#just shane and ryan arguing over werewolves
Okay but imagine a buzzfeed unsolved episode about Hackett’s Quarry.
Shane would just be sat there wondering why there’s suddenly werewolves in the story when it was originally about a ghost lady lmao
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dnds · 7 years
skeptics and true believers, ch. 3
Shane only provides Ryan with more questions.
[AO3] [Wattpad]
Once again, Ryan dreamt of Shane. This time, they sat in a field together staring up at the sky. The world around them was blurry and undefined, with an odd surreal quality to it; it was unclear whether or not the sky above them reflected day or night, held clouds or stars. Unlike the last dream, they weren't on top of each other; instead, they just held hands and sat with one another. It felt just as intimate. There were no wolves or yellow eyes in this dream; just stars and soft grass and Shane. Ryan was content.
Ryan blinked open his eyes the next morning to the sound of an abrasive alarm and the quiet pattering of rain outside of his window. He sat up, running a hand through his messy black hair and yawning. He leaned forward with his face in his hands. He needed to get this crush under control before it started affecting how he interacted with Shane in real life.
Shane probably isn't even gay, he was trying to be realistic about it (possibly for the first time in his entire life). He thought back to the feeling of Shane's hand in his from the dream and couldn't help but feel the slightest bit crestfallen at that notion. Ryan groaned and fell back onto the mattress.  Why did everything always have to be so complicated?
He checked his phone before rolling out of the bed, sighing in disappointment when he noticed that his text from last night was still unanswered. Maybe Shane is just sick, Ryan thought unhappily, or maybe he just doesn't like me.
He shoved aside his gay crisis and climbed into the shower. There were better times to confront his feelings, he mused.  
Despite the fact that Ryan had gotten a full night's sleep, he arrived at school in a worse mood than the day before. He hadn't realized that Shane ignoring him would have this much of an effect. Get yourself together, Bergara, Ryan scolded himself mentally for being so easily wounded.
He walked in the front doors of the school and his eyes immediately fell on Brent and Shane, who were conversing in the front lobby. Ryan would've been lying if he said his heart hadn't jumped when he saw Shane. Speaking of...
Shane looked rough, to put it nicely. His hair was messy and his facial hair unkempt; dark bags resided underneath his eyes and he looked thoroughly tired and disheveled in his wrinkled jean jacket. If it had been anyone else, Ryan would've said they looked like shit.
Except, Shane looked ridiculously hot in his own tousled way; he pulled off the "didn't sleep at all last night" look perfectly. Internally, Ryan groaned. He was so fucked.
Brent made eye contact with Ryan and waved him over; as he approached, Shane gave him a fatigued smile. His eyes, which were normally a deep brown, were shining amber in the early morning sun. Flecks of gold were present throughout the dark orange color, and Ryan was taken away by how they almost looked ethereal.
"Earth to Ryan?" Brent said, waving his hand in front of Ryan's face. He blinked and came back to the present, trying to hide his embarrassment. He had literally gotten lost in Shane's eyes, for God's sake.
"Sorry, I'm just a little tired," He lied, "What's you just say?"
"I said hello," Shane smiled at him again, and Ryan hoped his face hadn't just turned red with blush, "How was your night?"
Ryan laughed, "I slept like a fucking rock because I didn't get any sleep the night before," He said, glaring at Shane in a joking manner, "Wonder who's fault that is."
Shane rolled his eyes. "I wasn't the one trying to prove the existence of ghosts the whole night." He grinned, "Which, by the way, you still have not managed to do."
"Oh for fuck's sake , not this again," Brent grumbled, "You two have fun arguing, I'm going to find Safiya or Steven or somebody."  
Ryan and Shane watched him walk away, then made eye contact with one another and laughed. "I didn't realize you being wrong about the existence of ghosts was so annoying to others," Shane said good-naturedly, "If it's any consolation, I find it humorous."
"Thanks," Ryan scoffed, "I'm glad to know that you find the serious science of ghosts to be 'humourous'." Shane started laughing louder, and God damnit he was absolutely adorable when he laughed.
"Ghosts have about as much serious science as... I don't know. What's something that's completely fake and implausible?" He asked, furrowing his eyebrows in mock contemplation.
"You're an asshole, you know that?" Ryan told him, trying to sound annoyed (which would've worked, except he couldn't help but break out into a smile). Shane gave him a smug grin and shrugged.
"I may have been told once or twice," He was still smiling, and Ryan felt like he could exist forever in this moment, laughing and being happy with Shane. Talking to Shane felt so natural and organic, it was easy in a way that Ryan had never felt before.
The bell ruined it; the sudden, jarring noise interrupted what Ryan considered a perfect moment. Shane glanced at his watch, and gestured down the hallway. "We should probably start walking to class." He suggested.
Ryan nodded in agreement,  and the duo began making their way down the crowded hallway. "How was your night?" Ryan asked, looked back at Shane's ruffled appearance, "You look like you didn't get much sleep."
Shane rubbed the back of his neck, looking marginally uncomfortable. "You're right about that," He said, eyes gravitating to the floor, "Family trouble kept me up all night. You know, stressful stuff."
"Are you okay?," Ryan asked Shane sympathetically. Briefly, the idea that Shane was a werewolf resurfaced, but was once again pushed aside as absurd. His friend was stressed and his first thought was werewolf-- Ryan felt kind of like a dick for even entertaining the idea.
Shane gave Ryan a small smile. "I'm fine, Ryan," He said softly, "I appreciate the concern, though. It's nice to know someone cares." Ryan's heart fluttered.
Fuck, Ryan thought, I am so gay for this boy.
"I am sorry to announce that we've arrived at my classroom," Shane looked regretful about having to part, but it was quickly replaced by an affectionate smile, "I'll see you later."
And once again, Ryan was alone, and, he saw as he glanced at the clock up on the hallway wall, late for class. Good Lord, this crush was going to be the death of him.
As the days pass, Ryan's feelings for Shane cease to fade. Ryan finds himself laughing at all of Shane's stupid jokes and staring at him whenever he gets the chance. Every moment Ryan spends with Shane is akin being in heaven. He's never felt this way about anyone.
And maybe, just maybe, Shane felt the same way. Ryan had noticed Shane looking at him when he thought Ryan wasn't paying attention, and there's this look that Shane gives him that makes Ryan feel like he's the only one in Shane's world at that moment.
There was the possibility that Ryan was simply projecting his feelings onto Shane. He hoped not, as he lay in bed texting Shane, laughing about some stupid meme with him. He really hoped not.
Faint moonlight filtered through Ryan's bedroom window, reminding him of the werewolf theory that he had nearly forgotten about. He looked back down at his phone.
[ryan] Can I ask you something, Shane? I know you don't believe in the paranormal but I have to share this with you
[shane] oh god
[shane] did you see a shadow and think it was a demon
[ryan] Oh shut up
[ryan] No, this is more tangible. I think there might be a werewolf around here.
[ryan] I know it sounds crazy but I saw something with these weird yellow eyes staring at me from the forest.
For a while, Shane didn't respond. About an hour had passed when Ryan's phone lit up with another notification.
[shane] i think you're crazy. don't be fucking ridiculous ryan.
[shane] you probably saw a coyote and were so obsessed with supernatural shit you thought it was something it's not.
Ryan blinked. The sudden tonal shift of the conversation had thrown him off guard.
Why was Shane being so hostile about this? Every other supernatural entity Ryan mentioned was typically met with disbelief, but never anger. Feeling slightly hurt, he typed a reply.
[ryan] Oh. Okay. You could've just said it was stupid. No need to get mad.
[shane] it's the most absurd thing you've ever said to me.
[shane] i'm going to bed. goodnight.
Ryan stared at the screen, a profound feeling of sadness spreading throughout his body. What the hell had just happened? He scrolled up to read through the conversation once again, trying to find where he might've said something wrong, yet came up empty-handed.
He couldn't fathom why Shane would get so upset about werewolves.
Ryan lay in bed and began reflecting on all the times he's brought up werewolves around Shane. The immediate denial and uneasiness. He thought back to the full moon, when Shane had been missing and shown up the next day looking as if he'd been up all night doing... something.
Was Shane a werewolf? The question had been absolutely preposterous mere days before, but was now growing more and more plausible.
Ryan grabbed his laptop, suddenly too apprehensive to sleep. He opened up Google once more, reinvigorated in his search for information on werewolves.
He had a lot of research to do.  
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