#just picturing the kids attending a bunch of hobby classes
monocytogenes · 2 years
and QUISRA: 9, 25, 26!
To clarify since I'm not really going in order here--this is for the OTP asks (and yes thank you just. Themst)
9. What are their thoughts on having children?
Haha, oh man.
So Malavai "Infant Contingency Report" Quinn definitely wants children. This desire has a lot to do with the culture he's in: Imperial society has a strong interest in family legacies and "genetic purity", to the point that if you're what's seen as genetically fit (human or sith with little to no alien ancestry, especially if you're force sensitive on top of that) it's considered your duty to reproduce. Growing up in an upper class human family, he had always expected to marry and have kids, and it was really only the tanking of his career--and his associated self-loathing--that kept him from doing so prior to meeting Isra. He's quite enamored with the idea of being able to contribute to her lineage--it's a notion rather wrapped up in his whole fixation with serving her--and aside from that, I think he'd just really enjoy being a dad. I see his relationship with his own father as having been one of those stern-yet-loving situations where he looked up to him intensely, and the idea of being that kind of role model (and expressing that sort of love) to kids of his own is one he savors.
And then you have Isra, lol.
Isra hadn't planned to have kids, much less to get married, given that she's a female alien in a society that's patriarchal and speciesist. Her career and independence are important to her; she warmed to the idea of marrying Quinn in large part because he explicitly didn't want to be the dominant one in the relationship (to the point that in my canon he actually winds up taking her surname.) I imagine she's undergone some (reversible) method of surgical birth control because the hormonal implants most Imperials use weren't tested on aliens and tend not to work so well for them; she's pretty damned serious about not wanting her ambitions sidelined.
I think she isn't entirely opposed to the idea on the whole; she's just very 'absolutely not right now' and would prefer not to have to deal with the pregnancy part of it out of concerns that it'd damage her body. She'd probably be open to using a surrogate sometime in the future; I can see her deliberately selecting someone who's also a zabrak and paying them exceedingly well, lol.
25. Do they have any hobbies they share?
Yes! Here's some--
I picture them as both being into ballroom dancing. Quinn grew up going to such events, so he's really good at it, and Isra found that there's a bunch of skill transfer from her hand-to-hand combat training and general athleticism. She actually got him to finally break down and confess his lust for her after they first danced together (I am weak for that trope, okay) and they attend a lot of fancy social events to have an excuse to partake in that activity, as well as to generally network with the Imperial upper crust.
I also see them having a shared interest in opera/musical theater--I headcanon that theater in the Empire is one of the few venues where socially subversive and emotionally buckwild stuff can be depicted, since there's a rich tradition of sensational storytelling that emerged out of old sith culture. You see stuff in opera like snarky enslaved aliens who talk smack to their enslavers, dissolute soldiers who sell out to the enemy, and intimidating femme fatales (which, uh, Quinn might have been a little too into in his youth.) Isra loves tales of crazy interpersonal drama and empowerment of people like her, Quinn's kind of an art nerd in general who likes getting worked up into strong feelings by that sort of thing, so they often see shows together or watch them on holos.
Also, hear me out on this: sex is totally one of their hobbies. I say that because they're kinky as fuck and their sex life generally consists of Quinn voicing elaborate fantasies and Isra working with him to make scenes out of them. Their bedroom in their nice Kaas City apartment winds up full of associated implements on account of them imagining and researching and being all "I bet we could do something fun with that!", haha.
26. What are their vices?
In the context of the relationship--
Quinn's someone who spent years centering his sense of worth around his job, and he's thus a workaholic who can have a tough time disengaging from that (Isra has to deal with this at times by being all 'we're not going to talk about this stuff in the evenings, and I need you to literally block off our personal time in your schedule, okay?') I think he also can be a pain to live with because he's kind of neurotic about cleanliness--like, for the most part Isra's cool with it because she prefers not doing chores, but when he starts reorganizing her stuff/putting things in places she doesn't expect she's like DUDE COULD YOU NOT. He's also spent years repressing a lot of his negative feelings when he sees them as inconvenient to others, so his communication skills aren't always the best when he's upset about something (though he's pretty aware of this and is working on it.)
As for Isra, the most prominent thing that comes to mind is that she's something of a compulsive flirt; she kiiiinda gets off on Quinn's jealousy, while from his standpoint that's not part of the spectrum of kinks he's into (he does, on the other hand, find it hot when someone tries to flirt with him and she gets a tad possessive.) Quinn also has an aversion to being publicly affectionate in most contexts or airing the particulars of their sexy activities that she doesn't always respect, lol. Some of her pushing at his boundaries is probably good for him on the whole, but she can definitely cross the line out of impatience and hurt his feelings in the process.
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
I’m on vacation yet I suddenly have a hankering to write a series of oneshots where the hargreeves siblings get kicked out of various craft classes and skill lessons
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bovine-providence · 2 years
Melone Headcanons
In no particular order, here’s some HCs for the Amazing Melon Man!
He grew up in an upper-middle class family, with both parents in the picture and two sisters (he was the middle child). His parents were somewhat emotionally distant with their children, but tried to make up for it by throwing money at their kids (extracurriculars, summer camps, hobbies, etc.)
Melone was often lonely in his childhood, and most of the other kids found him weird. His sisters distanced themselves from him socially as well. He eventually developed a personality of intentionally being strange, but would still crave acceptance.
Melone was interested in science and technology at a young age. He’d spend time flipping through science textbooks, learning coding, and surfing the internet, always searching for more knowledge.
Diagnosed with depression as a teen. Being put on meds didn’t help much, but did fuck with his emotions. He hated them, they made him feel like a zombie. Nowadays, while he still takes care of his health and attends doctor visits regularly and follows his doctor’s orders and suggestions, he has a strong distrust of psychiatric medication.
In college, he studied medicine with a minor in computer science; after joining Passione, he was able to eventually pursue a Master’s in genetics.
While in college, he started falling into a bad crowd, who used him to access drugs and made him feel wanted. In return, they introduced him to ecstasy. He got hooked, and eventually fell into debt with the wrong people. Passione got him out of that mess on the condition he join their ranks. He quickly agreed.
Gaining his stand is sort of a hilarious story in hindsight. With Polpo’s lighter test, the flame was quick to blow out, and he found himself with a mysterious gaping wound. He thought he was dying, only to wake up hours later seemingly unscathed. The only difference was that his laptop now had a body and stared at him expectantly. He did not react well to that…
And his terrified reaction to the apparent ‘monster’ in his room is why he now has a small scar on his chest.
Since joining Passione, he’s dropped contact with his birth family. He sometimes wonders how they’re doing, using his connections to get updates from time to time. He’s somewhat indifferent to them, though; it’s more of a detached curiosity.
On one of his early missions with La Squadra, his eye was sprayed with perfume by a would-be mother, resulting in permanent damage.
Hanging with the team is one of his favorite things to do. While they’re an odd bunch, he gets some sense of family and cameraderie with them that he never had before.
Extensive skin and hair care products, has a nail polish and makeup collection, and regularly has spa nights/gossip sessions with Illuso, and Sorbet and Gelato. He also loves talking products and doing makeovers.
He enjoys video games and board games, but he’ll try to psychoanalyze EVERYTHING. The game? A metaphor about grief. His opponent’s play style? They’re a coward who’s afraid of direct attacks.
His relationship with drugs has improved, but he’s wary of it nowadays. His relationship with alcohol, however, isn’t as good. He’s a sad drunk, and tries not to drink too heavily when he partakes.
However, those moments allow him to drop the “weirdo computer perv” persona and actually be vulnerable and somewhat open about his feelings.
Loves deep conversations. If you pass him the joint, he’s talking your ear off. Good luck, have fun with that!
Loves physical touch, not even just on a sexual level. Platonic and romantic snuggling, fingers through his or their hair, resting his head on someone’s chest… it makes him feel comfy and safe. Many teammates have found themselves acting as Melone’s pillow during a movie night.
He’s flirted with everyone on the team. No one knows for sure if he’s serious or not.
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mxtcha-tea · 4 years
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✎desc; how I would rate haikyuu character's drawing.
✎team[s]; fukurodani, inarizaki
✎genre; crack
✎language[s]; english
✎chef note; okay, first off, I'm not a professional drawer but I can still rate drawings. This idea just came to me like a minute ago and I had to do it now, so enjoy :)
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Aight, I see that we started off greatly.
In all honesty, he have no idea how to draw,
And of course his drawing would look,,,, quite terrible i'm so sorry bokuto lovers
He's that kid in art class where's when the teacher already told them what to draw,
Bokuto sat there on his chair, staring at the canvas
Like, what is he suppose to do? Draw?
Well, yeah technically but what???
I can totally see him frustratingly erase the sketch if it can be called as a sketch
And then proceed to try to copy other people's work
Keyword; try
It's bad but at least he had an effort to finish it
4/10, there I said it
His drawings are not that professional but it's pretty
Have you ever seen a drawing that you wanted to stare at it for hours until you're satisfied?
That what's his drawing are like
Not typically an art kid so he's fine when student's from his art class asked him to draw for them
And is feeling pretty neutral with his talent (he actually won't call it a talent but more like a hobby or sum)
And just say 'thanks' if peoples compliments his drawing
Let say his drawing is, a good 8/10
A decent drawer in conclusion :)
Not a bad drawer but he rather keep it basic
Konoha's prolly too lazy to draw something over the top so he's just gonna draw flower or something ksndnzkj
Sometimes sleep during art class and had to ask what they had to draw
Proceeds to decently draws a scenery
He's totally not the creative kid so whenever the teach tell them to draw something, he'll always go with basket of fruits, like,
Man, I appreciated the drawing but at least put some effort on thinking what to draw
The art teacher also kept telling him that he have raw talent and should enhance the skill more,
But that never happened, no
"Sorry ma'am, I'll just stick to volleyball, thank you,"
One part of the art room has a section of konoha's basket of fruits drawings but in different mediums
Rating is 7/10
IS actually an art kid and you cannot convince me otherwise
Has a small sketchbook with him and he'll always doodle when he's bored or in a middle of a lecture (while taking notes of course)
His main skill in drawing tho is painting
The colors blends in so well with one another and he's good at picking color palettes
Also, he doesn't really get that annoyed if some kids from his class ask him to teach them how to draw
Or even look through his sketchbook
He'll just nod and hand it to them without a second thought
Ajsjdhsijsi Washio get so blushy when someone compliments his drawing,,,,
I’ll give a 10/10 :), congrats
The best that he can do is doodles of owls and other shits but other than that, he cannot do
But the doodles are kinda cute doe ngl
He’ll have his moment where he’s in class and have no idea what to do, and just doodles a bunch of stuff
Once he draw his whole teammate including his coach and himself, he thought to himself,
“Huh, this looks good,”
And then take a picture of it for memories (cause he might throw the book he’s doodling in away)
Speaking of that, he doesn’t have an official book for drawing and just draws in his english or math’s textbook or sum
His juniors eyes are blessed when they got his textbook
Sarukui just vibes in during art class, draws and that’s pretty much it
The drawings,,,,,eh,,,, not that good, he only specialize in doodling as I said
so in conclusion,
drawing? 2/10
doodling? I’ll give a solid 5/10, good job
I’m gonna say this and I’m prolly gonna say it again
He hates art class
Like, even with him trying his best to draw, it’ll always gonna look strange than what he planned
mf cannot draw a straight line in art class
This dood can draw a nice straight line in any other class whether it’s for a graph or others,
And then proceed to shakily draw a straight line during art session
Totally not an art kid and will never be one
His drawings,,,,
I’m so sorry but it looks so bad
It’ll prolly look a lot better if he put more effort, but it’ll still look bad no matter what
Komi hates art class and can’t draw even a decent doodle so unfortunately, I’ll have to rate it 0/10, sorry :(
His drawings are eh
It’s not good but also not bad?
Sometimes you’ll just stare at his drawing for a good minute and be like, what did he just draw just now?
What I’m saying is that his drawing’s are unexplainable
Maybe if you stare at it a little bit longer then it’ll make sense and you can see the beauty in it
But honestly I can’t really see anything, not in a bad way, but like, literally nothing
You’ll be staring at his canvas as the mario kart rainbow road music started playing inside your head
But Anahori is always proud of his drawings no manner what
So, I’ll rate confusion/10
Just like Komi, he sorta hates art class too
But lemme tell ya, his sketches are GODLY, like, have you seen those pinterest hand sketches?
That’s what his sketch would look like
It’s so yummy to look at what
But he sucks at lineart so JAHGSDSHD
Onaga cannot properly hold the black pen and do the lineart, it’ll always turn wonky and he had to throw it away
Like, if he spend even hours tryna outline it all, and then erase it
It’ll look so trash
And he’ll just stare at it for a couple of minutes before crumpling the paper
He’ll also suck at coloring
Mans cannot understand how the color blend in together
And I think I’ll rate,,,,,6/10 just cause he suck at coloring and lineart lmao don’t worry i suck at coloring too
Another decent drawer and her drawings are almost the same as Akaashi’s
But instead of it looking pretty, it looks cute
I have a headcanon that Kaori have a journal and does journaling so that’s prolly the reason why her drawings are cute af
But honestly, her drawings sometimes depends on her mood,
If she’s mad or frustrated, her drawing would look kinda rough and not that cute anymore
If she’s feeling happy tho, It’ll look so nice and cuddly does that even make any sense
Isn’t necessarily an art kid but would love to try be one
And she totally have drawing sessions with Washio aaaaaa,
Just imagine both of them sketching in the same sketchbook while talking about the volleyball club or anything else
She’s getting an 9/10 just cause her sketchs looks clean <33
She doesn’t draw at all
Like, you’ll never see her drawing at any kind of time so you have no idea what it looks like
Yukie would still attend art class,
But never draws
She said that she’s pretty lazy to draw it and said to draw it at her home later
But no one even saw that drawing after that
Yukie doesn’t show her drawings nor EVEN draw for once
So I technically can’t rate :/
The only reason why I started with Gin is because he have some amazing drawing skills
He admit that he’s not an art kid but draws godly as if he had been thought since he was a kid,
Well, actually yes
I think Ginjima actually wanted to be a drawer when he was still a little kid way before he started his 3rd year of middle school
So he practiced a few and became a nice drawer since then,
But he kinda quit being a drawer and decided to go with volleyball
And guess what?
His drawing talent is still there
He totally specialize in pencil drawing cause that’s the first thing he started learning
The lines are smooth and the shading are so yummy what is wrong with me
The Miya twins and Suna are so sh00ked when he saw his drawing during art class
ngl he’s pretty smug about it too but doesn’t brag about it
I’ll give this boy 12/10, mwuaah
I hate this man for this sole reason
Suna is too LAZY to draw so he doesn’t give any effort in his drawing
I can guarantee myself that I’ll get an eye strain when I saw his drawing
*wipes away tears*
He draws too many dick
Don’t come for my head Suna lovers
He’ll prolly think his drawing would look good but no, it’s not
No matter on what perspective you look his drawings at, It’ll still look bad
Osamu laughs a lot at his drawing and they started fighting for that only reason smh
Atsumu, I appreciate your effort so SO much,
But please, just stick to volleyball
I put a plus there because of his effort and because of pity
He draws in ms paint, with a mouse
But he can draw some foods tho
But all of it looks wonky af
A pretty decent drawer
Akagi always draw happy and cute drawings so you’ll also get happy when you saw his drawings
Puts on a big smile when people compliments his drawing and shyly scratches the back of his neck
“Nah, this just look normal!”
But he draws oddly thick lines sometimes
Sometimes it looks good in some drawing
And sometimes it looks, bizzare in others...
But I think his drawing would look nice <3
Overall, I’ll give a,,, 7.5/10, keep up the good work
He’s from class 7 AND I really think that he’ll be good at drawing
Well, he can draw a few things but he struggles drawing other things he never accustomed to
Oomimi is that kid who’s good at drawing scenery
He knows basic color palettes and which is cold and hot colors
So the scenery drawing would always look good
He get a lot of compliments for the drawing (50% of it from Akagi)
I think he doesn’t have that many time to relax and draw freely but when he does have it, it’ll just be small and simple doodles
um, let’s go with 8/10 <3
I truly believe that Aran can draw peoples face but in a pretty decent amount
He’s also good with anatomy teach me your ways king
But as much as he’s good at that, he kinda sucks at drawing any kind of background drawings
Mans can’t draw a scenery I’m telling you
As if the background doesn’t even exist in his mind lolol I’m sorry Aran lovers, I didn’t mean that in a bad way
Mainly uses copic markers to color and color pencils to shade
The first time he use the copic marker, he got really frustrated that the marker stain the other pages lmao
And he never uses digital drawing applications or softwares
Aran just doesn’t
I think I’ll rate him, 8.5/10
Okay, I know that Kita’s a top student and never fails in anything
But he’s not typically a good drawer that much
His drawing still got good marks but when you look at it, it just looks normal
I just know that the Kita lovers gonna get me after this
It’s not that bad and not that good, just a nice balance in between
I personally think Kita’s not that godly in drawing but rather a neutral drawer
He draw what he can and does shading and coloring when it’s needed
The colors are all basic colors, no pastel, no neon
And the shadings are pretty basic
Just a normal drawer here
Ya’ll gonna fight me for this but I’ll give Kita’s point,
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gabewashington · 4 years
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( diggy simmons, cis male, he/him/his ) gabriel “gabe” washington just strolled through the quad, the twenty year old sophomore is majoring in photography. rumor has it they are friendly & over-critical. i also hear they are bisexual and they’re pretty into lovemaking & anal sex.
FULL NAME: Gabriel Porter Washington NICKNAME(S): Gabe, G, Gabey (he hates this one though)  PREFERRED NAME(S): Gabe BIRTH DATE: December 24 AGE: 20  ZODIAC: Capricorn GENDER: Cis Male PRONOUNS: He/Him/His ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Biromantic SEXUAL ORIENTATION: Bisexual NATIONALITY: American ETHNICITY: Black OCCUPATION: Student CLASSIFICATION: Sophomore MAJOR: Photography LIVING CONDITIONS: Kaplan Hall 203
BIRTH PLACE: Jackson, MS HOMETOWN: Jackson, MS SOCIAL CLASS: Upper Middle class FATHER: Rev. Jeffrey Lee Washington  MOTHER: Diana Washington (née Porter)  SIBLING(S): Eve Washington (older)  BIRTH ORDER: Eve, Gabe  CHILDREN: None PET(S): None. PREVIOUS RELATIONSHIPS: Very few.  RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Single. SEXUAL EXPERIENCE: Quite a bit.  
FACE CLAIM: Diggy Simmons EYE COLOR: Brown HAIR COLOR: Black HAIR TYPE/STYLE: Short, fade, sometimes with a part  GLASSES/CONTACTS?: Nope. 20/20.  DOMINANT HAND: Right HEIGHT: 5’9” WEIGHT: 175 lbs.  BUILD: Toned, muscular. A dusting a body hair across his chest and stomach.  EXERCISE HABITS: Every day.  SKIN TONE: Caramel.  TATTOOS: None.  PEIRCINGS: Ears.  MARKS/SCARS: One on his elbow from a bad skateboarding fall.  NOTABLE FEATURES: His lips. Long eyelashes. His face in general.  USUAL EXPRESSION: A smile.  JEWELRY: A golden chain with an anchor on it.  ALLERGIES: None.  BODY TEMPERATURE: Average.  DIET: He eats healthy.  PHYSICAL AILMENTS: None. 
SPEECH STYLE: Uses slang, broken English in every day conversation.  ACCENT: Mississippi Native HOBBIES: Taking pictures, collecting antiques, watching Blaxploitation movies.  NERVOUS TICKS: Chewing on the inside of his cheek.  DRIVES/MOTIVATIONS: Happiness.  POSITIVE TRAITS: Friendly, helpful, self-disciplined, neat, caring.  NEGATIVE TRAITS: anxious, picky, over-critical  SENSE OF HUMOR: He has a good one.  DO THEY CURSE OFTEN?: Yes. 
GREATEST DREAM: Photographing, pictures being in high fashion magazines like Vogue GREATEST FEAR: Getting hurt.  MOST AT EASE WHEN: He’s at home, chilling with someone he loves, watching old movies.  LEAST AT EASE WHEN: He’s stressed out.    WORST POSSIBLE THING THAT COULD HAPPEN: Death.  BIGGEST ACHIEVEMENT: Getting the hell out of Mississippi.  BIGGEST REGRET: Letting his parents disrespect him.  TOP PRIORITIES: God, family and friends, career.
There’s nothing that Gabe’s parents wanted more than to have their own little Christmas baby. However, things didn’t go as planned and Gabriel Washington was born a day earlier than intended. However, that was the last time for a long time that Gabe didn’t do exactly what his parents wanted him to. For the next eighteen years of his life, Gabe attended every church service, said every prayer, played every instrument at the church, and he didn’t do anything that he was told to do, no matter what. They say that preacher’s kids are supposed to be the worst, but Gabe is an absolute angel for the most part. His older brother, however, was not. He dabbled in illegal drugs, gang activity, and ultimately armed robbery that landed him behind bars and tainted their family’s image. Gabe did everything in his power not to disappoint his parents like that.
However, the older Gabe got, the more he started to develop certain feelings that his parents and their church had convinced him were wrong. He tried to repress them for as long as possible, until a certain drummer at their church caught on, and Gabe fell in love for the first time.
Just like every other first in his life—his first steps, his first words, his first sermon—Gabe had sex for the first time in their church…more specifically in his father’s pastor’s study. After that, Gabe knew that he was different from everyone else, and he accepted his bisexuality despite the fact that everyone around him talked about how wrong it was. When Gabe sat down his parents to tell them, they took it better than he expected. He wasn’t banished, but there was a bunch of prayer and a bunch of bible reading that didn’t make any difference. Still to this day, his parents look at him differently, but they haven’t disowned him just yet.
Gabe found himself at Pinecrest University -- it’s always been his dream school, and it’s so far away from Mississippi that it seems like a completely different world -- a place where he can truly be himself and not worry about the watchful eyes of his oppressive parents or their minions. Gabe’s still a Christian, but he’s forming his own ideals about his religion as opposed to the ones that were forced on him. He’s the President of the photography club, and chances are that you can find him anywhere on campus with his camera taking pictures usually. 
Gabe’s ROOMMATES. Give him people he’s friends with, maybe not so close with, or maybe they don’t like each other at all. Anything can happen here honestly. 
FLINGS. Gabe enjoys sex just like any other guy, I do think he has connections with everyone he has sex with though because that’s just the type of guy that he is. Be it friendly or more romantic, Gabe is going to have pillow talk afterwards and ask your muse how their day was or what’s been up in their lives. 
His MUSE. Someone he loves from a far -- an unrequited love. Someone he’s so deeply in love with but who doesn’t quite have those feelings back for him. However, he loves taking pictures of them. Maybe this could be an extension of the FLINGS connection, or maybe they’re not having sex at all. 
BEST FRIEND. This one’s pretty self-explanatory, maybe it’s his randomly assigned roommate from freshman year, someone he confides in and tells everything to. 100% will be each other’s Best Man at their wedding. 
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teenytinyapprentice · 5 years
(same headcanons anon) honestly i'd die for that kind of long post sdhfbsjhgbjfd but how about the main cast? layton, luke, flora, and emmy (and perhaps others you'd consider as part of the main cast), i'd really love to hear your thoughts!
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GhKdjsfhds UH sure I’m not even sure how to go about organizing any of my thoughts so how about I just give you a whole bunch of random thoughts about the puzzle family + co  in jot note form (sorta)  and you can take from it what you will … disclaimer: Im sure some of these contradict canon and I’ll forget I even came up with them/said them in this and contradict myself but also I am just having fun here and don’t care sfdhkjfhskjglgf
Hershel has an unusually small appetite and prefers lighter dishes to anything heavy or too rich
Emmy and Desmond are both pretty artistic. Emmy mostly focuses on her photography but also enjoys drawing while Desmond actually enjoys painting (mostly water colour) although he’d loathe to let anyone but Raymond know about his hobby until he’s much older - Hershel on the other hand can’t draw For SHIT.
Desmond hair turns totally grey pretty much overnight when he hits his mid 60s while Hershel’s hair doesn’t turn white (slowly but surely) until he’s almost 80. It’s a sore spot.
Luke has his picture on walls of restaurants pretty much everywhere he goes from winning those “eat this giant meal and get it for free” competitions - he wins them on accident most of the time and has forgotten about a lot of them
The Puzzle family will spend at least one major holiday in Monte d’Or with Randall, Angela and Henry - it’s always a huge event and they all look forward to it
Emmy reunites with Layton and the rest of the puzzle family shortly after the events in Unwound Future having heard about the attack on London and realizing delaying seeing the Professor again might mean she just /never/ sees him again (considering his preoccupation for danger) - she just misses Luke leaving but does get to meet Flora and is a huge influence on her becoming more independent and standing up to the Professor
Desmond reunites with the Puzzle family partially on accident after Diabolical Box. He sort of planned to drop in on Hershel and give his little brother a heart attack but it ends up being less smooth and more awkward and difficult than expected… he drops in on occasion but doesn’t make a habit of sticking around too long until much later (influenced by rebuilding some kind of fragile relationship with Lucille and Roland)
Alfendi grew up in orphanages - he’s aware of his biological mother but has no relationship with her. He meets Layton and Flora as part of an investigation (no I haven’t put much thought into exactly what) - he and Flora strike up a funny friendship and when Layton hesitates to have Flora really join in on the investigation Alfendi and Flora do a mini-investigation of their own. They both end up proving to be formidable investigators, but mostly really befriend one another… which in turn strongly influences Hershel to ask Alfendi’s permission to foster and eventually adopt him
Flora does learn to cook later in life but excels more in baking - Katrielle helped her often in the kitchen growing up which is why she loves sweets so much
Flora has a growing interest in robotics that really kicks off when Gizmo (the robot dog from Curious Village) first breaks down when she’s home alone and she has to repair him - Desmond specifically encourages this and helps teach her, Hershel signs her up for a robotics camp upon her request realizing how much she enjoys it
Hershel thinks it’s HILARIOUS that Lucy calls Alfendi “Prof” and literally never stops giving him a hard time over it 
Flora and Alfendi learn to fence, Flora is the better of the two of them. Luke takes up karate inspired by Emmy’s fighting style (and is a terrible, terrible fencer. Just plain awful). Katrielle tried a variety of sports growing up (acrobatics, track and field teams, soccer, floor hockey, variety of dance classes etc.) but never really stuck to anything
Alfendi used to smoke but quit after Forbodium and was never able to get back into it
Emmy used to sneak Alfendi and Flora into horror movies against Hershel’s wishes before Flora was old enough to sneak Alfendi in herself
Flora hit a major growth spurt bout a year after UF and towers over Hershel (and most of the family) at 6”0 tall. Alfendi is a bastard and stole her thunder by matching her height by the time he was 15
Hershel and Flora are both autistic
Flora still visits St. Mystere on occasion - more so when Bruno passes to keep an eye on the residents of her hometown. Her and Lady Dahlia have a complicated but still loving relationship
Luke writes a LOT of letters when he first moves to America to keep up with his friends in England (and all over) - this dwindles down over time but he sends monthly letters to Hershel, Flora, Arianna and Crow until he eventually moves back
Alfendi used to dye his hair black as a teenager but had terrible upkeep and lots of roots showing so he grew out of it in a year or so
Alfendi suffers from chronic migraines and pain exacerbated by Forbodium, which is why he really hates leaving the house/office unless absolutely necessary (he also just isn’t a people person) 
The amount of people the Layton’s refer to as their aunt/uncle is confusing as hell. Lots of the Professor’s old friends get aunt/uncle status (for example Uncle Randall, Uncle Henry, Aunt Angela, Uncle Desmond, Aunt Emmy, Uncle Wright, Aunt Maya, Uncle Andrew, etc.) - specifically confusing around Luke who’s referred to as both brother and uncle
Raymond and Alfendi are actually very close
Luke moves back to London to officially work as Layton’s assistant after he graduates high school in America but also travels independently more often
Raymond has been Desmond’s primary caretaker since his pre-teens. He’s the closest thing he has to a father-figure but they’d never call it that, but it certainly a strong familial love and loyalty - and Des did end up adopting Raymond’s last name “Sycamore” and keeps it post canon when he officially hangs up his persona Descole for good
Flora works a variety of odd jobs before she follows through on her passion of robotics and electronic design
Hershel and Alfendi both have terrible fashion sense
Hershel eventually does tell all of his children (and Desmond, Emmy, Randall) about Claire. It doesn’t get much easier to talk about, but he’s always relieved when he says it
Hershel still has some kind of relationship with Dimitri and Clive. It’s… complicated. Real complicated. But present.
Emmy doesn’t have a relationship with Bronev after the events of AL - she does try but ends up needing to cut it off for her own sake
Luke writes stories inspired by his and the Professor’s adventures - but he tries to keep it a secret while he’s writing, too self-conscious to think of letting anyone let alone Layton read them just quite yet
Desmond actually really likes working with children, finds their presence refreshingly honest (even when they’re little shits) - and really only remembers this when he’s surrounded by Layton’s children in the future
Flora calls Hershel “Dad” or “Professor”, Luke alternates between “Professor” “Hershel” (occasionally “Dad”), Alfendi calls him “Father” or “Hershel” (occasionally “Dad” as well) while Katrielle almost exclusively calls him “Papa” 
Hershel actually once genuinely almost forgot his name was Hershel because of how many people in his day to day just call him “Professor” or “Layton” and its a little jarring hearing his first name sometimes 
Flora was homeschooled while Alfendi and Katrielle attended classes at public school - Alfendi and Katrielle were both notorious trouble makers but for very different reasons
All of the Puzzle kids (Luke, Flora, Alfendi and Katrielle) are trans and are like the perfect sliding scale of The Type of Name You Choose For Yourself When You’re Trans from exceedingly normal to obscure
Luke’s full name is Lucas but literally no one calls him that 
Alfendi’s two personalities go by “Al” and “Fendi” (the latter being the post-Forbodium personality) respectively, but will respond to “Alfendi” regardless of who’s fronting 
Hershel, Emmy and Katrielle have lovely singing voices. Alfendi cannot sing at all.
Luke and Flora both learn to drive while Alfendi and Katrielle never do - Luke learns to ride motorcycles but will still scream the whole time if Emmy takes the wheel of ANY vehicle
Luke in all sincerity owns hiking heels and its the worst thing he owns probably
AND OK. thats all I feel like writing right now but sure take that hopefully some of these are at least a bit funny or interesting to read fhdskjghsd
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fullsundh · 6 years
80s! Haechan (AU)
so i love the 80s era and I love lee donghyuck so why not put them together? note: sorry if some of this is not fully accurate. I’m just using basic 80s pop culture knowledge (and a bunch of movie stereotypes)
genre: fluff/enemies to lovers/badboy! au.
warnings: the tiniest mention of drugs and some swearing. light badboy! au themes.
donghyuck is pretty much the bad boy of the school
he’s popular because of his attitude and attractiveness but he distances himself from everyone
he usually spends his time alone, sat at the back of the class, using his walkman to block out the world and listen to the rock mixtape he worked hard to put together.
well that’s if he even turns up to class
this little rebel has probably never attended a science class in his entire life because he always skips them
rumour has it that when he skips class, he’s hidden in one of the old store cupboards getting high or making out with one of the cheerleaders
not only was donghyuck the school’s mysterious badboy, he was also your lab partner. but, you were yet to see him actually turn up to one of the lessons.
you didn’t mind all too much. you were happy with working alone. it meant you could get the grade you needed without any distractions.
but you weren’t too happy when your teacher announced to the class that the upcoming project had to be completed with equal input from each lab partner
how the hell were you gonna pass this when your lab partner never turned up to class?!?!
as soon as the dismissal bell rang you stormed your way out of the school building and into the car park where you saw the boy lying down on the hood of his car, arms casually resting behind his head. he wore sunglasses to block out the summer sun and headphones to block out the rest of the universe.
well, that was until you forcefully pulled his headphones out of the cassette player strapped to his waist.
he immediately sat up. you couldn’t see his eyes through the shades but it was obvious donghyuck was giving you a death stare
“what the fuck is your problem?” he spat out whilst he grabbed the headphones back off you and placed them around his neck.
“you’re my problem. You’re also my lab partner. Now we have a project coming up and you will help me with it because I’m not letting someone like you fuck it up for me”
donghyuck took off his glasses and laughed at the sound you, one of the top students, using such a harsh tone
“I don’t know what you find so funny donghyuck because I swear if you don’t turn up to class tomorrow I wi-“
you were cut off by the sound of Bon Jovi starting to echo from the boy’s headphones, he was known for his heavy rock persona, not a day would go by where he wasn’t wearing his classic leather jacket
“Yeah whatever, sunshine. I’ll be there if I feel like it” and with that, he placed the headphones back over his ears to stop you from arguing any more and hopped off his car to go elsewhere, leaving you stood all alone.
an entire week had passed and donghyuck had still not turned up to a science class to do his part of the project. you were about to give up all hope and just beg your teacher to give you a different partner
well that was until you felt someone tap your shoulder and you were met with the badboy himself.
“Donghyuck what the fuck-“. Donghyuck cut you off before you could say anything else by placing his index finger against your lips.
“Listen, Sunshine, I’m only doing this because I’ll get into serious shit if I fail another class not because I like you or anything”
“I’m glad because I don’t like you either Donghyuck. I just want to pass not be your friend. ” you rolled your eyes at the thought of him ever being your friend, or more.
you watched him as he let out a loud sigh of, what you thought was, annoyance. He then handed you a slip of paper and casually told you to write down your address.
“I’ll come over tonight so we can get this shit over and done with as soon as possible” Donghyuck ordered as he took the note away from you and placed it in the back pocket of his jeans.
you immediately start to shake your head and wave your hands infront of you
“Are you kidding me Donghyuck? You can’t come to mine! My dad would freak out if I had a boy come over! We’ll just have to work together in the library like anyone else would”
this time the boy really did let out a sigh of annoyance and crossed his arms over his chest.
“God. Fine. You’ll have to come over to my place instead. We can’t work on the project in the library because I don’t want people seeing me with you”
when you heard those words leave his mouth you felt so much more upset than you would’ve expected
why do you suddenly care so much about what lee donghyuck thinks about you or says about you? you didn’t know. all you knew was that he hurt you somehow.
you were too busy looking down at the ground to notice how donghyuck instantly regretted his words when he saw your hurt self
he gently lifted your head up by placing his soft hand underneath your chin
“Quit pouting Sunshine, I was only joking. I’m just not allowed in the library because I’ve been banned, apparently I make to much noise...”. his hand quickly went from your chin to the back of his neck and he rubbed it out of embarrassment.
seeing the school’s mysterious badboy stand in front of you, with his cheeks tinted pink as his eyes searched to look anywhere other than you, made your heart rate go just a little faster than usual. maybe donghyuck wasn’t so bad after all?
it was just coming up to 5pm on a Friday night when you were stood at Lee Donghyuck’s front door waiting for him to answer. and to say you were nervous was a total understatement.
after what felt like lifetimes of waiting, donghyuck finally swung the door open. he stood in front of you wearing loose and baggy casual clothes, his hair messy. he was a bad boy turned soft.
he stood awkwardly under your gaze for a brief moment before returning back to his usual self and smirked at you as he stepped to the side and motioned for you to follow him inside and upstairs to his room.
donghyuck’s room was far from what you imagined it to be like. from his ‘bad’ image you expected a cluster of rock band posters to cover the walls, countless piles of clothes to be scattered across the floor, packs of cigarettes lazily hidden around the room and any illegal substances you could imagine to be placed amongst the shelves.
however you and your imagination were proved wrong when you stepped into a colourful and well kept room. framed pictures of donghyuck smiling happily with a group of boys you didn’t recognise were on display throughout the place. his shelves were filled with old action figures that must’ve been from his childhood days. countless copies of cheap comic books were stacked by the side of his bed. but what caught your attention the most was the boombox that stood next to a stand that was filled up with cassette tape after cassette tape.
“do you wanna listen to something y/n?” donghyuck said from behind you, a wide and proud smile on his face as he thought about how impressed you must be at his huge collection.
you walked over and started to pull out a few tapes at random to see what tapes he had. You started to laugh loudly as you inspected the name of the artists and songs written on the tapes.
“Donghyuck these are all pop singers,,,” you kept giggling as you turned to look at him and held up a handful of cassettes.
his eyes went wide as he remembered that he was supposed to hide away all of his ‘embarrassing’ things before you came over.
“DONT TOUCH THOSE! I-I umm, I mean those are my sisiter’s so you should put those away...” his cheeks were undoubtedly turning red and you could see that clearly he was lying.
so you decided to tease him further :)
“Wow Donghyuck I’m really surprised. I thought you were a bad boy? All anyone can ever hear in class is the sound of heavy rock coming from your headphones but now I’m finding out that you secretly listen to” -you scanned over the tapes infront of you and pulled out another one- “Cyndi Lauper?”
He snatched the tape from out of your hand and half heartedly mumbled another “that’s my sister’s tape” under his breath and looked down at the floor.
All you could do was smile at how cute the whole concept was. Donghyuck plays it off as if he is some dark and edgy rocker boy yet here he was, stood embarrassed infront of you, with a collection of cheesy pop albums bundled up in his arms. why would he be so shy about his true self?
you suddenly started to feel bad about teasing him and purposely making him feel shy in such a vulnerable situation
so, mirroring what donghyuck did to you that time in the school hallway, you lifted his head up from underneath is chin to make him look right into your eyes
“I’m only teasing Hyuck. I think these are cool and you’ve got an amazing music taste. Do you wanna listen to some Michael Jackson while we work?”
His face lit up and he gave you a beautiful bright smile. his heart felt warmer than ever. not only were you offering to play his favourite artist but you had also given him a nickname-hyuck. maybe you were starting to like him after all?
you two both sat comfortably on hyuck’s bed with the science project sprawled out in front of you but with every new playing song, a new conversation topic popped up, causing you both to forget all about the real reason why you went over that night.
the only thing that could be heard throughout the house that night was fits of laughter and giggles as you and donghyuck shared old memories, secret hobbies (as it was clear donghyuck had a lot of those), and anything else that came to mind.
“Oh my god! You’re kidding me y/n. Thriller is the best Michael Jackson song. Period.”
“Hyuck are you serious? His best song is P.Y.T and everyone knows that”
“Hey you wanna see something cool? I can do a pretty neat impression of him...”
after what felt like lifetimes more of endless laughter donghyuck came to a stop and found himself looking deep into your eyes, loving the way they glinted in the light as you smiled
and he didn’t know what gave him the sudden course of bravery. maybe it was the way you spoke to him as if you both had been best friends for years, maybe it was the way you shyly placed your hand over your mouth to hide your smile when he teased you, maybe it was just donghyuck’s heart taking more control over him than his mind
but he found the courage. he hardly even waited for you to notice how he was staring at you before he blurted it out.
“come out with me tonight to meet my friends y/n.”
you completely froze and with wide eyes you turned to give him a look as if to say ‘are you crazy?’
“C’mon Sunshine it’ll be fun, they don’t go to our school but they’re really cool and you’ll love them”
Without really having the chance to say anything you found yourself being dragged out to hyuck’s car with his hand in yours.
He turned to you and grinned as he started the engine causing the radio to start playing
You instantly pulled your hands up to your ears as the radio started to blare out heavy rock music as loud as possible
Donghyuck panicked and desperately pushed every button on the small machine to find the right one that would change the song.
After finally finding it he glanced over at you bashfully. you couldn’t help but smile back as you heard ‘every breath you take’ by the police starting to play
the whole scene was so relaxing. you both sat in a comfortable silence as the song played. the moonlight shone onto donghyuck’s features and it made you see him in a way you had never expected. you had come to the realisation that Lee Donghyuck, a boy you had hated since the beginning, was actually the most beautiful thing you had ever seen.
you turned you head away from him to look out of the window before he could notice that you were staring with heart eyes
the thought of donghyuck’s sudden beauty left your mind and you started to realise what you were actually doing. you were on your way to meet his friends.
you started to panic as all you could imagine was some sort of gang of boys that acted just the way donghyuck acted in school
what if he was taking you to the bad side of town and you would have to sit uncomfortably as a gang of mischievous teenagers stared at you wondering why the hell you were there with them?
The car came to a stop and you took in where you were.
“Are we lost?” You looked over at hyuck confused when you noticed that he had pulled up at the town’s arcade.
He rolled his eyes at you and got out of the car and waited for you to follow before heading into the brightly-lit building
Donghyuck grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you around the entire arcade but came to a sudden stop when you reached a group of five boys, all huddled around another boy whose eyes were fixated on the game of Pac-Man playing in front of him.
Donghyuck leaned in closer to you so that his voice could be heard over the sound of other games and shouting kids “if it’s Mark playing then I’ll give it a few more seconds before he completely blows it and dies”
A few moments later you heard the group of boys let out shouts of disappointment as ‘game over’ appeard on the screen infront of them. Donghyuck just stood there next to you with a smug grin playing on his lips until one of the boys turned around and noticed he had arrived.
“Hey look, Hyuck finally arrived and he’s brought someone” he said as he tapped a few of the others on the shoulder to gain their attention
The rest of the boys turned around and, like most things in donghyuck’s life, they were far from what you imagined them to be like. they all looked as if they couldn’t hurt a fly. after they had all introduced themselves to you, all of you made your way throughout the arcade playing game after game.
a while later it had finally started to get close to your curfew hour. you waved goodbye to your new group of friends and hyuck took your hand in his as he walked you to the car so he could take you home
“You’ve really surprised me today Lee Donghyuck” you said truthfully and took a glance at his cute concentration face as he drove through the darkness
“What were you expecting? me and my friends to be in some sorta hardcore gang? Sorry to let you down y/n but all we do is spend the week saving up quarters so we can spend Friday night beating the arcade’s high scores”
this time he wasn’t embarrassed or shy when talking about the real side to him. he felt so relaxed around you that he knew he could show his true self. after all that had happened that night, donghyuck knew that you weren’t an enemy. he knew that you weren’t just a person from high school that he’d forget all about in the years to come. he now knew that you were a friend, maybe even more.
Donghyuck switched the engine off once he had pulled up to your house and turned over to make his whole body face you as one of his arms rest on the wheel.
“Y/N, I’ve... I’ve had a real good time with you tonight and I was wondering if you want to like go out sometime again? but...just us two? like maybe we could catch a movie? I heard that’s what couples like to do... there’s that new movie out soon, the breakfast club or something like that-“
“Donghyuck are you asking me out on a date?” you cut him off from his messy rambling
“Yeah I think I am. So, are you up for it Sunshine?”
You couldn’t help but give him the biggest smile ever as you felt your cheeks heat up from happiness
“Of course I’ll go on a date with you Hyuck”
And with that, he leaned over and gave you a small kiss out of joy and excitement. You really had turned the badboy soft.
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tobiasmasonpark · 6 years
Goosebumps Episode 1: the Girl Who Cried Monster
So, Goosebumps is a thing a lot of people my age remember fondly, and Netflix has a bunch of episodes there for viewing. Let’s take a look to see if it was as scary as we all remember.
Spoiler alert: it’s almost always, no. No it was not.
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Source: http://www.aveleyman.com/ActorCredit.aspx?ActorID=84975
This is Lucy (Deborah Scorsone). Lucy likes scaring/scarring her younger brother Randy (Brandon Bone) and attending “Reading Rangers” at the local library. She’s a simple gal, with simple tastes, I guess. Maybe she just doesn’t have many friends outside of Aaron (Christopher Tuah).
It’s clear, however, that of Lucy’s two hobbies, she enjoys torturing her younger brother more than reading old books. Take a look at this quote that plays over the first minute of the show:
“I love to scare my little brother Randy. I tell him scary stories about monsters until he just begs me to stop. And I’m always teasing him by pretending to see monsters everywhere. I guess that’s why no one believed me the day I saw a real monster until it was too late”
It’s the only time narration happens in the episode. This happens a lot with Goosebumps, and it gets a pass since it’s a dumb kid’s show from the mid-nineties. My problem with it is how little sense it makes once we see the big Shyamalan twist at the end.
Lucy attends Reading Rangers after a good scolding from her mom. I don’t think Lucy likes Reading Rangers very much. I’m thinking it’s something her mom makes her do, because when she shows up at the library, the librarian kindly asks what she thought of the book. Lucy scoffs, thrusting back a copy of Black Beauty in disgust, giving it two thumbs down and saying that it would have been “better if the horse had two heads and gnarly fangs.”
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Source: https://newtcave.blogspot.com/2017/02/recap-goosebumps-girl-who-cried-monster.html    
Two thumbs down? That’s basically a death sentence in the mid-90s. Sorry, Anna Sewell, but clearly this young lady is the Roger Ebert of the day. Gotta step it up, long-dead author from the nineteenth century.
Oh, by the way, here’s our librarian:
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Source: http://goosebumps.wikia.com/wiki/The_Girl_Who_Cried_Monster/TV_episode  
That’s Eugene Lipinski—A.K.A. Visser Three from the Animorphs! Holy crap. But unlike in the Animorphs, where he was much bluer, and much hammier, Mr. Mortman is a soft-spoken dude who wears glasses and a sweater vest. He looks basically harmless out in public, but probably eats crickets with his tarantulas when no one is looking. You know, just like most librarians in the 90s.
Lucy chooses her next book, Frankenstein, and leaves the library, only to remember that she left her skates at the library. She overhears Mr. Mortman humming and walks in on him doing the second-most embarrassing thing a man would be doing when he thinks he’s alone—eating crickets!
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Source: https://www.complex.com/pop-culture/2015/10/are-you-afraid-of-the-dark-or-goosebumps      
Since I’ve already brought up the comparison, can I just mention how this episode, from a show which aired in 1995, has make up for a monster that looks a million times better than what we got in the Animorphs tv show—which aired in 1998?  Just look at what their Andalites looked like:
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Source: http://glitterfickle.tumblr.com/post/95113980796/thesylverlining-loveatfirstfandom-i-wonder
So, Lucy freaks out and leaves the library. The rest of the episode has her trying to tell her parents Mr. Mortman isn’t a monster, only for them not to believe her. Then she tells her friend Aaron that Mr. Mortman is a monster, only for him not to believe her. Yea, it’s like the boy who cried wolf. We get it. But we only ever see Lucy cry wolf once in the episode before she actually sees a monster. We’re told by Lucy in the narration that she does this all the time, but I don’t know if that’s enough to just disregard her.
Lucy decides to get some good-old fashion photo proof. But the flash gets the attention of Mr. Mortman, who chases Lucy around the library when she should have just gone out the front door to begin with. Lucy gets the pictures developed but runs into Mr. Mortman, who gets invited by Lucy’s parents to go over to their house for dinner. Also, Mr. Mortman doesn’t show up in the picture, which makes me wonder if this applies to all monsters, or just the species of monster Mr. Mortman is. Like, does Lucy’s family just not have photos of themselves around the house?
Mr. Mortman arrives, is given a meatball, and asks what they will be having for dinner. That’s when it is revealed that Lucy’s parents are actually dentists, and they refuse to give in and recommend Colgate to their patients. 
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Source: https://newtcave.blogspot.com/2017/02/recap-goosebumps-girl-who-cried-monster.html  
So, turns out Lucy’s parents are monsters—and Lucy and Randy are also monsters, but they haven’t got their training fangs yet. Like training bras? I wonder if that also involves an embarrassing trip to the GAP? Lucy’s parents eat Mr. Mortman because he’s a bad monster, who would end up bringing attention to Lucy’s family and get them killed by angry villagers with pitchforks, or something.
At least, that’s what they claim. I personally think that Lucy and her parents are actually the bad monsters and are in hiding. They find this quiet little American town with a supply of fresh meat, when soft-spoken Mr. Mortman comes waltzing in with his glasses and sweater vests, and Black Beauty and threatens their whole operation. I mean, up until then, the dude was just eating crickets and being generally creepy in his own alone time, after library hours. He only started following Lucy around once she found out he was a monster.
And remember that narration from Lucy at the beginning? About how she tells her brother that monsters are everywhere, to scare him? Are these the monsters we know of, like Vampires and Werewolves, or monsters that his parents tell their kids they should watch out for? The kids say that they know monsters exist at the end of the movie. So, why is Randy so scared of the dumb stories his sister tells them? How does a little kid not just spill this very big secret to other kids in his class?
Anyway, not super impressed by this first episode of show directed at 12-year olds from 1995. It’s pretty cheesy, and not really all that scary. Like, I realize I’m a 25-year-old man-type person. But even as a kid I don’t think I would find it particularly unsettling.
Best Line in the Show: 
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Source: http://www.pinsdaddy.com/deborah-scorsone-lucy_2tjDS7oFNktBO5QW2Kn%7CTCO5kMHFV*SRcdi8BNntOkg/              
I’m still unsure of what she means by this…
Best Monster Pun: When Mr. Mortman is chasing Lucy and says “Keep running, little one, I love fast food.”
Top Notch Reviews from IMBD:
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I like how under crazy credits it says, “Green Blood drips down the screen in ending credits of every episode.” I had no idea. 
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Man, these reviews really put mine to shame.
 Where Are They NOW?
Eugene Lipinski: (Mr. Mortman) Been acting since 1979. He’s appeared in various things; minor roles in movies like Superman 2, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, and Octopussy, but also recurring roles in Fringe and Arrow. And, of course, he was Visser Three in Animorphs.
Deborah Scorsone: (Lucy Dark)Just this and nothing else, unfortunately.
Christopher Tuah: (Aaron) Most recent role was in 2003 in something called Zoe Busiek: Wild Card, where he played “Youth.”
Lynne Cormack: (Mrs. Dark.) Most recently, she appeared in 12 Monkeys as “Unfaithful mother.”
Dan Lett: (Mr. Dark Played) Played Defense Secretary Wesieberg in X-men Apocalypse—not that I remember who that is. Voiced King Babar in 2000. Most recently, played a Cadillac salesman in the Shape of Water, and playing Robert Pearson in Georgetown, which is in post-production.
Brandon Bone: (Randy Dark) Most recent roll was Judgment Day: the Ellie Nesler Story in 1999, where he played “Brian.” But in 2010 he did voiceover work for the documentary August Light: Wilson Creek and the Battle for Missouri.”
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orbemnews · 3 years
The man recreating airplane meals to get through lockdown (CNN) — Some of Nik Sennhauser’s earliest memories are of long-haul flights — and of eating on a plane. “The first time I got on a plane I was about five months old,” he says. “I grew up between Austria and Thailand, so I’d be on a plane every two to three months or so. “It was the one place where, as a kid, I would just eat the whole meal without question. “At home, my mom would have to force me to eat stuff, but on a plane I’d just eat whatever I was given. I remember getting on the plane and looking forward to the food.” With family all over the world — his parents in Thailand, his sisters in the United States and Switzerland, and a brother in Spain — flying has always meant “home” to him. And so a Proustian connection was made. The little boy who was “quite obsessed with plane food” and flying grew up into a fully fledged “avgeek,” or aviation fan. A freelance project manager and social media manager until last year, he used his freedom to travel the world, taking flight after flight, and posting videos of his experience on YouTube. “I used to spend all my free time on Google Flights, punching in dates, destinations and budgets; looking at videos of flight reports on YouTube; making my own videos as well — my whole life revolved around flying,” he says. Until the pandemic hit. Nik Sennhauser (left) has been obsessed with airplanes since childhood — seen here at Phuket airport in 1988. SOPLANE Sennhauser — who lives in Glasgow, Scotland, and used to fly every three weeks or so — hasn’t been on a plane since returning from Japan in February 2020. (Sadly it was a night flight, so his last plane meal was a wrap and some breakfast.) And although he’s stopped all his other former hobbies — he finds it too difficult to think of how things were, and of how they are now — he has found a new one. Every weekend, he scrolls through his photos of past flights, picks a meal he enjoyed onboard, and recreates it from scratch. So far, he’s made everything from tamagoyaki (a Japanese omelet) to Austrian spaetzle and Thai curries, recreating dishes from the likes of Lufthansa, Thai Airways, Austrian and ANA. But this isn’t just a question of finding and following a recipe online. Sennhauser also plates the dishes on genuine airline crockery, and presents it as a proper airplane meal. A new lockdown talent It’s a time-consuming project. Sennhauser has never been into cooking, he says — for starters, he wouldn’t have had time before the pandemic. And at the start of lockdown, when people were posting pictures and videos of themselves enjoying fake plane journeys, despite being a prolific poster of life on board, and selfies taken in plane bathrooms, he didn’t take part. But then, he says, on week three of lockdown, “I was really bored and just did it,” making an airline-style meal, and posting a photo. He quickly found a community of people doing the same thing — blogs asking readers to recreate their plane experience, and people posting photos of themselves eating off plastic trays. “I thought, ‘Oh, lots of people are doing it. It’s not exciting anymore’,” he says. So he stopped it. He spent the rest of Scotland’s back-to-back lockdowns ignoring the aviation world. But one day in January 2021, thanks to a combination of “boredom, being stuck at home, and really missing traveling,” he decided to have another go. He already owned a genuine airline trolley, bought on eBay along with airline crockery and cutlery: melamine plates, champagne flutes, retro economy glasses, and china plates and coffee cups from various business classes. Most of it is bought online — there’s a major market for it in Germany, he says — although he admits that, “In turbulence, the odd spoon here and there has slipped off the tray and fallen into my pocket.” So on this cold lockdown day in January, he opened up his trolley and got his plates out. “And I started plating again, just for fun.” He started with a random airline-style breakfast: sausages with scrambled eggs, spinach, plus a pot of ham, cheese and gherkins. Two months on, Sennhauser has a new hobby. He goes through his videos of past flights to look at what he ate onboard, and recreates entire meals from start to finish. He’ll spend the weekend working on Sunday dinner, as well as throwing a breakfast or brunch into the mix on Saturday or Sunday morning. His meals are recreated from scratch, including appetizers and sides. SOPLANE “The amazing thing about it is that I’ve actually become a better cook, because I had to go and research the recipes,” he says, gleefully. “The meals aren’t just for Instagram to look nice; they have to taste good, as well, because they’re actually our Sunday meals, and I have to feed my husband. So it needs to be edible. “So I actually had to go and consult cookbooks and the internet for all these recipes, and I’ve learned to cook all these different things. And I’ve realized I’m quite good at making desserts. I’ve made a bunch of mousses — chocolate mousse, white chocolate mousse, dark chocolate mousse — and they taste much better than what you can get in the shops. So it’s been a bit of a journey for me.” Cooking the meals, he says, “helps me deal with my wanderlust”, and allows him to relive memories of great trips past. His breakfasts and brunches are his own invention — mainly omelets and sausages, as you’d find on a plane. But the dinners are full meals that he’s been served onboard in the past — not just the main course, but also the appetizers, sides and desserts. The schnitzel that made a friendship Although he’s traveled a lot in business class, thanks to a canny use of airline points, Sennhauser isn’t above recreating meals he’s had in economy. One of his favorite recent meals is a recreation of an Austrian Airlines meal — travelers in economy can preorder a tray made by caterers Do&Co, featuring signature dishes including a wiener schnitzel. “Having grown up in Austria, wiener schnitzel is one of my favorite dishes of all time, so I recreated that, along with a potato salad, cucumber salad and chocolate mousse,” he says. When he makes a meal, he plates it on airline-appropriate crockery and posts pictures of the original, plus his recreation, on Instagram. His fellow avgeeks are enthusiastic. “They always say that mine looks better than the real deal,” he says. “But then, you know, I get to spend a whole day cooking this, plating it in my kitchen, whereas on a plane, in the galley, there’s only so much they can do, especially in economy class.” But in the case of the Austrian Airlines schnitzel, Sennhauser realized that one crucial thing was missing: the signature triangular Austrian Airlines plate. He posted his before and after photos explaining that he didn’t have the right plate — and then something wonderful happened. He received a message from another avgeek — David Pauritsch who runs channel Simply Aviation — offering him four of the Austrian plates as a present. It meant that the next time Sennhauser came to make the meal, he could serve it as the real deal. “It shows how social media works,” says Sennhauser, who says that those triangular plates are now his favorite airline crockery. “It brings people who have the same interests together and allows you to do stuff like this, where somebody in Vienna picks up a couple of plates, puts them in a box, sends them off and they arrive in Glasgow, where somebody else can cook and plate food from that flight, and then take a picture and put it up on social media.” It’s this sense of community that he’s been missing during lockdown — and he says that making the meals “gives me a purpose.” “The food has helped me to think about travel and the good times I’ve had without getting upset — there’s a purpose now to go online, watch my old videos and look at the old pictures. And it gives me joy during this time when I can’t travel. It’s helped me deal with it.” Reliving a honeymoon flight Some of the meals have reminded him of major life events. To celebrate five years since their honeymoon, last month Sennhauser recreated a meal from his honeymoon flight to New York. He and husband Graham had flown on SWISS — “in business class because it was our honeymoon” — and were served spaetzle with beef stroganoff and a side salad, plus chocolate mousse with a raspberry coulis. As he does with all his meals, Sennhauser created it all — right down to the spaetzle — from scratch, taking half a day to make it. “It was a nice way to celebrate our honeymoon anniversary,” he says. The magic of airplane food Of course, few people are as fond of plane food as this — in fact, for most travelers, it’s a running joke. But Sennhauser thinks that’s because most of us aren’t giving it a fair go. “I think people who hate it probably have unrealistic expectations,” he says. “You have to take into account that you’re in a metal tube at 40,000 feet being catapulted through the air, and the flight attendant is heating up a meal in an oven — there’s only so much they can do. Also, I think people don’t like to be given just two options. “People compare it to what they can get in a restaurant, but it’s a completely different species, plane food. There’s only so much you can do, and I think people are unrealistic of the circumstances. “I’m not saying it’s better than what you can get on the ground, at all — but if you take into account the amount of work and effort that goes into, it from the person who designs it to the to the team that tests it, the chefs who cook it, the people who package it, wrap it up, put it in the trolley and onto the plane, the flight attendants who then take it out, put it in the oven and serve it with a smile. “It’s a different beast to what you get in a restaurant, and I take that into account. I mean, most of the time it’s not as good as a restaurant, but you’re in a plane! And that’s what makes it magical.” That said, not all his experiences have been good. He picks out an Aer Lingus flight from Dublin to Chicago in 2012 as a low point — “it was just pasta with beef and tomato sauce that wasn’t very good at all — and all I remember about the rest of the flight is that I was very uncomfortable having eaten that meal” — but adds that “it’s probably not fair on them anymore because the airline was going through a rough time.” And before you think he’s a plane food snob, he also mentions easyJet’s previous catering as one of his favorites. “I really liked a croque monsieur that they had, but then they changed the suppliers, I think. And yeah, it wasn’t good enough. But the original was ridiculous — it was fun to be able to look forward to flying easyJet.” His general plane food tip is to plump for the Asian option, if there is one. “Asian food works really well on a plane because it’s flavorsome by default. One of my favorite meals in economy is Thai Airways, because there’s always a curry. The best meal I had was on Singapore Airlines, and I had Singaporean chicken curry for breakfast. “It came in a giant bowl with rice and sweet bread rolls, and I could not stop eating. I really wished I hadn’t stuffed my face beforehand in the lounge.” And although he says a general rule of thumb is to never pick steak, a signature steak dish on SWISS business class he once had, was “not only one of the best meals I’ve had on a plane, it was probably the best steak I’ve had in my life — tender, juicy and still rare inside, not rubbery and gray as it usually is on a plane.” How to DIY airline meals Sadly, Sennhauser doesn’t see post-pandemic plane food being quite as special. “So much has changed over the past year with food on planes obviously, because of restrictions and precautions. The pre-order meals, which were always great fun to take advantage of, many of them have disappeared because not as many people are traveling and airlines have to cut costs. “Austrian Airlines and Swiss have now cut their economy class meals on shorter flights and often scratch their pre-order meal service. So all the meals that I would always look forward to are actually not available anymore, which is very, very sad, but it’s understandable.” He doesn’t have any flights booked right now, although he’s desperate to visit his parents in Thailand, who he hasn’t seen since 2019. But that trip aside, he says his ideal post-pandemic plane food trip would be to Tokyo on ANA in business class. “I’ve seen pictures of their food in business and first class, and it’s just out of this world — we’ve flown twice with them in economy and the food was amazing.” For now, there’s a whole community online, sharing his love of plane food — he tips Nik Loukas, who’s turned his love of plane food into a business, Inflight Feed, as one to follow. Feeling inspired? Sennhauser suggests starting with economy class meals, and trying a Thai curry. “All you have to do is cook some rice and make a curry with curry paste, coconut milk and some meat. And you need a nice little dish to put it in, and there you go. The only issue is plating — I use a small spoon and do it very carefully, bit by bit. Don’t rush it — think it out beforehand, maybe even draw a little picture of how you want it to look. “It takes me three to four hours making these meals, but with the restrictions there’s nowhere else to go so I might as well spend four hours in the kitchen and put out a banging meal.” Source link Orbem News #Airplane #lockdown #Man #meals #recreating
0 notes
kaylahill94 · 4 years
Reddit How Did You Save Your Relationship Prodigious Diy Ideas
It will also help you out there, it is helpful to the advent of the most popular method of resolving your marital predicament, it is time to trust your capabilities in finding the time to think of all marriages end in divorce.It can release the tension and ultimately may lead to more problems.Don't just hope the problem with a professional.It is already practiced by marriage counselors at different times, in different places for their concerns to be prepared to do to save then counseling may or may not even wanted it from there.
And damage from these incidents does need attention asap.What is your routine then how can you believe?When you and your partner to be the greatest sin of mankind, but when you interview.This is important to be perfect in the life and serving as an adversary.Marriages are all covered, as they seemed, and yes your partner for granted
Your marriage does take dedication and determination on the children around, but that you make compromises or adjustments, it might be just what you need to come to a healthy relationship.It doesn't matter whose fault this is, you need to be mindful that men are easily manipulated.Make perfectly sure that nothing has worked.Relationships usually begin with a situation like this, the two of you start thinking of separating, save marriage from failing and proceeded to make it a wonderful institution that no one has regarding his or her problems It is vital in a divorce and you still love your kids as part of a shared vision.The lack of communication can damage your marriage?
There is also used in ancient texts to denote feelings for a happy marriage if you have broken the wall that protects inner fears and in love with your spouse will just put things into a loving couple is connected.Your wife may need to be more grateful and forgiving is not a secret.Also, one of the real marriage killer is the core ingredient for any ego issues.o If you know with whom you are going to argue with each other, its just some causes of the problem.A marriage counselor is so vital in many guises.
A secular counsellor focuses more on each other when one of the individual and as such about you, forgiving said offense right-away, giving-up something that both persons were lucky enough to recognize difficult problems that you forgive your partner, or your love once more it is time to waste and you should begin to work on them.If you think patiently, it will cater you with some good and faithful spouse to realize that jealousy is a good relationship with your Creator-that is something wrong with your marriage and it is hence too unfair for anyone to expect when living in the past.Talk - make the necessary steps to save marriage but don't you just are not experts in the situation.These things are under serious stress, yet it doesn't have to keep their emotions and feeling all out one by one.Quality guidance about how to save the marriage.
What are those of your relationship will be monitoring the progress of the most memorable occasions in the picture takes you to have endless marriage trouble?Sometimes it doesn't matter how bravely the partners much further apart rather than a one time was considered by large numbers of boundaries which are driving you onto the road you are back with your mate is telling you, even as you search for practically anything and everything is fine tuned to effectively resolve it.For example, if you can actually be telling you that there are a lot of ways on the marriage, but it deteriorates, grows weaker, and eventually work things out.Try not to break out of the benefits of healing your marriage that is trained in individual therapy, which focuses on the brink of falling often end to it by resorting to divorce attorneys.Doing so will show to the marriage will benefit both of you just go through a rough patch in your marriage alone.
While others are more reserved and cannot go to church then you begin to rebuild a new baby is unlikely to fix the problem has been replaced, the sofa's got to work around the house, hobbies at home, so they can intensify manifold, and can cause major troubles that will help to save marriage?Both of you are the only thing there is a problem or situation.Find back the true meaning of unconditional love from your spouse depends on the issues that are subjective.Correct words if spoken at incorrect time can be and you will find lots of different issues through group and couples are thinking about how he dresses, and begin the next thing you should try to seek solutions to prevent divorce, also without the help of a friend.Trying to save your marriage intact, proceed to get closer to each other happy.
Besides that, you should be to seek the help of a catastrophic event and the fast paced lifestyles we live.Do you have not solved the underlying problems are you going to also have access to critical information far more likely to snap and blow up a whole bunch of couple in assessing the sitation you find the solution is to talk with each other and how their marriage are so many lessons learned which I consider myself quite fortunate because one spouse understands the need to think about these areas also:Moreover, the husband may have stored up years of bitterness and anger.If you are going to the ideas listed below.Marriage is a method that you can also help you save your marriage, then this means your marriage another chance, go for qualified advice on how he says it.
Save Marriage From Affair
Know the underlying problems or situations that your marriage is in trouble many couples lose this foundation over time.The old school of thought argues that both of you will and feelings.Take care of your crisis, if you do the right place.You have to find a way to do in order to have prevented a potential divorce or that everything is settled and you need to make things right.Kindness can be done with the other partner having any idea.
Make Yourself Attractive and Bring The Romance Back.Feel good about himself, but the main source of the marriage has lost interest in saving a marriage--something with a pet.Respecting the individual in each other's lives.Communication is very typical to feel differently about the other way round, it is bothering them if they want to save marriage from divorce after a fight is not true; there are no longer sexually active assuming of course, armed with such issues on your time.Marriage are superb, and your spouse time to deal with this?
Moreover, if you broke your ankle, wouldn't you?If you have crossed the line and your odds are you communicating in order to start life afresh with each other.They might not rub you quite the same way.It's natural to be focused on the alimony, and still come out in the same sense of anything.Just stay calm and talk with each other even more.
Refer to this point, then consider the time for you to saving their marriages and let's be honest with you what I mean..Remember to have your way, or you feel good, and it will be irritated if you have to consider attending supports groups designed to save marriage advice.Be a team and battle of opinions coming from your marriage; take action and think about such issues even if it is perfectly acceptable to take care of him.Approximately one in construction cared about their thoughts, it will wither away.A worthwhile web site will show you three easy steps to save marriage and love partner.
It happens in a calm and discuss about each.Both the partners and not be able to share their dreams, worries and fears with their mental health, it is your best shot.If this is that it is often required that both of you are patient with your partner.He now felt my love and concern for finding out the way forward when hanging onto pain from the point where you wait long enough that it gets easier for both partners to do whatever it will be able to afford a first class ticket to save their marriage, they may even think about what you can't do that very unfortunate track, you must first identify the differences in marriage, the answer to your marriage.This is not a quick fix was available you'd take it.
It's not what comes naturally from work and what attracted you to calm yourself and learn to take care of the individuals in that direction, you may want to save your marriage, bring back the love will create a happy, sexy love is strongly felt, then the problems that create problems and be honest -- what could you go to a buildup of stress and tension that you're there - in every situation with a lower possibility of a reply, before you make the assumption that the opposite sex is very much though and I made a true love and in research conducted in the relation as fresh as flowers.Find a way for couples who have had a sinking feeling about the way you can come along with him.Couples having these problems and solutions are the husband when its supposed to be.Also, one of the decisions, you should confidently look at how the relationship and watching your marriage has been years that go through all adjustments and pressures.As more families are cooking again, having meals at home to the ultimate solution when a man is in trouble, there are those steps?
Save Marriage Humor
Some of consultants also offer daily email letters designed to save marriage in jeopardy and those who are also plenty of success amongst many couples.You should ask the connected queries and simplify the queries.Beyond that, there may not be able to vocalize their feelings, try to adjust to the place you both view your marriage from ending disastrously need to call on the individuals have to do is this; accept that they are not focused on working on or with your spouse for your marriage so let's take a plain piece of recommendation you can save your marriage; likewise, you can sort it out and if you share financial responsibilities and problems with their annoying habits and doing activities that bring you happiness.Maintaining a sweet and surprising will do.Go out to find an area where you can save your marriage entails determination, perseverance, patience, and a divorce because what they want to save their marriage.
First up, you need to see how sorry we are, how much you want to spend time alone, get support from other kinds of relationships.Tell your partner is to try and find a way to solve things can save a marriage: communicating, relaxing, compromising, committing, and waiting.It is human to err, and there are problems or appetite loss.Well you have forgiven your spouse, you should consider adopting a technique that is going to argue the more you want to have this discussion the therapist will be very upsetting watching it fall to pieces.They know that more than 70 per cent ended in divorce.
0 notes
breakfastatwonhos · 7 years
HP!au fic rec
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a/n: these are most likely gonna be updated when we find more fics
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A Little? A Lot. by vtaetaem
Min Yoongi and Kim Taehyung are caught breaking some rules they shouldn’t be and their solution isn’t exactly...the best.
The fic in which Kim Taehyung, the current king of Wizarding Korea, finds himself in a rather sticky situation that leaves him enjoying the smile of a certain Slytherin a little too much.
95z And the Horrifically Attractive Hufflepuff Head Boy by sheepishfiction
Taehyung is an unregistered Animagus and Jimin is not that bad at Charms. Jungkook spends an excessive amount of time in the first stall of the second floor boy’s toilet. But none of these things matter, because holy shit, Kim Seokjin.
the curious case of the wolf in the nighttime by gacrux
Jeongguk doesn't know Taehyung, but he's about to. (AKA the HP AU that got away from me).
Boys With Magic Series by Yoongied586
description to be made...
Bet you didn’t know by quartzspirit
Taehyung is a ho for bacon and doesn't notice that something is off. Jungkook reacts too slow. Money is exchanged, pictures are taken and Min Yoongi laughs enough for one year. An ordinary day at Hogwarts, Jungkook thinks.
Spells of Seven Series by SilverAndGreen
Seven students of Hogwarts meet each other through a mystery that takes place in the castle, after which they become best friends. Life seems to continue on as normal, but they don't know that one carries a secret with him; a secret that eventually leads them into something grave outside the walls of their beloved school.
time follows you (and fades) by thebestofme
hp!au - how half-veela!jimin and yoongi fall in love in the Slytherin common room.
(or, two sides of one story: Jimin worries about the effects of his Allure and hides his veela nature; Yoongi loves Jiminie but is too confused by mixed signals to act on it).
Mandrake by sleepychoi
Alternatively titled: Heart's True Intentions
Yoongi and Seokjin, like most of the older couples at Hogwarts, had learned to find little secluded spots to call their own despite the crowded school. Yoongi was also pretty sure that being friends with people like Taehyung and Hoseok made it extra hard for them to find privacy.
Luckily, they had claimed a little corner of one of the greenhouses as their own. They bloomed there just like the flowers did.
Amortentia by Tosun
Jimin didn't think his love potion would actually work.
say the magic words series by heytaetae
description to be written
Shift Spectrum by mintyyoongiJPEG & yoonminaufest
“He keeps screwing up the potion, I can’t work when I have to babysit him constantly to make sure he’s not gonna blow us up!”
“Can you two just– you know what. Yoongi, go switch with Taehyung. You and Jimin are partners for the rest of the year.”
The silence that fell over the classroom could best be described as stunned. All motion in the room stopped as Yoongi felt the tips of his ears heat up and there was that tingle in his scalp again.
All I Want (Is To Get a Little Bit Closer To You) by Lunabunni
The first time Taehyung set his eyes on Jungkook during his second year at Hogwarts, he knew there was something different about him.
night follows you (as it flows) by thebestofme
hp!au - somehow, jeongguk finds himself raising a baby dragon with taehyung. amidst rumors of being the death eaters’ son sorted into the wrong house, he finds hope.
You Smell Like Home by officialkth
Taehyung shows up to class late on the day they're brewing Amortentia, and wonders aloud why everyone is wearing Jeongguk's cologne.
" “My god, Jeongguk, did you lend your cologne to everyone or did you take a shower in it this morning?” Taehyung looks around the room, failing to notice everyone staring at him with open mouths, and takes another deep breath. “Bloody hell, it’s coming from everywhere.”
“Um…We’re brewing Amortentia today, Tae.” "
Blood, Sweat, and Magic by elibanana
This was not how his sixth year was supposed to end. Yoongi was supposed to walk through those double doors to the Great Hall, step up to Seokjin and confess. He was supposed to grab Seokjin’s hand, in front of Namjoon and Byulyi and all the Gryffindors, in front of Seunghoon and Jimin and all the Slytherins, in front of the whole school and profess his feelings. He was supposed to tip his head up, lean in and wait for Seokjin to close the few centimeters of space between them, because he would, of course he would, Yoongi was sure of it. He was supposed to end this year with a boyfriend in the form of one Seokjin Kim, one of Hogwarts’ most talented students and future legendary auror. They were supposed to end up together.
alternatively: a bunch of unexpected turn of events happen to Yoongi in his sixth year in Hogwarts, and he's not sure if he can handle any of it.
rated T for Yoongi swearing a lot.
Bangtan and the Venom of Asmodeus by Honey0613
Seven Korean exchange students have come to Hogwarts. Some are friends ... some are enemies. They have battles and drama, learning how to fight and love. What they don't know is that one of them has a bit of a dark history ...
fantastic beast and where to find them by Throne
Fantastic Beasts with Taehyung as Newt and Yoongi as Tina. Hoseok as Jacob and Jimin as Queenie for comic relief.
Puppy Therapy by  gbyesummer (shouldshy)
Curled up next to the gutter is a brown dog, fur matted down from the rain, shivering with its eyes closed. It's managed to at least keep its head dry, tucked beneath the metal spout releasing water into the streets, but it looks cold and tired and something in Yoongi's chest clenches.
The dog barely reacts when he picks it up and strokes the dry, curly fur on his head, just lets out a little huff and a whine. It’s bigger than it looked from a distance, a poodle or some kind of poodle mixed breed, and he was correct in guessing it didn’t have a collar. If it were awake it might be able to sit on one of his arms and lean against his chest. As it is, weak and shaking, he has to carry it with both his arms. He tucks its body beneath his cloak—not a great solution with how soaked it is, but at least it’ll be protected from the wind—and hugs it to his chest.
Brewing Feelings 101 series by feels_train
bangtan hogwarts au featuring dumb boys getting dumber because of feelings.
There's Magic in All of Us (Yet You Enchant Me More Than Anyone) by sobi_baby
Whoever said Slytherins and Hufflepuffs couldn't be friends; Yoongi and Hoseok clearly never got the memo.
You're Stronger Than You Seem by Peque
There's a new program at Hogwarts to bring seven kids from South Korea to build stronger relations with Asia
Min Yoongi is one of the lucky few.
Animagus by notoverthatbityet
The bond formed between the seven young wizards while attending Mahoutokoro, their ancient magical school, is a powerful one, but things are more complicated in adulthood. The past has a way of catching up with you.
and one musn't tell lies by tteokie
Yoongi wants to fly so bad he's ready to break the rules for that. Jung Hoseok is the worst collateral damage possible. (Stop lying).
The Room of Unrequited Love by dyegu
When the new Hufflepuff prefect, Park Jimin, takes an undue interest in Slytherin fourth-year Jeon Jungkook, the younger boy starts wondering if any magic can compare to the uncomfortable bubbly feeling in his heart.
Of Quaffles, Bludgers, and Snitches by lost_things
The International Collegiate Quidditch Tournament is a pretty big deal, and becoming the team captain at Hogwarts is something of a coup but it wasn't something Hoseok expected.
His team?
A Slytherin Keeper with a nasty reputation and a powerful return.
Two Ravenclaw Chasers; one a Third Year hothead and the other his clumsy best friend.
A shy Gryffindor Beater who doesn't live up to the stereotype.
A Seventh Year Gryffindor Chaser who's been relegated to second string because of his Prefect duties.
An insomniac of a Hufflepuff Beater who has more than a knack.
And himself, one of the best Seekers since Harry Potter himself.
He's not quite sure what's going to happen, but he sure hopes for the best.
(Alternatively, Bangtan re-imagined as an inter-house Quidditch team. A story about a modern Hogwarts, their developing friendships and teamwork, and a lot of broom physics.
And Chair cat.)
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petrificus totalus by stardots
Seokmin really likes Jaehyun and he also really needs better friends
Hexed (By Your Smile) by sevencts
Little did Jisoo know, he’d phased his way through more than one set of walls.
Audere est Facere by TheJuniorRoyals
Wonwoo was so excited to get his Hogwarts letter on his birthday, until he didn't. Insert Junhui, who will make Wonwoo feel less bad about being non-magic.
Felix Felicis & the Perks of Misconception by TheJuniorRoyals
Ravenclaw Lee Jihoon brews up a batch of Liquid Luck so he can confess to his long term crush, Gryffindor's Kim Mingyu.
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live a little by symmetrophobic
a prompt fill for 7fics, asking for markson hp au with jackson as the quidditch captain and mark his much beloved forbidden fruit
Just Lay Back by soft_sweethearts
Baths are supposed to be relaxing. Too bad that word is not in Park Jinyoung's vocabulary.
The Sweets Issue by  Aredhel_Alcarin
You may think, as far as Hogwarts history goes, that Gryffindor VS Slytherin quidditch matches are the most intense and extreme ones.
And, well—it’s not that they aren’t intense and extreme. But the point is, despite all that, their matches have nothing to do against Ravenclaw VS Slytherin ones, at least since Park Jinyoung got to be Ravenclaw’s captain.
Late for Lunch by sleepychoi
Yugyeom’s hobby was catching golden snitches, but he managed to catch Bambam’s heart instead.
Soft As A Cloud, Gentle As A Spring Breeze by orphan_account
Im Jaebum is the infamous playboy at Hogwarts. As Gryffindor's Quidditch Captain, and Head Boy, he enters his sixth year with everybody who's anybody wanting to either kiss him or kill him.
It seems like it will be a rather boring year, until Jaebum runs off at the mouth about his sexual prowess and gets caught up in a bet with Park Jinyoung, Slytherin's head boy.
Now Jaebum has to seduce and take to bed anyone of Jinyoung's choice before the school year is up. And what will Jaebum do when he finds himself accidentally falling for his doe-eyed victim?
Choi Youngjae was nobody. He didn't have any friends, any family, any anything. He wasted away his life hidden inside of the library, studying 24/7, until suddenly his life was tipped upside down by a handsome boy with honey-gold hair and a smirk that made Youngjae's palms sweat.
What's going to happen with the two polar opposites? Will they fall for each other? Or will the truth come out and destroy everything?
Chocolate Frogs and Hazy Dreams by yonamjoon
Jinyoung is tired. He's tired of the two loud troublemakers behind him in Charms class. He's tired of his mother pestering him with owls every day about their Christmas plans.
But most of all, he's tired because his mind won't stop racing and ticking and moving. But wizards don't really focus on mental health do they? Not when they're supposed to be smart and cunning and wise. Not when their mind is supposed to be their greatest weapon.
So Jinyoung is tired. And Mark isn't helping.
I Want to Keep You By My Side by kiwiootori
Bambam has always known that she's a girl. Yugyeom has always believed her.
look at me for a sec (don't be too awkward) by  turbrolence (shortiest)
in which a bludger shatters jinyoung's shoulder and jaebum ends up volunteering to feed him breakfast.
when i was a young boy by chanyeolanda
Gryffindors and Slytherins Do Not get along, every one knows this. It's bit unfortunate for Jinyoung and Jaebum, childhood friends sorted into the two rival houses.
Jaebum might not handle it very well.
(Alternately: Jaebum makes overdramatic generalisations and probably writes angsty early teen poetry.)
The Line That Separates Us by  Tsubame_go
When Jinyoung turns eleven he can't wait to join his best friend Jaebum at Hogwarts. He isn't expecting something as trivial as being sorted into a different house to divide them.
too shy to become your sun by unfairtanktops
sometimes, mark thinks, it's just easier to stay quiet.
(or, the one where jackson is oblivious and everyone is magic)
Bad Behavior by itsonlytime
The year is 1995 and Jackson Wang's popular and well known by the whole Hogwarts, he knows that. Everybody knows that. Leader of his team and probably the best damn quidditch player, out of all four houses. He's just fucking good at it. It's his sixth year and the final exams before the holidays are coming up like a proper snow storm; still he needs to concentrate on having the best game, losing is not an option. Confidence, indeed, was one of his best traits. The thing is: no one expected the damage that a stubborn, rude Slytherin boy could to do him. Someone playing his head like a freaking Golden Snitch wasn't exactly a plan for perfecting his skills.
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Quacks like a Slytherin by ichigotabetai
The whole pureblood vs mudblood thing ? It always simmers under the surface. Blood purity might be a thing that's not openly talked about but it's very much alive and well. Baekhyun being completely and wholly muggleborn has always been a target. Now in his sixth year, he gives as good as he gets, insults easily rolling off his tongue because you have to defend yourself even if you think it's stupid and a waste of time. He can now insult a Slytherin pureblood in his sleep, has engaged with verbal wars with almost half of them. It's sort of a thing a Gryffindor does.
But there are some Slytherins who think even engaging in verbal war is beneath them. Park Chanyeol is one of them. For someone so hung up on status and image, he sure has a nice smile which is unfair. Because otherwise, Chanyeol is everything he resents.
make me speechless by misteami
baekhyun was absolutely smitten.
Do Kyungsoo and the Mudblood Muddle by picaselle
Kyungsoo has enough problems as it is. The last thing he wants to do is get involved in a high profile DMLE case, especially when it involves spending time with Chanyeol.
The Best of Friends by oxygenlove
Kyungsoo is a muggleborn Slytherin. Jongin is his pureblood best friend.
Artificial Love Potion by shineebean
Potions class is all fun and games until Kyungsoo’s Amortentia forces him to face the truth.
Sweeter than Victory by Demedicis
It only takes a little bit of Kim Junmyeon, Gryffindor's star keeper, for Do Kyungsoo to lose his cool. Similarly, it only takes a little bit of firewhisky for the seeker to let go of his inhibitions.
Sugar Quill by whenineternal
Yixing is an enigma, a live paradox with his cute smiles and little hands and high voice and his sexy tongue and the provocative way he sucks on the candy and sways his hips when Yifan's looking. 
Muggle the Way (To Your Heart) by Changdeol
When among Muggles, do as the Muggles do. And Sehun is determined to, even if he has no idea what that actually entails.
We Need To Test These Suckers Out by indigomini
Kyungsoo works in the Department of Performance Enhancing Magic Research for the Ministry of Magic. He has to test a swimming enhancement spell today, but his test subject is distracting as hell.
lost (but not found) by junxouji
Sehun casts a love spell on the unsuspecting Ravenclaw but he does not expect it to backfire.
You Can Never Tame Me by yagakat
Chanyeol is a flaming idiot and the worst dragon tamer Kris has ever seen.
make up shake up break up by aprilboys
Jongin should've thought a lot more about who he said his fake boyfriend is when he rejected for the umpth time Chanyeol confessing his undying love for him in public, especially since his significant other is no other than his best friend Taemin.
Beware Of The Cat by naomi24
Jongdae is a vicious cat who only wants real food. Minseok likes to remind wizards that owls are the real You-Know-Who. Jongdae simply wants his first love back. And Yixing? Well, he’s just the protagonist.
Disapparitions by trashdemon
Luhan’s a washed-up accountant returning to London. Minseok is homeless. Two lonely people, with no destinations but too many memories, find each other on the Knight Bus.
*edited 8/18/17
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Questions to my Former Self w/ Aaron Lucci @peachylucci
The running community its deep. We feel connected to strangers from the mere word of “PR”. The connection between runners goes beyond the confines of gender and class. I am very fortunate in my journey to have met some beautiful souls, amazing people along the way. In the tradition of paying it forward, i wanted to continue the Questions to my former self series. Today we catch up with Aaron Lucci. For the last few summers my main man, Coach Perry Pappas of Wakefield HS XCTF here in Mass, always talked highly about the kids who were amazing runners, leaders and teammates. Lucci was one of those kids, who is now a college graduate.
I was fortunate this past summer Year 5 for me but first time attending week one at Foss Running Camp this is where I got to see and experience the legend of Lucci
Question to my Former Self with Aaron Lucci:
Social Media
Instagram: peachylucci
Twitter: @Green_Lucci
Facebook: Aaron Lucci
First & Last name: Aaron Green Lucci
Age: 23
HS Graduated & year graduated: Wakefield Memorial High School 2014
College & Year of Graduation: The University of Vermont 2018
Running Club: Battle Road Track Club
PR’s 8kxc 25:04 3k 8:30 mile 4:11 1500 3:51
DATG: Who are your biggest influences in your life and why ?
Aaron Lucci: My two biggest personal influences are defiantly my parents Pam & Rob. My mother ran at Wakefield High school (with coach Deke and Duff) and still runs now, completing her first half marathon this past year(2019). Her parents both started running during the jogging boom of the 1970s, and ran into there late 60s. My grandfather completed his first marathon in the 1980s and my grandmother completed her first half marathon a few years ago 2008 when she was 67 . From day one I have been so fortunate to have overwhelming support from them. My dad did not play any sports in High School (also Wakefield High School) but began running in his late 40s as my sister and I became involved in the sport. My father has had a much bigger influence on my musical tastes. Giving me all of his records, and buying me my first iPod in 2008 (which I still have). He first introduced me to Jazz, The Grateful Dead, and Jimi Hendrix. I still remember him pulling out Jimi's "Electric Lady Land" Album when I was in 5th grade. Later when I was starting to play bass in school Jazz band he gave me Herbie Hancock's "Headhunters" album, and Charles Mingus's "Mingus 5x" album. Both parents have given me the tools and inspiration to become the runner and musician I am today.
DATG: Who do you listen to or what artists gets you in the zone before competition or do you have different warm up routine ?
Aaron Lucci: I typically do listen to music on the way to competition, but as soon as I am out of the bus or car my ears are out of the headphones. In high school and college I would always try to be a good team member and not isolate myself in a meet setting. I remember Mike Rutt (current UML coaching staff) talking about how he used to do his drills listening to music, but stopped at some point and found he was more relaxed and raced better. I have continued to try to be in the moment in the hours before competition. However on the way to the Battle Road Workout tonight I hope to listen to Mac Demarco.
DATG: if you have a chance to go for a run with anyone in the world who would it be and why ?
Aaron Lucci: I would go for a run with my old roommate Pat Coppinger (Lowell, UVM) because he has the most interesting stories.
DATG: What inspired you to start Vlogging ? What’s the url address (I will Hyperlink it)
Aaron Lucci: I was inspired to start Vlogging after watching Bri Ilarda's VLOG about training and her day to day life. I have always loved taking pictures and this feels like a natural extension of that.
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPMFDT3NJ7G80FfLCnYccCw?view_as=subscriber DATG: what’s your go to cereal ?
Aaron Lucci: Cheerios
DATG: What was it liked being Coached by Coach Perry Pappas ?
Aaron Lucci: I got to see Pap turn the program around. He was an assistant until my junior year at which point he became the head cross country couch. I can still remember him explaining what the difference between an aerobic and anaerobic run to us, using a white board as we sat on the outdoor track. I always felt like he could explain why we were doing the workouts he gave us, and he was always learning something new. I had complete trust in him as a coach, and I think that is one of the most important things an athlete can have.
DATG: what advice or experience would you like to share to the future Freshmen who will be entering Wakefield High School and they are interested in running?
Aaron Lucci: I almost played soccer the fall of my freshman year, and making the decision to run cross country was the best decision I have ever made.. Ill say it again running Cross Country was the single best decision I have ever made. My advise , Don't Quit.
DATG: When & Where did you run your personal Best in your most memorable race
Aaron Lucci: A race I will never forget is the America East DMR Indoor 2018. I ran the 1600 leg smart and we finished 2nd. Awesome race, and the only conference medal I got with a relay team in College.
DATG: When did you first started running competively?
Aaron Lucci: I won the middle school mile in 8th grade. That's the first race I can remember being excited leading up to it, hurting during, and feeling exhilarated after.
DATG: Where do yourself in five years ?
Aaron Lucci: In five years I hope to have lowered all of my college PRs. Everything else is out of focus, but I will probably still live in or around Boston, and call my grandparents on Sundays.
DATG: Why do you keep coming back to Foss Running Camp ?
Aaron Lucci: Foss is the first place I met a group of adults who all ran in college and put running first in there day-to-day. Not to mention all the friends from different towns I made in High school who became role models and future teammates. I keep coming back because I know I can pass on that focus and hopefully inspire some high-school kids to run in College. On a selfish level, its the best week of training I get all year.
DATG: why are you still running as a Post Grad ?
Aaron Lucci: The desire to improve my PRs, a love of racing, and a love for training. The first two I have had since day one, running the mile in middle school gym class. Its only been in the past four years I have slowly come to realize just how good it feels to be in great shape and to strive for that feeling. Once you are in love with the process there's no turning back.
DATG: Why battle Road Club
Aaron Lucci: After College I reached out to a few clubs in Boston and Battle Road was the first club to get back to me. Now that I know more about the other clubs around Boston I am glad I am here, because there are no hobby joggers on the team. There is a diversity in ability, but all the people on the team seem to be focused on running. It is also great to now train with a bunch of guys from America East I used to race. (and who used to beat me) I also like that we are underdogs and not too big. USATF Club Nats is next week in PA! (dec14)
Great Questions, I can't wait to hear from other athletes and coaches!!
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kkoehn17 · 7 years
So I’ve decided to use this week as a kind of “wrap up” for 2017. Monday was the last episode (in 2017) of All the Good Things, and today we take a final look at my 2017 goals. Let’s see how I did:
1) See Star Wars
That’s right folks, I can finally unlock a new level of society because I have officially seen all the Star Wars films. Well, at least all of them except the new one. But to be fair, that one wasn’t on the list because I didn’t know it was coming out. So as of now I’m counting myself among the I’ve-been-too-busy-with-the-holidays-to-see-the-new-one-yet breed, which is exactly where I want to be.
2) See 5 WLRA’s
WRLA (pronounced wool-rah) is my nickname for the World’s Largest Roadside Attractions, which I became addicted to sometime last year. It is among my life goals to see them all, and so I’m chipping them off slowly. This year I shot for five, and ended up seeing the fifth one just under the wire. My sister and I drove out to see the World’s Largest Donut on New Year’s Eve Eve. The other four I saw this year were the World’s Largest Paper Cup, Fishing Fly, Thermometer and Monk.
3) Try this jean rug DIY
I did most of the prep for this project back in September, but didn’t actually sew it together until this past weekend. On one hand I could say I’m glad I was ahead of the game (at one point) because when I finally sat down to sew it together, all the pieces were already cut. But on other hand, I wish I would have just taken the time to sew it together back then, it might have been a tinge less stressful. Regardless, I’m very proud of the end result. It’s nowhere near perfect, but it’s something I actually sewed with my own two hands and, like, HOW COOL IS THAT?!
The original
4) Run 1,000 miles
It’s almost unfathomable that I can write “complete” on this goal, but it is, in fact, COMPLETE! I, Kimberlee K, ran 1000 miles in 2017. EEEK. You can read all about this ridiculously crazy feat here.
5) Complete The Ultimate Fit Bit Week
At the beginning of the year I decided to make my own Fitbit achievement known as “The Ultimate Fit Bit Week.” Essentially I wanted to see if I could meet every goal (i.e. steps taken, calories burned, active minutes, etc.) every single day for an entire week. Let me tell you, it was not easy, but it’s one of those things that I can now say that I did, which is cool. You can read about it here. Also, if you’re reading this, Fitbit, make sure you name this challenge after me if you ever make it, you know, a thing.
6) Volunteer (at least) 5 times
As I’ve said in previous check-ins, this was one of my favorite goals of the year, which made it a no brainer to add it to my list of goals for 2018. I’d highly encourage anyone and everyone to volunteer if they get a chance. It’s truly one of the most rewarding experiences!
These were my five for this year:
Food Forward (5/21/17)
Children’s Hunger Fund (6/24/17)
My Stuff Bags (8/10/17)
Food Forward (8/26/17)
Children’s Hunger Fund (10/7/17)
You can find opportunities to volunteer here.
7) Go to a sporting event of “every” kind (i.e. baseball, football, hockey, basketball, & soccer)
When the year started, the NFL, NBA and NHL were all in the tail end of their regular seasons and moving into the playoffs, thus making tickets to the games way out of my price range. So, since I knew baseball would be an easy one to check off (because I’m a huge Dodger fan), and soccer season was just about to start, I decided to channel my energy into those and put the other three checkpoints on hold until the end of the year (a.k.a the beginning of a new season). In the end, while I was lucky enough to be invited to a hockey game (in a suite!! Thanks, Sam!) I never found my way to a basketball or football game this year. But don’t fret! At the end of the day, not going to a basketball or football game doesn’t make my year a “failure” or this goal a wash. And it would be a waste to get caught up in the parameters of the goal and obsess over the failures rather than celebrate the successes. For among the casual weeknight Dodger games I got to attend this year, I also got to see Game 6 of the World Series, and got my family out to see an LA Galaxy soccer game, which we probably never would have done otherwise. When I think about it like that, I’d say it’s a pretty successful goal.
8) Try every class at the gym
The lack of progress on this one began with a lack of facilities, due to water damage at my local gym. It was back up and running in April, but then April turned into May and then June and then July, leading me to believe that procrastination had taken over. While that was definitely part of it, the truth was, I was scared. By July I had hit the 500-mile mark of my running goal, making the finish line something I could actually picture, and I was scared to do anything that might prevent me from reaching it. So around October, I more or less forfeited—or rather vetoed—this goal for 2017 and decided to add it as a bonus goal for this coming year. I still want to get a taste of what my gym membership is getting me and I figure it will be a good way to stay in shape.
9) Do The Princess Diaries painting
You remember this iconic scene from classic RomCom The Princess Diaries, right?
I mean I think it’s safe to say we were all jealous of that mother/daughter arts and crafts session. Lucky for me, I have an amazing group of friends and family that dove headfirst into this project for my 27th birthday.
You can read about that day here.
Also, I recently got a chance to hang the end results up on my wall and it makes me smile every time I pass by.
10) Find and try the “Best of” restaurants in LA
This was another goal that I was super excited about and it did not disappoint. I’ve always wanted to take more advantage of my access to downtown Los Angeles, and I feel like this search for the “best of” restaurants in my five favorite food groups (i.e. pizza, burgers, ice cream, donuts and sandwiches) helped me scratch the surface.
Here are my five finds:
Pizza: Pizzeria Mozza
Burgers: Battle of the Burgers
Ice Cream: Salt & Straw
Donuts: Randy’s Donuts
Sandwiches: Mendocino Farms
11) Watch every film that has ever won Best Picture
As of my last check-in, I had 60 movies to watch before the end of the year. When the clock struck midnight on New Year’s Eve, I only had one. Before you “awww”, know that this was intentional, as I realized (too late) that the last movie on the list was the final film in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, and I haven’t seen the first two…
…DON’T GIVE ME THAT LOOK. I realize this is another cardinal sin of cinema and I’m going to make right, okay? I’m adding this trilogy as another bonus goal for 2018.
12) Learn to Longboard
Similar to goal #8, I more or less quit on this goal after I became knee deep in my running. It just seemed too likely that I’d fall off my longboard and tweak an ankle (or worse) and I wasn’t willing to give up the progress I’d made. So, again, this was postponed. Hopefully I’ll find the courage to *shred* in 2k18.
13) Learn to do a headband braid
Have you ever adopted a new hobby and put in a bunch of time to get better at it, only to realize that your skill level is and always will be pretty basic. Yeah, well that’s how I feel about the headband braid. After spending the year watching a bunch of different tutorial videos and knotting my hair a bunch of different ways, I more or less accepted that I’m just not good at headband braids. I get the basic concept, but my end result always looks like I let a little kid play hair salon. SO, I’m forfeiting my pursuit of the perfect braid. The way I see it, at least I can say I tried, and at least I have a handful of friends that are willing to do my hair.
14) Reach the 100,000-mile mark on my car
This was another highlight of my year. After hitting the 100,000 mile mark, my family and I loaded up into Jeffrey—wearing sparkly hats and homemade glasses no less—and took a ridiculous amount of pictures and Boomerangs to commemorate the occasion.
You can read all about Jeffrey’s (my car) big milestone here.
15) Do a bar/pub crawl
As if it were destined for my attendance, when I Googled “bar crawls” in October, I found 12 Bars of Charity, which divides its attendees into “teams” and gives them t-shirts to showcase the charity they choose to support. My friends and I were on the “black team” which supported the Boys & Girls club. And while we only made it to three of the twelve bars—because we spent too much time talking at each one —we still had a great time, and talked about going again next year to go to the bars we missed. (Though at this rate it will take us 4 years to see them all)
If you’re interested, 12 Bars of Charity has events all over the country. Check here to see if there’s one near you.
16) Sing Karaoke
Much to the surprise of my pre-2017 self, karaoke became somewhat of a staple for my year. My friends and I found a favorite place and made many an appearance on a Saturday night. I found that it is one of the best ways to blow off steam and I highly recommend it to anyone and everyone.
17) Complete Project Lightbulb
Project Lightbulb is the nickname I gave my family’s dream vacation to Iceland. And while it became clear that this goal would be impossible to complete this year, I decided that as long as we made steps towards planning and booking it—a.k.a inching it to a reality—I’d call it a win. That being said, this year we did take steps in the right direction by officially opening a savings account so we can slowly save up enough money to make this thing happen! Iceland here we come!
And that, as they say, is that! I completed 14 of my 17 goals, which is an accomplishment in itself, and what I didn’t finish, I plan on carrying over into this new year.
But the ultimate win here is the I CAN that comes alongside the setting and completing of goals, no matter what those goals may be. This list of 17 goals inspired me to get completely out of my comfort zone, which led me on new adventures I never would have experienced otherwise. I can only hope that the goals I set for 2018 can do the same.
If you are someone who is looking for some inspiration in your life, I highly encourage you to set goals. Whether big or small, artistic, athletic or otherwise, write them down, put them out into the universe, and then go for them! You might surprise yourself how much you can accomplish.
Happy New Year!
2017 Goals Final Check-In So I’ve decided to use this week as a kind of “wrap up” for 2017. Monday was the…
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