#just pure garbage men
tenebrous-academic · 1 year
Tragic news, I’m one nervous breakdown away from jumping back on my Kylux bullshit 😔
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monti-moth · 10 months
Ganlink is an endlessly funny ship to me because it’s like “we’re mortal enemies trapped in a cycle of destruction, death and regeneration. We are destined to destroy each other with the world as colateral” but also “you are however looking fine af in that skirt Link is that Gucci please let me hit”
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askthestans · 2 months
Hey Stan, can you tell us stories about your brother Sherman being a total square?
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Stan and Ford: At the same time. You mean Square-mie?
Both of them laugh, not in a harsh way, but the kind of lighthearted chuckles that usually come from one sibling teasing another. It's obvious they love their older brother, but... like most siblings, they'll always jump on a chance to make fun of one another.
Stan: Oh, he always hated that nickname! Look, Anon, lemme first introduce ya to the official scale of Pines fun-ness. At the top, there's me, for obvious reasons. Second best is Mabel, also for obvious reasons. And... He pauses, putting his hand to his chin. Damn, I gotta say, I think Ford's next-
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Ford: I am as much of an adventurer as I am a scientist.
Stan: Yeah, definitely Ford, despite his dorkiness and obsession with... He gestures at Ford's honors and trophies for grades and intelligence related successes from childhood. That garbage. Good grades and other crap. And then-
Ford: Definitely our nephew, Dipper and Mabel's father. Works in IT, very smart, has a little bit more of Mabel's fun-loving nature. But far less adventurous than you or I. You and I could never live a boring suburban life like he does.
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Stan: Grinning. Then, near the very bottom, you've got Dipper. No offense to the kid, but he's Ford's smarts but minus Ford's rebel streak. Walkin' wet blanket at times, always askin' how many laws we're breakin' while we're out havin' fun... although me and Ford are teachin' 'im to grow past it, as much as his parents will let us corrupt 'im. But he at least likes to have fun, I'll give 'im that. So that leaves us at-
Ford: Way at the very bottom of the Pines fun-ness scale, you have... Square-mie. He coughs. Shermie, sorry.
Both men howl with snorts and laughter again, barely able to explain why.
Stan: Wiping a tear from his eye, wheezing a bit. Okay, okay, Anon, picture this: take Dipper and his dad's wet blanket crap and crank it up to 1000. This guy? Our brother? Good ol' Saint Sherm? Guy's never even had a parking ticket his entire life! He won't even jaywalk! He never goes even one mile per hour above the speed limit! He's like the human equivalent of white bread. Of unflavored oatmeal. Got average grades, got a boring old suburban house with a literal white picket fence, had an average job-
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Ford: Shudders. I have no idea how he worked as an IRS accountant for decades.
Stan: Ugh, don't remind me. He's always barkin' at me. "Stan, you pay your taxes yet this year?" this. "Stan, you need to contribute to your civic duty.", that. Cripes, ol' Sherm is like the anti-Pines. A Pines is supposed to laugh in the face of rules and authority. This guy huffs whatever authority's smokin' like he's part of a cult. Even when we were kids, he'd always do chores even when he wasn't asked. Kept his room clean as a whistle. Barked at me to do my homework and foiled our pranks when he could. Pure goody two shoes, so much he'd make an angel blush. I think all of our Ma's rebellion genes went to us, and Pa's strictness went to Sherm.
Ford: Yes, so after I returned and we explained to him what had happened, he...
Both men fall into a snicker fest again, unsure who will stop laughing first long enough to tell the story.
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Stan: Holy mackerel, he... he... Snort. Picture Dipper at, like, seventy years old, but with an even bigger stick up his ass and even less muscles somehow. Gets told this long, convoluted as hell tale about me fakin' my death and pretendin' to be Ford for three decades, Ford gettin' lost in sci-fi sideburn land for just as long, the world almost ending with Sherm's grandkids along for the ride... just mind bendin' stuff... and the first words outta his mouth... and for reference, this guy never swears, and he never has thrown a punch at anyone... he's so square he's a cube! But he just says...
He wheezes, so Ford has to finish the story.
Ford: Snort. He raises his voice a bit, likely to mimic Shermie's. "I just knew I shoulda kicked your asses more when we were kids."
The two howl and cackle with laughter, leaning on each other for support.
Stan: And then he just... walked away, out his door, down the street to the gas station, bought beer for the - and I'm not kidding - the first time in his life, and sat back down in his old man chair and faced us as we just stood there, gobsmacked, while he cracked one open and drank it with an expression like a man betrayed. And he said-
Ford: "You two knuckleheads are lucky I'm even older than you, 'cause if I wasn't, I'd plant my loafer up your ass! You're gonna sit down, shut up, and let me drink this crap while I process whatever the f*ck I just heard and how many goddamn taxes you owe. And then maybe I'll think about huggin' your sorry asses."
More laughing.
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Stan: I'm not sure if he was more mad about the taxes, or the fact that I'd faked my death all those years ago, or... the world ending part where Dipper and Mabes coulda been hurt... or maybe because we drove him to drink and swear and threaten someone for the first time in his whole goddamn life, all in the same day, he... Chuckles. He never really said. All I know is, is I don't think I've ever had my jaw that close to the floor in my life.
Ford: Honestly, I think we just kind of... broke him. Even still, I think he blew our minds more than we blew his.
Stan: He laughs a bit more, then shakes his head. Pfft, can you imagine Sherm kickin' our asses, anyway? He'd probably gently nudge one of our shins and give up. He's too nice for anything worse. That's the thing with our brother: he may be boring as sin, but... he's a good guy.
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Ford: He always protected us from bullies when we were kids. Carried us home whenever we sprained an ankle or broke a bone.
Stan: And bought us ice cream whenever we asked, and fixed our bikes, and patched us up, scared the "monsters" outta our closet, and taught us most of what we know. Kind of like a second Dad, honestly, and one a lot less grumpy. A bit more somber. And he helped our parents out in their old age when we weren't around, until the... well, you know. 'Til the end.
Ford: His smile fades, then he sighs, expression a bit bittersweet. And he did actually hug us.
Stan: He scratches the back of his head, a bit embarrassed, but smiling fondly. For three hours straight.
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cursedkeyboard · 9 months
Babies shouldn't grow up ☆ Jason Todd & GN!Reader
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What does Jason do when he finds a scraggly looking kid trying to pickpocket a gang member in the slums of Gotham? Beat up the criminals and steal the child, of course. [PART ONE ♤ PART TWO ♤ PART THREE ♤ PART FOUR ♤ PART FIVE ♤ PART SIX]
pairings: Platonic Jason Todd & Child GN!Reader
Just like every other story, Jason found you by pure accident
He was doing his rounds in Gotham, tending mostly to the slums where vigilantes didn't patrol as much and police never cared for
And after being tipped by Oracle about gang activity happening nearby, of course he left to check it out
Lo and behold, the place was crawling with gangsters, but not only that, civilians as well
Civilians like you, who managed to swipe one of the gangster wallet so swiftly even Jason wouldn't have noticed if he hadn't been paying attention to the only kid in the area
Needless to say, his interest was picked immediately
First of; Jason always had a soft spot for kids, so seeing one in such dreadful place immediately set off the protective alarms in his head
Second of; You reminded him so much of himself it fucking hurt
Nimble fingers, swift footsteps, a scratched up face
Clearly starved, clearly beaten, clearly abandoned
It was like looking at a mirror and seeing into the past
So when you accidentally bumped into another gangster as you tried to leave the scene, falling to the ground and letting the wallet slip from your hand, Jason didn't hesitate
Before any of the criminals tried to even look at you, Jason was already smashing their faces against the dirty streets
You, a smart street kid, immediately escaped into an alleyway as Jason created havoc by taking every gang member by himself, effectively stopping their arms deal before it even started
It was bloody, maybe a little too vicious for a certain old Bat's liking, but Jason wasn't taking any chances
Once he was done and Oracle had already updated the police to go and grab the knocked out men, Jason went looking for you
Luckily for him, the alley you slipped into was one with a dead end
He found you crouched by a large garbage bin, a cut on your cheek, and a mean little glare
Jason tried hard not to laugh
Look, you were such a small thing at that age, barely ten or so
For someone trying to be intimidating, you sure looked like a puppy
A puppy with rabies that wanted very much to chomp his fingers off but a puppy nonetheless
Instead of laughing, he crouched too, making himself smaller and less intimidating despite his large size, showing you his empty hands when you looked like you were about to bolt or bite
Jesus Christ, you were small
Could you even reach his hips?
In all honesty, he didn't think much at the moment
he didn't stop to calculate the risks or the consequences
not did he really care about how incredibly selfish he was being, trying to mend his own old wounds by using you
All Jason did was pull off his helmet, extend a hand, and ask; "Wanna come with me, squirt? I can get you a much better place than this shithole."
And while you argued that you learned never to trust strangers or follow weird men home, you also knew about Red Hood, the only vigilante to truly care about the poor in Gotham
And he'd shown his face, which, you know, vigilantes never do
So you hissed and tried your best to be a mean little shit
When Jason only laughed, never raising a hand nor his voice, something inside little you calmed down
Adults usually screamed at you when you were being annoying
Some slapped and hit you for glaring at them
But this adult... he was kind
You could tell instinctively, as a kid who barely ever experience any gentleness
You gave in with a grumble and Jason immediately wrapped you in his jacket and pulled you up in his arms
He saw you weren't wearing any shoes and he didn't want you cutting your little feet in some disease ridden glass
You tried to argue
"I'm heavy!" You had squeaked as you tried to push away from his chest
he laughed, annoyingly warm
apparently to him you weighed the same as three and a half apples
He even made a show of throwing you in the air a little when you insisted
Your little squeak put the biggest smile on his face
Jason couldn't lie, you looked fucking adorable when he put you on his motorcycle, his spare helmet so much bigger than your little head
God, he was already growing fond and it hadn't even been thirty minutes since he met you
As he strapped you in as securely as he could, making sure his jacket was closed and the helmet wouldn't slip, a familiar voice spoke up again
Oh, right, she was there the whole time
Oracle asked him if he knew what he was doing
Jason turned his comms off and drove home
He had a room to decorate and a child to feed
And as you wrapped your little arms around his middle, gasping and wow-ing as you saw parts of Gotham you had never seen
Jason knew this wouldn't be a one-time thing
To be continued...
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a-not-so-clean-blog · 5 months
Miguel O'Hara x addicted gn reader
Warnings: Blowjob (Miguel reviving), rough, withdrawal symptoms. Drug use (venom), no beta we die like men. "Pretty" used once but not in a gendered way.
2250 words
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It was an accident; becoming addicted to him was never part of either of your plans, but yet, here you were. Sitting patiently on a plush chair, looking up at him like he was your whole world. At This point he might as well be, considering his venom was the only thing keeping you going.
Funny to think it was an accident that got you both into this situation, but we should probably start at the beginning.
You were your world's spider. Strong, smart, and fiercely impulsive. Good at getting out of a bad situation because you were prone to getting into bad situations. Great qualities for a hero, but this time they really got you in trouble.
Miguel was an amazing hero. Strong, stoic, and a heart of gold, even if he didn't like showing it. He was also the only spider that doesn't have a spidey sense. Not that you knew that when you were silently approaching him from behind.
His back heaved, and his breathing was labored. Clutching his shoulder like a wounded animal, complete with claws half extended. You stopped when you were close enough to see the slight tremble in his whole body. Every muscle tensed and ready to spring at a moment's notice.
“You okay?” Your voice was soft as you reached a hand out to check on him. The next thing you saw was a flash of red eyes and white fangs so fast you didn't even have time to react. He was too fast for you to even feel the pain of his fangs sinking into your shoulder. One of his hands tightly gripped your outstretched wrist while his other hand clutched the nape of your neck. From an outside perspective one could mistake the pose for a tango.
A cool tingling sensation spreads through your veins almost instantly, completely paralyzing you. Yet still even in such a vulnerable position your spidey sense never rang. Slowly his eyes faded from that unnatural glowing red to his normal rich brown. He released you the moment he realized what he had done.
“Lo siento mucho, no fue mi intención-” Panicked and rambling through what you assume is an apology you simply stood there; paralyzed and helpless. His eyes were locked on to where your neck meets your shoulder, never looking away from his crime, and never looking you in the eye.
You should have been scared. Worried or intimidated would have also been appropriate, but all you felt… was excitement.
The venom felt like pure euphoria under your skin. The bite felt hot but each heartbeat sent a cool rush of endorphins deeper into your body. Filling every vein, every muscle, just everything with that beautiful menthol chill. There were no thoughts because it felt like someone stuffed your head with cotton. Was this what his villains felt? This was far too good for them. You silently slipped into your own thoughts; becoming completely oblivious to anything but your own heartbeat.
By the time you regained consciousness and control of your body you had been left in a secluded area of the spider society. A to-go container was left on a stool with a water bottle. This was too little to be a bribe, maybe an apology? Slowly your head started to clear. You wish it hadn't. As the feelings of the venom had worn off, and the physical effects were starting to fade you were left feeling like hot garbage. This just left you alone with a throbbing pain in your shoulder and a strange sense of emptiness.
You hissed in pain when you absentmindedly touched the bite. “Ow! …” Even now your movements were sluggish. Like a marinette fighting against its strings. It's dangerous for a spider to be slow, that makes them easy to squish. Dangerous; that was definitely the look in his eyes. It was stupid to want to see them again, but yet…
You needed to talk to him.
He's been avoiding you. It's been almost two weeks and every time you caught sight of him he seemingly vanished into thin air. The only problem with trying to track another spider is that you are all notoriously slippery.
“Miguel.” He continues to walk away from you, never even sparing you a glance. “Miguel!” You yelled, gaining glances from the other spiders in the hallway, and finally making him stop. “We need to talk.”
His head dipped slightly as he grumbled out a “Fine.” before continuing forward. His pace was swift, not even caring if you kept up with him, and he only stopped when the two of you were in a secluded room. Free from any prying eyes he finally turned to face you, but it felt more like he was looking through you. “Talk.”
His voice was colder than his venom. Low and dark, but you couldn't feel any real malice behind it. “I need a favor…”
His eyes cast over you, looking for any sign of what you were about to ask. He looked almost like he was on edge. Understandable considering how much he does to keep the multiverse intact.
After a deep breath you finally spoke again. “I… I need another hit. I can't even shoot a web straight! God, if Hobie wasn't there on my last mission I would be a pavement pancake right now!” Your hands started shaking. No, your whole body started trembling. Withdrawal had been slowly eating away at you since the incident.
His brown eyes narrowed as he watched you struggle to keep yourself together, slowly working yourself up to a near breakdown. “I never meant to bite you. I'm sorry, but I won't do it again.”
“That's final!” He snapped at you with a slight snarl. He let out a sigh when he saw the despair fall on your face. “I can find something else to help you. I'll make something if I have to, but my venom is too dangerous for even one bite.” You nodded slowly, not wanting to anger him again. With that he walked past you and out the door. “I'll call you when I get something.”
…But it didn't work.
Trial after trial, and batch after batch, but nothing helped. The withdrawal symptoms only got worse. Until finally you were bedridden with a fever and sweating bullets, completely unable to move without wanting to throw up.
Miguel entered your medical room. A range of emotions; hurt, disbelief, anger, and hopelessness, all flashed across your face in an instant before you pleaded. All he did was put his hand up and you stopped. He looked…hurt, but finally he gave in. You needed this, and he was the only one who could help you.
It was finally time for him to take responsibility.
He pulled up a chair next to your bed. “Give me your arm.” His voice was low and hesitant, and you eagerly complied. After a moment of contemplation he opened his mouth wide enough for you to glimpse those glorious fangs before they sank into your forearm.
Your eyes all but rolled back in your head as that long awaited rush of euphoria flooded your veins. “Nnnmm~” it was only a moment before he pulled himself away, but it was enough.
“...When I first bit you I had just taken a dose of my spider stimulant. Think of it like a steroid, but radioactive. This should be less potent than that.” You half listened to his explanation, not really caring what he said but loving the sound of his voice. It's not like you could respond because of the paralytic effect so he continues “I will take responsibility for this. I'll help you wean off of it.” You moved your eyes slightly towards him as he stood up. “Call me when you can.” And again he left you alone; paralyzed, but delighted.
After about a week your symptoms returned. Shaky hands and difficulty focusing being the first red flags prompting you to seek him out. Without question he followed through with his promise to help you. Every time he sunk his teeth into you felt just as good as the last.
This quickly became routine. Every week, weather your symptoms returned yet or not, the two of you would meet like this. Alone together, hidden away from curious spiders. The rush you got never faded but the physical effects lessened gradually. You could move a little now, maybe even give single word responses if he asked.
His attitude also changed from a broken melancholy to something more enticed but conflicted. It soon became apparent that both of you were enjoying this, yet neither of you spoke of the palpable change in expression. That was, until you took that first step farther.
Now what used to be more akin to a medical procedure was more like a carnal rendezvous. It became rare to see his contemplation now, and the weekly sessions left no time for your withdrawal to return.
The sessions definitely helped with the physical withdrawal, but your desire only grew. Desire for his venom; desire for him. No, desire wasn't the right word. This was stronger.
Slowly you reached out to his waist; muscles fighting every inch against the venom induced atrophy. Suddenly but gently he grabs your wrist before you can reach him. You shakily lift your chin enough to see him; his nostrils slightly flaring as he takes deep breath, his eyes completely locked on to yours, and his lips pursed together in a flat line.
Your mouth opened and closed fruitlessly, like a fish gasping desperately for water. Miguel felt a little pity but he couldn't ignore the butterflies in his stomach as you looked up at him hungrily. His own hunger only grew as the next words barely fell from your mouth.
“I'm not going to take advantage of your situation.” His heart squeezed as he denied your advances. His heart was beating rapidly, and it's been getting harder for him to control himself during these sessions. He could feel his will crumble as you looked up at him with begging puppy dog eyes. He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. “...but just this once I'll make an exception.” He released your wrist, and as he opened his eyes his stomach fluttered as the delight spread across your face.
Your movements were stiff and choppy as you staggered to kneel before him. His chest swelled with pride as you looked up at him with that eager doe eyed expression. Each movement was a fight against the venom that made you feel alive, and you were fighting for him.
“Still…hard…to…move…” Your words came slowly, and he patiently waited for each one; his red brown eyes never leaving your lips.
“Would you like some help?” His voice came out like a choked purr. Every passing moment you could see how excited he was getting. His now crimson eyes were a dead giveaway; as was the growing bulge in his suit.
You tried your best to nod; head barely moving an inch up and down, but the message was clear. Gently he cupped your face, thumb running across your bottom lip before sliding back towards your jaw line.
His suit receded to reveal his beautiful fat cock. He helped you open your mouth wide and pulled out your tongue. Once satisfied with your position his hand slid into your hair. His claws barely scraping your scalp sending a shiver rippling through you.
He took his sweet time placing his cock on your tongue. He wanted to give you a moment to back out before you lost the use of your words as well as your body. He let out a shaky sigh as he slid all the way into your throat. Your muscles were too relaxed to trigger any gag reflex and he had no issue going as deep as he pleased.
Slow movement shortly turned into a rough face fucking. His clawed hands roughly gripped your hair for leverage as he buried his bush into your nose with each thrust. It was heavenly.
His grunts were just as delicious as his cock as he picked up the pace once more. Any pathetic little noises you tried to make only gave his cock more pleasure. Your eyes rolled back as your head went fuzzy. The slight lack of oxygen and the effects of the venom making every sensation that much more potent and delightful.
“Merda-” His hips stuttered, and with a pained grunt he pulled himself away from your hot wet mouth. His cock twitched twice before erupting thick ropes of cum across your face. He had to take a few deep breaths until he was able to get control of himself again.
You looked like a dream. Kneeling pretty at his feet covered in his cum. You were all but ensnared in his web, and he loved it.
“When you're able to move more I may let you drink it.” He used his thumb to swipe some of his cum over your tongue so you can have a taste. “Right now I can't risk you choking because of the paralysis.” The taste was exquisite. It only made the euphoria of his venom still in your system that much stronger. If that's the boost a taste could do you were already drooling at the thought of a full dose.
Miguel was very easy to get addicted to.
Lo siento mucho, no fue mi intención: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to
Merda: shit
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georgiapeach30513 · 8 months
Your Mark On Me, Part 12
Summary: You and Bucky are in love, and Bucky has to talk to Steve.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes X Reader
Rating: explicit
Warnings:  explicit language, explicit sexual content, depictions of PTSD/panic attack, mentions of alcohol abuse, mentions of sexual harassment, mentions of drug abuse, soft!Bucky, unprotected sex, PIV sex, creampie, mentions of street life, 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 6.4K
Series Masterlist
A/N: this part does dive into Shy's past with her father, and we learn about Dove's sister. It can be a bit dark. Read ALL warnings, and if you feel it's too much for you, I don't apologize. This story was always going to be dark.
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics
*Bucky edits by @nixakimbo
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There’s a comfort with living here with Bucky and Alpine. You’re able to relax, not fully, but you are getting there. Alpine definitely helps. Bucky. You want to let him in as easy as he let you in, but you just can’t. You could sit and listen to him talk, but don’t want to talk about your life just yet.
You want to, and then you don’t. You need to, but you just can’t. He is giving you so much of himself, including a place to live. Refusing to even take money from you. You weren’t poor, in fact you had done well with your books. That ugly piece of shit house had insurance, so yay for that.
But Bucky. He’s a mystery to you like all men. You know you shouldn’t, but you compare them all to your father. It’s why you wrote; you want to make stories of men that were good, honest, and didn’t have crippling and poor coping mechanisms. Bucky didn’t seem like that. In fact he gave you just enough distance, and you craved him more.
Was crave even the right word? You dream of him. Wished he would close the gap a bit more so you could count the colors of blue in his eyes. Had a desire to snoop in his room just so you knew what cologne he wore or if that scent was purely Bucky.
Why did he haunt your thoughts? Your newest male character was Bucky. Down to the cleft in his chin. The very dimple you longed to poke a finger in, hoping to bring a smile big enough to make the faint dimples appear on his cheeks. You liked when you could get that to happen.
Why couldn’t you be more comfortable with him? Why couldn’t you just speak more than a few words? Every evening he even asked if he was talking too much, and you’d respond by shaking your head no. You’d never been given much of a voice in your home, yet another reason you wrote. Your writing gave you that voice. Those moments to say what you wanted, even if it was fiction. There is always a bit of truth in the midst of fantasy.
If you could have made the perfect man, it would be Bucky. He is handsome without question, but his patience astounded you. He never once raised his voice. He saw you look in the fridge at the beer for too long, and the next day the beer was gone. You still haven’t found remnants of even beer garbage. He watched you curiously as you traced your finger along the walls, asking what you were doing. “They’re spotless.”
There aren't burns, dents, or ripped out wiring in his home. It is fascinating that there was a man that could no doubt live in a world of turmoil and danger, and yet his home is a safe haven for him, you, and even the cute little kitty that snuggled up to you every night.
Alpine is a godsend to you. She followed you around like a lost puppy, well cat. When Bucky came home, she would stand between the two of you, making sure there was a safe distance, but that you could hear her purring. You liked her purring. When she greeted her dad, Bucky would look at you but you kept your eyes trained on Alpine. Only random looks would move up to him. You were a puzzle that he couldn’t quite put together, but he knew once he did that you would be beautiful, even if there were missing pieces.
You kiss the top of Alpine’s head as you allow yourself to drift off to sleep. Sleep still scared you, and you found yourself panting and in a puddle of sweat almost every night, so far you’d been able to keep it within the four walls of your bedroom. “Goodnight, sweet girl. Keep us all safe.”
Sleep was always fraught with dreams that transformed into nightmares. Dreams of how you wished your life with your father was, but morphing into nightmares of how you viewed things with the eyes of you as a little girl. Parties that would get too loud, and your father would start cussing and pushing everyone around before they’d leave.
Parties where he would pass out early, and you’d have to hide in the closet as people would have sex in your bed. You’d sit in the corner of your closet with your fingers in your ears and tears running down your face as you try to block out the noises just a few feet away. You got smarter as you got older, but their gazes would follow you if you wanted food or to go to the bathroom.
Those slobs begged for the days that your father would pass out and they would beat on your door. They never made it in there with you, but their lingering eyes and words to each other was enough for you to swallow bile on more than one occasion.
Your nightmares held the fights that you had with your dad. When he’d drunkenly throw whatever he could get his hands on at you, or punch walls. Even ripping the phone off the wall because the sound of it annoyed him. How many fires had you put out because his disgusting self fell asleep with a cigarette.
This dream is your worst. His ghost is chasing you around the fire that you started on purpose. Letting you know that you would never get rid of him. His voice would be in your ear for the rest of your life, and would even haunt your children. You would never know peace because you were the reason his wife was dead. It’s what you deserved.
His voice repeats ‘It’s what you deserved’ over and over again. Marking itself in your very soul, until you believed that no good could come into your life because you didn’t deserve it. You deserved to live a miserable and loveless life like he did because it was your fault, and you deserved every bit of suffering that ever came in your life.
“No! Nonononono!”
“Hey,” Bucky whispers into your ear, giving your body a light shake. “Hey, come back to me.”
“You’re a liar!” You shoot up in the bed, and see his face trying to touch you. “Stop touching me! Don’t touch me. You’re wrong! You’re always wrong!” Your arms swing at him a few times and he starts to step back with his arms up in surrender, “I don’t want you to touch me!”
“It’s me, Bucky,” your body freezes, but your eyes blink a few times as he comes into clear view. Bucky isn’t your father, and your father isn’t Bucky. “I can leave.”
“No!” You should have let him. Why did you stop him? What is it that you want? “I don’t want to be alone. I’m always alone because he isolated me. I’ve never had a friend, and I don’t want to be him. I don’t want to blame everyone for my problems. I don’t want to be without…touch.”
You extend a shaky hand out to Bucky. Who are you? You didn’t want touch, you wanted to be left alone. Bucky’s head twists to the side as he looks at your trembling hand. His eyes move down to Alpine who is on your lap, and ready to pounce. She never took a defensive approach towards Bucky, “Can I hold your hand?”
“I don’t know,” you answer truthfully for the first time. You wanted him to touch your hand, and you wanted him to go away. Conflicting emotions were complicated.
“How about I hold my hand here?” He holds his hand straight out to yours barely an inch between you, and you close the space and press yours against his. Your fingers look so small compared to his. You bet he could play the piano beautifully. He has long lithe fingers that you wanted to weave yours into his.
His rings are cold against your skin. They were menacing to so many people, but to you they just looked like Bucky. You look up at him and start laughing. Laughing so hard that tears spring to your eyes. This is what crazy is, you just know it. He was going to walk away from you, and you’d never see him again.
Your hand just looked so tiny against his. Holding up your other hand, Bucky meets it with his metal hand, and you can’t stop yourself from weaving all ten of your fingers with his, continuing to laugh. He doesn’t retreat, his mouth just turns up into a crooked grin before he laughs with you.
“Are you okay?”
“I gotta break the cycle,” you laugh even harder, and aren’t sure why. Was this the mental break you assumed would eventually find you? If this was a mental break, you’d take it. You had no desire for alcohol. Didn’t want to turn to drugs. The only thing you wanted was to know that Bucky is smiling, and you wanted to keep learning all about him.
“You are. You’re breaking the cycle,” he answers with so much certainty that it cuts the air off from your lungs. Your laughing stops as soon as it had started, and he smiles as he sits down beside you. “You got yourself a little guard cat. Alpine, I don’t want to hurt her. Are you okay with me here?”
“Actually, yes. I hate men,” his mouth tightens as he watches you. “They’re thoughts of defiling a woman are so evidently clear in the way that they ogle you, and…the things they say.”
“Has anyone ever…”
“No,” you cut him off. “I’m not just saying that to avoid a trauma talk. It wasn’t without trying, but no. Not like that. Not sexually,” Bucky takes the abrupt finish as you wanting to move on past this talk. And yet you’re still looking at him, and opening up.
“Your father?”
“He was a mean drunk, and can we leave it at that?” Bucky gives you a head nod in response. He wouldn’t dig, he never did. “Thank you. I just…I don’t want to be alone anymore. Not in my life, and not in here,” you point at your head as you study his eyes. How were there so many shades of blue? “I’ve never really lived before. Had friends, but as soon as we got close, I’d push them away, and they’d give up on me. Bucky, if I push…don’t give up on me?”
“I’ve devoted a lot of time to you. I don’t want to give up. I always see things through.”
“Thank you,” two words have never held so much power for you before. You could never thank Bucky enough for the things he’s done, but mostly for the things he just said. Everyone with their good intentions always gave up on you. You couldn’t blame them. There’s only so many times that you push someone away that they give up on trying.
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You bump your hip into Bucky’s as you look up at him with a genuine smile. Dates. You have been on six of them now, and he is still as much of a gentleman as he was the night he brought you home with him. The man slept in the bed with you, and still wouldn’t initiate anything. And heaven forbid if the two of you kissed at home. It’s like he had a timer that went off, and he would pull back.
“What is it?” His silvery blue eyes look down at you. His lips pull up with a smirk. He knew. He knew exactly what you wanted, and you were trying to get his attention.
“You know!”
“Just tell me then. Use your words, and tell me explicitly what you want,” it sounded like a bigger invitation than what you were wanting at this moment. What you wanted when you got home was entirely different. “Shy?”
Your fingers tickle along his as you will him to grab ahold of your hand. “My sweet little Shy Violet, all you have to do is use those words that I know you have.”
“Well…aren’t you my,” you stop your words. Could you call him that? You lived together. You saw him everyday, and talked to him throughout the day, there was no other woman. But could you say boyfriend?
“I think we’ve earned the right to call each other boyfriend and girlfriend,” Bucky would say those words over and over again just to see your sweet smile, hear the little giggle that rose up your throat, and even feel the warmth that was circled your body. “Shy, you’re my girlfriend.”
“I want my boyfriend to hold my hand then,” you blurt out. Bucky chuckles, but he does entangle his fingers with yours, pulling you as close to him as he possibly can as you walk back home. Your steps match each other, and you’ve never felt safer than you do right now.
“Shy, what are you feeling right now?”
“Right now?” You look up at him with your brows furrowed, “What do you mean?”
“Explain your feelings towards me and us like you would in one of your books.”
“Oh…well,” Bucky winces as he looks at you, fearful that he overstepped his bounds, and pushed you too far, too fast. The two of you had been making great progress with this new step in your relationship, and he doesn’t want to offset it or have you regress.
”Never mind. Forget I asked.”
”No,” you strain out a giggle. Grabbing his arm with your free hand. “It’s not that simple, bubba. It…words don’t always flow, they just get caught in my throat, and don’t want to come out. And I usually close my eyes before I start writing, and imagine the scene. What are you doing?”
He stops in the middle of the sidewalk, removing your hands off him before he steps in front of you. Squatting down a bit as he peeks over his shoulder, “Hop on, and close your eyes. You can whisper it in my ear.”
Exhaling loudly, you jump onto Bucky’s back, resting your cheek on his shoulder as you close your eyes. Letting your body feel everything that you feel about Bucky. “It’s new.”
“But good?” He asks. You give a quick peck to his neck. “I take that as a yes.”
“It’s so good,” you hum, wanting to express everything that you’re feeling at this moment. “It’s like this warmth deep inside my soul. It rushes out into every part of me, and wants me to always be with you because I don’t want to miss any breath that you take, or any blink of your eyes. I want to hear every groan of pain that you have because I want to be the one to make you feel better. It’s this rumbling fluttering feeling in my stomach that makes me feel like I’m in knots. It scares me and excites me all at the same time.”
Giving him a few nips to his neck, you move to right your head. Placing your mouth right behind the shell of his ear as you continue to whisper all the things that Bucky makes you feel. “Every time you touch me I get goose pimples, and this flood of…heat throughout every part of me. All the way to my soul, and to places I’ve never felt before. And I want you to explore those parts of me. And it’s like I’m home.”
“Hmm?” His voice is a whispered groan. You can feel his body tense under you, and you know why. He’d been starving his body of sexual gratification just to make sure that you were comfortable. He could also feel just how heated you are, right at your core. You meant more to him than a good lay, but each part of the past few minutes has his body on edge. Hyper alert of how your body is craving him as much as he craves you.
Your heated core presses into his back, making his aching cock twitch with a fervent need for your warmth. He is just about in a state of not seeing things clearly because of your pulse. The pulse that is in sync with his, and he felt it in your entire body. Throbbing harder than even he is. He’s tried to deny his animalistic needs because he felt like it was what you needed. But maybe you needed him in the same ways he needed you.
“Because my home is wherever you and our daughter are. Bucky, you can start calling me her mommy if you want to.”
“Please,” he strains out. Not even realizing himself how much he wanted Alpine to belong to both of you. Hearing you call him her daddy just felt so right, and he wanted you to feel the same way he did. That…yeah, the warmth.
“James, I love you,” he stops his walking right before you get to the complex. His body freezes as his eyes well up with tears. “I love you,” you whisper right behind his ear, and softly press a kiss before you wiggle out of his grasp.
Going to stand in front of him, your arms wrap around his waist. And you rest your chin on his chest as you stare up at him. “And I’m never going to get tired of saying that. I love you, James Buchannan Barnes.”
“I love you,” two broken people that had created a weird codependent relationship had no business falling in love. He needed you. Needed you every day and in every way. You are his best friend. The best thing that had ever happened to him, and he wanted to learn you all the more because of it. “I LOVE HER!”
Bucky throws his head back, yelling up at the sky before he looks back down at your scrunched up nose, and your eyes shining with the tears you weren’t allowing to spill over your lash line. “I love you.”
“And I want you to have all of me,” you slide out of his embrace, and pull him towards the door. “Tonight. I want us to rush into the apartment, and struggle to get each other's clothes off. But once we are completely bare in front of each other, I want our hands and lips to discover our bodies. Trace each line and curve with our fingertips. Intertwining every limb with the other until we’re too close to avoid your cock going into my cunt, and…”
His mouth crashes into yours as the two of you stumble into the building. A mad dash of hands roughly roaming over each other. Undoing buttons in the elevator until the two of you hit the door of the apartment and it’s a struggle to get in with the way you’re pulling off jackets and pulling apart shirts.
Crossing the threshold and the clothes fly at an alarming rate. Some in pieces others being tugged off at awkward angles because you need your mouth back on his. Thirsty for the taste of his mouth and you revel in it every time you get that tiny sip.
And just like you promised when you’re both naked, and pressed up against each other in a heated embrace the kissing stops, and his eyes peer so desperately into yours. He gulps, squeaking as he tries to talk. You can feel his pulse through his heavy cock that is pressing up against your stomach, “We can…we can stop whenever you want.”
“I don’t want you to stop,” you whisper as you start kissing down his chest. His hands caress your back as he watches you discover the hills and valleys on his chest. Dipping lower to kiss over every hard line that makes up his abs. Gazing up at him through your lashes. He isn’t sure if you knew how crazy you are making him feel, but he hopes you did.
No woman has ever shown him the care that you are. Making sure you kiss every scar with the most tender press of your lips. All this time he was spending hoping you were okay, he didn’t realize he wanted someone to do the same. And you had been. Not with words, but with how you took care of him. How you would jump up and run to the door with a smile just to greet him. Jumping into his arms, you would rub on his shoulders asking how his day was.
You felt real because you were. You didn’t want the amazing sex he could give you; you wanted him. His heart, body, and soul, and you had it. You had every part of him wrapped tightly around your little pinky finger, and he didn’t want it to ever unravel. He craved you like an addict to their next hit. He wanted to experience every part of life with you, including growing old.
Bucky never thought he was going to have a long life, and now he didn’t want to die before he was five hundred years old, and that still wouldn’t be enough time with you. Eternity was just the start of enough time with you.
His hands grip the underside of your ass before he picks you up. Letting your legs wrap around him as he takes the two of you to the bedroom. You are drenched and ready for him now, but you were right, he wanted his fingers and mouth to discover you first. He didn’t want this moment to end.
Sitting you on the edge of the bed, he yanks you back down the mattress when you try to scoot up the bed. Sinking to his knees, he starts at your toes, and kisses all the way up your leg. Stopping at the top of your thigh, he steals a glance at your glistening folds, kissing across your thigh before he makes his decent back down.
Moving to your right leg, he does the same motion. Finishing at your feet before he sits up a bit more. His eyes bore into yours before he leans forward, kissing over your mound. Right above the split, and you tremble. He is everywhere but where your body needs him. But you needed him more than your body.
His lips trail all over your soft pliable skin, and your fingers ghost over his arms and shoulders at the same speed. The tips of your fingers paint every inch of his flesh before he hovers over your body, and you take a haggard breath, giving your head a nod, “I can’t stand it anymore.”
”Good,” his legs move between your own, and he pushes you further apart. His digits slide down your arms, before he weaves his hands within yours, and pulls them above your head. “I can’t wait either,” slipping one hand free, he lines himself up with your entrance, “Don’t take your eyes off me,” he grunts.
”Okay,” your voice croaks out before he slowly descends inside of you. Moving at such an achingly slow pace, and making sure that your body memorizes the vein that runs over his cock. He makes sure that your velvety skin feels every inch of his head as it spears through your walls.
Biting on your lip, you are overcome with so much…just so much, but he shakes his head, “Do not withhold any sound from me, Shy. I need every part of this. If you wince, I want to know that it’s because of the stretch you feel as your body adjusts to me.”
“Okay,” he couldn’t fault you for becoming breathless, and unable to form words. He knew you’d been out of commission for a few years, and he could tell. Just like the proverbial walls around your heart, he would break, well stretch, these walls, too. He’d make sure that you learned how to take every inch of him. “Why did you stop?”
“Baby, I’m too deep.”
”No,” you want to cry. He wasn’t close enough, “I need to feel you on me. I belong to you, Bucky. Because you belong to me. I just,” Bucky slides completely home, and your words stop. Balls deep, and his weight is on every part of you. He is the most perfect feeling on you. Covered in Bucky. It’s what you wanted to be for the rest of your life.
Letting out the sweetest whimper when Bucky starts to slowly and steadily rut into you. Your body sounds vulgar with how wet you are, but your voice is the most angelic noise. Mewling, and calling out his name because nothing else mattered in the world. Only Bucky and you. The two of you had created a bubble of safety and care, and you had no desire to leave. Just wanted him. Always him.
“You’re my home,” you whisper as the constant fluttering knot in your stomach tightens. This is happening way too fast. No way is this going to last all night. You didn’t want to stop this feeling ever. “It’s…”
“It was always you,” Bucky pants out as his thrusts quicken. Normally he could last longer, but not this time. This time is overwhelming and feels too good. Nothing was better than this, and he was going to spend the rest of the weekend inside of you. Learning all the secrets to your body.
Even though you are struggling to hold on, he could feel your walls fluttering around him. Keeping your intense gaze just on him just like he asked you. “Thank you, Shy,” he coos, changing his angle he starts to drive into your warmth, and you gasp. The build up of the most beautiful high is becoming unbearable, but you weren’t finished just yet.
“Shy, let go for me, and we’ll do it again. And again. And again.”
“Promise?” your voice is hoarse as you choke down the need to come again.
“I’m never going to stop making love to you,” you let go as euphoria surges through every inch of your body. Racing through your blood, and making you all dizzy in the brain. Not even getting a chance to come back down when your walls grip around Bucky’s length so hungrily that his balls tighten and he shoots sticky warmth into the depths of your body, and you release again at the feeling of him in your belly.
”I love you,” you whimper, trying to ground yourself so you don’t lose sight of the face Bucky makes as he releases in a woman for the first time. Letting your body milk every drop of his thick cum as it blooms in your tummy like the best warmth.
“I love you, forever, Shy.”
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“Shy,” Bucky gives you a lingering kiss on your cheek as his left hand presses on the swell of your belly. He claims he could feel the baby better that way. His left hand is much more sensitive, and he wanted to feel the two of you growing and ‘swimming’. “Sweetheart, why don’t you ladies go whip up some lunch?”
“Of course, come on,” you grab Dove’s hand, pulling her into the kitchen. That was code for Bucky and Steve needed alone time. But his spoiled brat didn’t even want to leave him. She turns her head to look back at Steve giving you a clear view of her mark. She is completely stuck on him. Guess he finally sealed the deal.
You clear your throat, looking at her with your eyes wide, “They need a moment.”
Ugh. You snap your fingers, and point into the kitchen, but she still looks back at Steve, “Dovey, follow Shy into the kitchen, and make me something real tasty, and we can share, okay?”
“Okay,” her body swishes back and forth, and she stands up a bit straighter, dropping your hand, and following you willingly. He tamed the brat. You were sure she still would stub up on him, and become a bit too childish for your liking, but even Bucky is watching Steve in an odd way.
“So how was it?” You ask with a smirk, as you pull out a few things from the fridge. The least you could do was talk to the girl. Maybe she wasn’t that bad.
“How was what?”
“Weren’t you a virgin?” Bashfully she looks down at the counter, finding her a seat in one of the stools. You’d have to hand her some things to chop, and hope she knew how to handle a knife. Her eyes never move back up to meet you, and you worry you made her shut down. “I’m sorry.”
“No, I just don’t even know how to begin to explain it,” you smile, sliding over a cutting board, knife and veggies. Without hesitation she starts slicing things up, and thinks? “It’s the best thing I’ve ever felt, and I can’t even begin to describe it. He loves me.”
“Steve told you that?” She shakes her head no, but her smile never fades. It’s the one thing Bucky said Steve claimed he’d never do again. Love. Of course he wouldn’t tell her, but sometimes a woman just knows.
“He pretty much told me without saying the words. We’re going to get married, and have babies like you,” sweet summer child. You and Bucky have built a relationship for years. Strangers to saviors to friends to lovers. She wouldn't understand your dynamic. “Every love story is different, but I do love mine and Steve’s.”
“Because he stalked you?”
“No,” she giggles, clearly forgetting the way that they met. “Because he had a goal, and he achieved it,” by breaking her down. “I’m not the person I was before. I feel like I have power, and a voice, and I’m desirable. I’d never felt like that before. My parents somewhat sheltered me. I don’t talk about Steve to them. They both want different things for me, and I just have spent so much time being the perfect girl for both of them. Dad wanted me to teach at a university, mom wanted me to be a pediatric nurse, so I went into early childhood education.”
“Do you have anyone you do talk to about Steve?”
She shrugs her shoulders as she bites into a carrot stick. “Just my sister. They don’t even know I talk to her. She’s my mom’s daughter, not my dad’s. She stopped trying to be perfect a long time ago,” there’s a sadness laced in her eyes as she stares at the cut veggies. “I don’t think they’d much approve.”
“Fuck ‘em,” she looks up at you with her brows furrowed, and a smile tingling to spread on her lips. You could see why Steve melted in her presence. You didn’t like seeing her sad because her smile is radiant. “How do you feel about Steve?”
“I love him,” no hesitation and with so much conviction.
“If they can’t see that you love him then why have them in your life? So what is it that your sister does?”
“Currently? Uh…changing her phone number again,” there is more to that story, and you’re not sure what.
“Their job — you’re around the business a lot. Are you using?” Her head shakes rapidly, taking a moment to look back where Steve and Bucky were, and her body goes frigid. “They’re just in the study with the door closed.”
“Steve doesn’t allow me to. He only lets me shotgun with him, or drink if he’s around. I’m a cheap drunk. And I get too flirty,” her giggle is awkward, and she avoids your eyes.
“IsYyur sister a junkie?”
“Not that bad. Steve says he doesn’t sell to her. I showed him her picture, and he told everyone while I was there not to sell to her. Told her that he would pay for her to go to rehab, and pay her phone bill so we knew where she was, and she disappeared for a while. She…she’s going to be okay. Steve will help.”
Walking over to her side of the counter, you open your arms wide. You understood addiction in people you love better than most. “Or you can just hold the baby?” With a sweet smile, she meets your hug, pulling back only to feel around your belly.
Steve shuffles in his seat as he stares at the monitors. Bucky doesn’t say anything as he watches his friend. “Shy and I like knowing where each other are in the house. She works here a lot and it’s a way for her to just see where I am.”
“I wasn’t questioning your need for cameras in your house. I’m just observing Dovey.”
“You’re looking awfully hard,” Steve straightens up only when you step away from Dove. Turning to look at his friend, but his eyes still wander over to the monitors. “So, why did you want to come here?”
“I want to apologize for what I did, but also the things I said about Shy.”
“Why?” Bucky cocks up an eyebrow at him. He’d love to have Steve graveling on his knees for the things he said about you.
“What do you mean why? I’m just apologizing and there’s no other fucking reason.”
“Don’t smoke in here,” he points a finger at his friend who started to touch his pocket. “We can walk outside, but this is a smoke free house. I’m asking why you’re apologizing because if it’s to ask me back, I’m not ready for that.”
“Why not?” Steve’s question shocks Bucky as he’s the one that turns to the monitor, pointing one of his fingers at the screens where you are. “I get it.”
“I don’t think you fully do, but you’re getting there.”
“So you’re just going to sit around and be a house husband for the rest of your life?”
“I could,” Bucky smiles, leaning back in his chair. “I could do that. Shy has had another successful book, and I made good investments. Just like you. My priority is my family now, Steve. And I can’t jeopardize her or our…you haven’t even asked me what we’re having.”
“This is a new thing for me,” he sighs. He’d been a horrible friend. Dove had told him as such. The more he talked to her, the more he realized how he had good people in his corner that wanted what was best for him. “What are you having?”
“He’s a boy. He’s all boy. Ember. Shy is insisting that Buchanan Barnes stays as well. She’s a bit of a romantic like that. I wanted a girl, but I hope he’s as in love with his mom as I am. She deserves another good man in her life. Speaking of family; I haven’t heard anything about Dove’s sister, Larkin. I still have our underground crew that stake out the trap houses,” he shakes his head, knowing it's the one thing that Steve couldn’t protect Dove from. That ugly world.
“Two weeks, Buck. That’s a long time out on the streets.”
“Look at me right now, and promise me that you haven’t done anything or sold to her,” Steve’s eyes roll up to look at Bucky. His face is somber and full of anger at the audacity in the question. “You love her,” Steve shakes his head no, confusion laced in every one of his features. The dramatic tonal shift in the conversation gives him whiplash. “I didn’t ask, you do.”
“I can’t love anymore.”
“Oh, bullshit, Steve. You can walk around acting like your heart is impenetrable because fucking Peggy left you for Rumlow, but you can’t fool me. You love her, and you need to tell her. Sam the other day was saying how different you are, and how you were already making preparations on a wedding, and future children, and where the fuck does that come from if it isn’t love?”
“Loyalty,” Bucky rolls his eyes as he looks at Steve. “It’s close enough to love, and it’s all that she’s going to get.”
“You’re a fucking dumbass, you know that? You have got Dove sitting on your cock asleep while people who can switch on you any minute see it. Yeah, information gets out, and it’s not just fucking Sam telling me this shit, Steve. You’re in love and you’ve gotten goddamn sloppy because of it. You show her the same fucking love that you gave Peggy, or you let her go. This life already consumed her sister, is that how you want to see Dove? Strung out? Selling her body for a hit, and too ashamed to seek help somewhere? You give her the same life you would have given Peggy. You tell her what she means to you, and you keep her away from that fucking life. Since when did you get so stupid?”
Steve sits in silence, letting his friend berate him. The only person besides Dove that can talk to Steve like this, and get away with it. “You got stupid when you let that little brat into your heart. You smile now. You’re looking for her fucking sister on the regular so Dove knows she’s okay. You have her lips burned into your skin just like she’s burned herself into your heart. Eventually if you don’t let the fire die down Steve, it burns away.”
“And only ashes and embers remain,” he smiles at his friend, almost laughing at the name Bucky and you chose for your son. Ember. The last remnants of a fire. The tiniest bit of spark that burns bright amongst the ashes. The light in the darknes.
“Do you want to lose Dove?”
“No,” his voice is ragged as his eyes move back to the monitor. Watching as her hands slide over your belly. Dove on her knees, whispering something to your son that Steve couldn’t hear, but he is addicted to seeing her so soft. Longing for the day where she was you.
“Steve, you’re going to. Whether it’s because you’re too fucking stubborn, or because of your stupidity. Do right by her when she’s with you, or let her go. She deserves someone who can give her this. When is enough, enough? Why are you still in this game? We’re getting too old, this is a young man’s game. You have more money than you could have ever possibly need.”
When was enough, enough?
“Steve, I love you, brother,” Steve meets Bucky’s eyes, and Bucky knows there’s still a human still left in his cold soul. “You see how easy that is? And I love you enough to tell you, I can’t go back into that life. I won’t leave my wife and son behind because of jail or death. Let’s go eat.”
When is enough, enough?
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season @marveloustaylortot @pono-pura-vida @peaches1958 @seitmai @smile1318 @andydrysdalerogers @cjand10 @midnightramyeoncravings @kmc1989 @annaallicce @feyfantome @jesevans @tittittoee @bananapiedreams @onclouds999 @darkserenity24 @abbatoirablaze @ashychangeling @identity2212 @mrsevans90 @weirdothatwritess @floralwsloki @thestralwriting @ambearsstuff @lyndys @kandis-mom @hoodiesandicedcoffee @awhoreformoree @nyxbellabarnes @buckybarnesisdaddy @theinheriteddutchess @honeyhoneylovelylove
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xdaddysprincessxx · 5 months
His Pretty Plaything
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Uncle Ezra x F reader
Warnings: p in v, unclecest (again not blood related!), uhh this took a soft/sweet turn lol so emotions, some angst, pussy slapping, light edging, fingering, not beta’d, lightly edited, all mistakes are mine
Wc: 2629
As the summer was coming to an end, you found yourself tremendously confused with a dash of desperation. It’s been a couple of weeks since your encounter with Uncle Ezra. You think about him and that quite often. Most times your hands are down your pants in a frantic rush to recreate even an ounce of the pure unadulterated ecstasy he made you feel. But it was never enough. Your own hands failed you as you wished for him to come swooping in to take advantage of you again. You craved his cock, his filthy words, the way he claimed you as his. You got a taste and now you wanted more.
Fortunately for you, your dad was planning his end of summer party that he always throws. And you already know who will be in attendance. A little plan hatched in your brain; you were going to seduce Uncle Ezra and get him to fuck you again. You picked out an extra skimpy bikini to wear with a cute light blue sleeveless cover up dress. Excited for the party but more importantly you were excited to be filled by Uncle Ezra again.
The sun had already set as you stomped up the stairs to your room. Tears threatened to fall as you grind your teeth together in frustration and hurt. He ignored you. He never once looked your way no matter what you did. How could he defile you and then just drop you like hot garbage?!
You close the door behind you as you dive face first on your bed, hugging your pillow to your face as you let yourself cry. Feeling so ugly, so unwanted. You knew it was wrong what he did but you liked it. At first, yea you didn’t want him touching you. Didn’t want his advances but the pleasure he bought you was so indescribably incredible. And now. Now he acts as if you don’t even exist. As if you aren’t even there! Fucking bastard!
You cried yourself to sleep that night. Waking up still in your bikini and coverup from yesterday. You felt so disgusted with yourself. Peeling off what little you had on, you grabbed a towel and went to the bathroom for a much needed hot shower.
The hot water felt so good on your skin. The suds running down your body to the drain as you stood under the water, letting it completely cleanse you. Literally and figuratively. In your mind you imagined every inch touched by him being washed away, down the drain, never to come back and soil your skin again.
You put on an old baggy tshirt and some black cotton shorts before heading downstairs to grab some breakfast. As you round the corner going into the kitchen you look up and see your dad and him sitting at the table. Both men stop talking and look up at you as you enter.
“Good morning sweetie, Uncle Ezra and I were just talking. He’s gonna come stay with us for a few months. He’s gonna take the guest room next to yours while his house is under renovations.”
You huffed, “Oh great. Another man who probably leaves his dirty clothes on the bathroom floor and doesn’t clean up after himself. Joy.” You say dryly as you roll your eyes.
“Woah kiddo. That’s not very nice of you. Now I know damn well your daddy cleans up after himself as do I. No need to be a brat about this.”
“Whatever Ezra.” You say with venom in your voice as you grab a pop tart and walk back upstairs.
His eyes widen as his brows raise up in shock at your response.
“Eh don’t let her get to ya man. She’s just a little cranky in the mornings.”
A couple hours pass. . .
After seeing him in your kitchen and getting the lovely news that he’s gonna be staying with you for awhile really soured your whole day. You were laying in bed, scrolling Twitter when you came across a tweet that said ‘the best treatment for good girls’ with a video attached of a girl on her back getting face fucked by one guy and another fucking her pussy.
You bit your lip as you contemplated pressing play on the video.
‘Oh fuck it.’ You thought before hitting play.
The video itself was only nine seconds but it was more than enough to get you turned on. You exited out of Twitter and went to the internet browser hitting incognito mode and searched up your fave porn site.
Rolling on your back with your phone in one hand and the other softly squeezing a tit as you scrolled down the main page. You find a video of two women fucking each other. You decided to click on the video and start watching it.
Your can feel the tingles in your body as your pussy gets wetter. Pulling your shirt up, your tits fall out as you go to pinch your nipple.
You keep tugging and groping your tits before moving down to your cunt. You barely dip your finger in between your folds-
“What the hell is your problem girl?” Ezra demanded as he opened your door without knocking.
“Oh my god get out!” You shout as you jump up quickly removing your finger and trying to cover yourself.
It takes him a second to fully adjust to what he’s seeing before a smirk crosses his face. Reaching for the door behind him, he closes it before taking a couple steps closer to your bed. He places his hands on his hips as his smirk widens into a sinister smile.
“Ah now I get it. This why you were being a brat this morning kiddo? Huh? Poor little virgin got a taste of a real man and she needs more. Is that it baby? My pussy miss her daddy?”
“Oh fuck you Ezra! Me and my pussy do not miss you nor do we want you!”
That wiped the smile right off his face as he steps into your space, grabbing your face in his big hand, squishing your cheeks together.
“Don’t lie to me girl. You and I both know this cunt drools for me. You gone stop acting like a fucking brat or do I need to fuck it out of ya?”
As much as you want him to fuck you, the anger and betrayal from feeling unwanted at the party kept you from just saying yes. Your eyes start getting glassy as you swallow your spit ,
“Fuck. You.”
The sides of his mouth turn up into a smile as he lowers his face right in front of yours, “Oh kiddo. Acting like a brat is gonna get you punished. You don’t even have a clue what you’ve started.” He says in a low, gravelly voice. He turns his face slightly, nose touching your cheek as he slowly trails up to your temple.
An exaggerated moan comes from your phone and you both pause before looking down at the device.
You had completely forgot what you had been doing before you were interrupted.
“Now what’s this?”
Ezra is quicker than you to grab your phone and sees the video you were watching.
“This what you like kiddo? You get off watching pretty girls lick cunts?”
Shame and embarrassment heat up your face. You don’t know what to say,
“I - I It’s it-it’s not - wh- “ you stutter.
“Shh baby it’s okay.” He whispers as he leans forward, softly kissing your lips, “come here let Uncle Ezra help.”
He lets go of your face as he moves to sit behind you. Grabbing your hips, he pulls you in between his open legs, taking one of his legs and wrapping it over your leg and spreading you open.
“Hold the phone baby so we can watch together.”
You take the phone from him as he kisses the side of your neck. You can already feel his cock hard against your back.
“My hands don’t feel good Uncle Ezra. They don’t feel like yours.” You manage to get out in a whine.
“I know kiddo. I know.” His fingers interlock with yours as he pulls your hand up to his mouth. You watch as he puts two of your fingers in his mouth and sucks. Your mouth drops open as he stares deep into your eyes. Pulling your fingers from his mouth, he moves your hand towards your face as you take your freshly sucked fingers into your mouth, lips closing around the digits.
“There’s my good girl. I know you don’t wanna act like a brat. I know baby. Uncle Ezra’s gonna make his girl feel better.”
He pulls your fingers out of your mouth and places them on your covered mound. He uses his fingers to press yours into your clothed cunt and begin to rub circles right over where your clit is. You can’t help but throb from the friction it’s giving you.
“Watch the pretty girls baby. Watch them lick on each others pretty pussies.”
A soft moan is pulled from your throat as you follow his orders.
Ezra gets to work pulling your shorts down as you watch the porn playing on your phone. Throwing the shorts to the side, he pulls you back with him as he leans against your headboard. His legs wrap back around yours, holding you wide open. His fingers quickly making their way back to your pussy. Taking his time, dragging his thick digits from your entrance up to your little bundle of nerves and back again. You can’t help but buck your hips up, trying to get a little bit more. More touch, more friction, anything he’s willing to give.
The brush of his stubble on your neck, the feeling of his hot breath on your ear, he plunges two fingers in. You throw your head back in ecstasy as you finally get what you’ve been so desperate for. Ezra takes your ear lobe in between his teeth as he nibbles on it. Soft, sweet moans spilling from you as he massages your wet walls.
“Use those pretty fingers o’ yours baby. Rub on that sweet clit, make my pussy cum.”
You don’t need to be told twice. Your free hand quickly gets to work rubbing circles furiously on your bundle of nerves as he begins to finger fuck you harder.
You find yourself quickly on the edge, ready to spill over any second.
“U-un- uncle Ez- ‘mgonna cum”
Ezra pulls his fingers out as his other hand grabs your hand, holding it against your chest.
Using his free hand he slaps your pussy in rapid succession.
“No!!! What are you doing!?” You shout as you come back down from your almost high.
“Nuh uh baby you wanna act like a little brat I’m gonna treat you like a brat and brats don’t get to cum.”
You could feel your face heat up with anger and shame. You acted like that because of him. He lead you to this, to act like this.
“You’re my pretty little plaything baby. Mine. I control when this pussy cums. You wanna act like a bitch, I’m gonna treat you like one. You got that?”
Tears threaten to spill over as you bite your lip. Frustrated from not being able to cum, mad and upset from feeling rejected by him. You want to scream so bad.
“I hate you.” You manage to whisper. Scared to speak, knowing your voice would be shaky.
“You. . Ignored me. I- I tried so hard to get you to notice me. At the party,” you gulp in a deep breath, “You ruined me and threw me away.”
Ezra’s face falls. Eyes wide as he takes in your sad face as you reveal your truth. Your words are a sucker punch to his gut.
“Oh kiddo. No. No baby I noticed you. I always do. You made it so hard for me, all I wanted to do was take you, right there in front of everyone.”
With that, Ezra softy leaves a sweet kiss to your forehead before slowly trailing down to your nose.
“I’m so sorry I made you feel like that.”
His lips press a kiss to the top of your nose.
His lips just barely touching yours as you both look into each others eyes. It feels as though he is looking directly into your soul.
“You’re mine baby. Until I no longer walk this earth and even then, there will be no others ya hear me? Mine. And I’m yours honey. All yours. But we gotta keep this a secret. I know your smart kiddo, if someone found out about us your daddy would kill me. You don’t want that do you?”
You shake your head no ever so slightly. Tears now full on streaming down your face.
Ezra presses his lips on yours, seemingly taking your breath away with a soft, simple kiss.
He moves out from behind you, putting the forgotten phone down on your nightstand.
Pulling his own shorts down, his thick cock hitting his stomach. He lowers his body over yours as he takes both of your hands in one of his.
Lips finding yours again, your own tongue darting out to lick his lip, asking for permission to enter. He opened, allowing you inside. Eagerly you lick into his mouth as he tightens his lips around your tongue and sucks. A deep guttural moan pulled from the very depths of your body. Ezra takes his free hand to rub his cock through your folds before notching himself at your entrance and slowly pushing in.
The stretch making you moan more into his mouth as he continued to kiss you.
This was nothing like the first time he fucked you. Slow, deep strokes making you feel every inch of him. You grab onto the hand that’s holding your hands hostage, just trying to ground yourself. The immense pleasure making you feel as though your about to float away if you aren’t anchored to this earth. After each thrust in, Ezra grinds into you, bringing you back to your peak,
“Please don’t stop oh fuck pp- please!”
“Oh fuck I’m not baby I won’t stop. W- where do you want me kiddo? You want my cum in this tight little snatch honey? That what my little girl wants? Huh?” He starts thrusting into you faster.
Your eyes roll back as you moan like a bitch in heat.
“Yes! Yes Uncle Ezra oh fuck, please cum in me! Please!”
“There’s my good girl nngh oh oh fuck oh fuck”
Hearing his words and moans send you over the edge. Your cunt tightens around him as you cum making his thrusts stutter as he gets closer to his own finish.
The both of you stare deeply into each others eyes. Noses touching, chests heaving as you both come down from your high.
Ezra rolls off, laying down next you.
Holding his arm out to let you curl into his side.
He holds you close to him as he places a kiss on the top of your head,
“I really am sorry baby.”
Your so wore out, all you can do is wrap your arm around him and hold onto him as tight as you can as you squeeze your eyes shut.
No more words are exchanged, just the sound of your breathing as it starts to even out.
Drifting off to sleep you can’t help but wonder how you got here. The fact that this is your dads best friend. A guy you’ve always seen as an uncle. Who’s been a total creep since you’ve hit 18. Now here you are, craving him. Needing him. This isn’t gonna end well.
A/n: I just wanna apologize I know I suck at being consistent. It is what it is. Life’s been rough and I’ve been struggling with writing. But I hope you enjoy this, I love you! I love seeing everyone’s reactions! Please reblog, comment, send me asks, talk to me about my writing lol or about anything! I love to yap lol
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spacerockfloater · 3 months
The “the whole theme of Fire and Blood is about how bad misogyny is!” rhetoric actually makes me laugh, because not only is GRRM himself one of the most misogynistic fantasy writers out there, but his lack of understanding when it comes to one of the fundamental ideas of feminism, which is that all women deserve respect, is evident when you look at the type of women who are uplifted in his work:
1. Beautiful preteen girls who get sexually/ physically abused (Sansa, Daenerys, Shireen)
2. Virginal girls who swear off men and their traditional roles (Arya, Brienne)
3. Dutiful mothers (Catelyn)
And that’s it. A woman is valued in his story only when she is either pretty and young and pure but suffers for it, a virgin that renounces sex completely or has children. Every other single female character is treated like absolute garbage and ridiculed for her weight, age, sex drive, ambition, beliefs etc.
This man is a textbook misogynist. And you know that because his favourite characters are Jon Snow, a byronic hero, and Daemon Targaryen, a controversial deuteragonist. His male characters are part of a spectrum and he adds nuance to all of them by making them complicated, morally challenged yet still somehow superior, macho men with hard abs. They all make difficult decisions that are based on their trauma/ experiences and personal values/ ambitions, they’re all multidimensional beings that can’t be described as purely good or evil, but! The women in his works are helpless little creatures that stuff just keeps happening to them and he praises them depending on if their reactions to these situations appeal to the male fantasy and ideal of what a good woman should be, but punishes them when they make decisions for themselves. In his work, men are proactive, but women are reactive.
Both Rhaenyra and Alicent are evil caricatures. An evil stepmom, a spoiled bratty daughter. He never meant for his story to make us think “wow! patriarchy is bad!”, even if we obviously thought it anyway and it’s true. All he wanted was to tell a shocking story full of badass men doing badass things.
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biggothbelly · 1 month
You know, I've watched you spiral out of control for years at this point. I remember first finding you back in 2016. None of us really knew it then because you were so much smaller in comparison to the mass of lard you are now, but you were already too far gone to go back. Year after year, I watched you shovel endless amounts of calories down your throat, blowing your poor belly up so many times with a disgusting amount of food on such a regular and consistent basis, that there was no question that you were gonna get huge. However, I don't think anyone knew just how far you'd take it. I mean, look at you. Every ounce of your body is covered in fat. That tiny gut was forced to blow up into the massive, turgid, hanging food balloon we see it as today. You've forever ruined your skin and put so many deep, long, eye-catching stretch marks on your fucking gut. You've grown into nothing but a walking garbage disposal, and I'm sure you could easily outeat several grown men and still be begging for more food. The most shocking part is the fact that even though you're so close to 300 lbs, your greedy ass still wants to keep going. What's it gonna take to stop you? 300? 400? 500? What number could possibly scare you at this point? 600? 700? 800? I mean, if you're gonna go that far, you might as well just make a spectacle of yourself and go for an even 1000 lbs of pure blubber and lard. You'd be more relatable to a whale than a human at that point, especially with how much grease and junk it would take just to make you feel not hungry. No, not full, definitely not stuffed to the gills, but just enough so you can go without eating for more than 20 minutes. Let's just face it, you're fucked. You were fucked the moment you willingly decided to stuff your face for the first time because you wanted to see how good it would feel. Now look at you. You're an ever-growing blob that's just can't help themselves. You're never gonna try to lose the weight because you love being a fat slob so fucking much. You love how good it feels to eat and eat and eat until your stomach is begging you to stop and the weight of your poor, overfilled gut is pinning you down, so you couldn't even get up to get more food if you tried. I'd love to see you try to prove me wrong, but we all know you wouldn't last a day trying to lose weight.
This is the most inspiring ask I’ve ever received hehe tbh reading this made me hungryyyyy idk what I’ve done to myself tbh 😅 if went from something fun and every now and then to having to constantly feed my belly bc I’m always hungry and always so lazy I barely want to get up. I’ve given myself quiteeee the food addiction at this point all I ever do is think about eating and growing this belly. The idea of ever having to lost weight scared me bc I know I couldn’t handle it and I don’t think my belly would let me 😳😵‍💫 it’s hard lifting this gut around daily it’s so heavy my back and knees hurt all the time and a new thing I noticed is that my hips are starting to hurt when I walk. Now walking is getting harder and harder 🐖 I always feel like I have to sit my fat ass down. Who knows maybe one day I’ll be on my 600 pound life 🥴🫠 I have a seriousssss problem it seems hehe and you guys keep enabling me hehehe
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apostate-in-an-alcove · 2 months
Millennials and gen z will whine and cry about "I hate my wife jokes" and the whole universe of "men are from mars, women are from venus" jokes and commentary as if the whole "ew why would a man be there, why would you choose to be with a man, men are gross and dumb" they spew isn't the same sexist garbage just repackaged. Acting like men are inherently gross and bad and women are pure and good isn't the progressive dichotomy you think it is.
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fitgirlfemdom · 3 months
Devin was an alpha-male douchebag. There was no other way to describe him.
Three coats of expensive cologne that choked anyone who walked by. Thin-rimmed aviator sunglasses that covered his wandering eyes from view. Perfectly trimmed hair and maintained beard, with a conceited smirk on his face as he walked by. It didn't matter where he was--work, the gym, even the grocery store--he dominated the space. His presence begged for attention. Women would pass curious glances at him. Weaker men would turn and hide away. Devin was an asshole, and he knew it.
When he and his buddies would meet for dinner every other week, he'd always make the dirtiest jokes, have the most close-minded worldview, spit the most sexist garbage--and his friends ate it up. It wasn't rare for Devin to make subtle, sexual jabs at their waitress, much to his friends' amusement. His friends would bring up the latest episodes of their favorite alpha male podcasts, and he would add on to the conversation, nodding along and agreeing with every chauvinist idea they suggested. Then, when the night was coming to a close, Devin would rise from the table, saying he was happy to see everyone, but he had to go home to his "bitch," or she'd get angry. They'd tell him to put her in her place, and he'd just laugh along, agreeing and claiming he'd do just that.
When he got home, however, Devin would not do just that. Devin's girlfriend, Diana, with her long dark hair and cold presence, would be sitting on the couch, her legs crossed as she sipped a glass of red wine, her eyes low. She'd spread her legs slowly, allowing Devin to quickly kneel down in front of her and unbuckle his leather designer belt, pulling his small, pathetic cock from the confines of his boxer and placing his lips on the edge of her clit.
It was just routine at that point. Diana would let him go out with his friends every so often, only if he pleasured her. Diana enjoyed oral, but more than anything, she enjoyed watching Devin's eyes roll back in his head as his strong, toned arm jerked off his three-inch cock. He might've been a six-foot tower of pure muscle and testosterone, but his dick didn't show it. Her favorite was hearing his high-pitched squeals after not letting him orgasm for a week or two, before finally letting him tug at his pathetic length. He was allowed to cum as much as he wanted, but only if he asked "Mommy" if he could do it each and every time. The first few times she made him do it, it felt humiliating and unnatural. Now, he couldn't stop repeating, "Mommy, mommy, mommy," as his orgasms tumbled through him, as his cock squirted out pitiful lengths of white rope onto the carpet.
The night would usually end with him laying in Diana's lap, sucking and licking on one of her nipples as she jerked him off softly and slowly, letting his moans vibrate against her skin. Thanking her for letting him to cum after keeping him in chastity for two weeks. Even though he was a six-foot-tall man of pure muscle, he'd still shiver whenever she placed a kiss on his forehead, curling into her as she stroked his small, pitiful length. She'd tell him how good of a boy he was, and he'd just cum to her soft voice.
Devin was an alpha-male douchebag. Or at least, that's what he wanted people to think.
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wol-fica · 2 years
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parings- lorraineday x gp!reader summary - you are an openly gay gas station worker, and a certain girl wants your help. warnings - oral sex (R giving), penetrative sex, (R giving), comedy, lame jokes :) an - unsure about this cause it’s my first time writing gp! but whateve :3 (also not proofread)
It was simple, you were gay.
See, in 1979 people did not approve of homosexuality, not one bit. You always felt like you got the blunt end of homophobia, seeing that everyday people treated you like absolute garbage. It also didn’t help that you were born with an extra…appendage.
Unfortunately, you worked at a gas station that almost everyone always stopped at. You had been mistaken for a younger boy many times before, but once anyone found out you were in fact a girl, their whole attitude changed in an instant. 
“Uh, actually. I’ll pass on the drink.” The man in front of you said, eyeing you with disgust as you attempted to hand him his already paid for drink. 
You sighed, watching him hurry out to his truck and pull off with break-neck speed. 
“Great.” You muttered, walking around the counter to go return the drink to its shelf.
Days like these make you feel uncomfortable and emotional. Usually you were a very thick-skinned person, but when it came to older men and women deciding to criticize you, it broke down your walls very easily. 
Suddenly, the ding of a bell at the front counter startled you, making you hurry back to your station to serve the next customer.
“I’m so sorry, I was restocking and didn’t see you…” You started to ramble until you looked up to see who was waiting to check out.
A girl, around your age, stood before you. Her hair was long, a nice cocoa brown, and was waved perfectly around her shoulders. Freckles danced across her nose and settled under her large doe eyes. She smiled, raising an eyebrow at you as she waved a hand in front of your face. 
“You alright?” She asked, a small southern accent tilted into her words. 
“No..YES…i’m fine.” You said, a lopsided grin coating your face as you scratched behind your neck. 
“Sure…anyways, I was hoping to buy these?” The girl held up a bag of chips and a water.
“Oh, of course.” You said, hurrying to ring her up. 
Your fingers danced across the cash register, pulling out a paper of the prices for her items. 
“Two dollars and fifty cents.” You said, looking up to see her messing around with her purse in frustration.
 “Damn, I think I left my wallet at home.” She grumbled, pulling her lip between her teeth as her tongue slipped out slightly.
You watched her, a blush covering your cheeks as her tongue moved over her lip slowly. Ideas and fantasies of her and you doing, things, flooded your mind and you immediately felt very very dirty. 
“You know, just forget it. I’m sorry for wasting that time.” The girl sighed, giving you a small smile before moving to leave. 
“WAIT.” You shouted, jumping forward to grab her wrist. 
She looked at you in complete shock, a look of pure confusion etched onto her face as you bent over the counter. 
“You can…pay…in other ways…” You said slowly, watching for her reaction.
She stared at you, her mouth falling open as her eyebrows furrowed. Then, out of the blue, she smirked in such a seductive way that you almost fainted.
“How so, pretty girl.” She asked, stepping towards you. 
Now it was your turn to smirk at her, your eyes glistening with mischief. You stood up, leaning your pelvis against the edge of the counter.
“Well, the back room is open.” You suggested in a sultry voice, your hips swaying, “And there is this large, sturdy, and long table back there…”
“Sturdy..?” She questioned, slowly setting her purse down. 
“Hard.” You whispered.
She hummed before hurrying around the counter to drag you into the back room. Your hands were all over each other; up your shirt, down her pants, on her face as you pulled her into a kiss. 
She tasted so interesting, like fresh cherries on a hot summer day. The way her lips locked with yours made it seem like they were meant to be together; it was pure bliss.
“Mmph, god…” She sighed as you sucked a mark onto her neck. 
“Lay down.” You commanded, trying to push her back against the table. 
She huffed, grabbing your hand to make you stop. You pulled your head back to look up at her, raising an eyebrow. 
“I didn’t agree with you topping.” She said, tapping your lips with her pointer finger.
“I didn’t realize you were a dominant girl.”
“I’m a switch actually.”
“So then it shouldn’t matter?”
“No it doesn’t, but I thought I was going to take charge?”
“If you want to you can…”
“No.” She smiled, caressing your cheek, “You can do all the heavy work.”
You chuckled, your thumbs hooking into the band of her shorts to pull them off. 
“Like you are heavy.” You mumbled before finally pushing her back to lay down. 
You were gentle, being slow and kind to remove her panties and make sure that she was not in any way uncomfortable. You stroked her thighs, in awe of how soft her skin was, and focused your attention to between her legs. She was soaked, her velvety folds begging to be spread open and fucked. 
“Wow..” You whispered, inhaling deeply so you could memorize her scent.
“Are you just going to stare or…” The girl questioned but you shushed her when you darted your tongue out to lick up a stripe along her entrance. 
She mewled, a sound you’ve never heard before, and threw her hand back against the wooden surface. That noise seemed good to you, so you repeated your action a few more times before you just shoved your tongue inside of her.
A cry erupted from her lips, her fingers threading into your hair to pull you impossibly closer. Her thighs tightened around your head as you sloppily ate her out. Your focus was more on working her up, not making her cum quite yet.
“Oh..please…right there…”
She’s already begging.
You gave yourself a pat on the back for being so damn good at head before burying your face closer into her heat. Your tongue explored, finding all the corners and crevices inside of her, but as soon as you found that sensitive spongy spot, you pulled away.
“What the fuck?” She exclaimed breathlessly, half glaring at you.
You smirked, rolling up the sleeve on your work shirt before pressing your thumb down onto her clit. You proceeded to do tight, fast circles to ensure she would be loose and wet enough for you to use your fingers on her.
“You know, we skipped a lot of steps.” You said, pushing one of her knees away from you so her legs would be spread farther.
“I think you should answer some questions before I give you what you keep begging for.”
The girl made a sound that was mixed with a groan and a whine, making you raise an eyebrow and stop your movements.
“Or I can go back to work?” You offered, moving to return to the front counter.
“No!” She yelled, grabbing your wrist to keep you there, “I’ll answer anything.”
You smiled, leaning over to kiss her cheek before you continued your assault on her clit. Again pushing her knee away, you checked to see if she was ready for you, and she was.
“Let’s start off easy, hm? I never caught your name.” You said, unbuckling your pants to pull your cock out of your boxers.
“L-Lorraine.” She stuttered, her eyes shut tightly as you button pressed her clit.
“Cute name, I’m Y/N.” You replied before pushing half of your length in.
Lorraine’s eyes shot open in shock, immediately darting down to watch you work yourself into her. She was still exceedingly tight, even after all the foreplay you did, but you knew a few rounds would break her in fully.
“Where’d you come from? Family’s house?” You asked, slowly filling her up inch by inch until you were fully sheathed inside of her.
You didn’t get a response, and looked up to see her head thrown back with her eyes rolling. Clearly she had never had something, or someone, like this.
“Hey.” You called, leaning over her to grab her face, “Answer my question.”
She gulped, her eyes focusing on something else in the room as a means to try and remember what you asked.
“I…I don’t…” She tried, avoiding your disappointed gaze.
“That’s to bad.”
Your hips snapped forward, bumping the head of your cock against that spongy spot deep inside of her. Without giving her a chance to regroup, you pounded yourself into her, moans erupting from her lips as you stretched her apart.
“I’ll ask again.” You said, pulling her head back by her hair so you could mark her neck, “Where did you come from?”
“H-Houston!” She squeaked as you twitched your hips to the left.
You hummed into her skin, feeling content with how many hickeys you left on her neck, and proceeded to pull her legs up and over your shoulders; mating press position.
“How about school. What do you do?” A heavy thrust from your hips sent her eyes rolling and her back arching quite high.
You knew she was drunk on lust, who wouldn’t be in this position, but you were enjoying messing with her and you refused to let up just because she wanted to come.
“Lorraine.” You sing-songed into her ear as your thrusts went from fast and hard to sluggish and deep, “I asked you a question~.”
“I-I’m studying…filmography…” She huffed, leaning her face against yours as your pace sped up again.
“I like movies too, but i’m more of a book person.”
You nipped her ear lobe, soothing the bite before you shoved your mouth against hers. She moaned into you, your tongues intertwining while she wrapped her arms around your neck. The feeling of her walls suddenly pulsing and tightening around you caught your attention.
She was close, really close, but you knew she needed just a tad bit more before she could release; so your pace quickened, faster and deeper as you plowed your cock into her. One of your hands slid down her stomach to find her clit, where you immediately began to speedily button press again.
“Such a pretty girl.” You purred as she wailed, smiling fondly at her distressed state.
Her arms pulled at you, trying to bring you back to being close to her; you caved in almost instantly and buried your face into the side of her neck.
“Let go Lorraine, I want you to squirt on my cock.”
At that statement she finally came, her cries echoing in the small space as she indeed squirted all over you. Your pace slowed as she pulsed erratically around you, her walls clamped so tight you couldn’t pull out.
“Ah…fuck.” You groaned, feeling your own release come involuntarily.
“Don’t worry.” Lorraine sighed, running her fingers through your hair, “I’m on a contraceptive.”
You breathed out, relaxing against her as you both slowly relaxed. It was a peaceful embrace until the sound of the door bell caught your attention. You turned back to her, a sheepish smile on your face. She rolled her eyes.
“Duty calls.” She said, pressing a kiss to your nose.
“But I don’t wanna leave you here.” You mumbled, your smile turning into a frown.
”Aww.” Lorraine cooed, caressing your cheek lovingly, “Don’t worry…”
She pulled herself up so her mouth was beside your ear, her sultry south accent ringing out.
“I’m not going anywhere daddy.”
@tundra1029  @i984  @king-scarlet       @simp4thena @dreifhraniquo29  @fall-08 @efectoangel  @alexkolax  @k1mba  @annalestern @i-love-u15
i do not give anyone permission to repost or copy my work onto any platform
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extasiswings · 6 months
i don't understand how some people see this as the death of buddie romance like this is literally the first step to buddie...you gotta have at least one of them show interest in men. they're not doing this for shits and giggles, they're doing this because they absolutely intend make buddie canon.
No fr it’s an absolutely batshit take that doesn’t make any sense and I honestly think it boils down to homophobia/biphobia and purity culture. These people claim they want Buddie, but what they actually want is a super sanitized version where Buck and Eddie are each other’s one true loves and therefore can’t possibly experience attraction for anyone else because god forbid they aren’t each other’s first and only. God forbid they be sexual and not just domestic soft boys, and if they must be sexual well okay fine maybe that’s okay sometimes but ONLY with each other because wanting or having sex with anyone other than whoever you’re spending the rest of your life with is sinful and bad and wrong, ESPECIALLY if it’s *gasp* queer sex—
🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 anyway, I grew up with that shit and have no patience for it anymore. People are people. Most people date and experience attraction and have sex. Most people do those things with more than one person in their lifetimes, hell, many people fall in love with more than one person in their lifetimes. That’s life. Idk if the people clutching pearls in my inbox are purity-culture-poisoned or ignorant or what, but shockingly enough people can and do date other people while having feelings for someone else all the damn time. I’ve certainly done it!
It’s also just extremely bad media literacy. They have spent years telling this love story for Buck and Eddie. Years. The audience knows them, the audience loves them. The writers would be the biggest fools on the planet to throw away their own hard work like that. Tommy isn’t going to be an endgame LI for the same reason that none of these other random women were endgame LIs—because in order to get the audience on board for that in the face of such a long and developed arc with Buck and Eddie, it’s a huge lift that requires them to be SUPER well-developed in their own right, and the writers haven’t shown any interest in even attempting to make that effort. And furthermore, the complaints about making Tommy a carbon-copy of Eddie are like…that’s the point? Buck likes those things about Eddie. Buck is attracted to those things about Eddie. But Buck is too close to this situation to figure it out—he needs to have his queer awakening with someone else to be able to see what is right in front of him, namely that he’s been in love with his bff for years, which is an experience that has afflicted countless bi people before him, including myself. You don’t have to be a genius to see the vision, you just have to stop approaching the subject with the absolute most bad faith imaginable, and also stop assuming the writers are approaching the subject with the most bad faith imaginable.
Because I guarantee you, even if it’s for the purely selfish reason of wanting their names to be attached to the love story that made tv history, the writers are not going to throw years of storytelling in the garbage for no reason.
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iwanthermidnightz · 2 months
vent that I will probably delete later:
I’ve been coming across livestreams of people debating over who they’re voting for and why (yeah I know, why would I subject myself to this?) and some are entertaining in the way kamala supporters (to my surprise white men — and good for them) come with facts and logic and call out bigotry on the spot and how the other side can do nothing but insult when asked a simple question or be faced with the truth.
the pure garbage (to put it nicely) that comes out of m*ga supporters just with like no regard for how insane they sound is nothing new, but still insufferable because of the repercussions this ideology is having now and for the foreseeable future.
idk my main point is why is it so hard for adults, no matter their affiliation, to stand up for what’s right? to call this man and movement for what it is? I know there are people that already do this, but there should be more.
it feels like we’re all being gaslit every single day when we know this is not normal, nor should it be tolerated. and the normalization of it is wild.
like looking back on the past few decades things weren’t as daunting, right? social media just exacerbates it and I think it’s too much to expect someone to think carefully before posting something for all to see. not everything needs to be shared online.
I say this as someone who has lost friends and family because they are so deep into this and refuse to see the truth. it feels hard to trust anyone or feel safe around them if they hold these beliefs.
this is one reason why in the past few years, I’ve had to step back from how much media/news I consume because it’s depleting and exhausting. bc it’s the same thing over and over. people who used to be able to reason have fallen under this spell of silence and falling in line and complicity.
it just feels like good people have to fight back harder. there are moments for this, and this is one of them.
anyways, thanks for letting me rant. make sure you register to vote. 99 days 💙
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raysources · 4 months
𝐈𝐍 & 𝐎𝐔𝐓  𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄  𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒     —     a collection of one - liners taken from the 1997 film , in & out.   slightly edited for clarity.   change pronouns as necessary.   happy pride! 🏳️‍🌈
was he really cute?
he was an iguana.
nice try, you moron. you loser, get out of here.
you look exquisite.
isn't she a knockout?
it's going to be the happiest day of my life.
we spent the whole year reciting romeo and juliet to each other.
he looks like a troll doll.
basically, to me, awards are meaningless.
(i love you.) wait. do you love me as a friend, or in another way?
i mean, he killed people.
— and he's gay.
i'm not gay!
i am outraged! i may sue!
you're my son, and i'll always love you.
we're getting married!
do you have a boyfriend?
shall i compare thee to a summer's gay?
did you wanna stick a grenade in your mouth?
you're kinda prissy.
of course he thinks you're gay!
he likes dick, [ name ] !
no more interviews.
leave me alone, you smut peddler!
i'll kill you.
you are pure television.
lay some adult video on me.
i thought you were a stud. i guess i thought wrong.
it's all ancient history.
do i look like a homosexual?
friends don't threaten.
i have a friend who's catholic, and he's busy.
who's gay now, huh?
i'm under a lot of pressure.
i'm very fragile!
i'm not okay. i've never been so not okay in my entire life.
i want my life back!
i haven't changed! one little word, and everybody changes. i'm still the same person. why doesn't anyone believe me?
i am not a sound byte!
why am i talking to you?
[name], i'm gay.
i'm gay. i came out.
one day, i just snapped. i got tired of switching pronouns, and lowering my voice.
i couldn't take lying to the people that i love.
but you're so tall.
everyone surprised me, once i let them.
sometimes the worst thing you think can happen turns out to be the best thing.
you kissed me!
(you kissed me!) you noticed!
people don't kiss here?
this is my ... [ name ] . my friend, [ name ] .
i hope you come to the wedding!
excuse me, are we a little teapot?
you hate this, don't you?
"dance", the demon whispers.
everyone else is dancing.
you're everything i've ever dreamed of.
do you have an attorney?
my mom says it won't last.
i'm gay.
i'm horrible, and you have every right to hate me.
you should hate me. i want you to.
i'm scum, i'm garbage, i'm vermin.
thank god my parents are dead, this would've killed them!
are you really gay?
i loved you, and believed you ...
i thought you were the most wonderful man who ever lived.
i'm so proud of you. congratulations!
i just destroyed [ name ] 's life!
i'll give you your headline.
i hated the bridges of madison county.
are you still gay?
you're that guy. what are you doing here?
i had a bad day ... a very, very bad day.
i hate men.
i love you. you're nice.
will you sleep with me?
you married? seeing someone? i don't care!
is everybody gay?!
hi, will you marry me?
i need a heterosexual, code red!
i swore i'd become someone else!
you were so beautiful. you still are. you always were.
[ name ] is lucky to have you.
excuse me, i'm gay!
exactly my point, a young life corrupted.
oh my god, i'm gay!
i'm gay. i'm a homo. i like guys.
i still do it with chicks every chance i get, and i'm totally good at it ... but i hate it, and i'm gay.
uh oh, i must be gay!
i'm ... i'm a lesbian!
[ name ] has perfect taste. so do i, so ... i'm gay!
it's a wedding. i want everything to be perfect.
i'm not filming this.
there are some things more important than show biz.
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The art of being a good neighbor
Steve and I have been married for 5 years. We loved watching movies together on the couch with a bottle of wine in the evenings. Sexually there was rarely anything going on, we did love each other, but from a purely visual point of view I was never the type of man Steve liked. I worked as an art historian and was of average build and wore glasses. Steve was blond and brown eyes.
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Steve rather liked muscular and athletic men. Just like our neighbor Warren, a rude man with a big toned body and an arrogant grin. He was a poser, he liked to show off his body and he was a fitness trainer. Most of the time he was unfriendly and dismissive to us. Still, Steve looked at him as he hadn't looked at me in a long time. I could feel Steve losing interest in me over the years. I was jealous of Warren's body and wanted Steve to look at me the same way. Despite hard training, it was impossible for me to look even remotely as good.
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Ever since Warren moved in across the street from us, we've had constant problems with him. He threw garbage at our door, he let his dogs shit on our lawn, and he played loud music all day. I kindly pointed it out to him, but he ignored me.
Steve always looked disappointed because I couldn't get my way. He said nothing, but I could feel his contempt. He thought I was a sissy. I decided to do something. I could no longer watch as I slowly lost respect and love from Steve. I had to show him that I was a man too.
Like every day after work, I came home to see a movie with Steve. Warren's music was on full blast again. I was pissed and wanted to face the situation, I had an idea so I walked over and went to Warren's house and knocked on the door. But nobody opened.
I decided to enter the house. As I entered and walked into the living room I saw Warren sleeping on the couch.
The first thing I noticed again was his extremely well-trained body. He was wearing only sweatpants and a gold chain around his neck. I stopped and looked at him closely, looking for a flaw to make me feel better but I couldn't find anything, Warren's body and face were perfect.
His house had been big and expensive, but you could tell right away that he had no taste and was not an intelligent man either, there were no books, only tit magazines, a huge TV the size of a wall and a tasteless faux leather couch.
The air was filled with the smell of cheap body spray. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust and the furnishings seemed thrown together.
Warren was shirtless on the couch, snoring loudly. His massive body took up most of the couch and his long muscular legs hung over the end. His pecs were moving up and down in time with his snoring, and I couldn't help but smile. He looked so ridiculous I almost forgot why I envied him.
I caught his foul smell of sweat and was glad I could get out of that disgusting house right away. But first I had to do something. I pulled a book out of my backpack. I had taken it with me just to be safe, without really knowing why. It was an medieval art book with various spells.
I began to recite the spell and the book began to warm up. I felt the magic flow through my body, suddenly the book started to glow and I lost consciousness.
Suddenly I heard the alarm clock ring. I was lying in my own bed, I was tired and wanted to go back to sleep until I remembered what had happened: I was at Warren's house casting the spell... I jumped up and ran to the mirror.
I looked at myself in the mirror, I was in Warren's body now. Suddenly I was masculine, fit, tall and very muscular.
I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn't help but admire my new, perfect body. I tensed my muscles and moved to see what they look like and how well I could control them. I was amazed at how fit and attractive I looked and finally feelt confident and desirable. It was an incredible transformation and I couldn't believe it had really happened.
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As I stood in the mirror, I saw an ID card on the dresser. But something was strange, next to my name was not my face to see, but that of Warren, or rather the face that belonged to Warren. We swapped bodies but kept our lives. I was still an art historian and married to Steve, but with the body of a fitness model.
Warren, on the other hand, was still an uneducated, noisy douche bag. However, he was now short and fat. He was still our annoying neighbor who liked to pose topless in the driveway to show off his muscles, only now he didn't have any, just a skinny body.
Sometimes when I come home from work and see Warren washing his junk car in the driveway, I have to smile. Then I stop and like to talk to him about my training plan.
I notice how he secretly examines my body with his eyes and then looks down at himself and I feel the jealousy in him. I explained to him that as an art historian I have a special sense of proportion and beauty and that it is therefore impossible for him to have a body like mine. Then he usually gets angry without knowing how to answer it. He never was a smart guy. I love it when he feels small, so I always stand extra close to him when I'm talking so he has to look up at me. Steve and I laugh at Warren, who we call the "wannabe gangster".
Since the body swap, I've been fucking Steve like an animal every morning and night while he's on all fours in front of me. The fact that Warren was secretly watching us from his house made me horny. There's nothing hotter than gay sex with a body that used to belong to a hot straight man.
The End
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