#just started chaos lineage and when that's done I'm done
thecountesstribe · 2 months
I knew after coming off an action packed episode, the pace would've slowed down and I'm not mad at it.
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The Targtowers parading around Meleys head this episode has got to be one of the dumbest shit besides putting bbq Aegon on the throne they've ever done. Yes let's galavant the one thing that keeps us in power and the realm in order for a petty show of arrogance. That makes sense. The small folk immediately being “nah this ain't it” is so funny and a sign of all the things to come for them. They're idiots! Meleys wasn't no traitor you bums, you were. Get all the greens off my screen.
Aegon's suffering, I used to pray for times like this. It's highly unlikely Sunfyre is dead. Alicent and Crybaby Cole aren't together anymore..... Fuckin yes. I told you guys Alicent is delusional as hell, she really thought the same council that she helped usurped Rhaenyra's birthright because she's a WOMAN, would've let her, a woman rule them? Criston, Larys and Aemond not backing her had to taste like gravel going down. It's deserved. She had the opportunity to do the right thing and she forfeited it again and again and again. Fuck Almond today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the next day after that and the day after forevermore. If I was him I would take Haelena's words as an ill omen.
I felt for Corlys man. Like he pisses me off don't get me wrong but that's still my guy and he's lost a lot. Rhaenys was Corlys practical to his idealistic delusional. That man never listened to his wife until it was too late. Him trying to name Baela his heir, when Rhaenys wanted Rhaena to be his heir at first, can't do that now anyway, Rhaena's not around right now and Baela absolutely refusing and gagging tf outta him in the same breath , I cheered. Baela is upholding her grandmother's last wishes. No more but “BaElA hAD MoRe ClaIm to Driftmark” discourse, she's “FIRE AND BLOOD!”, Driftmark should be passed to “SALT AND SEA”. She said it herself. Now a certain demographic could stop equating her being a poc to her Velaryon roots. She every bit a Targaryen. Don't start with the Rhaena discourse either because she's the same as well. The only reason Rhaenys wanted her to have Driftmark is because it would've gone to Rhaena either way had she married Lucerys and Corlys had no intention to claim those boys atp in time. Corlys is trying to honor Rhaenys wishes, I could respect that but do it in the way she wanted it in her final moments Corlys. He's still my guy though.
I am sick of this Harrenhal plot. That scene with Daemon and his mom....... Just why? He never even met his mother either. I am so sorry Mama Alyssa. Even for the incest in the Targaryen lineage, did the writers have to take it that far? That shit was egregious. The only good part was seeing Laena again. Answer the question though Daemon. “Are you taking care of her girls?!” Get Daemon out of there now. Alys has that man gone off his rockers. I'm over it. I love how Simon is sick of Daemon's shenanigans though, he's real asf for that 🤣😭. Caraxes sighting 🥺. I miss my chaos noodle boy.
Rhaenyra comforting Baela. We won. Look she mightn't have had the best relationship with the girls in the show and it's not developed on screen properly, thanks for that HBO, but she does love and care for them. Her telling Baela about her Grandma (I still refuse to believe Rhaenys is gone💔😭) and we got an explanation for why Rhaena didn't try to claim a dragon on Dragonstone (she almost died and Rhaenyra wouldn't allow her to do it again), that was for me. In the books those girls were close to her and Rhaena was her “Realm's delight” namesake, I'll never forgive them for taking that and the team black family dynamics away from me. We got a Luke mention 😭. Her and Jace working out their issues and she knowing he snuck away to be a diplomat, more of that please. She's finally acknowledging her strengths and weaknesses and starting to move and think like a leader. I love it here.
Jace finally got a chance to do more than just mew, tweak and brood. I understand why Rhaenyra wasn't sending him out, that boy is out for blood, as he should be and he's inherently going to be reckless if he did go out to scout instead of Baela. Just listen to him last episode and tell me if he sounded like he had a clear head on his shoulders. I wish we saw more than that shot of Vermax and him actually riding his dragon but a win is a win. Him subtly threatening the Freys with Vermax, he's a diplomat alright. His mother needs “bent knees” and that is exactly what he got her. Proud of him. Baela going about her duties and whacking the men that are being annoying as she goes. Proud of them. Diplomat husband and battle wife is just *chef's kiss*. I'll say it again I absolutely adore his relationship with Baela. It's so healthy and I don't get into fandoms to “ship” but I love them your honor. Their soft way of speaking to one another, even when they're disagreeing. Him confiding in her about how humiliating it is that he thinks he's being coddled because of his standing as prince and her getting to go out and scout and fight but her still understanding and trusting him on his secret mission (that's what it was, he snuck out to go treat with the Freys), him being considerate of her at all times, “Rhaenys is dead and Baela can't face the burden alone” yeah I love them. Plus she has him trained 😩🤣. One look, then she grabbed him and he stopped immediately in his tracks and he backed up and started paying attention. Whew. The greatest King and Queen that could've come out of the 7 realms.
We had a Rhaena sighting. Look I love Jeyne but I'll need her to watch her tone with Rhaena please and thank you. Rhaena you're not powerless love. She's been through enough, I just need everybody to get out of her way and give her everything that she wants, it's what she deserves. I didn't like how she found out about Rhaenys though💔. I think they're really scrapping Nettles though 🙃. Wtf Sara and Ryan. I'll not get into that, it's literally grinding my gears though.
Next week we'll see Silverwing and Vermithor!!! I'm excited. Until then guys.
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mockerycrow · 8 months
Macbeth is my personal favorite so far (I'm biased cause I'm Slavic hehe) he just sounds so complex!!! And from what you wrote, I can very much tell you put time into researching the mentality of Slavic men, and that friend of yours seems to know what they're talking about. Finally, Slavic representation is more than just Russian terrorists or Balkan gang leaders. You've got no idea how much I appreciate being able to see my culture in art and writing. So far, Macbeth reminds me of my father a little bit <3 Slavic culture is iften very overlooked when it comes to representation and we see things about us that are inaccurate, offensive, or just plain rude. Glad to see we're finally getting a bit more respect within other communities, especially in books and fanfiction!
Thank you so much for this Crow, you don't know how much it made my day. I feel so seen.
Share some more random little facts about your OC's if you'd like! I'd love to hear the niche little details, like who of the characters is a night owl and who's an early bird, I'd love to know who bickers the most often, who's the tallest and the shortest, what are the deeper dynamics in the group like etc etc. I wanna hear it all!!!!
Love you Crow!! And I'm so excited for the next Undercover installment too (no pressure to hurry up, I'm just fangirling lmaoo) <33
I’M GONNA CRY!! I really appreciate your love for Macbeth (as well as my Undercover series!!) and I’m very excited to introduce all three of my ocs. My friend who has helped me with Macbeth is Ukrainian themself and I wanted to do them right with Macbeth. (love u pookie) One of the reasons why I created Macbeth is because I was doing research on my family lineage for my father!
As for heights, Macbeth is actually the tallest! He stands at 5’10” (177.8 cm), although Hamlet is only half an inch behind him. He’s 5’9.5” (176.5 cm). Mantis is a few inches shorter at 5’6” (167 cm).
I would like to think that Mantis is a night owl. She thrives in a private setting; don’t get me wrong, she works well with other people and is a key person in her team! But she prefers being alone or with one other person. She likes the silence as there’s no chaos. Though at times, the silence does spook her if she’s just come back from a mission. Remaining adrenaline gets her jumpy.
Macbeth is an Early Bird unwillingly. He’s always been an early bird since childhood, not exactly something he could help. He will wake up at 0430 on the dot without an alarm. If he does not want to be up early, expect him to take some sleep medication 💀 Macbeth isn’t exactly mad about this as it’s typical to wake up early in the military. He also gets a few mundane tasks done before his day officially starts. Macbeth enjoys being able to watch the sun rise whilst smoking a cigarette.
Hamlet.. he’s neither. He is the definition of “soldiers sleeping anywhere”. He does not like getting up in the slightest, so don’t be surprised when you wake him up to take next watch, he complains under his breath. If he had to pick his favorite time of day though, definitely sunset or just right after it due to how beautiful the sky looks!
Mantis knows four languages like I’ve mentioned, and she’s currently learning Ukrainian. She knows English (Native speaker), Spanish, Russian, and Arabic. Macbeth sits her down and helps her practice a bit, and he can’t help but chuckle under his breath when Mantis’ lips refuse to move the correct way and she speaks Ukrainian with a butchered accent. It’s much better than a lot of other American’s attempts but again, Ukrainian is an entirely different language than her native language, so she sounds a bit ridiculous. Hamlet knows English (native speaker), Mandarin, and Arabic! Macbeth grew up in Mykolaiv, Ukraine until he was fourteen, so he knows Ukrainian (native speaker), Russian, Belarusian, and English. The order of their languages are the order of which they’ve been learned!
Their dynamics? Hmm… Hamlet is definitely a loyal guard dog type. You’ll see this throughout the tempest series. Hamlet bickers. Doesn’t matter who it is. He’s always bickering. It’s often Mantis and Hamlet getting into it with Macbeth having to intervene, or it’s Hamlet and Macbeth bickering and Mantis wanting both of them to shut the fuck up 😭
i’m really bad at sharing things about ocs without direct questions so i’m accepting any questions!!
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legion1227 · 5 months
Tekken 8 Review
Released on January 26th this year, Tekken 8 was an early contender for my GOTY and still is, months later. 
Let the record show that my following thoughts are more of a summation of my overall experience with the game as a fighting game casual. I love fighting games and the Tekken franchise, but I'm not a big fan of hopping into online matches and battling against others only to get washed. When it comes to fighting games, I look for how well they deliver on the single-player experience, or basically, every aspect of the game that doesn't involve hopping online and fighting against players out of my league. On that front...Tekken 8 is sensational. I'll try and make this quick. 
Starting with the story mode, it's a vast improvement over Tekken 7. I enjoyed 7's story, but there are plenty of flaws for T7, including the narrator's grating, lifeless voice or how most of the cast in that game plays little to no role in the story. Characters like Paul, Law, Eddy Gordo, Xiaoyu, and too many others being relegated to the character episode section sucked. The character episode section was also a far cry from the franchise's typical arcade mode. One fight against one opponent with a cutscene playing afterward was mildly entertaining but a typical trademark of Tekken was the sometimes over-the-top, sometimes beautiful, always enjoyable arcade endings. Tekken 7 lacked notable arcade endings as well, but Tekken 8 brings to the table a return of character episodes, though more closely aligned to a typical arcade mode. When it comes to telling a story in the story mode or through the mode that focuses on singular individuals, Tekken 8 blows 7 out of the water. 
The story mode picks up 6 months after Tekken 7's ending, with Kazuya Mishima defeating his father, Heihachi, in combat and tossing him off a cliff as they have done to one another for years. Now, as Kazuya shifts gears to focus on war against the world, it's up to his son Jin Kazama to stop him and end the chaos that's been torturing the family lineage for generations. Throughout Jin's story, others have reclaimed more of a prominent role to assist either Jin or Kazuya, including Claudio, Xiaoyu, Lars, Lee, Asuka, Lili, and others to boot. With a fun cast of returning characters and new ones alike, Tekken 8 utilizes most of them well, as they don't feel like too much of an afterthought. The range of people you get to play throughout the story varies, which I appreciate. Some moments pop the hell out of me, such as the return of the final boss and main antagonist of Tekken 6, Azazel, of which many fans were not fans at the time, or the final battle between Jin and Kazuya themselves. Countless moments lead to scream-inducing, shirt-ripping bits of hype, most stemming from the father-son battles towards the end of the game. There's also the return of the Tekken force mode, implemented in such a wild way that I was grinning the whole time while beating up hordes of goons. As someone who played Tekken 4's force mode earlier this year, this mode washes 4's and was a lot more fun to play. 
Tekken 8 is just an overall more fun game to play and one of the best fighting games I've had the pleasure to get my hands on in a minute. The presentation and graphics are outstanding, as the style enhancement is stark in opposition to Tekken 7. The story mode is better and more memorable, the character episodes and character endings are worth viewing, the actual gameplay itself is tight, the arcade quest (while personally not for me) is cute and offers even more content for those looking for more stuff to do besides going online, and the return of Tekken Ball? The game has reached almost all my standards of something I want in a fighting game, as a casual. With the release of more story content later this year and more characters besides Eddy, I cannot wait to consume more Tekken content. 4.5/5. 
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diabolikpersonals · 2 years
i'm curious, how do you feel about shu and yuma's chaos lineage? with them being brothers and all, and the way shu gets his memories when he remembers edgar dying... i always see you talk about LE and never CL so i am wondering...
while I own CL, I actually haven't played that much of it ;-; in particular I haven't played yuma's route yet. I do my best to play routes without relying on someone else's translations first, and while that's possible for me, it's still challenging and requires research and a bunch of time with my nose in a dictionary. so I played shu's CL route and liked it, but it took a lot of mental effort and I and was like, "I need to take a break...! I'll pick this up again later!" and. um. well
(and the reason why I talk about LE so much is bc it's my favorite and I've played yuma and shu's routes like 3 times each lmao)
but my personal failings aside, I can tell you what I thought about the shuuma (and shuumayui) content in shu's CL route!!! bc I've done a lot of thinking about it! >:D
my shuuma mantra has always been that they love each other, whether you interpret that love as romantic or familial or as a friendship. you can't deny that they love each other in some way—it is canon, it has been canon. in that sense, CL is a big victory for me!! even if I tend to interpret their love as romantic and this is a "they've been brainwashed to think that they're family" plot, it's still very plain to see that they still love each other. and now I get all this fun domestic content that I never would've gotten otherwise heheh...something as simple as yuma lecturing shu to eat his vegetables fills me with joy ;-;
and there's this idea that I really fixated on when I think about their shared history together. shu and yuma have never been equal, right? rich and poor, comfortable and struggling, vampire and human. and this divide was always present in their relationship: shu is constantly tortured by the idea that he and yuma/edgar are different, and therefore they can never be together or it will end in disaster. while yuma in his childhood loved shu while knowing his high status, for the rest of his life yuma has been bitter towards aristocrats and will often point to shu's inactions and go "that's why aristocrats are so annoying." they can resolve things well and get along, but this inequality between them never really goes away.
but chaos lineage!!! it does this crazy thing!!! where it introduces shu and yuma as BROTHERS, of the same scarlet family, on totally equal footing!!! according to memories, they've been family all their lives! the implications of it drive me insane! I know the illusion of it doesn't last all that long, but for a brief moment in their lives, they were able to forget all about that gap between them that shu thinks is so insurmountable and just be together. the illusion has to go away and we have to remember reality (otherwise shu wouldn't even remember what yuma means to him!!) but when I think about how long shu has been agonizing over this, I think it's nice that he didn't have to worry about it for a while.
then later in the route when shu starts to remember, I love that his memories about yuma are so important. because it's an otome game, I always expect the guy's relationship to yui to be The Most Important Thing, but with shu it often seems like yui and yuma are equally important to him and I really like it. (basically shuumayui canon is what I'm saying) and we got some of those Classic shuuma lines where shu says stuff like "I always lose things that are precious to me..." in reference to edgar. it's so good. I wanted to cry lol
AND [slams hands down] I REALLY LIKED THE SUGAR CUBE SCENE.....I mean obviously, right? yuma trying to cheer shu up, giving him his favorite snack "that he really wanted to eat alone but he'll share them especially with shu......." AND....THE BEST PART OF THE WHOLE ROUTE.......when Yuma said that he knows Shu can do it if he tries, and that he knows that Shu cares deeply about them. And Shu says "...you've always been like this, no matter what happens, you never change."
plus, a happy shuuma cg! this has never happened before!!!!!
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I've already talked for so long but I could write a whole essay about this scene alone :'D somehow, yuma said exactly the right thing. if you've played their LE routes then I think you especially understand how important it is for yuma to tell shu, "I know you care and I know you're trying." shu gets a reputation early on in the games for being detached and uncaring. so it's really meaningful that yuma has this level of understanding toward him at this point in the story. he gives off the impression that he doesn't care but he cares so so much, and yuma and yui know that better than anyone. </3
I Must stop here bc this is where my notes (yes I took fucking notes. can u see why I got burnt out quickly lmao) end. but I'll definitely pick up CL again, refresh myself on this route and play yuma's, and then report back with whatever angsty revelations and silly jokes about it that I think of 👍
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aquariaries · 2 years
Reiji Sakamaki 08 - Chaos Lineage + CGs
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***I do not mind if you use my translations as a base for another language, I just ask that you credit me if you do!***
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Yui's Monologue:
Little by little, Reiji-san is beginning to regain his memories.
However, he sometimes seems to be conflicted by the mysterious sights that didn't seem to deal him the decisive blow.
And I'm watching over Reiji-san with this loneliness.
I wonder if the return of his memories will make him suffer ... ...
When I think of that, I'm unable to take a step forward.
We are in a winning state as of now, but in the meantime, the other families were steadily showing suspicious signs of movement--.
PLACE: Scarlet Mansion Living/Dining Room
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Kino: As expected, it doesn't look like Violet gave up. Sometimes I've seen some of them hanging around by the house.
I don't think Carla is being quiet about it, but I hope he doesn't come up with something.
Yuma: As for Orange, only two of the younger brothers come out occasionally. But that may just be 'cus of their older brother's orders.
It felt like they were just playing around as they wished, but I can't say anything for certain.
Reiji: ... ... I see. You can't see much of either family.
Let's increase the number of times we go scouting. And to each of you, don't forget to report what you find.
Yuma: Scouting this, scouting that ... ... Shouldn't we just start swinging on them right about now?
Reiji: Our goal is to take the throne and rule as overlord.
The other family's battle is one of defense.
Be sure not to forget that.
Yuma: Guess it can't be helped ... ...
Got it.
Kino: But, Eve still can't remember how to make someone become the overlord?
Yui: Eh ... ... !?
(Speaking of, I completely forgot about that! That I'm the legendary Eve that knows how to make one become overlord ... ...)
Uuh ... ... Gradually, my memories have started to become more clear so maybe ... ... I need just a little more time?
Kino: Hmmm? Well, I think it'd be better to remember sooner rather later.
That way, no one would have to fight anymore. Right, Eve?
Yui: ... ...
(That's right. Because I don't want anyone to get hurt, I should just make somebody the overlord.)
(But, these are all just fake memories, and I know this.)
(If everyone else remembered, there would be no reason to fight.)
Reiji: As for Eve, I'll be the one responsible for her. I will find a way to become overlord in the near future.
As for you all, you are to follow my instructions.
Shu: Hah ... ... What a pain ... ...
I'm done with this talk. I'm heading back.
Yui: Eh, Shu-san?
Reiji: Shu, wait right there. The meeting is not over yet.
Shu: It's fine as long as I scout right? If it's not that I'm going to sleep.
Reiji: Who allowed for such selfishness?
Yui: (Oh no, the atmosphere became tense ... ... !)
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Shu: I need to be allowed to do so, I can't even sleep anymore.
Reiji: Such nonsense ... ... All I'm saying is to take responsibility.
This discussion is important in deciding the future of our family.
Shu: Annoying ... ... I have nothing to do with that.
[Two roses appear on screen with extra dialogue]
*** Rose on Shu's shoulder ***
You ... ... Are you going to take Shu's side? I will not allow it. Your master is none other than me and me alone.
*** Rose on Reiji's shoulder***
I really am ... ... furious with that man. Having everything, but uses lethargy as an excuse not to use any power at all!
Reiji: Shu! It's because of you that I'm having a hard time. Are you even aware of that!
Yui: R-Reiji-san-
Shu: Shut up. As if I would be.
Reiji: Then find out now! You're always this way.
Not only does it disturb leadership, but it also disturbs power as well.
Waiting for that ability and leaving it waving about ... ...Just thinking about it makes me sick!
Shu: Then you should just use me as you see fit.
Isn't that the duty of those who stand at the top?
Reiji: The mouth on you ... ... !
If you say those who stand above, that's also --
Your role, as the eldest son is it not!?
Yui: Eh ... ... ?
Yuma: ... ... Ha?
Kino: *chuckles* ... ... ... ...
Shu: ... ... What are you saying? The eldest son is you.
Reiji: ... ... ah- !
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Reiji: ... ... Excuse me.
I've made a mistake with my words ... ...
As the eldest son, I cannot forgive your depraved attitude. That is what I intended to say ... ...
Shu: I see. It must be hard being the eldest son.
*Shu leaves*
Yuma: Ah, oi! Are you really leaving!?
Kino: He really is a free spirit. I think I'll head back to my room as well.
Yuma: You idiot, you've might as well have decided to take a scolding.
Reiji: ... ... ... ...
Yui: (Reiji-san's face is pale ... ...
Besides that, the words he just said --)
PLACE: Scarlet Mansion Reiji's Room
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Yui: Reiji-san, would you like me to make something to drink ... ... ?
Reiji: No thanks ... ... I'll pass. I don't need anything, so I don't need you to attend to me.
Yui: But, you seem like you don't feel well.
Reiji: Do you not understand when I say it's not necessary?
Yui: ... ... ah!
Reiji: ... ... I did not mean to be so harsh. I am not angry. Right now I'm just ... ... I little confused.
Regarding that man ... ... With Shu as the eldest son of this family. Why did I say such bloody words--
I'm the one who worked hard for this house.
There is no way such a self-indulgent man would serve as the family head. Yet, why ... ...
Yui: (He's confused by a mix of his real memories. Anything more than this will end up hurting Reiji-san ... ... !)
It's because of the fatigue from today!
So to be confused ... ... Is alright, isn't it?
Reiji: ... ... No, it's not.
Yui: Eh?
Reiji: For some reason, I can't help but feel like I was right in what I said earlier.
I don't understand it myself. I have the knowledge and experience that should be correct, and also emotions that oppose them.
I can't see the reason for this conflict ... ...
Yui: The reason for conflict ... ...
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-> It's because of false memories ♙♡
Yui: That's ... ... I think it's because of your false memories ... ...
I'm sure Reiji-san has already begun to realize his true self within his heart ... ...
Reiji: What do you mean?
-> I'm sure it's just your imagination ♟
Yui: I'm sure it's just your imagination ... ...
Reiji: No, there's no way. It is inconceivable that this sense of incongruity is just a passing thought.
Yui: ... ... That's ... ...
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Reiji: You know something don't you?
... ... Eve.
Yui: I-I ... ...
(I don't want to lie to Reiji-san when he's already suffering so much ... ... But ... ...)
(Is it really alright? Is it really the best choice to be reminded of everything?)
Reiji: You seem conflicted ... ...
I don't know what the cause is but--
I want to know the truth. Just what is the occasional glimpses of scenery that I get.
What is the reason of this discomfort within me.
Even if it was painful.
Yui: The truth, even if it's painful ... ...
Reiji: Eve, that strange story you once told me. That's the real me isn't it?
I'm sure it was "Sakamaki" ... ... That you said.
Yui: Yes ... ... That's right.
But if you know that, the current Reiji-san will be rejected ... ...
The efforts you have made here and the responsibility of living as the eldest son will be destroyed.
That's why I'm conflicted. Whether it is good for you or not to regain your memories.
Reiji: ... ... That's ridiculous. It's neither good nor bad.
If that's the truth, then I should just accept it.
... ... Am I wrong?
Yui: Reiji-san ... ...
Reiji: Right now, please tell me everything once again. I want to return to being the real me.
No matter how cruel the reality is. I want to remember everything.
Yui: (Reiji-san's, memories ... ...
They're not exactly kind ones ... ...)
(Even so, if Reiji-san has decided to face them then--)
Yui: Understood. I'll tell you everything.
Yui: You are, Reiji Sakamaki. The Sakamaki family's ... ... Second son.
Reiji: ... ... Second son?
Yui: Yes ... ... The eldest son is Shu-san. Shu-san is Reiji-san's older brother.
Reiji: Shu is ... ...My, brother ... ...
Yui: Can you not believe that?
Reiji: No ... ... Surprisingly, it's a familiar feeling.
I see, so that man has always been ahead of me ... ...
If that's so, I can understand the jealousy I sometimes feel. With such a talented person in front of me ... ...
No, they are competent but do nothing. Such a man is touted as the eldest son --
*Loud ringing noise*
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Reiji: ... ... As the second son I ... ... am the right hand man to such a man ... ...
Yui: Reiji-san! As I thought, it was unreasonable to force yourself to remember after all ... ... !
We don't know what effect it will have on your body and memories ... ... !
Reiji: No, just a bit more ... ...
I can't let myself forget ... ...
I vaguely understand ... ...
I have committed many sins ... ...
To forget those is just, unforgivable ... ...
Yui: Reiji-san ... ...
Reiji: I also don't understand it ... ...
Sometimes I see ... ... the meaning of your smile.
Yui: My smile ... ...
(To remember that ... ...)
(In order not to forget his sins of the past ... ...)
(If that's Reiji's resolution, then I absolutely can't hesitate!)
Reiji-san, there is one way to shake your memories! Surely, you must have noticed.
Please suck -- my blood.
Reiji: ... ... After all, Eve's blood was the trigger ... ...
But right now, it's rough. I may end up ... ... treating you harshly ... ...
Yui: I don't mind. If Reiji-san has made up his mind, I'll stick by you.
*Yui loosens her clothes*
(If I loosen up my clothing, surely it'll be easier for him to suck ... ... !)
Yui: Please, remember with my blood ... ... !
*Reiji comes closer*
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Reiji: Someone such as yourself really is ... ... so dear and ... ... foolish.
To the point where even reason becomes messy ... ...
Nnnn ... ... !! *bites*
Yui: Ah ... ... !! Kgh ... ...
(His fangs are, even deeper, than usual ... ... !)
Reiji: Please, don't distort your face ... ... in pain ... ...
Yet I also want to see more of your painful faces.
I can no longer, stop ... ... !
Hah, nn ... ... Nnnnn ... ...
Yui: Ou- ... ... Aaaaahh !!
(The pain has spread throughout my entire body ... ... But, I don't mind it ... ...)
(Please, remember. If that is, what you wish for ... ...)
*White flash and loud ringing noise*
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Reiji: Kgh ... ...
(This dizziness is ... ...)
Yui: Reiji ... ... san?
Could it be, that your dizziness ... ... has occurred?
Reiji: Yes ... ... But, at this rate ... ...
*Scene turns into a hazy flashback of Yui's room at the Sakamaki mansion*
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Reiji: This, sight ... ... I want to, understand ... ... The meaning of it ... ...
*Scene turns into a hazy flashback of the Eden castle's living room*
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Reiji: Ugh ... ... Aah ... ...
*Scene is back to Reiji's Room*
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Yui: (Reiji-san looks like he's in a lot of pain ... ...)
(The memories he'll regain, they aren't just the ones since he's met me.)
(He'll be remembering everything that has occured since childhood.)
(The painful, and the sad. The emptiness, and the resentment.
The envy, and the lament.)
With this, I don't know if you know, but at least ... ...
*Yui embraces him*
Reiji: Eve ... ... ? You do not ... ... have to worry ... ...
Yui: No, at the very least please let me hold you. Even if it's only a little, I want to become your strength.
Reiji: The kind of person you are.... is really, a person without specifications ... ....
To worry only about me. To never leave my side, even if you are treated badly ... ...
But, maybe it was because of you, that I was saved ... ...
Yui: Reiji-san?
Reiji: Aah, that's right. I finally understand, the meaning of that smile ... ...
Whenever I call your name, you always look back happily ... ...
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Reiji: Isn't that right ... ... ?
... ... Yui ... ...
Yui: ... ... ! Just now, that name ... ...
(It was, my name ... ...)
Reiji: Ugh, aghh.
Ugh ... ... Aaaahhh!!
*White flash/Ringing noise*
... ... ugh, kgh ... ...
Haah ... ... haah ... ... haah ... ...
Yui: Reiji, san ... ... ?
Reiji: When you look back at it... you've lived a bad life ... ...
I'm dumbfounded ... ...
Yui: Could it be ... ... !
Reiji: The magical power that was falsifying my memories. I felt it ... ... get cut off ... ...
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Reiji: I've remembered everything.
... ... Yui.
Yui: You've truely ... ... and properly, remembered everything right ... ... ?
About me ... ...
Reiji: Yes, of course ... ...
I've made you feel quite bad haven't I.
Yui: (He smiled at me ... ...
It's the usual, Reiji-san.)
Yui: ... ... san ... ...
*She embraces him*
Reiji: To jump at me, is careless ... ... I've just sucked your blood, so try to be still.
You really are, quite the character ... ...
Yui: I'm sorry ... ... Besides that, forcing you to regain your memories must have caused you ... ... painful feelings ... ...
Reiji: My past has already happened. I've made those choices myself. There is no reason for you to apologize.
Instead, why don't you worry more about yourself?
Yui: Eh ... ... ?
Reiji: All alone in this place while holding onto your true memories ... ... That was, extremely lonely wasn't it?
Yui: ... ... Yes ... ...
... ...But, it's okay now.
It's enough that Reiji-san remembered me ... ...
Reiji: No, it's not enough for me.
Yui: Eh ... ...
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Reiji: I treated you coldly while my memory was messed up.
That is, absolutely unacceptable.
Yui: That's ... ... Reiji-san was kind.
Reiji: I don't care what you think.
Even now, I've still left you terrible wounds. You still have fang marks on your neck ... ...
[Two roses appear on screen with extra dialogue]
*** Rose on Yui's head ***
Forgetting who I really am ... ... Thinking that I'm the eldest son ... ... I'm sure it must have been a comical look. Such as being extremely overbearing.
*** Rose on Reiji's shoulder***
Are you not able to stand? If that's the case, grab ahold of my shoulder. Yes, I am right here. Properly by your side now.
Reiji: Nnn ... ... *kiss*
Yui: Ah ... ...
Reiji: Does it hurt?
Yui: No ... ... I'm alright.
Reiji: If that's the case, I'll do this. Don't move until the wound heals--
... ... Nn ... ...*kiss*
Yui: (A gentle and healing kiss ... ... )
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Reiji: ... ... Thank you for not giving up on me and staying by my side.
Yui: You as well Reiji-san ... ...
Thank you for remembering me ... ...
(Reiji-san, he managed to bring all of them back. About himself ... ... the past, everything.)
(At last -- he's returned.)
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Yui's Monologue:
Reiji-san remembered everything after cutting off the magical power that sealed away his memories like a curse.
The expression he had was never clear nor sunny.
Even so, his straight gaze told me that his choice was not wrong.
Just that alone, warms my heart.
Reiji-san's hand touched my cheek as though it was caring, and although it should have been cold, it felt warm to me--.
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diseasedcube · 2 years
Diabolik lovers has way too many goddamn games, I'm only trying to finish Azusa's routes and it's taking forever. Not even gonna try the other characters at this point bc ahhfhghhh
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iturbide · 3 years
You know what? You forced me to start planning a huge post breaking down Faye, so for "revenge" I'm asking you to do one for Robin too! >:) (oh and Grima too if you want, it's always great hearing you talk about them)
but I will take this vengeance challenge starting with my boy
How do I feel about this character?
Look.  Robin has been my Summoner Support character since the day the system launched.  He’s maxed out on dragonflowers at 15.  I sacrificed a 5-star exclusive dagger with a high-rarity and very potent A passive to him over any other possible unit I could have given it to.  I have written just shy of 500k words of Awakening fanfiction in which Robin is a central figure in every story. 
I kind of love Robin a lot.  That may, in fact, be an understatement for my feelings.
Who do I ship this character with romantically?
Theoretically I could ship just about anyone with Robin (with a few exceptions *coughFrederickcough*) but my big ones are Chrom (naturally) and Sumia!  Those two are the ones I most enjoy seeing Robin with since I think they play off one another in really enjoyable ways -- and it’s even better when it’s all three of them together!
Who is my brOTP for this character?
Lissa.  I LOVE Robin and Lissa as best friends and confidantes who can tease each other but will always, always have each other’s backs.  Robin and Henry being super tight as siblings is another favorite dynamic, Robin and Sully is right up there with Robin and Lissa, and when I’m not shipping them Robin and Sumia as best book buddies is near and dear to my heart.  Also Gaius, Libra, Panne, and Kellam -- I love Robin and Kellam bonding so much it does my heart good (which is why so many of these relationships are, in fact, integral to Future Built).
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character?
oh boy I have a million of these haha but the biggest one that really is an unpopular opinion is that Robin is proud of their Plegian heritage and would never EVER forsake it.  I’ve seen a not insignificant amount of fanart that puts Robin into clothing that’s clearly Ylissean in cut, style, and/or pattern, and this drives me up the wall because Robin is canonically one of our very few characters of Plegian heritage, someone who goes around throughout the entire game in a coat that bears the literal emblem of Grima in the eye-patterned sleeves -- something that’s preserved in their Grandmaster class, no less, rather than quietly done away with.  That coat is clearly important to them, and deep down -- even with all their memories buried out of direct reach -- I think their cultural heritage as a Plegian is of the utmost importance to them, such that they would only go without some show or sign or it if they were forced to do so. 
Basically, in my personal opinion, Robin should always have Plegian touches in whatever they wear but ESPECIALLY if it’s otherwise Ylissean in appearance.  Erasing Robin’s Plegian heritage is really gross to me personally, and funny enough, even IntSys didn’t do that for once, so fandom should really have no excuse.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon?
For Robin?  Either meeting their mom should she still be alive, or at least getting back their memories.  It does make sense that Robin started the game as an amnesiac because it let us learn through them, and made a lot of the revelations really pack a punch -- but after a certain point?  I really, really wish that Robin’s memories would have come back to them so that we could find out more of who they were before and what their experiences had been.  Even before a full return of those memories, they could have done simple things, stuff like reactions based on muscle memory or reflexive training that surprise them sometimes, or stated feelings of deja vu -- but later in the game (and supports) I really wish they would have give us something that tells us more about their life; what would be especially nice is if those returning memories involve Grimleal rituals or teachings, because I think it would have been really powerful to have someone we love and care for so much (as our player avatar) shining a better light on the much-maligned faith of Ylisse’s neighboring nation.
I’m very, very biased about that, though.
and BONUS: Grima time
How do I feel about this character? 
I’m pretty sure that at one point, if you searched up the #grima tag, mine was one of the top blogs that came up (though I’ve been getting lazy and tagging less by character lately so I’ve fallen out of there).  I’m also pretty sure that most of the people following me ended up here because of all the Grima content I started pouring out when the first one dropped in Heroes.  Grima is one of those characters who I write about exhaustively and who subtly manages to play a role in most of my Awakening fic, including the ones where they don’t physically appear (I call those Grima Sightings and frankly I would love it if people tried to spot them). 
...I think Grima has just taken over a part of my brain and to be perfectly honest I’m okay with that.
Who do I ship this character with romantically? 
Emmeryn.  That’s it.  That’s the only character I have ever or frankly will ever ship Grima with because that was already something that came out of left field I literally cannot imagine anyone else managing to spark the same reaction a second time.
Who is my brOTP for this character? 
Robin, honestly.  I love the idea of Robin and Grima interactions where the two end up becoming close as friends and confidantes, regardless of the situation.  Is it kind of heartbreaking when it’s the whole “Grima’s in control and Robin’s in the backseat” situation?  Undoubtedly, but it’s also really moving to consider that they might learn how to work together and help each other and work toward a shared purpose. 
And also Grima getting parenting advice from Robin in Heroes during the early days of the creche is A+++ in my opinion.
What’s my Unpopular Opinion™ about this character? 
Aside from the idea that Grima is in fact the most parental of dragons and broods in the literal chicken sense or my giant conspiracy theory that Grima came to the past to do the same thing Lucina did (avert the ruined future)?  It’s probably that Grima is not an instigator of conflict or chaos: they’re antisocial and would prefer to distance themselves for the sake of having some peace and quiet rather than getting dragged into yet more conflict based on human preconceptions or judgments based on appearance. 
Fandom at large loves to play Grima as unrelenting evil and constantly in competition with the Awakening folks (especially the Exalted lineage) but...that doesn’t make any sense to me personally?  Grima hasn’t really asked for anything that’s happened to them: they’ve been used and abused by humanity by their own admission, and Validar is just the latest in the line to do the same, causing unspeakable harm for the sole purpose of raising Grima to destroy the world at his own bidding.  Yeah, maybe Grima doesn’t have the best feelings toward the Exalted Lineage, but also why would Grima be the one picking the fight?  If you mess with Grima the Fell Dragon will step up (Vengeful Fighter is their innate B passive in Heroes, quite likely for a reason), but I really don’t see them going out of their way to cause trouble.  They just want to be left in peace, but humans really don’t seem to get that.  Yes, the fanart can be funny, but it also rings false to me, because I really think Grima would just flat-out ignore the Exalted lineage unless they make the confrontation, at which point Grima won’t hold back.
What’s one thing I wish would have happened with this character in canon? 
First of all I really do wish we could have seen a peaceful resolution with Grima rather than having to destroy them, especially considering that the Fell Dragon really didn’t seem all that interested in hurting anybody even after raising the dragon form (see the aforementioned conspiracy theory).  Grima has been hurt so many times throughout their life that I think it would have been deeply meaningful if we could have reached out in an attempt at understanding, to have come to a non-violent resolution, and found peace without someone needing to die for once.  When Grima purposefully abstains from nuking the group that poses a threat to their life upon resurrecting their impossibly huge and powerful dragon form and instead flies out over the ocean -- so far they need Naga herself to teleport them -- it kind of says a lot about how much Grima really wants to fight (answer: they clearly don’t).
Other than that, though?  Just...give us more of Grima in general.  Tell us more about their history, especially the thousand years between their emergence from Thabes Labyrinth and their fall at the hands of the First Exalt.  I want to know more of that history, I want to see how they treated the humans that flocked to them, even knowing that those same humans would eventually break Grima’s spirit.  We just have so few crumbs about Grima, I want more than anything to get a meal instead.
Give Me a Character
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Weekly fic rec #1
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So it's been a while since I've done one of these. These used to be called spectacular Saturday (or Sunday whenever I remembered to post) fic rec. But I'm revamping because when they were under that name I was reading mostly Arrow fics but now I read mostly Star Wars (Mainly clone wars era).
However, I still want to get back into highlighting the great fics that I've been reading. All posts new and old will be under #weekly fic rec
Coming to Terms by Mudkipwrites | One-shot | Star Wars: Rebels
Summary: Hera Syndulla has just lost her partner. Now pregnant with child and heavy with grief, she leans on her family and learns how to carry on.
Stumbling Blocks by BatmanWhoLaughss | One-shot | Star Wars: Rebels
Summary: So she waits, even though it kills her to do it, running so many tests on the Ghost that they won’t need to check the main systems for another two months. Until eventually, after a couple hours have passed, she vacates her perch in the pilot’s chair and makes her way to Kanan’s room.
But when Hera gets there, keying open his door to find him curled up in the corner and surrounded by two mostly-empty bottles of liquor, she curses herself for being an utter, utter fool.
[otherwise known as "kanan was a raging alcoholic for years of his life and no one ever talks about it, so I'm going to"]
Messes of Our Own Making by carry_on_wayward_sister | One-shot | Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Summary: “Are you kriffing serious, Snips?! What happened here???”, Anakin cried exasperated when he tiredly shuffled into the common area of the apartment he shared with the aforementioned padawan. No answer. What had greeted him as he left his room after a well deserved night of sleep was not per se an unfamiliar sight. It was, however, drastically worse than usual.
Chaos, bickering and lineage feels.
The ghosts we leave behind by echoknight | WIP | Star Wars: Rebels
Summary: Falling in love was inevitable. Becoming a family was a choice.
A series of short stories about the Rebels family, and how they came to be that way.
PrepPy GoThic LoVe by @cruzrogue | WIP | Arrow
Summary: New Freshman at MIT, Felicity wants to party and she meets another drunken party guest Oliver and they hit it off. Not really thinking of consequences have a wonderful time together. Oliver been to two different schools and this one he finally wants to do better because of a beacon of hope that rubbed off on him with just one night a passionate gothic girl changes him for the better.
Cobalt & Gold by @communistkenobi | One-shot | Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Summary: Sieges were always brutal affairs, and the camp was in low spirits. Ahsoka enlists some help to cheer everyone up.
i'm only me when i'm with you idiots by renegadeontherunn | One-shot | Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Summary: who let Obi-Wan pick the holo? and where's the remote?
they might need a bigger blanket.
[or, Anakin, Ahsoka, and Obi-Wan have leave on Coruscant and holo night is the perfect excuse to all squeeze onto a couch together, bicker, and be, well, a family]
Jedi Night by LeiasLeftBun | WIP | Star Wars: Rebels
Summary: This is pretty much a Jedi Night fix-it that branches off into what I like to think would have happened after Rebels. With less death of good characters.
Gentle Hands by @novembermurray | One-shot | Star Wars: The Mandalorian
Summary: As Din lets the Sorgan villagers return to their usual work after blaster training, he notices Omera is injured.
A Delighted Preoccupation by clio | One-shot: Star Wars: The Mandalorian
Summary: Omera, he comes to understand, is many things. A mother. A widow. An ace shot. Omera is good.
But most of all, he realizes, is that she is distracting.
Not that it’s a problem.
Dominoes by @meridiansdominoes | WIP | Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Summary: "So. We died." Hevy's voice is flat.
“Yes, we died,” Fives confirms. Even though his hands are steady on Echo’s shoulders, his voice trembles. “We all… remember, right?”
Everyone nods. Droidbait shudders, and shuffles closer to Cutup.
“How is that possible?” he mutters. “We’re not Jedi. We can’t… see the kriffing future, or whatever it was. We can’t—it’s just not possible. How could we all have had the same dream?”
Domino squad wakes up to find themselves back on Kamino, hours from taking their final test... except they remember passing the final test, and they each remember dying afterwards, too.
lost again with no surprises by @katierosefun | WIP | Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Summary: When Anakin goes missing under mysterious circumstances, Obi-Wan takes it upon himself to find his former apprentice. However, finding Anakin is no easy task—which is why Obi-Wan teams up with a particular former grandpadawan.
[or: a galaxy-wide road trip au because nothing says ‘fix your family issues’ like a good old road trip between a Jedi dad and his estranged daughter.]
Wardrobe Malfunction by BatmanWhoLaughss | One-shot | Star Wars: Rebes
Summary: Inspired by this piece of art by @NeeeAnn on twitter
Kanan loses a bet, and the results are predictably ridiculous.
Chasing the Past by BatmanWhoLaughss | One-shot | Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Summary: “You… you look like him.” The voice was quiet, almost awestruck, and Luke turned, startled. With his lightsaber in hand, he took a defensive position, stepping back and taking in the newcomer.
Standing before him and watching him with a warm, thoughtful expression, was a tall woman in a white cloak-- a Togruta, he realized. Her blue eyes were trained on him intensely, but as she slowly pulled back her hood, he saw she was smiling softly. She carried twin sabers at her waist, Luke realized with a jolt, and as he watched her warily, he felt… calmed, somehow. There was a sense of familiarity about her—he could feel it in the Force. It was like he… knew her somehow, even though he’d never seen this woman before.
It was unnerving.
I Scream But No Sound Comes out by @laxit21 | WIP | Arrow
Summary: When Oliver returns from Lian Yu after five years, he comes back different. What happened there damaged more than just his body. How will his friends and family deal with this new Oliver?
Space Dad Lives by @maximumsuckage | WIP| Star Wars
Summary: AU starting directly after TPM. Qui-gon didn't die, but he's sure not okay after taking a lightsaber to the gut. Obi-wan, still reeling after Mandalore, is now the hero who killed a Sith and vowed to train the Chosen One. Anakin is going to be a Jedi so he can free his mother and his people.
And the healers are kind of sick of dealing with the Jinn/Kenobi team.
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