#just sayin cause of what i said on uhh last post i think
holographicai · 2 years
Bc I project on koma alot I have strong opinions about him drinking energy drinks lmfao like I love that he drinks a relaxant bc bitch looks like he has manic episodes and I think that's rlly smart to drink relaxants cause my manic ass always gets triggered by caffeine MRJFKFJG is just a personal opinion tho I don't rlly hate the koma chugs energy drinks ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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mani-mari · 5 years
Misfits season 3 spoilers
Episodes 7 and 8!!!! what the heck!!
this show’s wild
further spoilers past this point!
Episode 7
alright I feel bad for all three of them, Shannon included because she didn’t ask to be brought back. I’m not sure why it was Seth’s fault that she died but he sure didn’t think about the consequences of revival, now did he?
I also skipped a good 5 minutes total of this episode because of gore ew
also probation worker number 4 has died now
legend says the cat still roams the halls of that community center...
uhh... what’s going on in the next episode... why the fuck is probation worker number two back................ Alisha better throw hands or I’ll have to for her
WHAT ABOUT NUMBER THREE?? WHAT’S HIS NAME AGAIN? AND NUMBER FOUR? she probably won’t come back, she barely knew them. I’m actually surprised the first one- was it Tony? I’m surprised he’ll be back... cause like... he also barely knew them.
weird. this show is so weird. Episode 7 was the weirdest one yet in the whole show I think, but episode 8 might take the cake.
absolutely cannot wait for that :^)
you know what im gonna watch another episode right now friCK it let’s go
OIH almost forgot so Simon’s face when Rudy admitted his scarring moment was so funny. Like Simon your friend is admitting to a very deep personal issue and you’re trying not to laugh? for shame, you adorable superhero you
Episode 8
oh im dumb this is the finale lmao my brain said “yeehaw another episode just a normal episode yessirree giddyup and saddle in folks it’s another wild ride” no dumbass it’s the finale of season three IT’S THE FINALE OF SEASON 3???
excuse my language. ok. gonna try and watch now. kill me
--wait her name was Sally? ok sorry just confused moving on
i just wanna say she makes me absolutely sick just sayin
-- fuck this show im gonna fucking cry Alisha is dead now
okay- okay what I’m about to say is pretty bad but... did you see how the black-haired chick swiped Alisha’s neck like that? she was a Bad Bitch and she knew it
like she knew why she came back and she knew she wanted to go out with a bang so hey why not kill one of the main characters like the queen of the world you are right
right Alisha-- right Alisha right,,,,,r i.,, im gonna cry... fucking Alisha
see look I knew she dies because you can just look up Alisha Daniels in google and boom right there “Alisha Daniels (deceased)”
... sigh.
hey, I have one question, did Simon end up taking Alisha to Las Vegas after all?
please........ please
uh also I can’t believe Simon went THAT far back lol. although I think Future!Simon appeared in Season 2 so yeah
--wow. wow. what a season. i love this show
well... tomorrow night hopefully I can continue watching... I’ll see what season 4′s like. I’m pretty excited. And you know, I miss Alisha and Simon already. They’re still my favorite couple. And I fucking hate Sally. But I’m happy that she and Tony got together one last time.
Excuse my language in this post, I got a bit overwhelmed lol
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cami-chats · 6 years
Double The Steve, Double The Fun
Title: Double The Steve, Double The Fun
Link: AO3 (full text also below)
Square Filled: Pre-Serum Steve/Post-Serum Steve/Tony Stark
Ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark/Steve Rogers
Rating: Mature
Major Tags: None
Summary: Of all things Steve expected to happen in his life, being jealous of himself wasn’t one of them. 
Word Count: 1563
Created for @mcukinkbingo​
Full Text under the read more
There were a few things Steve was sure of: he was in love with Tony, Tony was a good person, and it was ridiculous to be jealous in a relationship where you trusted the other person. The issue with the last point is that he and Tony weren't together, and therefore Tony could flirt to his heart's content and even sleep with other people, and he was never once breaking a promise to Steve in the process.
Steve was sure of a couple other things of course, like that Jurassic Park was a great movie but he preferred Timeline-- much to Tony's chagrin-- and most recently, he became sure that it was one hundred percent, absolutely, completely absurd to be jealous of himself.
A pre-serum Steve Rogers dropped into their lives though-- either Doom or Richard's fault, Steve could never tell-- and Tony was positively fawning over him. The only other time Steve had seen him make heart eyes at someone was when he was dating Pepper, and he sure as hell was making them at the other Steve right now. Everyone had taken to calling his pre-serum self 'Stevie', which made it a little confusing for Bucky since he called him that regularly, but it was easier for everyone else.
Also, he hadn't realized it at the time he was living it, but he was a little shit when he was pre-serum. All bossy and trying to prove himself-- which he remembered-- and egging on Steve. He was flirting with Tony, and when Tony would turn his back, he'd make eye contact with Steve and wink. He pretended it didn't get to him, but he was pretty sure he wasn't fooling anyone. He might have fooled Bruce, but only because Bruce wasn't paying enough attention to care. He could ignore it-- in a roundabout way where he was only pretending to ignore it and was actually obsessing over it-- until one day where he walked into the living room and saw Stevie straddling Tony on the couch, arms over his shoulders. Tony's hands were on Stevie's thighs even as he said, "I'm interested, but I don't think Steve would like us doing this."
"Do you do everythin' he tells you to?"
Tony snorted. "Hardly."
"Then why is this any different?"
"You're..." Tony's head hit the back of the couch with a groan. "This is far too complicated."
"We're different people. That's what all of you have been sayin' all day for the past week."
"Speaking of, shouldn't you have issues with two men being together?"
Stevie rolled his eyes. "Do you not talk to your Steve at all?"
"I thought you were two different people?" Tony pointed out.
"We are, but he used to be me. You don't stop liking men. Come to think of it, why hasn't he tried to take you on a date? You don't stop liking men, and you sure as hell don't stop liking you."
"As flattering as this is," Tony said drily, "Cap hasn't showed the slightest interest in me. I think you're cuter than anyone else I've ever seen, but as Steve has told me time and again, not everyone thinks that way. You like me because I like you, and you don't have other options. Cap has plenty."
"Hm yes, that explains why he glares at me all the time," Stevie said sarcastically.
"He doesn't glare at you," Tony argued.
"Yes he does." Stevie made a face as he thought of something, suddenly looking uncomfortable. "You only like me because of him, don't you."
If Stevie or Steve were expecting that to make Tony freeze, they were disappointed. Tony rolled his eyes, pulling Stevie closer. "Good to know you're just as dumb as he is."
"Shut up," Stevie mumbled, grabbing Tony's face and kissing him. It was a little messy and not at all skilled, but endlessly enthusiastic.
Steve had been frozen in the doorway this entire time, watching the scene unfold. But when Tony started kissing him back, he turned on his heel and left. He never should have stayed as long as he did, and it was pointless besides. Woohoo, Tony liked pre-serum him but not present him, throw a party. At least Tony ignored Stevie all-but telling him that Steve was in love with him. That was good.
The next time Steve saw both of them was in the workshop. He'd gone down to spend some time with Tony, maybe sketch a little, and play fetch with DUM-E if the bot wasn't busy with something else. He stopped cold in the doorway when he saw Stevie sitting on the couch. It wasn't in the exact spot where Steve set up shop, but he still didn't like it.
Tony glanced up and beamed at him. "Cap! What are you doing here?"
"Do I need a reason now?"
"Guess not," Tony said with a shrug, still smiling at him. He turned back to his work.
Stevie scooted a little to the side even though it wasn't necessary. Steve appreciated the gesture and gave him a small smile. Stevie was holding a book, but Steve recognized the restless twitching of his hands.
Steve held out his sketchpad and pencil. "You want to draw?"
Stevie reached out for them automatically, then pulled his hands back in. "Weren't you gonna draw?"
"I've got another one down here somewhere."
"I think DUM-E stole it," Tony chimed in. "You might have to sweet talk him to get it back."
"I could always give him a lighter."
Tony swiveled around to stare at him, eyes narrowed. "You wouldn't dare."
"You only told me not to give him a fire extinguisher."
"I don' think startin' a fire's any better," Stevie said, flipping quickly through the sketches to find a blank page.
"DUM-E with a fire extinguisher has bad history for Tony, it's not about the destructive capability."
"Well in that case..."
"No," Tony said sternly, pointing at the pair of them with the end of a screwdriver. "You are not allowed to team up."
"Aw but we've got so much in common," Stevie said, a sly little smirk on his face.
"We're the same person," Steve said, giving him a confused look.
"Oh didn't Tony tell you?" Stevie had his 'my wide eyes totally make me appear innocent' look on full force. "I'm from an alternate dimension, not the past."
Steve blinked once, then nodded. "That makes a lot of sense, actually."
"Really?" Tony asked incredulously.
He shrugged. "Me and Bucky thought we were remembering a few things wrong." Unprompted, DUM-E wheeled up to the couch and handed him the stolen sketchbook. "Thanks buddy." Steve pat him on the claw with a smile.
"You want to know what my idea is?" Stevie asked once DUM-E rolled away again.
"Stevie," Tony said. It sounded like they'd already talked about it and Tony had said it was a bad idea, but here Stevie was, bringing it up anyways.
"Just cause you thin' he won't be into it doesn't mean anythin'."
"Won't be into what?" Steve asked, more than a little worried about what the answer would be.
"A threesome."
"What." Steve glanced at Tony for help, but he had given up, face buried in his hands while his elbows rested on the table in front of him.
"Aw c'mon Cap, think about it. When are you ever gonna get a chance to see two of yourself fuckin' Tony?"
"Uhh, Tony?" he ventured, voice tight and perhaps squeaking on his name. "A little help here?"
"Stevie," Tony said, not moving an inch, "I don't think Steve's interested in anything in that offer."
"You're quick to assume," Stevie said. He sounded extremely self-assured, and while Steve might have turned him down just to be contrary, Tony hadn't said anything about not being interested in it himself and this wasn't the kind of opportunity that would come around twice.
"Okay," he blurted.
"Really?" Stevie asked, excited. Tony's head jerked, and he stared at Steve disbelievingly.
"Are you serious?"
He swallowed thickly. More than a little nervous but undoubtedly eager. "Yeah. I mean, why not, right?"
"My thoughts exactly," Stevie said, putting his hand on Steve's knee and moving it up slowly when he didn't flinch or otherwise look uncomfortable. "You might wanna come over here Tony, or you'll risk missin' out."
Despite what Stevie had said about Tony missing out if he didn't get a move on, they had made it all the way up to Tony's massive bed and spent most of their time there. Stevie was bossy as fuck, talking where Steve himself could now manhandle. For his part, Tony listened. Steve didn't know what to do with that, but it made him feel lightheaded when Stevie told him to do something and Tony didn't hesitate, even for a second.
Should he feel weird about having sex with a pre-serum version of himself? Probably. Did he? Not in the slightest.
Stevie was in their universe to stay apparently, and that one night between the three of them turned into another, and another, and eventually into dating. A couple months later, and Steve was forced to alter the list of things he knew to be a bit more inclusive. Tony was a good person, Steve was in love with him, he was also in love with Stevie, and the world was really fucking weird.
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askpet-archive · 7 years
PET Ep 8
Downstairs, a phone started ringing loudly "ARTHUR, SOMETHING'S DOWNSTAIRS" a strong german accent came from a room, upstairs. Angy had heard the phone ringing as well. She heard Vincent screaming at Arthur about it but she knew that the young boy wasn't going to pick it up, being that he was probably busy with god knows what. She got up from her bed and went downstairs to pick up the phone. "Hello?" Phone tm: "yes hello? Is this P.E.T? yes uh, we called a few days ago and your leader scehdualed something for today at this time, and we're wondering where you are.. oh, yea, we're the people who called about the abandoned hospital-" "Oh shi-" Angy cursed under her breath, not knowing what to do "Um.. Who is this speaking?" "This is Allie Richsun, is there a problem?" He'd sigh. There was nothing to DO today, despite there being a lot he could've done today. Just the fact there was nothing FUN he could do today. What. "Angy can get it," He'd reply, scrolling through Tumblr and being bored. Ooh hey, that's a pretty nice aesthetic. Like. He never reblogs anything. haha "Uh- Nope! There's no problem at all! It's just.." Angy took a deep breath, where the hell was Ari or Era? "Let me.. call you back in a few seconds, we are preparing..  Um, bye!" Angy freaked out and hung up Vincent slide down the stairs, going over to the kitchen and drank from the milk carton Arth doesn't know what's going on right now, so he's just gonna sit here and do whatever he's doing. Call him when he's needed. The young girl paced up and down the room. Just then, a piece of paper caught her eye that was lying down on top of the dinner table. She grabbed it and read it. After finishing reading it, she freaked out a bit more. What the hell was she supposed to do? She was so concerned that she didn't notice Vincent. "ARTHUR!" she called out "GET DOWN HERE!" Vincent had his hair down with a cucumber facial mask "Coming, give me like a second," Arthur walked out of his room, down the stairs and into the kitche- "Vincent, dude, no. Five- or, SIX other people, counting that other new fangirl person, live here, man." His mood just went from bored to a little pissed (but not enough to actually yell or break anything). Oh yeah, he forgot Angy called him for something, so he'll finally face her. "What do you need again?" "What is this?!" she pointed at the note "Did you know about this?!" Vincent put the milk carton back and hummed over to meet the other two "No? I've been in my room like, all day, how would I know?" He should probably grab something, now that he thinks about it. "I just received a call from a client saying they're waiting for us, yet neither Era or Ari told us a darn thing about it!" Angy then placed the note back down "And now suddenly you're in charge?! I thought they were the ones who handled all of these things but noo they had to go and do whatever the heck" She sighed "Do you have Ari's phone number?" "Of course I have Ari's phone number. But if they're on a case that takes Era and Ari, they probably don't have signal." He'd shrug, entering his phone password (and hiding it from the other two) and tapping Contacts, handing her his phone. "Please don't look at anything else. Not like it's bad, just that it'd be pretty rude if you didn't." He's gonna throw that milk away later just sayin'. That, or hide it from Vincent somehow. Vincent read over the note and shrugged, "Also, I used all the bath soap. I brung over some of my own bath salts. The toilet is broken and the shower is clogged." Vincent no "Trust me, I don't want to see anything on your phone for now" She tapped Ari's name and the phone started ringing. She knew Arthur was probably right about the rest of the team not having signal but for the situation they were in right now, it didn't hurt to try. "I'm not fixing it, that's all up to you, dude." He's probably wearing the clothes the mun posted Arthur being in earlier. Arthur's just gonna sneak his way into the living room, sitting on the couch and being bored. Aka literally the picture that mun sent Arthur being in. Vincent groaned, "I know how to repair explosives and illegal weaponary. But bathrooms?"  He came over next to Arthur and turned on the TV "The note said you're in charge! You have to fix this or at least tell Ari what the heck is going on!" She kept impatiently waiting for the co-leader to answer her phone. "Sounds like a personal problem." "You can try to," It's probably playing a kids network, like Nick Jr. or something, especially because of who last used the TV. "Ari! Where the  hell are you?!" She said once she heard Ari's voice "I just read the note that you left us!" "I'm not being in charge; YOU can be in charge, th- oh nevermind." He'd tell himself, seeing as Angy was talking to Ari now. On the other end of the line, you can hear someones voice rambling about Spop and the other girls She covered the phone "I'm not going to be in charge of anything!" she whispered yelled, then going back to talking to Ari and hearing the voice of a man ramble. She was quite confused but it wasn't her problem "Mind explaining?!" "What do mean North Carolina?! Also, I have your brother's phone because I wanted you to know that you might have forgotten a little appointment in an abandoned hospital?" "A test? You know, there's a thing that is called com-" she was interrupted by Ari yelling "Max" Who was Max? Before she could ask however, Ari had already hung up on her. Angy cursed as she face palmed herself. Vincent put his arm around Arthur, not exactly touching him. Vincent didn't really seem to think about it. Woah hey there Vincent, getting a little touchy. He's gonna. Scoot a little. Itty bit. It's been like, a day man. He'd also shout 'yo' at the mention of himself. Vincent doesn't even know why Arthur is scooting, but continues to laugh at Tom and Jerry killing eachother. After cursing at herself for a few more moments, Angy knew what she had to do. She went over to the couch, handing Arthur his phone "C'mon you two, we gotta go"  She then started walking away to her room in order to get ready herself. "Go where?" Vincent got up "Well, we gotta go and clean up the shit Ari and Era left us because apparently it's a test and right now I just wish I could stab myself" "Do we have to though?" Arth really doesn't wanna go anywhere. Let him sit here and do absolutely nothing. "Trust me, I wish we didn't either but we get payed for this." Angy replied "Plus, I don't want to get yelled at" "I have an appointment with a guy who wants to collect my diamonds...But just small ones..." He'd sigh. "Fine," He's gonna sit here 'till they move, though. "Where we going?" "Your diamonds can wait for a bit, right now we just need someone to drive us over there because it seems that they took the car." Going alone with Arthur would have been fine but she didn't want to leave the possible insane man with bombs and guns alone in their home, not to mention it was part of the "test" she had no choice but to go with him. "The call was from a Allie Richsun, she said that it was an abandoned hospital." "I'll drive, my Porsh just got right out of the shop! New brand new paint job~" "Y'know, the last time we got involed with abandoned places didn't end well, but that's fine I guess." He'd shrug, getting up. "Anything specific about the ghost? Special things we might need to bring?" "ILL BRING EXPLOSIVES!!" Excitement and energy in Vincent's eyes "NO. No explosives. Explosives are bad in an abandoned place. I broke bones because of it. I had three floors of rubble on my little innocent teenage body. No explosives." Vincent groaned loudly, though a glint in his eyes told the he's going to bring some anyways "Ah fuck.." she muttered as she went back to the phone and called back the client. Unfortunately, she didn't pick up "Well shit.. I sort of hung up on her and she didn't exactly tell me what was going on so I guess we bring all of the things just in case." She turned over to Vincent "No explosives. Gut red isn't a good paint color for walls, trust me" "Don't worry 'bout it. No explosives..." "I have a strong feeling there's still gonna be explosives." G l a r e at Vincent before he runs up the stairs to get his stuff. Angy didn't completely trust Vincent's word but had no time to argue and headed off to get dressed and grab the things they needed VINCENT RUNS UP He can be heard gathering heavy equipment and dropping a large item as it makes a huge BAM When Angy heard the noise, it almost caused her to drop her ghost tracker and almost break it "Damn it Vincent.." she muttered before continuing to collect several things He walks over to the bathroom and washes his facemask off A crack can be heard in the bathroom "I broke the sink." Angy finally left her room and heard the crack from the bathroom "Hey? Mr. German guy? We can't exactly wait for you forever" Vincent walked out with his regular outfit and a large leather backpack "I'll call my plumber. He gives me a great discount when I put a gun to his head" "Nice, okay. Now, where the heck is Arthur?" Arthur heads to his room, grabbing his journal and gun and stuffing those in there. What else did he need? Uhh, maybe he should bring some markers.. naah, it'll just take up space. Besides, the only two types of markers he could grab are the expensive ones or Cray-ohmygod. "VINCENT, what the FUCK," He'd grab a few things real quick before putting on his jacket (not the fur one, the other one that doesn't make him look like he just got out of a heckign pool. It's probably like bright red too. What a nerd) and grabbing his messenger bag, charging up to the other two. "Here!!" Despite running at speeds probably not appropriate for a 15-year-old, he stopped and prevented himself from crashing into the other two. also he probably put on some heckin pants, mun forgot to add that part in "Alright guys go get in my Porshe outside. I'll go grab the keys and go" "Don't take too long, for all we know this woman is gonna be fucking pissed at us but hell, that isn't our problem." Angy then walked out the home, waiting near the Porshe for Vincent. She looked at the car, did this man have some serious money? Probably not. Knowing him, he probably did something else which Angy wasn't eager to know. Here he come!! Probably sprinting cause now he's suddenly in the mood for ghost hunting. Probably because of his bag. Anyways, he's also out there now, just sort of doing that thing where you seesaw your feet back and forth and you sway with it. Mun is probably gonna edit this later with a better description of it. Vincent comes to the porshe with his pink keys with a poodle on his keychain, hopping in and starting it Arthur takes shotgun, and no one's gonna stop him. He's probably gonna mention the keys later. :^) "Where to sweetheart?" With the doors unlocked now, Angy sat inside in the backseat, seeing as Arthur had taken the passenger seat. Once she sat down, there was a new problem at hand. Where was the abandoned hospital? "Wh-" Sweetheart? He's. Flustered. A little bit. His jimmies have been russled- "Hey, can I have my phone back by the way?" "I wonder if they're talking about that abandoned hospital on 26 Street" "You casually just know about run down hospitals?" "How would you know where that is?" This man has been here for like. A day. Two days. What. "I hear about it in China Town" "You must hear about a lot of places in China Town." "Strip clubs and stuff. Ye" "I guess we should look there then" "Best guess. But- wait, do you hear about them AT strip clubs or do you hear ABOUT strip clubs?" Does he want this question answered? Haha no. But he already said it so too late. "There isn't time for this! Let's go" Vincent took a second to say, "Both..' "Uh- okay yeah let's just. Go. Hehe." Woo this got awkward. He probably should've expected this, but now that he's heard it he's got mixed feelings about this guy. Vincent backed out of the drive way and started to drive to the street, cranking up classical music He quietly sang to it Angy sat in the backseat looking out the window, being surprised at Vincent's music choice. She didn't really expect it but she just shrugged it off. After about eight minutes, Vincent stopped the car. Pointing at a large mossy medical building pointing up from the trees Okay, he didn't expect this. Especially hearing about the fact Vincent's been to a strip club atleast once, if not other times before. "So.. pink keys, huh?" Mun was going to start conversation but oop they're here. "A friend gave them to me..." "A friend gave you your car keys." Angy closed her eyes and let out a deep breath, getting ready for the mission and how she was going to deal with the client and both Vincent and Arthur. "Okay, we're finally here. Arthur, when we get there, you're the one who's leading since you're still in charge" "Uh, no. You're the leader now. You're better than me at the whole tracker thing. I'm just good at writing it down and occasionally breaking things. As the person in charge, I now give you my rank. Or something like that." "Ugh. Your sister is going to kill me but, fair enough. C'mon." She opened her backside door and got out, feeling the cool misty air hit her face. He'd get out of the vehicle aswell, going ahead of the others and waiting outside the door. Vincent followed along, kicking dirty cans scattered around. what did those cans do to you. Allie blinked, looking at the three childing "uh..hello there! Are you P.E.T?" she asked, a tinge of worry in her voice. they didnt look like adulted Angy made her way across the large field to the main building where the lady was "Yes, we are P.E.T, paranormal exploration trackers! We are terribly sorry for keeping you waiting, traffic was a bit crazy" she lied to the woman. Allie rose an eyebrow, nodding slightly "um..just saying. you may need this, considering your teammates Angy dear. now, go ahead and head inside" she handed Angy a piece of paper, which..counted their lives? thats odd. "and Arthur, Ari told me about you. No killing things. you either Vincent. the ghosts are for capturing, not killing." Oh shit that's the person. Or who he guesses is the person. He just gives a small wave. "Wh- what do you mean? I'm not gonna kill them," He probably would if he really needed to. He's gonna rush over there, doot de doo Vincent shrugged and looked over at the piece of paper with their lives, "Do I actually have that many lives?" "Yes. dont let them waste m'dear" Allie hummed "or else i might have to retract quite a few." "We're gonna die?" Vincent said anxiously, looking over at Arthur. Angy was taken a bit aback by how this stranger knew some things about them but it seemed that Ari had talked to her about them. Angy took the paper and read their lives, Vincent peering over her shoulder and reading the paper as well "I guess so, it's surprising.." Angy looked up at the lady when she threatened Vincent "Okay then.. um.. Let's go guys, I do hope you do have your flashlights, it seems pretty dark in there" Allie paused "actually" Wh?? What?? "Well yeah, I died once, it's not that bad." Arthur shut up, you've only died once as a kid. "im gonna need your flashlights" she held out her hands "and equipment" "No." "What?" "NU UH!" "yes! Give me flashlights and equipment please. and dont try killing me, ill retract livees~" she sang "No." He'd turn around, leaving the building. "No." "We are not letting you have our flashlights." Vincent started to join Arthur He'd walk back to the car, opening the door and staring at the women directly in the eyes.. "No." And sitting in the passenger seat. "You do know we need these to get the job done right?" Allie flew over and grabbed Arthur by the hood, holding him in the air and humming "kid. listen. this is a test. if you cant fare without a flashlight and equipment i could have Ari force you to leave PET, and ill easily  take all your lives." "Okay, make me leave PET! That's fine! Just don't like, take my lives maybe? That'd be nice maybe!" "What the-" Angy saw the lady no clip and immediately ran to where she was with Arthur "Hey! You leave him alone!" "I will gladly let myself get fired from PET aslong as I don't, y'know, die forever? Can that be arranged maybe, I dunno?" "The hospital has equipment, flashlights, and other various objects hidden around it. you'll find them. and Arth. ooh Arth. You'll die forever really soon either way with your reckless lil acts" Vincent grabbed Arthur by the legs and tugged him away from Allie's grasp, holding Arthur in a carrying position "You know, I'm starting to question Ari's methods. And you didn't tell us this was Ari's plan sooner because..?" Allie glared at Vincent and swooped down, grabbing Arthur again and pulling him away, flying up high enough for Arthur and herself to be out of anyones reach "HEY! Give him back!" "You really quite are. plus no teamwork. this excerise would force you to use teamwork, your wits, and forcing yourself to brave darkness and ghosts you cannot injure. All three of you. and use weapons you arent used too." "Okay sorry, say that again? I can't hear you over mY FEAR OF YOU CARRYING ME SO HIGH UP IN THE AIR TO WHICH I CAN DIE!" Angy's anxiety started to rise up seeing Arthur being so high up. She turned to Vincent "Do something!" Allie grinned "Exactly!! if i drop you, boom. i can snatch away all your lives. So, i suggest you listen unless you want to die, and Angy and Vincent, you might not want a very very pissed off Ari. or dead friend." Vincent shrugged and rummaged through his bag "CAN YOU PLEASE PUT ME DOWN??" Boi stop screaming- Allie sighed, looking at Vincent "you hurt me, i slam this boy into a tree." Vincent yelled  in anger "LIKE, NOT THAT I'M AFRAID OF HEIGHTS BUT BEING SO HIGH UP KINDA SCARES PEOPLE EVERY NOW AND THEN!" "Well no shit, Ari's going to be really pissed when she finds out YOU KILLED HER BROTHER!" Allie blinked "...Arthur may be her brother, but she'd forgive me for killing him. i know she would. if she doesnt, i can strip her of lives too" Allie, please th boi is scard pls let him down he doesn't like this. he's kicking and flailing nonono sTop nO- "HEY, LIFE LADY! WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS IF YOU PUT ME ON SOLID GROUND!" "What the shit Ari..?" she said under her breath Vincent drops his bag and all his weapons and flashlight, "Bring Arthur down in peace" wowza thank u stronk german man. Mun lowkey wants to make him start tearing up but.. nah. Allie frowned "that wouldnt be much fun! Arthur, you drop your stuff too. easy to do, holding you under shoulders, not arms. Same for you Angy." "I'll catch your stuff Arthur!" Shouting below and raising his hands up Angy sighed but did what she was asked to do. Angy was never the one to turn to violence but this "woman" was testing her patience. Allie blinked, then grinned, simply 'despawning' all of Arthurs stuff "Wh-" oH My gOD. "DID YOU JUST DELETE MY FUCKING JOURNAL???" "huh" "no, dumbass. its in my inventory." there goes all of Vincent and ANgys stuff "Arthur please! Don't do something stupid!" Mun would like to add that Arthur is probably clinging to this lady. That or has a very strong grip and struggling immensely. Allie smiled "now, i have full control over the hospital. brightness levels, windows, even making it collapse. Im putting you three in there with 5 lives. meaning if one of you die, you all lose a life. But you'll respawn pretty quick. Dont give yourselves perma-killed. got it?" she chuckled "im locking you in there as well, how about ya'll go on in, ill throw Arthur in in a second." "Just.." Angy sighed "Please bring him down..?" "YES, YEAH PUT ME DOWN, THAT- THAT'S PROBABLY- GOOD," "This is scarier than that one guy throwing up in China town" "Get. in. the. hospital." she snapped, letting her eyes go all Sally-demon creepy stuff Angy turned to Vincent with a grossed out face but did not want to ask Vincent was the first one walking into the hospital Okay NOW he's tearing up. He's actually scared right now. Please don't drop him. He's not even scared of Allie, just the fact he might fall any second. Angy looked up at Arthur, noticing the tears and growing even more worried but she had no choice and followed Vincent to the building. Allie sighed "dont be such a baby. Ari said you were all brave. thats why i grabbed you. ew. put the tears away" she let go of one of his arms to slap him, before just holding him by one arm. "speaking of Ari, just know she told me to do none of this. im doing it for fun. so uh, if you get mad at her shes just gonna come after me and..yea, i dont wanna kill her. So." Allie shrugged "just dont get pissed at her for my actions." He'd scREECH, clinging to the one arm for dear life. Whoops he's too busy screaming and panicking to notice he has his phone. Because that's what you do when you're 15 feet in the air, being carried by some sort of floating lady who threatened to bash you into a tree and threatened to end you and your friends' existences permanently. "HEY, C-CAN YOU TELL WHOEV- WHOEVERS CALLING ME THAT- THAT I CAN'T PICK UP RIGHT NOW, KINDA DYING," Angy felt her pockets and felt her phone. Her eyes widened as she realized that she hadn't given it up. She started walking faster toward the building, finding a place where she though Allie wouldn't see her. She frantically started dialling Ari and hoping she would pick up. "Ari!" She whispered yelled into the cellphone, feeling angry and panicked and not wanting Allie to hear. "I hope you're happy with your fucking test because your brother is going to die now!" "What do you mean you didn't know!? This creepy woman right now has your brother hanging from 15ft up in the air!" Angy was completely confused but the tone Ari had in her voice sounded genuine "Trust me Ari.. I would save him if I could but this "woman", I don't even know what she is anymore, took all of our stuff." "Ari, please calm down" Angy felt some tears in her eyes as well. As much as she was mad before, thinking Ari had done this on purpose, she hated hearing any of the people she cared for cry. "She told us to give up our stuff and we did but.. she's not letting him go.. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry I don't know what to do..W-wait.. Billy..?" Is he gonna die?? Maybe he's gonna die. He feels like dying now. Maybe he should let go. But nah, Allie might regret it. But she should. He should focus more on screaming. Let's do that. Allie hummed, now swinging Arthur from side to side, refusing to drop him until Vincent went into the damn hospital If Ari meant for this to be like this, then would she want him dead? Maybe he SHOULD let go, that is if one of the only relatives he ever got along with decided to send him on a suicide mission. But there were also people here that cared about him, and that was bad too. I mean Angy sort of cared about him. Era was pretty okay. He barely got to know Spop or the other new intern, and Vincent seemed.. interesting? He's like, panicking less now, but still panicking. Maybe crying. A part of him is telling him to let go, but at the same time telling him that it'd be worth it if he just held on. Allie hummed "seems like your friends are inside. aww.. guess i gotta put you down. remember. five lives. Dont get yourselves killed, got it?" Allie kind of, threw Arthur into the hopsital lightly, before locking all the doors, leaving them in a completely dark room, still with cellphone service by the way. "Arthur, thank god!" Angy immediately ran up to him, ignoring Ari, who was still on the line "Are you okay?" "Why don't we use the cell for a light? Also, Arthur, nice air time" Oh boy now he's panicking More. Now not only is he without his phone, but also not knowing where everyone is and just kinda. Crawls on the ground until he can find something to grab. "Th- than- tha- yeah," Probably Angy or Vincent's leg, that or like a chair or something. Depends on how intact the hospital is, really. "Don't worry, you're safe here with us.." "Wow, watch where youre grabbing Arthur. You have your hand mighty close to my crotch I mean like you can if it makes you feel better" Vincent coughed nervously Angy, noticing she was still in the call with Ari, gave the phone to Arthur "It's your sister." He's too shocked to say anything, just sort of. Grabs fo-- LIGHT!! YES LIGHT FUCKING HELL-- he doesn't even care if there's someone on the other side, he just turns on the flashlight and shines it on his friends. "You're there, and you're there, that's good, we're good, we're not dead, I'm not dead, what do we do now." He's turning the flashlight every which way, making sure he's seen just about every dark spot in his view. "Arthur, your sister is on the phone. She has no idea who the fuck was the woman holding you up so high" "Oh hey Ari, by the way what the FUCK DID YOU DO THIS FOR?" "Yeah, I did almost die, because apparently you think it's neat to just send us on this mission you weren't here for that could've and might get us killed." He'd sigh. "Okay, thank you, but I'm still kind of pissed, just- come soon? Maybe? Please? I don't think this lady is gonna be happy with us talking to you for this long." Boy wipes his tears. No he didn't cry what're you talking about. He's gonna, start going somewhere with his phone flashlight. He has like, somewhat full battery, 60%. He'll be fine. Allies watching them from the shadows, she made a silent angry noise and snapped, forcing Arthurs phone to die. There the light goooess "Fuck.." Angy looked around in complete darkness "Guys, I think it's best if we stick together for now, just in case.." You can hear Vincent crashing into stuff "Was that you Vincent?" Knowing Arthur was closer to her than the young man. It must have been him rEET- "Oh oF FUCKiNG CourSE!!" He was very tempted to just smash it on the ground but. He stopped himself. No, he thought. It's a phone. He's gonna just, try locating his friend, finding Angy first and grabbing her wrist, before trying to find Vincent. "Vincent, can you just like, yell or something?" It may not be evident cause they're in the fucking dark, but he's very spooped right now. save him A small click echoes through the silent dark room followed by a loud gunshot "I found a gun!" Well, atleast he could see that. Guns do that thing where they do the light and then the shot right. Because if so he'll just walk right over there and grab the boy's wrist. "There, now we're together!" He. Didn't think that statement through. "You have a strong grip" "Whatever you say, dude." He'd 'look' over the rest of the darkness. "Now.. how do we get around here." "Okay then.." Angy tried to ignore Arthur's awkward comment "Anyways, we gotta at find a way out of here before we do end up being slammed into trees. How we'll navigate is a whole other question.." Vincent heard his favorite song play in the dark, "Guys! I hear something!" He says softly, mesmerized by the sound and disappearing into the dark "Yeah that's kinda- Wh- HEY!" Arthur tried to chase after him, but at the sound of his footprints, he was probably gone. He'd sigh, "Are you kidding me," He'd mumble under his breath. Angy was confused but tried to grab Vincent by his shirt "Hold up! It could be a trap!" But it was too late The song stopped in the silence, Vincent now totally gone and the dark wrapping around the two
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