never settled if she's not right next to him. So this residency period is hell for him. She spends a lot of time with their friends, sending him pics to assure him that she's with good company, regularly updating him on her wellbeing in what she calls 'sanity checks', a term he dislikes--"You're not insane."
So one day he's doing his final shift for the week when he receives this comm:
Winter: My darling Jacin. You mean everything to me. I need nothing more in life so long as you are in my arms, physically or in spirit. The walls bleed with you, my love, bleed water and diamonds and joy...
Walls. Bleeding?!
Jacin sprints out of the hospital. He tracks Winter's port, finding her just in the park on the next block. He's panting and stumbling when he finds her by the lake. She's donning a summery white dress, which on her rivals any vogue bride, and is holding a flower crown in her hands. She's decidedly not screaming or sobbing like the last time he saw her mention bleeding walls.
"Love?" he garbles out, racing up to her.
Winter gestures for him to slow down. Once in arm's reach, she plops the crown on his greasy, unbrushed hair and steadies his shoulders with her grip. "My darling Jacin. You mean everything to me. I need nothing more in life so long as you are in my arms, physically or in spirit," she repeats, in what is evidently a rehearsed speech.
"Bleeding walls?" he interrupts harshly.
"Hush." She pulls him into her arms. "Jacin, you are everything I deserve. I never want you to question that for a moment. Never let those clinical lights and smell of antiseptic confuse your senses into believing that I wouldn't want you, just the way you are."
There's more words spoken, from him and her, and his bewilderment and worry is still not supplanted with relief. Yes, she might assure him of this now, but he'll be back to endless shifts, and her patience will run out.
"I don't want to wait until things are calmer," she confesses, "because I love you with how things are now as much as I would at any other time." She pulls away and reaches up, adjusting his crown. "The crown has a purpose, you know. I bet you just thought I brought it because I'm crazy."
"You're not crazy."
She closes an eye. "You thought my message was crazy."
He's silent, because yes, he did.
"Once upon a time, I was a princess. So if I marry a boy, he becomes a prince. We aren't married yet, but I declare that we should make a promise first." She leans up and kisses him quickly. "There. That will suffice until the wedding. And this"--she gestures to the crown--"gives you your title."
"My prince. My knight and best friend. Until I change that to something else."
"I was thinking husband."
He kisses her. Then he spends the next month in comms with his supervisor. He wrangles a 5-month break out of them, but he has to work 6 months first. During that time of work, he proposes, and now that he's more established in his residency, his hours drop. He does have time for wedding planning, and they wed the first week of that break. It's a busy few newlywed years, but it quiets down once he's out of his residency. He's still protective, yes, but he doesn't need to be by her side constantly anymore to be calm. He does not want to be known as a prince, even when Cinder and Kai joke that they'll make him one against his will.
He never protests when Winter calls him her prince.
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thundergrace · 4 months
i actually laughed so hard at you JUST finding out that that is THEE sam and mon lmao it adds a whole other element of "this plot is unhinged" when you think about it honestly but truly HOW DID THAT GO OVER YOUR HEAD??? it didn't seem weird they also mentioned khun song??
Okay no I honestly hadn't paid much attention to them. I will say that because for me it seemed they were very much on the side and only there as support characters for Nueng. In fact Mon is barely even useful as that much.
So I definitely let my attention drift when there are scenes with them unless they're alone then I did try to lock in a bit more just seeing if there would be more to them. And they're cute! Of course 😊
But also I did not remember Nueng's name from GAP -remembered the character but not her name. So just hearing Nueng and Sam I made no connection. But if I had recalled her name and heard Song, I think I'd have gotten it. Shit I don't think I did hear Mon's name until recently chile I thought that woman's name was Marissa or something that's how little I lock in 😆
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hercomputerruins · 2 years
~ first bit of my story ~
My drama teacher, Ms Jackson, walks into the room, carrying a big stack of papers and grinnning. Someone nudges me from behind and I turn, surprised, then smile when I see one of my friends, Mikaela.
‘Hi!’ she exclaims.
‘Hi’ I say back. ‘Look at Ms Jackson, she looks way too happy for this to be good news for us.’ Mikaela shudders, thinking the same thing as me. Last time Ms Jackson was this excited, we had to dress up as ducklings and waddle around on stage in a version of ‘The Ugly Duckling,’ where the duckling never turned into a swan.
‘Attention nuggets!’ calls Ms Jackson. ‘I ned your attention now please. I have an entrancing announcement for you all! One of my friends is in reality TV and was looking for a fabulous idea, so I gave her one. There is going to be a reality TV show set here, in this very school, about this very class. Unfortunately auditions are open to the whole school, but having me as your teacher, you should all hopefully have the talent by now to get in! Now, nuggets, come and grab two sheets each, one is consent, the other is information. Deadline is this time next week.’ With that, she stops talking and tosses her papers into the air.
Later that night I sit in our family room, looking over the sheets of paper. I want to do this, but I’m not sure what my parents will say. They don’t see a career in acting for me, so they’re unlikely to say yes to this. It is paid though, which will hopefully help convince them. The light flicks on above me suddenly and I jump, looking up to see my mum and dad entering the room.
‘Hey Alice’ my mum greets me cheerfully.
‘Hi mum’ I nervously reply. ‘So there’s something that I wanted to talk to you…’
‘You mean the show?’ my dad cuts in, ‘we know about that. Ms Jackson called us and told us that if we don’t let you audition she’s kidnapping you.’
‘Weird woman that Ms Jackson’ my mum mutters. ‘Alice, your father and I have talked about this opportunity for you, and we’ve agreed to let you audition, under a few conditions. Hows that?’
I agree, relieved, and they lay down the terms. No shirking household chores while I prepare of the audition. If I get in, I get ten percent of the money for spending, that’s it. The audition is at 11pm and I’m last in line, I don’t get out of school the next day. I agree to all the terms and then they sign the consent form.
At the audition a week later, I sit nervously in my chair, twisting my fingers as I try to relax. Mikaela’s also auditioning, but she went in half an hour ago and I haven’t heard anything. I look at my fingernails nervously. I give myself a little shake and remind myself that I’m an actor. They won’t be able to tell I’m nervous at all! Just as I’m thinking this, the door opens and Mikaela comes out smiling serenely at me. I jump up and speed walk over to her.
‘How did it go?’ I ask quickly. She smiles a bit more excitedly.
‘I hope it went well, I had prepared a script but it turns out they didn’t want one.’
I freeze. They don’t want a script? What do they want then? I’m about to ask Mikaela, but then the door swings open again, and a polished woman appears. She smiles at me. ‘Alice Mayers?’ She questions.
‘Yes!’ I smile, holding out my hand for her to shake. Her smile warms as she grips my hand.
‘We’re ready for you inside, so if you would please come with me’ she instructs. I step inside offering Mikaela a small wave as I go. Inside the room there are five people, who introduce themselves to me. Marissa, the woman who greeted me outside, Ms Jackson and three others.
hope u like it
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doubleleoenergy · 3 years
Oh that boy of mine, by my side. The silver moon and the evening tide.
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: TFAWS!Sam Wilson x fem!Reader
Summary: Sam and y/n build furniture and decorate his home now that y/n has moved in.
Warnings: 18+ ONLY; oral (male receiving), face-fucking, Daddy kink, spanking, LOTS of dirty talk, basically plot at the beggining section and PORN at the end.
Word Count: 4553
Author’s Notes: This just proves that 1) Sam and Bucky are the bestest of friends, 2) Bucky has got someone on the brain, and 3) I am a whore for Daddy Sam.
Two weeks after their bedroom escapade y/n tugs nervously on the end of her cream-colored cardigan, biting her lip. She’s finally finished getting ready in Sam’s bedroom, having tried on multiple outfits for him to choose between before settling on the pale blue floral print fit and flare dress, cream cardigan, and white strappy wedges. Her curls lay tousled down her back, her face fresh with a light coating of mascara and her favorite coconut flavored Chapstick upon her lips.
Today was very important, well, at least SHE felt it was important. Sam and y/n were going out to lunch to meet Bucky, his best friend and work partner. She’d heard plenty of stories about the ‘white wolf’ as Sam teasingly referred to him, had been briefed on his vibranium arm and to not be worried if he looks like he’s constantly pissed off, it was just his RESTING face.
“You look beautiful.” Sam came up behind her as y/n put her gold hoops in her ears, wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the exposed skin at her collarbone. “If Bucky wasn’t such a stickler on meeting at noon, I’d strip you down…do those things with my tongue that drive you WILD…” A moan slips from y/n’s lips, turning around in his grip to wrap her arms around his neck.
“Well maybe if I don’t embarrass myself in front of Bucky, we can do all of that when we get back.” She plants a quick kiss to his lips, moving over to the bed to grab her crossbody brown purse.
“You’re not going to EMBARRASS yourself. Bucky is cool, and he’ll love you.” Well, he was cool NOW. Ever since their mission in New York and the cookout back in Louisiana that Sam invited Bucky to things had been MUCH better. Sam moved to the dresser to grab his wallet and his keys, stepping back over to grab y/n’s hand with his free one.
“I mean it, don’t worry. Besides, I didn’t even particularly LIKE Bucky until a few months ago, you’ve got no need to feel any pressure to impress him.” He plants one more kiss to her lips, tugging her towards the front door to get into his truck.
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When they arrived at their favorite diner Bucky was already inside, sitting down at their usual booth in the back corner. He had tossed aside his leather jacket next to him, his eyes scanning over the menu as if he didn’t already know what to order.
The door to the diner chimed as they walked through, Bucky turning around with a smile when he noticed Sam. “You’re a minute LATE.” He announced, holding up his phone to show him the time. Technology was sweet now that he had it at his fingertips. Sam rolled his eyes, walking forward and embracing Bucky in a hug, patting his back as he did so.
“A minute is NOTHING, but I guess I should know better than to keep an old man waiting.” The two laughed together, letting go of the embrace before Sam motions for y/n to move next to him. “Bucky, this is my girlfriend, y/n. Y/N this is Bucky.”
Y/N watches as Bucky sticks out his hand for her to shake, the non-vibranium hand that is. She takes it in her small one, giving it a good motion up and down. “It’s nice to meet you, Sam has told me so much about you.” She chirps, finally taking in his features. His eyes were a DAZZLING blue, his smile wide, and his brows thick. He wore a grey t-shirt that looked a little too tight, showing off his muscular frame through the thin fabric. His vibranium arm, the one that Sam mentioned, was completely exposed but seemed to fit in with the rest of his appearance.
“Likewise, sometimes I have to tell Sam to shut the HELL up so we can actually get some work done.” He teased, letting go of her hand.
Bucky motions for them to sit, sliding back into his side of the booth with Sam and y/n sliding in across from him. As soon as they did a PERKY blonde waitress walked over, flashing a bright smile at all of them before settling her gaze on Bucky. It was clear she thought he was attractive, keeping her eyes on him as she pulled out her pad of paper.
“Hello, my name is MARISSA.” She gushed, tilting forward ever so slightly to expose her chest to Bucky. He paid no attention though, his eyes typing away at his phone.
“Black coffee, short stack of pancakes, side of bacon please.” He slid his menu towards her direction and she quickly jotted it down, a blush appearing on her cheeks. Bucky kept his eyes still on his phone.
“R-right, okay and uh, and what can I get ya’ll?” She finally looks at them and y/n can see a twinge of embarrassment on her face for having been ignored by the chiseled man. 
“I’ll have the breakfast burrito with an extra side of sausage and a coffee with vanilla creamer please.” Sam responds, plopping his menu on top of Bucky’s. Y/N scans the menu once more, turning her attention to the waitress. “I’ll have the Belgian waffle with strawberries please, and a glass of water.”
Marissa finishes jotting down their order, grabbing the menus and then looking once more at Bucky, a slight frown on her face, before walking away. Bucky finishes up whatever he was doing on his phone, setting it upside down on the table and moving his attention back to the pair in front of him.
“So, y/n, I heard you moved from Colorado. How are you liking it here during the summer heat?” Y/n tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, placing her hands in her lap. “It’s been great so far, it’s an interesting little town. PLUS, I have this guy by my side.” She playfully nudges Sam, eliciting a laugh from his lips.
He moves his hand to hers, gripping it under the table. “Sam says you two have a lot of fun together on your missions, do you have a uniform like him?” Bucky laughs, making his nose scrunch up on his face. “No, that’s BIRD-BRAIN’S thing.” He teases. “I’m what they call a super soldier, that makes me SO much cooler than Sam.” Another joke. Y/N seems to think this is a good sign. “But yeah, we do have a lot of fun on our missions. Some are harder than others of course, but we haven’t died so far.”
Marissa comes back with the men’s coffee and y/n’s water, eyes flickering towards Bucky again. He finally acknowledges her presence, eyes finding her nametag against her shirt. “Thank you, Marissa.” He affirmed. She walked away, giddy that Bucky said her name, as both men take a sip from their mugs.
“Well, whatever you do I’m sure it’s very important. Sam sounds lucky to have you.” She quipped. They seemed like a natural pair, their personalities seemed to mesh, ESPECIALLY their sarcasm. 
“Y/N is pretty impressive too; she’s got her PhD in sociology and teaches at Northwood.” Sam adds, a proud smile on his face. Being with her made him look BETTER and FEEL better, and he loved being able to show her and all her accomplishments off. A deep blush creeps over her cheeks at his words, squeezing his hand under the table. 
“Well that IS impressive, congratulations. Sociology seems like an interesting topic to teach. Are you a harsh professor?” Bucky questioned, raising a thick eyebrow in her direction. Y/N shakes her head, she DEFINITELY wasn’t a stickler like some of her colleagues.
“No, not harsh at all. I believe it’s important to get students PASSIONATE about what they learn in order bring awareness and CHANGE. I teach three different courses: Social Inequality, Racism and Inequality, and Toolkit for Activism and Advocacy. We have our required midterm and final, but most of the time is filled with lectures, documentaries, and discussions on the topics we cover.” Her eyes light up with passion as she talks, and it makes Sam’s heart flutter. Even Bucky seems to be enthralled listening to her.
“Well, if I were a student, I’d take one of your classes for SURE.” Their conversation is interrupted briefly by Marissa dropping off their plates, trying to get Bucky to notice her again but with no success. They start to chow down on their food, the sounds of forks and knives moving, and mugs being picked up and put down being the only sounds at their table. Eventually as their stomachs start to fill the silence ends, talking about some of Sam and Bucky’s favorite missions, what y/n’s favorite books were, and even their shared connection to the armed forces.
They finally finish devouring their brunch and Bucky sits back against his booth, arms spreading out over the back of it. Marissa finally drops off their checks, trying ONE last time to get Bucky’s attention but he’s distracted in conversation with Sam about their next meeting with Torres. Sam INSISTS on paying for y/n’s meal along with his own, and y/n decides not to protest this time. She’d get the next one.
Bucky pulls a wad of bills from his wallet, setting down enough to pay for the food and a tip before he stands up, pulling his leather jacket on over his tight grey shirt. They all thank Marissa on their way passed her to move out the door, the familiar chime going off as they step outside into the bright sunshine. Sam turns to face Bucky once more to give him a final hug.
“I’ll see you next week, noon on the DOT.” Bucky mumbles, and Sam can’t help but laugh, stepping back so that y/n can say her goodbye to him as well. Before y/n can decide whether it would be awkward to shake hands again or just nod in his direction, Bucky pulls her into his side for a hug, using his vibranium arm.
“It was great to meet you, y/n. I hope that Sam doesn’t keep you to himself forever, I’d love for us all to go out to a bar or something next time.” Bucky lets go of her side and y/n takes a step back, grabbing Sam’s hand in hers. “It was GREAT to meet you too. And sounds good, first rounds on me when we do.” She agreed.
Bucky turns with a quick wave of his hand, the couple turning in the opposite direction to head to Sam’s truck. The walk is short, and Sam moves instinctively to open y/n’s door before hopping in the driver’s side and starting it up.
“Well that wasn’t so bad was it?” He asked, his hand settling to grip her thigh as he drove. 
“No, not at all. He seems like an awesome guy. I’m sure it’s nice to work with someone you’re close with.” Her eyes turn to look up at him, head resting back on her seat. God, she’s so smitten with him and it’s only been two weeks. He checked every box, even checking boxes she didn’t even know NEEDED to be checked.
He squeezes her thigh, teasing her slightly. He cannot WAIT to get home and tear off that short little dress of hers. “Yeah it is nice, although, did you notice how HARD that waitress was trying to get his attention? I mean, usually Bucky is all sorts of flirty but today there was nothing.”
They both laughed, y/n moving her hand to turn the volume up on Sam’s Marvin Gaye CD. She had taken quite a liking to his taste in music since they started seeing each other.
“It was SUPER obvious. I wonder why he didn’t flirt back.”
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The past two weeks were a blur, Sam having gone on another mission and y/n finishing up with midterms for her summer classes. In their spare time, y/n INSISTED that Sam needed to make his place more of a HOME. 
When Sam decided to move back to Louisiana, he had managed to buy a small two-bedroom, two-bathroom house a few miles down the road from Sarah’s place. After years in the service and moving back to civilian life, Sam still struggled with really making his place feel like home. Now that y/n was spending the night more often, enjoying the quiet that his house brought over the loud family that lived above her apartment, they felt it was time to UPGRADE.
Last week had been spent picking between paint swatches and painting the different rooms in Sam’s house, stopping frequently for some HOT sex on the hardwood floor. Sam had his bedroom furniture but was still missing living room furniture, kitchen furniture, and décor to tie it all together. At least, that’s how y/n put it.
They had just finished up their shopping adventure at IKEA, Home Goods, and Target, truck bed loaded with STUFF. Probably more stuff than they needed but y/n would make sure to return what they didn’t want.
“You know I’ll have to put together that kitchen table, chairs, AND the coffee table when we get back right? And the couch from Home Goods won’t even be delivered until Sunday.” Y/N smiles, rolling down the window and sticking her hand out, feeling the hot sun and the cool breeze on her skin.
“That’s fine, you can put that all together while I decorate everything.” She was excited, Sam was totally fine with letting her have control of the colors and patterns, really EVERYTHING.
Within a few minutes they had pulled up to the front of the house, Sam opening the bed of the truck so he can start grabbing the items. Y/N grabs a few of the bags, Sam shaking his head at her. “I told you, you don’t need to carry anything in, I got this.” Her brows furrow, setting the bags in her hands down in the empty space of the living room and following Sam back out the door for another load. “I’m COMPLETELY capable of carrying some of these. Besides, I have to catch up to YOUR physicality still.”
Sam laughs, tugging her against his waist and kissing her passionately. “You don’t need to catch up, your body is already HEAVENLY as it is.” He should have used the word SINFUL instead, the things she did to him. He shakes his head to get the thought out of his mind, grabbing the box with the parts to the table and carrying it over his shoulder.
Once they finished unloading the truck Sam got to work putting together the coffee table while y/n emptied the items from the bags, sorting them on the floor for the areas they would go in. She took the different canvas pictures they had picked, holding them against the wall of the living room to decide where she wanted to hang them. Once deciding on the perfect spots, y/n grabbed the step stool, nails, and hammer and got to work. The canvas pictures they chose for the living room were an ombre style of blues that would pop well against the cream-colored wall.
After they were hung, she stood back, closing one eye and then the next to check on their levels. “What do you think?” She asked, turning to Sam for approval. He had made quick work of the coffee table, screwing in the last few spots and jiggling it to check its sturdiness. “The table’s done.” Sam stood up and eyed the paintings, nodding his head. “Those look PERFECT there. I’m going to move on to the kitchen table and chairs while you work in here.” He placed a quick kiss to her cheek before moving into the space of the kitchen, opening the box and laying out all his parts.
With the coffee table done, y/n moved all the items purchased to the far side of the room, giving her plenty of space to roll out the new navy colored rug for the area. She made sure it was flattened properly before dragging over the coffee table, carefully setting it on top. Once she’s finished, she fans the coasters they had purchased on the table before moving to look through the other décor pieces they’d chosen.
Y/N was having so much fun letting her creativity out. It wasn’t long before she was moving all over the rooms, placing a framed picture of his nephews here and another framed picture of him and y/n there. It was all coming together, throw pillows added to the bed with a few others set aside for when the couch would arrive, more picture frames with photos Sam had chosen of family and friends scattered throughout the house. New rugs, shower curtains, and towels in both bathrooms.
While Sam finished up the last chair for the dining set y/n put together a floor lamp for the living room, moving the other side lamp to the bedroom before walking around each space and making sure everything was in its proper place. There were a few items she had chosen for the space that didn’t quite work once she finished including another colorful canvas, a fake potted plant, and some extra throw pillows that she didn’t end up liking for the bedroom. Those were put away in a bag by the door waiting to be returned.
“Babe, what do you think?” She turns her head in Sam’s direction, calling for him to look at what she’s done while he busy was putting the furniture together. Sam brushes off his hands, standing up and walking from room to room inspecting her work. He had to admit, the place looked MUCH better. The best touch was all the framed photos y/n had printed and scattered throughout the house. With the changes she had made it really DID feel like a home.
Sam moved last into the living room where y/n stood, taking in the rest of the décor. “I…” He cleared his throat, hand nervously scratching at the back of his neck. He hadn’t felt this before, this PERMANANCE. The house was the first step, the roots that were grounding him here, and now everything seemed right. Even his old place that he’d been in when Steve and Natasha first visited him hadn’t made him feel like this, feel this HAPPY to be in his space.
“I love it, I can’t thank you enough for all of this.” She can tell he’s holding back tears as he speaks and she shushes him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.
“Hey, it’s OKAY. I’m just happy you like it. I know how hard it is to make a place feel like home.” Growing up after her dad passed NOTHING really felt like home. Colorado was the closest she came to that, but it still wasn’t the same feelings she had when she was little and her father was still alive.
Sam wrapped his arms around her waist, bending his head down to nuzzle against her neck. “Of course I like it, I love everything you do. I love…” He trails off, moving his head back up to meet her gaze.
“Baby I…I LOVE you. And I don’t want to be afraid to say it. I want you to know that and I want you to know that this is your space too.” Y/N’s cheeks hurt from how big she was smiling at his words. “I love you TOO. So much Sam.”
He clears his throat, a hand coming up to rest on her cheek. “Which is why I was hoping that maybe you would be interested in getting out of your lease a bit early to…move in with me?” He doesn’t know what the point would be of setting up the house to be a HOME without her in it. He wanted it to be their home, together.
“I-Of course I want to move in. I mean, yes, I will.” She laughs, pulling him in for a kiss. His hands move under her ass, scooping her up in his arms. He was so HAPPY, their lips dancing along each other’s as they continued to kiss, his teeth jutting out to bite down on her bottom lip, eliciting a moan from her.
“How about we make sure that kitchen table is STURDY?” He asks, moving his lips to pepper kisses down her neck. He walks towards the table, y/n still in his arms, setting her ass down on the top he had just built. The table stays still under here weight, her fingers moving down to the hem of his shirt to pull it off. She trails her nails down his chest, marking the skin gently and watching as the marks faded.
“Baby, you always do so much for me, want to make you feel GOOD.” She scoots back against the table, looking at him with lustful eyes. “Strip for me please.” Sam does as he’s told, tugging down his jeans and boxers and kicking them across the floor.
“You always make me feel good.” He responds, licking his lips. He watches her as she slips out of her tiny jean shorts and panties, tugging her coral tank top over her head. She slowly unhooks her bra, tossing it aside, leaving her naked on the table, THEIR table.
“I know, but I want to thank you for how well you treat me, want to show you how much I LOVE you.” It felt good to say it, as she had been wanting to since meeting Bucky two weeks ago. His eyes rake over her body as she moves her back flat against the table, her head moving to hang off the side towards. “Want you to use me, Daddy.” She purred, her voice dripping with desire saying the nickname he LOVED in bed. “Please come fuck my face Daddy.”
Sam groans, his cock twitching and erect against his chest. She was splayed out on the table, head back and ready for him to FUCK. He moves closer to her, stroking his cock until it was inches from her face. “Open your mouth baby.” She does as she’s told opening wide as she feels his cock sliding in inch by inch. Her head is throbbing a bit from hanging upside down, but she didn’t CARE. His sliding inward stops when he hears her gag around him, moving out so just the tip rested on her lips.
“Shh, baby, relax your throat, let Daddy all the way in.” Y/N takes a deep breath, opening her mouth wider for him to push inside, enveloping him with her lips. SLOWLY, continuing to breathe, she feels him bottom out at the back of her throat, a groan of approval leaving his mouth.
He picks up a slow rhythm at first, pulling back so just the tip is in her mouth before shoving his cock all the way in the back of her throat, watching how he looked all the way down her throat. “Fuck baby, that mouth is PHENOMENAL.” Sam picks up his pace again, his balls slapping on her nose as her saliva drips out of her mouth and onto the floor.
“Put your hands on your pussy baby, want you to play with yourself while I USE you.” She moans around his cock, her hand moving down to her core, rubbing her fingers against that perfect bundle of nerves. Sam watches her, slowing his motions slightly. “Fuck yourself on your fingers baby, want you to warm yourself up for Daddy’s cock.”
Her fingers move between her lips, pushing inside the wetness. She adjusts to them before pumping them in and out, continuing to lap at Sam’s cock that is now hanging above her mouth. Sam watches for a few moments, loving the way she’s splayed out for him on their new kitchen table.
“Fuck, you’re so fucking pretty, I can hear how wet you are while you’re fucking yourself.” He moves his cock straight down her throat one last time, causing her to cough before he pulls completely out and steps back. “Get up and turn AROUND, put your ass in the air on the edge of the table.”
Y/N rolls her body over, saliva dripping down her face and neck as she did. She turns around, backing up until her ass is high in the air, feet hanging just slightly over the edge. “Yes Daddy.”
Sam moves forward, gripping her ass in his hand before giving the tanned skin a spank, y/n letting out a small whine at the pain. “Look at that pussy, so wet. Do you want my COCK inside you baby?” He teases his cock against her folds, a shiver of pleasure running down her spine.
“Fuck, yes Daddy please, want you to fill me FULL of your cock.” Sam smirks, one hand resting on her back, the other guiding his cock inside of her until he bottoms out. A groan escapes his lips, pulling his cock out of her pussy before slamming back into her again.
He continues to fuck her, a slew of cuss words and thank you leaving her slips. Sam moves one hand up her back, fingers gripping a fistful of her hair and pulling her head back and her face up off the table. “Oh my god.” She cries out, eyes rolling back into her head. He’s pushing in and pulling out of her core, tugging her head back with each thrust.
“That’s it baby, you look so PRETTY on my cock, god I love you so much.” She whines again and he pulls her hair harder with another TUG. “Fucking you stupid huh? Are you becoming stupid on my cock, can’t even speak?” He pulls her head back, lips inches from her ear. “You’re Daddy’s dumb baby, aren’t you?” That familiar feeling inside her chest is building up, her breathing ragged. “Yes, Daddy, I’m your dumb baby, please let me cum. PLEASE.”
He lets go of her hair, letting her body fall back onto the table. “Yes, baby cum for me. Show Daddy HOW much you love him.” Within seconds her orgasm is ripping through her body, walls clenching tight onto his cock and she comes undone. “Yes, thank you Daddy!” He fucks her until her body calms down from her orgasm, pulling out and spanking her ass once more.
“Get down on your knees for me baby, want to cum inside that pretty MOUTH.” Y/N moves down off of the table, getting onto her knees in front of him and opening her mouth wide, sticking out her tongue. Sam moves right above her, stroking himself until he comes, coating her mouth and tongue with his stickiness. “Fuck, you can swallow baby.” She shuts her mouth, swallowing down the salty cum before he pulls on her chin, instructing her to get up.
When she does Sam immediately wraps his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. “You’re SO sexy. I love YOU.” He proclaims, fingers running through her hair. She curls into him, letting out a breathy laugh. “I love you too.” She looks back at the table then back up at him with a smile on her face.
“Guess the table’s sturdy enough.”
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Briefcases and Blood Splatter Chapter 2: Guilty Pleasures and Pool Benny Colon x OC
Thank you everyone who read the first chapter and enjoyed it! it’s always a boost when someone appreciates your work. It makes you work faster to get the next part out!! I hope you all enjoy this one!! let me know! :)   2453 words
The hours had ticked by without Olivia even noticing. The sun was beginning to dip behind the New York skyline, and TAC’s muted windows allowed the little lab to be flooded with a warm orange light. Beeps and whirs came from the temporary machinery, but she paid them no heed, bobbing her head rhythmically along to the music coming through her headphones.
She tapped her pen against the table, her dark eyes searching through the data that her earlier blood and hair analysis tests had provided, hoping to find any new information that had not been in the ‘welcome’ pack she had been given by Marissa.
“Blood-Alcohol level is high. 0.10. High, but not life threatening. Impaired, but not belligerent.” She thought to herself, chewing the cap of her pen, a habit she hadn’t been able to shake since university. “I need to get a test sample of the semen from Alyssa’s body and from the kid. Look and see if there’s blood content mixed in it, or any hallucinogen or toxin.”
She was so involved in the paperwork and her thoughts she hadn’t realised she had company, until he was standing beside her. That delicious smell of sandalwood, leather and citrus engulfed her nose, and she inhaled it happily, closing her eyes for a brief second to savour it.
Benny gently touched her shoulder to get her attention. She looked up at him, and saw his lips moving, but her music drowned out his words. She quickly removed her headphones and smiled up at him apologetically.
“Hey Benny, sorry, I was involved in …”
“The Lion King?” he cut her off with a smirk before she could finish her sentence.
The expression on his face made her mouth dry. Olivia had never been one to get all giggly and shy around men. Even the ones she found attractive. That was her friend Dawn, she normally stayed cool and collected, but there was something about Benny that had struck a cord from the moment the pair of them had made eye contact. It had been completely solidified when Cable and Danny had dropped in to introduce themselves and encouraged her to join them in peeking down into mock court. He oozed confidence while he paced back and forth in front of the jury. He was confident, but not arrogant. His voice full of heat, passion and strength. Olivia was sure she’d never seen someone put so much heart and soul into something that was essentially just an act. He had looked up towards the end of his closing argument and caught her eye. Without missing a beat he’d shot her a dashing smile and a subtle wink.
And in that moment Olivia knew she’d have to keep her wits about her around the lawyer, or she’d become one of those giggly girls she never thought she’d be.
“Sorry?” she said, furrowing her brow in confusion.
“Your headphones, I distinctly heard the opening beats to ‘I just can’t wait to be king’”
Olivia fought the blush that threatened to spider it’s way up her cheeks. She let out a slightly strained laugh instead. “You caught me.” She joked good naturedly “Everywhere I look in my job there’s doom and gloom. Its nice to listen to something light hearted, you know.” She wasn’t sure why she was explaining herself to him, the words just bubbled out of her throat. “So much death, and it’s always blood readings this, urinalysis that, I’m normally up to my elbows is some form of body fluid – and at home, if I’m in the morgue the people I’m working on don’t mind because you know, they’re dead …”
Benny said nothing, but listened to her talk with big smile on his face, showcasing his perfectly straight pearly whites and showing off his boyish dimples. His eyes were alight with amusement, but with no malice.
“I should really shut up, shouldn’t I? Because now I’m babbling at you, and you obviously came in here to ask me something, before I started waffling at you about the merits of Disney soundtracks.” She sighed and bit her lip. She put her pen down and flattened her hands out on the table to mentally and physically ground herself.  “I’ll try again. What can I do for you, Benny?”
The lawyer shook his head and laughed. It was a deep, smooth sound that Olivia had instantly come to adore, and she hadn’t spent that long in his company so far. ‘this man is going to be the death of me … but I think I could live with it.’ He gently placed a reassuring hand on top of hers, his fingers curling under her palms and giving the appendage a gentle squeeze.
“If I didn’t already like Disney, you’d have made me a convert.” His deep velvety tones were laced with humour.
“You’re a Disney fan?” the words and their surprised tone had slipped from Olivia’s mouth before she realised they had left her brain.
Benny snorted, “Of course.”
“You’re a dark horse aren’t you? Is the brooding, serious lawyer mask hiding more guilty pleasures?” and now she was flirting. Olivia could barely believe herself. But Benny didn’t seem to have a problem with it, although an intensity took over his dark eyes as he regarded her.
“There’s so much more to me than that, Miss Byrne. I’ll be happy to show you sometime.”
She was sure her ears weren’t deceiving her … was he … flirting back?
She bit her lip again and felt the blush course up her cheeks, unhindered this time. She swore he shifted his weight towards her, closing the gap between them a little more.
The temporary lab door swung open and Marissa wandered in, her head buried in a manilla TAC folder, as usual. Olivia was beginning to realise that was Marissa’s default during the planning stages of a case. Benny almost jumped, as if coming to his senses, and shuffled back to put a bit more space between them. Liv lamented the loss of his warmth by her side.
“Any luck with the blood and hair Liv?” Marissa asked looking up from her folder with a warm smile. She looked at Benny a little shocked. “Oh Benny …”
“I came to ask Olivia here if she’d like to join us at the bar for drinks tonight. Sort of a welcome thing.” He explained deftly. Olivia noted he’d left out any mention of Disney, or what they were really discussing when Marissa had interrupted.
Marissa nodded emphatically, “You should, it’ll be good to get to know you, and you us, a little better.”
Olivia chewed on her bottom lip. It had been a long day, and she’d not yet managed to return to her hotel and unpack her things, but she supposed one drink wouldn’t hurt. She did want to get to know them all, after all. “I really shouldn’t, as I’ve not even unpacked yet. But I want to keep that jet lag at bay. Gotta get myself properly in your time zone. I’ll come for one.”
Marissa grinned happily, and Benny nodded at her, still regarding her with that hot, intense gaze.
“One it is! There will be plenty more times. We’re only just getting started.” The blonde said. “But back to why I’m here. Any luck with the blood and hair?”
Olivia opened her own file and pointed to her results with her pen as she spoke, both Benny and Marissa looking over her shoulders.
“Not much more than you already had. I’ve got the tox and alcohol levels all rated and labelled for you. Is there any way I can get access to the body? I know an autopsy has already been performed, but I’d like to see a few things for myself.”
Marissa nodded, making some notes in her own file. “I will do my best, is there anything else I can do for you?”
Olivia busied herself closing up her notes and packing up her desk. “Yes, I need some semen.”
Benny made an audible choking noise. She glanced at him out the corner of her eye. It was her turn to smirk.
“Semen?” Marissa repeated, checking she was clear.
“Yep, a sample from the girl’s body and a living sample from Brandon so I can compare counts and check for abnormalities … ooh and if you can, a sample of what was on Brandon’s clothing for the night in question. In my experience, teenage boys aren’t exactly brilliantly skilled with their target practice, so it shouldn’t be too hard.”
She could see Benny’s shoulders moving as he chuckled under his breath.
“ok … I’m not sure how I’ll broach that subject, but I’ll do what I can. This could get awkward.”
“Yeah, sorry, I’ve got the easy bit this end.” Olivia shrugged apologetically.
“No problem, I’ll get this logged. See you at the bar.”
Benny gave Marissa a minute to exit before he turned to her with a devilish grin. “In your experience, huh?”
She laughed and lightly slapped his arm. She was very pleased to feel the hard sinew of bulging muscle beneath the finely tailored cloth he wore.
“Get your head out the gutter, I’m probably old enough to be his mum.”
“Probably more like a disapproving aunt.” He held his arm out to her like a gentleman when she threw her handbag over her shoulder. “Shall we?”
She willingly accepted his crooked elbow, and let him lead her from the room. “I used to work in a all boys boarding school while I was putting myself through uni. Trust me, there are a few things I wish I could unsee.”
“… And a passionfruit daquiri for our newest member of the family. We’re glad you’re here.” Chunk placed the glass of frosted cocktail down in front of her.
Olivia found herself seated around a large round table, sandwiched between Chunk and Cable, with Marissa and Danny opposite them. They were all laughing, joking and learning things about each other, but she always found her eyes straying to the pool table nearby, where Benny and Bull were in the middle of a heated game.
Benny was currently leaning against the bar, with his pool cue tucked safely behind one leg. He had discarded his suit jacket, waistcoat and tie. The collar of his light blue shirt open by a few buttons and the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. The fabric did a wonderful job of showing off his muscles. He was laughing and baiting Bull, nursing what was left of his scotch. Occasionally his eyes would flicker up and meet hers, and he would smile, a soft smile.
“So where did you say you trained in medicine?” Danny asked jovially, catching Olivia’s attention.
“Oh, Southampton, it’s not a big city or a prestigious university, but it was homely.”
“Southampton …” Chunk tapped his fingers on the table in thought, “Where the Titanic sailed from?”
Olivia nodded, taking a mouthful of her drink and sighing, it was just what she needed, “That’s the place.”
“I’ve only ever seen London, I’d like to go back and travel around, see Cornwall and places like that, I hear they’re beautiful.” Marissa said dreamily.
“Cornwall is gorgeous, have you ever had a proper British cream tea?”
“Shhhh, don’t mention food, Benny has the hearing of a bat when it comes to food.” Danny laughed. Olivia too giggled and watched the subject of their conversation through her eyelashes. He was leaning over the pool table, lining his cue up to take a shot. She tried not to openly ogle his ass too much, she’d barely been in their company a day, she didn’t want a reputation, but she had to admit, it was hard.
“Seriously, I’ve never seen someone eat like he does. I’m surprised he’s not fat.” Chunk held his hands up.
“And he’s like a child if he gets hungry, so if he is, I’d make a break for it Liv, save yourself!!” Cable laughed and made a dramatic hand gesture.
“I’m sure I can handle him.” She laughed too. “I’ll bring you all some if I get a chance to make some scones.”
There was a loud pop as the final ball of the pool game was potted, and Bull whooped in victory. “And that my friend is why you need to keep your head in the game.” He sounded smug, and Benny slumped onto his bar stool in defeat, rubbing the back of his neck.
“How about you, new girl, play pool much?” Bull asked her, looking at her over the top of his glasses.
Liv shook her head. “Not really, a couple of times at uni, and when I was young.”
“Come play the next game with me, I promise I wont clean out your wallet unlike Benny here.”
Everyone was watching her to gauge her reaction, it was Bull’s way of testing her mettle in a friendly manner, to see if she fit in with his little ‘family’.
“I don’t play much, I might need a few pointers.” She excused herself from the group and joined the two men at the pool table, she was determined to show Bull that she could hold her own.
“I’ll help you.” Benny said smoothly, finishing his drink and letting his eyes linger on her with that burning intensity.
“Thank you, Benny.” She said sweetly, taking the cue from his outstretched hand. Their fingers brushed against each other and Liv felt her tummy jingle with butterflies.
“My pleasure.” It was almost a hungry growl, gravelly, low and almost erotic.
“And I will enjoy beating you both.” Bull said loudly destroying the moment between them.
“Take him down a peg, Liv!” cheered Chunk and Cable.
Olivia grinned and gave them a thumbs up.
“Your break” Bull said lining up the balls in their starter positions.
“Ok, so if you line up your cue here …” Benny placed one hand on the table where he was indicating and used his other to guide her to the table, his touch warm and secure on the bottom of her back.
She lined the cue up against his hand and looked down the shaft of wood. “Like this?”
“Mhmm, but a little closer, and lower … like this …” Benny encircled her body with his arms, his chin resting on her shoulder, so he could see. He was warm against her back, and Olivia couldn’t help the big, goofy grin on her face at the contact.
Across the other side of the table Bull smirked, satisfied with himself as he watched the pair of them. He looked at Marissa, who shook her head with a resigned smile.
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queenmarissa · 4 years
Yuletide Joy | Self Paragraph
This was the first Christmas that Marissa was absolutely concious for, that she was really present for. She had spent so many holidays up until this point in a world of her own; delierious and swimming in her own loneliness and insanity. All of those holidays that had past... She looked back on them now, as she was stood on the balcony watching the sunrise above the horizon, and she wondered how she survived them all. There were some where she never meant to survive... Only two years ago, on this day, at this very hour she was stood on the subway station platform. Waiting. Waiting for the right train, but not to get onto it. To get away; for good. 
Now, she was here. On a ship in Greece, living each day as it came and learning how to love again. She was facing her demons, quite literally stepping toe to toe with them. With her. Her brow furrowed as she thought of the blonde that ruined her. Delilah. How could she hate someone so much, and yet continue to love them all the same? It caused so much pain inside her, this toxic flurry of feelings that she had no control over because she didn’t want to love Delilah anymore. She didn’t want to feel like this. She wished, more than anything, that she could shut off every single thought that tried to penetrate her mind that was remotely connected to Delilah Fucking Daniels,
But, like it or not, at this point in her life they were so deeply and devastatingly linked. Of course, Marissa was her own person, her own woman, and of course she was still adament in the fact that she would never run back to her... It was impossible to deny the fact that, without Delilah, she wouldn’t be this person now though. For good as well as all the bad. If it wasn’t for Delilah, she would still be working herself to an early grave; she would still be relentless, cut-throat, a bitch. The woman that her own Mother stepped away from and never wanted to hear from again. 
Delilah taught her how to take a break. Delilah taught her how to relax, how to love. Then, as everyone who has ever had anything to do with Marissa knows, broke her completely. She took every single strand of Riss and sliced through it with the sharpest knife possible. And now? Now she was actually alive? Now she realised that that hurt was... Was misplaced? Was preventable? Well, now that knife feels lodged between her shoulder blades, carving deep into her back.
Yet she was still here. On Christmas Day morning... Thinking about her. Obsessing. Would she ever be able to not? What would it take? At this point, she had no idea. She had no idea what it would take to snap this connection between the two of them. It wasn’t even anything to do with wanting her back anymore, it wasn’t... It wasn’t like what she wasted so many of her years hallucinating, It was just this... This thing she couldn’t quite explain. This thing that made guilt flood her in her moments of solitude. So, as much as she could, she hadn’t been letting that happen. She’d been keeping busy, focused... But, the holidays were always so hard. 
Her eyes drifted from the horizon down the side of the ship. No-one else seemed to be awake; all blinds shut, all lights out. It felt like she was the only one in the world awake. She sighed quietly and hung her head for a moment, closing her eyes and letting the sea breeze rinse through her hair. She wondered whether today would have been any easier if she still believed that Delilah was dead. She wondered whether she’d feel quite as guilty for thinking about her then... She wondered if things would make more sense. Honestly, she wasn’t sure it would... And that terrified her. Because, if she couldn’t leave the past in the past with her dead, if she can’t with her alive-- was she destined to plauge some section of her thoughts for the rest of her life? Could she deal with that? Could they? 
Her heart sank a little as she felt a few tears push out of the corner of her eyes and roll down her cheeks. She swallowed. Closed her eyes. She breathed in slowly, counting to eight and then holding in the breath before releasing it and counting down from the same number. She opened her eyes again and looked up, just as the sun was fully up over the horizon. It’s orange rays bounced and reflected wavy lines off of their home; the ocean. The sun still rose. Even on the darkest days of her life; the sun still rose because it can’t stay dark forever... Right? That was what her therapist had once said. Use the sun. Remember it’s there. Remember it always comes back, just sometimes the night is a little longer than normal... But the sun always comes back.
She sniffled a little and nodded as she sucked her lips in a took one more deep, shaky breath. Then, she looked back inside the bedroom and saw Nic and Cleo sleeping soundly, bundled up in each other’s arms and she smiled. That weight that had felt strapped around her heart thinking about the blonde lightened as she looked at her blondes. At her partners. Her partners in life. For life. 
A few more tears fell, but these were different ones. It was like this sudden realisation that just hit all at once and almost winded her. She would have probably fallen back into a chair if one had been nearby. She was looking in at her bedroom; their bedroom. She was looking in a her lovers. Looking into a space that she felt safe in, that had all of her stuff in, in the place where she lived... That she had a family in. Where her best friends were... For the first time as she watched them sleep, it really just hit her... I’m not alone anymore... 
“I’m not alone.”.
She wasn’t sure how long she was stood out there watching quietly, but the next time she really paid attention to the world the sun was almost entirely in the sky, A little bundle of joy burst through the door and ran through into the bedroom, jumping up and down before jumping up onto the bed and bouncing Cleo and Nicola awake. That weight that had been around her heart? It had been replaced with... Wings... There was nothing inside her but... Love.... She smiled. She smiled and she swallowed as all three sets of eyes came to the balcony. Riss took a single moment, just to remember this... Just to bask in it.
Then she came in to her family... She smiled and laughed as her daughter jumped impatiently up and down on the bed, as her lovers sleepily chuckled too. She picked Dela up and spun around with her before falling back down onto the bed with the others. There were no thoughts of anyone, or anything other than this... Other than them. Nothing... Just her family. 
Her people.
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maricorcoran · 4 years
in a café, i watched it begin again.
tagging: @harvberry @maricorcoran
location: The library and then the street. 
time frame: May 21. 
about: Harvey and Marissa see each other after years. 
warnings: this is very very cheesy. 
Marissa enjoyed getting to have a free afternoon, now that classes were wrapped. With that in mind, she moved easily around the city to her favorite spot: the bookstore. Summer was just starting and she needed to get some new things to pass the time, considering that Mia was probably gonna be a little busy, just as Jack. As she arrived, the girl walked around the place, going straight to the ya romance section. Normally, she would prefer to go into a more classic direction, but the sun and the new season made her want to read something more up to date. Easily, she picked four books, trying to hold them all in a little pile against her chest so she could go to the desk, but as soon as she turned, Marissa collided with someone else. The impact made the books go right to the floor and Marissa kneeled down, putting some hair behind her ear with one hand. “I’m so sorry, I wasn’t...” Her words died on her throat as soon as her eyes caught a glimpse of the other person, feeling her heart jumped out of her chest. “Harvey?”
Harvey was having the time of his life. He had just finished up his shift at the gym and was walking home when he walked by the bookstore. It had been a while since he last read a book, so he decided to find something to amuse himself with. Looking around all excited, he forgot to look forward and accidentally bumped into someone. "My apologies! I was definitely not looking where I was going..." He immediately bent down and started collecting the books. When he heard his name, he lifted his gaze from the books to meet an all too familiar face. "Marissa." His eyes widened in surprise. Here was a girl that plagued his dreams for many moons before. He thought he would never be able to see her again. "Marissa!" He repeated, "Hi, wow, you look absolutely fantastic!" He said standing up, he reached out a hand to help Marissa stand as well.
Marissa didn't know what to do with herself, something she was clearly not used to. Normally, she had her thoughts welll put together, but with Harvey in front of her, she didn't know hot to act. It felt like they were in Europe a life time ago, that she was a completely different person. "Harvey" Saying his name was probably a good start and taking his hand, she stood up, pressing the books against her chest. "Thank you" She knew her cheeks were red, just like the color of the sky, but she stood her ground and made a smile. "You look good as well. I didn't know you were in town" Or in America, since you never called.
Smiling warmly at Marissa, Harvey simply stared at the brunette in front of him. It's been so long since he last saw her. Ever since his phone broke and he lost her number, he thought that was it - he was never going to have any way to contact her or see her again. But here she is! "You are even more beautiful than last time I saw you." He said softly. "Oh yes, it's been a few years? I got into an accident and I decided to move back home so here I am. What are you doing here?"
With the seconds passing, Marissa was starting to ease back into been a normal person. That's why Harvey's comment brought some softness to her smile, knowing that he was honest with his comment. "I'm glad you think so" It did made her feel great, that he still found her easy on the eye, but all those thoughts went out of the window. "Are you okay? What happened?" Unable to hold herself, she moved her free hand to rest on his arm, eyes quickly assessing him in search for any injury.
"I'm fine now, don't worry." Harvey said as he placed his hand over Marissa's in comfort. "I just can't run very fast anymore, so I had to change career. What brings you to Doveport, Marissa?" His heart has been beating double time since he laid eyes on Marissa. It's been years, but there's something special about Marissa that he just can't seem to forget. "I missed you." He blurted it out instead of waiting for a response.
Marissa kept her eyes on him, trying to see if there was any change in his attitude that told her that this was more painful for him that he let her see. He was a soccer player, she remembered and it must had been hard for him to just let it go. "I live here now actually, since a few months ago" How in the world had she missed him for this long if they lived in the same town? it wasn't like Doveport was the biggest place in the world. Her eyes moved right to his, her hand dropping lightly from his arm to be pulled back to her books. "It's very good to see you, Harvey" If he had missed her, why he didn't call her? After all this time?
Harvey looked down at the books in Marissa's hands and decided they should go somewhere else to continue this conversation. He wasn't ready to let her go just yet, not after so many years. "Do you want to get coffee with me? Or tea?" He asked instead.
She wanted to say yes, so badly. Marissa knew that they shouldn't have a long conversation in the middle of a bookstore, but there was some hesitation before answering. At the end, the fact that he was here in Doveport, of all places in the world, was enough to make her agree to it. "I would love to, if you are not busy right now" Her eyes moved to the desk, just before going back to him. "I just need to pay for this"
"No, not busy at all. I'm all yours!" Harvey grinned happily. He gets to spend more time with Marissa, that's always something to be grateful for. Hopefully he'll be able to reconnect with her and they could still be friends. What are the chances they would meet in a small town after all these years? He went to the counter with Marissa and watched as she checked out her books. He offered to carry them as they walked out of the bookstore. "There's a cafe not too far from here, do you want to go there? Or is there anywhere particular you have in mind?"
Her hand itched to take her phone and text Mia, but she resisted as they finished their business inside the bookstore. "I'd love some coffee. Anywhere is fine" It was insanely weird to walk beside him, mostly because the whole situation felt something out of a strange dream. "It's been a few years, hasn't it?" She didn't know what to say or how to act around him, but there was no point in lying or not going straight to the point.
Harvey forced himself to look ahead but that only resulted in him taking glances over at Marissa every other step. “Yeah.. at least two years.” He lamented “ but looking at you now makes it seem like it was just yesterday we said goodbye at the airport.” He said with a smile. “I never thought I’d see you again! This is definitely something worth celebrating!”
So he did remember. Marissa had a great memory and she was sure about dates and times, but it made her confused that he did. There was some part of the story that was missing from her point of view, something that made Harvey actually looked sad about not keeping in touch with her when it was all his doing. "Well, I did want to see you again, after we return" Marissa commented casually, not truly matching his enthusiastic tone. At least not yet. "I remember I gave you my number"
His smile quickly turned into a grimace when he realized Marissa caught on. “I know, and I made sure to text you the moment I landed! But the sad news is that I bumped into someone when I was texting you.. and my phone fell out of my hands and a car ran over it.” His voice got smaller and smaller as he regaled the story. “I hadn’t had time to memorize it yet so when they told me they couldn’t get my old phone to work, I lost your number.” He said sadly as he turned to look at Marissa. “I really wanted to see you again! But then when I lost your number... I was very upset for a while afterwards.”
Whatever that Marissa expected him to say, that was definitely not that. For the short time she knew Harvey, she had been able to pick up his complete inability to lie and it seemed that, years later, it was still the same. "A car" She repeated, just for clarification. "I... Well, I have spent the last few years thinking that either you didn't want to call or that you were simple an invention of my mind. I can say I'm happily surprised by the turn of events" To punctuate her words, and the fact that light teasing was her way to calm him, Marissa pressed her hand against his arm, just like she had done at the bookstore, but this time she kept it there as they walked.
Harvey sighed heavily as he thought back to the events that led to him losing whatever chance he had with Marissa. If only he paid more attention as to where he was going. “I am a terrible person, I know. I should’ve been more attentive to my surroundings. Or at least write down your number somewhere else!” His lower lip jut out slightly. “I’m sorry. Truly. Will you ever find it in you to forgive me?”
At least for Marissa, it was impossible to not be charmed by him. "I think it's something that can happen to anyone. Would you hold it against me if the roles were reversed?" Now it was actually a bit funny, if she thought about that. Specially if you considered that, at the end, they have found each other in Doveport. "There is nothing to forgive, Harvey. I promise. I do feel a lot better to know that it wasn't just a ghosting situation"
“I would never ghost you!” He said urgently. Harvey needed Marissa to know that she was very important to him. He had spent days and weeks thinking about her when he came back from his trip to Europe. “I wanted so badly to find you again, but I didn’t even know your last name.” He trailed off sadly. “I would never hold it against you if you don’t want to see me again after this. After all I was the one who didn’t contact you for years.”
Marissa sighed, knowing that light conversation wasn't going to be enough. "Harvey" Her hand moved down to his, stopping him in the middle of the street so she could actually stare directly at him. It was her luck that there weren't many people, so they weren't truly blocking the street. "I believe you and I promise, we are fine. It was something that was on my mind but now I know that happened and we can move pass it" The corners of her mouth lifted up lightly, head titling to the side. "And it's Corcoran. My last name. In case you miss me again"
Harvey held Marissa’s hand in his and looked directly at her eyes. He nodded after a good minute. “I’m Harvey Berry. And this time I’m not letting you go so easily.” He added firmly with a smile.
It felt final, somehow. Like everything he was saying was set on stone and for some reason, she felt right back in Europe, in the middle of a that particular dream. "Alright, then" Her eyes moved down to their joined hands. "I believe coffee is waiting for us, is it not?"
His smile grew into a full blown grin as he raised their joint hands forward. “Off we go!” He said as he gently swung their arms together. “You’ll have to tell me everything that’s happened ever since we parted! I want to know everything!”
Now that the serious part was out of the way, and that by some miracle her heart had stopped working extra hours, Marissa was able to relax back to her normal self. "You seem to forget who are you talking with" She comment lightly, letting him drag her around the street. "'m sure you have more entertaining things to tell me"
Harvey let their shoulders bump into each other as he replied “What? Me? No way. I don’t live nearly as exciting as you do. I’ve been spending the last two years here in Doveport working at the gym. Oh, I got a dog! There’s that. But other than that, I don’t think there’s anything you don’t already know.”
She couldn't help but let her eyes shine a little bit brighter. "You have a dog? I got one too, since I got here" And just because she was the proudest dog mom in the world, she used her free hand to take out of her cellphone and showed him her wallpaper. "This is Anne, I got her just when I move here"
Harvey peered over to see the cutest dog on Marissa’s screen. “She’s adorable! A few months then. I recently got Pancakes with my roommate. I think it’s been a few weeks? Here let me show you. We had pictures professionally taken to celebrate her joining the family.” He took out his own phone and showed her all the puppy pictures he’s stored in his phone.
Professional photos? How had she never thought about it? "Oh my god" Her voice went higher than normal, taking his phone out of his hand and watching the little photo, moving them along with her finger. "She is so beautiful, Harvey. And she looks truly happy too"
Harvey ran his hand through his hair and chuckled happily to himself. It's always nice to hear that people thought Pancakes is happy with him. He knew some dogs didn't particularly like their owner, but he was glad that he lucked out on his new friend. "She's the best thing that's happened to me. She's really cute. She tries to jump on me but apparently the vet said I should curb that habit since she's a big dog. She might hurt someone by jumping on them, but she's just so cute!" He gushed. "You should come by sometime and get to know her! I knew she would just fall in love with you."
It was adorable to hear him talk about his dog, making her really happy that she agreed to go get a coffee with him. "Oh, I'm sure she just wants her hugs. Poor thing" The smile that appeared on her face was big and bright. "I would love to. I'm sure Anne would love to have a new friend, she is so much more extrovert than me" Now that she thought about it, most of the new friends she had made her in Doveport were thanks to lovely Anne.May 26, 2020
As they approach the coffee shop, Harvey made sure to hold the door open for Marissa before inviting her to order. "It'll be on me. It's not every day I bump into someone special in the streets." He said with a bright smile. Once they placed their order, Harvey found them a place to sit. "So have you been travelling much these past years? I've always wanted to go to Australia, but I never got to. I might take that trip now that I'm settled back in."May 28, 2020
Happy to follow his lead, Marissa smiled grateful and gave her order, letting him pick a place where they could sit peacefully and talk. "I haven't, actually. The last trip I had before coming here was the one that we made together" That's how Marissa always thought about it, like Harvey was always part of that little adventure, not an accidental addition. "Australia sounds like an entertaining destination. Not exactly my type of scenario, but I can see the appeal"
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All Fall Down
A/N: This is the last Dimon fic I ever wrote, according to the save date on the original file. Fittingly, it’s also the last fic I have to post out of my old drafts. 
In which Demi handles the aftermath of That Episode from the UK X Factor, everyone cries, and Simon gets the hugs he deserves.
After a while, lies become truth. If you absorb a lie long enough, live it long enough, put effort into convincing everyone it is real, eventually you convince yourself. Eventually you forget the naked truth, replace all of the raw reality with a shiny film of fantasy, and it becomes real.
It becomes real, but lies are always only ever made out of the thinnest glass. And sometimes all it takes is one shot to bring everything down around you.
For Simon, that one shot was a well-meaning singer from Billingham, the setting was a televised audition, and the broken fantasy suddenly raining down around his ears was comprised of just two little words: I’m fine.
He was the furthest from fine he’d ever been in his life, and his only goal in the world at the moment was keeping himself from falling apart entirely at the judges’ desk. But every word of that damned song was a perfectly aimed knife to the heart, cutting him into ribbons over again.
Because Lauren was gone. And Demi was long gone. And his mum--his mum, the sweetest woman he’d known--was gone.
He’d been numb since he got the news just days ago that she’d passed. He’d gone on to do the show anyways and waved off any concern because he was fine, he didn’t feel anything, and maybe that just made him as much of a heartless bastard as Demi had screamed in their last fight. What kind of man couldn’t mourn his mother?
No, he wasn’t heartless. He had one, and his grief had only been dormant, and this bloody song was a sucker punch.
His mind flitted suddenly to Demi’s old lyrics as he discreetly swiped a finger beneath his eye, almost bursting out into paradoxical laughter. I just ran out of band aids, I don’t even know where to start...you never really can fix a heart.
And she was gone too, making a life for herself without him, happy without him, better than ever. Thriving and singing and sober and, last he’d been able to bring himself to check, very much in love with a man who was not him. I’m jealous of the way you’re happy without me.
And Lauren was so far gone now. She’d left when Eric was barely six months old, with a shrug and a sad little smile and a promise to stay in her son’s life. She really hadn’t, and the whole of raising an entirely unplanned child had fallen to Simon. Who was, perhaps, the most well-meaning and least-prepared combination possible for a father.
And it had been his mother that he’d called when Demi left, tears in her eyes but yelling in anger, slamming the door on her way out. “Mum”,  he’d announced unceremoniously on the phone, swallowing hard and trying for unaffected. He failed miserably. “I’ve cocked everything up.”
And it had been his mother that he’d called when Lauren left him, dryly asking for parenting advice and completely beating around the bush that time until she’d wrestled out of him that he’d failed, again, that he’d chased off a second good-hearted woman and was doomed to a miserable existence of living with himself.
And now she was gone too. His fists were clenched in his lap, he was trying so damn hard to keep it together, and he had some horrible Frankenstein mash-up of the Labyrinth lyrics and Demi’s running around in his brain, threatening to choke him. He was jealous of her death, and that didn’t make any sense; he didn’t want to die, there was Eric to think about after all. He was jealous of her somewhere he couldn’t get to, she was beyond his reach. Forever.
“Take it to a vote,” he murmured to Cheryl, and briefly congratulated himself for keeping a steady voice long enough to confirm the third yes for the young singer.
And then he stood, his body warring from second to second between utter numbness and heart-shattering grief, and made his way off of the set as calmly as he could, the other judges following at a hesitant distance.
He could hear Cheryl, speaking louder than she thought she was. “I don’t know what to do, do I go...should I let him go?”
And again, he wanted to give into bitter laughter. There’s nothing you can do. But Simon knew that if he opened his mouth, he wouldn’t be able to stuff back inside the hysterical sobs currently stuck in his chest, and he was Simon Cowell and he wasn’t going to cry. Certainly not where anyone could see him.
So he wordlessly waved off his staff and tossed his microphone at one of them, and got onto the back of a golf cart in wretched silence, staring down at his hands in his lap and his wrists, unmarked.
Demi had always had a sixth sense for when he was upset, even if he tried not to tell her. And without fail, she’d take his hands and reflexively trace her Stay Strong script on his wrists, a source of comfort to herself she was passing on to him.
God, he missed her. And it was his own fault she was gone, he had no one to blame but himself for any of it.
In the airport in London, beneath the hoodie of an oversized sweatshirt and a pair of dark glasses, just in case, Demi was biting the inside of her lip absently, waiting for her bag on the carousel.
She’d come with just the one, a little overnight bag with next to nothing in it, took a commercial flight and sat in economy, and done it all without thinking. And now here she was, alone, because she’d stupidly decided to ditch her bodyguards and fly out without warning, with no idea what the hell she was doing.
She’d come for Simon, but that was about as far as that plan went. Simon, who had a girlfriend and a son and plenty of work, who wasn’t expecting her. Simon, who she’d screamed at and slammed a door on, and spent the next months of her tour sobbing her eyes out in bathrooms.
What was she even going to say when she saw him? How was she supposed to explain that Marissa had taken one look at her devastated expression when someone accidentally mentioned him, rolled her eyes, pointed at the door, and said exasperatedly, “Oh, just go get him!”
How was she supposed to explain that she’d almost turned around in LAX, but two women were gossiping next to her and that was how she’d heard about his mum and it had only solidified her spontaneous decision?
She knew she wasn’t exactly welcome at the best of times. And better yet, how was she even going to find him? Knocking on the front door wasn’t exactly an option.
Spying her plain black bag, she yanked it off of the belt with a bit more force than was strictly necessary, making a noise of frustration and walking out to the street, waving down a cab awkwardly.
On the scale of every bad decision she’d ever made, this one was pretty close to the top. Demetria, what are you doing?
Without thinking, she gave the driver Simon’s London address, only panicking after he’d turned the second corner. This wasn’t going to work. This was a terrible idea. She was going to kill Marissa. It wasn’t even Marissa’s fault for finally intervening in two years of Quietly Sad Demi. Jesus Christ.
Demi’s stomach was all anxious, terrified butterflies by the time she paid the cab driver and got out onto the curb, letting her bag drop to the ground next to her feet.
It occurred to her then that she had nowhere better to go, and no idea what the code to his gate was anymore, and this was quite possibly the stupidest situation she’d ever gotten herself into.
She dragged her bag the few meters over to lean up against the gate around his property, bracing one foot up behind her and jamming her hands into the pockets of her hoodie. She’d chosen this outfit on purpose, to avoid standing out and catching any attention, but Demi was well aware that she probably also looked like a random vagrant lurking outside Simon Cowell’s house.
She contemplated ringing the bell, but odds were against him being home anyway. That, and doing so would actually summon him if he was. For all her ridiculously hasty arrival, she wasn’t ready. She wasn’t ready to see him again, and get punched in the chest with all of those emotions all over again.
She wasn’t ready to rip open old wounds, wasn’t ready to play visitor to his happy little family. But she wasn’t strong enough to turn away, couldn’t stop herself. After all this time, she still needed him, and she thought that just maybe, if there was ever a time for him to need her again, this was it.
Demi wasn’t sure how long she’d been there, scrolling through her phone and sending a few panicked texts to Marissa--as of yet, unanswered--when his car pulled up. She looked up, startled, already trying to retreat further into the depths of her hoodie, but Demi squared her jaw instead. It was only Simon. And she was Demi freaking Lovato, and she wasn’t going to be afraid of this.
She pushed herself slowly off of the gate, tucking her phone into the back pocket of her skinny jeans, tilting her head slightly as she tried to peer inside of the car he hadn’t even bothered to park properly. Between the tint of his windows and her sunglasses, she couldn’t really see much, just enough to make out the silhouette of his head, slumped forward on his arms against the steering wheel. Oh, Simon.
Her reaction was just instinctive. Demi didn’t think twice about pushing that hood back and stripping off her sunglasses, shaking her dark hair out and walking toward him.
He opened the door before she got close, wearily unfolding long legs and slamming the door shut for all he was worth, not sparing a glance for the small woman coming up the sidewalk. His white shirt looked wrinkled and his eyes were red, lips pressed together tightly, and Demi’s heart clenched, a lump already forming in her throat.
She opened her mouth to call to him just as he finally glanced her way, and their eyes locked. Simon froze completely, and Demi started running.
He didn’t catch her, didn’t speak, didn’t do anything but stand there while she crashed into his chest and hung on, wrapping her arms around his waist and squeezing.
“What in the bloody hell,” he finally said hoarsely, and she wondered how much he’d been crying.
She tilted her head up, propping her chin on his chest, and smiled gently. “Hi, Simon.” It may have been a stupid greeting, but there would be time to kick herself later. For now, there was enough on her plate. Simon blinked at her rapidly for a long moment, long enough for Demi to worry if she’d really shocked his poor old man heart too much, and she watched his eyes well up again. “Baby,” she whispered almost involuntarily. It wasn’t pity, it wasn’t reflexive sympathy, it was just love. Love that she’d never stopped feeling, not when it came to him.
And that was enough. Simon lurched forward against her, his arms coming up around her ribs tight enough to ache, and he buried his head in her shoulder with a heartbreaking sound tearing from his throat that she’d never heard before.
Demi just let him hang on for a long moment, breathing evenly against his vice grip, one of her hands running soothingly over his back. “I don’t know how to get inside,” she finally murmured calmly. “Come on, I’ve been out here for like an hour.”
Simon didn’t appear to have heard her. “I’m sorry,” he choked out against her skin, shaking against her.
Demi felt her own eyes stinging, and bit the edge of her tongue stubbornly. Now was not the time to fall apart. “Shh, come on, Si, let’s go inside.”
She took a step backwards, pulling him with her, and carefully pried herself out of his grip, keeping one of his hands in hers to tug him along.
He keyed in something and let her walk up to the house with him in tow, his free hand over his face. He wasn’t sure she was real yet, had no idea what to make of her sudden presence here. And she was simultaneously a relief and making everything worse, and she was only going to break him further when she left, but all he could do was hold onto her, feeling like a lost little boy.
They made it as far as the staircase. Demi wasn’t really sure what had just happened, but she was suddenly sitting down halfway up the stairs with Simon beside her, turning into her body and giving into heart wrenching sobs once more.
Demi’s lip quivered, and she hugged him tighter. “Baby,” she whispered thickly. One of her hands found his, and she rubbed her thumb across the inside of his wrist absently, her other arm hugging him tightly against her. “Shh, I’ve got you.”
For some reason, that little gesture only broke him further. He was mumbling something into the grey material on her shoulder, words that broke her heart when she finally understood them. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay, Simon, shh,”
“It’s not okay,” he returned heavily, and Demi winced. She’d assumed that his apology was unconnected to losing his mom--what could he have to apologize for there? But it was still a thoughtless reply, given the circumstances.
“No, not really,” she whispered, rubbing soothing patterns across his back. “It’s not okay, and it sucks, but you’re going to get through it. I promise.”
Simon just sniffed, hugging her tighter. “She’s gone, Demi.”
Demi’s voice broke too as she replied, squeezing his hand as a comfort to both of them. “I know, Si, I know. I’m so sorry. And I wish I could have met her, but I know how wonderful she was. And she loved you so much.”
His mum’s love wasn’t really something he tended to question, but in a moment of weakness, he still found himself returning softly, “How would you know?”
Demi sniffed, and let out a little laugh, shaking her shoulder enough to dislodge him and force him to meet her brown eyes. “Because I love you. And if she could see half of what I see, she’d love you just as much. And she was your mum,” she emphasized the British variant with a smile, “which means she definitely knew you way better than I do.”
“Demi…” Simon mumbled, the only thing he knew how to say anymore. Just her name, just her touch, just her.
She seemed to realize the implications of what she’d said, and drew back a little. “Is...is Lauren home, Simon?”
Simon’s face clouded, and he glanced away from her. “No,” he said simply. “She’s not.”
Demi swallowed, biting her lip hesitantly. There was more to that story, she could tell, but now wasn’t the time. “These stairs are not comfortable, Simon,” she said instead, trying for a little of her teasing brattiness.
It worked, and she saw the darkness recede from his eyes somewhat. He stood slowly, holding both hands out to her, and pulled her to her feet, leading her the rest of the way upstairs.
He went to his bedroom, Demi following on his heels, and ended up standing in the middle of the room, looking lost.
Demi sighed, and perched on the edge of his bed. “Do you want to take a shower?” she finally suggested, when he didn’t seem to gain any more direction.
His eyes flicked to hers. “What about you?”
“I’ll be right here,” Demi nodded firmly, gesturing to the bed. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Simon seemed to doubt that very much, but the slump in his shoulders and curl of his spine spoke of defeated acceptance, like he knew she’d leave and had given up on doing anything about it.
“I’ll be right here,” Demi whispered again, and waited for the door to the ensuite to close completely behind him before she launched herself at one of his pillows and screamed briefly into the white fluff.
There was so much pain contained in that man, more than she could attribute to just his mom, and she wasn’t even sure that she wasn’t making it worse. Demi would have given just about anything to strip it away from him, bring back the Simon she remembered from so long ago, laughing behind his hand at some contestant on the stage, holding her hand beneath the table.
She just had to have faith that they could get there again. Together. And it started here, with her promise to stay, which she had no intention at all of going back on.
Demi pulled her hoodie off over her head, leaving her in just a dark green tank top, and let herself lie back on the bed she’d stayed in once before, smiling in spite of herself at the familiar, quintessentially Simon scent surrounding her.
She’d just taken a nearly twelve hour flight, crossed multiple time zones and then emotionally exhausted herself with Simon. Demi didn’t think twice about slipping between his sheets and hugging the pillow, closing her eyes and breathing in the familiar smell of cologne and mints and cigarettes and the shampoo he always used, thinking that maybe, in spite of everything, she was almost coming home.
And that was how Simon found her nearly an hour later, when he finally dragged himself out of the bathroom, fully expecting to be greeted by an empty house. She had to be too good to be true, didn’t she?
Instead, his brat was curled up asleep, holding onto his pillow and looking surprisingly peaceful, all things considered. Relief flooded him, and he bit the end of his tongue as he moved to his closet, refusing to cry again. Now that he’d opened the dam of emotions, stopping it was harder than he’d thought.
But a sleeping Demi wasn’t a reason for tears. It was a reason to just climb in with her.
She woke to Simon slipping his arm around her waist from behind, a soft smile spreading over her lips as she turned over her shoulder to see him. “Hi,” she murmured, still sleepy.
“Hey, brat,” his voice was still a wreck from crying, but steady, the familiar nickname making her relax. If he could joke, they’d be okay.
Simon pressed a soft kiss to the bare skin of her shoulder, tucking her body against his. “Thank you,”
Demi just shrugged, smiling up into his face. “Where else would I be?”
His eyes clouded slightly, and he looked away from her gaze. “I am sorry, Demi. For everything.”
“I don’t really care about that anymore,” Demi said softly, biting her lip. And maybe she was supposed to, and of course they’d have things to figure out, but if his mom’s death had taught her anything, it was that she didn’t want to waste any time being angry about the past.
Still, as much as she wanted to just melt into his arms and fall all the way back into him, in every sense of the word, there was something she needed to know. “Simon,” she sighed, wondering if the answer was going to damn them completely. “I need to know, babe. Where’s Lauren?”
He exhaled, his breath tickling the hair at the base of her neck. It took him a while to reply, and when he finally did, it was simple. “She’s gone, Dem. She left...I haven’t seen her in a year. Eric’s with a sitter while I’m at work.”
Her immediate relief that she wasn’t in their bed right now was tempered by a rush of fury, that Lauren could leave, that she could abandon her son and walk away from the best man she was ever going to find.
“I’m sorry,” Demi said finally, slowly, lacing her fingers with his over her ribs. “For her, really… She doesn’t know what she’s missing.”
Simon just held her tighter and pressed his lips to hers, moving on top of her with a familiar weight as she deepened the kiss. And Demi knew without a doubt that whatever else happened, in that moment, she’d made it home.
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It’s rare for me to be back so soon after my last two visits, but the prices are back to normal, my spring schedule is non-SNM conducive, and there’s no arguing with the inescapable fact of Because I Can.
I had dinner at Anyway Cafe, my new favorite spot in the city. Pelmeni and a beet martini might be the Olive Garden of Russian food, but those blessed little dumplings sustained me for two weeks this summer and the taste of them makes me want to put my scarf over my head and cry about the old country. There was also a crazy guy screaming that humanity is just one big letdown made up by God, and damned if that ain’t the truth.
It’s really rare to be the only superfan at a show. I can’t remember the last time that happened to me (ever?) but I only realized it once I hit the ballroom and was the only one there through the entire thing.
Marissa and Jenna were Sexy and Bald (yay!) so I abandoned my regular pot near Lady Macduff and watched from the other side, where the witches stand. An unexpected effect of this was that I got to watch Danvers’ facial expressions, which I pretty much never do. It was Risa, and I’ll admit I’ve never paid much attention to her, but I see now I was wrong. The look on her face when the crowd lifted Duncan made me realize that she’s the only one there who’s on the clock, as it were, and maybe she wishes she could be dancing at the party instead of poisoning pregnant women. 
I usually teach Macbeth in the spring, and this read through is making me realize that the witches seem to delight in causing rifts between husbands and wives. I guess Danvers takes a page out of their book. I can’t remember if I’ve said this before, and it might be a complete coincidence, but earlier this fall I listened to Unobscured’s podcast on the Salem Witch Trials, which took place in what is the modern county of Danvers, Massachusetts.
Really aggressive, clueless, crowd, so I didn’t get to spend as much time as I wanted with Ryan/Lady Macbeth. But I did manage to catch her mad scene for the first time in a while. I can’t remember if her awful scream was always part of it, but the people standing too close all jumped out of their skins.
Marissa/Sexy is a rare, welcome thing! In this edition of Nobody Should be Able to do That, at the beginning of her rep bar solo she laid both arms flat on the bar, lifted her legs up by sheer abdominal strength, swung them back and forth, and then flipped onto the countertop. Nobody should be able to do that. During the 1:1 I was a little nervous that she was gonna make me eat the candy because of the stomach bug making the rounds, but thankfully she flung it down. While we’re on the subject of flinging things, later on in the show I saw her duet with the barman, which I don’t usually watch, and when it was over she flung the champagne glass onto the pool table without breaking it. I guess it was probably plastic, but I can’t remember any other Sexy doing that and it sure as hell sounded like glass.
On my very first visit the unexpected sight of the howling wolf on the fifth floor scared me so much I screamed. Sometimes I laugh and scratch his head for old times’ sake, but somebody moved him much closer to the center of the room, and once again I was not prepared.
I was right about Stephanie Jean Lane - she certainly is something. Took me in for the matron’s 1:1, and for the first time ever the child in the story was a boy. I was with her at the end as she watched the nurse’s operating theatre solo, and I don’t know why it’s never occurred to me that the matron could react. It’s pretty clear that the nurse is possessed by something, but this was the first time the matron seemed at all surprised by that.
I got the Speakeasy 1:1 for the first time in two years. I like Nate a lot, and I didn’t mess it up this time! The last time I got it I did something so wrong that it threw the whole trick off, and as I shuffled the cards this time I remembered that past barmen have commented on my abysmal shuffling skills. I told him I was nervous because I suck at shuffling, and he said I’d be surprised how many people are. Thank you, kind stranger.
Stephanie L. and Isabel really make a scene out of making the Macbeths’ bed at the end of the show. Something about the way Stephanie/matron rolls the pillow across the bed and then smacks the final one into place makes it clear that this is the highlight of her day, and what a sad life, if it is.
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P.A.T.C.H. #7: "Starscream: The Movie"
Most often in comics, continuity is a problem for newbies. If you don’t know what the characters are talking about and what in-jokes they make, is there really a point in recommending the book? Yes, I hear you; this here feature is supposed to help with sorting those messes out, after all. But what if something has such a killer concept you can’t help but blabber on about it? Even to people not into the comic series?
Case in point: a Cybertronian tries to make a movie about Starscream for humans. My mom was sold. Be as cool as my mom!
“Thundercracker in: Starscream: The Movie”
“Optimus Prime” Annual (2018)/“Transformers: Optimus Prime” Volume 5 (upcoming as of this writing) Written by John Barber, pencils by Priscilla Tramontano and Andrew Griffith, colors by John-Paul Bove and Josh Burcham, letters by Shawn Lee
SO WHAT’S IT ABOUT? Starscream, Lord of Cybertron, fed up with his notoriety amongst his subjects, decides on a solution: good old-fashioned propaganda! Having learned of his old wing-mate’s passion for writing, he tasks ex-Seeker Thundercracker with scripting, casting and directing a movie about his life. Who cares if said ex-comrade has only written human soap opera fan fiction and unpublished screenplays so stilted, they would make “Birdemic” green with envy? He’s really into it! Surely, nothing can go wrong!
WHAT DO I NEED TO KNOW? Given that this issue came out in the last year of the IDW Generation One continuity, there are various bits and pieces to consider before diving in, but probably the most important has to do with the evolution of Thundercracker, from Seeker repaint to real boy fleshed-out character. While his goofy and hopelessly optimistic personality is well-established in the series and this here issue completes his origin story, it can’t harm to go over it and pick some highlights.
The fate of Thundercracker –or TC to his friends- has long been intertwined with that of two more famous Decepticon fliers: OG bad boy Starscream and official stair-pusher Skywarp. The first years’ worth of stories weren’t different: the three met Megatron together for the first time in the mini-series “Megatron: Origins”, written by Eric Holmes, penciled by Alex Milne and colored by Josh Perez. His most interesting beat in that story was expressing doubt over burning the city of Kaon, only to be pacified by Skywarp –“Don’t think. Just do it.”, he said. After that, and for the longest time, from the “Autocracy Trilogy” to the “–ations”, the blue jet remained a constant if discreet presence in the Decepticon forces. He was always there, often under Starscream, never in a major role, sometimes uncomfortable with his place.
Still, there were a couple exceptions to this. In “Spotlight: Orion Pax”, written by James Roberts, he was a reluctant underling to mad scientist Bludgeon. He crossed paths with the creepy samurai again much later, in “Spotlight: Thundercracker”, written by John Barber with art by Chee Yang Ong, this time while searching for the original Titans. In that story, he had a change of heart when he found Metroplex, and lied so the ancient Transformer wouldn’t fall into Decepticon hands. In both cases, the further away he stayed from bad influences, the more functional his moral compass became.
The great break from all the above –ironically, inspired by his original toy bio– came with his rejection of the Decepticon cause. In “All Hail Megatron” (written by Shane McCarthy and with art by Guido Guidi), after witnessing the brutalities and monstrosities his side was capable of –namely, razing human cities and creating the Insecticons-, he prevented the detonation of a nuclear bomb and briefly worked with the Autobots. (His reward? Getting shot in the face by Skywarp. Some comradery.) In the next ongoing (look for the stand-alone issue #4, written by Mike Costa, penciled by Don Figueroa, with colors by James Brown and letters by Robbie Robbins), it was revealed that thankfully, he survived, kept barely online on Earth and scavenging for fuel. He also picked up a new best friend: human television! Laugh all you want, but it gave him a new appreciation for humans and their adaptability –couldn’t his own species be like this? While he turned into a reluctant ally to the Autobots, he stayed out of intense battles...
... until he got to work with his new best friends in Season 2 of “Robots in Disguise”: Earth people! Between the regeneration of the planet and Starscream’s rise to power, TC stayed back on the blue marble and got in touch with human anti-Transformer forces, who provided him with fuel and a home. (A gift puppy named Buster sealed the deal and immediately became fealty.) In return, they wanted his services against Autobot invaders, but his love of Earth got in the way of that. What also got in the way was his new calling: writing! Inspired by the years he spent watching TV, he then went on to create totally original and very high quality screenplays, hoping they would lead to a career in film. (They haven’t so far. There’s a reason the Wiki has quotes from “The Room” in his personal page.) Still, eventually things turned out well enough: he helped untangle the mess of allegiances between the Earth Defense Command and Cybertronians and formed an enduring friendship with female Earth human Marissa Faireborn. Not bad for someone whose biggest claim to fame was being the answer to a trivia question –“Who was the first Decepticon shown in active combat in IDW continuity?”
Finally, some minor bits of backstory to make a few character beats land easier. An institute protecting Transformers with “abnormal” powers was first introduced in “More Than Meets the Eye” #11, by James Roberts and Alex Milne. The re-discovery of the Cybertronian Colonies started with the people of Caminus –Windblade, Chromia and Nautica- in “Dark Cybertron”, and they were all immediately integrated into the books –we’ve talked about the first “Windblade” mini here. The dead colony of Prion, shown in “The Transformers” #57 (by Barber and Livio Ramondelli) wasn’t nearly so lucky. The creation of the Council of Worlds for the governance of the surviving ones was detailed in the “Windblade: Distant Stars” mini-series, written by Maighread Scott, with art by Corin Howell and colors by Thomas Deer. After that, colonists such as Aileron (“The Transformers” #44, by Barber, Griffith, Perez on colors and Tom B. Long on letters) joined the action on Cybertron, though not without problems. Oh, and that huge dinosaur was brought online in the “Salvation” one-shot and has been used as an embassy since “Optimus Prime” #13-14 (by Barber, Ramondelli and Long). As it happens.
WHERE DO I GO FROM THERE? Why’d you think I listed all those previous stories above? So that you can go and get ‘em!
Okay, to be less abrasive and more specific, there isn’t that much to get into after this story, but there’s plenty to jump back to. Almost all these minor characters have had memorable stories told about them, so I’m only going to single out some personal favorites and let you decide what you might be into. Fat Fast Tankor’s most memorable outings have been at the hands of Maighread Scott, and it was in the first “Windblade” mini that he and his bestie, Tall Tankor, started getting some attention. For another visit to Alpha Trion, Adorable Old Man (And More), see “Optimus Prime” #10, by Barber, Zama and Burcham. For the amazing life of Richard Ruby, film producer and ex-superhero (no, really), check out “Revolutionaries” #3 by Barber, pencils by Ron Joseph, Sebastian Cheng on colors and Long lettering. Finally, for a story that demonstrates Marissa’s own issues (and just how much of a sweetspark TC is), “New Cybertron” (“Optimus Prime” #1-6) by Barber, Zama, Milne and Burcham has you covered.
But clearly this isn’t why you’re here. You want more of The Artist’s work. For that, head over to the “Transformers Holiday Special” (which we’ve visited before here), for the ten-page story by Barber, Burcham and Long. It is a Christmas story that is children’s storybook by way of Frank Miller, and it might be the best thing in the whole line. In the same trade you’ll find the “Revolution” tie-in issue for the “Robots in Disguise” series, written by Barber, with pencils by Griffith and colors by Thomas Deer. While it’s connected to a much larger event, it’s valuable for seeing how TC evaluates his own work and how he works with Marissa. It is a Hollywood action movie pastiche with a failed screenplay layered on top, and it’s a sweet little tribute to the character. Both of these stories work with similar themes to this one, but expand them in different directions.
IS IT ANY GOOD? It was the culmination of a few years’ worth of stories with an endearing secondary character taking center stage. It offered a sideways look into a fascinating time in “Transformers” comics, through its less important players. It was a funny and poignant look into what can go wrong with any piece of art we create, consume, curate and love (or, more importantly, ignore). It had some exceptional so-bad-it’s-good writing and art. It had a cute puppy in it.
PUPPY! WHO’S A GOOD PUPPY, WHO’S THE BEST PUPPY?! BUSTER IS! YES, SHE IS! Stop baby-talking one of the main characters and concentrate! Here, this should keep you busy!
LIKE A MOVIE STAR WITHOUT MOVIES | THEME AND CHARACTER Strip away all the superficialities, and what is this story about? An artist attempts to create a work of art, and Poe’s Law comes into full effect. His source material is controversial –few people have kind things to say about Starscream. His sources lack credibility –the subject of the movie himself is a liar with a ton of guilt on his shoulders. His production value is low -seriously, I’m having “Pop Quiz Hotshot” flashbacks here. He himself lacks training and discipline, and he and his crew aren’t on the same page –oh, and one of them isn’t paid. He gets preoccupied with details -Megatron had a different frame in “Robots in Disguise”! There goes the suspension of disbelief! He has so little faith in himself that he blindly follows whatever advice he’s offered –is it a commercial or personal work, then? And in the end, no matter his passion and drive for the project, he fails for reasons beyond his control, not even his own mistakes. This kind of story can work only if we’re invested in the mad ambition of its main creator, and TC’s unlucky, stubborn and likeable enough to pull it off. The annual, then, becomes a love letter to art creation in general: a whole lot of people with conflicting ideas try to create something meaningful against all odds. Even if the end product isn’t great, you have to feel for all the effort, the time and energy spent (or wasted) on it, right?
There’s also an extra layer to all this, and it’s specifically about Cracker’s relation to his work. At this point in the series, TC has officially renounced the Decepticons and wants to leave a peaceful life on Earth. This project about one of his former associates makes him ask all sorts of questions: what drove Starscream to do the things he did? How does he handle the unstable political climate after the Autobot victory? Did the War ever mean anything to anyone? And what is there to do after the War? These aren’t easy questions, and the ex-Seeker’s own stance on these issues is complicated by his personal feelings and involvement. This might be a movie about Starscream, but deep down, this is a story about Thundercracker. (This becomes even more apparent when one remembers the two share the same mold.) While the theme of failed or doubtful artists is universal, the specificity of this million-year-long War informs it with extra nuances that enrich an already interesting character portrait.
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“Oh man, I just can't figure Starscream out. Sometimes he’s just too smart. Sometimes he’s just flat-out stupid. Other times he’s just evil.”
ENHANCED BY BRAND NEW SPECIAL EFFECTS| ART This whole examination could have ended up dry and boring, but in the hands of penciler Priscilla Tramontano, it gets a life and energy it would otherwise lack. Her greatest strength is the expressiveness she lends to the characters, and so she’s the perfect fit for a story with lots of quick, fully dialogue. Little casual touches and details, like reading glasses or cups of coffee, make the world of alien robots a little more approachable and help ease us into its confused protagonist’s mind. John-Paul Bove’s colors are bright and poppy, but moody in the more serious parts (like TC’s meeting with Dirge and relaxing at the beach near the end). Andrew Griffith and Josh Burcham contribute pencils and colors respectively in two key scenes, one flashback to just before the War and the trailer for a rival production. Their more detailed, somber yet action-oriented style helps draw attention to them, but the overall tone doesn’t shift from the fast-paced comedy and introspection of the whole issue. In any case, the story never loses its sense of wonder: this is a charming, strange little world, and in the increasingly serious main title, this can sometimes fall through the cracks.
However, this is the rare case of a comic whose artistic failings are also interesting in their own way. The scenes shown from “Starscream: The Movie” itself are bad on purpose, and so multiple movie mistakes are recreated in comics form. The lighting is almost always off in most scenes, and in some cases, it’s easy to make a green highlight around the actors –the result of cheap color correction. In another scene, the focus is all wrong, and so “Megatron” and “Starscream” are blurry or stick like sore thumbs from the background. When Thundercracker cannot stage the Decepticon uprising from the first storyline of “Robots in Disguise”, he ends up using archival footage for it –and so the same panels that Andrew Griffith drew for issue #13 are re-used wholesale! While it can be distracting at first, these mistakes become doubly fun when spotted and only add to the joke. (They can also make all amateur filmmakers out there check their equipment twice before starting filming. Never go with auto-focus, people!)
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“Hey, everybody! I have an announcement to make!”
AN AWKWARD PAUSE, THEN “WHAT'S MY LINE?”| PLOT AND DIALOGUE But forget pretty much everything I’ve written so far, because the number one reason to read this story is how damn funny it is. And that’s not just for the guilty pleasure of mocking Thundercracker’s work. Sure, the tone-deaf, repetitive dialogue, the hammy acting and the flubs of the final film (poor Waspinator, always a victim) are extremely enjoyable, but that ignores the real back-and-forth of the characters. Even better is how the movie scenes are staged alongside the rest of TC’s discussions and efforts. The issue is expertly paced, each page functioning as a scene into its own, with set-ups and payoffs. When read all together, it’s like a very well-edited movie: it remains fast and doesn’t sag, and the connections between the disparate scenes become apparent on a second read-through. The cyclical flow of the story –it begins and ends with a very similar scene- can be seen as bittersweet and uplifting at the same time, and it made this here reader want to re-read the issue the moment it was over.
One of Barber’s greatest gifts as a writer –owing to his experience as an editor- is his mastery of continuity, but here he also demonstrates a firm understanding of Transformers and pop culture. His cheeky world-building –giant robots make movies, too!- combines satire and Trans-fan practices -repaints are totally a thing!- into one whole. Humans get a lot to do in this world, too, being both friends and potential business partners, in a co-existence that might even bring to mind the days of the original cartoon. My favorite example might be TC’s interactions with a former superhero, prospective film producer and distributor. The practicality of creating and curating a movie clashes wonderfully with the insanity of a sci-fi world and some obscure pop and high culture references. It’s this level of detail and care for all those losers that gives the story a beating heart that is often forgotten when talking about this specific writer’s work.
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“You know what they say, ‘Love is blind’!”
THE CREDITS ROLL, THE CAMERA PANS | FINAL THOUGHTS Going over all the things I’ve written so far about this annual, I see that I could still go on. This here read focused on the story from a newbie perspective, because with continuity in mind, there’s a whole other essay’s worth of stuff to unpack! (One could re-interpret it as a Starscream and not a Thundercracker story, in fact!) But even with all that aside, this is a really fun, sweet diversion from the political drama of “Optimus Prime”, a great tribute to the bit players of the franchise and a love letter to the creative process as a whole. Oh, and there’s new jokes to find in, like, every new read! I literally just today remembered Fake!Ironhide’s Southern accent! That stuff’s amazing!
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mlek13 · 3 years
Fall, Year 7: Singles Lot, pt. 1
At the end of last season I thought apartment townies, Blazej and Marsha made a cute couple, so I moved them out to their own lot (I ran out of empty apartments) and had them get engaged.
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And eventually they got around to getting married.  Their new life has gotten off to a slow start since I needed a place to move all of my single young peasants and merchants so they could find partners and this lot seemed to be the best option for that.  Marsha and Blazej ended up spending most of this season working at their architecture jobs and playing host to a group of single young sims.  For the next season I moved them to a new apartment where they can start their family.
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My gender ratio in this group ended up being very uneven with Juliana and Hazel being the only ladies to move in with five (?) men.  I originally had Ava on this lot, but moved her back in with her mother.  (Maybe moving her back was the wrong choice. I’m still not sure.)  There are other single ladies in the kingdom that I didn’t move in, like Evelyn who has a child and Andrea who is co-heir to her family business and also pregnant.
A few couples become apparent right away.  Juliana and Sebastian grew up in the orphanage together and already had a relationship.  She was already pregnant with his child before she moved in, but she has a lot of other romantic options and isn’t committed to settling down with him yet.  I think he has decided that he wants to marry her though.
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Juliana wants to play the field a bit.  She rolls the want to fall in love with Jonas, so they head out to a community lot for a date.  It isn’t off to a great start.
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The date gets better, but it doesn’t last long.  Juliana is very pregnant and I don’t want her needs to drop too low, so I send her home early.
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At the end of the season my game crashed and I had to replay everything after Juliana and Jonas’ date (which was at some point in the middle of the season.  I’m grouping these pictures by sims involved, not strictly chronologically.)  Juliana gave birth twice.  The first time it was a boy and I spent way too long trying to find an appropriate name when girl’s names were coming to me more easily.  Then the second time, of course, the baby was a girl, and the names I was thinking of before were escaping me, so I had to decide on a different name.  The baby that saved is Juliana and Sebastian’s daughter, who I ultimately, after some deliberation, named Gillian.
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Both times I played, almost no attention was paid to either baby at all.  So I was very surprised when James randomly decided to pick up and play with Gillian near the end of the season.  I told him to feed her while he was at it, so the child wouldn’t starve.
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Hazel and Damian (also from the orphanage) seemed to hit it off immediately.
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I was a little worried their romance would be derailed when one of the nannies invited Damian out.  I’m not sure if it was supposed to be on a date or on an outing.  There was no date or outing meter or blue plumbbob over her head and no one else seemed to join them.  I guess it was just a casual reunion at the beach?
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Damian did some beach activities, took a nap in the tent, then went home.
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Back at home, Damian decides to profess his love for Hazel.
Hazel: Are you kidding?  It’s about time you figured out your feelings for me!
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About time is right, since she’s already pregnant with his child.
He falls in love with her and she immediately pukes on his boots.  So romantic.
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Brody steps in and tries to make a move on Damian, but he’s not having it.  His heart belongs to Hazel.  So far only one of them wants to marry each other (like with all the couples forming on this lot, except for Blazej and Marsha who had mutual marriage wants.)  I can’t remember which of them has the want in this couple.  I think it might be Hazel.
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A surprising couple that has developed is Aldous and Marissa Fancey.  I’ve already played Marissa through the fall, so I didn’t move her in, but I invited her over through the crystal ball or the teleporter.  After she divorced Tiffany, I thought she would live with her birth family and help out with the restaurant, but maybe she has other plans in the works.
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They make a cute couple and one I wouldn’t have thought of.  Marissa has been involved with Tiffany since they were teens, so I hadn’t thought of her dating a man.  (I tend to change most of my sim’s preferences to bi, just so they have more dating options.  I think in Marissa’s case I changed it in case she and Tiffany wanted to find someone to father a child for them.)  Marissa and Aldous do have a lot in common, having recently separated from cheating spouses/fiancees.  Maybe they could both find a more faithful relationship with each other.
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Marissa is very impressed with their first date.  Actually all of the first day dates on this lot went unusually well.  Most of the time on dates I direct my sims to do the platonic interactions that they have wants for, so that they will roll new wants, then leave them on their own to do the romantic interactions.  And usually the dates just end up being okay.  I think I had three dates happening between couples simultaneously the first day on this lot and ended up with some great dates and a dream date!  Marissa brings Aldous an expensive gift from their date both times I played through.  The first time she gave him an electrodancesphere, which I thought was hilarious and I really wished that part had saved, but I guess this fancy telescope is nice too.  The dancesphere I would have definitely sold for cash, this one, I might let Aldous keep and use.
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They don’t get more intimate until she visits again for a later date.  I’m not sure if either of these two have rolled a marriage/engagement want yet.  I think they’re still building their relationship up to that point.
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I’m still exploring options for Daniel while Roy patiently waits for him to come around and see what’s right in front of him.
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Roy has had the marriage want locked for Daniel for some time and he often stops by on his own to visit Daniel.  After this, I visited Roy’s household to finish out their fall (there was only one day left) and see if Daniel could be persuaded as the visiting sim.  They must have autonomously gotten engaged while I wasn’t looking, since I noticed they now have the engaged symbols in their relationship panel.  <3  I’m very happy for Roy.
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forzalando · 7 years
Comfort ~ Remus Lupin
hello cutie pies! this request comes from the lovely @stxxphi! It was a joy to finally write about my bby Remus, I love him with my whole heart. I really, truly hope you like it Steph, you are heckin amazing! :)
Request: Hi Marissa!! 🙋🏻‍♀️ can i request a little something with Remus? Maybe aftercare after a bad full moon? Or even just a long day of studies? Anything ya got 😁 pls and thank you!
Pairing: Remus x Reader
Y/N: Your Name
Y/H/C: Your Hair Color
Warnings: kinda angsty, sad Remus :( 
Word Count: 1580
The fire in the Gryffindor common room crackled quietly as you sat on the couch waiting for Remus to return. You knew that tonight’s transformation was going to be the worst he’s had to endure in a while. He had been on edge all week; snapping at you and anyone else who tried to comfort him. He had left his homework in a pile on the desk in his dormitory, but you, James, and Sirius divided the work amongst yourselves and finished it for him. This had triggered Remus to scold the three of you; saying that he didn’t need any help and that if he had wanted to do his work he would have done it himself. He apologized profusely for his behavior and after that, he hardly spoke to you the rest of the week. He barely ate, and you swore you hadn’t seen him smile in days. You were so thankful that it was the weekend, and that Remus wouldn’t have to worry about anything but recovering for the next two days.
The sound of the portrait opening lifted you from your thoughts and you turned to see James, Sirius, and Peter helping a barely conscious Remus walk towards you. They placed him gently on the couch next to you, laying him down with his head in your lap, and Sirius gave you a look that you knew to be a look asking if you were alright.
“I’m fine, Sirius, you three head on up to bed. I’ve got him.”
“You’re a bloody angel, Y/N, Remus is so lucky to have you.” James muttered as the three boys trudged up the stairs to their beds.
If Remus’s eyes hadn’t been open, you would have sworn he was asleep. You reached into the bag that was sitting next to you, pulled out a warm cloth, and began to clean his face with it. You stopped for a moment when Remus’s tired voice broke the silence in the common room.
“I don’t deserve you.” He said as he looked into your eyes.
“Hm, I disagree. I think it’s me that doesn’t deserve you.”
Remus chuckled dryly as he rolled his eyes.
“You don’t mean that, Y/N. I’ve been horrid to you all week. I was shocked you were waiting here for me.”
“Nothing could keep me away from you, Remus. How many times do I have to tell you that you mean everything to me before you actually start to believe it?”
“I guess you’ll have to say it again because I still think you’re barking mad to be with a monster like me.”
“You’re not a monster, Remus. You’re a kind, smart, respectful, funny, beautiful man, and I love you with all of my heart.”
A ghost of a smile graced his tired face and remained there until you had finished cleaning the dirt from his lightly tanned skin. Your eyes scanned down his body and you were relieved to see that he had managed to come out relatively unscathed this month. He wasn’t bleeding anywhere besides a small cut on the bottom of his chin that you had paid extra attention to when cleaning his face.
Your hands made their way to his hair, and you softly massaged Remus’s scalp as he sighed in contentment. His eyes fluttered closed and you took this time to admire the beauty that was Remus John Lupin. His strong jaw, angled nose, and chiseled cheekbones were all sharp enough to create a dull throbbing in your chest. The thick, black lashes that surrounded his beautiful green eyes laid beautifully upon his cheeks. It was times like this that made you wonder why this young man, this faultless young man, couldn’t see the beauty in himself that you and anyone else could see perfectly.
Your admiring stopped when you saw a tear escape from his right eye. You quickly caught it with the pad of your thumb and wiped it gently from his face.
“Remus, are you alright?” You asked quietly as you cupped his cheek.
“I just don’t understand. You could have anyone, be with anyone, but you stay with me. What can I give you, Y/N? What DO I give you? All I do is hurt the people close to me, I mean, bloody hell I yelled at you and ignored you for doing my homework for me when I was too angry to do it myself. What kind of….”
You placed your hand gently over his mouth to silence him. Now, tears were escaping your eyes as well as his.
“I don’t want anyone but you, Remus. I stay with you because I love you. You give me more than anyone else ever could. You give me strength, you make me happy, and you make me feel loved. You have never hurt me. What hurts me, is that you don’t see how stupidly in love with you I am, you bloody idiot. For the love of Godric, I’ve looked at you and talked about you like you put the stars in the sky ever since I met you on the train in our first year.”
Remus laughed out loud when you spoke your last sentence.
“Sirius would get so mad because we were both too afraid to tell each other how we felt. Do you remember that transfiguration class in our fourth year when you were staring at me from the back of the class and he got up and left because he ‘couldn’t bear to see your googly eyes’?”
“You mean right after the herbology class that left James gagging because you couldn’t keep your googly eyes off of me the entire time?”
The two of you erupted into fits of laughter; you were clutching your sides and Remus had turned so that his face was hidden in your shirt. He sat up slowly and moved so that you were both laying on the couch; your body was sprawled on top of his with your head nestled in the crook of his neck. Apparently, it was now his turn to play with your hair.
“You know,” you hummed, “I’m supposed to be the one comforting you; not the other way around.”
“Making you happy is comforting to me. It makes me feel good, so just let me love you, okay darling?”
Your eyes fluttered closed as Remus’s long, calloused fingers played with your Y/H/C hair for Merlin knows how long.
You felt his lips move close to your ear and he left a kiss on your temple before whispering for you to tell him a story.
“Once upon a time, there was a handsome prince named Remus John Lupin. He had beautiful green eyes that resembled the deep sea after a storm, and soft, brown hair that felt like cotton underneath your fingertips. He was the bravest, kindest, and most honest prince the great land of Hogwarts had ever known. His faithful knights, Padfoot, Prongs, and Wormtail accompanied him on his many adventures. They slayed dragons, rescued damsels in distress, fed the poor, rebuilt villages after attacks from enemy armies, and got into loads of trouble around Remus’s castle for pranking the kitchen staff…”
As you continued whispering to Remus the story of the handsome prince, you felt his grip on you loosen and his breathing become slower. You knew that he had fallen asleep, so you closed your eyes, snuggled into his embrace, and soon found sleep overtaking you as well in the strong arms of your lover.
The two of you slept soundly for the next few hours, only to be startled awake by the sound of your friends gagging and giggling.
“Bloody hell, Prongs, maybe we should have cherished the time when they weren’t together. They’re always snogging and cuddling and now the first thing I have to see this morning, after very little sleep, is the two of them snuggled together in their sleep with smiles on their faces, no doubt dreaming of each other.” You heard the unmistakable voice of Sirius Black whisper.
“I think they’re sweet,” said Lily Evans as she walked down the steps and passed the couch you and Remus were laying on.
“They’re adorable, the sweetest, absolutely breathtaking! Love is beautiful, Lily, take a chance on love with me!” James called out as he sprinted through the portrait to chase after her.
You felt Remus’s body shake lightly and heard his breathy chuckle in your ear.
“Bloody hell, Wormtail, they’re waking up. Let’s head to the Great Hall for breakfast before they start snogging and I lose my appetite forever.” Sirius whined.
Your eyes opened slightly to see Sirius and Peter hurrying out the portrait, leaving you and Remus alone in the common room once again.
“Good morning, my love.” He whispered in your ear before pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. “Thank you for last night. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for everything. I love you more than you will ever know.”
You tilted your head and smiled at Remus before he pressed a kiss to your lips. That was where the two of you stayed for the rest of the day; savoring the warmth of one another with the occasional kisses and smiles shared between you.
You both knew that there was nowhere else you would rather be than in the arms of one another, feeling safe, warm, and protected because of the pure love that surrounded and consumed the two of you completely.
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dolanmedown · 7 years
Diner- (G.D)
Authors note: hey this is my second imagine hope y'all like!! There’s no warnings. Light smut maybe. Barely. Hope you enjoy!!
Requested: No
11:14 pm. We’ve been at the diner for 15 minutes and still no waiter. And every second going bye, I become an even bigger third wheel. Everyone hates being a thirdwheel. It’s a proven fact. While the couple is having the time of their life, you’re just there, eating your slice of pizza alone. Well now I was just sitting on one side of the booth alone, while my friends Jessica and Anthony were on the other. Not being in the conversation was boring, but something else was attracting my attention.
Across the diner was a boy, a very hot boy, may I add. He had the most defined jawline. Sun kissed skin, brown hair with a streak of blonde. What intrigued me even more was the fact that he was alone. He seemed to have just gotten here, given the fact that he was on his phone with no food or drink near him. If he was waiting for a waiter it would take him a year, considering the service here was unbearably slow.
I thought about approaching him. My mom always warned me of strangers. But he was a hot stranger. What if he’s meeting someone? That would be bad. Fuck it, wait a little before going. I waited a couple of minutes, 4 to be exact, before exiting my booth. “Guys I’ll be back in a few"I said to them, even though I doubt they heard.
I walked over to him, even though he was still looking down at his phone. I slid across the booth from him. He looked up from his phone and furrowed his brows.
"Do I know you?"he asked, almost scared.
"Probably not. I just saw you alone and I figured I would go sit with you. Plus I hate being a third wheel"I said.
He chuckled, nodding his head. "I know what you mean. My brother is dating someone, and she’s nice and I like her, but it’s like I hate going out with them. It’s always them two, and then me. And I never get what’s going on because it’s a ‘couples joke’ or some dumb shit"he vented. He continued venting. For the next 10 minutes. At the end of his vent his hair was a little messed up from tugging on it. His face was a little red too.
"Easy there tiger"I giggled.
"Sorry. It just gets me so annoyed"he smiled.
"I know me too. They’re both my friends and I love them but it’s annoying"I said.
"I don’t get that"he looked confused.
"Get what?"I furrowed my brows.
"How you’re the third wheel. I feel sorry for whoever left you"he said. I smiled.
"Thank god they did leave me. Or else I wouldn’t have met you"I said. He blushed and looked down.
"You’re cute when you blush"I giggled.
"You’re cute all the time"he said.
"Hi, sorry for the wait, there’s shorten staff. Can I get you something to drink?"a waitress asked. Her name was Marissa. I knew her because I always go to this diner. The buttons on her shirt were all mismatched, her hair was a little messy. And she looked a little sweaty.
"Can I get a coke"Grayson said.
"Ok and for you Y/N?"she asked me.
"Oh I’m not-”
“She’ll have a coke too"Grayson interrupted me.
"Ok be right out with that"she left.
I looked at Grayson, kind of staring him down.
"What?"he asked.
"I’m paying for my drink"I said.
"You’re funny. I’m paying for everything. This is a date"he said.
"Oh, so we’re on a date now?"I asked.
"Maybe. Maybe it could end like our waitress"he said.
"Oh my god"I laughed, and so did he.
"So tell me about yourself"he said.
"There’s not much to me"I shrugged.
"Yeah right. How old are you?”
“17 turning 18 this year”
“Oh me too. You graduated high school?"he asked.
"Yup. I went to Long Branch"I said.
"That’s 30 minutes from me"he said.
"You live in LA?"I asked.
"Yes how’d you know?"he asked.
"Lucky guess. What are you doing here?"I asked.
"I was just driving and was hungry and stumbled upon here"he said.
"I was gonna say no one comes here by choice. Except me"I said.
"Why do you come here?"he asked.
"My mom used to love this place when I was little and would always take me here. Back when there was service. But I don’t know, I never stopped loving this place. I went here after school with my friends or just to get out. Or when we snuck out. I don’t know"I shrugged.
"What happened with your mom?"he asked.
"She died in a car accident when I was 12"I said. He frowned and took my hand in his.
"I’m sorry"he said.
"It’s fine. Anyways, you grew up in LA?"I asked changing the subject.
"No. I grew up in Jersey. I moved out here with my twin brother. We make YouTube videos"he replied.
"Oh. Are you guys the dunkin tins?"I joked.
He laughed and shook his head. "Something like that”.
“Ok here are your drinks. Can I get you something to eat?"Marissa asked.
Except Grayson didn’t know what he was going to have because they didn’t give him a menu.
"Do you like pancakes?"I asked him. He nodded.
"Give us 2 of my favorite stack"I said. She nodded and went back inside the kitchen.
"What’s your favorite stack?"he asked.
"Surprise"I smiled.
For the next 35 minutes, we kept asking each other questions and answering them. I told him almost everything about me. Which is weird, because who tells everything to a stranger? Me I guess. And him.
I learned a lot about Grayson in a measly hour. I learned the little things, like his favorite colors and favorite food, to the deeper things, like his biggest fears and past relationships.
As we were talking Grayson started sniffing the air.
"Are you trying to detect something?"I asked.
"Funny. It smells so good, what is that?"he asked. His question was answered when he came face to face with my favorite stack. It was 3 huge pancakes with bacon, sausage, and home fries on the side. Inside the pancakes were chocolate chips and marshmallows. It was the best thing in the world, no joke.
I was only able to eat 1 and a half pancakes. But Grayson ate all of his and then the rest of mine.
"I was starving. Holy shit now I need to do an extra long workout"he said. I laughed as Marissa brought out the check.
"I have to pee. But don’t touch the check. I’m paying"he said. I shrugged and waited for him to be in the bathroom before calling Marissa over and quickly gave her $30.
"When Grayson comes, tell him I already paid"I said. She nodded and I walked out of the diner to the exit, standing on the balcony. Through the window I could see Grayson coming out of the bathroom, and looking confused as to where the check was. He went over to Marissa and I saw him try to slide money over but she handed it back. They had a quick discussion before he headed out. He walked out of the diner and came over to me.
"I hate you. I can’t believe you payed"he said.
"I said I was going to"I replied. He shook his head.
"Come with me for ice cream?"he asked. I looked over at the window before seeing my friends, too busy making out to notice I’m gone. And he was a stranger. Second time I said that. But this is a once in a life time opportunity.
"Let’s go"I said. He grabbed my hand and led me to his truck.
He opened the door for me as I got in and closed it for me too. I watched him jog to his side before getting in as well.
"Nice truck"I said.
"Thanks. It’s extra roomy in the back"he smirked. I laughed and so did he. I quickly texted my friends where I was and where I was going in case this stranger was a serial killer.
He started driving to another place. He handed me the aux, to which I gladly accepted and started playing lit ass music. We bumped the whole car ride to the ice cream place, which I didn’t even notice was 20 minutes away. We pulled into the parking space and he parked away from the other cars. Again he got out before jogging to my side and opening the door for me.
"What a gent"I said, grabbing his hand as I jumped down from the truck. He smiled at me and we made our way towards the line.
"Do I want a cone or a milkshake?"I asked.
"Cone"he said.
"Then I want a milkshake"I said. He stared at me as I laughed.
"Can I help who’s next?"the guy asked. I stepped up first, Grayson behind me.
"What can I get for a hot girl like you today?"he asked, trying to flirt.
"Can I have an Oreo milkshake?"I asked, ignoring the comment.
"Anything for you"he said, before writing it down on a cup.
"What about you Gray?"I asked, turning around to see Grayson. His jaw and fists were clenched. He was breathing a little heavy too.
"Yeah, can I have a vanilla cone with Oreos on top?"he asked. The guy nodded, almost in fear considering Grayson was 2x his size, height and muscle wise.
"I’m paying"he said. He put his hands on my waist and scooted me over a little so he had no choice but to pay. He handed me my milkshake and grabbed his cone, as I followed him back to the truck. Instead of eating it in the truck we popped open the trunk and sat there and had our ice cream. I lay back and stared up at the sky and the stars.
"It’s so beautiful"I said.
"I know"Grayson replied. "I’m not talking about the stars.”
I looked over and his eyes were fixed on me. I smiled before leaning closer to him, my head resting on his chest.
I finished my milkshake, trying to get the last few drops from the bottom of the cup. Gray took my cup and his paper from his cone and threw them out. When he came back we sat back inside the truck.
We continued talking for a little until we both stopped. All of the sudden we were staring into each others eyes. I noticed how his eyes were such a light brown, and his pupils dilated. I could kiss him right now. I will kiss him right now.
“Gray?"I whispered.
"Yeah?"he asked.
"Kiss me"I said. And with that he leaned over the console, his hands on my face and we passionately kissed. But it wasn’t just a kiss. It was more. Our lips moved in sync as we started to make out. We both pulled back for air. I smiled, and he grinned. I reconnected our lips, and his tongue immediately slipped into my mouth. Eager, yes, but for the both of us. I couldn’t help but to smile, and he pulled back. He was grinning from ear to ear.
"What are you thinking about?"I asked.
"2 things: 1, how lucky I am right now and 2, if we could test out the back seat"he said.
I laughed, pulling down the compartment on the passengers side and grabbed a condom.
"How’d you-”
“I had a feeling. Now shut up and kiss me"I said. He happily obliged, and I will say this. It was a night I will never forget.
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newyorktheater · 5 years
Sleep No More
(l-r) Nicholas Bruder and Sophie Bortolussi with audience members wearing the required masks
End of the World Bar and Bathtub
Then She Fell, mirror Alices: Marissa Neilson-Pincus and Tara O’Con
outside “The Jungle” (St. Ann’s Warehouse)
Empire Travel Agency at Fulton subway station
While Josh Groban is front and center in Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812, the most memorable of several memorable moments in the show for me was an (almost) private one. A member of the ensemble, dressed like a punk rock, 19th century aristocratic slut, handed me a plastic Russian egg with pellets inside so that I could use it as a castanet in the next song.
Cafe Play
Wil Petre and Sebastian Iromagnolo in Third Rail Projects’ Grand Paradise
Mile Long Opera atop the High Line
Mile Long Opera atop the High Line
Then She Fell
“Immersive theater” has come to mean something separate from the dictionary definition of the word “immersive” – in much the same way that phrases Absurdist Theater and Abstract Expressionism took on new meanings. As in those earlier terms, immersive theater describes an art movement – and a theater moment.
That moment has existed in New York since 2011, when Punchdrunk Theater launched its version of “Macbeth,” entitled “Sleep No More”  as if retold by Alfred Hitchcock and Isadora Duncan, in a formerly abandoned club in Chelsea renamed the McKittrick Hotel.
“Sleep No More” is still running, as is “Then She Fell,” Third Rail Projects’ take on Lewis Carroll and Alice in Wonderland, which debuted the following year.
Neither company initially attached the phrase “immersive theater” to their shows, nor do they prefer to label them that now  – which is ironic, considering how many companies now insist on calling their shows “immersive theater”  even when they aren’t really.
Or at least they don’t fit my definition.
Almost four years ago, in HowlRound, I listed the six elements that defined the best of immersive theater that I had seen by then. I still find these a useful guide to my own theatergoing, and, given several new shows I’ve seen of late, it feels the right time to present them again here, updated a few more recent examples.
Immersive theater creates a physical environment that differs from a traditional theater where audiences sit in seats and watch a show unfurl on a proscenium stage with a curtain.
I loved the succinct and spontaneous definition of immersive theater provided by a young Brazilian-American man waiting with the rest of the crowd to be let inside Inside the Wild Heart . a stage adaptation of the book by Clare Lispector, when he noticed that the venue in Williamsburg was called Immersive Gallery.
“Oh no,” he said, “we’re going to have to stand.”
That more or less nails it, although you do sometimes get to sit.
It’s important to note that “immersive theater” is not a synonym for “site-specific, theater.”  Some immersive shows have taken place in actual theaters, but in such cases, the theaters have been radically redesigned. That was the case, for example, with KPOP, which turned the theaters of the  performance art complex A.R.T./New York into a South Korean music factory.
The best-known example may be “Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812”, Dave Malloy’s musical based on a sliver of Tolstoy’s War and Peace, which began in 2012 in Ars Nova, a theater transformed into a nineteenth century Russian tearoom. It moved into its own space, called Kazino, a “temporary structure,” resembling a circus tent, set up in the chi-chi Meatpacking District, and later reassembled on an empty lot in the theater district. But it ended up on Broadway, set designer Mimi Lien transforming the Imperial Theater as much as physically possible. The (aptly named) Imperial was not just decorated to look like a Russian tearoom, with glittering chandeliers, oil paintings in gilded frames set against red velour wallpaper, and a lobby turned into a hallway for an underground nightclub, plastered with posters in Russian. The auditorium itself was reconfigured so that there was no big stage, but rather many little ones criss-crossing through the audience. There were ramps built up into the balcony. Some seats were chairs  around cabaret tables.  This set-up allowed for the performers, dressed sumptuously and mischievously in Paloma Young’s punk aristocratic costumes, to dance, and sing, and play instruments throughout the auditorium — and, above all, to interact directly with members of the audience.
Immersive theater indeed has become such a popular trend that new theater buildings are being designed to reinvent their space for each show.
But it’s still true that most immersive theater takes place in some unusual venues. Two memorable recent, very different examples: The Mile Long Opera took place along the entire length of the High Line; The End of the World Bar and Bathtub takes place in your bathroom; you hire the company to perform in your bathtub.
  Immersive theater tends to stimulate all five senses—sight and sound, as with conventional theatre pieces, but also touch, and frequently taste and even smell.
Many of the immersive shows have constant eerie underscoring that seems more designed to unnerve than enchant. Most serve drinks. Some serve food. This Is Not A Theatre Company’s Cafe Play took place in an actual cafe and included a meal, although it would be very hard to call it dinner theater; one of the actors portrayed a roach.
“Inside The Wild Heart” marked the “world premiere” of the Scent-O-Scope, an odd looking contraption that delivered ten different scents. I passed it by as a text was projected above it about a woman who explains why she began to steal roses: “I wanted to sniff it until I felt my vision go dark from such heavy perfume.” Nearby, there was a large round bed covered by red roses.  I wish I could state with certainty that what I smelled from the Scent-O-Scope was a red rose.
Immersive theater doubles as an art installation and hands-on museum
The designers pay extensive attention to details, especially what might in more conventional theater be called props, but here function as artifacts, providing an opportunity for the audience members to explore the world. There are photographs on the wall, postcards and period magazines on tables, but some of the shows go much further. In Then She Fell, each audience member is handed a set of keys, with the implicit directive to open drawers and boxes and cupboards and rifle through the letters and postcards that illuminate Lewis Carroll’s work and his relationships.
In “The Jungle,” which was performed at St. Ann’s Warehouse in 2018 (and is scheduled for an encore run in April, 2020) Miriam Buether’s set re-creates the four-star Afghan restaurant that was at a refugee  camp in Calais, France. Food was for sale during intermission just outside the restaurant, inside a geodesic dome lined with photographs and signs that tried to re-create the atmosphere of the camp, whose residents named it the Jungle. One sign was entitled “Workshops Today,” next to little cardboard clocks with the various times: “Kung Fu with Yasin. Theatre with Kneehigh. Music with Mohamed.
This element is often given short-shrift in less meticulous shows claiming to be immersive. (To be fair, the shows that take place entirely at one or more real-life locations – such as Waterwell’s The Courtroom, or Woodshed Collective’s remarkable Empire Travel Agency make the world into their museum, and so need not design any further
  Immersive theater makes individual audience members feel as if they have had a uniquely personal experience, that they are not just part of the crowd.
This can be achieved in a variety of ways. In Sleep No More, you are on your own to explore some ninety rooms in any order you see fit and for as little or as long as you want (up to a total of three hours)—giving the theatregoers the sense that they are in charge (even though, in fact, we must adhere to some rigid rules—for example keeping on that itchy mask). In Then She Fell, performers choose for you which rooms you will visit, in what order, and for what duration. But there are only fifteen theatregoers attending each performance, and each is most often alone in a room, or with just one or two other audience members. As a result, the experience feels custom-made.
Often in immersive shows, a single performer pairs off with a single theatergoer for an encounter. This can be a performance for an audience of one, or the theatergoer can be volunteered as a character in the plot, or asked to participate in some other way. Lewis Carroll asked me to dictate a letter to Alice asking her to respond finally to his entreaties.
At the same time, immersive productions often emphasize social interactions, either through directed tasks in small groups, or by fostering a looser party atmosphere.
In “The Grand Paradise,”  a Third Rail Projects show that transformed a Bushwick warehouse into a tropical resort,  one cast member gathered four of us together to teach us how to tie nautical knots, exactly as a recreation counselor might in a resort. The first activity in The Alving Estate was an elaborate game of Black Jack, in which we are asked to write down a secret on a piece of paper and use that to bet on the game. The winner of the hand collected all the secrets. The mere fact that alcohol is served at these shows signals that what we’ve paid for is not just art, but a party.
  The most successful immersive theater has a story to tell—and gives respect to storytelling
I’ve gone back and forth in my view of this element over the years. It’s true that many of these shows don’t even include dialogue, substituting mute and often-violent pas de deux, or tableaux vivant. The arbitrary or random order in which an individual theatergoer’s experience unfolds also suggests that plot is not a priority. But the longest lasting immersive shows in New York, Sleep No More and Then She Fell, both offer stories that theatergoers already know—Macbeth and Alice in Wonderland. Our prior knowledge enables us to fit the disparate pieces into a coherent story, through some detective work that feels part of these shows’ appeal.
  Not all of the best of immersive theater have all six elements, and not all shows that attempt all six elements are the best immersive theater. But in my experience, the most satisfying theater that calls itself immersive is driven by the creative team’s  respect for the form, rather than the marketing department’s hype to be hip.
What is immersive theater? The six elements that define it at its best “Immersive theater” has come to mean something separate from the dictionary definition of the word “immersive” – in much the same way that phrases Absurdist Theater and Abstract Expressionism took on new meanings.
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andrewdburton · 7 years
Money story: Life after debt
This guest post from Marissa — a local woman I learned about last November — is part of the “money stories” feature at Get Rich Slowly. Some stories contain general advice; others are examples of how a GRS reader achieved financial success — or failure. These stories feature folks from all stages of financial maturity. Today, Marissa (a.k.a. The Budgeting Wife) shares what she and her husband have decided to do after paying off $87,000 in debt.
Does life change after becoming debt-free? Yes! The freedom that you get from being debt-free is amazing, life-changing, and encouraging for the future.
But does your lifestyle have to change after becoming debt-free? Not necessarily. Here’s my story.
Our Debt-Free Journey
I met my husband Jacob while we were both attending the same private university. When we got married in July 2015 (right after graduation), you bet that we had a ton of student loan debt — $87,000 of debt to be exact.
Having this much debt in our early twenties, while we were just starting our careers, was overwhelming! There were times where I thought we’d never be debt-free. But thanks to some planned sacrifice and lifestyle changes, we were able to pay it all off in about two-and-a-half years.
To meet our goals, we kept our lifestyle very simple.
We took public transportation to our entry-level jobs because our employer paid for it. We shopped at the cheapest grocery stores that we could find. We meal-planned every week! Eating out was a maybe once a month luxury to Chipotle. Our one-bedroom apartment, 700-square-foot apartment had plenty of room for the two of us. We didn’t take vacations. Our date nights consisted of binge-watching a lot of Netflix.
For the last year of our debt-free journey, we even moved in with my parents. This allowed us to rent for less while really tackling our debt! Crazy, I know. We were twenty-somethings who had been married for one year… and moved back in with our parents! (Once we’d met our goals, we moved back out however.)
As difficult as those first few years were for us, it was completely worth it.
All of these sacrifices allowed us to put 70% of our income toward loans each month. We gave up a lot, but we gained even more. There’s truly no better feeling than being debt-free.
Our Debt-Free Lifestyle
We became debt-free last October. Since then, our lifestyle hasn’t changed a whole lot. But it has changed some.
Considering we were living at almost bare bones, we knew we wanted to increase our lifestyle a little bit. We celebrated becoming debt-free by going on a Caribbean cruise in October. That was an extravagance! And we officially moved out of my parents house and into our own modest apartment again in November. (We love our new place!)
But besides living in our own place again, our debt-free lifestyle hasn’t really changed. I’m still driving my 1998 Camry and my husband drives his 2001 Tacoma. We cook most of our dinners at home, and pack our lunch to work every single day. Our evenings still consist of Netflix marathons and date nights are about once a month with a gift card that someone has given us.
The neat thing about completing a debt-free journey is that you grow comfortable living with daily sacrifices. And then those sacrifices don’t seem that bad! For two-and-a-half years, we learned how to make life work with three-year-old clothing, twenty-year-old cars, and cooking our own meals. We learned that fun doesn’t have to mean spending money, but that it can be found with the people you spend time with.
Leveraging Our Lifestyle to Reach New Goals
By maintaining a frugal lifestyle while having no debt to eat up our income, we have so much room in our budget to accomplish our next financial goals.
Since repaying our student loans, we’ve turned our attention to saving for the future — to building what J.D. calls a wealth snowball. Because we’re no longer living with my parents (and we’ve relaxed our standards a little), we’re no longer saving 70% of our income. But we are saving almost half.
We’ve been contributing to our retirement savings. We’re also saving heavily for our emergency fund — first and foremost. It’s been so much fun to watch our savings account go up!
After we finish saving a full emergency fund, we’re going to start saving for a house. While we enjoy our time in our apartment, we can’t wait to have a house of our own! Buying a home will be the biggest purchase of our lives, so we want to make sure that we’re smart about it and can have a good down payment.
Oh, and those twenty-year-old cars we have? We’ll probably have to get new ones soon… So add that to the savings list!
Maintaining the Debt-Free Lifestyle
When I meet people who are recently debt-free (or about to be), I encourage them to maintain the same budget and lifestyle they had when they were paying off debt. The debt-free journey is hard at first, but once you’ve become accustomed to the lifestyle, it’s not so tough to maintain…if you make an effort.
When you maintain a simple lifestyle, every raise you receive has an immediate impact on your financial goals, which makes it that much easier for you to win with money!
If I could give people digging out of debt some advice, it would be to not stop once you’re debt free. Don’t change your habits. Keep the intensity. Stay focused on your next goal. Maintain the simple lifestyle that helped you succeed in the first place.
Reminder: This is a story from one of your fellow readers. Please be nice. After twenty years of blogging, I have a thick skin, but it can be scary to put your story out in public for the first time. Remember that this guest author isn’t a professional writer, and is just learning about money like you are. Unduly nasty comments on reader stories will be removed or edited.
The post Money story: Life after debt appeared first on Get Rich Slowly.
from Finance http://www.getrichslowly.org/2018/01/28/life-after-debt/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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