#just some guys hangin out :D
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i just think it's cool that @randomalistic and i made funny three-eyed bird guys with danglies on their head, wings, and funny tail things in spore, completely separately. it's cool! :D
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feelo-fick · 10 months
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"Oh, FINALLY, another visitor! It's so quiet in here, it's unnerving..."
This AU was meant to be posted on halloween but eh.... Happy Thanksgiving? HAHAHHA
still dont have a name for it, but basically, back in october i was suddenly hit with the need to have a halloween au, so now we have ghost-ified prismo and vampire/witch-ified scarab :D ( although didnt finish the scarab reference spread in time because uh, school and i lost motivation unfortunately )
au synopsis and rambling below the cut!!
the premise of this au is simple : scarab is a real estate agent whos known for his manners ( never barges in, always waits to be invited! though it is a little weird how he keeps asking to be let inside even if they already agreed that he was going to come over... ) and efficiency at his job - that is, convincing people to buy high-end housing for a good price. although his social skills need some... work, his ability to persuade people isnt something to be laughed at.
unfortunately for him, persuading the higher-ups is a completely different story - which he learned the hard way after flunking something big for the company. they dont choose to fire him, no. instead, they put him through a trial, assigning him to sell their most unprofitable property : the mansion in a small town locally known for being haunted by an "evil spirit". if scarab manages to sell it (for good profit) within six months, he is excused and is able to go on with his job. if not... well, best not to think about it, yes? after all, he'll succeed with ease - all he has to do is dispel any worries about some fake "ghost" that only exists as a result of filthy rumors. maybe clean up the place. not too hard, right?
meanwhile, stuck inside said mansion is an extremely bored prismo. hes been hangin around this place for like... how many years now? forty? a hundred? meh, all the same, lately the place has been quieter than usual. i mean- of course people dont just walk into a creepy mansion every day, but there would usually be at least a few bold kids or vloggers coming in now and then for him to entertain but even then they wouldn't stay long ( for obvious reasons ). and now, just some unbound spirits or dumb animals would pass by and thats about it. a guy can only entertain himself for so long, yknow?
that is, until today. when some posh-looking business man entered the premises and started snooping around ( whats the deal with that, by the way?? ). must be prismo's lucky day!! this is the perfect chance to pull out all the stops and play the FUNNIEST prank ever! hah!
... oh. looks like things've gotten a little out of hand.
WOOT WOOT WOOTTTTTTTTTTT!!! im so so happy to finish this because ohhhhh my god this has taken ages for no reason other than the fact that ive been really dragging myself to make presentable art JSNDJSJXNSJX.... i realize that i have never worked in real estate ( or at all ) which means i have probably fucked something up but uhh um ill deal with the backlash later :"D im also realizing how many odd unanswered bits and bobs this au is going to have in the future, which... i am ignoring for the most part for now, but there are SOME things that i DO have figured out like ghost lore... but thats for another time, for now i leave you with this >:)
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animazi · 3 months
icl i fundamentally disagree with the 'oh the acolyte shows anakin could have left the order anyway actually so he's so much worse bc he had an easy way out the whole time' discussions I've been seeing, because, like. literally why is this even a topic of discussion? ok ok hang with me here, I'm doing a list.
there is literally nothing in the prequels that suggests this is ever an option for him. up until shmi's death he is happy with the order - most of the problems he expresses come specifically from his relationship with obi-wan not the jedi generally, so why would he want to leave. once shmi dies, sure I getcha. his mum died and the jedi have a significant hand in that, and then he immediately breaks the code and does a massacre. however, and some may have missed this, its a fairly small plot point, the clone wars begin. anakin is not only never characterised as the sort of guy who would back out of this conflict (esp since he was involved from the get go), but also there is literally no time between anything - aotc and rots take place over such short time spans, comparatively; we see quite literally All the events happening at once.
so why doesn't he quit in tcw/rots? again. there is a war on and he is directly involved. tcw shows him as having made personal connections with the clones, and if there's one thing about anakin that everyone should be able to agree on its that he sure has attachments. also, again, rots takes place over such a short span of time and he is fairly clearly not in the best place in like fucking any of it
it probably wouldn't even fix anything bro. anakin is not the central turning point of the war, not really. that's palpatine. with or without anakin palpatine still gets the war, and realistically if anakin leaves the order then war breaks out, he is going to turn to palpatine as one of the only people he is close to, and ergo probably falls anyway. maybe he doesn't kill the younglings but like. shit still happens, jedi still get order 66'd
No Please Understand One Busy And Isolated Woman Is Not A Full Support Network Stop It. ok so. padme isolation is something that I fully see in the films. I will not yap on about that now, but take it as read for this point (although. even if she has a great and healthy support network that is not the issue! you are still saying that padme, who has a very busy job and her own life regardless, should functionally drop everything to support anakin). a key part of support networks is that they are a network aka not one woman. look me dead in the eyes and think anakin and obi-wan (already not having a great communicative relationship) are still talking after he leaves. go on. try. realistically speaking once the war starts anakin is in an, if anything, worse position - his fatherbrothermentor is out there fighting and he cannot help, his wife is barely home, the senate is always busy, and he is so so jobless (again. here is where palpatine would swoop in...bro cannot win fr fr). and Again, One (1) Padme Should Not Be Responsible For Dealing With The Entirely Of Anakin's Issues. stop it.
I don't actually have a full point 5 rn I just like it when the numbers do this :3
so bonus not-quite point: tcw and the acolyte both explicitly say the jedi don't prep you for the outside world if you leave the order, transferable skills etc etc BUT ALSO does your ex-jedi have any records of employment? any space gcses or a-levels or space degrees? a letter of recommendation? are they actually skilled enough in say mechanics/engineering to be able to survive in a world where droids exist and clearly have a huge presence in those sectors? any any money to help them get a flat or smth (not applicable in anakin's case but worth saying anyway)?
in short. I don't think it's a fair point to make when criticising anakin. it relies on a really weird reading of the prequels that misses a) the war, b) palpatine, c) the inherent misogyny of putting the wellbeing of anakin, guy who is hanging on the same thread as my sanity after exam week, entirely in the hands of one woman, d) the lack of regard for how support networks are, in fact, networks, e) how fast everything happens in the prequels
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technicalgator · 1 year
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🛠️“The Engineer, is Engi-here!” 🛠️
Finally finished my design of Engie! I love this cowboy sm <3
Ramblings and close-ups under the cut below!
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A lot a people have their own interpretations/style designs of the mercs, so I thought why not make one of my fav merc? So here we are!
Engie is that he’s an all-round decent guy, and treats everyone with respect as long as that’s reciprocated! He’s transmasc and ain’t afraid to show it, and loves his partner, the other equally insanely smart man on the team, Medic! ✨ If you don’t find him tinkering away in his workshop or hangin’ out with the Doc, you’ll find him spending some time with the other mercs that he likes, or playing with his robot dog :D
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Like most headcanons, Blu Engie is a defender/builder! You’ll find him setting up a nest of defenses at a good point, and a good spot for all the mercs to heal up with his dispenser! He rarely goes out into battle and prefers to hang back, but if any enemies do get close, he won’t hesitate to give them a few rounds of his sentry >:]
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Unlike Blu Engie, Red Engi is a battle engineer! You’ll find him running into the frontlines with his trusted mini-sentry, gear and Gunslinger! He craves the rush of adrenaline and thrill of the fight >:D (kill and maim!!!)
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One of the mercs Engie gets along with and looks out for the most is Pyro! Engie and Pyro are like a fatherly/unruly child duo to me, where they got each other’s backs on the field, and Engie himself just looks after Pyro! Pyro also looks up to Engie, and will usually show his appreciation by placing stickers on Engie’s hardhat, and pins for his overalls! Engie at first was uncertain about all the decal, but after seeing how happy it made Pyro when he wore them, he wears the decals proudly! Engie has a different decal set for both Red and Blu! ✨
Thank y’all for stickin’ around through my rambling!! I had a BLAST drawing and designin’ my Engie! I have a doodle sheet of Engie I’m almost done with that I will also be postin’ soon as well! 🛠️✨
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todomemolesta18 · 9 months
N and Uzi meet Stolas! :D
WARNING: This doesnt make sense at all, is just a parody to vent my frustrations out :3
N and Uzi are hangin out together, doing cute stuff. Stolas is watching them from a distance, like the creep he is.
Uzi: Wait, what the...
N: Whats wrong?
Uzi: *frowning and whispering* There is a weirdo looking at us.
N: *looks up and sees Stolas* Oh, haha, maybe he is just shy...
Uzi: He has been staring at us for a long time.
N: We can ask him.
Uzi: Wait-
N: Hey, you, come over here!
Stolas: Me?
Uzi: Do you see anyone else?
Stolas: Am, sorry for bothering you, haha, I was just... ejem, curious.
Uzi: *raising an eyebrow* About what?
Stolas: Well, you look like a cute couple...
*Uzi blushes*
N: Thanks!
Uzi: Well, is not of your bussines!
Stolas: *ignoring her* I never had a relationship like yours... My wife is... hard with me.. I dont even love her...
Uzi: Oh... I see.
N: Im sorry :(
Stolas: Its okay. Im divorcing her.
N: Thats good!
Stolas: Actually... there is someone I like...
N: Awwww!
Uzi: Oh, really?
Stolas: Yes... Is... an imp.
N: A what?
Stolas: Someone from lower class.
Uzi: *frowning* Ok, but, I mean who is? His name and stuff.
Stolas: *dreamily* His name is Blitzo... I... am in love with him.
N: Awwww, so cute!
Uzi: *suspicious* Hm, yeah.... How did you meet him?
Stolas: Once when we were kids... He was... *realizes that the context is disturbing*. Am, we met once as kids and played.
N: *gasp* Childhood romance!
Uzi: *suspecting* So... like... you just met once as kids?
Stolas: Yes, and then, years later, we saw each other again! He came to my palace to see me again! We made love.
Uzi: I didnt need to know that. So, why are you asking us about relationship stuff? You have that guy. You said that he loves you.
Stolas: Oh, uh, yeah, but... OK, the true is, he just um... pretended at first. Actually...
Uzi: You are confusing me.
Stolas: He... pretended. So he could steal something important from me.
N: *gasp* Thats terrible, Im so sorry.
Stolas: *enjoying the simpaty of pure N* Its fine.
Uzi: *not falling* What did he steal from you? Like, why?
Stolas: A book... that can make you travel to the living world... He stealed it for his bussines...
Uzi: Oh, I see. I understand. I mean, is not okay, still, he played and robbed you, but I understand.
Stolas: Yes, but, since I do care for him, I lent him the book.
N: Oh, thats nice from you!
Stolas: Hehe, thanks. Just doing something for my loved one.
Uzi: Okay, but... that book sounds important. You just... give it to him?
Stolas: No, he makes some favours for me.
N: Oh, that sounds fair!
Uzi: Wait. What kind of favours?
Stolas: We, once a month, he gives me back the book... and then we fu- I mean, sleep together.
Uzi and N: ....
Stolas: What?
Uzi: So, you are forcing this guy to make sexual favours.
*N gets an horrofied look on his face*
Stolas: I-I dont force him! I... I made him an offer and he accepted.
N: That... sounds weird. To want to, uh, sleep together in exchange for something. I dont know, it doesnt sound right to me.
Stolas: But- he... he is okay with it! He said yes!
Uzi and N: Hmmmm.
Stolas: Come on! Is a fair exchange!
Uzi: Why did you ask for sexual favours? Thats the weird part.
Stolas: I just wanted to do something with him! Have him close to me!
N: Then why didnt you ask for a date?
Stolas: I was nervous!
Uzi: But not nervous to ask for sex?
Stolas: I-I-I.... HE seduced me! We slept together! Thats why I wasnt nervous with sex!
N: Didnt you tell us before that he didnt actually like you and only did it to get your book?
Stolas: Well, if he really wasnt uncomfortable he wouldn have do it!
*N and Uzi look disgusted at him*
Stolas: WHAT?!
Uzi: Dude, maybe he was just desperate. Didnt you say before that he needs the book for his job?
Stolas: I... Look, I asked him and he said yes, so thats it!
Uzi: *rolls her eyes*
N: Ok... Can you tell us more about him?
Stolas: I told you everything!
N: No, I mean, his personality and other stuff. What do you like from him?
Stolas: Oh... Okay. He is very.... intense. He gets angry very easily. Actually, everytime we are together he looks angry or annoyed.
N: Ooookay.
Stolas: He also has a dirty mouth. He really likes to swear!
Uzi: Aha.
Stolas: And... he is really good in bed.
Uzi and N: Ew!
Uzi: We didnt need to know that, man!
Stolas: Well, sorry, you asked about him!
Uzi: You idiot, N asked about his personality, not his ability in bed!
N: What does he like? :D
Uzi: Or what hobbies does he have?
N: Phobias?
Uzi: That kind of stuff, you idiot!
Stolas: O-Oh... I see... Well, then...
Uzi: Go on.
Stolas: Well, I... I actually... dont know...
Uzi: What do you mean you dont know? Arent you suposedly in love with him?
Stolas: Yes I am!
Uzi: Then how is it that the only things you can say about him is that he is always angry, annoyed, swearing and good in bed. Thats all you know?
Stolas: I cant know everything about him!!!
N: *getting in front of Uzi because he is geting scared of the bird* OK, OK, please, calm down. Is just weird that you dont know more... basic stuff, thats it.
Stolas: Oh, please, like you know everything from each other!
Uzi: *still behind N* N is a very kind, sweet, gentle, warm, adorable, enthusiastic, patient person, who really loves dogs, specially Golden retrievers, and who would give his life for anyone else. He is also a really brave person, specially when is about someone he cares. He also loves drawing. AND I SHOULD ADD HE IS VERY GOOD AT IT.
N: *blushing hard* Wow... thanks, Uzi... I... I didnt expect that...
Uzi: Of course... You are my boyfriend... I... Anyway! *moving to stay in front of N* Now you see my point?
Stolas: Well, yeah, but... but... Is because we barely know each other!
N: Then ask him questions. Try to know him.
Stolas: I... I dont know, he always closes himself and is so hard-
Uzi: Maybe if you didnt ask for sexual exchanges...
N: ENOUGH! *grabs Uzi and puts her on his shoulder* I dont wanna talk anymore with you, sir. If you insist on seeing nothing wrong with what are you doing, then you are waisting me and Uzi´s time.
Uzi: Stay away from us.
*they both leave*
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aballadforbarbatos · 1 year
scawy mc D: (MAMMON)
mammon encounters a (tokyo) ghoul. the ghoul is YOU! the post is in bullet points below the cut :) more details in the main post.
warning: mentions mammon being sad, you end up having blood on you
main post
masterlist (coming soon!)
you started by buying your own human meat and being broke practically ALL the time
just like your first, awww you were made for each other
you two get SO attached to each other though, you’re forever helping him out of scrapes
lucifer ties him up and you help him down.
“mc, don’t let mammon down. he’s tied up for a reason.”
“who, me? i would never.”
“you are literally the only person who would”
you even go to illegal, secret casinos with him, and he makes your dice lucky, secretly though
you win a ton of cash! you give half of it to mammon because you love him. and then you spend the rest of it on meat to stock up with and you’re fine for a couple of months
normally mammon finds comfort in you more than anyone else, but one day he’s definitely torn up more than usual
it doesn’t matter if it’s something superficial or an actual issue, you’ll be there no matter what 😡
so you guys go on a walk to try and clear things up. lucifer tells you two not to get lost.
you stick your tongue out at him and mimic him in an annoying high pitch voice. mammon cracks a smile
satan straight up cackles like a witch and it’s so loud that it echoes through the house. belphie calls lucifer a loser.
you’re walking with mammon through some kind of forest when you come to a clearing
“mc i think we're lost”
“home is where the heart is and my heart is with you, so no we are not lost, acTuaLLy”
mammon is about to open up to you when a group of demons show up and start heckling him
they don’t care about you, and why would they? you’re just a human
except, you’re not, are you?
they keep going and mammon keeps shrinking inside himself, and you can feel your anger growing, and growing, and it’s not until the shadow of your wings hits their faces that they realise
it doesn’t stop there, though
you are just. you are SO mad. how dare they bully mammon? your first?! what do they think they’re DOING?
a mask forms over your face, tough as steel, distorting your voice
“i’m about to commit mass murder, by the way.”
it's when they try to run off in different directions that you wish you were a rinkaku ghoul, but you end up cutting their path off anyway. and them also.
the perks of being bouncy and light
mammon is just watching this go down
hangin out
he would LIKE to stop you but where would he even start?
you've turned into a really scary (but cool!) monster
he can see a couple of new demons heading this way but they catch sight of you and immediately turn around
you switch back
blood is ALL over your clothes
staring at each other
"guess you don't need me to protect you anymore..."
"ohhhh yes i do, i would go insane without you"
objectively you mean in that form, but not having mammon beside you all the time would mean a very warped life D:
mammon's mood perks up after that
you were lost btw so you take forever to get back to the house
and then you both remember the blood
"we'll just pretend it's pig's blood or something"
"yeah, i'm pretty sure pig's blood isn't black, mc-"
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quinsixtridrupled-k · 7 months
About Me
Hello, my fellow fellas. I'm called by many things (Dedede, Triple D, Sixtuple D, etc.) but for now just refer to me as 6D.
I'm a guy hailing all the way from Southeast Asia, just hangin' out over here on the online space. I don't expect myself to be particularly active on this site, as I've mostly been using it to lurk and follow my favorite blogs, however if I have something to share, I will. Currently my self-proclaimed occupations, so to speak, are:
• Amateur digital artist (more proficient in regular pencil and paper, but I try)
• College Student, trying to get by as best as I can.
I've always liked drawing things, ever since I was a wee lad, I've found the prospect of being able to create an image that came from my head and put it into an art form to be especially enticing - back when I was a kid, I used to make a lot of Tom & Jerry related drawings as I grew up with those cartoons. I've still ways to go in terms of professional looking art, especially because I'm a slow-learner. I'll try my best, however.
Below are some examples of my work (you can tell which ones have some semblance of improvement to them):
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I also spend some (being half) of my time gaming, either playing games or watching videos of games (heh, video games...), I've always been especially partial to platformer games. Nowadays, my tastes in genres have expanded to multiplayer-centric games like racing, or fighting - mostly the latter.
My current notable interests (of any media), in no particular order, include:
Donkey Kong Country - with Super Mario as an extension (video game - platformer)
Banjo-Kazooie (video game - platformer)
Big Hero 6 (animated film - superhero)
Rayman (video game - platformer)
Super Smash Bros. (video game - fighting)
Left 4 Dead 2 (video game - first-person shooter)
Fraymakers (video game - fighting)
RWBY (web series - animation)
Spider-Man (superhero - any media form)
Pizza Tower (video game - platformer)
Team Fortress 2 (video game - first-person shooter)
Rivals of Aether (video game - fighting)
So, yeah, that about covers it, for now. If I post anything, expect it to be related to any of the above, or topics of a similar, tangential vibe. Hopefully, I can get used to this!
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esther-dot · 1 year
Okay maybe this is me being a clown but I was reading some of your old post because I'm feeling Jonsa nostalgic and found one about the playlist released by HBO for the final season and how that gave away part of the ending and/or what we thought would be the ending... so I was thinking about the possibility of an epilogue with Jonsa being filmed or an alternative ending with Jonsa+Stark continuity but it didn't make the final version because of D&D? Because the playlist and all the foreshadowing makes no sense with the ending we have 🫠
There was a leak before the final season and major aspects of it were correct, except, it had said that Sansa would marry. I think we all accepted that whoever had leaked it had misinterpreted the coronation scene as a wedding, or even, just figured out the ending and was right about most everything but Sansa's last scene. Sophie said she kept the storyboard of her last scene and that storyboard is of her coronation, so I do not think there was an additional scene.
However, a Jonsa, I'm thinking it was @sanktasansa predicted that the abrupt, unsatisfying GoT ending was a result of HBO leaving room for a sequel, and last year, we did learn that Kit, HBO, and Martin were all discussing that right after s8, so it's possible that we're going to get a satisfying epilogue after all.
As for the songs themselves, I can't find the playlist right now, but here's what I had written before:
Before s8 came out, D&D made a playlist and said, “The answer to the ending is one hundred percent hidden in the playlist choices” (link), and below are some lyrics from “Girl from the North Country,” one of those songs:
Please, see if her hair hangs long If it rolls and flows all down her breast Please, see for me if her hair's hangin' long 'Cause that's the way I remember her best I'm a-wonderin' if she remembers me at all Many times I've often prayed In the darkness of my night In the brightness of my day So, if you're travelin' in the north country fair Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine
The playlist had a lot of Dark Dany songs, wolf songs, songs about power, really clear stuff if you knew about the Starks being the heroes and Dany being the final baddie. Of course, everyone argued about what was what, but several Jonsas pointed out that this song had to be a Jonsa song (no other girl would fit the lyrics, no other guy was potentially in love with her), but if it was, it meant that Jon would be parted from Sansa in the end. That was said before s8 premiered. Like the promos, the songs painted a more compelling picture of what the final season would be than what was eventually delivered, but I think if we ignore the interviews and think about what made it to our screens, the implication of it all was pretty clear. (link)
So, while I think Jonsa was real at some point, perhaps never truly discarded, simply, unacknowledged, I don't think D&D planned our ideal ending with them both in Winterfell. Martin has talked about how he loves romances that don't have a happy ending though, so that doesn't mean they weren't supposed to get a love story. It just may not be the one we had hoped for.
But of course, many Jonsas are anticipating Jonsa in the sequel/Jon Snow spin-off, so there’s always hope. 💗
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rwuffles · 1 month
ur a beloved mootie but I have this unreasonable obsession/fear?? abt triggering people's NPDs / upsetting them for some unknown reason. (not ur fault, narc abuse and stuff doesnt exist, my people pleasing self just gets nervous abt upsetting anyone and Im aware pwnpd are a tad more sensitive abt that so) so Im just a tad bit nervous around u.
(Im trying to work through that though!! ilyyy /non-rose and ur always welcome with everything regarding me (requests, art trades, advice, just hangin out, Im happy regardless))
also!!! awesome new theme!!! :D
AW. NO DW . i'm just a silly little guy :] i try my best to communicate my feelings + if i'm upset ( especially if i can't recognize why ) :3 i think ur really cool and i'm actually constantly scared to talk 2 u becuz i think ur gona hate me becuz. npd braun.
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leeshannonart · 1 year
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Desert Days
Just some guys hangin out, being left in peace and soaking up the Vitamin D.
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mobblespsycho100 · 1 year
GIVE ME THE ASPEC TWST HCS 🔥🔥🔥🔥 NOWWWWWW!!!!! (if u want to)
✧ first, the ones i feel strongly abt:
-> Aromantic Epel:
reason no 1.) his in game chat where hes like "if you think im a romantic person, dont" . sooo aro tbh
no. 2) he never has any romance related wishes hes too focused on getting those muscles and blastin on that blastcycle
no 3.) tbh i think theres a voiceline in his ghost marriage card abt like his ideals on loved ones and partners and its never explicitly a romantic thing he's just like "i wanna spend time with my loved ones and be strong enough to protect them, bake pie for them" and like yea i think he
no 4.) i think if he went on a date with someone he would just not feel anything romantic about it he's just there like "wow its so fun hangin out :D!!!"
-> Aroace Jade:
I'm not actually sure why I feel strongly about aroace Jade but it's definitely not like in a oh hes cold and unfeeling way like not at all... like he cares about his interests, he cares about certain people in his life. but in a way I don't really think he would want to find a partner or settle down because he doesn't really think about that. he's happy living on his own and doing the things he likes and he's happy if Azul and Floyd are happy, hes just vibing and I dont think romance or sex crosses his mind. bro lights up at seeing wild plants n fungi and mountains and also messing with people, thats his true love right there.
(okay but I think he could also be up for finding a partner/some kinda relationship besides platonic, like hes not completely closed off to the idea he just genuinely does not think abt it that much due to lack of experience or . smth)
-> Demiromantic/Demisexual Sebek:
guy who gets no bitches im sorry I think hes just super occupied with his whole Malleus guard business, training, and the thought of dating never crosses his mind and when he does he just listens to Lilia's old man advice and its so hopeless . F in the chat for Sebek
bullying his silly goofyness aside I think the thought of love does cross his mind but in a "am I worthy of this?" way and he doesn't really get crushes or stuff because he probably would feel guilty like "in my mind there should only be room for Malleus!!!" (not even in a crushing on or wanting him way he just feels that he has to protect and adore Malleus at all times and when he doesnt hes letting his guard down or something) thats why he would probably only feel or notice attraction if its someone close with him 👍
✧ the ones that im not super sure about but I like thinking abt it now and again:
-> Arospec/Demisexual Azul: mixed bag tbh i first thought of acespec Azul when I mistook the glove ring thing in his ceremonial robes groovy as an ace ring (which ik it isnt in hindsight but like, its funny to me). i rlly agreed with like your post abt the dating hcs and how Azul probably tried out dating once because he wanted to distance from his old self and then hes like "oh no theres vulnerability that has to be shared in this and its not just buying people things and going on fancy dinner dates with them???" and he reevaluates his entire view on romantic and sexual attraction and by that I mean he tries not to think abt it and just focuses on business
-> Arospec/Lithro Ruggie: I think it would be a silly idea if Ruggie would get crushes easily but never pursue them and they eventually just fade away because the thought of entering a relationship is like "uhhhh why do that when I can work and get that bag 🤙🤙" or smth. admittedly even tho i like him i dont rlly have the biggest grasp on his character. i thought abt kaliruggie sometimes i think its kinda cute and thats abt it LMAOO
-> Aroacespec Idia: is it him being emotionally closed off and not good at social interaction or is he aspec . who knows at least hes winning in his otome VNs go gamer go
-> "doesnt rlly want to think about that" flavor of aspec Jamil: he doesnt really want to think about that. focusing on issues rn
-> Ace Ace: would just be funny innit. i think he may just be gay and oblivious though
-> Demirose Riddle: guy who doesnt think abt it ever until it hits him in the face. also his mom probably like never told him anything abt dating except No Dating until u Graduate or something so hes like . ok. its like with friendship he doesnt know all the rules of it yet. and he studied medical stuff on account of doctor parents so he probably takes such a methodical scientific approach to like romance and sex and that probably puts people off. like he Knows and Understands he says but also he really does not and its making him #(-@&3-_8$;4///0ak#sjdh 💥
-> not actually an aspec headcanon or anything but i think Vil, Leona, and Rook only speaks in the language of marriage and divorce and not dating or breaking up
-> Arospec Diasomnia: well. theyre green arent they (blasted into smithereens)
and yeah thats it I think
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callmehopeless · 2 years
munson is full time babygirl pretty boy with his big brown eyes and shaggy hair 🤭🤭🤭 total rugged and dirty vampire creature/cryptid type thing……woof 🥴
my life has been…unstable & overwhelming. but i’m hangin’ in there!! it’s always nice to see you post, i still have notifs on for you!! and it always reminds me of all of the fun we had on here with mr clyde. i cannot believe the wedding is soon! do you guys have a theme? a color scheme? where is it gonna be?? TELL ME EVERYTHING !!! i’ve never had the desire to get married but i’ve always LOVED all those wedding shows so i need the details girly 👁️👁️
also your boys sound perfect for a rich novel of angst, im so excited to hear more about it later on when you’re able to talk about it more :-)
I've seen limited amounts of ST but I do delight in him, there's something about that shaggy hair and unhinged look that makes me want to take him out in my car and snog him on a quiet hill overlooking the city while blasting Rascal Flatts or something equally obnoxious
Unstable and overwhelming is okay! Its been a crazy few years. Really, I'm surprised when people aren't feeling unstable and overwhelmed - but one day at a time, that's the way we roll. Wedding isn't super soon, probably next year - it'll be at my favourite winery. The theme is "People We Love Having The Best Time Ever" - we're not particularly fussy. Good food, good wine, and people we love; the rest figures itself out, right? I'll update you when I have more for you :D
I can talk about the book some, I just have to be cautious because of how copyright works on shoddy sites (coughTumblrcough). But its got magic, vampires, coffee shops, a lot of regret and longing and pining, and characters who really can't get a break. Generally, though, I wanted to write a book for the YA market that is all about a bloody good, respectful, kind friendship full of growth and loss, and letting go of things you're ready to lose. And then they go and spoil it all by saying something stupid like I love you
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afterhourswjay · 2 years
I heard you have OCs and I’m curious now, I want to know about them, tell me about them 
Ooo, ok!! So, some of these ocs are old and because I haven't seen/drawn them in ages, Idr what they were originally like or planned to be like. I'll make some stuff up as I go sjnfjfjd xD I'll try and note who made the artwork if I didn't draw them myself :3
So, first up is my 'persona', Jay. This one was drawn by SeaEagle on a pet site called FlightRising (lotsa tallented artists hangin' out on there)
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He's the most 'me' any of my characters get, while also being his own lil guy. Or, big. He's tall, like, somewhere between 6'5 and 6'7. As seen in the picture, he's really into cars. He's also got a motorcycle, and some horses. Living my dream of being a mechanic and horse trainer. Don't ask me how, both require a lot of time and effort to do, but he manages to find the time to stay great at both
The next oc of mine is BlueJay, as an anthro and feral.
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He's actually the original version of my persona, Jay. In his anthro form, he likes much the same things that Jay does. However, he takes semi-regular camping trips and shifts to a feral form (kinda like a werewolf transformation, but he's not a were slfjs). Not much to say about him other than I look forward to expanding upon his personality, and making him a distinct character apart from the human Jay
Next up is Jiemu.
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I still have to redraw him at some point, but he's supposed to be sky blue, black, and a neon blue. I honestly don't remember much about him other than he's a 'computer program' to kinda fit into one of my friends universes. He can technically shapeshift, but the markings will always give him away no matter his form
Next up is Pup. I commissioned @meatygutsy to draw him! (I hope you don't mind the ping ^^;)
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I made a post about him here, but essentially, he's a big boy who's an experiment :3 He's pretty big, and I'm still deciding whether he originally had a head and the experiment was taking his head to see what happened, or if the scientists took his head and gave him wings during the middle of his incubation period (since he's a clone) :D
Then theres Twy. Literally just a duo coloured cat lskdf
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I'm thinking that she's some form of chimera, but I'm not sure xD
I also have some ocs that are in the works, and are still being worked on, so I won't be adding them here. Perhaps I can make a part 2 when I do get around to commissioning someone to draw them & finish up what I want them to be like :3
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castelleve · 4 years
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infraaa · 2 years
Can i get all (or any dragon of ur choice)
So! With that in mind! For the alphabet thing(sfw/sugar) with the letters being
N AND R!!!!!!!!!!
So there- :D
『Ah hell let’s put em all in a pot yeah? Lil skrunks I lub em』
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400 Followers Milestone Event — Draconic Five (Pitaya, Ananas, Lotus, Lychee and Longan with… we’ll that’s pretty clear now is it just look above sjdjdka)
Again, from the Sugar List! 🍡 Time to get fluffy!
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🍡 N \\ Nicknames :: Who makes the pet names in the relationship? Who usually uses them?
Pit is just all over the place with nicknames. They call you something different each day however it usually falls on the lines of “babe,” “baby,” “babes,” “babeycakes,” etc etc…
They do it because you did it first and was like “huh how cool I got a name 😎”
However they also make up nicknames to annoy the shit out of you.
Like say if you were on your period this is where you would have to get your shoe out to beat them with. They make up period style nicknames that get weirder as the day goes on.
Such as “hey my little red rocket❤️” or “what’s hangin my little blood fountain of goodness?” it gets weird and gross, prepare to fight.
But on a serious note they usually use the pet names because you do. Simple.
🍡 R \\ Real smooth, Joe! :: How romantic are they? Are they more cliche or creative?
They’re creative in their own light. They’re… special.
“For you, babe!~” cue the ring of fire that transforms into a heart, a demon popping out of it with a stuffed plush heart that says “u cute” on it.
Holds your hand in public and snuggles up to you on car rides. They purr a lot too, it’s a wonder how people see them as a big tough guy. They’re a teddy bear practically look!
Sets up dates that usually have some kind of entertainment like going to hibachi grills where they cook in front of you, it stimulates his tingling braincells and he loves seeing you laugh.
All in all, very creative and romantic in their own special way. They’re very “I’m original and not like the other dragons,” yk?
“lob you bb ❤️” a lot in texts
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🍡 N \\ Nicknames :: Who makes the pet names in the relationship? Who usually uses them?
Ananas wasn’t the first to use them, no. But ever since you called them “honey,” he blushed, pouted, crossed his arms, said “stop,” in a very tsundere type fashion, went to their bedchamber, and melted with the hearts and flowers around them gushing.
They call you their treasure, something that sounds personal and sweet, warm to the touch. They did this after they finally gave into the fact that they liked you.
You primarily use pet names like “your majesty,” in an attempt to poke fun at them, however, Ananas actually takes a liking to this.
Other than the occasional “darling” or “dear,” there really isn’t another nickname they use. They call you by your name if not a nickname.
However there is one other name they have for you, which they use on very special occasions, which is “emas,” or “gold” in Malay.
They love the nicknames you give them, and albeit they aren’t the huge fan of them, Ananas tolerated them greatly. 🧡
🍡 R \\ Real smooth, Joe! :: How romantic are they? Are they more cliche or creative?
It can be half and half with them. Ananas can be romantic if they really wanted to be, however, they normally come off as someone from a ghlibi film when they try.
Takes you out on flights and courts you with the finest gold they can find in their hoard, being extremely selective on the gifts they give you. They are also very selective on who prepares your food, how it’s prepared, etc. They want you to have nothing but perfection, which is romantic to them.
They love sunsets because of the colors they emit; the pinks, oranges, purples and yellows and blues, they take you to the highest point on the archipelago just to watch the sun set with you. They may also bring dinner with them along with refreshments and a blanket to sit on if they want to stay with you for a while.
They love nuzzles as well, and while sitting with you they may nuzzle into you while low quiet purring comes from their throat.
Merry Go Round of Life or Dearly Beloved in the background of course, some nice soft songs, leaving you both warm and comfy within the guise of the setting sun.
Even their gaze softens around you, on private that is. Soft smiles and pupils that don’t look as sharp, a far more tender side to Ananas that that rarely ever show anyone but you.
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🍡 N \\ Nicknames :: Who makes the pet names in the relationship? Who usually uses them?
They call you “Kirei,” and write it out as 綺麗、meaning “pretty” in Japanese. They may also call you “utsuku,” or the first kanji in the word “utsukushii,” written like 美しい、meaning beautiful.
Lotus primarily uses nicknames in private, and they use them often to show affection. You haven’t called them a nickname up to this point, however after your relationship began you tended to call Lotus Dragon… Lotus, shortening it to show familiarity.
Even this though makes them smile. They tell you that you don’t have to put a nickname on them if you don’t want to because even the shortening of their name is enough to show them how you feel.
Eventually you start calling them “love,” which leads them to hug you.
Cherishes every name you give them and will lick your cheek out of happiness.
Often sends you text messages in the morning, telling you to have a good day, to not forget to do anything important, and that they love you. 💙
🍡 R \\ Real smooth, Joe! :: How romantic are they? Are they more cliche or creative?
Makes songs for you, sometimes adding lyrics to them. These are played on their mandolin, and they play these songs for you at night when all the servants are sleeping.
Allows you to stay in their bedchambers with them, or in their throne room during the day, where you both sit in comfort, with you oftentimes sitting close to Lotus as they wrap you comfortably in their tail.
Loves the way you smell, and once commanded some of the servants to make them a cologne that smelled like you.
Will hold dinners for you, making sure that all food prepared and all refreshments provided are of purest quality, the most superb pure ingredients that are so fresh you wouldn’t be able to tell if they were the real thing or out of a commercial.
Likes to cuddle and will allow you to touch their horns, a rather sensitive place for all dragons. This is a sign of trust as they hug you with their arms and tail, softly combing their finger through your hair and humming to themselves, letting out soft purrs here and there.
Probably the most romantic out of the five.
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🍡 N \\ Nicknames :: Who makes the pet names in the relationship? Who usually uses them?
“Bestie, girlboss, queen, lovely, king, dolly,,,”
you best believe lychee is gonna be the first one to use a nickname with ya.
Loves to call you these names while hugging you from behind. They’re so preppy that they call you these nicknames whether in private or public, they don’t care about what people think about your relationship with them. You’re special to them and if anyone says otherwise they’re gonna get their foot in their mouth.
You are the Angel that they couldn’t kill, so be glad they’re letting you keep your soul. They love it too much to take it.
Wonders if you have a nickname for them as well and often asks you about it with them pink draconic pupils and uwu like smile.
“Baby face.” “What?” “Babyface, because you got a babyface and you’re cute.” “Aww, hehehe! That’s so cute! I love that- wait you think I’m cute?~”
🍡 R \\ Real smooth, Joe! :: How romantic are they? Are they more cliche or creative?
They’re def more cliche with showing their love to you, often taking you somewhere on their island that they think is pretty to show you.
Pretty clothes that have but no longer wear are given to you as courting gifts as well as jewelry or makeup.
They may also have these bonding nights with you where they wanna give you makeovers n such, like having a girls night, complete with wine, Facebook or Twitter, face masks with the cucumbers, Madonna, etc.
Also Madonna karaoke, if anyone disagrees on the fact that lychee listens to Madonna I’m quitting-
“MATERIAL GIRL!” Tells you to slay cutely and that they love ya!
Spams you with hearts and flowers bc why not it’s cute
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🍡 N \\ Nicknames :: Who makes the pet names in the relationship? Who usually uses them?
okay they’re stiff as hell with nicknames. You started to call them “dear,” just to see how they would react. And they just continued to call you by your name. As your relationship progressed they did start to call you “honey.” Thats about it.
Longan is weird about nicknames. Don’t get too soft with them, they don’t like it.
Prefers you call them nicknames in private as they do so as well. Is very private and doesn’t like to show much emotion.
Calls you pet names when they’re tired, as they don’t realize all the time that they do, plus they when they’re tried, there a lot more docile.
Calls you “princess,” and “my beloved” while cuddling.
Will not admit it no matter what you or the other dragons do but they love to be babied when tired. Call them baby boy when he warms up in cuddling. Will kiss your neck and tell you they love you.
🍡 R \\ Real smooth, Joe! :: How romantic are they? Are they more cliche or creative?
No that’s wrong ❌
You think Longan is romantic and caring?? They can get this way… after some millennia. But love is something Longan fears. They’re extremely protective of their heart and will not get attached quickly.
However, if you’re immortal, that’s different.
The fear still lingers though that somehow they will have to outlive you. So they try to be as understanding as possible to make sure you don’t leave them. Key word being try.
Most if not all their knowledge on how to be romantic comes from movies and or books they have read. 
So they are probably the most cliche out of the dragons. Roses, jazz, that shit. Incredibly cheesy and their attempts make you laugh, which makes them confused, but they’re trying, okay? It’s the thought that counts! If it makes you feel better they really like movies and will watch them with you. 🧡
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dearlawdimasimp · 2 years
Devotion for the moon under the morning sun
Pairings: Khonshu x gn sorcerer!Reader
Word count: buckle the fuck up bc this is the longest fic i've written yet, 3.8k+ words BABEYY
Warnings: grammar, languange, suggestive stuff(not explicit, just mentioned), No spoilers! :D, implied Filipino!reader but not that detailed, no mention of y/n, purely self-indulegent, not beta'd and possibly ooc Khonshu(if i missed anything pls let me know! ^.^)
Summary: How did sorcerer!reader from Just you luck meet and confessed to Khonshu? (idk man i just want my Khonshu fic HAHAHA)
A/n: well this is long and possibly has a rushed ending but i still hope y'all like it😅 this was just something to quench my thirst for the bird god AND SUPPOSED TO BE SHORT but here we fucking again are🤡. HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY MY SELF-INDULGENT MESS💞💞
note 2: if you guys have suggestions for for a new title, i will gladly accept them lmao bc this one's ridiculously long. I also accept constructive criticsms so feel free to send asks or comment or dm me in my inbox🥰💞💞 more of my thoughts at the end
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Gif of the bird daddy god is from @/khonshunation
You are currently preparing your breakfast, humming and sometimes singing along to the music, Harana by Parokya ni Edgar, playing on your mini-speaker as you prepare your coffee while you wait for your omelette to cool.
Puno ang langit ng bituin,
at kay lamig pa ng hangin.
Sa 'yong tingin ako'y nababaliw, giliw.
At sa awitin kong ito,
Sana'y maibigan mo,
Ibubuhos ko ang buong puso ko
Sa isang munting harana,
Para sa'yo
(The sky is full of stars,
The night breeze is cold.
Your stare makes me crazy, my dear.
I hope you'll like,
this song of mine.
I will pour my whole heart,
on this little serenade.
For you)
The chorus of the song makes you chuckle as you remember the nights you spent with Khonshu. A small getaway moment from day-to-day life and just sit in silence while admiring the view of any night life of any city you stumbled in, may it be in London or any other cities in the globe as you, alongside his Moon Knight, protect innocent civilians.
While his knight delivers his vengeance, you protect this realm from any form of mystical danger.
Those nights started when you were keeping an eye out for his knight. You had gotten word from one of the sorcerers that a new vigilante arose in London, so you decided to check it out. What you were not expecting though, is that the vigilante is powered by a banished god of the Egyptian pantheon.
You may or may have not been caught stalking them which led to a confrontation and a small dispute but the situation was quickly diffused after they stated their cause. You were skeptical at first, but you let them go that night. Your eyes lingered on their form.
After you did some digging on some texts about the deity, you realise they were not lying. You told your fellow sorcerers about this, they told you they have no qualms about their whereabouts as long as no innocent civilians would be harmed nor witness anything that aligns to anything mystical and you have to keep an eye on them.
And so you told the moon and his knight that whenever something accidentally happened in front of civilians, they have to inform you quickly to avoid repercussions on a later date. To which they begrudgingly accepted since they didn't want any more interventions.
After nights of keeping tabs on the two, and them almost always knows that you are there(Khonshu is the God of the Moon, of course he'll know who or what is under the moonlight), you were able to form an unlikely friendship with them which led to some nights spending time with the two. Most of it though, is with the deity. 
Feelings arose in between those nights. His dry sense of humour somehow makes you chuckle, the way he allows you to do things that are socially perceived as 'weird' and unacceptable but are only mundane things which makes you, you, the way he allows you to mess with him while he doesn't let anyone else do it or they'll face his wrath and just be someone who listens to your every rant about a certain sorcerer with an inflated ego and give advices on how to deal with it(which may or may not always be murder). Which led to you daydreaming whenever you are reminded of anything that resembles the god.
Although the song you are listening to talked about singing a serenade to a dear one under the stars and chilly night, you don't sing to him any serenades on those nights. Though you've been tempted lately to sing 'Buwan' by Juan Karlos to him. Maybe because of the song's title that is literally 'moon' in english, maybe because it is your feelings for the god already written out for you and ready to be sung, maybe it's just you want to confess to him under the moon through a song about confessing one's love under the moon OR maybe it's because of all of the above and because you're tired of stuffing all those love down! 
But you didn't want to ruin the bond you have built with Khonshu. You didn't want to be rejected, seeing as the bird god doesn't really look like he also feels the same way to you. So, you kept silent and kept these feelings hidden, locked in a Pandora's box and swept under the rug. Don't even get me started on your infatuation with the deity's avatar(that's a story for another day ;) ).
Oh if only the box could hold your deep admiration for Khonshu. 
It could not. 
These feelings always resurface after hours of hiding them and keeping them in bay. You just could not help but somehow always find another reason to love the moon god and all of your efforts in locking your heart just bursts open.
Your will to keep things under the surface fades when he talks softly after your long rant, it dissolves when he pats your shoulder and gives praises after a successful mission, it dissipates into thin air when he looks you over after said missions, it crumbles when he tolerates your weird sense of humour and does not make fun of you. Although it should not, it somehow does.
Every. single. fucking. time. 
Even though you've tried to reason with yourself that he probably only does this with no romantic reasons but just to entertain you so that you won't intervene in the future. That maybe this is just how he is to someone who helps his knight. But all those reasons always disappear like a bubble when you hear that sweet, deep timbre of his voice, the way your name just sounds so beautiful when he says it, and the way his strong but comforting aura engulfs you when he's in the same place as you.
You were too deep in thought as you stirred your coffee, a new song played on your speakers and you haven't even noticed that the being you are currently thinking of is in the same room as yours. Silently watching you do your morning routine as he sat with one foot on top of the counter and the other laying flat on the floor. If it weren't for his massive size it would've been dangling from the counter top he's sitting on.
Ako sayo'y ikaw ay akin,
(I am yours as you are mine,)
Seeing as you were so deep in your trance, Khonshu took the chance to admire you, like he always does when you two spend some time together. This is obviously done secretly. He doesn't want to admit it but he has fallen for you, too. Your knowledge, your skill and determination, your charming and funny personality when outside of work had drawn him in like a moth to a flame.
At first he had thought that he was under your magical influence, like some sort of spell to control him and stop his life's work in protecting humanity because you have some hidden agenda that your fellow sorcerers don't know. 
But, he is under none. 
He would've known, he is a god after all. Spells aren't hard to detect under his nose. His years of existence in this unimaginable universe has given him lots of experience and knowledge humanity hasn't even known nor experienced. So no. He isn't. Which drew him to a conclusion that he both dread and joyed over that he is, in fact, in love.
Dread, because of the fact that whatever desires he has with you will be completely useless if he can't always be by your side and spend as much time as he wants with you without facing consequences. He was banished because of his love for humanity, how much more if he devotes his undying love to a human. Joyed because for a long, long, long time he would've never thought he would find this kind of love again, not after his banishment and certainly not finding it with a human. 
Sorcerer but still human.
And knowing that his feelings were mutual made him more overjoyed. You might've thought that he doesn't see it but he does. Seeing your face heating up when he helps you up and look you over for injuries, the way you light up when he entertains your rambling thoughts, your shy yet bold smile when you make a teasing comment, and your longing stares that you thought he could not see nor sense but he does. 
He does see and feel your overwhelming love that he wants to drown in, but he should not, he could not. Not when the possibility of you getting hurt is highly likely.
And so he'll just admire you, silently, just like what he is doing now, silently admiring your unruly bedhead, the steady rise and fall of your shoulders under your loose top as you breathe, your lower behind that he may have 'stared' at far too long for anyone's comfort(not that anyone would notice), and your cute pj bottoms.
Ganda mo sa paningin.
(You are a sight to behold.)
He will never admit it to you outloud but gods, were you a sight for sore eyes. Even in this situation where you just woke up and haven't completely freshen up. What he would do to get a chance to be by your side when you wake up-
His thoughts were interrupted by your yelp, startled by the fact that he didn't announce his arrival. It's always fun to mess with you.
You hiss curses as you regain your composure. You do sometimes, if not most of the time, curse like a sailor when threatened. 
"I didn't mean to startle you, little human. But you should've been attentive to your surroundings." He sounds disappointed but deep inside, he only wants you safe.
Ako ngayo'y nag-iisa,
(I am currently alone,)
"I know, I know." You roll your eyes as you face him, "You could've at least knocked or..said anything when you arrived- how long have you been..there? here? Gods my grammar sucks…" You mumble the last part to yourself as you take a sip of your lukewarm coffee.
His commitment to keep his love under his bondaged body might just waver, once again, right here right now as you look at him with those eyes. The longing and mirth glinting under the morning sun. But this time, he might not be able to keep it to himself anymore.
Sana ay tabihan na.
(Hopefully you'll accompany me.)
How long have you been daydreaming about him???!??
Sa ilalim ng puting ilaw,
(Under the white light,)
Well long enough apparently that the song you were thinking of had started to play on your speakers. Great!
"I haven't been around for long, little human. Whatever you had done before you stirred your coffee is something I have no idea of." He shrugs as he vaguely answers. You mumble nonsense under your breath, a little annoyed by his response at the same time hiding your embarrassment. 'Seriously, out of all the times that that song plays, it has to be right now?!? Plus, its early in the fuckin morning..bad timing music player..very very bad timing.'
Sa dilaw na buwan!
(Of the yellow moon!)
"And either 'here' and 'there' are technically grammatically correct." He adds as he shifts his sitting position. Gods to be able to sit on his laP-
"m'kay, noted.."
You cut your omelette into thin strips before putting it on your sliced bread and folding it, "So..to what do I owe this pleasure, big bird?" You huff, taking a big bite to your homemade egg bread. 
His unexpected visits were not new to you, he just sometimes turn up out of the blue to tell you about their next move on whatever mission he has given his knight, whom you've never met personally even though you've wanted to know who's under the mask for a long time but Khonshu just tells you 'at the right moment, little human.' Sometimes he would appear while you were on the other side of the globe while doing your own missions, which most of the time just ends up in you transporting to his plane of existence to smack his beak and him swinging his staff at you, starting an unnecessary squabble that usually doesn't last long because you can't stay in his plane for long.
"Can't a god visit a wizard simply to converse?" 
"Not a wizard.." You grumbled to yourself and took a seat, the god merely chuckled in response. You groan at his willful ignorance, so tempted to splash your coffee at his bird skull but decided not to. Plus it would be a waste of caffeine so it's a definite no go.
"And no, you cannot." You smirk, he scoffs. You then sipped your drink and then swallowed your food, adding a bold, teasing question, "If I was none the wiser I would say you're in love with me, moonie." You laugh at the idea, giving hints at the same time not, ya know, just playing it safe. "Are you, moonie?"
Pakinggan mo ang aking sigaw,
(Listen to my yells,)
Khonshu doesn't like that name, at least that's what his reaction implies. He groans and his skull head moves as if he rolled his non-existent eyes every time you call him with the nickname. And he did just that, now added with a huff. You were expecting him to deny and to tell you to stop calling him that name once again but instead you received a rebuttal your shaky will was not prepared for.
"So what if I am?"
Sa dilaw na buwan!
(To the yellow moon!)
Well that slipped out of his beak. Or maybe he let it slip.
Your incessant teasing and bold comments had always made him mull over everything. If he should just give in and just make sure none of the Ennead know of you or continue keeping everything shut and close to himself as he admires you from afar and watch you fall out of love with him.
Apparently he chose the former as he uttered those five words.
Ayokong mabuhay ng malungkot,
(I don't want a miserable life,)
Oh he's got to be messing with you.. 
You just shake your head and laugh humorlessly, "Ha. ha. you got me." Denying what Khonshu is suggesting because it was just impossible. He wasn't showing interest, at least from what you remember, so he can't just..blurt this out out of fucking nowhere..right?!
But he was not saying anything, he just adjusted his grip on his crescent moon staff as he looked at you. 
You don't know what to say.
You blink and rub your face, "Okay, wait. No, hold on."
"Little one-" he stands up from the counter and reaches out to you.
"No, give me a-" an airy laugh passes through your lips, "give me a fucking minute- Do you mean it?"
You finally ask, somewhat gathering your thoughts as your sporadic heartbeat pulses in your ear. All the time, were your feelings not unrequited? Did you really waste buckets of tears because you didn't see that the feelings are mutual? Tears that are now forming and clouding your vision. Tears of utter bliss for your current situation or tears of disappointment to yourself for torturing yourself in not seeing the signs, you could not tell which it was.
"Dear one-"
"Answer me, bonehead!" You grit your teeth as you slam your mug down the counter. Days and nights of frustration for being in love with someone whom you thought doesn't love you back takes the form of your flowing tears. 
Or does he? Is he just messing with you because you were too fucking obvious of your devotion to him? Or-
Your thoughts silencing when you feel a feather-light touch on your cheek, the familiar buzz of magic hovering over your skin as Khonshu, now beside you, cradles your face with his wrapped, bony hand, trying to reach your physical form while under the influence of the unhelpful sun, "Beloved, please stop crying." His towering form is mildly comforting in the current situation as you question his intentions.
You chuckle, lacking any joy but has hope laced in it, hearing the new nickname that he had given you. 
"I do. I really do but-" He cut himself off, his thumbs attempting to wipe your tears but his finger just phases through your tears, a painful reminder that he cannot be physically be with you while the sun rises in his morning glory, "I don't think I am worth any risks and time-"
"Bullshit." You snarl at him, not moving from your place as you look up at him straight to his eye-sockets. With shaking posture and sniffling nose you prepare the spell that would transport yourself to his plane, his warnings and scolds fall under deaf ears and you casted it with no delay.
You feel yourself being pulled out of your physical body, finding your translucent and iridescent form standing right in front of Khonshu.
"Did you really think I learned this spell for nothing? This isn't the same with astral projecting, by the way, and this spell is also under a locked tome." Your lips quiver, tears freely flowing as hours of learning a spell that could potentially get you locked up just shamefully passes by. Like your sweat and efforts are nothing to the universe as you look back to it now. 
"'Not worth any risk', well too late bird boy because I've taken those risks and I can say it myself that you are worth every fucking risk." You are now standing right in front of him, your eyes not leaving his eye-sockets as you stand firm under it. You can hear his uneven breathing, being this actually physically close to the god allowed you to hear it. His aura is much stronger in this plane, adding on to your already overwhelmed senses. 
"So let me ask again, and answer me honestly," you plead, your voice trembling, watching his unmoving posture and gulped, "do you-"
Khonshu cuts you off with a bone crushing hug, you feel his lanky arms wrap your whole form with a tight grip that is enough for you to handle and sweetly whispers to your ears, "Yes, yes I do, " You can hear his voice wavering, calling your name as he pulls you much closer to his chest. The first time he calls your actual name in today's interaction.
"No buts?" You sniffle as you raise your arm to hold on to his shoulder, somehow reluctant if he were to say 'but' again. 
"No buts, beloved.." He sweetly reassures with a loving nudge of his beak to your head. 
That's when you gave in and returned his embrace. Desperately and greedily wrapping your human arms around his godly form and crying happy tears on his shoulder.
Khonshu holds you close, his crescent staff long abandoned on the floor, as cradles you in his arms while you weep joyfully in his embrace. He places the underside of his beak on top of your head, as his hand rubs comforting circles on your back. Heavens, he wasn't expecting a tearful confession but here you guys are. 
He actually had no idea that the spell you just used is a very complicated and unsafe spell. He had thought that you were taught how to transport between planes to be able to protect this realm better. Though it scared him when you told him about this. He could not bear to see you locked up behind a cage just because of him, he will not let that happen. But it warms his old heart that you risked your self and soul for him, because of your love for him.
And from now on till the day onwards, he will do the same for you. Move the stars and call upon the moon whenever you tell him so. Be a beacon of light to your night missions. Your unseen guardian who will do what it takes to keep you from harm and anyone who wishes to lay a single finger on you will face his Knight's vengeance.
You can faintly hear the climax of the song in the background, what you can mostly hear though is Khonshu's comforting words and your hiccups as you try to calm yourself. With a sniffle you mumble, "gods, this was not what I had planned when I would confess to you." 
His deep chuckle rumbles in your ears, "but here we are, a sobbing mess in a plane where you glow brighter than the morning sun.." He slowly pulls away and cradles your tear stained face, this time, you can actually feel the roughness of his bandaged hand as you lean to it, "and the place where I can properly comfort you.." The tears now wiped away by his thumb and not passing through, your doubts fleeing alongside the wiped tears.
You hold the hand on your face with both of yours, turning your head to place a soft kiss on his palm, "I guess this is better than serenades, hm?" You tease with a lopsided smile. His hitched breath and stuttered "Wh-what?" made you laugh out loud and roll your head back.
"Hold on, you were planning to serenade me?" 
"Says who?"
"Oh, don't play coy with me now, little wizard." He pulls you to him with ease while you try to escape his grip, shrieking, "I'm not gonna repeat myself!!" with a big grin on your face.
Khonshu's chest vibrates with a disbelieving hum, "I will make sure you will." His voice dropping an octave with a suggesting tone, it made you halt your futile escaping attempt. Your face heats up at the thought of what the god of the moon was suggesting. 
He might have seen how your face looks like a tomato as his rumbling laugh echoes across the plane, "Get your mind off the gutter, beloved. I am not suggesting that, although.." a silent offer hangs in the air while you're just there malfunctioning under his grip. 
"Oh hUSH UP!" You squeak and undid the spell you had casted, transporting you back to the plane of physical existence. You stumble on your feet as Khonshu's hands are now useless on your physical form, exclaiming gibberish as you try to regain your balance. You heard his worried warning and felt his magic help you balance yourself, "Careful."
"I am." You quip with a huff, face still very much red no thanks to the mummified bird in front of you. You take your mug and finish your coffee that has now gone cold and placed the mug on the counter.
"The offer still stands, little wizard."
This was not meant to be a prequel
This was supposed to be another snippet from my soon-to-be-not-to-be series but in the middle of writting it i decided to deviate from that plan, and accidentally made a prequel KAHSHAHSHHSHSH. I'll call this a happy lil accident☺ but fuck was it frustrating to find an appropriate ending HAHAHHAHAHAH
Anywhoooo, hope you guys enjoyed that and like i said, i am open for constructive criticism feel free to comment, asks/inbox open andd hope you guys have a great day/night!!🥰💞💞
gods i just hope ep 6 will not cost me another bucket of tears
edit: i think am gonna re-write this HAHSHSHH might make it shorter next time and make the pov's clear😓
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