#just memez things
blurry-and-numb · 2 years
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sanrio character diets 🥺
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fatfetus · 1 year
I need someone to lock me in a dungeon and starve me until I go back to school
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meme-loving-stuck · 2 years
internet sub-memes i would like to see die in 2023
"haha this person doesnt speak english with the correct grammar/syntax lets repeat how they said it wrong"
small dick jokes (altho i see a lot of leftie tumblr has finally picked up on this now that a popular blogger said it affects trans men LOL)
any and all AAVE being treated like funny interwebz meme-speak (all the "[singular noun] be like" and "free my boy" memes you still see in self-proclaimed progressive circles? even after this point finally became well-known to nonblack people)
"no <3" or "fuck off :D" or any other cutesy emote following an unnecessarily hostile reply on literally any positive post for no reason lmao. grow up edgelords
anything that has spawned from twitter and become supposedly "normal online humor" in the past 5 years
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whambam244 · 2 months
So a while ago my sister started playing this really hyper song
and I was like "whats that song your playing?" she said "idk
just found it" So then fast forward to when I found the song
i pretty much only wanted to find it because it sounds good
but when I looked at the comments it was weird. some guy said
that he worked on it. And my sis looked at the channel that said that
but all they post is very random stuff in Japanese (witch btw the comment was originally in Japanese but YouTube translated it)
So then I stared digging and in the disc it has a link to another song.
I would put the song here but I can't download it for some reason
So then after i found the remix I searched up the og song
and I found another remix. Crazy right! but the same problem as the
last one but then digging some more I find pages like Song Review
pages but all of them are in another language so I can't read them
here are the links
Idk if they mean everything but they are here.
so with a bit more digging, i found a yahoo page ( can't find it :(
BUT someone was selling a cassette tape of the album here a rundown of what it looked like it was very glittery and it said it
was a promo for something but it didn't say and I think it said
( this i only promo material not for sale) it was only going for like
5 dollars. but sadly the bid ended in like 2022 I think
BUT that does not mean that the album is lost because it was
uploaded to YouTube. Yeah the whole album
But... the thing is that this wasn't the first one I found
I know i sound CRAZY but i found one that does not have the wired
intro that this one has. and you may be thinking well dude what makes them different?? Well this one has the cover that the cassette
has. But for some wired reason it doesn't pop up anymore
it's like it disappeared. Weird stuff dudes
who knew that an album that released in 1999 with robot girls
drawn-in panty and stocking-type art style would drive me
for a loop.
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so yah that's all i have
still don't the artist at all (could not find anything on him for the life of me
still do not know the origins of the cassette (or if anyone still has one
STILL do not know the lyrics
Also I STILL can't find the band that was with this album
ANDD IDK if the person in the comments really worked on the thing
so yeah hope some people help find the odd album
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Ok yall thank you for letting me rant in your ears
and see yall later lol
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earthbovndmisfit · 2 months
Hi !! For the ask-game! 2, 5, 6, 12, 20, 21 and 24 ? sorry if it's a lot!! hope you'll have a good day!!!
Fandom/fanfic asks!
2.- Most recent fandom you joined? Not sure if it counts because I've liked the games for actual years and I've just recently got more into them and became more active in the fandom, but it would probably be the Metal Gear series.
I don't watch or consume new media very often unless it's something that somehow takes my whole attention away from what I already like and I'm deep into, so it takes a while for me to get into a new series and fandom haha
5.- Favorite platonic pairing? In Jojo, that would be Erina and Speedwagon!! I love and cherish their friendship so much despite how little we see of it onscreen. This is also why I dislike it so much whenever the "everyone dates everyone" dynamic gets forced on Jonaeriwagon instead of just letting them be a happy V-polycule (not to mention the erasure of all things homo in Speedwagon by shipping him and Erina romantically and/or sexually when that's not even "necessary" for the polycule to work). Someone once said Erina and Speedwagon invented the "girl and her gay best friend" and they were so correct.
6.- Favorite headcanon? Going with Jojo again since that's like 99% of this blog, one of my fave headcanons ever is that of Speedwagon's body being covered by scars from his many years as a criminal (+ all of the more "honorable" ones he got after he joined Jonathan and helped him fight zombies, the one he got from Jack The Ripper, and whatnot).
Related to that one, I love the headcanon that Jonathan too has scars, most of them from his childhood, from his reckless ways (like that time we see him walking on a tree branch as a kid in the manga) and from playing around with Danny by the river, or from his boxing and rugby training. He also still has the scar from the wound Speedwagon caused him with his buzzsaw hat during their first encounter, since he wasn't a hamon user at the time and was unable to heal himself (the wound was said to be a deep cut, so it definitely must have left a scar). The sight of that one scar always makes Speedwagon apologize profusely bc he still feels bad for permanently marking Jonathan's skin with his own recklessness, however, Jonathan always reassures him that it's okay and that he genuinely likes it because, in Jonathan's words, much like Speedwagon's face scar does to him, it gives him personality too, and also "now we match, too, Robert!"
12.- Craziest thing you've ever done as part of a fandom? Already answered this one. This one is not as "crazy" I think?? But I'm adding it anyway as a bonus: I've always had a "if it doesn't exist, then make it yourself" approach when it comes to fandom stuff and spaces as a result of me always getting into obscure and/or unpopular fandoms/characters/ships, and so I always try to find ways to spread the love for what I like and share it with other fans regardless of how big or small the community is and promote interactions as much as I can and etc. This is also why I've kept this blog as some kind of "central" for all things Speedwagon/Jonathan and Jonawagon, for example. It is also why I try to tag every post I make or reblog, to make navigation easier for any and all fans of them who end up here, as I do still remember just how difficult it was to find anything for them years ago, when all you'd find would be "Speedweeeed best gril! XD! le funny memez" full of out of character bullshit.
20.- All-time favorite fanfic author? Probably HamonHugs when it comes to Jojo. Their portrayal of Jonathan and Speedwagon was always so on point and their stories were always so *chef's kiss* and had a perfect balance between fluff and cute moments and super hot and sexy ones too. There was also a fanfic author in the Yu Yu Hakusho fandom that I liked a lot but I can't remember their alias. They wrote some really good KuronuexKurama stories, though, as far as I can remember, they deleted their stories some years ago.
21.- Favorite fic trope? Already answered this one too!
24.- Funniest fandom-related story? Already answered too! As a small bonus, I wouldn't say it's precisely funny since it's more of a super nice and touching experience I had, but it has happened to me at least once that someone recommended to me one of my own fics, saying it was one of their favorite fics ever and that I should totally read it. This person didn't know I was the author since I rarely ever mention my ao3/wattpad accounts or the fact that I raaaaarely ever write fics, so it was genuine praise. It was kinda odd in the best way possible and it was also super touching in the sense that once more I could see first-hand the positive impact some of my writing has had on someone else, similar to the times people have taken time out of their day to tell me just how much they enjoy my creations, or how happy they make them, whether it's my fics or my art. It's just undescribable but it truly makes my day every single time it happens 🫶
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charlizard91 · 1 year
Welcome to our blog!
Okay so this may be confusing to explain, but i'll try my best. My friend Austin has this strange computer that can... connect to the future internet? Ok well to you guys it's not the future. For reference, i am from the year 2006, and yet whenever Austin over here accesses the internet, it's 2023??? Wowzas! Anyway, neither of us are really certain on how this works, but he always uses weird future internet slang that i don't quite get, so he let me create this blog to learn more about the future LOL? But at the same time, i don't think its our future? Cuz if so, then where's my future 31 year old self XD
Oh yeah, and Austin told me i should say my pronouns, which is something i never really thought about. I'm a guy, and you can just call me a he i guess? Sorry i'm still learning about this stuff, my best friend Reverie is transgender, so i'm glad i have her to rely on XD
Anyway, enough rambling from me, i'm gonna let everyone else introduce themselves! Feel free to ask us any questions about anything, this is going to be such a funky future experience LOL!
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hey, i'm reverie, known online as elegyEstranger (though all the social networking websites i use are from 2006 lmao). not sure what to really put here, but here are some of my interests: computer programming, making music, video games (nothing anyone would recognize this day), and whatever stuff my friends drag me into.
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Yo! I'm Jessica Hendrickson, but everyone just calls me Jess. My parents are pretty strict about letting me be on the interwebs, but Austin let's me borrow his computer in class. Everyone says I'm the big sister of the group, which is only really accurate if you exclude the many new friends we've made recently, haha. You never would've guessed this based on my outfit, but I like to knit, paint, and write, mostly because there's nothing really modern to do in my house. Man, I sure do envy you future dudes.
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[OOC: sorry the jessica and austin drawings are a bit messy, i just really wanted to post this before goin to bed xD. expect better drawings and more characters in a few days]
HAHAEHEHEHAEHEHAEHA WHATS UP CHUCKLEFUCKS its me. austin. call me CRAZY or CRINGE but i AM the ceo of funny. the most infamous escapee from the [REDACTED]. AND IT IS MY HOLY MISSION TO BLESS THESE fuckers WITH THE i wear a mask with a smileforhoursatatime!!!!!!!!! THIS IS modern internet humor BiTCH!!! take yo sensative ass back to 2006. laughing emoji laughing emoji laughing em
Okay this is Charlie again... Austin is having another one of his laughing fits. Honestly, him being able to access the internet 17 years into the future is the least strange thing about him. Anyway, we're all super looking forward to your questions, and i hope to finally leave the realm of being a newbie when it comes to internet memez XD
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thebananwithaplan · 7 months
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I herd u liek early 2000’s internet memez.
Sorry. But it’s true, isn’t it, Banana? You’ve gotta admit, that’s an adorable little critter. Just look at that face! The Mudkip’s been following you around for a while, now. Maybe it mistook you for a walking, talking Nanab berry… then again, it doesn’t seem like it’s plotting to eat you. Maybe it’s just lost.
Hmm. Does this Mudkip have a trainer? Wait, how’d a Mudkip even end up wandering around the studio, anyway? Was this one of Gold’s Pokémon? He’s from Gen 2, not Gen 3, so probably not.
You can’t just leave it wandering around in the studio by itself, though. I mean, you could. But an unsupervised, potentially wild Water-type Pokémon, surrounded by thousands of dollars worth of expensive electrical equipment… yeah, maybe not a great idea.
(Randomly generated nature/characteristic: calm/scatters things often!)
. "Mud? Where??" Someone was tracking mud? In HIS studio? He hoped not. He still hasn't found any janitors. The host looked around frantically before looking below behind him to find the lil' critter.
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. "......O.M.G." Hello? Silly little water fella??? Where'd ya come from???? It was clear from Banana's wide grin that he instantly recognized what Pokemon it was; as Mudkips were one of the fellow memes of his time. Even as the Wooper pretty much dominated as the internet's favorite 'baby water-type' at this point, the Mudkip still held a soft spot in his meme-ridden heart.
He never thought about wanting one before, but now that it's literally right in front of him...
. "...You don't have a Trainer, do ya?" Banana wondered. Looking around again, there doesn't seem to be any Pokemon protagonist in sight.
Did anyone here remember him being given an empty Pokéball before? Well, it was about time he finally pulled that one out. I mean, he also still had a Great Ball and an Ultra Ball, but those can be saved as surprise tools (that can help him later).
. "To be honest, I don't even know if it even works, so here goes nothing." He wasn't sure how hard he was supposed to toss the creature-catching device at said creature, but he hoped it wasn't too hard to hurt it -
Oh. There goes the red light, beaming it right in.
Bwoop. Bwoop. Bwoop.
Gotcha! Mudkip was caught!
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. "...I mean, of course it was gonna work. I knew it was fully functional." Absolutely no doubts.
At least he can keep his cameras safe from any water damage... For now. Pretty sure something else might destroy them at some point-
. "....How about we call you 'Mud', huh? Keep it nice, short, and simple."
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somescenecatholic · 2 years
SO EVEN MORE "CRINGE" BC ITS FILLED WITH ANIMATION MEMEZ (not just headbops btw, like rlly good stuff)
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inazuma-fulgur · 2 years
Good take on Finnster, like the other post ain't bad but we really gotta talk about the community he cultivates. Because the way other judge him abd the way we should judge him are quite different
"TheLonelySamurai FtM • 2 yr. ago
I'm going to go against the grain here. It might get me downvoted but eh oh well.
Both my girlfriend and I find ourselves uncomfortable with how much of his whole meteoric rise seems to revolve around his audience heavily sexualizing and fetishizing femboys/AMAB feminine people. Like point blank, people are obsessed with the fact that "OmG tHaTs ReAlLy A bOy!!!11!!", and having seen a good cross-section of his chats there's a really uncomfortable amount of fetishization of femboys mostly but trans women as well, and most of it is of course landing on the tired and uncreative "TEH DICK MAKES EET BETTUR" thing. The fact that he makes hundreds of thousands of dollars a year as a cis white boy playing into these fetishes and people think it's "cute" or "hot" that he's a quirky femboy who is TOTES not trans yo, it's JUST an internet persona I swear (because him being trans would just be boring and political and dumb poopoo, but him being a hot FEMBOY is awesome and funny and teehee the memez, oh no my heterosexuality, F1nnst3r stole it Ecks-Dee lawl), while meanwhile trans people are getting kicked out of their houses, disowned and actual legislation is pushing to eradicate us from existence?
Yeah, that sucks.
It's not really F1nnst3r's fault and neither my GF nor I blame him, but we will freely admit the whole...coomer phenomenon surrounding him and the heavy fetish aspect of it, something feels icky and off about it for us."
Tbh it sorta is his fault, he ain't putting a stop to it and encourages/endures it either for money/clout against better knowledge or because he's plainly as unaware as his chat and should've tried to look some stuff up.
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oki, makin my pinned post again
haiii, i'm kandi! my pronouns are xae/xaer
i'm your local emo scene freak
yes, my url is a dot dot curve reference :3
i'm lowkey rebranding to be a little more emo (because, i listen to emo music a lot these dayz)
i try to keep my s - z typing quirk to a minimum to those with screen readers.
that being said, this blog is very eyestrain-y so enter at your own risk!!
more info under cut
my fav bands! (that are scene and / or emo)
my chemical romance (duh)
the academy is...
the used
dot dot curve
pierce the veil
i'm also a fan of these bands:
cute is what we aim for
dance, gavin, dance
fall out boy
here are my hot takes of bands i just CAN'T STAND
good charlotte
some other stuff i enjoy <3
collecting CDs / vinyls
old internet culture
simping for band members
making kandi
fashion stuff
follow my main at: @artsyaech
#holy smokez i'm gay - cute band members (goes for any gender. i'm gay for all genders)
#band stuffz - stuff related to my favorite bands
#kandi sayz - rambles of mine
#memez - memes and stuff
#internet thingiez - blinkies, stamps and other relics of the old days
#scene stuffz - scene related things
#emo stuffz - emo related things
#stuffz - stuff idk where to put
#originalz - OG posts
#reblogz - reblogs
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blurry-and-numb · 1 year
Every day I tell myself “If I just get through this day I’ll be at my UGW” until one day it’ll be true
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meepmemez · 2 years
Oh yeah, Meep Memez! I almost forgot one little thing... Blue Lily Cookie has won 1st place in Cookie Run: Ovenbreak's The Cookie of the Year 2022 and Follow Ups of this are Timekeeper Cookie's in 2nd Place and Snakefruit Cookie's in 3rd place!
Ehh honestly I'm not happy w/ those results tbh, but that's just my opinion
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vancsssa · 4 years
This was inspired by a meme @cimanon made, and me with my sleepdeprived ass, decided to write it.
Word count: 1136
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A nice night out,
That's all it was supposed to be.
But then it turned into breaking someone's nose.
Katherine squealed when they came into the pub, immediately feeling at home. She pranced around the dance floor, already moving to music, even though there weren't a lot of people just yet.
Pulling Anna with her, she danced, smiling when the German had the same energy. Her cousin, Anne, quickly joined and tried to steal the spotlight, which Katherine didn't allow.
"No way, Anne! I'm the Queen in the spotlight tonight!" she shrieked, laughing when Anne poked her side.
While the Chaotic Trio™ did their questionable things, the Sane Trio™ settled down at the bar, chatting happily with a (non!!!)-alcoholic drink.
"You know," Cathy began, and the other two raised their eyebrows, the sixth Queen was usually never the one to talk about a new subject. "It's actually quite nice to get out of the house."
"Ha!" Jane exclaimed, holding out her hand. "Five pounds, Aragon. Pay up!" With a groan, the Spaniard reached into her pocket and pressed the money into Jane's waiting hand. With an evil chuckle, the blonde put it in her own pocket, even getting up and doing a small victory dance.
"Okay, what is going on~?" wondered Cathy, her gaze flicking from Jane to Aragon.
"We had a bet," Jane replied smoothly. "I knew you were going to say that you liked it, being out of the house for once. And Aragon here-" she poked the grumpy woman- "swore that you wouldn't. And once again, I was right~" She ended the sentence with a sing-song voice. "Cheer up, Lina. We have a lot more hours to go."
"I need alcohol for this--"
"Alcohol?" Anne popped up behind Aragon, laughing when the 'mighty' woman shrieked. She gestured to the bartender, before any Queen could stop her, she ordered. "Can I have six alcoholic drinks? Doesn't matter which one. Preferably with a lot of alchohol."
The bartender nodded and made the drinks, setting them down before each of them, leaving the other two for the fourth and the fifth Queen.
"Anne--" Jane protested, but the drink got shoved into her hands.
"Drink, Seymour. Don't be boring. Be gay! Do crime! I know you fancy Lina!"
Leaving two confused Queens, and one incredibly flustered one, the blonde downed the drink, immediately ordering another one.
Once she got it, she prodded Cathy and Aragon. "Come on. I'm going to show them that I'm not boring."
And with that, Jane disappeared.
And Cathy bursted into laughter. "Well, Lina. Look like you got yourself an admirer, how about you finally make a move?"
"Maybe next time," the hispanic only mumbled with red cheeks before pulling the still laughing Queen onto the dance floor.
While singing and dancing along to the music, Katherine noticed that a man was watching them- specifically, watching her. Shaking the worry off her shoulders, she ignored the man.
Until she felt someone tap her shoulder. The Queen turned and met a pair of black eyes. They reminded her of a predator- thus she immediately felt endangered. She reached for the Queens behind her, but only grabbed air.
"Hello babydoll," he said in a deep voice. Kaherine resisted the urge to gag right there.
"I'm not interested."
"Why not, darling? You're very cute, and I want to get to know you better."
Katherine backed up, eyes widening when the man took a step forward.
"Would you mind to step away, sir? You are a bit close," she said as politely as she could, forcing the lump in her throat.
"Why, babygirl?" he purred. (Because you're a dick. That's why.)
Cathy, who had been keeping eye on Katherine, nudged Jane. The third Queen turned around with a huge smile, which quickly faltered when her gaze landed upon the man.
The fifth Queen managed to squeeze herself through the crowd and sighed when she reached the others.
"Are you okay?" fussed Jane, scanning the girl.
"I'm fine," said Katherine quickly. "I just strayed too far, and he hit on me. I politely declined him. Everything's good." Even though she reassured the other Queens, she kept close to them, hoping the man wouldn't return.
Her hope was quickly shattered when she felt a tugging hand on her waist, pulling her away from the Queens. With a squeak, Katherine tried to get free, however, his grip was too strong.
"Babydoll, I wasn't done. How about we go to my place?"
At the word 'babydoll', the third Queen turned around, scanning the room to see if anyone was getting harrassed. Then she saw that Katherine was the victim.
His hand was on her waist, and the other was tilting her chin.
With anger flaring up, Jane chugged her drink in two seconds and handed Cathy the glass. She rolled up her sleeves, ignoring the terrified glances of the other Queens.
"Hold my drink." She charged at the man.
"Let's fucking go, bitch."
The walk home was...
Beyond awkward.
Jane had punched the man, breaking his nose.
And then they were kicked out.
Now that most of the adrenaline had passed, Katherine found it funny. She started laughing, until tears streamed down her cheeks. She elbowed Anne, who had been quietly chuckling in her hand too. With that, Anne screamed out in laughter.
"Ja-Jane, my goodness. Your face when you realized that you broke the dick's nose! I doubt I'll ever can look at you the same," Anne shrieked. Jane turned to scold her, but it didn't have much effect as everyone was laughing. A smile spread across her face.
"I didn't mean to break his nose, I just wanted to teach him a lesson. But--" She nearly choked as she seemingly realized something. "If you children ever do that, I'm not bailing you out of jail."
"Janey, I'm literally older than you and you call me a child?" Anne asked.
"Because you act like one!"
"Sure, Seymour. But~ you didn't end up in jail?"
"No because I booked it!" the blonde exclaimed, slurring a bit. Then she giggled. "Goodness his face was funny." Anne and Katherine stepped forward to stand beside her, both putting a hand on Jane's shoulder.
"Good, because us, children, are not bailing you out of jail," Anne mimicked Jane's tone from earlier with a smug grin.
"This is all fun and games, but don't break noses next time," Aragon put in, waving her finger as to underline her statement. She was seemingly the least drunk. Anna rolled her eyes, poking the Queen.
"I don't think it'll happen again, since Jane- who never gets drunk- was drunk."
"Right," Aragon sighed, she clapped in her hands. "Alright ladies, we're going home. And you are all heading straight to bed."
"Funny, because we're all gay."
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Me after finding minuscule typos in a fic after posting it 🤦🏻:
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Christopher, now you get the pain of perfectionist fanfic writers
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pixiecloudss · 3 years
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knixam · 3 years
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